1st Year E & M Problem Sheet 1
1st Year E & M Problem Sheet 1
1st Year E & M Problem Sheet 1
Problem sheet 1
G = 6.673 1011 ; N m2 kg2 ; 0 = 8.854 1012 F m1 ; e = 1.602 1019 C; me = 9.109 1031 kg;
Key point
Sometimes its easier to nd the electrostatic potential V rst, and to differentiate to get the electric eld E ; sometimes its easier to start with E , and integrate for V . Its often not easy to see in advance which will be the easier strategy!
1. Find the magnitude of the electric eld at a distance of one Bohr radius (a0 ) from a proton; this is the eld experienced by an electron in the rst Bohr orbit (the ground state) of a hydrogen atom. Calculate the potential energy of the electron and proton taking the zero of potential energy to be at innite separation. Express your answer (a) in Joules and (b) in electron volts (eV). Now assume the electron orbits the proton in a circular path of radius a0 . Find (a) the orbital velocity of the electron, (b) the ratio of potential to kinetic energy, and (c) the total energy of the electron (= the ground state energy of hydrogen). [Ignore any radiation of energy associated with the electrons acceleration. One of the Bohr postulates is precisely that there isnt any!] 2. Charges are located at each of the four corners of a square of side a . Find the potential energy for each of the following congurations: (a) Four identical charges +Q ; (b) Two charges +Q and two charges -Q , with charges of like sign at opposite corners; (c) Two charges +Q and two charges -Q , with charges of like sign at adjacent corners. Could the charges be described as bound by the electrostatic forces in any of the three cases and, if so, in which? 3. Consider a particle of mass m and charge +Q situated directly beneath a dipole as shown in the diagram. If the three charges have equal magnitudes of 3 nC, and are equally spaced 1 cm apart, nd the value of m for which the particle is held in equilibrium under gravity. Is the equilibrium stable or unstable? 3.
+Q Q
4. In connection with the energy stored in a capacitor, we showed in lectures that the mutual 4. Q It was shown in the lectures that the mutual potential energy of three charges potential energy of three charges 1 , Q2 and Q3 is
where r12 is the separation of Q1 and Q2 etc. Show that the result may be written in the form 1 r (Q1 V1 + Q2 V2 + Q3 V3 ) 2 where Vi is the potential at Qi due to the other two charges.
5. Show that, in the far eld approximation (x d ), the electric potential of a dipole formed by two charges Q situated at (d /2, 0, 0) V on this x axis is given by p V= 40 x 2 where the dipole moment p = Qd . Obtain the associated electric eld by differentiation. Compare this way of solving the problem with that obtained in Question 2 of Classwork 1.
6. Obtain expressions in the far eld approximation (r d ) for the electric potential and electric eld at a point P , distance r (measured from the mid-point of the dipole) away from a dipole formed by two charges Q situated at (d /2, 0, 0) (see gure below).
r+ r d/2 d/2 r-
You may like to follow steps (a) to (c) initially: (a) Obtain an approximate expression for r+ and r as a function of r . (b) Use an exact formula to obtain the electric potential due to both charges at P with distances r+ and r . (c) Use a series expansion on the distances assuming that r d to obtain
px 40 r 3
Ex =
p V (3 cos2 1) = x 40 r 3
where is the angle between the mid-point and the x -axis (see gure). (e) Obtain the corresponding expressions for Ey and Ez . (f) Show that Ey = Ez = 0 on the y -axis. (g) Show that the locus of points for which Ex = 0 in the far eld is a cone whose vertex angle is 2 cos1 (1/ 3).
Answers to Exercises
1. 4.16 1042 . 2. 26 people (assuming an average weight of 65 kg = 143 lb = just over 10 stone). 3. (i) -8.63 J, (ii) -2.28 kV, (iii) -482 V. 4. (i) E = (i + j); (ii) E = (yz i + zx j + xy k) 5. 0 < < 2. 6. 1.44 107 V/m 7. The pattern is symmetric to rotation about the axis dened by the two charges, but not symmetric with respect to direction along the axis. Close to each charge, the lines are similar to those of isolated charges. Far away, the lines are similar to those for a single +Q charge. E = 0 is at x = a (1 + 2)
ok Peter Tor