Rec3 Solutions
Rec3 Solutions
Rec3 Solutions
Chapters 14 and 24 Problem 14.5. Two traveling sinusoidal waves are described by the wave functions y1 = (5.00 m) sin[ (4.00x 1200t)] and y2 = (5.00 m) sin[ (4.00x 1200t 0.250)] (2) where x, y1 , and y2 are in meters and t is in seconds. (a) What is the amplitude of the resultant wave? (b) What is the frequency of the resultant wave? (a) y = y1 + y2 = 5.00 m {sin[ (4.00x 1200t)] + sin[ (4.00x 1200t 0.250)} = 5.00 m [sin() + sin( /4)] , where (4.00x 1200t). So y2 trails y1 by /4 = 45 . In terms of the reference circle, that looks like (3) (1)
The amplitude of y is then given by vector addition A = 2 A cos(/2) = 2 5.00 m cos(/8) = 9.24 m , where = /4 is the phase dierence between y1 and y2 . (b) Both y1 and y2 rotate around the reference circle with a frequency of f= 1200 rad/s = = 600 Hz , 2 2 rad/cycle (5) (4)
so y must also rotate around the reference circle at 600 Hz. Problem 14.6. Two identical sinusoidal waves with wavelengths of 3.00 m travel in the same direction at a speed of 2.00 m/s. The second wave originates from the same point as the rst, but at a later time. The amplitude of the resultant wave is the same as that of each of the two initial waves. Determine the minimum possible time interval between the starting moments of the two waves. This is Problem 14.6 backwards. From the amplidude of the resultant wave, we can nd the phase dierence between the two constituent waves. A = 2 A cos() = arccos = 2 = The angular speed of the waves is given by = 2f = 2 So the time interval is t = v 4 = rad/s 3 (9) 1 2 = 3 (6) (7) (8)
2 rad . 3
= 0.500 s
Problem 14.8. Two loudspeakers are placed on a wall 2.00 m apart. A listener stands 3.00 m from the wall directly in front of one of the speakers. A single oscillator is driving the speakers at a frequency of 300 Hz. (a) What is the phase dierence between the two waves when they reach the observer? (b) What is the frequency closest to 300 Hz to which the oscillator may be adjusted so that the observer hears minimal sound?
da = 3 m
(a) From Table 13.1 we nd that the speed of sound in air at 20 C is v = 343 m/s. The wavelength of this sound is = The phase change from speaker Sa is therefore a = kda = and from speaker Sb is b = kdb = The phase dierence is = b a = 3.33 rad (14) (b) For minimal sound, we want the phase dierence to be exactly (or some odd multiple of ). We see that its already close to with our initial frequency of 300 Hz, only a bit high. Decreasing the freqency a bit will reduce the rate of dephasing between the two waves, reducing , so were looking for a frequency slightly less than 300 Hz. = b a = 2f (db da ) 2 (db da ) = v v v 343 m/s v = = = = 283 Hz . f= 2 (db da ) 2 (db da ) 2(db da ) 2 0.606 m (15) (16) 2db = 19.81 rad . (13) 2da = 16.49 rad , (12) v = 1.143 m f (11)
Problem 14.9. Two sinusoidal waves in a string are dened by the functions y1 = (2.00 cm) sin(20.0x 32.0t) and y2 = (2.00 cm) sin(25.0x 40.0t) (18) where y and x are in centimeters and t is in seconds. (a) What is the phase dierence between there two waves at the point x = 5.00 cm at t = 2.00 s? (b) What is the positive x value closest to the origin for which the two phases dier by at t = 2.00 s? (This location is where the two waves add to zero.) (a) This is just plugging in 1 = 20.0 5.00 32.0 2.00 = 36 rad 2 = 25.0 5.00 40.0 2.00 = 45 rad = 2 1 = 9 rad = 516 = 156 (b) Were supposed to nd some x for a given t such that = 2 1 = (25.0 x 80.0) (20.0 x 64.0) = 5.0 x 16.0 = n n + 16.0 x= 5.0 for some odd n. 16/ = 5.09, so n = 5 will give the smallest positive x for which this is true, and x= 5 + 16.0 = 0.0584 cm = 584 m 5.0 (24) (22) (23)
Problem 14.20. In the arrangement shown in Figure P14.20, an object can be hung from a string (with a linear mass density = 2.00 g/m) that passes over a light pulley. The string is connected to a vibrator (of constant frequency f ), and the length of the string between point P and the pulley is L = 2.00 m. When the mass m of the object is either 16.0 kg or 25.0 kg, standing waves are observed, but no standing waves are observed with any mass between these values. (a) What is the frequency of the vibrator? (Note: The greater the tension in the string, the smaller the number of nodes in the standing wave.) (b) What is the largest object mass for which standing waves could be observed?
P vibrator
L m
(a) For a patricular hanging mass m, the tension in the string balances the gravitational force on the mass, so T = mg , so the speed of sound in the string is v= T = mg . (26) (25)
Standing waves on strings occur when a wave completes some number of full cycles in a round trip. In mathematical terms n 2 = k 2L = n= 2L 2L = n 2 2L (27) (28) (29)
for integer n (the number of the particular vibrational mode). With the generator operating at a xed frequency f , the wavelength is also related to the wave speed by v = , (30) f so v 1 2L == = n f f =n, mg mg (31) (32)
To put it all together we notice that the two masses, m1 = 16.0 kg and m2 = 25.0 kg are said to produce consecutive modes. From the last equation, we see that increasing mass m decreases the mode number n, so the heavier mass must be one mode lower than the lighter, or n1 = n2 + 1. From here on out, its all algebra to nd f . n2 = 2Lf n1 = 2Lf 1 = 2Lf f = 2L m2 g = n2 + 1 = 2Lf m1 g 1 1 g m1 m2 g 1 1 m1 m2
(b) As we saw in (a), increasing the mass decreased the vibrational mode number. The largest mass that can sustain standing waves is the one for which the vibration is in the rst mode, so 1 = n = 2Lf mmax g (37) (38) (39) (40)
Problem 24.7. Figure 24.3 shows a plane electromagnetic sinosoidal wave propogating in the x direction. Suppose the wavelength is 50.0 m and the electric eld vibrates in the xy plane with an amplitude of 22.0 V/m. Calculate (a) the frequency of the wave and (b) the magnitude and direction of B when the electric eld has its maximum value in the negative y direction. (c) Write an expression for the B with the correct unit vector, with numerical values for Bmax , k , and , and with its magnidude in the form B = Bmax cos(kx t) (41) (a) This is just a units conversion f= 3.00 108 m/s c = = 6.00 106 cycles/s = 6.00 MHz 50.0 m/cycle (42)
(b) The magnitude of B in an electromagnetic plane wave is given by B = E/c. The direction of the waves motion is given by the Poynting vector S = E B. Using the right-hand-rule for the cross product, we see that when E is in the j direction direction. Putting this together and S is in the i direction, B must be in the k B0 = E0 k = 73.3 nT k c (43)
(c) Because it is a sinusoidal wave moving in the i direction, we know B must look something like B = B0 cos(kx t + ) . We already found B0 in (b), and we dont have any phase information, so we can drop . That leaves 2 = 0.126 rad/m = 2f = 3.77 107 rad/s k= so . B = 73.3 nT cos(0.126 rad/m x 3.77 107 rad/s t)k (47) (45) (46) (44)
Problem 24.8. In SI units, the electric eld in an electromagnetic wave is described by Ey = 100 sin(1.00 107 x t) Find (a) the amplitude of the corresponding magnetic eld oscillations, (b) the wavelength , and (c) the frequency f . (a) The amplitude is the magnitude of the oscillation, which just comes from the prefactor outside the trig function. In this case, A = 100 V/m (b) By comparing with the standard form of sinusoidal waves Y = A sin(kx t) , we see that the wavenumber k = 1.00 107 rad/m. Converting radians to cycles and inverting yields = 2 rad/cycle = 628 nm/cycle k (50) (49) (48)
(c) Once we know the length of a cycle, and how fast the wave is moving, we can nd out how many of them occur in a second c 3.00 m/s f= = = 477 1012 cycles/s = 477 THz (51) 628 nm/cycle Problem 24.9. Verify by substitution that the following equations are solutions to Equations 24.15 and 24.16 respectively: E = Emax cos(kx t) B = Bmax cos(kx t) 2E = x2 2B = x2 2E t2 2B 0 0 t2
0 0
(52) (53)
(24.15) (24.16)
This is just an excercise in partial derivatives. E x 2E x2 E t 2E t2 k rad/m rad/s 2E x2 = Emax sin(kx t) k = Emax k cos(kx t) k = k 2 E = Emax sin(kx t) ( ) = Emax cos(kx t) ( ) = 2 E = 1 = 0 0 c k2 2 E 2E = 2 2 = 0 0 2 t t (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59)
which is what we set out to show. Note that we used Equation 24.17 in Equation 58. The situation for B is exactly the same with the replacement E B . B x 2B x2 B t 2B t2 k rad/m rad/s 2B x2 = Bmax sin(kx t) k = Bmax k cos(kx t) k = k 2 B = Bmax sin(kx t) ( ) = Bmax cos(kx t) ( ) = 2 B = 1 = 0 0 c k2 2 B 2B = 2 2 = 0 0 2 t t (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65)
Problem 24.22. An AM radio station broadcasts isotropically (equally in all directions) with an average power of 4.00 kW. A dipole recieving antenna 65.0 cm long is at a location 4.00 miles from the transmitter. Compute the amplitude of the emf that is induced by this signal between the ends of the recieving antenna. To nd the signal intensity at our antenna, we note that the power broadcast from the station is spread out over a sphere of radius R = 4.00 miles. The average intensity is then I = Savg = From Equation 24.27, we see Savg = Emax =
2 Emax 20 c
P P 4.00 103 W = = = 7.68 W/m2 . A 4R2 4 (4.00 miles 1.609 103 m/mile)2
(24.27) (67)
The total voltage dierence produced across our length L = 65.0 cm antenna is then V = LEmax = 49.4 mV (68)
Problem 24.25. The lament of an incandescent lamp has a 150 resistance and carries a direct current of 1.00 A. The lament is 8.00 cm long and 0.900 mm in radius. (a) Calculate thte Poynting vector at the surface of the lament, associated with the static electric eld producing the current and the currets static magnetic eld. (b) Find the magnitude of the static electric and magnetic elds at the surface of the lament. (a) The hot resistor will be radiating heat, and none of the electric or magnetic elds change with time, so we expect a constant Poynting vector of magnitude P I 2R = = 332 kW/m2 . (69) S= A 2rL
This Poynting vector will always point away from the wire (in the direction the radiation is going). (b) The electric eld is given by Ohms law. V = IR IR 1.00 A 150 V = = = 1875 V/m . E= L L 8.00 102 m The magnetic eld from a long, straight wire is B= so the magnetic eld at the surface of the wire is B = 177 T (73) The electric eld is along the wire, and the magnetic eld is perpendicular to the current, so the Poynting vector points directly out (perpendicular to the wires surface) and has a magnitude S = EB sin(90 ) = EB = which is the same expression we found in (a). IR I I 2R = , L 2r 2rL (74) I , 2r (72) (70) (71)