Introduction To Clustering Procedures
Introduction To Clustering Procedures
Introduction To Clustering Procedures
Chapter 8
The following procedures are useful for processing data prior to the actual cluster analysis: ACECLUS attempts to estimate the pooled within-cluster covariance matrix from coordinate data without knowledge of the number or the membership of the clusters (Art, Gnanadesikan, and Kettenring 1982). PROC ACECLUS outputs a data set containing canonical variable scores to be used in the cluster analysis proper. performs a principal component analysis and outputs principal component scores. standardizes variables using any of a variety of location and scale measures, including mean and standard deviation, minimum and range, median and absolute deviation from the median, various m estimators and a estimators, and some scale estimators designed specically for cluster analysis.
Clustering Variables
Massart and Kaufman (1983) is the best elementary introduction to cluster analysis. Other important texts are Anderberg (1973), Sneath and Sokal (1973), Duran and Odell (1974), Hartigan (1975), Titterington, Smith, and Makov (1985), McLachlan and Basford (1988), and Kaufmann and Rousseeuw (1990). Hartigan (1975) and Spath (1980) give numerous FORTRAN programs for clustering. Any prospective user of cluster analysis should study the Monte Carlo results of Milligan (1980), Milligan and Cooper (1985), and Cooper and Milligan (1984). Important references on the statistical aspects of clustering include MacQueen (1967), Wolfe (1970), Scott and Symons (1971), Hartigan (1977; 1978; 1981; 1985), Symons (1981), Everitt (1981), Sarle (1983), Bock (1985), and Thode et al. (1988). Bayesian methods have important advantages over maximum likelihood; refer to Binder (1978; 1981), Baneld and Raftery (1993), and Bensmail et al, (1997). For fuzzy clustering, refer to Bezdek (1981) and Bezdek and Pal (1992). The signal-processing perspective is provided by Gersho and Gray (1992). Refer to Blasheld and Aldenderfer (1978) for a discussion of the fragmented state of the literature on cluster analysis.
Clustering Variables
Factor rotation is often used to cluster variables, but the resulting clusters are fuzzy. It is preferable to use PROC VARCLUS if you want hard (nonfuzzy), disjoint clusters. Factor rotation is better if you want to be able to nd overlapping clusters. It is often a good idea to try both PROC VARCLUS and PROC FACTOR with an oblique rotation, compare the amount of variance explained by each, and see how fuzzy the factor loadings are and whether there seem to be overlapping clusters. You can use PROC VARCLUS to harden a fuzzy factor rotation; use PROC FACTOR to create an output data set containing scoring coefcients and initialize PROC VARCLUS with this data set:
proc factor rotate=promax score outstat=fact; run; proc varclus initial=input proportion=0; run;
You can use any rotation method instead of the PROMAX method. The SCORE and OUTSTAT= options are necessary in the PROC FACTOR statement. PROC VARCLUS reads the correlation matrix from the data set created by PROC FACTOR. The INITIAL=INPUT option tells PROC VARCLUS to read initial scoring coefcients from the data set. The option PROPORTION=0 keeps PROC VARCLUS from splitting any of the clusters.
Clustering Observations
PROC CLUSTER is easier to use than PROC FASTCLUS because one run produces results from one cluster up to as many as you like. You must run PROC FASTCLUS once for each number of clusters. The time required by PROC FASTCLUS is roughly proportional to the number of observations, whereas the time required by PROC CLUSTER with most methods varies with the square or cube of the number of observations. Therefore, you can use PROC FASTCLUS with much larger data sets than PROC CLUSTER. If you want to hierarchically cluster a data set that is too large to use with PROC CLUSTER directly, you can have PROC FASTCLUS produce, for example, 50 clusters, and let PROC CLUSTER analyze these 50 clusters instead of the entire data set. The MEAN= data set produced by PROC FASTCLUS contains two special variables: The variable FREQ gives the number of observations in the cluster. The variable RMSSTD gives the root-mean-square across variables of the cluster standard deviations. These variables are automatically used by PROC CLUSTER to give the correct results when clustering clusters. For example, you could specify Wards minimum variance method (Ward 1963),
proc fastclus maxclusters=50 mean=temp; var x y z; run; proc cluster method=ward outtree=tree; var x y z; run;
More detailed examples are given in Chapter 23, The CLUSTER Procedure.
Well-Separated Clusters
If the population clusters are sufciently well separated, almost any clustering method performs well, as demonstrated in the following example using single linkage. In this and subsequent examples, the output from the clustering procedures is not shown, but cluster membership is displayed in scatter plots. The following SAS statements produce Figure 8.1:
data compact; keep x y; n=50; scale=1; mx=0; my=0; link generate; mx=8; my=0; link generate; mx=4; my=8; link generate; stop; generate: do i=1 to n; x=rannor(1)*scale+mx; y=rannor(1)*scale+my; output; end; return; run; proc cluster data=compact outtree=tree method=single noprint; run; proc tree noprint out=out n=3; copy x y; run; legend1 frame cframe=ligr cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 minor=none label=(angle=90 rotate=0); axis2 minor=none; proc gplot; plot y*x=cluster/frame cframe=ligr vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1; title Single Linkage Cluster Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Well-Separated, Compact Clusters; run;
Figure 8.1.
Data Containing Well-Separated, Compact Clusters: PROC CLUSTER with METHOD=SINGLE and PROC GPLOT
Figure 8.2.
The following statements use the FASTCLUS procedure to nd three clusters and the GPLOT procedure to plot the clusters. Since the GPLOT step is repeated several times in this example, it is contained in the PLOTCLUS macro. The following statements produce Figure 8.3.
%macro plotclus; legend1 frame cframe=ligr cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 minor=none label=(angle=90 rotate=0); axis2 minor=none; proc gplot; plot y*x=cluster/frame cframe=ligr vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1; run; %mend plotclus; proc fastclus data=closer out=out maxc=3 noprint; var x y; title FASTCLUS Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Poorly Separated, Compact Clusters; run; %plotclus;
Figure 8.3.
proc cluster data=closer outtree=tree method=ward noprint; var x y; run; proc tree noprint out=out n=3; copy x y; title Wards Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Poorly Separated, Compact Clusters; run; %plotclus;
Figure 8.4.
Figure 8.5.
Figure 8.6.
Figure 8.7.
Figure 8.8.
The two least-squares methods, PROC FASTCLUS and Wards, yield the most uniform cluster sizes and the best recovery of the true clusters. This result is expected since these two methods are biased toward recovering compact clusters of equal size. With average linkage, the lower-left cluster is too large; with the centroid method, the lower-right cluster is too large; and with two-stage density linkage, the top cluster is too large. The single linkage analysis resembles average linkage except for the large number of outliers resulting from the DOCK= option in the PROC TREE statement; the outliers are plotted as dots (missing values).
Figure 8.9.
The following statements use the FASTCLUS procedure to nd three clusters and the PLOTCLUS macro to plot the clusters. The statements produce Figure 8.10.
proc fastclus data=unequal out=out maxc=3 noprint; var x y; title FASTCLUS Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Compact Clusters of Unequal Size; run; %plotclus;
Figure 8.10.
Figure 8.11.
Figure 8.12.
Figure 8.13.
Figure 8.14.
Figure 8.15.
In the PROC FASTCLUS analysis, the smallest cluster, in the bottom left of the plot, has stolen members from the other two clusters, and the upper-left cluster has also acquired some observations that rightfully belong to the larger, lower-right cluster. With Wards method, the upper-left cluster is separated correctly, but the lower-left cluster has taken a large bite out of the lower-right cluster. For both of these methods, the clustering errors are in accord with the biases of the methods to produce clusters of equal size. In the average linkage analysis, both the upper- and lower-left clusters have encroached on the lower-right cluster, thereby making the variances more nearly equal than in the true clusters. The centroid method, which lacks the size and dispersion biases of the previous methods, obtains an essentially correct partition.
Two-stage density linkage does almost as well even though the compact shapes of these clusters favor the traditional methods. Single linkage also produces excellent results.
Notice that PROC FASTCLUS found two clusters, as requested by the MAXC= option. However, it attempted to form spherical clusters, which are obviously inappropriate for this data.
Figure 8.16.
Figure 8.17.
Figure 8.18.
PROC FASTCLUS and average linkage fail miserably. Wards method and the centroid method, not shown, produce almost the same results. Two-stage density linkage, however, recovers the correct clusters. Single linkage, not shown, nds the same clusters as two-stage density linkage except for some outliers. In this example, the population clusters have equal covariance matrices. If the withincluster covariances are known, the data can be transformed to make the clusters spherical so that any of the clustering methods can nd the correct clusters. But when you are doing a cluster analysis, you do not know what the true clusters are, so you cannot calculate the within-cluster covariance matrix. Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible to estimate the within-cluster covariance matrix without knowing the cluster membership or even the number of clusters, using an approach invented by Art, Gnanadesikan, and Kettenring (1982). A method for obtaining such an estimate is available in the ACECLUS procedure. In the following analysis, PROC ACECLUS transforms the variables X and Y into canonical variables CAN1 and CAN2. The latter are plotted and then used in a cluster analysis by Wards method. The clusters are then plotted with the original variables X and Y. The following SAS statements produce Figure 8.19:
proc aceclus data=elongate out=ace p=.1; var x y; title ACECLUS Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Parallel Elongated Clusters; run;
ACECLUS Analysis of Data Containing Parallel Elongated Clusters The ACECLUS Procedure Approximate Covariance Estimation for Cluster Analysis
Observations Variables
100 2
Proportion Converge
0.1000 0.00100
Means and Standard Deviations Standard Variable Mean Deviation x y 2.6406 10.6488 8.3494 6.8420
Threshold =
Iteration History Pairs RMS Distance Within Convergence Iteration Distance Cutoff Cutoff Measure -----------------------------------------------------------1 2.000 0.657 672.0 0.673685 2 9.382 3.082 716.0 0.006963 3 9.339 3.068 760.0 0.008362 4 9.437 3.100 824.0 0.009656 5 9.359 3.074 889.0 0.010269 6 9.267 3.044 955.0 0.011276 7 9.208 3.025 999.0 0.009230 8 9.230 3.032 1052.0 0.011394 9 9.226 3.030 1091.0 0.007924 10 9.173 3.013 1121.0 0.007993
Figure 8.19.
ACECLUS Analysis of Data Containing Parallel Elongated Clusters The ACECLUS Procedure ACE: Approximate Covariance Estimate Within Clusters x x y 9.299329632 8.215362614 y 8.215362614 8.937753936
Eigenvalues of Inv(ACE)*(COV-ACE) Eigenvalue 1 2 36.7091 3.5420 Difference 33.1672 Proportion 0.9120 0.0880 Cumulative 0.9120 1.0000
Eigenvectors (Raw Canonical Coefficients) Can1 x y -.748392 0.736349 Can2 0.109547 0.230272
Figure 8.20.
Nonconvex Clusters
The following SAS statements produce Figure 8.21:
proc cluster data=ace outtree=tree method=ward noprint; var can1 can2; copy x y; run; proc tree noprint out=out n=2; copy x y; run;
proc gplot; plot y*x=cluster/frame cframe=ligr vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1; title Wards Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Parallel Elongated Clusters; title3 After Transformation by PROC ACECLUS; run;
Figure 8.21.
Transformed Data Containing Parallel Elongated Clusters: PROC CLUSTER with METHOD=WARD
Nonconvex Clusters
If the population clusters have very different covariance matrices, using PROC ACECLUS is of no avail. Although methods exist for estimating multinormal clusters with unequal covariance matrices (Wolfe 1970; Symons 1981; Everitt and Hand 1981; Titterington, Smith, and Makov 1985; McLachlan and Basford 1988, these methods tend to have serious problems with initialization and may converge to degenerate solutions. For unequal covariance matrices or radically nonnormal distributions,
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Figure 8.22.
Nonconvex Clusters
proc tree noprint out=out n=2 dock=5; copy x y; run; proc gplot; plot y*x=cluster/frame cframe=ligr vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1; title Centroid Cluster Analysis; title2 of Data Containing Nonconvex Clusters; run;
Figure 8.23.
Figure 8.24.
Wards method and average linkage, not shown, do better than PROC FASTCLUS but not as well as the centroid method. Two-stage density linkage recovers the correct clusters, as does single linkage, which is not shown. The preceding examples are intended merely to illustrate some of the properties of clustering methods in common use. If you intend to perform a cluster analysis, you should consult more systematic and rigorous studies of the properties of clustering methods, such as Milligan (1980).
of 100 observations from a single univariate normal distribution, have PROC FASTCLUS divide it into two clusters, and run a t test between the clusters, you usually obtain a p-value of less than 0.0001. For the same reason, methods that purport to test for clusters against the null hypothesis that objects are assigned randomly to clusters (such as McClain and Rao 1975; Klastorin 1983) are useless. Most valid tests for clusters either have intractable sampling distributions or involve null hypotheses for which rejection is uninformative. For clustering methods based on distance matrices, a popular null hypothesis is that all permutations of the values in the distance matrix are equally likely (Ling 1973; Hubert 1974). Using this null hypothesis, you can do a permutation test or a rank test. The trouble with the permutation hypothesis is that, with any real data, the null hypothesis is implausible even if the data do not contain clusters. Rejecting the null hypothesis does not provide any useful information (Hubert and Baker 1977). Another common null hypothesis is that the data are a random sample from a multivariate normal distribution (Wolfe 1970, 1978; Duda and Hart 1973; Lee 1979). The multivariate normal null hypothesis arises naturally in normal mixture models (Titterington, Smith, and Makov 1985; McLachlan and Basford 1988). Unfortunately, the likelihood ratio test statistic does not have the usual asymptotic chi-squared distribution because the regularity conditions do not hold. Approximations to the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio have been suggested (Wolfe 1978), but the adequacy of these approximations is debatable (Everitt 1981; Thode, Mendell, and Finch 1988). For small samples, bootstrapping seems preferable (McLachlan and Basford 1988). Bayesian inference provides a promising alternative to likelihood ratio tests for the number of mixture components for both normal mixtures and other types of distributions (Binder 1978, 1981; Baneld and Raftery 1993; Bensmail et al. 1997). The multivariate normal null hypothesis is better than the permutation null hypothesis, but it is not satisfactory because there is typically a high probability of rejection if the data are sampled from a distribution with lower kurtosis than a normal distribution, such as a uniform distribution. The tables in Englemann and Hartigan (1969), for example, generally lead to rejection of the null hypothesis when the data are sampled from a uniform distribution. Hawkins, Muller, and ten Krooden (1982, pp. 337340) discuss a highly conservative Bonferroni method for hypothesis testing. The conservativeness of this approach may compensate to some extent for the liberalness exhibited by tests based on normal distributions when the population is uniform. Perhaps a better null hypothesis is that the data are sampled from a uniform distribution (Hartigan 1978; Arnold 1979; Sarle 1983). The uniform null hypothesis leads to conservative error rates when the data are sampled from a strongly unimodal distribution such as the normal. However, in two or more dimensions and depending on the test statistic, the results can be very sensitive to the shape of the region of support of the uniform distribution. Sarle (1983) suggests using a hyperbox with sides proportional in length to the singular values of the centered coordinate matrix.
Sarle (1983) used extensive simulations to develop the cubic clustering criterion (CCC), which can be used for crude hypothesis testing and estimating the number of population clusters. The CCC is based on the assumption that a uniform distribution on a hyperrectangle will be divided into clusters shaped roughly like hypercubes. In large samples that can be divided into the appropriate number of hypercubes, this assumption gives very accurate results. In other cases the approximation is generally conservative. For details about the interpretation of the CCC, consult Sarle (1983). Milligan and Cooper (1985) and Cooper and Milligan (1988) compared thirty methods for estimating the number of population clusters using four hierarchical clustering methods. The three criteria that performed best in these simulation studies with a high degree of error in the data were a pseudo F statistic developed by Calinski and Harabasz (1974), a statistic referred to as Je 2=Je 1 by Duda and Hart (1973) that can be transformed into a pseudo t2 statistic, and the cubic clustering criterion. The pseudo F statistic and the CCC are displayed by PROC FASTCLUS; these two statistics and the pseudo t2 statistic, which can be applied only to hierarchical methods, are displayed by PROC CLUSTER. It may be advisable to look for consensus among the three statistics, that is, local peaks of the CCC and pseudo F statistic combined with a small value of the pseudo t2 statistic and a larger pseudo t2 for the next cluster fusion. It must be emphasized that these criteria are appropriate only for compact or slightly elongated clusters, preferably clusters that are roughly multivariate normal. Recent research has tended to de-emphasize mixture models in favor of nonparametric models in which clusters correspond to modes in the probability density function. Hartigan and Hartigan (1985) and Hartigan (1985) developed a test of unimodality versus bimodality in the univariate case. Nonparametric tests for the number of clusters can also be based on nonparametric density estimates. This approach requires much weaker assumptions than mixture models, namely, that the observations are sampled independently and that the distribution can be estimated nonparametrically. Silverman (1986) describes a bootstrap test for the number of modes using a Gaussian kernel density estimate, but problems have been reported with this method under the uniform null distribution. Further
developments in nonparametric methods are given by Mueller and Sawitzki (1991), Minnotte (1992), and Polonik (1993). All of these methods suffer from heavy computational requirements. One useful descriptive approach to the number-of-clusters problem is provided by Wong and Schaack (1982), based on a k th-nearest-neighbor density estimate. The k th-nearest-neighbor clustering method developed by Wong and Lane (1983) is applied with varying values of k . Each value of k yields an estimate of the number of modal clusters. If the estimated number of modal clusters is constant for a wide range of k values, there is strong evidence of at least that many modes in the population. A plot of the estimated number of modes against k can be highly informative. Attempts to derive a formal hypothesis test from this diagnostic plot have met with difculties, but a simulation approach similar to Silvermans (1986) does seem to work (Girman 1994). The simulation, of course, requires considerable computer time. Sarle and Kuo (1993) document a less expensive approximate nonparametric test for the number of clusters that has been implemented in the MODECLUS procedure. This test sacrices statistical efciency for computational efciency. The method for conducting signicance tests is described in the chapter on the MODECLUS procedure. This method has the following useful features: No distributional assumptions are required. The choice of smoothing parameter is not critical since you can try any number of different values. The data can be coordinates or distances. Time and space requirements for the signicance tests are no worse than those for obtaining the clusters. The power is high enough to be useful for practical purposes. The method for computing the p-values is based on a series of plausible approximations. There are as yet no rigorous proofs that the method is infallible. Neither are there any asymptotic results. However, simulations for sample sizes ranging from 20 to 2000 indicate that the p-values are almost always conservative. The only case discovered so far in which the p-values are liberal is a uniform distribution in one dimension for which the simulated error rates exceed the nominal signicance level only slightly for a limited range of sample sizes.
Anderberg, M.R. (1973), Cluster Analysis for Applications, New York: Academic Press, Inc. Arnold, S.J. (1979), A Test for Clusters, Journal of Marketing Research, 16, 545551. Art, D., Gnanadesikan, R., and Kettenring, R. (1982), Data-based Metrics for Cluster Analysis, Utilitas Mathematica, 21A, 7599.
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Hartigan, J.A. (1975), Clustering Algorithms, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hartigan, J.A. (1977), Distribution Problems in Clustering, in Classication and Clustering, ed. J. Van Ryzin, New York: Academic Press, Inc. Hartigan, J.A. (1978), Asymptotic Distributions for Clustering Criteria, Annals of Statistics, 6, 117131. Hartigan, J.A. (1981), Consistency of Single Linkage for High-Density Clusters, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76, 388394. Hartigan, J.A. (1985), Statistical Theory in Clustering, Journal of Classication, 2, 6376. Hartigan, J.A. and Hartigan, P.M. (1985), The Dip Test of Unimodality, Annals of Statistics, 13, 7084. Hartigan, P.M. (1985), Computation of the Dip Statistic to Test for Unimodality, Applied Statistics, 34, 320325. Hawkins, D.M., Muller, M.W., and ten Krooden, J.A. (1982), Cluster Analysis, in Topics in Applied Multivariate Analysis , ed. D.M. Hawkins, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hubert, L. (1974), Approximate Evaluation Techniques for the Single-Link and Complete-Link Hierarchical Clustering Procedures, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 698704. Hubert, L.J. and Baker, F.B. (1977), An Empirical Comparison of Baseline Models for Goodness-of-Fit in r-Diameter Hierarchical Clustering, in Classication and Clustering, ed. J. Van Ryzin, New York: Academic Press, Inc. Klastorin, T.D. (1983), Assessing Cluster Analysis Results, Journal of Marketing Research, 20, 9298. Lee, K.L. (1979), Multivariate Tests for Clusters, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 708714. Ling, R.F (1973), A Probability Theory of Cluster Analysis, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 68, 159169. MacQueen, J.B. (1967), Some Methods for Classication and Analysis of Multivariate Observations, Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 281297. Marriott, F.H.C. (1971), Practical Problems in a Method of Cluster Analysis, Biometrics, 27, 501514. Marriott, F.H.C. (1975), Separating Mixtures of Normal Distributions, Biometrics, 31, 767769. Massart, D.L. and Kaufman, L. (1983), The Interpretation of Analytical Chemical Data by the Use of Cluster Analysis, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. McClain, J.O. and Rao, V.R. (1975), CLUSTISZ: A Program to Test for the Quality of Clustering of a Set of Objects, Journal of Marketing Research, 12, 456460.
Ward, J.H. (1963), Hierarchical Grouping to Optimize an Objective Function, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58, 236244. Wolfe, J.H. (1970), Pattern Clustering by Multivariate Mixture Analysis, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 5, 329350. Wolfe, J.H. (1978), Comparative Cluster Analysis of Patterns of Vocational Interest, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 13, 3344. Wong, M.A. (1982), A Hybrid Clustering Method for Identifying High-Density Clusters, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 77, 841847. Wong, M.A. and Lane, T. (1983), A k th Nearest Neighbor Clustering Procedure, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 45, 362368. Wong, M.A. and Schaack, C. (1982), Using the k th Nearest Neighbor Clustering Procedure to Determine the Number of Subpopulations, American Statistical Association 1982 Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, 4048.
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc., SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 8, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc., 1999. SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 8 Copyright 1999 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ISBN 1580254942 All rights reserved. Produced in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, SAS Institute Inc. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Notice. Use, duplication, or disclosure of the software and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreement with SAS Institute and the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.22719 Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513. 1st printing, October 1999 SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. The Institute is a private company devoted to the support and further development of its software and related services.