Computer - Hardware - Diagnosing & Fixing Motherboard Faults
Computer - Hardware - Diagnosing & Fixing Motherboard Faults
Computer - Hardware - Diagnosing & Fixing Motherboard Faults
By Bryan Betts
Physical Checks
A visual check of the motherboard “If the floppy disk light ever remains
should look for discoloured compo-
nents and other obvious signs of over- permanently active after you’ve put the
heating. Socketed components should
be carefully pressed down to make machine back together, this is a sure sign
sure they are securely seated - this is
particularly important if the system that you’ve plugged in the floppy drive
has failed after being moved. Ensure
too that they do not have bent legs: connector the wrong way round.”
these can cause intermittent failures if
they make contact to begin with but go
open circuit as the system warms up.
After this, the processor and mem- normally beep when it completes its the crystal or the capacitors around it.
ory can be swapped for known-good power-on self test (POST). Most sys- It should typically be producing a fre-
equivalents, ensuring that the proces- tems also have a range of other recog- quency in the region of 14 MHz which
sor clock speed jumpers are correctly nisable beep codes to report certain is then multiplied up by other circuitry
set and that the memory is the correct faults. A list of these should be sup- to the PC’s bus frequency.
speed and compatible with the board. plied in the motherboard or system If the board fails to beep at all, and
Wrongly setting the BIOS jumpers can manual and is essential for fault find- the processor and BIOS have been re-
in some cases wipe a Flash EPROM, so ing. placed and verified, it may mean that
the BIOS should be verified by swap- A high-impedance oscilloscope can the processor cannot access the BIOS.
ping it with a known-good chip. be used to check that the clock is work- In this case, a major fault such as a
If the BIOS is OK, the system will ing, by probing onto the underside of broken PCB track or a loose SMT com-
ponent should be suspected, and the
board will need specialist analysis and
The Toolkit repair.
Alongside screwdrivers and the like, the PC engineer’s toolkit should
include the following: Subsystem Faults
If the POST beep is present and the
● A good software test suite such as PC-Check, Checkit or QA+. disk access light is active but nothing
● Serial and parallel loopback connectors. appears on the screen, a video fault is
● Multimeter. possible. (Incidentally, if the floppy
● Known-good components, including processors, SIMMs and batteries, disk light ever remains permanently
plus video, IDE and serial/parallel cards. active after you’ve put the machine
● Anti-static wrist strap. back together, this is a sure sign that
you’ve plugged in the floppy drive
An oscilloscope is useful but probably overkill - the sort of problems it connector the wrong way round.)
can locate will probably require specialist equipment to fix, anyway. If the screen is indeed blank, the
on-board video should be disabled and
a known-good video card installed in-
Checklist stead. (Again, keep a known-good
● Start with the power supply. Ensure that it’s working, and that it’s video card in your spares box. They
supplying power to the motherboard. don’t cost more than $50, and it saves
● Next, try a different monitor. having to take someone else’s machine
● Remove all expansion cards. If the machine boots, replace the cards one apart to borrow their video card.)
by one until it doesn’t. The video subsystem comes in two
● Check motherboard for signs of blow components. parts: the controller generates the digi-
● Try swapping the CPU with a known-good one. tal image, and the DAC (digital to ana-
● If the video controller is built in, disable it and try another video card. logue converter) turns this into the
● Buy or borrow a POST card. analogue signal understood by the
● Check the CPU fan. monitor.
● Check the RAM chips by replacing them with known-good ones. If there are synch signals present
● Disable external cache. but no output, the DAC may have
● Remember to keep a record of everything you do. failed. If there is no synch signal a con-
● Take anti-static precautions. troller problem is more likely. A blown
DAC will get hot, but testing for this
File: P1001.2
PC Support Advisor Update 108 (October 1997) Page 4
Problem Solving:Hardware
Motherboard Faults
Intermittent Faults
Intermittent faults are the hardest to
detect. If the system runs for a while
but then halts, check the CPU fan. If
this has failed the CPU will overheat
until its thermal cut-out shuts it down.
Although this cut-out protects the chip
The Author
Bryan Betts ( is a
freelance writer on IT issues. Our
thanks to Piyuskumar Shah at Re-
sponse Computer Maintenance
(+44 181 965 322) for their help
with this article.
File: P1001.4
PC Support Advisor Update 108 (October 1997) Page 6