Analog Integrated Circuits (TEC-502)

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Analog Integrated Circuits (TEC-502)

Unit Topic Text Lectu

Book/ rers
1 IC OP-AMP applications: OP-AMP Fundamentals (brief review of 1/ 2, 08
differential amplifier, current mirror, active load, level shifter, output stage; 6&7
ac and dc characteristics) Basic building blocks using OP-AMPS.
Inverting/Non-inverting VCVS, Integrators, Differentiators, CCVS and
VCCS, Instrumentation Amplifiers.

2 Waveform Generator: 2/ 6 08
Square wave generators: 555Timer, Crystal controlled Oscillator
Ramp Generator: Triangle generator, Sawtooth generator
Sine wave generator: Requirement for sinusoidal oscillations, Wien-bridge
and twin-T oscillators.
Function Generators: Multi op-amp function generators, IC function
Digitally controlled frequency synthesizer: PLL Fundamentals, PLL
synthesizer, Totally digital synthesizer.
3 Active Filters: 2/7 08
Introduction to filtering: Frequency response, Characteristics and
terminology, Active versus passive filters
Low pass filter: First order low pass active filter, second order active filter
model, second order low pass filter characteristics, Sallen-Key unity gain
filter, Sallen-Key equal component filter, Higher order filters.
High pass active filter.
Band pass filter: single op-amp band pass filter, multistage band pass filter
State variable filter
4 Non-linear Circuits: 2/8 08
Logarithmic Amplifiers, Log/Antilog Modules, Precision Rectifier, Peak
Detector, Sample and Hold Circuits. OP-AMP as Comparator, Schmitt
Trigger, Square and Triangular Wave Generator, Monostable Multivibrator.
IC Analog Multiplier applications
5 Voltage Regulators: OP-AMP Regulators, IC Regulators, Fixed Voltage 2/3 08
Regulators (78/79, XX), SMPS.
Text Book:
1. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University press, 5th Edition, 2005.
2. J. Michael Jacob, Applications and design with Analog Integrated Circuits”, PHI, 2nd Edition,
Reference Book :
1. B.P. singh and Rekha Singh, Electronic Devices an Integrated Circuits; Pearson Education, 1st
Edition 2006.

Microprocessors and Applications (TEC- 503)

Unit Topic Text Lectu
Book/ res
1 Introduction to Microprocessors: Evolution of Microprocessors, History of 1/2 8
computers, Timing and control, memory devices: semiconductor memory 1/3
organization, Category of memory, 8-bit Microprocessor (8085): 14
Architecture, Instruction set, Addressing modes, Assembly Language 1/6
2 16-bit Microprocessors (8086/8088): Architecture, Physical address, 2//2 10

segmentation, memory organization, Bus cycle, Addressing modes,
difference between 8086 and 8088, Introduction to 80186 and 80286,
Assembly Language Programming of 8086/8088.
3 Data Transfer Schemes: Introduction, Types of transmission, 8257 (DMA), 1/8, 1/8 8
8255 (PPI), Serial Data transfer (USART 8251), Keyboard-display
, 1/12
controller (8279), Programmable Priority Controller (8259)
4 Programmable Interval Timer/ Counter (8253/8254): Introduction, modes, 1/9 8
Interfacing of 8253, applications. ADC and DAC: Introduction, DAC 1/13
memthodes, ADC converters, Types of ADC, ADC IC (0808/0809, DAC
and ADC Interfacing and Applications.

5 Advanced Microprocessors: Introduction to 32-bit and 64-bit 2/3, 2/4 8

microprocessors, PowerPC, Microcontroller (8051): Introduction, 2/5, 2/7
Architecture, Instruction set.
Text Books
1. R. Singh and B. P. Singh : Microprocessor Interfacing and Application, New Age International
Publishers, 2nd Edition.
2. B.P. Singh and R. Singh : Advanced Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, New Age
International Publishers, 2nd Edition.
Reference Books
1. D. V. Hall : Microprocessors Interfacing, TMH (2nd Edition).
2. R. S. Gaunkar: Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085/8080,
Penram Publication
3. Y.C. Liu and G.A. Gibson : Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture
Programming and Design, PHI 2nd Edition,

Automatic Control System (TEC- 504)

Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1 Introduction to open loop and closed loop control systems, 1/1, 1/2 8
feedback characteristics of control systems, Mathematical
Representation of physical systems Electrical, Mechanical,
Hydraulic, Thermal systems, Block diagram algebra and signal
flow graphs, Mason’s gain formula.
2 Time Domain Analysis: Standard Test Signals, Time response of 1/5 10
First, Second and Higher order systems, Performance Indices.
Error Analysis: Static and Dynamic Error Coefficients, Effect of
adding poles and zeroes to the system, response of P, PI, and PID
3 Concept of Stability: Concept of stability, Asymptotic and 1/6, 1/7, 1/8 9
conditional stability, Routh Hurcoitz Criterion, Root Locus
technique (Concept and construction)
Frequency Response Analysis: Correlation between time and
frequency response, polar and inverse polar plots, Nyquist stability
criterion, Bode plots, All pass and minimum phase systems, M and
N circle.

4 Design through compensation techniques: Realization of lag, 1/10 7

lead and lag-lead compensators, Design of closed loop control
system using root locus and Bode plot Compensation
5 Stable Variable Analysis: Introduction, State space representation, 1/12, 1/14 9
State modes of linear systems, State equations, transfer matrices,
diagonalization solution of state equations, controllability and
observability, effect of pole zero cancellation in transfer function.

Advances in Control Systems: Basic Introduction to Neural
Networks and Fuzzy logic control.

Text Books:
1. I J Nagrath & M Gopal, Control System Engineering; New Age International publishers.
Reference Books:
1. B C Kuo, Automatic Control Systems; PHI
2. Norman S Nise, Control System Engineering;John Wiley & Sons, Singapore
3. Dr D Ganesh Rao, Control System; Sanguine Technical Publisher, Bangalore
4. K Ogata, Modern Control Engineering; PHI.
Antenna and Wave Propagation (TEC-505)
Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1. Antenna Principles: Potential Functions & Electromagnetic Field, Current 1/10 4
Elements, Radiation from Monopole & Half Wave Dipole, power radiated by
current element, radiation resistance.
Network Theorems 1/11 1
Directional Properties of Dipole Antenna.
Antenna Gain, Effective Area, Antenna Terminal Impedance, Practical 1/11 4
Antennas and Methods of Excitation, Antenna Temperature and Signal to
Noise Ratio.
2. Antennas Arrays: Two Element Array, Horizontal Patterns in Broadcast 1/11 6
Arrays, Linear Arrays,
Multiplication of patterns, effect of the earth on vertical patterns, Binomial
3. Wave Propagation: Modes of Propagation, Plane Earth Reflection, Space 1/16 3
wave and Surface Wave, Refelection and refraction waves by the
Ionosphere Tropospheric Wave.
Ionosphere Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere, Virtual Height, MUF 1/17 4
Critical frequency, Skip Distance, Duct Propagation, Space wave
4. Practical antennas:
VLF and LF transmitting antennas, effect of antenna height,
Field of short dipole, electric field of small loop antenna, Directivity of circular 2/4 11
loop antenna with uniform current,
Yagi-Uda array: Square corner yagi-uda hybride, circular polarization 2/11
Rhombic Antenna: Weight and Leg length 2/11
Parabolic Reflectors: Properties, Comparison with corner reflectors 2/12
Horn Antenna: Length and Aperture. 2/13
Introduction to Turstile Antenna 2/16
Effect of ground on antenna performance. 2/16
Broadband Antenna: Frequency independent concept, RUMSEY’s Principle, 2/15
Frequency independent planar log spiral antenna, Frequency independent
conical spiral Antenna.
5. Antenna Measurements:
Radiation Pattern measurement, Distance requirement for uniform phase, 2/18 9
uniform field amplitude requirement, Introduction to phase measurement;
Gain Measurement: Comparison method, Near field method, Introduction to
current distribution measurement, Measurement of antenna efficiency,
measurement of Noise figure and noise temperature of an antenna
polarization measurement.
Text Books:
1. Jordan Edwards C. and Balmain Keith G./ “Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems”/
Prentice Hall (India)
2. Kraus, John D. & Mashefka, Ronald J. / “Antennas: For All Applications” / Tata McGraw Hill, 3 Ed.

Reference Books:
1. Prasad, K.D./ “Antennas and Wave Propagation”/ Khanna Publications
2. Collin, R. / “Antennas and Radiowave Propagation” / Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Hayt Jr. William H./ “Engineering Electromagnetics “/ Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Das, Annaparna & Das, Sisir K. / “Microwave Engineering”/ Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Roy, Sitesh Kumar & Mitra, Monojit / “Microwave Semiconductor Devices” / Prentice Hall (India).

Communication Lab-I (TEC-551)

1. To study Amplitude modulation using a transistor and determine depth of modulation.
2. To study envelope detector for demodulation of AM signal and observe diagonal peak
clipping effect.
3. To study frequency modulation using reactance modulator.
4. Study of frequency modulation using varactor modulator.
5. Narrow band FM generator using Armstrong method.
6. Study of Foster- Seely discriminator.
7. Generation of DSB-SC signal using balanced modulator.
8. Generation of single side band signal.
9. Study of phase lock loop and detection of FM signal using PLL.
10. Measurement of noise figure using a noise generator.
11. Study of superheterodyne AM receiver and measurement of sensitivity, selectivity & fidelity.
12. Study and demonstration of active filter (low pass, high pass, and band pass type) .

Analog Integrated Circuits Lab (TEC-552)

1. Measurement of Op-amp Parameters. (Open Loop Gain, Input offset Voltage, CMRR,
Slew rate)
2. Determination of Frequency response of Op-Amp.
3. Precision Rectifier
4. Instrumentation Amplifier.
5. Open Loop operation of Op-amp -Comparators - Schmitt Trigger.
6. Astable & Monostable Operation Using 555.
7. IC Voltage Regulator.
8. Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
9. Phase Locked Loop.
10. Frequency Multiplier
11. A/D Converters & D/A Converters.
12. Second Order Active Filter- High Pass & Low Pass Realization

Microprocessor Lab (TEC- 553)

8085/8086 Based Experiments

1. Signed Multiplication using Booth's Algorithm.
2. Recursive routine for finding Factorial N.
3. Look up table method for finding the ASCII of an alphanumeric code.
4. Interfacing with 8255 in I/O mode/BSR mode.
5. Interfacing with 8253.
6. Verification of Interrupts.
7. Interfacing with ADC/DAC.
8. Mini Project on some interfacing applications.
9. Serial communication between two kits through RS-232C using 8251.
Note :
In addition, Institutes may include two more experiments based on the expertise

Control System Lab (TEC-554)

1. To use D.C. potentiometers as an error detectors.

2. To verify characteristics of (a) self excited magnetic amplifiers, (b) Self excited magnetic
amplifier with (i) Positive feedback (ii) Negative feedback.
3. To draw characteristics of (a) Series connected (b) Parallel connected magnetic amplifier.

4. To draw characteristics of synchro torque transmitters. Also draw the characteristics error detector
using of two synchros.
5. To study speed control of universal motor using SCR and stroboscope
6. Speed control of AC motor using TRAIC.


Industrial Management (TAS-601)
Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1 What is Operations Research? OR-research model, 1/1 2
solving the OR model, Queuing and simulation models, Except
Art of modeling, Phases of OR study. 1.5, 1.7
2. Introduction to Linear Programming: 1/2.1, 2.2, 3
Two variable L-P model, Graphical LP solution, 2.5
Analysis of selected LP models.
The Simplex Method: LP solution space, Graphical to 1/3 4
algebraic solution, The simplex method, Artificial
starting solution, Special cases in simplex method
Transportation Model and its Variants: Definition of 1/5 Except 4
transportation model, Non-traditional transportation 5.5
models, Transportation algorithms, Assignment model
3. Network Models: Network definitions, Minimal 1/6.1, 6.2, 4
spanning tree algorithm, CPM and PERT. 6.6
Game Theory: Optimal solution of two persons zero 1/ 14.4 2
sum games, Solution of mixed strategy games.
4. Introduction to Patents and Intellectual Propriety Right Notes 3
Supplied by
Introduction to Engineering Management: 3
Engineering and Management 1/1
Historical Development of Engineering Management 1/2
5. Functions of Technology Management 6
Planning and Forecasting 2/3
Decision Making 2/4
Organizing 2/5
Motivating and Leading Technical People 2/7
Controlling 2/8
Project Management 4
Project Planning and Acquisition 2/14
Project Organization, Leadership, and Control 2/15

Text Books:

1. Hamdy H Taha, Operations Research – An Introduction; 7e, Pearson Education/ PHI
– 2002.
2. Babcock & Morse, Managing Engineering and Technology; Pearson Education, 2004

Reference Books:
1. Hillier & Hillier, Introduction to Management Science; TMH Ed 05

Digital Communication (TEC-601)

Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1. Elements of Digital Communication and Information Theory 1/9 5
Model of a Digital Communication, System, Probability Theory
and Random Variables, Logarithmic Measure of Information,
Entropy and Information Rate, Conditional Entropy and 1/9 4
Redundancy, Source Coding, Fixed and Variable Length Code
Words, Source Coding Theorem, Prefix Doing and Kraft
Inequality, Shannon-Fanno and Huffman Coding.
2 Digital Base band Transmission
PCM Coding, DM, DPCM, ADCM, Data Transfer Rate, Line 1/4 4
Coding and Its Properties, NRZ & RZ Types, Signalling Format
For Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar(AMI) & Manchester Coding and Their
Power Spectra (No Derivation) Matched Filter Reciver,
Derivation of Its Impulse Response and Peak Pulse Signal to Noise 1/5 4
Correlation Detector Decision Threshold and Error Probability For 1/4
Binary, Unipolar(ON-OFF) Signalling,
ISI, Nyquist Criterion For Zero ISI & Raised Cosine Spectrum.
3 Digital Modulation Techniques
& Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, Types of Digital 1/6 11
4 Modulation, Wave forms for Amplitude, Frequency and Phase
Shift Keying, Method of Generation and Detection of Coherent &
Non-Coherent Binary ASK, FSK & PSK Differential Phase Shift
Keying, Quadrature Modulation Techniques QPSK, Probability of
Error and Comparison of Various Digital Modulation Techniques. 1/3 3
Digital Multiplexing
Fundamentals of Time Division Multiplexing, Electronic
Commutator, Bit, Byte Interleaving T1 Carrier System,
Synchronization and Signaling of T1, TDM, PCM Hierarchy, T1 to
T4 PCM TDM System (DS1 to DS4 Signals)
5 Error Control Coding
Error Free Communication Over a Noise Channel, Hamming code, 1/10 9
Relation Between Minimum Distance and Minimum Distance Error
Correcting Capability, Linear Block Codes, Encoding and
Syndrome Decoding, Cyclic Codes, Encoder and Decoder For
Cyclic Codes, Convolution Codes, Tree diagram state diagram and
Trellis Diagram, Viterbi and Sequential Decoding, Comparison of
Text Book:
1. Haykin, Simon / “Communication Systems” / John Wiley / 4 Ed.
References Books:
1. Singh, R.P. & Sapre, S.D. / “Communication Systems: Analog & Digital” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Lathi, B.P / “Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems” / Oxford University Press /.
3. Simon Haykin / “Digital Communication” / John Wiley.

4. Taub & Schilling / “Principles of Communication Systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill /
5. A.B. Carlson / “Communication Systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
6. Prokis J.J / “Digital Communications” / McGraw Hill /
7. Charkrabarti, P. / “Analog Communication Systems” / Dhanpat Rai & Co.
8. Schaum’s Outlines / “Analog & Digital Communication” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
9. Kennedy, George & Davis, Bernard / “Electronic communication systems” / Tata McGraw-Hill /

Digital Signal Processing (TEC-602)

Unit Topic Text Lectu
Book/ res
1. Discrete Fourier Transform: 1/5 10
Frequency Domain Sampling: The Discrete Fourier Transform Frequency-
Domain Sampling and Reconstruction of Discrete-Time Signals. The
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The DFT as a linear Transformation.
Relationship of the DFT to Other Transforms. Properties of the DFT.
Periodicity, Linearity, and Symmetry Properties. Multiplication of two
DFTs and Circular Convolution. Additional DFT Properties. Frequency
analysis of signals using the DFT.
2. Efficient Computation of DFT 1/6 10
Efficient Computation of the DFT: FFT Algorithms, Direct Computation of
the DFT. Radix-2 FFT algorithms. Efficient computation of the DFT of two
real sequences, computations, Efficient computation of the DFT of a 2N-
Point real sequences, Gortezel Algorithm, Chirp Z-transform algorithm.
3. Basic IIR Filter Structures: Direct forms (I & II), cascade and parallel 1/7 08
realizations. Signal flow graph, Transposed structure, Basic FIR filter
structures-. Direct form structure, frequency sampling structure, Lattice
structure, Linear phase FIR structure . FIR structures.
4. Symmetric and Anti-symmetric FIR Filters, Design of Linear-Phase FIR 1/8 08
Filters Using Windows, Design of Linear-Phase FIR Filters by the
Frequency Sampling Method, Design of FIR, Equiripple filter design
Differentiators. Design of Hilbert Transformers.
5. Design of IIR Filters From Analog Filters: IIR Filter Design by 1/8 08
Approximation of Derivatives, IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance. IIR
Filter Design by the Bilinear Transformation. The Matched-z
Transformation, Characteristics of Commonly Used Analog Filters.
Application of above technique to the design of Butterworth & Chebyshev

Text Books:
1. Proakis, J.G. & Manolakis, D.G., “Digital Signal Processing: Principles Algorithms and
Applications”, Prentice Hall (India).
Reference Books:
1. Sanjit K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing”, Third Edition, TMH, 2005
2. Oppenheim A.V. & Schafer, Ronald W., “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education.
3. Rabiner, L.R. and Gold B., “Theory and applications of DSP”, PHI.
4. DeFatta, D.J., Lucas, J.G. & Hodgkiss, W.S., “Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley & Sons

VLSI Technology and Design (TEC-603)

Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures

1 1.Era of Integrated Circuit: Introduction to Monolithic Integrated
Circuit Technology, Bipolar & MOS IC, Film IC 2
2. Crystal Growth: Silicon wafer Preparation & characterization,
Oxidation: Thermal oxidation, Oxide thickness measurement, 1
Oxidation system. 6

2. Diffusion of dopants: Diffusion Eqns. Dopant profiles, sheet 1 8

resistance, diffusion furnace, liquid and gaseous dopants, Ion
Implantation: Ion implantation techniques, dopant profiles,
apparatus used, Exitaxy: Eepitaxial growth of Si, apparatus for
epitaxy, Photolithography techniques for pattern transfer, Mask
making, photo resist & Etching techniques.
Film Deposition: Vacuum deposition & Sputtering apparatus,
CVD Processes and its applications in IC Lab, Metallization
3. 1.MOS Transistor: MOS Structure, MOS/IGFET Devices, MOS 2 6
System under external bias, Structure & operation of MOSFET,
Enhancement mode & Depletion mode devices, I-V Characteristics,
MOSFET Scaling & Small-Geometry Effects.
2.CMOS Basic Circuits: MOS Inverters, static & dynamic
characteristics, NAND, NOR, AOI Circuits, Design
Considerations, Layout Design, Micron & Submicron technologies,
parasitic effects, Physical limitations, Concepts of SPICE for
Circuit simulation. 4
4. Standard Digital ICs: Combinational and Sequential MOS Logic 3 7
Circuits, Design of standard Cells for LSI, VLSI Circuits,
Computer-Aided Design Technology, Semiconductor Memories:
5. Programmable Logic Devices: PLA, PAL, PLD/CPLD, 3 7
Text Books:
1. S.M. Sze (Ed.) / VLSI Technology / M Hill. 1988.
2. Basic VLSI Design by D.A. Pucknell & Eshraghian (PHI)
3. Modern VLSI Design Systems on Silicon by Wayne Wolf (Pearson Pub.)
1. S. Gandhi / VLSI Fabrication Principles / 2nd ED. John Willey 1994.
2. Modern VLSI Design Systems on Silicon by Wayne Wolf (Pearson Pub.)
3. S.A. Campbell / The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication / Oxford
Univ. Press 1996
4. Introduction to Digital Microelectronics Circuits by K. Gopalan (TMH)
5. Microelectronic Circuits International Student Edition by Sedra / Smith (Oxford)
6. Microelectronics by Milman & Grabel (Mc Graw-Hill)

Microwave & Radar Engineering (TEC-604)

Unit Topic Text Book/ Lectures
1. Propagation through waveguides: ¼, 1/11 9
Rectangular waveguide, solution of wave equation in rectangular
co-ordintes, Derivation of field equations for TE & TM modes
degenerate and dominant mode, Power Transmission and Power
loss, Excitation of waveguides, non existence of TEM mode in
waveguides, Introduction to circular Waveguides, Stripline and

2. Microwave cavity resonators: ¼ 2
Rectangular and cylindrical cavities, Quality factor, Excitation of
Microwave components:
Waveguide couplings, bends and twists, Transitions, Directional 2/6 8
couplers, hybrid couplers, Matched load, Attenuators and phase
shifters, E-plane, H-plane and Hybrid Tees, Hybrid ring,
Waveguide discontinuities, Windows, Irises and Tuning screws,
Detectors, wave meters; Isolators and Circulators, tunable detector,
slotted line carriage, VSWR meter. Scattering Matrix.

3. Microwave Measurements: 3/10 6

Measurement of frequency, Wave length, VSWR, Impedance,
Attenuation, Low and high power. Radiation pattern.
4. Limitation, of conventional active devices at Microwave 1/9 1
5. Microwave Tubes : Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, TWT, 1/10 6
BWO: Their schematic, Principle of operation, performance
characteristics and application.
6. Microwave Semiconductor Devices: 1/5, 1/7, 8
PIN diode, Tunnel diode, LSA diode, varactor diode, Gunn 1/8
Devices, IMPATT and TRAPATT, their Principal of operation,
characteristics and applications.
7. Principles of Radar: 1/1, 1/2, 6
Radar Block diagram operation, Radar Range equation, Radar 1/3
Frequencies, Pulse and C.W. Radar, Introduction to Doppler and
M.T. Radar, Applications.
8. Radar Transmitters & Devices: 1/10, 1/11, 8
Block diagram of radar receiver for C.W. and pulse radar, front end 1/7
amplifier, Receiver noise figure, Duplexers Radar antennas, Radar
Displays, Introduction to Radar clutter.
Text Book:
1. Liao, S.Y. / Microwave Devices & Circuits; PHI 3rd Ed.
2. M.I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Engineering; THM
1. Collin, R.E. Foundations for Microwave Engineering; TMH 2nd Ed.
2. Rizzi, Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits; PHI.
3. A Das and S.K. Das, Microwave Engineering; TMH.

Communication Lab-II (TEC-651)

1. Study of Sample and hold circuit using Op-amp- ST2101
2. Study of PAM generation and detector and observe characteristics of both single and dual polarity
pulse amplitude modulation.
3. Study of pulse width modulation and demodulation.

4. Study of pulse position modulation demodulation.

5. Study of delta modulation and demodulation and observe effect of slope overload DCL-07.
6. Study of pulse data coding techniques for NRZ formats.
7. Data decoding techniques for NRZ formats. ST2106-7.
8. Study of amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
9. Study of frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
10. Study of phase shift keying modulator and demodulator ST-467
11. Study of single bit error detection and correction using Hamming code. ST-2103.
12. Study of Pulse code modulation and demodulation.

Digital Signal Processing Lab (TEC-652)
1. Sampling & Waveform Generation.
2. Quantization
3. PCM Encoding
4. Delta Modulation
5. Digital Modulation Schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK)
6. Error Correcting Codes
7. DFT Computation.
8. Fast Fourier Transform.
9. FIR Filter implementation.
10. IIR Filter implementation.
11. DSP Processor Implementation
12. Computational Experiments with Digital Filters

Electronics CAD Lab (TEC-653)

1. Design, Simulation and Analysis of following circuits using Circuit simulator:

a. Pushpull Amplifier.
b. Differantial Amplifier
c. NMOS and CMOS inverter
d. Two input NAND Gate
e. Two input NOR Gate
2. Layout Design of NMOS and CMOS Inverter using Layout Generator
3. Layout Design of Two Input NAND Gate
4. Simulation of Full Adder using HDL
5. Chip Design using VHDL (Mini Project).

Microwave Engineering Lab (TEC-654)

1. Measurement of guide wavelength and frequency of the signal in a rectangular waveguide.

2. Measurement of VSWR using slotted line.
3. Study of mode characteristics of reflex Klystron and determination of mode number, transit time &
electronic tuning sensitivity.
4. Study of characteristics of Gunn oscillator.
5. Study of Gunn diode as modulated source (PIN modulation) and determination of modulation depth.
6. Measurement of coupling coefficient and directivity of a directional coupler.
7. Study of insulation & coupling coefficient of a magic T.
8. Measurement of attenuation using substitution method and plot of attenuation versus frequency
9. Study of waveguide horn and its radiation pattern and determination of the beam width.
10. Study of a ferrite circulator and measurement of isolation, insertion loss, cross coupling and input
11. Measurement of microwave power using power meter


3rdyr. (V & VI Semester)

1. Electronics & Communication Engineering

2. Electronics Engineering
3. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering



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