Project On Axis Bank
Project On Axis Bank
Project On Axis Bank
This is to certify that miss Varsha M. Suryavanshi is the student of Post graduate diploma in business management in Yadavrao Tasgaonkar institute of management studies & research has satisfactorily carried and conducted their project report entitled WHOLE BANKING OPERATIONS IN AXIS BANK LTD., as a Summer Internship Project. She has completed her project work under my guidance and s u p e r v i s i o n . T h e p r o j e c t w o r k i s t h e o u t c o me o f h e r o w n work.
Date: Place:
Project Guide
Project In charge
I hereby declare that the project entitled WHOLESALE OF BANKING OPERATIONS submitted for the PGDBM course is my Original work and the project has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I present this project report on whole banking operations IN AXISBANK LTD., with a sense of great pleasure and satisfaction. I undersign with pleasure take this opportunity to thank all those related directly or indirectly in preparation of this project I started working on this project under the invaluable guidance of H o n o r a b l e M i s s . A s h a S o n a n d a thankful for her valued time given for the purpose. Without her co -operation our project work would have been difficult to complete. I express our sincere thanks to Mr.Sat ygit Devadiga, (Branch Manager) inA x i s B a n k L t d . , a n d s t a f f i n t h a t o r g a n i s a t i o n . I a m a l s o thankful to Dr Rajeev benara [Director of our college] and prof.sherin Thomas [Project In charge] to allow us to carryout this project
SR.NO CHAPTER 1 TOPIC INTRODUCTION 1.1 Executive summery 1.2 Meaning/Definition 1.3 Important of study 1.4 Research objective 1.5 Research of methodolgy 1.6 limitation COMPANY PROFILE 2.1 Introduction company 2.2 Historical development 2.3 vision ,mission &objective of company 2.4 product information 2.5 financial position of company DATA ANALYSIS 3.1 Data presentation 3.2 introduction data analysis process 3.3 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS 4.1 Chronolgy comparative analysis 4.2 Industry comparative FINIDING &SUGGESTION RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHIES APPENDIX PAGE NO
Executive Summary:
THE NATIONAL BUREAU'S Financial Research Program & Banking operation has three major objectives: first, the comprehensive reexamination of modern financial organization with reference to the fundamental financial services that the constituent institutions render to the community. Second , the study of the effects of law and public regulation and supervision on the functioning of the financial system and third, the investigation of how instability in financing activities is related to general economic instability. These major aims are being accomplished through the conduct of a series of projects, each devoted to a phase or process of the financial system, so far as these can be delineated for separate study. The first project in the series dealt with consumer installment financing and the second, the results of which are summarized in the present volume, with business financing. Projects in investment credit, agricultural finance, and urban real estate finance are now in process. The final attainment of original objectives will require further studies of lending and investment technology, and also of the ways in which financial institutions affect the economic system through their influence on the volume of circulating media. From the beginning of the Program, a standard method has been followed in the development of each project. A pre-research survey determines the adequacy of existing knowledge about the financing process that is to be considered, and appraises needs for additional information. On the basis of the results of this survey, a number of studies are initiated, some of a technical nature and limited in scope, in order ( i ) to develop new data that may be essential to round out existing knowledge and (2) to examine in adequate detail those phases of the subject which require intensive. The findings of these primary studies are then brought together and integrated in a concluding analysis
Bank is an important organ of the modern trade and commerce. Banks in India are regulated by the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The banking activities in India are regulated by the Banking Regulations Act, 1949. Under Section 5(b) of the said Act Banking means, the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawal by cheque, draft, order or otherwise. Any bank which transacts this business in India is called a banking company. However, any company which is engaged in the manufacturer of goods or carries on any trade and which accepts deposits of money from the public merely for the purpose of financing its business as manufacturer or trader shall not be deemed to transact the business of banking. It may be mentioned that the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is not applicable to a primary agricultural society, a co-operative land mortgage bank and any other co-operative society except in the manner and to the extent specified in Part V of the Act.
A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets .A bank connects customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses. Due to their critical status within the financial system and the economy generally, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most banks operate under a system known as fractional where they hold only a small reserve of the funds deposited and lend out the rest for profit They are generally subject to minimum capital requirements which are based on an international set of capital standards, known as the Basel Accords.
Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to the likes of Mortgage Brokers, large corporate clients, mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance businesses, institutional customers (such as pension funds and government entities/agencies), and services offered to other banks or other financial institutions. Wholesale finance means financial services, which are conducted between financial services companies and institutions such as banks, insurers, fund managers, and stockbrokers. Modern wholesale banks are engaged in: finance wholesaling, underwriting, market making, consultancy, mergers and acquisitions, fund management. Wholesale banking in India is set for a period of sharp growth. Revenues from wholesale banking activities are likely to more than double over the next five years as infrastructure investment, expansion by Indian companies overseas, and further Indianization of multinational businesses, among other trends, drive new business. Foreign players and the countrys domestic banks, however, will find themselves in a tough commercial environment and must overcome a range of challenges if they are to maintain, or assume, a leading position in the market. Prospects for Indias wholesale banking market are intriguing. Wholesale banking revenues, which in India account for close to 30 percent of total banking revenues, are expected to more than double, from roughly $16 billion in fiscal 2010 to between $35 billion and $40 billion by 2015 (Exhibit 1). McKinseys analysis shows that returns on equity are typically in the range of 15 percent to 30 percent.
1. Different products and services provided by the bank. 2. To raise the performance standards of the bank 3. To serve our clients by expanding the banks network of branches 4. To enhance our corporate finance services 5. To maintain a prudent credit policy 6. Customers perception about the different products. 7. The brand image of the bank. 8. What are the problems faced by these sales executives daily basis. 9. How to communicate with the customers. 10. Different techniques of dealing with the customers. 11. How to convince and convert a customer into a real customer
1. RESEARCH PLAN: a) Preliminary Investigation: In which data on the situation surrounding the problems shall be gathered to arrive at The correct definition of the problem. An understanding of its environment. The preliminary investigation is the process of studying the systems request and preparing a recommendation. The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to determine if the systems request is worth pursuing into the analysis phase and to perform some initial project management planning tasks. After that prepare reports, Describe the major sections of the preliminary report Describe the organization of the preliminary report Develop the major recommendation of the preliminary report b) Exploratory Study: To determine the approximate area where the problem lies. Exploratory research is conducted into an issue or problem where there are few or no earlier studies to refer to. The focus is on gaining insights and familiarity for later investigation. Secondly, descriptive research describes phenomena as they exist. Here data is often quantitative and statistics applied. It is used to identify and obtain information on a particular problem or issue. Finally causal or predictive research seeks to explain what is happening in a particular situation. It aims to generalize from an analysis by predicting certain phenomena on the basis of hypothesized general relationships. Types of exploratory system Secondary Data Experience Surveys Case Analyses Qualitative research
2. RESEARCH DESIGN: Research was initiated by examining the secondary data to gain insight into the problem. By analyzing the secondary data, the study aim is to explore the short comings of the present s y s t em a n d pr i ma r y d a t a w i l l h el p t o v a l i d a te t he a n a l y s i s o f s e co n d a r y da ta b es i de s o n unrevealing the areas which calls for improvement. 3. DEVELOPING THE RESEARCH PLAN: The data for this research project has been collected through self Administration. Due to time limitation and other constraints direct personal interview method is used. A structured q u e s t i o n n a i r e w a s f r a me d a s i t i s l e s s t i me c o n s u mi n g , g e n e r a t e s s p e c i f i c a n d t o t h e p o i nt information, easier to tabulate and interpret. Moreover respondents prefer to give direct answers. In questionnaires open ended and closed ended, both the types of questions has been used.
DATA COLLECTION: Primary data: Informal interview with manager and other staff members at Axis Bank. Prepare the Questionnaires in which The questionnaires can be broadly categorized into two types: i) Structured questionnaire . ii) Unstructured questionnaires. Secondary data:
It refers to the statistical material which is not originated by the investigator himself but obtained from someone else's records, or when Primary data is utilized for any other purpose at some subsequent enquiry it is termed as Secondary data. This type of data is generally taken from newspapers, magazines, bulletins, reports, journals etc. e.g. if the data published by RBI on currency, National Income, Exports or Imports, is used in some other
statistical enquiry, it will be termed as Secondary data. Data collected by the following ways
INTRODUCTION OF COMPANY Axis Bank is a private bank recognized in 1994 when the Government of India make permission to have a private banks in a country. Axis Bank was previously known as UTI Bank started by the Administrator of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation Ltd., National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company, The Oriental Insurance Corporation and United India Insurance Company UTI Axis Bank has grown very rapidly and take its total income to Rs 13,745.04 crore and a net profit of Rs. 1,812.93 crore. Mr. Adarsh Kishore is the chairman of the Axis Bank and after Mr.P .J.Nayak. Shikha Sharma become the managing director and CEO of the bank. Axis Bank is the first to render a secure debit card payment service. Excellent ATM services are providing by the Axis Bank and is one of the huge ATM networks in India. Axis Bank is one of the india's most advanced banks when it comes to technology. Following are the 24 hours and weekly services rendered by the Axis bank for the benefit of the custom Axis Bank Limited is an India-based bank. It operates in four segments: treasury operation, which includes investments in sovereign and corporate debt, equity funds, trading operations, derivative trading and foreign exchange operations on the account, and for customers and central funding; retail banking, which includes lending to individuals/small businesses subject to the orientation, product and granularity criterion, and also includes liability products, card services, Internet banking, automated teller machines services, depository, and nonresident Indian services; corporate/wholesale banking, which includes corporate relationships not included under retail banking, corporate advisory services, placements and syndication, project appraisals, capital market related services, and cash management services, and other banking business. In June 2012, HSBC Holdings PLCs indirect wholly owned subsidiary, HSBC Iris Investments (Mauritius) Ltd, sold its 4.73% interest in the Company.
1993 : The Bank was incorporated on 3rd December and Certificate of business on 14th December. The Bank transacts banking business of all description. UTI Bank Ltd. was promoted by Unit Trust of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India, General Insurance Corporation of India and its four subsidiaries. The bank was the first private sector bank to get a license under the new guidelines issued by the RBI. 1997 : The Bank obtained license to act as Depository Participant with NSDL and applied for registration with SEBI to act as `Trustee to Debenture Holders'. Rupees 100 crores was contributed by UTI, the rest from LIC Rs 7.5 crores, GIC and its four subsidiaries Rs 1.5 crores each. 1998 : The Bank has 28 branches in urban and semi urban areas as on 31st July. All the branches are fully computerized and networked through VSAT. ATM services are available in 27 branches. The Bank came out with a public issue of 1,50,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 11 per share aggregating to Rs 31.50 crores and Offer for sale of 2,00,00,000 No. of equity shares for cash at a price of Rs 21 per share. Out of the public issue 2,20,000 shares were reserved for allotment on preferential basis to employees of UTI Bank. Balance of 3,47,80,000 shares were offered to the public. The company offers ATM cards, using which account-holders can withdraw money from any of the bank's ATMs across the country which are inter-connected by VSAT.
UTI Bank has launched a new retail product with operational flexibility for its customers. UTI Bank will sign a co-brand agreement with the market, leader, Citibank NA for entering into the highly promising credit card business. UTI Bank promoted by India's pioneer mutual fund Unit Trust of India along with LIC, GIC and its four subsidiaries. 1999 : UTI Bank and Citibank have launched an international co-branded credit card. UTI Bank and Citibank have come together to launch an international cobranded credit card under the MasterCard umbrella. UTI Bank Ltd has inaugurated an off site ATM at Ashok Nagar here, taking the total number of its off site ATMs to 13.m 2000 : The Bank has announced the launch of Tele-Depository Services for its depository clients. UTI Bank has launch of `iConnect', its Internet banking Product. UTI Bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with for e-broking activities of the site. financial Securities Ltd., an e-broking outfit is typing up with UTI Bank for a banking interface. Geojit Securities Ltd, the first company to start online trading services, has signed a MoU with UTI Bank to enable investors to buy\sell demat stocks through the company's website. India bulls has signed a memorandum of understanding with UTI Bank. UTI Bank has entered into an agreement with Stock Holding Corporation of India for providing loans against shares to SCHCIL's customers and funding investors in public and rights issue.
ICRA has upgraded the rating og UTI Bank's Rs 500-crore certificate of deposit programmed to A1+. UTI Bank has tied up with L&T for providing customized online trading solution for brokers. 2001: UTI Bank launched a private placement of non-convertible debentures to raise up to Rs 75 crore. - UTI Bank has opened two offsite ATMs and one extension counter with an ATM in Mangalore, taking its total number of ATMs across the country to 355. UTI Bank has recorded a 62 per cent rise in net profit for the quarter ended September 30, 2001, at Rs 30.95 crore. For the second quarter ended September 30, 2000, the net profit was Rs 19.08 crore. The total income of the bank during the quarter was up 53 per cent at Rs 366.25 crore. 2002: UTI Bank Ltd has informed BSE that Shri B R Barwale has resigned as a Director of the Bank w.e.f. January 02, 2002. A C Shah, former chairman of Bank of Baroda, also retired from the bank's board in the third quarter of last year. His place continues to be vacant. M Damodaran took over as the director of the board after taking in the reins of UTI. B S Pandit has also joined the bank's board subsequent to the retirement of K G Vassal. UTI Bank Ltd has informed that Shri Paul Fletcher has been appointed as an Additional Director Nominee of CDC Financial Service (Mauritius) Ltd of the Bank. And Shri Donald Peck has been appointed as an Additional Director (nominee of South Asia Regional Fund) of the Bank. UTI Bank Ltd has informed that on laying down the office of Chairman of LIC on being appointed as Chairman of SEBI, Shri G N Bajpai, Nominee Director of LIC has resigned as a Director of the Bank. 2002 : B Paranjpe & Abid Hussain cease to be the Directors of UTI Bank. UTI Bank Ltd has informed that in the meeting of the Board of Directors following decisions were taken: Mr Yash Mahajan, Vice Chairman and
Managing Director of Punjab Tractors Ltd was appointed as an Additional Director with immediate effect. Mr N C Singhal former Vice Chairman and Managing Director of SCICI was appointed as an Additional Director with immediate effect. ABN Amro, UTI Bank in pact to share ATMs. UTI Bank Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank is scheduled to be held on October 24, 2002 to consider and take on record the unaudited half yearly/quarterly financial results of the Bank for the half year/Quarter ended September 30, 2002. UTI Bank Ltd has informed that Shri J M Trivedi has been appointed as an alternate director to Shri Donald Peck with effect from November 2, 2003 : UTI Bank Ltd has informed BSE that at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the company held on January 16, 2003, Shri R N Bharadwaj, Managing Director of LIC has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Bank with immediate effect. UTI Bank, the private sector bank has opened a branch at Nellore. The bank's Chairman and Managing Director, Dr P.J. Nayak, inaugurating the bank branch at GT Road on May 26. Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nayak said, "This marks another step towards the extensive customer banking focus that we are providing across the country and reinforces our commitment to bring superior banking services, marked by convenience and closeness to customers. UTI Bank Ltd. has informed the Exchange that at its meeting held on June 25, 2003 the BOD have decided the following: 1) To appoint Mr. A T Pannir Selvam, former CMD of Union Bank of India and Prof. Jayanth Varma of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad as additional directors of the Bank with immediate effect. Further, Mr. Pannier Selvam will be the nominee director of the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (UTI-I) and Mr. Jayanth Varma will be an Independent Director. 2) To issue Non-Convertible Unsecured Redeemable Debentures upto Rs.100 crs, in one or more tranches as the Bank's Tier - II capital.
UTI has been authorised to launch 16 ATMs on the Western Railway Stations of Mumbai UTI filed suit against financial institutions IFCI Ltd in the debt recovery tribunal at Mumbai to recover Rs.85c
Mission Customer service and product innovation tuned to diverse needs of individual and corporate clientele. Continuous technology up gradation while maintaining human values. Progressive globalization and achieving international standards. Core values Customer satisfaction through Providing quality service effectively and efficiently smile, it enhances your face value a service quality stressed on Periodic customers service audits Maximization of stakeholder value
1. Accounts 2. Deposits 3. Safe deposit Locker 4. Loan 5. Cards 6. Forex 7. Investment 8. Insurance
Saving Account
Current Account
Salary Account
Fixed Deposit Tax Saver fixed deposit Recuring Deposit Incash 24 Interest rate
Home Loan Car Loan Education Loan Personal Loan Loan against Property
Credit Card
Debit Card
Prepaid Card
Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Home Insurance
Vehical insurance
Travel currency cash foreign currency cash Foreign Exchange Rate Outward remittan ces For NRI MTS
With a view to avoiding inconvenience to depositors, banks are advised to avoid such inscrutable entries in passbooks / statements of account and ensure that brief, intelligible particulars are invariably entered in passbooks / statements of account. Banks may also ensure that they adhere to the monthly periodicity prescribed by us while sending statement of accounts. SAVING ACCOUNT INFORMATION Our Saving Bank account help you to plan and save for your future financial requirements. your saving remain liquid, safe and earn moderate interest. If a person has limited income and wants to save money for future needs ,the Saving Bank account is most suited for his purpose .this type of account can be opened with a minimum initial deposit that varies from bank to bank .money can be deposited any time in this account .withdrawals can be made either by signing a withdrawal form or by issuing a cheque or by using ATM card .Normally bank put some restriction on the number of withdrawal from this account .Interest is allowed on the balance of deposited in the account .the rate of interest on saving bank account changes from time to time. A minimum balance has to be maintained in the account as prescribed by the bank. BENEFITS OF SAVING ACCOUNT Card Convenience : Get your free ATM cum Debit card and have access to the widest network of ATMs across the country to withdraw cash ,enquire about your balance ,etc .moreover ,your card enable you to shop at a large of number of Merchant establishments in India Easy and wide accessibility : Transaction at your convenience ,saving time and cost through AXIS Internet Banking .can also withdraw cash from Maestro endorsed ATMs of other bank under bilateral sharing ,at a nominal fee. Monitoring your account :
There is a flexibility that you can monitor and control your funds through Axis Internet Banking or and through Passbook /statement of account facility. There is also an alternative facility that you can also, access your account by downloading Instant bank. Moderate Earning: Saving Bank account earn you an interest at the rate of 3.5% p.a. Compounded half yearly. Money Multipliers: Earn Interest at Term Deposit rates through Saving plus account .link your Saving Bank account to your Multi option Deposit(MOD) Account to earn additional interest an your surplus money and get the facility of automatic unitized break up of MOD i8n case there is a shortfall in your SB account to honor the cheque drawn by you. CURRENT ACCOUNT INFORMATION A current account is not a bank account but a simple account within the accountancy system of the office ,which is included in the account. All the funds received from a particular client (by transfers)are credited to the account .all fees and charges are debited from the account Big businessmen ,companies and institution such as school, colleges and hospitals have to make payment through their bank account .since there are restrictions on number of withdrawals from saving bank account ,that type of account is not suitable for them. they need to have an account from which withdrawals can be made any number of times . For that purpose banks open current account for them Like saving bank account ,this account also requires certain minimum amount of deposit while opening the account .on this deposit bank does not pay any interest on the balances. Rather the account holder pays certain amount each year as operation charge For the convenience of the account holders bank also allow withdrawals of amount in excess of the balance of deposit.this facility is known as overdraft facility .it is allowed to some specified customers and up to certain limit subject to previous agreement with the bank concerned
Payment rule of current account: Every payment must indicate the name of the person making the payment and must contain the necessary information to enable the office to establish the purpose of the payment. NO FRILLS ACOUNT: This account comes with very low minimum balance as well as low /nil charge,to cater to the need of individuals from the vast section of population who are ,otherwise ,not fulfilling certain condition of our exiting saving bank account requirements.
BANKING CHANNELLS Branches Bank electronic channels allow customers to access their accounts and perform various financial transactions. These channels include Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Call Center, Cash Deposit Machines (CDM), Internet, and Mobile Banking. Please click on the any of the channels for more details. ATMs Access you account round the clock. The only bank with the largest and most spread ATM network. The Banks ATMs are located in commercial and residential areas, petrol filling stations, airports, and other places, which are conveniently accessible. Easy Deposits A deposit machine, accepts cash, and counts the notes, gives you access for depositing cash in your account or any other customer account in Bank. Non Bank customers can use this channel to pay their utility bills and Mobiles Top ups. Deposit your cash the safe and easy way. Call Centers Your convenience to conduct banking activities anywhere and anytime via a 24 hr service . Internet Banking This service is provided through the Internet. Customers can perform financial services and access their accounts from anywhere in the world by logging on to Mobile Banking This channel allows you to avail various information and services on your mobile handset and is divided into alert facility, which keeps you updated on transaction in your account .
12 mths
410.55 410.55 0.00 0.00 18,588.28 0.00 18,998.83 189,237.80 26,267.88 215,505.68 8,208.86 242,713.37 Mar '11 12 mths
12 mths
405.17 405.17 0.17 0.00 15,639.27 0.00 16,044.61 141,300.22 17,169.55 158,469.77 6,133.46 180,647.84 Mar '10 12 mths
12 mths
359.01 359.01 1.21 0.00 9,854.58 0.00 10,214.80 117,374.11 10,185.48 127,559.59 9,947.67 147,722.06 Mar '09 12 mths
10,702.92 3,230.99 169,759.54 93,192.09 3,583.67 1,395.12 2,188.55 70.77 6,482.93 285,627.79
13,886.16 7,522.49 142,407.83 71,991.62 3,426.49 1,176.03 2,250.46 22.69 4,632.12 242,713.37
9,473.88 5,732.56 104,343.12 55,974.82 2,107.98 942.79 1,165.19 57.24 3,901.06 180,647.87 296,125.58 35,756.32 395.99
9,419.21 5,597.69 81,556.77 46,330.35 1,741.86 726.45 1,015.41 57.48 3,745.15 147,722.06 104,428.39 29,906.04 284.50
I. INCOME : Interest Earned Other Income TOTAL II. EXPENDITURE : Interest expended Operating Expenses Provisions and Contingencies TOTAL III. PROFIT/LOSS Profit before Minority Interest and P/L of Assoc. Co. Minority Interest after PAT Profit/Loss of Associate Company Profit after Minority Interest and P/L of Assoc. Co. Prior Year Adjustments Profit brought forward TOTAL IV. APPROPRIATIONS Transfer to Statutory Reserves Transfer to Other Reserves Proposed Dividend / Transfer to Government Balance c/f to Balance Sheet 1,060.55 52.97 770.26 847.12 329.49 670.48 628.63 453.84 239.36 146.82 567.47 420.52 4,218.51 0.00 1.27 4,219.78 3,344.68 0.00 -4.77 3,339.91 2,478.14 1,812.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,478.14 1,812.93 13,969.18 6,099.89 3,194.51 8,588.61 4,860.47 3,032.55 6,632.63 7,148.92 3,762.39 2,882.00 2,730.10 1,982.00 21,994.90 15,154.86 11,639.05 10,829.11 5,487.19 4,671.45 3,964.21 2,996.74
3,371.63 2,328.95
TOTAL Equity Dividend Corporate Dividend Tax Equity Dividend (%) Earning Per Share (Rs.) Book Value Extraordinary Items
4,807.09 3,350.13 486.21 359.01 81.26 61.51 120.00 100.00 59.16 48.78 394.62 284.00 -2.73 -4.97
13,825.85 15,603.26 19,826.31 27,482.09
12,012.92 13,125.12 16,481.63 23,263.58
30,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 income 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 2009 2010 2011 2012 Expenditures Ratio
STRENGTH: 1. Extremely Competitive and Pro Banking Services Include Co Markets, Treasury. 2. Retail Banking Savings Bank Rs. 19,982 Cr. As On 31st March . 3. Corporate Banking Current AC at end March08 to Rs. 24,822 4. Support of various Promoters 5. Strong technology 6. Total Deposits Rs 1,17,374 crore 7. Net Advances Rs 81,557 crore 8. Net NPA 0.35%. WEAKNESS: 1. Not having Image UTI (fraud) 2. Higher cost 3. Customer service 4. Market Capitalization Very Low
OPPORTUNITY 1. Large retail and corporate market 2. Wide scope in rural India 3. Other Activity (Non Banking Activity) 4. People are become more service oriented
THREAT 1. Other better Saving, investment option available (like Insurance, Mutual fund, Real-estate,Gold) 2. Government Rules And Regulation 3. Very high competition with Private sector ( ICICI Bank, HDFC bank) or public sector (BOB, PNB) Bank. 4. Capital Market slow-down 5. Rising Rates 6. Future Market Trends
Particulars ( Wholesale Banking Treasury Operations Retailing Banking Other Banking Operations Total
Treasury Operations 9%
Recommends Dividend AXIS Bank Ltd has recommended a dividend of Rs. 16 per share (160%) for the year ended March 31, 2012. AXIS Bank Ltd has allotted 2,89,831 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each, under ESOP
Scheme of the Bank. The paid up share capital of the Bank will accordingly get increased to 41,42,90,946 equity shares from 41,40,01,115 equity shares. Axis Bank inducts Schroder as a 25% partner in Axis AMC Axis Bank has reached an agreement to sell 25 per cent of the share capital of its wholly owned subsidiary, Axis Asset Management Company Ltd (Axis AMC) to Schroder Singapore Holdings Pvt Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Schroder. Schroder is a global asset management company with 187.3 billion under management as at 31 December 2011.
Last Price
Market Cap.
(Rs. cr.)
Net Interest Income 27,286.35 33,542.65 21,994.65 6,180.24 5,359.20 6,307.35 5,558.39 3,856.81 3,270.37 4,835.58 3,583.43 1,696.77 3,112.88 716.97 1,519.26 1,393.66 -
Net Profit
HDFC Bank ICICI Bank Axis Bank Kotak Mahindra IndusInd Bank Yes Bank Federal Bank ING Vysya Bank Karur Vysya JK Bank South Ind Bk StanChart IDR City Union Bank Karnataka Bank DCB Lakshmi Vilas Dhanlaxmi Bank Goldman BEES
588.00 963.85 1,038.00 536.50 333.30 360.50 410.70 380.65 414.00 907.00 23.40 100.00 51.85 95.70 40.75 70.85 50.25 2,858.80
138,528.06 111,133.68 43,011.40 39,848.36 15,639.36 12,793.33 7,024.92 5,725.64 4,437.27 4,396.94 2,655.79 2,400.00 2,116.58 1,802.21 980.74 691.08 427.81 293.32
5,167.07 6,465.26 4,242.21 1,085.05 802.61 976.99 776.79 456.30 501.72 803.25 401.65 280.25 246.07 55.08 107.02 -115.63 -
We can see above graph except HDFC & ICICI bank Axis bank has a good Progress in The banking sector. In short period of time axis bank compete with big private banking sector firm HDFC & ICICI bank.
Balance Sheet Axis Bank Mar '12 Capital and Liabilities: Total Share Capital Equity Share Capital Share Application Money Preference Share Capital Reserves Revaluation Reserves Net Worth Deposits Borrowings Total Debt Other Liabilities & Provisions Total Liabilities
------------------- in Rs. Cr. ------------------HDFC Bank Mar '12 ICICI Bank Mar '12 Kotak Mahindra Mar '12
413.20 413.20 0.00 0.00 22,395.34 0.00 22,808.54 220,104.30 34,071.67 254,175.97 8,643.27 285,627.78 Axis Bank Mar '12
469.34 469.34 0.30 0.00 29,455.04 0.00 29,924.68 246,706.45 23,846.51 270,552.96 37,431.87 337,909.51 HDFC Bank Mar '12
1,152.77 1,152.77 2.39 0.00 59,250.09 0.00 60,405.25 255,499.96 140,164.91 395,664.87 17,576.98 473,647.10 ICICI Bank Mar '12
370.34 370.34 0.00 0.00 7,610.41 0.00 7,980.75 38,536.52 16,595.52 55,132.04 2,553.67 65,666.46 Kotak Mahindra Mar '12
Assets Cash & Balances with RBI Balance with Banks, Money at Call Advances Investments Gross Block Accumulated Depreciation Net Block Capital Work In Progress Other Assets Total Assets Contingent Liabilities Bills for collection Book Value (Rs)
10,702.92 3,230.99 169,759.54 93,192.09 3,583.67 1,395.12 2,188.55 70.77 6,482.93 285,627.79 449,976.11 64,895.87 551.99
14,991.09 5,946.63 195,420.03 97,482.91 5,930.24 3,583.05 2,347.19 0.00 21,721.64 337,909.49 844,374.61 39,610.71 127.52
20,461.29 15,768.02 253,727.66 159,560.04 9,424.39 4,809.70 4,614.69 0.00 19,515.39 473,647.09 858,566.64 64,457.72 524.01
2,016.49 618.06 39,079.23 21,566.81 955.41 505.45 449.96 0.00 1,935.91 65,666.46 17,319.52 6,166.00 107.75
Large and Mid-Corporate Credit SME Agri. including Micro finance Capital Markets
79% 8% 8% 5%
Asseta %
Large and Mid-Corporate Credit SME Agri. including Micro finance Capital Markets
The sector-wise breakup of restructured assets as on 31st March 2012 was as follows:
Sectorwise assets
Textiles 16% Edible Oils 14% Petroleum 14%
Others 35%
We see from the above graph that amongst organic means of expansion, branch expansion finds favor with banks while strategic alliances is the most popular inorganic method for banks considering scaling up their operations. On the other hand, new ventures and buyout portfolios are the least popular methods for bank expansion.
FINDINGS & SUGGETIONS Finding: 1. Bank is having 853 branches over the country. 2. The number of branches should be increase. Suggestions : 1. Number of branches should be increase cover a wider area in various state 2. A wide publicity to be given about the organization & its product trough various means of communication to keep growth moments. 3. More number of training & educational programs should be included in the bank schedule. 4. Developing a learning culture through continuous learning process.
Thought satisfied the manager needs to build up confidence in his people that he is making sincere efforts while doing the operations. The necessary discussion between the managers & subordinators regarding performance must be done in right time & Right way. The reporting Officer clearly conveys to his subordinates what type of output he wants from them.
Number of branches should be increase cover a wider area
in various state
A wide publicity to be given about the organization & its
Axis bank has developed manifold in short period of time due to facilities & services provide to their customer & this growth rate can be keep it up if they start to go in semi urban areas. In last couple of year they have opened so many branches & they should open many more. The working staff is very cooperative nature & due to that the bank will also get good benefit. Axis bank has provided their customer Net Banking facility & due to that transaction are done fast , charges at axis bank are on lower side when we compare it with other Finance management is the backbone of any organizations and hence yields a number of job options ranging from strategic financial planning to sales.
1. Banking & Finance 2. Banking Development In India 3. Basic Of Banking 4. Bank Leaflet & Boucher 5. Bank Marketing 6. Internet
1.Nameof Reaspondent_________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. 2.ContactPerson_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. 3.ContactNo.__________________________________________________ __________________ 4.MonthlyTransaction___________________________________________ __________________ 5.Do you Have Current Account? (a) Yes (b) No 6.If Yes which banksICICI HDFC Kotak Mahindra Bank Axis Bank NationalizedBanks_____________________________________________________ Co-OperativeBanks____________________________________________________ 7. Which Factors do you consider for opening a Current Account ? Accessibility Net Banking At Par Cheques RTGS DD/ Pay Order Debit Card Cheque Pick up Mobile Banking NEFT Minimum Balance Free Cheque Cash deposit
9 Which type of transaction do you made (a) Inter city (b) Intra city (c) Both
10 Does your bank assist you in case of any problem (a) Yes (b) No
11. What are the additional Benefits do you expect from a Current Account? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________