CL360 Project MGMT Services 251303
CL360 Project MGMT Services 251303
CL360 Project MGMT Services 251303
Service Agreement This document confirms and comprises the agreement ("Agreement") between CapitalLink360 a d!b!a! of Ad"isorLink360 LLC a #e"ada Limited Liabilit$ Compan$ (%&er"ice 'ro"ider() and ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ( %&ponsor") for ser"ices to be pro"ided (%&er"ices( or %&er"ices() to the &ponsor for the &ponsor*s in"estment offering (%+ffering()! +nce signed b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider and &ponsor the effecti"e date of this Agreement is )))))))))))))))))))))) (%,ffecti"e -ate()! .! /epresentations and 0arranties of the &ponsor ! The &ponsor hereb$ represents and warrants to &er"ice 'ro"ider that1 .!.! 2t has the right to distribute information related to the +ffering and b$ signing this Agreement has authori3ed the &er"ice 'ro"ider to distribute such information as ma$ be re4uired to produce and deli"er the &er"ices for the +ffering!
5! Co"enants of the &ponsor! The &ponsor co"enants that1 5!.! 2t will pro"ide accurate information and details to the &er"ice 'ro"ider, as requested by the Service Provider, and in a timely manner, to be used b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider to deli"er the &er"ices specified in this Agreement (%+ffering 2nformation().
3! -uties and +bligations of the &er"ice 'ro"ider ! 3!.! 3!5! 2t will ser"e in a %best efforts( capacit$ in the deli"er$ of its &er"ices for the +ffering! 2t will deli"er to &ponsor those &er"ices as agreed to in the Agreement and as appropriate will answer an$ 4uestions the &ponsor ma$ ha"e about such &er"ices using its %best efforts(! 2t has no obligation or dut$ to the &ponsor to make an$ representations to an$ third part$ related to the +ffering and will not do so!
6! /epresentations and 0arranties of the &er"ice 'ro"ider ! The &er"ice 'ro"ider hereb$ represents and warrants to &ponsor that1 6!.!This Agreement when e7ecuted b$ it will ha"e been dul$ authori3ed and will be a "alid and binding agreement of &er"ice 'ro"ider enforceable in accordance with its terms! 6!5!8$ signing this Agreement it makes no representations or warranties regarding the +ffering and9or an$ information pro"ided b$ the &ponsor &er"ice 'ro"ider 2nitials1
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the 4ualit$ and accurac$ of such information an$ due diligence that ma$ or ma$ not ha"e been completed b$ the &ponsor related to the +ffering or an$ other information related to the +ffering pro"ided b$ the &ponsor! 6!3!The &er"ice 'ro"ider will not and does not in an$ wa$ make an$ endorsements or recommendations as the result of its use of the +ffering 2nformation pro"ided b$ the &ponsor to create and publish content for the +ffering through the &er"ice 'ro"ider*s network of webBportals (collecti"el$ referred to as %#etwork( %0ebB'ortal(s)( or %'ortal(s)()! >! &er"ices! Project Analysis >!.! >!5! >!3! 0hat is the message B re"iew business plan structure written material ,"aluate channel(s) to raise funds : 8roker -ealer the 'ublic /egistered 2n"estment Ad"isor (%/2A() and9or ,7isting =und(s) 'repare written recommendations B Costs Timing <arketing =ulfillment Document & Content Creation >!6! >!>! >!6! +"ersee the creation of the offering documents D related material (%-ocuments()! 2dentif$ legal counsel and solicit9re"iew proposals for drafting -ocuments as needed 2dentif$ 3rd part due diligence consultants and solicit9re"iew proposals as needed! Digital Marketing Websites >!?! >!A! >!@! An +ffering 'ortal is created containing a summar$ of the +ffering (%+ffering &ummar$() and the +ffering -ocuments! An ,ducation 'ortal is created containing a Training Course and corresponding #T< 03B?. Certification ,7am for the +ffering! The +ffering 'ortal D ,ducation 'ortal are broadcast o"er the &er"ice pro"ider*s 8roker -ealer #etwork using Li"e Cross 'ublishing! Currentl$ there are o"er one hundred (.00) pri"ate password protected websites on the &er"ice 'ro"ider*s #etwork!
>!.0! The +ffering &ummar$ is published on the &er"ice 'ro"ider*s Ad"isorLink360 pri"ate 'ortals! >!..! The +ffering &ummar$ is published on the &er"ice 'ro"ider*s 2n"estorLink360 public 'ortal if marketed to the public! Automated & Interactive Digital Marketing
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>!.5! +ne automated marketing campaign is created targeting &ponsor leads! >!.3! The +ffering &ummar$ is broadcast monthl$ "ia ET<L email with landing page optBin for lead generation and automated response! 6! Compensation! &ponsor agrees to compensate &er"ice 'ro"ider for &er"ices as follows : 6!.! The monthl$ ser"ice fee is two thousand dollars (F5 000!00) per month (%<onthl$ &er"ice =ee() with a si7teen (.6) hour9month cap on time worked b$ &er"ice 'ro"ider! The first (.st) <onthl$ &er"ice =ee is due upon the signing of this Agreement! The <onthl$ &er"ice =ee is to be paid in ad"ance b$ the twentieth (50th) da$ of each month for the following month! A fee of one hundred and fift$ dollars (F.>0!00)9hour will be charged for all work o"er the si7teen (.6) hour9month cap! ,4uit$ /aise1 one percent (.!0G) of ,4uit$ /aise : Currentl$ 0ai"ed (startBup sub;ect to ninet$ (@0) da$ notice) =ulfillment9,7ecution re1 sales1 three percent (3!0G) of e4uit$ : Currentl$ 0ai"ed (startBup sub;ect to ninet$ (@0) da$ notice) ,4uit$ participation1 0ai"ed /eal estate brokerHs fee at two percent (5!0G) of sales price to be paid where the &er"ice 'ro"ider facilitates the sale for the &ponsor!
?!.! The initial term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) months from the ,ffecti"e -ate of the Agreement (%2nitial Term() ?!5! This Agreement is sub;ect to one (.) renewal term and will automaticall$ renew for three (3) months on the same terms and conditions as this Agreement (%/enewal Term() unless the &er"ice 'ro"ider recei"es written notice from the &ponsor at least thirt$ (30) da$s prior to the end of the 2nitial Term that the &ponsor wants to terminate this Agreement at the end of the 2nitial Term (%#otice of Cancellation()! A! 2ndemnification! A!.! #either the S onsor nor the Service Provider shall be obligated to indemni!y the other in any manner "hatsoever !or the other#s negligence. A!5! The &er"ice 'ro"ider agrees to the fullest e7tent permitted b$ law to indemnif$ and hold harmless the S onsor, its o!!icers, directors and em loyees against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys$ !ees and de!ense costs, to the e%tent caused by the Service Provider#s negligent er!ormance o! Services under &er"ice 'ro"ider 2nitials1
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this Agreement and that o! its sub&consultants or anyone !or "hom the Service Provider is legally liable. A!3! The S onsor agrees, to the !ullest e%tent ermitted by la", to indemnity and hold harmless the Service Provider, its o!!icers, directors, em loyees and sub&consultants against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys$ !ees and de!ense costs, to the e%tent caused by the S onsor$s negligent acts in connection "ith this Agreement and the acts o! its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone !or "hom the S onsor is legally liable including, but not limited to the !ollo"ing ' A!3!.! An$ information pro"ided to the &er"ice 'ro"ider b$ the &ponsor including the 4ualit$ of such information an$ due diligence completed b$ the &ponsor related to the +ffering and9or an$ other information pro"ided b$ the &ponsor to the &er"ice 'ro"ider related to the +ffering 2nformation and9or +ffering! A!3!5! &ponsor acknowledges that the pri"ate password protected 0eb 'ortals that are pro"ided b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider and are made a"ailable at no cost to 8roker Dealers, (egistered Investment Advisors and )inancial Institutions do not in any "ay serve as an endorsement or recommendation o! the *!!ering or the S onsor by the Service Provider. A!3!3! &ponsor acknowledges that an$ discussions the S onsor may have "ith the Service Provider related to alternati"es risk factors benefits marketing strategies and related considerations for the +ffering are for discussion purposes onl$! A!3!6! &ponsor acknowledges that &er"ice 'ro"ider is not a ta7 and9or legal professional and cannot and does not pro"ide ta7 and9or legal ad"ice! A!3!>! &ponsor will protect and indemnif$ &er"ice 'ro"ider related to an$ and all regulator$ and compliance matters related to the +ffering including those matters that ma$ sur"i"e the term of this Agreement related to the +ffering! @! Construction! @!.! This Agreement shall be go"erned b$ sub;ect to and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of #e"ada without regard to conflict of law pro"isions! .0!-efault! .0!.!,ither part$ hereto (&er"ice 'ro"ider and9or &ponsor) will be in default and the nonBdefaulting part$ will ha"e the right to terminate this &er"ice 'ro"ider 2nitials1
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Agreement and e7ercise an$ remed$ e7isting at law or in e4uit$ upon written notice to the defaulting part$ if the defaulting part$ fails to compl$ with an$ of its material obligations hereunder and such failure remains uncured for more than thirt$ (30) da$s after such part$Hs receipt of written notice from the other part$ detailing such failure %(-efault Termination()! ..!Termination! ..!.!Inless terminated as a -efault Termination or receipt b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider of a #otice of Cancellation this Agreement shall terminate at the end of the /enewal Term! .5!Counterparts! .5!.!This Agreement ma$ be e7ecuted in two or more counterparts including facsimile counterparts each of which shall be deemed to be an original and together shall constitute one of the same Agreement!
.3!Arbitration! .3!.!The &er"ice 'ro"ider and &ponsor (indi"iduall$ referred to as %part$( or collecti"el$ as %parties() hereb$ co"enant and agree that an$ dispute contro"ers$ or other claim arising under out of or relating to this Agreement or an$ of the transactions contemplated hereb$ or an$ amendment thereof or the breach or interpretation hereof or thereof shall be determined and settled in binding arbitration in Las Jegas #e"ada in accordance with applicable #e"ada law and with the rules and procedures of The American Arbitration Association! .3!5!,ach part$ shall be responsible for its own costs and e7penses including but not limited to all attorne$sH fees and related e7penses and each part$ agrees it shall not be entitled to reco"er such costs e7penses attorne$*s fees and related e7penses from the other part$ under an$ circumstance! .3!3! B% E(EC)#$N" #*$S A"+EEMEN#, SE+-$CE P+ -$DE+ AND SP NS + A"+EE # *A-E ALL D$SP)#ES DEC$DED B% NE)#+AL A+B$#+A#$ N, "$-E )P AN% +$"*#S E$#*E+ M$"*# P SSESS # *A-E S)C* D$SP)#ES L$#$"A#ED $N A C )+# + .)+% #+$AL, AND "$-E )P #*E$+ .)D$C$AL +$"*#S # D$SC -E+% AND APPEAL/ $! E$#*E+ SE+-$CE P+ -$DE+ + SP NS + +E!)SES # S)BM$# # A+B$#+A#$ N A!#E+ A"+EE$N" # #*$S &er"ice 'ro"ider 2nitials1
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P+ -$S$ N, #*EN S)C* PA+#% MA% BE C MPELLED # A+B$#+A#E/ B% E(EC)#$N" #*$S A"+EEMEN#, SE+-$CE P+ -$DE+ AND SP NS + *E+EB% C N!$+M #*A# $#S A"+EEMEN# # #*$S A+B$#+A#$ N P+ -$S$ N $S - L)N#A+%/ .6!<odification or Amendment! .6!.!This Agreement ma$ not be modified or amended e7cept as agreed to in writing and so e7ecuted b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider and &ponsor hereto! .>!#otices! .>!.!All communications shall be deemed to be recei"ed on the date of its actual receipt b$ the &er"ice 'ro"ider and9or &ponsor be in writing and deli"ered as follows1 $0 to Service Provi1er, it s2all 3e maile1 an1 1elivere1 to4 CapitalLink360 56@0? #! AAth -ri"e 'eoria AK A>3A3 Attention1 Lohn L! Temple C,+ $0 to S5onsor, it s2all 3e maile1 an1 1elivere1 to4
.6!,ntire Agreement! .6!.!This Agreement shall not be binding until it has been initialed and signed where indicated b$ both the &er"ice 'ro"ider and the &ponsor! +nl$ then shall this Agreement constitute an Agreement for &er"ices as such &er"ices are defined under this Agreement! .6!5!This Agreement supersedes all pre"ious written and oral agreements between the &ponsor and the &er"ice 'ro"ider and once signed b$ both the &er"ice 'ro"ider and the &ponsor all such pre"ious written and oral agreements shall be considered null and "oid! 67/8/ #*$S A"+EEMEN# $S A"+EED # $N $#S EN#$+E#% B% #*E ! LL 9$N" AS E-$DENCED B% #*E$+ S$"NA#)+E/ n 3e2al0 o0 Service Provi1er4 n 3e2al0 o0 S5onsor4
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8$1 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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