Who Is Jesus
Who Is Jesus
Who Is Jesus
This is not the case with Christianity, if you remove Christ but left just his teaching, then you would still not have Christianity, indeed Christianity would cease to exist. The whole faith rests entirely on the person of Jesus Christ and who he is rather than what he said. But did he even exist?
Even in an Easter documentary Son of God shown by the BBC, Jeremy Bowen the presenter concluded after talking to many different scholars with these words; There is no doubt that Jesus actually existed. Jesus was a real man of history and no serious historian would doubt this. Some people may well concede that Jesus was a real person and a good man, but they would be reluctant to credit him with more than that. Yet the evidence within the New Testament does not permit us to simply acknowledge that he was just a nice man, for the claims of Jesus and the evidence from his life go far beyond that. I doubt that there is anyone who would question the fact that Jesus was a most remarkable man in both his teachings, his purity and in his actions. But there have
been other people in this world that have lived extraordinary lives, take for instance Mahatma Gandhi the former religious leader in India. He was a kind and gentlenatured man who lived for peace and tolerance among those of different cultures and religions. He rejected the use of force or aggression and not only taught - but lived what he believed. In most peoples eyes, he was a fine upstanding man. Yet we may be surprised to find that his own candid view of himself was quite different from our perception of him. In his autobiography entitled My experiments with truth he writes the following words: I hope to acquaint the reader fully with all my faults and errors. In judging myself I shall try to be as harsh as truth, as I want others also to be. Measuring myself by that standard I must exclaim: Where is there a wretch so miserable and loathsome as I, I have forsaken my maker, so faithless have I been. For it is an unbroken torture to me that I am so far from Him, who, as I fully know, governs every breath of my life, and whose offspring I am. I know that it is the evil passions within that keep me so far from him, and yet I cannot get away from them. (Richard Cunningham, Discovering Christianity (version 2, UCCF 1994) p. 59). It may come as no surprise to us that Gandhi had faults, failings and fear just like you and I. However, when we come to Jesus the gospel writers make an extraordinary claim, which is this: He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. (1 Peter 2:22).(NIV) Imagine someone who lived such a perfect life that even his closest companions could say that he never committed any sin! Could that be said of us, or anyone else that you know? I think not. Therefore there must have been something extraordinary about
Jesus that statements of sinless perfection could be claimed about him. The answer to this lies in who Jesus claimed to be. He claimed to be God!
of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God" (John 10:30-33, (NIV) italics mine). This incident again shows that the Pharisees understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. In addition to these direct claims from Jesus there are other indirect claims that support his deity.
that Jesus claims are based on reality? There are a number of pieces of evidence to substantiate Jesus claims, some of which we will now consider.
T h e ch a r a c t e r o f J e s u s
The apostle Peter writing about Jesus said this: He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in His mouth (1 Peter 2:22). Would your friends be able to say the same about you? Even after being with Jesus for three years his disciples could find no
deceit on his lips. Even the enemies of Jesus could not find any fault with him (Matthew 26:59-60). He was utterly trustworthy in everything that He said or did. He was truly perfect and his life cannot be bettered!
T h e di s c i p l e s o f J e s u s
The disciples of Jesus were convinced about who He was, and were willing to die for their faith in Him. I doubt very much whether they would have been willing to make such a sacrifice if they had found inconsistencies in his life or teaching.
T h e O l d T e s t a m en t p r o p h e c i e s c o n c er n i n g J e s u s
There are sixty-one major prophecies about the coming Messiah, specifying His lineage, place of birth, healing and miracles etc. Twenty nine of these prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus in the 24 hours leading to his death (e.g. forsaken, crucified, none of his bones were broken, buried in a rich mans grave (Psalm 22; Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 53; Isaiah 61:1-3). It has been calculated that the probability of all these prophecies being fulfilled by any one man is 180 to the power of 10, to one chance. To put that into perspective the chances of winning the lottery are only 140 to the power of 5 (in other words a one in 14,000,000 chance of winning).
Was he a madman who was severely deluded about who he was? I dont think so. As we have seen earlier a lunatic has flaws in his personality (which would have been spotted by his disciples). In addition, a lunatic would never have come out with the kind of wise teaching that Jesus did. So, this option in itself is rather mad.
Was he a liar who was the greatest of all deceivers, because he lived a lie in all that he did and said for his entire life? I dont think this is plausible either. Would a liar be willing to die for their lies? Most people lie in order to get themselves out of trouble - not into trouble! Besides, can you really believe that a man who expected the highest moral standards from his followers would himself be the biggest phoney of all?
Was he the Lord of all creation? All the evidence points to this as the only logical conclusion that fits the evidence. Thats who the Bible says He is, but what about you? Who do you say he is? C.S. Lewis the famous writer and Oxford Don who was converted from atheism to Christianity said, I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him, "Im ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I dont accept His claim to be God!". That is one thing we must not say. For a man who was merely man and said the sort of things that Jesus said would be the Devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a mad man or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that option open to us, He didnt intend to. (C.S.Lewis, Mere Christianity publish by Fount pg 43). Each of us must face up to the question Jesus put to His own disciples, Who do you say that I am? (Mark 8:29) (NIV). Your life, indeed your soul, hangs on who Jesus really is! (John 3:36; 20:30-31)
To find out more contact Colin Webster at the Cornerstone Church Office or join a Christianity Explored Course or Easy Access
C.S.Lewis, Mere Christianity publish by Fount (1997) Josh McDowell, Evidence that demand a verdict (Alpha 1998). Josh McDowell, More than a carpenter (Kingsway 1995). Bill Bright, A man without equal (Scripture Union 1988). Michael Green, The day death died (IVP 1988). Stephen Gaukroger, It makes sense (Scripture Union 1988) John Blanchard Does God believe in atheists? Evangelical Press