OC Vita Jan 2012
OC Vita Jan 2012
OC Vita Jan 2012
University Distinguished Professor of Marketing Bill Daniels Professor of Business Ethics Anderson School of Management University of New Mexico
MSC05 3090 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 OCFerrell@mgt.unm.edu (505) 277-3468 http://www.ocferrell.com http://www.e-businessethics.com http://danielsethics.mgt.unm.edu
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Ph.D. Marketing, Louisiana State University M.B.A. Marketing Concentration, Florida State University B.A. Sociology, Florida State University
MEMBERSHIPS Marketing Management Association, 1972-2010, International Academy of Marketing Science, 1971-2010, International American Marketing Association, 1966-2010, National Society for Marketing Advances, 1966-2010, National
2011-Present, University Distinguished Professor and Bill Daniels Professor of Business Ethics, Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico 2006-2011, Professor of Marketing, Creative Enterprise Scholar, and Bill Daniels Professor of Business Ethics, Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico 2005-2006, Bill Daniels Distinguished Professor of Business Ethics, University of Wyoming 2000-2005, Chair, Department of Marketing, Colorado State University Ehrhardt, Keefe, Steiner, and Hottman, P.C. Professor of Business Administration and Co-director,Center for Business Ethics and Social Issues 1998-2000, Professor of Marketing, Colorado State University 1997-2006, Professor, Masters in Marketing, Thammassat University, Bangkok Thailand Competitive Marketing Strategies course 1989-1998, Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Business Ethics, University of Memphis 1996-1997, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Marketing and Director of Graduate Studies in Business, University of Tampa 1993-1995, Interim Dean, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis 1990-1995, Summer Visiting Scholar, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1988-1989, Professor of Marketing, Texas A&M University College Station 1988-1989, Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Michigan Ann Arbor 1986, Summer Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Hannover Hannover, Germany 1982-1988, Associate Professor of Marketing, Texas A&M University College Station 1979-1982, Professor of Marketing, Illinois State University 1978, Summer Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1974-1978, Associate Professor of Marketing, Illinois State University-Normal 1971-1974, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC SERVICE Vice President of Publications, Academy of Marketing Science, 2007-Present. Member of the Board of Visitors, Nicholson School of Communication, University of Central Florida, 2011-Present.
National Associations of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) Center for the Public Trust Board Member, 2011-Present. Track Chair, Ethics and Social Responsibility Track, American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference, Summer 2011. Program Co-Chair, 40th Anniversary Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Coral Gables, FL, May 2011,. Program Co-Chair and speaker, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Ethics Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, May 5-6, 2011. Met with BBB in Fort Collins for a meeting to work with UNCO, UW, and CSU to assist them in expanding their partnership in business ethics with area schools, April 2011. Program Co-Chair and speaker, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Ethics Boot Camp, Albuquerque, NM; October 2010. Program Co-Chair and speaker, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Ethics Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, May 2010. Track Chair, Society for Marketing Advances, Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, November 2008. Track Chair, Academy of Marketing Science, Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2008. Track Chair, Marketing Management Association, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2008. Track Co-Chair, American Marketing Association, Winter Educators Conference, Instructional Innovation in Marketing Education, 2005. Track Co-Chair, Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Ethics, Trust, Responsibility, and Public Policy, 2004. Chairman, American Marketing Association, Code of Ethics Committee, 2003-2004. Academy of Marketing Science, Board of Governors, 2000-2006. American Marketing Association, Certification Advisory Committee, 1999-2000. Co-Chair, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 1999. Co-Chair, American Marketing Association International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1998. President, Academic Council, American Marketing Association, 1996-97. Vice-President of Marketing Education and American Marketing Association Board of Directors, 1995-97. Chairman, Code of Ethics for Internet Marketing Committee, American Marketing Association, 1996.
Track Chairman, Academy of Marketing Science, Teaching and Educational Technology, 1997. Track Chairman, Southwestern Marketing Association, Special Sessions, 1997. Track Chairman, Southern Marketing Association, Special Sessions, Workshops and Tutorials, 1996. Chairman, Ethics in Business Pre-Conference, Allied Southern Business, 1996. Chairman, Southwestern Marketing Association Doctoral Colloquium, 1994 and 1995. Track Chairman, Southwestern Marketing Association, Marketing Ethics/International Marketing, 1994. Track Chairman, Southwestern Marketing Association, Marketing Management, 1991. Sales & Marketing Executives Institute, Board of Trustees, 1990-98. Board of Directors, Midwest Marketing Association, 1987-90. Chairman, American Marketing Association Committee on Marketing Ethics, 1986-88. American Marketing Association Task Force on Marketing Ethics, 1985-86. Vice-President, Membership, Southern Marketing Association, 1983-84. Track Chairman, Southern Marketing Association, Theory and Macromarketing, 1983. Track Chairman, American Marketing Association Educators Conference, Marketing Education, 1983. Co-editor, American Marketing Association Educators Conference Proceedings, 1983. First editor of the American Marketing Associations Marketing Educator, 1981-83. President-Elect, Central Illinois Chapter, American Marketing Association, 1981-82. Director of the 1981 American Marketing Association Education Division Survey of Members American Marketing Association Marketing Education Council, 1980-82. Track Chairman, Southern Marketing Association, Theory and Macromarketing, 1980. Pioneered the development of the first American Marketing Association conference on marketing theory and was co-chairman of the first conference in Phoenix, Arizona, 1979. The annual conference is now called the AMA Winter Educators Conference. Co-editor, American Marketing Association Theory Conference Proceeding, 1979.
Fulfill the expectations and grant initiatives outlined in 2010-2015 $1.25 million Daniels Fund grant for the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative in New Mexico and support the four-state consortium. Established the Bill Daniels Ethical Entrepreneurship Award in collaboration with the Samaritans Counseling Center, May 2011. Met with Better Business Bureau in Fort Collins for an all-day meeting to work with UNCO, UW, and CSU to assist them in expanding their partnership in business ethics with area schools, February 2, 2010. Prepared and presented 2-3 hour ethics training programs for ACCION New Mexico small business members, Albuquerque, NM, Spring 2010. Invited Speaker, Development Santa Fe, Ethics Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, Fall 2009. Chair, Mountain States Better Business Bureau Ethics Awards Selection Committee, 1999-2006. Judge, Tampa Bay Area Marketer of the Year Awards, 1997. Junior Achievement, Memphis Advisory Board, 1993-1995. United Way of Greater Memphis, Campaign Cabinet, 1993. Judge, The Business Journal of Upper East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, Business of the Year and Executive of the Year, 1994. Judge, Memphis Business Journal, Small Business Awards, 1993-94.
CURRENT EDITORIAL BOARDS AND REVIEWER FOR ACADEMIC JOURNALS Section Editor, Marketing Ethics & Social Issues, Journal of Macromarketing Editorial Board, Journal of Business Ethics Editorial Board, AMS Review Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing Education Editorial Board, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Editorial Board, Journal of Strategic Marketing Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing Management Editorial Board, Marketing Education Review Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
PAST EDITORIAL BOARDS FOR ACADEMIC JOURNALS Editorial Board, Journal of Business Communication Editorial Board, Journal of Health Care Marketing
UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO SERVICE, 2006-PRESENT DARC Committee Member, 2011-2012, 2009-2010. Committee Member, Dean Search Committee, Anderson School of Management, 2008-2009. Chaired Committee for Marketing Faculty position, 2008. Search Committee for Leadership position (DOS), 2007-2008. Search Committee for Business Ethics position (DOS), 2006-2007.
COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SERVICE, 1998-2005 Committee Member, Dean Search Committee, College of Business Editor & Developer, E-Center for Business Ethics (http://e-businessethics.com) Committee Member, Faculty Workload Policy Document Department Tenure and Promotion Committee Chair, Associate Dean for Research Search Committee Chair, Associate Dean for Academic Program Search Committee
UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS SERVICE, 1989-1998 Chair, University Ethical Practices Committee College International Business Committee Graduate Curriculum Committee 6
Doctoral Student Screening Committee Department Liaisons to the Advisory Board Director of Marketing Ph.D. Program Chairperson, Task Force on Alternative Curriculum Models Chairperson, Task Force on Teaching Effectiveness College Promotion and Tenure Committee Department Promotion and Tenure Committee Fourth Business Ethics Symposium: Building Global Legal and Ethical Compliance Programs: An Integrity Blueprint for Managers, 1998. Third Business Ethics Symposium: Legal & Ethical Compliance, 1994. Second Business Ethics Symposium: Corporate Implementation of Business Ethics, 1993. First Business Ethics Symposium: Regional Symposium on Teaching Business Ethics, 1992.
UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO TEACHING, 2006-PRESENT Special Topics: Marketing & Society 594 International Marketing 583 International Marketing 483
COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY TEACHING, 1998-2003 Marketing Management & Strategy BK479 First-Year Seminar in Business BGCC192 Marketing Principles BK300 Ethics & Social Responsibility BK492
UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS TEACHING, 1989-1996 Multinational Marketing Strategic Marketing Marketing Fundamentals Advanced Marketing Mgmt. (Ph.D.)
Strategic Intl. Marketing Theory Constr./Evaluation (Ph.D.) Market Driven Quality (MBA)
CHAIR, PH.D. DISSERTATIONS 1. Phylis Mansfield, Maintaining Consumer Relationships: An Analysis of Perceptions of Justice and Consumer Actions in a Problem Resolution Procedure, University of Memphis, 1997. (Penn State University, Erie) 2. Isabelle Maignan, Antecedents and Benefits of Corporate Citizenship: A Comparison of U.S. and French Businesses, University of Memphis, 1997. (ING Banks, V.P. of Social Responsibility) 3. Bryan Anthony Lukas, An Analysis of the Relationships Among Strategic Type, Market Orientation, and New Product Development, University of Memphis, 1996. (University of Melbourne) 4. Terry Wayne Loe, The Role of Ethical Climate in Developing Trust, Market Orientation, and Commitment to Quality, University of Memphis, 1996. (Kennesaw University) 5. G. Tomas M. Hult, An International Organizational Learning Study of the Internal Marketing System, University of Memphis, 1995. (Michigan State University) 6. Bruce D. Keillor, An Investigation of Firm-Level Political Strategies in the Global Marketplace, University of Memphis, 1994 (co-chair). (University of Akron) 7. Mary Susan Kennedy, The Determinants and Impact of Consumer Trust in Buyer-Seller Relationships, University of Memphis, 1994. (Columbia College) 8. Judith A. Wiles, Socialization and Interpersonal Influences on the Ethical Decision Making Climate in Service Organizations, University of Memphis, 1993. (Southeast Missouri State University) 9. Michael D. Hartline, The Socialization of Customer-Contact Employees in Service Organizations: Effects on Employee Behaviors and Service Quality Outcomes, University of Memphis, 1993. (Florida State University) 10. Debbie M. Thorne, A Social Network Analysis of Perceptions of Ethical Climate and Ethical Behaviors in Marketing Organizations Work Groups: A Multimethod Perspective, University of Memphis, 1993. (Texas State University) 11. Margaret Cunningham, Walking the Thin White Line: A Role Conflict Model of Ethical Decision Making Behavior in the Marketing Research Process, Texas A&M University, 1991. (Queens University, Kingston, Ontario)
12. Neil Herndon, Commitment, Satisfaction and Turnover: The Impact of Individual Moral Structures When Exposed to a Conflicting or Matching Organizational Sales Culture, Texas A&M University, 1991. 13. John P. Fraedrich, Philosophy Type Interaction in the Ethical Decision Making Process of Retailers, Texas A&M University, 1988. (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale)
AWARDS Berkman Distinguished Service Award, Academy of Marketing Science, 2011. Macromarketing Society, Lifetime Achievement Award, presented at the 35th annual conference, June 2010. Award for Excellence in Doctoral Education, Southeast Marketing Symposium, 2010. Innovator in Marketing Education, lifetime achievement award presented by the Marketing Management Association for the development of articles, teaching materials, and contributions to marketing knowledge, Spring 2001. O.C. Ferrell Best Paper Award, an endowed award presented in recognition of lifelong commitment to marketing education and research by the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators at the Southwestern Federation of Administrative Disciplines (SWFAD) conference, Spring 2001. Charles Falk Award for Outstanding Service as a member of the Board of Directors, Illinois Business Hall of Fame, 1982.
HONORS AND RECOGNITION Daniels Fund: Bill Daniels Teaching Business Ethics Grant ($1.25 million grant over 5 years for business ethics outreach in New Mexico and collaboration with NMSU, CSU, UNCO, CU-Colorado Springs, Wyoming and DU), 2010-2014. Creative Enterprise Endowed Fellow, Anderson School of Management, 2010-2011. Distinguished Fellow, Academy of Marketing Science, 2008. Creative Enterprise Scholar, Anderson Schools of Management, University of New Mexico 20062009. Bill Daniels Distinguished Professor of Business Ethics, University of Wyoming, 2005-2006; assisted in raising over $3.625 million for professorship.
Ehrhardt, Keefe, Steiner, and Hottman, P.C. Professor of Business Administration, College of Business Faculty Fellowship, 2004. Colorado State University, College of Business, Excellence in Research, 2003-2004. Best Empirical Article Award, University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, for The Management of Customer-Contact Employees in Service Firms: An Empirical Investigation, 60, Journal of Marketing (October 1996), 1997. Research Fellow, Center for Ethics, University of Tampa, 1997. Fellow, Southern Marketing Association, 1996. Fellow, Southwestern Marketing Association, 1996. American Marketing Association Best Paper Award, co-author of best paper in SIG Track, 1995. American Marketing Association Best Paper Award, co-author of best paper in Public Policy Track, 1994. Fogelman College of Business and Economics Merit of Excellence Award in recognition of superior academic performance in the areas of teaching, research, and service for the 1989-90 academic year. Overall Best Paper, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 1988. Distinguished Lecturer, Ethical Decision Making in Business, Second Annual Michael X. St. Martin Distinguished Lecturer Series, Nichols State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, 1985. Outstanding Research Award, Department of Marketing and Management, Illinois State University, 1979 and 1980. Special Merit Award Marketing an Educational Product, Central Illinois Chapter of the American Marketing Association, 1978.
EXPERT WITNESS AND CONSULTANT IN LEGAL CASES General Steel Corporation; contracted to develop ethical compliance program and serve as expert witness in dealing with complaints from the Colorado Attorney Generals office related to the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, 2003-2004; testified in trial, October 2004. Amway Corporation vs. Holcomb Healthcare; served as expert witness in arbitration, November 2003-October 2004. Ethical compliance consultant for Gary M. Riebschlager & Associates (Houston, TX), Cornerstone Apartments case, 1995.
Business ethics expert witness for the Bausch & Lomb Class Action Group, 1995-96. Ethical compliance consultant for Lieff, Cabraser, & Heimann (San Francisco, CA), 1994-95. Related to Bausch & Lomb Class Action Group. Ethical compliance consultant for OQuinn, Kerensky, McAninch & Riebschlager (Houston, TX), BizMart Case, 1992.
BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Business Ethics Programs and Presentations October 10, 2012, Business Ethics: What Every Business Major Needs to Know, University of Northern Colorado, Ethics Day, Greeley, CO. October 9, 2012, Fostering Ethical Practices Among Distributors, Direct Selling Association, Global Regulatory Summit, Washington, D.C. October 3, 2012, Take a Scholar to Work Day-A Business/Academic Collaboration on Ethics in the Workplace, Ethics & Compliance Officer Association Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. September 21, 2012, Business Ethics: Starting a Collegiate Chapter & Ethical Leadership Certification, Marketing Management Association Fall Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Sept 21, 2012, Marketing Authors With New Textbooks, Marketing Management Association Fall Conference, Minneapolis, MN. August 29, 2012, Teaching Ethics, Academy of Marketing Science, World Marketing Congress, Buckhead, Atlanta. August 2, 2012, Overview of Business Ethics, Colorado State University, A Matter of Trust: Business Ethics for Contemporary Leaders, Ft. Collins, CO. June 13, 2012, Ethical Leaderships Impact on Business Success, National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, Center for the Public Trust, National Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA. June 13, 2012, Learning Business Ethics Through Experience, National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, Center for the Public Trust, National Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA. May 4, 2012, How to Effectively Use Debate Issues to Teach Business Ethics, UNM/NMSU Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Workshop on Teaching Business Ethics, Santa Fe, NM. May 4, 2012, Using Principles to Teach Business Ethics, UNM/NMSU Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Workshop on Teaching Business Ethics, Santa Fe, NM. April 24, 2012, Business Ethics: Fostering An Ethical Organizational Culture, Ethics Training for Frenchs Mortuary, Albuquerque, NM.
April 17, 2012, Business Ethics: Your Key to Career Success, Northern NM College, Presentation to students and faculty, Espanola, NM. April 11, 2012, Ethics Meets the Marketplace: How Would You Deal With It? Ethics Training for Meggitt PLC global ethics officers, Simi Valley, CA. January 2012, Teaching Business Ethics: Resources, Tools & Techniques, NMSU-UNM Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Teaching Business Ethics Workshop, Las Cruces, NM. Developer and editor of the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative website that provides resources and tools for educators, students, and managers, http://danielsethics.mgt.unm.edu. Editor of a website clearinghouse of business ethics resources for students, educators, and professionals throughout the world, http://www.e-businessethics.com. Business Ethics Certificate program, a ten-week online ethics course that trains managers and educators how to teach business ethics and provides resources and tools, Anderson School of Management, Center for Management Development, 2006- Present. Editor of a website to support the business ethics certificate program and provide podcasts for the course, http://www.e-businessethics.net. Presentations to hundreds of students and many faculty in 2010 and 2011 to New Mexico Highlands classes and faculty, Luna Community College, San Juan College, CNM, NMSU, Colorado State, Metro State, and to many UNM Anderson School classes. Business Ethics is Good Business, Four Corners Conference, Farmington, NM, October 2011. Marketing Ethics: Product Issues & How to Manage an Ethical Organizational Culture, speaking in Terri Rittenburgs Marketing Ethics class, University of Wyoming, September 2011. Can Marketing Add Value to Political Campaignsor Not? Summer AMA, San Francisco, CA, September 2011. Overview of Business Ethics, and Using a Behavioral Simulation to Teach Business Ethics, CSU/UNCO Graduate Leadership Symposium, Ft. Collins, CO, August 2011. Research Scholarship, Academy of Marketing Science-World Marketing Congress, Reims, France, July 2011. Business Ethics: History, Theory & Future Research, Presentation to the University of Mississippi Doctoral Students, Oxford, MS, March 2011. The Role of Social Media for Reputation/Brand Image Ethics Crises, International Crisis and Risk Communication Annual Conference, University of Central FL, Orlando, FL, March 2011. Research, Teaching & Service: Integration, Synergy & Outreach, Presentation to the Regents' Academic/Student Affairs & Research Committee, University of New Mexico September (2010).
Framing Corporate Social Responsibility within Marketing Strategies, Summer AMA, Boston, MA, August 2010. Ethics in Business: Lessons Learned from the Global Financial Crisis, Presentation to Ward Hickeys Finance class, April 29, 2010. Two Evening Business Ethics Presentations/Lab for ACCION small business clients (sponsored by CITI), Albuquerque, April 20 and 27, 2010. Business Ethics: History, Theory & Future Research, presentation to Kennesaw State University DBA students, April 17, 2010. Ethics in Business: History, Approaches, Challenges, & Current Practices, presentation to Kennesaw State University DBA students, April 17, 2010. Tools and Techniques to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills, presentation to faculty across campus at Lamar University-Beaumont, TX, April 16, 2010. Using Behavioral Simulations to Teach Graduate Business Ethics, MBA Seminar and Lab at Lamar University-Beaumont, TX, April 15, 2010. Tools & Techniques Supporting Critical Thinking in Business Ethics Education, presentation to College of Business faculty at Lamar University-Beaumont, TX, April 15, 2010. Business Ethics & The Global Financial Crisis: Lessons Learned, presentation to undergraduate business faculty and students at Lamar University-Beaumont, TX, April 15, 2010. Business Ethics: What Your Mother Never Taught You, presentation to Mary Margaret Rogers 722 class, April 2, 2010. The Consumer Ethics of Counterfeiting, Piracy & File Sharing, COUNTER International Conference on Counterfeiting and Piracy Research, funded by the European Union, Manchester, England, March 24, 2010. Introducing Difficult to Teach Subjects into Introduction to Business, Texas Community College Association Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, March 6, 2010. Business Ethics and Public Policy Implications, Dean Carruthers Graduate Seminar course at NMSU, February 26, 2010. What Your Mother Never Taught You: Business Ethics, presentation to university-wide group of faculty at NMSU, February 26, 2010. Business Ethics: History, Theory & Future Research, presentation to NMSU management and marketing doctoral students, February 25, 2010. The Importance of the Scholarship of Teaching, Winter AMA, New Orleans, February 19-22, 2010.
Integrating Ethics into the Business Curriculum, presentation to College of Business departments, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, November 2009. Ethics in Business: History, Approaches, Challenges & Current Practices, presentation to College of Business faculty at Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, November 2009. The Financial Crisis and Organizational Ethics, MBA Seminar, Bethel University, Memphis, TN, October 2009. Ethics in Business, presentation at Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM, October 2009. The Importance of SoTL Work in Teaching Difficult Subjects, The Texas Tech University Teaching Academy, 8th Annual John M. Burns Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Lubbock, TX, October 2009. Teaching Organizational Ethics: Concepts and Approaches, The Texas Tech University Teaching Academy, 8th Annual John M. Burns Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Lubbock, TX, October 2009. Business Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis, Academy of Marketing Science, World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway, July 2009. The Role of Ethics in Management Education: A Perfect Storm, Southwestern Business Deans Association Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, June 2009. Meet the Editors, Academy of Marketing Science, Portland, OR, May 2009. Integrating Ethics into the Business Curriculum, Marketing Education Association Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, April 2009. Assurance of Learning (AOL) for Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Professionalism: Ideas for Goals, Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment, Marketing Management Association, Chicago, IL, March 2009. Business Ethics, Marketing Strategy, and the Global Financial Crisis, presentations to Masters in Marketing students, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2009. The Role of Ethics in the Global Financial Crisis,presentation to UNM constituents, Las Campanas, Santa Fe, NM (organized by Ernest Rodriguez Naaz), Santa Fe, NM, February 2009. Understanding Ethics Misconduct in the Current Financial Crisis, Texas Community College Teachers Association, Austin, TX, February, 2009. Integrating Ethics into the Business Curriculum, presentation to College of Business, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX, 2009. Marketing Strategy and Planning, Deborah Cohens nutrition class, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 2008. Co-author: Linda Ferrell
Business Ethics: Critical Investment in a Down Economy, Dr. Earl H. Hess Memorial Lecture on Ethics, ACIL-American Council of Independent Laboratories National Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2008. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Use of Behavioral Simulations in Business Ethics Training, St. Francis College, Joliet, IL, 2008. Coauthor: Linda Ferrell. Ethics in the Workplace & Beyond, Agriculture Future of America: Leaders Conference, Kansas City, MO, November 2008. Importance of Business Ethics in Creating Success, Illinois State University, October 2008. Green Marketing, Joliet, IL, Business community, October 2008. Importance of Business Ethics in Creating Success, St Francis College, Joliet, IL, October 2008. Managing Integrity in Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL, MBA students, September 2008. A Framework for Integrating Business Ethics into a COB Curriculum, University of ColoradoColorado Springs, presentation to Dean and Faculty, September 2008. Green Marketing, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, presentation to faculty and students, September 2008. Green Marketing, CONMETAS Congreso de Mercadeo y Ventas, Costa Rica, Central America, August 2008. Green Marketing & Tourism, presentation to Costa Rica Tourism Association, Costa Rica, Central America, August 2008. Competitive Marketing Strategies & Environmentalism, presentation arranged by Cengage Publishing to marketing faculty from Central America, August 2008. Preventing Future Ethical Misconduct Disasters, and Ethics and Social Responsibility, to TNT Corporation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2008. Ethics and Social Responsibility, TNT Corporation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2008. Marketing Strategy, presentation to Bethel College MBA students, Jackson, TN, July 2008. UNM Building Managerial Excellence Certificate Program-Organizational Ethics, for UNM Management Development Center, April 2008. Conversations with Ken Lay: Lessons Learned from Enron, UNM Anderson School of Management Deans Lecture Series, April 2008. Innovations in Marketing Education, Principles of Marketing National Workshop, Naples, FL, March 2008.
Meeting with the Daniels Fund to present and discuss issues associated with branding a four-state business ethics initiatives under the Bill Daniels name. Addressed values versus principles, elements for consideration of schools as partners, etc. Daniels Fund offices, Cherry Creek, CO, November 2007. Boston College MBA Ethics Days, six hours of lecture and experiential activities with Boston College MBA students, Boston, MA, October 2007. Customer Centric Marketing, National Cattlemans Beef Association, national training meeting, Albuquerque, NM, October 2007. The Interface Between Non-Business, Corporate Ethics, and Compliance Programs: An Opportunity for Collaboration, invited presentation to the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, September 2007. A Dialogue for Marketing Ethics: the Emerging Issue of Data Mining and Integrating Ethics into the Curriculum, invited special session at the Annual American Marketing Association Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 2007. Conversations with Ken Lay: Enron 1 Year Later, AACSB International invited presentation, Atlanta, GA, July 2007. Florida Department of Revenue: Ethics Training, 2 days of training for DOR managers, Orlando, FL, June 2007. Managing Integrity in Business: Winning Isnt Everything, How to Prevent, Manage, and Survive a Business Ethics Crisis, and Professionalism in Business, Presentations to the faculty, students and business community of Millikin University, Decatur, IL, April 2007. Putting the Pieces Together: What Every College of Business Should Know About Business Ethics, and Ethics in Business: The Role of Ethics Education presentations to Baylor University, College of Business Faculty, Waco, TX, April 2007. What Marketing Students Need to Know About Business Ethics, presentation to marketing students at Wichita State University as part of Business Week events, Wichita, KS, March 2007. Managing Global Business Ethics Risks, Presentation to MBA class at Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2007. Managing Ethical Issues in Business: Keys to Career Success, presentation to Alpha Kappa Psi members at UNM, Albuquerque, NM, November 2006. Ethical Misconduct Disasters: The Role of Ethics Education, presentation to Texas Tech University College of Business, November 2006. Ethical Misconduct Disasters: The Role of Ethics Education, presentation to Florida State University College of Business, October 2006.
Lessons Learned from Past Teaching Business Ethics Conference, AACSB International, Ethical Leadership and Corporate Governance Conference, Washington, D.C., July 2006. Experiential Exercise and Resources for Teaching Business Ethics, Bentley College Business Ethics Workshop, Waltham, MA, May 2006. Global Business Ethics, Wichita State University, Global Business Ethics Forum, Wichita, KS, May 2006. Teaching Business Ethics: What Your Mother Never Taught You, presentations to Community Colleges: Northwest College (Powell, WY) and Sheridan College (Sheridan, WY), March 2006. March, 2006 Recent Development in Business Ethics Education: AACSB Related Framework, Marketing Management Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Business Ethics: Frameworks, Issues & Practice, presentation to two Financial Management classes at the University of Wyoming, March 2006. Business Ethics for Engineers, presentation to Scott Mortons Senior Design Engineering class, February 2006. Business Ethics Workshop, presented to AACSB International Staff, Tampa, FL, February 2006. Teaching Business Ethics Workshops: Experiential Activities in Teaching Business Ethics, Chicago, IL, Boston, MA, and San Francisco, CA, February and March, 2006. Current Developments in Business Ethics, Thammasat University, Masters in Marketing Class, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. AACSB International Workshop on Business Ethics for staff members, Tampa, FL, 2006. Featured speaker and conference organizer, AACSB International Ethics and Corporate Governance Conference, Washington D.C. 2006. Featured speaker, Marketing Ethics, Korean Academy of Marketing Science, Seoul, Korea, 2006. AACSB International Graduate Conference on Leadership and Corporate Governance, Tampa, FL, 2005. Co-chaired the AACSB Teaching Business Ethics Conferences, Boulder, CO, 2004 and 2005. Teaching and Integrating Business Ethics, (with Linda Ferrell) AACSB International, International Deans Conference, Montreal, April 2004. Developed and Hosted the Business Ethics Symposium, New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders, Denver, Colorado, October 30-31, 2003. Co-Chaired with Robert A. Peterson, The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas, Austin.
General Session Speaker and Roundtable Seminar, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, First National Association of Independent Insurers Executive Roundtable Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, February 2003. "Business and Social Responsibility: How to Improve Trust and Confidence in Business," Western Association of Collegiate Schools of Business (Deans) Annual Meeting, Hawaii, October, 2002. American Marketing Association Certification Advisory Group, 1999-2000. Development of Certification in Business Ethics, Water Quality Association Business Ethics Certification Project, 2000. Legal and Ethical Perspectives in Business, Water Quality Association National Conference, Indianapolis, 1996, and Albuquerque, 1997. Responsible Organizations: Legal and Ethical Perspectives, Center for Ethics, University of Tampa, 1996. National Bank of Commerce of Mississippi 1995 Issues Forum, Legal and Ethical Issues in Business, 1995. National Association of Purchasing Managers, Legal and Ethical Issues, 1995. Commonwealth Films (Boston, MA), video consultant for The Sentence: Business Ethics and Legal Compliance, 1992. American Cemetery Association, Sales Ethics, Summer 1992. Professional Selling Executive Training Program, Sales Ethics, Fogelman Executive Development Center, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN, 1989. General Motors Corporation, Marketing Research Ethics Program for Research Suppliers and Research Managers, Detroit, MI, 1989. Presentations on business ethics to approximately 50 universities, companies, and civic groups over the last 10 years. General Business Programs and Presentations Training Program, U.S. Navy, Navy Fleet and Family Support Center Global Marketing Program, Summer 2002. Sigma Marketing Concepts, Inc., Orange Park, FL, Board of Directors, 1991-96. Consulting Editor for marketing textbooks, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA, 1992-94. Central Illinois Light Company, Customer Service, Program for Managers, Peoria, IL, 1990. Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Principles of Marketing, College Station, TX, 1988.
Society of American Florists, Educational Session on the Principles of Floral Marketing, Reno, NV, 1988. Army and Air Force Exchange System, Marketing Management Concepts for Retailing, Center for Executive and Professional Development, Texas A&M University, 1987-89. Training Program, Retailing Principles, Dallas Market Center, Dallas, TX, 1987-88. Strategic Marketing Planning, Central Illinois Chapter of the American Marketing Association Symposium, Bloomington, IL, 1986. Texas Forest Service, Professional Training Program for Using Marketing in Forest Management Systems, 1984. Consultant to the President and Executive Director, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1984. Consultant to the President, Mars Hill College, Mars Hill, NC, 1984. Professional Development Program, Marketing Child Care Services, Iowa State University, 1984. National Training Program, Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, Dallas, TX, 1984 (with Philip Kotler and Charles Lamb). Environmental Purification Systems, Inc., New Orleans, Louisiana, Marketing Research Study to Determine Market Potential for Water Purification Systems, 1982-83. Sigma Press, Ottawa, IL, marketing consultant for desk top calendar product line, 1981-83. Co-founded American Business Cards Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, 1981-83. Today, the company has become Southwestern Graphics Inc. and has over 75 employees. Executive Training Programs Marketing Management and Strategy, GROWMARK Inc., Bloomington, IL, 1980-82. Professional Development Programs, Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, University of Illinois Executive and Professional Development Program, 1978-80.
PUBLICATIONS Books Foundations of Marketing, 5th ed. (Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013). Co-author: William Pride. M-Book: Introduction to Business, 3rd ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013). Co-author: Geoffrey Hirt and Linda Ferrell. 19
Business: A Changing World, 8th ed. (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill Companies, 2012). Co-Authors: Geoff Hirt and Linda Ferrell. Marketing, 16th ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2010). Co-author: William Pride. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 8th ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2011). Co-authors: John Fraedrich and Linda Ferrell. Business & Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility, 4th ed. (Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011). Co-authors: Linda Ferrell and Debbie Thorne. Marketing Strategy, 5th ed. (Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011). Co-author: M. Hartline. Essential Manager: Ethical Business (U.K.: Dorling Kindersley, 2010). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Managing Risks for Corporate Integrity, (Mason, Ohio: Thomson Higher Education, 2006). Coauthors: Lynn Brewer and Robert Chandler. Business Ethics: New Challenges for Business Schools and Corporate Leaders, Editors: Robert A. Peterson and O.C. Ferrell, (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2005). Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 4th European ed. (Boston/London: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007). Co-authors: Sally Dibb, Lyndon Simkin, and William Pride. Integrity Management: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Issues in the Marketplace, (Tampa, FL: The University of Tampa Press, 1998). Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair and John P. Fraedrich. Marketing Concepts and Strategies, Canadian ed. (Scarborough, Ontario: International Thompson Publishing and Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998). Co-authors: William Pride, HF MacKenzie and Kim Snow. Management: Comprehension, Analysis, and Application (Burr Ridge, IL: Austen Press, 1995). Coauthors: Robert Gatewood and Robert Taylor. Strategic Marketing Management, (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing Co., 1994). Coauthors: George H. Lucas, Jr. and David J. Luck. In Pursuit of Ethics, (St. Louis, MO: Smith Collins Company, 1991). Co-author: Gareth Gardiner. Marketing Strategy and Plans, 3rd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989). Co-authors: David J. Luck and George Lucas. Marketing Cases, 3rd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989). Co-authors: William Pride and Mary Gilley. Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations: Cases and Readings, 3rd ed. (Englewood Cliffs, M.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987). Co-editors: Philip Kotler and Charles Lamb. 20
Marketing: Contemporary Dimensions, 4th ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985). Coeditors: Robert Robicheaux and William Pride. Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations: Cases and Readings, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983). Co-editors: Philip Kotler and Charles Lamb. Fundamentals of Marketing, (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982). Co-author: William Pride. Conceptual and Theoretical Developments in Marketing, (Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 1979). Co-editors: Steve Brown and Charles Lamb. Public Policy Issues in Marketing, (Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1975). Co-editor: Raymond LaGarce Articles A Critique of Giving Voice to Values Approach to Business Ethics Education, (2012) forthcoming in Journal of Academic Ethics, Published online August 17, 2012, 1-19, doi:10.1007/s10805-0129168.1. Co-authors: Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, Linda Ferrell, and Ian Smith. Redirecting Direct Selling: High Touch Embraces High Tech, (2012) Business Horizons, forthcoming. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. A tribute to forty years of top-level marketing research, (2012) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming. Co-author: G. Tomas Hult. Stakeholder orientation: development and testing of a framework for socially responsible marketing, (2011) Journal of Strategic Marketing, July, Vol. 19, #4, pp. 313-338. Co-authors:, Isabelle Maignan, T. Gonzales-Padron, T. Hult, and O.C. Ferrell. Stakeholder Marketing: A Definition and Conceptual Framework, (2011) AMS Review, Vol. 1, #1, pp. 44-65. Co-authors: Tomas Hult, Jannette Mena, O.C. Ferrell, and Linda Ferrell. The Responsibility and Accountability of CEOs: The Last Interview with Ken Lay, (2011) Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 100, #2, pp. 209-219. Co-authors: O.C. Ferrell and Linda Ferrell. Market Oriented Sustainability: A Conceptual Framework and Propositions, (2011) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 39, #1, pp.71-85. Co-authors: Victoria Crittenden, William Crittenden, Linda Ferrell, O.C. Ferrell, and Christopher Pinney. An Assessment of the Use of Technology in the Direct Selling Industry, (2010) Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 29, # 1, pp. 93-96. Co-authors: Linda Ferrell and Tracy GonzalezPardon.
From Market Orientation to Stakeholder Orientation, (2010) Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Vol. 30, #2, pp. 157-166. Co-authors: T. Hult, I. Maignon and T. Gonzales Padron. The Future of Business Ethics, (2009) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts, Editors: Goran Svensson and Greg Wood, Studentlitteratur Publishing. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Historical Developments of Business Ethics: Then to Now, and The Future of Business Ethics, (2009) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts, Editors: Goran Svensson and Greg Wood, Studentlitteratur Publishing. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. An Enterprise-Wide Strategic Approach to Sales Ethics, (2009) Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 17, Iss. 3 and 4, pp. 257-270. Co-author Linda Ferrell. A Decision Making Framework for Business Ethics Education, (2008) Advancing Business Ethics Education, Series: Ethics in Practice. Editors: Diane L. Swanson and Dann G. Fisher, Information Age Pub. Inc. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. A Macromarketing Ethics Framework: Stakeholder Orientation and Distributive Justice, (2008) Journal of Macromarketing, March, Vol. 28, #1, pp. 24-32. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. A Framework for Personal Selling and Sales Management Ethical Decision Making, (2007) Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Fall, Volume 27, #4, pp. 291-299. Co-authors: Linda Ferrell and Mark Johnston. Consumer Fraud, Firestone Tire Company, and Global Crossing (2007) for Encyclopedia of Business, Ethics, and Society, Editor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, (Robert W. Kolb, editor). Co-author: Linda Ferrell A Stakeholder Model for Implementing Social Responsibility in Marketing, (2005) European Journal of Marketing 39, pp. 966-967. Co-authors: Isabelle Maignan and Linda Ferrell. An Analysis of Federal Mail and Wire Fraud Cases Related to Marketing, (2005) Journal of Business Research, 58, pp. 910-918. Co-authors: William T. Neese and Linda Ferrell. Business Ethics and Customer Stakeholders, (2004) The Academy of Management Executive, 18(2), pp. 121-125. Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing: An Integrative Framework, (2004) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), pp. 3-19. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Investigating the Relations Between Corporate Values and Practices of Marketing Organizations and Internet Ethics, (2003) Journal of Marketing Management 13(2), Fall. Co-authors: Victoria Bush, Linda Ferrell, and Al Bush. Conflicts of Interest Arising from the Prudent Investor Rule: Ethical Implications for Over-theCounter Derivative Securities, (2003) Journal of Business Ethics, 47, pp. 165-173. Co-authors: John Clark and Linda Ferrell.
Nature of Corporate Responsibilities: Perspectives from American, French, and German Consumers, (2003) Journal of Business Research, 56(1), pp. 55-68. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. The Effects of Global Organizational Learning on Cycle Time Performance, (2002) Journal of Business Research, 55(5), 377-387. Co-authors: G. Tomas M. Hult and Robert F. Hurley. Assessing Instructional Technology in the Classroom, (2002) Marketing Education Review, 12(3), pp. 19-24. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Role of Ethical Leadership Organizational Performance, (2001) Journal of Management Systems, 13, pp. 64-78. Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Corporate Citizenship as a Marketing Instrument: Concepts, Evidence, and Research Directions, (2001) European Journal of Marketing, 35(3/4), pp. 457-484. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Antecedents and benefits of corporate citizenship: An investigation of French Businesses, (2001) Journal of Business Research, 51, pp. 1-15. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. The Effect of Market Orientation on Product Innovation, (2000) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), pp. 239-247. Co-author: Bryan A. Lukas. Initiating Structure for Legal and Ethical Decisions in a Global Sales Organization, (2000) Industrial Marketing Management 29(6), pp. 555-564. Co-authors: Thomas N. Ingram and Raymond W. LaForge. Leadership and Relationship Commitment: A Focus on the Supplier-Buyer-User Linkage, (2000) Industrial Marketing Management, 29(2), pp. 111-119. Co-authors: G. Thomas Hult, Robert F. Hurley and Larry C. Giunipero. Measuring Corporate Citizenship in Two Countries: The Case of the United States and France, (2000) Journal of Business Ethics, 23(3), pp. 283-297. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Corporate Citizenship, Cultural Antecedents and Business Benefit, (1999) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(4), pp. 455-469. Co-authors: Isabelle Maignan and G. Thomas Hult. Relationship of Individual Moral Values and Preceived Ethical Climate to Satisfaction, Commitment and Turnover in a Sales Organization, (1999) Research in Marketing (JAI Press Inc.), Theoretical Foundations in Marketing Ethics vol. ed. Scott Vitell and Don Robin, 15, pp. 25-48. Co-authors: Neil C. Herndon, Debbie Thorne LeClair and Linda Ferrell. An Assessment of the Proposed Academy of Marketing Science Code of Ethics for Marketing Educators, (1999) Journal of Business Ethics, 19(2). Business Ethics in a Global Economy, (1999) Journal of Marketing Management 9(1), pp. 65-71. Marketing Ethics and Compliance in International Marketing Communications, (1999) Journal of Marketing Management, 9(1), pp. 88-98. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClaire and Linda Ferrell. 23
Marketing the Business School: An Exploratory Investigation, (1998) Journal of Marketing Education, 20(1), pp. 16-23. Co-author: Victoria Bush. Codes of Ethics Among Corporate Research Departments, Marketing Research Firms, and Data Subcontractors: An Examination of a Three-Communities Metaphor, (1998) Journal of Business Ethics, 17(5), pp. 503-516. Co-authors: Michael D. Hartline and Stephen McDaniel. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations: A Framework for Ethical Compliance, (March 1998) Journal of Business Ethics, 17(4), pp. 353-363. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair, and Linda Ferrell. The Effect of Global Leadership on Purchasing Process Outcomes, (1998) European Journal of Marketing, 32(11/12), pp. 1029-1050. Co-authors: G. Tomas M. Hult and Patrick L. Schul. Firm-Level Political Behavior in the Global Marketplace, (1997) Journal of Business Research, 40(2), pp. 113-126. Co-authors: Bruce Keillor and Greg Boller. Global Organizational Learning Capacity in Purchasing: Construct and Measurement, (1997) Journal of Business Research, 40(2), pp. 97-112. Co-author: G. Tomas M. Hult. A Global Organizational Learning Structure and Market Information Processing, (1997) Journal of Business Research, 40(2), pp. 155-166. Co-author: G. Tomas Hult. Environmental Activities Related to Social Responsibility and Ethical Climate, (1997) Journal of Marketing Management, 7(2), pp. 1-13. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair and Linda Ferrell. Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations: Legal, Ethical and Public Policy Issues for International Marketing, (1997) Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 16, pp. 26-37. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair and Linda Ferrell. The Influence of Ethical Climate and Ethical Conflict on Role Stress in the Sales Force, (1997) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(2), pp. 99-107. Co-authors: Charles H. Schwepker, Jr. and Thomas H. Ingram. Ethical Behavior in Retail Settings: Is There a Generation Gap?, (1997) Journal of Business Ethics, 16(1), pp. 87-105. Co-authors: David Strutton and Lou E. Pelton. The Management of Customer-Contact Employees in Service Firms: An Empirical Investigation, (1996) Journal of Marketing, 60(October), pp. 52-70. Co-author: Michael Hartline. A Theoretical Perspective of the Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Learning in Marketing Channels, (1996) Journal of Business Research, 36(3), pp. 233-244. Co-authors: Bryan A. Lukas and G. Tomas M. Hult.
Improving Marketing Education in the 1990s: A Faculty Retrospective and Perspective View, (1995) Marketing Education Review, 5(3), pp. 1-6. Advertising Sensitive Products, (1995) International Journal of Advertising, 13(3). Co-authors: John Fahy, Denise Smart, and William Pride. Assessing the Application of Cognitive Moral Development Theory to Business Ethics, (1994) Journal of Business Ethics, 13(10), pp. 829-38. Co-authors: John Fraedrich and Debbie M. Thorne. Service Quality Implementation: The Effects of Organizational Socialization and Managerial Actions on Customer-Contact Employee Behaviors, (December 1993) Marketing Science Institute, Report No. 93-122. Co-author: Hartline, Michael. The Impact of Perceived Risk and Moral Philosophy Type on Ethical Decision Making in Business Organizations, (1992) Journal of Business Research, 24(4), pp. 283. Co-author: John Fraedrich. Cognitive Consistency of Marketing Managers in Ethical Situations, (1992) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 20(3), pp. 245-252. Co-author: John Fraedrich. Moral Philosophies and Marketing Managers: An Empirical Investigation, (Fall 1991) Journal of Marketing Management. Co-author: John Fraedrich. A Values Comparison of Future Managers From West Germany and the United States, (1991) Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 4(7). Co-authors: John Fraedrich and Neil Herndon. Ethical Behavior Among Marketing Researchers: An Assessment of Selected Demographic Characteristics, (August 1990) Journal of Business Ethics, pp. 681-688. Co-authors: Scott W. Kelley and Steven J. Skinner. Understanding Pressures That Cause Unethical Behavior in Business, (1990) Business Insights, Spring/Summer. Reprinted in Business Ethics 91/92, 3rd ed., 26029; reprinted in Business and the Legal Environment, (1994 ed.), Marianne Jennings, Wadsworth, Inc. pub. Co-author: John Fraedrich. A Synthesis of Ethical Decision Models for Marketing, (1989) Journal of Macromarketing, 9(2), pp. 55-64. Co-authors: Larry G. Gresham and John Fraedrich. Distinguishing Market Segments to Assess Price Responsiveness, (1989) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science), 17(4), pp. 325-332. Co-authors: George H. Lucas, Jr. and Alan J. Bush. Fraedrich, John, O.C. Ferrell, and William Pride, (1989), An Empirical Examination of Three Machiavellian Concepts: Advertisers vs. the General Public, Journal of Business Ethics, 8, 687-694. Opportunistic Behavior in Marketing Research Organizations, (1989) Journal of Business Research, 18(4), pp. 327-340. Co-authors: Scott W. Kelley and Steve Skinner. 25
Organizational Dimensions of Marketing Research Ethics, (1988) Journal of Business Research, 16(3), pp. 209-224. Co-authors: Steve J. Skinner and Alan Dubinsky. Ethical Behavior and Bureaucratic Structure in Marketing Research Organizations, (1988) Journal of Marketing Research, 25(1), pp. 103-109. Co-author: Steven J. Skinner. An Evaluation of Progress in the Development of a Definition of Marketing, (1987) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 15(3), pp. 12-23. Co-author: George H. Lucas, Jr. Commentary on a Moral Evaluation of Sales Practices, (Summer 1987) Business and Professional Ethics Journal. Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Health Care Organizations Funding, (1986) Journal of Health Care Marketing, 6(1), pp. 13-22. Co-authors: Charles S. Madden, and Donna Legg A Contingency Framework for Understanding Ethical Decision Making in Marketing, (1985) Journal of Marketing, 49(3), pp. 87-96. Co-author: Larry G. Gresham Personal and Non-Personal Incentives in Mail Surveys: Immediate Versus Delayed Inducements, (1984) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(1-2), pp. 106-114. Co-authors: Steve J. Skinner and William M. Pride. Response Patterns and the Importance of the Follow-Up Duplicate Questionnaire..., (October 1983) European Research. Co-author: Dean Krugman. A Comparison of Predictors of Ethical and Unethical Behavior Among Corporate and Agency Advertising Managers, (1983) Journal of Macromarketing, 3(1), pp. 19-27. Co-authors: M. ZeyFerrell and Dean M. Krugman Role Set Configuration and Opportunity as Predictors of Unethical Behavior in Organizations, (1982) Human Relations, 35(7), pp. 587-604. Co-author: M. Zey-Ferrell. A Delineation of Functional Areas of Competency Considered Important to Consumer Affairs Professionals, (1982), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 10(3), pp. 235-248. Co-authors: David Fritzsche. Husband-Wife Decision Making in Purchasing and Renewing Automobile Insurance, (Fall 1981) Journal of Risk and Insurance, pp. 482-493. Co-author: Terry Childers. The Organizational Ethics of Advertising: Corporate and Agency Views, (1981) Journal of Advertising, 10(1), pp. 21-30. Co-author: Dean M. Krugman. Managing Consumer Affairs: Some New Directions, (September 1980) Appalachian Business Review. Co-authors: Bruce Stern and Vern McGinis
A Reassessment of the Effects of Appeals on Response to Mail Surveys, (1980) Journal of Marketing Research, 17(3), pp. 365-370. Co-authors: Terry L. Childers and William Pride. Consumer Affairs Executives Opinions on Educational Preparation for Business Careers in Consumer Affairs, (1980) Journal of Consumer Affairs, 14(1), pp. 221-231. Co-author: David J. Fritzche. A Rejoinder: Is All Social Exchange Marketing? A Reply, (1980) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 8(3), pp. 182-195. Co-author: M. Zey-Ferrell. Positioning the Masters Program as Viewed by Deans of AACSB Affiliated Schools, (Fall 1979) Business and Economic Perspectives. Co-author: Jim Grimm. Response Rates and Perceived Questionnaire Length in Mail Surveys, (1979) Journal of Marketing Research, 16(3), pp. 429-431. Co-author: Terry L. Childers. Predicting Unethical Behavior Among Marketing Practitioners, (1979) Human Relations, 32(7), pp. 557-570. Co-authors: M. Zey-Ferrell and K. Mark Weaver. Are Marketing Academicians Preferences for Frameworks and Topics in Introductory Marketing Texts Changing? (April 1979) Journal of Marketing Education, April, pp. 39-44. Co-author: William M. Pride. Computer-Assisted Instruction for the Basic Marketing Course: A Student Evaluation, (1979) Journal of Marketing Education, 63. Co-authors: Jim L. Grimm and Steve J. Skinner. The Role of Consumers in the Public Policy Process, (1978) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 6(3), pp. 167-175. Co-author: Dean M. Krugman. Ethical Beliefs of Marketing Managers, (1978) Journal of Marketing, 42(3), pp. 69-73. Co-author: K. Mark Weaver. Is All Social Exchange Marketing? (1977) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 5(4), pp. 307-314. Co-author: M. Zey-Ferrell. Ferrell, O.C., (1977), Consumer Attitudes Toward Life Insurance Price Disclosure, Review of Regional Economics and Business, October. Sociological Role Theory: A Structural Model for Buyer-Seller Interaction, (Summer 1973) Business Ideas and Facts, pp. 35-40. Co-authors: William Pride and Raymond LaGarce. Social Power in a Rural Community, (April 1973) Growth and Change: A Journal of Regional 27
Development. Co-author: Mary Zey-Ferrell. Consumer Feelings of Competence and Influence in Utility Regulation, (1972) Journal of Consumer Affairs, 6(1), pp. 84-88. Co-author: L. Richardson. An Economic Development Model,(February 1972) Atlanta Economic Review, pp. 26-18. Coauthors: Mary Zey-Ferrell and Quentin Jenkins. Ethnic Beliefs and Behavior of Consumers: The Miami-Cuban Influx, (1969) Atlanta Economic Review, February, pp. 16-18. Co-author: Bruce Weale. Are Recruiters Listening? (1966) Personnel Journal, April, pp. 216-219. Co-author: Bruce Weale. National Proceedings Professionalism in Marketing Education, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 25, 2000. Improving Marketing Performance Through Organizational Ethics, Advances in Marketing Theory, Practice and Education. Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances, Atlanta, GA, October 26-30, 1999. Co-authors: Linda Ferrell and Isabelle Maignan. Corporate Citizenship as a Marketing Instrument: Concepts, Evidence and Research Direction, Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing, 1999 AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference Proceedings. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Cultural Antecedents of Environmentalist-Business Cooperative Relations, 1998 AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference proceedings. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Definition and Operationalization of Corporate Citizenship: A Cross-Cultural Approach, 1998 AMA Winter Marketing Educator Conference proceedings. Co-authors: Isabelle Maignan and Daniel L. Sherrell. The History of principles of Marketing Principles Textbooks, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Historical Research in Marketing and Marketing Thought, eds. D.G. Brian Jones and Peggy Cunningham, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1997. Ethical Climates Relationship to Trust, Market Orientation and Commitment to Quality, 1997 Academy of Marketing Science Proceedings, 1997. Co-author: Terry W. Loe. Ethical and Legal Compliance in Marketing Communications, New and Evolving Paradigms: The Emerging Future of Marketing, American Marketing Association Proceedings, Dublin, Ireland, June 1997. Abstract only. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair and Linda Ferrell. Leadership and Relationship Commitment in Purchasing Units: Moderating Effects of International/Domestic Settings and Frequent/Infrequent SBU Users, American Marketing
Association Relationship Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 12-15, 1997. Co-authors: G. Tomas M. Hult, J. Joseph Cronin, Jr. and Michael K. Brady. Social Responsibility Issues in the Food Service Industry, Association for Practical and professional Ethics Proceedings, Washington, D.C., March 1997. Abstract only. Co-authors: Debbie Thorne LeClair and Linda Ferrell. The Relationship Between Market Orientation and New Product Introduction across Different Performance and Environmental Contexts, 1997 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference proceedings. Abstract only. Co-author: Bryan A. Lukas. The Relationships Among Negative Task Environment, Ethical Climate and Unethical Marketing Research Behavior, 1996 AMA Winter Educators Conference proceedings, vol. 7, pp. 364-365. Coauthor: Margaret Cunningham. Legal Pressure for Ethical Compliance in Marketing, 1995 AMA Summer Educators Conference proceedings, pp. 412-413. Best Paper Award - SIG. Co-authors: Debbie M. Thorne and Linda Ferrell. The Cycle Time (CT) Scale: Construction and Validation of a Cycle Time Scale for Use in Marketing Processes, in Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing (1995 AMA Summer Educators Conference proceedings), vol. 6, pp. 270-271. Co-author: G. Tomas M. Hult. Environmental Issues, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Climate in the Food Service Industry, 1994 AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference proceedings, vol. 5, pp. 435-436. Best Paper Award - Public Policy Track. Co-authors: Debbie M. Thorne and Linda Ferrell. Assessing the Application of Cognitive Moral Development to Theory in Marketing Ethics, 1994 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference proceedings, vol. 5, pp. 290-291. Co-authors: Debbie M. Thorne and John Fraedrich. Assessing Ethical Decision Making in Marketing: Directions for Future Research, 1993 Summer AMA Marketing Educators Conference proceedings. Co-author: Debbie M. Thorne. Assessing Ethical Decision Making in Business: Directions for Future Research, Fourth Annual International Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, 1992. Co-author: Debbie M. Thorne. Antecedents of Ethical Decision Making in Sales Organizations, 1992 Academy of Marketing Science proceedings. Co-author: Debbie M. Thorne. An Empirical Investigation into the Ethical Philosophies of Managers, 1991 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 463. Co-authors: John Fraedrich and Keith Jones. Marketings Greatest challenge: The Social Impact of the Globalization of Markets, 1989 Academy of Marketing Science proceedings. Co-author: Peggy Cunningham.
A Task-Structure-Performance Model of Marketing Ethics in International Strategic Alliances, 1989 AMA Educators Conference, series no. 55, pp. 300. Co-author: Peggy Cunningham. A Descriptive Approach to Understanding Ethical Behavior, 1988 AMA Winter Educators Conference proceedings. Co-author: John Fraedrich. Understanding Marketing Ethics: The Future of Decision Models, 1988 Marketing Education Group proceedings, United Kingdom. The Metatheoretical Foundations for a Definition for Marketing, 1987 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 53, pp. 156. Co-authors: George Lucas and John Fraedrich. Academic Workstyles of Marketing Educators: An Assessment of the Congruency of Individual Role Orientation and University Reward Expectations, 1987 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 53, pp. 276-276. Co-author: George Glisan. Consumer and Industrial Natural Gas Purchase Decisions: a Preliminary Test of Choffray and Liliens Submodels, 1985 National Institute of Decision Sciences proceedings. Co-authors: George Lucas and Alan Bush. Exchange as a Framework for Understanding Marketing: New Directions, 1984 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 50, pp. 341-345. Co-author: Karim Shaikh. Effects of Situational Factors on Mail Survey Response, 1984 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 50, pp. 364-367. Co-authors: Terry Childers and Robert Reukert. Strategic Marketing Planning: An Assessment and Agenda, 1983 AMA Winter Educators Conference proceedings, pp. 206-210. Co-author: David J. Luck. Exploring Response Variation Utilizing Mail, Telephone and Personal Data Collection Methods, 1981 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 47, pp. 394-397. Co-author: Jim Grimm. An Inquiry Into Bagozzis Formal Theory of Marketing Exchange. Conceptual and Theoretical Development in Marketing. Proceedings of the American Marketing Associations Special Conference on Marketing Theory, 1980, pp. 158-161. Reprinted in two readings books: Hunt, Marketing Theory (1984) and Sheth, Marketing Theory (1986). Co-author: John Perrachione. Comparing the Ethical Beliefs of Advertising Agency Practitioners to Corporate Practitioners, Association for Education in Journalism, Houston, TX, 1979. The Impact of Corporate Policy on Reported Ethical Beliefs of Marketing Practitioners, 1977 AMA Educators Conference proceedings, series no. 41, pp. 477-481. Co-author: K. Mark Weaver. Consumer Affairs Public Policy Debate: New Horizons for Marketing Research, 1974 AMA Educators Conference proceedings. Co-author: Lee Richardson.
Life Insurance Attitudes Canonically Correlated to Economic Liberalism, Support for Government Control and Anti-Business Attitudes, Proceedings of the American institute of Decision Sciences, Michigan State University, 1973. Credit and Development in Latin America, Proceedings of the Mexican National Sociology Congress, Oaxtepec, Mexico, 1972. Official Guest, Republic of Mexico. Regional Proceedings Business Ethics: Convergence of Research, Practice and Teaching, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, March 2, 2000. The Future of Textbooks in Marketing Education, Marketing Management Association Fall Conference, September 16, 2000. Cultural Antecedents of Environmentalist-Business Cooperative Relations, 1998 AMA Summer Marketing Educators Conference Proceedings. Co-author: Isabelle Maignan. Definition and Operationalization of Corporate Citizenship: A Cross-Cultural Approach, 1998 AMA Winter Marketing Educators Conference proceedings. Co-authors: Isabelle Maignan and Daniel L. Sherrell. Leadership Behaviors and Relationship Commitment in Purchasing, Southern Marketing Association Proceedings, 1996, pp. 249-250. Co-author: G. Tomas Hult. Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations: What Marketers Should Know, Proceedings of the Southwestern Marketing Association (1996). Co-authors: Linda Ferrell and Debbie Thorne. Coping With the Threat of an Earthquake: An Examination of Consumption Pattern Changes, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1992. Co-author: Bettina Cornwell. Internal Marketing and Implementation: A Conceptualization and Agenda for Future Research, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, 1991. Co-author: Michael D. Hartline. An Examination into the Evaluation Process for Energy Alternatives: a Strategic Look at Industrial and Consumer Segments, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1985. Coauthors: Alan Bush, George Lucas and Donna Legg. Purchasing Life Insurance, Midwest Business Administration Proceedings, 1983. Co-authors: Kenneth Creapas and David Loy. Distributing Consumer surveys Through Free Papers; Some New Evidence, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1981, pp. 274-276. Co-authors: Steven J. Skinner and Michael P. Dumler. Marketing Mix: Are We Teaching the Wrong Concepts?, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, Atlanta, GA, 1979, pp. 20-23. Co-author: David J. Luck.
CAI in the Basic Marketing Course: A Student Evaluation, Proceedings of the Southwestern Marketing Association, Dallas, TX, March 1978. Co-authors: Steve Skinner and Jim Grimm. Social Class Differences in Consumers Attitudes Toward Consumerism Issues, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA, 1975, pp. 231-233. Co-authors: Bruce Stern and Greg Gazda. Life Insurance Promotion: An Evaluation, Proceedings of the Southwestern Marketing Association, March 1974. Consumer Attitudes Toward Life Insurance Price Disclosure, Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, 1974, pp. 222. Journal Special Issues Special Issue on Ethics and Marketing Education, (2004) Marketing Education Review, 14(3). Coeditor: Linda Ferrell. Special Issue: Teaching the Principles of Marketing Course, (2004) Journal of Marketing Education, 26(2). Co-editor: Bill Pride. Chapters in Books Integrating Business Ethics in Business Courses, in Wanda L. Stitt-Gohdes (Ed.). Trends & Issues in Business Education 2012 Yearbook (Reston, VA: National Business Education Association, 2012). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Legends in Marketing: Shelby D. Hunt, Series Editors: Jagdish Sheth, Sage Publications, India, 2011. Volume Introduction: An Introduction to Resource Advantage Theory: The Developmental Period, pp. xxi-xxix and O.C. Ferrell Interviews Shelby D. Hunt, pp. 287-296. Developing a Framework for a College of Business: Business Ethics Initiative, in Diane Swanson and Dann Fisher (Ed.) Advancing Business Ethics Education, Series: Ethics in Practice. (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc, 2008). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. The Future of Business Ethics, in Goran Svensson and Greg Wood (Ed.) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts, (Norway: Oslo School of Management, Deakin University, 2008). Coauthor: Linda Ferrell. Historical Developments of Business Ethics: Then to Now, in Goran Svensson and Greg Wood (Ed.) Business Ethics Through Time and Across Contexts, (Norway: Oslo School of Management, Deakin University, 2008). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Global Crossing, in Robert W. Kolb (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business, Ethics, and Society, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Consumer Fraud, in Robert W. Kolb (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business, Ethics, and Society, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. 32
Firestone Tire Company, in Robert W. Kolb (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Business, Ethics, and Society, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007). Co-author: Linda Ferrell. Nature and Scope of Marketing Ethics, in Greg Gundlach, Laren Block and William Wilkie (Ed.) Explorations of Marketing In Society, (Mason, OH: Thomson Higher Education, 2007), pp. 858-875. Ethics Builds Trust in Marketing Relationships, in Jeffrey Heilbrunn (Ed). Marketing Encyclopedia: Issues & Trends Shaping the Future, (Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Business Books, 1995), pp. 212-16. Afterword on Exchange: Ethical and Legal Foundations, in Franklin S. Houston (Ed.) Marketing Exchange Relationships, Transactions, and Their Media, (Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1994), pp. 210-11. Implementing and Monitoring Ethics in Advertising, in Gene Laczniak and Patrick Murphy (Ed.) Marketing Ethics: Guidelines for Managers, (Lexington Books, 1985). An Inquiry into Bagozzis Formal theory of Marketing Exchanges, in Shelby Hunt, Marketing Theory: The Philosophy of Marketing Science (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin Company, 1983). Trade & Invited Articles The Relationship Between Corporate Citizenship and Competitive Advantage, Business Rites, Writs and Relationships, Edited by Lou Pelton and Sheb L. True, University of North Texas Press, 2003. How Business Ethics Could Have Saved Enron, in Houghton Mifflins Guide to the Enron Crisis, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. Enron Would Have Benefited From a Dose of Business Ethics, The Northern Colorado Business Report, March 22-April 4, 2002, p. 24A. Ethics Training: Its Time Has Come, Chicago Society of Association Executives Forum, October 1996. Reprinted in California Society of Association Executives Update, March/April 1997. Coauthor: Linda Ferrell. Managing Marketing Ethics Risks, MarketingAcademics@AMANewsletter, January 2006, pp. 1-2.
WORK IN PROGRESS Articles in Progress Understanding Clearance Promotions: Ethical and Public Policy Implications, target: Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. Co-authors: Ken Manning and Linda Ferrell. Grants 33
2010 $1.25 million for 5 years, O.C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell, and Doug Brown, Bill Daniels PrincipleBased Business Ethics Education (business ethics outreach in New Mexico and among a 4 state consortium of Schools: University of Utah, University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, University of Northern Colorado, University of Denver, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, and New Mexico State University), Daniels Fund-Denver, CO.