The Normal Distribution and Sampling Distributions: PSYC 545
The Normal Distribution and Sampling Distributions: PSYC 545
The Normal Distribution and Sampling Distributions: PSYC 545
PSYC 545
normal distribution, but dont frequently perfectly conform. many variables display relatively normal distributions when collected from large samples.
Unimodal Symmetric
Unimodal Symmetric Mode, Median, and Mean are Equal Asymptotic Two normal distributions DO NOT
necessarily have same means and variances normal_distribution.html
Characteristics of z-scores
Characteristics of z-scores
Characteristics of z-scores
proportion of scores above (below) a given proportion of scores between any two raw
proportion of scores above (below) a given proportion of scores between any two raw what raw score falls above (below) a given
proportion of cases
Wednesday, September 11, 13
From Howell: 3.1, 3.2, & 3.6
test for the population of high school seniors is 25.00 and the standard deviation is 5.00. a student who has a score of at least 32?
Using the ND
First, stated in terms of probability:
p > 32 = ??
X X 32 25 7 z= = = = 1.4 5 5
Another Example
Another Example
In my restaurant, I know that the average
number of diners for my special Sunday brunch is 241 with a standard deviation of 19.
Another Example
In my restaurant, I know that the average One Sunday, I count 198 diners (maybe it
is the mice in the kitchen??!!!). number of diners for my special Sunday brunch is 241 with a standard deviation of 19.
Another Example
In my restaurant, I know that the average One Sunday, I count 198 diners (maybe it
is the mice in the kitchen??!!!). number of diners for my special Sunday brunch is 241 with a standard deviation of 19.
normal, what is the probability of having only 198 diners (or fewer)?
What we really want to know is, If there is a true population distribution, and From this standpoint, we can determine the
probability of our observed sample mean.
Wednesday, September 11, 13
we draw a given sample from that distribution, how much variability should we expect in sample means drawn from the population?
means of those samples will form a normal distribution that clusters around the mean of the population.
If we were to draw 1000 samples of 25 what would the mean of the 1000 sample be? what would be the standard error?
of samples, but each included 50 individuals?