Chinese-English Precepts Ebook For Buddhist Five Precepts
Chinese-English Precepts Ebook For Buddhist Five Precepts
Chinese-English Precepts Ebook For Buddhist Five Precepts
Buddhist Five Precepts
Table of Content
About Living Buddha Lian-sheng .............................................................................4
Five Precepts ............................................................................................................10
The Methods of Taking Refuge ...............................................................................13
China Town
China Town
Five Precepts
Transmitted by Living Buddha Liang-sheng
Translated by Lianhua Zhi-wei
Edited by Harmony, Alice Yang
Proofread by Rene Cordsen
(Excerpt from Living Buddha Lian-shengs Book 28: Reflections by a Tranquil Spring--From Heavenly
Beings to the Other Shore of Buddhahood.)
1. Refrain from Killing:
We should have a compassionate heart and exercise compassion towards all sentient beings. Treat
them fairly without discrimination. Do not kill or persecute any beings. Shakyamuni Buddha found
that all beings possessed the same Buddha-nature and the potential to become Buddhas. Also,
Buddhism advocates salvaging the world through compassion. Hence, the Buddha taught us not to
kill fellow sentient beings. Confucius once said, Hearing its cries, one does not have the heart to
consume its meat. Compassion is the basis to attain enlightenment. Therefore, we need to have
compassion towards all living beings. Do not kill them and avoid generating the karma of animosity.
Let sentient beings live out their natural life so acts of conflict and hatred can be eliminated. By doing
this, an ideal peaceful world may be realized.
In Person:
You may obtain refuge empowerment personally from Grand Master Lu, or from a True Buddha
acharya who confers the empowerment on behalf of Grand Master, by visiting a True Buddha temple,
chapter, cultivation group, or by attending a True Buddha ceremony.