Sesar Conops

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SESAR Definition Phase - Task deliverable

Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00

SESAR Concept of Operations WP2.2.2/D3 DLT-0612-222-01-00

DOCUMENT CONTENT & PURPOSE: VALIDATION Content Integration Team R-Level O-Level Quality Manager APPROVAL R-Level, Content Integration Team, Project Director (for multi-stage task deliverable only) Name Date



17th July 2007 17th July 2007

SESAR Concept of Operations

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It must be clearly understood that the Concept of Operations described in this document is the result of activities performed in a project definition study. This work has been to determine, to a first order, potential solutions which are considered feasible to meet the performance targets. However, it must be stressed that significantly more R&D work is required to prove that some aspects of the Concept can deliver the expected benefits and thus, reduce the level of uncertainty associated with them prior to them being considered as fit for purpose and ready for implementation. Nevertheless, it is considered that the level of detail reached in the work and the degree of assessment performed are sufficient to give guidance on what should be contained in the SESAR Master Plan. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Air Traffic Management (ATM) vision for Europe is to have an affordable, seamless system of ATM, enabling all categories of airspace users to conduct their operation with minimum restrictions and maximum flexibility while meeting or exceeding the measurable targets for safety, operational efficiency, cost effectiveness, environmental impact and meeting national security and defence requirements. The Concept of Operations, intended to fulfil this vision, is built on a Service Orientated Performance Partnership consisting of the Airspace Users, Air Navigation Service Providers and Airports, including experts from the military and manufacturing industry. The objective of the CONOPS is to describe in sufficient detail the ATM operation envisaged in Europe in 2020 and beyond so that all stakeholders may gain a complete understanding of the operational characteristics of ATM in 2020+ and the main changes they imply in operating practices and the support they require. The CONOPS describes Trajectory Based Operations and covers the complete ATM process from early planning through flight execution to post flight activities and will serve as the common reference for all SESAR tasks. While the CONOPS is compatible in all respects with the ICAO Global Air Traffic

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Management Operational Concept, it is not a copy, in content or structure, of the ICAO material. The SESAR CONOPS represents a specific application of the global concept, adapted and interpreted for Europe with due regard to the need for global interoperability The CONOPS is structured for ease of use both on the management and expert level. Sections A to D introduce the Concept in terms of main drivers and characteristics with special attention to the evolving requirements of the airspace users and the future development of the services needed by them. Section E describes the high level relationship between the ICAO Operational Concept Components as used in the European environment and the SESAR CONOPS. Section F presents a detailed process orientated description of the Concept itself. The SESAR CONOPS is centred around the idea that the business or mission trajectory of an airspace user of any kind represents their intent to operate in a particular way and that air traffic and other services necessary to execute the trajectory will ensure that this is made possible safely and cost efficiently within the infrastructural and environmental constraints. The trajectory is owned by the airspace user. Changes are kept to a minimum and are subject to certain rules and agreements, but without prejudice to the freedom of pilots and controllers to act as required for separation provision, queue management or safety. Trajectories will be expressed in all 4 dimensions (4D) and flown with much higher precision than is the case to-day. The ATM system will make maximum use of this 4D precision data which will be shared throughout the system, increasing predictability, improving decision making and feeding automated tools. Automation support, together with new ground and airborne separation modes, will be used to enable the system to provide the necessary capacity even in environments where traffic density rises beyond the ability of humans to handle using current control techniques. At the same time, the Concept recognizes the continued important role of humans in the future system. Procedures will change significantly and future situational awareness needs will differ from today. In order to plan a stepped approach for creating the future ATM system, increasing levels of
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aircraft ATM capability have been defined. These lead to a 2020-25 baseline with the goal of accommodating both highly advanced and current state-of-the-art aircraft in a mixed environment. Trajectory based operations enable a new approach to airspace design and a flexible management to avoid, whenever possible, airspace becoming a constraint on the trajectories. User preferred routeing, without pre-defined routes, will be applicable everywhere except in those cases when sufficient capacity can only be provided through the use of structured routes. Mutual consideration and full integration of both civil and military needs in planning of operations will ensure the overall efficiency of the ATM network. Military requirements regarding the access to and the flexible use of airspace, as directed by States security or defence policy interests are safeguarded by the concept. In managed airspace a separation service will be provided but the role of the separator may be delegated to the flight crew. In unmanaged airspace the separation task lies solely with the pilot. Airports will be fully integrated into the system, with particular emphasis being placed on turn round management, runway throughput and improved environmental performance. Underpinning the entire ATM system, and essential to its efficient operation, is a net-centric, System Wide Information Management environment that includes the aircraft as well as all ground facilities. It will support collaborative decision making processes using efficient enduser applications to exploit the power of shared information. Interoperability also between civil and military systems will be a key enabler to enhance the overall performance of the ATM network. The document lists how the key performance areas are addressed by the CONOPS. It is assumed that the capacity goal for 2020 can be met for the airspace; however the capacity increase on already today congested airports can only be met by more extensive use of previously underutilised airports.

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INTRODUCING THE CHANGING AVIATION REQUIREMENTS B.1 B.2 B.2.1 B.2.2 B.2.3 B.2.4 B.2.5 B.2.6 THE BASELINE THE CHANGING DEMAND Airlines Business Aviation General Aviation Military Operations Rotorcraft and tilt rotor operations Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



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5 5

ICAO Scope European application

E.2.1.1 E.2.1.2


Airport operations
ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.2.1 E.2.2.2


Demand and capacity balancing

ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.3.1 E.2.3.2


Traffic synchronisation
ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.4.1 E.2.4.2


Airspace user operations

ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.5.1 E.2.5.2

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 E.2.6 Conflict management

ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.6.1 E.2.6.2


ATM service delivery management

ICAO Scope European application

5 5

E.2.7.1 E.2.7.2


ICAO Scope European Application

5 5

E.2.8.1 E.2.8.2

THE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS IN DETAIL F.1 F.1.1 F.1.2 F.2 F.2.1 F.2.2 F.2.3 TRAJECTORY MANAGEMENT GENERAL The Concept of Managing Trajectories
The Need to Reduce Uncertainty in Ground Trajectory Prediction

5 5 5


Access to Trajectory Management TRAJECTORY MANAGEMENT THE PRACTICE The Relationship of Business and Mission Trajectories Trajectory States Development and Lifecycle of the Business Trajectory
Business Development Trajectory (BDT) Shared Business Trajectory (SBT) Reference Business Trajectory (RBT) Aircraft System Predicted Trajectory (PT)

5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5

F.2.3.1 F.2.3.2 F.2.3.3 F.2.3.4

F.2.4 F.2.5

Trajectory Related Information Sharing Requirements

Trajectory Management Requirements



Flight Planning to Support Trajectory Based Operations

Sharing of Flight Information within the SESAR Area Sharing of Flight Information with Environments outside the SESAR Area

5 5

F.2.5.1 F.2.5.2


The ATM Planning Process

Trajectory Based Collaborative Layered Planning Regional Network Management Sub-Regional Network Management Using the Network Operations Plan (NOP) Traffic Demand and Capacity Balancing Military Planning Cycles

5 5 5 5 5 5

F.2.6.1 F.2.6.2 F.2.6.3 F.2.6.4 F.2.6.5 F.2.6.6

F.2.7 F.3

Co-Ordination and Transfer of Control using Shared Trajectories TRAJECTORY BASED OPERATIONS

5 5

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 F.3.1 F.3.2 Assumed ATM Capability Levels Trajectory Based Operations in Managed Airspace
Complexity Management The Temporal Nature of Operational Complexity

5 5
5 5

F.3.2.1 F.3.2.2

F.3.3 F.3.4 F.3.5 F.3.6 F.3.7

High Complexity Terminal Operations

Dynamic and Pre-Defined 3D Routes



En-Route High Complexity Operations Medium/Low Complexity Operations In Unmanaged Airspace Integration of Diverse Airspace Use Requirements
The Management of Special Airspace Activity in the AFUA Concept Military Operations AMC Airspace Simulation Tools Coordination with the Military Authorities

5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5

F.3.7.1 F.3.7.2 F.3.7.3 F.3.7.4

F.4 F.4.1 F.4.2

EXECUTING AND MANAGING THE BUSINESS TRAJECTORY Airspace User Originated Changes Queue Management
Initial Assumptions Queue Management Process Aircraft Capabilities Related to Queue Management ATM System Capabilities Related to Queue Management

5 5 5
5 5 5 5

F.4.2.1 F.4.2.2 F.4.2.3 F.4.2.4

F.4.3 F.5 F.5.1

ANSP Originated Changes to the RBT OPERATIONS ON AND AROUND AIRPORTS High Level Operational Processes
Airport Resource Planning Process Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Management Process Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Execution Airport Operations and Interactions with Queue Management

5 5 5
5 5 5 5

F.5.1.1 F.5.1.2 F.5.1.3 F.5.1.4

F.5.2 F.6 F.6.1 F.6.2

Remotely Provided Aerodrome Control Service THE APPLICATION OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND SEPARATION Airport Operations Terminal Area Operations
During Periods of High Complexity During Periods of Medium/Low Complexity Terminal Area Separation Modes and their Application

5 5 5 5
5 5 5

F.6.2.1 F.6.2.2 F.6.2.3


En-Route Managed Airspace

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F.6.3.1 F.6.3.2 F.6.3.3 F.6.3.4 During Periods of High Complexity During Periods of Medium/Low Complexity Self-Separation in Managed Airspace En-route Separation Modes and their Application 5 5 5 5

F.6.4 F.7 F.7.1 F.7.2 F.7.3 F.7.4 F.7.5 G

Unmanaged Airspace
Unmanaged Airspace: Prevention of Collisions



COLLISION AVOIDANCE General Considerations Cooperative Ground and Airborne Safety Net Concept Future ACAS Operations Relationship with Legacy ACAS and STCA Collision Avoidance in the Airport Environment

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

HOW THE CONCEPT RESPONDS TO THE SESAR REQUIREMENTS G.1 G.2 G.2.1 G.2.2 G.2.3 G.2.4 G.2.5 G.2.6 G.2.7 G.2.8 G.3 INTRODUCTION MEETING THE SESAR OBJECTIVES Safety Capacity Cost Effectiveness Environment Flexibility Predictability Flight Efficiency Other KPAs OCE LIST

SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS AND SUPPORTING CAPABILITIES H.1 H.1.1 H.1.2 H.1.3 H.1.4 H.1.5 H.2 H.2.1 H.2.2 SYSTEM WIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Background SWIM features The SWIM architecture SWIM principles SWIM implementation COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING Background The concept of CDM

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 H.2.3 H.2.4 H.2.5 H.2.6 H.3 H.3.1 H.3.2 The CDM process Information management and system aspects of CDM CDM functional applications Conclusion PROVISION OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION Background Expected Performance Of Meteorological Information
En Route Terminal Airport Environment Capability of Aircraft On-board Systems

5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5

H.3.2.1 H.3.2.2 H.3.2.3 H.3.2.4 H.3.2.5


Airborne Weather Data Collection and Exchange

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



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The ATM Vision agreed by the working group of Task 2.2.2 in its workshop in July 2006 is: Europe has an affordable, seamless system of ATM, which enables all categories of airspace users to conduct their operation with minimum restrictions and maximum flexibility while meeting or exceeding the measurable targets for safety, operational efficiency and cost effectiveness, minimising the environmental impact and meeting national security and defence requirements. A.2 CONTEXT AND STATUS OF THE CONOPS DOCUMENT In the usual hierarchy of documents used for system design, the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) is preceded by an operational concept, providing the overall concept level guidance to ensure consistent development of the operational details. In SESAR the Concept of Operations is required to fulfil both roles as there is no separate concept level document. The CONOPS was developed by experts delegated by airspace users, the military, industry, airports and air navigation service providers in the framework of a Support Group created by Task 2.2.2. The CONOPS in its agreed D3 version is the main, common reference for all SESAR tasks. A number of disagreements1 submitted by the stakeholder groups in respect of certain details of the CONOPS, as well as open items that could not be resolved in the available time frame, are listed in APPENDIX 4. These disagreements and open items must be resolved prior to implementation decisions and therefore shall be revisited after the Definition Phase. They will be used as guiding material for future work under the umbrella of the SESAR Joint Undertaking [D03].


Where a disagreement exists this is indicated by [D01-n] in the text

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The main principles and characteristics of the agreed version will drive the Research and Development activities during the SESAR Development Phase. This document may evolve and refinements will be necessary as research, implementation and other findings are assessed and as further dialogue helps refine common goals and priorities. A.3 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE The objective of the SESAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS) is to describe in sufficient detail the ATM operation envisaged in Europe for the 2020-25 timeframe and some concept elements to be deployed beyond 2025 so that airspace users, service providers and other specialised SESAR tasks may gain a complete understanding of the operational characteristics of ATM in 2020+ and the main changes they imply in operating practices and the support they require. It does not cover transition issues but does list research topics that will need to be addressed. The CONOPS covers the complete air traffic management process from early planning through flight execution to post flight activities [D04]. The CONOPS offers a range of operational concepts intended to reach the high end SESAR goals through an extensive Research and Development program. Successful implementation of the target Concept of Operations requires strong political support and commitment at European as well as at national level to support / accelerate the necessary related social, financial, political, and technological changes. A.4 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER DOCUMENTS This CONOPS responds to the operational vision and operational objectives developed by the airspace users with due regard to the evolving capabilities and requirements of service providers and airports. The SESAR CONOPS is compatible in all respects with the ICAO Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept as described in Doc 9854 AN/458. It should be noted however that the ICAO document is a global operational concept, with necessarily global and

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mainly high level statements. The SESAR Concept of Operations (CONOPS) is a document that represents the concrete application of the global concept, adapted and interpreted for Europe with due regard to the need to be globally interoperable. The presentation (structure) chosen for the CONOPS is a process-centric one, built around air traffic managements interactions with the business/mission trajectories as the expression of the airspace users intentions. The operational concept elements contained in Doc 9854 are all fully taken into account in the CONOPS, but they are subsumed into the processes of managing the trajectories, reflecting the actual working of the air traffic management network. A.5 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT The document is composed of an Executive Summary and a number of Chapters, these latter designated by index letters. Note: In earlier drafts, several lists of research issues had been included at the end of the various sections. Following the restructuring of the document, it is necessary to review and align those issues as well as to add new ones based on the comments received on earlier versions. In order to improve readability, the research issues have been removed from this version of the CONOPS. They will be re-inserted after processing. Chapters A to E introduce the concept of operations in terms of the main drivers, the leading characteristics, and the application of the ICAO Operational Concept Components in the European environment. Chapter F describes the Concept in detail from an overall process point of view, paying special attention to the evolving requirements of the airspace users and the future development of the services needed by them. A brief description of the way the Concept of Operations responds to the SESAR objectives is contained in Chapter G. Information on supporting capabilities and important background information is also provided in the remaining Sections and Appendices.

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The Air Transport Value Chain represents the overall activity which Air Traffic Management (ATM) is a part of and which it serves. At the top of the chain is European Society, with its many needs for security, mobility and wealth creation. Next, there are the direct customers, requiring the mobility provided by air transport, both Intra-European and Intercontinental, for the purpose of European Economic sustainability. A reliable air transport system requires a strong and sustainable Air Transport Value Chain (See D1 and D2). ATM is an inseparable element of this value chain and because of that the ATM System needs to be able to facilitate/accommodate the evolving demand of all airspace
users, safely, efficiently, and with high performance in all Key Performance Areas while

respecting the obligations that fall on each ATM stakeholder vis--vis all European citizens. The measure of success of SESAR will be its potential to accommodate evolving requirements, and its responsiveness and adaptability to the various needs and capabilities of the many different airspace users operating in Europe. B.1 THE BASELINE Aviation covers a wide range of users, from commercial air transport to military and recreational flight. mission aim. Passengers are the prime customers of the airlines, as are the consignees for the package and cargo carriers. Equally important are the charter operators, Business Aviation (BA), General Aviation (GA), individually operated aircraft (both commercial and non-commercial) and State aircraft (military, police, etc.). All these operators are, in turn, the prime customers of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) and airports. Forecasts show that the air transport system will continue to expand in all dimensions. The new ATM System, airports (both in number and size), airspace user business models, aerial
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Each and every flight operation has a specific purpose, business or

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vehicles, all aim at accommodating this demand. The ATM network must provide acceptable solutions, from both the safety and the business perspective, for all users and all classes of operator The Concept of Operations as described in this document considers the European airspace as a single resource shared by all airspace users, whose diverse and sometimes competing business needs are fully recognised and catered for. This European airspace resource is integrated into the global ATM network to ensure cost-efficient interoperability. European Member State prerogatives for, and sovereignty over, airspace management and design are fully respected. B.2 THE CHANGING DEMAND World economies, including Europe, are expanding. Air transport expansion is driven by expanding world and European economies. Air traffic demand will change accordingly, both intra and extra-European. Various business models aim at serving a share of the end-user demand by offering a variety of service levels, business model variety is likely to expand in the near future. This expansion will affect traffic patterns, including the use of more remote airports with growth potential. Cargo operations will expand, again driven by expanding economies and logistic capacity demand. The number of military air movements is not expected to increase. However, the size of airspace temporarily required and the need for flexible routing options will increase due to new aircraft types, weapon systems and their associated tactics. Business and General Aviation are predicted to expand, in combination with the advent of new Aerial Vehicles, such as Very Light Jets, which will add to the diversity in terms of aerodynamic performance and airport usage. Another category of Aerial Vehicle will also emerge: the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS).
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With European economies expanding at different pace, traffic patterns will develop accordingly. Changing traffic patterns, as a result of increasing local demand, however, will always have pan-European network impact. The congestion and/or saturation of major airports will drive the move of traffic to smaller airports with growth potential and to possible co-use of military aerodromes. In order to be able to accommodate the demand in the given SESAR timeframe the new ATM System will need to be flexible and adaptable to keep up with the changing dimensions of the airspace user, air transport demand while offering a cost-effective service, in line with airspace user efforts to reduce cost. The new ATM System should facilitate the increasing multidimensional air transport demand safely and efficiently, guided and driven by a performance framework, in which safety is a paramount and continually improving key performance area. B.2.1 Airlines An airline is a business. It operates in a highly competitive environment, using its aircraft as sophisticated business tools, through which it sells its products (seats and/or cargo space) to facilitate the demand for air transport. The airline schedule provides the basis for this product the services and connectivity the airline sells to its customers. The schedule forms the envelope for airline internal and external resources & assets, planning & processes. Rapidly changing and evolving market demands require the airline to continuously adapt, all aspects of its business and operation in order to survive. Ad hoc disturbances, beyond the control of the airline, dictate the need for adaptability and flexibility, in order to mitigate the effect of e.g. severe weather, temporary lack of airport and/or airspace capacity, passenger behaviour. Airlines continually control the direct operating cost of their flight operations by selecting the best possible, business (process) profiles, given the actual situation, thereby guaranteeing the

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highest possible yield: a prerequisite for sustainable air transport. Therefore, one of the most important measures of success fro SESAR will be the responsiveness and adaptability of the ATM System to the various needs and capabilities of the airlines operating in Europe. B.2.2 Business Aviation Key characteristic of Business Aviation is its rapid accommodation of end-user demand, its ability to carry passengers directly between city pairs at very short notice. ATM System constraints can have a severe impact on this performance and should therefore be minimised. Many Business Aviation aircraft can outperform commercial jets, both in climb and cruise. Operational examples are: cruise-climb, high altitude free routes, self-separation and tailored noise-abatement procedures. One of the key performance indicators of SESAR will be its responsiveness and adaptability to meet these needs. B.2.3 General Aviation The majority of General Aviation flights are performed in accordance with the Visual Flight Rules (VFR), below Flight Level 130, outside terminal areas. They involve a wide range of users, and most operations are not expected to interfere with other civil operations. General Aviation flights operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), however, will use the complete range of available levels and will be sharing airspace with other airspace users. Improved access to aeronautical information on the ground and in the air and the ability to enter and change trajectories when needed is essential for General Aviation. A key performance indicator of SESAR will be its ability to meet these needs. B.2.4 Military Operations Military activities are determined by the national security and defence policy, international

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security and defence commitments and the resulting political decisions, and therefore differ significantly from those of other ATM partners. The Military are participating as Aircraft Operators, Provider of Air Navigation Services and Aerodrome Operators, Military aerial activities mainly consist of training and exercises to establish and maintain capabilities and readiness postures as required by the States. Armed Forces need flexible and adequate availability of airspace and routing options according to military mission requirements, including temporary segregation from other nonparticipating air traffic when required. Air Defence Missions in regard to national sovereignty require unlimited and unrestricted access to all airspace at any time. Ground support for military air operations by ATC will continue to play an important role in the new concept. The variety of missions and the need flexibly to react on aircrews in-flight requests, taking into consideration equipment status and the specific stress situation of combat aircrews remains valid and demands a flexible ATC system with the respective capability and capacity Military airspace users will take advantage of improved ATC ground support enabled by enhanced levels of interoperability between civil and military CNS ground infrastructure and future aircraft capabilities. B.2.5 Rotorcraft and tilt rotor operations The new generation multi-engine helicopters and tilt rotor aircraft with full IFR and anti-icing capabilities and low noise technologies will integrate smoothly into the air transport system. Their ability to pop-up into the airspace including the transition from VFR to IFR and the reverse needs to be supported by being able to create and fully integrate a new trajectory originating from any point on the ground or in the air. The large variety of operational tasks carried out by such aircraft requires flexibility and rapid response capabilities from the ATM network. The specific procedures for low level operations

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and high precision IFR approaches to high density city and inaccessible locations or airports will have to be provided. Improved access to aeronautical information and the ability to introduce and change trajectories via a variety of means is the key for the efficient operation of these types of aircraft. B.2.6 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) These aircraft will be present in increasing numbers. While initial applications are typically intended for military missions their potential extends to many types of civilian tasks, from aerial observation of natural resources, pipelines, etc. to full size cargo aircraft. UAS may operate in full automatic mode using sense-and-avoid technologies to avoid hazards or in ground controlled mode where a pilot on the ground uses remote manipulation to fly the aircraft. Even in full automatic mode ground intervention capability is required should full automatic mode fail. In terms of mass, UAS may range from very light to heavy. Plans exist for full size cargo UAS, although their entry into service date is still undefined. While the ATM procedures applicable to UAS are still evolving and are sure to change in the SESAR time-frame, basic principles can already be defined and should be taken into account. UAS will be able to comply with trajectory management processes and air traffic control instructions. They will also comply with the capability requirements applicable to the airspace within which they intend to operate.

A specific consideration in respect of UAS is the air/ground communications solutions. The tenet that UAS should not require special treatment from air traffic services does not mean that the communications path to the UAS pilot should also necessarily pass through the vehicle itself. With such a pilot the communication is a process of which the exact details need be developed.

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The main drivers for the SESAR CONOPS are the main KPA targets as defined during D2: Capacity A 3-fold increase in capacity while reducing delays, both on the ground and in the air (enroute and airport network), so as to be able to handle traffic growth well beyond 2020. The ATM System to accommodate by 2020 a forecasted 73% increase in traffic from the 2005 baseline, while meeting the targets for safety and quality of service. Safety To improve safety levels by ensuring that the numbers of ATM induced accidents and serious or risk bearing incidents decrease. The traffic increase up to 2020 requires an improvement factor of 3, and for the long term a factor of 10 to meet the threefold in traffic. Environment As a first step towards the political objective to enable a 10% reduction in the effects flights have on the environment by emission improvements through the reduction of gate-to-gate excess fuel consumption, minimising noise emissions and their impacts for each flight to the greatest extent possible, minimising other adverse atmospheric effects to the greatest extent possible. Cost-Effectiveness Halve the total direct European gate-to-gate ATM costs from 800/flight (EUROCONTROL Performance Review Report 2005) to 400/flight in 2020 through progressive reduction.

C.2 SAFETY IN THE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS While the target is to meet the overall SESAR goals relating to capacity, environment and

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cost-effectiveness, it is the obligation of all stakeholders in the future ATM system to achieve these goals safely. Safety in SESAR must be based on a Global System Approach. This method must be based on safety objectives validated by safety analyses, where all elements contribute to safety. This method must also determine and analyze the effects of common failure modes. This method must address the safety in all airspace. The effective safety regulatory framework will be founded on a set of basic principles developed by WP1.6 for safety regulation as they are agreed and accepted within the SESAR programme. Compliance with these basic principles is expected to ensure the safe development and implementation of the SESAR concept of operations. C.3 THE HUMAN IN THE CONCEPT People with the appropriate skills and competences, duly authorised, will continue to form the mainstay of the ATM operation. The concept of operations aims to create the optimal balance between human and machine capabilities, providing appropriate decision independence to each in the areas they are best able to perform. In order to fully meet the safety and other performance targets of SESAR a high level of automation will be required however the human shall at all times remain the manager of the automation. In basic terms this means that the human will choose what is to be done, delegate the execution of the task(s) to the automation and be able to intervene if required. The automation support of the human roles within SESAR must be developed and implemented in a way that fosters trust and confidence by the human in the automation functions. Experience (both good and bad) regarding the successful implementation of automation to the cockpit will be used in designing automation in other areas of ATM, especially for air traffic controllers. High-reliability systems such as fly-by-wire, full

automatic landing, etc have been implemented in aircraft and a similar rigor is required in the development of ground-based automation, especially when the automation function (or failure) will have consequences for multiple aircraft at a time.
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The tasks and nature of human roles within ATM will evolve with the automation. For air traffic controllers this will involve changes such as reduction/removal of house-keeping tasks such as frequency changes, the delegation of specific tasks or responsibilities to other agents (both human and automation), adjustments in work-style to support a more strategic trajectory management traffic flow, changes to the staffing required at positions, etc. It is important to make sure that the job satisfaction and pride remains high and the overall human experience in the future system, while different, will not be any less attractive or important than it is today [D16]. The humans role in the system will be by design, and not become a residual task such as the human does whatever the automation cant complete. The ATM system design approach will ensure that the strengths of the human and of the automation are both maximized while the weakness of the human and the automation are both minimized. Degraded and Recovery modes of automation will especially ensure that the human is never overloaded or expected to do more than is humanly possible. System error - that is not just human error but the deficiency of human and/or automation will be monitored and lessons learnt. The human will not be responsible for automation that is not within the ATM system design (or capacity) of the human to monitor and manage. The human operator of automation will not be responsible for automation behaviour that is not within operators ability to influence. The human will not be responsible for information supplied by automation that the human is unable to verify. The human will not be solely to blame for failure to use the automation correctly if the actions of the human were not grossly negligent (as a deficiency in the automations interface to the human is also indicated). When the human has to change work practice as a work-around to a task that automation is supposed to do but doesnt, then this will be treated as a system error that should be promptly corrected. The changes in humans role within SESAR will affect staff selection, training, recency requirements (especially for emergencies involving degraded automation) and possibly even ratings and endorsements. Representatives of the humans who will operate the automation will be involved throughout
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the design, simulation, implementation and review of the automation [D11]. C.4 THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE CONCEPT

The SESAR CONOPS recognises the need to reduce the environmental impacts of the aviation sector and that, among the several strategies that could be used, that of placing constraints on demand is gaining wider community support. At the same time it is also true that the demand for air travel is increasing strongly as detailed in the section on the air transport value chain. The CONOPS, however, strives to improve environmental performance, both from an individual flight as from an overall air transport perspective. The CONOPS is required to address the 2020 demand and also develop a concept that can accommodate a trebling of capacity beyond that time. In reaching the SESAR capacity goal the CONOPS must also demonstrate a 10% reduction (average per flight) in the ATM contribution to the impacts on the environment. This can be achieved by significantly reducing fuel burn and resulting gaseous and particulate emissions and by decreasing the noise associated to both in-flight and surface operations through initiatives including The concept considers that the dual goals can be achieved by significantly improving fuel efficiency and resulting gaseous and particulate emissions reductions and by decreasing the noise footprints associated to both in-flight and surface operations through the: Reduction of distance flown Optimisation of flight profiles Elimination of airborne and ground holding

The achievement of these goals will require operational trade-offs to ensure that at any time a optimum balance between the social and economic benefits and the environmental effects is realised. The concept of Environmental Sustainability will also require the development of

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appropriate tools to facilitate an objective debate between the industry and society [D05]. C.5 SECURITY IN THE CONCEPT

The SESAR CONOPS recognises, that the future ATM system is faced with evolving threats, and that there are strong pressures required to reduce the impact raised by an security incident. The ATM Security Objectives are to ensure: Self-protection of the ATM service as part of the critical infrastructure of modern society Support to government agencies in dealing with security incidents.

The concept of a closely integrated partnership of service users and providers is dependent on a level of trust between all the parties involved in the face of an aggressive evolving threat; the trust to be able to share information, to couple networks together, to protect airspace, to share staff and to implement joint security policies to protect the system from those who would disrupt it. The following ATM Security requirements for the future ATM target concept of SESAR are underlying: Future ATM system will meet the security and business continuity requirements from being part of critical infrastructure. System wide security management function (e.g. access control, network management) will be integrated in the ATM system architecture. ATM information networks will be protected so that the ATM applications may function securely (e.g. CDM, 4D-Trajectory Management, ADS-B, TIS-B). Security of SWIM based information networks will be harmonized with the on-board networks of connected aircraft and the data links. SESAR architecture will provide a framework that allows for a stepwise implementation of the security measures as the threat evolves. Security vetting procedures for staff (currently a state responsibility) and the access requirements will be harmonised to allow mobility of staff.

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ATM will continue to support national governmental agencies in responding to unlawful acts in the airspace and on the ground. ATM will support national security in respect of flights entering national airspace. Interoperability between civil and military aircraft communication during interceptions in support of incident management will be improved. Security of airspace will be increased using the new operational possibilities for trajectory management. C.6 INFORMATION HANDLING PRINCIPLES

The SESAR Concept of Operations recognizes the ATM network as a producer and consumer of information. The production and sharing of information of the required quality and timeliness in a secure environment is an essential principle to the SESAR ATM concept. The principle of information handling in SESAR is predicated on all information of concern to any aspect of air traffic management being considered as aeronautical information that must be shared on a system wide basis in accordance with agreed rules and security provisions. The totality of the shared information is made available to authorised users without them having to know where the information is actually located. All copies of the shared information are kept identical with changes promulgated system wide on the basis of agreed timeliness criteria. The SESAR information environment is globally interoperable with other similar information environments as well as legacy aeronautical information services via the use of appropriate data exchange models and common services. C.7 THE EVOLUTION OF COMMUNICATIONS C.7.1 Communications Principles Traditionally, air/ground communications in ATM is a sequential process, using a voice broadcast mode where messages are specifically addressed via manual procedures. In other words, messages (e.g. clearances) can be issued only sequentially, addressing the recipient by using the appropriate call sign when there is no other communications traffic on the frequency being used.
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When traffic density increases beyond a certain level, the number of voice messages to be exchanged reaches a point beyond which it is no longer possible to ensure the timely passage of information between pilots and air traffic controllers. The SESAR concept of operations utilises digital data communication applications and services as the main means of communication, but there will remain circumstances in which clearances and instructions are issued by voice. Digital data communication applications are not affected by voice frequency congestion. This change is essential for the trajectory management process and the issuance of more complex clearances, constraints, airborne separation approvals, etc. Digital data communications may eventually obviate the need for discrete sector frequencies and associated frequency changes on board, since communications will be addressed to an aircraft or ground station with the delivery method being transparent, however the workload implications of such a development and the loss of the benefits of a broadcast communication channel will require careful study. Addressing changes associated with the transfer of communications will be handled automatically. C.7.2 Communications Services The SESAR Concept of Operations foresees an environment in which the various elements of the ATM System operate as part of a network in terms not only of air traffic but also in terms of information management. Aircraft, airports, air traffic services units, authorized personal devices, etc. are all nodes in this network, with access and contribution to shared information. All information is exchanged in digital form (voice and data) and the traditional differences between voice communications (whether air/ground or ground/ground) and data communications disappears [D14]. This implies an end-to-end networked communications infrastructure (air/ground, air/air, ground/ground) with sufficient bandwidth and speed to support all applications. Security will be ensured by authorised and controlled access to this infrastructure for all partners extracting and/or providing information to this network.

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Communications is a safety critical element of ATM with very stringent requirements, including the need to protect sensitive information and the blocking of malicious intent and full interoperability between the systems. Communications service providers will develop competitive products meeting those requirements in a cost efficient manner. Competing civil communications service providers will, however, ensure that their clients will be able to operate completely seamlessly, experiencing the competitive environment as a single network [D14]. Since some of the information handled by the communications service providers will fall under the terms of aeronautical information as defined by ICAO, they will be required to comply with global licensing standards. C.8 THE EVOLUTION OF NAVIGATION SERVICES The SESAR Concept of Operations is based on the use of navigation capabilities and shared data to enable lateral/vertical/longitudinal trajectory management. The concept itself sets challenges for the direction of future navigation capabilities. The evolution of these navigation capabilities / services is described in Section F.3.1 Assumed ATM Capability Levels. Laterally, the known improvements are 2D RNP +/- 0.3 NM evolving down to +/- 0.1 NM in approach and departure phase. Vertically, the known improvements are barometric VNAV (accuracy from +/-260ft down to +/-150ft depending on altitude) evolving to vertical containment2 along a predefined 3D departure or arrival route. Longitudinally, the known improvements are improved predictions due to enriched meteorological modelling and better accuracy/resolution of wind data, improved control of a single time constraint in descent down to FAF, both improvements leading to a CTA accuracy down to 10sec, and in the longer term, multiple time constraints

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management (CTO/CTA) and longitudinal containment2 for a pre-defined segment of the cruising route (20 minutes duration in a first step). C.9 THE EVOLUTION OF SURVEILLANCE SERVICES SESAR considers 2 broad categories of surveillance services, Cooperative and NonCooperative: Cooperative surveillance requires aircraft to be equipped with functioning avionics, allowing surveillance functions to reliably, consistently, and unambiguously detect the aircraft in the air and on the ground. Non-cooperative surveillance allows an aircraft to be detected by ground, airborne, or space based surveillance systems even if it does not have functional avionics. Noncooperative surveillance can be used when airborne or ground cooperative surveillance systems are unavailable. SESAR relies on cooperative surveillance information from all aircraft as an enabler for trajectory-based operations, as well as to support the needs of non ATM users such as defence and security: it will be the main surveillance method because of the additional aircraft derived data that it can provide. Non-cooperative surveillance capabilities will provide a degree of surveillance redundancy and are also specifically required for defence and security purposes. Surveillance services in SESAR will cater for a broad range of operational and traffic environments, from core European airspace and airports to remote areas. They will utilise integrated cooperative and non-cooperative surveillance to provide real-time situational awareness both in the air and at airports. Surveillance data is considered in the same manner as other ATM data and is available throughout the network and to external users in the SESAR SWIM environment. This data availability provides common situational awareness across the ATM network as well as supporting a range of collaborative processes and serving the mission specific needs of all

in this context, the word "containment" implies ATM performance requirements which have to be defined and agreed, it does

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stakeholders. Shared surveillance data will also be available to external entities (both state and commercial) with a need for the information. C.10 THE EVOLUTION OF METEOROLOGICAL SERVICES Based on ICAO regulations and WMO recommendations the meteorological services contribute significantly to the safety, regularity and efficiency of the international air navigation. The primary role of aviation meteorology (MET) is to provide the necessary information to identify where and when aircraft can or cannot fly, and the runways, taxiways, parking stands etc. that can be used. Accurate and timely meteorological information incorporated as an integrated component to the system to support all phases of flight will be provided to the new ATM management. Such information shall be used to determine the optimum route/trajectory for an individual flight or series of flight in all planning phases, and for the execution of a flight. It is expected that the importance of meteorological information for ATM will grow in the next 10 to 15 years; meteorological information from a range of sources (including aircraft) will be integrated with other data to facilitate trajectory based planning and operations. MET must be provided in an open and interoperable form and incorporated into decision making systems and processes including the development and agreement of contingency plans to mitigate the worst effects of weather. The information will be derived from a variety of (traditional) sources including the increasing use of remote sensing systems and aircraft derived data and GNSS information. With enhanced digital communications services, the provision of MET information will encompass ground-based and potentially airborne automation systems and human users. [D01]

not correspond to the EASA definition for aircraft certification. Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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The European ATM Network of the future will be structured around the use of a performancebased, service-oriented operational concept. Central to the Network will be a single European ATM System which will provide a variety of ATM services to all types of airspace user to meet their respective needs. The expected demand and nature of their needs have been defined in detail in the SESAR deliverable D2 [Ref. 1], these forming the basis of the overall performance targets to be met by the System [Ref. 2]. SESAR proposes a service oriented relationship between airspace users, airport operators and ATM service providers. This will take the form of a Performance Partnership [Ref. 3] realised through service level agreements between relevant partners. This in turn will enable an Enterprise Services approach to be taken to specifying the performance of the future systems to be used by each partner such that interoperability can be readily achieved. This will enable all partners to be focused upon making decisions and taking actions which deliver the business trajectory [Ref. 4] of each flight when it is executed. D.2 TRAJECTORY BASED OPERATIONS The SESAR target concept of operations is a trajectory-based concept. All partners in the ATM network will share trajectory information in real time to the extent required from the earliest trajectory development phase through operations and post-operation activities. ATM planning, collaborative decision making processes and tactical operations will always be based on the latest trajectory data. A trajectory integrating ATM and airport constraints is elaborated and agreed for each flight, resulting in the trajectory that a user agrees to fly and the ANSP and Airports agree to facilitate. This trajectory-based approach reconfirms three important characteristics of trajectories while also enhancing their significance and effects as a result of much improved data quality:

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The Business/Mission Trajectory: Expressing the Specific Needs of Airspace Users The trajectories represent the business/mission intentions of the airspace users. By safeguarding the integrity of the trajectories and minimising changes the concept ensures the best outcome for all users. Airlines, business, General Aviation and the military all have business or mission intentions, even if the terminology is different and their specific trajectories have different characteristics. The trajectory is always associated with all the other data needed to describe the flight. If the trajectory is based on cruise climb, this will be facilitated.

Trajectory Ownership The airspace user owns the Business Trajectory, thus in normal circumstances the users have primary responsibility over their operation. In circumstances where ATM constraints (including those arising from infrastructural and environmental restrictions/regulations) need to be applied, the resolution that achieves the best business / mission outcome within these constraints is left to the individual user. Typically constraints will be generated / released and taken into account by various ATM partners through CDM processes. The owners prerogatives do not affect ATC or Pilot tactical decision processes (for example separation provision, weather avoidance etc) [D08, D12, D17].

4D trajectories The business/mission trajectories will be described as well as executed with the required precision in all 4 dimensions. The trajectories will be shared and updated from the source(s) best suited to the prevailing operational circumstances and capabilities and the sources include the aircraft systems, flight operational control systems and ANSP trajectory predictors. The ability to generate trajectories in the ATM system from flight plan data will be retained for those flights that are unable to comply with SESAR trajectory management requirements.

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D.3 MOVING FROM AIRSPACE TO TRAJECTORY ORIENTATION European airspace will be a single continuum with the only distinction being between Managed and Unmanaged airspace. In Managed Airspace information on all traffic is shared and the predetermined separator is the separation provision service provider while in Unmanaged Airspace traffic may not share information and the predetermined separator is the airspace user. The role of separator in managed airspace may be delegated. The trajectory management concept enables the dynamic adjustment of airspace characteristics to meet predicted demand with distortions to the business/mission trajectories kept to the absolute minimum. The co-ordination procedures established between the various units to reduce controller task load can often result in structural distortions to the trajectories. In the SESAR concept many of these procedures can be eliminated by the use of shared trajectories. The trajectory-based approach recognises that sufficient airspace volumes to meet military operational and training requirements will have to be provided and that military coordination and information sharing requirements will need to be accommodated. D.4 FLEXIBILITY The operating philosophy underlying the SESAR operational concept is that the users will have the necessary freedom to change their business trajectories at any time prior to and even during execution, and the service providers (airports and ANSPs) will adjust their resource plans to facilitate those changes resulting in the minimum of delay or distortion to all trajectories. It is recognised, that late and significant changes to traffic flows may have implications on the performance of the system, and the needs of safety or network capacity will at times require constraints to be applied to individual trajectories. To achieve this goal, planning decisions will be made as late as possible relative to the time available to affect the outcome. Plans will also be constantly updated and refined to reflect the latest available data. All users will benefit from increased flexibility and SESAR will improve flexibility by providing capacity headroom where possible and by developing techniques that will enable resources to be deployed in response to accurate real-time demand information.
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D.5 USER PREFERRED ROUTING ENVIRONMENT In managed airspace, particularly in the cruising level regime, user preferred routing will apply without the need to adhere to a fixed route structure. Route structures will however be available for operations that require such support. In either case the user will share a

trajectory the execution of which is subject to an appropriate clearance. It is recognised however that in especially congested airspace, the trade off between flight efficiency and capacity will require that a fixed route structure will be used to enable the required capacity. Fixed route procedures will be suspended when traffic density no longer requires their use. Where major hubs are close, the entire area below a certain level will be operated as an extended terminal area, with route structures eventually extending also into en-route airspace to manage the climbing and descending flows from and into the airports concerned. User preferred routings will also have to take into account the airspace volumes established for the operation of diverse (mainly military) aerial activities. D.6 COLLABORATIVE PLANNING Collaborative layered planning, mediated by network management and based on Collaborative Decision Making, has the goal of achieving an agreed, stable, demand and capacity situation. Planning is assisted by the Network Operations Plan (NOP). The aim of the NOP is to facilitate the processes needed to reach agreement on demand and capacity. It is a set of collaborative applications providing access to traffic demand, airspace and airport capacity and constraints and scenarios to assist in managing diverse events. D.7 AIRSPACE CAPACITY Controller task-load per flight is a major factor in airspace capacity. The SESAR concept will increase capacity by reducing the requirement for tactical intervention. In highly congested areas dominated by climbing and descending traffic flows this will be achieved by deploying route structures that provide a greater degree of strategic deconfliction and procedures that capitalise on the greater accuracy of aircraft navigation. New separation modes supported by

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controller tools, utilising shared high precision trajectory data, will reduce uncertainty and increase the valid duration of each clearance. Tools will also support task identification, clearance compliance and monitoring. Further reductions in controller workload per flight can be expected from air/ground data link communications and the delegation of some spacing, separation and flow optimisation tasks to the pilot. D.8 NEW SEPARATION MODES A range of separation modes is available in SESAR to address various operational circumstances. These modes take advantage of trajectory sharing between air and ground and enhanced vertical and longitudinal navigational capabilities and fall into 3 broad categories: Conventional modes: in this context they refer to modes that are essentially unchanged by SESAR. New ANSP Modes: these are new modes envisaged for SESAR that are purely applied by ATC Precision Trajectory Clearances Trajectory Control by Ground Based Speed Adjustment

New Airborne Modes [D02]: these are new modes that involve the aircraft and in which the pilot is the separator either by delegation or, in unmanaged airspace, as the standard case. Cooperative separation (ASAS-Separation) Self-separation (ASAS-Self Separation) D.9 AIRPORTS FULLY INTEGRATED INTO THE ATM NETWORK

Airport capacity is the key challenge in the SESAR timeframe. Runway throughput must be optimised at congested airports to levels that exceed current best-in-class operations. This requires a spectrum of measures including: long-term infrastructure development

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realistic airport scheduling real-time demand and capacity balancing sequencing and metering time-based spacing wake vortex detection runway occupancy improvements

Airport throughput in adverse weather conditions must be maintained at levels close to normal by deploying: precision landing support that does not require the current protection limitations accurate time-based spacing support to monitoring and controlling movement on the surface (ASMGCS and CDTI) The trajectory management focus of the SESAR concept of operations extends to include the airports. The trajectory is considered to continue unbroken after touchdown to the gate and from the gate to take-off [D15]. During turn-round, the trajectory is in an idle state in all but the time dimension which means that even during the turn-round it is possible to establish milestones with which the progress of the turn-round process can be monitored and the impact of events on later parts of the trajectory established at an early stage. Trajectories in the vicinity and on the surface of airports are managed by a co-operating set of partners using shared information and collaborative decision making processes. Even with all these measures, the bulk of the required increase in airport capacity must come from greater use of secondary airports with improved links to city centres and the major airport hubs. D.10 COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES Collaborative decision making in the SESAR concept means sharing of information as well as
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acting on the shared information. Decisions are made on the basis of common situational awareness and consequently an improved understanding of the network effects of the decisions. This improves the general quality of the decisions, helping to more accurately achieve the desired results. The collaborative decision making principle will not affect the ATC or Pilot tactical decision processes. This approach to decision making empowers new and innovative solutions of which the User Driven Prioritisation Process (UDPP) is an example. In UDPP, airspace users among themselves can recommend a priority order for flights affected by delays caused by an unexpected reduction of capacity, which is then communicated to the Network Management function. D.11 INFORMATION MANAGED ON A SYSTEM WIDE BASIS The sharing of information of the required quality and timeliness in a secure environment is an essential enabler to the SESAR ATM concept. A net-centric operation is proposed where the ATM network is considered as a series of nodes providing or consuming information; this includes the aircraft. The scope extends to all information that is of potential interest to ATM including trajectories, surveillance data, aeronautical information of all types, meteorological data etc. D.12 MINIMISING SEGREGATION The SESAR concept aims to avoid where possible, solutions that are based on segregating traffic. For reasons of access and equity and to maximise capacity, it is not proposed to segregate aircraft on the basis of CNS capability or the type of separation service being provided but an inherent prioritisation towards more capable aircraft will occur. However, special provisions will be in place to fully accommodate military operations. Since it is not expected that there will be a significant reduction in the airspace needed for diverse airspace, in particular military, activities, given their links with air bases and the need

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for new aircraft types to use increased volumes of airspace to fully exploit their capabilities, a degree of segregation in respect of such operations will remain inevitable. The impact will however be minimised through more accurate planning, time management and level segmentation of the segregation, and procedures that can flexibly manage real-time changes to volumes and times and promptly return any unused segregated airspace to general use. D.13 ACCESS AND EQUITY The SESAR concept respects the needs of all airspace users. At the traffic levels SESAR will be required to handle, the need for managed airspace will inevitably increase. However, tailoring the managed airspace to more accurately reflect the performance of modern aircraft allow the base of managed airspace to be raised in many areas giving greater freedom to those who do not require a separation service. The trade off here is between the needs of General Aviation for access to airspace without having to meet the requirements applicable in managed airspace (pilot qualifications, aircraft navigation and communication equipment) and the needs of commercial and military aviation for access and the provision of a separation service. D.14 ENHANCED INTEGRATION OF DIVERSE AIRSPACE USE Airspace design and management remains a State prerogative under the SESAR concept. The focus on trajectory management however requires that co-ordination between different users of the airspace, especially military and other State users, be further enhanced and optimised. The need for some flights and activities to be managed within defined airspace blocks is fully recognised. The physical and temporal dimensions of such blocks will be minimised while their location will aim to satisfy the military requirements, such as keeping flight distances from their base short. Integrating appropriate military and State partners in the information sharing environment (with proper protection of sensitive information) and optimising the military and State activity processes is the basis for the enhanced cooperation between the various users.

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D.15 ACCESS TO TRAJECTORY MANAGEMENT Air traffic management is a service that is designed to be able to cater to the requirements of different airspace users with widely different aircraft performance. This includes much wider and more flexible access to the ATM network for the purposes of obtaining flight planning information as well as the submitting of flight information, including trajectories. This is made possible by the net-centric environment and system wide sharing of information. On the one hand, aircraft operators with operational control centre facilities will share information via their applications while the individual user will be able to do the same via applications running on any suitable personal device. The support provided by the ATM network will in all cases be tailored to the needs of the user concerned. D.16 ATM CAPABILITY LEVELS Throughout the following sections the notion of ATM capability levels has been introduced. These levels are defined to describe the on-going deployment of progressively more advanced ATM Systems for aircraft, ground systems and airports. The following different levels of ATM capabilities are defined: ATM Capability Level 0: ATM Capability Level 1: Systems that do not meet at least the ATM-1 capabilities. Capabilities of existing systems and those that are delivered up to 2012/13 and largely have todays capabilities. ATM Capability Level 2: Capabilities of systems that are delivered and in-service from 2013 onwards with a range of new capabilities but which do not meet the full 2020 needs. ATM Capability Level 3: Main capabilities required by the key SESAR target date of 2020. These will be based upon the SESAR concept needs at that time and a realistic assessment of potential capabilities. ATM Capability Level 4: The very advanced capabilities that potentially offer the means to achieve the SESAR goals, in particular the very high-end

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capacity target. The timeframe for initial availability and progressive fleet equipage is in the range 2025 and beyond depending on the specific capability. Further details are described in Section F.3.1. D.17 AUTOMATION STRATEGY The SESAR capacity and safety objectives can only be achieved by an intense enhancement of integrated automation support while Human operators are expected to remain the core of the system. To ensure overall performance of the net-centric and information-shared ATM network, the following widely recognised high-level automation principles will guide the development: Automate only to improve overall system and human performance, not just because the technology is available. The overall impact of automation and allocation of functions shall be systematically determined before implementation to avoid unintended results such as additional complexity, loss of appropriate situation awareness, too high or too low workload or potential for error. A balance shall be obtained between the efficiency created by automation and the need for the human to be able to recover from non-nominal and/or degraded mode of operations (automation failure strategy). Place the human in command. The human shall be the automation manager and not the automation monitor, it shall assist humans to carry out their tasks safely, efficiently and effectively. Automation should be error resistant and error tolerant. Involve users from the system design phase to ensure improvement of overall system performance and to foster trust and confidence by the human in the automation.

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Always consider the respective typical strengths and weaknesses of humans and of technology when deciding what to automate in the appropriate context.

Further details are provided in the deliverables of WP1.7.

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The Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept developed by ICAO is intended to guide the implementation of ATM/CNS technology with a view to assisting the aviation community to transition to the integrated and collaborative air traffic management network needed to meet aviations requirements in the future. The ICAO Operational Concept defines seven interdependent concept components. The disaggregation into components was necessary to facilitate the understanding of the sometimes complex relationships between the various aspects of the ATM operation. Each component is a standard and uniformly understood building block that facilitates the movement of aircraft through regions with little or no change to equipment or procedures. The separate components form one system and for any given implementation, they must be fully integrated. In this section a description is given of the high level relationship between the ICAO operational concept components as they are used in the European environment and the SESAR concept of operations. The integrated, process oriented view is given in Chapter F. E.2 CONCEPT COMPONENTS IN DETAIL E.2.1 Airspace organisation and management E.2.1.1 ICAO Scope Airspace organisation establishes the airspace structures in order to accommodate the different types of air activity, volume of traffic and various service levels. Airspace management is the process by which airspace options are selected and applied to meet the need of the ATM community.

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E.2.1.2 European application

E. General

Airspace management and design in SESAR will serve the requirements of the trajectory managed environment, with due regard also to the needs of those operations which will continue to require the management of airspace volumes rather than individual trajectories.
E. Service oriented airspace categorisation

In the SESAR area, airspace is either Managed or Unmanaged. Any airspace not specifically designated as Managed is by definition Unmanaged Airspace. Both Managed and Unmanaged Airspace is established and organised in a service oriented approach based on the characteristics described below.
E. Characteristics of Unmanaged Airspace

Physical dimensions From ground level extending to a specified upper level regionally harmonised in the SESAR area, except for airspace volumes designated as Managed Airspace. The dimensions of Unmanaged Airspace will be kept such that they minimise the constraints to the freedoms of airspace users requiring such airspace. Internal Subdivision/organisation No internal subdivision, visible from an ATM perspective, will be applied. Predetermined separator The predetermined separator is the airspace user. It is not possible to delegate the role of separator. Air Traffic Services that may be provided Flight Information Service and Alerting Service (including military surveillance based traffic information services) may be available and provided on request. This will include information on (de)activation of low level routings for military purposes. No Separation Service will be

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provided. Data management services Aircraft operating or planned to operate in Unmanaged Airspace will have access to all relevant information available in the SWIM environment via any of the standard access methods. Flight data sharing requirements Unmanaged Airspace is an environment in which not all traffic is known to ATM. There will be no obligation to share flight data of any kind with the ground ATM network unless a flight wishes to make use of an available Air Traffic Service. In this case, at least the predetermined minimum set of flight data (including trajectories) must be shared before departure and/or during flight using any of the available methods (depending on the ground network and/or aircraft capabilities). Aircraft in the air may share flight data (including trajectories) with other aircraft in support of procedures used to prevent collisions. Applicable flight rules Both instrument and visual flight rules will be used, supplemented by flight rules based on electronic visibility modes.
E. Characteristics of Managed Airspace

Physical dimensions From a specified lower level regionally harmonised in the SESAR area, extending to an unlimited upper level. Managed airspace may extend down to ground level where service provision considerations require this (in particular around aerodromes). The dimensions of Managed Airspace will be kept to the minimum required for safe and efficient service provision. Internal Subdivision/organisation

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The internal design and organisation of managed airspace will be optimised to ensure the safe and efficient management of the trajectories concerned. Temporary airspace structures to protect certain types of operation will continue to exist and will be managed in co-operation between the partners (e.g. military, police, General Aviation etc.) concerned. Often the co-ordination procedures established between the various units to reduce controller task load result in structural distortions to the trajectories. In the SESAR concept many of these procedures can be eliminated and seamless operations enabled by the use of shared trajectories. Managed airspace is a user preferred routing environment however where traffic complexity or the need to maximise capacity require, structured routes will be implemented. Their use will be suspended when they are not required. Predetermined separator The predetermined separator is the separation service provider. The role of separator may be delegated in accordance with pre-defined rules. Air Traffic Services that may be provided Flight Information Service and Alerting Service will be available everywhere in Managed Airspace. Separation services might not be provided in designated parts of managed airspace, for example, above a very high level (circa FL450+) [D09] the airspace will be managed but may be designated for self-separation by permanent delegation. Use of the separation service will be mandatory only where specifically prescribed (by airspace volume and time). In all other cases, appropriately equipped aircraft may request, and if possible, get approval to proceed using self-separation techniques. Data management services Aircraft operating or planned to operate in Managed Airspace will have access to all relevant information available in the SWIM environment via any of the standard access methods. Flight data sharing requirements

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Managed Airspace is an environment in which all traffic is known to the ATM network. All aircraft operating, or planned to operate, in Managed Airspace are obliged to share their flight data, including trajectories, in accordance with the applicable rules with all other, applicable nodes in the network. The rules will also include cut-off times for the initial sharing of information before the execution phase commences. This time may be anything between a day (e.g. for scheduled operations) and a few minutes (for pop-up flights). Applicable flight rules Both instrument and visual flight rules will be used, supplemented by flight rules based on electronic visibility modes.
E. Integration of diverse airspace use requirements

The SESAR concept is based on a highly flexible approach to airspace usage which ensures that possible constraints imposed by any airspace activity on other operations are kept to the absolute minimum in both time and space. Airspace Management in conjunction with an Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Concept (AFUA) is considered to play a vital role as enabler to improve civil-military co-operation and for an increase of capacity for the benefit of all airspace users. The principles to be applied are: Full application of the agreed FUA concept in all participating States in 2020. Equal consideration of civil airspace user needs and military requirements. Protection of secure and sensitive military data. Application of agreed rules for certain priority procedures of military air operations (national requirements/international commitments). States sovereignty over and responsibility for airspace remain.
E. The Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Concept

The advanced flexible use of airspace concept (AFUA) regards airspace as a single entity that
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is available to all users. In the future, airspace is made available in a more dynamic manner on the basis of the close cooperation between civil and military authorities. Segregated airspace required for military training and exercises is agreed in a co-operative process according to military requirements and the demand from civil traffic, determined from traffic forecasts and available shared planning information. New simulation tools will be implemented to facilitate this process. Airspace reservations are coordinated and activated after having been adjusted to match the military training and operational profile as required; this includes a limited flexibility in dimension, location and time including mobile areas. TSA/TRA may be implemented for military or civil use. AFUA foresees the trend towards user preferred routings; therefore circumnavigation of airspace reservations under these circumstances will be facilitated by appropriate trajectory management techniques.
E. The definition of special airspace activity according to ICAO

Special airspace activity is defined as all activity requiring airspace usage of defined dimensions over a limited period of time which influences other participants in the ATM networks trajectory management. The future Airspace Reservation (ARES) according ICAO will be defined as a volume of airspace temporarily reserved for exclusive or specific use by categories of users. They are subject to published ARES designated for special aerial purposes requiring strict segregation from other air traffic (e.g. Air-to-Air / Air-to-Ground Firing Ranges or the destruction of explosives). Furthermore, ARES will be determined by designated areas to facilitate military training requirements through a mission tailored volume of airspace and being subject to collaborative planning processes and coordination. These airspace reservations may be stationary, like an ad-hoc TSA, or moving along with the flight path to facilitate aerial operations like en-route Air-to-Air Refuelling. The SESAR operational concept is built on the premise that special airspace activity will be conducted in a way that creates the least hindrance to the other trajectories while still ensuring the successful completion of the mission of the relevant user.

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E. Airspace reservations

Although it is intended to gradually abandon fixed structures it will still be necessary to collaboratively define Airspace Reservations (ARES) in dimension and location for various operational patterns (e.g. economic distance from the relevant airbase). The location of other patterns will be subject to local ATM operating requirements (such as Air Refuelling patterns and E3A-orbits). These ARES should be identified by the airspace user community as possible constraints on their trajectory planning. Activation will be according to agreed principles, permitting adjustments in location, dimension and time within agreed terms.
E. Controlling/supporting agencies

Segregated airspaces will generally have defined controlling/supporting agencies (ATC or ADF). There is also segregated airspace (in managed or unmanaged airspace) activated according to the same arrangements as the ones described above, but without ATC services provided. The principle is an airspace whose status is defined by publication and protected by the published restricted conditions of penetration. It may be managed and announced by a body that does not necessarily provide radar coverage or air traffic services. E.2.2 Airport operations Note: In the context of this CONOPS, the term airport is used with the same definition as aerodrome in ICAO documents E.2.2.1 ICAO Scope As an integral part of the ATM network, airport operators provide the needed ground infrastructure, including but not limited to lighting, taxiways, runways (including exits), aprons, stands and gates as well as precise surface guidance to improve safety and maximize aerodrome capacity in all weather conditions. The ATM network will, in turn, enable the efficient use of the capacity of the aerodrome airside capacity in all weather conditions.

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E.2.2.2 European application

E. General

It has been said that airports are likely to be a constraining factor on air transport growth, but in the event that little used aerodromes expand due to demand from users such as low fare airlines and/or Business/General Aviation (potentially operated by VLJ) then the associated terminal or en-route airspace may also become a constraining factor. Within the ATM system, the airports and especially the runways are the main blocking points. Almost 80% of the airports reported in the CTG-043 study indicate that, without adding extra runways, they will be unable to accommodate the expected growth in air traffic by a factor 2.5 between now and the year 2025. It is therefore necessary to seek out suitable initiatives and best practices (enhancing procedures) to make full use of available yet under-used capacity in addition to long term planning for the development of new runways. Air transport should be seen as a continuous process with a sequence of arrival, turnaround, departure and flight cruise events in the progression of aircraft around the world. The airport can be considered as another, rather complex, sector through which the aircraft passes, where complementary processes work together in a fashion similar to a modern production facility. The airport view of the ATM concept is from the perspective of en-route to en-route as this includes the airport processes and the aircraft turn around process.

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ATM system gate to gate

En-route A

Take-off departure ABD

Landing arrival ABA Turn around departure ABD Take-off G A T E

Airport A


Turn around arrival ABA Landing

Airport B

En-route B

en-route to en-route

Therefore the SESAR concept manages aircraft turn-round and flight operation as a single continuous event. Not only the runway and surface movement of the aircraft is part of the concept but also the ground handling process needs to be addressed. This is essential if reactionary delay is to be fully addressed.
E. Airport capacity development and management

The tripling of ATM capacity can only be achieved by adding infrastructure and distributing (parts) of the traffic to currently un-congested airports as the current (almost) congested airports in the European core area are only able to make small improvements. These airports are already working to their limits and every initiative and best practice that proves or promises only the slightest increase in capacity and/or efficiency has been evaluated and, when practical, implemented. However these improvements are almost always used to increase the number of aircraft movements (market driven), and not to reduce delays and

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operational cost. While the operational concept will apply to all airports, individual elements will need to be implemented differently at each airport. Business decisions, safety and environmental considerations will determine which ones are appropriate. A number of airports formerly used for VFR operations only because of the cost of installing traditional landings aids like ILS, will facilitate IFR departures and arrivals by application of procedures based on SBAS and/or other technologies. Co-modality and the integration of the modes of transport will link up the regions with cities, thus enlarging the catchments areas of the airports. This could lead to a decongestion of roads and better air quality around airports. In some cases nearby regional airfields and airports could be linked up with cities and relief the congested hubs in the vicinity of large urban areas. Driven by the natural rules of the market, those Reliever Airports could take over and specifically cater for segregated segments of air transport business (form example dedicated to leisure or Business/General Aviation traffic). However clustering reliever airports within the close vicinity of a large congested airport will require new ATM techniques and procedures to assure maximum runway utilisation, flight efficiency and minimal flight path confliction. On a wider scale the airport must be integrated with other modes of transport. With the expanding network of high speed trains this will also offer valuable alternatives for the passengers and cargo. Cooperation between airports and different modes of transport is required to offer passengers seamless connections.
E. The overall aims of the SESAR airport concept

The aim of the SESAR airport concept is to fulfil the SESAR expectations for the future ATM system as closely as possible. For this the airport concept will focus on: Increased surface and runway safety, Increased throughput coupled with realistic scheduled demand with respect to capacity to keep delays at an acceptable level

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Reducing noise and pollution through operational improvements

These aims will be supported by: Optimum surface management and arrival and departure sequence planning Accurate arrival and departure times and separation, Optimum use of existing airport infrastructure and available capacity, Additions and changes to airport infrastructure, Optimum use of onboard devices / systems, Improved efficiency by shared information and collaborative decision making, Improved weather forecasts, Improved collaborative work between ANSP, users and Airport on environmental issues, Better relations with neighbours.
E. The principles

Airport operators own and/or operate their nodes of the Air Transport Network. It is their responsibility to provide a safe airport infrastructure in balance with environmental limitations. In partnership with all stakeholders, the airport aims at achieving a common business approach, by linking flight segments, surface operations, and the aircraft turn around process. This requires collaborative decision making based upon: An equal acceptance of all stakeholders (level playing field). A Common understanding of the assumptions inherent in the capacity planning process and the interactions between the demand mix, airport resources and environmental regulations / limitations. A Common Planning Process to enable the use of a single demand data source or repository, reflecting customers' expectations and used as a reference for the execution phase.
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A Common Situational Awareness of traffic evolution during the execution phase with early & accurate information of traffic deviations to allow the recovery of the planned situation by launching timely corrective actions.

A Common Performance Framework to all stakeholders sharing a common target, aiming at on-schedule performance meeting the business needs of the airspace users.

A common situational awareness of the status of the turn-round process to optimise departure and arrival sequencing actions.
E. Environmental sustainability

Environmental issues are major challenges for air travel and for most of the European airports. Global improvements are needed. A growing environmental awareness and improving collaborative work among all stakeholders (ANSP, users and airport community) is a prerequisite. Collaborative Environmental Management (CEM) will facilitate continuous improvement by a coordinated approach (See other SESAR Documents for details of CEM). Although aviation takes a share in the environmental impact on society it is not the only player in that field. Other modes of transport must also be considered, especially in the field of transportation to and from the airport. Transportation modes could strengthen each other and a well balanced approach will be beneficial economically as well as environmentally. Operational initiatives have a broad scope for potential improvement in noise, fuel consumption and air pollution when implemented throughout Europe. Initiatives that reduce taxi time or holding time with running engines will have an environmental benefit. However environmental benefits may also give operational (capacity) problems; for example, as may be expected with towing aircraft to/from the runway. Research should focus on these aspects. Examples of operational initiatives with environmental impact are: Development of procedures and related technical enablers which improve flight efficiency (Continuous descent/climb techniques and precision navigation). Curved approach paths that offer the potential to minimise disturbance at locally

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sensitive areas. System support to minimise outbound holding at/near the runway or inbound holding for stands. Managed thrust for take off and procedures that minimise braking with minimum noise and emission (e.g. automatic take off, landing and brake to vacate). Taxi paths that minimise changes in thrust settings and thus transient engine operations outside the optimal combustion regime. Procedures that minimise braking with minimum noise and particulate emissions from carbon brakes and tyre wear. Towing of aircraft to/from runway threshold. Cruise climb

E.2.3 Demand and capacity balancing E.2.3.1 ICAO Scope Demand and capacity balancing will strategically evaluate system-wide traffic flows and aerodrome capacities to allow airspace users to determine when, where and how they operate while mitigating conflicting needs for airspace and aerodrome capacity. This collaborative process will allow the efficient management of air traffic through shared information on traffic flows, weather and assets. E.2.3.2 European application
E. Layered planning based demand and capacity balancing

Demand and capacity balancing will be accomplished through a process of layered planning applied on a European level and starting with the business/mission development phase which may be several years in advance and continues up to the day of operation. In the SESAR User Preferred Routing Environment demand and capacity balancing at the tactical stage, as envisaged by the ICAO operational concept, is of limited use and is replaced
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by high complexity operations with precision trajectory management and new separation modes. E.2.4 Traffic synchronisation E.2.4.1 ICAO Scope Traffic synchronization refers to the tactical establishment and maintenance of a safe, orderly and efficient flow of air traffic. E.2.4.2 European application The management and execution of 4D trajectories based on constraints when time permits and direct instructions in other cases, combined with integrated queue management both in the air and on the ground constitutes the SESAR implementation of this concept component. It includes the handling of queues, both in the air and on the ground. It operates on individual flights and is closely related to, and sometimes indistinguishable from, the Separation Provision process. It aims to facilitate the highest achievable capacity of the ATM System and to manage delays in a fuel-efficient and environmentally acceptable manner. The queue management concept does not mean that ATM Network Management processes that ensure there is a balance between capacity and demand are in any way diminished in importance. These processes apply to flows of traffic resulting in the Network Operations Plan, whereas queue management is about fine-tuning the position of an individual aircraft into a stream that optimises the utilisation of a constrained resource. Queue management is not about just managing delay; the accent is on optimising position in the queue and hence improving the overall outcome of the process. E.2.5 Airspace user operations E.2.5.1 ICAO Scope This component refers to the ATM related aspects of flight operations. E.2.5.2 European application Airspace user operations are central in the SESAR context. This is expressed in the concept of
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collaboratively developed, fully airspace user owned business/mission trajectory and its collaborative management, the system wide shared information environment and the full integration of the aircraft into the ATM network. The integrated process view in Chapter F describes in detail how airspace user operations take place in the SESAR trajectory managed environment. E.2.6 Conflict management E.2.6.1 ICAO Scope The function of conflict management is to limit, to an acceptable level, the risk of collision between aircraft and hazards. Conflict management is applied in three layers: Strategic conflict management Separation provision Collision avoidance

The conflict management process can be applied to a trajectory at any point along the conflict horizon, from the earliest business/mission development phase to real time in the execution phase. E.2.6.2 European application [D13]
E. Strategic conflict management

Strategic conflict management aims to reduce the need to apply separation provision to an appropriate level, thereby reducing controller workload. This aim must be balanced with the need to preserve the optimal business/mission trajectory. Strategic conflict management is achieved through the integrated operation of airspace organisation and management, demand and capacity balancing and queue management. In the SESAR concept this integrated operation is reflected in trajectory based collaborative layered planning and the application of conflict management and separation, as described in Section F.6.

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The elaboration of the RBT may result from a certain level of strategic conflict management, i.e. the RBT may included pre-deconflicted 3D routes, and from some initial traffic synchronisation for planning purposes (TTA), with dynamic refinement or adjustment during flight.
E. Separation provision

The concept of separation provision contains new elements, which are all compliant with the ICAO separation provision component while also reflecting the trajectory managed environment of SESAR. Separation minima have not been established, but it is understood that such minima will have to be developed and agreed for each separation mode defined below.
E. The role of separator

The separator is defined as the agent responsible for separation provision for a conflict and can be either the airspace user or a separation provision service provider. The separator must be defined (that is predetermined) prior to the commencement of separation provision. The ICAO definition allows that there may be different predetermined separators for different hazards in the same airspace and different aircraft in the same airspace may have different predetermined separators for aircraft hazards (mixed operations). Where and when safety or ATM system design requires a separation provision service, the predetermined separator is the provider of such service. Everywhere else and/or at other times, the predetermined separator is the airspace user. Generally, in the SESAR area, Managed Airspace is considered to require a separation provision service.
E. Delegation of the role of separator

When the predetermined separator between aircraft and/or airspace reservations is the separation service provider, the role of separator from either all aircraft (a type of hazard) or from one particular aircraft (a specified hazard) may be delegated to the flight crew of appropriately equipped aircraft who then assure airborne separation. One potential scenario is that an aircraft entering such airspace and wishing to operate under self-separation will
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indicate this as part of the planning information it provides. The separation service provider will have to approve this request prior to the aircraft entering the airspace concerned. In the absence of such agreement, the aircraft will operate with separation service provided by the separations service provider. Such operations, including mixed operations, will be conducted in accordance with appropriate rules and procedures, ensuring safety and efficiency for the airspace users. The rules and procedures will provide the framework and conditions for different degrees and kinds of airborne separation, as described in the ICAO Operational Concept and other relevant documents. When such cooperative separation or self-separation applications are implemented, a clear and unambiguous statement for separation responsibility is required.
E. Liability principles

The liability issues associated to the changes in separation proposed for SESAR must be determined.
E. Drivers for the separation concept

As previously stated it is an assumption that the SESAR concept will create sufficient terminal area and en-route capacity so that it is no longer a constraint in normal operations. This capacity is a function of controller task load. To meet the capacity goal there must therefore be a substantial reduction in controller task load per flight if this is to be realised while meeting the safety, environmental and economic goals. Controller task load is generated from two different sources: there is the routine task load associated with managing a flight through a sector (such as co-ordination in and out, routine communications, data management) and the tactical task load associated with separation provision (conflict/interaction detection, situation monitoring and conflict resolution). As the traffic throughput increases the routine task load increases proportionately (three times the flights equals three times the task load). The separation provision task load however would increase relative to the number of conflicts/interactions and therefore approximately according
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to the square of the increase in traffic (three times the flights equals nine times the task load).
E. The strategy to reduce controller task load

To address the controller task load issue, without incurring a significant increase in ANSP costs, 3 lines of action are included in the concept: Automation for the routine controller task load supported by better methods of data input and improved data management. Automation support to conflict/interaction detection and situation monitoring and conflict resolution. A significant reduction in the need for controller tactical intervention. o Reduce the number of potential conflicts using a range of deconfliction methods. o Redistribute tactical intervention tasks to the pilots: Cooperative separation or Self-separation [D06]. It is the latter point that is specifically addressed in separation provision. Both strategies for reducing tactical intervention are valid and could be deployed independently or collaboratively and both methods need to demonstrate their ability to work effectively in a mixed capability environment. All methods of deconfliction potentially involve constraints on the trajectory and differential aircraft performance can also impact the trajectory when tactical intervention tasks are assigned to the pilot. The objective however is to minimise these impacts commensurate with achieving the required goals.
E. Separation modes

This section outlines the separation modes and associated automation support requirements that can be deployed to achieve the SESAR goals. The separation modes for SESAR fall into 3 broad categories:

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Conventional modes: in this context they refer to modes that are essentially unchanged by SESAR.

New ANSP Separation Modes: in this context refers to new modes envisaged for SESAR that are purely applied by ATC.

New Airborne Separation Modes: in this context refers to new modes that involve the aircraft and in which the pilot is the separator either by delegation or as the standard case.

Safety in all separation modes is supported by ground based conformance and intent monitoring. For ATM Capability 1-3 aircraft this extends to independent air and ground monitoring of both aircraft conformance and intent.
E. Conventional Separation Modes

Self-Separation In unmanaged airspace the existing methods of self-separation based on see-and-avoid principles will continue to exist. They will be supported where required by traffic information services. There are no separation minima specified for this separation mode. ATC Surveillance and Procedural Separation While the future ATM system is designed to take full advantage of trajectory management and the advanced aircraft navigational capabilities it will retain the capability to manage ATM Capability Level 0 aircraft and aircraft whose capabilities have become degraded: for this reason conventional surveillance and separation modes will be retained. In future, as other digital surveillance systems are developed, civil ATM will not require primary radar. Conventional ATC modes are also applicable to ATM Capability Level 1 aircraft taking advantage of capabilities such as RNP and constraint management to reduce the need for tactical interventions. Conventional ATC surveillance modes are also applicable in a range of situations requiring the application of relative separation. No changes to established separation minima are anticipated for these separation modes.
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Cooperative Separation: Visual In designated airspace and under designated flight rules, aircraft may use see and avoid procedures, and even controlled flights may be authorised to maintain own separation in VMC. No change to this method is envisaged.
E. New ANSP Separation Modes

The capabilities described here are further explained in their operational context in section F.3. Currently all clearances are based on the assumption of BRNAV route following capability and RVSM height keeping. Future clearances will utilise variable conformance limits (constraints) on route following capability, longitudinal and vertical accuracy and these conformance constraints will have to be issued either as part of the clearance or by some procedure (e.g. certain arrival/ departure routes have these conformance limits set out in the procedure associated with that route). All the separation modes will be analysed statistically to ensure that they meet the safety requirements. Precision Trajectory Clearances (PTC) Precision trajectory clearances take advantage of the capabilities offered by ATM Capability Level 1/2/3 aircraft in terms of navigational performance and constraint management. The goal is to enable controllers, supported by conflict prediction and resolution tools and conformance and intent monitoring, to manage a significant increase in traffic while keeping total task load at acceptable levels. Such clearances may include CTO/CTA for traffic queue management purposes. Trajectory Management Requirements (TMR-see Section F.2.4.1) are included in the clearance and conformance and intent are monitored jointly and independently by air and ground systems. 2D Routes (PTC-2D): 2D routes (with lateral containment) may be defined for a given airspace volume. Depending on the airspace and operational environment 2D routes may be

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fixed or temporary in nature (c.f. Flex tracks or NAT tracks) or user preferred routes. Whilst one specific route will be included in the RBT, alternative routes may be dynamically allocated in a trajectory revision process for separation provision reasons. The allocation of 2D routes is a deconfliction method with vertical and longitudinal separation (if required) provided by conventional techniques to complement the 2D route. This may be achieved through surveillance based separation and/or the dynamic application of constraints. 3D Routes (PTC-3D): 3D routes (with lateral and vertical containment) may be defined for a given airspace volume. Depending on the airspace, the traffic complexity and the ATM level capability of the service provider and the aircraft concerned, 3D routes may be fixed or temporary in nature or user preferred trajectories. The separation mode using 3D is applicable to ATM-3/4 aircraft. They are applied dynamically to best match the aircrafts performance capability and contain the vertical evolution of the trajectory. This has the potential to provide significant gains in airspace capacity and will be supported by automation tools to assess trajectories and propose 3D separation provision solutions under time critical conditions. The allocation of 3D routes is a powerful deconfliction method with longitudinal separation (if required) provided by ATC to complement the 3D route. This may be achieved through surveillance based separation and/or the dynamic application of constraints or delegated to flights that can utilise appropriate ASAS capabilities Trajectory Control by Ground Based Speed Adjustments (TC-SA) This is an automated deconfliction method that supports conventional surveillance based operations. In this mode automation support tools impose speed adjustments (horizontal and/or vertical) within a limited range and constrained to the medium term time horizon in order to tactically de-conflict traffic and reduce complexity and controller task load [D18]. 4D Contracts (PTC-4DC): A 4D Contract is a clearance that prescribes the containment of the trajectory in all 4 dimensions for the period of the contract.

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For this new separation mode the separation minima are expected to be based on assumptions on containment (if applicable) and the current separation minima (generally 3 or 5NM depending on radar accuracy, refresh rate, speed of aircraft, etc.). Such clearances are applicable to ATM-4 aircraft. The defining characteristic of 4D Contract flights is that the uncertainty associated with future predicted position does not increase with the prediction horizon and thus, for any chosen point along the length of the trajectory contract the accuracy of aircraft position information is guaranteed in all 4 dimensions. A 4D Contract clearance will include the containment parameters and the aircraft will adjust profile as necessary to remain within those parameters. The goal of a 4D Contract is to ensure separation between 4D capable aircraft or between 4D aircraft and dynamic airspace for a segment of the business trajectory in en-route airspace. 4D Contracts: Will have an effective period of 20-30 minutes. Longer segments such may be considered if feasible and economically efficient. Will be issued on the basis that the RBT will be approved if conflict free for the contract period. If not, a conflict-free alternative will be negotiated. May specify different containment parameters for different operational contexts. May be suspended for short periods when needed to accommodate some higher priority flights. 4D Contract flights: Once the contract is established, the flight will be considered as non-deviating and will thus have priority over other flights. Will be identifiable to ATC and other aircraft. Airborne systems will automatically initiate a re-negotiation of the trajectory and the corresponding 4D contract whenever the system predicts that it will not be able to respect

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the 4D contract. It is not expected that last minute requests will be made to modify a 4D contract except in exceptional situations, automation should ensure that any deviations can be handled safely. 4D Contracts will not be used for deconfliction pre-flight.
E. New Airborne Separation Modes

The capabilities described here are further explained in their operational context in section F.3. The minimum passing distance for these new airborne modes is expected to be equal or less than the current radar separation minima. This is because the reaction time is far less if the data is available directly at the airborne system. Each separation mode will be analysed statistically to ensure that the minimum passing distances meet the safety requirements. Cooperative Separation ASAS Separation In ASAS Separation applications the role of separator is temporarily delegated to aircrew to assure airborne separation with regard to other designated aircraft under specific circumstances. Supported by automation capabilities (including Air-Air Trajectory/Intent exchange and specific ASAS applications), flight crew may be best equipped to assure separation between their own aircraft and the designated aircraft. The controller shall designate the target aircraft and specify the scope of the manoeuvre allowing the flight crew to conduct it in the most efficient way possible. The controller shall assure that no other aircraft interfere with the ASAS Separation manoeuvre and the flight crew shall assure that the at least the minimum applicable airborne separation is applied. The specific circumstances where ASAS Separation could prove beneficial include in-trail, overtaking and merging operations as well as lateral and vertical crossing situations.

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ASAS Spacing or Longitudinal Separation can be used in conjunction with 2D/3D route clearances. Self Separation In ASAS Self-Separation the aircrew are the designated separator for a defined segment of a flight during which they shall assure separation with all other aircraft. Supported by automation capabilities (including Air-Air Trajectory/Intent exchange and specific ASAS applications), flight crew may be best equipped to assure separation between their own aircraft and any other aircraft they encounter. ASAS self-separation may have significant potential benefits, for example: The flown trajectory will be closest to the optimum profile, Enables the User to choose the service they wish to use where possible.

The following benefits must be subject to validation through R&D: That the delegation of separation responsibility may reduce controller task load and increase safety (responsibilities must be clearly defined), That significant capacity gains can be achieved,

3D/4D Precision Trajectory Clearances and Self-Separation The 3D (see note above) and 4D Precision Trajectory clearance concepts rely on the deconfliction of flights to achieve substantially increased capacity with reduced ANSP costs. Self-separation relies on distributed tactical intervention to achieve the same goals. The benefits of these concepts are similar and it is expected that the two concepts can co-exist. Both concepts should become candidates for further research. UAS in the Separation Process Unmanned Aircraft Systems will have several possibilities for operation within the SESAR concept:

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They can operate as a conventional aircraft, but with the pilot on the ground executing clearances or control instructions from ATC (Remotely Piloted Vehicles or RPV),

They can operate on a Precision Trajectory Clearance (PTC-4DC), They can self-separate [D19]. They may operate in segregated airspace

A UAV mission within managed airspace could include all (four) modes of operation with transitions managed in the same way as conventional aircraft (by negotiation with the service provider).
E. Collision avoidance

In SESAR, the dual layer safety afforded by independent airborne and ground based safety nets, Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) and Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) respectively, will continue to play a major role in helping to ensure maintenance of the required level of safety. The use of the shared trajectory as the common view of flight intentions both in the air and on the ground will improve the reliability of STCA while reducing false alarm rates. STCA will continue to be used as a safety net and never as a controller tool to manage separation. STCA and ACAS will have to be enhanced due to the introduction of new separation modes. As aircraft may fly in closer proximity to each other, unnecessary STCA warnings and/or ACAS advisories may be triggered. Special attention should be given to maintain the independence of the separation layer (i.e. the new separation modes) and the safety net layer (i.e. STCA and ACAS) so as to achieve the required safety level. At the same time, SESAR will lead the way in encouraging efforts to develop ACAS and STCA beyond their current state where a lack of proper information sharing between ground and airborne systems results in warnings and resolution advisories that are not complementary.

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E.2.7 ATM service delivery management E.2.7.1 ICAO Scope ATM service delivery management operates seamlessly from gate to gate for all phases of flight and across all service providers. This component addresses the balance and consolidation of the decisions of the various other processes and services, as well as the time horizon at which, and the conditions under which, the decisions are made. Trajectories and agreements are important elements of delivering a balance of decisions. E.2.7.2 European application
E. General

The trajectory managed environment described in Chapter E incorporates all the principles and processes understood to be part of this component while the high level aspects are covered by the SESAR approach itself. This includes in particular: ATM system design determined on the basis of system-wide safety and business cases (SESAR approach) Services delivered on an on-request basis (e.g. separation provision for ASAS capable aircraft in managed airspace, any of the available services in unmanaged airspace, etc.) The concept of separator and the delegation of the role of separator (separation modes and the application of separation) Management of trajectories and the use of user provided trajectories Authorising the 4D contract trajectories in increments
E. Interfacing with ATM service delivery management

In the SESAR environment, the conceptual and practical interface between airspace users and ATM service delivery management is the shared business/mission trajectory and the collaborative decision making processes involved in its development from the earliest inception through to, and beyond, the execution phase. This interfacing ensures the timely

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availability of required services based on efficient facility and resource planning by service providers while over-planning and over-delivery can be avoided. Network management, supported by automatic tools (like the set of applications commonly referred to as Network Operating Plan) ensures the efficient use of available resources on a European level.
E. Information services and AIS

Since the original publication of the ICAO operational concept, significant progress has been achieved in the definition of the concept of system wide information management (SWIM) and the transition of traditional aeronautical information services (AIS) to aeronautical information management (AIM) and ultimately SWIM. The SESAR CONOPS describes the end-state and hence it reflects the information services environment in terms of SWIM which explicitly includes all aeronautical information and services of concern to ATM. The use of and requirements against meteorological information are described in a dedicated chapter.
E. Other essential services

The co-operation with air defence systems and military control systems is covered in the sections dealing with the full integration of diverse airspace use requirements. The information sharing environment on which the SESAR concept is predicated is fully flexible and open, while ensuring also the security and protection of information and hence information exchange with other essential services (military, search and rescue, aviation accident/incident investigation, law enforcement, regulatory authorities, etc.) is fully catered for.
E. Handling of State / priority aircraft

Non-capable aircraft (aircraft with low capability levels) will have different service options in certain airspace than capable aircraft (for example they may have to follow less efficient profiles or experience some delay for clearance); however this does not affect the priority

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status afforded to State aircraft / certain military operations. . E.2.8 Security E.2.8.1 ICAO Scope Security refers to the protection against threats that stem from intentional acts (e.g. terrorism) or unintentional acts (e.g. human error, natural disaster) affecting aircraft, people or installations on the ground. Adequate security is a major expectation of the ATM community and of citizens. The ATM system should therefore contribute to security, and the ATM system, as well as ATM-related information, should be protected against security threats. Security risk management should balance the needs of the members of the ATM community that require access to the system, with the need to protect the ATM system. In the event of threats to aircraft or threats using aircraft, ATM shall provide the authorities responsible with appropriate assistance and information. E.2.8.2 European Application ATM Security requirements for an European Application are derived from the KPA Security Objectives (see SESAR Deliverable D2 - Security) - by the consideration of eight security principles - and their respective breakdown into Security Fundamentals, which are posing requirements in the scope of Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) to the Security Key Elements.

KPA Security Targets

ATM Security Fundamentals

ATM Security Key Elements

Figure 1: KPA Security Targets derived to ATM Security Key Elements

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Information systems will form the core of the ATM system by providing information and support to the air traffic controller. They are made up of information sources, information processors, HMIs and the communications network. Detailed security requirements are given for the topics of Actors, Federation, Multilateral/Multilevel Security, Information Category, Authentication, Authority, Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. In order to maximise effectiveness, there is a resilience lifecycle for security that should be part of an ATM concept. The stages in the resilience lifecycle are Prevent, Prepare, Respond, Recover. A comprehensive description of the developed top-level ATM Security requirements is given in the [SESAR Task 1.1.3/D3 - Security].

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F.1.1 The Concept of Managing Trajectories The Business/ Mission trajectories express the intentions of the airspace user and the trajectory is developed with a view to achieving the best possible outcome for the flight concerned. Any intervention with this trajectory can reduce the prospects of achieving the desired outcome: even unsolicited directs can result in unwanted distortions. . While it is recognised that for separation provision reasons it is usually impractical to have an operation with no intervention at all, it is important that all tactical interventions are considered at the trajectory level and not only at the immediate aircraft level. A tactical intervention that is focused only on the aircraft without taking account of the wider impact on the trajectories concerned may result in distortions of the trajectory which can be avoided if a broader view is taken. This broader view is enabled by the SESAR information sharing environment. In this way, if several options are available for implementing an unavoidable intervention, the one with the least impact on the overall trajectory, as well as all other trajectories concerned, can be identified and used on a systematic basis. The Trajectory Management concept entails the systematic sharing of aircraft trajectories between various participants in the ATM process to ensure that all partners have a common view of a flight and have access to the most up to date data available to perform their tasks. The SESAR concept therefore assumes the existence of a standardised trajectory sharing capability that is mediated by collaborative processes. Airborne systems will be able to hold, manage and share several trajectories; duly identifying the trajectory the aircraft is actually flying. This ensures that both the airborne systems and ground systems can build and maintain an identical view of the trajectory and its details using the shared information environment.

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F.1.1.1 The Need to Reduce Uncertainty in Ground Trajectory Prediction The principal method of increasing airspace capacity in the period up to 2020 will be the provision of system assistance to the controller in support of the tactical control task. The controller support tools involved rely on trajectory data. The tools performance is dependent on the accuracy with which the future positions of aircraft can be predicted. Any step that reduces uncertainty of prediction will increase the useable prediction horizon and allow longer duration clearances. There are many measures that can be taken to reduce uncertainty of ground-based trajectory prediction (for example better weather forecasting, better aircraft performance models) but there are two significant steps that will yield major benefits to airspace capacity. These are the sharing of data between the FOC, the aircraft system and the ground system and the use of advanced ANSP Separation Modes (2D RNP routes, 3D profile clearances and 4D contracts) which capitalise on the precise navigation capability of aircraft. Currently, the trajectory held in the aircraft system and the trajectory calculated for that flight by the ground ATM system are different; not just because there are limited means to reconcile them, but also because the trajectories are calculated for different purposes, vary in the sophistication of their performance models, and use different assumptions. In SESAR both the aircraft and the ground systems will be using shared flight data (including trajectories) to build and maintain a common understanding of trajectory evolution. This does not imply that the ground system will no longer have specific local trajectories derived from a shared trajectory. For example, there may be what-if trajectories used in the conflict resolution process, and deviation trajectories calculated when the observed behaviour of the aircraft does not conform to the anticipated behaviour etc. Similarly, the aircraft system may maintain several trajectories, e.g. the Reference Business Trajectory (RBT, see later), the trajectory the aircraft is actually flying (cleared trajectory) etc. Not all such local trajectories need to be shared. Pre-determined rules specify what data and what changed to data must be shared to ensure the common understanding referred to above. Ground ATM trajectories will continue to be needed to support the various ATM tasks and to
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enable the control of aircraft that, for any reason including failure, cannot share their trajectory. For these latter, trajectories and data from the FOC (or 3rd party) will be used if available. The data could include such specifics as current mass and/or climb descent rate achievable to permit accurate calculation of vertical trajectory after deviation from the RBT (e.g. traffic held down prior to release for climb) A progressive improvement in the accuracy of ground-based trajectory prediction through reduced uncertainty will lead to improved performance of controller support tools (greater accuracy and longer prediction horizons) and reduced controller task load per flight (fewer clearances with longer effective duration and increased dependence on the tools themselves to monitor compliance with the clearance and to check the progression of detected potential conflicts). In addition, because the data held and used by each sub region will be common, conflict prediction will be possible over a much longer time frame and wider area than is currently possible. These improvements create most of the increased airspace capacity and safety in the period up to 2020 and beyond. The emphasis will be to design the ATC systems around aircraft and FOC capabilities. These capabilities can be expected to change in time as more features become available; however, because of the cost of recertification of airborne equipment, it is inevitable that there will be a wide variation of capability existing throughout the SESAR timeframe. The progression of capabilities can be summarised thus: Step 1 Ongoing general deployment of ground-based TP tools supporting conflict detection, conformance monitoring and queue management, utilising flight plan data, aircraft performance tables, meteorological forecasts, surveillance data and additional trajectory and performance data from the FOC. This data, together with limited downlinked intent data (e.g. pilot selected level) from Mode S surveillance, will also allow basic intent monitoring functions to be introduced. This capability is equivalent to ATM-1 and will continue to support operations by conventional (ATM-0) aircraft until they are withdrawn from service. Step 2 As above, but with the addition of data from aircraft including down-linked aircraft parameters (DAPs) and real-time weather measurements increase the accuracy
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of ground-based trajectory prediction. Clearances based on 2D-RNP and/ or single time constraints (RTA) further reduce lateral and longitudinal uncertainty. Further Intent data availability leads to an extension of intent monitoring. This represents ground system capability aligned with ATM Capability 2 aircraft. Step 3 - As above but with the addition of down-linked trajectory data with accuracy ensured by the application of trajectory management requirements (TMR). Clearances based on 3D profiles/ 3D aircraft navigation capability and multiple time constraints reduce vertical and longitudinal uncertainty. Comprehensive Intent data leads to full (4D) intent monitoring. This represents ground system capability aligned with ATMCapability - 3 aircraft. As the data sources increase in number and accuracy the ground system will assign each trajectory with a confidence level in each of the 4 dimensions based on the quality of the source data. It will be assumed that the intent of the crew is to conform to the clearance, with deviations occurring only as an exception. Greater capacity improvements can be obtained by measures to reduce future-position uncertainty than attempts to reduce separation minima below the generally available radar separation minima (5NM en-route and 3NM TMAs). Nevertheless, for maximum effect, this latter must also be considered wherever possible (e.g. ASAS applications). F.1.2 Access to Trajectory Management In the SESAR environment, a multitude of different access methods will be provided, each constituting an efficient method for a particular airspace user group to share their trajectories and hence communicate to the ATM network their flight intentions. This generalised access to trajectory management will encompass direct sharing by airline systems, electronic flight bag type devices as well as personal devices of all categories. The protection of sensitive data (commercial, national security, military, etc.) is ensured by the security features built into the information sharing environment. The information sharing environment obviates the need for any addressing of the shared
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trajectories on the level of the users. Appropriate user level applications will shield the users from the need to deal with anything other than creating the optimum trajectory for their flight. F.2 TRAJECTORY MANAGEMENT THE PRACTICE

F.2.1 The Relationship of Business and Mission Trajectories The business and mission trajectories are essentially the same in that both express the desired outcome for the User, however for the majority of operations the military mission trajectory will require complex mission-tailored routings with multiple aircraft, using mission tailored types and dimensions (volumes) of Airspace Reservations and possibly requiring additional ATM support. Another characteristic of the mission trajectory (e.g. for a business jet) is that it may enter the life-cycle at any point without the preceding events having had to be visible. In the description of the trajectory management the term business trajectory is used as a general reference to both. F.2.2 Trajectory States A business trajectory can exist in several states: Business Development Trajectory (BDT): Used for airspace user business planning and not shared outside the user organisation. Shared Business Trajectory (SBT): Published business trajectory that is available for collaborative ATM planning purposes. The refinement of the SBT will be an iterative process. Reference Business Trajectory (RBT): The business trajectory which the airspace user agrees to fly and the ANSP and Airports agree to facilitate (subject to separation provision). Predicted Trajectory (PT): The airborne predicted trajectory is continually

computed/updated on-board (in aircraft fitted with FMS or similar equipment) and corresponds to what the aircraft is predicted to fly.

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Other Trajectories: Other trajectories may exist in the ANSP, FOC or aircraft systems. These can be temporary trajectories that exist during various planning or what-if actions or other more permanent trajectories that exist to serve a specific purpose or tool. They are derived from RBT (or under certain circumstances PT). One or more trajectories may exist for a flight at any time. Any partner may test and negotiate proposed changes according to agreed rules via collaborative processes. When agreed the SBT or RBT is updated with the agreed changes.

Sufficient data from each version of the SBT or RBT is retained enabling its reconstitution for use as a benchmark in assessing ATM system performance. F.2.3 Development and Lifecycle of the Business Trajectory It is recognised that although for some operations the life-cycle of the trajectory may commence at different points, during the planning and execution phases the processes are the same. F.2.3.1 Business Development Trajectory (BDT) Depending on the nature of their operations an airspace user may start a cycle of business planning several years before the day of operation with the aim of defining their schedules and associated resource and institutional requirements. This activity results in a first, not too detailed, business trajectory to which various evaluation tools can be applied to measure the appropriateness to the business plans of the user concerned. The business development trajectory goes through a number of iterations and it is constantly refined taking into account constraints arising from infrastructural and environmental considerations. It is not shared outside the user organisation, however when queried, user intentions represented by trajectories possibly containing limited details, will be provided (e.g. for the need of the airport slot allocation process) For non-airline users (e.g. Military, Business Aviation and General Aviation) the business development cycle may be short or effectively non-existent.

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F.2.3.2 Shared Business Trajectory (SBT) Once the intention of the user has stabilised sufficiently the current version of the BDT will be formally published as the Shared Business Trajectory (SBT) making it available for ATM planning purposes. At this time it reflects the users preferred trajectory and contains constraints that the user has already taken into account in their business calculations (e.g. permanent environmental restrictions). It is based upon available weather data including climatological and other historical data. A collaborative planning process is applied to this trajectory in a number of iterations, refining it with constraints arising from new and more accurate information. The evolving data and its impacts are visible through the Network Operations Plan.
F. Source of the SBT

SBT are determined by the FOC (or user authorised entity). For users that are not capable generating SBT it may be determined and managed by 3rd party systems (including ANSP systems), possibly including elements derived from shared data. F.2.3.3 Reference Business Trajectory (RBT) The collaborative planning process terminates when the RBT is published. The RBT continues to evolve in order to reflect all the applicable clearances and constraints and in accordance with the applicable trajectory change rules. At any time it is the reference used by all ATM partners during flight execution. The publishing of the RBT does not represent a clearance. It is the goal to be achieved and will be progressively authorised. The authorisation takes the form of a clearance by the ANSP or is a function of aircraft (crew/systems) depending on who is the designated separator. The RBT may include target times and in particular TTA or CTA as appropriate. Most times indicated in the RBT are estimates, some may be target times (TTA) to facilitate planning and some of them may become constraints (CTA, CTO) to assist in queue management when
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appropriate, e.g. at AMAN horizon. On-board systems guide the aircraft along the trajectory as authorised by successive clearances from take-off to landing. Taxi is executed by the flight crew supported by advanced tools to comply with the cleared reference business trajectory. Sharing of the aircraft trajectory ensures that all partners are working with the same intent and work towards the same goal. The RBT can be described in terms of ATM capability level: For ATM-1 level aircraft the RBT is described by: o 2D route, o requested/cleared level and any en-route planned level changes, o applicable level constraints (e.g. altitude min/max windows for SID/STAR), o applicable time constraints (e.g. CTA), o estimates / profile level/speed at waypoints and trajectory change points. For ATM-2/3 level aircraft the RBT is described as above except for: o 3D route when applicable, o estimates/profile level/speed at waypoints and ATM significant points, o relevant containment parameters. The RBT will be flown with the required accuracy (for altitude constraints and CTA/CTO) and required containment (for lateral or vertical as appropriate to the operation). Without containment of altitude (as on a 3D route) and time (as for a 4D Contract) along the trajectory, altitude and time estimates will slightly deviate (due to actual wind) from the reference trajectory (computed with forecasted winds).

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Using the RBT

The RBT is frequently updated and shared with the ground systems according to TMR. Precise trajectory prediction and reduced uncertainty achieved by trajectory-based operations will enable longer usable prediction horizons for ground-based tools. New ANSP Separation Modes will allow longer duration clearances. The move from current short-term tactical instructions to more strategic 3D and 4D clearances for suitably equipped aircraft is a corner stone of the SESAR concept. RBT are updated and revised as follows in these two distinct processes: RBT automatic update is triggered when the predicted trajectory differs from the Reference Trajectory by more than predefined thresholds indicated in TMR, RBT revision is triggered at air or ground initiative when constraints are to be changed (modified by ATC, or cannot be achieved by a/c) For DEPARTURE: Before flight time the RBT is published by the FOC (or 3rd Party) and accessed by the aircraft. The aircraft is now the prime source of the trajectory. For ATM Capability Level 0 aircraft the trajectory will be sourced from the FOC (or 3rd party) or ANSP and calculated from shared data. As the flight progresses towards take-off, the trajectory will be updated to account for various constraining factors which can only be known at or shortly before the time of operation. These include: Taxi route, departure runway and departure route Departure and arrival management restrictions (refer to F.4.2) When the predicted take-off time is known with sufficient accuracy, the first airborne segment of RBT will be cleared. For aircraft ENTERING European airspace: The RBT will have been published before take-off and maintained/ updated during flight.

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The first relevant segment of the RBT will be cleared prior to entry. For aircraft that for any reason cannot share the trajectory then at a time prior to entering European airspace an RBT will be published by the ANSP using notified data.

DURING FLIGHT: Requirements to change the reference business trajectory may come from ground or air; reasons include separation provision, sequencing, new airspace user business needs, weather, changing arrival constraints (arrival times, arrival runways and applicable arrival routes and procedures) or the inability to comply with the conditions of a constraint on the RBT (eg CTA) The RBT will be progressively updated and shared. Successive segments of the RBT will be cleared.
F. Source of the RBT

RBT are computed by the aircraft (or FOC) and shared with all partners. For aircraft not capable the RBT shall be computed and shared by the FOC and/or ANSP systems. F.2.3.4 Aircraft System Predicted Trajectory (PT) The Predicted Trajectory is the trajectory calculated by the aircraft system from the current aircraft position back to the RBT. It can represent two situations: The aircraft systems are aware of an unauthorised non-conformance to the RBT. In this case the hypothesis is that the aircraft will regain conformance as early as possible according to standardised procedures and the PT may have some relevance for other partners. However, there are circumstances (e.g. open-loop clearances) or weather diversion, when the termination of the constraint and rejoining of the RBT is not yet known. In this case the PT only becomes relevant to other partners in certain circumstances e.g. when the

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open loop clearance is cancelled (e.g. resume own navigation/ speed) rather than being replaced with a closed clearance. Note: Any closed loop instruction to the aircraft will automatically result in a revised RBT and no PT will exist.
F. Source of the PT

PT are computed by the aircraft and automation capabilities will determine which (if any) are useful for their application. F.2.4 Trajectory Related Information Sharing Requirements F.2.4.1 Trajectory Management Requirements As part of the clearance process, all ATM-3 or higher capable aircraft will have Trajectory Management Requirements (TMR) associated to their Business Trajectory. The goal of TMR is to reduce the uncertainty of trajectory predictions by ground and airborne applications in the most cost-effective manner. TMR specify the requirement on the aircraft to share the updated trajectory in the event that the flight detects a delta from previous predictions or on a cyclical basis. The TMR: Specify the lateral, vertical or time parameters that will trigger the update process. Specify the other event driven and periodic trajectory sharing requirements. Will specify the data content required. Will specify allowable tolerances of selected time/speed and altitude

The trajectory sharing process itself is automatic and transparent to the crew and the controller unless the update results in a new interaction for the aircraft. In essence the TMR allow air and ground applications to reduce the uncertainty of the predicted future position of the aircraft. The specific parameters will be tailored according to the type of operation and will be issued/revised as part of the progressive RBT clearances.
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The parameters may also vary as a function of the prediction horizon with smaller values for near-term predictions, widening progressively as the prediction horizon increases. Possible examples of the type of contract parameters: Wide Parameters (example: 60/500ft/RNP4): these require a lower update rate and can be used where high prediction accuracy is not required (e.g. in airspace with a low traffic complexity). Tight Parameters (example: 20/250ft/RNP0.3): used in areas of higher traffic complexity where greater prediction accuracy (less uncertainty) is required to maximise capacity. In the execution phase the TMR will be issued with the progressive clearance of the RBT. Parameters may also be associated to airspace, routes or procedures as well as being tailored to the specific operation: this is important, as there will remain circumstances in which clearances are passed by voice rather than datalink. In all cases both ground and air will be aware of the parameters that are in use and there will be an automatic confirmation process. Non-capable aircraft will use default parameters associated to their operations. As there will be no mechanism for confirmation these parameters will be published and the aircraft will confirm compliance capability pre-flight. F.2.5 Flight Planning to Support Trajectory Based Operations F.2.5.1 Sharing of Flight Information within the SESAR Area For flights which will take place wholly or partly in the SESAR area, the traditional filing of flights plans is replaced by the action of sharing the information required about the flight, making it accessible for all concerned in accordance with predetermined rules. . The information to be shared will be more extensive than that which is carried in todays FPL message, including both trajectory information and non-trajectory related information about the flight such as equipment, status, airframe identification, etc. as required and appropriate. This sharing follows an enhanced, standardised process aligned with the lifecycle of the

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trajectory, ensuring that the information becomes available to the various partners at a time best suited to their contribution to the ATM processes. At any given time there is a globally unique common reference for the flight, with the trajectory and all other related information permanently correlated. User applications employed to submit the flight information (whether by an airline FOC or a single BA/GA pilot) automatically ensure that all the required information is provided and properly shared. The various elements of information describing a flight may be submitted and shared at different times and with different levels of detail. The requirement is that by each predetermined point of the trajectory lifecycle, the prescribed minimum amount of information must have been shared. This latter is a condition for allowing the reference business trajectory to pass into the execution phase. After the initial submission, updated information will be submitted to the shared environment in accordance with predetermined rules to meet the needs for efficient and safe management of the trajectories concerned throughout its lifecycle. When the flight information is shared, it is not addressed to any user in particular. The information sharing environment is primarily subscription based so that those who are interested in particular information (e.g. trajectories and changes thereto affecting a given airspace) subscribe to the information and are always informed when new or changed information becomes available in the shared environment. In this approach, airspace users do not need to know the addressing rules, while service providers can set up subscriptions using their knowledge of what they need, and hence the chances of missing information are all but eliminated. Query mechanisms with appropriate access controls will also be provided to supplement the subscription mechanisms. Since the SESAR information sharing environment will be licensed to handle aeronautical information, the licensing will also cover how trajectory management based flight intention submission is allowed to satisfy the ICAO flight plan submission provisions.

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F.2.5.2 Sharing of Flight Information with Environments outside the SESAR Area The SESAR information sharing environment is globally interoperable and networked so that all partners can share, with appropriate access controls, information about flights partly or wholly in the SESAR area from anywhere in the world. Flight plans (as may be defined for the SESAR timeframe by ICAO) which include a European segment and are submitted from outside the SESAR area will also be accepted and processed, creating an initial shared trajectory which can then be updated by the aircraft operator when new shared data becomes available. For flights leaving the SESAR area, the aircraft operator will ensure that the necessary type of ICAO flight plan will be generated and sent by the appropriate applications. F.2.6 The ATM Planning Process The ATM planning process is one of continuous refinement as better data becomes available. There is no clearly defined starting point to the process, but it certainly starts many years before the day of operation if one considers staff recruitment, training plans or major system procurements. Other documents have described the planning phases in terms of long/

medium/ short term planning, but there are no identified events that distinguish a state transition from one phase to the next except for the execution phase. For ease of reference, the same phasing has been adopted also in the SESAR CONOPS. F.2.6.1 Trajectory Based Collaborative Layered Planning The goal of collaborative layered planning is to balance ATM resources and the airspace user demand. The Network Management function assures the stability and efficiency of the ATM network; particular attention is given to the airport and TMA elements. This function exists at both a central and regional level. Structurally the Network Management function is independent of users and service providers but will work transparently and collaboratively with both and with the Airports to assure the optimum utilisation of network resources which are a common, public good. A key tool for network management is the Network Operations Plan (NOP).
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The Network Operations Plan is a set of collaborative applications providing access to traffic demand, airspace and airport capacity and constraints and scenarios to assist in managing diverse events. The aim of the NOP is to facilitate the processes needed to reach agreements on demand and capacity. F.2.6.2 Regional Network Management The Regional network management function is the facilitator, arbitrator and decision maker. Prior to the day of operation the regional network management role is to facilitate dialogue between airspace users, ANSP and airport operators so that traffic demand and capacity balancing issues can be resolved in an efficient manner. Regional network management oversees inter-sub-region negotiations and is responsible for checking for unexpected network effects of sub-regional decisions prior to their implementation and synchronising these measures if necessary. The prime task is to assure stability of the whole network in the face of the traffic demand and also threats such as weather phenomena and loss of significant assets such as airports or runways for whatever reason. F.2.6.3 Sub-Regional Network Management The Sub-regional network management function is in the best position to determine the optimum deployment of regional resources to meet the airspace users actual or predicted demands. Working closely with military authorities via Airspace Management Cells the subregional network management function determines optimum airspace configurations, route structures (as required for periods/airspace where high complexity is predicted) and any essential constraints or strategies to assure the most efficient traffic flow across the subregion. Network management implies CDM processes involving all stakeholders designed to resolve situations where sufficient capacity cannot be provided and also contributes to developing scenarios to cope efficiently with diverse events. F.2.6.4 Using the Network Operations Plan (NOP) The Network Operations Plan provides visibility of the demand and capacity situation, the agreements reached, detailed business/mission trajectory information, resource planning

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information as well as access to simulation tools for scenario modelling.

It draws on the

latest available information being shared in the system. It includes scenarios to assist in managing diverse events that may threaten the network in order to restore stability of operations as quickly as possible. In SESAR the NOP is a dynamic rolling plan for continuous operations rather than a series of discrete daily plans. Stakeholders will use the Network Operations Plan as the single portal for access to ATM information. The NOP is continually accessible to ATM partners and evolves during the planning and execution phases through iterative and collaborative processes. During this evolution, for example: Airspace Users will declare their intentions through Shared Business Trajectories possibly including the requirement for airspace reservations. Agreements, changes to resources, change proposals for trajectories etc. are entered via the appropriate NOP applications and are accessible to all concerned. Network Management, working with ANSP and Airport Operators will assess the resource situation with regard to potential demand. Network Management will facilitate dialogue and negotiation to resolve demand/capacity imbalances in a collaborative manner. Tools will be used to assess network efficiency. If after all possible demand/capacity balancing measures have been taken, there is still an excess of demand, Network Management will work in close collaboration with individual Airspace Users, Airports and ANSPs to decide if the potential level of delay is acceptable or if and how the demand and the capacity shortfall will be managed (UDPP). During the execution phase the NOP will continue to reflect updated information, including data from aircraft, ensuring access to the most up to date situation.

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Figure 2: Collaborative Layered Planning

F.2.6.5 Traffic Demand and Capacity Balancing

F. Long-Term Planning Activities

Long-term Airport Planning The tripling of the ATM capacity is an ambitious target and for the current congested airports in the European core area is certainly out of reach unless additional runways are built. Many of those airports are already working to their limits and have implemented every initiative and best practice that achieves only the slightest increase in capacity and/or efficiency. Being faced with the unfeasible task of significantly increasing runway, taxiway and terminal capacity there is also a responsibility and task for the users. With the lack of airport capacity at major hubs seriously influencing the airspace users daily operation alternative traffic scenarios could be considered where the market allows for it; these could include, for example, point to point services from and to non-congested airports. If for certain airports capacity growth cannot keep pace with increasing demand, segregation transport segments may be considered. Development of underused airports or combined use of nearby military airports should be promoted. Transport segments like Business Aviation,
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leisure airlines and General Aviation could benefit from this development. Reliever airports with dedicated traffic segments will cater much better to the needs of those specific traffic segments than airports with a mix of all sorts of traffic (e.g. low fair airlines do not need the terminal and airside infrastructure that hub-carriers need, therefore they do not need to pay for it). Segregation still allow access to the hubs for all airspace users, however the rules of the market will regulate distribution across available reliever airports. The airports together with their partners in the ATM community they will have to find the best way of managing the risk of saturation and congestion, which they are primarily exposed to, but which will sooner or later impact other partners. It is the airports business planning that determines if and when capacity increasing measures and initiatives (often infrastructure changes) can be realized and justified. During the planning phase, coordination between users and airports is required and the provision of suitable alternatives like reliever airports must be considered.

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Long-Term ATM Planning Once the strategy is established and airport utilisation agreed the potential major traffic flows are assessed and the best organisation developed to manage them. Flight schedules may be known to varying degrees depending on the users business models and plans. Historical and statistical data for traffic demand plays an important role at this stage. Allowances for Business and General Aviation will be made and military requirements included. The data is shared with all involved participants. Aspects considered include: Long-term traffic growth forecasts including User business strategy development and planned aircraft procurement Economic, environmental and political considerations Major events (e.g. Olympic Games, Military Exercises) Capacity enhancement plans including airspace design, systems acquisition and human resource planning There is extensive use of performance analysis and simulation tools within the planning process. The Business Development Trajectory (BDT) is progressively enriched and refined within the user organisation but is not yet shared or made generally available for commercial reasons or due to lack of maturity. However when queried, user intentions represented by trajectories possibly containing limited details, will be provided.
F. Medium and Short-Term Planning

This phase includes seasonal actions once the airspace users flight intentions are made available (seasonal schedules) and the output of the IATA airport slot conference is known. Flight intentions in the form of Shared Business Trajectories (SBT) are known but where they are lacking, e.g. for the business and General Aviation, statistics from previous years and expert assessments will be taken into account in assessing the expected demand. The more
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accurate the available data the more the capacity can be adapted to match the demand. Delays may occur if there are significant short-term changes in demand. (Cut-off time for trajectory sharing to be included in life-cycle description) Airports will provide detailed information concerning runway and stand capacities. ANSP will provide airspace capacities, route structures and potential constraints. Military flight intentions and airspace requirements become progressively available. The Network Management function analyses the network impact of the airspace user intentions, publishes the results and facilitates collaborative dialogue to resolve traffic demand and capacity balancing issues. Scenarios are developed with the objective of preparing in advance for particular situations and events including the assessment of weather predictions based on probabilistic forecasting: what processes will be initiated, when and under what conditions. Risks are commonly shared and monitored; mitigation paths are prepared. This will ensure that the ATM system will be prepared to cope with the majority of events that might disrupt the smooth running of the day of operation. More detailed information is now available to all stakeholders via the NOP. Airspace users will utilise NOP applications so that potential changes to schedules can be evaluated (refined schedules, changes of aircraft type etc.). Likewise ANSP and Airports will be able to refine their capacity and airspace planning. This process continues in an iterative manner all the way through to the day of operations, new data that affects the plan is analysed and the plan revised as necessary. Where an imbalance between predicted traffic demand and available capacity is detected ATM partners are alerted. As the day of operation approaches the majority of user intentions are available in the form of Shared Business Trajectories with a high level of detail. Some users intentions will still not be known (Business aviation, etc.) so predictions will be used if relevant. Military intentions are now clear with a detailed plan of airspace usage and flight activity resulting from the Advance

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Flexible Use of Airspace (AFUA) concept. Improved weather forecasts make it possible to anticipate likely trans-oceanic and trans-continental flow orientations that are influenced by the jet stream. Low visibility, high winds and other weather phenomena can be predicted allowing contingency plans to be elaborated. Network management functions (both central and regional) collaborate closely to assure that the best possible plans are in place for the day of operation. On the day of operation the additional information is available via the Network Operations Plan. Runways in use are declared and expected arrival and departure routings may be included in the SBT. Accurate weather forecasts are now available. Trans-oceanic and transcontinental flight planning has been finalised and runway capacity can be more accurately assessed with respect to wind or visibility conditions. Almost all airspace user intentions are now available and a very accurate assessment of the balance of demand and the available capacity can be made. Final details of Military activity are known along with potential flexibility that may be used to improve network efficiency. Final plans are made for sectorisation and any associated dynamic constraints4. Subsequently, Network Management informs the users via the NOP of instances where demand is likely to exceed capacity. The airspace users working together in the UDPP process assist in deciding how any potential delays will be managed. The final phase of the planning process takes place in the hour or so prior to departure when load, fuel strategies, winds, agreed delay sharing etc. are used in the final calculation of the SBT resulting in an accurate trajectory from Estimated Off Blocks Time (EOBT) from the airport of origin to Estimated In Blocks Time (EIBT) at the next airport in a (air-ground) combined SBT. A continuous reconciliation takes place during that stage taking benefit of the multiple changes and ensuring that the network remains stable. In case of instability, the Network

Dynamic constraints may be used to assist in segregating flows of traffic either laterally or vertically. They will be only applied when required. Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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Management function can initiate ad-hoc measures (such as capacity adjustments or constraints on individual flight trajectory) to recover the stability.
F. User Driven Prioritisation Process (UDPP)

A consequence of the shift to user ownership of the trajectory is a fundamental change in the air traffic management constraints allocation and of prioritisation issues in general. In the absence of any capacity shortfall, reference trajectories will be handled on a first come first served basis. The concept recognises, however, that there will be a constant need to manage acute losses of capacity such as temporary runway closures for whatever reason. To do so, it will be the responsibility of the users to respond in a collaborative manner to the Network Management Function with a demand that best matches the available capacity. This is known as the User Driven Prioritisation (UDPP) process. There will continue to be flights that have a high priority (e.g. Medical, Government, military operations). The UDPP process will respect this priority and these flights will appear to other users as constraints. The SESAR concept will be one where each partner individually responds directly to the situation, and the regulation is by means which are more closely related to the restrictions (e.g. use of TTA in the case of arrival delay restrictions). The Network Management Function (see Sections F.2.6.2 and F.2.6.3) will be needed to ensure that all partners can respond in a prompt manner, and that a safe and sustainable solution, preserving the key assets of the network is planned at all times
F. Nature and scope of the process

From the point of view of the ATM network what is important is not the precise nature of the process by which users arrive at their agreed allocation of priorities but its inputs, outputs, and scope. The input is a capacity declaration from the Provider (ANSP or Airport) while the output is a user preferred flight sequence and associated target times. The process is continuous, but can be thought of as starting when capacity constraints become known, continuing through subsequent changes and ending when the flight becomes subject to queue

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management actions. A significant proportion of traffic at the congested airports that will be subject to priority allocation described will originate from airports that are similarly congested, and subject to schedule uncertainty and CDM processes to organise the departure sequence. Linking the two CDM processes together implies some extra iteration at the destination.
F. Interaction with the Network Management Function

The UDPP is initiated through the Network Management Function when the agreed mismatch between capacity and demand is reached. The Network Management Function will propose the initial set of measures. The precise rules for these initial network measures will be agreed during the planning phase and made visible via the NOP. These measures will be the starting point for the process. They serve as a common baseline enabling each partner to react to the situation on an individual basis to improve their own net return. This process leaves room for airspace users to trade slots if they individually agree to do so, based on agreements and rules that are transparent to the other actors but that respect sets of rules agreed by all parties. The process is permanently monitored by the Network Management Function in order to make sure that an acceptable solution is available in due time. In particular the Network Management function permanently monitors to see whether any adverse network wide effects develop and makes sure that all concerned parties are aware of them.
F. Access to the process for Unsupported Users

Many users will not have access to resources equivalent to those of large operators such as the scheduled airlines or military, however they will still need access to the UDPP process. Their participation may be directly by the pilot or through a 3rd party, e.g. the natural extension of the duties of a handling agent. The effective access and participation of such users will be facilitated by the general access to trajectory management.

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F. The Result of UDPP

The result of the process described above is the users contribution for the balancing of demand and capacity, in an order of priority which contributes to the smooth flow of traffic throughout the Network, and that best reflects individual business strategies. Inevitably, there will be occasions when the traffic does not present itself in the order agreed by the UDPP. The first response to such a situation will be to re run the UDPP to try to accommodate to changed sequence. It this fails to produce a satisfactory result, service providers will be empowered to re-order errant individuals within the flows. Non-compliance with the UDPP outputs will be discouraged from the outset. If partners who are tempted to avoid compliance are aware that mechanisms exist to enforce the collective agreement, there will be little incentive to challenge such decisions, and the process will become self-organising. Effective post-

assessment capabilities will monitor the process. The UDPP will also be re run following any changes in capacity after its initial deployment. The establishment of a user preferred sequence does not preclude minor reorganisation of the traffic flow by an arrival manager in the interest of achieving maximum capacity.
F. Execution Phase

The Planning phase ends with the finalisation of the RBT which the user agrees to fly and the ANSP and Airports agree to facilitate. The Execution Phase can now start. Until aircraft are airborne, available data retains a level of uncertainty that limits their use for purposes other than planning. Once aircraft are airborne trajectories attain high precision in the time dimension. This data is shared and is available via the NOP or other appropriate means. During the Execution Phase the planning process responds rapidly to the changing situation. Continuous knowledge of the traffic and the resources allows opportunities for improvements to be more easily identified and also the most appropriate solutions to be implemented in case of disruptions to the system. Regional Network Management takes most of the initiative in this phase assuring the most
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efficient operation. Central Network Management assures stability of the whole network. The objective will be to deal with the majority of events with pre-defined scenarios agreed during the planning phase. Strategic de-confliction5 of traffic flows (2D and 3D route allocation for departures and arrivals) will reduce the need for tactical intervention on individual aircraft. Sectorisation may be dynamically adapted to changing traffic patterns and flows to make best use of the available ANSP resources. Close co-operation with military authorities assures the smooth transition to/from periods of airspace reservation with as much prior notice as possible so that any opportunities for efficiencies can fully exploited. During this phase, network management seeks to ensure the users business outcomes for individual flights and to maximise net system benefit.
F. Post Flight Phase

Within the post flight phase key performance indicators are registered. Evaluations will be performed and opportunities for further improvements and quality enhancements from local to European level will be identified commonly. F.2.6.6 Military Planning Cycles Despite the fact that similarities exist between the generic SESAR trajectory planning and military planning cycles, major differences will continue to exist due to the different nature of military aerial requirements, leading to other planning timescales and limited location accuracy in regard to mission trajectories until the day of operation. Military Long Term Planning (Strategic Level) comprises the agreed yearly national and allied exercise and training plans that result in annual unit flying hour programs and airspace requirements. Large scale exercises will be published well in advance indicating the airspace and the

The term Strategic Deconfliction is used in this context to mean actions taken when the take-off time is known with sufficient accuracy (after push-back) or even after the flight is airborne but with sufficient time to allow a CDM process to occur. It excludes tactical instructions and clearances that need an immediate response, but includes activities such as dynamic route allocation. Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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timescale concerned, whereas the airspace requirements for the regular daily flying training will generally be specified on a monthly basis with an airspace reservation schedule and updated on a weekly basis. All the above information could be published for consideration by the NOP (Network Operations Plan) and would then become Shared Information. Military Daily Planning (Pre-tactical level) starts the day before the operation and allocates available resources to the pre-planned or incoming additional missions and may lead to changes to the previous planning. On the day of operation, these plans may again become subject to changes due to resource or meteorological constraints and higher priority military tasking. For OAT flights, individual Flight Plans will usually not be filed until one to two hours prior take-off. F.2.7 Co-Ordination and Transfer of Control using Shared Trajectories The information-sharing environment ensures that all air traffic services units and other partners have access to the applicable trajectories of each flight. Flights will be able to cross boundaries at any point rather than being restricted to predefined transfer points. Decisionmaking aids are also using the shared information pool and hence are able to operate with trajectories and prediction horizons that are not constrained by unit boundaries and data availability. This enables more flexible transfer of control and results in minimum or no disruption to the trajectory when crossing boundaries. It is likely that no message based co-ordination information exchange is required in this environment: co-ordination will be done by making change proposals directly on the shared trajectory and co-ordination acceptance can be assumed on the basis that the co-ordination proposal (or counter-proposal) is known to be conflict free.

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F.3 F.3.1


Assumed ATM Capability Levels

Throughout the SESAR concept techniques are described which are designed to achieve the SESAR objectives. These techniques depend on new capabilities and automation in the air and on the ground. Therefore the notion of ATM capability levels has been introduced. Different levels of ATM capabilities are defined to describe the on-going deployment of progressively more advanced ATM Systems for aircraft, ground systems and airports. These capability levels provide a convenient means to link many of the operational concepts to an easily defined and supportable implementation timeframe as well as providing an understanding of some of the key dependencies within and between concepts. For clarity the capability levels are kept at a high level. Each of them groups a set of capabilities with a broadly similar timeframe. In reality individual non-dependant capabilities will become available at their own pace and benefits will be derived as soon as possible. In the first instance there is a need to define the main capabilities required by the key SESAR target date of 2020. These will be based upon the SESAR concept needs at that time and a realistic assessment of potential capabilities. Aircraft, ground ATM systems and airports that have these capabilities are referred to as ATM Capability Level 3 (ATM-3). The concept also addresses the very advanced capabilities that potentially offer the means to achieve the SESAR goals, in particular the very high-end capacity target. These capabilities have a much longer research and development cycle and/or a restricted initial deployment. The timeframe for initial availability and progressive fleet equipage is 2025 and beyond depending on the specific capability. Aircraft, ground ATM systems and airports that have these capabilities are referred to as ATM Capability Level 4 (ATM-4). At the same time the concept recognises that for 2020 and beyond there will be the need to effectively utilise the capabilities of existing systems and those that will be delivered before the SESAR 2020 capabilities become available. These systems fall into two categories:

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Those that are delivered up to 2012/13 and largely have todays capabilities: Aircraft, ground ATM systems and airports that have these capabilities are referred to as ATM Capability Level 1 (ATM-1).

Those starting to be deployed (initially for new aircraft) from 2013 onwards with a range of new capabilities but which do not meet the full 2020 needs. Aircraft, ground ATM systems and airports that have these capabilities are referred to as ATM Capability Level 2 (ATM-2).

It is recognized that some aircraft will have a range of capabilities ahead of the times indicated. These capabilities will be utilized whenever possible. Systems that do not meet at least the ATM-1 capabilities will still be accommodated but may have fewer service options. In the concept such Aircraft, ATM Systems and Airports will be referred to as ATM Capability Level 0 (ATM-0).

Note: For the capability descriptions that are new to SESAR a technology or application name independent approach is taken as far as possible. For example terms such as MTCD and RNP are appropriate to describe ATM-1/2 capabilities but terms such as Conflict Detection/Resolution tools and Navigation Performance Requirements are used for ATM-3/4. ATM-1 systems will have: To support collaborative decision making, basic information sharing: Collaborative planning applications (for example to support the Network Operations Plan). At airports automatic data sharing between operators/handlers, ATM-Systems and users (AOC). High-accuracy, high frequency automated sharing of aircraft position information (for example: for aircraft ADS-B out, for ATM-Systems capability for automated shared aircraft position data to AOC/FOC and other service providers).
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Automated meteorological data reporting (through ACARS network).

To support management by trajectory (including queue management and separation): ATC sectors opening/closing and grouping/de-grouping within a centre. CTA/CTO management only a single constraint managed by airborne systems. Vertical and longitudinal constraint management to prescribed accuracies only discrete constraints 2D-RNP (appropriate to the operation). Conformance monitoring (for example: for aircraft FMS conformance checks, for ATMSystems RAM, FLIPCY). Safety nets (ACAS, STCA) Medium Term Conflict Detection at ground At airports ground based Runway Incursion Alert Systems. Aircraft/vehicle "Own" position information on cockpit map or vehicle map.

ATM-2 systems will have ATM-1 capabilities plus: To support collaborative decision making: Basic User/ANSP datalink (for example CPDLC consistent with the kind of services they will provide). Basic automated event reporting (ADS-C through ATN) AIS/MET datalink (through ATN) Integration of queue management tools into the CDM processes.

To support management by trajectory (including queue management and separation): CTA/CTO management improved airborne function for the descent phase

Functions related to Situational Awareness and Spacing/Sequencing and Merging

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Cooperative-Surveillance/IN (ADS-B/IN) and sharing of aircraft parameters (for example: for aircraft to provide/receive data, for ATM/Airport systems to use the data to improve accuracy and predictive capabilities).

Conflict detection and resolution applications (for ground systems). At airports Runway Incursion Alert Systems with direct alerting function to intruders (vehicle/aircraft).

Position information of all aircraft/vehicle on cockpit map and vehicle map. Taxi route uplink to aircraft (sharing taxi-route, gate or runway entry point).

ATM-3 systems will have ATM-2 capabilities plus: To support collaborative decision making: Trajectory sharing air/ground and ground/ground (ATM-Systems/FOC/(3rd party)/Airport) via functions designed for ATM (including TMR) Collaborative delay management applications. Increased airspace-user/service-provider datalink capabilities (for example: to support datalink communications consistent with evolving standards) To support management by trajectory (including queue management and separation): CTA/CTO management multiple constraints. Vertical navigational performance requirements to prescribed accuracy Longitudinal constraint management to prescribed accuracy. Cooperative separation functions (for example ASAS-Separation). Taxiway conflict alert with direct alerting to vehicle/aircraft.

ATM-4 systems will have the ATM-3 capabilities plus: To support collaborative decision making:

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Meteorological data sharing. Trajectory sharing: air/air

To support separation management: Longitudinal navigational performance requirements (appropriate to the operation). Self-Separation functions (for example ASAS-Self Separation).

F.3.2 Trajectory Based Operations in Managed Airspace The key aspect considered in managed airspace is the number of interacting trajectories. A high number of interacting trajectories is perceived by the controller as high complexity because it represents a high task-load to resolve. If the interactions are spread randomly across the area of responsibility, that also increases perceived complexity because the monitoring task cannot rely on experience and pattern recognition. Even with advanced automated support for conflict detection and resolution and conformance and intent monitoring, the controller will still be required to validate solutions and execute them at the appropriate time. The validation of system-provided resolutions requires that the controller must retain sufficient situation awareness, possibly limited to and focused on the given problem, to be able to make those decisions, however situation awareness can also be extensively supported by the system. Traffic density is not a synonym for complexity. It is quite possible to have high traffic density with relatively low complexity (e.g. many aircraft flying in the same direction at the same speed). The creation of airways has the effect of locally increasing traffic density whilst reducing complexity. The goal of the SESAR concept is to deploy tools to assist the

controller with complex situations and to reduce complexity by strategic deconfliction measures where necessary to increase capacity. The reduction of complexity is carried out with the assistance of appropriate automation that achieves the goal with minimum distortion of the trajectories concerned.

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F.3.2.1 Complexity Management Complexity management is seen as a process that is applied to simplify the ATM situation so that Separation Provision can be efficiently applied by human intervention. It is not considered that complexity management as a specific role will be required in the end-state of SESAR. Complexity management entails the detection of zones/volumes of high complexity to enable the following processes to ensure the safe and orderly management of air traffic: The timely transition from operations without route structures to periods when routes structures are essential to assure the required capacity with safety. To determine the optimum sectorisation organisation to assure the efficiency of the separation provision service, including the use of dynamic sector configurations with multi sector planning. The modification of individual trajectories to reduce complexity if it is considered that the efficiency of separation provision might be compromised. Traffic Complexity Management also includes the objective to free controller mental resources by minimising the level of risks perceived by the controllers. F.3.2.2 The Temporal Nature of Operational Complexity Complexity has temporal as well as geographical dimensions. There are times of the day when airspace could feature high-complexity operations and appropriate procedures would apply while at other times procedures applicable to medium or low complexity operations would be used. The requirement is that the periods during which the different procedures are in force must be clearly defined and controlled: users and ANSP need certainty with regard to the procedures in use. F.3.3 High Complexity Terminal Operations

In Europe high complexity operations would routinely occur in terminal areas but may occur in other airspace.
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The particular challenge for terminal area operations is to increase the overall capacity such that closely located airports can operate at maximum capacity and a reasonable level of overflying traffic can be accommodated. For high-complexity operations, an efficient airspace structure combined with advanced airborne and ground system capabilities will be deployed to deliver the necessary capacity and ensure separation is maintained. The concept recognises that when traffic complexity is high, the required capacity can only be achieved at the cost of some constraint on individual optimum trajectories. Nevertheless the maintenance of capacity and throughput will realise the most benefits through: Best net economic return to users due to schedule maintenance, Best net environmental return due to reductions in airborne holding and ground queues.

The design for high-complexity operations will take into account the navigation and performance capabilities of the aircraft as described in the Section F.3.1 on ATM capability levels. High-complexity terminal operations will feature separated 3D departure routes and 3D arrival routes the vertical component of which may be defined by either: Level windows for crossing points (3D cones with min/max levels) enabling aircraft to fly closer to optimum trajectories when traffic complexity allows, or Vertical containment with aircraft being required to fly within tubes to focus on the runway and airspace throughput when traffic complexity is high.

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Figure 3: Arrival - Profile View - Cone and Tubes

Figure 4: Arrival - Profile View - Dynamic 3D Routes

These two options may be combined. The size of the level windows and where cones transition to tubes will be location and/or time dependant. Multiple 3D arrival routes may include curved route segments and will converge through successive merging points for each runway. The number of merging points and proximity to the runway will depend on the distribution of traffic flows and environmental constraints.

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When circumstances permit, in low/ medium traffic conditions, flights may route to a single merging point at a position on final approach. F.3.3.1 Dynamic and Pre-Defined 3D Routes The ultimate aim is to allow the aircraft to fly the optimum trajectory. In this case the tube is defined dynamically around the RBT. This implies ATM capability level 3 for air and ground. When these capabilities are not available pre-defined 3D routes, designed for different aircraft performances, will be used.

Figure 5: Arrival Routes Single Merge Point

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Figure 6: Arrival Routes - Multiple Merge Points

F.3.4 En-Route High Complexity Operations Situations of high complex also occur in en-route airspace where appropriate solutions need to be applied. Such solutions may include the use of 2D routes or 4D contracts. Depending on the airspace and operational environment these 2D routes may be fixed or temporary in nature. User preferred routing may be suspended when analysis of the pending trajectories determines areas of high potential complexity (for example if active TSA lead to restricted airspace availability with consequent traffic congestion). These volumes will have both geographical and temporal dimensions and will be visible via the NOP along with route structures that will be used. F.3.5 Medium/Low Complexity Operations Medium/low complexity en-route and terminal area operations will prevail in managed airspace outside areas and times of high complexity. For these operations the goal is to provide sufficient capacity to meet demand without recourse to a structured route network.
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However, whilst free routing will be the normal operation for much of en-route airspace, it is likely to be the exception in most terminal areas and below a designated level in some areas. Flights will operate as near as possible to their optimum trajectory, deviating only to achieve separation from other flights and airspace hazards or for arrival management needs. The SESAR principle is that unless structured routes are needed, it is a user preferred routing environment. Where user preferred routing has to be suspended due to military requirements, the best possible balance has to be found in the given circumstances and the restriction on user preferred routing has to be kept to the minimum. There will be a need for military operations to be conducted in airspace within which free routing is permitted as to segregate all military activity into ARES is wasteful in AFUA terms. Some military activity will not present a problem but mixing some military and commercial activities in the same airspace will place constraints on both. Thus, the selection of airspace within which free routing will be permitted must be the subject of validation in Simulations and R&D processes. Route structures may be retained to support transition to/from terminal area where needed and for fallback purposes. In addition, military specific route structures (currently a TACAN route network) will be kept for military flight planning purposes and most direct routings. In a medium/low complexity terminal areas aircraft will, as far as possible, fly their individual optimum climb or descent profiles. This will be a Continuous Climb Departure or a Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) with curved segments as required for noise abatement. F.3.6 In Unmanaged Airspace Airspace will accommodate operations for a wide range of business, military and private users. On-demand air traffic services (FIS, ALR) as well as support and assistance to military air operations, will be provided.

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F.3.7 Integration of Diverse Airspace Use Requirements F.3.7.1 The Management of Special Airspace Activity in the AFUA Concept The move towards replacing national AMCs with sub-regional AMCs will continue, thus permitting larger area co-ordination for military cross border operations. Military Training Areas (MTA) are collaboratively pre-defined and located at economic distances from airbases ensuring efficient training conditions for military traffic. Military operations will be subject to negotiation processes between the regional AMC and the PCA (Air Defence Planning and Coordinating Authority) and/or the appropriate tactical air command and control service (TACCS). A monthly airspace reservation schedule updated on a weekly basis and the agreed airspace reservation data for the day of operation could be published via the NOP. Civil-military AMC will continue to fulfil an important role in real-time coordination with the ANSP and/or Airspace Users on actual and short-term decisions for air activities. On the day of operations, changes to airspace reservations are still possible and are coordinated with the relevant partners. Depending on the actual availability of necessary airspace dimensions, military pilots may also request during flight to use an already reserved area for training purposes, thus allowing a more efficient performance of military air operations. Statistical data about the actual use of reserved airspace is recorded by civil and military units and the conduct of military operations is measured against specific key performance indicators. The CONOPS does not intend to provide a detailed functional description of military requirements. Some details are provided below, however they do not affect the implementation of all potential aspects and advanced features of the development of FUA. F.3.7.2 Military Operations Military combat aircraft generally operate as Operational Air Traffic (OAT) flying IFR, VFR or any combination thereof. Part of the traffic is operated as IFR en-route traffic while some will require segregation (in line with AFUA principles) as flight safety would be
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compromised would, for instance, high-energy manoeuvres permitted in airspace within which GAT was operating. Mission trajectories of the military differ from Business trajectories of civil users. The IFR en-route flight is operating on partially similar characteristics to other airspace users but still following a mission trajectory. All other mission trajectories are usually composed of an entry into a volume of special airspace with a time-limited operation and an exit. Trajectories may originate from any of the sources accepted for other airspace users (aircraft system, aircraft operator, ground-based ATM system). In 2020 the majority of military aircraft will depend on ground-based 4D trajectories and should be handled accordingly. The first category of traffic (IFR en-route) may be subject to the envisaged new SESAR Airborne Separation modes, provided the aircraft are properly equipped, the rules are agreed and the pilots can comply. All other traffic operating in ARES/MTA will concentrate on the mission performance and distance-keeping from the participating military traffic and thus will not be able to selfseparate from other traffic. Transit of special airspace will rather be the exception than the rule. Every transit aircraft is a potential cause for a break off of the training set-up. Transit of large-scale areas depends to a great extent on the actual performance of the mission. If known well in advance, transit may be possible; in other cases transit is subject to in-flight co-ordination process with the controlling agency/controller. F.3.7.3 AMC Airspace Simulation Tools Calculation of required airspace dimensions for specific military missions or for civil needs (depending on number and type of aircraft involved and the mission to be performed) resulting in a proposal for airspace dimension to be applied for the requested mission. This may be a fixed ARES (TRA/TSA), a Military Variable Profile Area, a Variable Geometry Area or a Dynamic Mobile Area. Certain defined airspaces will be required according to agreed procedures for operational use
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without justification of the demand by number of aircraft and mission type (example: local airbase training/exercise).
F. Military Variable Profile Area (MVPA)

The MVPA model constitutes a flexible composition of defined modular portions of airspace to fulfil military needs and to restrict airspace utilisation for other airspace users to the necessary minimum. The dimensions of these military training areas (MTA) are published for identification and consideration. In general, a MTA consists of several sub-parts in form of defined airspace modules. Depending on individual military mission profiles the airspace dimension required for the specific operational training or exercises will be flexibly composed by combination of one or more allocated sub-parts to a suitable airspace block. The optimum airspace required can be simulated through respective tools. The airspace is coordinated through the AMC, delivered into the SWIM, can be followed by military pilots and best be considered by civil ATM partners. Request and temporary activation of military training airspaces will be flexible in size and location while taking into account both civil demand for capacity as well as military operational requirements. Sophisticated ASM tools will ensure the effective civil-military coordination on the day of operations and next to the event.
F. Variable Geometry Area (VGA)

The principle of the VGA is to have an area (TSA or TRA) which is the core of the segregated airspace considered, and to have several pre-planned possible extensions (lobes) next to it which would be activated and utilized by the Military according to the size of the training requested and to the GAT traffic in the area at the time. This core part of the segregated airspace could be newly created in the future SESAR context or be the areas currently existing (or Military Cross Border Areas), and the slots and scenarios of activities would be agreed according to collaborative decision making and AFUA principles.
F. Dynamic Mobile Area (DMA)

DMA which are temporary trajectory exclusion volumes will be published. The size and
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duration of the exclusions will be kept to the absolute minimum required. A DMA is in fact a constraint placed on a trajectory and the owner of the trajectory decides how to satisfy the constraint with the most appropriate change. The high precision of 4D navigation allows properly equipped aircraft to avoid the temporary trajectory exclusion volumes with minimum business trajectory disruption. As a consequence there are not large blocks of airspace that need to be avoided. The exclusion volumes will change profile dynamically to be as small as possible at all times, ensuring that only the unavoidable number of business trajectories are affected in any given period of time. Trajectory exclusions due to ARES/MTA activation will largely depend on the necessary airspace dimension required and on the civil aircraft system capabilities (4D navigation). In some cases, an exclusion may be mobile, to follow the special activity as it progresses on its mission, again ensuring that the exclusion volume causes only the minimum disturbance. Information sharing, involving also flight crews, enables the dynamic adjustment of the business trajectories to ensure avoidance of the exclusions even when they appear only for a short time. Normally civil and military flights will no longer be segregated by the current airspace use concept (civil on-route and military off-route) and an integrated control concept will be enabled by civil and military ANSP either sharing the same flight data processing system or automatically exchanging sufficient flight data to support air and ground automation. These tools identify potential interactions between civil and military flights and provide a basis for co-ordination between civil and military ANSP. F.3.7.4 Coordination with the Military Authorities It is recognised that with continuously increasing civil traffic the use of common ATM systems would facilitate civil-military co-operation. This is shown in co-located or integrated area control centres. Common system definition, development, simulation and introduction,
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common display facilities, direct sector and controller co-ordination and common responsibilities for both civil and military aspects facilitate the understanding and the handling of air traffic whilst respecting military sensitive data. However it should be realised that the national responsibility for defence might also lead to the retention of segregated facilities in future. In that case common use of technical systems should facilitate data exchange and co-ordination. Air Defence Organisations need to be provided with an air situation picture and all trajectory data to support their national defence task. The military will continue to require airspace sufficient to meet their operational and training requirements which, by nature of changing requirements and concepts, demand flexibility of dimensions and allocation. Advanced air traffic and airspace management tools are required to support flexible, effective, and efficient integration of military and civil trajectories and airspace requirements. Operational impacts on military airspace users which are not directly related to military requirements will need further discussion regarding specific mitigation measures and possible incentives, such as refunding to fit onboard equipment to State aircraft (where possible).

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This section describes how the business trajectory is managed in the face of changing requirements. F.4.1 Airspace User Originated Changes The airspace user may initiate changes to the trajectory at any time. The request may come from the aircraft or the FOC (or 3rd party). If a commercial airline pilot requests a change ATC will assume that the change request has been agreed with the FOC (or 3rd party). F.4.2 Queue Management This section applies to operations in Managed Airspace and specifically to runways located in terminal areas with high complexity operations. F.4.2.1 Initial Assumptions In this section certain assumptions are made based upon the implementation of other elements of the SESAR concept: Sufficient en-route and terminal area capacity has been created to meet demand and therefore in normal operations the only nodes in the system requiring delay management are the arrival and departure streams of capacity constrained airports. In non-nominal situations it will remain the role of the Network Management function to take action. When operating from terminal areas during periods of high complexity flights will be assigned 2D or 3D Departure Routes according to aircraft capability level and performance. When operating into terminal areas during periods of high complexity flights will be assigned 2D or 3D Arrival Routes according to aircraft capability level and performance. F.4.2.2 Queue Management Process There will be no need to finalise a departure or arrival sequence earlier than necessary flexibility being the key to maximum use of capacity.
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The take-off sequence is built as predicted take-off times achieve a required level of accuracy6 and the arrival sequence is built by the relevant arrival management tools once the flight passes the sequencing horizon. A flight will not be allocated a departure slot time7 if the ATM network is operating normally. Flights should expect to be able to depart when they are ready to do so, subject only to any allocated TTA at destination ground delays and any departure runway capacity constraints. This type of process maximises flexibility and capacity utilisation but still allows delays to be managed efficiently. Shared information on the progress of turn-round will be used to estimate departure demand and enable arrival/ departure balancing. In the absence of any capacity shortfall, reference trajectories will be handled on a first come first served basis. Prioritisation for departure in the event of reduced capacity will be the result of a collaborative process involving all partners. In cases where the flight time is within the destination AMAN horizon, a defined event will trigger a Target Time of Arrival (TTA) request to the destination AMAN. The TTA

effectively books a place in the arrival queue, but without the accuracy of a CTA. The TTA has two purposes: it allows appropriate times for departure events to be calculated and it allows an imposed ground delay to be taken into account when the arrival sequence is determined. With knowledge of the TTA (if applicable), the elapsed time derived from the trajectory, the

The precise point at which take-off times are known with sufficient accuracy will depend on the accuracy and reliability of the data

available on the status of the turn-round process. Initially the required level of accuracy may not be achieved until the aircraft has requested push-back. It is however expected that during the SESAR time-frame the improving view on the status of the turn-round process will enable valid departure sequences to be built earlier. This earlier sequencing will enhance departure and arrival queue management collaboration.

This refers to a slot time as currently issued two hours before departure. The departure time (from the departure sequence) is calculated when the data achieves the required level of accuracy. Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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departure and arrival demand for the runway(s) and the dependent departure route demand from adjacent airports, the DMAN will calculate the optimum take-off time and the SMAN will determine the associated start-up and push-back times and taxi route. If the take-off time implies a ground delay, this will be taken with engines off at the stand or in a designated waiting area. A CTA (which includes wake vortex optimisation) will be calculated after the flight is airborne and published to the relevant controllers, arrival airport systems, user systems and the pilot. For a short flight the CTA should be very close to the pre-take-off TTA and is calculated as soon as the flight is airborne. Any ground delay implemented to meet the TTA is taken into account when the CTA is calculated. For longer flights the CTA must be available well before planned Top-Of-Descent and will be calculated when the flight passes the AMAN sequencing horizon All partners in the system now work towards achieving the CTA. When initially issued the CTA represents the current optimised sequence that can still be changed if circumstances dictate. The CTA will be frozen at a certain time horizon in order to ensure sequence stability. Ideally the CTA would be set at the runway threshold (to focus on the optimisation of the runway throughput) but in reality a merging point further out is more likely to be practicable. The CTA can also be set to sequence the traffic at the terminal area entry point. During intermediate and final approach, to achieve the fine spacing required to optimise runway utilisation, tactical spacing can be assured through controller actions or ASAS spacing instructions. F.4.2.3 Aircraft Capabilities Related to Queue Management The CTA/CTO will be met with the required accuracy (e.g. +/- 10 sec) through the aircraft RTA function. ASAS spacing and/or sequencing and merging applications will be available to

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support tactical actions to achieve the optimum arrival sequence or for the longitudinal spacing of same route departures or en-route spacing. Aircraft not capable of the above will be accepted and managed conventionally. F.4.2.4 ATM System Capabilities Related to Queue Management There are a range of queue management support tools. These provide information to various ATM roles as required to support their tasks. The key evolution of these capabilities will be in the direction of their integration into a set of highly collaborative processes that automatically optimise the allocation of resources (principally runway resources) in response to real-time demand information.
F. Departure Manager (DMAN)

A DMAN determines the optimal departure sequence from an aerodrome (for multiple runways if appropriate). In addition to providing sequencing at the runway a DMAN may also provide sequencing at other route fixes such as terminal area exit. The DMAN will work with shared data that enables the automatic consideration of the output of UDPP.
F. Arrival Manager (AMAN)

An AMAN determines the arrival sequence position and appropriate spacing at the aerodrome and/or at other fixes. The output of the AMAN is the CTA. The AMAN will work with shared data that enables the automatic consideration of the output of UDPP.
F. Precision Support to Final Approach Spacing

This tool assists controllers by indicating the optimal spacing for flights on final approach. This capability promotes spacing consistency, can utilise a larger set of spacing criteria (wake vortex categories) and adjusts those criteria to allow for strong headwinds (time based spacing) thus making a significant contribution to maintaining capacity in these conditions.

An SMAN determines optimal surface movement plans (such as taxi route plans) involving the calculation and sequencing of movement events and optimising resource usage (e.g. deIssued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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icing facilities). SMAN collaborates with AMAN/DMAN and will help to establish the departure sequence determined by the DMAN functionality. F.4.3 ANSP Originated Changes to the RBT Service providers may make or propose changes to the trajectory for several reasons: ATC tactical actions related to separation and queue management. Reactions due to changing constraints or resource availability.

Nothing in the trajectory management processes interferes with the controllers prerogatives to make tactical changes by issuing instructions/ clearances. The means to implement non-tactical changes will be by the imposition, amendment or removal of constraints whenever time permits. The User will propose an RBT amendment that meets the constraint. ANSPs will accept the amendment if no additional problems are created by the change. As flights will be following user-preferred trajectories whenever possible, unsolicited proposals such as higher levels or direct routings may not in fact be beneficial.

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Airports and surrounding airspace are grouped together in this section to emphasise their importance in the SESAR concept. F.5.1 High Level Operational Processes Three high-level operational processes are identified, aligned with the ATM planning process: Airport Resource Planning. Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Management. Airport Resource and Capacity Management during the Execution phase.

Figure 7: Airport High-Level Processes

Airport organisation is aimed at supporting co-operation between all stakeholders at appropriate decision-making stages whilst ensuring a seamless process over the entire

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planning spectrum, starting many years ahead down to the real time. Besides these high-level operational processes, there is also a medium to long-term development process which focuses on future demand and capacity planning for airport expansion. This includes issues ranging from airport infrastructure and environmental aspects to landside capacity and regional planning. The focus of airports is equally divided between both the potential aircraft movement rate and also passenger throughput. It also must be acknowledged that the airport planning cycle is generally longer that that of the airport users. F.5.1.1 Airport Resource Planning Process Based on the Capacity figures of available resources, provided by the Airport Operator and the (local) ANSP, an initial Airport Resource Allocation and Capacity Plan is initiated. This plan contains: the availability of resources (for example maintenance scheme), a number of standard airport configuration schemes (incl. runways, taxiways, gates and terminal buildings/facilities), capacity figures for each main process in each configuration taking account of external conditions like traffic mix, weather conditions, etc. This initial Plan will be input for the Slot Coordination Process in which the traffic demand from the users is balanced against the airport and airspace capacity and constraints (if any). A seasonal airport operational plan is established in a collaborative manner between the airport operator, ATC and users (aircraft operators), and iteratively maintained up to date. This operational plan accommodates the appropriate level of on demand operations. F.5.1.2 Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Management Process Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Management is performed in the context of a robust planning process that is aligned to the extent possible with the development phases of the business trajectory that feeds the airport with accurate and reliable demand information. The evolution of the plan will be based on refined knowledge of the actual constraints on the day

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of operation and agreements between CDM partners. The demand forecast is based on: Aircraft operators intentions as specified by the intended schedule of operations and supported by the 4D operational planning. Airport information on landing time, constraints, turnaround time, airport capacity and taxiing time provided by a system wide information system and supporting CDM processes. The plan is consolidated through a balanced mapping of the Business Trajectory demand on the various airport resources. If demand exceeds capacity the consequences are analysed and aircraft operators revise their plans through a collaborative process. Where unpredictable events create the need for short notice changes and/or refinement, a swift and efficient tactical response will be complemented by collaborative decision making within a previously agreed set of rules. F.5.1.3 Airport Resource and Capacity Plan Execution The execution of the Airport Resource and Capacity Plan involves the real-time management and separation of aircraft moving on the airport surface. Short notice changes and/or refinements are handled using a mixture of collaborative processes and tactical interventions. The latter are handled according to a previously agreed set of rules or the operational insight of the Controller. F.5.1.4 Airport Operations and Interactions with Queue Management Arrival departure and surface management tools will be used as described in Section F.4.2 on Queue Management. All essential airport processes work collaboratively, embodied in a physical or virtual Airport Operations Centre (APOC) using CDM principles in a SWIM environment.
F. Managing the Runway Resource

Runways mostly act as single servers processing one aircraft at a time. A degree of departure and arrival queuing is a consequence of airports being used close to their capacities.
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The effects of weather conditions on queuing (e.g. wet runways, strong winds, low visibility) are today well known and contribute to the variability of instantaneous runway capacity. There is a trade-off between planned airport utilisation levels (i.e. setting of hourly schedule rates v. capacity) and arrival/departure queuing. Different airports adopt different strategies for this trade-off depending on business decisions, environmental constraints and local needs and priorities. Arrival and departure queue management will not by itself significantly reduce delays, nor increase capacity: but it does achieve better management of the delay process, ensuring that delay is managed in the most fuel-efficient and environmentally acceptable manner.
F. Turn-round Process

The turn-round process links the flight and ground segments. Seamless progress of the turnround process is a main factor affecting punctuality. Co-operative mechanisms, including milestone monitoring, gate/stand management and apron management will improve visibility for ATM actors regarding the progress of the turn-round process and result in better estimated times of subsequent events such as off-blocks and take-off.
F. Runway Operations

Increasing runway throughput and runway utilisation has to be achieved within the SESAR safety goals. The most important issue is that new procedures and implementation of best practices is harmonized in such a way that no differences in operation appear for users (pilots) throughout Europe and preferably worldwide.
F. Increased Runway Throughput

The following issues can been seen as general enablers to develop and implement techniques and procedures with respect to increasing Runway Throughput; Reducing dependency on Wake Vortex separation: The existing wake vortex classifications are very broad and the introduction of automated spacing assistance provides the opportunity for a complete re-classification of aircraft into a wider range of

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categories more accurately based on the true wake vortex (weight, wingspan etc) and rate of decay. Pair-wise separations could in addition be dynamic, based on the prevailing wind conditions and stability of the air mass. Improved prediction and detection of wake vortex as well as new techniques (land long, Hi/Lo glide path) to assist in the avoidance of wake vortex will combine to bring capacity and safety gains. Under certain crosswind conditions it may not be necessary to apply wake vortex minima and additionally ADS-B may be used to broadcast the aircrafts wake signature for the benefit of subsequent aircraft, making the vortices detectable to pilots of following aircraft would add a further layer of protection. Minor re-sequencing of the traffic flow to group similar category aircraft together reduces the impact of wake vortex separation for arrival and departure streams. Minimizing Runway Occupancy Times (ROT): Runway occupancy is the main factor which determines the landing interval in situations where Wake Vortex separation is no issue. With reduced and above all predictable Runway Occupancy Times the runway controller could reduce the landing intervals which itself will increase landing rate. This can be achieved by a combination of efficiently designed runway exits (position and angle), improved signage, and early agreement between flight crew and the ground of which exit to use. Potential constraints to meet environmental criteria for noise, emissions and brake wear should also be considered. Procedures to vacate at an agreed turn-off could be potentially enhanced by onboard technology such as brake to vacate systems. Final Approach Spacing: Accurate and more consistent spacing on final approach will be achieved by time-based separation. This will not only mitigate the effect of (strong) headwind on the final approach, assuring robust runway throughput, but will also make it possible to introduce variable time separations dependent on crosswind conditions and Wake Vortex existence. Accurate final approach spacing can be achieved by either controller tools or onboard tools like ASAS which provide spacing advice directly to the aircrew. Current limitations on spacing due to wake vortex may be lifted under specific

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weather conditions enabling final approach spacing of less than 50 seconds, however these must be matched by predictable runway occupancy of the same order of magnitude. Reduced Departure Spacing: It should be feasible to reduce the time interval between two successive departures. Wake-vortex detection technology will make it possible to reduce the intervals without the risk of wake-vortex encounters. Wake Vortex separation on departure should be set as a function of the crosswind. Where reduced departure spacing cannot be achieved, due to wake vortex or required separation on departure routes and/or airways, late sequence changes could be a solution. Additional runway entries create possibilities for optimal use of sequence changes / requirements. Enhanced and accurate ground based surveillance technologies as well as airborne systems could reduce the need for specific departure intervals to achieve departure route separations. However in all cases the minimum departure spacing (take-off interval) will be based on the preceding aircraft becoming airborne. For examples of initiatives and R&D issues on increased runway throughput, see Appendix 2 Research Topics.
F. Increased Runway Utilisation

The following proposals can been seen as general enablers to develop and implement techniques and procedures with respect to increasing runway utilisation; Arrival and departure management tools: Where increased final approach separation and departure intervals due to wake vortex are unavoidable, increased runway utilization can be achieved by implementing planning tools to optimise the sequence. Optimising runway configuration / mode of operation: Dependencies between multiple runways determine the practical runway capacity which in most cases is lower than the combined single runway capacities. Capacity gains can be achieved by increased utilisation of the combined runways (runway system). Reducing dependencies between runways by implementing more accurate surveillance techniques and controller tools as

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well as advanced procedures, will enlarge the capabilities of existing runway configurations (like closely spaced parallel runways). In order to provide some mitigation for the inherent delays/queuing associated with capacity constrained airports and to gain a significant capacity enhancement without impacting the overall queue management concepts, interlaced take-off and landing procedures (mixed mode operations) instead of segregated use of multiple runways can be envisaged. These procedures will be implemented when feasible and when required to maximise runway capacity taking into account the more complicated ground movement operations implied and potential safety issues that may arise. Increase runway utilization during Low Visibility Conditions (LVC): The runway capacity of an airport reduces significantly with low visibility conditions. Not only is increased separation on final approach required due to the requirement for an undisturbed ILS signal, ground movement traffic is limited based an the reduced ability of the ground controller for traffic situation awareness, and the enlarged ILS protected area contributing to a related increase in task-load. Reducing the dependency of possible interference of the ILS signal will both reduce the necessity for increased in-trail separation and enlarge the possibilities for the ground controller. For the latter enhanced ground surveillance is a must. Introducing new approach techniques with reduced or without any protection area, will significantly increase capacity during low visibility conditions. To benefit from these new landing systems, the development of ground movement capacity during low visibility conditions must follow equal pace. The use of HUD presentations of landing information from integrated on-board sensors (CDTI technology provide aircrew with mapping and guidance), should provide improved margins for low visibility approaches to some airfields Optimum use of existing and future airport (runway) infrastructure and available capacity: Capacity of existing infrastructure is often limited by the layout of the airport. On airports
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with multiple runways, runway crossings cannot always be avoided. To reduce the negative capacity impact relocation of the runway crossing could be considered. A small number of runway movements can be gained. To abolish runway crossing at all, which is also a recommendation of the European Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI), the implementation of perimeter taxiways around the runway could be considered. The capacity of the runway could then be utilized to its maximum. Perimeter taxiways will be limited by spatial restrictions but for future airport expansion planning perimeter taxiways could be a design principle to maximize runway throughput and to reduce runway incursion risk. For examples of initiatives and R&D issues on increased runway throughput, see APPENDIX 2 Research Topics.
F. Minor Airport Utilisation

The application of approach and departure procedures based on Space Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) and/or other technologies, by a substantial number of airports and airfields that can not afford to-days costly landing aids, General Aviation IFR activities will increase and require access to airspace and ATM services.
F. Surface Movement Operations

If surface movement capacity is to be increased without increasing the risk of runway incursions a range of actions need to be taken. Better situational awareness both for the controller, aircrew and vehicle drivers including conflict detection and warning systems will not only enhance airports surface safety but will also create "room" for surface movement capacity expansion. A-SMGCS will provide enhanced information to controllers whilst CDTI technology will provide aircrew and vehicle drivers with map, guidance and traffic information. Visual enhancement technology will provide increased visibility for aircrew and vehicles during night and low visibility conditions

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Onboard features will provide increased safety with warnings provided directly to aircrew and drivers as well as controllers

Advanced, automated, systems may be considered such as auto-brake to make it impossible for an aircraft or vehicle to cross selected stop bars.

The planning of surface routes may consider constraints imposed by the need to minimise the environmental impact especially surface holding or the need to avoid braking or changes in engine thrust levels as the aircraft moves from the runway to the stand or vice versa.

Optimum management of surface traffic flows will not only increase efficiency and predictability during the ground movement phase but will also have a positive impact on the environment. The planning of surface routes may consider constraints imposed by the need to minimise the environmental impact especially surface holding or the need to avoid braking or changes in engine thrust levels as the aircraft moves from the runway to the stand or vice versa. Predicting the taxi times and routing of inbound and outbound traffic, the surface management tool (SMAN) can provide stable and reliable planning (target) times and is prerequisite for pre-departure sequencing and an optimised usage of the departure runways(s). Integration of the SMAN tool with the arrival and departure management tools (AMAN / DMAN) is a necessity to gain the full benefit of these tools. Achieving the optimal take-off sequence in an early stage of the outbound ground movement phase will reduce the necessity of sequence changes near the departure end of the runway and the therefore the use of intersection take-offs. This will also have a positive effect on reduction of Runway Incursion Risk. F.5.2 Remotely Provided Aerodrome Control Service The concept of remotely provided aerodrome control service applies at aerodromes where the service provider has determined that this is feasible, that the site and techniques to be used are proven to meet all appropriate safety requirements and where/ when this is cost-effective.
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A main driver for such implementation is the potential of significantly reducing the costs of infrastructure by joint tower installations for a number of airports centralized at a single site. Considerable gains in productivity are achieved due to more efficient use of the personnel required to handle this entire service. A second driver is safety. By using enhanced modern camera technology supporting improved vision and ATM operational awareness in low visibility conditions, safe operations can be performed with high reliability. The availability of modern surveillance technologies (e.g. multilateration, ADS-B) can further enhance those benefits. Enhanced ATC service can be offered to places not normally eligible for ATC, e.g. rural or smaller airports presently using only AFIS or nothing at all. Services will be easier and more cost-effective to provide, regardless of time and place. Since an increase of very light jets is expected with jet operations not only at larger but also smaller airports, the concept of Remote Aerodrome Air Traffic Control will be a vital factor to keep the high ATC standard that the customers expect throughout Europe.

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The intention of the concept is to avoid segregation in managed airspace as far as possible. Some segregation is unavoidable such as that needed to accommodate certain military and civil activities. For reasons of access and equity it is not proposed to segregate aircraft on the basis CNS capability or the type of separation service being provided. F.6.1 Airport Operations On the airport, the physical layout constrains the options for conflict management. Implementation of good taxiway design at both new and existing airports will reduce interactions between taxi flows, while tools such as SMAN provide taxi routing solutions that also minimise interactions. The provision of separation between aircraft and hazards on the airport will continue to be achieved through visual means, complemented by on-board capabilities such as moving maps, traffic displays and synthetic vision systems which will also increase safety and improve throughput in low-visibility conditions. In low visibility conditions ground controllers experience a very high workload to assist pilots in preventing collisions on the ground. Eventually, these new on-board capabilities should alleviate much of the workload. Further enhancements for conflict detection and management will come in the form of new ATC capabilities such as SMAN and A-SMGCS and cooperative capabilities for all mobiles. Issues relating to wake vortex separation, final approach separation, parallel and dependent runway operations are dealt with in Section F. F.6.2 Terminal Area Operations F.6.2.1 During Periods of High Complexity During periods of high complexity, Terminal area operations will be based primarily on the issuance of clearances on 2D or 3D routes, the choice being dependant on aircraft capability and the specific traffic situation. Conventional SID/STAR will be used for non-capable
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aircraft but such aircraft may be subject to restrictions (e.g. less advantageous routing). Controllers will use surveillance, constraint management or ASAS separation to complement the route allocation. Arriving aircraft will be issued with a CTA for the appropriate runway merge point. To cope with the potentially large number of routes, the ground system will include route allocation tools that automatically select the optimum conflict-free route when triggered by a specific event. The tools and techniques that will be deployed to maximise the capacity during periods of high complexity will be dependent on fully exploiting advanced air and/or ground system capabilities and this may require the mandating of those capabilities. F.6.2.2 During Periods of Medium/Low Complexity During periods of medium/low complexity, Terminal area operations will primarily be based on the issuance of clearances on 2D separated routes or conventional SID/STAR, the choice being dependant on aircraft capability. Dynamic routes rather than pre-defined may be used for capable aircraft depending on the specific traffic situation. Arriving aircraft will be issued with a CTA only if required by the traffic situation. F.6.2.3 Terminal Area Separation Modes and their Application Applies In Complexity L/M/H L/M L/M/H M/H When required to maximise


ATM Level


Conventional Surveillance Cooperative Separation: Visual Precision Trajectory-2D Precision Trajectory-3D 0-4 0-4 1-4 3-4

New ANSP Modes

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capacity New Airborne Modes Cooperative Separation: ASAS 3-4 M/H On ATC initiative

F.6.3 En-Route Managed Airspace F.6.3.1 During Periods of High Complexity During periods of high complexity, en-route operations will be based primarily on the issuance of 2D clearances on user preferred routes supported by shared data from the aircraft and ground-based trajectory prediction and uncertainty calculation. Conflict management support tools will be able to predict conflicts with sufficient accuracy and look-ahead time to allow the controller to exploit the benefits of non-fixed route operations. Conventional route structure based clearances will be used for non-capable aircraft but such aircraft may be subject to restrictions. Controllers will use surveillance, constraint management or ASAS separation to complement the route allocation. To achieve the additional capacity to reach the high end SESAR goals a range of new separation modes will be employed. As such modes may have impacts on individual optimum trajectories they will be employed when maintenance of capacity and throughput is a higher priority. The appropriate mode(s) may include 4D Contract clearances and ASAS. The preferred mode(s) for use in SESAR and their exact area of application will be determined after appropriate validation. Aircraft operating according to 4DC will have priority and controllers will separate other flights from them providing an advantage to equipped aircraft. F.6.3.2 During Periods of Medium/Low Complexity During periods of medium/low complexity, en-route operations will be based on essentially the same principles as for high complexity en-route, but the specific high capacity modes will not be needed.
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All aircraft will normally be cleared on 2D user preferred routes supported by shared trajectory data (for capable aircraft) and ground-based trajectory prediction and uncertainty calculation. Aircraft will be subject to conventional ATC separation or will use ASAS capabilities. Vertical constraints will be used as required and precise longitudinal navigation may be applied either in absolute terms (CTO) or in relative terms with the spacing between flights being achieved through controller actions or ASAS when needed. F.6.3.3 Self-Separation in Managed Airspace One goal of the ASAS development path within the SESAR CONOPS is to enable selfseparation in mixed mode operations [D07]. The intention of the concept is to allow selfseparating flights and ANSP separated flights to operate in the same airspace provided that this can be proven to meet the target level of safety in addition to providing economic and capacity benefits. Self-separation operations involve aircraft being the designated separator. When operating in managed airspace however such aircraft will still be visible to the ATM system and to other traffic. When the aircraft is the designated separator ASAS procedures will be used. Aircraft will have ATM Capability Level 4 this enables the exchange of data between ASAS aircraft and renders the aircraft visible to the ATM system. The self-separating pilot will validate successive segments of the trajectory ahead of the aircraft analogous to successive clearances by a controller When self-separating from aircraft on Precision Trajectory clearances or under controller separation it is the ASAS aircraft that will execute any required separation manoeuvre. The objective for ASAS self-separating aircraft will be to adhere to the RBT. When a conflict is resolved the aircraft will return to the RBT.

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Execution of separation tasks involving ASAS aircraft will be supported by high levels of automation and procedures and will be initiated at the system-system level i.e. it will not be a manual task for the pilot under normal circumstances.

Implementation of ASAS self-separation in mixed mode operations is however not likely before 2020 and more R&D is needed. F.6.3.4 En-route Separation Modes and their Application Applies In Complexity L/M/H L/M/H L/M M/H L/M/H M/H For very high complexity situations On ATC initiative The normal mode. For high complexity operations


ATM Level


Conventional Surveillance Procedural Precision Trajectory-2D Precision Trajectory-3D TC-SA Precision Trajectory-4DC 0-4 0 1-4 3-4 2-4 4 The normal mode.

New ANSP Modes

New Airborne Modes Cooperative Separation: ASAS Self-Separation: ASAS 3-4 4 M/H L/M/H

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F.6.4 Unmanaged Airspace The prevention of collisions in unmanaged airspace is the responsibility of the airspace user and is exercised by the pilot based on the see-and-avoid principle. Advanced aircraft capabilities coupled with a requirement for all airborne aircraft to be electronically visible will bring significant safety advantages in this airspace. F.6.4.1 Unmanaged Airspace: Prevention of Collisions Applies In Complexity L L/M


ATM Level


Conventional Self Separation Self-Separation: ASAS 0-4 4 Normal mode. In areas where equipage levels make it practicable. New Airborne Modes

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F.7.1 General Considerations One of the elementary requirements for a safety net is that it must work independently from other parts of the system, on the ground or in the air. The reason for this is to ensure that reduced system availability or common mode failure (where a single data error may invalidate several safety layers) does not prevent the safety net from achieving its Safety objectives. In SESAR, the dual layer safety afforded by independent airborne and ground based safety nets, Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) and Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) respectively, will continue to play a major role in helping to ensure maintenance of the required level of safety. The use of the shared trajectory as the common view of flight intentions both in the air and on the ground will improve the reliability of STCA while reducing false alarm rates as part of multi hypothesis processing options. STCA will be used as a safety net and not as a controller tool to manage separation. At the same time, SESAR will lead the way in encouraging efforts to develop ACAS and STCA beyond their current state where a lack of proper information sharing between ground and airborne systems results in warnings and resolution advisories that are not coordinated. As a result of the delegation of the role of separator, aircraft may fly in close proximity to each other with geometries that would trigger ACAS as we know it to-day, not to mention STCA, unless those systems were made capable of recognising situations where such new separation modes were being applied [D10, D20]. F.7.2 Cooperative Ground and Airborne Safety Net Concept One of the elementary requirements for a collision avoidance system is that it must work independently from other parts of the system, on the ground or in the air. The reason for this is to ensure that reduced system availability or common mode failure (where a single data error may invalidate several safety layers) does not prevent the collision avoidance system from generating a warning should a risk of collision present itself.

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Collision avoidance systems have been developed for the ground system (STCA) and for the aircraft (ACAS) independently from each other and the result of their calculations are not normally shared. Consequently, in some cases the controller is not even aware of an ACAS Resolution Advisory being given to the pilot until he or she announces it. Conversely, the pilot is not automatically aware of an STCA warning from the ground system. The risks inherent in this fragmented situation have been mitigated by various procedures, however, these are not suitable for the very high complexity operations the SESAR environment needs to support. SESAR requires an effective collision avoidance system that makes full use of the shared trajectories and the system wide information management approach while also eliminating common failure modes between ground based and airborne systems as well as between separation assurance systems and collision avoidance systems. In SESAR, all ATM information is shared and accessible to all partners and the ground systems and the aircraft are just individual nodes on the network. The SESAR Concept of Operations proposes an approach where the independent warning capability of the safety nets is retained on the functional level but otherwise they are cooperating on the information management level. This means that completely independent detection logic should be present in the different systems, using several independent information sources as well as any available shared sources (e.g. altitude from barometric and non-barometric sources, shared trajectories, etc.) but the calculation results are always shared. This does not imply that the two systems would negotiate the resolution manoeuvre. In this approach, a warning of an impending collision is an information management event that needs to be handled in the appropriate manner in terms of timely display to pilot or controller or both depending on the circumstances. The aim is to ensure that in accordance with the predefined rules and the prevailing circumstances the pilot, the controller or both get a warning and resolution advisory in a way which preserves their common situational awareness. Since this collision avoidance approach is based on systems able to detect collision risks and
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then help avoiding them, it is essential that all aircraft become cooperative. They must be visible to each other via electronic means. For certain categories of aircraft, new means of electronic visibility, with low power requirements, may need to be developed to enable wide scale application of the concept. Since the trajectory is associated with all relevant information, including the separation mode being applied, the rules and resolution advice can be adjusted dynamically to always align with the minimum distances and separation minima implied by the separation mode in use. The warning horizon may not always be the same for the pilot and the controller and hence they may not need to get the same warning at the same time. However, they must be aware (depending on predetermined rules) of what is happening and also the action being advised to and being taken by the other partner. F.7.3 Future ACAS Operations The proposed concept is to combine autopilot (automatic control of aircraft) or flight director (display of commands to assist the flight crew in controlling the aircraft) with ACAS to provide a vertical speed guidance using the ACAS target. This requires high authority autopilot in cruise. The objective is to respond to the ACAS Resolution Advisory with a simple and straightforward procedure. This would be an automatic manoeuvre, unless disabled by flight crew selection, if the autopilot is on (automatic guidance) or flight director guidance if autopilot is off (flight crew assistance through the display of vertical speed scale indications). Such a procedure minimizes the deviation from the initial trajectory and leaves the aircraft in a safe configuration after clear of conflict. It also eases ACAS RA piloting (automatic guidance or flight crew assistance) and reduces the flight crew task load. In accordance with this concept any RA or other information being generated for the flight crew would also be shared to ensure immediate availability to other relevant nodes (this includes other aircraft). More research will be needed to determine what is the best way of using STCA generated and shared events and under which circumstances these should be made visible to the pilot. This

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must be coupled with a rigorous safety assessment of the possible new hazards that may arise from the sharing of this data. F.7.4 Relationship with Legacy ACAS and STCA The advanced approach to collision avoidance being proposed for SESAR will require ACAS to undergo a major revision while also remaining backwards compatible with legacy environments. STCA in all the SESAR ground systems will share the same information management environment and its future versions will be built to both work with shared information (and hence with ACAS) as well as with information on the separation mode being used and as such will not present legacy issues. In case advanced STCA encounters an aircraft with legacy ACAS, it will revert to traditional operation without dynamic adjustments to the warning rules. F.7.5 Collision Avoidance in the Airport Environment On the airport surface (manoeuvring area) collisions can take place between aircraft and between aircraft and vehicles, where those on runways being the most critical ones. To reduce the risk of runway incursions better situational awareness for the controller, aircrew and vehicle drivers will be provided not only through (re)design of the taxiway lay-out and provision of visual aids (signs and markings) but also through CDTI technology. Advanced surveillance systems (e.g. ground radar in combination with multilateration technology) will constantly monitor the position, movement and intention of all aircraft and vehicles, operating in the manoeuvring area. It will provide enhanced information to controllers whilst CDTI technology will provide aircrew and vehicle drivers with map, guidance and traffic awareness information. By these means, possible conflicts and runway incursions can be detected at an early stage and alarms issued to the ground controller and also directly transmitted to the cockpit display and alarm systems of the relevant aircraft and /or vehicles.

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Advanced, automated, systems may be considered such as auto-brake to make it impossible for an aircraft or vehicle to cross selected stop bars.

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Chapter F summarises how the concept responds to the SESAR Requirements. A set of high level candidate operational concept elements have been derived from the CONOPS, based purely on a pragmatic analysis of the contents of the document. The summary contains three overviews. The first is a lists of how the OCE Supporting Details (i.e. the CONOPS itself) respond to the performance objectives organised on a per KPA basis; the second is a simple list of the Candidate OCEs; the third list shows how the grouped OCEs and their Supporting Details impact the spectrum of the SESAR Key Performance Areas. G.2 MEETING THE SESAR OBJECTIVES This paragraph summarises how the concept addresses the key SESAR performance areas. The key performance areas for military air operations are similar to the civil KPA's, but have additional and slightly different criteria for the measurement of performance. G.2.1 Safety At the network level safety will be increased through the safety management process outlined by SESAR WP1.6. The major contribution to achieving the SESAR Safety goal will come from a combination of automated detection in the ATM system of all aircraft interactions at a far earlier stage than current conflict detection methods, together with increasingly capable safety nets providing both ground and cockpit alerting. These tools are: Advanced airport automation, monitoring and conflict tools (ASMGCS) which effectively eliminate runway incursions and ground based incidents. Advanced automation support for controllers including conflict detection and resolution (strategic and tactical) conformance monitoring (CM) intent monitoring (IM) and
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complexity monitoring. In combination, these tools will detect almost all aircraft/ aircraft conflicts, aircraft penetrations of segregated airspace and potential task overloads with sufficient time to allow an orderly resolution. The tools also effectively monitor the ATM system for human error. Automated support tools that are able to display and communicate activation and deactivation of airspace reservations/segregations for military/civil use (pre-planned or adhoc areas) and provide automated guidance to avoid these areas with appropriate separation. Additionally these tools should be capable of indicating different separation requirements in regard to those military missions, for which a segregation of airspace might not be required during the whole mission (e.g. large formations, air-refuelling) or could for certain missions even be avoided. Airborne Separation Assistance Systems improve situational awareness on the ground. These systems, coupled with a requirement for all aircraft and vehicles in the vicinity of runways to be electronically visible will enable direct cockpit alerts for any potential ground conflicts. Airborne Separation Assistance Systems improve situational awareness in the air. These systems, coupled with a requirement for all airborne aircraft to be electronically visible will also significantly reduce conflicts in unmanaged airspace. Reduction of wake vortex encounters via improved prediction and detection. Advanced aircraft navigational and communication capabilities ensure the availability of accurate intent information in the form of shared trajectories. Tools to assist the controllers in building and maintaining their situation awareness. Automation that is coupled with fail-safe modes that do not require full reliance on human situational awareness as a backup for automation failures. Advanced Communications Capability allows system-wide information sharing between pilots and controllers and between air and ground systems.

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Improved safety net systems (ACAS and STCA). Precise management of trajectories supporting a high degree of strategic deconfliction as required for periods and in airspace where high complexity is predicted (2D-RNP and 3D route structures).

General Aviation safety will be enhanced by An integrated pre-flight planning tool (AIS & Weather Briefing, Flight Plan Filing, both for VFR and IFR) will facilitate the todays complex process based on the use of various stand-alone, difficult and non-standardised means to access and user-unfriendly systems. The expected safety improvement is the mitigation of the risk of airspace infringements and flights into hazardous weather. Access to in-flight weather information will reduce the risk of flights into hazardous weather especially on longer flights in a changing weather environment Access to in-flight aeronautical information will reduce the risk of flights into restricted airspace and will facilitate the change of trajectory in respect of flight rules. Cost affordable Traffic information systems will reduce the risk of both midair and runway collisions. Digital Radio- and Data-communication with the functionality of automatic frequency change will help to reduce the workload in the typical one-pilot-cockpit of GA aircraft, increasing the level of safety. In addition Digital Communication also gives VFR flights without a requirement for radio contact the immediate possibility to contact the appropriate ATM facility whenever needed. Likewise, ATM will be capable of directly addressing crews of GA in case of urgency. SBAS supporting GNSS Approaches will allow the usage of non-ILS equipped airfields below todays non-precision minima reducing the risk from the use of non-precision procedures. The risk of an airfield becoming unserviceable would be significantly

reduced via the introduction of ILS CAT I-like GNSS supported approaches.

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G.2.2 Capacity Capacity will be increased by: Runway throughput and capacity improvements due to new procedures, technologies and where possible infrastructure. New aircraft and ground capabilities for airport approach and surface operations that enable the maintenance of throughput in low visibility and strong wind conditions. (e.g. delegation of the responsibility for avoiding collisions on airfield surface in low visibility conditions) More extensive use of previously under utilised airports. (effective use of existing capacity) Aircraft advanced navigational capabilities, enabling precise profiles and timing, thus supporting new separation modes and better utilisation of airspace. Precise management of trajectories supporting a high degree of strategic deconfliction in congested airspace (2D-RNP and 3D route structures). Enhanced coordination of special airspace activity (AFUA). Capabilities to manage co-existence with military mission trajectories Controllers are supported by advanced automation capabilities (Conflict detection and resolution, CM, IM, conflict resolution) that enable efficient and timely tactical intervention when required and ensure that clearances have a longer valid duration. Delegation of spacing and separation tasks to pilots of capable aircraft at ANSP discretion (e.g. ASAS-Crossing and Passing). Interlaced take-offs and landings to improve runway utilisation where appropriate. Improved interoperability (air/air, air/ground and ground/ground) and improved cross border collaboration and introduction of Military cross border areas. Throughput is improved by collaborative planning reflected in the NOP.

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Note: It is the opinion of the airports that passenger throughput can be increased by changing the slot allocation rule. It is agreed that this is outside the scope of SESAR.. G.2.3 Cost Effectiveness Note: This covers direct ATM costs. Indirect costs are covered under Flight efficiency. Cost effectiveness objectives will be met by: SWIM and data sharing allows the streamlining of air traffic services provided and improved interoperability allows areas of responsibility to be transferred between units according to demand. Remotely operated towers at airfields with only intermittent traffic. Sector control teams, supported by advanced automation capabilities and benefiting from the advanced navigational capabilities of aircraft (including ASAS capabilities) will be able to manage significantly more flights. The use of advanced aircraft capabilities and new ground capabilities (e.g. Multilateration) allows the ground infrastructure to be rationalised (e.g. elimination of redundant ground navigation aids). Advanced automated support will allow controllers to hold more generic validations therefore enabling flexible capacity deployment. ASAS Self-separation allows increased ANSP productivity and the possibility of charging related to the service level received. G.2.4 Environment Environmental objectives will be met by: Aircraft fly their individual optimum trajectories to the maximum extent possible, minimising both gaseous and noise emissions. Environmental Optimisation will be performed at the different steps throughout the lifecycle of the business trajectory. The optimisation based on environmental criteria will be done whilst planning the business
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trajectory, a trade-off between business needs and environmental requirements could be necessary. Realistic airport scheduling, real-time demand and capacity balancing, sequencing and metering, time-based spacing, wake vortex detection and runway occupancy improvements substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing. Sustainable runway throughput in adverse weather conditions, achieved by eliminating ILS protection limitations, ASMGCS, CDTI and time-based spacing, substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing during these conditions. Managed thrust on take off, continuous climb departure routes and continuous descent approach procedures all contribute to fuel efficiency and noise reductions. Optimum arrival and departure routes and procedures to minimize the noise impact. Enhanced surface movement planning to optimise start-up sequence, aircraft ground movement and taxi-times; this reduces braking and changes in power settings, resulting in less gaseous emission related to improved fuel efficiency on ground. The procedures dealing with capacity disruption will recognise the necessity to control and minimise adverse environmental impacts. A Collaborative Environmental Management program with a holistic approach to all aspects of environment focussing also on procedures and tools. Facilitation of military mission trajectories as planned and without delays to ensure successful accomplishment, minimising the need for repetitions due to lost missions. Towing of aircraft to/from designated areas close to the runway, there where practically possible and environmentally balanced. Cruise Climb.

G.2.5 Flexibility Flexibility objectives will be met by:

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All airport resources will be managed to assure maximum flexibility such as stands and other often dedicated resources.

Arrival times at congested airports (TTAs) will be allocated only when the departure time (from origin) is known with sufficient accuracy.

Flights will not be allocated a departure slot time in advance of being ready to depart if the ATM network is operating normally. Flights should expect to be able to depart when they are ready to do so, subject only to any allocated TTA at destination and any departure runway capacity and ground movement constraints. This is reflected in the NOP.

Enhanced coordination of special airspace activity (AFUA) enables flexible allocation of airspace according to accurate demand information.

Flexibility for military operations will be safeguarded by: o Access to all portions of airspace required by military airspace users. o Suitability of the ATM system to timely and flexibly allocate sufficient airspace dimensions for military operations and training requirements. o Responsiveness of the ATM system to military mission requirements. o Minimising the effect of ATM delays and ATFM measures on military missions under GAT. OAT will not be subject to ATFM measures unless agreed via CDM through appropriate military authorities. o Ensuring that the military mission trajectory can be changed at all times, including ad-hoc short notice changes, as dictated by military operational requirements.

Airports and regional network management will have pre-determined scenarios to react quickly to disruptive incidents.

Users decide how to meet ATM constraints to provide the best business outcome except in time critical circumstances.

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CDM and SWIM enable real-time negotiations. Improved interoperability (air/ground and ground/ground) and improved cross border collaboration allow common situation awareness and more flexible response to unforeseen events.

A high degree of flexibility will have impact on the utilization level of resources. Tighter schedules bring increased resource utilisation levels but will also make the system more unstable and vulnerable to distortions, reducing predictability and the ability to recover adequately to "normal" operations (flexibility). G.2.6 Predictability Predictability objectives will be met by: Scheduling at realistic runway utilisation ratios. Maintaining some ATM capacity in excess of actual demand. Integration of AMAN and DMAN systems and the turn-round process to enable coordination of departure times to meet arrival constraints (TTAs). Sustainable runway throughput in adverse weather conditions, achieved by eliminating ILS protection limitations, ASMGCS, CDTI and time-based spacing, substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing during low visibility and strong wind conditions. Improving internal airport performance will enable aircraft to meet the required departure predictability. Improved weather forecasting

G.2.7 Flight Efficiency Efficiency objectives will be met by: Aircraft fly their individual optimum profiles to the maximum extent possible.

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Users decide how to meet ATM constraints to provide the best business outcome except in time critical circumstances.

Enhanced coordination of special airspace activity (AFUA) enables efficiency improvements in military and civil operations.

The ATM system will support military mission effectiveness and economic performance by facilitating military mission trajectories as planned, including reserved/segregated volumes of airspace within required airbase proximity.

Ensuring that all stakeholders involved in the airport operation optimally co-ordinate their procedures to achieve on time performance.

Realistic airport scheduling, real-time demand and capacity balancing, sequencing and metering, time-based spacing, enhanced wake vortex prediction & detection and wake vortex categories, interlaced take-offs and landings and runway occupancy improvements substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing.

G.2.8 Other KPAs Access and Equity is about ensuring the needs of all airspace users are recognised and have access to airspace to enable their trajectories to be accomplished at a reasonably optimal level. Clearly this represents a significant trade-off between the users (airlines, Business Aviation, General Aviation and military aviation) no one group can expect unhindered trajectories at the expense of the rest. Nevertheless, the discharge of national defence responsibilities (e.g. air defence flights or air policing missions) continues to require certain priority procedures and unrestricted access to all airspace. No segregation within Managed Airspace due to aircraft equipage. SWIM and Collaborative Decision Making

Participation is a societal KPA that is outside the scope of this operational concept but is
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being addressed within SESAR, task 1.7.3 / D3. Interoperability is a key enabler for driving civil-military coordination of the concept and will be addressed in more detail in other SESAR work packages. Basic requirements are to enhance civil-military interoperability are: Pursuing CNS/ATM technology convergence between civil/military systems. The use of military systems having different technical characteristics will be facilitated by performance-based requirements. Minimise the number of exemption policies for State aircraft. Improved data sharing (air/air, air/ground and ground/ground) and improved cross border collaboration. Application of global interoperability standards.

Security constitutes an important KPA. Faced with the evolving threats, the objectives of ATM security are a) to ensure that there is self-protection of the ATM service as part of the critical infrastructure of modern society and b) to ensure that it can support government agencies in dealing with security incidents. Security will be embedded in the SESAR ATM design process so it becomes part of the ATM culture in a similar way to that which currently exists for safety. The concept of a closely integrated partnership of service users and providers is dependent on a level of trust between all the parties involved in the face of an aggressive evolving threat; the trust to be able to share information, to couple networks together, to protect airspace, to share staff and to implement joint security policies to protect the system from those who would disrupt it. The future ATM system will meet the security and business continuity requirements from being part of critical infrastructure.

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The ATM information networks will be protected so that the ATM applications may function securely (e.g. CDM, 4D-Trajectory Management, ADS-B, TIS-B).

The system wide security management function (e.g. access control, network management) will be integrated in the SESAR architecture.

The security of SWIM based information networks will be harmonized with the on-board networks of connected aircraft and the data links.

The SESAR architecture will provide a framework that allows for a stepwise implementation of the security measures as the threat evolves.

The security vetting procedures for staff (currently a state responsibility) and the access requirements will be harmonised to allow mobility of staff.

ATM will continue to support national governmental agencies in responding to unlawful acts in the airspace and on the ground.

ATM will support national security in respect of flights entering national airspace. Interoperability between civil and military aircraft communication during interceptions in support of incident management will be improved.

The security of airspace will be increased using the new operational possibilities for trajectory management.

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G.3 OCE LIST This section summarises how the grouped OCE Supporting Details impact the spectrum of the SESAR Key Performance Areas. This relationship is depicted by ++ symbol reflecting a Direct Relationship and + reflecting an Indirect Relationship between OCE Supporting Detail and KPA. The OCE Supporting Details are clustered based on the following OCE titles: 1. Airspace Management 2. ATM Organisation 3. Automated Decision Support 4. CDM 5. Controller Task-load Reduction 6. DCB 7. Environmental Management 8. Improved Resilience 9. Improved Situation Awareness 10. Information Management 11. Maximise Utilisation of Capacity 12. New Separation Modes 13. Rationalisation of the ATM network 14. Trajectory Management

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Societal outcome Environment. Security

Operational performance Flight Efficiency Predictability Cost Effectiveness Flexibility Capacity

Performance enabler Interoperability + Participation Access and Equity +

No OCEs Concerned Supporting Details 1 Airspace Management AFUA. Enhanced coordination of special airspace activity (AFUA) enables flexible allocation of airspace according to accurate demand information enabling efficiency improvements in Military operations - resulting in a reduction of departure delays and fuel savings by best meeting military mission profiles. It will ensure suitability of the ATM system to timely and flexibly allocate sufficient airspace dimensions for military operations and training requirements and responsiveness of the ATM system to military mission requests.




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Airspace Management No Segregation. No segregation within Managed Airspace due to aircraft equipage. + + + ATM Organisation Trajectories will be managed by control teams assigned to designated volumes of airspace. + ATC Teams and Validations. Controllers will hold more generic validations, supported by advanced automation capabilities and benefiting from the advanced navigational capabilities of aircraft (including ASAS capabilities) will be able to manage significantly more flights. Advanced aircraft Capabilities. Advanced aircraft navigational and information sharing capabilities ensure the availability of accurate intent information as well as precise profiles and timing, thus supporting new separation modes and better utilisation of airspace. AMAN-DMAN-Integration. Integration of AMAN and DMAN systems and the turnround milestone data to enable co-ordination of departure times to meet arrival constraints (TTAs). ++

Automated Decision Support


Automated Decision Support Information Management


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Automated Decision Support

Automated Decision Support Automated Decision Support Automated Decision Support

Controller Automation Support. Advanced automation support for controllers including conflict detection and resolution (strategic and tactical) conformance monitoring (CM) intent monitoring (IM) and complexity monitoring. In combination, these tools will detect almost all aircraft/ aircraft conflicts, aircraft penetrations of segregated airspace and potential task overloads with sufficient time to allow an orderly resolution. The tools also effectively monitor the ATM system for human error while enabling efficient and timely tactical intervention when required and ensure that clearances have a longer valid duration. Safety Net. Improved safety net systems (ACAS and STCA) SMAN. Enhanced surface movement planning to optimise start-up sequence, aircraft ground movement and taxi-times; this reduces braking and changes in power settings. Wake Vortex Detection. Reduction of wake vortex encounters via improved prediction and




++ 8


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detection. 10 Controller Task-load Reduction DCB Trajectory De-confliction. Precise management of trajectories supporting a high degree of strategic deconfliction in congested airspace (2D-RNP and 3D route structures). Realistic airport scheduling, real-time demand and capacity balancing, sequencing and metering, time-based spacing, wake vortex detection and runway occupancy improvements substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing. Scheduling at realistic runway utilisation ratios. Environmental Management. A Collaborative Environmental Management program with a holistic approach to all aspects of environment focussing also on procedures and tools. The procedures in the event of capacity disruption will recognise the necessity to minimise adverse environmental impacts. Managed Departures. Managed thrust on take off, continuous climb departure routes and continuous descent arrival procedures all contribute to fuel efficiency and noise reductions.








Environmental Management



Environmental Management



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Environmental Management Improved Resilience

Tow Towing of aircraft to/from designated areas close to the runway. ++ Improved WX-sustainability. New aircraft and ground capabilities for airport approach and surface operations enable the maintenance of throughput in low visibility and strong wind conditions (e.g. delegation of separation on airfield surface in low visibility conditions, eliminating landing aid protection limitations, ASMGCS, CDTI and time-based spacing) substantially reduces airborne holding and ground queuing




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Improved Situation Awareness Automated Decision Support

ASAS. Airborne Separation Assistance Systems improve situational awareness on the ground and in the air. These systems, coupled with a requirement for all aircraft and vehicles in the vicinity of runways to be electronically visible will also significantly improve safety. They can also be used (a) to assist in spacing on the approach, (b) to delegate separation tasks to flight crews and ultimately (c) to detect and resolve conflicts. Direct cockpit alerts for any potential conflicts both on the ground and in the air should improve safety throughout the system. ASMGCS. Advanced airport automation, monitoring and conflict tools (ASMGCS) which effectively eliminate runway incursions and ground based incidents. Controller Situational Awareness Tools. To assist the controllers in building and maintaining their situation awareness. Advanced Communications Capability. Allows system-wide information sharing between pilots and controllers and between air





Improved Situation Awareness Trajectory Management Improved Situation Awareness Automated Decision Support Information Management




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and ground systems. 20 Information Management Automated Decision Support CDM Information Management Rationalisation of the ATM network Information Management Collaborative planning. Throughput is improved by collaborative planning reflected in the NOP.






Information Management

Transfer of Areas of Responsibility: Improved interoperability allows areas of responsibility to be transferred between units according to demand. Interoperability. Pursuing CNS/ATM technology convergence between civil/military systems with a focus on global interoperability standards. Military systems with different technical characteristics will be facilitated by performance-based requirements. Interoperability. Improved interoperability (air/air, air/ground and ground/ground) and improved cross border collaboration and introduction of military cross border areas allow common situation awareness and more flexible response to unforeseen events.





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Information Management


Maximise Utilisation of Capacity


Maximise Utilisation of Capacity Maximise Utilisation of Capacity

Military enclosed in SWIM. Air Defence organisations will be provided with all ATM information relevant to their task and the ATM system will support information exchange between civil and military ANSP. Airport Resource Management. All airport resources will be managed to assure maximum flexibility such as stands and other often dedicated resources particularly to enable required departure reliability Excess capacity. Maintaining some ATM capacity in excess of actual demand. Runway Throughput. Runway throughput and capacity improvements due to new procedures, technologies and where possible infrastructure, including interlaced take-offs and landings. State Aircraft. Minimise the number of exemption policies for State aircraft. Underutilised Airports. More extensive use of previously under utilised airports. (effective


+ 27






Maximise Utilisation of Capacity Maximise Utilisation of Capacity

+ 29 ++

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New Separation Modes Rationalisation of the ATM network



Rationalisation of the ATM network Resilience

use of existing capacity) Separation Delegation. Delegation of spacing and separation tasks to pilots of capable aircraft at ANSP discretion (e.g. ASASCrossing and Passing). Reduction of GND-Infrastructure. The use of advanced aircraft capabilities and new ground capabilities (e.g. multilateration) allows the ground infrastructure to be rationalised (e.g. elimination of certain ground navigation and surveillance aids. Remote Tower. Remotely operated towers at airfields with only intermittent traffic. Disruptions & CDM, Airports and regional network management will have pre-determined scenarios to react quickly to disruptive incidents. WX. Improved weather forecasting




++ 33


Resilience Information Management Trajectory Management

+ 3D/4D precision trajectories. 3D/4D precision trajectory clearance concepts enabled



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Controller Task-load Reduction Trajectory Management New separation Mode Controller Task-load Reduction Trajectory Management Trajectory Management

by advanced navigation capabilities. 4D-Contract. The fact that 4DC flights will be treated as non-deviating and will have priority over other conventional flights.




Trajectory Management

Arrival Management. Arrival times at congested airports (TTAs) will be allocated only when the departure time (from origin) is known with sufficient accuracy. Departure Management. Flights will not be allocated a departure slot time in advance of being ready to depart if the ATM network is operating normally. Flights should expect to be able to depart when they are ready to do so, subject only to any allocated TTA at destination and any departure runway capacity and ground movement constraints. This is reflected in the NOP. Optimal Trajectories. Aircraft fly their individual optimum trajectories to the maximum extent possible, minimising fuel burn.




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40 41

Trajectory Management Trajectory Management CDM

Optimum arrival and departure routes and procedures to minimize the noise impact. UDPP. A process during periods of reduced capacity in which the service provider declares the available capacity and users, interacting collaboratively and collectively with the provider, propose specific flights to fill it.



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This section describes the significant system characteristics and capabilities that support the SESAR concept. H.1 SYSTEM WIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT H.1.1 Background Aeronautical data has traditionally been classified in different ways by ICAO. Aeronautical information, meteorological information, flight plan data and the associated communication layers all having their own specifications. ATC systems have had only simple capability to talk to each other and airspace user systems grew up on a more or less proprietary basis, with little or no ability to exchange information with ATC systems. This fragmented and mostly incompatible environment has resulted in a situation where not only efficiency but on occasion even safety is compromised. It is not unusual to have several copies of the same flight plan exist in different ATC systems, each slightly different from the other and neither one correctly reflecting the airspace users intentions. Incompatible flight plans across transfer of control boundaries can lead to serious problems. The implementation of the CFMU brought some improvement in both standardisation of flight data and the availability of information. Nevertheless, many problems remain particularly with data quality and interoperability. ATC systems still do not talk to each other properly, and the standard which is supposed to regulate such transactions is in fact more a collection of options than a standard. For many years, the airborne element of the ATM network, the aircraft, was essentially cut off from the rest of the system, with only voice communications and later ACARS providing some connectivity. The data interoperability approach, in which enterprise level data definitions, management policies and procedures were agreed and implemented, resulted in tightly coupled application interfaces. This in turn meant that the introduction of new hardware, systems or even functions became extremely cumbersome and expensive. Furthermore, it was very difficult to share data between the partners concerned, effectively blocking the introduction of some new, capacity enhancing features. The need
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for global interoperability was duly recognised, but little was done until recently to actually achieve this in the field of information management. The need for collaborative decision making has highlighted the lack of clear scope or content of data and the means to provide true temporality. A key limitation has been the absence of a globally accepted aeronautical information exchange format, but this is now being addressed by AIXM V5.0 which will be published in late 2007. The modern ATM network is essentially an information processing system, with its ground based and airborne elements being prodigious producers and consumers of data which needs to be properly managed. The main business driver of system wide information management is the fact that without it, the growth of the aviation industry could slow or even halt, as the essentially information based ATM network struggles to keep up with its own requirements. H.1.2 SWIM features SWIM stands for System Wide Information Management. It proposes to replace data level interoperability and closely coupled interfaces with a open, flexible, modular and secure data architecture that support users and their applications in a transparent and efficient manner. As far as the SWIM concept is concerned, an important aspect of the SWIM environment is that its scope in terms of data coverage is neither limited nor pre-defined. All information of concern to air traffic management is considered to be in-scope. Conceptually, the SWIM environment provides a foundation upon which data and services can be added as necessary to support ATM stakeholders requirements. The distributed processing environment in SWIM is focused on the best possible support of information sharing which is a prime requirement of the ATM network.. It is also easily scalable and robust, meeting the ATM requirement of easy addition of new partners and overall reliability. SWIM represents added value also in terms of facilitating general accessibility. Focus shifts from the producer of information to information itself and generalised access to information (as opposed of pre-packaged sets as is the case today) enables users to create their own applications which best suit their mission needs.

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In the ATM network, almost every participant is a producer as well as a consumer of information. It is not desirable to decide in advance who will need what information, from whom and when. The key issue is to decouple producer of information from the possible consumer in such a way that the number and nature of the consumers can evolve through time. On the contrary for what concerns the producers of information it is of the utmost importance to agree on the level of interoperability required with other ATM stakeholders that may have to contribute to the elaboration of the consistent and consolidated view of the reference data. For that purpose, the SWIM participants have to share: A reference Data and Services model, A set of agreed cooperation patterns (Rules, Roles and responsibilities), A set of technical services necessary to support interactions between systems: those services should be selected from the field proven solution from the market (that may have been demonstrated in other domain such as banking) An access to the SWIM physical network.

In short, SWIM provides the mechanisms which support the partners in managing the Rules, Roles and Responsibilities (the 3Rs) of information sharing. This determines which kind of information is shared by whom, with whom, where, when, why, how, how much, how often, at which quality level, in what form, for which purpose, at which cost, under which liability, under which circumstances, security levels The 3Rs must also be properly addressed both in terms of institutional and Information Communication Technology (ICT) aspects. H.1.3 The SWIM architecture System Wide Information Management implies a powerful ICT environment that meets the requirements of the mission critical nature of information in ATM. SWIM must ensure the general accessibility of information and also the secure input, checking, storage and manipulations of data. SWIM in ATM can draw upon developed and proven ICT solutions, validated in critical environments (banking etc.). As network providers have already demonstrated their ability to move data securely and reliably it is not the intention to create a dedicated network overlay just to support SWIM.
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H.1.4 SWIM principles The scope of SWIM is neither pre-defined nor pre-limited, and the number of partners with actual or potential contributions to SWIM is much wider than is traditionally considered within ATM. Therefore a number of high level principles have been defined that can help guide SWIM implementation. The nature of the data, services and required ATM stakeholders implication have to be considered to rationalise the different SWIM services that might be at stake for a particular issue. In no way, is it of interest to define SWIM services that would fit the most stringent requirements but on the reverse, SWIM should transparently offer the appropriate level of data and service that suits the needs of a given ATM stakeholder. H.1.5 SWIM implementation SWIM is today a concept without formal structure and form. It has many interpretations, and these differ on both sides of the Atlantic. The challenge is to establish the business case for SWIM. This is clearly recognised. The implementation in Europe of the now globally accepted concept of Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) circa 2012 will provide the foundation for SWIM. H.2 COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING H.2.1 Background Historically, the various stakeholders in the air traffic management network have met regularly during the planning stages, but by the day of operation contact has been reduced in most cases to simply sending the essential messages. General sharing of information was not practiced and decisions were made by the various parties without actually having all the necessary data. Decisions made without knowledge of what was happening in the network, and without knowing priorities of other parties, were often inefficient and frequently resulted in a loss of capacity. The aim of Collaborative Decision Making is to eliminate this shortcoming in a cost efficient manner. H.2.2 The concept of CDM The concept of Collaborative Decision Making consists of two high level elements; the sharing of information related to progress of flights and priorities and acting on the shared information.
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Experience in the airport environment has shown that just by sharing relevant information between partners, common situational awareness and understanding of a situation increases the quality of decisions sufficiently to enable a better use of resources, allow partners to set priorities and improve the predictability of operations, not only in the airport itself, but system wide. CDM requires trust in the quality of the information being shared and the legitimate business and other interests of the partners being properly protected. This is ensured via a combination of procedures and information communications technology (ICT). Benefits are achieved thanks to better quality decisions enabled by shared information, while preventing any one partner gaining a competitive advantage. Making collaborative decisions does not only imply actually talking to other partners. Better decisions can be made taking all of the newly available information into account rather than basing decisions on a limited view. Collaborative decisions may also involve two or more systems comparing data and generating advice to the human operators. CDM can work equally effectively in all circumstances where ATM decisions need to be made and thanks to global information sharing CDM does have powerful network effects. This means that the more widespread CDM becomes the greater the measurable benefits to individual partners. H.2.3 The CDM process CDM is often misinterpreted as a separate part of the ATM network. This is not correct and it is very important to recognise that CDM is a method of working, a culture of co-operative sharing and acting on information, and is therefore a process applicable to most decision making aspects of the ATM operational concept. In general, CDM processes are related to planning processed, e.g. in creating and managing the Business Trajectory. CDM processes are not applicable during separation provision; time critical instructions will be issued without CDM, although this should be in accordance with the pre-planning where possible. CDM processes implemented in todays system are limited to information sharing only. In the future, a collaborative process will be a major enabler for performance based management of airspace and

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airports. Decisions on trade-off between throughput, punctuality and environmental performances will be supported by modelling tools, where the consequences for different operational strategies (e.g. the configuration of airspace or airports, the use of CDA for a particular time period, or reduction of demand due to weather) can be analysed, and decisions can be taken based on commonly agreed performance targets. Such processes shall include pre-defined mechanisms to cater for different business strategies of airspace users, such as punctuality versus throughput. Procedures and rules may also need to be established in cases where, for instance, diverging business interests would paralyse the process. In such cases, the CDM process may even include recourse to an honest broker. H.2.4 Information management and system aspects of CDM Although CDM in its simplest form may only require a simple telephone connection between the partners, it does set certain, but not unique, requirements for the ATM network. CDM builds on the basic ATM network information management requirements of quality of data (accuracy, timeliness, availability, etc.) and protection of sensitive information. Sharing of information on the scale required by CDM implies standardisation and accessibility requirements but these again are not necessarily unique to CDM which should not bear the entire cost burden. Information management needs to be improved across the whole of the future ATM network (Section H.1 on System Wide Information Management refers) and this will support all CDM requirements. H.2.5 CDM functional applications In Europe CDM implementation has resulted in the development of a number of functional applications focused especially on the airport environment. These applications are a combination of procedures and functions that need information and communications technology (ICT) support. Information sharing applications make the turn-round process visible via the completion status of milestones, improve the calculation of taxi times even in complicated circumstances and help create
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the best pre-departure sequence. They improve information flow and accuracy with the Network Management and help maintain capacity in adverse conditions, also helping to reduce recovery times. They were designed to address issues in the present environment and they have been shown to be both cost-efficient and effective. These functional applications, with certain enhancements, will retain their utility in SESAR along with new functional applications to support the development of the Business Trajectory, for example. H.2.6 Conclusion CDM is a concept, a culture and a way of working. The processes that use this concept need to be integrated in every activity of the ATM network. CDM itself must be invisible while the results of the CDM way of working must be measurable improvements in efficiency, predictability and improved network operation. CDM functional applications are a combination of procedures and functions that support decision making via the appropriate ICT support, although not dedicated to CDM alone. H.3 PROVISION OF METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION H.3.1 Background Accurate and precise meteorological information will be an important key element for the short and medium term trajectory prediction. Meteorological data will be used either in planning the business trajectory or in changing the trajectory in the short term due to several factors including the avoidance of weather hazards. The expected performance of meteorological forecasts in around 15 years from now on is an important input for the use of that meteorological information. H.3.2 Expected Performance Of Meteorological Information In the following part the expected resolution in time and spatial is given divided in the different phases of the ATM process the Long Term Planning Phase Mid/Short Term Planning Phase

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Execution phase

Meteorological information will essential contribute to the new ATM concept in different areas: H.3.2.1 En Route The future ATM concept identifies the means to make greater use of congested/constrained en route airspace. This concept is reliant on a variety of operational factors including the combination of: improved probabilistic weather forecasts; integration of meteorological information into Decision Making Support Systems; Where congestion is predicted due to high demand and weather constraints (e.g., convective weather), sectors will be adjusted to facilitate efficient provision of new ATM services including the emerging concept of streaming and in consequence, reduce impacts on users. Where this differs from the current limited dynamic modification of sectors, is that the structural changes will not be limited to a rigid set of options, but they will be tailored to the evolving operational conditions at the time. The intention is that these tailored changes will provide the dynamic to quickly and effectively reflect rapidly evolving weather systems and to mitigate their effect. It is clear that to support such concepts, increased accuracy and timeliness of MET information will be required. These rapid updates to the weather situation will enable effective and pro-active adaptations of the airspace plan. More advanced computerisation will be clearly required and forecast skills will need to be enhanced to reflect future needs. Moreover, the information will be in part derived from the greater use of probabilistic forecasting, and structured such and annotated with an assessment of the confidence level of the forecast to support executive and collaborative decision of a less conservative nature than today. H.3.2.2 Terminal The prevailing weather conditions in Europe dictate that the main impact of adverse weather is experienced in the Terminal Area. To mitigate the effects on capacity and safety, dynamic terminal airspace configuration will be the norm. This will be enabled by improved weather observations and short-range terminal weather forecasts. The information will be integrated into decision oriented tools. The future ATM system will move to runway change and reconfiguration of terminal airspace
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in anticipation of weather change and if circumstances permit, implemented at a time optimum for airport operations to mitigate the impact of change. In consequence, improved and more rapidly updated weather forecasts (e.g., Low Visibility Conditions, surface winds, convective weather forecasts), will be made available both on the ground and to the flight deck. The forecasts will identify in advance any change in weather pattern that would require a change in terminal airspace to allow for planned and more orderly terminal airspace reconfigurations. The benefits will be the mitigation of lost airport capacity, increased safety, especially important at peak times and/or in poor weather conditions. H.3.2.3 Airport The provision of the necessary capacity at airports will be the major challenge in the years. Improved weather support at the airports (especially the busy ones) (e.g., automated weather observation and dissemination systems) will be crucial. For busy airports regardless of their size, new weatherdependant wake procedures and reduced arrival/departure separation induced by a move from distance-based separation to one denominated by time will serve to increase airport capacity. These procedures require wind and wake observations and forecasts slope, at the threshold, and along departure paths. Better wake predictions will enable more proactive planning rather than the reactive processes in place today. Improved lightning prediction and detection will make ground operations such as re-fuelling safer and increase airport efficiency. New and improved weather observation information will provide the basis for effective planning for and the implementation and execution of efficient snow removal and de-icing operations, resulting in improved airport operations during the winter months.

H.3.2.4 Environment The adverse impact of aviation operations on the environment is an accepted fact. ATM is already charged with finding ways to mitigate such adverse impact, and in this context, MET has an important role to play. Accurate forecast terminal area and en-route forecast data (wind, temperature, visibility, humidity data etc) will be ingested into flight dispatch systems to provide the optimum flight path and trajectory for each flight. Such trajectories will reflect the concept of continuous
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descent approaches to minimise fuel burn and reduced the aircraft noise footprint. The inclusion of such data will allow such systems to choose levels other than those predicted for contrails and so serve to reduce or eliminate the development of persistent cirrus clouds. Based on the different development stages of a trajectory the following capabilities of MET are expected: Long Term Planning Phase
Use of MET Information MET Components Climatological information Statistics about: on meteorological upper air - upper wind and temperatures; elements - occurrence of turbulence zones (moderate and/or severe) - occurrence of thunderstorms (frequent) Climatological information Winds, visibility, RVR, cloud on surface weather base, temperature, pressure, dew elements of an aerodrome point Capabilities of MET Horizontal resolution of 20-30km for upper wind and temperature data. Resolution of areas of turbulence zones and frequent thunderstorm will be reduced from 120km to 60km. Higher resolution of statistical wind data, visibility data and cloud base data especially at larger aerodromes.

Mid/Short Term Planning Phase

Use of MET Information For en route MET Components Forecasts of: - upper winds/temperatures - areas of moderate/severe turbulence - areas of frequent thunderstorms - areas of severe icing - areas of existence of volcanic ash Capabilities of MET Horizontal resolution of 10km with a time interval of 1 hour of forecasts for upper wind and upper temperature data. Forecasts of occurrence of turbulence zones and frequent thunderstorm zones also with a horizontal resolution of 10km and a time interval of 1 hour. The forecasts will be updated every 3 hours. Improved forecast of dispersion of volcanic ash.

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For approach area of an aerodrome and the aerodrome itself.

Forecasts of: - surface wind including head- and cross wind component - wind in the approach area including low level windshear, - visibility - cloud base - turbulence in the approach area - icing in the approach area - severe weather phenomena in approach area - runway conditions (wet, dry, snow) - development of wake vortices

It is expected that the horizontal resolution will be by 1 km to forecast the occurrence of weather phenomena listed in the previous column, the time interval will be reduced to 5 minutes.

Execution Phase
Use of MET MET Components Information Now casts (short term forecasts) of: For active flow and capacity management and - upper winds for avoidance of weather - upper temperatures hazards in Functional - moderate/severe turbulence Airspace Blocks zones - areas of frequent thunderstorms - areas of severe icing conditions - volcanic ash detection Capabilities of MET Forecast of upper winds and temperatures in this short time interval will be based on new input of wind data from aircraft. Also information on turbulence zones will be updated by data from the aircraft. Now casts (very short forecasts) of existence of thunderstorms and icing conditions with a resolution of 1 km and a time interval of 15 minutes. A new satellite generation will provide improved satellite images and algorithms for the detection of volcanic ash Meteorological information will be available in the cockpit, e.g. weather radar information, lightning detection, short term prediction on turbulence zones as well as thunderstorm areas, areas of icing conditions, information on wind field in the approach area.

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Forecasts of For active flow and capacity management and - surface wind including head- and for avoidance of weather cross wind component hazards in the approach - low level wind shear area and the aerodrome - visibility - cloud base - turbulence in the approach - icing in the approach - severe weather phenomena - runway conditions (wet, dry, snow covered) - wind field in the approach area - development of wake vortices

Forecasts will be in the form of Now casts (very short forecasts and updated frequently). It is expected that the horizontal resolution will be by 1 km, the time interval can be reduced to 5 minutes. The delivery of such information will be mainly for airports with high air traffic; it is not clear whether those forecasts in that form will be provided for airports with lower air traffic. MET information and especially products will be available in the cockpit, e.g. high frequency ground based weather information of surface weather conditions, weather radar information, lightning detection and wind field in the approach area. high update rate of measurements necessary

The content of the tables and especially the effect of meteorological information on ATM can be summarized like follows: Required weather performance is a prerequisite for aircraft acceptance into busy airports and airspace severely impacted by weather. The ability of aircraft to detect weather hazards varies enormously with equipage and flight crew training. For many aircraft, on-board information enables the air crew to better avoid safety-critical conditions. MET information will be tailored to user needs and flightspecific situations. Higher spatial resolution will be used for shorter term forecasts while lower resolution will be employed for longer horizon forecasts. In addition to standard flight planning and Air Traffic Management (ATM) decision-making information, MET information will support the following weather-related needs: The inclusion of climatology factors into to long-range planning through conditional climatology methods. These will include the probability of unusual weather situations and the associated impact on the intended operation will be forecast. The inclusion of seasonal forecasts will result in the definition of generic optimum routes to be used for schedule and airport/airspace strategic slot planning, a fundamental prerequisite for the development of seasonal airspace plans. Weather phenomena demonstrably effect arrival and departure routes, temporarily limiting airports capacity and/or constraining traffic flows. More precise forecasting of the timing and
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location of hazardous weather phenomena including low level windshear and temperature inversions will serve to mitigate their impact. Reconfiguration of airspace results in a loss of capacity and additional holding times for aircraft. Consequently, there is a need to rapidly updated weather forecasts (e.g., surface winds, convective weather) to predict the time at which runways and airspace will be reconfigured to minimise delays. The availability of accurate, timely ceiling and visibility information will improve decision making and in consequence serve to optimise airport arrival and departure flow rates. Airport operations support information for ramp operations, runway snow removal, aircraft de-icing, and treatments for other adverse weather conditions. Accurate predictions of the timing of an event will serve to improve the planning, coordination and execution of such operations. The availability of observed and forecasted meteorological parameters related to wake vortices in the approach/departure area and en-route will greatly aid tactical planning and serve to increase flow rates. Volcanic ash and other severe contaminant releases within the atmosphere have significant impact on aviation. Improved weather forecasts and observations of such phenomena and for tracking and display purposes will greatly support air navigation safety. Contaminated runways reduce aircraft throughput rates. The availability of observed and forecasted meteorological parameters related to the braking action of the movement area of the airport will serve to reduce capacity loss safely. The development and availability of meteorological information including forecasts to prevent the formation of persistent contrails will serve to minimise the environmental impact of air transport. H.3.2.5 Capability of Aircraft On-board Systems Weather data communications to and from the cockpit will involve both push and pull dissemination of critical information. Aircraft may request (pull) specific meteorological
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information impacting their planned trajectory, while broad-area weather warnings and advice will be issued (pushed) to all affected aircraft when potentially safety critical changes occur. Aircraft may process information to modify their planned trajectories, as well as providing and consuming data from on-board sensors via bi-directional data-links to ground stations and nearby aircraft. Especially in the execution phase the data exchange of meteorological data (mainly wind and temperature data) will be a basic part of improving the short term weather forecasts and to provide accurate data for re-planning for a trajectory. Future on-board systems must have the capability to handle those enormous additional volumes of data compared with the data exchange nowadays. H.3.3 Airborne Weather Data Collection and Exchange The Airborne Weather Data Collection and Exchange concept is for the effective utilisation of weather data captured by on-board systems that may be shared with the ground systems and other aircraft. The concept is primarily devoted to the reduction of uncertainties in trajectory prediction and would involve tailoring the requests for data according to the airspace and specific traffic management objectives. Such data can be used in several ways to improve the tactical weather and now-casting capabilities of the ATM network. The data will benefit the ATM network as a whole and all airspace users including those who, due to equipage limitations, cannot participate fully. Real-time data can potentially be used to: Enable Meteorological Service Providers to improve forecasts in the 1-2 hour time frame and improve tactical planning, Update internal weather models utilised by ATM system elements for short to medium term trajectory prediction for: o aircraft not capable of 4D data sharing (for example some military or legacy aircraft) o re-planning purposes, o AMAN, DMAN processes, o short-medium term automation tools (for example conflict prediction and resolution),

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Update airborne weather models to improve accuracy and reduce time variability therefore assuring better trajectory adherence.

If high output rate datalink is available then Wake-Turbulence prediction services to permit reductions in separation and the maintenance of airport throughput could be foreseen.

The following airborne services can be considered: Weather data out: the sensing and sharing of weather data by an aircraft Weather data in: the reception and utilisation of weather data by an aircraft.

It has to be mentioned that at the moment an EU project FLYSAFE is dealing among other aviation hazards also with atmospheric hazards. The project is planned to be finished in 2009. Concerning atmospheric hazards the research project deals with weather impact studies the weather data link implementation including onboard weather management.

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APPENDIX 1 RECORD OF REVISIONS AND REFERENCES Rev. # Date Modifications Responsible Change request #

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 draft 3 0.9 draft 5 0.9 draft 6 0.9 draft 7 10 draft V0.11 V0.12

20/10/06 05/11/06 14/10/06 30/11/06 08/01/07 16/01/07 25/01/07 25/01/07 19/02/07 18/03/07

First draft in document format Interim release Draft for 2 Workshop Revised format for review Interim release Internal release Draft for Support Group check Draft for 3rd Workshop

A. Barff M. Watson M.Watson M.Watson/A. Barff M.Watson/A. Barff M.Watson/A. Barff M.Watson/A. Barff M.Watson/A. Barff

V0.12.1 V0.12.2 V0.12.3

30/03/07 05/04/07 27/04/07

Restructured, streamlined version Drafting Group Introduced new Chapter D ICAO S. Zerkowitz Component View; consequential changes Chapters B, C, D, E, F updated CT Added Chapter A, Cleaned up version Incorporates many of the outstanding stakeholder comments + R&D Section + V0.11 Definitions Table added Version reflecting changes agreed during WP222 Group Meeting 24/25 May 2007. Only showstopper issues were discussed. This version does not include many changes that have been made in response to the full list of comments received on v12.3 Version including changes responding to identified open issues and also includes additional text provided by other SESAR tasks CT CT

Internal Draft External External



CT (R. Faris, S. Zerkowitz, M. Watson, A. Barff, E. Kleiboer, R. ten Hove, J. Sawahn, A. Fisher, P. Hogge) CT (R. Faris, S. Zerkowitz, M. Watson, A. Barff, E. Kleiboer, R. ten Hove, J. Sawahn, A. Fisher, P.





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Hogge) First official release of the SESAR CT CONOPS


REFERENCES Ref.1: That sub-section of D2 relevant to the future nature of airspace users Ref.2: That sub-section of D2 which gives the details of the performance targets Ref.3: That sub-section of D2 which gives the details of the performance partnership Ref.4: That sub-section of D2 which gives the details of the notion of the business trajectory

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APPENDIX 2 RESEARCH TOPICS This section summarises the R&D needs proposed to be implemented in or associated to the SESAR concept of operations. This section contains three sub-sections: 1) The classification of the R&D needs along the list of identified operational concept elements (OCE), 2) The consolidated list of research & development needs and 3) Information on identified relevant ongoing research is referenced. 1. OCE CLASSIFICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS

Section G.3 contains a list of operational concept elements. They are used to classify the R&D needs for later traceability against the OCEs and the associated KPAs. The list of OCEs is given below. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Title Airspace Management ATM Organisation and Management Automated Decision Support Collaborative Decision Making Controller Task-load Reduction Demand and Capacity Balancing Environmental Management Improved Resilience Improved Situation Awareness Information Management Maximise Utilisation of Capacity New Separation Modes Rationalisation of the ATM network Acronym ASM AOM AUT CDM CWR DCB ENM IRS SAI INF MCU NSM RAN

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No. 14

Title Trajectory Management

Acronym TJM



No 1

Research Topic Study of airport processes associated with common understanding of a common planning process, common situational awareness and a common performance framework, as well as the tools to visualise the predicted performance (capacity, environmental load, delay etc.), as these do not exist today, nor do the procedures Study on the operational impact and potential environmental gains that may be made through increased use of aircraft towing to/from runway Study on the use of advanced, automated, aircraft systems such as auto-brake that makes it impossible for an aircraft to cross selected stop bars. Identify the advantages on runway incursion prevention. Evaluation of improvements to all weather operations with the aim of maintaining constant declared capacity in all weathers. Particular focus should be placed on reduced or even no protection for navigational aids that currently reduces runway throughput during low visibility conditions

Classification Airport

Related OCE's8 CDM ENV







Study of all aspects of the equity portfolio in relation to airport access. Evaluation of the ways to resolve a potentially complex series of trade-offs between aircraft size, environmental impact, commercial costs and benefits. Evaluation of available options related to pre-departure sequencing. Should it be based on successful completion of milestone events or is the concept of sequence when ready to start-up or push-back more robust?



Airport Queue management


Clssification proposal according to the newe version 12.2 OCE Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 7 Research Topic Study of ways to optimise the predictability of surface operations Classification Airport Related OCE's8 AUT INF CDM CWR 8 Some of the most difficult and highly loaded controller working positions are located in control towers. Studies should evaluate ways in which controller workload can be reduced at airports Study to be made of the impact of revising departure routing at any time from push-back to climb-out. What are the periods when from an operational and safety viewpoint, when it is not desirable to issue a revised departure routing clearance (study should identify periods when flight crew are unable to dialogue with ATC during take-off roll for example). This issue is to be investigated on the basis of procedures development, prototype system development and sound validation of feasibility, performance benefits and human factors issues. Study to be made of techniques to achieve advanced dynamic sectorisation in which sectorisation is efficiently adapted to changing demand (including Multi Sector Planning). Airport AUT CWR

Airport Separation Modes AOM






Study to be made of techniques for dynamic airspace management in which appropriate structures including dynamic routes are applied as traffic increases to an appropriate density and then revised or removed as traffic density changes. Because of the new requirements for dynamic airspace management it will be necessary to study new appropriate methods to calculate capacity Study to be made of all aspects of the operation of UAS and their integration with other managed air traffic.







Airspace User Operations Separation Modes



Study to be made of the impact of business trajectory ownership. What does it imply and to what extent does it impact other aspects of the concept.

Airspace User Operations


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 15 Research Topic Study of the following automation topics: human-machine authority sharing impact of multiple separators in the same airspace volume (may be air+ground or more than one ground authority) automated separation tools and safety impact of automation on capacity impact of loss of situation awareness and tools to manage exceptions associated with loss of situation awareness. Automation AUT CWR SAI MCU 17 The in-depth study of the coordinated presentation of warnings and other information to flight crew and ATCO to avoid cockpit and ATCO reaction being out of synchronisation. Automation AUT CWR SAI INF 18 A Cost Benefit Analysis to be conducted to assess whether the costs associated with 4D avionics are justified by the potential benefits Required accuracy of the FMS RTA function to be assessed and optimum values determined through modelling Issues associated with aircraft and ground system capability to be addressed. Both air and ground must have consistent capability and both should be consistently upgraded, Options need to be considered for incentives, mandates and the appropriate length of transition periods. All aspects of collaborative planning and agreement on 4D gate to gate trajectories need to be studied. The data and the data accuracy needed/included in a business trajectory at different planning states and time horizons (e.g. 6 month in advance, 7 days in advance, 2 days in advance, 2 hours in advance) need to be defined and agreed. 22 Study to made of the way in which Network Management will facilitate dialogue through CDM processes and how Network Managements role of arbitrator and/or decision maker of last resort will actually work Collaborative Planning AOM CDM Capability Levels Capability Levels Capability Levels AUT RAN AUT INF AOM Classification Automation Related OCE's8 AUT CWR SAI NSN RAN


Evaluation of ground based de-confliction automation support tools with particular focus on how to ensure feasible solutions with a minimum of constraints on the users trajectory.




Collaborative Planning


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 23 Research Topic Modelling is required of Traffic Demand and Capacity Balancing (DCB) scenarios in the SESAR context. Study of the interface of Demand and Capacity Balancing with queue management processes Classification Collaborative Planning Collaborative Planning Related OCE's8 CDM DCB AUT INF DCB 25 Evaluation of the precision with which demand should be adjusted to the available capacity before an accurate takeoff time is known. Study of the practical ways in which non-airline airspace users will have effective access and participation in CDM processes. Validation of the feasibility of this issue. Collaborative Planning Collaborative Planning Airspace User Operations Collision avoidance NSN AUT AUT CDM CDM AOM




Evaluation of new ACAS modes and functionality. Proposed TCAS improvements need: concept refinement technical development / prototype development validation of feasibility, benefits and safety aspects


Study to Complexity Management in the context of SESAR including the definition of the optimal parameters for the following aspects at each of the ATM capability levels: Time horizon in which it is possible to envisage with sufficient precision the future position of the aircraft for separation purposes Definition of a conflict risk when outside the time horizon determined above Speed variation capabilities for various aircraft types under all weather conditions Controller perception concerning speed variation and aircraft trajectory alteration Operational (and environmental ?) constraints

Complexity Management


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 29 Research Topic Study of ways in which the trade-off between environment, capacity and efficiency should be evaluated. This will include the development of processes and tools to visualise the predicted and actual performance. The study should take into account that many environmental friendly initiatives are contrary to the capacity increasing initiatives. The feasibility of the goal of SESAR to bring both together should be evaluated. Classification Environment Related OCE's8 ENV DCB MCU AUT

30 31

Study of the environmental impact of various braking (deceleration on landing) regimes Study of the impact of differential aircraft performance on the environmental and economic outcomes of ASAS spacing Study of the environmental, economic and capacity impacts of sequencing at TMA entry

Environment Environment Queue Management Environment/ Queue Management Meteorological Services Meteorological Services Other




Evaluation of the use of shared airborne data. Should this be in the form of forecasts or direct update of weather models Evaluation of the current performance and expected performance of weather forecasting. Study of any legal issues that may be raised by the implementation of the SESAR concept. Evaluation of the compatibility and consistency of the SESAR concept with ICAO and the subsequent necessary actions. Evaluation of the merits of controller and pilot applied relative spacing techniques. Both techniques appear to have merits under different circumstances. Are there local issues that influence the answer? Evaluation of the potential effects of the application of multiple RTA and the constraints resulting form the aircrafts performance envelope, flexibility or economic profile. Studies to be conducted to address the appropriate scope of AMAN operations (for example out to what range from subject airport?)








Queue Management



Queue Management



Queue Management


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 40 Research Topic Evaluation of the use of CTA techniques by AMAN in a mixed environment where not all aircraft are CTA (RTA) capable. Evaluation of terminal route structure design involving alternative arrival techniques with multiple or single merging points. Evaluation of Time Based Separation (TBS) on merging points focussing on accuracy requirements and benefits Classification Queue Management Queue Management Related OCE's8 AUT




Queue Management



Study of the management of multiple time constraints to address both airspace and airport capacity shortfalls Study of the management of multiple time constraints arising from both departure and arrival restrictions Evaluation of the appropriate time at which CTA become a binding constraint including the needs for short route flights which are within the AMAN horizon before departure. Should a TTA become a CTA before departure in view of the likely uncertainty of the take-off time? Evaluation of the impact of mixing of capable and noncapable aircraft in queue management processes Evaluation of the merits of relative (ASAS) or absolute (RTA) Time Based Separation (TBS) techniques; in terms of runway throughput. Both techniques appear to have merits under different circumstances. Are there local issues that influence the answer? Associated is the issue on evaluation of feasibility and safety of less than 50 second spacing on final approach, especially if this involves late clearance to land.

Queue Management Queue Management Queue Management





Queue Management Queue management




Study of the feasibility and scope of CDM process in arrival management

Queue Management



Study on dynamic risk modelling and management techniques for on-line measurement of safety risk. Study on the assessment of the overall safety of the CONOPS. For now, it is not obvious that the concepts ideas all together are safe in principal (as stated e.g. in Episode 3 objectives).



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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 50 51 Research Topic Evaluation of the security issues associated with CDM and SWIM Model complex scenarios of new trajectory based arrival/departure techniques plus existing SID/STAR and also with the SID/STAR from nearby airports plus transit traffic Evaluate the feasibility of UPT and User Preferred Routing in medium density traffic situations Classification Safety ? Security ! Separation Modes Related OCE's8 IRS NSN ASM


Separation Modes



Evaluate the transition from UPT / User Preferred Routing in medium density situations to a more structured environment in high density operations Study controller acceptability of ASAS Spacing versus ASAS Separation during the organisation of streams of traffic

Separation Modes



Separation Modes Queue Management Separation modes



Study the possibility to delegate both vertical and longitudinal separation to make flown TMA profiles more environmental friendly. This also makes the case for the need to pursue the investigation of ASAS separation. Could be an alternative to VRNP Investigation of ASAS Separation to assess its benefits/drawbacks against ASAS Spacing applications (and other concept elements). Validation of the hypothesis that delegation of separation can provide benefits in terms of ATCO availability to handle non-equipped traffic, especially in the airspace structure proposed by SESAR. Study of fallback options if aircraft declares unable in mid-ASAS Separation manoeuvre Study of the impact of non-deviating or priority status afforded to 4DC aircraft on the workload associated with handling conventional aircraft in the same environment and on associated capacity issues



Separation modes



Separation modes Separation modes



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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 59 Research Topic Study of the feasibility and compatibility of ASAS Self Separation in mixed mode environment with the variety of other separation modes that may be applied in a mixed environment. In addition to this, for ASAS SSEP procedures need to be developed certification needs are to be defined system support including proper HMI design is to be defined and developed Classification Separation modes Related OCE's8 NSN ASM

These issues need to consider both, ground and air systems. 60 Evaluation of the appropriate separation minima applicable to routes defined in 3D. Evaluation of the safety and capacity benefits of the 3D high density concepts Development, evaluation and agreement on separation minima for each separation method included in the concept Evaluation of the safety aspects associated with different predetermined separators for different hazards in the same airspace and different aircraft in the same airspace having different predetermined separators for aircraft hazards (mixed operations). Proof is required that this is safe. Separation modes Separation modes Separation modes Separation modes NSN ASM NSN ASM NSN ASM NSN ASM





The new separation modes described at least Dynamic Route Allocation, 4D Contracts and ASAS-Self Separation in mixed mode environment shall be assessed with regard to maturity and potential performance: New separation modes shall be assessed with regard to maturity and potential performance: The safety, capacity, environmental and cost-benefit outcomes of each method (any required trade-offs), The robustness and stability of the various methods in the face of unexpected events (even of small magnitude) is to be investigated. The impacts on pilot/controller workload and predictability. Estimations in term of ANSP and ATM system cost reduction are needed

Separation modes



Study of 4D Contracts to assess the required navigation accuracy and to address containment issues.

Separation modes


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 66 Research Topic ASAS Separation procedures foresee flight crew being entrusted with separation provision tasks whilst retaining full situation awareness. Where controller task automation involves the provision of separation being entrusted to a machine, what level of controller or flight crew situation awareness should be assured Evaluation of the transition path and the ability to achieve minimum airspace segregation. Evaluation of the relationship of airborne separation methods and automation support to ACAS Classification Separation modes Related OCE's8 NSN CWR


Separation Modes Separation modes Collision avoidance Trajectory Management Military




Study all aspects of integration of ground calculated with air calculated 4D trajectory components. The development of simulation tools to support Airspace Reservation dimensions and locations Studies are required to further elaborate and then demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the advanced flexible use of airspace (AFUA), the military variable profile area (MVPA), the variable geometry area (VGA) and the dynamic mobile area (DMA). The need for and the concept of improved predictability of airspace availability based on business trajectories need elaboration. Feasibility and benefits have to be demonstrated and validated. The development of methodology and tools for complexity prognosis or complexity detection in a given airspace with a business trajectory environment. Feasibility needs to be demonstrated, benefits need to be validated The evaluation of assumption that a 4D contract is less fuel efficient than other separation modes. This assumption is to be validated in the light of the overall ATM system performance. Evaluation of operational procedures, roles, feasibility and benefits of UDPP










Complexity Management



Separation modes



Queue Management


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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 76 Research Topic The interaction of different actors in the system is not yet well understood. This is valid for all different time horizons. Due to this, the following actions are needed: 77 identify all actors and their interactions define the criticality of the different interactions develop new methodologies for assessment of interactions (e.g. gaming) assess the feasibility, benefits and shortcomings of the critical and / or non-beneficial interactions assess system support needed for optimising the interactions Collaborative Planning CDM Classification Roles and Responsibilitie s Related OCE's8 AOM

Full evaluation of existing CDM implementations and future requirements to prove that CDM processes put benefit into the ATM system. It may be envisaged that e.g. different CDM processes or different support tools (several AMANs or AMAN/DMAN/CMAN) counteract for a negative benefit to the ATM system. Thus, counteracting mechanisms need to be identified on all layers rules for operating a CDM environment need to be deduced or developed, validated and established the interconnection of different stakeholder systems (e.g. FOC, APOC, ACC, TWR) need to be studied from technical and operational point of view feasibility and benefit of a CDM process based system need to be demonstrated and validated


Assessment of the exact definition, applicability, and information processing of trajectory management requirements (TMR) with regard to infrastructure, processes and capacity benefits (e.g. what is the optimum TMR for an 4D contract environment?). Further development of the flight planning process, mechanisms and data items is needed (A complete Flight Planning concept should define all of the information that is needed by ATM from the Airspace User at all stages leading up to (and even during) the flight.). Elaboration of high density separation concepts and associated airspace issues in terms of detail procedures which should be then validated with a focus on feasibility.




Airspace User Operations





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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 No 81 Research Topic Elaboration of the medium density separation concepts and associated airspace issues in terms of detail procedures which should be then validated with a focus on feasibility. Experimentation to demonstrate the benefits of better met data availability in relation to the concept (e.g. in CDM processes, in medium complexity separation concept, in high complexity separation concept, in airport operations) Elaboration for and evaluation of the procedures, technologies and traffic levels appropriate for the use of remotely operated aerodrome ATC. Classification Separation Related OCE's8 ASM AOM NSN 82 Collaborative Planning AUT CDM INF Airport AOM AUT CWR SAI RAN 84 Focus should be placed also on innovative means to reduce dependency on Wake Vortex separation for both, arrival and departure (with issues like evaluation of glidepath guidance and runway threshold/touchdown markings and/or guidance needed for safe Land long Hi/Lo glide path operations). Ongoing R&D should be closely followed and results should be utilised9. Simulations and Research is needed to study the impact of Free Routing on the Flexibility Requirement for OAT, including the validation of the selection of an acceptable division level above which Free Rote is permitted. To investigate the types of sensors/ displays and controller support tools necessary to enable remote tower operation and the level of traffic that can be safely managed under these circumstances. Airport MCU











Increased runway throughput issues Reducing dependency on Wake Vortex separations:

Examples of current initiatives: CREDOS Crosswind Reduced Departure Separations DTOP Dual Threshold Operations Aircraft Wake Safety Management (AWSM) using LIDAR technology

See section 4.3 for identified ongoing R&D initiatives related to increased runway throughput and increased runway utilisation. Issued by the SESAR Consortium for the SESAR Definition Phase Project co-funded by the European Commission and EUROCONTROL

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 Minimizing Runway Occupancy Times (ROT): Airport Capacity Enhancement project implementation (Reducing ROT) Brake to Vacate Airport Operational (pilot) Fora Additional Rapid Exits Planned Spacing Tool Time Based Separation (relative between aircraft or absolute based on runway threshold RTA) Tailored arrivals Additional runway entries CREDOS Crosswind Reduced Departure Separations

Final Approach Spacing:

Reduced Departure Spacing:

Increased runway utilization. Arrival and departure management tools: Optimising runway configuration / mode of operation:

Examples of current initiatives: AMAN/DMAN Visual conducted approaches instead of IFR operations when appropriate visual conditions prevail (may raise environmental issues and may be more appropriate to runway configurations that entail dependent IFR approaches Interlaced take-off and landing (mixed mode instead of segregated operations on both runways) Dependent and Independent parallel Instrument arrivals Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPR) Increased utilization of converging runways CRDA / DCIA Traffic segregation (Heavies on one runway, Mediums and lights on the other PRM - Precision Radar Monitoring / PAM - Precision Approach Monitor Independent parallel departures SODPROPS Simultaneous Opposite Direction Runway Operations ILS tuning Alternative landing systems to ILS Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) HUD presentation in combination CDTI technology Additional / better placed runway crossings Perimeter taxiways

Increase runway utilization during Low Visibility Conditions (LVC):

Optimum use of existing and future airport (runway) infrastructure and available capacity:

Examples of operational initiatives with environmental impact are: Development of procedures and related technical enablers which improve flight efficiency (Continuous descent/climb techniques and precision navigation). Curved approach paths that offer the potential to minimise disturbance at locally sensitive areas. System support to minimise outbound holding at/near the runway or inbound holding for stands. Managed thrust for take-off. Taxi paths that minimise changes in thrust settings and thus transient engine operations outside the optimal combustion regime. Procedures that minimise braking with minimum noise and particulate emissions from carbon

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00 brakes and tyre wear. Towing of aircraft to/from runway threshold.

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Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System Airborne Collision Avoidance System Area Control Center Air Defence Facilities Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Air Ground Data Link Aeronautical Information Management Aeronautical Information Service Aeronautical Information Publication Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Alerting Services Arrival Manager Airspace Management Cell Air Navigation Service Provider Aerodrome Operations Centre Airspace Reservation Airborne Separation Assistance Systems ASAS Sequencing and Merging Airspace Management

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Advanced Airport Surface Movement Guidance and Control System Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Controller Air Traffic Management ATM Capability Level 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 Air Traffic Service Air Traffic Service Unit Airspace User Operations Aircraft Wake Safety Management Business Aviation Business Development Trajectory Cumulonimbus Continuous Descent Approach Collaborative Decision Making Cockpit Display of Traffic Information Collaborative Environmental Management Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Central Flow Management Unit Conformance Monitoring Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Concept of Operations Current Position

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Controller Pilot Data Link Communication Converging Runway Display Aid Crosswind Reduced Departure Separations Closely Spaced Parallel Runways Controlled Time of Arrival Control Area Challenges to Growth (2004 Edition) Controlled Time Over Demand and Capacity Balancing Dependent Converging Instrument Approach Dynamic Mobile Area Departure Manager Dual Threshold Operations European Action Plan on the Prevention of Runway Incursions Estimated In Blocks Time Estimated Off Block Time Estimated Time of Departure Estimated Time Over Final Approach Fix Flight Level Flight Information Region Flight Information Service

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Flight Management System Flight Operations Centre Flexible Use of Airspace General Aviation Global Navigation Satellite Service Head Up Display International Civil Aviation Organisation International Air Transport Association Information Communication Technology Instrument Flight Rules Instrument Landing System Information Management Intent Monitoring Key Performance Areas Light Detection And Ranging Low Visibility Conditions Meteorological Military Military Training Area Medium Term Conflict Detection Military Variable Profile Area North Atlantic Tracks

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Network Operations Plan Operational Air Traffic Operation Concept Document Operational Concept Element Precision Approach Monitoring Planning and Control Authority (Air Defence) Precision Radar Monitoring Predicted Trajectory Precision Trajectory Clearances Resolution Advisory Research and Development Required Navigation Performance Runway Occupancy Time Remote Piloted Vehicle Required Time of Arrival Runway Visual Range Reduced Vertical Separation Minima Spaced Based Augmentation System Shared Business Trajectory Single European Sky ATM Research Standard Instrument Departure Surface Manager

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SODPROPS Simultaneous Opposite Direction Runway Operations STAR SWIM TA TACAN TACCS TBS TC-SA TIS-B TMA TMR TOBT TP TSA TTA TTD TWR UDPP UAS UAV UDPP VFR Standard Terminal Arrival Route System Wide Information Management Traffic Advisory Tactical Air Navigation System Tactical Air Command and Control Service Time Based Separation Trajectory Control by Ground Based Speed Adjustments Traffic Information Service-Broadcast Terminal Manoeuvring Area Trajectory Management Requirements Target Off Blocks Time Trajectory Prediction Temporary Segregated Area Target Time of Arrival Target Time of Departure Tower User Driven Prioritisation Process Unmanned Aircraft System Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (alternate term to above) User Driven Prioritization Process Visual Flight Rules

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Variable Geometry Area Very Light Jet Vertical Required Navigation Performance World Meteorological Organisation Work Package

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When the following terms are used in this document, they will have the meaning as specified hereunder. 4D Contract An ATC clearance that prescribes the containment of the trajectory in all 4 dimensions for the period of the contract during which the uncertainty associated with future predicted position does not increase with the prediction horizon. 4D Trajectory A set of consecutive segments linking waypoints and/or points computed by FMS (airborne) or by TP (ground) to build the vertical profile and the lateral transitions; each point defined by a longitude, a latitude, a level and a time. Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace (AFUA) An airspace management concept in which airspace is managed as a single entity and in which there are no fixed structures and airspace reservations for special airspace activity are allocated in real time. Airspace Reservation (ARES) (ICAO) A volume of airspace temporarily reserved for exclusive or specific use by categories of users. These airspace reservations may be stationary, like an ad-hoc TSA, or moving along with the flight path to facilitate aerial operations like en-route Air to Air Refuelling. Arrival Manager (AMAN) ASAS-Separation An ATM tool that determines the optimal arrival sequence times at the aerodrome and/or possibly at other common route fixes (e.g. IAF). An ASAS application in which the role of separator is temporarily delegated to aircrew to assure airborne separation with regard to other aircraft under specific circumstances. ASAS-Self Separation In ASAS Self-Separation the aircrew are the designated separator for a defined segment of a flight during which they shall assure airborne separation between themselves and all other aircraft.

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An ASAS separation provision mode in which the separation responsibility remains with the ground controller and the aircrew are instructed to maintain a specified time or distance from a designated aircraft, usually the preceding aircraft in the arrival or departure stream.

ASAS-Sequencing and Merging

An ASAS application that enables flight crew to maintain their position in a sequence previously determined by a controller or to merge their routes onto a single, predefined, route.

ASAS-Crossing and Passing

An ASAS application presenting the controller with an opportunity to devolve the crossing and passing task to the pilot, on an individual aircraft basis, whilst retaining responsibility for separation from other aircraft.

Benchmark Trajectories Versions of the SBT or RBT that are kept for use as the benchmarks in assessing ATM system performance. Business Development Trajectory (BDT) Business Trajectory Used for airspace user business planning and not shared outside the user organisation. A 4D trajectory which expresses the business or mission intentions of the user with or without constraints. It includes both ground and airborne segments of the aircraft operation (gate-to-gate) and is built from, and updated with, the most timely and accurate data available (FOC, FMS, etc.). Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Complexity An environment in which the consequences of decisions taken are visible to all partners. In the ATM context, complexity refers to the number of simultaneous or near- simultaneous interactions of trajectories in a given volume of airspace. For automation, complexity is relevant only in terms of calculation effort, not the ability to solve a given set of problems. Beyond a certain level of complexity, humans can no longer oversee all the consequences of the interactions and automation support is required if

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traffic is to be handled safely and efficiently. See also Density. Concept Element The top-level element for a topic that answers the question "what is?" Concepts provide background information that users must know before they can successfully work with a product or interface. Often, a concept is an extended definition of a major abstraction such as a process or function. It might also have an example or a graphic, but generally the structure of a concept is fairly simple. Concept of Operations (CONOPS) The tool used by an organisation to establish the desired approach it wishes to take to realise a system or service. The CONOPS documents the high level decisions and agreement that define the approach and the organisational structure needed to put that approach into operation. Conflict Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) Controlled Time Over (CTO) Cooperative separation The term refers to airborne separation applications implying temporary delegation of the role of separator. Density In the ATM context, density refers to the number of simultaneous or nearsimultaneous trajectories present in a given airspace volume. High densities require specific procedures to ensure that the required capacity to handle traffic can be provided. See also Complexity. Departure Manager (DMAN) An ATM tool that determines the optimum departure sequence and times from an aerodrome (for multiple runways if appropriate) taking into account all applicable constraints due to the surrounding terminal airspace. Dynamic (Route) Allocation of one of a number of predefined routes on the basis of Two aircraft are operating with less than the prescribed separation minima. An ATM imposed time constraint on a defined merging point associated to an arrival runway. An ATM imposed time constraint over a point.

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Allocation Dynamic Mobile Area (DMA)

availability, user preference and/or aircraft performance. A constraint placed on a trajectory with the purpose of avoiding an area with military or other similar activity. The owner of the trajectory decides how to satisfy the constraint with the most appropriate change. The high precision of 4D navigation allows properly equipped aircraft to avoid the temporary trajectory exclusion volumes with minimum business trajectory disruption.

Enterprise Service

Services, typically Web services, combined with business logic that can be accessed and used repeatedly to support a particular business process. In the context of SESAR this means the aggregation of the totality of services delivered as part of the ATM process into business level enterprise services as the foundation for the task of partial or complete automation on an enterprise scale of the provision and consumption of those services. In this context, European ATM is considered to be the enterprise.

Information event

An operational or other event noted by system wide information management to which an appropriate response is required by the system.


Two aircraft are sufficiently close to each other that continued monitoring or an action is needed to ensure that separation is maintained.


Characteristic indicating the ability to exchange, integrate and manage content between systems.


Applied to a system or capability, indicates a situation in which a user/organisation continues to use a system or continues to operate with capabilities which no longer provide the full range of functions or the level of economy other, newer systems would.

Managed Airspace

Airspace in which all traffic is known to the Air Traffic System.

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Military Mission Trajectory

The military mission trajectory is a 4D trajectory more complex than a civil business trajectory. A military mission trajectory will usually consist of a transit to and from an airspace reservation with mission specific dimensions and characteristics. Outside and inside of an airspace reservation a single trajectory could be used by multiple aircraft (e.g. formation flights, air refuelling) demanding increased separation requirements. Additionally, a single airspace reservation could be approached and departed by individual aircraft or formation flights on different trajectories.

Military Variable Profile Area (MVPA)

A flexible composition of defined modular portions of airspace to fulfil military needs, restricting airspace utilisation for other airspace users only by the necessary minimum. The dimensions of these military training areas (MTA) are published for identification and consideration. In general, a MTA consists of several sub-parts in form of defined airspace modules. Depending on individual military mission profiles the airspace dimension required for the specific operational training or exercises will be flexibly composed by combination of one or more allocated sub-parts to a suitable airspace block. The optimum airspace required can be simulated through respective tools.


Participating as a part of a continuously-evolving, complex community of people, devices, information and services interconnected by a

communications network to achieve optimal benefit of resources and better synchronization of events and their consequences. (Wikipedia) Network Operations Plan The Network Operations Plan is a set of collaborative applications providing access to traffic demand, airspace and airport capacity and constraints and scenarios to assist in managing diverse events. The aim of the NOP is to facilitate the processes needed to reach agreements on demand and capacity.

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Operational Concept (OC)

The Operational Concept describes a proposed system in terms of the user needs it will fulfil, its relationship to existing systems or procedures and the ways it will be used. It is used to obtain consensus among the acquirer, developer, support, and user agencies on the operational concept of a proposed system.

Open Loop Clearance

An open-loop clearance is an ATC clearance that does not include a specified or implied point where the restriction on the trajectory ends. Most tactical clearances take this form; they include heading (including track offset), level, and speed restrictions and exceptionally could also cover rates of climb or descent. Open-loop clearances are cancelled (closed) by a further instruction from the controller that defines how the flight should revert to the Reference Business Trajectory (RBT).

Performance Partnership

The ATM Performance Partnership is a basis to achieve that a new Operational Concept will be fully implemented in a consistently organized manner throughout all phases of the European ATM System lifecycle, including ATM strategic planning starting with the ATM Master Plan. In particular joint decision-making and coordinated business planning must be the basis of the ATM Master Plan, the economic and financial analysis of the ATM Master Plan. This partnership includes airspace users, airport operators and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and is built upon a shared set of values, priorities, air transport network interactions and an agreed set of common rules.

Predicted Conflict

Two aircraft are predicted to pass with less than the prescribed separation minima. required. It is expected that a conflict resolution manoeuvre will be

Predicted Interaction

Two aircraft are predicted to pass sufficiently close to each other that, given the uncertainty of their predicted positions it cannot be determined if separation will be maintained. The situation will either require continued

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monitoring or action will need to be taken to ensure that separation is achieved. Predicted Trajectory (PT) The airborne predicted trajectory is continually computed/updated onboard (in aircraft fitted with FMS or similar equipment) and corresponds to what the aircraft is predicted to fly Publish Queue management The act of making information shared. The tactical establishment and maintenance of a safe, orderly and efficient flow of traffic. It includes the handling of queues, both in the air and on the ground. It operates on individual flights and is closely related to, and sometimes indistinguishable from, the Separation Provision process. It aims to facilitate the highest achievable capacity of the ATM System and to manage delays in a fuel-efficient and environmentally acceptable manner. Reference Business Trajectory (RBT) The business trajectory which the airspace user agrees to fly and the ANSP and Airports agree to facilitate (subject to separation provision). Most times indicated in the RBT are estimates, some may be target times (TTA) to facilitate planning and some of them may become constraints (CTA, CTO) to assist in queue management when appropriate, e.g. at AMAN horizon. Required Time of Arrival (RTA) SESAR Area Share EU States, Switzerland and other states that adopt the SESAR principles. The act of making information commonly available through publishing. Shared information carries with it the rules for sharing. Shared Business Trajectory (SBT) Published business trajectory that is available for collaborative ATM planning purposes. The refinement of the SBT will be an iterative process. In this document refers only to the aircraft FMS RTA function.

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Special Airspace Activity

Special airspace activity is defined as all activity requiring airspace usage of defined dimensions over a limited period of time which influences other participants in the ATM networks trajectory management.

Surface Manager (SMAN)

An ATM tool that determines optimal surface movement plans (such as taxi route plans) involving the calculation and sequencing of movement events and optimising of resource usage (e.g. de-icing facilities).

System Wide Information Management (SWIM)

A distributed processing environment which replaces data level interoperability and closely coupled interfaces with an open, flexible, modular and secure data architecture totally transparent to users and their applications.

Target Time of Arrival (TTA)

An ATM computed arrival time. It is not a constraint but a progressively refined planning time that is used to coordinate between arrival and departure management applications.

The Separator

The separator is defined as the agent responsible for separation provision for a conflict and can be either the airspace user or a separation provision service provider.


The trajectory is the description of movement of an aircraft both in the air and on the ground including position, time, and at least via calculation, speed and acceleration. (ICAO)

Trajectory Management Trajectory Management Requirements (TMR) are associated with the Requirements (TMR) Reference Business Trajectory for ATM 3 Capable aircraft. TMR specify the aircraft requirement to share the revised trajectory in the event that the flight detects a delta from previous predictions. Trajectory Ownership The airspace user owns the Business Trajectory, thus in normal circumstances the users have primary responsibility over their operation. In circumstances where ATM constraints (including those arising from
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infrastructural and environmental restrictions/regulations) need to be applied, the resolution that achieves the best business / mission outcome within these constraints is left to the individual user. Typically constraints will be generated or released by various ATM partners through CDM processes. The owners prerogatives do not affect ATC or Pilot tactical decision processes. Uncertainty The volume of airspace around an aircraft within which its actual position is assumed or predicted to be. The higher the uncertainty, the larger this volume is. Unmanaged Airspace User Driven Prioritisation Process (UDPP) Variable Geometry Area (VGA) Airspace other than managed airspace. A process during periods of reduced capacity in which the service provider declares the available capacity and users, interacting collaboratively and collectively with the provider, propose specific flights to fill it. The principle of the VGA is to have an area (TSA or TRA) which is the core of the segregated airspace considered, and to have several pre-planned possible extensions (lobes) next to it which would be activated and utilized by the military according to the size of the training requested and to the GAT traffic in the area at the time.

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APPENDIX 4 DISAGREEMENTS AND OPEN ITEMS The following lists identify the major disagreements among stakeholder groups on this document as well as open items which could not be resolved in the given timeframe. Both, disagreements and open items must be resolved prior to implementation decisions and therefore shall be revisited after the Definition Phase. They shall be used as guiding material for future work under the umbrella of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. List of Disagreements:
# Stakeholder # ANSP27 Section Stakeholder Disagreement Executive summary doesn't cover enough ANSP concerns particularly linked to: Airspace management and public requirements (e.g. environmental aspects, security, safety of people affected by air traffic); Safety; Capacity which will always have to be monitored specially for congested airports and airspace; ANSP resource adjustments which always have to face practical considerations. The role of ANSP is not only to provide separation service. Convergence Team Response


Although considered useful to summarize foreseen ATM evolution as driven by the rest of the CONOPS, the Executive Summary will cover this point. Convergence Team thinks that it is inappropriate to include it in the main body too. For the time being, the ANSP group keeps its position as a disagreement. Current text covers many of these points already and liabilities aspects will be addressed before deployment as with any other changes.




Last bullet. Except in unmanaged airspace, the pilot will take over separation responsibility only after delegation or after approval by the ANSP/controller. This approval needs to be amended here. In many European states liability aspects need to be solved (looking especially for the Ueberlingen case in Germany). Amend: 'or as the standard case' to 'or, in unmanaged airspace, as the standard case' and add 'In many European states the liability aspects of separation delegation in managed airspace need to be solved.' Task organisation: the organisation of the 2.2.2 group hasn't permitted that we really participate, which explains that,




Point taken and recognised as important. However, nothing can be done about it at

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although we think there are positive points, major issues remain. this point in time any more and the project will have to continue with the CONOPS in the state after the last workshop. Convergence team points out that it has done all possible efforts to incorporate the comments received from the stakeholder groups. D04 ATCEUC2 doc The document is very long, the quality is low and many things are expressed in a very fuzzy way. Recommendation to shorten the doc, fill the gaps and clear the expression. Convergence team agrees that this is a problem but nothing can be done about it in this phase any more. Comments from SESAR Task 1.1.4 Environment are taken into account. 20 research items on environment have been defined for the Development phase. CT disagrees. Effect on all KPAs is subject to extensive R&D activities.




Environment is not taken enough into account. Study on OCEs impact on environment: e.g. 4D contracts



E. .5

MAJOR DISAGREEMENT related to E., 3rd bullet point, 2nd sub-bullet, sentence "redistribute tactical intervention tasks to the pilots". ATCEUC strongly disagrees with this point (and therefore with the rest of the paragraph and a good part of the whole document). We formally, then, request either that this sentence is deleted or that our position is quoted in the document at this place and not in annex: it is really strange that, as experts of ATC, our opinion is not taken into account in this paragraph "how to reduce controller task load"... The ultimate goal of the ASAS development path is to enable self-separation. The intention of the concept is to allow self-separating flights and ANSP separated flights to operate in the same airspace provided that this can be proven to meet the target level of safety in addition to providing economic and capacity benefits. Mix mode of separation in the same airspace is unmanageable. Task and responsibilities are not clearly addressed. Such a situation would imply more complexity and increase workload to the controller who would have to monitor aircraft he ignores intentions. It's mentally not thinkable to have controlled and uncontrolled aircraft in the same airspace. Separator must be ANSP in managed airspace. All the traffic and intention must be known and under control. The ultimate goal of the ASAS development path is to enable self-separation inside unmanaged airspace and to permit the delegation of the separation from the provider to the aircrew (if they accept) for a punctual crossing. (Analogue to what it is performed today with visual separation.




Disagreement registered.

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IFATCA Disagreement Statement on user owned business trajectory: There is still a misunderstanding of ownership of the intention and the trajectory, planned and flown. The intention is user owned. The trajectory is shared, already in the planning phase, adapted by the user to address the known constraints at airports and en-route. Safety critical measures can also be taken through CDM, but the final decision may be beyond the AOC. This can be the airport authority, NOP global or regional managers, AMAN or DMAN, controller decisions, etc. The intention of the flight shall always be respected and everything done that it can be achieved through a shared and where possible collaboratively handled trajectory, be it "mission", "business" or anything else. But controller decision is often time critical and will therefore have priority over the intention. Therefore the trajectory is not user owned. The word business has nothing to do in the Flight Plan either. According to the users it shall indicate a shift from regulatory orientation to business orientation. Everybody has agreed on that for a long time now. Controller associations have even signed a paper with SESAR wp. 2.2 in this respect. Therefore we dont need this misleading name that will only bring up problems, misunderstandings and opposition. IFATCA suggests naming it simply Trajectory (planned, shared, agreed, flown, etc.). In some cases words can be of an overwhelming importance, especially when used in a way that does not fit into the context. This is the case here.

Disagreement registered.



E. .2

Separation services might not be provided ... above a very high level (circa FL450+). Why above FL450? It may be a level above which there are so few aircraft that self separation might be possible. Research on this will determine if it works. As we ignore the performance of future aircraft, it's premature to choose a level by now.

Recommendation not considered. The CONOPS says 'for example circa +450'. Why suppress all detail even when expressed as an indication?

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The ATM safety barrier model is the foundation of safety in ATM. It is the model used in the ICAO global ATM operational Concept for Conflict management and it is the basis to determine the safety performance of the future ATM system design. It is an error to delete the figure and the associted text it from the paragraph C2, where there is only general considerations on safety objective, safety regulation and global System (Safety?) approach. Safety nets are the last layer of conflict management through STCA and ACAS. R&D is necessary to a global safety approach for the evolution and the role of the future ground and airborne safety nets in relation to new separation modes. Furthermore "collision avoidance systems are not included in determining the calculated level of safety required for separation provision. Collision avoidance systems will, however, be considered as part of ATM safety management." (ICAO doc 9854) in F7.1 The sentence "In SESAR, the dual layer safety afforded by independent airborne and ground based safety nets, Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) and Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) respectively, will continue to play a major role in helping to ensure maintenance of the required level of safety." could be misleading. Staffing required on positions is a very itchy subject in many countries. For ATCOs, the more eyes you have on a position the best safety level you can achieve. ETF understands well that within SESAR Conops, it is expected that automation will compensate most of the human errors. Having attended an ASSTAR workshop in June 2007 about ASAS, ETF thinks, that too much is expected from these tools in SESAR, and ETFs view was shared by most of the participants in that workshop. So for ETF the SESAR concept has nothing that can assure the control sector teams will be able to change. "One enabler for a good level of safety is nowadays the control sector teams. While tripling the traffic and inserting new tools to handle automation, if we want to increase the level of safety by a factor of ten, control sector teams have to remain and even to be reinforced with new functions as 4D contract manager. In no case this 4D contract manager will replace the actual work of an assistant on sector positions. There is still a misunderstanding of ownership of the intention and the trajectory, planned and flown. The intention is user owned. The trajectory is shared, already in the planning phase, adapted by the user to address the known constraints at airports and en-route. Safety critical measures can also be taken through CDM, but the final decision may be beyond the AOC. This can be the airport authority, NOP global or regional managers, AMAN or DMAN, controller decisions, etc. The intention of the flight shall always be respected and everything done that it can be achieved through a shared and where possible collaboratively handled trajectory, be it "mission", "business" or anything else. But controller decision is often time critical and will therefore have priority over the intention. Therefore the trajectory is not user owned.

Disagreement registered. Further R&D is needed

E.6.2.4 F7




Disagreement registered.


IFATCA-4 (old # 18)

CT disagrees. There is no substantive difference between this proposal for resolution and what is stated in the CONOPS

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The word business has nothing to do in the Flight Plan either. According to the users it shall indicate a shift from regulatory orientation to business orientation. Everybody has agreed on that for a long time now. Controller associations have even signed a paper with SESAR wp. 2.2 in this respect. Therefore we dont need this misleading name that will only bring up problems, misunderstandings and opposition. IFATCA suggests naming it simply Trajectory (planned, shared, agreed, flown, etc.). In some cases words can be of an overwhelming importance, especially when used in a way that does not fit into the context. This is the case here. D13 IFATCA-5 (old # 26-33) E. 2. 6. IFATCA has had 7 (more or less) important comments on this chapter. Our position is that when we have 7 questions / comments / propositions in regard to one single chapter, then we cannot accept this chapter. IFATCA has too many concerns in regard to chapter E. 2.6. Conflict management and we do not totally share the problem analysis underlying. Therefore we would like to draw the attention to the fact that in our view more pragmatic improvements could be applied, a lot of R&D is needed and that the human factor is totally neglected so far. C.7.2 This chapter is new and brings very costly and potentially critical innovations. We wonder why they are filled in here just before publication of the version leading to the development phase with no possibility to change prior the publication of the SESAR CONOPS. We refuse this kind of working methods. 1) SESAR CONOPS states that all voice communication information is exchanged in digital form. For security reasons this might be a good idea, but it might have drawbacks, a common point of failure with data exchange and could be very expensive to be implemented, on ground and in the cockpit. 2) There will be competing independent communication service providers. This is again a business part brought in at the last moment and has nothing to do in an OCD. IFATCA proposes to skip the whole chapter in its present form and introduce a revised version after discussion. D15 Ind10 D8 Airports fully integrated. There is no suggestion as to how the transitions from a tightly controlled 4d trajectory en route to a time based separations during approach - ASAS spacing is the only credible way of doing this but it is not mentioned This is considered addressed in the CONOPS. The desired level of detail believed by CT to be more appropriate for the scenarios. Disagreement registered. Disagreement registered.



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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00


User5 (old #7)


In basic terms this means that the human will choose what is to be done, delegate the execution of the task(s) to the automation and be able to intervene if required.... For air traffic controllers this will involve changes such as reduction/removal of house-keeping tasks such as frequency changes, the delegation of specific tasks or responsibilities to other agents (both human and automation), adjustments in work-style to support a more strategic trajectory management traffic flow, changes to the staffing required at positions, etc. It is important to make sure that the job satisfaction and pride remains high and the overall human experience in the future system, while different, will not be any less attractive or important than it is today. The airspace users strongly disagree with the above statements for the following reasons: The Concept of Operations should describe how the new system is being operated and the way that new functions are being assembled. The above statement is in no way related to the way how an ATM System shall be operated but rather to the Human Factors element of the new system therefore this is an issue that should be dealt with in the respective task. Moreover it is at this point in time too early to decide what kind of task will be shaped differently in the future process, here the level of detail in inappropriate and this will be the result of further R&D activities. Hence this shall not limit the future developments. Even stronger is the view on the way job satisfaction and pride is being addressed here. On the one hand there is no notion on this regarding respective groups of humans employed in the system (pilots, dispatch, etc.) on the other hand this is obviously an element that is misplaced in an ATM Concept of Operations and purely belongs to the human factors document. Change Management will be needed to address how the above stated needs can be taken into account, once the new Concept of Operation is developing distinct features. Progress and improvements may at this stage not be limited.

CT recommends leaving this untouched. When humans are in the loop there are principles to be followed. This will not impose an obstacle to introduce more automation.




Airports group is concerned about the numerous references to the Business Trajectory being solely owned by the Airspace Users. Whilst we have no difficulty with concept of Airspace Users deciding how to fly a particular sector, this should in no way imply that Airports concede they have no input to how their runways and infrastructure are utilised. Neither does the 'ownership' imply or concede 'Grandfather Rights' to that Business Trajectory or that the concept of 'Grandfather Rights is correct or should be perpetuated. We want to see a paragraph, somewhere in the document, which ensures that there is no ambiguity about this matter. The showstopper will be withdrawn if a definition of the expression trajectory ownership is made so everybody can understand it. (My reasoning was that trajectory ownership means the management of the trajectory. The process is CDM based.)

Improved text highlighting CDM still not acceptable. Disagreement registered.

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Document Number: DLT-0612-222-01-00




Trajectory Control by Ground Based Speed Adjustment (TC-SA) contradicts with ECAs policy stating that the aircraft should be the prime reference regarding trajectory control. By Trajectory Control by Ground Based Speed Adjustment (TC-SA) the ground will impose speed adjustments to the aircraft (via datalink) and as such the prime reference for trajectory control is not anymore the aircraft, but the ground. UAS in Separation Process is unacceptable for ECA. ECA policy regarding UAS is "to comply or segregate", which implies that UAS should comply with the Rules of the Air as they stand. Performing ASAS-based separation in a manned aircraft will be challenging enough; stating that UAS will perform self-separation is unacceptable. ACAS and STCA respectively, will continue to play a major role in helping to ensure maintenance of the required level of safety". This contradicts the ICAO viewpoint that the ATM system needs to have a certain level of safety (TLS, target level of safety). ACAS is an add-on, a last resort and should not be accounted for when determining the safety level of the ATM system. ECA is also of the opinion that STCA, as it is used today, should not be regarded as a safety net, but as a controller tool.

Disagreement registered



E 2.6.2

Disagreement registered




Disagreement registered

List of Open Items:

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