Dynamic Analysis of Bridges

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Construction and Building Materials 25 (2011) 12701276

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Dynamic analysis of a bridge repaired by CFRP: Experimental and numerical modelling

M. Abdessemed a,c, S. Kenai b,, A. Bali c, A. Kibboua d

Public Works Ministry, Algiers, Algeria Civil Engineering Department, Geomaterials Laboratory, University of Blida, Algeria c Construction & Environment Laboratory, Polytechnic National School of Algiers, Algeria d National Earthquake Engineering Centre (CGS), Algiers, Algeria

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
A signicant number of existing reinforced-concrete bridges all over the world require maintenance and repair. Hence, the need for a rapid evaluation procedure for the diagnosis of existing bridges. This paper presents the application of a dynamic analysis methodology for structural evaluation of reinforced-concrete bridges. The methodology is based on the application of ambient vibrations non-destructive testing method and the identication of the structure total response using nite element method. A case study of a three span reinforced concrete bridge in a strong seismic activity area in the north of Algeria is analysed. The ambient vibration testing was carried out on the bridge, before and after its repair by the application of carbon bre composites. The tests were conducted using an acquisition system made up of four accelerometers with three components placed at specic locations on the bridge. The nite element model gave comparable results to the experimental ambient vibrations tests. The modal parameters of the bridge before and after repair were identied by this in situ testing. The application of composite material to strengthen the structure increases the transverse rigidity of the structure and thus its modal frequency. 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 8 May 2009 Received in revised form 27 July 2010 Accepted 2 September 2010 Available online 28 September 2010 Keywords: Bridge Reinforced concrete Strengthening Carbon bres Ambient vibrations Modelling Finite element

1. Introduction A signicant number of existing reinforced-concrete bridges require maintenance and repair. In Algeria there are more than 4850 road bridges of which more than 40% require repair. Many of these structures have suffered cracking and various damages during their life span [1]. The causes of these damages are either due to errors in design, detailing, calculation or construction and also due to ageing and fatigue. In addition, Algeria is located in a high activity earthquake zone and its infrastructure is often damaged by seismic actions. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate and diagnosis these structures in order to repair and strengthen them when necessary. Bridge inspection is currently conducted mainly based on visual inspection and hence there is a need to improve bridge assessment techniques. The evaluation procedure should be a quick method that could detect any damage at its early stage and propose repair and/or strengthening method to reinstate the initial transverse rigidity of the structure and improve its performance and durability. The non-destructive testing methods (NDT) that permit the evaluation of the materials properties and

Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 25 433939; fax: +213 21404921.

E-mail address: sdkenai@yahoo.com (S. Kenai). 0950-0618/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.09.025

the performance of the structure without interfering with its use and without affecting its carrying capacity are the most recommended for this kind of evaluation. The mostly used NDT techniques are optical bres, ambient excitation or forced vibrations [2]. Vibrations testing on bridges are not recent and several studies are reported by various researchers and testing laboratories [3]. This technique has gained recently a widespread use for structural evaluation. This technique could be divided into two main categories: the category of testing by measurement of inputs generally called measured-input testing intended for large structures such as stayed-girder bridges, suspension bridges or structures with large lattice road surface, and a second category known as ambient testing intended for medium and small scale structures, such as reinforced concrete or steel beam bridges with reinforced concrete slab deck [4]. Ambient vibration testing could be applied using excitation by vehicles. For bridges with heavy trafc that cannot be interrupted, another form of ambient vibration testing is applied which is that of the excitation of the circulating trafc itself on the structure in use that could be associated with other sources of ambient excitation such as wind. This type of excitations was applied on 57 large bridges in California in 1982. Ambient excitation by wind and waves as well as pedestrians was also applied on the Oakland

M. Abdessemed et al. / Construction and Building Materials 25 (2011) 12701276


Fig. 1. Overview of the bridge.

Fig. 2. A view of pile degradations.

Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco [2]. The main objective of the ambient excitation tests is the determination of the modal parameters such as Eigen frequencies, the distortion and the damping coefcients of the structures. Most ambient excitation tests for the structural evaluation of bridges were carried out to check the numerical modelling and comparing it with the experimental data and also to monitor changes in the modal properties due to changes in the structural conditions after induced defects [26]. However, the application of such test method on rehabilitated and strengthened structures remains scarce. The objective of this paper is the structural evaluation of an old three span reinforced concrete bridge in Algeria before and after strengthening by a carbon bre composite material. The tested bridge is described as well as the instrumentation used. The effect of the composite materials on the modal characteristics of the structure by using ambient excitations testing was quantied.

walls, and two supports (Fig. 1). The geometrical characteristics of the bridge are: Total length 70.0 m. Length of access span 15.0 m. Intermediate span 40.0 m. Length of road surface 6.0 m. Length of shoulders 1.0 m. Height of pile 10.0 m.

2.2. Diagnosis of degradation The degradations are visible on the bridge structural elements, with cracking in the concrete cover and corrosion of the reinforcement in the beams and piles (Fig. 2). Corrosion of the piles affected the concrete cover with a loss of steel and concrete section probably due to the aggressive marine environment. The diagnosis also reveals cracks inclined at 45 near the support of the main beams indicating an increase in shear stress mainly due to road trafc increase. These damages were probably exacerbated by the

2. Case study 2.1. Description of the structure The structure is a road bridge crossing Oumazer River located near the old city of Tipaza at about 80 km west of Algiers. The area is situated in a strong seismic activity zone classied as zone III [7]. The bridge is a hyperstatic three span bridge built in 1927. The deck consists of a reinforced concrete slab supported by four reinforced concrete longitudinal beams, while the infrastructure is made up of two piles each made of four posts connected by shear

Slab Girders Beam strengthening by composites

Fig. 3. Applications of carbon bres CFRP on the bridge beams.


M. Abdessemed et al. / Construction and Building Materials 25 (2011) 12701276

Table 1 Mechanical characteristics of the materials used. Used material Concrete High strength steel Mild steel Epoxy Sikahard 30 Sika wrap sheet Laminate Sika carbohard Modulus E (GPa) 35 210 210 12.8 230 165 Density 2.5 1.8 1.5 Tensile strength (MPa) 3.0 550 400 30 3500 2800 Compressive strength (MPa) 33.5 55 Extension at failure (%) 1.5 1.7 Thickness (mm) 0.13 1.2

earthquake that struck the region in 1989 at a 6.1 magnitude on the Richter scale. 2.3. Strengthening of the structure The analysis of the degradation and their causes enabled the proposition of rehabilitation and strengthening solution of the deteriorated elements to restore their initial load capacity and gives to the structure its initial performance. The procedure used to strengthen the bridge was as follows: Strengthening of the piles by reinforced concrete jacketing. Repair of the cover concrete by a cement ready mix repair mortar. Injection of the cracks by epoxy resin. Strengthening of the beams by applying carbon bre sheets (CFRP). In order to restore the initial rigidity of the deteriorated elements and strengthen them to be able to withstand the new trafc overloads, the choice of appropriate repair materials is important. The repair techniques used are reinforced concrete jacketing of piles and exural and shear strengthening by carbon bre composite materials for beams (Fig. 3). Unidirectional Sika wrap sheets (80 mm in width and 0.13 mm in thickness) were applied to the side faces of the main beams to increase their shear strength, while the carbon bre laminate Sika carbohard (80 mm in width and 1.2 mm in thickness) were applied to the lower faces of these same beams to increase their exural strength. The characteristics of the repair and strengthening materials used are summarised in Table 1. The repair and strengthening of the structure lasted 10 months. Information on the existing bridge was lacking. Calculation note, concrete and steel drawings were not available either. However, the necessary data for testing and modelling were collected on site, from the client and other intervening engineers or companies. 3. Numerical modelling by nite elements 3.1. Data Data used to calculate the mass and the transverse rigidity, before and after repair and strengthening of the structure are given in Table 2. These values show that the percentage of mass increase of
Table 2 Comparison between weight and transverse rigidity of the bridge before and after repair. Elements Before repair Additional material after repair Deck (slab + beams + equipment) Infrastructure (piles) Concrete jacketing (piles level) Lining steel Crack injection Protective mortar CFRP sheets Weight (t) 1295 174.9 250 12.2 0.235 17.1 0.612

the repaired structure (before and after repair) is 16%, while the transverse rigidity (K = EI) increase is of 23.6%. 3.2. Numerical modelling Three-dimensional modelling was realised by nite elements using the commercial structural package SAP 2000 [8]. Soil-structure interaction was neglected. The non-linear behaviour of concrete and steel was also neglected as well as the P-delta effect. Two types of elements were selected for the modelling of the bridge, the frame elements for the beams, girders and piles and the shell elements for the surface elements such as the slabs and shear walls. The bridge is at with a bias angle of 100 grades. The material used is concrete with a linear elastic, isotropic and homogeneous behaviour. The composite materials were introduced into the calculation of the Young modulus and the transverse rigidity Ky of the structure. It is considered that the concrete reinforced by carbon bre sheets retains its linear elastic behaviour, but with a new higher Young modulus. The supports are embedded in the road surface, considering that the existing old apparatus are with xed supports. The deterioration is taken into account, in the modelling by the nite element method, through the choice of the value of the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (Youngs modulus) E. The value of E of the damaged concrete (before repair of the bridge) is distinctly lower to that of the concrete after its repair. The girders are simply supported and the piles are anchored in the foundations. Modelling was carried out by modal analysis of the structure [9], where the aim is to determine the frequencies and the fundamental modes and to compare them with those obtained experimentally by ambient vibration tests. The number of modes taken into account is six (6), in such a way that the sum of the modal masses chosen represents the total mass of the structure (approximately 90%) in our case of study [6]. For the calibration, the values given by the numerical three-dimensional nite elements model (3DFEM) are calibrated by the experimental values found by ambient vibration measurements before repair and strengthening of the bridge. 4. Experimentation by ambient excitation An adequate evaluation of the bridge, before and after its repair, requires an exact estimate of its modal identication (Eigen frequencies, fundamental modes) based on the measurement of the

Total weight (t) 1470

Moment of Inertia (m3) 2.416

Elasticity modulus (GPa) 25.0




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Fig. 4. Location of the accelerometers.

excitation response. For such structures, testing using ambient excitation with the sole introduction of geometrical dimensions is preferred compared to testing using forced excitation where the excitation and response are measured [3]. The reason is that the response measured in an ambient excitation testing is representative of the real service conditions of the structure which vibrates under the effects of natural excitation such as trafc, wind, and micro-quakes and other ambient noises.

simultaneously with recordings on the road surface, in order to estimate the transfer functions of these piles. 4.3. Data analysis All of the collected background noise recordings are analysed and treated using Geopsy software [10]. The data-processing method and programs were developed at the Internal Laboratory of Geophysics and Tectonophysics LGIT) of Grenoble, and validated by the European project SESAME. The 15 min recordings were divided into 40 s frames. The ambient vibrations are random and the analysis of the response of the bridge to such actions consists of the computation of Fourier Spectra of different windows taken from the response signal, compute their mean and evaluate the standard deviation. However, to do so and to be able to analyze the dynamic response, the selected windows, from the total recorded signal, must approach as much as possible the characteristic of a white noise record. Consequently, not all windows on the record can be used. The spectral amplitude for each window is computed through a Fourier transform. Then, all computed spectra are smoothed through a sliding window of which the form and the width depend on the frequency [11]. Finally, the obtained spectra are averaged and their standard deviation determined. The Fourier transforms of the recorded signals enable the assessment of the natural frequencies of the bridge and are extracted simply by locating the peaks corresponding to the maximum responses [12]. 5. Results and discussions

4.1. Experimental setups and apparatus Experimental tests by ambient excitation were directed on the bridge from its centre (C1 and C2) towards the south side on one hand, and from the centre to the north side on the other hand (Fig. 4). Other background noise measurements at the piles level were taken. The same positions of the accelerometers were kept before and after repair, in order to compare the results in terms of modes and Eigen frequencies of the structure. Vertical, longitudinal, and transverse bridge movements were measured using 04 accelerometer channels with three components x, y and z. The positions of the stations (Fig. 4) were also imposed by the accessibility of the structure. Apart from the background noise to the bottom of the piles; all the other positions are on the two shoulders and on the road surface.

4.2. Data acquisition and recording The ambient excitation tests were carried out on the bridge using the acquisition equipment and four sensors (accelerometers tri-axes). The recording of the background noise was carried out using a recording station CityShark Ii-6 and four Lennartz seismometers at 5 s. The CityShark station can simultaneously record signals from six sensors. For this study, only four sensors were used. While the Lennartz sensors are equipped with three components: a vertical component, and two horizontal components perpendicular to each other. The duration of the recordings is 15 min. The signal was sampled at 200 Hz. The recordings of the background noise were carried out on the bridge road surface, using four sensors. Sensors 1 and 2 are xed and placed in the middle of the bridge and are moved by steps of 6 m in one direction and later in the other direction. Sensors 3 and 4 are placed on both sides of the road surface. Recordings were also carried out on the ground close to the piles of the bridge

5.1. Numerical modelling calibration The three-dimensional nite elements model was validated against the natural excitation frequencies and the fundamental modes obtained from the ambient excitation tests. Exact calibration is not easy as real values of the mechanical characteristics of concrete and the loss of the corroded steel sections before its repair are not reliably known. Thus the values used for numerical calculation are an approximate estimation of the real characteristics of the bridge that may have experienced some repair during its history. In order to elaborate the complex computational model based on nite elements, several approximations attempts were adopted. These approximations took into account the properties of materials, the stiffness of the bridge bearing elements, the inuence of


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composite materials and the mode of their application on the beams as well as the bridge supports model. The nite elements model chosen permits the calibration and the adjustment of selected parameters until reasonable values for natural frequencies and modal forms were obtained [13,14].

5.2. Experimental results of the ambient excitation testing The most unfavourable experimental values recorded are those of the sensors of reference (C1 or C2) in their three directions. Accelerations and frequencies records before and after repair of the structure are presented, in spite of inexistence of great differences between the values obtained (Figs. 5 and 6). The most unfavourable values of the mobile stations are obtained from C4 position located at 24 m from the centre of the bridge, with vertical accelerations (z), horizontal in the transverse direction (Northern) and in the longitudinal direction (East). Vertical accelerations z are denitely more dominating than those in the horizontal x and y directions. Hence, we can conclude that the structure is very rigid horizontally and rather exible with vertical bending due primarily to the tensile forces, whose accelerations are about 0.045 g (g: gravity acceleration). The vertical and horizontal signals of the excitations of the structure, before and after its repair, by composite materials CFRP, always give a clear reduction in amplitudes of the excitations, and consequently a damping of the structure. This is one of the fundamental characteristics of carbon bres CFRP [15]. However, when the repair of the structure is modied through a material addition (jacketing) and an additional reinforcement by CFRP, the variation by excess of the mass on this structure gives an increase in amplitudes of resonance from 7.5% to 33%. Table 3 illustrates the results found for the rst six fundamental modes of the structure concerning the dominating values of the Eigen frequencies, before and after repair.

20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec.) Vertical signal Z from point C1 (middle of bridge)



20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec.) Horizontal signal N from point C1 (middle of bridge)






25 30 Time (sec.)



Horizontal signal N from point C1 (middle of bridge)

Fig. 6. Accelerations after strengthening.

Table 3 Experimental frequency values of the fundamental mode. No. Frequency before repair (Hz) 3.94 4.55 4.89 5.03 6.72 7.23 Frequency after repair (Hz) 4.05 4.67 5.00 5.07 6.93 7.36 Discrepancy (%) 2.8 2.20 2.25 0.08 3.10 1.80 Mode of excitation Vertical (z) Horizontal (E) Vertical (z) Horizontal (N) Vertical (z) Horizontal (E)

0.04 0.00 -0.04 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec.) Vertical signal Z from point C1 (middle of bridge) 0.04 0.00 -0.04 0 20 25 30 35 40 Time (sec.) Horizontal signal N from point C1 (middle of bridge) 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
1 2 3 4 5 6

The experimental results (Table 3) showed that the added mass of the repaired bridge resulted in a slight increase of the bending longitudinal frequencies (F1, F3 and F5) considerably with varying rates from 2% to 3%. However, it has increased the transverse rigidity of the bridge which results in slight changes in the longitudinal horizontal modes (F4) and also increased the frequencies of the associated modes of longitudinal transverse bending (F2, F6). Carbon bre composite materials increase the Eigen frequencies of the dominating modes of reinforced concrete structures by up to 8%, and that is due possibly to the variation of the transverse rigidity Ky of the structure (since there is a proportionality between the
Table 4 Frequency values obtained by MEF analysis. No. Frequency before repair (Hz) 2.85 3.16 3.89 8.23 13.02 13.22 Frequency after repair (Hz) 4.00 4.16 4.54 10.11 13.37 16.66 Mode of excitation Horizontal (N) Vertical (z) Torsion Vertical (z) Torsion Horizontal (E)

0.04 0.00 -0.04 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (sec.) 35 40

1 2 3 4 5 6

Horizontal signal E from point C1 (middle of bridge)

Fig. 5. Accelerations before strengthening.

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Fig. 7. The different modes obtained.

Eigen frequencies F and rigidity Ky) [16]. Bridges damaged and then repaired by reinforced concrete addition (jacketing) during their evaluation have shown frequencies which vary according to the mode of excitation. The frequency of a bridge was shown to decrease after its repair for the mode of vertical bending (z) (the increase in the mass of the bridge decreases the frequency F), while the horizontal modes (x and y) and mode of torsion inuence directly and proportionally the frequency of the structure [17,18].

the materials (concrete, steel and composite) was considered in the model. 5.4. Comparison and comments A reasonable correlation between the experimental and numerical model was obtained. The parameters that most inuence the dynamic behaviour of the bridge and consequently the modes and Eigen frequencies, are the Young modulus of the composite element (concrete CFRP), after its strengthening and jacketing. The results of the dynamic testing show an increase in the modal frequencies (Table 5). The increase in the frequency of the rst mode is very small (only 1.2%). The increases at the second and third modes are respectively about 12% and 10%. The dispersion becomes large from the fourth mode probably due to the fact that the non-linear behaviour of materials making up the composite material (concrete, steel and CFRP) is not taken into account.

5.3. Numerical results of the selected model The dynamic analysis of the calibrated model has led to modal parameters of the bridge. The modal frequencies obtained by MEF analysis are given in Table 4, with the corresponding modes illustrated in Fig. 7. The rst six dominating modes were distinguished for both cases before and after bridge strengthening. The dominating mode is the longitudinal mode of translation (N) with a clear increase (from 2.85 to 4 Hz) in frequency due to the increase of transverse rigidity Ky. The dominating frequency before repair for the selected computational model is about 2.85 Hz, while the frequency obtained by the experimental testing is 3.94 Hz. The same observation could be generalised for all other modes. However, after strengthening of the bridge, the agreement becomes excellent (difference of 1.25%) with values of 4.00 Hz and 4.05 Hz for the rst mode for the FE model and the experimental results respectively. This was obtained despite that a linear and elastic behaviour of

Table 5 Comparison of FE & experimental frequencies after repair. Mode no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Model MEF (Hz) 4.00 4.16 4.54 10.11 13.37 16.66 Experimental tests (Hz) 4.05 4.67 5.00 5.07 6.93 7.36 Relative error (%) 1.2 12.3 10.1


M. Abdessemed et al. / Construction and Building Materials 25 (2011) 12701276

6. Conclusions An evaluation of the performance of an old bridge before and after repair and strengthening of piles by reinforced concrete jacketing and the beams by a composite material was performed using ambient excitation tests. An attempt to calibrate the experimental results obtained by MEF modelling was made allowing the comparison between the calibrated model (modal analysis) and the ambient excitation method. The conclusions to be drawn from this work are as follows:  It is possible to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of a repaired bridge through the application of ambient excitation tests. The modal parameters of the bridge before and after repair are identied by this in situ testing.  The value of the elasticity modulus E indicates the real state of the material and possible damage on the bridge. The transverse rigidity Ky, before and after reinforcement, reects changes of the structure.  The predominant mode of the bridge is the vertical bending with a frequency of 3.98 Hz before CRFP reinforcement and 4.05 Hz after. The composite material increases the transverse rigidity of the structure and thus its modal frequency (proportionality between the frequency f and the rigidity Ky).  Increases in resonance amplitudes of about 7.5% for the vertical excitations (Z), 25% for the longitudinal excitations (N) and 33% for the transverse excitations (E) were observed. This is probably due to the jacketing of the piles which increased the mass of the structure (by 16%).  Computational modelling by nite elements enabled the calibration of the experimental results with a small dispersion of only about 1.2% for the rst mode and 10% and 12% for the two following modes.

the researchers at the centre for earthquake engineering (CGS) in Algiers for their help in conducting the site testing. References
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Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the local authorities of the public work ministry in Tipaza (DTP), SAPTA company, SIKA as well as

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