Solvay - Sulphur Sf6
Solvay - Sulphur Sf6
Solvay - Sulphur Sf6
SF6 a gas with unusual properties Areas of application for sulphur hexafluoride
Electrical engineering High-voltage switchgear and switching stations SF6 for the Itaip hydroelectric powerstation Gas insulated transmission line (GIL) Medium-voltage switchgear High-voltage cables Transformers Other high-voltage applications SF6 for the Vivitron accelerator Manufacture of insulating glass Foundry practise: magnesium Foundry practise: aluminium Other areas of application
Behaviour under the influence of electrical discharges 5 Corrosion characteristics of SF6 and its decomposition products Measures for the removal of corrosive constituents 6 7 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 19 20
34 34 35
New SF6 Contamined SF6 36 36
Safety instructions Specifications Packaging for SF6 according to IEC 376 The Responsible Care Programme for SF6
Electrical properties
Electron affinity Dielectric constants Dielectric strength Arc-quenching capacity Loss factor 21 21 22 24 24
Transport of used SF6 Life cycle assessment study Product stewardship for SF6
Further publications about SF6 by Solvay Fluor
50 50
Chemical behaviour
Behaviour at elevated temperatures 34
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Regeneration capacity
Following a breakdown, sulphur hexafluoride regenerates itself. Its original strength is spontaneously restored and, in most cases, is even slightly enhanced.
fig. 1
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Thanks to their insensitivity to polluted air, enclosed outdoor versions of SF6-insulated substations are installed in the chemical industry, in desert regions and in coastal areas. SF6 is used as a quenching agent both in power circuit breakers for enclosed substations and in circuit breakers for open outdoor substations.
fig. 3
Gas insulated, high-voltage switching station for 145 kV operating voltage (Siemens, Germany)
fig. 2
SF6-insulated high-voltage switching station type L-SEP, 145 kV (VA Tech Elin Holec High Voltage, Netherlands)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 4
fig. 5
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 6
fig. 7
fig. 8
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 9a
fig. 9b
550 kV SF6-insulated high-voltage switching station for the Itaip hydroelectric power station in Brazil (ABB, Switzerland)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Today the overall optimisation of gas mixtures, gas pressure and dimensions of GIL mean this technology is a highly competitive transmission medium in a broad range of applications. Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH Technical Service supports this new application with a spectrum of services ranging from the initial production of mixtures through to the separation of mixtures at end of service life or whenever required. By offering this technical support Solvay enables a closed product loop for SF6 /N2 mixtures.
fig. 10
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Medium-voltage switchgear
The advantages of SF6 technology, in particular its excellent arc-quenching capacity, are also put to good use in circuit breakers for the 10-40 kV range. They replace conventional, low-oil-volume circuit breakers and also satisfy heavy-duty requirements such as those occurring under short-circuit conditions and repeated switch-off under load.
fig. 11 Medium-voltage, heavy-duty power circuit breakers of the Minex type. SF6-insulated for installation in local-network and consumer stations (Driescher, Germany)
Like the high-voltage circuit breakers, they require little maintenance and are particularly suitable for locations where oil-filled equipment is undesirable.
fig. 12
Metal-clad SF6-insulated switching station in a compact design (ABB Calor Emag, Germany)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
In high-frequency carrier sytems, output has been increased almost tenfold through the use of SF6-filled tubular transmission lines. An advantage from the constructional point of view is the ability to build highperformance UHF transmission stations with greatly reduced dimensions.
Its excellent heat-transfer capacity, nonflammability and non-toxicity have also promoted the use of sulphur hexafluoride in the construction of transformers. On account of their high operational safety, SF6-gas transformers are installed in mines and department stores. Their relatively light weight, compact design and low noise levels are decisive advantages.
fig. 14 SF6-insulated high-voltage cable in the JET nuclear-fusion plant (kabelmetal electro, Germany)
fig. 13
Sulphur Hexafluoride
with mixtures of air and carbon dioxide, has resulted in a marked increase in efficiency. SF6 fulfills a similar function in voltage stabilizers for electron microscopes and in Xray equipment used in production control and the non-destructive testing of materials. Parallel to the development of SF6 plant technology in the high-voltage sector, SF6insulated, high-voltage measuring instruments and calibrated power sources have also been produced. SF6-fillings are also used in instrument transformers, pressurized gas capacitors and surge arresters for super voltages.
fig. 15
Sulphur Hexafluoride
lion volts. It is 51 m long, has a maximum diameter of 8.5 m and a volume of 1200 m3. The SF6-gas supply is contained in two storage tanks whose total SF6-capacity is 60 tonnes. Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH was responsible for both the supply of SF6 and the associated logistics for this project.
fig. 16
Perspective view of the Vivitron accelerator and the SF6-gas supply system with its two SF6 storage tanks (Centre de recherches nuclaires, France)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
of up to 8 dB, depending upon shapes and materials used. Since sulphur hexafluoride is chemically inert, there is no risk of its reacting with glass, metal or sealing compounds. Its coefficient of permeability is extremely low. Solvay SF6 has a very high purity, and its dew-point, which is guaranteed to be below 40 C, is usually around 50 C. In order to keep the dew-point as low as possible, molecular sieves, preferably size 3A but not greater than 4A, must be used. To fill an insulating-glass unit, the air is displaced slowly from the bottom upwards by the much heavier SF6-gas (whose density is approximately 5 times greater). The gas is dosed with the aid of either simple flow meters or using automatic filling devices, depending on the production quantities involved.
fig. 17
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Sulphur hexafluoride is always used in conjunction with a carrier gas, as this achieves a faster and more effective distribution across the melt on account of the larger total quantity of gas. Air, carbon dioxide, argon and nitrogen are all suitable for use as carrier gases. In foundry practice, the residual nitrogen from empty refill cylinders from die-casting machines is used for this purpose.
fig. 18
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Optimum dosage and concentration of the protective gas depend upon such factors as furnace design and levels of pig feeding and molten-charge removal, and must be determined by trial and error. As a rule a suitable mixture consists of 0.04 0.3 vol. % SF6 and more than 99 vol. % of an air/CO2 mixture and is distributed evenly over the surface of the melt [2]. As only a very thin protective film should be formed and waste metal should be kept to a minimum, an initial value of 100 l of gas mixture per hour is generally used. The dosage can be decreased or increased in steps, as required.
Once metal has ignited, the resulting fire cannot be extinguished even with high concentrations of SF6. Flow meters are used for both mixing and dosing the gases (manufacturers will be named on request). Since only small amounts of SF6 are used, no problems arise with decomposition products. Measurements taken in the immediate vicinity of the melting plant show readings well below the TL value of HF = 3 ppm (2 mg/m3). SF6 is therefore an ideal protective gas for magnesium melts from the point of view of both operational safety and environmental considerations [3].
fig. 19
Furnace magnesium-moulding plant, using SF6-CO2-air as a protective gas. Made by Huskvarna AB, Sweden (Norsk Hydro, Norway)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
The product sulphur hexafluoride opens up a completely new purification technique to the aluminium industry for aluminium melts. The introduction of SF6 /inert-gas mixtures into the liquid aluminium significantly decreases the hydrogen content and at the same time leads to the removal of oxides and solid contaminants. Handling SF6 gas mixtures presents no problems and SF6 is generally recognized as physiologically safe. The introduction of SF6 therefore not only enhances product quality but also improves working conditions.
fig. 20
Sulphur Hexafluoride
SF6 is also widely used in medical technology. For example as a contrast agent in ultrasonic examinations as well as in ophthalmology, pneumonectomy and diseases of the middle ear, e.g. treating loss of hearing in middle ear infections [1].
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Electrical properties
Electron affinity
The excellent insulating properties of sulphur hexafluoride are attributable to the strong electron affinity (electronegativity) of the SF6 molecule. This is based mainly on two mechanisms, resonance capture and dissociative attachment of electrons, in accordance with the equations:
Dielectric constants
The dielectric constant has a value of 1.0021 at 20C, 1.0133 bar and 23.340 MHz; a rise in pressure to 20 bar leads to an increase of about 6 % in this value. At -50 C, the dielectric constant of liquid sulphur hexafluoride throughout the range from 10 to 500 kHz remains unchanged at 1.81 0.02 [6].
(1) (2)
The process represented by equation (1) applies to electron energies of 0.1 eV with an energy range of 0.05 eV, and that represented by equation (2) applies to an energy range of 0.1 eV [5].
fig. 22
50 Hz breakdown voltage of SF6 in a homogeneous field as a function of the distance between electrodes at various gas pressures (ETZ Supplement 3 [1966])
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Dielectric strength
The strong interaction of high-energy electrons with the polyatomic SF6 molecule causes their rapid deceleration to the lower energy of electron capture and dissociative attachment. SF6-breakdown is therefore only possible at relatively high field strengths. The breakdown voltages at 50 Hz and 1 bar in a homogenous field are thus 2.5 to 3 times higher than the corresponding values for air or nitrogen (fig. 22). Figure 23 shows the relationship of breakdown voltage to pressure in a non-homogeneous field in comparison with that of a N2/CO2 mixture. The breakdown strength of air is dramatically increased by the addition of small quantities of SF6. In contrast, air has only a limited influence on the breakdown strength of sulphur hexafluoride. The addifig. 23 Relation of breakdown voltage to pressure (IEEE Trans. Pow. App. Syst. 66 [1963] 357) Comparison SF6 and N2/CO2-mixtures
tion of 10 % of air by volume reduces the breakdown voltage of SF6 by about 3 %, the addition of 30 % air by about 10 %. The breakdown voltage of SF6 reaches that of transformer oil at a pressure of only 3 bar (fig. 24). The behaviour of sulphur hexafluoride conforms over a wide range of pressures to Paschen's Law: at higher pressures, however, deviations have been observed under certain conditions [7, 8, 9 ]. The breakdown strength of SF6 is independent of frequency: it is therefore an ideal insulating gas for UHF equipment [10]. The Corona-onset voltage using SF6 in non-homogeneous fields is also considerably higher than that using air. Figures 25 and 26 show the respective dependence on pressure and radius of curvature of the electrodes in the case of SF6 and air in a point-to-plane electrode system.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 24
Breakdown strength of transformer oil, air and SF6 as a function of gas pressure (Kali und Steinsalz, 3, issue 10 [1963] 319)
fig. 25
Dependence on pressure of the Corona-onset voltage in SF6 and air (ETZ, Supplement 3 [1966] )
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Arc-quenching capacity
On account of its thermal properties and low ionisation temperature, sulphur hexafluoride exhibits outstanding characteristics for the extinguishing of electric arcs (fig. 27). All other conditions being equal, the arcquenching time using SF6 is about 100 times less than that using air [11]. The superior arc-quenching performance of SF6 compared with other gases is impressively illustrated in figure 28.
Loss factor
The loss factor, tan of sulphur hexafluoride is extremely low (less than 2.0 10-7). A value of tan < 10-3 was determined for liquid SF6 at 50 C [6]. Diagrams and data pertinent to the electrical properties of sulphur hexafluoride may be found in the Milek "Sulphur hexafluoride data sheets" [12].
fig. 26
Corona-onset voltages for SF6 and air as a function of the radius of curvature rK at atmospheric pressure (ETZ, Supplement 3, [1966])
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 27
Radial temperature profile in SF6 and N2 electric arcs (schematic representation: from Z. Angew. Physik 12, [1960] 5, pp 231 to 237)
fig. 28
Quenching capacity of SF6, air and a mixture of both gases (Insulating Materials for Design and Engineering Practice, N.Y. [1962], p. 116)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
20 91.71
0 78.96
+20 62.54
+40 34.08
45.58C 37.59 bar 0.74 kg/l ( see figs. 29 and 31) 6.07 g/l 1.56 kg/l 2.77 kg/l ( see fig. 32) ( see fig. 33) ( see fig. 34)
129.06 m/sec.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solubility in water [15] Gas volume corrected to 0 C, 1.0133 bar Temperature (C) Solubility (cm3 SF
6 /kg H2O)
5 11.39
10 9.11
15 7.48
20 6.31
25 5.44
30 4.79
40 3.96
50 3.52
Solubility in transformer oil [16] (Esso-Univolt 35) Gas volume under 0 C, 1.0133 bar Temperature (C) Solubility (cm3 SF6 /cm3 oil) 27 0.408 50 0.344 70 0.302
144.35 152.62
Vapour pressure
(cf. fig. 29) Temperature (C) Pressure (bar) Temperature (C) Pressure (bar) 50 2.34 0 12.65 45 2.87 +5 14.47 40 3.49 +10 16.47 35 4.20 +15 18.67 30 5.02 +20 21.08 25 5.95 +25 23.72 20 7.01 +30 26.62 15 8.19 +35 29.79 10 9.52 +40 33.27 5 11.01 +45 37.13
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 29
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 30
Mollier-h, Iog p-diagramme for sulphur hexafluoride SF6 Established by Dr.-Ing. R. Dring Units: p in bar, h in kJ/kg, s in kJ/kg K, v in m3/kg, s =1 kJ K, h =200 kJ/kg at 0 C for the boiling liquid
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Density kg/l 0.940 0.960 0.980 1.000 1.020 1.040 1.060 1.080 1.200 1.120 1.140 1.160 1.180 1.200 1.220 1.240 1.260 1.280 1.300 1.320 1.340 1.360 1.380 1.400 1.420 1.440 1.460 1.480 1.500 1.520 1.540
5 C
10 C
15 C
20 C
25 C
30 C
35 C
40 C
45 C
55 C 49.3 50.1 50.9 51.8 52.9 54.0 55.3 56.7 58.5 60.3 62.7 65.5 68.5 72.2 76.2 80.7 85.9 91.9 98.4 105.7 113.7 122.6 132.5 143.6 155.8 169.4 185.0
60 C 55.5 56.5 57.7 58.8 60.1 61.1 63.3 65.0 67.3 69.5 72.4 75.5 79.0 83.2 87.7 92.8 98.6 105.0 112.2 120.2 129.0 138.8 149.5 161.4 174.6 189.0
65 C 61.8 63.1 64.3 65.8 67.4 69.2 71.3 73.7 76.2 78.9 82.2 85.6 89.7 94.3 99.5 105.3 111.7 118.9 126.4 134.9 144.4 154.6 166.0 178.9 193.2
70 C 68.3 69.6 71.2 73.0 74.8 77.0 79.4 82.1 85.2 88.5 92.1 96.1 100.6 105.6 111.3 117.6 124.4 132.2 140.5 149.9 159.8 170.8 183.0 196.5 (211.8)
33.7 34.9 36.5 38.0 40.1 42.6 45.3 48.6 27.0 30.3 34.3 38.8 43.9 49.9 24.0 30.7 20.9 27.9 16.4 25.4 (14.8) (27.5) 36.8 50.4 36.5 46.8 59.0 73.5 38.2 46.8 56.7 68.1 81.3 96.7 40.5 47.9 56.2 66.0 77.1 89.5 103.8 120.1 56.9 65.0 74.5 85.4 97.6 111.1 126.4 143.8 39.7 43.7 48.3 53.7 59.6 66.4 74.0 52.5 57.1 62.4 68.5 75.3 82.9 91.4
42.5 44.1 46.0 48.1 50.7 53.7 57.1 61.0 65.6 70.9 76.8 83.5 90.9 99.2 108.5 119.2 131.3 144.9 160.2 176.8
51.3 53.3 55.5 58.2 61.3 64.8 68.8 73.5 78.7 84.6 91.2 98.6 106.5 115.6 125.8 137.2 150.2 164.9 181.4 (199.1)
83.1 101.3 93.5 112.4 105.2 125.0 118.2 139.1 132.7 154.6 149.2 172.1 167.7 191.6
(209.2) (229.5)
(205.4) (226.7)
(202.5) (223.6)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 31
Pressure/temperature curves for SF6 (from Z. Phys. Chem., New Series 23 [1960] 96). (1at=0.9800665 bar)
fig. 32
Sulphur Hexafluoride
fig. 33
fig. 34
Heat-transfer coefficients of air and SF6 (for comparison transformer oil under natural convection) (Conti-Elektro-Berichte, July/September 1966, p 189)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Optical properties
Refractive index [19] nD (0 C) 1.0133 bar 1.000 783
fig. 35
Infrared spectrum of SF6 recorded for three different concentrations (Leitz M 3, NaCl prism)
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Chemical behaviour
Under normal conditions, sulphur hexafluoride is chemically inert and stable; its reactivity is among the lowest of all substances.
The hydrogen fluoride (HF) formed in these reactions vigorously attacks any materials containing silicon dioxide (SiO2) (e.g. glass and porcelain). The use of these materials in equipment in which SF6 is to be used for arc-quenching is therefore only suitable under certain special conditions.
S + 6F
This reaction is reversible. After the discharge, the dissociation products recombine, provided that no secondary reactions with vaporized electrode metal, the container wall or other constructional components occur. Both solid and gaseous products can result from these secondary reactions: metal fluorides, metal sulphides and metal oxides sulphur fluorides such as SF4 sulphur oxyfluorides such as SOF2, SO2F2, SOF4 Such decomposition products resulting from high-energy discharges are also good dielectrics, so that dust-like deposits on the surface of insulators do not impair the operational efficiency of affected equipment. However, this applies only if the humidity in the gas chamber is very low. If exposed to moisture, the above-mentioned decomposition products hydrolyse and form secondary products, for example as illustrated in the following equations:
CuO + 2 HF SOF2 + 2 HF
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Especially suitable are adsorbing agents in the form of filter fillings, through which the gas is pumped in a circulation. This method is employed for example in the case of SF6 power circuit breakers, where considerable concentrations of decomposition products can occur in arc quenching. In many cases, however, static filters provide adequate protection. Figure 36 shows the dew-point as a function of the gas moisture content.
fig. 36
dew-point in C moisture content in ppm by weight 75 0.148 70 0.32 65 0.65 64 0.75 63 0.86 62 1.0 61 1.15 60 1.3 59 1.5 58 1.7 57 2.0 56 2.2 55 2.5 54 2.9 53 3.3 52 3.6 51 4.2 50 4.8 49 5.4 48 6.1 47 6.9 46 7.8 45 8.7 44 10.0 43 11.0 42 12.0 41 14.0 40 16.0 39 17.0 38 20.0
Sulphur Hexafluoride
New SF6
Pure sulphur hexafluoride is absolutely non-toxic. The by-products arising during production of the gas are completely removed during subsequent purification operations. Solvay sulphur hexafluoride is constantly tested for the presence of toxic constituents using the inhalation test described in IEC Recommendation 376 (corresponds to DIN IEC 376, April 1980 and VDE 0373 Part 1/4.80). In places where work involving large quantities of sulphur hexafluoride in containers and in enclosed areas is carried out, the safety regulations should take into account the potential asphyxiation hazard arising from oxygen deficiency, as, due to its high density, the gas can displace air from lower-lying regions of enclosed areas (pits, sumps etc). This hazard can, however, be easily countered by the provision of adequate ventilation. Measuring instruments functioning on the principles of thermal conductivity can be installed to check the SF6 content of air. The existing TLV in the Federal Republic of Germany for sulphur hexafluoride is 6000 mg/m3 = 1000 ppm.
Contaminated SF6
It should be noted that electrical discharges (e.g. switching processes, fault electric arcs) lead to the formation of gaseous decomposition products and dusty metal compounds. Gaseous decomposition products of SF6 exhibit very characteristic warning signs even at low concentrations. These warning signs are for example pungent or unpleasant odours (like rotten eggs), or irritation of nose, mouth and eyes. Such irritation occurs within seconds, well in advance of any danger arising from poisoning. When handling contaminated SF6 care must be taken not to breathe in gaseous or dusty decomposition products. In case this cannot be achieved by technical safety measures, i.e. ventilation, personal protective equipment must be worn. Personal protective equipment consists of items of protection for the eyes, body and breathing. More detailed information on handling SF6 is given in the information leaflet SF6 plant (Trade Association for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering) and in the DIN Standard IEC 480 and VDE 0373, Part 2/4.80.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
SF6 can be removed from its pressurized gas containers either in the gaseous or in the liquid phase. During the removal of SF6 in the gaseous phase, the pressure-regulator can be connected directly to the cylinder valve. If the SF6 is removed in the liquid phase, then a vaporizer must be installed between the container and the regulator.
fig. 36
Sulphur Hexafluoride
When selecting service equipment, handling should be as easy as possible to avoid unnecessary faults. Maintenance equipment with automatic sequences is the state-of-the-art and is preferred because of its high degree of operational safety.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Safety instructions
Sulphur hexafluoride is transported as a pressurized liquified gas. In Germany, safety precautions and handling practice are based upon the Order Governing Pressurized Containers and its subordinate Technical Regulations. The containers should not be exposed to direct sunlight and must be secured against overturning or rolling. Storage and work areas must be well ventilated. In particular, ventilation must be effective at ground level on account of the fact that SF6 vapour is heavier than air. If the gas is stored underground, appropriate forced ventilation must be provided. Wherever SF6 is handled, there must be no open flames (e.g. welding flames) or hot metal surfaces (e.g. infrared equipment). Eating, drinking and smoking whilst working with SF6 is strictly forbidden. Although SF6 is recognized as being physiologically safe, certain precautions have to be taken in order to guarantee a safe handling of this substance. An important precondition is a strict adherence to the threshold limit value (TLV). Wherever this cannot be achieved pertinent safety measures must be selected according to the degree of potential danger.
New SF6
SF6 to DIN IEC 376 Potential hazard: asphyxiation Protective measures: Natural and forced ventilation
Contaminated SF6
If SF6 does not contain any hazardous substances its potential hazards are comparable to those of new SF6. SF6 is contaminated with dangerous substances Potential hazard: The SF6 decomposition products have an irritating or corrosive effect on eyes, skin and respiratory system The presence of small quantities of gaseous decomposition products is accompanied by clear warning signals in the form of a pungent and unpleasant odour. Irritation occurs within seconds, well in advance of any danger arising from poisoning. Protective measures: If health hazards associated with the handling of contaminated SF6 cannot be totally excluded with the aid of technical safety measures, then personal protective clothing must be worn. Personal safety clothing protects the eyes, the body and includes protective breathing apparatus. Additional organisational safety measures include the display of operational instructions and an annual seminar on the potential hazards and the safety precautions to be adopted when handling SF6 which is contaminated with irritating and corrosive substances.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Sulphur Hexafluoride
The SF6 produced by Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH is manufactured in a plant that ensures consistent quality with a purity of min. 99.9 %. It corresponds to the following guaranteeanalysis which in turn conforms to IEC Recommendation 376, 1st Edition, Section 3 or to DIN IEC 376, Chapter 3 and to VDE 0373, Part 1, Chapter 3 (according to this standard all values apply to the composition of the liquid phase).
DIN IEC 376 SF6 air CF4 H2O mineral oil acidity, in terms of HF hydrolyzable fluorides, in terms of HF 99.90 500 500 15 10 0.3 % by weight ppm by weight (0.25 Vol.-%) ppm by weight (0.1 Vol.-%) ppm by weight (0.012 Vol.-%) ppm by weight ppm by weight
ppm by weight
In general, the impurities in Solvay sulphur hexafluoride are substantially less than the maximum values specified in the guaranteeanalysis. The table on the right shows a typical Solvay quality standards specification. Prior to shipment, every batch of SF6 is tested for physiological safety (cf. Toxicity).
Solvay Fluor standard specifications SF6 air CF4 H20 mineral oil acidity, in terms of HF hydrolyzable fluorides, in terms of HF 99.98 150 50 0.65 10 0.3 % by weight ppm by weight ppm by weight ppm by weight ppm by weight ppm by weight
ppm by weight
fig. 39
Special high-capacity container for SF6: test pressure 70 bar capacity 600 l tare 465 kg
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay sulphur hexafluoride is shipped as a pressure-liquefied gas in steel cylinders of various sizes. The filling level is 1.04 kg (at test pressure 70 bar) and 1.3 kg (at test pressure 250 bar) SF6 per litre of container volume. SF6 is supplied in steel cylinders of 5, 10, 20, 40, 50 and 52 kg capacity. For larger quantities, special high-capacity containers are available on loan. These accommodate 600 kg of SF6 (see fig. 39). Tube trailers can be used for export overseas. The pressurized containers are fitted with a special gas-cylinder valve. The valves have an external threaded port mounted on the side with the designation W 21.8 x 1/14" (connection No. 6 to DIN 477). This sideconnection piece is protected from contamination and damage by means of a hexagon cap nut. The screw-on safety cap protects the valve from mechanical damage and contamination.
In order to avoid any suck-back of other gases, SF6 pressure-gas containers should never be emptied to such a degree that a partial vacuum occurs. After the containers have been emptied, the cylinder valves must be closed immediately. Please return empty cylinders in a suitable condition for refilling to us at the following address: Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH Carl-Ulrich-Strae 34 D-74206 Bad Wimpfen am Neckar Germany Railway station: Bad Friedrichshall-Jagstfeld
fig. 40
Steel cylinder for SF6: test pressure 250 bar capacity 40 l tare 48 kg
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Transport by Road
40 l steel cylinders and 600 l high-capacity containers (see fig. 38) are available. The pressurized containers are fitted with a special gas-cylinder valve, external threaded port connection No. 8 (to DIN 477). This is necessary because corrosive decomposition products could be present. In documents, the product has to be declared as follows:
liquefied gas mixture, toxic, n.o.s. (Sulphur Hexafluoride > 95 wt % and Hydrogen Fluoride < 2 wt %) GGVS/ADR GGVE/RID UN Nr. 3308 Class 2, T, C
fig. 41
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Sulphur Hexafluoride
At the level that counts in the end, namely the power supply system considered (city covering 40 square kilometres. 130,000 inhabitants, 120 MW peak load and an annual consumption of 400 GWh), the following results are obtained: designing a power supply network with GIS technology (using SF6) results in a reduction of about 27 percent in the primary energy consumption, of about 86 percent in the area required, of about 21 percent in the greenhouse potential (GWP), of about 21 percent in the acidification potential (AP), and of about 29 percent in the nutrification potential (NP), compared to designing the same network with AIS technology (without SF6). The transferability of the results from this sample network has been tested in extensive scenario calculations. The major reasons for this reduced environmental impact are: since SF6 has considerably better insulating and quenching properties than air, substations and equipment can be made with less material and energy than in the SF6-free AIS alternative. Furthermore, due to the compact design of the GIS components, the 110/20-kV transformer substations can be built directly at the (downtown) load centers. So the energy is transmitted at high voltage with low losses to the city centers, and distributed from there to the consumers via short mediumvoltage lines.
The use of SF6 technology leads to considerable environmental advantages over the use of SF6-free switchgear. Therefore, SF6 technology makes sense for electric power supplies, even from the environmental viewpoint. This requires the use of GIS installations that ensure appropriately low SF6 emissions, on the one hand, and rigorous application of the SF6-ReUseConcept of a closed SF6 cycle, on the other. The life cycle assessment was performed according to the specifications of the international standard DIN EN ISO 14040, and was followed and evaluated by an external independent expert from TV NORD.
fig. 42
The use of GIS switchgear in the power supply system considered reduces all the potential environmental impacts studied. The diagram shows the relative environmental impact potentials during the first year of use of the power system variant (blue bars = AIS version, green bars = GIS/SF6 ver-
sion). An increase in the systems supply capacities by about 50 percent (i.e. increased utilization of the system) results in a further reduction of about 5 percent each in the parameters primary energy consumption, greenhouse potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), and nutrification potential (NP), due to SF6 technology.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Solvay well known as a global supplier of new SF6 gas according to IEC 376 cares for the environment. We are your partner for the SF6 ReUse concept and full technical services. The SF6 ReUse concept of Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH includes: environmental consulting analytical services of used SF6 packaging and transport of used SF6 reclaiming of used SF6
Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH is the only company worldwide delivering such a complete range, to fullfil the requirements of the responsible care programme. For further information, please refer to our SF6 ReUse Folder.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
Fluor (F2) Solkane hydrofluoroalkanes Solkane 22 Solkane 23 Solkane 123 Solkane 141b Solkane 142b Solkane 22 /142b mixtures Solkane 134a /152a mixtures Solkane 134a Solkane 143a Solkane 152a Solkane 404a Solkane 407C Solkane 410A Solkane 507 Solkane 227pharma Polyetherpolyole: IXOL Flame retardant: KaCeFlam Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Iodine pentafluoride (IF5) Hydrogen Fluoride Hydrofluoric acid
Inorganic fluorides
Aluminium fluoride hydrate Ammonium fluoride Ammonium hydrogen fluoride Barium fluoride Calcium fluoride Fluoroboric acid Potassium fluoroaluminate Potassium hydrogen fluoride Potassium fluoroborate Potassium fluorotitanate Potassium cryolithe Synthetic cryolithe Lithium cryolithe Sodium fluoride Sodium hydrogen fluoride Nocolok Flux
(Registered Trademark of Alcan Inter. Ltd.)
Fine Chemicals
Trifluoroacetic acid Trifluoroacetic acid anhydride Trifluoroacetyl chloride Trifluoroacetic acid esters Trifluoroacetic acid methyl ester Trifluoroacetic acid ethyl ester 2,2,2-Trifluoroacetamide Alcohols and ketones 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol 1,1,1-Trifluoroacetone Trifluoroacetophenone Trifluoromethyl components 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethan
Chlorodifluoroacetic acid Chlorodifluoroacetyl chloride Difluoroacetic acid esters Difluoroacetic acid methyl ester Difluoroacetic acid ethyl ester
Sulphur Hexafluoride
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Please note that all users of SF6 are responsible for adherence to applicable instructions and regulations and for the observance of current laws. The information given in this brochure has been compiled to the best of our knowledge; no liability can be accepted in matters arising therefrom.
Sulphur Hexafluoride
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