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Ciclo Di Frenkel PDF
Ciclo Di Frenkel PDF
A developing country view of the current global crisis: what should not be forgotten and what should be done
Roberto Frenkel and Martin Rapetti*
Macroeconomic theory will surely be affected by the current global crisis. There are signs that some old theories and insights will have a comeback. This paper argues that among them economists should not forget the lessons that have been learnt from three decades of several nancial crises in developing countries. We emphasise two important lessons. First, preventing crises in developing countries requires not only the regulation of domestic nancial systems, but also a consistent set of macroeconomic policies. In particular we stress the need for consistency between the exchange rate rule, the capital account regime and the domestic nancial market regulations. Second, nancial crises in developing countries tend to worsen both the balance of payments and the scal balance. Traditional adjustment policies tend to exacerbate the recessive trends in output and employment. This is just the opposite of what is required and what governments in developed countries are able to do. Developing countries should push for an agenda that helps them deal with these problems. Key words: Financial crises, Developing countries, Minsky JEL classications: G01, F32, F53
1. Introduction
The current global crisis originated in the US nancial market. Since this is the centre of a network that interlinks the national nancial systems of almost all countries in the world, the crisis spread very quickly. The fall in asset prices, the liquidity contraction and increased uncertainty in nancial markets gradually started to affect economic activity. The resulting contraction in aggregate demand spread all over the world through international trade channels, thereby reinforcing the contractive forces. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in 2009 the world economy will experience the biggest contraction in the last 60 years. Most analysts agree that the world economy is going through the worst crisis since the Great Depression.
Manuscript received 25 March 2009; nal version received 6 May 2009. Address for correspondence: Roberto Frenkel, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Sanchez de Bustamante 27, Buenos Aires C1173AAA, Argentina; email: * CEDES and University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (RF) and CEDES and University of Massachusetts, Amherst (MR). This paper is a result of the project Financial Instability and Financial Regulation in Latin America. The authors thank the Ford Foundation for nancial support and Leila Davis and three anonymous referees for useful comments.
The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society. All rights reserved.
Financial and economic crises can hardly be understood within the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework; the building block of modern macroeconomic theory. DSGE models derive macroeconomic outcomes from explicit choice-theoretic microfundations, where agents are assumed to optimise intertemporally under rational expectations. The standard modelling strategy is to collapse all heterogeneity in the system into a single representative agent. The models are stochastic because they allow random exogenous shocks to the system, whose probability distribution is known by the representative agent. The models can include nominal rigidities arising, for instance, from the price-setting behaviour of monopolistic rms. The contrast between the current crisis and the world pictured by modern macroeconomic theory is striking. It is difcult to believe that a nancial crisis can result from the decisions of agents that know the probability distribution of future events. Uncertainty (not risk) about the future and the condence with which agents form their expectations about the future seem to be key ingredients for understanding nancial crises. Both of them are ignored in DSGE models. Similarly, a model based on a single agent can hardly inform about important asymmetries between agents that inuence microeconomic behaviour and macroeconomic outcomes. The existence of asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers, for instance, is important to understand nancial markets behaviour and nancial crises. The contrast between contemporary macroeconomic theory and current events has had an impact in academic circles. Heterodox economists have had a long-standing critical attitude towards mainstream macroeconomic theory. But more strikingly, several inuential gures in the mainstream have recently expressed their dissatisfaction with it. Among the sceptics we nd Robert Solow (2008), George Ackerlof and Robert Shiller (2009), Willem Buiter (2009), Paul Krugman (2009) and Dani Rodrik (2009). One seemingly shared view among both heterodox and mainstream critics is that contemporary mainstream macroeconomics has systematically neglected important knowledge and insights that were widely known by previous generations of economists. We are sympathetic with this view. However, based on how the debates have developed so far, we fear that the recollection of previous useful knowledge may end up being partial. A key insight of structuralist and institutional economics is that economic behaviour does not necessarily replicate identically in all countries. Economic structures, institutions and history play important roles in shaping agents behaviour and therefore affecting macroeconomic outcomes. This should not be forgotten. This article focuses on two important differences between developed and developing countries regarding nancial crises. Section 2 argues that the factors that trigger the booming phase preceding a nancial crisis are different in developed and developing countries. The conditions that have led to nancial crises in developing countries typically arose from the implementation of macroeconomic policies, which created incentives that ended up generating the boom-and-bust cycles. On the contrary, in developed countries the elements that trigger the booming phase have developed endogenously within the domestic nancial systems. Section 3 deals with the difference between developed and developing countries regarding governments ability to conduct stabilisation policy once nancial crises unfold. The main argument here is that since agents in developing countries typically have a preference for foreign assets, governments have less room to conduct expansive monetary and scal policies than in developed countries. Based on these two differences, at the end of each section we present proposals to ameliorate the effects of the current global crisis on developing countries. Section 4 concludes.
The global nancial crisis: a developing country view 2. Financial crises, here and there
The neglect of crises by modern mainstream macroeconomic theory should certainly not be attributed to all schools of economic thought. The works by Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Michael Kalecki, Hyman Minsky and Axel Leijonhufvud, to mention just a few inuential cases, have highlighted the inherent instability of capitalist economies and their propensity to crises. Since the sub-prime crisis unfolded, there have been signs of reaction against the DSGE paradigm and an incipient revalorisation of the contribution of those scholars who stressed nancial crises as a central topic of economic analysis. Among them, Minskys work has received signicant attention.1 It is not surprising that analysts and observers of the nancial markets have brought Minskys ideas back from an almost total intellectual exile. The conditions that caused and then helped to develop the current nancial crisis in the USA correspond very neatly to Minskys model of nancial crises.2 His model stresses that unregulated market economies are not dynamically stable systems that converge to a full-employment equilibrium, but systems that are cyclical in nature, in which crises are not unusual events. A key element of this cyclical pattern is the endogenous nature of agents risk perception and expectations. The Minskyan cycle can be described as follows. The tranquility of states of full-employment gradually leads to a diminishing perception of risks and increasingly optimistic expectations about the future. It is also during periods of tranquil expansion that prot-seeking nancial institutions invent and reinvent new forms of money, substitutes for money in portfolios, and nancing techniques for various types of activity (Minsky, 1986, p.199). As nancial innovation and optimistic expectations develop, additional demand for goods and assets is created. Asset prices increase, giving rise to additional prot opportunities and thus attracting new investors. This positive feedback characterises the booming phase of the cycle, in which the greater appetite for risk and new nancial instruments make the system increasingly fragile. At some point, some event calls agents attention to the high degree of exposure to risk in the system and a phase of nancial distress begins. The emerging awareness of higher risk makes most agents switch their portfolios in favour of safer and liquid assets and postpone spending decisions. Excess demand for liquidity and low-risk assets ends up pricking the bubble. A massive loss of wealth follows. In this contractive phase, pessimistic expectations are dominant and negative feedbacks are the rule. The deationary developments in the nancial markets make most agents either liquidity-constrained or bankrupt, in both cases affecting their spending decisions negatively. Private consumption falls and investment collapses, further fueling the deationary trends. What started as a contraction in the nancial sector has now spread to the whole economy: the nancial crisis has led to a systemic economic crisis. In Minskys view, government regulation cannot eradicate this cyclical pattern completely, but can soften it considerably so as to prevent great crises from happening (again).
1 Several newspaper articles, including some in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, have emphasised the link between Minskys work and the current nancial crises. Blogs of economists vindicating Minskys work include those of Bradford DeLong, Nouriel Roubini and Willem Buiter. From a more academic perspective, Ackerloff and Shiller (2009) provide a strong endorsement of the relevance of Minskys insights. 2 Minskys work on nancial crises and their relation to the macroeconomy is vast. Both his critique of the neoclassical digestion of Keynes contributions, and the relevance of nance in Keynes framework can be found in Minsky (1975); a synthetic presentation of his model of nancial crises in Minsky (1977); and the most polished and mature exposition of his thought in Minsky (1986). Charles Kindleberger (1978) provides an exhaustive historical account of nancial crises analysed within Minskys framework.
Minskys model is certainly useful for understanding the subprime crisis in the USA and to frame possible policy responses; tighter regulation of domestic nancial markets being an obvious one. It would be positive for the understanding and prevention of nancial crises if Minskys contributions have a greater inuence on both economic research and policy making. Similarly, it is important for both economists and policy makers to consider the extensive research on the large number of crises that have occurred in developing countries during the last 30 years. Most of those experiences happened in Latin America. The region began to participate in the second wave of nancial globalisation in the early 1970s and has suffered many crises since then. Other developing countries joined the nancial globalisation process later, in the early 1990s, and together with the Latin American countries began to be called emerging market economies. The crises in some of these economiessuch as those in the ve East Asian countries, Russia and Turkeyadd to the list of capital market crises in developing countries. Minskys model has inspired many studies of nancial crises in developing countries since the mid-1970s. Taylor (1998A) argues that many of these crises followed a similar type of Minskyan boom-and-bust cycle, in which the cyclical behaviour of agents preferences toward risk and the lack of public regulation of nancial markets led to systemic crises. A distinguishing characteristic of these crises, however, is that the booming phase began not with innovations within the nancial markets, but with the implementation of macroeconomic policies that gave rise to a protable environment for nancial arbitrage between domestic and foreign assets. These policies typically included the liberalisation of the domestic nancial market, the deregulation of the capital account, and some credible rule of nominal exchange rate predetermination (Frenkel, 2003). The prototypical boom-and-bust cycle resulting from that macroeconomic conguration is described as follows. The rapid deregulation of previously repressed capital markets raises domestic interest rates.1 In such a context, the combination of credibly xed (or predetermined) exchange rates and capital account liberalisation leads to signicant spreads between the yields of foreign and domestic assets. Initially, a few local players take advantage of the arbitrage opportunities, issuing foreign debt to do so. Their exposure to risk essentially depends on the probability that the exchange rate rule is altered (i.e. the exchange rate risk). From the viewpoint of the individual investor, engaging in external borrowing to exploit an arbitrage opportunity has no signicant effect on the sustainability of the exchange rate rule. However, since the rst movers are exploiting signicant benets, other players have strong incentives to jump in, even when by doing so their combined actions may have negative macroeconomic consequences. As Salih Neftci (2002), a market practitioner, points out, if the banking system is immature, or if modern risk management is not very well understood, it may be extremely difcult to explain to the owners of a bank returns such as 78%, while competitors have been displaying performances of 1015% for two or three years in a row. Capital inows expand liquidity and credit in the economy. As a result, domestic interest rates and spreads fall, and output and employment grow. The expansion of aggregate demand leads to price increases (particularly in non-tradable sectors), which under xed (or predetermined) exchange rate regimes generates an appreciation of the real exchange
1 In a high ination context, as observed in the Latin American countries where this set of policies was implemented in the form of stabilisation programmes, the likelihood of nding attractive domestic interest rates is even higher.
rate. The real appreciation reinforces the inow of capital seeking capital gains by holding domestic assets and, therefore, further fuels the expansion of credit and output growth. The combined effect of the real exchange rate appreciation and economic growth stimulates the demand for imports, while exports weaken. The worsening of the trade balance together with the increase in interest and dividend payments resulting from the reduction of the net foreign assets leads to a current account decit. Given the progressive worsening of the external balance, the credibility of the exchange rate rule weakens. As the probability of exchange rate devaluation increases, the balance sheet of the domestic nancial systemwhich is short on foreign currency and long in local assetsbecomes increasingly fragile. Some players, possibly the most risk averse or the best informed, begin undoing their positions in domestic assets, leading to a slowdown in the capital inows. Authorities increase interest rates in order to retain capital. However, there eventually comes a point at which no interest rate can attract new external nancing. Foreign exchange reserves at the Central Bank, which grew during the booming phase of the cycle, begin falling as the monetary authority intervenes to sustain the exchange rate regime. However, the run against the Central Banks foreign exchange reserves cannot be stopped and the exchange rate rule is nally abandoned. A sequential or simultaneous twin (external and nancial) crisis is the nal outcome. This type of developing-country Minskyan cycle was rst observed in Argentina and Chile during the late 1970s (i.e. the so-called Southern Cone episodes), where systemic nancial crises unfolded in both countries about one year before their balance of payment crises in 1980 and 1981, respectively. Similar stylised cycles were observed in the Mexican and Argentine crises of 1995, the East Asian crises of 199798, the Russian crisis of 1998, the Brazilian crisis of 1999, and the Argentine and Turkish crises of 2001.1 In all these episodes, crises were preceded by periods of boom, where nancial intermediation and asset price bubbles developed in a context of increasing risk-taking behaviour. The analyses of all these episodes referred to in footnote 1, page 5 show that crises did not result from unsustainable scal policies, negative external shocks or moral hazard behaviour due to explicit or implicit government guarantees. They arose, instead, from the increasing nancial fragility that resulted from the worsening of the external robustness of the economies. The deterioration of external conditions and the increase in nancial fragility ultimately resulted from the destabilising consequences of domestic and foreign private sectors taking risky positions, and public sectors unable or unwilling to regulate nancial markets during the booming phase (Taylor, 1998A). Tables 1 to 5 present key macroeconomic variables for six of these boom-and-bust cycles in developing countries. Table 1 describes the Chilean experience during the late 1970s and the early 1980s. After a drastic deregulation of the domestic nancial market in 1975, the country followed a stabilisation plan based on an active crawling peg (i.e. the tablita) and the opening of the capital and current accounts. Table 2 shows indicators for Mexico from 1988 to 1995. This period starts with the launching of the Economic Solidary Pacta programme combining pegged exchange rate, trade liberalisation and scal
1 A seminal model of nancial crises in developing countries within this framework is Frenkel (1983), which was inspired by the crises of Argentina and Chile in the early 1980s. Empirical accounts of these experiences are found in Ffrench-Davis (1983), Damill and Frenkel (1987) and Fanelli and Frenkel (1993). Analyses of other crises in developing countries within this framework include Ros (2002) and Cruz et al. (2006) for the Mexican crisis of 1995; Arestis and Glickman (2002) for the Asian crises of 199798; Taylor (1998B) and Palma (1998) for the previously mentioned cases and the Russian and Brazilian crises of 1998 and 1999, respectively; Yeldan (2006) for the Turkish crisis of 2001; and Damill et al. (2005) for the Argentine crisis of 200102.
Table 1. Chile: selected macroeconomic variables, 19771983 1977 Gross domestic product (GDP) growth Trade balance (% of GDP) Current account (% of GDP) Capital account (% of GDP) Central banks FX reserves (absolute variation)a Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Deposit interest rate (%) US lending interest rate (%) Exchange rate variation (%)b Ex-post spreadc Real exchange rated External debt (% gross national income) Fiscal balance (% of GDP) 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
8.7 1.8 4.1 4.6 66 20.0 94.9 6.8 65.1 23.0 100.0 42.8 1.1
7.5 3.3 7.1 12.0 753 28.9 63.5 9.1 47.0 7.4 108.9 49.5 0.1
8.7 2.8 5.7 12.0 1,314 36.3 45.2 12.7 17.7 14.8 95.6 46.7 4.8
8.1 4.2 7.1 12.2 1,409 46.9 37.7 15.3 4.7 17.7 83.0 45.5 5.4
4.7 10.3 14.5 13.8 238 53.2 40.9 18.9 0.0 22.0 83.4 50.4 2.6
10.3 1.9 9.5 4.2 1,292 84.1 48.7 14.9 30.5 3.3 105.1 77.6 1.0
3.8 2.7 5.6 5.7 22 75.3 28.0 10.8 54.8 37.6 125.6 99.7 2.6
Column in bold text indicates the year in which Chile abandoned its xed exchange rate regime. a In millions of US dollars. b Nominal exchange rate dened as the domestic price of the US dollar: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. c Spread 5 deposit interest rate (US lending interest rate 1 exchange rate variation). d Nominal exchange rate deated by the relative consumer price index ination: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
austerityand is followed by the removal of restrictions to capital inows and the deregulation of the banking system in the early 1990s. Tables 3 and 4 collect the Thai and Korean experiences of gradual liberalisation of the domestic nancial markets and the capital accounts initiated in the late 1980s and accelerated in the early 1990s. Finally, Table 5 shows Argentinas macroeconomic performance under the convertibility regime: a shock-type stabilisation programme beginning in 199091, in which the government adopted a currency board and implemented a drastic deregulation of the nancial system and the full liberalisation of trade and capital movements. During this period Argentina experienced two cycles, one ending with a nancial crisis in 1995 and the other with a twin external and nancial crisis in 200102. In each table, a column is highlighted in bold text to indicate the year in which the countries abandoned their xed or semi-xed exchange rate regimes.1 The tables are intended to illustrate the essential stylised facts of the boom-and-bust cycles in developing countries.2 We purposely selected episodes in different regions and periods to suggest that the nature of these cycles is fairly general. All the tables show that at the beginning of these episodes domestic interest rates were high enough to attract capital from abroad. The simple measure of the interest rate differential adjusted by the ex-post variation of the nominal exchange rates shows, with the exception of Korea, the existence
1 Besides the column in bold text, which indicates the year in which Argentinas currency board was abandoned de facto (December 2001), the column in italic text (1995) in Table 5 indicates the year of the nancial crisis triggered by the Mexican contagion (i.e. the tequila effect). 2 For more detailed analyses, the reader is referred to the literature cited in footnote 1, page 5.
Gross domestic product (GDP) growth 1.2 4.2 5.1 4.2 3.6 2.0 4.4 6.2 Trade balance (% of GDP) 1.4 0.1 1.1 2.9 5.0 3.9 4.8 2.7 Current account (% of GDP) 1.3 2.6 2.8 4.7 6.7 5.8 7.0 0.5 Capital account (% of GDP) 2.7 2.8 4.1 7.2 7.0 7.3 2.6 4.2 Central banks FX reserves (absolute variation)a 7,365 414 3,476 7,836 1,119 6,127 18,857 10,604 Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) 11.1 15.6 17.5 20.9 28.0 31.7 38.7 29.2 Deposit interest rate (%) 55.2 33.4 30.4 18.0 15.9 16.7 15.1 39.8 US lending interest rate (%) 9.3 10.9 10.0 8.5 6.3 6.0 7.1 8.8 Exchange rate variation (%)b 64.5 8.4 14.2 7.5 2.3 1.0 8.3 89.9 Ex-post spreadc 18.6 14.1 6.2 2.0 7.3 9.7 0.3 58.9 Real exchange rated 100.0 94.6 89.9 82.0 75.0 70.8 73.6 106.6 External debt (% gross national income) 56.4 43.7 41.1 37.3 31.7 33.3 33.9 60.5 Fiscal balance (% of GDP) 8.9 4.6 2.5 2.9 4.1 0.5 0.0 0.5
Column in bold text indicates the year in which Mexico abandoned its xed exchange rate regime. a In millions of US dollars. b Nominal exchange rate dened as the domestic price of the US dollar: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. c Spread 5 deposit interest rate (US lending interest rate 1 exchange rate variation). d Nominal exchange rate deated by the relative consumer price index ination: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
of signicant arbitrage opportunities. The booming phase is observed very clearly in all cases. There are large capital inows, accumulation of foreign exchange reserves and expansion of the domestic credit to the private sector. Along with these processes, domestic interest rates (and spreads) tend to decrease and output grows at high rates. However, a simultaneous deterioration of the external conditions is also observed. All cases show that during the booming phase the real exchange rate appreciates, while both the trade balance and the current account worsen. Around the years that the exchange rate rules are abandoned, indicated by the columns in bold text, signs of reversion of the cycle emerge: capital inows and foreign exchange reserve accumulation decelerate and domestic interest rates tend to rise. Then the crises erupt. We observe reversals of capital inows, contractions of foreign exchange reserves and sharp depreciations of the nominal (and real) exchange rates. Economic activity contracts substantially and credit to the private sector collapses. With the exception of Argentina in 2001, none of these episodes registers signicant scal imbalances neither during the booming phase nor prior to the crisis. The discussion above suggests that nancial crises in developing countries and the current one in the USA have been similar in their dynamics. In all these cases, the combination of lax public regulation of domestic nancial markets and the cyclical nature of agents preference toward risk and expectations has led to a boom-and-bust cycle ending in a systemic crisis. The crises in developing countries are not singular in this aspect. There is, however, a key difference between these crises and the subprime crisis in the USA (and other developed countries). The difference lies in the factors kicking off the booming phase
Table 3. Thailand: selected macroeconomic variables, 19901998 1990 Gross domestic product (GDP) growth Trade balance (% of GDP) Current account (% of GDP) Capital account (% of GDP) Central banks FX reserves (absolute variation)a Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Deposit interest rate (%) US lending interest rate (%) Exchange rate variation (%)b Ex-post spreadc Real exchange rated External debt (% gross national income) Fiscal balance (% of GDP) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
11.2 7.5 8.5 12.9 3,750 83.4 12.2 10.0 0.6 1.6 100.0 33.3 4.6
8.6 6.5 7.7 11.9 4,134 89.1 13.7 8.5 0.3 5.4 98.4 39.0 4.8
8.1 4.0 5.7 8.2 2,791 98.5 8.9 6.3 0.5 3.0 97.0 38.3 2.9
8.3 4.2 5.1 8.5 4,256 111.4 8.6 6.0 0.3 2.9 96.3 42.7 2.1
9.0 4.8 5.6 9.0 4,841 127.7 8.5 7.1 0.7 2.0 93.3 46.1 1.9
9.2 6.7 8.1 12.1 6,658 139.8 11.6 8.8 0.9 3.7 89.9 60.6 2.9
5.9 6.3 8.1 9.0 1,706 147.2 10.3 8.3 1.7 0.3 88.9 63.5 1.0
1.4 1.4 2.0 5.8 11,747 165.7 10.5 8.4 23.8 21.6 103.6 74.6 0.3
10.5 15.9 12.7 10.3 2,640 155.9 10.7 8.4 31.9 29.6 132.1 97.2 2.6
Column in bold text indicates the year in which Thailand abandoned its xed exchange rate regime. a In millions of US dollars. b Nominal exchange rate dened as the domestic price of the US dollar: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. c Spread 5 deposit interest rate (US lending interest rate 1 exchange rate variation). d Nominal exchange rate deated by the relative consumer price index ination: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
Table 4. Korea: selected macroeconomic variables, 19901998 1990 Gross domestic product (GDP) growth Trade balance (% of GDP) Current account (% of GDP) Capital account (% of GDP) Central banks FX reserves (absolute variation)a Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Deposit interest rate (%) US lending interest rate (%) Exchange rate variation (%)b Ex-post spreadc Real exchange rated External debt (% gross national income) Fiscal balance (% of GDP) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
9.2 1.1 0.8 0.6 425 62.8 10.0 10.0 5.4 5.4 100.0 13.8 0.7
9.4 2.7 2.7 2.3 1,102 62.5 10.0 8.5 3.6 2.1 98.9 13.5 1.6
5.9 1.2 1.2 2.3 3,414 61.2 10.0 6.3 6.4 2.7 102.1 14.0 0.5
6.1 0.4 0.2 0.6 3,126 61.4 8.6 6.0 2.8 0.2 103.1 13.7 0.6
8.5 0.7 1.0 2.2 5,409 62.2 8.5 7.1 0.1 1.3 99.7 18.0 0.3
9.2 1.1 1.7 3.1 7,041 61.2 8.8 8.8 4.0 4.0 94.2 17.5 0.3
7.0 3.5 4.2 4.5 1,353 65.0 7.5 8.3 4.3 5.1 96.3 22.3 0.5
4.7 0.6 1.6 1.0 13,692 72.7 10.8 8.4 18.3 15.9 108.4 28.7 0.3
6.9 12.9 11.7 2.5 31,634 80.3 13.3 8.4 47.3 42.4 155.5 43.9 3.8
Column in bold text indicates the year in which Korea abandoned its xed exchange rate regime. a In millions of US dollars. b Nominal exchange rate dened as the domestic price of the US dollar: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. c Spread 5 deposit interest rate (US lending interest rate 1 exchange rate variation). d Nominal exchange rate deated by the relative consumer price index ination: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
Table 5. Argentina: selected macroeconomic variables, 19912002 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Gross domestic product (GDP) growth 12.7 11.9 5.9 5.8 2.8 5.5 8.1 3.9 3.4 0.8 4.4 10.9 Trade balance (% of GDP) 1.6 1.5 2.4 3.1 0.4 0.7 2.2 2.5 1.7 0.6 1.3 14.9 Current account (% of GDP) 0.3 2.4 3.5 4.3 2.0 2.5 4.1 4.8 4.2 3.2 1.4 8.6 Capital account (% of GDP) 1.0 4.1 5.2 4.5 2.0 3.9 5.1 5.7 4.7 2.8 2.5 12.6 Central banks FX reserves (absolute variation)a 1,240 3,985 4,052 504 24 3,740 2,705 2,431 1,495 1,198 10,597 4,063 Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) 12.6 15.4 18.3 20.3 20.0 20.2 21.9 24.2 24.9 23.9 20.8 15.3 Deposit interest rate (%) 61.7 16.8 11.3 8.1 11.9 7.4 7.0 7.6 8.0 8.3 16.2 39.2 US lending interest rate (%) 8.5 6.3 6.0 7.1 8.8 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.0 9.2 6.9 4.7 Exchange rate variation (%)b 95.5 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 221.1 Ex-post spreadc 42.3 5.6 5.3 1.0 3.1 0.9 1.4 0.8 0.0 0.9 9.3 186.6 Real exchange rated 100.0 82.5 76.8 75.6 75.2 77.3 78.7 79.2 81.9 85.4 88.8 230.1 External debt (% gross national income) 35.6 30.4 27.6 29.5 38.9 41.7 44.1 47.9 50.8 50.9 56.9 153.2 Fiscal balance (% of GDP) n/a n/a 1.2 0.0 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.4 3.2 1.5
Column in italic text indicates the year of the nancial crisis triggered by the Mexican contagion (the tequila effect). Column in bold text indicates the year in which Argentina abandoned its xed exchange rate regimes. a In millions of US dollars. b Nominal exchange rate dened as the domestic price of the US dollar: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. c Spread 5 deposit interest rate (US lending interest rate 1 exchange rate variation). d Nominal exchange rate deated by the relative consumer price index ination: (1) depreciation; () appreciation. Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
of the Minskyan cycle. In the case of developing countries, the nancial bubbles and innovations that emerged and developed in the booming phase of the cycle resulted from the implementation of macroeconomic policy rules, which gave rise to a conguration making nancial arbitrage between domestic and foreign assets protable. In this regard, the implementation of new macroeconomic rules can be understood as exogenous shocks on the domestic nancial systems, which rapidly created incentives for the arbitrage operations that kicked off the booming phases. The real state bubble and the nancial innovations that started with the securitisation of mortgages (and other debts) are, on the other hand, the key ingredients of the booming phase of the Minskyan cycle in the subprime crisis. Both the bubble in the real estate market and innovation in the nancial market are processes that developed within these markets and nurtured one another over a long period. Certainly, there were also external elements that inuenced both processes. There is now an ongoing discussionwhich is likely to last for some timeregarding the roles during the 2000s of the soft monetary policy and the foreign capital inows to the USA in stimulating these processes. However, even when these factors can be considered relevant for the development of the booming phase, the comparison highlights the difference between the exogenous nature of the elements triggering the booming phase in the developing countries crises and the endogenous dynamics of the cycle in the subprime crisis. To sum up, the trigger of the Minskyan cycle in developing countries crises has an important exogenous component, which has been associated with the implementation of new macroeconomic policies. On the other hand, the factors that triggered the cycle in the current nancial crisis in the USA are essentially endogenous. The bubbles and the innovations that emerged and developed in the booming phase were the spontaneous and gradual result of the nancial systems evolution. Bearing this distinction in mind has important implications for economic policy. The crises in both developed and developing countries have revealed the weaknesses and inadequacies of loosely regulated domestic nancial systems. Comprehensive regulation is essential to avoid instability and crises. However, the discussion above suggests that the prevention of nancial instability and crises in developing countries involve elements that go beyond the regulation of domestic nancial systems. Preventing nancial crises also requires macroeconomic management that seeks to prevent instability and preserve consistency between the exchange rate policy and the sustainability of the external balance. A crisis-preventive macroeconomic regime for developing countries should include: (i) exchange rate systems that provide exibility to the authorities and prevent speculation; (ii) capital account management techniques; (iii) policies that secure robust external accounts, including the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves and the preservation of competitive (or non-appreciated) real exchange rates. The debate about nancial regulations is open and there are many initiatives. A risk that developing countries face in this context is that reforms end up being discussed and shaped by developed countries and then imposed as international standards, as has been happening thus far. This is an important issue that developing countries should ght against, but even more important for them is to take advantage of the circumstances and push for their own agenda. This agenda should incorporate at least three important lessons learnt from their own experiences of nancial crises. First, it should make explicit the autonomy of developing countries in shaping the crisis-preventive macroeconomic regime that best ts their needs. Second, a global system of crisis prevention should include international norms that help smooth capital movements, and also institutions and
international mechanisms that help compensate for private capital outows.1 Third, developing countries should pursue an international agreement on real exchange rate levels.2 Developing countries can benet from maintaining competitive real exchange rates for various reasons. For the current discussion, it is relevant to stress that competitive exchange rates typically imply low dependence on foreign savings and lead to the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves. Both increase the external robustness of the economy and thus help prevent sudden stops and nancial crises.
In the current nancial crisis in the USA, the ight to quality has implied a greater demand for Treasury bonds, whose interest rates have fallen to a minimum. Given that the government issues debt in its own currency, the probability of default of these assets is very low. A bondholder may fear that the value of the asset will depreciate rapidly if she perceives that the public debt is following an unsustainable path. Another source of concern may be that an excessive scal expansion ends up accelerating ination and therefore eroding the real value of bonds. So far none of these concerns seem to be affecting peoples perceptions, since US Treasury bonds continue to operate as both a domestic and an international store of value (Dooley et al., 2009). The situation is similar in Europe and Japan. In the Euro area the outlook is somewhat more complex because there is a perception that public debts in some countries may be following an unsustainable path. Italian and Greek public bonds, for instance, stand at a signicant discount relative to German bonds. However, it is hard to imagine that the European Union would, at the risk of its dissolution, passively let Italy or Greece declare the default of their public debts or a unilateral restructuring. Even when the degrees of freedom of scal policy are certainly lower than in Germany, they are still much higher than in most developing countries. Let us now consider the effects on the balance of payments. In developed countries the international repercussions via the contraction of trade affect both exports and imports more or less symmetrically. There is no clear asymmetry in the way quantities and prices of exports and imports are affected by the contraction of international trade. Therefore a global crisis does not tend to generate or accentuate any problem in the current account. On the other hand, there are no capital outows and in the case of global crises they are even more likely to experience capital inows, since their currencies are seen as international stores of value. In sum, nancial crises in developed countries typically induce a higher demand for money and public bonds, thus facilitating the nancing of expansive scal packages. Furthermore, nancial crises do not translate into balance of payment problems, either through the current account or through the capital account. The effects of nancial crises in developing countries are denitely more complex. In these countries, crises also result in wealth loss, credit contraction and a fall in aggregate demand with recessive effects on output and employment. But, contrary to the case of developed countries, nancial disintermediation typically generates a reduction in the demand for domestic currency and public bonds. The behaviour is similar to that observed in nancial crises in developed countries in the sense that agents run away from risky assets. The key difference is that in developing countries the set of risky assets includes public bonds and domestic corporate debts, which are all subject to country risk. The ight to quality is thus funnelled to the demand for money and public bonds from developed countries. In developing countries, nancial crises lead to capital outows. The repercussions of a contraction of international trade also induce a worsening of the current account. In most developing countries, a signicant proportion of imports corresponds to manufactured goods, whereas a relatively high component of exports is commodities.1 Since the price-elasticity of commodities is greater than that of
1 This is a simplifying characterisation of most developing countries trade structures. It does not hold for those developing countries whose exports are concentrated in manufacturing and services, and their imports in energy, food and raw materials. This is the case, for instance, for China and India. The commodity prices boom that preceded the current global crisis had negative effects on the trade balance of these economies. The subsequent decline in commodity prices since mid-2008 has had, on the contrary, a positive impact on their terms of trade.
manufactured goods, a contraction in international trade affects the terms of trade of most developing countries negatively. The combination of capital outows and current account deterioration leads to domestic currency depreciation and expectations of further depreciation. The resulting adjustment mechanism of the external balance typically operates through the contractionary effects of depreciation on output and employment. On the other hand, the portfolio shift of local and foreign agents against domestic assets reduces the supply of nance for governments. The resulting rise in the cost of nance together with a contraction of tax revenues due to the recessive tendencies (coming from both the nancial disintermediation process and the balance of payments adjustment) forces the authorities to cut public expenditure. The result is just the opposite of the developed countries case: at the outset of a recession, governments in developing countries are forced to run contractive scal policies and raise interest rates. This has traditionally been the conditionality demanded by the IMF in its nancial assistance programmes. The countries that agree to run scal austerity programmes and raise interest rates, thereby accentuating the recessive tendencies, do not generally do it because of an ideological bias. Most likely, governments consider the default of public and external debts a worse outcome than recession and decide to follow contractive scal and monetary policies instead. In sum, nancial crises in developing countries have two additional effects to those typically observed in developed countries. First, a nancial crisis leads to a balance of payments adjustment due to a worsening of both the current account and the capital account. Second, the contraction in tax revenues and the rise in the cost of nance worsen the scal balance. The adjustment mechanism required to simultaneously balance the public and external accounts varies according to the specic circumstances of each country, but it typically includes some combination of exchange rate depreciation, interest rates hikes and contractive scal policy. In any case, in developing countries the policy response to nancial crises tends to add contractive impulses to the recessive trends in output and employment. In the most robust cases, the nancial crisis leads to an increase in the fragility of public and external balances and a recession (e.g. Mexico in 1995). In the most fragile cases, the nancial crisis can lead to a balance of payment crisis, default of the public debt and a collapse of economic activity (e.g. Argentina in 200102). As mentioned above, the IMF has traditionally promoted adjustment programmes based on restrictive scal and monetary policies. There have, however, been recent signs of change. The conditionality of the nancial assistance programmes that have been signed since the eruption of the subprime crisis1 is less restrictive and more specic than in the past. The institution is also promoting expansive scal policies for both developed and developing countries in order to counteract the recessive trends triggered by the global crisis (Blanchard et al., 2008). Notwithstanding this positive change in its approach to crisis response, the IMF has paid little attention to the problem of how developing countries will nance those policies. The tension between the need for expansive scal and monetary policies and the scarcity and high cost of nance is a problem that affects not only those economies that have been suffering the effects of the global crisis the most, but almost all developing countries. In this regard, the IMF nds itself trapped in a contradiction: on the one hand, it asserts the need of expansive scal and monetary policies to ameliorate the recessive trends in the global economy but, on the other hand, it
1 Since September 2008, the IMF has signed SBAs with Byelorussia, El Salvador, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Pakistan, Serbia, Seychelles, Ukraine and Romania. These countries are among those who have most suffered the effects of the global crisis.
has askedalthough more moderatelyfor contractive policies in the recent stand-by arrangements that have been signed. The proclamation of the IMF authorities in favour of expansive scal policies is correct, but the nature of the crisis makes the likelihood of those policies being implemented in most developing countries very low. The contradiction derives from the lack of coordinated international action, which would be required in order to nance expansive scal programmes in many developing countries simultaneously. Up until April 2009, the IMF was constrained by both the amount of resources available, and by the characteristics of the existing programmes of nancial assistance. These were originally designed to deal with short-run balance of payment problems for one country or a small group of countries in a context of normality in the international nancial market. When crises in emerging market economies became recurrent during the 1990s, many analysts pointed out that the amount of nancial resources available and the nature of the IMFs programmes were both insufcient and inadequate to deal with crises and contagion in an increasingly globalised world. The current global crisis made these problems even more evident. Recently there have been substantial steps towards overcoming these problems. Regarding the lack of nancial resources available to the IMF, in April 2009 the G20 decided to triple the lending capacity of the institution by making available an additional $500 billion of resources. The IMF was also authorized to issue an additional US$250 billion in the stock of special drawings rights (SDRs). However, since the G20 did not give any explicit mandate regarding the allocation of funds, the orientation and formulation of the new programmes remain open to the discretion of the IMF board. Regarding the inadequacy of the IMFs nancial assistance programmes, a few days before the G20 summit the institution announced an overhauling of its programmes. The conditionality and terms of the stand-by arrangements (SBA) have been simplied and their focus narrowed (e.g. the weight of structural reform conditions has been reduced). SBAs may now be provided on a precautionary basiswhere countries choose not to draw upon approved amounts but retain the option to do so if conditions deteriorateboth within the normal access limits and in cases of exceptional access. Notwithstanding these positive innovations, the SBAs continue to be the main form of nancial assistance to developing countries affected by the crisis. It should not be forgotten that these credit lines are designed to assist countries that face short-term balance of payment problems and tend to have a contractionary bias. The main innovation regarding the IMF facilities was, however, the creation of the exible credit line (FCL), which replaces the short-term liquidity facility.1 The FCL has been designed for crisis prevention or resolution. Countries have the exibility to either draw on the credit line at the time it is approved, or to use it with the precautionary purpose of reinforcing their foreign exchange reserves. FCL arrangements are approved by the IMF board for countries meeting pre-set qualication criteria, including strong fundamentals, policies, and track records of policy implementation. Access to this credit facility is determined on a case-by-case basis, is not subject to caps, and is available (if desired) in a single up-front disbursement. Furthermore, disbursements under the FCL are not
1 This credit facility was created in late October 2008 and was designed for crisis prevention in countries facing short-term nancing difculties. The approval only depended on a favourable evaluation in the regular Article IV consultation prepared by the IMF staff. The facility provided up to 500% of the countries quota at the IMF for a three-month period, with a double renewal option. However, given the stigma associated with resorting to emergency windows for fear of the markets perceiving this as a sign of weaknesses, and the small magnitude of the potential nancial assistance, no country ever required this credit line.
conditional on the implementation of specic policies, as is the case under the stand-by arrangements. So far, Mexico has received a FCL of US$47 billion, Poland and Colombia have requested precautionary assistance for US$20.5 billion and US$10.4 respectively, and Peru could follow. Both the increase in the IMFs lending capacity and the overhauling of the credit facilities are positive steps. In particular, the creation of the FCL brings the IMF closer to the role of a lender of last resort in the international nancial market. This initiative could help protect developing countries from sudden capital outows triggered by panics in the international nancial market. However, none of these measures represent a coordinated international initiative to foster world aggregate demand and reactivate the world economy. In order to do what the IMF says needs to be done on the scal front, something different is required: a signicant injection of resources to nance scal stimulus packages in many developing countries that are facing external and public nancing restrictions. Similar to what is occurring in the USA, these programmes should have two focuses. One direct beneciary of the scal programme should be the most vulnerable people. They should be reached through social security, health and education programmes. These programmes would not only help improve their living conditions but also would have multiplicative effects on employment and economic activity. Second, the scal programmes should aim to reinforce physical infrastructure, protection of the environment and the development of technology. The motivation behind this second target is to use scal policy not only to stabilise the economy in the short-run, but also to contribute to the acceleration of growth in developing countries. These credit facilities should try to avoid short-term nancing and their interest rates should be low. In contrast to the programmes designed to overcome short-term disequilibria like the SBAswhich tend to penalise the assisted country to avoid moral hazard behaviourthese programmes should be promoted so as to stimulate their request by developing countries. It is important to note that the use of funds by individual countries has positive external effects on the other country members of the IMF. Developing countries should ask for interest rates similar to those faced by the USA and other developed countries for nancing their own scal programmes. The SDRs could be used for such purposes. The US government has systematically opposed the expansion of the stock of SDRs since the early 1980s, arguing that it could lead to ination. That argument is not valid in the current situation. The US Federal Reserve and other central banks of developed countries have not hesitated in massively expanding the supply of their currencies since the outset of the crisis, because they rightly identied that the threat is not ination but deation. The situation has been implicitly recognised by the recent decision to substantially increase the outstanding stock of SDRs. Financing expansionary scal programmes with the issuing of SDRs is the international equivalent of the simultaneous monetary and scal expansionary programmes presently being implemented by many developed countries. The IMF should offer a new credit line to the governments of developing countries to nance the above described expansive scal programmes. The new credit line should be directed mainly to governments and not central banks. The credit facility should not aim (exclusively) to reinforce the stock of foreign exchange reserves or insure the public debt service, as seems to be the goal of the FCL. In the current depressive context of developing countries, it is not primarily liquidity that is needed, but sources of aggregate demand. Besides, if the funds are used to reinforce the stock of foreign exchange reserves and not to serve the nancial needs of governments, they may end up being used to nance private
capital outows. The proposed use of the issuing of SDRs does not preclude other potential uses. Among them, it might be necessary to use the new credit line for the assistance and restructuring of domestic nancial systems in those developing countries where much is needed, as in many Eastern European countries.
4. Concluding remarks
Macroeconomic theory will surely be affected by the current global crisis. There are signs that some old theories and insights will have a comeback. It is positive that economists are willing to recover previous useful knowledge. With this spirit in mind, this paper argues that economists should not forget the lessons that have been learnt during three decades of several (and painful) nancial crises in developing countries. We emphasise two important lessons related to nancial crises. First, preventing crises in emerging market economies requires not only the regulation of domestic nancial systems, but also a consistent set of macroeconomic policies. This includes the exchange rate policy and policies related to the management of the balance of payments and the stock of foreign exchange reserves. Furthermore, a global system of crisis prevention should include international norms that help smooth capital movements, as well as institutions and international mechanisms that help compensate for private capital outows. Second, nancial crises in developing countries tend to worsen both the balance of payments and the scal balance, and traditional adjustment policies tend to exacerbate the recessive trends in output and employment. This is exactly the opposite of what is required and what governments in developed countries are able to do. The recent increase in the IMFs lending capacity, together with the changes in the terms and conditionality of SBAs and the creation of the FCL facility are positive measures to help developing countries cope with the current crisis. However, they are not enough. The IMF should also offer a credit line for the governments of developing countries so that they can afford expansive scal programmes to offset the contractionary forces affecting their economies. Finally, the G20 has recently begun discussions about the design of a new nancial architecture aimed at preventing the development of boom-and-bust cycles in nancial markets. Developed countries will probably give prominence to the regulation of nancial activities and markets. Developing countries should support initiatives in that direction, but they should also push for an agenda that helps them deal with the problems discussed here.
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