Electrical Engineering 2012
Electrical Engineering 2012
Electrical Engineering 2012
Professor in charge: Matti Lehtonen I II III IV E1 Basic Theory in Electrical Engineering cr period period period period S-26.2900 Elements of Electromagnetic Field theory and Guided Waves 8 x S-55.1210 Circuit Analysis 1 5 x S-55.1220 Circuit Analysis 2 5 x You can skip this module if these topics were covered already in your BSc degree. If you are not sure, ask! I period x x x x II period III period IV period
E2 Principles of Electrical Engineering, 20 cr S-18.2103 Power Systems S-81.2110 Power Electronics S-17.2030 Electromechanics and Electrical Drives S-118.2102 Illumination Engineering and Electrical Safety Choose one of the following advanced modules: E3.1 Power systems and High Voltage Engineering, 20 cr Compulsory courses: S-18.3150 High Voltage Engineering S-18.3154 Electricity Distribution and Markets S-18.4118 Protective Relaying and Distribution Automation Choose one of the following: S-18.3156 Special Assignment in Power Systems S-18.3147 Special Assignment in High Voltage Engineering E3.2 Illumination engineering and Electrical Building Services, 20 cr S-118.3217 Illumination Engineering S-118.3230 Seminar on Illumination Engineering and Electrical Building Services S-118.3280 System Design of Electrical Building Services S-118.3232 Illumination Engineering and Electrical Building Services Special Assignment E3.3 Electric Machines, Drives and Power Electronics, 20 cr S-81.4100 EMC in Power Electronics S-17.3020 Transient phenomena in electrical machines S-17.3030 Design of Electrical Machines S-17.3010 Numerical Methods in Electromechanics S-17.3040 Seminar on Electromechanics S-17.3170 Special Assignment in Electromechanics S-81.3400 Special Assignment in Industrial Electronics and Electric Drives
cr 5 5 6 4
4 6 5 6 6 (x) (x)
5 5 5 5 (x)
5 5 5 5 5 2-10 2-10
One of the following modules is recommended to be taken as a complementary module in addition to the advanced module. It can, for example, replace the elective studies module. E3.4 Urban Energy Engineering and Energy Economics, 20 cr Compulsory courses: Ene-59.4010 Models and Optimization of Energy Systems 5 x Ene-59.4201 Energy Markets 5 x Ene-59.4301 Energy Systems for Communities 5 x Choose one of the following: Ene-59.4210 Special Course in Energy Economics P 5 (x) (x) (x) (x) Ene-59.4310 Special Course in Energy for Communities P 5 (x) (x) (x) (x) Responsible instructor: Prof. Risto Lahdelma The module focuses on the application of energy engineering and energy economics especially from the viewpoint of urban energy solutions and energy markets. The module also strengthens the methodological skills of students on this field. E3.5 Power Generation from Biomass, 20 cr Ene-47.5120 Combustion and Gasification Technology I 3 Ene-47.5121 Combustion and Gasification Technology II 3 Ene-47.4112 Electricity Production from Biomass II b 3 Ene-47.5130 Process-Integration, Simulation and Optimization 3 Ene-47.4114 Waste to Energy 3 Ene-47.4150 Project in New Energy Technology 5 Responsible instructor: Carl-Johan Fogelholm Note: Ene-47-courses require basic understanding of thermodynamics E3.6 Sustainable Power Generation, 20 cr Tfy-56.4344 Advanced Wind Power Technology Tfy-56.4311 New Energy Sources Tfy-56.4323 Solar Energy Engineering Tfy-56.4332 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology Responsible instructor: Peter Lund --------------------M Methodological studies, 10 cr Mat-1.1631 Mathemathics 3-I Mat-1.1632 Mathemathics 3-II
x x x x x x
5 5 5 5
x (2012) x x x (2013)
5 5
x x
W Elective Studies, 20 cr Compulsory courses: T-106.1004 IT Services in Aalto Otaniemi Campus 2 x S-0.1600 Introduction to Studies 1 Choose these and/or any other courses of your choice to fulfil 20 credits: Kie-98.1310 Introduction to Academic Communications for Masters Programs in English 3 Kie-98.7011 Finnish 1A 2 x Kie-98.7012 Finnish 1B 2 Kie-98.7012 Finnish 2A 2 Kie-98.7021 Finnish 2B 2
(x) x x
Professors in the programme: Power systems and high voltage engineering: Matti Lehtonen Electromechanics: Antero Arkkio Power Electronics: Jorma Kyyr Illumination Engineering: Liisa Halonen
Timetable for I period (Courses recommended to be taken during the I period. Add exercise groups, Finnish 1A and electives to your liking) Monday 8 9 10 S-118.2102 (432) S-118.2102 (432) Tuesday S-26.2900 (E111) S-26.2900 (E111) Wednesday Thursday Friday S-18.2103 E111 S-18.2103 E111 S-18.2103 E112 (exercise group) S-18.2103 E112 (exercise group) S-55.1210 (S4) S-55.1210 (S4)
S-118.2102 (432)
12 13 14 15
S-118.2102 (432)