Sept 12 The Grip

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palding County ofcials on Thursday received from

Tax Commissioner Sylvia Hollums the fnal numbers
for the Fiscal Year 2014 tax digest, upon which the millage
rate will be set.
Following budget hearings that were at times conten-
tious, county commissioners in late June set the FY 2014
budget based upon a one-mill increase.
You dont actually set the millage rate until this time of
year when the digest comes in. You set the budget with-
out knowing what the tax digest is going to be, Spalding
County Manager William Wilson said in early September.
They (commissioners)
wo children prepared
for school on Tues-
day, Sept. 3 by purpose-
fully packing knives to
take with them. Both were
12-year-old Grifn-Spald-
ing students and were later
caught with the knives, but
the similarities of their situ-
ations end there.
One incident occurred
at Atkinson Elementary
School, the other at Re-
hoboth Road Middle
School. At Atkinson, a male
student had brought a
locked-blade pocket knife
to school, while at Re-
hoboth, a female student
took a kitchen paring knife
to school in her lunch box.
Also central to the story
were two diferent law en-
forcement agencies the
Grifn Police Department
and the Spalding County
Sherifs Ofce with each
responding to an incident.
According to ofcials of
the Grifn Police depart-
ment, which responded
to Atkinson Elementary,
the ffth-grade boy with
the pocket knife acknowl-
edged he had taken it to
school because of a prior
incident with another stu-
Cpl. Stan Phillips, the re-
sponding ofcer, said the
boy reported he took the
pocket knife to school be-
cause he had been threat-
ened by another student
the previous week, and he
was afraid.
According to him [the
student], the other little
boy was telling him to
steal some money from
the teacher and when he
wouldnt do it, the other
student said he was going
to kill him, Phillips said.
But kids say that kind of
thing and dont really mean
Phillips said his decision
to not arrest the boy was
made after meeting with
the student, his parents,
his teacher and Aveory Al-
len, Atkinson Elementarys
inston Churchill
once said, We make
a living by what we get,
we make a life by what we
give. Faye Harmon can cer-
tainly testify to the truth
in his statement. Faye was
initially inspired to give by
her son, Kevin Harmon. He
was known for taking food
to needy people and once
gave the coat of his own
back to a homeless he saw
in the Krystal parking lot.
Tragically, this compas-
sionate young man was
murdered. Kevins murder
could have hardened my
heart toward others, but
I wont let the men that
murdered my son make
me bitter or steal my joy,
says Harmon. Instead, she
founded Humbly Serv-
ing Ministry in his honor.
Humbly Serving Ministrys
mission is to give people a
hand up, not a hand out. A
few years ago, Faye started
noticing needy people
inquiring for help in ob-
taining basic items such
as clothing, furniture and
other items on Facebook.
She began donating items
PO Box 2251, Grifn GA 30224
Jessica W. Gregory
Sheila A. Mathews
Editor & Ad Executive
Hours: Tuesday - Friday
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Grip strives for
accuracy in all its editorial
content. If you have a
question, comment, or
concern about articles or
photos published in The
Grip, please do not hesitate
to call or e-mail us. ::: free
SEPT 12 -26, 2013 VOL. 03 NO. 18
COnT, increase, PG. 7
Features writer
COnT, KniVes, P. 2
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A tale of two knives, two different punishments
"Are you smarter than a 10-year-old?" event raises
scholarship money for GSCS schools and students
The Heart of Georgia Board of Realtors hosted a local
gameshow, "Are You Smarter Than a 10-Year-Old?" featur-
ing Grifn-Spalding students and local business owners.
Held at First Baptist Church on Sept. 10, the event's pur-
pose was to raise money for the schools who participated
as well as two scholarships; one for a student at each high
Event organizer Jo Coleman stated that the event was
successful and raised $4,000. Coleman hopes that the fun-
draiser will become a favorite annual community event
and be even more successful in the future.
Four teams competed against fve students, with The
Heart of Georgia Board of Realtors team prevailing as the
winners, comprised of Randy Schultz, Christy Arnold and
Butch Armistead (pictured above with the participating
Two Griffin
photographers share
their SlowExposures
images and why they
chose to enter them into
the national competition
that transforms Pike
County into a showcase
of the rural South p. 3
Malgorzata Florkowska's entry in Slow Exposures,
simply titled, "Eye."
Humbly Serving 'Hand ups'
Is juicing
for your
The pros and
cons p. 4
JESSICA W. GREGORY ::: Publisher;
County ofcials set to fnalize
one-mill tax increase
COnT, serVinG, PG. 7
he Ofcial Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) lists
every law on Georgias books, with each statute out-
lining the criteria required for a person to be criminally
charged with that ofense. However, just because a person
has met the legal criteria, they may not be charged with a
crime, as law enforcement ofcers have the authority to ex-
ercise professional discretion in the investigative process.
That discretion has been exemplifed by the recent school
weapons incidents, with only one of fve children who
have been in possession of such either a knife or gun fac-
ing a criminal charge.
According to Spalding County Sherif Wendell Beam,
there is no certain age at which a child will be charged with
a crime, but there are factors routinely taken into consid-
What we go by is the age and mental capacity of the
child knowing right from wrong, he said. Thats usually
around seven or eight. In most cases, children in that age
bracket know right from wrong, and the school system
teaches them theyre not to bring weapons to school.
He said it is not a decision lightly made, and that it is at
times made after personnel seeks outside counsel.
If theres any question, a lot of times, what well do, is call
in an investigator from the Criminal Investigation Division.
If theres still any consideration or clarifcation to be made,
theyll actually call the District Attorneys Ofce and speak
with its staf to get their insight on it, Beam said. But then
again, when the facts on the scene meet the criteria the
elements of that crime a lot of times, the deputy will go
ahead and make the arrest.
He went on to say that he is unaware of any statutory
requirement that could be interpreted as "zero tolerance"
that would mandate a law enforcement ofcer bring charg-
es against a child, even when the criteria is met to do so.
Im not familiar with them if any exists, but from past ex-
perience, nationwide, when weapons have been brought

The teacher, the principal, no one
gave me the impression he was a
problem student a ticking time
bomb nothing but the typical mis-
behavior, he said. For this child, in
this situation, having talked to the
parents and the little boy, I thought
the 10-day suspension was adequate.
Phillips said the law concerning
school weapons incidents do not nul-
lify ofcers discretion, which is what
he exercised in the Atkinson case.
I think there is ofcer discretion. I
think it should be weighed case-by-
case, depending on each child, he
said. Im not going to go with a zero
tolerance policy and say all students
must be charged. If it had been a gun,
it would have been diferent. I know a
knife is a weapon, but little boys play
with knives.
However, he did say if he had received
diferent input from the schools staf,
a diferent decision would have been
If the principal had demanded it and
said, We want him charged, I wouldnt
have felt that I had any choice but to
fle charges, because the school was
the victim, he said. But to lock them
up and throw away the key? Come on.
The discretion of a deputy sherif re-
sulted in an opposite outcome for the
female Rehoboth Middle School stu-
dent, who was arrested and charged
with possession of a weapon at a pub-
lic school a felony.
Spalding County Sherif Wendell
Beam, whose ofce investigated that
incident, said the 12-year-old sixth-
grader, described as an honors stu-
dent with no prior disciplinary history,
gave no indication she possessed the
knife for any reason other than to use
it during lunch.
It appears she had brought the knife
to school to peel a peach. The inves-
tigation did not reveal that anyone
was threatened or that there was any
intent to threaten or harm anyone.
Theres no indication whatsoever that
the little girl was having any problem
with any other student at school,
Beam said. Its unfortunate that the
child brought the knife to school for
that purpose, but nevertheless, she
brought a weapon to school, and
therefore, the charge was made.
In earlier school weapons incidents,
ofcials were alerted to the infraction
by other concerned students. How-
ever, in this incident, the realization
resulted from what could have been
considered a dangerous situation.
Another student saw the knife,
grabbed it from her and began wav-
ing it around, Beam said. I dont be-
lieve he threatened anyone with it; he
was just playing around.
He said school staf then intervened
and the investigative process began.
Beam said he was uncertain if the
girls parent was present as the girl
was questioned.
Her parent was notifed and I be-
lieve they did make contact with the
school resource ofcer, he said. They
discussed it with the juvenile and the
then they discussed it with the juve-
niles mother at the school.
Georgia law does not require that a
parent be present when a juvenile is
questioned as part of a criminal inves-
Following the girls interview, she
was transported to the Sherifs Ofce
in a deputys patrol car.
She was transported because being
the ofense it is, there are certain pro-
cedures that have to be done at the
Sherifs Ofce, Beam said.
He went on to explain that a stu-
dents age and their understanding
of right and wrong are factors used in
determining whether charges will be
brought against a student.
In cases like this, that was taken into
consideration, he said.
He went on to say that his ofce does
not have a set standard or policy that
outlines how personnel are to address
these types of incidents, but are rather
viewed on a case-by-case basis, with
state law being the standard.
We just basically go by the law. Im
not saying we have an ofcial policy,
but as a standard rule, I would always
expect the law to be enforced as its
written, Beam said.
Beam reported that the male Re-
hoboth Road student who had
grabbed the knife and waved it
around was not arrested and charged
with possession of a weapon at a pub-
lic school.
The other (male) student who got
the knife, Im told hes going to face
disciplinary action in the school for
that, Beam said.
He did not have further informa-
tion on why investigators in his of-
fce elected not to charge the male
student with the same crime as the
female student.
When asked about the disparity,
Assistant Superintendent Jim Smith
reiterated that law enforcement in-
vestigations are separate from school
disciplinary action.
That may be what law enforcement
determined. Law enforcement is con-
tacted and they make their determi-
nation on what they need to do,Smith
said. The (girls) 10-day suspension is
just the schools part. Im not sure how
they (the Sherifs Ofce) came to that.
We report to the proper agency, so Im
not sure how they came to that deci-
Of the four weapons incidents in-
volving fve students this year, school
ofcials have released disciplinary in-
formation on two children. They are
now declining to release the same
information on the remaining three
students, including information per-
taining to the disparity between the
Rehoboth Road Middle School knife
incident, as well as how it relates to
the Atkinson Elementary School inci-
dent involving a student of the same
knives, cont.
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Ofcer discretion can play pivotal role in determining criminal charges
n light of the recent rash
of weapons brought to
school by students, many
in the Grifn-Spalding com-
munity are wondering what
the phrase "zero tolerance"
actually means in terms of
policy and procedure within
the school system.
Student handbooks defne
zero tolerance
in the student
code of con-
duct section
of student
The defnition
states: "Zero
To l e r a n c e :
There will be
for serious
drug, weap-
on, and youth
g a n g / h a t e
group ofens-
es on school
property or at
a school activ-
ity, function
or event. The
school system
will be pro-
active. Each
i n d i v i d u a l
case will be
Local school
ofcials say
they view the
term zero tol-
erance not as
a carved-in-
stone policy,
but rather a concept.
I think it comes from years
ago, but its not a formal
policy, said Grifn-Spald-
ing County School System
Superintendent Dr. Curtis
Jones. We have a policy
for weapons; we have a pol-
icy for drugs, but we dont
have a policy entitled zero
tolerance. Its a concept.
He said the concept is
based on the systems com-
mitment to formally re-
spond to each and every
incident in which a student
is in possession of a weapon
on school grounds.
Zero tolerance is correct
as far as its going to be ad-
dressed; its not within the
principals discretion to de-
cide not to do anything, he
said. We have zero toler-
ance were going to follow
through with what our dis-
cipline handbook says.
However, he said there is
no policy outlining specifc
disciplinary measures that
must be meted out for such
We have a disciplinary
matrix with progressive
discipline, Jones said, de-
scribing it as an incremental
approach. For us, zero tol-
erance means were going
to look to our disciplinary
matrix and determine if a
policy has been violated,
and move forward.
The GSCSS discipline ma-
trix ranges from Level I,
which covers minor acts of
misconduct to Level IV the
m o s t
s er i ous
acts of
d u c t .
sion of
a weap-
on on
s c h o o l
is con-
si dered
a Level
IV of-
As the
p o l i c y
n o w
s t ands ,
the poli-
cy gives
no con-
s i d e r -
ation for
why a
has an
o b j e c t
that is
c l a s s i -
fed as
a weap-
on on
school grounds, and the
students intended use is in-
It really doesnt matter
what kind of knife it is. The
law says you cannot bring
a knife to school. Well
provide what you need at
school, so I dont really get
into what kind of knife it
is, he said before further
elaborating on the systems
policy. Whether its a Boy
Scout knife, a pocket knife,
a butter knife, a water gun
or a broken water gun, it
doesnt matter. All of those
are illegal and are not to be
brought to school. It brings
discredit to that student
and their family.
According to the Disciplin-
ary Handbook, a weapon is
specifcally considered to
be a knife, machete, razor,
ice pick, explosive, loaded
cane, sword cane, or fre-
arms, including pistol, rife,
shotgun, pellet gun, BB gun
or other objects that reason-
Disparate discipline: One student brings
knife to school as lunch tool and gets
charged with a felony, while another brings
a knife in preparation of self-defense and
receives 10-day suspension
COnT, discretion, P. 7
COnT, zero tolerance, P. 7
Zero tolerance does not equal
standard disciplinary measures
"Zero Tolerance:
There will be
for serious drug,
weapon, and
youth gang/
hate group
offenses on
school property
or at a school
activity, function
or event. The
school system
will be proactive.
Each individual
case will be
--GSCS Elementary School Student Handbook
Georgia photography
exhibit with national
ties will feature images
from photographers within
the Middle Georgia region,
including at least two from
Grifn and Spalding Coun-
SlowExposures is in its
13th year of showcasing
photographs that interpret
the American rural South,
and each year has fea-
tured photographers from
around the nation. The pri-
mary show will be hosted
by the R.F. Strickland Build-
ing in Concord, but also fea-
ture satellite photography
exhibits as well, including
one at A novel Experience
in downtown Zebulon.
When the calls for entry
went out, a Grifn photog-
rapher, who has been asso-
ciated with SlowExposures
for more than six years,
submitted her entry into
the competition.
Im not only a photogra-
pher, but I am also a volun-
teer. I help to examine port-
folio works, Malgorzata
Florkowska said. This year
I am not in the main show
in Concord, but I do have a
photograph on display at
the satellite show that we
will have at The Whiskey
Bonding Barn in Molena.
Florkowska, who lives and
works in Grifn, keeps post-
ers of past shows in her
ofce at the University of
Georgia Experiment Sta-
tion where she works. She
feels strongly about the art
of photography strong
enough to photograph
the eye of a chicken for
this years SlowExposures
It is sort of a close-up of
a chickens eye, Florkowska
explained. The exhibit is
called Fins, Fur and Feath-
ers, and I had the interest-
ing close-up. I had visited
my friends house and she
had a very beautiful, special
breed of chicken. It caught
my attention.
Florkowska noted that get-
ting up close and personal
with a chicken was a small
price to pay for a photo-
graph that potentially hun-
dreds of people will soon
be viewing on display.
For some it can be a
scary image, but I like it,
Florkowska joked.
Florkowska joins Grifn
resident Gloria Treadway in
being featured in this years
show. Treadways work has
been featured in past Slow-
Exposures exhibits, includ-
ing a prize-winning entry in
I entered fve diferent
pieces. The chosen one was
one of 60-something cho-
sen out of 800 entries. I am
fattered,Treadway said.
Treadway stated her entry,
which will be on display in
Concord, was submitted in
part because of the emo-
tional connection it made
with her as a photograph.
My entry, Fifty
Shades of Gray, is a very
special piece to me. I have
thousands of photos that
I have taken. This one is
probably one of the most
simplistic pieces I have ever
entered.Treadway said.
It was a beautiful sun-
set with no color. I know
that may seem to make no
sense, but this is a color
shot taken with color flm.
The sunset was all gray and
white. Simple in color at
frst but the more you look
at the photo you see more
detail. The horizon, clouds
and movement of the wa-
ter tend to have more detail
since it has less color. It is
not a black and white print.
It is a color photo of all gray.
I think it is very unique for
that reason.
Milner resident Joanne
Forde visited A novel Ex-
perience recently after her
son nathan happened to
be chosen to have one
of his images on display
within the student portion
of the SlowExposures com-
His image will be visible in
Concord. Im very proud of
him, Forde said.
According to the ofcial
list of selected participants
for the main display in Con-
cord, photographers from
as far away as California
and Maryland will have
their works appear in the
2013 SlowExposures pho-
tography exhibit.
Its brought a lot of
people here from all over.
The largest percentage
of people who help make
this happen are from the
Grifn-Spalding County
area. They are phenomenal.
They are all volunteers, and
give their time, talents and
eforts every year, Brenda
Fayard, one of the original
photographers of SlowEx-
posures, said.
Its always interesting to
see the works that come
in and represent the rural
south. Each photographer
has their own idea for a
theme, Andrea noel, who
assisted with hanging the
artwork for this years show,
SlowExposures photogra-
phy exhibit will take place
from Friday, September 20
through Sunday, Septem-
ber 29.
For a calendar of SlowEx-
posures events and loca-
tions, visit www.slowexpo-
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Editorial Assistant;
A historical Grifn landmark is currently
undergoing a transformation into a haunt-
ed house for the 2013 Halloween season.
Workers have been inside the old Grifn
Hotel, 132 W. Solomon St., for more than
three months, turning former hotel rooms
and hallways into a haunted house experi-
We are not going for monsters or the
normal clich haunted house. What I have
done is tried to do a lot of mental things
that people are afraid of; theres a lot of
stuf that people are normally afraid of,
and so instead of doing a bunch of gore
and murder and all that stuf, we are really
going more toward what people are afraid
of on a daily basis, Liz Smallwood, Sinister-
Suites director, stated in a recent email to
The Grip.
According to Smallwood, the idea for a
haunted house inside the former hotel
property started when property owner Tra-
cy Wallace approached her with the pos-
sibility of both renovating the hotel and
putting the site to use in an environment
where the public could both enjoy and ap-
preciate the history and architecture of the
Tracy had already done some of the con-
struction work when I came in. I designed
the entire thing, Smallwood explained.
Ive been working with haunted houses
for about seven years."
Smallwoods credits as a haunted house
enthusiast have included volunteer work
at Chambers of Horror in Atlanta and mul-
tiple family-friendly haunted houses across
The Grifn Hotel haunted house, now
known as SinisterSuites, will have a fam-
ily-friendly environment, Smallwood said.
Ive been wanting to do something like
that for kids because it is a family friendly
haunt. My target audience was originally
about the 16 -23 age range, but any age
can come in, although its highly recom-
mend that people under 16 have a parent
with them.
With fve stories to work with, Smallwood
noted that designing something unique
for each foor and stairwell has been a chal-
A lot of it is based on some of my favor-
ite horror flms, but basically I just kind of
embraced the original architecture of the
hotel and it spawned from there. Some of
the rooms are designed how they are posi-
tioned and were originally designed when
the hotel was constructed.
Constructed in 1910, the Grifn Hotel has
had a history unique to downtown Grifn
and surrounding properties.
When the frst electric streetlights were
placed in downtown Grifn, it was the Grif-
fn Hotel site that was chosen for their loca-
What I am trying to do is bring in the his-
tory of Grifn in and get people more in-
volved in understanding their town, Small-
wood said. So far, everybody that has gone
through has given me positive feedback on
their experiences.
The SinisterSuites haunted house will
open to the public Thursday Sundays
from October 3 november 2. Cost for ad-
mission will be $20.
Smallwood is still searching for volunteers
to work with the haunted house in all po-
sitions, including areas such as ushering,
ticket taking and even performing.
People can still be involved on the last day
if they want. They just need to contact me
by email at Im
hiring actors of all ages, but obviously peo-
ple under the age of 18 are going to need
parental consent. Anybody that is into hor-
ror and scaring people and just having fun
can come and volunteer.
For more information visit www.sinister-
SlowExposures 2013 exhibits chicken eye, grey sunset from Griffin photographers
Gloria Treadway's entry of a sunset, titled "Fifty Shades of Grey,"
was shot on color flm. The lack of color in the sunset is what caught
Treadway's eye and inspired the picture.
Fins, Fur and Feathers, by
Malgorzata Florkowska, who
was inspired by her friend's
special breed of chicken.
Sinister Suites take over historical Griffin Hotel during October
Editorial Assistant;
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There are also many "last chance pets" available for adop-
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To view those animals, visit www.spaldingcountyani-
et us be still so we
may hear the whis-
pers of God.
These words are written
across a wooden plaque
resting in my sunroom, and I
see them daily. Yet, still I can
forget to heed them. I knew
this very article was already
past due, but I continued to
stare at a blank screen.
Its a discouraging feeling
-- to be uninspired. And
this is exactly what happens
to me when I fail to be still.
When I fail to slow down. To
notice. To watch, carefully,
life happening around me.
Instead, I can fnd myself
waking up with the sole in-
tent of just making the day
happen... instead of notic-
ing the day.
I become a participator in
life more than an observer.
Participating is necessary.
But we dont participate
well when we dont take the
time to observe well.
When Im an observer, I am
living in the now moments.
I am careful how I respond
to those around me. I am
careful with my tone.
I am careful to notice my
8-year-olds hands as she
scoops the horse feed into
the buckets and then care-
ful to watch her walk across
the feld to be a source of
love for those large animals.
I am careful to notice my
husbands face and see that
he needs my encourage-
I am careful to notice the
single mother in the store
who cant pay for all of her
food she struggled to place
on the counter while hold-
ing her squirmy 2-year-old.
Im careful to notice how
big the sky is and to try to
wrap my head around the
fact that the Creator of it all
actually thinks about me.
I am careful to observe life.
To notice it. To be thankful
for it. And, to participate
well in it. Because, Im still.
I still my thoughts. I still my
body. And, I hear His whis-
pers in the midst of all that
is going on around me. I see
Him in the big things and
in the small things. And, so,
Im inspired. Inspired to love
the way He loves. Inspired
to capture and remember
the small moments. In-
spired to pen words to the
emotions fooding my soul.
When is the last time you
noticed life? When is the
last time you observed
more than you partici-
pated? You dont have to
look for God in the obscure
places. Hes everywhere and
in everything. In the young
hands of that 8-year-old. In
the face of your spouse. In
the struggling arms of that
single mother. Above you.
Below you. Within you. And
when you stop to observe...
When you become still,
you will hear His whispers.
And you will see His face.
Be still and know that I am
God. Psalm 46:10
Observing Life
ithout a doubt, juic-
ing has become more
popular. More people are
jumping on the juicing
band-wagon and equipping
their kitchen with a juice
extractor so they can make
fresh fruit and vegetable
juice whenever they like.
Many people probably
didnt know that juicing
has been around long be-
fore they might have been
born. The norwalk Juicer,
the world's frst juicer, was
invented in the 1930s by Dr.
norman Walker. For more
than 70 years, Dr. Walker studied living foods, mainly fruits
and veggies, to develop a philosophy whereby the best
way to nutritional health was with a diet of predominately
raw food and juices, which he labeled The Living Food.
The norwalk is still sold today, along with many other ad-
aptations or improvements of the frst product to make
people want to buy it.
Many people ask me if juicing is a good idea, and what
should they use if they decide to try it. The answer I usually
give is, there are always pros and cons to juicing, and after
looking at both you should determine if juicing is right for
One of the pros of juicing is that it can be a healthy and
benefcial way for some people to get their fruits and veg-
gies if they cannot get them any other way, especially
picky eaters like kids or older adults with dementia.
If you have close-to-expiring produce, juicing can pro-
vides a quick alternative to throwing out and wasting
money you spent on groceries.
Another beneft to juicing is the sugar of the fruit can
hide other great, not-so-tasty ingredients to make a more
complete and flling meal.
Supporters of juicing also state some possible pros such
as boosting the immune system, better absorption of
nutrients, detoxifcation, reducing the risk of cancer, and
weight loss, but these claims have never been scientif-
cally proven. Another pro for juicing is you are making the
drink yourself, therefore you know the juice is made from
100 percent fruit juice if you are using just the fruit and no
added sugar or sweeteners.
However, when fruits and veggies are juiced, the process
results in fewer vitamins and minerals because the nutri-
ent-rich skin is left behind by removing the pulp, which
contains fber. Unless youre blending whole fruits and
vegetables in a blender, or adding another fber source like
faxseed back into the juice, youre losing much of the pulp
and fber when you press juice. This roughage is one of the
biggest benefts of fruits and vegetables, and its being left
out in the juicing process.
Just because you are juicing, does not mean you will lose
weight, You actually may eat more overall calories, which
will lead to weight gain and increased blood glucose. Just
like any other meal, its important to consider serving sizes
and sugar content.
A small to medium-small piece of fruit has about 60 calo-
ries (no bigger than a baseball). One cup of non-starchy
vegetables (like spinach) has about 25 calories. Any 60-cal-
orie serving from 100 percent fruit juice equals about four
ounces (about cup). A typical juicing is usually 12 to 16
ounces. If you are juicing four or fve fruits to reach that
mark, the calories will start adding up.
Juicing also produces a concentrated source of natural
sugars from the fruit.If you consume it without any other
food, juice passes relatively quickly through your stomach
to your small intestine, where the both the nutrients and
the sugar are rapidly absorbed and can cause the blood
sugar to rise very quick. That can be not healthy for peo-
ple who are diabetic and trying to maintain or watch high
blood sugar.
The biggest con to juicing can be the time and cost. A
juicer alone can cost from $50 to $500, depending on what
you are looking for. You also have to buy lots of fruits and
veggies to make juice.
In reality juicing is not necessary if you just eat one or two
pieces of fruits and three to fve non-starchy veggies in the
day to save time and money.
In the end if you decide to juice, remember to add things
to it to make it a more balanced, complete meal or snack.
For example, add the appropriate serving size for a healthy
lean protein and fber such as ground faxseed, peanut
butter, pasteurized egg whites in the carton or plain low
fat yogurt.
Be sure to talk to your doctor and dietitian before start-
ing juicing in order to prevent potential drug and nutrient
Does juicing do your body justice?
rgus is a mature adult mixed breed boy with an abso-
lute heart of gold. He may look like a "plain 'ole Georgia
brown dog," but his warm spirit and easy going demeanor
demand your devotion. Don't let his 'plain' appearance
turn you away. This dog is an absolute treasure, who de-
serves a loving, forever home where he will be treasured
for all of his days. Contact Dawn at zephyrlewis@gmail.
com for more information. Adoption fees are $125 and in-
clude all vaccinations, rabies shot, spay/neuter, heartworm
checks for dogs, and combo tests for cats.
all is almost ofcially
here and if youre
like most people, youre
probably wondering how
summer went by so fast.
Those trips to the lake or
the beach are fading in
memory now, giving way
to helping kids with home-
work, raking leaves and
the other rites of autumn.
And just as your day-to-
day tasks change with the
seasons, so, too, will your
money management and
investment activities at dif-
ferent phases of your life.
Heres how these scenarios
might look:
Phase one: Planning for
possibilities When youre
young and youre starting
out in the working world,
your most immediate f-
nancial concerns may be to
pay of student loans and
then, possibly, save for a
down payment on a house.
To address both these
goals, youll need to bud-
get carefully. And yet, even
at this stage of your life, you
should start thinking about
saving for retirement be-
cause time is your biggest
ally. Consequently, if you
work for an employer who
ofers a retirement plan,
such as a 401(k), contribute
what you can aford. At the
very least, put in enough
to earn your companys
matching contribution, if
one is ofered. You may also
want to open an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA).
Phase two: Gearing up for
other goals As you move
through life, and possibly
begin a family, youll likely
develop other fnancial
goals, such as helping your
children pay for college.
You may want to consider
investing in a tax-advan-
taged college savings ve-
hicle, such as a 529 plan.
Also, its important to have
enough life insurance to
protect your young family.
Phase three: Ramping up
for retirement When you
reach the mid-to-later stag-
es of your working life, you
may fnd you have more f-
nancial resources available,
as your earnings may have
increased signifcantly, your
children have grown and
your mortgage may even
be paid of. If you are not
already doing so, max out,
if possible, on your 401(k)
and IRA. And if you still
have money available to in-
vest, you may want to look
for other tax-advantaged
retirement vehicles.
Phase four: Reaping the
rewards now its time
to enjoy the results of your
lifetime of hard work and
your many years of sav-
ing and investing. You may
have to tap into your retire-
ment accounts, so youll
need to choose a sustain-
able annual withdrawal
rate. The amount you with-
draw each year from your
IRA and 401(k) depends
on a variety of factors: how
much youve saved, the life-
style youve chosen, your
estimated longevity, how
much you have available
from other sources, and so
Phase fve: Examining
your estate plans Dur-
ing your retirement years,
if not sooner, youll want to
review your estate plans so
that you can leave the leg-
acy you desire. If you have
a need to create or update
your legal documents, such
as a living trust and dura-
ble power of attorney, you
should consider consulting
a qualifed estate-planning
Youll need to make the
appropriate fnancial and
investment decisions at
many diferent times over
the years. This may sound
daunting, but with dili-
gence and discipline, you
can discover the paths to
take as you move through
the seasons of your life.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use
by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
e have all been there: tossing
and turning through the night,
solving all of the worlds problems
except your own, and watching some
digital clock tell you how close you are
to having to get up and start the day
physically wrecked.
Many of us lead fast-paced lives.
We have responsibilities at work, in
the family, with friends, at church, in
professional associations, at school,
etc. Hours are long, but we push our-
selves because we are goal-oriented
and deeply afraid of failure or miss-
ing a deadline. Stress management is
something other people do who have
more time on their hands than we do.
Does this sound familiar?
Forty million Americans have chronic
sleep disorders, and about half that
number have occasional sleep prob-
lems. This results in approximately
100,000 vehicle accidents, 1500
deaths, and 71,000 injuries each year.
In fact, the Department of Transporta-
tion is about to impose sleep studies
on truck drivers in an attempt to curb
the accident rate.
Our bodies are designed around cir-
cadian rhythms. Scheduled processes
in our bodies have to do with endo-
crine functions (hormone secretion)
that keep our bodies in working order.
Sleep is a part of this process.
One of the consequences of being
sleep deprived is that your brain just
does not work well. You may have
problems thinking during the day
because you are just plain tired. This
will interfere with your work and com-
pound your stress.
It is also true that inadequate
amounts of sleep will help you gain
weight. Over time, the combination
of stress, interruption of those circa-
dian rhythms, and sleep deprivation
may well lead you down the road to
obesity and all of the problems associ-
ated with it, including cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, or cancer.
Studies have shown that long peri-
ods in front of the television, com-
puter, or Internet produce sleep de-
privation and children. They go to bed
later, sleep fewer hours, and feel tired
the next day.
What can you do? First, on week-
ends, try to go to bed at the same
time you do on weeknights. This helps
you to stay on some semblance of a
schedule. If you exercise in the eve-
ning, give yourself at least three hours
cool-down time before going to bed.
Avoid brain stimulation, including
work, balancing a checkbook, com-
puter games, etc. for three hours be-
fore retiring.
Some people have a sleep ritual de-
signed to enhance relaxation, such as
a bubble bath. Music is a tool you may
want to employ, as research tells us it
helps children, older adults, and criti-
cally ill patients to rest.
Take a fresh look at your mattress. Is
it comfortable? Does it sag? Do you
awaken feeling like you have just
played football? If so, come over to
the clinic and check out our memory
foam mattress. We will give you a sam-
ple nap.
Some of our patients report that they
awaken with pain in the neck, back,
or extremities. nocturnal pain may be
signifcant beyond the musculoskel-
etal system, so we should check that
out with a good exam.
If you sleep with or near someone,
fnd out if you snore. If you snore
loudly and fnd yourself falling asleep
in the daytime, you may have sleep
apnea. It is a common problem, and a
potentially serious one. We can do a
sleep study for you if you have those
We have used a mild muscle relaxer
with our patients that may be helpful.
It contains valerian, which will help
you to relax and sleep more naturally
without a hangover the next day. We
have also supplemented with mela-
tonin to help restore natural circadian
rhythms. I typically discuss sleeping
posture with our patients as well. I
strongly recommend sleeping on
your side with a pillow that is frm
and tall enough to keep your head
level with the rest of your body. Ad-
ditionally, I recommend that you get
a body pillow and throw your up-
per knee and arm over it so that the
weight of your extremities is taken of
your spine. When you roll over, take
the body pillow with you so that you
are supported through the night. You
may fnd that you are much better
rested the next day.
If you are having issues getting
enough rest, you may not actually re-
alize it. You may only know that you
just feel tired all the time. If you do,
get it checked out to be sure it is not
something more serious. We can help
you address this problem to enhance
your health and overall quality-of-life.

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Seizing Zs: When sleep evades
Investment strategy for each season of life
ne hundred thirty-fve years ago, in 1878, Mt. Gilead
Baptist Church was founded in Pike County by Gabriel
Pitts. The church started out as a simple brush arbor that
was built across the street from Mr. Pitts home. Services
were held there for months, until two acres of land were
donated to the church. Pitts donated the majority of the
building materials and the church was built by the Pitts
family and the frst charter members. Over the years, the
church has undergone tremendous growth. Many renova-
tions have occurred and new buildings and sanctuaries
have been built.
On September 29th, the church will celebrate this joyous
occasion with a 135th Anniversary Homecoming. The pas-
tor, Fred Thompson, will preach, as well as former pastors
that have been asked to attend the special occasion. The
church has also invited past choir members and musicians
to participate in an old-fashioned singing after dinner on
the grounds. The members are excited to celebrate in such
an old fashioned way. We havent had a true homecoming
since 1992, so it will be wonderful to see old friends and
family that come, states Pam Mills, part of the celebration
committee. We arent sending formal invitations, but we
hope that anyone with ties to Mt. Gilead will attend and en-
joy this special event, adds Mills. Mt. Gilead Baptist Church
is located at 14550 Highway 19 in Grifn. For further infor-
mation, contact the church at 770-228-8075.
Thursday, Sept 12-22; Main
Street Players presents
Pump Boys & Dinettes;
Thursdays, Fridays and
Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and
Sundays at 3 p.m.; for more
information call 770-229-
9916 or visit www.main-
Friday, September 13; Kiwanis
Club of Grifn - Fairgrounds
Farmers Market; Open each
Friday 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.; Po-
tential vendors of fruit and
vegetables should contact
Wade Hutcheson at hutch@
Saturday, September 14; Grifn
Taste & Music Festival; Park
at Sixth and Solomon Street
in downtown Grifn will be
flled with music and good
food; 4 - 10 p.m.
Friday, September 20 - Sun-
day, September 22; Annual
Barnesville Buggy Days.
Kick of the party with the
Annual Concert and Street
Dance held at the Ritz Park
Amphitheater at 7 p.m.
Friday night. Parade will
be held on Saturday at 2
p.m. For more information
Saturday, September 21; Super
Saturday at Grifn-Spalding
County Library; Talk like
a Pirate; ages 4-12; crafts,
games and stories; 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 26; Grifn
Area Concert Association
presents Georgia Woodwind
Quintet; Grifn Auditorium;
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday, Septem-
ber 28 & 29; Georgia Gourd
Society; Kiwanis building on
Kiwanis Fairgrounds; gourd
art for sale, make and take
classes and demonstrations,
and more; free admission.
Friday, September 27; Second
Annual Project Share Char-
ity Golf Tournament; Grifn
City Park Golf Course.; for
more information contact
Chris Walker at 678-588-
Saturday, September 28;
Spalding Regional Hospi-
tal Scrub Run 5k; 9 a.m.;
for more information visit
Sunday, September 29; Cer-
emony at Grifn City Pool
to rename pool in honor of
Zenobia Hood Kinnebrew;
2:30 p.m.
For more events, visit The Grip's
calendar at
p o l l o f t h e w e e k
calendar :::
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Homecoming Celebration planned
for Mt. Gilead Baptist Church
KAY BRUMBELOW ::: Features writer
The Senior Issues Commit-
tee of the Spalding Col-
laborative is sponsoring its
annual no-cost Conference
for Seniors. It will be held
on Tuesday, September
24, 2013, at the Spalding
Senior Center from 9:30
to 2:00 P.M. Speakers will
bring information of inter-
est to caregivers and all
concerned. Breakfast and
lunch will be provided.
There will be a time of fun
and fellowship. Exhibitors
will be on hand to present
and explain their oferings
in the various areas. Door
prizes will be given at the
end of the conference.
Since space is lim-
ited, those wishing to at-
tend should call 678-972-
1651 to reserve a space.
If further information is
needed, please call James
Johnston at 404-983-1192.

Senior issues conference scheduled
The Grifn Area Concert Association (GACA) opens its 2013-
14 season with the Georgia Woodwind Quintet on Thurs-
day, September 26, 2013 at the Grifn Auditorium on East
Taylor Street. The doors open at 7:00 PM and the concert
begins at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $20 for the concert. However,
season tickets for the full fve concert series are just $60 and
may be purchased at the door on the night of this concert.
The GACA is pleased to announce it will continue its long
standing policy of admitting all children under the age of
18 free when accompanying a paid adult. We want our
youth to be exposed to the variety of music and performers
we present in our concerts. By admitting them free when
accompanied by a paid adult, we hope to encourage par-
ents, grandparents or family friends to bring the children
out to enjoy the concerts,remarked Judy Brewer, Member-
ship Chairman of GACA.
The Georgia Woodwind Quintet is a resident faculty en-
semble in the University of Georgia School Of Music. Since
its founding in 1967, the Quintet has maintained an active
schedule performing woodwind chamber music from the
early quintets of Danzi and Reicha to twentieth-century
compositions. The Quintet champions new compositions
for woodwinds and will thrill the audience with its classical
and energetic style of play.
Art Hammond, GACA President, stated, This frst concert
of our season will be dedicated to two very special indi-
viduals who worked with our organization for many years;
Carolyn Harr and Rose Johns, both of whom have recently
passed away. Carolyn served as President of GACA for many
years and Rose served as our hospitality chairman insuring
the needs of each performer were met and taken care of.
Both have been missed and we want to recognize their
contributions to GACA by dedicating this concert to their
Tickets may be purchased at the door beginning at 7 p.m.
or at Sun City Peachtree Amenities Center, Grifn-Spalding
County Chamber of Commerce, FnB main ofce and Zebu-
lon branch, A novel Experience Bookstore in Zebulon, or
by check to GACA, 1131 Skyline Dr., Grifn, GA 30224.
For more information call 770-228-3229 or visit the GACA
website at
Georgia Woodwind Quintet to
perform at Grifn Auditorium Sept 26
For the second year, Grif-
fn has been chosen as the
location for the Georgia
Gourd Societys 2013 annu-
al festival and competition.
The Georgia society is the
Pi Chapter of the American
Gourd Society, an organi-
zation promoting interest
in all activities relating to
gourds, including cultiva-
tion, historical uses, gourd
show competition, craft
work and artistic decora-
tion. This years show will
be held September 28 and
29, 2013 in the Kiwanis
building at the Kiwanis Fair-
The show will feature the
work of gourd artists and
craft people from around
the state competing for
awards in skill levels from
novice to grand master.
Other activities will include
educational demonstra-
tions and literature, make
and take classes and tuto-
rials and historical displays.
Vendors will also be on
hand ofering artist, carv-
ing and crafting supplies,
gourd art, as well as grow-
ers with a generous supply
of raw gourds. It looks to
be an interesting and fasci-
nating way for the family to
spend the day, and the best
part is admission is free.
The Georgia Gourd So-
ciety is made up of eight
local clubs, called patch-
es, which are scattered
throughout the state. Lo-
cal society members are
now looking at forming a
patch in the Grifn area.
The group would meet for a
couple hours once a month
to exchange ideas, learn
from experienced artists,
improve skills and enjoy the
company of like-minded
people. Men and women
looking for a new hobby are
welcome as well as visitors
and the curious.
Visit the Georgia and
American Gourd Societys
websites for details and
membership information,
historical background and
photographs of gourd art
from past shows. There are
also free tutorials on a num-
ber of topics relating to
gourd art and crafting.
Grifn to Host Georgia Gourd
Society 2013 Gourdfest
What is the appropriate disciplinary action against
a 4-year-old who brings a weapon to school?
Answers: Suspension 9%; Firm conversation 14%; Expul-
sion 8%; nothing, punish the parents 60%; Other 9%
Should "zero tolerance"
mean standardized
punishments for all
student infractions?
ably can be considered a weapon including
but not limited to objects that appear to be
weapons and may be possessed, handled,
distributed, or transmitted in a manner in-
dicating that they are in fact weapons.
Although the weapons policy applies to
students of all grade levels, not all disci-
plinary measures are used throughout the
system, as elementary students, regard-
less of age, face lesser degrees of potential
punishment that do students of secondary
schools, as expulsion is at this time, not an
I think you know that Georgia law cur-
rently requires we have an alternative
school setting for students in grades 6
through 12, Jones said. The law has no re-
quirement for an alternative school setting
for elementary students.
He explained that at one time, the GSCSS
did have a program called C&C, which was
something like an alternative school for the
earliest grade levels. However, that has not
been functioning for a number of years.
With no program of that nature in place,
students may not be expelled from the
school system.
Asked if they believe it may be necessary
to reconsider the disciplinary matrix as it
applies to the elementary grades due to an
increasing number of children who are per-
petrating infractions at younger ages than
in years past, Jones referenced the former
C&C program when he said, The board
may decide thats something we need to
look at and I may decide thats something
we need to consider, but I try to remember
from the lessons weve learned.
zero tolerance, cont.
of her own to people in
need, and soon began ask-
ing friends and family to
do the same. A few months
later, she was inspired to set
up an Angel Tree at Papa
Willies in Williamson. TnT
Christmas Tree Farm do-
nated a tree and she flled
it with angel ornaments
containing Christmas wish
lists of area children. The
response was overwhelm-
ing. The ministry was able
to provide Christmas pres-
ents for over seventy fami-
lies on Christmas morning.
Realizing the need for basic
necessities in the commu-
nity, Faye began Humbly
Serving Ministries out of
her own home.
At frst, Faye collected
yard sale leftovers, cloth-
ing, old furniture herself
and distributed them to
needy families that came
to her. She soon began to
realize that her home could
not hold the amount of
donations she was receiv-
ing from the community.
Therefore, the decision was
made to move the ministry
to a rental home in Zebu-
lon. There, she and her vol-
unteers receive, sort, and
organize donations and
distribute them to families
in the area.
Many days we may serve
fve or six families, while
other days we serve only
one. But, serving that one
person in need is worth
it, Faye states. The min-
istry was even able to
house a lady and her three
children who were being
abused. They were able to
feed and provide cloth-
ing for them. Because of
the growth of the organi-
zation, on September 1st,
they are moving to a big-
ger building in Zebulon.
The Ministry survives on
donations and encourages
the community to join to-
gether to provide for the
less fortunate. Humbly
Serving is truly a commu-
nity efort of compassion
and true love for human be-
ings. Its simply heartbreak-
ing how much we take for
granted. We are about serv-
ing God and loving people
and helping others. If I dont
like something, then I must
try to change it. It hurts my
heart to see people suf-
fering and in need, so I am
working toward helping
them and hope the com-
munity will join me, adds
Monetary donations can
be contributed to Humbly
Serving Ministries at any
area Wells Fargo Bank, or
by mail. Any clothing, fur-
niture or houseware dona-
tions can be made to the
organization at 516 Grif-
fn Street in Zebulon. After
September 1st, donations
can be delivered to the new
location at 7791 Highway
19 South in Zebulon. Fami-
lies in need can also visit
the center to receive help.

serving, cont.
discretion, cont.
3247 Newnan Rd, Griffin |
Community Conference
For Seniors
Save This Date * Mark Your Calendar * Plan To Attend
Senior Issues Committee
A No-Cost Workshop for the Public Sponsored By
ASub-Committee of the Spalding Collaborative
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
9:30 AM2:00 PM
Spalding Senior Center
885 Memorial DriveGriffin
Space is limited Call 678-972-1651 NOW to reserve your seat
Community Conference for Seniors
a no-cost workshop for the public
sponsored by the Senior Issues Committee, a sub-committee of the Spalding Collaborative
Tuesday, Sept. 24
9:30am - 2pm
Spalding Senior Center
885 Memorial Drive
Space is limited; Call 678-972-1651 now to reserve your seat
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to school, the public inter-
est and the fact that were
trying to ensure theres a
safe environment, we take
any report of a weapon at
school seriously, Beam said.
In most cases, I would have
to say, when its a violation
of the law that could be
prosecuted, were probably
going to make the charge.
When asked how his ofce
would view questionable in-
cidents involving non-lethal
items such as water guns,
Beam said, Well, I would
look at cases like that we
would look at the intent of
why the child brought it to
school. That would fgure
into whether charges would
be brought. That would be
an incident where we would
consult with the District At-
torneys or State Solicitors
ofce whoever would be
prosecuting the case.
Chief Frank Strickland,
of the Grifn Police De-
partment, said his ofcers
should use their discretion
to determine intent in each
criminal investigation, re-
gardless of the potential
Youve got to have intent,
and if the intent was not to
commit a crime, you dont
arrest. Thats in every stat-
ute, he said.
With specifc regard to
school weapons incidents,
he believes his ofcers
should also consider the
wishes of school administra-
The other part is the
school would have to agree
with what we did. I think
we have to consider what
the school wants us to do,
Strickland said.
Superintendent Dr. Curtis
Jones said the school sys-
tem enjoys a good working
relationship with both the
GPD and the SCSO.
You have two diferent
systems that are operating.
You have the school system
and you have law enforce-
ment. We respect the law
enforcement agencies and
their role. We respect their
right to determine how to
conduct investigations and
we appreciate that they
respect our role. We dont
try to tell them if someone
should be arrested or not,
Jones said. We will take an
incident, look and see if a
rule has been violated and
if were required to report it
to law enforcement, we do.
If we have to report it to the
State Department, we do.
The SROs (school resource
ofcers) and administrators
do get together and talk,
but separate decisions have
to be made.
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increase, cont.
havent voted on a tax in-
crease; they voted on a
budget that will probably
require a tax increase.
Having now received the
tax digest from Hollums,
Wilson said it was much as
county ofcials expected.
It came in at just about
where we anticipated it
would, he said. It looks like
were going to adopt the
mill rate. Its going to be a
one-mill increase 16.01.
Wilson explained that the
millage rate cannot be set
until the tax digest comes
in, and the tax digest can-
not be fnalized until the
deadline for property tax
appeals has passed. Assess-
ments were mailed to all
Spalding County residents
July 8, and the deadline for
fling an appeal expired in
late August.
We developed a budget
that anticipated property
taxes for the general fund
at $22,342,003, he said,
adding that the county sets
the millage rate based on
the current years budget.
Wilson said he is now in
the process of determining
the dates for the mandated
public hearings and a spe-
cial-called meeting during
for the purpose of fnalizing
the budget.
He said he has not yet
set the dates for the three
mandatory public hearings
that will be held prior to the
fnal adoption of the mill-
age rate, but the date for
that special-called Board
of Commissioners meeting
has been set for 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 30.
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