Boiler Burner (Steam Jet)
Boiler Burner (Steam Jet)
Boiler Burner (Steam Jet)
O il f lo w m e te r F u e l o il c o n t r o l v a lv e G u id e v a n e s W in d b o x
A ir in le t
B u rn e r r e g is te r
B u r n e r la n c e
S e c o n d a r y s w ir le r P r im a r y s w ir le r o r fla m e s ta b ilis e r
Ig n it e r
A to m is e r S m a ll s iz e K B S D b u r n e r s a r e e q u ip p e d w ith tw o s w ir le r s L a r g e s iz e K B S D b u rn e rs a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h o n e f l a m e s ta b i l i s e r
Figure 1
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A ir in le t
The burner register is the duct between the wind-box and the furnace. The burner lance with atomiser, swirlers/flame stabiliser, and ignition burner are placed in the burner register. Small size burners are fitted with divided swirlers one primary air swirler and one secondary air swirler, whereas large size burners are fitted with only one flame stabiliser. For maintenance and inspection purposes the burner lance can be dismounted separately from the top of the wind-box. This makes replacement of the atomiser very easy. The swirlers/flame stabiliser are designed to create an internal re-circulation of hot gases, which provides the continuous ignition, and hereby to stabilise the flame resulting in less pulsation. 1.1.3 Ignition burner The ignition burner is a separate diesel oil burner with its own oil supply system. When the burner is started, and the ignition sequence step is reached, the ignition burner is moved into position by means of the air servo cylinder. The diesel oil flame is ignited by an electric spark between two electrodes which are connected to a high voltage ignition transformer. After the ignition period has expired, the ignition burner is purged with air and retracted again.
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1.1.4 Atomiser The burner lance contains the Y-jet atomiser, in which steam and fuel are mixed and ejected. This oil mist is then mixed with combustion air, and the combustion is completed. The requested oil capacity of the burner unit determines the number and bore of discharge ports in the atomiser. The oil flow regulation is based on flow measurements, and therefore the oil pressure is of little importance to the atomisation quality. As a consequence of this, the atomisation quality does not vary over the burner turn down range even with the oil pressure operating between 2 and 25 bar. 1.1.5 Flame failure equipment Flame failure during light up and normal operation is detected by photo electric cells mounted on the burner unit and coupled to an amplifier mounted inside the local control panel. By loss of flame, this flame failure equipment will automatically shut down the burner.
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Atomisation of the fuel oil by compressed air should only be used during start-up or due to failure of the steam supply. 1.2.2 Combustion air system The combustion air system supplies air to the burner according to the demands of the control system. The draft loss of the burner air register is measured by a differential pressure transmitter, which converts the signal to a flow signal used by the control system for automatic air/oil ratio control. The combustion air is supplied by a directly driven centrifugal fan. The fan is mounted on a common bed frame with motor, inlet vanes, and servo-drive unit. The fan impeller inside the spiral housing is mounted directly on the motor shaft. The air flow to the burner is regulated by inlet vanes mounted on the fan suction side. The inlet vanes are of a multi-blade design and regulated by a servo-driven unit comprising an air cylinder and an I/P positioner. A silencer can be mounted on the fan suction side.
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