Death Anxiety Scale 51
Death Anxiety Scale 51
Death Anxiety Scale 51
The thought of death seldom enters my mind. 3. It doesn't make me nervous when people talk about death. 4. I dread to think about having to have an operation. 5. I am not at all afraid to die. 6. I am not particularly afraid of getting cancer. 7. The thought of death never bothers me. 8. I am often distressed by the way time flies so very rapidly. 9. I fear of dying a painful death. 10. The subject of life after death troubles me greatly. 11. I am really scared of having a heart attack. 12. I often think about how short life really is. 13. I shudder when I hear people talking about World War III. 14. The sight of a dead body is horrifying to me. 15. I feel the future holds nothing for me to fear. 16. I am afraid of dying on a hijacked plane. 17. I am afraid of being embalmed. 18. I'm scared the doctor will tell me I'm dying. 19. I'm anxious that I might die soon. 20. Movies involving people dying trouble me. 21. I'm afraid of dying in an accident. 22. I worry about what will happen to me when I die. 23. I fear drowning. 24. I am very much afraid of perpetual torture after death. 25. Death is a dark, scary, and lonely thing. 26. I am afraid of dying from a life-threatening disease. 27. I do not smoke since I am afraid of dying from cancer. 28. I am afraid that I do not know when death is going to come. 29. I very much fear burning in hell.
30. I very much fear being tortured to death. 31. Dreams that bother me involve death. 32. I would be afraid of flying in a plane because an accident could kill me. 33. I am afraid of sleeping alone. 34. I am very much afraid of a terrorist attack. 35. I often dream about death. 36. I avoid stories involving death. 37. I'm afraid of being killed in my sleep. 38. When I'm in small places I worry about being trapped and dying. 39. I won't let doctors treat me because sometimes they accidentally kill people. 40. I worry about overdosing on medication. 41. I am afraid of being burned or cremated while I am still alive. 42. I have nightmares about dying. Dreams about dying often wake me up. 43. It makes me nervous when I see an ambulance. 44. I am afraid of dying in a natural disaster. 45. I fear being killed in a war. 46. The idea of reincarnation frightens me. 47. When I think about death I can't go to sleep. 48. I don't like being around people who are very old. 49. I am troubled about the purpose of life. 50. The thought of no longer existing bothers me. 51. I worry that I might die today. SHORT VERSION 1. I am very much afraid to die. 2. The thought of death seldom enters my mind. 3. It doesnt make me nervous when people talk about death. 4. I dread to think about having to have an operation. 5. I am not at all afraid to die.
6. I am not particularly afraid of getting cancer. 7. The thought of death never bothers me. 8. I am often distressed by the way time flies so very rapidly. 9. I fear dying a painful death. 10. The subject of life after death troubles me greatly. 11. I am really scared of having a heart attack. 12. I often think about how short life really is. 13. I shudder when I hear people talk about a World War III. 14. The sight of a dead body is horrifying to me. 15. I feel that the future holds nothing for me to fear. REVISED DEATH ANXIETY SCALE Thomson & Powell 1. I fear dying a painful death. 2. Not knowing what the next world is like troubles me. 3. The idea of never thinking again after I die frightens me. 4. I am not at all anxious about what happens to the body after burial. 5. Coffins make me anxious. 6. I hate to think about losing control over my affairs after I am gone. 7. Being totally immobile after death bothers me. 8. I dread to think about having an operation. 9. The subject of life after death troubles me greatly. 10. I am not afraid of a long, slow dying. 11. I do not mind the idea of being shut into a coffin when I die. 12. I hate the idea that I will be helpless after I die. 13. I am not at all concerned over whether or not there is an afterlife. 14. I never feeling anything again after I die upsets me. 15. The pain involved in dying frightens me.
16. I am looking forward to new life after I die. 17. I am not worried about ever being helpless. 18. I am troubled by the thought that my body will decompose in the grave. 19. The feeling that I will be missing out on so much after I die disturbs me. 20. I am worried about what happens to us after we die. 21. I am not at all concerned with being in control of things. 22. The total isolation of death is frightening to me. 23. I am not particularly afraid of getting cancer. 24. I will leave careful instructions about how things should be done after I am gone. 25. What happens to my body after I die does not bother me. Neimeyer, R. (1994). Revised death anxiety scale. In R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.). Death anxiety handbook: Research instrumentation, and application. Washington 1. Saya takut menghadapi kematian yang menyakitkan 2. Ketidaktahuan mengenai keberadaan dunia setelah kematian mengganggu saya 3. Adanya pemikiran bahwa setelah kematian seseorang tidak dapat berpikir lagi membuat saya ketakutan 4. Saya tidak merasa cemasmengenai apa yang akan terjadi pada tubuh saya setelah saya dikubur 5. Peti jenazah membuat saya merasa cemas 6. Saya tidak menyukai adanya pemikiran mengenai kehilangan kontrol terhadap segala macam urusan setelah saya meninggal 7. Saya merasa terganggu apabila memikirkan bahwa saya tidak bisa bergerak lagi setelah saya meninggal 8. Saya ketakutan apabila harus melakukan operasi 9.
MULTIDIMENSIONAL FEAR OF DEATH SCALE HOELTER, LIKERT 1-5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I am afraid of dying very slowly. I dread visiting a funeral home. I would like to donate my body to science. I have a fear of people dying in my family. I am afraid that there is not after life. There are probably many people pronounced dead that are really still alive. 7. I am afraid o f my body being disfigured when I die. 8. I have a fear o f not accomplishing my goals in life before dying. 9. I am afraid o f meeting my creator. 10. I am afraid of being buried alive. 11. I dread the thought of my body being embalmed some day. 12. I am afraid that I will not live long enough to enjoy my retirement. 13. I am afraid of dying in a fire. 14. Touching a corpse would not bother me. 15. I do not want medical students using my body after I die. 16. I If the people very close to me were to die suddenly, I would suffer for a long time. 17. If I were to die tomorrow, my family would be upset for a long time. 18. I am afraid that death is the end of ones existence. 19. People should have autopsies to ensure they are dead. 20. The thought of my body being found after I die scares me. 21. I am afraid that I will not have time to experience everything I want to. 22. I am afraid o f experiencing a great deal of pain when I die. 23. Discovering a dead body would be a horrifying experience. 24. I do not like the thought of being cremated. 25. Since everyone dies, I wont be too upset when my friends die. 26. I would be afraid to walk through a graveyard alone at night. 27. I am afraid o f dying o f cancer. 28. It doesnt matter whether I am buried in a wood box or a steel vault.
29. It scares me to think I may be conscious while lying in a morgue. 30. I am afraid that there may not be a supreme being. 31. I have a fear of suffocating (including drowning). 32. It would bother me to remove a dead animal from the road. 33. I do not want to donate my eyes after I die. 34. I sometimes get upset when acquaintances die. 35. I The thought of being locked in a coffin after I die scare me. 36. No on can say for sure, what will happen after death. 37. If I die, my friends will be upset for a long time. 38. I hope that more than one doctor examines me before I am pronounced dead. 39. I am afraid of things which have died. 40. I The thought of my body decaying after I die scare me. 41. I am afraid that I will never see my children grow up. 42. I have a fear of dying violently. 1. Saya takut menderita secara perlahan-lahan 2. Saya merasa cemas apabila harus mengunjungu rumah atau tempat pemakaman 3. Saya dengan senang hati akan mendonorkan tubuh saya untuk keperluaan ilmu pengetahuan 4. Saya takut
fear of uncertainty and missing out on things fear of the pain associated with death concern over disposition of one's body fear of helplessness afterlife concerns ear of decomposition concerns over leaving instructions on how things should be done after one's death
Fear of Personal Death Florian-Kravetz, 1983 Likert 1-7 1. Cessation of creative activities 2. Cessation of all plans and activities 3. Cessation of all spiritual activities 4. Cessation of the ability to think 5. My life will not have been exploited 6. Severance from life itself 7. Missing future events 8. Necessity of realizing life goals 9. Severance of ties with loved ones 10. Loss of life's pleasures 11. Absence will not be felt 12. Events will take place without me 13. I will be forgotten 14. My loss will not hurt close ones 15. Burial deep in the earth 16. Life will go on without me 17. Loss of human semblance 18. Fate of the body 19. My family will still need me 20. Relatives will not overcome sorrow 21. Sorrow to relatives and friends 22. Inability to provide for family 23. Uncertainty of what to expect 24. Uncertainty of existence after death 25. Its mysteriousness 26. Unknown associated with it 27. Decomposition of the body 28. Loss and destruction of self 29. State of everlasting sleep