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Some of the key takeaways from the document include different types of neurological gait abnormalities, tremors, and their causes as well as sites of intra-cranial hemorrhage and their associated neurological findings.

Some common types of tremors mentioned include resting tremors seen in Parkinson's disease, essential tremors which often run in families and start in the hands, and cerebellar tremors which affect the extremities and whole head with low frequency and presence of nystagmus and ataxia.

Some important neurological gait abnormalities and their causes mentioned are festinating gait seen in Parkinsonism, high steppage gait seen in tabes dorsalis, semi-circular gait seen after stroke hemiplegia, waddling gait seen in muscular dystrophy, and wide-based shuffling gait seen in normal pressure hydrocephalus.

NEUROLOGY TiKi TaKa _____________________ . HEMORRHAGE -> HYPER-dense areas on CT. (WHITE). . INFARCTIONS -> HYPO-dense areas on CT.

(BLACK). . GAITS IN NEUROLOGY: _____________________ 1. FESTINATING ----> PARKINSONISM: ___________________________________ (Mask face - bradykinesia - resting tremor - rigidity). . N.B. PARKINSONISM's gait -> FESTINATING = HYPOKINETIC = SHUFFLING. 2. HIGH STEPPAGE --> TABES DORSALIS: _____________________________________ (Neuro$ - Loss of proprioception - +ve Romberg sign). 3. SEMI-CIRCLE ----> STROKE HEMIPLEGIA: _______________________________________ (Adducted affected arm & Extended affected leg). 4. WADDLING -------> MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: _________________________________________ (Weakness of gluteal muscles). 5. WIDE BASED & SHUFFLING -> NORMAL PRSSURE HYDROCEPHALUS: ___________________________________________________________ (Urine incontinence & dementia). 6. IPSILATERAL ATAXIA -> CEREBELLAR ATAXIA: ____________________________________________ The pt tends to fall towards the side of the lesion, (Nystagmus-Hypotonia-Dysarthria-Loss of coordination-Dysdiadokokinesia). 7. SPASTIC ----> UMNL UPPER MOTOR NEURON LESION: _________________________________________________ (Spinal cord injury or cerebral palsy). 8. STAGGERING -> VESTIBULAR ATAXIA: ____________________________________ (Ass. with nausea & vomiting). . TREMORS IN NEUROLOGY: _______________________ 1. RESTING TREMORS (PARKINSON): ________________________________ * At rest - improves e' activity. * High frequency tremors 5-7 Hz. * Ass. e' rigidity & bradykinesia. * Pill rolling quality. * NOT ivolving the entire head. 2. ESSENTIAL TREMORS: ______________________ * Familial in up to 50 % of cases. * Starts with fine movement in the upper extremity.

* Worst at the end of the goal directed activity (e.g. reaching a pen). * Involving the entire head. 3. CEREBELLAR TREMORS: _______________________ * Intension tremors. * low fequency 3-4 Hz. * Affect the extremity & the Whole head. * Nystagmus & ataxia are present. . TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: _______________________ . Paroxysmal, LIGHTENING PAIN on the face. . Severe intense burning or electric shock like. . Tx: CARBAMAZEPINE. . CEREBELLAR TUMORS: ____________________ . Ipsi-lateral ataxia (The pt. falls towards the side of the lesion). . Ipsi-lateral muscular hypotonia. . Titubation (Forward & backward movement of the trunk). . Nystagmus. . Intention tremors. . Dysdiadokokinesia (Difficulty in performing rapid & alternating movements). . INTRA-CRANIAL HEMORRHAGE: ___________________________ . HYPERTENSION is the most imp. risk factor. . Focal neurological signs develop suddenly & gradually worsen over mins to hou rs. . The degree of symptoms is not maximal at onset (# SAH or embolic stroke). . Symptoms start during normal activity (may be ppt by sex). . Site of INTRA-CRANIAL HEMORRHAGE ------> NEUROLOGICAL FINDINGS: _________________________________________________________________ 1- BASAL GANGLIA (PUTAMEN): ___________________________ * Hemi-plegia, hemi-sensory loss. * Homonymous hemianopsia, gaze palsy. * Stupor & coma. 2- "T"HALAMUS: ______________ * Hemi-paresis, hemi-sensory loss. * Eyes deviate "T"owards hemiparesis. * UP-GAZE palsy. * (Non-reactive) miotic pupils. 3- CEREBELLUM: ______________ * NO hemiparesis. * GAIT ATAXIA. * OCCIPITAL HEADACHE (+nausea & vomiting). * Gaze palsy (6th CN. paralysis) * Facial weakness. 4- "P"ONS: __________ * COMPLETE PARAPLEGIA.

* Followed by deep coma in a few mins. * (REACTIVE) "P"IN POINT PUPILS. 5- CEREBRAL: ____________ * May be associated with seizures. * Eyes deviate AWAY from the hemi-paresis. . GUILLAIN BARRE' $YNDROME: ___________________________ . Acute idiopathic polyneuropathy. . Ascending paralysis (i.e. affects LL 1st then involve the rest of the ms upwa rds!). . Preceided by infection or vaccination. . weakness in both legs then ascends to involve the arms, respiratory ms & face . . Reflexes are diminished or symptoms. . Distal paresthesia may occur. . Dx: CSF ANALYSIS -> HIGH PROTEIN CONCENTRATION with NORMAL CELL COUNT. . ++ PROTEIN & NORMAL (WBCs - RBCs - GLUCOSE) ! . i.e. CYTO-ALBUMINOUS DISSOCIATION. . Tx: Supportive care, IVIG (Intravenous immunoglobulins) & plasmapharesis. . GB$ may lead to respiratory failure. . LUNG VITAL CAPACITY is the best way to monitor the respiratory function. . N.B. TICK BORNE PARALYSIS: ____________________________ . Progressive ascending paralysis. . Over hours - days. . NO fever. . Normal sensations. . Normal CSF analysis. . Meticulous search & removal of the tick results in improvement & complete rec overy. # PARA-NEOPLASTIC $YNDROMES ! _____________________________ .1. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS: ______________________ . Female 18 - 25 ys. . NEURO-MUSCULAR JUNCTION DISEASE. . Muscle weakness after a period of muscle use. . Dysarthria - Dysphagia. . Drooping eyelids (Ptosis) - Diplopia (Double vision). {Extraocular ms involve ment}. . Generalized weakness may develop (trunks - arms - legs). {Bulbar ms involveme nt}. . RESOLUTION OF MUSCULAR WEAKNESS with REST is the HALLMARK of Myasthenia gravi s. . Dx: CT SCAN CHEST is MANDATORY to exclude THYMOMA. . Tx: Oral ANTI-CHOLINESTERASES e.g. PYRIDOSTIGMINE & NEOSTIGMINE. . Immunosuppressive agents & thymectomy may induce remission. . MYASTHENIC CRISIS may occur resulting in severe weakness of the respiratory m uscles. . Tx with ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION & withdrawal of anti-cholinesterases. .2. LAMBERT EATON $YNDROME: ___________________________ . H/O of cancer mostly LUNG CANCER (Heavy smoking - weight loss - malaise - lun

g mass). . Small cell carcinoma. . Proximal ms weakness. . Auto-antibodies directed against the voltage gated calcium channels, . leading to -- Acetylcholine release with proximal ms weakness. . Dx: Electro-physiological studies. . Tx: Plasmapharesis & immunosuppressive therapy. . N.B. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS: _________________________ . Auto-antibodies against the (post)-synaptic receptors. . INTACT deep tendon reflexes. . N.B. LAMBERT-EATON $: ________________________ . Auto-antibodies against the (pre) - synaptic receptors. . LOSS of deep tendon reflexes. .3. DERMATOMYOSITIS/POLYMYOSITIS: ___________________________________ . MUSCLE FIBER INJURY. . Symmetric & more proximal ms weakness. . Ass. ILD, esophageal dysmotility, Raynaud's phenomenon & polyarthritis. . SKIN FINDINGS (Gottron's papules & Heliotrope rash). . N.B. STEROID INDUCED MYOPATHY: ________________________________ . Due to ttt with HIGH doses of steroids over a prolonged period of time. . ex: ttt of Temporal arteritis with high dose steroids. . Proximal muscle weakness (LL before UL). . No pain. . Difficulty getting up from a chair - climbing stairs or brushing hair. . Muscle power improves after discontinuation of the drug. . SUB-ARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE: ___________________________ . Caused by rupture of arterial saccular "Berry" aneyrysm. . Sudden severe headache (WORST HEADACHE EVER). . Meningeal irritation may occur (Neck stiffness). . Dx -> NON CONTRAST HEAD CT. . Dx -> is imp. to rule out SAH. . Dx -> Xanthochromia in CSF confirms the diagnosis. . Dx -> CT cerebral Angiography is imp. to identify the bleeding source. . Tx -> Coiling or restenting (Endovascular therapy). . Tx -> Nimodipine (CCB) to -- the vasospasm. . Complications: . ______________ . 1 - Re-bleeding (1st 24 hours). . 2 - Vasospasm (after 3 days). . 3 - Hydrocephalus (++ ICT). . 4 - Seizures. . 5 - HYPO-NATREMIA (--Na due to SIADH). . NEURO-FIBROMATOSIS TYPE 2: ____________________________ . YOUNG pt. . S.C. neurofibromas + Cafe' au lait spots + Bilateral acoustic neuromas (Deafn ess). . Family H/O. . Autosomal dominant dis. caused by a mutation in chromosome 22.

. NON-SENSE or frame shift mutations are the cause. . N.B. Silent (Same sense) mutations don't affect the structure of the protein. . Dx: MRI with GADOLINIUM. . PRONATOR DRIFT: _________________ . It denotes UMNL. . When the pt. closes his eyes & extends his arms with the palms up, . The affected arm will tend to pronate. . Bec. UMNL causes weakness in supination with dominance of the pronator muscle s. . ESSENTIAL TREMOR: ___________________ . ACTION tremor. . Absence of other neurological signs. . Suppressed at rest (# parkinsonism). . Noticed when the pt. attempts a task that requires fine motor movement ! . Tx: BB (Propranolol) is the 1st line of ttt. . Primidone may be used (Anti-convulsant which may ppt acute intermittent Porph yria, . manifested as abdominal pain, neurologic & psychiatric abnormalities. . MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: _____________________ . Affects women in child bearing peiod (15-50 ys). . Multiple neurological deficits that can't be explained by single lesion. . "PATCHY" neurological manifestations. . Optic neuritis (painful loss of vision) & diplopia. . Sensory symptoms -> Numbness & paresthesia. . Motor symptoms -> Paraparesis & spasticity. . Bowel/bladder dysfunction. . "UHTHOFF phenomenon" Exacerbated by hot weather or exercise ! . "LHERMITTE's sign" Electric shock-like sensation down the spine on flexion of the neck. . INTER-NUCLEAR OPHTHALMOPLEGIA (INO) is characteristic: _______________________________________________________ * On attempted left gaze, the left eye abducts & exhibits horizontal jerk nysta gmus, * but the right eye remains stationary. * On attempted right gaze, the right eye abducts & exhibits horizontal jerk nys tagmus, * but the left eye remains stationary. * caused by demyelination of the MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL FASCICULUS. . Dx: BRAIN MRI with & without GADOLINIUM. . MRI:Multiple bilatreal asymmetric hyperintense lesions in periventricular whi te matter. . CSF analysis: OLIGOCLONAL IgG bands - Normal pressure. . Tx of acute exacerbation -----> HIGH DOSE IV GLUCOCORTICOIDS. . Tx to prevent future attacks -> B-interferon or Glatiramer acetate. . N.B. YOUNG FEMALE with BILATERAL TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA = MS. . AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS: ________________________________ . UPPER + LOWER motor neuron lesions. . UMNL (Spasticity - bulbar symptoms - exagerrated deep tendon reflexes). . LMNL (Fasciculations, wasting). . Tx: RILUZOLE (Glutamate inhibitor) - Steroids are WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! . CARPAL TUNNEL $YNDROME = MEDIAN NERVE ENTRAPPMENT $YNDROME:

_____________________________________________________________ . At WRIST ! . Numbness & pain in the palm. . Thenar eminence atrophy. . Paresthesia of the 1st three & a half digits . ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT $YNDROME: ___________________________________ . -- sensation over the 4th & 5th fingers with weak grip. . due to involvement of the interosseus muscles of the hand. . entrapment at the medial epicondylar groove. . Leaning on the elbows while working at a desk or table is the typical scenari o. . VESTIBULO-TOXICITY by AMINO-GLYCOSIDES: _________________________________________ . Gentamycin & Amikacin. . Vertigo & gait imbalance. . due to damage of the motion sensitive hair cells in the inner ear. . TORTICOLLIS: ______________ . Example of FOCAL DYSTONIA. . Dystonia -> Sustained ms contraction. . Focal -> Affecting one muscle. . Involuntary head turning & fixation to one side. . Hypertrophy of the opposite side sterno-cleido-mastoid ms. . It is a common side effect of Anti-psychotic drugs. . UN-PROVOKED FIRST SEIZURE -> HEAD CT WITHOUT CONTRAST is the 1st initial step done: ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ . To exclude intracranial or subarachnoid bleeding requiring urgent interventio n. . MRI is the best diagnostic modality in elective situations for seizures cases . . LIMB ISCHEMIA: ________________ . Mostly due to migration of arterial emboli from the heart. . The emboli source may be Af or recent MI. . 5 Ps (Pain - Pallor - Paresthesia - Pulselessness & Paralysis). . Tx: IV HEPARIN BOLUS followed by continous heparin infusion. . Referral for emergency vascular surgery. . METOCLOPRAMIDE: _________________ . It is a pro-kinetic agent used to treat nausea , vomiting & gastro-paresis. . Pts sh'd be monitored closely for the development of drug induced extra-pyram idal syms. . Ex: Tardive dyskinesia - Dystonic reactions & prkinsonism. . Manifested by stiff painful neck. ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ # MAIN CAUSES OF STROKE:

_________________________ . 1 . ISCHEMIC THROMBOTIC: __________________________ -> H/O of previous TIAs (Transient ischemic attacks). -> Atherosclerotic risk factors (Uncotrolled HTN & DM). -> Local in-situ obstruction of an artery. -> Symptoms may progress or regress with time. . 2 . ISCHEMIC EMBOLIC: _______________________ -> H/O of cardiac disease (Af, endocarditis or carotid atherosclerosis "Bruit"). -> Onset of symptoms is ABRUPT & usually MAXIMAL at the start. -> Multiple infarcts within different territiories. -> NO headache or impaired consciousness. . 3 . HEMORRHAGIC: __________________ -> H/O of uncontrolled HTN, co-agulopathy, illicit drug use e.g amphetamines & c ocaine. -> Sudden development of focal neurological signs. -> Followed by ++ ICT symptoms (vomiting & headache). -> Worsens gradually over mins to hours. -> Symptoms may start with normal activity. -> Hypertension is the most imp. risk factor. . 4 . SPONTANEOUS SUB-ARCHNOID HEMORRHAGE: __________________________________________ -> Rupture of an arterial saccular berry aneurysm or AV malformation. -> Sudden dramatic onset of severe headache (WORST HEADACHE EVER). -> Meningeal irritation e.g. neck stiffness. -> Focal deficits are uncommon. # The 1st step in STROKE management is NON CONTRAST HEAD CT. _____________________________________________________________ # TOPOGRAPHY of the lesions in stroke pts (ACCORDING TO THE AFFECTED ARTERY): ______________________________________________________________________________ * POSTERIOR LIMB OF INTERNAL CAPSULE (LACUNAR INFARCT): ________________________________________________________ . Motor impairment without any higher cortical dysfunction. . No visual field abnormalities. * MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION: ____________________________________ . Contralateral hemiplegia. . Contralateral hemianesthesia. . Conjugate eye deviation toward the side of stroke. . Homonymous hemianopia. . Aphasia (dominant hemisphere). . Hemi-neglect (Non dominant hemisphere). * ANTRIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION: _____________________________________ . Contralateral weakness that predominantly affects the LLs. . Abulia (loss of willing). . Akinetic mutism. . Emotional disturbances. . Deviation of head & eyes towards the side of the lesion.

. Sphincter incontinence. * VERTEBRO-BASILAR SYSTEM LESION (BRAIN STEM): _______________________________________________ . Alternate $ with contralateral hemiplegia & ipsilateral CN involvement. # Presentations according to the AFFECTED LOBE: ________________________________________________ . DOMINANT FRONTAL LOBE STROKE: _______________________________ . Expressive (BROCA's) aphasia. . Contralateral hemiparesis (due to involvement of the primary motor cortex). . Contralateral apraxia (due to involvement of the supplementary motor cortex). . DOMINANT PARIETAL LOBE STROKE: ________________________________ . Contralateral sensory loss (pain, vibration, agraphesthesia & astereognosis). . Contralateral inferior homonymous quadrantanopsia (Superior optic radiation l esion). . DOMINANT TEMPORAL LOBE STROKE: ________________________________ . APHASIAS due to ARCUATE FASCICULUS involvement. . Reception aphasia (Affect comprehension). . Anomic aphasia (inability to speak nouns). . Conductive aphasia (Repitition) . Contralateral inferior homonymous quadrantanopsia (Superior optic radiation l esion). # PRESENTATION ACCORDING TO TEH AFFECTED PART OF THE BRAIN: ____________________________________________________________ .1. BRAIN STEM LESIONS: ________________________ . involve the cranial nerves. . sensory loss of one half of the face & contralateral half of the body. .2. THALAMUS LESIONS: ______________________ . Hemi-sensory loss with severe dysesthesia (THALAMIC PAIN PHENOMENON). .3. CORTICAL LESIONS: ______________________ . sensory loss of one half of the face & ipsilateral half of the body. . Aphasia - Neglect - Abnormal graphesthesia or stereognosis. .4. MEDIAL MEDULLARY $YNDROME: _______________________________ . Due to occlusion of the vertebral artery or one of its branches. . Contralateral paralysis of the arm & leg. . Contralateral loss of tactile, vibratory & position sensation. . Ipsilateral Tongue deviation. # THE MOST COMMON RISK FACTOR OF STROKE IS HYPERTENSION. _________________________________________________________ # LACUNAR STROKES: ___________________ . Most common site is in the POSTERIOR LIMB OF THE INTERNAL CAPSULE.

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Most common cause is HYPERTENSION & DM. Lipo-hyalinotic thickening of the small vessels. Micro-atheromas. LIMITED neurological deficit. Pure motor or sensory stroke - Ataxic hemiparesis - Dysarthria with clumsy ha $. May be missed on CT due to their small size.

1. PURE MOTOR HEMIPARESIS: __________________________ . Lacunar infarct in the POSTERIOR LIMB OF THE INTERNAL CAPSULE. . Unilateral motor deficit (face, arm & to a lesser extent leg). . Mild dysarthria (Slurred speech). . NO sensory, visual or higher cortical dysfunction. 2. PURE SENSORY STROKE: _______________________ . Lacunar infarct in the ventro-postero-lateral of the THALAMUS. . Unilateral numbness, paresthesia. . Hemisensory deficit in the face, arm, trunk & leg. 3. ATAXIC HEMIPARESIS: ______________________ . Lacunar infarct in the ANTERIOR LIMB OF THE INTERNAL CAPSULE. . Weakness more prominent in LL extremity. . Ipsi-lateral arm & leg incoordination. 4. DYSARTHRIA CLUMSY HAND $YNDROME: ___________________________________ . Lacunar stroke at the basis pontis. . Hand weakness, mild motor aphasia. . NO sensory deficits. # STROKE MANAGEMENT: _____________________ 1- NON contrast head CT to rule out hemorrhagic stroke. 2- Ischemic stroke -> Give fibrinolytic therapy (if the pt comes within 3-4 hs of onset). 3- Make sure that the pt. has no contraindications to the fibrinolysins. 4- If there is contraindication -> Give Antiplatelets (ASPIRIN). . Clinical presentation "ischemic stroke case" -> Anti-platelet/Anti-thrombotic therapy: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________ . Presenting within 3 - 4.5 hs of symptoms onset with no cont'ds -> I.V. Altepla se. . Stroke with no prior anti-platelet therapy -> Aspirin. . Stroke on Aspirin therapy ->(Aspirin + dipyridamole) OR (Clopidogrel). . Stroke on Aspirin therapy + intracranial large art. sclerosis -> Aspirin + Clo pidogrel. . Stroke with evidence of atrial fibrillation -> LONG TERM ANTICOAGULATION e.g. WARFARIN. # THROMBOLYTICS = TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR (t-PA) = ALTEPLASE: ___________________________________________________________________ # THROMBOLYTICS INDICATIONS & CONTRAINDICATIONS: _________________________________________________

# THROMBOLYTICS INDICATIONS: _____________________________ .1. Non hemorrhagic ischemic stroke. .2. Symptoms onset < 3 - 4.5 hours before treatment initiation. # THROMBOLYTICS CONTRA-INDICATIONS: ____________________________________ .1. Stroke or head trauma in the past 3 months. .2. H/O of intracranial hemorrhage. .3. Major surgery in the past 2 weeks. .4. GI,GU or active bleeding in the past 3 weeks. .5. Seizure at the onset of stroke. .6. SBP > 185 mmHg or DBP > 110 mmHg. .7. Platelets < 100000/mm3 , Glucose < 50 mg/dl , INR > 1.7. ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ . HEMI-NEGLECT $YNDROME = LESION in the (RIGHT PARIETAL LOBE CORTEX): _____________________________________________________________________ . Lesion of the RIGHT (NON)-dominant hemi-sphere. . which is responsible for spatial organization. . So, In this disease, The pt ignores the left side of a space. . Responds only to the stimuli coming from the RIGHT side. . Pt may shave only the Right side of their face. . Comb the Right side of his hair. . Ignore the subject located in the left side of a space. . Dx: Ask the pt to fill in the numbers o a clock ! . EXERTIONAL HEAT STROKE: _________________________ . Severe exertion under direct sun light. . Acute confusion, hyperthermia, tachycardia & persistent epistaxis. . Due to FAILURE OF THERMO-REGULATORY CENTER to maintain a euthermic state. . Core temperature > 40 with altered mental status. . Factory workers, Military recruits exposed to hot humid environment. . Complications: Rhabdomyolysis - RF - ARDS - Coagulopathic bleeding. . Tx -> EVAPORATION COOLING (NOT immersion in cold water xxx). . MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA: _________________________ . Genetically susceptible pt during anesthesia. . Ass. with halothane & succinyl choline. . Uncotrolled efflux of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. . CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS: _____________________________ . Un-controlled infection of the skin, sinuses & orbit may spread to he caverno us sinus. . Bec. the facial / ophthalmic venous system is valveless ! . Cav. sinus inflammation may lead to cav. sinus thrombosis & intracranial hype rtension. . HEADACHE (INTOLERABLE) is the most common symptom. . Vomiting is common due to ++ ICT. . Fundoscopy will reveal papilledema. . Binocular palsies, periorbital edema with hypo/hperesthesia. . Dx: MRI.

. Tx: Broad spectrum Antibiotics. . RESTLESS LEG $YNDROME: ________________________ . Uncomfortable "Crawling" sensation or urge to move the legs. . Discomfort which worsens in the evening or during sleep. . Discomfort which worsens at rest. . Discomfort alleviated by movement of the affected limb. . Tx : Dopaminergic agonists e.g. L-dopa. . WERNICKE's ENCEPHALOPATHY: ____________________________ . Alcoholic pt. . Altered mental status + Gait instability + Nystagmus + Conjugate gaze palsy. . Due to Vit. B "1" defeciency 2ry to long term alcohol use. . Triad of ecephalopathy, oculomotor dysfunction & gait ataxia is diagnostic. . DECUBITUS ULCER: __________________ . H/O of old pt in a care giver facility. . Continued pressure on a bony prominence for a long period. . Ischemic necrosis of the overlying ms, S.C. tissue & skin. . Preveted by repositioning of the pt every 2-4 hours. . LEVO-DOPA / CARBI-DOPA Side effects: _____________________________________ . Dopamine precursors. . Most common side effect is HALLUCINATIONS. . Others: Dizziness, Headaches & agitation. . Involuntary movements may occur. . TRI-HEXY-PHENIDYL side effects ( VERY IMPORTANT .. ASKED TWICE in UW): ________________________________________________________________________ . It is an Anti-cholinergic drugs used for ttt of Parkinsonism. . Red as beet, dry as bone, hot as hare, blind as bat, mad as hatter & full as a flask. . Red as beet : Flushing. . Dry as bone : Anhydrosis - dry mouth. . Hot as hare : Hyperthermia. . Blind as bat : Mydriasis - vision changes. . Mad as hatter : Delirium - cofusion. . Full as a flask : Urine retention - constipation. # DEMENTIAS: _____________ .1. FRONTO-TEMPORAL DEMENTIA (Pick's disease): ______________________________________________ . Personality changes (euphoria - disinhibition - apathy). . Compulsive behavior (peculiar eating habits - hyperorality). . Impaired memory. . Family H/O of the disease is common. .2. LEWY BODIES DEMENTIA: _______________________ . Fluctuating cognitive impairment. . Bizarre visual hallucinations. .3. ALZHEIMER's DISEASE: ______________________

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Progressive dementia. Age, female gender, +ve family H/O, head trauma are common risk factors. Subtle memory loss, language difficulties & apraxia. Impaired judgement & personality changes.

. N.B. HYPOTHYROIDISM is an imp. cause of reversible changes in memory & mentati on: ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ . Accompanied by systemic changes e.g. weight gain, fatigue, hoarseness & const ipation. .4. HUNTINGTON's DISEASE: _________________________ . Triad of mood disturbances + Choreiform movements + Dementia. . Due to ATROPHY of the CAUDATE NUCLEUS. . Autosomal dominant (Gene defect on chromosome 4). . Affects both sexes equally. . Family H/O of the disease is present. . Age 30 - 50 ys. . Mood disturbances (Depression & apathy). . Choreiform movements (facial grimacing, ataxia, dystonia, tongue protrusion). . Writhing movements of the extremeties. .5. CREUTZFELDT - JAKOB DISEASE: ______________________________ . Age 50 - 70 ys. . It is a spongiform encephalopathy caused by a prion. . Rapidly progressive dementia & myoclonus. . EEG -> SHARP TRI-PHASIC SYNCHRONOUS DISCHARGES. . Pts die within one year of onset. .6. NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS: ________________________________ . Triad of Urine incontinence + Abnormal gait + Dementia. . Gait -> Broad based & shuffling . ++ in ventricular size without persistent ++ in ICT. . Symptoms due to distortion of the periventricular brain matter. . The cause is -- CSF ABSORPTION. . Dx: CT or MRI -> ENLARGED VENTRICLES. . Dx: LP -> NORMAL OPENING PRESSURE. . Tx: VENTRICULO-PERITONEAL SHUNT. .7. PSEUDO-DEMENTIA: ____________________ . Major depressive episode may present as pseudo-dementia. . Elderly pts who r severely depressed may present with memory loss. . H/O of emotional situation with the pt. (e.g. Pt's son moving out !). . Symptoms coincides with the emotional situation. . Tx -> Anti-depressants e.g. SSRIs (SLECTIVE SEROTONIN RE-UPTAK INHIBITORS). .N.B. NORMAL AGING: ___________________ . Tiredness. . occasional forgetfulness. . occasional word finding difficulty . Trouble falling asleep. . Absence of functional impairments. . Normal performance on mental status examination.

. BRAIN DEATH: _______________ . Irreversible cessation of the brain activities. . Absent cortical & brain stem functions. . Absent corneal reflex. . Absent gag reflex. . Absent oculovestibular rflex. . FIXED DILATED PUPILS. . No spontaneous breathing when the ventillator is off for 10 mins. . Spinal cord may be still functioning, so, DEEP TENDON REFLEXES may be STILL P RESENT. . MUST BE CONFIRMED BY TWO PHYSICIANS. . SHY DRAGER $YNDROME: ______________________ . MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY. . PARKINSONISM pt. + Autonomic dysfunction (postural hypotension - bowel&bladder loss of control-i mpotence). + Widespread neurological signs (cerebellar, pyramidal or lower motor neuron). . Chronic alcohol abuse -> Cerebellar damage: _____________________________________________ . loss of co-ordiated movement. . Ataxia. . Broad based gait. . Dysmetria. . Intention tremors. . Dysdiadokokinesia. . Nystagmus. . Ms hypotonia (pendular knee reflex). . BELL's PALSY: _______________ . Facial 7th cranial nerve peripheral neuropathy. . Sudden onset of unilateral facial paralysis. . Inability to close the eye on the affected side. . Inability to raise the eye brow on the affected side. . Drooping of the mouth corner with disappearnce of the nasolabial fold, . so, the mouth is drawn to the spared side. . Diminished tearing. . Hyperacusis. . Loss of taste sensation over the anterior 2/3s of the tongue. . If the lesion in the CNS occuring above the facial nucleus, . it will typically CONTRALATERAL LOWER FACIAL WEAKNESS SPARING THE FOREHEAD. . AMAUROSIS FUGAX: __________________ . Painless loss of vision. . Cholesterol particles may be seen in the eye. . It is a warning sign of impending stroke. . An underlying embolic disease is most always present. . Emboli occur at the carotid bifurcation. . Dx: NECK DUPLEX ULTRA$OUND. . SUB-DURAL HEMATOMA: _____________________ . Due to BLUNT or shearing trauma tearing the BRIDGING VEINS. . causing them to slowly bleed into the subdural space. . Headache & gradual loss of consciousness occur gradually.

. More common in older pts & alcoholics due to brain atrophy & vessel fragility . . NON contrast head CT -> WHITE CRESCENT.. . Mass effect with mid line shift may be seen. . Emergent neurosurgical consultation for hematoma evacuation is necessary. . EPI-DURAL HEMATOMA: _____________________ . Trauma to the TEPORAL bone. . Injury to the MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY. . Non contrast head CT -> BICONVEX HEMATOMA. . SYRINGOMYELIA = CORD CAVITATION: __________________________________ . Idiopathic Cavitary expansion of the spinal cord. . Affets the upper limbs in a CAPE like distribution. . Areflexic weakness in the upper extremeties. . Dissociated anesthesia (Loss of pain & temperature with intact position & vib ration). . A cord cavity is present ! . Lower cervical or upper thoracic are the most common affected sites. . DIABETIC NEUROPATHY: ______________________ . Symmetric peripheral polyneuropathy, mononeuropathy or autonomic neuropathy. . Mononeuropathies either cranial or somatic. . CN 3 (Oculomotor) is the most common affected. . The cause of neuropathy is ISCHEMIC. . Somatic & parasympathetic fibers in CN 3 have separate blood supplies. . So .. Only somatic fibers are affected while the parasympathetic fibers are i ntact. . Manifested by PTOSIS & DOWN & OUT GAZE. . Accomodation & light reflex are intact. . SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION: __________________________ . isolated, symmetric, lower extremity symptoms. . Loss of sensations & signs of upper motor neuron lesion. . Weakness without fasciculations, hyperreflexia & +ve Babinski sign. . Possible etiologies: (Disk herniation - Epidural absess & malignancy). . It is a medical emergency ! . Dx: MRI Spine .. NOT CT !! . ALZHEIMER's DISEASE: ______________________ * It is the most common cause of dementia. * NO disturbance in consciousness. * Age group > 60. * EARLY FINDINGS: __________________ . Anterograde memory loss (immediate recall affected, distant memory preserved) . . Visuospatial deficits (lost in own neighborhood). . Language difficulties (difficulty finding words). . Cognitive impairment with progressive decline. * LATE FINDINGS: _________________ . Neuropsychiatric (hallucinations & wandering).

. Dyspraxia (difficulty performing learned motor tasks). . Lack of insight regarding deficits. . Non-cognitive neurological deficits (pyramidal & extra-pyramidal motor, myocl onus). . Urinary incontinence. * Dx: CT -> Diffuse cortical & subcortical atrophy, which is disappropriately greater in the temporal & parietal lobes. . GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORME (GBM) = HIGH GRADE ASTROCYTOMA: _________________________________________________________ . Symptoms of ++ ICT (Nausea-vomiting-headache worsening with change in positio n). . ++ ICT = Space occupying lesion. . Personality changes & strange behavior (Due to involvement of the frontal lob e). . Dx: CT or MRI -> BUTTERFLY appearance with central necrosis, . with HETEROGENOUS SERPIGINOUS CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT. . CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA = Hypopituitarism signs + Headaches + Bitemporal blindness: _______________________________________________________________________________ . Benign tumors arising from Rathke's pouch. . Bimodal age distribution i.e. children & 55-65 ys age group. . It is located above sella turcica. . Consists of multiple cysts filled with oily fluid. . Presents with symptoms of hypothyroidism. . In children (Retarded growth due to -- GH & TSH). . In adults (Sexual dysfunction). . Women may present with amenorrhea. . It compresses the optic chiasma -> BITEMPORAL BLINDNESS. . Headaches occur due to ++ ICT. . Dx: MRI or CT. . Tx: Surgery or radiotherapy. . CAUDA EQUINA $YNDROME: ________________________ . Compression of the spinal nerve roots. . Causes (Tumor - Herniated disk - Abscess - Trauma). . Low bk pain. . Bowel & bladder dysfunction. . Saddle anesthesia. . Sciatica. . Lower extremity sensory & motor loss. . Dx: Emergent MRI. # HIV associated lesions on MRI: ________________________________ .1. PRIMARY CNS LYMPHOMA: _________________________ . Solitary. . {WEAKLY} ring enhancing peri-ventricular mass. . Altered mental status. . Associated EBV DNA in the CSF. .2. TOXOPLASMOSIS: __________________ . Multiple. . {Ring - enhancing} spherical lesions in the basal ganglia. . +ve serology is not specific !

. TMP-SMX is preventive. .3. PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY: _______________________________________________ . {Non - enhancing}. . No mass effects. . Opportunistic viral infection (JC virus). .4. AIDS DEMENTIA COMPLEX: __________________________ . Cortical & sub-cortical atrophy. . 2ry ventricular enlargement. .5. ABSCESS: ____________ . Solitary. . {Ring enhancing}. . Isolated, round with smooth borders. . H/O of known extra-cranial infections. . Fluid collection in the maxillary sinus. . The most common causative organisms are AEROBIC & ANAEROBIC STREPTOCOCCI & BA CTEROIDES. # CAROTID ARTERY STENOSIS: __________________________ . May progress to embolic stroke or TIAs. . May be silent with no symptoms. . Symptomatic -> sudden onset of focal neuro. syms ipsilateral to the blocked a rtery. . Dx: NECK DUPLEX U/$. . Tx: CEA or CAS. . CAROTID END ARTERECTOMY (CEA) is recommended if: _________________________________________________ . * Symptomatic pts with carotid stenosis 70 - 99 %. . * Low surgical risk. . * Good 5 year predicted survival. . * Surgically accessible carotid lesion. . CAROTID ANGIOPLASTY WITH STENTING (CAS) is recommended if: ___________________________________________________________ . * High surgical risk. . * Poor 5 year predicted survival. . * Lesion not amenable to surgery. # IMPORTANT CRANIAL NERVES & THEIR FUNCTIONS: _____________________________________________ * OPTIC NERVE (CN 2): _____________________ . VISION. * OCULOMOTOR (CN 3): ____________________ . Eye movement (Most). . Adduction with medial rectus. . Elevation with superior rectus. . Depression with inferior rectus. . Eye lid opening. . Pupil constriction. * TRIGEMINAL (CN 5):

____________________ . Three branches with both motor & sensory fibers. . The 1st branch is called the Ophthalmic nerve, . It carries sensory fibers to the scalp, forehead, upper eyelid, cornea & nose . * FACIAL (CN 7): ________________ . Facial movement. . Taste in the anterior 2/3s of the tongue. . Lacrimation. . Salivation. . Eye closing. * VAGUS (CN 10): ________________ . Swallowing. . Palate elevation. . Monitoring baro & chemo receptors of the aortic arch. . IMPAIRED DAILY FUNCTIONING: _____________________________ . is essential to distinguish between dementia & normal aging. . Pts with dementia have functional impairment. . Normal aging is not ass. with impairment. . ACUTE GLAUCOMA: _________________ . Occurs when a pre-existing narrow anterior chamber angle is closed, . in response to pupillary dilatation from medications or another stimiulus. . PPt by direct bright light e.g. watching TV. . ++ IOP may lead to nausea & vomiting & tearing pain. . Complain of seeing halos around light. . Damage of the optic nerve is common & may lead to visual loss. . Sudden onset of photophobia, eye pain, headache & nausea. . Palpation -> very hard eye. . NON REACTIVE MID DILATED PUPIL. . Dx: TONOMETRY. # HEADACHES: ____________ .1. MIGRAINE HEADACHE: _______________________ . Unilateral. . Pulsating quality. . Attacks last from 4 - 72 hs. . Photophobia. . Common in younger females. . AURA of neurological syms preceiding headache. . Tx: TRIPTANS (Efficient only before the start of the attack) + NSAIDs. . I.V. Anti-emetics e.g. (PRO-CHLOR-PERAZINE) or Metoclopramide {SEVERE VOMITIN G CASES}. .2. CLUSTER HEADACHE: ______________________ . Intense unilateral retro-orbital pain. . Starts suddenly (usually at night). . More common in men. . Redness of the ipsilateral eye.

. . . . . .

Tearing eye pain. Stuffed or runny nose. Ipsilateral Horner's $. Attacks occur in clusers. Prophylaxis is the key to management (Verapamil - Lithium - Ergotamine). Tx of acute attack -> 100 % OXYGEN & S.C. Sumatriptan.

.3. BENIGN IDIOPATHIC INTACRANIAL HYPERTENSION = PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI: ______________________________________________________________________ . Over-weight female in the child bearing period. . H/O of OCPs intake or hypervitaminosis A. . Headache - transient loss of vision - pulastaile tinnitus - diplopia. . Ex: papilledema - peripheral visual defects. . Dx: MRI & LP (CSF opening pressure > 250 mmHg with NORMAL analysis). . Tx: Stop the offending medications, weight loss & Acetazolamide. . ACETAZOLAMIDE +/- FUROSEMIDE is the 1st line therapy. . Acetazolamide -> inhibits choroid plexus carbonic anhydrase -> -- CSF product ion. . Most common complication is BLINDNESS ! . Shunting or optic nerve sheath fenestration is done to prevent blindness. .4. SUB-ARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE: ______________________________ . WORST HEADACHE EVER !! . . BROWN SEQUARD $YNDROME: _________________________ . Damage to the lateral spinothalamic tract. . Causing contra-lateral loss of pain & temperature sensation, . beginning two levels below the level of the lesion. . N.B. The spino-thalamic tract crosses on very early in the spinal cord ! . so .. A lesion of the Rt-sided spino-thalamic tract at T10, . will result in a Lt-sided loss of pain & temperature sensation beginning at T 12. . L5 RADICULOPATHY -> Foot drop -> Compensated by HIGH STEPPAGE GAIT: _____________________________________________________________________ . Foot drop due to failure of the foot dorsiflexion. . caused by trauma to the common peroneal nerve . or one of the spinal roots contributing to it (L4 - S2). . To compensate, HIGH STEPPAGE GAIT is done. . Pts have to overly flex the hip & knee to bring the foot forward. . The toes of the affected foot may drag on the ground. . caused by peripheral neuropathy. . Foot drop may be congenital (Charcot - Marie - Tooth disease). . HERPES ENCEPHALITIS: ______________________ . Caused by HSV-1. . Mainly affects the TEMPORAL lobe of the brain. . Acute onset < 1 week duration. . Altered mentation - focal neuro. deficits - hemiparesis - dysphasia - aphasia - ataxia. . May present with seizures ! . FEVER is present in 90 % of cases. . CSF analysis -> LYMPHOCYTIC PLEOCYTOSIS. . .............-> ++ RBCs (Hemorrhagic destruction of the temporal lobes). . .............-> ++ Ptn level. . .............-> -- Glucose level

. Dx : HSV POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION IS THE GOLD STANDARD. . Tx : IV ACYCLOVIR. . ETHICAL PROBLEM: __________________ . REGARDLESS OF H/O OF DRUG ABUSE,, . Pts with acute severe pain sh'd receive the same standard of pain management !! . IV MORPHINE is the best ttt for acute severe pain. . Physicians sh'd NEVER undertreat pain even if there is a risk for abuse. . SITE OF THE LESION ----> DEFICIT: ___________________________________ . UPPER THORACIC SPINAL CORD ---> Paraplegia - Bladder & fecal incontinence, . ............................... + Absent sensation from the (NIPPLE) downward s. . LOWER THORACIC SPINAL CORD ---> Absent sensation from the (UMBILICUS) downwar ds. . PARKINSON DISEASE = TREMORS + RIGIDITY + BRADYKINESIA: ________________________________________________________ . Neurodegenerative disorder. . Caused by accumulation of alpha synuclein within the neurons of SUBSTANCIA NE GRA. . The most common presenting symptom is asymmetric resting tremor in the upper extremity. .1 * TREMOR: ___________ . A resting 4 to 6 Hz tremor with a pill-rolling quality. . Frequently first manifests in one hand. . May slowly generalize to involve the other side of the body & the lower extre mity. .2 * RIGIDITY: ______________ . Baseline ++ resistance to passive movement (Lead pipe or cog wheel). .3 * BRADYKINESIA: __________________ . Difficulty initiating movements as when starting to walk or rising from a cha ir. . Narrow based, shuffling gait with short strides without arm swing (FESTINATIN G). . Micrographia (Small hand writing). . Hypomimia (-- facial expression). . Hypophonia (soft speech). .4 * POSTURAL INSTABILITY: __________________________ . Flexed axial posture. . Loss of balance during turning or stopping. . Loss of balance when pushed slightly. . Frequent falls. . NO SPECIAL TEST FOR EXACT DIAGNOSIS. . ONLY PHYSICAL EXAMINATION CAN LEAD TO THE Dx. . STATUS EPILEPTICUS: _____________________

. Single seizure lasting > 30 mins. . H/O of seizure disorder with no compliance to anti-convulsant therapy. . A brain seizing > 5 mins is at ++ risk of permanent injury : CORTICAL LAMINAR NECROSIS. . Tx -> BENZODIAZEPINE -> IV DIAZEPAM. . Failed -> ADD FOSPHENOTOIN. . Failed -> ADD PHENOBARBITAL. . Failed -> ADD SUCCINYL CHOLINE. . DELIRIUM: ___________ . Acute confusion state. . Reduced oe fluctuating level of consciousness. . Inability to sustain attention. . Anxiety, agitation & hallucinations. . Common ppt factors (infections: UTI). . Polypharmacy, medication side effects, volume depletion & electrolyte imbalan ce. . SERUM ELECTROLYTES & URINALYSIS sh'd be done to detect the cause. . Tx-> Typical & atypical anti-psychotics (HALOPERIDOL). . Benzodiazepines (Lorazepam) are not recommended in old age. . ONCE MORE: DIFFERENT CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSIONS & THEIR EFFECTS: __________________________________________________________________ * MIDDLE cerebral artery occlusion: ____________________________________ . Contralateral motor & sensory deficits. . More pronounced in the {upper limb} than the lower limb. . Homonymous hemianopia. . If the dominant lobe (LEFT) is involved ------> APHASIA. . If the NON dominant lobe (RIGHT) is involved -> HEMI NEGLECT $. * ANTERIOR cerebral artery occlusion: ______________________________________ . Contralateral motor & sensory deficits. . More pronounced in the {lower limb} than the upper limb. . Urinary incontinence. . Gait apraxia. * POSTERIOR cerebral artery occlusion: _______________________________________ . Homonymous hemianopia. . Alexia without agraphia (dominant hemisphere). . Visual hallucinations (cortex). . Sensory symptoms (Thalamus). . INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION: ____________________________ . ++ intra-cranial pressure > 20 mmHg. . Causes: Trauma - space occupying lesion - hydrocephalus - impaired CSF outflo w. . Symptoms: Diffuse headache worse in the morning - Nausea & vomiting. . Vision changes - papilledema - cranial nerve deficis. . Somnolence - cofusion - Unsteadiness. . Cushing's reflex: Hypertension & bradycardia. . Dx: CT or MRI. . CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE due to EXCESS ANTI-COAGULATION: _____________________________________________________

. Anti-coagulation therapy is the most common bleeding disorded causing brain h emorrhage. . So .. Pts on anti-coagulants (e.g. Warfarin) sh'd be monitored regularly with INR. . Risk of bleeding ++ with INR ++ ! . Correction of excess anti-coagulation is dependent upon the INR value: . INR < 5 , NO significant bleeding -> Omit next Warfarin dose. . INR 5-9 , NO significant bleeding -> Stop Warfarin temporarily. . INR > 9 ---------------------------> Stop Warfarin, Give oral Vit. K. . SERIOUS INTRA-CRANIAL BLEEDING -> FRESH FROZEN PLASMA (FFP). . FFP reverses the actio of warfarin , works immediately & lasts for few hours. . HYPOKALEMIA -> WEAKNESS, FATIGUE & MUSCLE CRAMPS: ___________________________________________________ . Electrolyte disturbance with K < 2.5 mEq/L. . Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia, tetany, rhabdomyolysis & arrhythmia may occu r. . ECG -> BROAD FLAT T-waves, U waves & pre-mature ventricular beats. . Af, Torsades de points & VF may occur. . H/O of K wasting diuretic is common (Hydrochlorothiazide). . Other causes -> Diarrhea - vomiting - anorexia - hyperaldosterinism. . Symptoms resolve with K supplementation. . TAKE CARE: Differentiate bet IIH & NPH: _________________________________________ . NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS = Triad of Urine incontinence + Abnormal gait + Dementia. _______________________________________________________________________________ __________ . BENIGN IDIOPATHIC INTACRANIAL HYPERTENSION = PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI: ___________________________________________________________________ . Over-weight female in the child bearing period. . H/O of OCPs intake or hypervitaminosis A. . Headache - transient loss of vision - pulastaile tinnitus - diplopia. . Dx: MRI & LP (CSF opening pressure > 250 mmHg with NORMAL analysis). ========================= . KEY-WORDS to RE-MEMBER: ========================= . OLIGO-CLONAL BANDS -> MS. . CYTO-ALBUMINOUS DISSOCIATION -> GB$. . HEMORRHAGE -> HYPER-dense areas on CT. (WHITE). . INFARCTIONS -> HYPO-dense areas on CT. (BLACK). . . . . . . . . . GAITS FESTINATING = HYPOKINETIC = SHUFFLING -> HIGH STEPPAGE -------------------------> SEMI-CIRCLE ---------------------------> WADDLING ------------------------------> WIDE BASED & SHUFFLING ----------------> IPSILATERAL ATAXIA --------------------> SPASTIC -------------------------------> STAGGERING ----------------------------> PARKINSONISM. TABES DORSALIS or L5 Radiculopathy. STROKE HEMIPLEGIA. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. NORMAL PRSSURE HYDROCEPHALUS. CEREBELLAR ATAXIA. UMNL UPPER MOTOR NEURON LESION: VESTIBULAR ATAXIA.

. TREMORS . RESTING TREMORS (PARKINSON)-> At rest,imp. e' activity,High frequency tremors

5-7 Hz. . ESSENTIAL TREMORS-> Worst at the end of the goal directed activity (reaching a pen). . CEREBELLAR TREMORS -> Intension tremors - low fequency 3-4 Hz - Nystagmus & a taxia. . TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA: LIGHTENING PAIN on the face - electric shock - Tx: CARB AMAZEPINE. . GUILLAIN BARRE'$: Ascending paralysis - Pre.by infection - CYTOALBUMINOUS DIS SOCIATION. . TICK BORNE PARALYSIS: Ascending paralysi - NO fever - Normal CSF - Tx: Tick r emoval. . MYASTHENIA GRAVIS: Ptosis,Diplopia RESOLUTION OF MUSCULAR WEAKNESS WITH REST. . LAMBERT EATON $YNDROME: LUNG CANCER H/O, Auto-Abs against voltage gated Ca ch annels. . N.B. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS: AutoAbs against (post)synaptic recs - INTACT DTRs. . N.B. LAMBERT-EATON $: AutoAbs against (pre)synaptic receptors - LOST DTRs. . DERMATOMYOSITIS: Sym. prox. ms weakness - SKIN (Gottron's papules & Heliotrop e rash). . STEROID INDUCED MYOPATHY: Prox. ms weakness (LL before UL) - No pain. . SUB-ARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE: Rupture of "Berry" aneyrysm - WORST HEADACHE EVER. . NEURO-FIBROMATOSIS "2": S.C. neurofibromas + Cafe' au lait spots + acoustic neuromas. . PRONATOR DRIFT = UMNL. . ESSENTIAL TREMOR: Tx: BB "Propranolol". . MULTIPLE . MULTIPLE . MULTIPLE . MULTIPLE . MULTIPLE OIDS. . MULTIPLE tate. . MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SCLEROSIS SCLEROSIS SCLEROSIS SCLEROSIS = = = = = Optic neuritis (painful loss of vision) & diplopia. INTER-NUCLEAR OPHTHALMOPLEGIA (INO). Dx: BRAIN MRI with & without GADOLINIUM. CSF analysis: OLIGOCLONAL IgG bands - Normal pressure. Tx of acute exacerbation -----> HIGH DOSE IV GLUCOCORTIC

SCLEROSIS = prevent future attacks -> B-interferon or Glatiramer ace SCLEROSIS = YOUNG FEMALE with BILATERAL TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA.

. AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS: UPPER + LOWER motor neuron lesions. . CT$: MEDIAN N. - At WRIST - Thenar eminence atrophy - Paresthesia 1st 3.5 fin gers . ULNAR N. ENT. $: paresthesia of 4th & 5th fingers - ent.at medial epicondylar groove. . VESTIBULO-TOXICITY by AMINOGLYCOSIDES: Gentamycin-Amikacin - Vertigo & gait i mbalance. . TORTICOLLIS: Example of FOCAL DYSTONIA.

. UN-PROVOKED FIRST SEIZURE -> HEAD CT WITHOUT CONTRAST is the 1st initial step done. . LIMB ISCHEMIA: 5 Ps (Pain - Pallor - Paresthesia - Pulselessness & Paralysis) . . METOCLOPRAMIDE: Side effect Dystonia - Manifested by stiff painful neck. . HEMI-NEGLECT $YNDROME: RIGHT PARIETAL LOBE CORTEX lesion - (NON)-dominant hem i-sphere. . EXERTIONAL HEAT STROKE: Tx -> EVAPORATION COOLING (NOT immersion in cold wate r xxx). . CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS: Dx: MRI - Tx: Broad spectrum Antibiotics. . RESTLESS LEG $YNDROME: "Crawling" sensation - Tx : Dopaminergic agonists e.g. L-dopa. . WERNICKE's ENCEPHALOPATHY: ecephalopathy,oculomotor dysf. & gait ataxia.(--Vi t B1). . DECUBITUS ULCER: Preveted by repositioning of the pt every 2-4 hours. . LEVO-DOPA / CARBI-DOPA Side effects: Most common side effect is HALLUCINATION S. . TRI-HEXY-PHENIDYL: Red as beet, dry as bone, hot as hare, blind as bat, mad as hatter & full as a flask. . DEMENTIAS . FRONTO-TEMPORAL : Personality changes (euphoria - disinhibition - apathy). . LEWY BODIES DEMENTIA: Bizarre visual hallucinations. . ALZHEIMER's DISEASE: Progressive dementia - Impaired judgement & personality changes. . HUNTINGTON's DISEASE: Triad of mood disturbances + Choreiform movements + Dem entia. . CREUTZFELDT - JAKOB DISEASE: EEG -> SHARP TRI-PHASIC SYNCHRONOUS DISCHARGES. . NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS: Triad of Urine incontinence + Abnormal gait + Dementia. . PSEUDO-DEMENTIA: Tx -> SSRIs. . NORMAL AGING: Absence of functional impairments. . BRAIN DEATH: DTRs may be STILL PRESENT - MUST BE CONFIRMED BY TWO PHYSICIANS. . SHY DRAGER $YNDROME: MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY - PARKINSON pt. + bladder loss o f control. . Chronic alcohol abuse -> Cerebellar damage. . BELL's PALSY: Facial 7th cranial nerve peripheral neuropathy. . AMAUROSIS FUGAX: BLACK CURTAIN FALLING - impending stroke - NECK DUPLEX ULTRA $OUND. . SUB-DURAL HEMATOMA: Tearing the BRIDGING VEINS .. CT -> WHITE CRESCENT. . EPI-DURAL HEMATOMA: Injury to the MIDDLE MENINGEAL ARTERY .. CT -> BICONVEX H EMATOMA.

. SYRINGOMYELIA: CAPE like - Loss of pain & temperature with intact position & vibration. . SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION: It is a medical emergency - Dx: MRI Spine. . ALZHEIMER's DISEASE: CT -> Diffuse cortical & subcortical atrophy. . GLIOBLASTOMA MULTIFORM: BUTTERFLY appearance with central necrosis on VT or M RI. . CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA = Hypopituitarism signs + Headaches + Bitemporal blindness. . CAUDA EQUINA $YNDROME: LBP - bladder dys. - Saddle anesthesia - Dx: Emergent MRI. . HIV associated lesions on MRI: . PRIMARY CNS LYMPHOMA: Solitary - {WEAKLY} ring enhancing - Ass. EBV DNA. . TOXOPLASMOSIS: Multiple - {Ring - enhancing} spherical - TMP-SMX is preventiv e. . PROGRESSIVE MULTIFOCAL LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY: {Non - enhancing} - No mass effec ts. . ABSCESS: Solitary - {Ring enhancing} - caused by ANEROBES . CAROTID ARTERY STENOSIS: NECK DUPLEX U/$.- CAROTID END ARTERECTOMY if stenosi s 70-99 %. . ACUTE GLAUCOMA: Palpation -> very hard eye - NON REACTIVE MID DILATED PUPIL. . HEADACHES . MIGRAINE HEADACHE: female Unilateral Pulsating, AURA of neuro syms preceiding headache. . CLUSTER HEADACHE: unilateral 5tearing retro-orbital pain .. Tx -> 100 % OXYGE N. . PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI: Obese female- Vit A - OCPs - Most common complication is BLINDNESS . SUB-ARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE: WORST HEADACHE EVER !! . BROWN SEQUARD $YNDROME: contra-lateral loss of pain & temperature sensation, . BROWN SEQUARD $YNDROME: beginning two levels below the level of the lesion. . L5 RADICULOPATHY -> Foot drop -> Compensated by HIGH STEPPAGE GAIT: . HERPES ENCEPHALITIS: CSF analysis -> LYMPHOCYTIC PLEOCYTOSIS - Tx : IV ACYCLO VIR. . PARKINSON DISEASE = TREMORS + RIGIDITY + BRADYKINESIA. . DELIRIUM: Tx -> Typical & atypical anti-psychotics (HALOPERIDOL). . ABSENCE seizures -> ETHOSUXIMIDE. Dr. Wael Tawfic Mohamed _________________________

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