The Guide Kicking

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Strikes for MMA and the Street Mark Hatmaker

The Kicking Bible

No Holds Barred Fighting:

Photography by Doug Werner

Tracks Publishing San Diego, California

No Holds Barred Fighting: The Kicking Bible

Mark Hatmaker Tracks Publishing 140 Brightwood Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 619-476-7125


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Copyright 2008 by Doug Werner 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Publishers Cataloging-in-Publication Hatmaker, Mark. No holds barred fighting : the kicking bible : strikes for MMA and the street / Mark Hatmaker ; photography by Doug Werner. p. cm. Includes index. LCCN 2008906895 ISBN-13: 978-1-884654-31-2 ISBN-10: 1-884654-31-2 1. Hand-to-hand fighting--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Mixed martial arts--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3.Wrestling--Handbooks, manuals, etc. I.Werner, Doug, 1950- II.Title. III.Title: Kicking bible. GV1111.H3375 2008 796.81 QBI08-600228

Fighting Books by Mark Hatmaker

No Holds Barred Fighting: The Ultimate Guide to Submission W restling More No Holds Barred Fighting: Killer Submissions No Holds Barred Fighting: Savage Strikes No Holds Barred Fighting: Takedowns No Holds Barred Fighting: The Clinch No Holds Barred Fighting: The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning No Holds Barred Fighting: The Kicking Bible Boxing Mastery

Books are available through major bookstores and booksellers on the Internet.

Dedication To the patience of my family and friends who tolerate my habitual withdrawals so I can work on what are essentially combat cookbooks. And to all of the new friends and readers I have encountered in the course of preparing these violent little recipe manuals. I hope you find what lies within these pages to your tastes. Acknowledgements Phyllis Carter Jackie Smith Kylie Hatmaker Mitch Thomas Shane Tucker Kory Hays

Warning label The fighting arts include contact and can be dangerous. Use proper equipment and train safely . Practice with restraint and respect for your partners. Drill for fun, fitness and to improve skills. Do not fight with the intent to do harm.

How to use the NHBF manuals 6 Kick start 7 1 Stance 19 2 Footwork 23 The Arsenal 39 3 Outside range low-kick arsenal 41 4 Clinch low-kick arsenal 81 5 Cut kicking 101 6 Rear clinch kicks 105 7 Kick combinations 109 8 Kicking with upper body combinations 113 9 The ax murderer series 125 Kick defense 139 10 Low round kick defenses 141 11 High and medium round defenses 148 12 Low straight kick defenses 151 13 Medium straight kick defenses 154 14 High straight and purring kick defenses 164 15 Pick offs 169 16 Kicking chain drills 178 17 Kicking conditioning drills 181 Resources 186 Index 187

This book and the others in the No Holds Barred Fighting (NHBF) series are meant to be used in an interlocking synergistic manner where the sum value of the manuals is greater than the individual parts. What we are striving to do with each manual is to focus on a specific aspect of the twin sports of NHB and submission wrestling and give thoughtful consideration to the necessary ideas, tactics and strategies pertinent to the facet of focus. We are aware that this piecemeal approach may seem lacking if one consumes only one or two manuals at most, but we are confident that once three or more manuals have been studied, the overall picture or method will begin to reveal itself. Since the manuals are interlocking, there is no single manual in the series that is meant to be complete in and of itself. For example, although NHBF: Savage Strikes is a thorough compendium on NHB/self-defense striking, it is bolstered with a side-by-side study of Boxing Mastery. While the book NHBF: Killer Submissions introduces the idea of chaining submissions and can be used as a soli tary tool, it is much stronger with an understanding of the material that preceded it in NHBF: The Ultimate Guide to Submission Wrestling. And so on and so forth with each manual in this series. Now that Ive taken your time to explain the method to my madness, lets empty our teacups and examine the lowkick. Mark Hatmaker


Kick start
For many, a mention of martial arts conjures mental images of highflying kicks or spinning kicks launched at impossibly fast cinema speed and devastating MMA knockouts via a batcracking, noggin thumping kick to the head. These images often spring foremost because they are the dramatic eye candy fostered by movie choreography and fantastic highlight reels of MMA/NHB matches. For those who yearn to be the next flying kick, spinning top, foot-up-side-thehead sensation, you may want to move on to another book. This one has no drama or eye-catching sensational moves. This book is all about wreaking havoc on your opponent from the belt down. OK, Ive told you what you wont find. Here s what you will find. You will find short, choppy, solid, painful, deceptive (both deceptively painful and painfully deceptive) kicks shot through a prism of pragmatics that will serve all the pertinent needs of the street survivalist, the Close Quarters Battle (CQB) specialist and the MMA/NHB athlete. When approaching this material it is wise to keep the

Kick Start

authors biases in mind. Because we do not include material on flying kicks, high-kicks and machine gun kicks at high angles does not mean we devalue the athleticism and practice that goes into developing such abilities. On the contrary, such skills are to be admired. Our bias does not state that high-kicks and the ability to kick high are worthless. Rather our bias states that we are odds players, adherents of the Pareto Principle (for more on the Pareto Principle and how it applies to empirical unarmed combat, see our previous volume in this series, NHBF: Savage Strikes). Our bias leans toward the probable the most likely scenarios in the street and/or MMA competition. Our bias filters the seemingly infinite choices that a mixed martial artist, street technician or CQB specialist is confronted with and pares away material that may be extraneous for our environment. We focus on the finite. This allows us to build greater competency in high percentage tactics rather than be the proverbial jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Bruce Lee proffered the same thought in regard to technique paring when he included the following quote from the Tao Te Ching in his own combat-note compilation, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do. It is not daily increase but daily decrease. Our focus recognizes the scope of material that is, indeed, high percentage must-know material like striking, shooting, grappling and clinch work. There is already more than enough material on those subjects. Diffusing the attention across too many areas causes one to come up with diminishing returns. To

become an effective kick specialist as it pertains to the street and MMA, it is not necessary to spin or kick above the belt. Stay with me for a moment. I know a few may immediately grouse and point to the aforementioned highlight reels that feature head-kick knockouts. Yes, these do occur. But before we dismiss the low-kick-only premise out of hand, let s look to a larger sample and see what finishes fights more often than not. When we examine a large sample of fights where there is no rule that requires a certain number of high-kicks, we see that the majority are won via hands (punches), submissions or simply ground domination. This observation tells us to weight our training odds toward a boxing repertoire, submission work and wrestling control. The head-kick knockout, while dramatic and memorable, is most often anom alous. As for head kicks being the finish in the street, I have yet to see a security tape of a head-kick finish where the opponent wasnt already grounded. Now, using my own cherry-picking of the data you could point out, OK, Mark, you say head-kick KOs account for only a fraction of the wins. How many low-kick KOs can you name? None, you say? Yeah, thats what I thought. That point is valid and leads to our next strategic bias. By our way of thinking, kicking is used to punish, to damage and to set up the other high-percentage aspects of the game (hands, subs, ground control). Although we cant point to a significant percentage of wins that occur outright via low-kicks, we can point to quite a few wins that are the direct result of the fighter being

Kick Start

punished by low shots. The low shots damaged the opponent and set him up for the high-percentage tools. I think anyone who is even a casual observer of the game can testify to that fact. Our next bias is one of speed of utility . Humans are precariously balanced on two legs as opposed to the more sure footed four-legged animals. The act of walking is a learned art of balance transfer . Observe toddlers learning to walk or individuals in certain forms of rehab. When both feet remain in contact with the floor, the better the balance an obvious and perhaps redundant observation, Im sure. But I can think of no other power intensive sport (and combat sports are indeed power intensive) that actively encourages purposely sacrificing balance for the sake of power. Balance and power are hand-inglove attributes sacrifice one and the other declines appreciably. Dont get me wrong. We know that power with precarious balance can be trained and refined to an impressive degree as we see with many of the more talented kicking specialists. But we can also point to quite a few fights where missed (and sometimes not missed) high-kicks result in the kicker slipping, tumbling or shoved to the mat. Any combat gambit opens you up for countering. Thats part of the game. But we have to ask ourselves if it is wise to choose gam bits that allow for the possibility of countering our selves. This brings us to our next bias, utility , or ease of use. The theory of learning states that the less complex a

skill set, the easier it is to be assimilated; conversely , the more complex the skill, the greater the time needed for assimilation. As this applies to our subject, low-kicks are rather easy to learn because they require minimum balance transfers and minimum flexibility. The speed required to launch a low-kick is minimal because we are traveling a short distance and firing from close range, thus making it less easily read by an opponent. These qualities make lowkicking attractive to the older athlete, the balance and flexibility impaired (you know who you are) and those with a low patience threshold. By the way, there is nothing wrong with a low patience threshold. Our species wants maximum bang in minimum time, another point in favor of the low-kick dictum. We also know from stress studies that complex motor skills and high cognitive function are the first to go under duress (and a fight is indeed a stress situation). With this information in mind, we weight toward the low-kick as a simpler skill set to assimilate and more likely to survive a stress situa tion. Speculation Corner One of the hallmarks of martial arts dojo practice, demonstrations and fight cinema is high kicking, spinning kicks and kicks from all angles. Yet there is a dearth of them in MMA/NHB or security tapes, for that matter. One cant help but wonder why that is. It could be evidence of Darwinian technique selection as we see which techniques will and will not work in actual battlefield conditions, or it could be that stress inhibits the complex skill. I have no idea which of

Kick Start

these may be the correct answer. Perhaps its a little of both or something completely dif ferent. But in light of this conspicuous absence, is there any real need to do all that work if the skill set disappears for whatever reason? OK, if youre new to kicking and the low-kick-only dictum makes sense to you, youre in the right place. But what if youve already spent years perfecting a variety of high and spinning kicks? Does this mean youre wrong? Of course not. It means that if you can manage the balance transfers and skills of the high and spinning kicks, the low-kick arsenal found within will be a piece of cake. You should be able to assimi late the material at a rapid clip. You will have the benefit of launching the occasional high-kick when you see a prime opportunity. I beseech you not to fall prey to the because its there fallacy of tool usage. The because its there trap is exhibited when a technique that may not be of absolute need is utilized simply because its there. Think of all the camera phones today. Before the presence of these devices, I cannot recall meeting anyone who complained about needing a phone that also could take low-resolution photos of mundane things. Once the camera phone arrived on the scene, we witness countless individuals who deem the most prosaic of occasions as a camera-phone moment. These same people likely own actual cameras that take high-quality photos, but they choose not to travel with them because they apparently never witnessed a moment worthy of documentation. Camera phone technology makes photo ops out of the quotidian.

High kicking often becomes because it s there technology. I keep a file of fights where one fighter has another in trouble (big trouble) and is putting the pressure on (as he should be) and then in the midst of using high-percentage finishers (hands), he steps back and decides to use the technology of the highkick. Whats the point of training it if youre not going to use it, right? This fight file documents many fights where the win was near, and then the break in pace to set up the because it s there tool allowed the opponent to cover, escape or retaliate. If you are going to use the high-kick because it s there, do yourself a favor and make sure it s really there. Kicks must be placed in the proper perspective. Use the kick as one part of the whole upper body striking tools, shooting, clinch work or submissions. Use them as setups, use them as punishers and use them as finishers if the opportunity presents. But do not fall prey to the I use kicks to keep the opponent off me silliness. This erroneous idea usually is rooted in the following substitute for reasoning: Since the leg is the longest limb of the body , I can use the kick to keep an opponent from striking me with his hands or shooting in on me. Years of observation of MMA/NHB matches should have already put this idea to bed, but in case you havent heard, please disregard this tactic. Yes, the legs are the longest limbs on the body and can be placed between you and your opponent, but they can no more prevent an overwhelming onslaught than a bumper on a car prevents a colli sion. For those who fall back on the legs are the

Kick Start

artillery that keeps them away rationale, keep in mind, artillery still needs support when the battle closes (and it does close, more often than not). Use the legs, learn to kick, but please place the tool in its correct context. There is no need to operate under fallacious strategies to have respect for the tool. OK, Mark. We get it low-kicks are peachy, but do we really need an entire book devoted to the thigh kick? Isnt that overkill? If youve already browsed through this book, youve seen that we have opened up the below-the-belt arsenal. Weve increased the vocabulary beyond the standard thigh kick (an invaluable weapon) to include a variety of shots to the groin, to the inside and outside thighs, the shins, the patella, the biceps femoris tendons, the ankle, toes and instep. We use power shots, subtle shots, single shots, multiple shots and unique angles. W e use outrange-to-in techniques, clinch kicking and level changes. We cover kicks to grounded opponents, we cover ... Just read on. We dont cover knee attacks, that is using the knee as a weapon. Is that because we disregard the knee as an offensive tool? Nope. Its because we so value the knee as an offensive tool in all of its myriad applications that we will examine the knee in great depth in another volume. We have chosen to separate the low-kicks and the knees to show the proper defer ence to two formidable tool sets that should be part of all MMA/NHB/CQB fighters arsenals.


TRAINING PROTOCOL When working with the material in this book, I suggest the following template to guide you through the instruction in an orderly manner. It builds new skills upon previously learned ones. By approaching the subject in a synergistic-linear manner, you will find that the assimilation process is easier and you inoculate yourself against bad habits by starting at, well, the start. Rounds over Repetitions Not only do I suggest taking each portion of material as it comes, but also training with a round timer as opposed to merely counting repetitions. Counting repetitions engages the mind in a keeping track mode as opposed to an evaluate performance mode. You want to be evaluating your progress throughout. I suggest setting the timer for 5-minute rounds to build endurance and to give you enough time to begin seating the given technique into your nervous system. As each new aspect is introduced, I suggest working it for three 5-minute rounds to ensure comprehension. Once all the material has been introduced, you may walk through the book again from start to finish or hit sections of need or interest. Hit each piece of material in a single 5-minute round to touch up, hone or reemphasize a pet or needed tool.


Kick Start

Live Bodies over Target Tools Kick shields are great. Thai pads are magnificent. Heavy bags are sublime. Training equipment has its place, but I highly suggest the use of live partner drilling from day one. Anyone who trains with us usually remarks on the fact that we gear up on day one and let the fun begin. Dont misread that and assume that I am advocating whaling away on your partner with abandon. What I mean is: Put on the proper protective gear (for both receiving and delivering the arsenal tool in question), start the round timer and go to work delivering the technique in a 1-1 ratio. 1. You throw Technique A in a controlled manner against your partner. 2. Your partner returns. 3. And so on and so forth. Use of live drilling from day one allows the fighter to visualize actual targets in motion, educate movement in real time, educate defense and of fense simultaneously, and perhaps most important of all, hone the mental stance that is required to play a contact sport. No need to postpone the inevitable. Let s start the realistic feedback loop from the get-go. Contact Again The advocacy of launching against a live partner is not a license to injure, punish or humiliate. Use the 1-10 scale where a 1 is akin to a fraternal pat on the

back, and a 10 is competition full contact. Before you begin a drill, agree on a number , say 5. As the drill progresses, you may find that 5 is not enough, or too much, or that your definitions of 5 do not coincide. At this point, tell your partner to adjust the number up or down. By using the 1-10 scale you can stay in the arena of live drilling no matter the skill level you are playing with. In some cases, you may be launching 4s at your partner but receiving 8 s. As long as you both are in agreement, its all good. Of course, there will come a point when you need to tee off and work the power shots. Thats where your gear comes into play. Use the 5-minute rounds to learn the aliveness and begin to walk up the contact scale. When we see consistently good movement and technique at around a 7 on the scale, it is time to schedule some pure power work with equipment drills after live drilling. Remember, live drilling is always emphasized over equipment drills. Gear Usage When it is time to use the gear , attempt to mimic live motion and human target positioning to the best of your ability. The Driller (pad holder/Coach) is just as important as the Drillee (striker). The Drillers job is to provide feedback (both verbal and contact bumps) to aid his partner. The Driller should be active, use footwork and the occasional evasion to make the Drillee stalk, retreat and so on. The Driller should hold gear as close to actual targets as safety permits. It is less than optimum to drill striking tools that are too far

Kick Start

away from the actual target (the human body). Remember, always let your training be reflective of the battlefield. When possible, emphasize live situations over simulations. OK. With that preamble out of the way , lets get to work.


1 Stance
Your stance is a variation on the classic boxing guard with a bit wider positioning to allow for rapid defense and offense for shooting. Keep in mind that a stance is a reference point and not a stock-still animal. A stance blends and changes with movement, but you should always see the remnants of it even when in motion.



Chapter 1

12-point stance
Stand on the clock face with your lead foot at noon and your left foot at 8 if you are a right lead and your right foot at 4 if you are a left lead. Feet stay approximately a shoulder-width apart. Toes of both feet face slightly to the inside of your stance. Weight is felt on the balls of the feet without actually being tiptoed. Knees are slightly bent. Hands are up. Rear fist touches rear cheekbone. Lead fist at lead shoulder height extended approximately one foot in front of the shoulder. Elbows in. Forearms parallel. Chin down. Shoulders up.

No need to spend three 5-minute rounds on this, but you should assemble the stance in the mirror and watch for it devolving when approaching all of the material to follow.



2 Footwork
You can stand, now its time to walk. Footwork is often overlooked by the novice because there is nothing dramatic about it. Veterans, on the other hand, are acutely aware that footwork/mobility often separates the Hitter from being the Hittee, the powerful effective strike from the just-missed shot. Work each of the following footwork drills for the pre scribed round protocol while watching for stance deterioration.


LAWS OF FOOTWORK Keep the feet one shoulder-width apart even while moving. Narrowing your base reduces balance and commensurately, reduces power. Resist the urge to hop or bounce with your steps. This showboating (some call it a needless waste of vital energy) inhibits speed, power and balance. In other words, a complete waste of your time and energy.

The foot closest to your opponent is the lead foot. The one farthest is the trail foot. W e violate this rule with stance shifting.

Do not cross your feet when taking steps to move in any direction.

Keep your feet in contact with the mat as much as possible even while stepping.

Think step and drag, not step and step.

Step in the direction you want to move with the foot nearest to that direction and then drag the trail foot to the new stance position, except in the case of stance shifting.

Use a mirror to strive for footwork perfection.

Once the mirror work is done, grab a partner and have them look for flaws while you move through several rounds of footwork.

Chapter 2

Keep your feet one shoulder-width apart when moving.

Too narrow

Correct width

Avoid bouncing, crossing your legs and high stepping.



THE GNOMON PRINCIPLE The gnomon, for those who have started scratching their heads (I did the same thing the first time I encountered the word) is the upright stylus in the center of a sundial that is used to cast shadows to indicate approximate time. I want you to picture yourself as a gnomon standing on the surface of your sundial (your sundial being the mat, ring surface or street). When you stand in the center of your sundial, directly in front of you is 12.

Behind you is 6. Directly to your right is 3 and to your left is 9. And so on with the numbers.

With the gnomon/sundial numbers in mind, let s begin our drills.


Chapter 2

Step and drag forward

Step the lead foot toward 12 and drag the trail foot to follow.



Step and drag retreat

Step the rear foot toward 6 and drag the trail foot to follow.


Chapter 2

Step and outside drag

Right side forward stancers will step to 3. Left leads will step to 9.



Step inside and drag

Right leads will step to 9. Left leads to 3.


Chapter 2

Stance shift

The stance shift is exactly what it sounds like, a quick change in leads. Step the lead foot backward toward 6 leaving the left foot now closest to 12.



Step forward 45 degrees outside

Right leads step the lead foot to 2. Left leads step the lead foot to 10.


Chapter 2

Stance shift forward 45 degrees inside

Right leads stance shift the left foot to 10. Left leads stance shift the right foot to 2.



Stance shift retreat 45 degrees outside

Right leads stance shift the right foot to 5. Left leads stance shift the left foot to 7.


Chapter 2

Stance retreat 45 degrees inside

Right leads step to 7 with the rear foot. Left leads step to 5 with the rear foot.



Pivot inside

A pivot is executed by leaving the lead foot in place and pivoting on the ball of that foot while the rear foot/trail foot sweeps in the prescribed direction. Right leads will sweep the rear foot to 10. Left leads will sweep the rear foot to 2.


Chapter 2

Pivot outside

Right leads will pivot the rear foot to 5. Left leads will pivot the rear foot to 7.



Once you have the basics of movement down, please do not think you have completed your footwork drills. On the contrary, you will be revisiting these time and time again. Optimally, you will learn each new kicking/striking tool in isolation (from a still stance). Then you will learn how to launch it ef fectively as you move forward, back, to the inside, outside and while pivoting. You must be able to fire while in motion, so know these numbers thoroughly . Then apply your striking tools on top of them. These footwork drills will serve you in good stead as you develop or fine-tune your low kicking game. For advanced footwork options, upper body mobility and ring generalship concepts, please see our guide in this series, Boxing Mastery.


The Arsenal

Its time to start building the low kicking arsenal. W ell introduce each kick individually and then show how to apply them in multiples and combinations in later chapters. We begin with the outside range kicks. That is, kicks where there is no cohesion between you and your partner (cohesion defined as physical contact as in a clinch).


3 Outside range low-kick arsenal

Outside range low-kick arsenal

REAR THIGH KICK This is perhaps the hallmark of low kicking and with good reason. You will find this technique similar to the standard Muay Thai version, but with a little less commitment to avoid the spinning follow-through that is usually recommended. By abandoning the spin follow-through, we sacrifice a bit of power , but we make up for it in speed in combinations and the safety gained by not presenting the back. W e are a bit lengthy with the initial explanations to seat fundamental technique. Later we pare down as we take these concepts for matter of fact.

Right leads will step the lead foot to 2. Left leads will step to 10.

Spinning on the ball of the lead foot, swing the rear leg from the floor to the target surface the inside or outside of your opponents thigh. The striking surface is the triangular facing surface of your shin (the tibia). Use the lower half of the tibia while being certain to use no lower portion of the leg. Striking with the ankle and/or the instep is a recipe for injuring yourself.

You will recover the kick (negative motion or returning to stance) along the same path you throw

Chapter 3

the kick. Pay attention to negative speed (return speed). A quick return to position is what allows shifting into combinations and/or faster responses in defense work. Working only on striking speed with little attention paid to return speed is a common mis take. When throwing this kick, think of the leg as a club or tree limb that is being swung at your target. Do not hinge the leg and attempt to add more snap with a burst from the quadriceps upon contact. If it helps, think of the leg as one fused piece of bone with a slight bend in the knee so you arent throwing stif flegged.

You also will find a bit more bite in the thigh-kick if you allow the kick to drop down upon impact.

With that in mind, the complete arc described by the kick is the kick coming straight from the floor in a 45-degree and up angle and then a slight dip downward upon impact (exaggerated in the photo).

This dip is executed by rolling the striking hip downward at the moment before impact.

The hip is the key throughout this technique. You lead the kick from the hip allowing the leg to sweep along behind it. The more you concentrate on snapping the hip, and the less on swinging the leg, the more effective the kick.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Rear thigh kick


Chapter 3

Rear thigh kick / another view


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Rear thigh kick / solo view


Chapter 3

Rear kick ankle

Here we have the exact same kick executed in an identical manner, but we change the target. The inner and outer surfaces of the ankle or lower shin are overlooked targets to bang. Strikes to the ankle have an unsettling caliber of pain and the added bonus of becoming leg sweeps/takedowns. The ankle as a target is also harder to read because the shot is faster, and they are seldom used (at the time of this writing). You should find that they are quite surprising to your opponent. Use them often. 47

Outside range low-kick arsenal

Jumping rear kick thigh


Chapter 3

Uh-oh, I thought someone said no jumping kicks. This one is not a jumping kick in the usual sense. We use a shuffle step to close distance and strike when weve got an opponent drifting a bit too far on the periphery . The kick application is the same, once the shuf fle step has been executed, so here we describe the shuf fle/jump itself. Drive off your rear foot and take a lunging step toward the proper lead number (right leads to 2 and left leads to 10). As soon as the lead foot plants launch the kick. We dont jump this kick to the ankle as the telegraphing of a hurtling body has a tendency to prompt a moved foot response. This usually still leaves the thigh as a target, but no need to chance the ankle from this outside range.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Switch kick thigh


Chapter 3

A switch kick is the mirror image of the rear kick thrown of f the lead leg. But we perform a quick stance shift in front of it to load up the leg for greater power . That can be achieved by merely launching the lead leg straight from the floor . Right leads will skip the right leg toward 5 and the left leg toward 10. Left leads will skip the left leg toward 7 and the right leg toward 2. This stance shift skip happens simultaneously and with a ballistic burst of speed. From this new position, your lead leg has been positioned to the rear to deliver the standard rear thigh kick.

Switch kick ankle

Switch as above and bang the ankle.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Switch kick / solo view


Chapter 3

Slide switch kick thigh

This is a less acrobatic version of loading up the switch kick. Right leads will drive off their rear foot and slide the lead foot toward 2. Left leads will drive with the rear foot to slide the lead foot to 10. Once you have stepped into the new number , step the rear foot forward (toward 12 for both leads). Continued next page. 53

Outside range low-kick arsenal

Slide switch kick thigh

Now you launch a rear kick with your former lead leg. While not as fast as a standard switch kick, it still should be practiced with speed in mind. And you may be sur prised how much speed you can muster in the midst of some footwork that can appear quite confusing to your opponent.


Chapter 3

Slide switch kick thigh / solo


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Inside kick thigh

The inside kick is nothing more than a standard lead thigh kick delivered without the benefit of a hip windup, shuf fle or slide-in assist. The kick is thrown off the lead leg and goes straight from the floor directly to its target. While there is no hip windup, it is advisable to aim for the hip roll-over upon the impact aspect of the technique. What the inside kick lacks in power , it makes up for in nontelegraphic speed.


Chapter 3

Inside kick ankle

Same kick, different target.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Shuffle-in inside kick thigh

The shuffle-in allows you to use the inside kick even when your opponent is dancing in the outside range. To execute, both leads will slide the rear foot toward the lead (a bit of a footwork lawbreaking going on here, I know). Immediately drive off the rear leg to execute the inside kick with the lead leg. Work on the shuffle step until you gain the speed needed. Do not let the word shuf fle lull you into being lackadaisical. Explode into technique whenever possible.


Chapter 3

Shuffle-in inside kick ankle

You know what to do.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Shuffle-in point round thigh

In this version of the shuf fle-in round, we make a few adjust ments. First, the striking surface now is the ball of the foot (or the point of the shoe if shod). Second, we take advantage of the hinge nature of the knee joint. This is a variant of a kick found in Savate or La Boxe Francais with a bit less finesse. Shuffle-in as in the previous shuf fle-in kicks.


Chapter 3

This time raise the lead knee high as if throwing a front kick to midsection level. Roll the hips so that the striking hip is pointing toward your target the inner or outer thigh. Snap the kick using the quadriceps muscles to power the shot. While not a power shot by any stretch of the imagination, the small size and tenderness of the striking surface allows for an unsettling shot to be fired in the midst of combination work.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Shuffle-in point round groin

Identical to the previous technique, but the target is the groin. This kick can be launched only if you are in matched leads (each of you has the right leg forward or each has the left forward).


Chapter 3

Twist point thigh

This kick is an inverted version of the preceding two kicks. Twist points use an inverted action of the lead leg inside of the ankle up an inversion of Savate technique. This kick (as with all of the point kick variants) is meant to be delivered with maximum snap/speed and minimum telegraphing.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Twist point groin

Use twist point technique to strike the groin of an opponent standing in an unmatched lead.


Chapter 3

Twist point / solo view


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Lead bark


Chapter 3 Barks are best delivered with the point of the shoe and thus are ideal for self-defense and of little use for competition. Use the ball of the foot/point of the shoe of the lead leg to attack the shin or knee. Use the hinge action of the knee to deliver the kick. Strive for minimum telegraphing and maximum speed. The goal of the shoe and/or street oriented kicks is speed and strikes thrown in overwhelming numbers. No need to power up to throw these.

Rear bark

The short choppy version thrown off the rear leg into the shin or knee.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Jab kick


Chapter 3

This kick is as high as we are going to throw in this manual. You will target your opponents hips. It is used ideally as a range keeper (keeping your opponent away). Or as a stop kick to stop your opponent s attack. Or a distance creator, launching him back and away from you. Lift the lead knee high and then thrust the leg outward from this loaded position striking with either the ball of the foot or the entire sole of the foot. I urge you to target no higher than the hips for reasons offered in the introduction.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Shuffle-in jab kick

Use standard shuffle-in technique and cock the lead knee high. Once the trail foot plants, launch the kick.


Chapter 3

Descending jab kick

This kick is a variant of the jab kick (as if the name didnt tip you off). Lift the knee high as in the standard jab kick, but rather than launch outward toward the hips, descend the sole of the foot on top of your opponents thigh.


Outside range low-kick arsenal


Here we fire a jab kick of f the rear leg. Its a bit slower, but the power is greater. Lift the rear knee high. Deliver the kick striking with the ball of the foot. The target is your opponents hips. Think of powering up to kick open a locked door and youve got the picture.


Chapter 3

Cross stomp

This also is delivered with the rear leg, but we strike with the entire sole of the foot. Toes are cocked to the outside and heel to the inside. This is a slightly more powerful variant of the preceding kick.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Stomps / solo views

Stomp above and cross stomp to the right.


Chapter 3

Rear purring kick

This self-defense kick is ideally delivered while wearing shoes. A purring kick is a cop from a W elsh drinking game in which participants clasped each other by the shoulders and took turns blasting each other in the shins with their hobnail boots. The first to release his shoulder grip lost. Here, the drinking is optional, we lose the shoulder clasp and simply deliver the kick. Travel the rear foot from the floor toward your opponent s lead shin. The toes point at the target. Just before contact, snap the toes to the outside and the heel to the inside. The striking surface is the inner arch of the foot. 75

Outside range low-kick arsenal

Lead purring kick

Since purring shots rely on speed over power, it is ideal to execute a short shuffle-in before delivering the kick like in the rear version.


Chapter 3

Rear coup de pied bas

This is a close relative of the purring kick found in Savate and La Boxe Francaise. The striking surfaces and targets are the same, but the foot travels along the floor until the energy release. Think of directing your striking heel toward the target, scuf fing the foot along the floor and releasing this energy at the last moment to add to the snap.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Lead coup de pied bas

Deliver as in the lead version, but provide a slight shuffle-in preceding the scuff-drag to provide greater snap/power.


Chapter 3

Lead field goal

Field goals are most definitely self-defense kicks. Lift the lead knee and snap the lead shin (not foot) into your opponents groin.


Outside range low-kick arsenal

Rear field goal

You think you can do some damage with the lead field goal imagine what the rear field goal can do. Lift the rear knee and snap the shin into your opponent. For both versions of the field goal, think lifting your opponent off the planet. This will give you the idea of how they are intended to be delivered.


4 Clinch low-kick arsenal

Kicks are usually thought of as outside tools, but they are mighty effective inside weapons as well. We will now explore some of the ways we can use kicks inside the clinch; whether that clinch be an over-under clinch, collarand-elbow clinch, a biceps ride or a chaotic street encounter. All of the following kicks are based on the premise that there is some kind of cohesion with your opponent you are gripping him, he is gripping you or you have a grip on each other. We do not instruct proper clinching technique here. You can find great detail in a previous manual in this series named NHBF: The Clinch, go figure. Many of these kicks are repeats of outside range kicks, but some are particular to this scenario.

Clinch low-kick arsenal

Lead purring kick

Delivered in the same manner as the non-clinch version.


Chapter 4

Rear purring kick

You know what to do.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Lead coup de pied bas



Chapter 4

Rear coup de pied bas



Clinch low-kick arsenal

Lead grater


Chapter 4

A grater is a self-defense shot meant to be delivered with the shoe. Think of it as a combination purring kick and foot stomp. To fire this one, launch a purring kick with the lead foot. Once the purring kick has struck the shin, rather than retract the kick, drive down his shin with the arch of your shoe in a cheese-grater fashion. At the bottom of this grating motion, deliver a foot stomp with the heel of the kicking foot. Although there are three distinct parts to this single technique, they are to be delivered in a continuous link with no obvious distinction among the parts.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Rear grater

Deliver this shot off the rear foot. 88

Chapter 4

Lead bark

The clinch version of the outside range bark. It is best deliv ered with the toe of the shoe.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Rear bark

Same kick; rear leg.


Chapter 4

Rear inside crescent kick

Finally a pragmatic use for the traditional crescent kick. Strike with the inside of the shin. To deliver this kick, swing/snap the rear leg from the outside of your target (you can target the thigh or the shin). A short snap from the knee gives the kick the right amount of chop.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Lead inside crescent kick

Same kick launched off the lead leg.


Chapter 4

Crescent kick / solo view


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Toes-out foot stomp

Foot stomps are best delivered in a toes up, heel down position in order to strike with the hardest portion of the foot (the heel). You target the toes, instep and the often overlooked portion of the ankle where the shin and foot juncture. The toes-out version will be your most common version as you will (and should) be facing your opponent more often than not. Toes-out refers to the position of the foot if you are striking his left foot with your right foot, the toes of the striking foot point toward the right. Work the foot stomps with both lead and rear legs.


Chapter 4

Toes-in foot stomp

The striking surface remains the same, and the targets remain the same. What changes is the orientation of your foot upon delivery. You find yourself no longer in a nose on/squared of f orientation with your opponent. Instead you find yourself with one side presented. You do not maneuver yourself t o this position, but find yourself outclassed to this spot. Strike and get back to square. Work both the lead and rear foot versions.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Foot trapping


Chapter 4

Foot trapping can follow the graters or either version of the foot stomps. At the end of the foot stomp, leave your weight on your oppo nents foot rather than retracting your foot. With his foot in this trapped position shove him. Best case scenario is a broken foot. At least you will break his balance and send him to the mat.


Clinch low-kick arsenal

Step right up

This technique is nothing more than foot trapping as described above, but used when you have a body lock out of your clinch (described in detail in our book, NHBF: The Clinch). Once you have the foot trapped, lift with your body lock putting a bit of hyperextension pressure on your opponent s ankle. Admittedly this move is for heavy weight classes and more iffy than the other shots, so consider your strength options before giving it too much focus.


Chapter 4

Heel chops

This is a very nasty kick that should be a major part of your clinch kick arsenal. You can deliver this shot with either the lead or rear leg (by all means practice them both). The striking surface is the back of the heel, and the target is the outside tendon of your opponent s knee. To deliver, lift the kicking knee to waist level with the striking heel to the outside of his knee. Use the hamstring muscles of the kicking leg to snap the heel (in a scooping manner) into the target. 99


5 Cut kicking
Muay Thai has made an art and science out of cut kicking, and we would be remiss not to include the concept in our low kicking agenda. I warn you, cut kicking is timing dependent, meaning you must have good perceptual speed/technique reading ability to make this tactic successful. The cut kick tactic is best utilized against a high kicking opponent. If you are both staying in the realm of low kicking then you may never find yourself presented with cut kicking opportunities. So with those odds in mind, determine for yourself how much time you wish to devote to the topic. With that out of the way, lets define cut kicking for the uninitiated. To cut kick is to deliver a stop kick beneath your opponents higher level kick thus cutting his support leg out from under him. Keep in mind the cut kick ideally is used against an opponents rear leg kicks because the additional distance he travels assists in technique reading.

Cut kicking

Matched lead cut kick

When your matched lead opponent throws his high rear kick, you fire a quick inside kick to his supporting leg. You should have more of a backward lean than usual from your upper body so you can remove his target (your head).


Chapter 5

Unmatched lead cut kick

Against the unmatched lead, fire your own rear kick to the supporting leg versus the high rear kick of your opponent. The same rearward lean and paying attention to guard considerations are in play.


Cut kicking

Matched lead side kick

If the prospect of building the timing to deliver a cut kick versus a matched lead seems a bit daunting, you can try this simpler variant. Fire the lead leg side kick as your cut kick while paying attention to the rearward lean and guard.


6 Rear clinch kicks

These are self-defense kicks or kicks to be used (rules permitting) when your opponent has you in a rear clinch. As a rule never sacrifice your base/balance to throw one of these kicks. The fact that your opponent has been able to take your back already tells you something about his skill. Bend at the waist, guard your base and then consider whether or not you can throw one of these kicks safely.

Rear clinch kicks

Toes-out foot stomp

Deliver the standard toes-out foot stomp from the rear clinch position. This is delivered off either foot.


Chapter 6

Donkey kick shin / knee

This shot also can be thrown of f either leg. Lift the kicking knee and leave a 90-degree angle bend in your leg. Chop the heel backward catching him in either the shin or knee.


Rear clinch kicks

Heel scoop groin

Again, this one can be delivered with either leg. It is similar to the preceding, but the angle of delivery changes. In this kick, the kicking heel scoops back and up to target the groin.


7 Kick combinations
Its time to start firing kicks in multiples. Here are a few thoughts to keep in mind. 1. We address kick-only combinations; well discuss integration with upper body tools next. 2. Kicking combinations flow less naturally than hand combinations, so well keep the combination numbers low. 3. Not all the possible combinations nor all the arsenal kicks are demonstrated or utilized. These combinations are meant to serve as examples to educate the legs to fire fast and often. 4. We weight the material toward the round kicks since they are the most common in MMA and street work.

KIck combinations








8 Kicking with upper body combinations

Here, we provide a good template to integrate your upper body tools with the low-kick material. For more information on the upper body arsenal, see our books NHBF: Savage Strikes and Boxing Mastery.

Kicking with upper body combinations



Chapter 8


Kicking with upper body combinations



Chapter 8



Kicking with upper body combinations



Chapter 8


Kicking with upper body combinations



Chapter 8



Kicking with upper body combinations



Chapter 8



Kicking with upper body combinations


9 The ax murderer series

Its time to address kicking a downed opponent. This section, of course, is named for the great fighter Vanderlai Silva who raised this sort of attack to a level of brutal efficiency.

The ax murderer series

POSITION STRIKES We begin by addressing kicks to a downed opponent in the quarter position, turtle position, or more simply, on his hands and knees.

SOCCER KICK The soccer kick is a line drive, boot-the-ball-downthe-field kick delivered with either the rear or the lead foot in a switch kick/stance shift fashion.

Strive to use the shin as the striking surface.

You can fire the soccer kick to whatever targets your rules allow.


Chapter 9

Soccer kick to head


The ax murderer series

Soccer kick to brachial plexus

To avoid the painful prospect of breaking your foot on your opponents head, target the soft tissue found in the L of the side of the neck and top of the shoulder .

Soccer kick to ribs

When striking the ribs, it is always more damaging to aim low on the rib cage. This increases the odds of catching floating ribs as opposed to the more solid structure found closer to the armpit.


Chapter 9

STOMPS Just as with the foot stomp, you strike with the heel.

Practically all targets on the body are choice. The following two suggestions are often overlooked although exceptionally damaging.

Stomp to achilles tendon


The ax murderer series

Stomp to hands


Chapter 9

KICKING A GROUNDED OPPONENT We classify an opponent who is lying down, either supine or prone, as a grounded opponent. There are a few choice strategies for the grounded fighter (the one on the ground) that well cover at a later date. Here, well address attacks on the grounded opponent. Soccer kick head

It is tough not to strike with the ankle or instep, so strike with caution. 131

The ax murderer series

Stomp head


Chapter 9

Stomp body


The ax murderer series

Stomp feet


Chapter 9

Flying stomp

Not recommended because of the chances of being speared in the groin (last image), but it is fun. 135

The ax murderer series

SPRAWL AND KICK DRILL We group this drill with the ground kicking material because it allows for kicking in transition on the ground (or attempted transition).

To perform this drill, grab a partner and hit the timer .

Your partner shoots a takedown. Post and sprawl. Pop up immediately and soccer kick.

For detailed information on either takedowns or takedown defense, see our book in this series, NHBF: Takedowns.


Chapter 9

Sequence continues next page 137

The ax murderer series





Kick Defense

That completes the low-kick arsenal. Now it s time to educate the converse defense. Although we advocate kicking at the low angle, we cover defenses for high and mid-level kicks since you will more than likely encounter them. Although defense isnt quite as dramatic to work as offense, please observe the same round protocol to best learn the material.


10 Low round kick defenses

Low round kick defenses

KNEE CHECK We recommend directing the point of the knee into the oncoming kick as opposed to shin blocking. Your opponent will find the knee point far more discon certing than you. Gear up and train with caution.

There is no need to strike with the knee point because the damage is done by your opponent kicking into your knee point.

Lift and point the knee versus a kick from the mirror side. This means if he kicks with his right leg, you knee check with your left leg.

On all knee checks, pull the heel back toward your butt to create a quasi-ramp. This ramp construction is a built-in safety precaution. If you misjudge your knee point, the ramping diffuses kick power as it travels down the shin using the standard leg check form as a fallback.


Chapter 10

Cross knee check

Lift and point the same side knee, right versus right.


Low round kick defenses

Step back

Drive off your lead foot and retreat taking yourself out of range.


Chapter 10

Stance shift

Stance shift rearward to change range.


Low round kick defenses

Foot jab stop kick to body

You can use a quick foot jab to the low round kicker s hips to stop the kick and blow him of f base.


Chapter 10

Foot jab stop kick to attacking leg

Apply the same idea to the kicking leg. It s easier than you might imagine with a little practice. A straight line beats an angle every day of the week. This defense is akin to using the jab to stop hit a hook in boxing.


11 High and medium round defenses

Chapter 11

High round stonewall

Against a head kick, execute the same stonewall as you would for a high hook punch. To stonewall, fold your arm over your ear , elbow down. As the kick makes contact, strive to lean toward the opponent to cut a bit off the power angle. It is optimum to take the kick with both folded halves of the arm (upper and lower arm) as opposed to just one portion of the arm.


High and medium round defenses

Medium round stonewall

Against body kicks, you execute the same stonewall defense as for high round kicks. But the stonewall is at a lower level. Remember to use both gates of the arm and not merely your forearm.


12 Low straight kick defenses

Low straight kick defenses

Knee point

The knee point wont damage your opponent in this case, but it removes your knee from jeopardy.


Chapter 12

Step back

You know what to do.


13 Medium straight kick defenses

Chapter 13


Here your opponent fires a straight kick at your body . Close the forearm shells and sink your hips back upon impact to mitigate the blow.


Medium straight kick defenses

Hip fade

Shift your hips rearward to move or fade the target away from your opponent.


Chapter 13

Knee check / solo view

You can use the knee check in a quasi-inside crescent kick fashion to redirect mid-level straight kicks. Here we use the lead knee.


Medium straight kick defenses

Knee check


Chapter 13

Step back

You know what to do.


Medium straight kick defenses

Stance shift



Chapter 13

Step back and scoop vs jab kic ks

Step back. Underhook the kicking ankle with the lead hand and lift.


Medium straight kick defenses

Pivot and scoop vs jab kic ks

Pivot to the inside. Underhook his kicking heel with your lead hand. Toss his leg to his inside.


Chapter 13

Scoop and cut

Scoop with the lead hand and then return a cut kick. 163

14 High straight and purring kick defenses

Chapter 14


Against a high straight kick to your head, close the parallel shells of your forearms to deflect the attack. Give a slight rock back with the body for shock absorbance.


High straight and purring kick defenses

Purring point

The knee point also can be used to counter purring kicks. Point the tip of your knee high on your opponents shin to take a lot of the steam out of his purring attack.


Chapter 14


It is a fact that merely lifting the leg should steer you clear of the vast majority low kick/stomp offenses.



15 Pick offs
Pick offs are an aggressive form of defense that weve already seen demonstrated in the form of the knee point. The idea is to alter slightly the target the opponent is seeking so that it provides a self-inflicting injury on the offender. Pick offs are not fight enders in and of themselves, but they go a long way toward making your opponent s offense hesitant and/or more languid than he planned. Although it is attractive to start with pick of fs since they have a little bite to them, please learn standard defense first. Then add the pick off concept to your game.

Pick offs

High round kick pick off


Chapter 15

You still use the stonewall strategy, but with a small adjustment. You use one hand to guide the incoming head kick to your other elbow. To execute this technique: 1. Lead hand guide to rear elbow . 2. Rear hand guide to lead elbow .


Pick offs

Mid round kick pick off

Here you use the exact same strategy, techniques and limb combinations as in the high round pick offs.


Chapter 15

A closer view


Pick offs

KNEE DRAG This is a pick off strategy that can be used for either the high- or mid-level round kicks.

I suggest you become adept at the standard pick offs before moving to the knee drags.

The knee drag is executed by using the twin shields of your forearms (inner forearms facing your opponents incoming shin).

Immediately upon impact, use your forearms/hands to drag/slap the kick down.

As the kicking limb is slapped down, execute an up knee into the slapped limb.

The knee is always executed on the side of attack. Example: A kick delivered to the left side of your body will receive a left knee and vice versa.

The knee drag can be performed on each side of the body and for both head and body kicks.

It also can be used in tandem with the previous kick pick offs.

1. Lead hand guide to rear elbow to knee drag. 2. Rear hand guide to lead elbow to knee drag.


Chapter 15


Pick offs

A closer view


Chapter 15

TOE KICK Against all high kicks, you always have the option of firing a lead snap front kick into the groin of the high kicker.

Use the toes as the striking surface (when wearing shoes the damage is even greater). Catching an opponents groin in this stretched position is quite, um, disconcerting.

Remember, pick offs are meant to be added to your defensive tools, not to be used in place of them. Be sure that your stonewall is firm and reflexive before adding the pick off extras. Each tool in your defensive arsenal should be drilled in isolation rounds and then in combination to ensure fluidity of movement.


16 Kicking chain drills

Just as we build offensive/defensive/counteroffensive chain drills with our boxing and grappling material, we want to build one with kicking integrated with other tools. We dont have the space to present combinations into the stratosphere, but you will find the following drills enough to understand the template to build your own drills. In each of the following drills, the movement inside parentheses is what the Feeder/Driller/Coach performs. I suggest approaching the drills following this gradient. 1. Perform a single 5-minute round of each individual link in the chain as it comes. For example, take the first drill. Do one round with your Coach firing the inside kick while you stance shift. 2. Next round, you stance shift versus the inside kick and return the rear kick. 3. Next you play the role of Coach/Driller/Feeder and fire the inside kick while he stance shifts and so on and so on. 4. Approach each drill in this manner even if it has numerous steps. Reversing the roles allows you to grasp the material more easily.



Again, this is only a handful of ideas in an area that deserves a great deal of attention. Do yourself a favor and learn these drills inside out and then concoct your own. At the high end of striking training, you should spend the vast majority of your time on intensive chain drilling.



17 Kicking conditioning drills

The following drills are specific to building conditioning/fitness for powerful kicking. There are, of course, many permutations of these drills, and I encourage you to experiment. For further ideas on conditioning specific to NHB/MMA and street defense, see our volume in this series, NHBF: The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning. First, a note on our preference for floor bags. W e use heavy bags stood on end as opposed to hanging for these reasons: 1. A hanging bag invites kicking higher than we advocate simply because the target is there. 2. The upright floor bag provides a great amount of friction on the mat. This no give goes a long way toward building power. 3. A floor bag must be supported by a Coach/partner . This invites constant feedback, which is always a good thing. 4. The floor bag invites quick transition between upright floor bag work and ground floor bag work. This fluid transition between drill sets is invaluable in learning to blend ranges as opposed to cross-training ranges.

Kicking conditioning drills



10 11

12 13



Chapter 17

COUNTDOWNS Use a floor bag or kick shield. Start with a single rear kick or switch kick. Climb to 10 repetitions and then back down. Repeat with the opposite leg.


Have your partner support a floor bag on its end. Use the rear kick to move it along the floor the entire length of the gym. Use the opposite leg to bring it back.


Kicking conditioning drills

LEG CONDITIONING DRILLS I dont recommend isolated drills for pain tolerance. No need for kicking trees and the like. That sort of training is the stuff of cinema and legends. You should find that by working the bag and partner drills, a certain degree of pain acclimatization will build. If you still find yourself gun-shy, try the following drills. Demanding that the partners clinch reduces the ability to run from the drill. In each of the following drills, use the elbow ride: palm C hand in your partner s biceps. The idea is to maintain partner cohesion and trade blows in a titfor-tat manner as you walk up the 1-10 scale. Once the level has been found, drop back down a number and work from there. If there is no gun-shy attribute or once pain tolerance is no longer a major issue, feel free to discard these drills and allow standard drilling to suf fice.


Chapter 17




BEST CHOICES First, please visit my Web site at You will find even more training material as well as updates and other resources. Video instruction Extreme Self-Protection Paladin Press The place to browse for books such Threat Response Solutions as this one and other similar titles. Paladin Press Paladin carries many training resources as well as some of my videos, which allow you to see much of what is covered in my NHB books. Ringside Boxing Best choice for primo equipment. Best resource for MMA news, event results and NHB happenings. Threat Response Solutions They also offer many training resources along with some of my products. Tracks Publishing They publish all the books in the NHBF series as well as a few fine boxing titles. Training and conditioning info. Best resource for quality mats at good prices. World Martial Arts Events IFC IVC King of the Cage Pancrase Pride The Ultimate Fighting Championships Universal Combat Challenge


Footwork 23-38 Clinch low-kick arsenal 81-99 Crescent kick / solo view 93 Foot trapping 96-97 Heel chops 99 Lead bark 89 Lead coup de pied bas 84 Lead grater 86-87 Lead inside crescent kick 92 Lead purring kick 82 Rear bark 90 Rear coup de pied bas 85 Rear grater 88 Rear inside crescent kick 91 Rear purring kick 83 Step right up 98 Toes-in foot stomp 95 Toes-out foot stomp 94 Cut kicking 101-104 Matched lead cut kick 102 Matched lead side kick 104 Unmatched lead cut kick 103 Kicking conditioning drills 181-185 8-count kick squats 182 Bag walks 183 Countdowns 183 Leg conditioning drills 184-185 Kicking with upper body combinations 113-124 Low round kick defenses 141-147 Cross knee check 143 Foot jab stop kick to attacking leg 147 Foot jab stop kick to body 146 Knee check 142 Stance shift 145 Step back 144 Low straight kick defenses 151-153 Knee point 152 Step back 153

Medium straight kick defenses 154-163 High and medium round defenses Hip fade 156 Knee check / solo view 157 148-150 Knee check 158 High round stonewall 149 Pivot and scoop vs jab kicks 162 Medium round stonewall 150 Scoop and cut 163 High straight and purring defenses Stance shift 160 Step back 159 164-167 Step back and scoop vs jab kicks Lift 167 161 Purring point 166 Stonewall 155 Stonewall 165 Kick combinations 109-111 Kick defense 139-177 Kicking chain drills 178-179 Outside range low-kick arsenal 41-80 Cross stomp 73 Descending jab kick 71 Inside kick ankle 57 187

Index Inside kick thigh 56 Jab kick 68-69 Jumping rear kick thigh 48-49 Lead bark 66-67 Lead coup de pied bas 78 Lead field goal 79 Lead purring kick 76 Rear bark 67 Rear coup de pied bas 77 Rear field goal 80 Rear kick ankle 47 Rear purring kick 75 Rear thigh kick 42-46 Shuffle-in inside kick ankle 59 Shuffle-in inside kick thigh 58 Shuffle-in jab kick 70 Shuffle-in point round groin 62 Shuffle-in point round thigh 60-61 Slide switch kick thigh 53-54 Slide switch kick thigh solo 55 Stomp 72 Stomps / solo view 74 Switch kick / solo view 52 Switch kick ankle 51 Switch kick thigh 50-51 Twist point / solo view 65 Twist point groin 64 Twist point thigh 63 Pick offs 169-177 High round pick off 170-171 Knee drag 174-176 Mid round pick off 172-173 Toe kick 177 Rear clinch kicks 105-108 Donkey kick shin / knee 107 Heel scoop groin 108 Toes-out foot stomp 106 Stance 19-21 188 The arsenal 39-138 The ax murderer series 125-138 Kicking a grounded opponent 131135 Position strikes 126-130 Sprawl and kick drill 136-138 Training protocol 15-18

More titles by Mark Hatmaker
Also available at all major bookstores No Holds Barred Fighting: The Ultimate Guide to Submission Wrestling 1-884654-17-7 / $12.95 The combat art of The Ultimate Fighting Championships. 695 photos.

More No Holds Barred Fighting: Killer Submissions 1-884654-18-5 / $12.95 More takedowns, rides and submissions from the authors of No Holds Barred Fighting. 650 photos.

No Holds Barred Fighting: Savage Strikes The Complete Guide to Real W orld Striking for NHB Competition and Street Defense 1-884654-20-7 / $12.95 Punches, kicks, forearm shots, head butts and more. 850 photos.


Boxing Mastery Advance Techniques, Tactics and Strategies from the Sweet Science 1-884654-21-5 / $12.95 Advanced boxing skills and ring generalship. 900 photos.

No Holds Barred Fighting: Takedowns Throws, Trips, Drops and Slams for NHB Competition and Street Defense 1-884654-25-8 / $12.95 850 photos.

No Holds Barred Fighting: The Clinch Offensive and Defensive Concepts Inside NHBs Most Grueling Position 1-884654-27-4 / $12.95 750 photos.


No Holds Barred Fighting: The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning Elite Exercises and Training for NHB Competition and Total Fitness 1-884654-29-0 / $12.95 192 pages / 900 photos

Videos by Mark Hatmaker available through Paladin

THE ABCs OF NHB High-Speed Training for No-Holds-Barred Fighting BEYOND BRAZILIAN JUJITSU Redefining the State of the Art in Combat Grappling EXTREME BOXING Hardcore Boxing for Self-Defense THE FLOOR BAG WORKOUT The Ultimate Solo Training for Grapplers and Groundfighters GLADIATOR CONDITIONING Fitness for the Modern Warrior (with companion workbook) THE SUBMISSION ENCYCLOPEDIA The Ultimate Guide to the Techniques and Tactics of Submission Fighting THE COMPLETE GRAPPLER The Definitive Guide to Fighting and Winning on the Ground (with companion workbook) Paladin Enterprises, Inc. 7077 Winchester Circle Boulder, CO 80301 USA 303.443.7250 303.442.8741 fax


Mark Hatmaker is the author of all seven books in the bestselling No Holds Barred Fighting Series and Boxing Mastery. He also has produced more than 40 instructional videos. His resume includes extensive experience in the combat arts including boxing, wrestling, Jiujitsu and Muay Thai. He is a highly regarded coach of professional and amateur fighters, law enforcement officials and security personnel. Hatmaker founded Extreme Self Protection (ESP), a research body that compiles, analyzes and teaches the most effective Western combat methods known. ESP holds numerous seminars throughout the country each year including the prestigious Karate College/Martial Arts Universities in Radford,Virginia. He lives in Knoxville,Tennessee.

More books and videos by Mark Hatmaker

Books are also available at all major bookstores

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