The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu
The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu
The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu
was a beautiful woman who was actually a beautiful heavenly goddess. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She Lived in a hut at the forest with her faithful dog, Tumang. One day, while weaving cloth, she lost one of the tools. She already looking for it everywhere, but nothing and she is already tired. Dayang Sumbi : Please to anyone who can find my lost tool and give it back to me If he is male, Ill make him a husband and if she is a female Ill make her a sister. As time goes by she was so shocked Tumang found the tool and returned it to her! Oath have to be fulfilled no matter the reasons are. Dayang Sumbi got married with Tumang, who was once a man who had been cursed by an evil witch into a dog. Scene II Setting : Hut It so happened that Dayang Sumbi bore a baby son and named it Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang grew into a healty teenager who liked hunting animals in the forest. Dayang Sumbi never told Sangkuriang that Tumang was his father. Keep it secret, keep it hide inside. Dayang Sumbi : Ummm My son, Sangkuriang. Could you help me? Sangkuriang : Yes mom. Just tell me.
Dayang Sumbi : Past to few days ago, feels like Im craving a deers heart or at least a boars heart for todays dinner. So Sangkuriang : Ill handle it mom. Just wait for my backs okay? Tumang! Did you hear what my momma says? Lets go directly to forest! (take his arch and some arrows, run) Setting : Forrest So, Sangkuriang and Tumang hunted for a deer in forest. Soon, they met a boar. Sangkuriang of boar) Tumang : Tumang, did you noticed? No deers would come out today! (heard the sound : Whoof Whoof!
Sangkuriang : Hey, I think we have a same idea. Yap, a boar will not make any difference right? So what are you waiting for Tumang? Just go and fight the boar. Kill it for me! To his surprise, Tumang did not kill the boar because the boar was actually Dayang Sumbis mother. Tumang let the boar go away safely. Sangkuriang went upset and astray. Sangkuriang : What a useless dog are you!? How dare you can let it go?! For the sake! We did not get any deer or boar because of you! Youll have to pay the price! Scene III Setting : Forrest Sangkuriang killed Tumang, took ot the heart. Sangkuriang got home and gave it Dayang Sumbi. Sangkuriang told a lie. He said, it was deers heart. But who cares with an old dog? Dayang Sumbi cooked Tumangs heart and ate so true. Until Dayang Sumbi : So delicious right, Sangkuriang? Hahaha. By the way, where is Tumang? I havent seen him since you came back from hunting. He always with you, he is not? Sangkuriang : Mom I killed Tumang for the things he have done. He was disobeying all, and Actually, the heart you ate was truly Tumangs heart Dayang Sumbi : You! You are an ungrateful child! Get out of my face! You murdered! How dare you killed your own father. You are an unless son! Dayang Sumbi was so mad to Sangkuriang that he has killed his own father, then she hitting a soup ladle onto Sangkuriangs head violently until his head was bleeding, and Sangkuriang ran away deep into the forest and up to the hill. Scene IV Setting : Forrest Years passed by, Sangkuriang turned into a handsome and a skillful hunter. He had forgotten all his bitter past because he had lost his memory. He forgot about his name. One day, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman in the forest with whom he fell in love. The woman was Dayang Sumbi, who could not grow old as she was a goddess. Sangkuriang didnt recognize her own mother, but Dayang Sumbi recognize Sangkuriang from the old scar on his head. Deeply in love, Sangkuriang porposed her to marry. Sangkuriang : Will you marry me?
To avoid the forbidden marrige between a mother and a son, Dayang Sumbi asked him to make a man-made lake and a boat in one night as a wedding gift for her.
Dayang Sumbi : Show me a lake and a big boat that you make it by your self for me! Setting : Lake With the help of the unseen creatures from the forest, Sangkuriang built the lake and the boat. Dayang Sumbi knew about it and she outwitted sangkuriang so that the work was not completely done. She waving her scarf, suddenly the sun is rissing up and the hen starts to crow. Sangkuriang was so shocked and come over to Dayang Sumbi place. Sangkuriang : This cant be happen. This is a mistake
Dayang Sumbi : Actually, I have something to tell you. Youre my son, youre my lost son Sangkuriang : Thats imposible, how come you said that Im your son?!
Dayang Sumbi : The scar that you have on your head, I did it. I throw a ladle soup and you run into the forest and never came back Sangkuriang : That doesnt make sence, why you have to throw me a ladle soup?
Dayang Sumbi : You,, youve killed your father. The dog, Tumang, he was your father. Remember?? (Crying) Suddenly old memories all come into his mind. Knowing the truth, Sangkuriang was so angry then he kicked the boat and the boat turned upside down The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain, called Tangkuban Perahu and with his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and nowadays became a city called Bandung.