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Anandatanaprakasam Ragam: Kedaram (29th melakartha Janyam) AROHANA: S M1 G3 M1 P N3 S AVAROHANA: S N3 P M1 G3 R2 S Talam: Misra Chapu Composer: Muthuswami Dikshitar Version:

D.K. Jayaraman

|| ||

Pallavi: AnandanaTana prakAsham citsabhEsham AshrayAmi shivakAma vallIsham Anupallavi: bhAnukOTi kOTi sankAsham bhukti muktiprada daharAkAsham dInajana samrakSaNa caNam divya patannjali vyAghrapAda darshita kunjitAbja caraNam Charanam: shItAmshu gangAdharam nIla kandharam shrI kEdArAdi kSEtrAdhAram bhUtEsham shArddUla carmAmbaram cidambaram bhUsura tri-sahasra munIshvaram vishvEshvaram navanIta hrdayama sadaya guruguha mAdyam vEdavEdyam vItarAgiNam apramEyAdvaita pratipAdyam sangIta vAdya vinOda tANDavajAta bahutara bhEda cOdyam Meaning: (From T.K. Govinda Raos book) Pallavi: I take refuge (Asrayami) in the Lord (Eesham) of SIVAKAMAVALLI, the cosmic dancer of CITSABHA, who dances (natana) with ecstacy (Natana prakaasham). Anupallavi: His effulgent form (sankaasham) is like that of crores (koti) of suns (Bhanu). He, the one who is of the form of subtle ethers DAHARAKASA. He is skilful in bestowing (prada) both the ephemeral (bhukti) and eternal (mukti) happiness. He is adept (chana) in protecting (samrakshana) the afflicted (dina) ones (jana). He has the glory of bestowing the great (divya) vision (darshita) of His lifted (Kunjitha) lotus-like (abja) PADA (pada charanam) for His devotees PADANJALI and VYAGHRAPADA. Charanam: He wears (dharma) the crescent moon (shItAmshu) & GANGA on his head, and has a blue (nIla) neck (kandharam). He is established (Adhaaram) in KEDARA and other (aadi) temples (kshetra). He, the master (eesham) of BHUTAs. He is clad (ambaram) in tiger (shArddUla) skin (charma). He, the Lord of the universe-VISVESVARA. He has a heart (hrudayam) that melts like freshly made butter (Navaneetha). He is the lord (Ishwaram) of the three (thri) thousand (sahasra) sages (muni). He is the progenitor (mAdyam) of GURUGUHA, who is full of compassion (sadaya). He is understood (vEdyam) though the VEDAs. He, the desireless one (apramEyA), the infinite (vItarAgiNam). He is expounded (pratipAdyam) by the philosophy of monism-ADVAITA-non-duality. He sportively performs (vinOda) various forms of dances (tANDavajAta) to the accompaniment of music (sangIta) and musical instruments (vAdya). He imparts knowledge to His devotees (bahutara)-becomes the answers (cOdyam) to the questions (bhEda) of his devotees. Pallavi: AnandanaTana prakAsham citsabhEsham AshrayAmi shivakAma vallIsham who dances (natana) with ecstacy (Natana prakaasham). sn P ; A- - |S; nan S ; || M G ; | G ,r danaTa na- R S || S ; , r | r G , S ; || ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; prakA- - - sham-- - - -- - - - ||

sn P ; A- - -

|S; nan

S ; || M G ; | G ,r danaTa na- -

R S || S ; , r | r G s ; -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || prakA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham

the cosmic dancer of CITSABHA sn P ; A- - sn P ; A- - |S; nan |S; nan S ; || gm P , m | mGr danaTa na- S ; || gm pnsn | pmgr danaTa na- RS praRS pra|| S ; , r | r G , S -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || kA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham || S ; , r | r G , S -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || kA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham

I take refuge (Asrayami) in the Lord (Eesham) of SIVAKAMAVALLI ;; S -- A sn P ; A- - ;; S -- A ; ; S - - | P; shra |S; nan | P; shra | ;; -PM || G R S yA- mi | S rg shi-rs S va- RS prars S va- || sn P ; kA- |S; ma ; M || gmG ; ,r | S , r - val lI- - - -- shamr G s|| - - -

S ; || gm pnsn | pmgr danaTa na- PM || G R S yA- mi ; ; || -| S rg shi--

|| S ; , r | r G , S -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || kA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham || sn P ; kA- |S; ma ; M || gmG ; ,r | S , r - val lI- - - -- shamr G ,|| - - -

Anupallavi: bhAnukOTi kOTi sankAsham bhukti muktiprada daharAkAsham dInajana samrakSaNa caNam divya patannjali vyAghrapAda darshita kunjitAbja caraNam His effulgent form (sankaasham) is like that of crores (koti) of suns (Bhanu). ;;G | ,M, P; -- bhA - nu - kO;;G | ,M, P; -- bhA - nu - kOsnN- nG, | , M , P ; -- - bhA - nu - kO|| ; P ; - Ti|| ; P ; - Ti|| ; P ; - Ti| ;; -;; -|| ; ; ; --| ;; -;; -||

| P; ;S kO- - | P; ;S kO- - -

|| S ; ; | sn N ; ; || S ; , n | S rg Ti - san- - - - kA- - --|| S ; ; | sn N ; ; || S ; , n | S rg Ti - san- - - - kA- - ---

rs S || shamrs S || sham-

He is skilful in bestowing (prada) both the ephemeral (bhukti) and eternal (mukti) happiness. He, the one who is of the form of subtle ethers DAHARAKASA. ;;S |S; - - bhu kti S; mu|| ; sn P | P , m - kti- pra-M ; || ; ; gm | P ; da - - da- hannM || m G ; r | S R S; rA- - kA- - - sham- - ||

He is adept (chana) in protecting (samrakshana) the afflicted (dina) ones (jana). G; M | PN dI- na jana G; M | PN dI- na jana S; sam S; sam || r g R S | S- S sn P || pS, ; ; | ; ; ra- - kSa Na ca Nam-- - - -|| r g R S | S- S sn P || pS, ; ; | ; ; ra- - kSa Na ca Nam-- - - -; ; || r S n n p | , m mg , r S || ----- ---- -; ; || sr s n p n | p m gm gr S || ----- ---- ---

G; M | PN dI- na jana

S; sam

|| r g R S | S- S sn P || ra- - kSa Na ca Nam--

He has the glory of bestowing the great (divya) vision (darshita) of His lifted (Kunjitha) lotus-like (abja) PADA (pada charanam) for His devotees PADANJALI and VYAGHRAPADA. S s- p S | s s- G m- P p || P p n -P | m G r s r S || divya patan jali vyAghra pAda darshita kun ji tAbja ca raNam sn P ; A- - ;; S -- A ; ; S - - |S; nan | P; shra | ;; -S ; || gm pnsn | pmgr danaTa na- PM || G R S yA- mi ; ; || -| S rg shi-RS prars S va- || S ; , r | r G , S -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || kA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham || sn P ; kA- |S; ma ; M || gmG ; ,r | S , r - val lI- - - -- shamr G ,|| - - -

Charanam: shItAmshu gangAdharam nIla kandharam shrI kEdArAdi kSEtrAdhAram bhUtEsham shArddUla carmAmbaram cidambaram bhUsura tri-sahasra munIshvaram vishvEshvaram navanIta hrdayama sadaya guruguha mAdyam vEdavEdyam vItarAgiNam apramEyAdvaita pratipAdyam sangIta vAdya vinOda tANDavajAta bahutara bhEda cOdyam He wears (dharma) the crescent moon (shItAmshu) & GANGA on his head, and has a blue (nIla) neck (kandharam). P;; | P,m shI- tA- M- G || R ; ; | G ,m - mshu gan- - gA-mg gr dha- || S ; ; ram |; ; - sn P || S S ; | r G r R ; || nI- - la kan- dha- - ram - -

He is established (Adhaaram) in KEDARA and other (aadi) temples (kshetra). ; ; gm | P ; sn M - - shrI kE- - - - P;; | P,m shI- tA- || m G ; r | S rg rs S || sn P ; | S ; ; sm || m G ; r dA- - rA-- di- kSE - - trA- - a dhA- - mg gr dha- || S ; ; ram |; ; - | S R S ; || ram - - -

M- G || R ; ; | G ,m - mshu gan- - gA--

sn P || S S ; | r G r R ; || nI- - la kan- dha- - ram - | S R S ; || ram - - -

; ; gm | P ; sn M - - shrI kE- - - - -

|| m G ; r | S , r rs S || sn P ; | S ; P , m || m G ; r dA- - rA-- di- kSE - - trA- A - - dhA- - -

He, the master (eesham) of BHUTAs. G;; | M; bhU- tE P ; || ; ; ; | ; ; sham - - -;; -||

He, the master (eesham) of BHUTAs. He is clad (ambaram) in tiger (shArddUla) skin (charma). He lives in Chidambaram. mG ; , | M ; bhU- tE nG ; , | M ; bhU- tE P ; || P ,m p s | ; S sham shAr- ddU - - la P ; || P ,m p s | ; S sham shAr- ddU - - la S; car S; car || S ,n sr | s R , ; S || S ; S | sn N ; ; mAm ba- ram - - ci dam-ba ram- - || S ,n sr | s R , ; S || S ; S | sn N ; ; mAm ba- ram - - ci dam-ba ram- - ||


He is the lord (Ishwaram) of the three (thri) thousand (sahasra) sages (muni). He is the Lord of the universe-VISVESVARA. S; M |G ; bhU-su raS; M |G ; bhU-su raR R || S ; N tri- sa has- ra R R || S ; N tri- sa has- ra | np N ; n m || P ; ; | ; ; mu-nI - shva- ram - -| np N ; n m || P ; ; | ; ; mu-nI - shva- ram - -G ; || mg G R | S ; ; ; || vish- vE- - shva ram - G ; || mg G R | S ; S S|| vish- vE- - shva ram nava

He has a heart (hrudayam) that melts like freshly made butter (Navaneetha). He is the progenitor (mAdyam) of GURUGUHA, who is full of compassion (sadaya). He is understood (vEdyam) though the VEDAs. S ;M nI - ta |GR hr da S ; || S M G | gm P N M yam sa da ya gu- ru guha || P ; N | nn M P ; || G ; R | sRs tha- tha mA- - dyam vE da vE-S ; || dyam

He, the desireless one (apramEyA), the infinite (vItarAgiNam). He is expounded (pratipAdyam) by the philosophy of monism-ADVAITA-non-duality. S;S vI ta S;S vI ta |M; rA|M; rAGM || P ; N giNam a -para GM || P ; N giNam a -para | pmM ; G ; mE- - - yA| pmM ; G ; mE- - - yA|| M ; ; | P ; Dhvai- ta|| M ; ; | P ; Dhvai- taN M || P ; ,n | N S pra ti pA- - dyamN M || P ; ,n | N S pra ti pA- - dyam;; -||

; S || - san

He sportively performs (vinOda) various forms of dances (tANDavajAta) to the accompaniment of music (sangIta) and musical instruments (vAdya). He imparts knowledge to His devotees (bahutara)-becomes the answers (cOdyam) to the questions (bhEda) of his devotees. S; S |S; gI- ta vAS; S |S; gI- ta vAS S || rg R S | S ; dya vi nO- - da tAN S S || mg R S dya vi nO- - da | S; tAN NP Dava NP Dava || P ; pg | ; gm , p N || nP , M | gmG ; R S - S || jA- ta- bahu tara bhE- da cO- - - dyam san || P ; pg | ; gm , p N || nP , M | gmG ; R S ; || jA- ta- bahu tara bhE- da cO- - - dyam

Chitta Swaram: P;N |NS M G || G R R | S N N ; P;N NS tha ka ja nu tha S N N ; R S R | S S M G || M M P | S N Tha ja nu tha ka M G M MP SN N; N;

|| S ; M | G R S M || G M P | ; N Jam tha ri tha S M G M P ; N

M G || MG

|| S S ; | N P P,m n P, || M G R | S- R S S || tha jam tha ri P ; M G tha thi gi nathom

P nns m | g g r r s n N || S m g r s | m g m p , n m g || P nns thakajanutha s n N Jamtharitha s m g m p , n m g r s r s s m| gmmp Thajanu thaka m g m m p s n N || s S n p p | , m g r s r s s || s n N tha jam tha ri p , m g thathi ginathom

s S n p p | , m g r s r s s || s S n p p | , m g r s r s s || tha jam tha ri p , m g thathi ginathom tha jam tha ri p , m g thathi ginathom sn P ; A- - |S; nan S ; || gm pnsn | pmgr danaTa na- RS pra|| S ; , r | r G , S -S || ; R S | snrs sn N || kA- - - sham-- - ci - - tsa bhE-- sham

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