Usage of Sudo For Root-Level Privileges
Usage of Sudo For Root-Level Privileges
Usage of Sudo For Root-Level Privileges
Short Description:
Sudo is used in our environment to limit our risk on our system as well as to more easily meet our SOX audit requirements.
Here is an example of an email to the GSD/systems that will kick off this request:
GSD, Please open a ticket for the Systems team for this work. Systems team, Please add oraep2 account to have sudo access to /usr/bin/vi /etc/oratab on all of the EP2 servers permanently please. This is required to do standard oracle database maintenance.
Here is an example of an email that will kick off this request: Mosaic unix team, Please add tsmadmin account to have sudo access to /usr/bin/vi /etc/inittab on all Mosaic managed systems permanently please. This is required to perform initial setup on all TSM clients.
Using sudo is pretty easy, but you have to make sure you include all the steps. First and foremost to remember is that FULL PATHS ARE REQUIRED FOR EVERYTHING. This does take some getting used to. Other than that just put the word sudo in front of your command. If password is required it is asking for your account password, not root. As root you could do the following: # cd /etc # vi oratab With sudo the following would be required: $ /usr/bin/vi /etc/oratab
Config failure. Sometimes you can get a failure using SUDO if the sudoers file has a mistake. If you get this problem please let the Mosaic unix team know right away. This is what it looks like: alm6:/admin/config/sudo #sudo test >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 18 <<< >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 20 <<< >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 21 <<< >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 22 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 18
Command failure. The most common problem is that the command that is being tried is not being attempted correctly or is not in the sudoers file correctly. For example in our systems our SAP users are allowed to do this command: /usr/bin/rm /SAPworkdir*, \ This is what would happen if you didnt use fill paths: $ cd /SAPworkdir $ sudo rm myfile Sorry, user edxadm is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/rm myfile' as root on wdssapms3. Run properly the same command could work: $ sudo /usr/bin/rm /SAPworkdir/myfile Configuration failure. If you do all of that properly and still get the not allowed then please copy and paste that error to the Unix team via email and let them know the command you are trying to run. The command is not covered by what is configured in SUDO, and either the command needs to change or it or its parameters need to be added to the SUDO file properly.
Additions Starting scheduler service examples: nohup sudo /usr/bin/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1 & Stopping scheduler services: sudo /usr/local/bin/dsmc_kill