Igc1 Topic Focus Summery

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include definitions of health, safety, hazards, risks and accidents. It also discusses barriers to health and safety, employer responsibilities, accident costs, and the roles of international and national bodies in health and safety.

According to ILO R164 article 19, employer responsibilities include providing a safe workplace, safe plant, safe systems of work, information, instructions and training, and safety supervision.

Reasons for maintaining health and safety include moral, legal and financial reasons. Morally it is the employer's duty, legally countries have passed laws on employer responsibilities, and financially accidents can result in high direct and indirect costs.


Health the absence of disease. Safety the absence of hazards, risks & serious injury at workplace. Environmental Protection the prevention of damage to air, land, water and living creatures. Accident an unplanned, unwanted which lead to injuries, loss and damage. Near Miss an unplanned, unwanted which has potential to injuries, loss and damage. Dangerous Occurrence a specified event which must be reported to organization and state. Hazard Something with potential to cause harm to people and property. Risk the likelihood of an hazard triggered to an accident by human or machine failure. Budget: Safety Need Money, therefore lack of Assigned Budget for HSE is barrier. Commitment: Employer & Senior Management Lack of Commitment for Achieving Safety in Organization is barrio. Complex Workplace: Complicated workplace involving many workers performing different activities. Conflicting Demands: There could be many conflicting demands imposed to workers like Owner wants to implement QMS/EMS in org. could cause a barrier. Behavioral Issues: Good H&S runs with workers good behaviors, workers always not perform in ideal way are a barrier. Moral: it is moral duty of owner to maintain Safe workplace, plant, SSW and Substance. Example in an accident many workers injured or killed during work @ w/place, It is morally unacceptable for society, therefore owner must maintain HSE standards. Legal: ILO-R164 article 10 recommends Employer responsibilities to arrange Safe W/P, Plant, SSW and member bodies countries passed local laws as legal responsibilities of owner/employer Saudi labor law is an example of Legal Reasons. Financial: it relates to facts and figures of accidents with direct and indirect costs which are financial reasons for owner to comply safety. ILO R164 article 19 defines below responsibilities: Safe Workplace: owner should provide reasonably safe work place to worker without hazards and risks to health or property. Safe Plant: owner should provide reasonably safe plant like machines, tools to worker without hazards and risks to health or property. SSW: owner should provide safe written procedures for all activities @ work place to workers. which includes PTW system and control measures. Information, Instructions and Training: owner should provide info, inst and training about their specific work related hazards and risks with control measures. Safety Supervision: owner should provide competent safety supervision at workplace. Direct Costs: Measurable costs effects direct to organization due accident at workplace like criminal fines, victim compensation, F/aid treatment, repair costs, product losses and increased insurance premiums. Indirect Costs: Costs occurs indirectly due accident normally higher by 70% than direct costs to employer like loss of worker moral, court hospital, investigations man hours loss, cost of remedial actions, new staff hiring and training cost, fine on late product delivery and loss of organization reputation and image. ILO C-155/R164 sets certain conventions and recommendation for HSE in organizations. Local laws been passed by National bodies to meet minimum of ILO and failure to comply employers could face enforced actions or criminal offences like fines, prisons. Work related injuries need victim compensations by employers. Take care of self-safety and safety of other workers at workplace. Comply with safety procedures and instructions. Comply with PPE and do not temper it. Report near miss, incidents and accidents. Enforcement Actions by regulating Authorities. Criminal offence case against employer. Criminal offence cases against senior management executives. Increase in Insurance premiums.

2. Barriers to Health & Safety

3. Reasons for Maintaining Health & Safety

4. Employer Responsibilities.

5. Accident Costs

6. Role of International and National Bodies in HSE.

7. Worker Responsibilities:

8. Employers noncompliance actions

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Loss of workers Moral. Financial Losses. Loss of organization reputation and image. Loss of industrial relations. POLICY: A clear statement which describes employer vision and commitment towards safety compliances at all management levels of organization but especially at CEO/GM levels. Policy has three parts statement of intent- signed by CEO/GM,HSE Organization with roles, Arrangements as general and specific arrangements. ORGANIZING: A detailed framework of HSE roles and responsibilities with accountabilities from CEO level to downwards general worker level including appointment of HSE management and competent specialists of safety. PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING: A detailed Arrangement must be made by employer as GENERAL how organization will manage safety like R/A, Inspections, Audits, Control Measures with review of process after accident/audits and SPECIFIC- how employees will comply safety at organization like specific type of procedures, lone working, emergency, safe systems. EVALUATION: The methods that monitor and review effectiveness of placed arrangements through Proactive and Reactive Methods like before and after an accident or audit. ACTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: During evaluation process of proactive and reactive monitoring, if any short coming been identified in HSEMS, these must be corrected ASAP by reviewing of policy and arrangements for implementation. AUDIT: HSEMS must undergo through independent external audit with systematic and critical examination to ensure all parts of HSMS are working at acceptable level. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT: The target that HSMS will not remain static and will progress positively for organization it serves is called continual improvement.

9. Elements of HSMS: POPEAAC

10. 11. 12. 13.

PURPOSE OF SETTING HSE POLICY The HSE policy is a legal document that sets aims and targets of health and safety. It sets aims & targets of HSE. It defines how and who aims & target will be achieved. It has role of decision making of senior management who will formulate it. It has role of middle & junior management those are required to implement policy KEY FEATURES OF HSE POLICY: Statement of Intent. Organization. Arrangements general/specific. Policy Review. OBJECTIVES OF HSE POLICY Meeting legal obligations. Provision of safe w/place. R/A of all work activities. Provision of safe plant, machine. Provision of adequate resources. Provision of effective communications. Provision of info/insts/trng. Provision of SSW/PTW. Provision of competent supervision. Provision of worker welfare. Provision of workers consultation. TARGETS OF HSE POLICY Reduction in Accident rates. Proactive monitoring. Reactive monitoring. Planned no of audits per year. Planned no of inspections per year. Planned no of workers training per year.

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14. Planned no of R/A of activities per year. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS Carry out R/A Provide HSE INFO/INST/TRNG. Accident reporting, recording and investigations. Consultation with workers. Develop SSW/PTW to control hazards. Develop details/list of specific hazards and applied control measures. Welfare of workers plans. Emergency procedures and action plans. Evaluation plans. Communications with workers. Health surveillance plans. Health surveillance involves checking the health of individual employees exposed to specific health risks at work. This is done by looking for adverse changes to their health, which may be caused by hazardous substances. REVIEW OF HSE POLICY Change of ownership. Change of key positions. Change of w/place location. Change of technology. Change of process. Change of legal rules. After consultation with workforce. As a result of audit finding in HSE system. Enforcement Actions. Passage of time i.e. annual.


16. ORGANIZATION HSE ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES. EMPLOYER: is responsible for ensuring safe w/p, safe machines, SSW, info/inst/trng, hse mgmt, supervision. DIRECTORS: are responsible for setting policy, adequate resources to ensure policy works effectively. And appointments of competent HSE Manager and Advisors. ADVISORS: are responsible to give correct advice to organization and workers. WORKERS: are responsible to care their and co-workers safety and report incidents/near miss. PERMISES CONTROLLERS: role is to ensure premises are a safe w/place and access to/from is safe. SUPPLIERS: to ensure machines/plant supplied for use @ w/place are safe and substances are tested and provided with MSDS. CONTRACTOR: are responsible for their and other workers with visitors safety at w/place. CLIENT: are responsible for ensuring that contractors are competent and supervised. 17. JOINT OCCUPIERS OF W/PLACE Joint Occupiers of workplace premises by two organizations requires coordinations and joint emergency plans and procedures as written agreements as per ILO C155 Article 17 and ILO R164 Article 11.Below are important outlines for joint workplace premises of two organizations.

Coordination of Procedures: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to prepare agreed Procedures for Emergency Response. Like shared Emergency Evacuation Route Map and shared evacuation Procedures.

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Shared Risk Assessments & Methods of Statements: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to conduct Shared Risk Assessments and Shared Preventive Actions to be decided. Shared Facilities: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to established shared Facilities which need to establish in case of shared workplace. Integrated Safety Awareness Training for workers: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to integrate shared Safety Training syllabus for employees of both organizations. Joint Safety Committee: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to establish a Joint Safety Committee of workers, they should meet with regular intervals to review safety precautions , Joint Safety Committee minutes of meeting shall be recorded and shared with both companies employees. Shared Fire Assembly Points & Shared First Aid Facilities: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to decide for shared Fire assembly points, shared fire wardens nominations and Shared First Aid Facilities should be established as written Agreement between both organizations. EXAMPLE: KAIA-Jeddah Airport is an Shared Workplace between four Organizations and Airport is owned by Regulator GACA (civil aviation) Three Companies Saudi Ground Services/Safari/Fueling Coms/PPMDC-Ports Projects are sharing workplace. Regulations of Regulator been applied, Three companies shares their Risk Assessments, Integrated Safety Awareness Training been arranged by Regulator, There are three joint safety committees for Airside, Terminals and specific Pilgrims Terminal Safety Committee, there are master Emergency Response Plan of Regulator and all Four Companies have their Specific ERP which are shared through Safety Committees. 18. i. ii. iii. iv. v. SELECTION OF CONTRACTORS Copy of HSE POLICY. Records of R/A. Competency level of worker qualification matrix. Maintenance records with p-m plan. Name of current/previous client. Accident records/investigations record. Enforcement action taken against them. Proof of adequate resources. Check contractor meet our needs.

The safety culture of org. is the way how workers thinks & feel about safety and how translates in their behavior. There is a strong link between safety & HSE performance. ORG. with positive s/culture having good performance records and vice versa org. with negative s/culture having poor performance records. Safety culture of org. can be assessed through performance indicators like accident graphic records, sickness rates, and absenteeism and worker complaints.


FACTORS OF NEGITIVE SAFETY CULTURE. Lack of safety budget. Lack of snr mgmt commitment. Lack of mgmt leadership. Presence of blame culture. Low priorty of HSE by employer. Frequent org changes key positions.

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22. Lack of communication with workers. Lack of workers consultations. Lack of resources. High staff turnover. Poor mgmt. Lack of HSE mgr response on reports. External impact economic decline. Strict investigations. Harassment. INDICATORS TO ASSESS SAFETY CULTURE. Review accident records with trends/patterns. Review near miss records with trends/patterns Review sickness records with trends/patterns. Review absentees records. Review org. performance in last 5 years. Review other org. in field performance and compare. Review enforcement action records. Review audit finding reports.

23. Individuals Peers Influence. When many peoples are put together in to groups like shifts, some individuals due to their character and positive behavior becomes leader of group and they have strong influence on group behavior is called peers influence. 24. Factors of Peers Influence. Individual factors: personal character of worker. Job factor: the assigned task. Organization factors: vision & commitment to safety of owner and CEO. Attitude factor: how worker thinks about safety. Competency factor: KATE OF WORKER. Motivation factor: how leader show his peers influence.

MORAL- a level of commitment, energy and interest that a worker has about his work. MOTIVATION- A person drive to achieve goal and develops workers interest towards goal. GAP-ANALYSIS- a technique in which current situation been assessed and compared with desired situation. PERCEPTION- A way that a person interprets information by his senses.

26. Factor destroy Perception

Lack of owner commitment to safety. Illness. Stress. Drugs. Previous experience.

27. Factors Improve Perception

Management leadership. Workers survey. Group consultation. Effective communications. Safety awareness campaigns. Competency.

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Highlight of hazards. Safety awards. Effective notice boards. Use of peers influence.

28. Effective communication-methods.

Verbal- tool box meetings, consultations, sessions, peers influence. Written- memo, email, letters, hand books. Graphic- showing records in form of graphs with trends and patterns. Broadcasting- notice boards, posters, videos.

29. Induction training-contents.

Safety policy. Organization charts. Fire and other ERP. First aid locations, facilities. Safe movement area. Restricted areas. Incident reporting procedures. Specific PPE requirements. Overview of site risk assessment. Current applied controls. Driving rules. HR policy.

30. Developing of emergency procedures.

Steps to follow in emergency situations. Provision of suitable equipments. Nomination of responsible workers like fire wardens, fire marshals. Provision of information, instructions and training. Drill and emergency exercises. Coordination with nearest emergency services. Like FRS, hazardous mat team and hospitals

31. First Aid.

Employer has a moral responsibility to make arrangements and provision of first aid to workers in event of injury. Three elements are below: Facilities- assigned location of first aid. Equipment- stock of first aid kits and other required items. Personnel- competent first aiders to cover complete operational hours.

32. Role of First Aider.

The basic role of first aider is to keep the injured person alive till professional medical support arrives, it requires 3 Ps. Preserve Life. 6 Page of IGC-1 Arshad Qazi


Prevent Consequences of Injury. Promote Recovery.

33. Factors of F/aid Provision.

General Risk level of workplace. Hazards at workplace. Specific needs. Accident rates. Presence of vulnerable workers. No. of workers @ workplace Spread of workplace. Extreme weathers @ workplace.

34. Smart objectives- CEO to assign

Specific clearly defined. Measurable- possible to measure performance like no of audits in year. Achievable- can be achieved. Reasonable- with in time scale. Time bound- target date assigned.


Risk Assessment

Definition- A formalized process of hazards identification, assessing risks and finally eliminating or controlling to an acceptable level through control measures application and monitoring effectiveness.

36. Risk/A Objectives.

Prevent death or injury at workplace. Prevent property damage. Prevent breach of laws. Prevent Direct & Indirect Losses of Organization. It is moral, legal and financial responsibility of employer.

37. Key Stages of Risk Assessment.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. Identify hazards at workplace through SREDIM. Identify Peoples who & how might be harmed @ workplace. Evaluate Risks and Decide/Apply Control Measures to eliminate or control to acceptable level. Record Significant Finding with applied control measures. Review and update R/A- if needed.


Inspections. Task analysis like SREDIM Legislations law. MSDS.

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Incident data.


WORKERS drivers, operators, labors including vulnerary disable, womens,young. Maintenance Staff. Cleaners. Contractors. Visitors- including unwanted visitors. Member of public.


Competent-KATE. Workers familiar with task & area to be assess. HSE- specialists. Technical experts mechanical or electrical. Line Manager of Area. Workers Safety Representatives.

41. Risk Assessment Suitable & Sufficient.

Name, Title Competency of Assessor. HSE- IF Assisted. Identify significant hazards. Identify Peoples including ulnar and young. Identify how peoples might be harmed. Evaluate risks by severity. Develop Control Measures. Apply developed control measures. Record significant Findings and Controls State date of R/A and Next Assessment Date.

42. Risk Assessment Review

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. Significant changes in. Ownership. Workplace Environment and Location. Process/Technology. Machine/Equipments. Senior Management. Legal Standards. R/A not valid due. Accident. Near miss Ill health As Result of Audit Report Significant short coming in HSEMS.

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Passage of time- Annually, it is very good practice.

43. Hazards/Controls to Pregnant woman worker.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HAZARDS Certain chemical Agents. Certain Biological Agents. Manual Handling. Working at high floors. DSE- workstation Whole body vibration activity. Exposure to high noise source. Ionizing Radiations. Night shifts. Lone working. Confined spaces. Ergonomic violence. Stress of workload. CONTROL MEASURES. Approve Pregnancy Leave to eliminate hazard. Change work Task. Reduce working hours. Eliminate exposure to vibration or noise. Provide morning shift duty. Provide Adequate breaks at DSE-workstation. Eliminate Lone working & confined space assignments. Ensure exposure to Radiations eliminated. Eliminate manual handling. Kept standby Emergency Support like WCHR, F/AID and AMBULANCE.


I. II. I. II. III. IV. I. II. III. GENERALEliminate the risk- if possible. Substitute the risk- replace with less hazards. ENGINEERINGCONTROL. Isolate or total close hazard. Separate hazard location. Partial close of hazard. Install safety devices-trip device for electric. ADMINSTRATIVE CONTROL. SSW &PTW. Reduce exposure with distance. Minimize time of exposure.

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IV. Information, Instructions and training.

45. Safety signs.

Prohibited- circle man crossed. Warning-triangle face bones. Mandatory- circle safety shoes. Safe condition-square door with man aero. Fire equipment- rectangle fire with key.

46. Sources of Information.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. INTERNALSOURCES: Accident records. Incident records. Near-miss records. Absentees records. Sickness records. Inspection records. Risk Assessment records. Audit reports. Enforcement action records. Safety MOM. Maintenance records. Contractors reports. Duty manager daily report. Safety department shift logs. Workers feedback box. EXTERNAL SOURCES: National labor laws. International body-ILO. Material label. MSDS. Insurance Reports. Regional safety magazine. Trade association reports. Regulator advisories.

47. Developing of SSW.

SSW is a formal procedure on systematic exam of work in order to identify specific hazards through specific developed checklist of specific task. SSW defines safe work methods by which hazards are eliminated or reduced to minimum acceptable level.

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SSW normally developed using SRDIM identification, controlling of hazards by each step of task considering engineering and behavioral controls. PEME-Peoples, Equipments, Materials and Environment studies been used to develop SSW. Permit to work normally been used for SSW implementations.

48. Factors of SSW.

Task Analysis by SREDIM and PEME concept. Selection of task Record each step of task. Evaluate risk associated with each step. Develop SSW to eliminate or reduce hazards and risks. Considering peoples involve in work like workers including vulnerary workers and young workers. Consider machines and equipment in use. Consider materials in use like chemical or biological agents. Consider environmental issues at workplace. Implement developed SSW. Monitor effectiveness of SSW. Considering manufacturers recommended control measures.


Do not work inside confined space if it is possible to perform task by other way as it is a high risk area. If confined space is only choice to perform task than a competent specialist must carry out R/A. SSW must be developed and implemented through PTW. Emergency procedures must be in place. Information, instructions and training must be provided to workforce. Appropriate PPE must be provided and enforced usage in place. Safety supervision shall be in place.


No lone working for certain Remote Safety supervision shall be in place. Logging in/out procedures shall be applied. CCTV could be used for monitoring of lone worker. Alarm system shall be installed. Communication facilities like radio, bravo to be provided for lone worker. Written lone working procedures must be in place. Standby emergency services must be arranged. Info/inst/trng to be given to workers. Random medical exam should be conducted of lone workers. Risk /A to be performed for lone work place.

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PTW is implementation part of SSW to control high risk work activities incidents. It has four parts. I. ISSUE- includes nature, location of work, names of authorized competent workers, issue, validity dates and times, control measures for before, during and after and any restrictions and other PTW needs. II. RECEIPT- handover process of PTW, workers signs and confirms that they understand hazards, risks associated with activity and controls will be implemented. III. CLEARANCE- workers signs this section that work is completed and work place back in safe condition. Normal ops could be resumed. IV. CANCELLATION- Authorizing Manager signs this section to accept handover of workplace; also manager can authorize extension of PTW if work is not completed.

End of Element IV
Active Monitoring; It is about checking to ensure that org. Safety Policy Standards are in place and effective in terms of HS compliances. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions been eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level before occurrence of foreseeable event at workplace. Reactive Monitoring; it is about measuring safety performance by reference to an accident that have already occurred, developing short term and long term remedial actions development and implementation in order to eliminate or control underlying root causes to prevent reoccurrence of accident. Inspection; It means a scheduled, regular activity with comparison to Safety Policy Performance standards. It can be applied to statutory, routine, periodic and for pre-use checks by pre-developed checklist. It can be recorded to provide evidence of inspection. Safety Sampling; A technique of monitoring safety compliance standards by looking random samples of workplace as per its spread. Safety Surveys; A detailed examination of one particular issue or concept to involve workers in safety measuring like health surveys, task surveys. Safety Tours; A high profile inspection of workplace carried out by group or team, team members could be senior management, safety management, line manager. It can be formal or informal.

53. Frequency of Inspections.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Statutory Requirement; May dictate for no. of inspections. Type of Activities; May can be decided frequency as per hazardous activities at workplace. Risk Assessment; May as a need of Control Measures. New Machine/Plant; May due to purchase of new machine. Vulnerable or Young Workers; May it require due high ratio of young workers. Manufacturers Recommendation; May Recommended by manufacturer for frequency. Previous Audit Finding; May Recommended by Audit Report as remedial action. Accident Records/Trends; due increase of specific area incident rates. Company Policy Target; May employer set a target to achieve.

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54. Generic Inspection Checklist Topics.
Fire Safety-Includes EEP, ERP, SIGNS, FIRE EXTINGUSHIERS, FIRE HOSE, FIRE DRILLS. Housekeeping- general tidiness. Environmental- lighting, extreme temperatures, noise, vibrations. Substances Safety- chemical or biological agents Lone working- procedures, controls. Confined spaces- procedures, controls. Hot works- procedures, controls. Workers welfare- facilities. PPE- provision and compliance. First Aid- facilities, equipment, competency of f/aider.

A Systematic, Objective, Critical, Planed Evaluation of an Organizations SMS. It has three terminologies; 1. Review of documentations like Policy, organization-roles/responsibilities, planning, Arrangements, Evaluation system, Actions for Improvement, Internal audits, Continual Improvement. 2. Interviewing of Line Managers and Workers. 3. Direct Observation of workplace activities.


Safety Policy. Organization, Arrangements Procedure, Manuals. SSW-Arrangements. Risk Assessments. Training Records- competency level. Maintenance Records- Preventive Maintenance. Inspection Reports. Ill Health Records. Worker Complaints. Emergency Procedures. Hazards Material Procedures of handling, storage and disposal. Accident Records and Remedial Actions. Accident Investigations and short, long term actions. Enforcement Action Records.


To discover root causes and underlying causes. To develop and apply Control Measures. To identify immediate root causes and controls. To identify underlying causes and developing/applying remedial actions. To record facts of accident. To meet legal requirements.

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To update Risk Assessments. For civil courts claim management. For disciplinary actions.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To trigger provision of first aid. To preserve accident scene for investigations. To enable carry out investigations. To meet legal requirements. To record incident for civil/criminal courts.


1. 2. 3. 4. Gather factual information, like photos, sketches, measurements, witness statements. Analyze gathered Information and draw conclusions-identify immediate and underlying causes. Identify and apply immediate controls. Plan Remedial Actions for underlying causes.


Hold interview in separate quite room. Introduce him and try to establish eye contact and good relations. Explain purpose of witness interview that it is not about blaming any person. Use open questions like who, how, why, when. Do not put words in his mouth. Do not allow answers like yes or no ask for details. Keep open minded. Record notes of each communication. Ask witness to write and sign statement to keep as record. Thanks witness with good body language.


I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Date & Time of accident. Place and location. Weather conditions. Details of Injured Persons-name/role/work history. Details of sustained injury. Description of activity was carrying out. Pictures, sketches, drawing of scene. Immediate root causes. Assessment of law breaches. Assessment of non-compliance. Details of witness and statement. Recommended Remedial Actions for underlying root causes.

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XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. Estimated cost of remedial actions. Details of investigators with signatures. Dates of start and completion. Attachment of proofs.

62. Reasons Might not report Incident.

Lack of safety policy. Unclear policy Lack of reporting system in org. Complicate reporting procedures. Blame culture in org. Lack of reporting due peers influence. Lack of safety manager response history. Threats to reporter. Line managers want to hide incidents. Lack of reporting awareness to workers.

63. Contents of Internal Accident Records.

Date/time of accident. Location/area. Details of injury. Details of property loss. Process of task. Details of machine/substance. Details of failures- ppe/noncompliances/law breaches. Hazards associated with task. Remedial actions taken. Witness name/statement. Name/address/role of injured persons. Name/position/signature of completing officer.


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