ORION 2013 RULE BOOK (Repaired)

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Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering & Technology


ORION 2013
September 26th, 27th

Rule Book

Website: www.festsatvcet.com

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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OAT Gaming Biomedical Camp Battlefield Robo Soccer Amphi Bot The Rescuer La resistance Circuit Building LazerMaze 2.0 AD Quiz Fun Zone Tattoo Making Rocket Launcher Unreal Tournament Who Am I Returns. Bulls Eye Engineers Eye Copy Paint Lan Gaming PS 2 NEON SNAKES & LADDERS Google Whacking Technical Paper Presentation Codexterity Mind Quest Morph-A-Toon Logo Challenge

4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 19 20 20 21 21

Workshop Neon Carrom Neon TT Web Design Bhoot Bangla Aqua Thrust Minute To Win It Treasure Hunt Neon Cricket Neon Racing Mecha Roadies Accelerace F1 Race Table Bot Virtual Maze Neon Football Fun Ville Circuit Hunt Quiz-O-Walk Battle of Brains Workshop on photoshop and corel draw

22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 32 33 33 34 34 35 35

Silk Route Mania Neon Pot Black Robo Wars Monster Track Junkyard Wars Drag-Bot Race

36 37 38 40 41 41

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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11 DAY 2



Who Am I Returns.

Bulls Eye

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The Star Attraction of Orion, The OAT Showcases The Most HAPPENING Technical Documentaries And Movies For All 2 Days.

No Entry Fees. Seats On First Come Basis. Venue- 1st Floor Landing (D)

GAMING Subway Surfers

On big screen-> Participant with highest score wins Entry fee : Rs 10/Timing :11am to 1pm

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The main objective of this camp is to understand the concepts of blood pressure, EEG, EMG, ECG etc. and to observe the same practically. No. of participants per group: 1 Entry Fee : Rs. 10/- per person Venue : Room No. 114 Event Head : Sneha Salvi : 7208141409 Ashok Shinde : 8237766910

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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This is a double player event with the players engaging in a war via their robots. 2 robots will be provided.Participants can use their own robots too. One of the bots will be a Terrorist(T-bot) and the other will be a Counter Terrorist(CT-bot) . The event will be conducted on a platform with 2 bombsites A and B. Both the robots will enter the platform at the same time from opposite sides. The aim of the T-bot is to plant the bomb in a minute and that of the CT-bot to defuse it in 1 minute while the terrorist defends the bombsite.

The CT-bot can in any way also stop the T-bot from planting the bomb. Participants will play twice as T and twice as CT. WEIGHT LIMIT : 3KG.

No. of Participants : 2. No. of Rounds per Battle : 4 (In case of a draw the fifth battle will be a tie breaker ) DC Supply will be provided. Any external power supply will not be allowed. Time limit for each round : 1 min. Registration Fees : 40/ Venue : Opposite Room No . 117. Event Head : Anuj Newrekar : 8097383354
This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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This event comprises of two different events Each participant is required to make an own goal against the opponent. Multiple rounds will be conducted according to no. of participants and winner will be declared after the final round. No of participants: 1 Registration fees: Rs.40/ Venue : First Floor Corridor (Besides Fun Zone) Event Head: Pradeep Mishra : 9167622335

It consists of three levels. Bot will be provided. Description: Unique event in which participants robot driving skills in land as well as in water will be tested .The one who reaches the finish line first in the given time limit will win. Event will consist of 3 tasks : 1)To complete land terrain. 2)To complete aqua terrain. 3)to complete a task. Participants can bring their own robots but they will have to get it verified it from the event co-ordinator. The one who completes circuit in minimum time wins. No. of participants : 1 Registration Fee : 40/ Venue : Room no-115 Event Head : Saurabh Jadhav : 9987762920
This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Abhijit Katkar : 8237359349

4)THE RESCUER (Arena Event)

Want to be the next rambo or Commando.? So test your level1 bot skill in the arena by rescuing the hostages to rescue zone. But be aware of Hurdles and adventures in the path of rescue zone First round has a time limit of 2-3 mins, re-entry is allowed as its selection for next round is on basis of best time. 24V, 2A DC supply would be provided. Any external power supply from participant will not be allowed. 2Any damage to obstacles would result in disqualification. No. of participants per group: Team of 2 members. Registration Fee: Rs.50/Venue: Room No. 117. Event Head: Tejas Trivedi : 9096343852 Pratiksha Sawant : 9870745036

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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A packet consisting of 10 resistors will be given. Using colour code calculate Value of each resistor and series of all 10 resistors (colour code will not be given) In second round a circuit consisting of series and parallel combination would be given they need to calculate value of resistance and solve circuit (colour code will be provided.) Use of calculator and mobile phone not allowed. No. of participants per group : max- 2 Entry Fee : Rs. 30/Venue : Room No. 119 Event Head : Anjali Kumari : 9969582170

In first round participants will be given a circuit diagram and they are required to make a circuit board according to the diagram given to them by SOLDERING the components on the board. The judgement will be done based on the neatness of the circuit board and the arrangement of the components on the board. Soldering Iron, solder wire circuit boards and the necessary components will be provided by the organisers. In the second round participants are required to implement a logic statement using basic logic gates only. In the final round participants will be given a logic statement which they have to implement using NAND, NOR, Ex-OR and Ex-Nor gates. The group which implements the statement accurately in minimum time is the winner. All the components and the pin configuration of the gate ICs will be provided by the organisers. No. of participants per group : maximum 2 Entry Fee : Rs. 30/ Venue : Room No. 120 Event Head : Nitesh Dongare : 8087077208

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Laser Maze contains a number of laser beams that are lit in groups. Players have to negotiate the beams without breaking them. The direction of laser beams could be changed to change the difficulty level. First level consists of crossing the beams once and heading towards the exit. Second level consists of crossing the beams twice (to and fro) and returning to the starting point. The time taken to complete the task will be recorded and the winner will be decided accordingly. No of participants: 1 Room No : 118 Registration fees : Rs.40/Event Head : Chetan Patil: 9029709066 Prabhanjan Kurlekar : 8237362514

In the elimination round the participants will be asked questions based on the advertisements and TV commercials. Based on the no. of correct answers given participants will be qualified for final round. The final round will be disclosed on the spot. No. of participants per group: Max. 2 Entree Fee : Rs. 30/Venue : Room No. 119 Event Head : Supriya Mhatre : 9987449822

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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This event will consist of 6 sub events which will be disclosed on the spot. Player needs to earn points by clearing each sub event No. of participants per group :1 Entry Fee : Rs. 10/- per sub event , Combo : 50/Venue : Corridor on the 1st floor Event Head : Janak Kawa : 09594943698 Abhijit Patil : 07385352556

It will consist of only 1 round where participant will be given theme on the spot. Colors will be provided. No. of participants : 2. Registration Fee : 30/ Venue : Room No. 119. Event Head : Mrunal Parapalliwar: 7709895524

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Bottle rocket Launcher is an introduction to space science for students studying mechanics. Bottle Launcher using air compressor bottles will be provided. Participant has to provide aerodynamic shape to the bottle so that it covers maximum distance. Plastic parts and glue for modification will also be provided. No. of participants : 1 Time Limit : 30 mins. Registration Fees : 30/ Venue : Ground. Event Head : Kalpesh Duble :9821236882 Siddharth Ramanan : 9619205296

GAMING Unreal Tournament

Deathmatch: 8/10 opponents enter at a time in a death match. The winner will continue to play and will face 7 new opponents. The last man standing is the winner. No. of participants per group:-1. Entree Fee : Rs. 20/ Venue : Room No. 123 Tournament Team Game: Two teams will enter a tournament. The winning team will continue to play and will face another new team. The last survivor team is the winner. No. of participants per group : maximum 4 Entree Fee : Rs. 80/Venue : Room No. 123 Event Head : Mahesh Dhake : 9975522899

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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A marathon of fun and logical events seeking to test your wits at different levels. Level -1 : FUN GAME Simple fun game decided by a Coin toss is to be performed by the player. Level -2: TECH SCRABBLE A scrambled word with its meaning is given. The player should form maximum number of words within the given time frame. Level -3: QUIZ In this round players should answer the most number of rapid-fire questions in the given time frame. Questions will test the technical knowledge of candidates as well as the knowledge of VCET. The participants will qualified on the basis of points scored in each round. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Event Head. No. of Participants : 2 Registration Fee : 30/ Event Heads: Mitali Rathod : 9970330975 Karishma Karande : 8600099209 Venue: Room No : 215

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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A series of fun events testing your intellectual capacity. Level-1 : LUCKY STRAW In this round players pass the rubber band among them using straw and it shouldnt fall while passing it. Level-2: SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Tell difference in the two given pictures. If contestants do not find specified number of differences, they will have to play DOMINOES. Level-3: DHOONDTE REH JAOGE In this player will be shown a number of gadgets for a short time... he has to then jot down as many as he can. The participants will qualified on the basis of points scored in each round. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Event Head. No. of Participants : 3 Registration Fee : Rs. 30/ Event Heads: Gopal Pai : 9867649975) Shivaranjini Bhat : 9969960017 Venue: Room No : 214

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Round 1: Participants have to identify the hardware related to computer, mobile or any electronic gadgets displayed on the slides. Participants identifying maximum hardware will proceed to the next round. Round 2: Assemble the hardware. No. of participants per group: 2 Registration fees: Rs.30 Venue: 410 Contact No.: Mrunal Tipari- 8237718770


Round 1: Participant is provided a visual reference such as a sketch or a simple portrait which they have to recreate using only MS paint. Participants face constraints in the form of TIME-LIMIT and their skill with the paint utility. Once the given time limit expires , participant's work will be evaluated in terms of -->exactness --> completeness No. of participants per group: 1 Registration fees: Rs. 20 venue: Room no. 110 A&B lab Contact no.:Yoel Almeida :9673152712

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CS (COUNTER STRIKE 1.6) No. of participants per team: 5 Reg fees: Rs.120 Contact no. : Ankit Lokhande: 9322883704

NFS (NEED FOR SPEED) : Reg fees:Rs. 30 per player Contact no.Rishi Patel: 9004520706

PS2 Unleash your gaming instincts

Description: One on One Smack down on your opponents. Registration fees :Rs.50 per person Contact: Ashwin Nair:8097781114 Srijesh Nair: 9029260864

Description: One on One Registration fees :Rs.50 per person Contact: Ashwin Nair:8097781114 Srijesh Nair: 9029260864


Various games to satisfy your hunger. The nature of the game will be disclosed on the spot. Registration fees: Rs. 30 per head Venue:411 Event Head: Anand Vishwakarma : 9769401478

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Round 1:Wikispeedia is a hypertextual game designed to work specifically with Wikipedia. It requires only a computer, Internet access, a web browser and a time-keeping device (optional) to play Players (one or more) start on the same randomly selected article and must navigate to another preselected article (home) only clicking links within the current article. The goal is to arrive at the home article in the fewest number of clicks (articles) or the least time. Procedures The random selection of pages must be performed by someone other than the player, that is, either an impartial overseer (i.e. referee) or an opponent. A close tally must be kept of the number of clicks used by a player; all selections must be accounted for. Whoever has the fewest clicks wins. The browser history can be used to determine number of articles / clicks.

A round in the Wikispeedia can be played at one computer terminal, where players take turns, or at multiple computers simultaneously. In the latter option, a "session" begins immediately after everyone loads their random Page and ends when the last person returns to his/her Homing Page. After each round, the history folder of the web browser needs to be purged. Except where otherwise noted, any player breaking these rules automatically forfeits the game. DO NOT use the Wiki search box. DO NOT use any of the links outside of the page's contents. The contents of a page are demarcated by gray lines which intersect to make the page box. DO NOT click (for example)"Help", "Donations", "Related changes", "Category:" etc.

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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DO NOT visit external websites. You must stay within the bounds of Wikipedia. DO NOT use the backspace or back arrow to return to a previous page. History is bunk in the Wiki Game (unless a referee or an opponent demands a recount). DO NOT employ automated search tools to find a path for you. DO NOT edit the start page to insert a link to the home page. Round 2:Participants will have to perform a google search based query. The word will be given to them on the spot.They have to add a word before and after the given word and find the minimum no of results possible in given time. The participants are allowed to use any dictionary except online dictionary. Using search engine other than google is not allowed. The teams with minimum no. of results will be short listed for final. The rules for this event are subjected to change at sole discretion of the event head. No. of participants per group : 2 Registration fees :Rs. 40 Venue:IC Event Head: Ashray Bhandare : 9833551326 Purvi Shetty :9930014242

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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STAGE 1:[Elims] Each team must submit a soft/hard copy of their abstract containing a description of the topic. The Abstract must have following. 1. Covering sheet clearly stating the Title, Team Members names , address with the contact numbers and college name. 2. Detailed Explanation of the idea. 3. An experimental section including both members and result (if required). Each abstract must not exceed 500 words . All abstracts must be submitted/mailed by till Students of VCET should submit hard copy their abstract by the given date. For the soft copy, the subject of the e-mail should be the title of the paper. Abstract should be mailed at Abstracts submitted after the due date will not be considered. STAGE 2:[Presentation Round] Each team gets a minimum time of 15mins for their presentation, followed by a 5mins conclusion and answer session by the panel of judges. Exceeding the time limits may lead to negative marks being awarded to the team. Judges decision shall be treated as final and binding on all. Paper must be done strictly in the IEEE format. The format is available at http://www.ieee.org/portal/cmsdocs/pubs/confpubcenter/pdfs/samplems.pd f Please mail the abstracts on/before 24th September, 2013 before 9.00 pm. The email id is csivcetfests@gmail.com. No of participants per group: Team of maximum 4 members. Registration Fees: Rs. 120 Venue: Seminar Hall Contact: Mrunal Tipari: 8237718770

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Participants will be tested on their programming & debugging skills. It will consist of 2 rounds. Selected groups will be shortlisted for final round. If tie occurs, then time taken to complete will be considered. Any participants/teams found doing any type of cheating or using any illegal means will be disqualified subject to the discretion of the Event Head. Team qualifying for the final round will be awarded with a certificate. Participation certificate will be awarded. No of participants per group: 2 Registration Fees: 50/Venue:510 Event Heads: Avnish Choudhary:8097867624 Manish Patel:9029372887

You think you it all. Heres your chance to prove your mettle .Rattle your gray cells to be ultimate quiz master.

No of participants per group: Team of maximum 4 members. Registration Fees: Rs 80/- per team Event Head: Rakhi Sonkusare: 9004461232

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Teams will be judged on their creative ability of morphing images(cartoon characters). Participants will be given the theme for the wallpaper on the spot. Each team will be given time 1hrs &computer to work on. The same collection of images will be provided to each team. Participants may use Gimp, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw or Microsoft paint(the softwares will be provided by the organizers). Participants are not allowed to use floppy, CD or any other removable storage devices. Members of a team are not allowed to leave the venue before submitting their image. Certificate for participation would be provided. Decision of the judges & Event Head will be final. No of participants per group: Team of maximum 4 members. Registration Fees Rs 40 Event Head: Arpit Vora: 8796500037

Expand your knowledge. This event is categorised in two rounds. The 1st round comprises of identification of logos. The 2nd round comprises of completion of logos.

No of participants per group: Team of maximum 4 members. Registration Fees: Rs.40 Event Head: Pooja Borde:8796368910

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In Our Workshop we make our Students familiar with the Different Types of Attacks which a Cracker can perform to gain or manipulate the Information or personal stuffs of various Individuals. Our Focus is to impart a Knowledge by which our Students can Protect Themselves by this malicious threats in IT World !! In Short ,Our AIM is to make an Normal Engineers an HIGH-TECH Engineers so that they can walk in Hand in hand with Today IT World !!

Workshop Duration: 8 hours Date: 5 October 2013 Time: 9am-5pm Workshop Fees: Rs.200 per person Registration: On/Before 27th September, 2013. Modules covered: Introduction to Ethical Hacking. Email Exploitation FaceBook and Gmail Hacking(Phishing) Operating System Hacking(Windows) Internet WWW Attacks Cryptography & Steganography OS Forensic Virus Making Mobile Hacking NOTE: Software Tools related to Workshop and Certificate will be provided to the Students.

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Various games to satisfy your hunger. The nature of the game will be disclosed on the spot. Registration fees: Rs. 10 per head Number of participants: 4 Venue: Room no. 413 Event Head: Pratik Dengane8087340956


Various games to satisfy your hunger. The nature of the game will be disclosed on the spot. Registration fees: Rs. 20 per head Number of participants:2 Venue: Room no. 413 Event Head: Pratik Dengane :80873440956

Round 1:Make a Replica of the given website and results will be based on the accuracy of the web site. Round 2:Design a web site on the given theme on the spot. The one who designs with accuracy will be the winner. No. of participants per group: 1 Registration fees: Rs. 30 venue:Room no. 109- A&B lab Contact no.:Anush Shenoy:7208494890

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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BHOOT BANGLA .Scare out your senses Gather the courage to enter a haunted house and experience the thrill of horror. Complete the tour around the haunted house full of obstacles in MINIMUM time. a. Failing to complete tasks in stipulated time b. Shouting or crying c. Stepping out of track All the above will lead to disqualification Winner and runner up will be given cash prizes Entry fee Rs. 40/Event coordinators: Tiksha Sankhe: 9028261306 Prathamesh Rewale: 9664260821 Nitesh Vishvakarma: 8976877806 Nikhil Phadatare: 7666659965 Venue: 3rd floor Drawing Hall Room No. 316 AQUA-THRUST Make a splash Race an aquabot in a water pool clearing the obstacles a. Completing race in minimum time wins b. The aquabot should not go off track during the race Entry fee Rs. 30/Event coordinators: Ritesh Wankhede: 9967711658 Kshitij Pagare: 9823412624 Akshay Salunkhe: 9920564197 Venue: Volleyball Court
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Minute to win it a. Complete a particular task in a minute by a team of 2 b. Completing the maximum no. of events wins. c. In case of a tie the time will be taken into consideration Entry fee Rs. 30/Event Coordinators: Omkar Rahate: 8149509311 Pratik Dalal: 9987070946 Rishikesh Mishal: 8097927641 Venue: Room No. 415

Treasure hunt a. Complete the tasks and get the clues to reach next task b. Completing all the rounds in the true way wins c. Rounds and maps will be disclosed on the spot Entry fee 50/Event Coordinators: Ajinkya Padate: 9730535800 Sumedh Lalge: 9167268787 Prakash Ahir: 8097041771 Rucha G - 7738707565

Venue: Seminar Hall after the Inauguration.

All the events except treasure hunt are 2 day events

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Neon Cricket
Experience the unofficial national game of India in entirely new and amazing environment. Have you tried playing in gloomy lights. Come experience the thrill Rules: 1234No of players allowed per team are 3. The game will be played in a dark room with neon lights. Rules regarding scoring and number of overs will be explained on the spot. Winning team will proceed to next round.

Venue: 417,418 Entry Fee: 60/Event Head: Tarang Vithlani-08097785199 Salwin Lopes: 09762284431

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Neon Racing
Level 1 robotics track event gets a twist as the environment goes darker and the experience more exciting. Rules: 1- The track will be prepared in a dark room under neon lights. 2- Participant has to complete the track in minimum time possible. 3- Contestants for the semi-final round will be decided on number of entries based on their timings. 4- Rules for penalty will be said on the spot. 5- Decision of the officials will be considered final. Venue: 4th Floor Drawing Hall Entry Fee: 50/Re-entry: 30/Event Head: Suraj Patil:-08108345016 Chetan Patil : 09673724190

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Mecha Roadies
Know how good you are at completing simple but challenging tasks we have for you. You better be ready for performing as the tasks will test you. Rules: 1-No. of members allowed in the team will be 2 2-Players will perform few set of events. 3-Winners will be decided based on timing. Venue: Volleyball Court Entry Fee: 40/Re-entry: 30/Event Head: Aniruddha Talekar:- 08446579479 Kshitij Nayak:-08087183145

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Sharp curves, dreaded obstacles, spine chilling jumps drive your mean machine through all mind boggling routes Be ready to face the thrill (Teams have to bring their wired robot car and race on the track which is full of obstacles.) The potential difference between any two points should not exceed 24V at any point of time. Time recorded in one level will not be considered in next round. Machine can have a mechanism to vary the speed within the acceptable power range. Wire connecting the machine should be kept loose all the time, and should not support the machine at any instant. More than two warnings will result in immediate disqualification of the team. Every machine should be given to organizers before the race to examine. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. Decision of event head will be final.

Machine Specifications: Machine dimensions should not exceed 9inches x 9inches. Power Supply will be given, however, a team can have onboard power supply to their machine. No. of participants per group: Team of Max. 4 members Venue: Room no. 401 Registration Fees: Rs. 40/ Event Head: Manthan Kapadia(9987304463) Akshay Gawli(9920701859)

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Experience the thrill of formula one in real life with robots and unleash your driving skills on the track to beat the clock. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the adventure. The participant has to finish two laps in minimum time. Machine dimensions should not exceed 9inches x 9inches. The potential difference between any two points should not exceed 24V at any point of time. Time recorded in one level will not be considered in next round. Wire connecting the machine should be kept loose all the time, and should not support the machine at any instant. More than two warnings will result in immediate disqualification of the team. Every machine should be given to organizers before the race to examine. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. Decision of event head will be final. Top ten will be selected for the finals. Venue: Room no. 401 Registration fees: Rs. 30/ Event head: Nilesh Dhembare (8087104207)

Try your skills to maneuver your bot on a table while collecting surprises!! Bring your level1 (wired) car and compete against time on a table, tackling the obstacles that will test your driving and handling skills to the limits you have never imagined. The bot will be placed on a table with varying obstacles. Members have to push the obstacle with their bot and drop them at two ends of table. One who drops maximum number of obstacles in minimum time or maximum 90 seconds will win.
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The potential difference between any two points should not exceed 24V at any point of time. If the bot falls from the table, contestant will be disqualified. Machine can have a mechanism to vary the speed within the acceptable power range. Only 2 members per team will be allowed to handle the machine inside the arena. Wire connecting the machine should be kept loose all the time, and should not support the machine at any instant. More than two warnings will result in immediate disqualification of the team. Every machine should be given to organizers before the race to examine. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. Machine dimensions should not exceed more than (9X9)inches No. of participants per group: Team of max. 4 members. Venue: Room no. 406 Registration Fees : Rs. 30/ Event Heads: Shrishail Sajjan(7276739582)

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Steer your robot through walls of a maze and help it find the designated exit door fast enough!! Will your bot escape the maze?? Guide your robot through the maze and help it in completing the track in the shortest time possible. The participant will not be able to see the maze. He has to complete the entire maze without seeing the maze but using a particular type of guidance as set by the organizers. Timing starts when the robot starts moving and ends when any part of the robot touches the finish circle. The robot will be given 5 attempts to solve the maze. The fastest time of the three will be recorded as the final score for the robot, plus any penalties and minus any bonus (time). No modifications of any type may be made to the robot between attempts. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. Robot will be provided. Venue: Room no. 406 No. of participants per group: 1 Registration Fees : Rs.30/ Event Heads : Palak Dave(9029331106)

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Who said one can play soccer only under flood lights when it is dark?? Here one can have a breath taking experience playing in the dark, under neon. A normal soccer match will be played of 5 minutes, in dark. Teams will consist of 3 members including a fixed goal keeper. Get the best of your opponents in these 5 minutes. If there is no result, it will result in a penalty shootout!! The topper of this tournament will be selected as the winner. Other rules will be explained on the spot. Registration fees: Rs.50/Rs.30/- on re-entries Venue: Room no. 313 Event head: Abhinav Kuveskar(9819300210)

City filled with fun & games! A place where technology meets entertainment. The event is a TECHNOLOGICAL brain teaser. Fun Ville is a series of events which are concatenated. Time taken by each team to complete a particular sub-event will be noted down. At the end, the timings of each sub-event will be added. The winner will be decided on the basis of accuracy of the output. In case of multiple correct outputs, time taken to provide output will be considered. Detailed rules will be explained on the spot. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. No. of participants per group: Team of max. 3 members. Registration Fees : Rs. 40/Venue- Room no. 312 Event Head: Sejal Naik(9004025103) Ketki Sawant (9967015049

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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Have a blast with events like Blind Designing, Treasure Hunt and Electro-Quiz. BLIND DESIGNING: Design a circuit with the help of your partners, when one of your partners is blindfolded. GET THE CLUES: Find the answers according to clues given in minimum time possible. Clues will be based on electronics. ELECTRO-QUIZ: Answer simple electronic questions in minimum time possible. Winner is selected depending on time and point basis for each event. No. of participants per group: Team of Max. 4 members Registration Fees: Rs. 40/Venue- Room no.311 Event Heads : Akshay Sathe(9730412212) Kunal Shinde(9594530557) Jitesh Sawlani(8976291102)

Navigate through steps and walk a path by answering simple questions. Will you reach the finish line first?? 1 participant from the group will have to move across steps where the number of steps is decided by the other 2 participants of the group by solving simple technical questions. The team which reaches the end point first in minimum time will be the winner. The use of unfair means will result in immediate disqualification. No. of participants per group: Team of Max. 3 members Registration Fees: Rs. 30/-

Event Heads: Abhijeet Haware(9028455617) Rahul Jain (9028455829) Sayali Bore (9890438967)

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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A sequence of three techno-fun events; one leading to the other to revive those worn out grey cells! Basically comprising of 3 rounds: 1. Brain Fuzz 2. Logo Quiz 3. Word Search Rounds to test your basic sentence making skills and technical question knowledge! Embark on a fun filled journey cum battle to test your prowess in the battlefield!! Will your crucial captivating skills along with your intellects reach you to the finish line first?? Organizers decision will be final. No. of participants per group: Max - 3 Registration Fees: Rs.30 Venue : Room no.319 Event Heads: Chirag Mandaliya 9769269757


A workshop to enlighten the participants about basic graphical softwares Photoshop and Corel Draw. We will start from the basics and slowly explore into the advanced stages of designing using each of the softwares. Participation certificate will be provided. No. of participants per group : 1 Registration fees: Rs.40/ Venue: Seminar Hall on 27/19/13 Contact : Dhaval Savani (9930114015) Swapna Chavare(8976840005) Hemangi Thorat(9765131361) Certificates will be provided on the spot.

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The aim is to lift or launch the particle with the help of a mechanical device or structure made by participants. The particle will be lifted or launched from a guided mechanism suspended between the two ropes which are hung at the opposite corners. All the contestants will be provided with the necessary material. No external material will be entertained. Time duration to prepare the device is 1hr30min. Maximum 4 attempts and total 20 min are given to launch or lift the particle after device is approved by experts. The point criteria will depend on the success in lifting or launching the material. No. of participants per group : Four members. Registration fee : 50. Venue : Fountain area. Event Heads : Krupa Thakkar - 7208338079

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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This event will consist of two opponents at a time. This game is similar to snooker with only the balls being replaced by footballs. The concept of this game remains similar to snooker except you have to kick the cue ball instead of using a stick to pot balls. The person who finishes first wins. No. of participants: 1 Venue : class no 416 Entry fee: 40 Venue - Class no 419 Event head: - Sumedh Lalge - 9167268787

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The mission is you choose to accept to launch your machine in clash of legends. Its a battle between two Combat Robots. The time of combat war is 5 minutes. A team comprises of maximum 5 members. Either you have to bring your own robot or we will provide you our own designed robot. Participants will be disqualified if their robot remains immobile for 30 seconds without opponents interference. Specifications of Combat Robot design 1)Dimension: 300mm * 300mm*500mm(l*b*h*) 2)Control: Wired or wireless(frequency for wireless 75 MHz or above) 03)Weight: 7 kgs Power Supply: 18 Volts, 5 Amperes Robots using propellers , projectiles , fire and fluids as weapons are strictly prohibited. Robots will be judged on the basis of 1)Aggression 2)Strategy 3)Defence 4)Impact 5)Damage
This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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6)Control 7)Design Decision of Judges will be final and binding to all the participants. Entry fee: 80 for your robot. 150 for organizers robots. Event Head: Amrut Arole - 9766997343 Venue - vcet foyer

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The competents will have to make a robot to withstand track full of obstacles, so come and test your skill of controlling the robot. Participants are allowed to make wired and wireless controlled robots.

The dimensions of robot should not exceed 9*9 inches . Failure in this regard will lead to disqualification The potential difference between any 2 points should not exceed 24V at any point of time. A single controller will control same robot throughout the event (may be different for other event). Swapping of robot or controller is not allowed . Disassembly or braking off of any part resulting in debris on the track will lead to disqualification of machine. The decision regarding this will be at the sole discretion of organisers. Use of Mechano sets and Lego is prohibited. The use of readymade gear assemblies and manufactured assemblies is not allowed. At no point during the race should the connecting wires be touched. Failures to observe this constrain will lead to disqualification. Participants can bring their own power eliminators. And they are responsible for their own equipments. However a power supply would be provided during the event. Rules and regulations are subject to minor changes. Track details are subject to minor changes. No. of participants per group: Team of 4 members. Rounds: 1st and 2nd rounds (26th and 27th oct) Time: 11:00 am to 5:00pm Entry fee : Rs 50/Event head - Pratik Gupta - 9028622777
This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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The participants will be provided with certain junk materials from which they have to prepare a structure for performing certain tasks. Model should be prepared from given materials only. NO OUTSIDE MATERIALS ARE ALLOWED. Performance of model will be awarded points which will determine the winner. Event Head holds the right to change or discard any of the rules and regulations of the event. Number of participants per group: Team of 2 4 Members. Venue: IC Engine lab Entry fee Rs 40/ Event head - Karan P -8983264315


To participate all you need is basic level 1 bot which is fastest. On 12 V & 2 amp your bot must run free track without any obsatcles. The bot which will prove itself the fastet to complete track in minimum time is a winner. Venue : VCET foyer Entry Fee : Rs 60 /

Event Head : Saurabh jajoo. - 9594541152

This Rule Book is Intended to Give a General Idea About the Events. Organisers Reserve the Rights to Modify the Rules Without Any Prior Notice.

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