Black Industries Lost Files - The Emperor Luitpold
Black Industries Lost Files - The Emperor Luitpold
Black Industries Lost Files - The Emperor Luitpold
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The Emperor Luitpold is a luxury river liner, named after obvious military types the full 10% discount; on the
the father and predecessor of Karl-Franz I. Run by the understanding they will post a watch during each night.
large and powerful Hindelin Lines of Altdorf, it plies the (Note that every passenger is expected to help defend
river Talabec from Altdorf to Bechafen near the Worlds the boat to the best of their abilities should anything
Edge Mountains. Built by the Spee boatyards in Altdorf in untoward happen, characters threatening to refuse such
2510, the Luitpold and its sister-ships the Emperor aid unless they are given a discount or wage will, for the
Wilhelm (Altdorf-Nuln) and the Emperor Magnus (Altdorf- rest of the journey, suffer a -10% penalty to all fellowship
Marienburg) give Hindelin Lines an unrivalled luxury fleet. tests with the boat’s crew and other passengers and may
The “Emperor-class” river liners are much favoured by very well be simply refused passage.)
wealthy merchants, those on Imperial business and the
Passenger and servants' cabins may be equipped with
lesser nobility. During the storm of Chaos the Luitpold
an extra folding bunk on request, but only if all other
service was suspended past Talabheim, and it is only
cabins of the same class are full. Berth in these folding
now returning to its full service.
bunks costs 15/- per 10 miles, regardless of the quality of
Weapons: All passengers are only permitted to carry arrange to take some or all meals in their cabins. No
one staff or sword and one dagger while aboard the charge is made for this, but a tip of at least 2/- per person
Emperor Luitpold. All other weapons and all armour must per meal is customary.
be handed over to the Purser for safe-keeping in the
Between meals, the passengers are left largely to their
liner's strong room, although they are available on
own devices. The passenger lounge is closed for twenty
request if passengers want them for shore-visits along
minutes before and after each meal as the stewards
the way, or in the event of the liner being attacked by
convert it from a dining-room back to a lounge, clearing
river pirates. Dwarfs may choose to carry a hammer
away the folding tables and so on. A range of light snacks
instead of a sword, but no one may carry an axe under
and non-alcoholic drinks is available in the passenger
any circumstances.
lounge throughout the day, and wines and spirits are
Magic: Spell casting of any kind is forbidden aboard the served from noon till midnight; these are all “extras”, and
Emperor Luitpold without the express permission of the must normally be paid for at the time, although an
Captain. This includes the use of magical items. In account to be settled at the end of the trip is seldom
practice, this rule is difficult to enforce, but anyone openly refused.
casting spells will be reported to the Captain. Bright During the day, various deck games are available for
Wizards are viewed with particular trepidation, as the those who wish to play, and weapons practice and
boat is made of wood. Despite this member of the Bright friendly duels (to first blood) are permitted on the
College are frequently found travelling on the boat, most promenade deck, provided that a prior arrangement has
often going the full route of Altdorf to Bechafen and back. been made. Those wishing to engage in friendly
Morality: All passengers are expected to observe competition must inform the Captain or Purser before any
“common decency”. Basically, this means not doing fight. If the crew are not aware of any prior arrangement,
anything in public which is liable to shock, offend, they will treat the incident as a common brawl and step in
embarrass or outrage one's fellow-passengers. The to restrain the combatants.
Captain is the final judge of such matters. After dinner, entertainments are staged in the passenger
Religious Observance: After dinner each day, the lounge: it is common, for example, for a musician or other
Captain leads the company and passengers in a five- entertainer to work his passage in return for a reduced
minute period of prayers to Talabec, the aspect of Taal fare. Typically entertainers berth in a Servant’s Room at a
which rules over the river. Attendance is not compulsory, rate of 5/- per 10 miles. Characters with a suitable
but those who do not take part are considered impolite Performer skill wishing to strike this kind of deal must
(Fellowship -10% when dealing with any member of the typically make a successful Charm check to be accepted,
crew). Passengers are free to make any observances this check becomes Hard (-20%) if there is any more than
demanded by their particular religions, subject to the laws two other entertainers already on board.
of The Empire, but animal sacrifice of any kind on board There is a certain etiquette to be observed in the type of
is banned. entertainment provided. Anything involving fire is banned
Passengers who flout the rules of passage will be given since the Emperor Luitpold is built almost entirely of
one warning, except in extreme cases. The Captain has wood. Animal acts are not generally acceptable, since an
the power to put offenders off at the next stop, handing unfortunate incident three years ago involving a dancing
them over to the local authorities if Imperial Laws have bear. Finally no entertainment may include material that
been broken. is insulting to the Emperor, the nobility, or any of the
major religions, or which is in any way “in bad taste” (as
A Typical Day decided by the Captain). These rules are explained at the
outset, and any breach can result in the Captain
A day aboard the Emperor Luitpold revolves around disallowing part or all of an entertainer's discount. If an
mealtimes. Breakfast is served an hour after dawn, lunch offending performer protests that he can not pay the full
at noon and dinner at 7pm. Mealtimes are announced by fare, the Captain will hint darkly that he has a contact in
the boat's stewards, who walk the length of the the staff of the notorious Mundsen Keep debtors' prison
passenger deck ringing small hand-bells. Meals are in Altdorf.
served in the passenger lounge, but passengers may
“ Charts? Hmm... You need to know the river for “I agree entirely, Sir, too much oregano would normally
yourself. That’s the mark of a river pilot!”
pilot!” ruin the flavour, but...”
Motivations: Avoid river hazards, get on in life. Motivations: Create wonderful meals, train staff.
Combat: Combat:
Armour (None): Best Quality Nobles’ Garb Armour (None): Boat’s Uniform with Leather Jack
Armour Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0 Armour Points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Good Quality Dagger (1d10+1) Weapons: Sword (Hand Weapon, 1d10+4), Buckler
(1d10+0, Balanced, Defensive, Pummelling), pair of
Trappings: Ledger of Accounts, Cologne Knuckle Dusters (1d10+1, Pummelling), 2 Throwing Axes
Trappings: Leather Hip Flask, 10 yards of Rope, 10
OT H ER C RE W M E M B ER S Wooden Spikes
In addition to the crew already listed, the Emperor
Luitpold employs an additional 20 Oarsmen
(Boatmen) 2 Kitchen Staff (Servants) and 4
Stewards (Valets). Due to the lasting trouble cased
by the Storm of Chaos, Hindelin Lines may also
have hired a compliment of 10 Guards (River
Wardens or Mercenaries) or even the occasional
Journeyman Bright Wizard (Much the unease of
the rest of the crew) to accompany any given
Talents: Etiquette, Flee!, Luck, Super Numerate Talents: Dealmaker, Suave, Super Numerate
Combat: Combat:
Armour (None): Best Quality but Tasteless Clothing Armour (None): Best Quality but Tasteless Clothing
Armour Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0 Armour Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Sword (Hand Weapon, 1d10+2) Dagger Weapons: Over Ornate Sword (Poor Quality Hand
(1d10-1) Weapon, 1d10+2) Matching Dagger (Poor, 1d10-1)
Trappings: Best Craftsmanship Clothing, Dice, Loaded Trappings: Around 300 gc in letters of credit and coin,
Dice, Two Decks of Cards, Deck of Marked Cards, Assorted Items of Jewellery and other small luxury items
around 100 gc in mixed coins, around 250 gc worth of worth around 200 gc in total, One or more downtrodden
purloined jewellery. Servants.
The Thing
passengers in order to get any useful information from
them, and again, you might concentrate the adventurers'
minds by having one of them locked up.