Biology Form 4 Paper 3 Marking Scheme
Biology Form 4 Paper 3 Marking Scheme
Biology Form 4 Paper 3 Marking Scheme
Question Score Explanation 1 (a) 3 Able to state two different observations correctly based on two criteria: C1: Temperature of water bath C2: The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution Sample answer: When the temperature of water bath is 50C / 280C / 370C / 450C / 600C, the time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution is 36 minutes / 5 minutes / 2 minutes / 7 minutes / 36 minutes 2 Able to state one correct observation and one inaccurate observation Sample answer (inaccurate): When the temperature of water bath is 50C / 280C / 370C / 450C / 600C, the time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution is long / longer / short / shorter. 1 Able to state only one correct observation or two observations at idea level Sample answer (idea level): 1. The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution is different. 2. The temperature affect the time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution 0 No response or incorrect response or two inaccurate observations or one idea only Remarks
Question Score Explanation 1 (b) 3 Able to state two accurate inferences correctly based on two criteria: C1: Rate of enzyme reaction C2: Enzyme is not active / very active / denatured Sample answer: Rate of enzyme reaction is high / low because enzyme is very active / not active / denatured. 2 Able to state one correct inference and one inaccurate inference Sample answer (inaccurate): 1. Rate of enzyme reaction is high / low 2. Enzyme is not active / very active / denatured 1 Able to state only one correct inference or two inferences at idea level Sample answer (idea level): Rate of enzyme reaction is affected by temperature 0 No response or incorrect response or two inaccurate inferences or one idea only
Question Score Explanation 1 (c) 3 Able to record all the time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution correctly Sample answer: 5C : 36 minutes 28C : 5 minutes 37C : 2 minutes 45C : 7 minutes 60C : 36 minutes 2 1 0 Able to record 4 data correctly Able to record 3 data correctly Able to record 1-2 data correctly or no response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (d) 3 Able to state all the 3 variables and methods to handle each variable correctly Sample answer: Variable Manipulated variable: Temperature of water bath Responding variable: The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution Constant variable: pH medium of amylase and starch suspension // Fix the pH medium of amylase and starch suspension at pH 7 Record time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution by using stopwatch Use different temperature of water bath such as 50C, 280C , 370C , 450C , 600C Method to handle the variable
Volume / Concentration Fix the same volume / of amylase and starch concentration of suspension amylase and starch suspension
2 1 0
Able to state 4-5 ticks Able to state 2-3 ticks No response or wrong response or 1 tick only
Question Score Explanation 1 (e) 3 Able to state the hypothesis relating the manipulated variable and the responding variable correctly based on three criteria correctly P1: Manipulated variable (Temperature of water bath) P2: Responding variable (The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution // Rate of enzyme reaction) H: Relationship Sample answer: P1+P2+H 1. When the Temperature of water bath increases until 370C, the time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution decreases / Rate of enzyme reaction increases. 2 Able to state the hypothesis based on two criteria: Sample answer: P1+P2 // P1/P2+H 1. The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution // Rate of enzyme reaction depends on the temperature of water bath 1 Able to state the hypothesis based on only one criteria or at idea level Sample answer: 1. The time taken when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution // Rate of enzyme reaction is different. 0 No response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (f) 3 Able to construct a table correctly with the following aspects: T: Title with correct units 1 mark D: Data -1 mark C: Rate of enzyme reaction 1 mark Temperature of The time taken water bath, 0C when the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution (minutes) 5 36 28 5 37 2 45 7 60 36 Any two correct aspects Any one correct aspect No response or wrong response Rate of enzyme reaction (minute-1)
2 1 0
Question Score Explanation 1 (g) (i) 3 Able to draw the graph of rate of enzyme reaction against temperature based on the following aspects: Axis: Title of x-axis and y-axis with units 1mark Point: All the points plotted correctly 1mark Shape: All the points connected smoothly 1mark 2 1 0 Any two correct aspects Any one correct aspect No response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (g) (ii) 3 Able to explain the relationship between the rate of reaction which is catalysed by amylase and the temperature based on the following criteria: R1: Relationship The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction which is catalysed by amylase until 370C R2: Enzyme is more active R3: More starch is hydrolysed by amylase Sample answer: The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction which is catalysed by amylase until 370C because enzyme is more active. Thus, more starch is hydrolysed by amylase. 2 1 0 Any two correct aspects Any one correct aspect No response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (h) 3 Able to deduce the activity of amylase on starch based on the following criteria: D1: break down of starch by amylase D2: causes the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution D3: Affected by the temperature of water bath Sample answer: The activity of amylase on starch is the break down of starch by amylase causes the mixture fail to turn blue-black when tested with iodine solution. It is affected by the temperature of water bath. 2 1 0 Any two correct criteria Any one correct criteria No response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (i) 3 Able to predict the change of the colour of the iodine solution based on the following criteria: P1: Prediction - The colour of the iodine solution remain blue black P2: Explanation Amylase is not function in pH 3 / The charges on the active site of enzyme have changed P3: Starch is not hydrolysed Sample answer: The colour of the iodine solution remain blue black. Because Amylase is not function in pH 3 / The charges on the active site of enzyme have changed. Thus, starch is not hydrolysed 2 1 0 Any two correct criteria Any one correct criteria No response or wrong response
Question Score Explanation 1 (j) 3 Able to list all the material and apparatus used correctly. Sample answer: Materials Ice Amylase Starch suspension Iodine solution Distilled water 2 1 0 Apparatus Water bath Temperature Dropper White tile
Able to list 4 materials and 3 apparatus correctly. Able to list 3 materials and 2 apparatus correctly. Able to list 1-2 materials and 1 apparatus correctly / No response or wrong response