Igc1 Topic Focus Summery
Igc1 Topic Focus Summery
Igc1 Topic Focus Summery
Health the absence of disease. Safety the absence of hazards, risks & serious injury at workplace. Environmental Protection the prevention of damage to air, land, water and living creatures. Accident an unplanned, unwanted which lead to injuries, loss and damage. Near Miss an unplanned, unwanted which has potential to injuries, loss and damage. Dangerous Occurrence a specified event which must be reported to organization and state. Hazard Something with potential to cause harm to people and property. Risk the likelihood of an hazard triggered to an accident by human or machine failure. Budget: Safety Need Money, therefore lack of Assigned Budget for HSE is barrier. Commitment: Employer & Senior Management Lack of Commitment for Achieving Safety in Organization is barrio. Complex Workplace: Complicated workplace involving many workers performing different activities. Conflicting Demands: There could be many conflicting demands imposed to workers like Owner wants to implement QMS/EMS in org. could cause a barrier. Behavioral Issues: Good H&S runs with workers good behaviors, workers always not perform in ideal way are a barrier. Moral: it is moral duty of owner to maintain Safe workplace, plant, SSW and Substance. Example in an accident many workers injured or killed during work @ w/place, It is morally unacceptable for society, therefore owner must maintain HSE standards. Legal: ILO-R164 article 10 recommends Employer responsibilities to arrange Safe W/P, Plant, SSW and member bodies countries passed local laws as legal responsibilities of owner/employer Saudi labor law is an example of Legal Reasons. Financial: it relates to facts and figures of accidents with direct and indirect costs which are financial reasons for owner to comply safety. ILO R164 article 19 defines below responsibilities: Safe Workplace: owner should provide reasonably safe work place to worker without hazards and risks to health or property. Safe Plant: owner should provide reasonably safe plant like machines, tools to worker without hazards and risks to health or property. SSW: owner should provide safe written procedures for all activities @ work place to workers. which includes PTW system and control measures. Information, Instructions and Training: owner should provide info, inst and training about their specific work related hazards and risks with control measures. Safety Supervision: owner should provide competent safety supervision at workplace. Direct Costs: Measurable costs effects direct to organization due accident at workplace like criminal fines, victim compensation, F/aid treatment, repair costs, product losses and increased insurance premiums. Indirect Costs: Costs occurs indirectly due accident normally higher by 70% than direct costs to employer like loss of worker moral, court hospital, investigations man hours loss, cost of remedial actions, new staff hiring and training cost, fine on late product delivery and loss of organization reputation and image. ILO C-155/R164 sets certain conventions and recommendation for HSE in organizations. Local laws been passed by National bodies to meet minimum of ILO and failure to comply employers could face enforced actions or criminal offences like fines, prisons. Work related injuries need victim compensations by employers. Take care of self-safety and safety of other workers at workplace. Comply with safety procedures and instructions. Comply with PPE and do not temper it. Report near miss, incidents and accidents. Enforcement Actions by regulating Authorities. Criminal offence case against employer. Criminal offence cases against senior management executives. Increase in Insurance premiums.
4. Employer Responsibilities.
5. Accident Costs
7. Worker Responsibilities:
PURPOSE OF SETTING HSE POLICY The HSE policy is a legal document that sets aims and targets of health and safety. It sets aims & targets of HSE. It defines how and who aims & target will be achieved. It has role of decision making of senior management who will formulate it. It has role of middle & junior management those are required to implement policy KEY FEATURES OF HSE POLICY: Statement of Intent. Organization. Arrangements general/specific. Policy Review. OBJECTIVES OF HSE POLICY Meeting legal obligations. Provision of safe w/place. R/A of all work activities. Provision of safe plant, machine. Provision of adequate resources. Provision of effective communications. Provision of info/insts/trng. Provision of SSW/PTW. Provision of competent supervision. Provision of worker welfare. Provision of workers consultation. TARGETS OF HSE POLICY Reduction in Accident rates. Proactive monitoring. Reactive monitoring. Planned no of audits per year. Planned no of inspections per year. Planned no of workers training per year.
16. ORGANIZATION HSE ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES. EMPLOYER: is responsible for ensuring safe w/p, safe machines, SSW, info/inst/trng, hse mgmt, supervision. DIRECTORS: are responsible for setting policy, adequate resources to ensure policy works effectively. And appointments of competent HSE Manager and Advisors. ADVISORS: are responsible to give correct advice to organization and workers. WORKERS: are responsible to care their and co-workers safety and report incidents/near miss. PERMISES CONTROLLERS: role is to ensure premises are a safe w/place and access to/from is safe. SUPPLIERS: to ensure machines/plant supplied for use @ w/place are safe and substances are tested and provided with MSDS. CONTRACTOR: are responsible for their and other workers with visitors safety at w/place. CLIENT: are responsible for ensuring that contractors are competent and supervised. 17. JOINT OCCUPIERS OF W/PLACE Joint Occupiers of workplace premises by two organizations requires coordinations and joint emergency plans and procedures as written agreements as per ILO C155 Article 17 and ILO R164 Article 11.Below are important outlines for joint workplace premises of two organizations.
Coordination of Procedures: It is required that both organizations must cooperate and coordinate to prepare agreed Procedures for Emergency Response. Like shared Emergency Evacuation Route Map and shared evacuation Procedures.
The safety culture of org. is the way how workers thinks & feel about safety and how translates in their behavior. There is a strong link between safety & HSE performance. ORG. with positive s/culture having good performance records and vice versa org. with negative s/culture having poor performance records. Safety culture of org. can be assessed through performance indicators like accident graphic records, sickness rates, and absenteeism and worker complaints.
FACTORS OF NEGITIVE SAFETY CULTURE. Lack of safety budget. Lack of snr mgmt commitment. Lack of mgmt leadership. Presence of blame culture. Low priorty of HSE by employer. Frequent org changes key positions.
23. Individuals Peers Influence. When many peoples are put together in to groups like shifts, some individuals due to their character and positive behavior becomes leader of group and they have strong influence on group behavior is called peers influence. 24. Factors of Peers Influence. Individual factors: personal character of worker. Job factor: the assigned task. Organization factors: vision & commitment to safety of owner and CEO. Attitude factor: how worker thinks about safety. Competency factor: KATE OF WORKER. Motivation factor: how leader show his peers influence.
MORAL- a level of commitment, energy and interest that a worker has about his work. MOTIVATION- A person drive to achieve goal and develops workers interest towards goal. GAP-ANALYSIS- a technique in which current situation been assessed and compared with desired situation. PERCEPTION- A way that a person interprets information by his senses.
Risk Assessment
Definition- A formalized process of hazards identification, assessing risks and finally eliminating or controlling to an acceptable level through control measures application and monitoring effectiveness.
End of Element IV
Active Monitoring; It is about checking to ensure that org. Safety Policy Standards are in place and effective in terms of HS compliances. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions been eliminated or controlled to an acceptable level before occurrence of foreseeable event at workplace. Reactive Monitoring; it is about measuring safety performance by reference to an accident that have already occurred, developing short term and long term remedial actions development and implementation in order to eliminate or control underlying root causes to prevent reoccurrence of accident. Inspection; It means a scheduled, regular activity with comparison to Safety Policy Performance standards. It can be applied to statutory, routine, periodic and for pre-use checks by pre-developed checklist. It can be recorded to provide evidence of inspection. Safety Sampling; A technique of monitoring safety compliance standards by looking random samples of workplace as per its spread. Safety Surveys; A detailed examination of one particular issue or concept to involve workers in safety measuring like health surveys, task surveys. Safety Tours; A high profile inspection of workplace carried out by group or team, team members could be senior management, safety management, line manager. It can be formal or informal.
A Systematic, Objective, Critical, Planed Evaluation of an Organizations SMS. It has three terminologies; 1. Review of documentations like Policy, organization-roles/responsibilities, planning, Arrangements, Evaluation system, Actions for Improvement, Internal audits, Continual Improvement. 2. Interviewing of Line Managers and Workers. 3. Direct Observation of workplace activities.