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An Internship Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Business Administration
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______________________________ Abul Khair Jyote Lecturer, Marketing School of Business Independent University Bangladesh Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
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Table of Content
Particulars Letter of Transmittal Acknowledgement Executive Summery Page No. 5 6. 7
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction &Background 1.2 Rationale of the Study 1.3 Objective of the Report 1.4 Limitations Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1 Methodology of the Study 3.2 Instruments Used in Analysis Chapter 4 : Performance Analysis: Import Division of EXIM Bank 4.1 Performance of EXIM BANK at a Glance 4.2 Import Business 4.3 A Comparison among Import, Export & Foreign Remittance Business 4.4 Import Division of EXIM Bank Limited and Other Commercial Banks: A Comparative Analysis 4.5 Comparative analysis of EXIM bank and with Social Islami bank and Shahjalal Islami Bank Chapter 5 : Findings & Recommendation
Comparative Analysis of Import Division of EXIM Bank Ltd
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Letter of Transmittal
May 09, 2013
Abul Khair Jyote Lecturer, Marketing School of Business Independent University Bangladesh Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka
Dear Sir, I am submitting my internship report as the part of my internship (BBA 499A) and would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your guidance and supervision in its completion. I completed my internship at EXIM Bank Limited from the 5th February to 5th May. My working report is based on Foreign Exchange Banking and my report topic is A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: IMPORT DIVISION OFEXPORT IMPORT BANK OF BANGLADESH LIMITED.
I hope you will assess my report considering the limitation of the study. Your kind advice will encourage me to do further research in future.
Sincerely yours,
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First of all, I would like to pay my gratitude to the Almighty Allah for helping me in preparing this internship report successfully. In the preparation and finish this internship report, I acknowledge the encouragement and assistance given by a number of people and institution. I am most grateful to the EXIM Bank management to give me the opportunity to complete my internship in their organization. I would like to express my gratitude to my Supervisor Mr. Abul Khair Jyote for providing me detailed feedback and advice on this report. He always gave me his suggestions in making this study as flawless as possible. I also want to render my special thanks to Mr. Md. Shahidullah Executive Vice President of Agrabad Branch, EXIM Bank Limited for providing all the support in the organization. Furthermore, I want to convey my heartiest thanks to my classmates and friends without their help this report could not be fulfill. Finally Special thanks go to the respondents, who spared their time generously, and helped me to complete my study.
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Importance of banking system in a country is increasing day by day. It is quite impossible for any country to develop in industrial and commercial sector without sound banking system in modern economic era. Foreign Exchange Department is international department of Bank. It deals globally. It facilitates international trade through its various modes of services. It bridges between importers and exporters. If the branch is authorized dealer exchange market, it can remit foreign exchange form local country to foreign country. This department mainly deals in foreign currency. This is why this department is called foreign exchange department. Foreign exchange operation is one of the significant functions of the bank. It plays a vital role in overall economy of the country. Bank collects information from numerous sources relating to cost and revenue from foreign exchange operation. Through export, import, and foreign remittances Foreign Exchange department of the banks earns their profit. Banks is the intermediary of all export, import, and remittance activities. Globalization of national economies has given a boost to international trade. The seller and the buyer in an international trading transaction must agree for a product or its quality, price etc. enter into a sales contract, spelling out precisely shipping and delivery details, terms of payment, required documentation and other related issues including dispute settlement procedure and legal framework available. The impact on trade transactions currency policies of the importing and exporting countries and risks associated with them, fraud possibilities in the transaction or in documents are also necessary. A country cannot long continue to have a deficit on foreign current account but a favorable balance of payments on current account may conceal a heavy adverse balance of payments with one individual country or group of countries. Foreign Exchange Market allows currencies to be exchanged to facilitate international trade and financial transactions. After passing a lot of phases, present foreign exchange market has established and performing to benefit all the parties incorporated here. There are basically three players in the foreign exchange market of Bangladesh. Those are the Bangladesh Bank, authorized dealers, and customers. This paper discussed regarding the related issues of foreign exchange activities of EXIM Bank Ltd.
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respective business as most successful star with their endeavor, intelligence, hard working and talent entrepreneurship. Among them, Mr. Nazrul Islam Mazumder became the honorable chairman after the demise of the honorable founder chairman. This bank starts functioning from 3rd August 1999 with Mr. Alamgir Kabir, FCA as the advisor and Mr. Mohammad Lakiotullah as the Managing Director. Both of them have long experience in the financial sector of our country. By their pragmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, this bank has earned a secured and distinctive position in the banking industry in terms of performance, growth, and excellent management. The authorized capital and paid up capital of the bank are Tk. 2000.00 million and Tk 9223 million respectively. The bank has migrated all of its conventional banking operation into Shariah based Islami banking since July/2004.
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Listing with Dhaka Stock Exchange: Listing with Chittagong Stock Exchange: Head Office:
September 2004. September 2004. "SYMPHONY" Plot # SE (F): 9, Road # 142 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka- 1212. 642527 EXM HO BJ +880-2-9889363, 9891489 +880-2-8828962 EXIM EXBKBDDH EXIMBANK Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder. Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali Miah Tk. 20,000.00 million Tk. 9223.20million Tk. 355.02 million Tk. 51,503.02 million 1724 Persons 126,681 64
Telex: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Known as: SWIFT Code: Stock Code: Chairman: Managing Director: Authorized Capital: Paid-up-Capital: Operating Profit: Total Asset: Number of Employees: Number of Shareholders: Number of Branches:
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The word EXIM implies the meaning of its operation. Though it is a new type of Bank in Bangladesh, it is familiar with so many countries in the world such as Export Import Bank of United States, Export Import Bank of Japan. Despite it is a local bank, it has spread its operation in the whole world through foreign banking. To achieve the desired goal, it has intention to pursuit of excellence at all stages with a climate of continuous improvement. Because it believes, the line of excellence is never ending. It also believes that its strategic place and business networking will strengthen its competitive edge over in rapidly changing
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competitive environment. Its motto is to provide quality services to the customers all over the world. So the slogan of the bank- Local Bank Global Network is completely adjustable.
Corporate Objectives:
To provide high quality financial services that will enhance the well-being and success of individuals, industries and business communities of the country. Quality earning generated in core markets. Strong capitalization. Through commitment to the bank and the customers whom it serves, Southeast Bank wants to become the best bank in Bangladesh. Thus it provides a very efficient customer service at a competitive price.
Board of Directors:
Name of Directors Position
Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Swapan Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Mr. Md. Altaf Hossain Mrs. Nasreen Islam
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Mr. Mohammed Shahidullah Mr. Md. Fahim Zaman Pathan Mrs. Nasima Akhter Mr. A.K.M. Nurul Fazal Al-haj Md. Nurul Amin Mr. Zubayer Kabir Mrs. Rizwana K. Riza
Shariah Board:
The Board of directors has formed a Sharia Supervisory Board for the Bank. Their duty is to monitor the entire Banks transactional procedures, & assuring its Sharia compliancy. This Board consists of the following members:
Professor Moulana Mohammad Salah Uddin Mr. A.K.M Nurul Fazal Mr. A.S.M. Fakhrul Ahsan Mr. Abdullah AlZahir Sawpan Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder Professor H.M. Shahidul Islam Barakaty Mr. Zubayer Kabir Moulana Mohammad sadequl islam Mr.kaji Masihur Rahman Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan Hafez Moulana Mufti Mohammad Khair Ullah
The tasks of the Sharia supervisor in summary is replying to queries of the Banks administration, staff members, shareholders, depositors, & customers, follow up with the Sharia auditors and provide them with guidance, submitting reports & remarks to the Fatwa & Sharia
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Supervision Board and the administration, participating in the Banks training programs, participating in the supervision over the AlIqtisad AlIslami magazine, & handling the duty of being the General Secretary of the Board.
Islamic bank extend investment (loan) under the principles of the followings:
Mudaraba: Mudaraba means the hiring of capital. It is a contract in a profit sharing where one party provides capital/funds and the other labor/work. Under this system, banks provide the capital and clients provide expertise and profit is shared according to agreed ratio. Musharaka: This mode of finance is represented by two or more financiers in contributions of equal or unequal ratios of capital to establish a new project or to participate in an established one and all partners are entitled to share the total profits of the venture according to ratio as mutually agreed upon allowing for managerial skills to be remunerated. Murabaha: About 70 to 80 percent of financial operations of most of the Islamic banks belong to this segment. It enables the investor to obtain finished goods, raw materials, machinery or equipment from the local market or through import by opening letter of credit (L/C). Under this technique, bank buys the goods upon the request of the client and then the customer form the bank purchases these goods with a fixed period of time or by installment with a cost, which includes cost of goods plus mark-up profit. Ijarah: Izarah financing under Islamic Shariah is same as the western concept of leasing. In Ijarah financing, the bank finances capital goods to industrial project against payment of a rent by installment.
Comparative Analysis of Import Division of EXIM Bank Ltd
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Bai-Muajjal: Bai Muajjal means sale for which payment is made at a future fixed date or within a fixed period. Bai-Muajjal is treated as a contract between the bank and the client under which the bank sells to the client certain specified goods at an agreed price payable within a fixed future date in lump sum or by installments. By this credit sell bank possession of the goods also. Quard: is profit free loan to the holder of investment accounts of the bank on compassionate ground.
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Particulars Authorized Capital Paid Up Capital Shareholders Equity Total Capital Statutory Reserve Total Asset Total Liability Deposit Investment(Ge neral) Investment(Sh are & Securities) Operating income Foreign Exchange Business Import Export Remittance Capital Adequacy Ratio EPS
2007 3500.00 2142.2 4042.53 4569.56 1134.64 51503.03 47460.5 41546.57 40195.24 2457.72 1908.2 117900.14 61399.4 55790.42 710.32 11.23% 34.76
2008 3500.00 2677.75 4989.2 5763.89 1532.55 68446.46 63457.26 57586.99 53637.68 2894.02 2518.39 156434.57 78540.49 76465.62 1428.46 10.79% 40.95
2009 10000.00 3373.96 6717.21 7718.89 2092.95 86213.37 79496.16 73835.46 68609.91 2189.54 3181.78 162604.61 83911.51 76240.77 2454.33 11.18% 50.21
2010 10000.00 6832.27 12474.85 13957.40 3154.76 113070.9 8 100596.1 3 94949.40 93296.65 4522.04 5893.79 227966.6 0 129570.7 3 95395.45 3036.42 9.95% 3.77
2011 20000.00 9223.56 14484.22 16109.56 3849.78 129874.42 115390.20 107881.21 99699.83 6734.03 3955.82 254407.47 128445.77 122217.34 3744.36 10.88% 2.18
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ROA After Tax Price Earnings Ratio (Times) Investment as a % of total Deposit
Job as an Intern:
During the internship period at EXIM Bank Ltd, I was placed in different departments on rotation basis. At first I was in General banking section for three weeks, then in Investment
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Unit for one week and finally in Foreign Exchange section for rest of the days. So it was a great experience for me to work in different departments. General Banking: In General banking department I was place in all section. There I did different jobs as per the officials requirement. Though I was not assigned for specific responsibilities, but I did basically customer management related jobs. My job descriptions are mentioned below: Helping clients to fill up account opening form and pay order form. Writing pay order instrument. Cheque Requisition Cheque Received and Issue. Cheque Book Delivery. Pay Order Cancellation. Clearing Cheque Received. Cheque Clearing. Outward Clearing. Inward Clearing. Remittance. Provide customers product related information. Provide assistance support according to the needs of the customer. Helping officers for preparing Bangladesh bank report
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Investment Department: Fill up CIB (Credit Information Bureau) form for clients. Preparing Head Office forwarding for loan approval. Making Customer Sanction Advice for disbursing loan amount, after getting Head Office approval. Preparing purchase order for Car Loan, Doctors Loan and Household Durables Loan on the basis of clients quotation. Foreign Exchange: One of the most important parts in EXIM BANK Agrabad Corporate Branch is Foreign Exchange Department that deals with import, export and post import financing. During my internship period I was placed in import and foreign currency accounts section. My responsibilities are mentioned below: Opening Back to back L/C: Back-to-Back L/C is a secondary L/C opened by the sellers Bank based on the original/master L/C to purchase the raw materials and accessories for manufacturing of the export products required by the seller. Payment Instruction: This is a universal system allowing importers bank to pass on a payment order drawn on to the receiving bank of different country for execution. For giving import payments from foreign banks, Payment Instruction is mandatory. IMP Report: At the end of each month every commercial bank sent a report to Bangladesh Bank on the basis of their import payment during the whole month.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
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1.1 Introduction &Background:
This internship report is originated as a partial fulfillment of the BBA program of School of Business, Independent University Bangladesh. This report is a mandatory requirement for BBA completion. I have worked at Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. Agrabad branch for three months and the experience of working at Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. has helped me to match our theoretical knowledge with practical understanding. As an intern of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. i was provided with the topic A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: IMPORT DIVISION OFEXPORT IMPORT BANK OF BANGLADESH LIMITED. The report basically deals with A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: IMPORT DIVISION OFEXPORT IMPORT BANK OF BANGLADESH LIMITED. The foreign exchange policy of Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd. is prepared in line with the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank and for the guideline of the officers or executives in handling affairs relating to foreign exchange in a disciplined way. Foreign exchange department plays a very important role in bank as they are the medium of the foreign exchange business to the customers. In this report I have tried to study the factors to evaluate EXIM Bank ltd with other banks. I made a comparison study between activities of three banks.
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1.4 Limitations:
The present study was not out of limitations. But as an internee it was a great opportunity for me to know the banking activities in Bangladesh especially of EXIM Bank. Some constraints are appended bellow: Lack of Information or Data: Adequate and in-depth well-organized information is not available for access. Though the officials tried to assist, sometimes their working pressure couldn't give me proper assistance what I needed. There is some information which need special permission from top level is not always achievable. Time Constraint: It is something like impossible to cover the entire foreign exchange banking services exploiting Ninety days time period while an employee or an officer is awarded with one or two year probationary period to do his or her particular job. Secrecy of Information: Some of the information needed to explore the current marker scenario of the company was not disclosed. Comparison Status: I have had no opportunity to compare the foreign exchange banking system of the EXIM Bank with that of other contemporary and common size banks. I had compared the banks that information is available. It was mainly because of the shortage of time and internship nature. Lack of Experience: Though I have prepared many reports before, I had no experience of internship. So inexperience is one of the main constraints of the study.
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Literature Review
2.1 Literature Review:
Foreign exchange means foreign currency and includes any instrument drawn, accepted, made or issued under clause (13) of Article 16 of the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972] all deposits, credits and balances payable in any foreign currency, and any drafts, travelers cheque, letters of credit and bills of exchange, expressed or drawn in Bangladesh currency but payable in any foreign currency. Import of goods into Bangladesh is regulated by the Ministry of Commerce in terms of the Import and Export (Control) Act, 1950, through Import Policy Order (IPO) in force and Public Notices issued from time to time by the Office of the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports (CCI&E). The instructions contained in this chapter apply to sales of foreign exchange or transfers to non- resident taka accounts against import of goods into Bangladesh. In terms of the Importers, Exporters and Inventors (Registration) Order, 1981 no person can import goods into Bangladesh unless he is registered with the CCI&E or exempted from the provisions of the said Order. Before Letter of Credit Authorization Form (LCAF) is issued or Letter of credit (LC) is opened or remittance is made for imports into Bangladesh the AD should verify that the importer is registered with the CCI&E or otherwise exempted from such registration. The AD should ensure that the registration number of the importer is invariably furnished on the IMP form. Where the importer is exempted from such registration, a suitable mention of this fact should be made on the IMP form.
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The ADs must ensure that they deal only with known customers having a place of business in Bangladesh and can be traced easily should any occasion arise for this purpose. Opening of LCs and payments for imports into Bangladesh should be made through an AD in the area where the holder of the LCAF is resident. In case the importer is a new customer, the AD should obtain certificate from the AD through which the applicant imported earlier to the effect that no bill of entry is due/overdue for submission by the importer. Bangladesh followed a fixed exchange rate system until 1979. Between 1979 and mid-2003, the country pursued a managed floating exchange rate regime. Continual devaluation of the domestic currency, in order to maintain a stable real exchange rate and avoid overvaluation of the domestic currency, was the hallmarks of this regime. Since the end of May 2003, Bangladesh has introduced a kind of clean floating exchange rate policy by making it fully convertible on the current account, although capital account controls still remain. All the exchange rate policies Bangladesh has taken, mainly, to accelerate exports, reduce extra pressure of imports and thereby improve the balance of trade. The following studies validate the above statement. Islam (2003) states that the monetary authority determines the exchange rate policy aiming to achieve two main objectives. First, the domestic target, which includes restraining inflation rate, credit growth in the public and private sector, and the growth of liquidity and broad money. Secondly, the external target, which includes promotion in international reserves level, reduce the current account gap, control trends of exchange rate changes in the local inter-bank foreign exchange market, and adjust the trends in the exchange rates of neighboring trade partners: India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
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Hossain et al (2005) quoted from Rahman (1995) and Bayes et al (1995) that the main objectives of exchange rate changes of Bangladesh were to: (i) promote international competitiveness; (ii) encourage exports diversification; (iii) withdraw subsidies from exports sector; (iv) discourage imports growth; and (v) rearrange resources in import substitutes and export oriented sectors. Aziz (2003) paper states that the finance ministers of last few regimes in their statement stated the following reason of devaluation of currency in Bangladesh: (i) increase export, (ii) discourage import, (iii) protect local infant industries, (iv) encourage the expatriates to send money to home, and (v) improve international reserve situation. According to the Financial Sector Review (2006) of the Bangladesh Bank, the key aims of exchange rate policy of Bangladesh are to: I. Maintain competitiveness of Bangladeshi products in the world markets, II. Encourage remittances inflow from expatriate wage earners, III. Maintain stable internal price, and IV. Maintain a viable external account position. Thus, all the studies and policy papers have directly or indirectly articulated the export-ledgrowth and imports contraction targets as the main objectives of the exchange rate policy of Bangladesh.
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Chapter 3: Methodology
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3.1 Methodology of the Study:
Sources of Data: Both primary and secondary data are used in this report. There are many tables and figures in this report which are based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data are emphasized than the secondary data in this report. Methods of collecting Data: The techniques of collecting primary data are not same as the techniques of collecting secondary data. The different methods and tools of collecting primary data and secondary data used in this report are described as follows: Collection of Primary Data: Various types of the data and information were collected from my practical experience and queries from the executives while doing my internship at The EXIM bank Ltd. Information and data regarding Overview of the EXIM bank Limited, various stages of import activities, performance measurement in of import activities, significance and importance of various small segments of import process etc. were collected from these sources. Collection of Secondary Data: Data regarding the clearing process and performance evaluation of The EXIM Bank Ltd. were collected from secondary sources like: Annual Reports, Brochures, Manuals and Publication of The EXIM Bank Ltd., Bangladesh Bank Library, News paper etc. were the major sources of secondary data.
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Particulars Authorized Capital Paid Up Capital Shareholders Equity Total Capital Statutory Reserve Total Asset Total Liability
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8. 9. 10. 11. 12. i) ii) iii) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Deposit Investment(Ge neral) Investment(Sh are & Securities) Operating income Foreign Exchange Business Import Export Remittance Capital Adequacy Ratio EPS ROA After Tax Price Earnings Ratio (Times) Investment as a % of total Deposit
41546.57 40195.24 2457.72 1908.2 117900.14 61399.4 55790.42 710.32 11.23% 34.76 2.00% 9.02 96.75%
57586.99 53637.68 2894.02 2518.39 156434.57 78540.49 76465.62 1428.46 10.79% 40.95 1.83% 7.85 93.14
73835.46 68609.91 2189.54 3181.78 162604.61 83911.51 76240.77 2454.33 11.18% 50.21 2.19% 7.52 92.92
94949.40 93296.65 4522.04 5893.79 227966.6 0 129570.7 3 95395.45 3036.42 9.95% 3.77 3.54% 11.34 98.26
107881.21 99699.83 6734.03 3955.82 254407.47 128445.77 122217.34 3744.36 10.88% 2.18 1.65% 12.76 92.42 136837.1 8 161604.3 4 4368.27
Interpretation: It is clearly shown in the table the overall condition of the EXIM bank. The total deposit of the bank is increasing. It is very necessary for any Bank. And the loan as a percentage of is 92.42% in 2011 thats mean that, 92.42% deposit is invested. As a result of that operating profit of the Bank is also increasing. Bank allows two types of investment, general investment and investment on Share and bond. Foreign Exchange business consisting import Export and remittance volume also has a wonderful growth.
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Year 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Tk. in crore 157467 149871 134577 133245 124627 116215 111251 106245 102240 98156
Table: Letter of credit of EXIM Bank Ltd (Source EXIM Bank annual report)
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50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Number of Letter of Credit 10520 12692 16339 21555 25817 28334 32511 35627 39551 45125
Tk in Crore 98156 10224 10624 11125 11621 12462 13324 13457 14987 15746
Figure: L/C Opened (Tk. in Crore) Interpretation If we see the last ten years number of opening L/C it increased. The highest number is Tk. 157467 crore in 2012. The lowest number is Tk. 98156 crore in 2003. The growth of number of opening L/C in 2012 is 7.14%
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Irrevocable Credit The following table and figure show last ten years volume of irrevocable L/C of EXIM Bank: Volume of irrevocable L/C (Figure in Crore) Year 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Irrevocable L/C 1935.64 1523.98 2465.97 1102.35 825.91 926.02 745.27 722.99 500.93 238.30
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Irrevocable L/C
2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Figure: Irrevocable L/C Interpretation If we see the last 10 years volume of irrevocable L/C it increases almost every year. The highest volume is Tk. 1935.64 crore in 2012. The lowest volume is Tk. 238.30 crore in 2003. The growth rate of volume of irrevocable L/C in 2012 is 2.66%.
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Volume of Import The following table and figure show last five years volume of import of EXIM Bank: Volume of import Taka in crore Year 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Volume of Import 136837.18 128445.77 129570.73 83911.51 78540.49 61399.40 49596.73 41432.10 26781.8 19260.1
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140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Volume of Import 19260 26782 41432 49597 61399 78540 83912 12957 12844 13683
Figure: Volume of Import Interpretation If we see the last 10 years volume of import, it increases every year. The highest volume is Tk. 136837.18 crore in 2012. The lowest volume is Tk. 19260.10 crore in 2003. The growth rate of volume of import in 2012 is 54.70%.
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Table: Comparison among volume of Import, Export & Foreign Remittance (Source: Annual report)
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180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Import Export Remittance 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
19260 26782 41430 49597 61399 78540 83912 12957 12844 13683 15125 22418 31285 46235 55790 76466 76241 95395 12221 16160 235 113.7 222.9 343.7 710.3 1428. 2454. 3036. 3744. 4368.
Figure: Volume of Import, Export & Foreign Remittance Interpretation If we see the last 10 years volume of export & import, it increases every year. Volume of remittance is unstable but highest in 2012. The highest volume of export, import & remittance is in 2012. The lowest volume of export, import & remittance is in 2003. The growth rate of export, import & remittance are 33%, 65% and 2% respectively in 2012.
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Foreign Remittance 2%
Export 33%
Import 65%
From the above trend analysis it indicate that the EXIM Bank performance for import & export business is quite sound. Its services in irrevocable L/C, number of L/C opening, volume of import etc are improving year by year from 2003 to 2012. So the overall performance in foreign exchange service of EXIM Bank Ltd is shown above, it shows that export, import and foreign remittance business are improving year by year from 2003 to 2012.
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4.4 Import Division of EXIM Bank Limited and Other Commercial Banks: A Comparative Analysis
For the comparative analysis, four banks like South-East, Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd, City Bank Ltd and NCC Bank Ltd are taken here. A comparison of foreign exchange operation of EXIM Bank with other private banks is shown below: Letter of Credit The following table and figure show different banks volume of L/C in 2012:
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Letter of L/C
(Tk. in crore) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 EXIM Bank Limited City Bank Limited Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd NCC Bank Limited
Interpretation The EXIM Bank stands on the highest position in volume of L/C that is Tk. 1935.64 crore in 2012. The NCC Bank stands on the lowest position in volume of L/C that is Tk. 1451.46 crore in 2012. It indicates that EXIM Bank have better acceptance by its corporate client. Volume of Import The following table and figure show different banks volume of import in 2012:
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Volume of Import
140000 135000 130000 125000 120000 115000 110000 105000 EXIM Bank Limited Mercantile Bank Limited Prime Bank Limited South East Bank Limited NCC Bank Limited
Tk. in crore
Interpretation The Prime Bank stands on the highest position in import business that is Tk. 139806 crore in 2012. The NCC Bank stands on the lowest position in import business that is Tk. 117646.80 crore in 2012. The EXIM Bank stands on the second highest position in import business that is Tk. 136837.18 crore in 2012.
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4.5 Comparative analysis of EXIM bank and with Social Islami bank and Shahjalal Islami Bank
Import business for EXIM bank ltd is the. 136837.18 crore Social Islami bank is tk.124586 crore and Shahajalal islami Bank is tk.129875 crore in 2012:
Social Name of the Bank EXIM Bank Limited Islami Bank Limited Volume of Import (Tk. in crore) 136837.18 134586
Volume of Import
138000 136000 134000 132000 130000 128000 126000 EXIM Bank Limited Social Islami Bank Limited Tk. in crore
Volume of Import
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Interpretation Growth rate of import Business is 54.70%. Of EXIM Bank, 53.86% for Social Islami Bank and 48.76% for Shahajalal Islami Bank in 2012. Exim bank is in the first position. And the growth rate of the EXIM bank is the highest.
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Bank Ltd and NCC Bank Ltd, it secure second position. But there also some other bank where the performance of EXIM bank is below of them. Amount of Deposit of the bank is growing year by year but the cost of deposit is increasing. It means that the bank has to pay 13% or some cases 13.5% profit (profit) to the depositor. On the contrary they take 16% profit (profit) from investor who takes loan from Bank. It is clear that bank has only 3% in their hand in which they have to use 2% for maintaining the administrative cost and the rest 1% is their profit. So Bank always want deposit with lesser cost or no cost thats mean they want deposit on current A/C( 0% profit rate) and STD A/C(5.5%profit rate) but they have a big number of deposit in Mudarabaha term deposit (MTDR) which profit rate is 13% . In the year 2012 the import letter of credit and import volume growth was the year 2011 the growth was 19.71% and 2010 it was 23.80%. Another threaten is the technology, the bank must be adjusted with new technologies and information which they are trying. Otherwise the profitability of the bank may hamper. The marketing strategy adopted by the bank is effective but not efficient. The appearance of the bank in the printing media and electronic media has become a matter of fortune.
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5.2 Recommendations:
The entire department should be well informed regarding their goal and objectives. It is essential to execute company objective into individual target. There must be clear allocation of responsibilities, authority and accountability. The bank should introduce more promotional activities. The bank should take initiative to develop an effective research and development centre to get innovative ideas to capture the competitive market. Diversified schemes for export and import with fewer margins for L/C should introduce by the bank for small entrepreneur to target a different segment to increase volume of export and import. Efficient and attractive marketing strategy and appearance of the bank in the printing media and electronic media would also increase knowledge of people about foreign trade. This is very much useful for increase transactions in foreign exchange department of this bank. Tight rules and requirements for opening foreign currency account should be relaxed and make it easy and simple.
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Chapter 6: Conclusion
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6.1 Conclusions:
The commercial banking system dominates Bangladesh's financial sector. Bangladesh Bank is the Central Bank of Bangladesh and the chief regulatory authority in the sector. The banking system consists of nationalized commercial banks, private commercial banks, foreign multinational banks and some specialized banks There are huge number of nationalized and foreign bank operating their banking in Bangladesh, The export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited is promising one among these banks. The growing competition bound EXIM Bank not only to compete with the other commercial bank but also with the public banks. For the future planning and the successful operation in achieving its prime goal in this current competitive market, this can be helpful in international trade financing that suggested mostly for the betterment of country. Foreign Exchange Business is the main source of the expansion of our economy. This is why, the importance of the effective involvement of Bank in our economy in financing Import, Export & Remittance business is enormous The total process of import consists of some sequential steps. First the importer must be registered with the Chief Controller of Import and Export (CCI & E). Secondly importer will determine terms of credit to open L/C. thirdly, he will submit the proposal for L/C to the issuing Bank. Then bank will ask for some important document like. L/C Application form, Pro-forma invoice, Tax Identification number, Import registration certificate, Beneficiaries credit report, VAT certificate etc. After submitting the document issuing bank open L/C for
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importer. Opening bank then issues credit by air mail/TELEX/SWIFT followed by L/C advice as asked by the opener through his foreign correspondent or branch as the case may be, at the place of beneficiary. Then the advising bank make know the exporter by the negotiating Bank(the exporter Bank) about the L/C. Being confirm about L/C, exporter make the shipment of goods and sent the documents (Bill of lading, Bill of Exchange, Commercial Invoice, Certificate of Origin, Packing List, Shipment Certificate Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate) to the issuing Bank through the negotiating Bank . After receiving the documents, the opening banker scrutinizes the documents. If any discrepancy found, it informs the importer. If importer accepts the fault, then opening bankers call importer retiring the document by cash payment, or other ways ,if the importer make delay bank charge profit ( interest) at 16% of the due amount to the importer. In todays banking sector, Foreign Exchange activities are very common. All most all the commercial banks have this department. So the activities of the foreign exchange similar to all. Mechanism of operation of the L/C and other related activities are well developed one. The steps in opening L/C, which are followed by EXIM Bank ltd, are more are less same. Some exception arises from the amount of margin, percentage of commission and over all good relation with customer. EXIM Bank Limited tries to maintain good relation to customer by providing some incentives. Like 10% or below 10% margin for the regular customer, less percentage of commission for big amount of L/C, and Fast processing etc. After analysis the whole import performance and Bank activities, we can see that Banks import volume and the amounts of L/C are increasing year by year. And through this, the
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profit volume of the bank is also increasing. The increasing demand of the imported goods and friendly relation with customer by the bank are the main reasons of this growth.
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Source: Annual Report 2011 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2009 Annual Report 2008 Annual Report 2007 Annual Report 2006 Annual Report 2005 Annual Report 2004 Other Related Magazines Published by EXIM Bank Bd Ltd. Reference books: A Textbook on Foreign Exchange, Second Addition, L.R. Chowdhury Websites: Search engine:
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