Department of Labor: Gdol Beacon

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COMMISSIONER Employers Receive $100 Million Tax Cut
Commissioner Michael Thurmond announced recently that levels of performance for the year ending March 31, 2006, and
Michael L.Thurmond

The Dawn of the majority of Georgia’s 200,000 employers will benefit from a one of only 11 states do so nationally.
a New Day $100 million unemployment insurance tax cut beginning in “The cornerstone of our management strategy is to help
January 2007. This latest reduction in employer taxes brings the Georgia’s unemployment insurance claimants get back to
On July 1, 2001, the total employer tax savings to over $1.5 billion since 1999. work as quickly as possible,” Thurmond said. As a result,
Georgia Department According to Thurmond, “This tax cut will provide addi- Georgia has one of the lowest average claims durations in the
of Human Resources’ division of tional fuel for Georgia’s economy. These additional tax reduc- nation. For the twelve months ending August 31, 2006, the
Rehabilitation Services joined the tions will leave more money in the hands of Georgia employers, average duration of Georgia claims was 11.2 weeks, while the
Georgia Department of Labor family. helping to protect existing jobs and increasing the likelihood national average was 15.2 weeks. By surpassing the national
This merger created an unprece- that new jobs will be created.” average by four weeks, the need for benefit payments was
dented opportunity for employers to Georgia has the second most solvent trust fund and the reduced by more than $172 million.
access the largely untapped reservoir lowest unemployment insurance tax rates in the Southeast. In addition to reducing taxes, the department has
of citizens with disabilities who want Sound fiscal management of the state’s Unemployment increased the maximum weekly benefit to the Southeast
to join America’s workforce. Insurance Program is a key factor in maintaining solvency and median. Since 1999, the maximum weekly benefit in Georgia
low tax rates. The U.S. Department of Labor recently cited the has increased from $244 per week to the present rate of $320
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of program’s performance as “exemplary,” stating that “Georgia per week which represents a 31percent increase.
this historic union, the Georgia was the only state in the region to meet all 10 of the acceptable
Workforce Conference and the Touch
the Future Transition Conference will
be held jointly this year. My hope is
that this collaboration will facilitate

much needed discussion regarding the

Opportunities for All

importance of creating a more diverse

More importantly, this gathering NOVEMBER 1-3, 2006

should serve as a catalyst that will
inspire state and local leaders to
address unmet challenges, and provide
THE CLASSIC CENTER l ATHENS, GEORGIA l Pre-conference workshops will be held October 30-31.
answers to unresolved problems that
persons with disabilities and their fam-
ilies face on a daily basis.
Conference Encourages Workplace Diversity
During the last five years, the founda-
tion has been laid for the development
According to the National Association on Disability, only 32 percent of Americans
of a fully integrated Georgia employ-
with disabilities aged 18 to 64 are working compared to 81 percent of those without
ment security system. The combined
disabilities in this age category. This disparity will be the focus of the Georgia
conferences will highlight those efforts
Workforce/Touch the Future Transition Conference that will convene in Athens, Nov 1-
and herald the dawning of a new day
3. Workshops, presenters and speakers will emphasize the importance of providing
for Georgians with disabilities.
persons with disabilities a full range of support services and equal access to employment
So join us in Athens on Nov. 1-3 as we
For the first time, the two conferences will be held jointly and focus on a common
recognize those who contributed to
theme: inclusiveness and universal access for all working age youths and adults.
the successful merger of two impor-
In its eighth year, the primary goal of the Georgia Workforce Conference is to
tant state employment and training
strengthen the state’s employment security system by providing an environment
agencies. We will also rededicate our-
where state and local workforce development professionals can share best practices,
selves to the proposition that, “It’s
discuss strategies and solutions about common challenges and propose innovative
ability, not disability, that counts!”
approaches that prepare all GDOL customers for future achievements. Celebrating its
20th anniversary, the Touch the Future Assistive Technology and Transition Conference
and Expo is sponsored by Touch the Future, Inc. The mission of this conference is to
provide persons with disabilities with information that will allow them to live, learn and
work independently.
According to Thurmond, “The merger of the Georgia Department of Human
Resources’ Rehabilitation Services Division with the Georgia Department of Labor in Ralph Leonard is a GDOL Vocational

2001 was the catalyst for merging the two state conferences. The primary purpose of Rehabilitation Services customer and is
I N StheI D E the combined conference will be to encourage cooperation between public and private employed by Wal-Mart in Columbus.
sector advocates and the elimination of bureaucratic barriers that prohibit persons with
disabilities from accessing existing resources and services.”
Joy Kniskern, co-chair of the conference committee and manager of Assistive Technology programs for GDOL added, “This con-
Job Transitions
The GDOL recently opened the R.S. ference will bring everyone together on a level playing field. A world-class workforce will only happen when everyone is included as
“Bo” Marlow Career Transition Center equal partners.”
to assist Ford workers in finding Conference planners and organiz-
employment.. . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2 Georgia Department of Labor
ers are hopeful that this historic gather- PRSRT STD
ing will encourage Georgia’s workforce 148 Andrew Young International Blvd., N.E. POSTAGE & FEES PAID

Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1751

n Coffebreak with Brenda professionals to work more coopera- OF LABOR

tively and have a broader understanding

Find out about Blackshear’s JGG high of the concept of workplace diversity.
school graduation rate success at For GDOL, this conference will open a
Dougherty Comprehensive High new chapter in ongoing efforts to ensure
School in Albany. . . . . . . . . PAGE 6 that there is a, “Job for Every Georgian
and a Georgian for Every Job.”
n An Experience for Youths For more information about the con-
This year, 1,100 youths participated in ference, visit the department’s website at
the GDOL Summer Youth Work, contact Faye Duzan
Experience Program . . . . . . . . . PAGE 7 at (404) 232-3875, ext.21271, or email
Page 2 – Vol. Five/Issue 2 The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor

FROM THE EDITOR GDOL Dedicates Transition

Janice Reaves that enlighten and inform readers of
Editor, The Beacon GDOL’s programs and initiatives.
Center at Ford Motor Factory
The Beacon By making the newsletter available On October 28, the Ford Motor Factory in Hapeville is scheduled to shut-
Online online, more people in and outside of down operations, leaving more than 2,000 workers without jobs and in search of
the state will have access to informa- new careers. To aid these workers, the Georgia Department of Labor opened the
In October 2000, the tive news regarding the Georgia R.S. “Bo” Marlow Career Transition Center to assist workers in finding employ-
official newsletter of the Georgia Department of Labor. ment. The transition center is named for R.S. “Bo” Marlow, the late president of
Department of Labor, The Beacon, the United Auto Workers of America (UAW) Local 882.
made its debut. GDOL employee Don I appreciate all of you who write to tell “The on-site transition center will enable the Georgia Department of Labor
E. Head, an auditor in the Quality me how much you enjoy The Beacon. I to serve the employment needs of the workers in a manner that is most conve-
Assurance unit, named the newsletter hope that the online version will give nient to them,” Thurmond said. “Our staff will help the nearly 2,000 Ford workers
in a department-wide contest. Not you even greater access to the who are losing their jobs with a wide range of services to help them return to work
many people realize that Head named Georgia Department of Labor and as quickly as possible. Providing these services onsite before the layoffs occur will
the newsletter but that doesn’t faze keep you informed of all it has to offer. expedite their transition between jobs and careers.”
him. He said, “It’s hard to believe that Among the services being provided are transition assistance, outreach and
it has been six years since The Beacon recruitment, counseling, job search assistance, job development, job placement,
was first published! I enjoy it for a Editor’s Note: I make every effort to basic skills training, basic education, workshops, classroom training, occupational
number of reasons. First and fore- keep The Beacon’s database current and skills training, customized training, on-the-job training and other support services.
most, it gives all GDOL employees an up to date, but I need your help. If you
Unemployment insurance services are also available.
idea of what’s going on within the would like to add someone to The
department. Second, it gives some Beacon’s mailing list, change an address
deserving employees recognition for a or remove someone who no longer works
job well done. I also enjoy the columns for your company, please e-mail
where individuals are highlighted and or drop
have a chance to share their stories.” me a note at the address listed below.

In the first edition, Commissioner

Thurmond said, “This newsletter is The Beacon, a quarterly publication, will
another important step in ongoing consider for publication articles relating to
efforts to improve internal and exter- or dealing with the Georgia Department of
nal communication for the depart- Labor. Please include name, address and a
ment. It is important that all GDOL daytime phone number with article.
employees and customers are Submissions must arrive before the 15th of
informed of the progressive changes each month to be considered for the next
issue. Articles may be emailed to
taking place inside our department.” or faxed to
(404) 656-2683. Editor reserves the right to
In keeping with the Commissioner’s
edit all articles of submission. The Beacon is
vision, I am pleased to announce that available in Braille and other alternate
The Beacon is now accessible online by formats.
logging on to and
clicking “The Beacon” link in the right Mail articles to:
corner of the web page. As editor of Georgia Department of Labor
The Beacon, I constantly strive to make Suite 600 Commissioner Thurmond (right) recognizes Jill Marlow, widow of R.S. “Bo” Marlow. The
the newsletter an informative vehicle 148 Andrew Young International Blvd., N.E. transition center was named after Marlow, who was president of UAW Local 882, until
for its readers. Stories are published Atlanta, GA 30303-1751 his death last year.

Georgia JobTV Gets New Look

Georgia JobTV, the second generation, is now JobTV is now telecast in many communities throughout the state. Among the
being seen on television sets across the state. The larger communities are Albany, Americus, Athens, Augusta, Columbus, Cordele,
greatly improved programming was launched April 10. Douglasville, Ft. Valley, Irwinton, Jesup, Wayne County, Macon, Savannah,
The new JobTV allows the GDOL to incorporate Thomasville, Tifton, Valdosta and Waycross.
features not available over the original system. Perhaps Now that the new JobTV system is up-and-running, the GDOL is working to
the most noticeable is that JobTV now includes inter- expand into areas of the state never before served. Who knows, if your area is not
esting and informative video announcements and already served by JobTV, maybe it will be soon.
stories about job development and services of the Georgia Department of Labor.
The new technology allows the GDOL to create and use attractive, eye-catch-
ing graphics comparable to those used by other broadcasting and marketing Tune in to your local community broadcast station for JobTV.
outlets. The graphics, which are often work-related tips for job seekers and
employers, are usually accompanied by narration, making JobTV more accessible City Channel
for use by persons with impaired vision or limited reading skills. And of course, Albany Mediacomm Ch. 16
JobTV incorporates the 160 job openings that have been the staple of its pro- Americus Mediacomm Ch. 16
gramming since it debuted in 1995. Athens Charter Cable Ch. 7
Each job opening provides the job title, location, salary, education, experience Augusta Knology Cable Ch. 6
requirements, and the job reference number. The selection of job openings is Austell Comcast Cable Ch. 23
designed for the specific area being served by the television station or cable system Camilla CNS Cable Ch. 6
over which JobTV is being seen. Columbus Charter Cable Ch. 3
Viewers who are interested in a job listed on JobTV are instructed to visit one Cordele WSST TV-55
of the GDOL’s 53 Career Centers, or go online to, to obtain Douglas Charter Cable WDTV-13
additional information and, if qualified, be referred to the employer for an interview. Jesup Comcast Cable Ch. 3 or 16
Employers who wish to have their job openings telecast need only list them Macon Cox Cable Ch. 14
with the GDOL and request that they be shown on JobTV. This is one of the best Marine Corps Logistics Base Mediacomm Ch. 16
ways for employers to get their job Martinez Knology Cable Ch. 6

openings before a potential audience Moultrie CNS Cable Ch. 6
of thousands. Savannah Comcast Cable Ch. 8
JobTV is another example of the Screvens Comcast Cable Ch. 3
CREDITS GDOL’s use of technology to better Thomasville CNS Cable Ch. 6
serve the people of Georgia. It pro- Tifton City Net Cable Ch. 17
Janice Reaves, Editor
vides those who don’t have Internet Valdosta Mediacomm Ch. 96
John Ard, Staff writer
access the opportunity to search Villa Rica Comcast Cable Ch. 23
Matia Storey Edwards, Staff writer
Annie Hughley, Staff writer through job openings listed with the Waycross Waycross Cable Ch. 42
Carolyn Kowalski, Staff writer GDOL from the convenience of their Winder Comcast Cable Ch. 12
Quentin Miller, Staff writer homes. In this case, the state-of-the art Winterville Charter Cable Ch. 7
Nicole Mangham, Layout Designer, technology used to distribute JobTV
Graphic Artist was developed by FrameRate, Inc., a This is only a partial listing of JobTV affiliates. Check your local cable
national leader in multi-media delivery listing for Georgia JobTV.
Official Newsletter of the services based in Salt Lake City, UT.
Georgia Department of Labor
building a world-class workforce
The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor Vol. Five/Issue 2 - Page 3

Job Well Done

n Athens the Eastman Career Center, Janet Hutcheson, n Macon
l The Athens Area Employer Committee and employment and training consultant presented an l Congratulations to Vatisha Prophet,
the Athens Career Center of the Georgia informative presentation on the Georgia Works ini- Customer Service Award winner and Victor
Department of Labor, in partnership with Cedar tiative. As a result of the presentation, the Eastman Black, Team Player Award winner. They each
Shoals High School, sponsored a Summer Career Center received additional Georgia Works received their own parking space and a $50 gift
Leadership Academy. The purpose of the Summer job orders. certificate from the Middle Georgia Employer
Leadership Academy was to engage high school Committee. Pictured with the winners are Royce
students in seminars on leadership qualities and Hopkins, district director, Al Elvins, chair of the
skills with the overall goal of providing a positive Middle Georgia Employer Committee, Mo
means for achieving success, as well as increasing Wilson, Macon Career Center manager, Fran
the students’ chances of completing high school. Jones, Cathy Hagins and Diana Billups, unit super-
visors, and Olivia Jackson, Macon Career Center
assistant manager.

Janet Hutcheson, employment and training consul-

tant, presents information on Georgia Works.

n Elberton
Pictured: Participants in the Summer Leadership l Carson Barnett of Elberton was recently
Academy from Cedar Shoals High School awarded a $500 scholarship by the Elberton/
Broad River Area Employer Committee. Carson is Vatisha Prophet poses with her Customer Service
attending Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Award.
Tifton and is enrolled in the Pre-Dentistry
n Augusta program. Carson is the son of John and Cynthia
l The Augusta Career Center celebrates Barnett of Elberton.
Customer Service Month by providing customer
service information and training to staff during
Friday’s staff meetings. All GDOL staff and part-
ners joined together to celebrate and show appre-
ciation to their customers.

Victor Black poses with his Team Player Award.

n LaFayette
l Kudos to the LaFayette Career Center for
their collaboration with the Atlanta TAA/TRA
offices and the local Workforce Investment Area n Monroe
Shown (L-R) Charles Jennings, employment market- which resulted in the transitioning of laid off l The Walton County Employer Committee
ing representative, Wayne Beaty, Career Center factory workers to medical jobs. Johnnie Lewis, held a seminar at Great Oaks in Monroe entitled
manager, and Greg Criste, employment marketing Career Center manager with the Georgia Immigration Reform Changes Your World. The
representative. Department of Labor was instrumental in helping seminar was presented by David C. Whitlock of
the workers to see the options they had in front of Fisher and Price LLP, Attorneys at Law. There
them, making their career change possible. were 48 employers in attendance.
n Cairo
l The Cairo-Grady County Employer n LaGrange
Committee sponsored a management seminar on l Every week 323 babies in Georgia are born
labor and employment law for area employers.
too soon and the rate of premature births in the
The seminar was presented by David Whitlock, a
U.S. is escalating. The LaGrange Career Center
partner with Fisher and Phillips, LLP, who special-
decided to do something to help by participating in
izes in the area of immigration and nationality law.
three events – Blue Jeans for Babies Month, pledge
walk, and a sweets sale. The money raised from
these events made a sizeable contribution avail-
able to help fight premature births.

Employers attend an immigration seminar presented

by the Walton County Employer Committee.

Pictured: David Whitlock lectures to employers on

immigration law.
n Thomasville
l The Thomasville Career Center, local
Workforce Investment Area members and
Left to right – Kimberly Hollis, Angela Brewer-Laye, Vocational Rehabilitation staff attended customer
Cliff Meeks, Cookie Leverston, Bonnie Barber, Jamie service training at the Thomasville Career Center.
n Eastman Ortiz, Gary Smith, Sherry Rayfield, Gary Massey, Dr. Nolia Brandt discussed good and bad customer
l During the August 15, 2006 Magnolia Cynthia Pugh, and Tracy Bernett Rome. service, as well as how to deal with dissatisfied cus-
Midlands Employer Committee breakfast held at tomers and 10 steps for great customer service.
Page 4 – Vol. Five/Issue 2 The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor

Job Well Done (continued)

n Veterans’ Awards
l Local Veterans Employment Represent-
atives of the Year: Walter A. Pollock, Columbus
Career Center and Lee Massey, Gwinnett Career
Center; Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
Specialists of the Year: Ben J. Seger, Columbus
Career Center and Jack Baker, Augusta Career
Center; Exceptional Service to Georgia’s
Veterans: William Goodwin, Savannah Career
Center, Patricia Sharpe, South Metro Career
Center, Riley Watkins and Canute Tinnie,
Gwinnett Career Center, Nathaniel Olaniran,
South Metro Career Center; Dedicated Service
Lt. Rachelle Denmark of the Thomasville Police to Georgia’s Incarcerated Veterans: Willie
Department. Lester and Fisher Ellington, state service officers,
Dr. Nolia Brandt discusses good and bad customer Athens Post Number 2. Congratulations!
service to GDOL staff members.

n Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute

for Rehabilitation
l The Thomasville Career Center and WIA
l International wheelchair basketball returned
Staff were treated to lunch and a plant tour by
to the GDOL’s Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute
Caterpillar, Inc. The Thomasville plant, which is
for Rehabilitation (RWSIR) as the Joseph F. Lyttle
hiring through the Career Center for another line,
World Basketball Challenge (WBC), re-named in
is a valuable partner, and staff members enjoyed
honor of former RWSIR recreation director Lyttle.
the delicious meal, and informative tour!
It’s the fourth time RWSIR has hosted the WBC,
the latest in a series of Roosevelt Cup events, and
the first under its new name, a fitting tribute to the
late recreation and disabilities advocate who died
Lt. Denmark with Cindy Wooten, DOL services spe- in Dec. 2004. Lyttle, a multi-decorated Army
cialist. veteran of the Vietnam War, including two Purple
Hearts, joined the staff at Roosevelt Warm Springs
in 1980 and until his retirement in 2002.

n Tifton
l The Tift-area Employer Committee, Tifton
Career Center, Tift County Chamber of
Commerce, City of Tifton and Tift County joined
Pictured (L-R): Front Row: Laura Craig/ Volt Services, together to sponsor their Second Annual Career
Kathy Lundy, Cassandra Williams, Joan Reaves, Expo/Job Fair. The event occurred on October 5
Veronica Blackwell, Cindy Wooten. Back Row: at the Tift County Recreation Department. Three
Tammy Barber/Caterpillar, Treva Johnson, Mike hundred businesses participated in last year’s
Edwards, Theresa Austin, Laneika Thomas, event, and many applicants were hired on the
Keyondria Conner, Tina Cooney, Juanita Sherrill, spot. Potential employees were encouraged to
Angie Chastian/Caterpillar dress to impress.

n Valdosta
l The Thomasville Career Center, WIA, and l The Valdosta Career Center recently
Vocational Rehabilitation staff attended a work- observed Customer Appreciation Day. Customers
place safety seminar presented by Lt. Rachelle were given calendar/planners donated by Moody
Denmark of the Thomasville Police Department. Air Force Base and refrigerator magnets with local
Lt. Denmark spoke on signs to look for, steps to Georgia Department of Labor contact information
take, and resources available in dealing with work- by the Career Center. Welcoming Team USA
place safety issues.


This year marks the 14th class of the Georgia Department of Labor’s EXCEL
(Executive Commitment to Excellence in Leadership) program. This program
was designed to cultivate creative, change-oriented leaders and managers who
often make significant contributions to the agency and community as a result of
EXCEL. The program enhances the GDOL’s ability to meet the challenges of the
future by developing agency leaders who are committed to challenges facing the
state and the nation.

Front Row (L - R): Rebecca Sills, V.R. Administration, James Williams, Macon
Career Center, Helen Kim, Workforce Information & Analysis, Janice Burley-Black,
North Metro Career Center, Alice Gardner, VR Region 3A, Gwen Roussel, Macon
Career Center
Second Row (L - R): Roni Bell, South Metro Career Center, Harold Smith, Special
Accounting, James Hance, Vidalia Career Center, Rudene Mosley, Employer
Accounts, Angel Brutus, VR Region 3A, Angela Williams, VR Region 5, Linda Bennett,
VR Region 5, Phyllis Roberts, Information Technology, Ashley Howard, Staff
Development / Program Sponsor
Third Row (L - R): Toronda Williams, Staff Development, Tedra Adams, Fourth Row (L - R): Sherri Lundy, Commissioner’s Office, Lee Davis, VR Region
Milledgeville Career Center, Nancy Goodwin, D.A.S. Stone Mountain, Cathy Chafin, 12, April Neal, Human Resources, Pam Peterson, D.A.S. Stone Mountain, Kyna
D.A.S. Savannah, Rick Caracciolo, VR Region 4, Andrea Godette, Cobb/Cherokee Demons, Unemployment Insurance, Dion Reid, Clayton Career Center, Rashaud
Career Center, Tim Alexander, North Metro Career Center Smith, Macon Career Center
The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor Vol. Five/Issue 2 - Page 5

Rehabilitation Services

Happy Birthday, Miss Sadie!
By Betty Genovar, Kevin Kelley, and Karen Cook

Each day for 27 years, Sadie White has gone to dances in his living room during cane grinding and hog
work at Georgia Industries for the Blind (GIB) in killing times. She says she was good at doing the
Bainbridge, GA, where she consistently exceeds pro- Charleston dance. One of her fondest memories of
duction requirements. Even though she has very her grandfather is the cane syrup candy he made with
limited hearing and even less sight, Sadie plans to con- different kinds of nuts. “That was the best stuff I can
tinue working until she just can’t work anymore. She ever remember eating as a child with my grandfa-
says, “They are not going to run me off from here.” ther.”
What makes this story so remarkable is that on Sadie began to lose her sight in her early teenage
August 10, Sadie turned 90 years young! “Miss Sadie,” years. Today, she is nearly blind, but highly motivated
as she is called by her co-workers, is a binder assem- which keeps her in an active lifestyle, which includes
bler in the paper products division, and she is an knitting, sewing, crocheting, growing flowers and
inspiration to everyone in her department. fresh vegetables.
Sadie was born in Ashburn, GA in 1916, and lived Around the age of 29, Sadie moved to
there until her early 20s. In reflecting on her younger Jacksonville, FL where she ran a wrapping machine
years, she says it was her grandfather who made the Miss Sadie celebrates her 90th birthday.
for the Tinder Box Company. After 25 years, she
greatest impression on her. Sadie remembers square retired from that job and moved to Sarasota, FL. She
broke her hip in 1974 and spent five years in a nursing
home in Sylvester, GA. A special friend, Al Weaver, put in her hometown newspaper, The Wiregrass
helped get her out of the nursing home to work for Farmer, in Ashburn, GA.
GIB in 1979. Sadie was 62 years old at the time. “Miss Sadie is a valuable member of the GDOL
Since she has been employed at GIB, she has family and an exemplary role model for all of us in
received several perfect attendance certificates over today’s workforce,” Labor Commissioner Michael
the years and was Employee of the Month in Thurmond said. “We can always count on her being
September 2002. She also tries to keep her supervi- at work and doing her job well. She is a wonderful
sor aware of any quality problems she finds in her example of why employers should recognize the
work. value and dedication of older workers and workers
Sadie worked for years, pinching pennies and with disabilities. We’re proud to have Ms. Sadie as a
going without a lot of things so she could build a colleague and wish her many more happy birthdays.”
house. She paid for a three bedroom brick house on If you would like to send birthday greetings to Ms.
her own, and is proud that she owns it free and clear. Sadie, you may send them to the following:
When asked what she would like for her 90th Ms. Sadie White
Miss Sadie at work as a binder assembler in the birthday Sadie said, “I would like to have a bulldog 1224 Avenue B
Bainbridge GIB plant. puppy named Freddie, a sewing machine, and a Bainbridge, Georgia 39819
million dollars.” She also wants her birthday notice

October is National Disability Awareness Month

By Carolyn Kowalski

Employment is a highly-regarded goal for most Americans extended to the entire month and the official name was
— whether or not they have disabilities. Employment is the adopted. Implicit in those changes is the message that it’s
single most important factor that allows most Americans to ability, not disability that counts…. it’s ability, not disability
achieve economic power, dignity and independence — that matters.
whether or not they have disabilities. Employment is within Today people with disabilities are better educated, more
easy reach of most Americans — unless they happen to have creative, more empowered, and more likely to achieve their
disabilities, and then it is too often out of reach. full potential than ever before. According to the National
Recent research and surveys from the U.S. Department of Association on Disability, they typically have equal or higher
Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) indi- job performance ratings, higher retention rates, and lower
cate that the most prevalent employer concerns are finding absenteeism, and they are dedicated to their jobs and are
and keeping qualified employees, finding employees with the loyal to the employers who hire them. Perhaps more than any
right work ethic, and managing costs and benefits. With such other group of people, individuals with disabilities have the
significant challenges, it might be obvious that one way to meet ability to adapt to different situations and circumstances.
them is for employers to recruit and retain workers from a They tend to be natural problem solvers because of the daily
pool of qualified people with disabilities. Yet ODEP also creativity they need to manage their own disabilities. As
reports that people with disabilities have disproportionately employees, they add to the range of viewpoints businesses
high unemployment rates as compared to non-disabled indi- need to succeed, offering fresh ideas on how to solve prob-
viduals; some estimates reach 70 percent. lems, accomplish tasks and implement strategies.
Helping society become more aware that people with dis- This October, and throughout the year, it’s appropriate
abilities are ready, willing and able to join today’s workforce is to recognize not only the people with disabilities who have
the preeminent goal of National Disability Employment achieved meaningful employment, but also the employers
Awareness Month. The 2006 theme, “Americans with Disabilities: Ready for the who hired them and the vocational rehabilitation professionals who helped
Global Workforce,” reflects the fact that increasing the opportunities for prepare them for the workforce. So, thanks for a job well done.
Americans with disabilities in the workforce can produce positive results for It would be beneficial for employers and workforce professionals alike to help
employers. fulfill the promises of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) — equality of
In 1945, Congress designated the first week of October each year to draw opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency.
attention to employing people with physical disabilities. In 1988, the week was

Please check us out online at

Page 6 – Vol. Five/Issue 2 The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor

Coffee Break
Brenda Blackshear
World-class Customer Service
Brenda Blackshear is a
job placement specialist FROM: “Linneweber, Tom”

with the Georgia

TO: Pat Bailey
DATE: 8/4/06
Department of Labor’s Oral Surgery & Dental Implants SUBJECT: PMG Indiana Employment Activities in Monroe, GA

Jobs for Georgia

C. MacDonald Worley, Jr., D.M.D.. M.D.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Graduates Program.
Dear Ms. Bailey
Georgia Department of Labor
She is housed at Safety Engineering Division er
Please accept my heartfelt “Thank You!” for your department’s assistance in filling our
lumm employment needs. You, Susan Yearwood, and other members of the Monroe
Dougherty Comp- Attn: Jeannine Konieczny
s, D avid P ll Career Center (and other sites) have worked diligently to screen and offer several
os oda
1700 Century Circle ary M a Wo
rehensive High School Atlanta, GA 30345 L-R, M and Agath
candidates for our consideration.

in Albany, GA and has racked up impres- Presently, two persons have been hired to assist us in continuing a strong, respectful
relationship with UNISIA.
sive results. We wanted to learn more. Dear Ms. Konieczny,
We learned today that UNISA has reduced their orders in response to a reduction in
I would like this letter to express my deep thanks and admiration of your staff. part requirements from Ford. We do not know how long to expect reduced order
Brenda, how long have you been a quantities but anticipate keeping both employees on our payroll for the immediate

job placement specialist and what In March, 2006, we were down to the wire of moving into our new building. future.
We were told that we would not be able to move due to our new office
attracted you to this job? building not having an elevator. This was an extremely stressful moment in
It appears unlikely that we will hire a third person, but will continue to assess our
needs. I will contact you when we have a better understanding of the future hiring
A friend told me about this job and said our office as we had movers scheduled and inspectors working to get our needs and length of service for our current employees.

it was made for me. She said I would

Certificate of Occupancy ready for a specific day.
Again, your team did its job . . . “and then some!”
benefit from it and everyone else would When talking to my contractors I was told that there was nothing I could do,
benefit from me having it. I applied and because the GA DOL was the one we were waiting on at this time. On my Best Regards,
own, I took a leap of faith and called your office. The first time I called I
was hired for the position. As of August spoke with Mary. She was extremely professional and very helpful. She Tom Linneweber
8, I have been a job placement specialist went out of her way to help me in my time of need. On the second day, I Director of Human Resources
PMG Indiana Corporation
for nine years. spoke with Agatha. She was just as helpful, and after explaining my plight, Columbus, IN 47201
was very empathetic. Both women helped me to get in touch with David
Plummer. Mr. Plummer was extremely helpful getting our inspection in a
In 2005, you had a 100% fulltime job timely manner and helping us move into our building.
placement rate. What is your Ms. Konieczny, I worked in a government position as a manager for over 5
secret? years, and I know it is frustrating and extremely demanding. Having
The school I was placed in was already a employees on your staff that go that little extra step to help are very difficult
comprehensive high school with strong to find. They also get overlooked from time to time in this busy world we
live in. I wanted to make sure, although very overdue, that I send you a note
vocational development. During the in to let you know how much we appreciated their efforts.
school phase, I would tell my students Susan
daily that the world owed them nothing,
Thank you so much,

but they owed the world everything. I Editor’s Note: The Star Award is presented
would help them do job searches. I Mary Ann Prewett each issue to GDOL staff who provide excep-
Business Manager
would do job development. It was a case tional service.

of true nurturing as well as skill develop-

ment. John C. Whitley III, Ph.D., P.C.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Likewise, 88.9% of the students you
worked with were accepted to
Mr. Michael L. Thurmond, Commissioner
Families First Child Evaluation Centers
Georgia Department of Labor
college. How did you accomplish
& Anger Management Center
Suite 600
this? 148 Andrew Young International Blvd., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1751
The students already had college in
mind, but I would continually ask them
“Who are you?” “Where are you going?” RE: Rick Lockamy, GCDF
Georgia Department of Labor
Veterans Representative
and “How are you going to get there?” I Brunswick Career Center
Disability Adjudication Services
would help them plan what they needed
1551 Julliette Road
Stone mountain, GA 30083
to do, how they needed to apply for Dear Mr. Thurmond,

scholarships, and other steps they Mr. Lockamy has been assisting me to locate a job for a number of weeks
To: Ms. Mickey Albert

needed to take. now. I find him punctual, courteous and intelligent. He offers me encourage-
RE: Gaynell Nicholas
ment and good choices along with excellent and intelligent advice.

Your students maintained a 97.83% He always answers my calls immediately and keeps his appointments, being
I just wanted to let you know of the deep appreciation that myself and staff
have for Gaynell. She goes above and beyond what anyone has ever done
high school graduation rate. Are there on time, even meeting with me after hours when the need arises.
for us. When we call Gaynell, she helps us fix a problem, obtain authoriza-
any secrets to motivating students? It is people like him that make our systems work. I have a tremendous
tions we did not receive or she answers any other questions we may have.
My students know that I check on them respect for him and for our system. When anybody comes to him to obtain
She has helped us obtain referrals when we asked for them. I know we are
unable to nominate Gaynell for any awards in your facility, but I feel sure
constantly. They call me “Momma Bee” help finding a job, they feel that Rick is doing the best that can be done and
that she would well qualify and win, hands down, any support staff award
indeed he is.
because they say that I will sting them. I that you may offer.
call them at home, go to their games, Additionally, after all of the applications are placed, he calls you if new
Gaynell has always been extremely prompt with any paperwork we have
see what they are doing. I don’t stop at opportunities arise. This is really wanting to keep people on the job. It is
requested. She is very professional in her duties and often goes beyond her
very encouraging.
the classroom door. I am a mom, and I job description to assist us. Gaynell will call the office
know that each child has different needs
to see if we have any problems or needs. She
Mr. Thurmond, I just moved here from
is very courteous and professional when she
and needs different things. I try to main- Puerto Rico and did not know how good
your Labor Department was and wanted to
presents herself. We have worked with
tain a one-on-one relationship. let you know.
Gaynell for several years and I look forward
to several more productive years.

You received the 2006 Golden Apple Sincerely yours,

Award. What is that and what does
it mean?
The Golden Apple Award is an award a amy John C. Whitley III, Ph.D. ichola
Lock ell N
high school senior gives to the person Rick Gayn

who has made the greatest impact on

his/her life. I was proud to receive it and
feel it was quite an honor.

Is there one achievement of which From:

“Terry Hooper”
Michael Thurmond
“Lilly Croft”
Michael Thurmond
you are most proud? Subject: Positive Feedback Subject: Positive Feedback
I am proud of all my students and their
achievements, but one student comes to Dear Mr. Thurmond: Dear Mr. Thurmond:

mind. This student had no financial I will always recall December 2005 as a very unsettling time, when my employ- After losing my job in February, I felt sad and embarrassed. The job I was termi-
resources and had her heart set on going ment terminated in a field where I have worked for 20 years, in a sudden and neg- nated from was a job I’m more than qualified to handle. A part of me wanted to
ative manner. throw myself a big pity party and cry, cry, cry! But the people at the Department of
to Benedict College. I knew she could go Labor in Cedartown wouldn’t let me do such a thing. They helped me with my job
to a local college, but she wanted So, it was refreshing, in a time many people have lost faith in governmental
bureaucracy, to encounter your seasoned DOL services specialist, Judy Holcomb,
search and helped me create an impressive resume. To have people like that
working for you must make you proud. They are such quality people. They seem
Benedict. We worked before school, in LaFayette. While Ms. Holcomb is efficient, she is professional in as though they love their jobs, and truly want to help. Being the head of this divi-
after school, and during any free time we a way that shows appropriate human concern. That meant
a lot to me. Her assistance in helping me to
sion, you must be part of the reason why. So thank you.
You helped me without ever meeting me!
had on getting her into Benedict. She was modify my resume was especially kind.

never late to our sessions. I am proud to

(Staff of the career center includes:
I am relieved to know that, for others who find Front row, L-R: Jim Price, Tammy Reyes,
say that we sent her off to Benedict on themselves unemployed as I did, you have
competent persons on your staff like Judy
Mark Ezzel, Lisa Clark, Patsy Grubbs
Back row, L-R: Cynthia Shepard, Cindy
August 5. Holcomb. Davis, Marilyn Mobbs, Lisa Ives, Charles

- By Annie Hughley Sincerely,

God bless you,
Terry Hooper Ceda
Lilly Croft taff of the Center
mb S er
Holco Care
The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor Vol. Five/Issue 2– Page 7

Workforce Investment Act

GDOL Summer Youth Work Experience Program:
An Experience of a Lifetime
By Matia Storey Edwards

A strong advocate for Georgia’s youth, Commissioner Thurmond is continu- The summer job openings provide benefits for the participating employers
ously seeking new methods to reach youths by keeping them opportunity-bound, and the young people on the rise to professional growth and development.
safe and informed. This passion for youths led him to spearhead, in partnership Students benefit by gaining the tools and opportunities they need to succeed in
with Georgia’s 20 local Workforce Investment Boards, the Georgia Department of the workforce and employers benefit by investing in the workforce of the future.
Labor (GDOL) Summer Youth Work Experience Program. “Youths are integral to When this happens, a young person’s life is changed. And with that comes affir-
our ability to thrive as knowledgeable, skill-oriented and hardworking workforce mation for the success and value of the GDOL Summer Youth Work Experience
professionals,” Commissioner Thurmond says. “We must provide channels for our Program.
youths to make contributions as valuable to the workplace as we do as adults.”
Initiated in 2003 to give teens and young adults experience and training in the
workforce during their summer vacation, Commissioner Thurmond allocated $1.3
million in funding to create the statewide work program for youths in rural and
urban communities. Energized by the effort, Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
offices eagerly developed jobs in the public and private sectors to meet the needs
of Georgia’s youth. This year, local WIA areas enrolled 1,100 youths across the
state in the program. Youths were selected based on one or a combination of the
following criteria.
l Participants had to be 14 to 21 years old.
l Preference was given to participants from low-income families.
However, local areas are allowed to place up to 10 percent of non-WIA
eligible applicants.
l Preference was also given to participants enrolled in the GDOL High
School/High Tech program.
During the 1980s and 1990s, the federal Job Training Partnership Act allocated
funds each summer to create jobs for young people nationwide. Prior to that, the
Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) also provided funds for summer
youth work experience. However, this separate and specific funding stream was
discontinued under the current Workforce Investment Act of 1998, which
replaced JTPA. Although WIA funds are allocated for year-round youth programs,
which should be designed to include a summer youth work experience compo-
nent, limited funding for youth programs allows only a small number of students to
enroll and receive services each program year.
Participant reports reveal that youth participants worked in a multitude of set- John McDonald, (R), a student at Etowah High School in Woodstock, GA assists Beth
tings, which allowed them to develop new skills and hone existing ones. The most Zaccari, registered veterinary technician at Bells Ferry Veterinary Hospital, during his
popular job sites involved performing clerical support, working as parks and recre- participation in GDOL’s Youth Work Experience Program.
ation aides, janitorial/maintenance assistants, summer camp counselors and day
care aides.

Every Internship is an Opportunity to Learn

By Kristi Singletary

In the past when I heard the words “Georgia Department of dents can go to learn, build self-esteem and acquire skills in a nur-
Labor (GDOL)” I thought its sole purpose was to find jobs for turing environment. It is wonderful to know that there is a place
people. I believed this until I was chosen as a summer intern with like Warm Springs. I will never forget my visit there because it is
GDOL. Yes, finding jobs for people is an important part of what a model of how all (rehabilitation) places should be. Lastly, I
the agency does, but I learned that it does much, much more, and visited a Tools for Life Town Hall meeting which helps people get
it is this level of commitment to the community that makes the access to assistive technology, and can make the difference
agency so important. between people with disabilities working or not being able to
I was placed with the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) arm of obtain employment.
GDOL. I did not know what to expect, and I had many questions. Another aspect of my internship that I enjoyed was the
What does VR do? Who are the clients? My supervisor, Lyiouse Internship Leadership Conference at Stone Mountain Park. At the
Magee, made it possible for me to spend time with staff in the conference, I was able to meet other interns and find out about
administrative unit to learn what they do. The key thing I learned their experiences. Being able to compare different situations
is that passion makes the profession. To effectively do your part in allowed me to see that every office has its own challenges,
any work situation, you must love what you do. GDOL is suc- strengths and personality. The workshops and speakers at the
cessful because it helps people to focus on their abilities, not their Kristi Singletary is a junior at conference were very motivating. The fact that each session
disabilities. Vanderbilt University in Nashville, encouraged active participation amongst participants made them
As I stated in my application essay, “every internship is an TN majoring in communications very effective. I think the Internship Leadership Conference is a
opportunity to learn – from supervisors, mentors, co-workers and sociology. very important aspect of the internship that illustrates the impor-
and even other interns.” Each person within a professional envi- tance of skill-building, professionalism and networking.
ronment has something to offer and to show an intern. My expe- As I end my internship, I have acquired the answers to many
riences with Rehabilitation Services taught me that this is true. questions and gained a more complete knowledge of what GDOL can do for
In addition to working in the VR state administrative office, I was able to visit people who may have thought that they would never find a niche in the working
other VR sites, including the Gwinnett County One Stop Center which houses community. I now know that the value of the Georgia Department of Labor goes
both a career center and a vocational rehabilitation unit, as well as the Georgia far beyond job fairs. The programs of Rehabilitation Services help to bring people
Industries for the Blind (GIB) which provides employment for sight impaired indi- that are normally thought to be unable to achieve into the forefront of our com-
viduals. At GIB, the employees mastered skills that many sighted individuals could munities.
not accomplish. I saw first hand how important it is for all people with the desire From this experience I realize that GDOLs’ Vocational Rehabilitation is also
to find jobs. about self-discovery, priceless skill-building and helping all to realize that we have
I also visited Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation, where stu- the ability to do something.
Page 8 – Vol. Five/Issue 2 The BEACON – Georgia Department of Labor


Greg Schmieg
Opportunities for All
Greg Schmieg accepted the position as NOVEMBER 1-3, 2006
executive director of Roosevelt Warm
Springs Institute for Rehabilitation
(RWSIR) before he ever saw the sprawl-
THE CLASSIC CENTER l ATHENS, GEORGIA l Pre-conference workshops will be held October 30-31.
ing campus nestled in the place where
injured Indian warriors used the healing
waters to recuperate. When he finally
saw Roosevelt Hall and walked the tree-
Festival of Charities
lined quadrangle, he was overwhelmed By Matia Storey Edwards
and humbled by the sense of history.
Today when he crisscrosses campus, he “Building Better Communities Together – By Sharing” is the chosen Georgia Merit System (GMS)
knows he made the right decision, but theme for the 2006-2007 State Charitable Contributions Program (SCCP). It is also a theme the
now he’s overwhelmed and humbled by Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) upholds with each SCCP campaign by encouraging charitable
the impact he knows RWSIR makes in donations among GDOL employees.
the lives of so many. Created by the 1982 Georgia General Assembly and administered through the GMS, the SCCP is
a statewide program that allows state and public employees to donate via one time contributions and
As a naval petty officer during Vietnam, monthly payroll deductions to their favorite charities. Actively supporting this cause, the GDOL first
Schmieg also found time to volunteer at selects very important players– SCCP coordinators who encourage donation participation among their
a local hospital when off duty, and ulti- division employees, and then kicks off the SCCP campaign with its annual Charityfest.
mately worked in a precedent-setting This year’s Charityfest was held on September 14. Twenty local and national organizations partic-
program for soldiers with drug abuse
ipated. Labor employees perused brochures and other literature on representing charitable organiza-
problems. That set his career path;
once discharged, he pursued a degree in
With approximately 200 Charityfest attendees, this year’s event was another success for the
GDOL. Employees were informed of the services and missions of a variety of charities. Several of the attending organizations
included: the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, United Negro
Schmieg has held several positions, from
public health therapist to CEO of Fortune
College Fund, Hemophilia of Georgia, Good Samaritan Health Center, Canine Assistants, and the Atlanta Community Food Bank
100 specialty hospitals to independent among several others.
consultant. The common thread in his With all the enthusiasm, participation of charities and interest of GDOL employees, the Labor Department is hoping to exceed
work life, if not the keystone of his per- last year’s total one time and payroll contributions of almost $85,000. This total was met in part by fundraising efforts by individual
sonal philosophy is being of service to GDOL divisions across the state. Each year, the Marketing & Community Relations division awards the Pelican and Paragon honors
to the division that is most creative in its fundraising efforts and the division that submits the largest fundraising contribution.
The Charityfest is of course the prelude to the campaign and the Pelican and Paragon honors are closing reminders that
hard work is recognized and rewarded at the GDOL.

GDOL Answers to last edition’s puzzle

1. Kentucky 11. Washington
South Dakota
With the popularity of the West Wing Television Show, let’s see how 4. Hawaii 14. Pennsylvania
people. “It is a privilege to serve others,” much you know about the real West Wing. Circle the correct answer. 5. Delaware 15. Oklahoma
he says, “and it is a privilege to work at 6. Florida 16. New York
Roosevelt Warm Springs.” 1. Which president is responsible for the West Wing? 7. Alabama 17. Maine
a. Georgia Washington c. Abraham Lincoln 8. Connecticut 18. Louisiana
b. James Garfield d. Theodore Roosevelt 9. Michigan 19. Alaska
Much of Schmieg’s professional exper- 10. Nebraska 20. California
tise and success centers on his ability to 2. Who occupied the first Oval Office?
reshape and revitalize organizations. a. Theodore Roosevelt c. Howard Taft
He notes that while there are numerous 7. Where in the West Wing did President Harry
b. Woodrow Wilson d. Franklin Roosevelt
approaches to restructuring and organi- Truman take the Oath of Office?
zational turnaround, the bottom line is 3. What was the color scheme of the first Oval Office? a. Oval Office c. Cabinet Room
to commit to and serve all stakeholders a. Royal Blue c. Sunflower Yellow b. Roosevelt Room d. Fish Room
truthfully. As he sees it, his primary b. Olive Green d. Rust
8. Which rock-n-roll sensation did President
responsibility as the front person in the
4. What did President Franklin Roosevelt add to the Richard Nixon welcome to the White House?
process is to raise the bar and set the
West Wing? a. Elvis Presly c. The Supremes
highest example from which to lead.
a. Tennis Court c. Pool b. Buddy Holly d. The Beatles
b. Pool Table d. Laundry Room
Schmieg sees the rejuvenation of RWSIR 9. What is the name of the garden outside the
as solidifying a focus that will punctuate 5. What was the original name of the West Wing? Oval Office?
its 80th birthday next year, as well as a. Fish Room c. Pool Room a. Children’s Garden c. Jackie Kennedy Garden
carry it forward for the next 80 years. b. Oval Room d. Sun Room b. West Garden d. Rose Garden
First and foremost, he says, that future
direction must continue to honor the 6. What happened to President Franklin Roosevelt’s 10. What is the difference between the President’s
legacy. It must also be based on team- swimming pool during Nixon’s administration? chair and the other chairs in the cabinet room?
work and the synergy created when a. Became the Press Room c. Became the Tennis Court a. Features the Presidential Seal c. Different Color
people work together to serve others. b. Became the Cabinet Room d. Became the Laundry Room b. Signed by George Washington d. Taller
And it has to build strategic alliances…
and move the whole organization
forward for the enhancement of all LIBRARY SELECTION OF THE MONTH
stakeholders — from the commissioner
to the groundskeeper to the chairman of The Office of Staff Development is featur- the classroom skills you need to succeed.
the board to each and every student and ing You Can Do It! A Guide for the Adult You Can Do It helps any adult learner
patient. Learner and Anyone Going Back to brush up on comprehension, memory and
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In what spare time he currently has, as the “Selection of the Month.” In a job types of test structures, use individual
Schmieg plays guitar, likes to bike, golf learning profiles to take advantage of the
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and work outdoors. He and his wife,
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replaced job security and lifetime employ-
working on a double major in marine If you want to re-enter the learning
ment, a growing number of adults are
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cats – Pepper and Prince, and a rescued (404) 232-3835 to check out this book.
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versity degree or taking a few vocational - By Dave Razel
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