Beamer Appearance Cheat Sheet
Beamer Appearance Cheat Sheet
Beamer Appearance Cheat Sheet
Parent-child relations of Beamers elements (colors, fonts, templates) are indicated by successive indentations. More information can be found in the ocial documentation:
Beamers Colors
Use \setbeamercolor{template name }{key=value list } to change a Beamers color. Keys are: fg, bg, parent, use. Use the color syntax of the xcolor package.
Bibliography bibliography bibliography bibliography bibliography bibliography Note page note page
Structure of a frame
Background background canvas background Headlines and footlines headline footline page number in head/foot separation line upper separation line head middle separation line head lower separation line head upper separation line foot middle separation line foot lower separation line foot author in head/foot title in head/foot date in head/foot institute in head/foot Sidebars sidebar sidebar left sidebar right section in sidebar section in sidebar shaded subsection in sidebar subsubsection in sidebar
title in sidebar author in sidebar Navigation bars mini frame section in head/foot subsection in head/foot subsubsection in head/foot Navigation symbols navigation symbols Logo logo
item projected subitem projected subsubitem projected subitem subsubitem Highlighting structure local structure alerted text Blocks environments block title block body block title alerted block body alerted example text block title example block body example Theorem environments qed symbol Figures and tables caption caption name Verse, quotations and quotes verse quotation quote Footnotes footnote footnote mark Mathematics math text math text inlined math text displayed normal text in math text
Elements of a frame
Frame title frametitle frametitle right framesubtitle frametitle continuation titlelike Abstract abstract abstract title Hyperlinks and buttons button button border Lists itemize item itemize subitem itemize subsubitem enumerate item enumerate subitem enumerate subsubitem enumerate mini template description item item
Beamers Fonts
Use \setbeamerfont{template name }{key=value list } to change a Beamers font. Keys are: family, series, shape, size, parent.
Logo logo
Structure of a frame
Background background canvas background Headlines and footlines headline footline page number in head/foot Sidebars sidebar sidebar left sidebar right section in sidebar section in sidebar shaded subsection in sidebar subsubsection in sidebar title in sidebar author in sidebar Navigation bars mini frame section in head/foot subsection in head/foot subsubsection in head/foot Navigation symbols navigation symbols
Elements of a frame
Frame title frametitle framesubtitle frametitle continuation Abstract abstract abstract title Hyperlinks and buttons button Lists itemize item itemize subitem itemize subsubitem enumerate item enumerate subitem enumerate subsubitem enumerate mini template itemize/enumerate body itemize/enumerate subbody itemize/enumerate subsubbody description item item item projected subitem projected
subsubitem projected subitem subsubitem Highlighting structure tiny structure alerted text Blocks environments block title block body block title alerted block body alerted block title example block body example Theorem environments qed symbol Figures and tables caption caption name Verse, quotations and quotes verse quotation quote Footnotes footnote footnote mark
Beamers Sizes
Use \setbeamersize{size name=dim} to change a Beamers size. The geometry of the page is given by the geometry package. text margin left text margin right sidebar width left sidebar width right description width description width of mini frame size miniframe offset
Beamers Templates
Use \setbeamertemplate{template name }{your definition } to change a Beamers template. A The denition is some L TEX code which can use any of the \insert... commands given below.
Headlines and footlines headline footline Sidebars sidebar left sidebar right sidebar canvas left sidebar canvas right section in sidebar section in sidebar shaded subsection in sidebar subsection in sidebar shaded subsubsection in sidebar subsubsection in sidebar shaded Navigation bars mini frames mini frame mini frame in current subsection mini frame in other subsection section in head/foot section in head/foot shaded subsection in head/foot subsection in head/foot shaded subsubsection in head/foot subsubsection in head/foot shaded Navigation symbols navigation symbols Logo logo
Elements of a frame
Frame title frametitle frametitle continuation Abstract abstract title abstract begin abstract end Hyperlinks and buttons button Lists items itemize items itemize item itemize subitem itemize subsubitem enumerate items enumerate item enumerate subitem enumerate subsubitem enumerate mini template itemize/enumerate body begin itemize/enumerate body end description item Highlighting structure begin structure end alerted text begin alerted text end
Blocks environments blocks block begin block end block alerted begin block alerted end block example begin block example end Theorem environments qed symbol theorems theorem begin theorem end Figures and tables caption caption label separator Verse, quotations and quotes verse begin verse end quotation begin quotation end quote begin quote end Footnotes footnote TCF
Structure of a frame
Background background canvas background
Article mode
Frame structure frame begin frame end
Insert-like Commands
These commands can be used to compose templates. Possible mandatory and optional arguments are omitted, see the ocial documentation.
\insertdate \insertshortdate \inserttitlegraphic Part, section, subsection data \insertpart \insertshortpart \insertpartnumber \insertpartromannumber \insertsection \insertsubsection \insertsubsubsection Table of contents \inserttocsection \inserttocsectionnumber \inserttocsubsection \inserttocsubsectionnumber \inserttocsubsubsection \inserttocsubsubsectionnumber Bibliography \insertbiblabel Note pages \insertnote \insertslideintonotes
\insertpartheadnumber \insertsubsectionhead \insertsubsectionheadnumber \insertsubsubsectionhead \insertsubsubsectionheadnumber Navigation bars \insertnavigation \insertsectionnavigation \insertsectionnavigationhorizontal \insertsubsectionnavigation \insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal \insertverticalnavigation Navigation symbols \insertslidenavigationsymbol \insertframenavigationsymbol \insertsubsectionnavigationsymbol \insertsectionnavigationsymbol \insertdocnavigationsymbol \insertbackfindforwardnavigationsymbol Logo \insertlogo
Hyperlinks and buttons \insertbuttontext \insertgotosymbol \insertskipsymbol \insertreturnsymbol Lists \insertenumlabel \insertsubenumlabel \insertsubsubenumlabel \insertenumlabel \insertdescriptionitem Blocks environments \insertblocktitle Theorem environments \inserttheoremblockenv \inserttheoremheadfont \inserttheoremname \inserttheoremnumber \inserttheoremaddition \inserttheorempunctuation Figures and tables \insertcaption \insertcaptionname \insertcaptionnumber Footnotes \insertfootnotetext \insertfootnotemark
Elements of a frame
Frame title \insertframetitle \insertframesubtitle \insertcontinuationcount \insertcontinuationcountroman \insertcontinuationtext
Structure of a frame
Headlines and footlines \insertsectionhead \insertsectionheadnumber
Named Themes
See the ocial documentation for options associated to some of these themes. Snapshots of the themes can be found at
Global Themes
\usetheme{theme name } Without Navigation Bar default Bergen Boadilla Madrid AnnArbor CambridgeUS Pittsburgh Rochester Tree-Like Navigation Bar Antibes JuanLesPins Montpellier Table of Contents Sidebar Berkeley PaloAlto Goettingen Marburg Hannover
Mini Frame Navigation Berlin Ilmenau Dresden Darmstadt Frankfurt Singapore Szeged Section and Subsection Tables Copenhagen Luebeck Malmoe Warsaw
Outer Themes
\useoutertheme{theme name } default infolines miniframes smoothbars sidebar split shadow tree smoothtree
Color Themes
\usecolortheme{theme name } default structure sidebartab Complete Color Themes albatross beetle crane dove
fly seagull wolverine beaver Inner Color Themes lily orchid rose Outer Color Themes whale seahorse dolphin
Font Themes
\usefonttheme{theme name } default professionalfonts serif structurebold structureitalicserif structuresmallcapsserif structureitalicserif
Inner Themes
\useinnertheme{theme name } default circles rectangles rounded inmargin