Chapter 1 Study Guide
Chapter 1 Study Guide
Chapter 1 Study Guide
? o Why did they migrate to North America? o What allowed them to migrate to North America? Bering Land Bridge o Where is it located? Migration Hunter Gatherers o What must a hunter gatherer civilization accomplish in order to build a permanent civilization? Culture Polytheism Monotheism Olmec o What are they known for making out of stone? o What animal is at the heart of their religious beliefs? o Where did their civilization exist? Maya o Where did their civilization exist? o What were some of their mathematical and scientific accomplishments? Aztec o Where did their civilization exist? o Why did they choose to settle at this place? o What was the name of their capital city? o How did they expand their empire so quickly? o How did they pay honor to their gods? o Which god was most important in Aztec religion? Section 2 Native American Cultures Anasazi o What were the three types of houses that the Anasazi lived in throughout their existence? o What material did they use to construct pueblos? o How did they adapt to the harsh hot and dry weather of the Southwest region of North America? o Kivas Mound Builders o Hopewell and Mississippians o Where did they live? o Why did they build mounds?
Native American Culture Areas Be able to describe the cultures of the Native Americans in each of the following culture areas and list the tribes that lived there. For example, the food they ate, how they obtained their food, the kinds of dwellings they lived in, and their religious practices. o North and Northwest o West and Southwest o Great Plains o Northeast and Southeast o STUDY THE MAP OF CULTURE AREAS ON PAGE 13. BE ABLE MATCH CULTURAL TRAITS WITH THE APPROPRIATE CULTURE AREA ON THE MAP Section 4 Europe Before Transatlantic Travel Greek and Roman Government o direct democracy o republic o How did their governments influence the American government system? Middle Ages o Feudalism Why was there a need for feudalism in Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire? How long did the Middle Ages or Dark Ages last? Black Death Where did it originate from? How did it spread to Europe What were the effects on the Black Death on European society? Renaissance o What does the word renaissance mean? o Who were some well known artists or writers during the renaissance? o Who invented the movable type printing press? What effect did the movable type printing press have on European society? o joint-stock companies o mercantilism