Permission Letter Publication
Permission Letter Publication
Permission Letter Publication
Dear parent or caregiver 1st Grose Vale Scout Group is writing to request your permission for photographs of your child to be taken during scout activities. If photographs are taken, this would be for the purpose of educating youth, promoting the scout group, or the scout movement. The group is also seeking your permission to publish photographs and/or samples of your childs work. If you give your permission, the group may publish photographs of your child and/or samples of work done by your child in a variety of ways. The publications could include, but are not limited to, group newsletters (online and in hard copy), the groups website including a Flickr account, and local newspapers. If published, third parties would be able to view the photographs. If you sign the attached form it means that you agree to the following: 1. The group is able to publish photographs of your child and samples of your childs work as many times as it requires in the ways mentioned above. 2. Your childs photograph may be reproduced either in colour or in black and white. 3. The group will not use your childs photograph or samples of your childs work for any purpose other than for the education of youth, or for the general promotion of scouting and the group. Any photographs taken by the group will be kept for no longer than is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and will be stored and disposed of securely. Whilst every effort will be made to protect the identity of your child, 1st Grose Vale Scouts cannot guarantee that your child will not be able to be identified from the photograph or work. If you agree to permit the group to take photographs of your child, and to publish photographs of your child, or samples of your childs work, in the manner detailed above, please complete the consent form and return it to the group. This consent, if signed, will remain effective until such time as you advise the group otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Consent Form for Publication of Childs Work or Photographs I agree, subject to the conditions set out above, to the taking of photographs of my child during scout activities, to be used by the group in educating youth and promoting the group and scouting. I also agree to the publication of photographs or samples of work of my child. I will notify the group if I decide to withdraw this consent.
Youths name: ____________________________________________Section: _________________ Signature of parent/caregiver: ________________________________Date: __________________ Signature of youth: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________