Crystal Cell Research Propposal
Crystal Cell Research Propposal
Crystal Cell Research Propposal
Research Plan
for the Innovative Technology:
Crystal Cell Direct Conversion of Coherent Quantum Fluctuations into Electric Energy
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1 Overview ........................................................................................... 3 2 Innovation......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Project CC Crystal Cell............................................................................. 4 2.2 Potential applications ................................................................................... 5
5 Financing .......................................................................................... 15
5.1 Profit potential .............................................................................................. 15 5.2 Laboratory Plan..............................................................................................16
6 Team ................................................................................................. 22
6.1 Marcus Albert Reid....................................................................................... 22 6.2 Dr. Jan Marwan ............................................................................................ 23 6.3 Dr. Gustav Hans Weber ............................................................................... 25 6.5 Dr. Frank Lichtenberg................................................................................... 26
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1 Overview
In the last several years it has become clear that the quantum electrodynamic theory has opened doors for fundamentally new energy technologies. It is known that new energy conversion technologies exist which extract energy from the quantum vacuum. These new technologies have the potential to replace conventional energy technologies. The project CC (Crystal Cell) stands for a new energy technology and is based on the vision and the research work of inventor Marcus Reid. He has developed battery-like devices which provide an electric power output of 10mW/kg/25C; these devices have been in continuous operation (i.e. producing permanently electrical power) since 1999. The present results support the conclusion that the electric energy is extracted from the quantum vacuum or space time. The subject of the Crystal Cell project is the implementation of research and development to reach economic standards for licensing and manufactureing. Crystal Cells, whose operation are based on energy extraction from the quantum vacuum, are able to provide electric energy emission free, in a permanent way and their durability is practically unlimited. A Crystal Cell that has an increased power output has the potential to replace all existing energy generating systems. This research plan describes the actions needed to take this proven technology into the marketplace as perpetual batteries, for which we conservatively expect a market in the order of hundreds of millions of units. This plan describes the necessary research facilities and resources suitable to verify and identify the active process, develop, test, independently verify and create working prototypes suitable for commercial licencing. Setup funding of $1.766M in the first year, and $405,000 from the second onwards.
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2 Innovation
2.1 Project CC Crystal Cell
Concerning its basic construction, the Crystal Cell is similar to an electrolytic capacitor. Crystal cells contain a solid polycrystalline silicate instead of an electrolyte. The technology exhibits an entirely new method of generating electric energy. Here the statement entirely new method has to be taken literally. All researchers who researched the Crystal Cell are convinced that the electric energy is extracted from the quantum vacuum or space time. The Crystal Cell can be explained by using a modified form of QED quantum electrodynamics theory. Since the energy density within the quantum vacuum is basically unlimited a so called asymmetric electric generator can extract energy from the quantum vacuum for an unlimited period of time and with extreme power densities. The stage of development of the Crystal Cell technology has reached a level that small applications that use little power can be constantly operated with a Crystal Cell weighing 100 grams or more depending on the power needed. Economic viability in the low power area is thus beginning to be realized. The goal of the next research step is to increase the power output of the Crystal Cell to 500mW/kg. New Crystal Cells have shown that this power output can be reached within approx: 1 year after the new laboratory is established. Once a power to volume ratio of 500mW/kg has been reached houses can be supplied with energy in a permanently. Since the power consumption of a single-household in Germany amounts to about 7,000 kWh per year on average (electricity, hot water, heating), in the future it can be supplied by a Crystal Cell of approx. 1,5 2 cubic meters. This leads to a decentralized energy supply that makes households independed from any external energy source. All participating scientists in the Crystal Cell technology development, along with many researchers from the established scientific community consider an asymmetric electric system which is based upon the energy extraction from the quantum vacuum as the energy technology of the future. We consider the Crystal Cell technology to be an important contribution to the beginning of a new energy era with which environmental pollution can be reduced. Independent test data and endorsements are at hand.
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Some battery applications that could now be replaced with Crystal Cell st present day power density are as follows: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Bicycle computers Calculators Chess Computers Computer Games Construction Lasers Digital Multi Testers Digital temperature and humidity meters Distance Meters Door phones, wireless phones Emergency lighting for homes Gas detectors Heart Rate Monitors LED - Flashlight and pocket computers Letter scales, Foot scales, kitchen scales Low power stationery equipment (various) Party Items Portable radios Remote controls for TV, DVD player, stereo, etc. Remote controls for measuring devices RPM gages Scoreboards Smoke detectors Speedometers Timers Toys Wall clocks, various watches
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3 Research strategy
Research in the past has shown that the electric energy is not created by electrochemical effects or by the conversion of environmental heat. It is our intention to verify the precise working principal from current hypothesis and to then develop a prototype which is economically viable. To reach this goal, the Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy will perform three parallel research efforts. Two research efforts shall deliver the necessary foundations from the silicate and nanotechnology research and the third research effort will create a simulation of the working principal based upon these foundations. The first research effort relates to the identification of the active material/materials and the development of this silicate or other nano-materials in pure form with the aim to increase the power output of the Crystal Cell as it is currently built. The second research effort relates to the development of nanocrystals that are made in nanolayers. The next generation Crystal Cell will be a thin capacitor like sandwich that includes interactive oscillating silicate molecules. This oscillation will be controlled and forced into coherence by an external trigger signal. This will lead to a significant increase in power output with the final goal to supply all energetic applications with Crystal Cells. The third research effort relates to the complete simulation of the hypothesis. The interactive oscillation of the silicates and the controlling of the coherence will be simulated with the aim to find more effective nano-materials in a short time.
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4 Operational planning
4.1 Working principal hypothesis
We can show that the Crystal Cell belongs to a new class of electric power producing devices. They are called asymmetric electric systems. A model of how an asymmetric electric systems works is explained in the essay Asymmetric Electric Systems: Basic Principal found on Our working hypothesis to realize such an asymmetric electric system is explained here. In the Crystal Cell we use a thermal photon (instead of a photon from the visible spectrum) to make water molecules vibrate. The vibration of several water molecules, that are in a nano-channel and/or nano-cave arrangement have the tendency to oscillate in a coherent way. This coherent oscillation causes an electromagnetic wave that can be used to energise electrons. The energized electrons are able to tunnel through the silicate to the attached diodes. The diodes direct the electrons into one way only which leads to a steady electric current. Since the water molecule within the nano-arrangement oscillates with its own electromagnetic field and the electromagnetic field is made up of virtual particles that come from space-time (quantum vacuum) itself, in this way energy flows to the water molecule from space-time. Therefore the Crystal Cell is an energetically open system that extracts energy rom space time to energize electrons. The rest of the working mechanism is similar to a solar cell. Instead of sunlight coherent quantum fluctuations are used to create a charge separation. And since the quantum fluctuatins never stop and have an unlimited energy density they are an ideal energy source that is emission free and never ends.
The Crystal Cell shows several properties which support this view: 1. Measurements with X-ray diffraction show that the polycrystalline silicate consist of small molecular caves in the nano-meter range. These caves are ideal to trigger a coherent water molecule oscillation and electron excitation. This effect has been observed by the Institute of Nano Science, State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control for Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China, Self-Adjusted Sustaining Oscillation of Confined Water Chain in Carbon Nanotubes This effect creates negentropy! Measurements of a Crystal Cell under load show a direct connection of the temperature and the power output. The temperature is a measure of the intensity of the molecular motion. A higher temperature increases the molecular motion and this improves the excitation of the electrons and leads to a higher power output.
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A Crystal Cell not under load has at a certain temperature at a certain voltage. If this Crystal Cell is now put under load then the Crystal Cell does not cool down (calorimetric measurements were done in a range of less than one milli Kelvin) which shows that the output energy is not drawn from the environmental temperature. According to the power output of a small Crystal Cell of 1mW a cooling of 12 milli Kelvin per hour was expected. There is no heating either. Sensitive temperature and voltage measurements of a Crystal Cell under load have shown that at a specific temperature and voltage a higher or lower power level is observed which does not fit the expected progression of the curve in the chart. Since the temperature is a measure for the motion intensity, this observation shows that there are resonance effects between the water and silicate molecues and space-time. The Crystal Cell generates a broad band noise signal within a Faraday cage. At a changing temperature and voltage of a Crystal Cell under load an arbitrarily choosen measurement frequency of 245 mhz shows sudden changes of amplitude. The amplitude of the signal suddenly changes at a higher temperature and power output to a lower amplitude and vice versa. This observation shows a relation of the molecular vibration and the generated power output. When a Crystal Cell self recharges after a longer dead short then the recovering voltage first moves up quickly, then slows down and comes to a halt, then it drops a little bit, then it comes to a halt again and then it goes up to the constant ambient voltage. The inverse effect is observed when a Crystal Cell is put under a load with a resistor. The observation shows that the charge separation occurs everywhere within the silicate material at the same time. This means that electrochemical effects may be excluded since they can only occur at the surface of the electrodes. It also shows that the charge separation is created in all nano-channels throughout the silicate material at the same time. The same charging and discharging effect has been observed in Agate stones, which was researched by Dr. Staschewsky who was employed at the research centre in Karlsruhe. These effects have no electrochemical origin and clearly point to thermal and/or quantum vacuum energy extraction. The caliormetric tests (3) clearly show these are not thermal.
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Stage 2 Research assignment nano technology ! Create nano layers which have a band gap for example in the infrared range to increase temperature and quantum vacuum conversion efficiency. Find material combinations which have a more effective diode characteristic at the silicate-electrode passages.
Stage 3 Research assignment modelizing working principal ! Create a dynamic model of the complete Crystal Cell system with theoretical and experimental coefficients. ! Derivation of basic engineering concepts to determine the relevant Crystal Cell-parameters in relation to the model parameters such as ambient voltage, dead-short-current, temperature coefficient, power to weight ratio, self-recharge time, time to power with temperature to powerrelated resonance coupling effects, broad band radio signal behavior, interactve oscillation frequencies of water molecules in nano-caves, diode oscillation frequencies, interactive oscillation of diode- and water molecule oscillation, design of external control signal to enforce coherent oscillation of the whole system. ! ! Derivation of the requirements of the materials used and the Crystal Cell manufacturing process. Derivation of recommendations for optimizing the manufacturing process.
Stage 4 Optimized Crystal Cell functional model ! Derivation of the necessary engineering principles from the theoretical-quantitative foundation with regard to increasing the output of the Crystal Cell functional model.
Stage 5 Investigation of Crystal Cell protection ! Evaluate the protection process and apply for patents and/or copyright. Investigate how licenses can be sold in a technology-secure way.
Stage 6 Create Crystal Cell prototype with power density of 1000mW/kg ! Construction of a Crystal Cell prototype with an intended electrical power density of 1000mW/kg as the basis for conversion into marketable licensing.
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4.4 Resources
Dr. Frank Lichtenberg wo has built up the laboratories for physics and chemistry at the University in Augsburg and at the ETH in Zrich has done the laboratory planning and will help us to built up the laboratory. Electric engineer Eckhard Kantz who has done the measurement laboratory planning will build the measurement laboratory and will be available as an advisor. Prof. Dr. Claus Turtur will be available for the simulation process since he has already developed a software that can calculate resonances that have a non self-symmetrizing character. A non selfsymmetrizing resonance is one of the keys for energy extraction form the quantum vacuum. Prof. Dr. Jeroen van Bokhoven offered to participate developing certain alumino-silicate materials. He is working at the ETH in Zrich and is also the leader of the Energy department at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. The development of certain nano-coatings for the diode layers can be given to the company Dr. Jan Marwan in Berlin (Germany). Dr. Hans Weber is a nuclear physicist who will work as an adviser concerning the interactive oszillation of the water- and silicate molecules and the control system to enforce a coherence. Besides the inventor two scientists and a secretary of operations will be employed on a full time basis. One physicist with skills in measurement techniques, electronics and programming to measure the Crystal Cell and design the trigger signal that causes the interactive oscillation. And one chemist with skills in manufacturing nano-materials, silicates, nano-coatings and diodes. And the secretary of operations with skills in resource management.
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The company Marwan Chemie is one of the leaders in the widely growing field of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). We have been organising and promoting the New Energy Technology symposium at the American Chemical Society (Environmental Division). Dr Jan Marwan (Research leader) is the author of several publications on nanostructured palladium hydrogen electrochemistry as well as fuel cell and sensor catalysis. He is the editor of the American Chemical Society LENR Sourcebook volume 1 & 2 (Oxford University Press); Low Energy Nuclear Reactions - The Information fundamental source (American Institute of Physics) in preparation and the sole author of Nanostructured palladium electrochemistry (Springer) in preparation. To do the silicate and nano research Dr. Marwan Chemie will need additional equipment and labor force: ! potentiostat VSP 5 channels & EIS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! calorimetric system thermogravimetric analysis electrochemical cell/glassware/technique ultra high resolution microscope chemicals spectroscopic studies (EDX, EXAFS, XPS, XRD) - extern additional lab area 46 sqm labor force (2 post docs, 2 technicians)
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5 Financing
5.1 Profit Potential
One market segment is to replace batteries for many applications such as flashlights, pocket computers, digital scales, toys, clocks, measuring equipment, radios, mobile telephones, electric locks, organizers, technologies within the medical area, i.e. medical devices, etc. In the UK the regular price of non-rechargeable batteries (Size AA) is approx. 1 and a rechargeable battery of the same size is up to 20 each. Since the Crystal cell is a permanent energy source it will outperform the rechargeable ones, we assume a price of 5 each. In addition we will sell licences for manufacturing & distribution of the Crystal Cell. The next application goal is to provide houses with energy. An average 1 person household in Germany consumes appox: 7 000 kilowatt hours of electric energy per year. (100 per month, including electricity, warm-water and heating). One Crystal Cell block of 1,5 2 cubic meters could deliver 1000 Watts continuously. This is enough for an average 1 person household. If additional energy is needed (e.g. when cooking), it could be drawn from capacitors or rechargeable batteries that are chared when little or no energy is used. The installation costs for an oil or gas heating system is approx. 10,000 depending on local conditions. For a 3 person household a licensee could get a Crystal Cell block for a one-time fee of 5,000 and in addition a yearly charge of 800 . We anticipate that once the public has recognized using a Crystal Cell block technology is less expensive than other energy sources and is emission free, the market could explode within a short time.
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Laboratory Equipment and Costs High coating system, tectr X-ray, powder diffractometer MPD, Panalytical Element dispersive analysis (REM + EDX), Jeol Thermoanalysis TGA-DSC/DTA, Netzsch Gasanalysis for TGA High temperature furnace, Linn Pressure redurcer, Carl Roth Kryo storage tank, fl. Nitrogen, CS120SK, Linde Gas cabinet, 3 piece, Carl Roth Glovebox, mbraun Analysis scale, Mettler Toledo Fume hood 3 piece, Weidner Software, Origin 8 Software Global Scaling Software Mathematica 6, Wolfram Research High Pressure Laboratory Reactor 2x 60.511,00 168.105,00 166.350,00 79.475,00 72.560,00 15.879,00 3.746,80 3.692,00 4.896,00 32.428,69 4.892,00 26.000,00 1.096,81 340,00 2.935,00 27.927,00 Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Strukturanalyse Zubehr Beschichtungen Zubehr Zubehr Zubehr Arbeitsbox Zubehr Zubehr Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Strukturanalyse Silikat-Herstellung 676.834,30
Accessories, general equipment 2x Laboratory heater, HTCBasic safety control, Carl Roth DC-power supply, 1xEA-PS9080-50T, Brklin 2x Multimeter, 87v Digitalmultimeter, Fluke Coil wire Wires and cables Optic microscope, KA18.1 , Carl Roth Schwanenhals light conductor, C020.1, Carl Roth Wire saw, 3032, Well Forceps Glases Cups Bottles 5x Exicator (dryer), DN200, Carl Roth 928,00 1.919,00 864,00 50,00 500,00 1.005,00 230,00 12.695,00 100,00 250,00 200,00 175,00 900,00
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High temperature ceramic 2x Agate mortar with pistill, Lemke 2x Laboratory stage wagon, 0033.1, Carl Roth 1x Transport wagon, N139.1, Carl Roth 10 armoire, laboratory 50048/bez.-nr.410, Hahn und Kolb 5x armoire office, bisley, memo 40x floors for amoire, 50049, Hahn und Kolb Tool wagon, 50278/bez.-nr. 570, Hahn und Kolb Conference table, for 10 P.,konform Konferenz 4 5x Chairs for conference table, Mbel Mahler 5x Working table laboratory, 50185, bez. 160, Hahn und Kolb 2x Work bench 50207, bez.-nr. 015, Hahn und Kolb 2x Roll chair, 50260, bez.-nr. 005, Hahn und Kolb Ladder, 50260, bez.-nr. 305, Hahn und Kolb 5x Office chair, Lightstar, memo 10x Desktop lamps, Osram dulux, Table jet, memo 2x Laptop laboratory 1x Vacuum cleaner, S5781, Miele 1x Industrial vacuum cleaner, Makita 447M, Mercaeto Soldering gun and accessoires, 08 2300, RDS80, Hoffmann Group Hydraulic press, BMP 2126, Hahn und Kolb Bottle wagon, 855786, Gaerner
2.000,00 1.600,00 624,00 1.798,00 4.600,00 1.719,55 880,00 494,00 2.250,00 1.750,00 2.040,00 1.440,00 86,80 161,00 1356,50 1.026,40 2.000,00 310,00 657,00 137,50 1.660,00 203,00 48.527.90
Additional materials Office equipment, solvents, storing boxes, laser printer towls, gloves, security glases, black board etc. 40.000,00
Installation costs Installation of cables, lightning, fire distinguisher, safety approval, network, telephone network, sanctions, rebuilding, depending on local conditions 50.000,00
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537 749,00
Consumption items, running costs per year Articles and books Repairs, maintenance, spare parts 2.000,00 18.000,00 20.000,00
External workings per year Custome made products and materials Special measurements (e.g. dielectric measurements, Synchrotron) 80.000,00 20.000,00 100.000,00
Laboratory space Staff and Laboratory 3 - 4 rooms Total 120sqm 1800.- Euro, pm
Salaries, Physicist, Chemist, Scientists 22 000.- Euro, pm 1 - Company car (used) 8000.- Euro
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Costs Total Laboratory equipment Running costs, materials, salaries approx: 1 361 111.405 000.- pa.
1 766 111.-
Investment for 2 years phase: 2 171 111,- Euro or 1 836 000,- Pound
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Positi Bezeichn Beschreibung Link on ung 1 2 Laptop Software DELL M1730 XPS DELL Laptop
Entwicklung stools fr MSVS MS VisualStudio 2 5 850 Messanalyse 2008 MindMa 2008 MindMana 1 2 356 1.100 2 nager FPGA L ger FPGA .400 abWindows DSP Software Messw ertsoftware NEC MultiSync Mobile Flatrate MBit Spectrum Analyzer 20Hz..67 GHz 7 FSU67 FSU67 1 Spectrum 11 98.950 A. FSU-B4 11 2.920 OCXO FSU-B21 3.060 LO/ZF DCV-2 315 4.730 Kalibrier. M. 8.150 ZVA50 Network 1 A. ZVA-K8 Anst. 111 Konv. DCV-2 11 Kalibrier. M. ZVA50-B16 Steuer. ZV-Z36 Kalibr. Satz 2 Monitor Mobile Flat 5 5 2100 20
3 4
10500 100
Thermosta PCThermostat t gesteuerter Thermostat MKT 50 Millikelvin Thermomet MKT 50 er Internetans Internet chluss 16 MBit
Smartline 10 Sulenthermost 2.408 Rabat at t Przisionstherm 10 om. Sensorkabe 10 1 3.125 l Messfhler 0 10 294 555 100..220C
Datenserv Datenserver Terraserver er (lokal, pro Jahr) Switch Netzwerkswi Switch tch 48-Ports
ca. 8.000
ca. 6.000
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Datensam Datensampl Sampler Spartan-3A 50 pler er 2x16DSP EXP Analog XtremeDSP E 50 5 215 bit@125MHz Devices 2x XP 0 10 125 195 AD9461 Adapter AD9 0 50 50 75 16b/130MS Geh 461 Gehuse 50 350 use Buchsen, 50 Kabel, ca. Fertigung, ca. Netzteil Labornetztei Netzteil l fr Datensampl er 10 258
17 18
Messgert Vielfachmes sgert Null-Gau Null-Gau- Null-Gau Kammer Abschirmu NF+HF Aaronia ng Abschirmun Shield g Messkamme rn
1.000 15.940
Serverschr Netzwerk ank und 19" Serverschrank P 2 8 3.674 35 Serverschra Rack Patchpa atchpanel 50 2 7 10 nk nel Patchkab 24x Patchkabel 5 10 810 400 Klimatisierte el Dose Verle Netzwerkdose N 00m r gekabel etzwerkkabel 80 Serverschra Cat6a Kabelkan m nk le GPSource GPSGPS Clock 2000 gesteuertes Zeitnormal 1ns N-Stecker HF-Stecker, N-Stecker N-Norm Load Abschlusswi Load derstand 50 Ohm Oscilloscope DL9240L 3 4.350
22 23
200 100
6 13
1.200 1.300
24 25 26
1 1 1
Werkzeug Elektronikw Werkzeug erkzeug HM8123X Frequenzzh HM8123X ler DC-3 GHz
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6 Team
6.1 Marcus Albert Reid
Personal data Marcus Albert Reid Ligsalzstrasse 11 D-80339 Munich Born on 12/27/1968 in Cape Town, South Africa as a German citizen. Moved to Germany in 1978. Telefone E-Mail: Professional career ++49 (0) 152-53 53 26 30
Since 1998 he has engaged in the research of asymmetric electric systems as a theorist and inventor. Work done by Dr. Thomas Bearden has a formative influence. Marcus Reid is a mainly a self taught researcher. In 1999, the idea of a permanent "electron pump", which he calls the "crystal cell", evolved. At the end of 2000, the crystal cell project was, for the time being, put on hold. Subsequently, the "Bowman" permanent magnet motor was replicated. In the years from 2001 to 2003, he developed the Magnetsternmotor. The "Research Laboratory for Vacuum Energy" was founded in 2004. In the same year he started to examine a 2.5-dimensional, 1:1 gear transmission with different diameters, which is an invention of Karl Heinz Goebel (DE10105835A). Marcus Reid took this invention to the next stage, a 3-dimensional gear transmission with improved running behaviour. Subsequently an elliptical 1:1 gear transmission with an asymmetric gear tooth shape was developed for the Magnetsternmotor. The Linearmotor which proves Newton's third law was realized in 2005. In the beginning of 2006, the crystal cell project was revived. Since 2005 he has been developing theories with which the basic energetic interaction between electric systems and the quantum vacuum are demonstrated. This reveals why electric systems are "energy-symmetric" in relation to their energetic exchange with the quantum vacuum. With regard to this symmetry-causing phenomenon, he speaks of: "The selfsymmetrizing mechanism within electric systems". Subsequently he identified two theoretical methods by which this self-symmetrizing mechanism can be bypassed. For both methods an experimental approach has been identified. He also developed theoretical concepts for other energy conversion devices such as the A-DMS Generator (Asymmetric-Dynamic Magnetic Spin-based Generator) and the AMNO Generator (Asymmetric-Magneto Nuclear Oscillator) and propulsion systems called the AFDC System (Active Frame-dragging Control System) and the A-DMSIA (Asymmetric-Dynamic Magnetic Spin-based Inertial Accelerator) and an electromagnetic shielding system called the IFSI (Intelligent Frame Spinning Interferometer. He also developed a theoretical approach that relates to information transfere through space.
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since 2005 Working in the area of unification of the fundamental physical interactions (in cooperation with Rudolf Fehlmann). since 2005 Consulting in R&D-Project Semiconductor cooling. 1999 2004 Tutor for medical measument technique at the Technical Akademia of Esslingen, branch in Sarnen (CH). 1985 2006 Several research projects for the private industry (e. g. Boeing Seattle) and federal office in the area of environmental industry, measuring technique, weapons development and energy technology. Development of a patented waste recycling plant for highly toxic materials. 1984 Set up for independence and foundation of the first laboratory in bionics with focus on waste recycling and renewable energy 1974 1983 Physicist in the research laboratory of the swiss federal institute for Reaktorforschung in Wrenlingen (EIR, today PSI). Working in the areas of reactor safety and energy storage. 1973 1974 Research scientist at the Institute of physical chemistry at the ETH Zurich. 1968 1973 Leader of the research group Kalorimetrie at Mettler Instrumente AG (today Toledo) and development of a very sensitive calorimetric device in the frame of the dissertation.
1973 Doctorate in experimental thermodynamic at the institute for physical chemistry at the ETH (Technical College) Zurich. 1965 1966 Post graduate study in High Energy Physics at Imperial College, London. 1961 1964 Study in theoretical physics at the ETH (Technical College) Zurich. 1957 1960 Kantonsschule (Cantonal School) in Zurich, completion with senior highschool diploma
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Author / Co-author of 70 scientific papers und 6 patents. since 2008 Consulting in the special interest area Superconductors. Attending R&D concerning Silicate Cell (SIBA) with Marcus Reid. 1997 2007 Research scientist at the Institute of Physics at the University of Augsburg (Germany) in the area of synthesis of melt-grown crystals. 1996 Guest scientist in Tokyo (Japan) at the Technology Laboratory of the TOSHIBA Battery Company within the framework of a collaboration between VARTA und TOSHIBA 1992 1997 Research scientist at the Research and Development Centre of the battery company VARTA in Kelkheim (Germany) in the Nickel-MetalHydride Technology Department.
1989 1992 Thesis work at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory (Switzerland) in the area of solid state physics / chemistry. 1983 1988 Study of physics at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
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