Caffeinated Doping
Caffeinated Doping
Caffeinated Doping
The gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual exposure
Frank 13 Fiduciary responsibly accountable nefarious kink Truths Holistic Interactive Retrospect Transcendental Electromagnetism Enslavers Nemesis Can one make appropriate change maintaining common law appropriating tradition? Has precedence fore and aft Mencius asserted that human nature is good and that it can be developed not only by study, as Confucius had taught, but also by a process of cultivating ones innate (inborn) tendencies. By this, Mencius meant cultivating our inclination toward compassion for the suffering of others, our disdain for doing what is wrong, and so forth. Like Confucius, Mencius believed that the Zhou rulers held their position under a doctrine known as the
Mandate of Heaven;
Heaven was thought to be the impersonal authority governing all the operations of the universe. Since the Mandate of Heaven was expressed by the acceptance of a ruler by the people, Mencius stated that if the people rose up and overthrew a tyrant,
Sanity is to ponder class privilege in Egalitarian De facto State Privilege PS Positive Subterfuge Humanity de jure No Satanic Clause so De facto stumps sufficiently however means heap big trouble to the mean when the human family realize what it means SOCIALITES Success oppulent co-op intellectual appropriation logistics incorporated tax evasion secrecy Freedom of Information stumped with Privacy Act information released only with Socialite permission
Facts must have root 2 take root God coherency "Catch 22" must have semblance 2 catch doG chase tail A stitch in time saves nine Turning Point Proficient Thought TP PT CATCHALL Cyberspace Accountable Transparency Central Humanic Archives Last Laugh Oz people up to here off to see WOTO simply because WOTOKS Wizard of the outhouse knows shit Crooked path crooked mapped from Thy Kingdom comes backtracking Thy Kingdom Comes when U MOM united meek of mind assemble 1 Equilibrium hangs in the balance
HE humungous epiphany a wee bit 2 late 2 inherent ME when gone EH Turning Point TP PT Proficient Thought TECE PNTR RCR Trial Error Cause Effect Progressive Nature Thought Reason Retrospect Constant Recalibration Quarry in deep Quarry snake pit only way out foot to shoulder co-op squeeze pimple to a head Truth ME Mother Earth foundation to Babble On redirect With hope not too late ME Mother Earth Foundation to Build on Blame it on AR acid rain redirect Blame it on AR acid reign RA Cart wheels Ra Ra Ra Amen 4
Magnificent God given user friendly brains fall 2 friendly fire Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception
Truth is that which God would observe whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists IDEAL Simply Reality Sanely Dealt With
Bankers Interest Astronomical Subterfuge BIAS Benevolent Interests Atom Splitters CEDE Common Element Decidedly Explosive Build and destroy make work enslavement program Its all good Romans 13
PRICK I FIBIB Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Kleptocracy inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss MEDIA Mesmerizing Evil-angel-ists Demon-strable Insidious Arrogance Frank Knarf Human family the ultimate terrorist Humans pathetic satanic luxury providers Thank God priceless as collateral We all pay the PRICE and our elected representatives PRICE puppets must keep us working Poor arrogant dears as exasperated as we but so en-dear-ing cost prohibited inane entranced as headlights of looming doom inevitable as collectively minds of a single toad soon to be flattened on the road No fault insurance when mindless at the onset the warty frog met the prince kiss of death in the dark 5
The wildcard n De facto had been included in the PRICE a princely sum PRInCE nefarious Holy Snow Job Batman I know batty Robin One must PRI between CE cause effect Jokers born onside or offside fire at will Political Religious Babble On explained Sinews with De facto N for nefarious wild card Sinews Divide and Conquer SIN Sane Insanity Normalcy NEWS Never Ending War Story Sphinx Jinx Planet X syndrome Jaundice Jihad Jaundice Cynical state of mind an attitude that is characterized by cynical hostility, resentment, or suspicion Make somebody cynical to alter somebody's attitude for the worse, especially when it results in cynical hostility, resentment, or suspicion Jihad a campaign waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith against people, organizations, or countries regarded as hostile to Islam a relentless campaign against somebody or something
United Nations Alien Zionist Insidious Puppets The Star of David in the Leningrad Codex, 1008 CE Upon independence in 1948, the new Jewish state was formally named Medinat Yisrael, or the State of Israel, after other proposed historical and religious names including Eretz Israel ("the Land of Israel"), Zion, and Judea, were considered and rejected.[25] In the early weeks of independence, the government chose the term "Israeli" to denote a citizen of Israel, with the formal announcement made by Minister of Foreign Affairs Moshe Sharett.[26] The name Israel has historically been used, in common and religious usage, to refer to the biblical Kingdom of Israel or the entire Jewish nation.[27] According to the Hebrew Bible the name "Israel" was given to the patriarch Jacob (Standard Yisrael, Isrl; Septuagint Greek: Isral;
the Lord.
Jacob's twelve sons became the ancestors of the Israelites, also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. Jacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into Egypt for four generations until Moses, a great-great grandson of Jacob,[30] led the Israelites back into Canaan during the "Exodus". The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word "Israel" is the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt (dated to the late 13th century BCE).[31]
Holy Land,
being holy for all Abrahamic
religions including
Holy Land ME Middle East 2013 SEE Self Explanatory Epiphany Ocume Our creator's universe mother earth RACE 8
Reality Almighty Consecrated Element Reality exists with or without ME Mother Earth Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth is that which would be observed by God whether or not He or She exists or whether or not one believes He or She exists IDEAL Simply Reality Sanely Dealt With Humanity - Family Undivided Sovereignty Inherent Origination Nuptials To the PM Political Media You lie when with airs air what we think for all reality historically attest that we dont Humanity TIP Transition in Perpetuity adhered to Status Quo Substantive Thick Alien Traditions Usury Subordinates Query Unobstructed Obstructions
Ye of little faith Dont fret pet not dead yet but The technology today is stupidendously stunning MD Maranatha Democracy Maranatha Democracy Maranatha Democracy When in hopelessness and despair throw your arms in the air or bend over putting your head in a hole as it works for the ostrich converting the aura to amorous 9
"To see what is right, and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle"
Bankers Schematics Benevolent Sanctimonious BS BS ID Inflation Deflation Up the Down Escalator "Thy kingdom come" The request for God's kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God's Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,
and by promoting peace and justice.[26] This can be accomplished by discerning how the Holy Spirit (God) is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances of one's life.[26] Christians must also pray, asking God for what is necessary to cooperate with the coming of God's Kingdom. [27] Jesus gathered disciples to be the seed and the beginning of God's Reign on earth, and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide them.[28] Jesus continues to call all people to come together around him[29] and to spread the Kingdom of God across the entire world.[30] However, the ultimate triumph of Christ's Kingdom will not come about until Christ's return to earth at the end of time.[31] During Christ's second coming, he will judge the living and the dead. Only those who are judged to be righteous and just will reign with Christ forever.[32] Christ's second coming will also mark the absolute defeat of all evil powers, including Satan.[33] Until then, the coming of the Kingdom will continue to be attacked by evil powers as Christians wait with hope for the second coming of their Savior.[34] This is why Christians pray to hasten Christ's return by saying to him "Maranatha!" which means "Come, Lord Jesus!".[35] Cusp WW III we r destitute and scattered here today 2 discuss abandoning UN politics and prayers Being democratic if majority refuse 2 share effort surviving we cede 2 dying What can we say what else can we do pray you say SYRIA'S Coming Disaster in Bible Prophecy!!! How dumb are we Slavery by consent? Slavery by Consent Humans incompetent to satiate the insatiable but thank God priceless as collateral
as Homo sapiens,[3][4] Latin for "wise man" or "knowing man")[5] are the only living species in the Homogenus. Anatomically modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago.[6] Humans have a highly developed brain and are capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other living species on Earth. Other higher-level thought processes of humans, such as
[citation needed]
All Americans need to see this and by all means the world US Peace keeper War machine De jure De facto Religion helps to enslave the people Religion the first phase of SB Satanic Brainwashing On to SP Satanic Puppet through to SS Super Satanic It would appear the Quebec people introducing the Charter Values thing know their shit
Click if you believe you can handle the Truth Being a most onerous and formidable challenge with a scrambled mind
Reality exists with or without ME Mother Earth MOM Meek of Mind Passively wait for their inheritance to pass on
15 Human Family Undivided Sovereign Inherent Origination Nuptials In such matters as humanity Rest after the 7th