Administrative Panel Decision: Case No. DPH 2011-0003
Administrative Panel Decision: Case No. DPH 2011-0003
Administrative Panel Decision: Case No. DPH 2011-0003
ADMINISTRATIVE PANEL DECISION Netrepreneur Connections Enterprises Inc. v. Anton Sheker, Seo.Com.Ph Case No. DPH 2011-000
1. The Parties !he Comp"ainant is Netrepreneur Connections Enterprises Inc. o# Pasi$ Cit%, Phi"ippines, represente& '% the (a) *##ices o# +a% ,i"'erto -. Espinosa, Phi"ippines. !he +espon&ent is Anton Sheker, Seo.Com.Ph o# .akati Cit%, Phi"ippines, represente& '% /era 0 Associates (a) 1irm, Phi"ippines.
2. The Domain Name and Registrar !he &ispute& &omain name 2su"it.ph3 is re$istere& )ith DotPH.
. Pro!ed"ra# $istor% !he Comp"aint )as #i"e& )ith the 4IP* Ar'itration an& .e&iation Center 5the 6Center78 on -une 19, 2011. *n -une 20, 2011, the Center transmitte& '% emai" to DotPH a re:uest #or re$istrar veri#ication in connection )ith the &ispute& &omain name. *n -u"% 21, 2011, DotPH transmitte& '% emai" to the Center its veri#ication response con#irmin$ that the +espon&ent is "iste& as the re$istrant an& provi&in$ the contact &etai"s. In response to a noti#ication '% the Center that the Comp"aint )as a&ministrative"% &e#icient, the Comp"ainant #i"e& an amen&e& Comp"aint on -u"% ;, 2011. !he Center veri#ie& that the Comp"aint to$ether )ith the amen&e& Comp"aint satis#ie& the #orma" re:uirements o# the .PH <ni#orm Domain Name Dispute +eso"ution Po"ic% 56phD+P7 or the 6Po"ic%78, the +u"es #or .PH <ni#orm Domain Name Dispute +eso"ution Po"ic% 5the 6+u"es78, an& the 4IP* Supp"ementa" +u"es #or <ni#orm Domain Name Dispute +eso"ution Po"ic% 5the 6Supp"ementa" +u"es78. In accor&ance )ith the +u"es, para$raphs 2518 an& =518, the Center #orma""% noti#ie& the +espon&ent o# the Comp"aint, an& the procee&in$s commence& on -u"% 12, 2011. In accor&ance )ith the +u"es, para$raph ;518, the &ue &ate #or +esponse )as Au$ust 1, 2011. !he +esponse )as #i"e& )ith the Center on -u"% 29, 2011. !he Center appointe& 1rancine !an as the so"e pane"ist in this matter on Au$ust 12, 2011. !he Pane" #in&s that it )as proper"% constitute&. !he Pane" has su'mitte& the Statement o# Acceptance an& Dec"aration o#
pa$e 2 Impartia"it% an& In&epen&ence, as re:uire& '% the Center to ensure comp"iance )ith the +u"es, para$raph >. &. 'a!t"a# Ba!(gro"nd !he Comp"ainant states that S<(I!.C*..PH is its tra&e mark )hich )as app"ie& #or in the Phi"ippines on .a% 1 , 200? an& re$istere& on *cto'er 1 , 200?, un&er !ra&emark +e$istration No. 200200?00;@02. !he eAc"usive use o# the e"ement in the tra&e mark )as &isc"aime&. !he mark is re$istere& in respect o# a&vertisin$ services in C"ass ;. !he Comp"ainant #urther states that it has operate& its )e'site at 6))).su" 56the 4e'site78 since Septem'er 11, 200@. !he 4e'site provi&es an on"ine c"assi#ie& a&vertisements porta" 6)hich incorporates interactivit% amon$ its users '% a""o)in$ peop"e to respon& to a&s via a persona" messa$e or postin$ messa$es. !his #aci"itates initia" contact an& ne$otiation. !he actua" sa"e is consummate& '% the 'u%er an& se""er themse"ves )hen the% eventua""% &eci&e to meet up7. .em'ers o# the 4e'site can, inter alia, maintain an on"ine pro#i"e, create an& mana$e their a&vertisements, an& chat )ith other mem'ers. !he Comp"ainant asserts that &ue to the "ar$e num'er o# postin$s o# a&vertisements, the 4e'site has 'ecome the most popu"ar on"ine a&vertisement "istin$s #aci"it% an& one o# the top #ive )e'sites in the Phi"ippines. !o &ate, the mem'ership num'ers have eAcee&e& one mi""ion. 1urther, the eAtent o# use o# the Comp"ainantBs tra&e mark has 'een such that most peop"e in the Phi"ippines, even those )ith "itt"e access to the Internet, have associate& the )or& 6su"it7 5a 1i"ipino )or& )hich means 6a $oo& 'u%78 )ith the 4e'site. !he Comp"ainant su'mitte& evi&ence o# an emai" eAchan$e in 1e'ruar% 2010 'et)een an in&ivi&ua" an& the +espon&ent as re$ar&s the avai"a'i"it% o# the &ispute& &omain name #or sa"e an& the cost. An initia" o##er )as ma&e in the amount o# <SD 1,000, to )hich the +espon&ent aske& #or the 6'est price7 that the in&ivi&ua" )as )i""in$ to o##er. !he o##er )as increase& to <SD 2,000 'ut no #urther response )as receive& #rom the +espon&ent. !he nature o# the re"ationship o# the in&ivi&ua" 5)ho ha& contacte& the +espon&ent as in&icate& a'ove8 to the Comp"ainant is not speci#ie& in the Comp"aint.
). Parties* Contentions A. Com+#ainant !he Comp"ainant su'mits as #o""o)sC !he &ispute& &omain name is i&entica" or con#usin$"% simi"ar to a tra&e mark or service mark in )hich the Comp"ainant has ri$hts. In this re$ar&, it is su'mitte& that the Comp"ainantBs tra&e mark S<(I!.C*..PH is 6in#rin$e&7 '% the &ispute& &omain name 6as the secon&-"eve" &omain name 'oth use the same )or& 6su"it7 an& are 'oth use& '% an on"ine c"assi#ie& a& "istin$7. !he +espon&ent has no ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in respect o# the &ispute& &omain name. !he +espon&ent operates its o)n on"ine c"assi#ie& a&vertisin$ "istin$ ca""e& 6c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7 at a )e'site o# the same name 'ut )hich is 6patterne& a#ter7 the 4e'site o# the Comp"ainant. !he &ispute& &omain name )hen entere& on an Internet 'ro)ser re&irects the Internet user to 6))).c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7. !he +espon&ent has no tra&emark re$istration ri$hts in the term 6su"it7 nor &oes the )or& 6su"it7 appear on the +espon&entBs )e'site eAcept in re#erence to the 4e'site o# the Comp"ainant. !he &ispute& &omain name )as re$istere& an& is 'ein$ use& in 'a& #aith. !he +espon&entBs o'Dective is to ri&e on the popu"arit% o# the 4e'site an& con#use peop"e )ishin$ to "ook #or an item throu$h the Comp"ainantBs a&vertisement "istin$s to en& up usin$ the +espon&entBs )e'site. !he #act that the &ispute& &omain name is not use& on a )e'site re#"ectin$ 2su"it.ph3 'ut mere"% as a re&irector to 6))).c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7 is, '% itse"#, evi&ence that the +espon&ent has no "e$itimate interest in the &ispute& &omain name an& is usin$ it in 'a& #aith. +e#erence )as ma&e in this re$ar& to the emai" communication 'et)een the parties re$ar&in$ the propose& sa"eEtrans#er o# the &ispute& &omain name #or monetar% consi&eration. /isua" an& reca"" con#usion can easi"% occur asC
pa$e the on"% &i##erence 'et)een the Comp"ainantBs &omain name an& the &ispute& &omain name is in the e"ement 6.com7F an& the e"ement 6.ph7 is the countr% co&e top "eve" &omain #or the Phi"ippines an& 'oth the Comp"ainantBs an& the +espon&entBs )e'sites are tar$ete& at the Phi"ippines market. B. Res+ondent !he +espon&ent ma&e the #o""o)in$ su'missions in its +esponseC 6S<(I!.C*..PH is a &escriptive tra&e mark )hich &eserves scant protection un&er Inte""ectua" Propert% "a)s in the Phi"ippines. 6!he on"% protection the Comp"ainant has is the )or& Gsu"itB &isc"aimin$ 'oth G.comB an& the G.phB. +ather, Comp"ainantBs protection is on"% on the artistic presentation o# the )or& GSu"itB an& not the )or& GSu"itB itse"# HIJ )hich cannot an& never 'e in an actua" <+(7. !he tra&emark re$istration to )hich the Comp"ainant re"ies on is there#ore )eakF 6a )eak tra&emark that is a""e$e& to have 'een in#rin$e& shou"& 'e tota""% simi"ar or an actua" cop%. An actua" vie)in$ o# the tra&emark an& the <+( sho)s on"% resem'"ance in the spe""in$7. !he Comp"ainant has %et to present concrete evi&ence to prove the c"aim that it is a 6top ; )e'site7, an& that the tra&e mark S<(I!.C*..PH is so success#u" an& pervasive. As a&mitte& '% the Comp"ainant, the )or& 6su"it7 is a &escriptiveE$eneric )or& )hich cannot 'e re$istere& as a tra&e mark. !here is evi&ence o# an a'an&one& Phi"ippines tra&emark app"ication '% the Comp"ainant #or the )or& 6su"it.com7. !he Comp"ainant has not presente& evi&ence that this )or& has ac:uire& a secon&ar% meanin$ other than mere assertions o# the Comp"ainantBs #ame an& reputation. !he Comp"ainant has not esta'"ishe& a prima facie case as its statements have 'een unsu'stantiate&. 4ithout havin$ &ischar$e& its 'ur&en, the 'ur&en there#ore remains )ith the Comp"ainant to prove its case an& the +espon&ent &oes not have to prove the contrar%. !here are numerous &omain names that incorporate the term 6su"it7, e.g. 2e-su"it.com3, 2su"it'aha%.com3, 2su"it#ranchisene$os%o.com3, 2su"ithomes.com3, 2su"itmo'i"e.com3, 2su"it)e'so"utions.com3. !he sheer num'er o# &omain names usin$ the term 6su"it7 as )e"" as the popu"arit% o# tra&emark re$istrations in the Phi"ippines incorporatin$ the )or& 6su"it7 sho) that the +espon&ent &i& not an& cou"& not vio"ate an% "e$itimate ri$ht or interest o# the Comp"ainant )ith respect to the &ispute& &omain name. !he &ispute& &omain name )as re$istere& in the 'e"ie# that 6su"it7 is a $eneric or &escriptive )or& that is common"% use& in a'un&ance #or a&vertisin$ or in a 'usiness that invo"ves the commerce o# 'u%in$ an& se""in$ $oo&s an& )hich cannot 'e the su'Dect o# a tra&emark re$istration. !he term 6su"it7 is common"% an& )i&e"% use& on the Internet an& it is there#ore not possi'"e #or the Comp"ainant to su'stantiate its c"aim that the term is associate& )ith the Comp"ainant as to source. As re$ar&s the communication 'et)een the parties in re"ation to the Comp"ainantBs o##er to 'u% the &ispute& &omain name an& the +espon&entBs reDection o# the o##er, this per se &oes not prove 'a& #aith on the +espon&entBs part.
,. Dis!"ssion and 'indings A. -enera# Prin!i+#es Para$raph 1;518 o# the +u"es re:uires pane"ists to 6&eci&e a comp"aint on the 'asis o# the statements an& &ocuments su'mitte& in accor&ance )ith the Po"ic%, these +u"es an& an% ru"es an& princip"es o# "a) that it &eems app"ica'"eK. 1urther para$raph 105=8 o# the +u"es states that 6the Pane" sha"" &etermine the a&missi'i"it%, re"evance, materia"it% an& )ei$ht o# the evi&ence7.
pa$e = <n&er para$raph =518 o# the Po"ic%, a comp"ainant has to prove a"" three e"ementsC 518 !hat the &omain name is i&entica" or con#usin$"% simi"ar to a tra&emark or service mark in )hich the comp"ainant has ri$htsF an& !hat the respon&ent has no ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in respect o# the &omain nameF an& !hat the &ispute& &omain name has 'een re$istere& an& is 'ein$ use& in 'a& #aith.
528 5 8
Para$raph =528 o# the Po"ic% "ists a num'er o# circumstances )hich, )ithout "imitation, are &eeme& to 'e evi&ence o# the re$istration an& use o# a &omain name in 'a& #aith. !hose circumstances areC 518 circumstances in&icatin$ that the respon&ent has re$istere& or ac:uire& the &omain name primari"% #or the purpose o# se""in$, rentin$, or other)ise trans#errin$ the &omain name re$istration to the comp"ainant )ho is the o)ner o# the tra&emark or service mark or to a competitor o# that comp"ainant, #or va"ua'"e consi&eration in eAcess o# the respon&entBs &ocumente& out-o#-pocket costs &irect"% re"ate& to the &omain nameF or the respon&ent has re$istere& the &omain name in or&er to prevent the o)ner o# the tra&emark or service mark #rom re#"ectin$ the mark in a correspon&in$ &omain name, provi&e& that the respon&ent has en$a$e& in a pattern o# such con&uctF or the respon&ent has re$istere& the &omain name primari"% #or the purpose o# &isruptin$ the 'usiness o# a competitorF or '% usin$ the &omain name, the respon&ent has intentiona""% attempte& to attract, #or commercia" $ain, Internet users to the respon&entBs )e'site or other on-"ine "ocation, '% creatin$ a "ike"ihoo& o# con#usion )ith the comp"ainantBs mark as to the source, sponsorship, a##i"iation, or en&orsement o# the respon&entBs )e'site or "ocation or o# a pro&uct or service on the respon&entBs )e'site or "ocation.
5 8
Para$raph =5 8 o# the Po"ic% sets out a num'er o# circumstances, a$ain )ithout "imitation, )hich ma% 'e e##ective #or a respon&ent to &emonstrate that it has ri$hts to, or "e$itimate interests in, a &omain name. !hose circumstances areC 518 Le#ore an% notice to the respon&ent o# the &ispute, use '% the respon&ent o#, or &emonstra'"e preparations to use, the &omain name or a name correspon&in$ to the &omain name in connection )ith a 'ona #i&e o##erin$ o# $oo&s or servicesF or 4here the respon&ent 5as an in&ivi&ua", 'usiness, or other or$aniMation8 has 'een common"% kno)n '% the &omain name, even i# the respon&ent has ac:uire& no tra&emark or service mark ri$htsF or 4here the respon&ent is makin$ a "e$itimate noncommercia" or #air use o# the &omain name, )ithout intent #or commercia" $ain to mis"ea&in$"% &ivert consumers or to tarnish the tra&emark or service mark at issue.
5 8
B. Identi!a# or Con."sing#% Simi#ar !he Comp"ainant has sho)n that it has re$istere& tra&emark ri$hts in the com'ination S<(I!.C*..PH. !he certi#icate su'mitte& in evi&ence re#"ects that the tra&emark re$istration )as in respect o# a st%"iMe& mark )ith a co"our c"aim. !here is, ho)ever, no evi&ence #rom )hich the Pane" is a'"e to #in& that the Comp"ainant has tra&emark ri$hts in the )or& 6Su"it7 on its o)n. !he issue there#ore to 'e consi&ere& '% the Pane" un&er para$raph =518518 o# the Po"ic% is )hether the &ispute& &omain name 2su"it.ph3 is con#usin$"% simi"ar to the tra&e mark S<(I!.C*..PH in )hich the Comp"ainant has re$istere& tra&emark ri$hts. As has 'een )e"" esta'"ishe& in previous &ecisions un&er the
pa$e ; <ni#orm Dispute +eso"ution Po"ic% 56<D+P78 )hich the Pane" consi&ers to 'e re"evant to the &ecision herein, the $!(D e"ements e.g. 6.com7 shou"& 'e &isre$ar&e& )hen consi&erin$ the issue o# i&entit% or con#usin$ simi"arit%. !he Pane" is o# the vie) that the )or& 6su"it7 in the &ispute& &omain name is con#usin$"% simi"ar to the tra&e mark S<(I!.C*..PH as the )or& 6su"it7 in the tra&e mark is the more &ominant component o# the tra&e mark. !he Pane" there#ore #in&s that the #irst e"ement o# para$raph =518 o# the Po"ic% has 'een satis#ie&. C. Rights or Legitimate Interests Para$raph 2.1 o# the 4IP* *vervie) o# 4IP* Pane" /ie)s on Se"ecte& <D+P Nuestions, Secon& E&ition 564IP* *vervie) 2.078 states that 6)hi"e the overa"" 'ur&en o# proo# rests )ith the comp"ainant, pane"s have reco$niMe& that this cou"& resu"t in the o#ten impossi'"e task o# provin$ a ne$ative, re:uirin$ in#ormation that is o#ten primari"% )ithin the kno)"e&$e o# the respon&ent. !here#ore a comp"ainant is re:uire& to make out a prima facie case that the respon&ent "acks ri$hts or "e$itimate interests. *nce such prima facie case is ma&e, the 'ur&en o# pro&uction shi#ts to the respon&ent to come #or)ar& )ith appropriate a""e$ations or evi&ence &emonstratin$ ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in the &omain name. I# the respon&ent #ai"s to come #or)ar& )ith such appropriate a""e$ations or evi&ence, a comp"ainant is $enera""% &eeme& to have satis#ie& para$raph =5a85ii8 o# the <D+P HIJ. I# the respon&ent &oes come #or)ar& )ith some a""e$ations or evi&ence o# re"evant ri$hts or "e$itimate interest, the pane" then )ei$hs a"" the evi&ence, )ith the 'ur&en o# proo# a")a%s remainin$ on the comp"ainant.7 In re"ation to this secon& e"ement o# para$raph =518 o# the Po"ic%, the Comp"ainant has su'mitte&, inter alia, thatC the +espon&ent operates its o)n on"ine c"assi#ie& a&vertisin$ "istin$ ca""e& 6c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7 )hich is patterne& a#ter the 4e'site o# the Comp"ainantF the &ispute& &omain name )hen entere& on an Internet 'ro)ser re&irects the Internet user to 6))).c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7F an& the +espon&ent has no tra&emark re$istration ri$hts in the )or& 6Su"it7. In re"ation to point 518, there is nothin$ on the #ace o# the +espon&entBs )e'site )hich appears to 'e a cop% or a "ooka"ike o# the 4e'site. In the a'sence o# #urther c"ari#ication an& su'stantiatin$ evi&ence #rom the Comp"ainant, the Pane" is not persua&e& '% the Comp"ainantBs su'mission on this point. As re$ar&s point 5 8, the re"evant issue is )hether the +espon&ent has a "e$itimate interest 5)hich &oes not necessari"% re:uire the +espon&ent to have tra&emark re$istration ri$hts in the )or& 6su"it78. !he Pane" o'serves that there is an overa"" "ack o# evi&ence to su'stantiate the Comp"ainantBs various assertions. 1urther, takin$ into account the meanin$ an&Eor $eneric nature o# the )or& 6su"it7, an& the #act that the Comp"ainant has not sho)n it has tra&emark ri$hts in the )or& 6su"it7 as a stan& a"one term, the Pane" is o# the vie) that the Comp"ainantBs case is mar$ina". Para$raph 2.2 o# the 4IP* *vervie) 2.0 states thatC 6Pane"s have reco$niMe& that mere re$istration o# a &omain name, even one that is comprise& o# a con#irme& &ictionar% )or& or phrase 5)hich ma% 'e $eneric )ith respect to certain $oo&s or services8, ma% not o# itse"# con#er ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in the &omain name. Norma""%, in or&er to #in& ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in a &omain name 'ase& on the $eneric or &ictionar% meanin$ o# a )or& or phrase containe& therein, the &omain name )ou"& nee& to 'e $enuine"% use& or at "east &emonstra'"% inten&e& #or such use in connection )ith the re"ie&-upon meanin$ 5an& not, #or eAamp"e, to tra&e o## thir&-part% ri$hts in such )or& or phrase8.7
pa$e @ !he +espon&ent appears to 'e $enuine"% usin$ the &ispute& &omain name comprisin$ a $eneric )or& in connection )ith the 6re"ie&-upon meanin$7 o# the )or& 6su"it7, i.e. a $oo& 'u%. It has provi&e& a p"ausi'"e eAp"anation in its choice o# the &ispute& &omain name, name"% that it )as re$istere& in the 'e"ie# that since 6su"it7 is a $eneric or &escriptive )or& that is common"% use& in a'un&ance #or a&vertisin$ or in a 'usiness that invo"ves the 'u%in$ an& se""in$ $oo&s, it )ou"& not vio"ate the Po"ic%. !he Pane" is o# the vie) that the #act that the +espon&entBs )e'site at 6))).su"it.ph7 is "inke& to the )e'site at 6))).c"assi#ie&a&s.ph7 &oes not, in itse"#, constitute conc"usive evi&ence o# a "ack o# ri$hts or "e$itimate interests 5especia""% as the Pane" #in&s that the use is consistent )ith the &escriptive nature o# the term 6su"it78. !he +espon&ent appears to have ri$hts or "e$itimate interests in the &ispute& &omain name in re"ation to a bona fide o##erin$ o# $oo&s an& services on its on"ine c"assi#ie& a&vertisement porta", )hich is not inconsistent )ith the meanin$ o# the )or& 6su"it7. !he Pane" there#ore #in&s that the Comp"ainant has #ai"e& to esta'"ish the secon& e"ement o# para$raph =518 o# the Po"ic%. In vie) o# the Pane"Bs #in&in$ on this point, there is no necessit% #or the Pane" to consi&er para$raph =5185 8 o# the Po"ic%.
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