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Courtesy of Kop-Flex/Emerson Power Transmission Corp. JRM7.




Flexible-element couplings: How safe is safe?

Use these guidelines to help evaluate disc and diaphragm designs for turbomachinety
J. R. Mancuso, J. Zilbeman, J. P. Corcoran and S, DErcole, Kop-Flex Power Transmission Products, Baltimore, Maryland evelopments in couplings have made the meanings of safety factor and service factor (also application or experience factor) more confusing. Many people use service and safety factors interchangeably. There is an important distinction, however, and understanding the difference is essential to ensure a proper coupling selection for a particular application. Safety factors are used in the design of a coupling. Coupling designers use safety factors because there are uncertainties in the design. The designers method of analysis uses approximations to model the loading and, therefore, the calculated stresses may not be exact. Likewise, the material properties such as modulus, ultimate strength and fatigue strength have associated tolerances that must be considered. Today, with the use of such computational tools as finite element analysis (FEA), stress analysis is generally capable of more accurate results than in the past. In addition, the properties of the materials used in high performance products are more controlled and better known. Therefore, couplings designed today vs those designed twenty years ago can indeed operate safely with lower calculated safety factors. Also, the design factor for flexible-element couplings can be lower than gear couplings simply because the safeness is more accurately predicted. The flexible-element (dry) couplings of today have stress loading that is more easily determined. The stresses from misalignment, axial displacement and torque are generally more accurately known than with a gear coupling. Because of the number of variables that affect their design (such as tooth form, surface finish, materials, temperature and especially lubrication), life and safeness are difficult to evaluate for gear type couplings. Generally, torque is the most significant load contributor to the overall stress picture in gear couplings. The safety fatigue factors of flexible-element couplings are generally not as affected by torque, because the failure mode in dry couplings is not very sensitive to torque during continuous operating conditions. But how safe is safe? If the coupling designer knows all the loads and stresses, then a safety factor of one is sufficient. However, this is not practical. Later in this article, a discussion of suggested acceptable numbers will be presented.



Typical modified Goodman diagram.

Fig. 2. Methods to determine factor of safety.

Service factors, on the other hand, are used to account for the higher operating torque conditions of the equipment to which the coupling is connected. In API 671, a service (or experience) factor is applied to the normal operating torque of, for instance, a turbine or compressor. This factor accounts for torque loads which are not normal, but which may be encountered continuously such as low temperature driver output, compressor fouling, or possible vibratory torques. Also, service factors are sometimes used to account for the real operating conditions, which may be 5 to 20% above the equipment rating. Different service factors are used or recommended depending on the severity of the application. Is it a smooth running gas turbine driven compressor application or will the coupling be installed on a reciprocating pump application? Also note that service factors should be applied to continuous operating conditions rather than being used to account for starting torques, short circuit conditions, Continued rotor rubs, etc.

Fig . -. ..,J.,

-.-- --lr . . . . J.

Fig. 4. Contoured diaphragm coupling.

Before we discuss How safe is safe? we will define (or redefine) some terms: Design and selection criteria terms Factor of safety (F.S.) is used to cover uncertainties in a coupling design; analytical assumptions in stress analysis, material unknowns, manufacturing tolerances, etc. Under given design conditions the F.S. is the ratio of strength (or stress capacity) to actual predicted stress; where the stress is a function of torque, speed, misalignment and axial displacement. A design factor of safety (D.F.S.) is the factor of safety at the catalog rated conditions of torque, speed, misalignment and axial displacement. It is used by the manufacturer to establish the coupling rating, because it is the maximum loading that the manufacturer says his coupling can safely withstand. The factor of safety that most would be interested in, however, is the factor of safety at the particular set of application loads that the coupling is continuously subjected to. We have defined this to be an application factor of safety (A.F.S.). In fact, the application factor of safety is the measure of safety which answers the question How safe is safe.2. It is by definition a measure of the safeness under actual operation. Service factor (application factor or experience factor) (SF.) is normally specified by the purchaser (although assistance is sometimes given by the coupling manufacturer). It is a torque multiplier. It is applied to the operating torque (called the normal operating point in API 671) of the connected equipment. The service factor torque multiplier is used to account for torque loads that are beyond the normal conditions and are of a recurring nature. Couplings are generally selected by comparing the selection torque (S.F: X nar94 HYDROCARRON PROCESSING /DECEMBER 1994

mal operating torque) to the couplings maximum continuous rating. Service factors account for conditions such as a compressor fouling, changes of the pumped fluid (molecular weight, temperature or pressure), or any other repetitive loading conditions that may occur over lo6 revolutions of the \ coupling. And sometimes service factors are used to account for the real operating conditions of the equipment, which may be 5 to 20% above the equipment rating. Service factors should not be applied to account for starting torques, or short circuit torques, although these conditions are sometimes stated as being a multiple of normal torque. Endurance limit is the failure strength limit of a coupling component subjected to combined constant and alternating stresses. Beyond this limit the material can be expected to fail after some finite number of cyclic loads. Below this limit the material can be expected to have infinite life (or a factor of safety greater than 1.0). Yield limit (Y.L.) is determined by the manufacturer to be the failure strength limit of a coupling component that will cause detrimental damage. If this limit is exceeded, the coupling should be replaced. Coupling rating is a torque capacity at rated misalignment, axial displacement and speed. This applies to the ratings given below. Maximum continuous rating (M.C.R.) is determined by the manufacturer to be the torque capacity that a coupling can safely run continuously and has an acceptable design factor of safety Peak rating (P.R) is determined by the manufacturer to be the torque capacity that a coupling can experience without having localized yielding of any of its components. Additionally, a coupling can handle this torque condition for 5,000 to 10,000 cycles without failing. Maximum momentary rating (M.M.R.) is determined by the manufacturer to be the torque capacity that a coupling can experience without ultimate failure, where localized yielding (damage) of one of its components may occur. A coupling can withstand this occurrence for one brief duration. After that, the coupling should be inspected and possibly replaced. (This is also sometimes called the short circuit torque rating.) Continuous operating conditions and factors of safety. The diaphragm, diaphragm pack, or disc pack is the heart of a flexible-element coupling and in general is the most highly stressed component during continuous operation. It must accommodate the constant (steady state, or mean) stresses from axial displacement, torque and centrifugal effects while also withstanding the alternating (cyclic) stresses from angular misalignment and possible alternating torques. Note that normally other components of the coupling such as flanges, tubes and bolts are not subject to the same magnitudes and types of stresses. To analyze a flexible element and determine its (and generally the couplings) application factor of safety at different loading conditions, its endurance limit must be determined. The problem here, though, is what failure criteria should be used to determine this limit. What assumptions are made in combining the stresses? Once a criteria is selected, how is the factor of safety determined? What is an appropriate factor of safety for a particular type of coupling? There are many correct answers to these questions, and generally the choices are left up to the coupling manufacturers. There is no industry standard in existence and, therefore, it is not

always easy to know How safe is safe? Lets consider the following load conditions and stresses for a diaphragm coupling in a turbine driven compressor application. (Note that the stresses represented below are for illustrative purposes):
Torque Speed Axial misalignment Angular misalignment


Stress (psi)

400,000 in.-lb 42,000 psi: constant, shear stress 12,000 psi: constant, biaxial stress 13,000 rpm +/-0.120 in kO.25 35,000 psi: constant, bi-axial stress

17,000 psi: alternating, bi-axial stress


To calculate the fatigue factor of safety, there are four basic avenues that must be taken: 1) Determine the basic, normal stresses that result from the stated operating conditions. 2) Apply an appropriate failure theory to represent the combined state of stress. 3) Apply an appropriate fatigue failure criteria to establish an equivalent mean, and an equivalent cyclic stress from which to compare the material fatigue strength. 4) Calculate the factor of safety by making one of three assumptions regarding the manner in which you are most likely to see a stress increase. First; the way in which the above stresses in this example were determined are subject to evaluation. Various methods may be employed to determine the normal stresses shown above. These methods include classical solutions, empirical formulas, numerical methods and FEA. The accuracy of each of these methods is largely dependent on the loading assumptions made in the analysis. Second, after calculating the fluctuating normal stresses, they must be combined to provide an accurate representation of the biaxial state of stress by applying an appropriate failure theory. Many theories may be employed. The most accurate choice is generally a function of material characteristics and the type of loading. Among the failure theories that might be employed are: maximum principle stress, maximum shear stress and maximum distortion energy (von Mises). Third, after an appropriate failure theory has been applied, an equivalent constant, and an equivalent alternating stress, must be determined by applying an appropriate fatigue failure criteria. The possible choices here include: Soderberg criteria, Goodman criteria, modified Goodman criteria, and constant life fatigue diagrams. Lastly, a fatigue factor of safety can be determined by comparing the equivalent stress to the fatigue failure strength. To compare the fatigue strength to the equivalent stress, an assumption must be made as to how the stress increase is most likely to occur. Three choices exist: the increase will be constant (torque, speed, axial) cyclic (angle, torsional oscillations), or a combination of constant and cyclic (a proportional increase of all stresses and loads). In this example, weve combined the stresses using the distortion energy failure theory, and applied the modified Goodman fatigue failure criteria to obtain combined mean (constant) stress of 87,500 psi and a cyclic (alternating) stress of 17,000 psi. The endurance strength is 88,000 psi, the yield strength is 165,000 psi, while the ultimate diaphragm material strength is 175,000 psi. Using a modified Goodman diagram (Fig.1 ), the constant and alternating stresses are plotted. Ib illustrate the effect that the assumed rate of stress increase has on the fatigue factor of safety, we have shown that the factor of safety is found to be 2.59 under cyclic stress increase

1 5.

--O- Factor of safety 1.5 Multiple diaphragm

Goodman Curve


Factor of safety 2.0

Size # 12



Table 1. Coupling comparisons

Type of High performance Contoured Multiple diaphragm diaphragm coupling disc Maximum Continuous rating Torque (in.-lbs) 426,000 415,000 640,000 Speed (rpm) 11,300 13,000 10,000 Misalignment (degrees) 0.25 0.25 0.25 Axial (in.) +/-0.180 +/-0.125 +/-0.120 Coupling O.D. (in.) 13.94 13 12.94 Ultimate tensile strength 195,000 175,000 170,000 Endurance limit 68,000 88,000 90,000 Stresses at catalcg rating Constant stress (psi) 81,800 85,300 164,000 Alternating stress (psi) 19,600 16,700 20,000 Design factor of safety (D.F.S.) 1.41 1.48 1.2 Stresses at selection points Constant stress (psi) 60,800 84,400 95,000 Alternating stress (psi) 19,600 16,700 20,000 Selection factor of safety 1.82 1.49 1.28 Stresses at operating conditions Constant stress (psi) 41,100 66,200 65,000 Alternating stress (psi) 19,600 16,700 20,000 Application factor of safety (A.F.S.) 2.00 1.76 1.65

assumptions, 1.61 under constant stress increase assumptions and 1.44 under proportional increase assumptions. Now if we superimpose on the graph some of the other fatigue failure criteria strengths (Fig. 2), the issue is further complicated. There are different factors of safety possible, all from the same coupling at one operating point. In this particular case, this factor can vary from 1.38 to 3.78. Again, How safe is safe? Is 3.78 really safer than 1.38 in this application? Peak and maximum momentary conditions and factors of safety. Just like continuous torque ratings, there are different ways to rate a couplings capability to handle noncontinuous peak torques or low frequency high cyclic torques. These can be caused by such things as motor startups, short circuit conditions, compressor surges, or other transient conditions. Some questions to ask are: What is the nature of the load? Is it due to a synchronous motor start-up with hundreds of high torque reversals during a daily startup? Is it a single unidirectional torque induction motor driver application? As for the coupling, how much capacity above the maximum continuous rating is there before serious damage

to the coupling occurs? Some couplings have a catalog peak rating in the range of 1.33 to 1.5 times the maximum continuous catalog torque rating, even though the couplings can handle torques of 1.75 to 2.25 times before detrimental damage occurs. Some published ratings are only 10 to 15% away from a yielding limit. Which couplings can handle these peak torques? Once more we ask How safe is safe? Service tatters. API 671 defaults to a I.75 service factor which is to be applied to the normal operating torque. Note: API cautions that if reasonable attempts to achieve the specified experience factor fail to result in a coupling weight and subsequent overhung moment commensurate with the requirement for rotor dynamics of the connected machines, a lower factor may be selected by mutual agreement of the purchaser and the vendor. The selected value shall not be less than 1.25. API does not address factors as related to factors of safety on design. Therefore, it does not ask or answer the question as to how safe a coupling must be for an API 671 application. Different coupling manufacturers treat service factors in a different manner. For instance, when API 671 is not specified, some recommend or require a minimum application or service factor of 1.5 be used. This service factor (sometimes mistakenly called safety factor), is used to account for off normal point conditions of the connected equipment. Most coupling manufacturers recommend service factors for applications where API 671 is not specified. Some recommend higher values than others. Which one is right? Once again we ask How safe is safe?. Application Comparison. Table 1 and the figures give an example of how high performance disc (Fig. 3) and contoured diaphragm couplings (Fig. 4) compare to a multiple diaphragm coupling (Fig. 5) for a typical application. The application compared is a gas turbine driven centrifugal compressor where API 671 applies. The normal torque condition is 18,500 hp at 5,000 rpm, and the axial displacement requirement is +/-0.120 in., while the angular misalignment requirement is 0.25 degrees. The selection torque: T = (18,500 x 63,025 x 1.75)/5,000 = 408,090 in.-lbs From Table 1, the coupling, which has a higher published continuous torque rating (multiple diaphragm coupling), does not have the highest factor of safety. Recommendations. We now will answer the question we have proposed so often throughout this paper, How safe is safe? We recommend the following standard criteria be adopted to determine factors of safety that can allow one to properly compare couplings for a particular application. Below is a list of our recommended minimum design factors of safety for the various ratings to the appropriate limit. For the factor of safety for maximum continuous raling, we suggest that the factor of safety be determined using the modified Goodman criteria (the most widely accepted fatigue failure criteria for steel components). We further propose that these factors of safety are to be calculated by proportional increase in stress assumptions (Fig. 1). This method gives the most conservative safety factor. Forpeak rating and maximum momentary rating the factor of safety

is determined by the ratio of yield strength to the stresses calculated at these ratings. Note that the factors listed below are factors for rated conditions only and that the factors for a particular application (with or without service factors applied) can be expected to generally be higher.
Coupling capacity Design factor of safety 1.35 min 1.25 min 1.10 . min Basis Endurance Yield Yield

Max. cont. rating Peak rating Max. momentary rating

Finally, the values in the table are recommended as a guide and do not reflect how good a job was done in determining and combining the stresses used to obtain them. A certain level of confidence is required with each coupling manufacturer based on experience with the product a and organization. The authors
Jon R. Mancuso is engineering manager of KopFlex Inc., Power Transmission Products. He has almost 30 years experience in the coupling field and is author of many papers on couplings for various publications, societies and symposia. He is also author of the book, Coupling and Joints published by Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1985, and editor and author of several chapters in Mechanical Power Transmission Handbook, published by Marcel Dekker. He has been involved with many design, research and development projects relating to couplings, and is co-inventor of several patents with couplings and clutches. Mr. Mancuso graduated from Gannon University with a BS in mechanical engineering, and has an MS in engineering science from Pennsylvania State University He is chairing the ASME Committee on Couplings and Clutches. In addition he is a member of the AGMA Coupling Committee, and also serves on the 4PI Committee on Couplings for Special Purpose Applications. Joseph P Corcoran is turbo group team leader for Kop-Flex, Inc. Power Transmission Products. At Kop-Flex he is responsible for an engineering group which selects, designs and processes orders and inquiries for high performance couplings mainly for turbomachinery. He has eight + years of experience mainly with custom designed ? couplings. His previous experience was as an operations engineer responsible for two 80 ton per day Union Carbide-Linde oxygen plants for the city of Baltimore. Mr Corcoran has a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland and is member of ASME and the Vibration Institute. Stave D'Ercole is a senior engineer for Kop-Flax, Inc. Power Transmission Products. At Kop-Flex he is responsible for the Advanced Product Group, which selects, designs and processes special orders and inquiries for high performance couplings for turbomachinery. He has spent the last 10 years in the coupling field mainly with high j speed equipment, for aircraft and turbomachinery Prior to joining Kop-Flex, he worked with Lucas e Aerospace for four years as a project engineer where he worked with high speed flexible diaphragm couplings. Mtz DErcole has a BSME from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Jossef Zilberman is manager of research for Kop-Flex, Power Transmission Products. At KopFlex he is responsible for research and improvements of existing products, and development of new products lines, technologies and analytical methods. He has 12 years of experience in the coupling field including design, applications and field experience. He also has three patents for couplings. Mr. Zilberman has an MS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Bucharest, Romania.

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