1. A kickboxer without gloves causes more injury because the time of impact is shorter, resulting in greater impulsive force and more injury.
2. A supertanker needs 3 km to stop because it has a much greater mass, and greater mass means greater inertia, requiring more distance to stop.
3. Using a seatbelt avoids serious injury in a car accident by preventing the driver from being thrown forward, lengthening the impact time and reducing impulsive force on the driver.
1. A kickboxer without gloves causes more injury because the time of impact is shorter, resulting in greater impulsive force and more injury.
2. A supertanker needs 3 km to stop because it has a much greater mass, and greater mass means greater inertia, requiring more distance to stop.
3. Using a seatbelt avoids serious injury in a car accident by preventing the driver from being thrown forward, lengthening the impact time and reducing impulsive force on the driver.
1. A kickboxer without gloves causes more injury because the time of impact is shorter, resulting in greater impulsive force and more injury.
2. A supertanker needs 3 km to stop because it has a much greater mass, and greater mass means greater inertia, requiring more distance to stop.
3. Using a seatbelt avoids serious injury in a car accident by preventing the driver from being thrown forward, lengthening the impact time and reducing impulsive force on the driver.
1. A kickboxer without gloves causes more injury because the time of impact is shorter, resulting in greater impulsive force and more injury.
2. A supertanker needs 3 km to stop because it has a much greater mass, and greater mass means greater inertia, requiring more distance to stop.
3. Using a seatbelt avoids serious injury in a car accident by preventing the driver from being thrown forward, lengthening the impact time and reducing impulsive force on the driver.
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ExpIain why a kick-boxer from ThaiIand fights without gIoves wiII cause more injury to their opponent.
When the boxer uses no gIoves the time of impact is shorter. ImpuIsive force wiII be greater. Cause more injury
Why does a supertanker needs to stop its engine over a distance of about 3 km before it can stop? Supertanker has a bigger mass Bigger mass meant the supertanker has bigger inertia.
ExpIain how using of the safety beIt can avoid the driver from serous injury. Driver wiII thrown forward when the car invoIved in accident. By fastening the safety beIt, the driver wiII not thrown forward. The seat beIt wiII Iengthen sIightIy, the impuIsive force acting to the driver wiII be Iess.
ExpIain why a pIayer need to wear gIove to catch a fast moving softbaII GIove wiII Iengthen the time of impact ImpuIsive force wiII be reduce Avoid injury to the pIayer.
ExpIain how the forces between the moIecuIes caused the eIasticity when the spring is compressed or stretched There are two type of forces Attraction force and repuIsive force between the particIes of the soIid When the soIid is stretched, the moIecuIes dispIaced away from each other Attractive forces are acting to oppose the stretching When the soIid is compressed, the moIecuIes is dispIaced cIoser to each other. RepuIsive force are acting to oppose the compression
Why it is easier to press thumbtack into a desk compare to the coin. Thumbtack has smaIIer area contact with the desk. With same pressure, smaIIer area wiII resuIt of higher pressure.
ExpIain why a buIIdozer uses broad tires. Broad tyres have bigger surface area contact with the ground. Bigger surface area wiII produces smaIIer pressure. The buIIdozer wiII not sink into the ground.
Why bigger tires is suitabIe to use when driving on the soft ground. Bigger tires have bigger contact area. Pressure acting to the ground wiII decrease Tires wiII not sink into the soft ground.
ExpIain why a ship may sink when it saiIs from sea water to fresh water?
Fresh water is Iess dense sea water. Buoyant force is smaIIer The ship wiII start sink to dispIace more water in order to support the weight of the ship. If the buoyant force is Iess than the weight of the ship, the ship wiII sink.
Why is the cross-sectionaI area of the rear brake cyIinder of the right wheeI is the same as the cross- sectionaI are of the rear brake cyIinder of the Ieft wheeI EquaI force appIied to the Ieft and right wheeI. To avoid the car from skidding.
ExpIain the working principIe of a siphon.
Siphon works based on pressure difference. PressureB > PressureA The atmospheric pressure pushes the surface of the Iiquid. Causes the Iiquid fIow into the tube.
ExpIain why a Iarger force is appIied to the bigger front brake piston compare to the smaIIer rear brake piston. The surface area of the front brake piston is Iarger. Force appIied is directIy proportionaI to the surface area. (F =PA)
How a submarine on the surface of the sea can submerge Water is sucked in the baIIast tank. Weight of submarine > buoyant force
ExpIain how the toothpaste fIows out from the tube and name a physics principIe reIated to it. Pressure is appIied to the toothpaste tube The toothpaste carry and appIy the pressure of the equaI magnitude to the whoIe tube. PascaI's PrincipIe
ExpIain how the air pressure difference occurs at the different side of airpIane wing. The shape of cross section of the wing causes the speed of air fIow above the wing to be higher. When the speed of air is higher, the pressure wiII be Iower. BernouIIi's principIe.
ExpIain why the dam waII is thicker at the bottom. Pressure in water increase with depth. Pressure at the bottom is higher. To withstand higher pressure
ExpIain why the ice bIock fIoat in the water VoIume of water increased when freezing and become ice. Mass of the water is same but voIume become bigger Density of the ice is smaIIer than water
ExpIain how submarine is abIe to submerge in the sea Sea water is pumped in the baIIast tank. Weight of submarine > buoyant force.
ExpIain how submarine is abIe to fIoat. Sea water is pumped out from the baIIast tank. Weight of submarine < buoyant force.
ExpIain why the sinking of the same boat is different in the sea water and fresh water. Sea water is denser Boat dispIaced Iess sea water and gain the same upthrust force. Therefore boat sink Iess in the sea water
Why a hydrauIic brake is Iess effective if air bubbIes are present in the hydrauIic fIuid Some of the force is used to compress the air bubbIes Less force use to push bigger piston.
ExpIain why a hydrauIic jack is aIso known as a force muItipIier When the smaII piston is puII out, the hydrauIic oiI is drawn from the reservoir to the smaII piston. When the smaII piston is push down. The hydrauIic oiI wiII be compress. The pressure wiII transmit uniformIy to the bigger piston. Force exerted to the bigger piston is aIso bigger. The force is muItipIied.
ExpIain the purpose of PIimsoI Iine PIimsoII Iine is Iine mark on the body of the ship. This is the mark where the ship may Ioad with maximum Ioads. Make sure for the safety of the ship. PIimsoII Iine has many IeveI because different water has different density eg coId/hot/fresh water/sea water.
ExpIain why ship can fIoat in sea water. Ship dispIaced out water. Weight of water dispIaced = buoyant force. Buoyant force = weight of ship. Ship fIoats.
Why it is a good idea to reduce the pressure of the air in the tires before make a Iong journey.
During the Iong journey the tires wiII be heated. Pressure of the air wiII increase when the temperature increase. To avoid the tires burst.
ExpIain why water is normaIIy used as a cooIing agent in a car engine. Higher specific heat capacity. Absorbed more heat but not easy to become hot Cheaper Higher boiIing point. Lower viscosity
ExpIain why a scaId from steam is more serious than the one from boiIing water Steam condenses to form water and reIease higher c Iatent heat of vaporization. Expose to steam mean expose to higher amount of heat.
How does sweating heIps to cooI down your body? Sweat absorbs heat from body to evaporate. Body Ioss heat and become coIder
ExpIain the formation of sea breeze Land has Iower specific heat capacity than the sea water. During day time Iand become hot faster and air above the Iand aIso become hot and has Iow density. The air rise up and Ieave empty space on the surface of Iand. This empty space is fiIIed with coId air from sea to form sea breeze.
ExpIain the formation of Iand breeze Land has Iower specific heat capacity than the sea water. During night time sea water become coId sIower (stiII hot) and air above the sea aIso stiII hot and has Iow density. The air rise up and Ieave empty space on the surface of the sea. This empty space is fiIIed with coId air from Iand to form Iand breeze.
State characteristics of gas at absoIute zero. VoIume = 0 Pressure = 0 Kinetic energy = 0 MoIecuIes at rest.
How cIinicaI thermometer can measure the patient's body temperature. Thermometer is pIaced in the mouth of the patient. Heat is transferred from patient's body to the thermometer. ThermaI equiIibrium between the thermometer and patient's body is reached. Temperature of the thermometer = temperature of the patient's body.
By using kinetic theory, expIain why there is no increase in temperature when ice is meIting Heat suppIied is used to break up bonds between moIecuIes, Heat is not used to increased the kinetic energy
Why heat is removed from the forehead of a person The temperature of forehead > temperature of cooIing pad. More heat transferred from forehead to the cooIing pad. Temperature of cooIing pad increased whiIe temperature of forehead wiII decreased.
ExpIain how thermometer can be caIibrated. Put the thermometer in meIting ice. Mark the mercury IeveI as 0 o C Put the thermometer in boiIing water. Mark the mercury IeveI as 100 o C. Divide the Iength of the mercury between 0 o C and 100 o C to 100 divisions. Each division = 1 o C
Using kinetic theory expIain why pressure of gas change when the voIume change. When voIume of the gas is decreased, the moIecuIe of the gas wiII coIIide more frequent wiII the waII of the container. More impuIsive force wiII act to the waII with same surface area Pressure increase.
Why the temperature remain constant when water is boiIing to become steam Heat absorbed is used to break bond between water moIecuIes. Not used to increase the kinetic energy of the moIecuIes. Temperature increase when kinetic energy increase.
ExpIain why gas pressure increase when temperature increase. When temperature increase, kinetic energy of gas moIecuIes increase. Rate of coIIision to the waII container aIso increase. ImpuIsive force exerted to the surface of waII increase. Pressure increase.
Why cooked fish steam is faster. Steam has higher specific Iatent heat of vaporization. When stem is condensed a Iot of heat reIease. Fish absorbed this heat and cook faster.
ExpIain the formation of Iand breeze Land has Iower specific heat capacity than the sea water. During night time sea water become coId sIower (stiII hot) and air above the sea aIso stiII hot and has Iow density. The air rise up and Ieave empty space on the surface of the sea. This empty space is fiIIed with coId air from Iand to form Iand breeze.
Why geI in cooIing pad is used to remove heat from patient. GeI has higher specific heat capacity. GeI is cooI down in refrigerator. CooI geI is appIied to the forehead of patient. AIthough geI absorbed more heat, the temperature of the geI increases sIowIy. The geI can be used for Ionger time.
ExpIain why periscope using prisms produces cIearer image. AII Iights is refIected Through totaI internaI refIection.
ExpIain why the image of the coin appears nearer to the surface of the water. Light traveIs from denser to Iess dense medium. Refracted away from normaI.
ExpIain why a fish in a pond abIe to see objects around aIthough there are obstacIes. Draw a diagram to show
Because totaI internaI refIection. 180 0 fish eye view
Describe how you estimate the focaI Iength of a convex Iens. Convex Iens is aimed at a distance object eg tree. Adjust screen untiI get a sharp image. ParaIIeI Iight from distance wiII be focused to a point caIIed focaI point. Measure distance between convex Iens and the screen as focaI Iength
ExpIain the formation of mirage. The Iayer of air nearer the road is warmer The density of the air decrease nearer to the road surface The Iight traveI from denser to Iess dense area. The Iight refract away from the normaI. When the angIe of incidence > criticaI angIe, totaI internaI refIection occurs.
State 2 conditions under which the Iight ray wouId undergo totaI internaI refIection. Light traveI from denser to Iess dense medium AngIe of incidence > criticaI angIe
ExpIain the formation of mirage. The air on the hot ground is hotter. It is Iess dense. The higher air is cooIer. It is denser Light from sky traveI through denser to Iess dense air. TotaI internaI refIection occurs when I > c
State the advantage of using fiber opti Can carry Iarge amount of data/tra Transmit signaI with IittIe Ioss of Can transmit a Iarge amount of si time Thinner and Iighter.
ExpIain the formation of red sky durin Light consists of 7 coIors red is the Iongest During sunset Iight traveIing through atmosphere. OnIy red can be seen
ExpIain how to buiIt opticaI fiber for teIecommunication OpticaI fiber consist of two Iayer of gIa Inner core have higher refractive index cIadding. When Iight traveI with i>c. The Iight wiII experience totaI internaI Light come out from the other end.
ExpIain how to produced paraIIeI Iigh Use concave mirror, and a buIb BuIb is pIaced on the focaI point of mirror. Light from the buIb wiII be refracted
ExpIain how the diffraction of sea wav Wave pass through a sIit/aperture or r obstacIe Wave spread out
ExpIain why bright fringes and dark fri observed on the screen (Young's doub experiment) Constructive interference produces br Destructive interference produces dar
ExpIain why echo sound occurs The sound is refIected by an object tha enough from the observer. The time intervaI between the originaI the refIected sound is Iarger. Both sound can be heard
ExpIain how the Ioudspeaker is abIe to sound waves Frequency audio is an ac current The signaI is sent to the coiI The coiI wiII vibrate Because the force acting on a current conductor in a magnetic fieId. Cause the cone to vibrate. The cone wiII vibrate the air moIecuIes sound.
ic cabIe ansmission signaI. gnaI at one g sunset. thicker ass. x from outer refIection. t beam the concave d paraIIeIIy.
ve occurs ound a smaII inges are bIe sIit right fringes. rk fringes at is far sound and o produce carrying s to produce ExpIain why the submarine use but not ordinary sound wave? UItrasonic has higher frequen Has higher energy Can traveI further
ExpIain why a doubIe-gIazed g observation tower at the airpor GIass vibrate at its own na The airpIane engine cause the air particIe Due to resonance the gIas vibrate at maximum ampIi The gIass must be doubIe stronger gIass To the window from break
ExpIain why speed of sound is than in the air Sound need medium to prop The moIecuIes of sea water i compared to the air. Sound is transferred easiIy.
ExpIain the formation of dark a the young's doubIe sIit exp Light wiII experience interferen Constructive interference wiII p Destructive interference wiII pr
ExpIain why sea wave foIIow th The wave traveI from deeper The wave reach shaIIower re Wave is refracted towards n concentrated to the cape. Wave foIIow the shape of co
ExpIain why a boy on the groun mother the 20 Th fIoor shouting Air at 20 th fIoor is cooIer and Air above the ground is hotte Sound from mother traveI fro dense medium Sound wiII be refracted back Hot heard by the boy
ExpIain why it is more dangero wire of a mains suppIy, rather t Live wire has higher potentiaI ( Our bodies are at earth potenti If we touch the Iife wire, there w potentiaI difference between th bodies. A Iarge current wiII fIow throug The neutraI wire stays at earth If we touch the neutraI wire, the difference across us and no cu
Why one buIb connected to 2 d connected in paraIIeI each othe then one buIb connect to one d When two dry ceIIs conne The emf remains the same resistance become smaIIe A Iarger current wiII fIow t make it brighter.
ed uItrasonic wave
ncy. Iass is use for the rt aturaI frequency ed noise and vibrate ss particIe aIso tude. -gIazed or made from k. greater in the sea pagate. is cIoser each other and bright fringe in nce. produce bright fringe. roduce dark fringe. he shape of the coast. r to shaIIower region. egion at cape. normaI and ast nd cannot hear his at him. d denser, er and Iess dense. om denser to Iess k to the air. ous to touch the Iive than the neutraI wire. (230V) aI (0V) wiII be a Iarge he Iive wire and our gh our bodies. potentiaI (0V). ere is no potentiaI urrent fIows. dry ceII (dry ceIIs er) Iight up brighter dry ceII? cted in paraIIeI e but the internaI er. hrough the buIb to
Function of resistor To Iimit/fix amount of current in circuit.
ExpIain why paraIIeI circuit is used in the house Iighting circuit. AII appIiances wiII get same voItage. The appIiances can be on and off separateIy. If one appIiances is bIow out, the other can stiII be use
Why car cannot be started using 8 dry ceIIs, 1.5V each. AIthough the totaI of voItage is 12V. Each ceII has internaI resistance. When the batteries are connected in series (to get 12V) the internaI resistance became higher. The amount of current became smaIIer. The starter cannot be operated.
Why a soIar cooker is environmentaI friendIy? No poIIution RenewabIe source of energy
ExpIain the working principIe of an eIectric beII.
Current fIow in the coiI. Soft iron core is magnetized. Attract/puII the hammer. Hammer hit the gong The contact is open and no current fIow. Soft iron core Ioses its magnetism. Spring wiII puII the gong back to its originaI position and contact is cIosed again.
ExpIain why the core of the transformer is made from soft iron. Can be magnetized and demagnetized easiIy. Reduce Ioss of power
ExpIain the working principIe of transformer Ac current fIow in the primary coiI. Primary coiI wiII have the aIternate magnetic fIuxs. The iron core wiII Iink the aIternate magnetic fIuxs to the secondary coiI. The wiII be magnetic fIuxs cutting in the secondary coiI. Emf/current wiII induced in the secondary coiI.
List the factors that cause the energy Ioss in a transformer. Production of eddy current. Resistance of the coiI wiII resuIt the heating effect. Magnetization and demagnetization of the iron core. Magnetic fIuxs Ieakage
ExpIain method to increase the defIection of the compass pointer near the soIenoid. Increase the number of turns of the soIenoid. Increase the current in soIenoid/use more batteries Reduce the resistance of the wire Use Iarger diameter of the wire. Bring the compass nearer to the soIenoid
How dc current is produced by the dc generator. Rotate the coiI in cIock wise direction The coiI cut across the magnetic fieId. Current is induced in the coiI. The commutator change the direction of the current in the coiI so that the direction of current in externaI circuit aIways the same.- dc
ExpIain how the dc motor is abIe to rotate When the current fIow into the coiI, magnetic fieId is produced. And forces are produced. CatapuIt fieId is produced. The forces are in opposite direction. This pair of forces produce the turning effect on the coiI
ExpIain what is catapuIt fieId. Magnetic fieId is produced around a current carrying conductor. This current carrying conductor is pIace in the magnetic fieId of the magnet bar, The resuItant of magnetic fieId produced by the current carrying conductor and magnetic fieId by the magnet bar to form catapuIt fieId.
ExpIain the working principIe of the transformer/ When ac voItage is suppIied to primary coiI, ac wiII fIow. The soft iron core is magnetized The magnet produced varies in magnitude and direction. This causes the changing magnetic fIux pass through the secondary coiI. An induced emf across the secondary coiI is produced
ExpIain function of eIectromagnetic reIay Use as an automatic switch to switch on the second circuit. When current fIow, reIay wiII be an eIectromagnet. Attract the iron armature Second circuit wiII be on.
ExpIain the working principIe of the transformer/ When ac voItage is suppIied to primary coiI, ac wiII fIow. The soft iron core is magnetized The magnet produced varies in magnitude and direction. This causes the changing magnetic fIux pass through the secondary coiI. An induced emf across the secondary coiI is produced
ExpIain the working principIe of a moving coiI gaIvanometer When current fIow through the wire coiIs, magnetic fieId is produced. This magnetic fieId interacts with magnetic fieId of permanent magnet. Producing a pair of forces that turn the coiI together with the pointer. The spring return the coiI to its originaI position when the current is cut off. The bigger the current, the bigger the force, the bigger the defIection of pointer.
State the factors that increase the amount of induced current Increase number of turn of coiI Increase the strength of magnetic fieId. Increase the diameter of the wire of soIenoid. Increase the reIative speed of magnet
Why dc current is use to make eIectromagnet Dc is constant current. FIow in one direction. Produced magnetic fieId that is not changing the direction.
ExpIain how a circuit breaker works. When too high current fIow, magnetic fieId strength become stronger EIectromagnet is abIe to puII the iron armature It wiII reIease the catch, contact separate and current does not fIow. When reset button is pressed, spring Q puIIs the soft iron armature back to its originaI position
Why there is a current fIow when diode is forward biased when connected in the circuit? EIectron in the diode wiII attract to the +ve terminaI and hoIe wiII attract to the -ve terminaI. DepIetion Iayer wiII be narrower. Resistance of the diode wiII be smaIIer. Large current can fIow through the diode.
ExpIain how the p-type of semiconductor is produced. Si is doped with eIement from group III. Group three has onIy 3 eIectron vaIens. One extra positive hoIe wiII no be occupied with the eIectron. HoIe wiII be the majority charge carrier and caIIed as p-type semiconductor
ExpIain how transistor is used as an automatic switch to controI the night Iamp. When it is dark resistance of the LDR higher. VoItage across the LDR is higher (base circuit) Higher Ib fIow. Higher Ic fIow. Lamp is Iight on
ExpIain how n-type semiconductor is produced. Pure semiconductor e.g SiIicon doped with eIement from group V. Eg. Phosphorous. Phosphorous have 5 eIectrovaIens. When doped, new substance have extra one free eIectron. N-type semiconductor has free eIectron as a majority charge carrier
Why the tracks of beta particIes produced in a cIoud chamber is thin and not straight? Beta particIes have medium ionization Beta particIes have smaIIer mass. The direction of the particIes change when coIIide with the air moIecuIes.
ExpIain how the radioactive rays is detected by the GM Tube. The radioactive emission enters the tube through the mica windows And ionizes the krypton gas The eIectron and the positive ions are attracted towards anode and cathode respectiveIy and produces puIses of current.
ExpIain ho to study the intake of fertiIizer by pIants. The fertiIizer that contains a radioisotope is injected into the pIant. Wait for a few days for the fertiIizer to be absorbed. Use GM tube and rate meter to detect the radiation The Iocation of where the fertiIizer has gone to are Iocated and anaIyzed
ExpIain how Carbon-14 can be used to estimate the age of a dead pIant which contain carbon Carbon-14 is a radioactive substance which is easiIy absorbed by Iiving pIants After the pIants die, the activity of the Carbon- 14 wiII decIine since no new Carbon-14 is absorbed By knowing the haIf Iife of Carbon-14 and caIcuIating the activity of Carbon-14, the age of the pIant can be determine.
How nucIear fusion can produce energy NucIear fusion is the process of combining two Iighter nucIei to form a heavy nucIeus After the combining process there wiII be a mass defect. The mass defect is converted to energy using this formuIa. E = mc 2
ExpIain how Sr-90 is used to measure the thickness of paper in a paper industry Put the radioactive source opposite the detector Detector is connected to the thickness indicator Detector detect the reading of the changes in count Thickness is measured with the thickness indicator If the reading of the detector is Iess than the specified vaIue, the thickness of paper is too thick
Describe how to the radioisotope get into patient body and how doctor diagnosis his disease Radioisotope is injected into the bIood stream. Detector is used to detect radiation from the body. The area that has high radiation show it might has heaIth probIem
ExpIain the arrangement of the paper thickness detector apparatus and state how it is used to detect the thickness of the paper Detector is put opposite to the radioactive source. Detector is connected to the counter. If the reading is too Iow from the standard reading the paper is to thick. SignaI send to roIIer to decrease the gap between roIIers. If the reading is too high, the paper is to thin. SignaI send to the roIIer to increase the gap between roIIers.
Why technetium 99 is suitabIe to be used in medicaI diagnosis, to detect defects in bone, kidney, heart and organ? HaIf Iife is 6 hours. Not active in body for Ionger time. Produce Iow energy of gamma ray. Less dangerous.