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Lets learn Urdu

Maqsood Hasni
Complied by:
Prof. Mohammad Abdullah Qazi (PhD Isl. Stds., PhD lin uisti!s" Prin!ipal #o$t Colle e, %aha&al na ar (Pa'istan"

AAlphabet sounds Group 1 Group 1 is consists of one sound but it provides two sounds i.e. alif and alaf. It is first alphabet sound of the Urdu tongue. This sound is a common sound of world languages but in Japanese this sound is only used as a vawal. For example amisan !wife" #ivi a$ !prononciation %ha (& ) ( &' &and %a" a for al*af !not alif"

Uses as al*af$ %agha+ !paper"' %a%a ,little baby !-". /%a hill and hight !a for al*laf not alif" $ al*laf but not al*lif Farsi 4(5 .43 .23 .2 .1 .0 Urdu (6! abba" father

(6(6 !baba" an old man' father*s elder brother' father*s father)mother*s father)grand father 7! ab" now' at this time' presently (589 !gir:a" church (5(6 !ba:a" a musical instrument ;5(6 !ba:i" elder sister <=(6 !bapu" father (=8& !%irpa" mercsy good deed' to do better for some one > !as al?af not alif" @nglish about' alhabet' Aapan !pronounce al*laf not al*lif" Group 2 There are five sounds in this group$ 7 !b" bay)be B2(6 baresh' rain C(6 bagh' garden

D6 bal' power ;E20(6 bawarchi' coo% 2FG6 bundar' mon%ey # boo%' box' butcher' bro%er' butter

H !p" pay)pe ;I(= pani' water (JG= pun%ha' fan) hand fan K23(= paadri' priest I08= parwana' moth L= M N !t" tay 2<OP talwaar' sword ;OQP titli' butterfly 8QRP titar' partridge pil?la pupy parrot' pony' pig' peacoc%' point

1<68P tarboo+' watermelon


tala' loc%

Tound N is not found in english but it is very common in the subcontinent languages)toungs. ( !t" tay)te ;=<) topi' cap 8)(U) tamatar' tomato ;*I<E chonti' ant (GV) ta%hna' an%le DU &%hatmal' pug T train' try' tree' out' net

W !s' c" say)se 8UX samar' fruit ;I(X sani' second 8X assar'affect 8X<Y mowassar' persuasive Z[(\X sa]afat' culture X20 warsa' heritage

T ^

school' social' swelling' small' salt city' citron' circle' cycle' cinema

Group 3 _ :eem

(P<5 :outa' shoes +<5 :our' :oint

+ Is not available)found in @nglish' the relative sound more closed sound is r. ` is also in use for this sound. ie. >adu)aaru 0+a !peach" 7<5 :awab answer bG5 :anum' birth ;I<5 :awani' youth cG5 :ang' war A :ug' :aundice' :eep' :ac%et' :ar

d chay FI(E chaand' moon

;68E charbi' fats

2<E (&<E (<E

chour' theif chou%a' sixer chuha' rat

This sound is not found in @nglish alphabet but is pronounced by compound sound Ch ^h e hay bJf hu%am' order Z&8f har%at' moment Z\R\f ha]i]at' fact K8g(f ha+ri' presence hf hissa' part' share ^hit' chec%' church'chest

ien' husband' human' hand' holy j %hay k(l %haal' mole ;S(l %hali' empty B<98l %hargosh'rabbit)here

B8l %harash' bruise 8ml %hasrah' measles n(l %has' special This sound is not found in @nglish alphabet but is pronounced by compound sound Kh Group 4 This sound is not found in english alphabet but often apperars in some english words i.e. this that et!. "n fa!t th !ompound sound is pronoun!ed P #tha$% as an thought thin& through though thing et!. "ts subtitute and more !loses sound for writing in the roman Urdu is d. The same is also used for ' Zl23 o523 1023 pqr3 dara%ht' tree dar:an' twelve darwa+a' door daigcha' coo%er !coo%er is not proper enlish for daigcha. This pot is in common used in the Mun:ab" ;QI23 303 (r23 Dl3 daraanti' sic%le doudh' mil% darya' river da%hal' inter

daal ;S (R& 2 sRGY (GY K dali' branch !tree" da%iya' postman dar' fear manda%' frog mandha' ram hadi' bone `reem' dog' different' door' dig' done Under' children' code `eed' dead' end' %id +aal !+" 8Rlt ;Pt t(vI 23 Yt ZI(t ua%hira' stoc% uati' private)personal wafaa+' enforcement uima?daar' responsible uahanat' intellect


uaria' mode)source uoo' +eal' yecogni+e' si+e' do+en Free+' cree+

Group ( 2 ray !r" (G2 cI2 z2 {2 rehna' to live rang' clour raan' thigh rag'vein

K &; r2 ridh %i hadi' bac% bone yeader' river' regard' road' reverse' round' reaction' ready + !r)d" this sound is not found in @nglish alphabet + z,& +<5 aaru)aadu' peach a%ran' cramp :our' :oint

K+L& ,JR& 1 +ay !+" 2<r1 t8r1 z<Qr1 z8v|1 8921

%halari' player)athlete %ai%ra' crab

+aiwar' ornament +ira' cumin +aitoon' olive +afran' saffron +argar' goldsmith

} !+a?ay Farsi" ~Y 3~Y z(9~Y mi:a)miya)mi+a maida)ma:da)ma+da mi:gaan)mi+gaan)maigaam !This sound came from Mersian into Urdu. It can not write easily"

Group ) seen !s" k< 2( 3( z(Ua sawaal' ]uestion sara' whole)comlete sada' simple aasman' s%y

a z(a

ass' hope aasan' easy Tub:ect' insert' school' style' paste

B Theen !sh" This sound is not available in @nglish alphabet but it is pronunced with compound sound sh

78 K3( 4( < U

sharaab' wine shadi' marriage happiness shaam' night shoo]' intrest shama' candle Thift' shirt' shrin%' short' sharing

Group * n !sawad" s FG (h hGY <[ kFG sandoo]' box)chest ]asae' butcher monsaf' :udge soufa' couch sandal' sandal?wood

+awaad !+" Rxg I +aeef old' an oldman naba+ pulse

R (g2 Group +

hai+a' cholera ]aba+' constipation ra+ae' couch

!toein)to?ay" t S( Z( z(8 z<|( 18 talay' fate ta]at' power sartan' cancer taoon' plague tara+' type

uoein) +o?ay + bS( bR| 8( 4(QI Group , +alim' cruel a+eem' almighty +ahir' open' depict inta+aam' arrangement

- #aein% aa.a _08| bS(| bO| OxP F(xY aroo:' climax aalim' scholar ilm'%noweldge ta?ala]' relation moahida' deal

C !ghein" gh 2( 2( D6 4L 208Y Z68 Group /0 !fey" f 8[ far+' duty ghobara' ballon ghaar' cave baghal'armpit ghulam' slave maghroor' proud Ghurbat' poverty

S([ ;5<[ 8R\[ <)<[ Group // !]aaf" ] bO ;O 8 7(\| xO

fali:' paralysis fou:i' soldier fa]eer' begger foto' picture)snape

]aey' vomit ]alam' pen ]ulli' porter ]ar+' loan o]aab'eagle ]ala' xasle

s ! aaf" % (Q& (& ;&,S %otta' dog %agha+' paper lar%i' girl

(&,S 8P<JE Z&86 s23 7 (Q& Group /2

lar%a' boy cha%otra' citron bar%at' bless adra%' ginger %itaab' boo%

{ !gaaf" g (589 _89 489 ;S(9 b9 (I(9 Group /3 k aam" l ;&,S ar%i' girl gir:a' curch gar:' thander garm' hot gali' abuse gom' lost gana' song)singing

41 8 FO5 k3 Group /4 4 !meem" m ;8Y ;E<Y ;g8Y eLY 8Y

a+am' importent agar' wea% :ild' s%in dalaal. #ro%er

morghi' hen mochi' cobbler)boot?ma%er mar+i' will malah' sailor mar+' diease -amage' merit' machine' movment' room' dreem

Group /( z !woon" w (qGI 2(I wanga' dressles waar !h" women

2(I z(a z(Ua pRI 8&<I

war !a" fire >asan' easy aasman' s%y wichay' below)under wo%ar' servent wever' news' change' presence' preference

- woon Ghonna -(= -(Y(mI(l -<8 -(RpR= | -<URS -l -(I(5 pa?oon' foot %hansama !bawarchi"' butler)coo% sarsoon' mustard esh] paichaan' convolvulus limu' lemon %hi+aan' autumn :anaan' lover

Group /) 0 !ao" ' v 20 z10 DR&0 50 <Sa war]' page wa+an' weight wa%eel' lawyer wa:a' cause aalu' potato as' wal%' now' ord' world' Group /* !ham+a" wo word gets start in Urdu with this sound. i.e. (R (| a (5 ahsya' things a+a' parts)organ aao' come on Aao' go' get lost ao bring

rFR= (5 Group /+

Aaepadaesh' place of birth

! iay' hi -a]sura) gool hay' hi" h 2(&<( .I< ;ORQ +<QQ ;P( Group /, K !choti yay" ;3 (6 ;G*E ;P( E ;*R= ! bari yay" dahi' curt balae' cream chatni' suce chapati' loaf paiti' belt sahoo*%ar' ban%er hont' lip hathail'palm hathora' hammer hathi' elephant

<mY GRU& &S p6 1<Y # Group 20

masoray' gums %aminay' means lar%ay' boys bachay' children mo+ay' soc%s

Maha paran (bhari aawazain) 6 bhay (&<6 K2(J6 (r,6 KG6 ;qG6 =phay k<= phool' flower bhu%a' hungry bha%ari' begger bhairiya' wolf bhindi tori' lady?finger bhangi' sweeper

+<= ;mG= 0 K8R= ;GJI<= P thay ;S(P ;P( ;QRY ;P( +<Q P( (P FI(Y (JP K+<//) (<qI

phora' boil phinsi' pimple phairi wala' haw%er)peddler phoun%ni' blowing pipe

thali' plate hathi' elephant maithi' fenugree% sathi' partner)nd behelf)friend hathora' hammer hath' hand tha' was tha%a?manda' tired

thori)thodi' chin angutha' thumb

2FRJR R (R= (RY 5 :hay <5 0+(5 8qGR5 <5 K, I<5 ,q5 (GJ5 E chay ;GOE ;GRE K8&<E

thai%aidar' contractor the%' right paitha' gourd mitha' sweet

:hula' cradle :haru' broom :hingar' cric%et :hola' bag :honpri' hut :hagra' dispute :hu%na' bow

chalni' sieve cnaini' chisel cho%ri' girl

K8QE ;)<E 3 dhay U3 ;6<3 (&<3 (RG3 (9(3 (9(3 (FG& (GJ k< (II< k( LR

chatri' umbrella chouti' little

dhama%' vibration dhobi' washerman dho%a' fraud dhanya coriander dhaga' thread dha%a' push %andha' shoulder

dha%na' lid)cover dhoul' dram dhondna' to search dhaal' shiel dhila' lose

<mY &< K &; r2 ;Q6 (& (<6 &%hay (&86 DU*& (I(& ;mI(& (G&2 2(JS 2<& (=8& bar%ha' rain %hatmul' bug hana' food)eating %hansi' cough ra%hna' to %eep la%ar?hara' wood?cutter %ha:our' date %hurpa' hoe masuray' gums %orh' leprosy reh %i hadi' bac% bone barhti' increase %arhae' embreidery borha' grey) an old?man

9 ghay (Gm9 (9 (G*9 +<9 2(Rm9 K +<9 ^ ghosna' to enter ghas' gress ghotna' %nee ghora' horse ghasyara' grass cutter ghori' mare

Alamti aawazain (symbolic sounds)

Group 1 Thad This symbolic !shad" sound is used for geting two time same sound of a alphabet sound and is placed over the laphabet sound. i.e. (E 'shad has placed over ch for this reason E has two time !same sound' chay" sound. >achcha yes' o%' good' well' fine' neat' clean' better haan' te% hai' behtar' %hoob' undha' saaf' barhya' sutra

p6 shad has placed over ch for this reason E has two time !same' chay" sound. E6 #achcha !m"' %id' child' ;p= sound. ;E 6 shad has placed over ch for this reason E has two time !same' chay"

bachchi !fm" babay girl

N1 | N|

in this word 1 has two time !same sound' +ay " sounds i++at' respect

&Y JY in this word s has two time !same %aaf " sounds -a%%a ' name of a mulim holy place situated at Taudi >rab ;S D6 ;O6 in this word k has two time !same laam " sounds billi' cat \ in this word has two time !same aaf " sounds sa]]a' waterman -ad a This sign is placed over the alphabet sound alif)alaf and it !mad" is used for geting double

sound of alif)alaf !a". 4a ;Y 9a 7a Ha _a Group 22 uabar 7 72 & b& `oo +abar alif +abar bay ab' presently' at this time' now ray +abar bay rab %aaf +abar bay %ab' now seen +abar bay sab' all sheen +abar bay shab' night %aaf +abar meem%am' less aam' mango ammi' mother aagay' post)forward aab' water aap' you aa:' today

Tofatun' >rtun' a+mun' iamaitun' uimnun' Unda+un' -a:borun' Ta]ribun' /momun' Forun' Ghalibun' hari +abar -aeni' >la' >dna ' `awa uair ;O6 bil?li bay+zair bi laam bil' !shad over laam"aamzairyay li #illi

cat alif+zair+meem =im,tay zair=ti,hay+zabar=ha+noon han= im+ti+ha+n=imtihan examination, test ;S( seen +abaralif !sa%an" sa aam+airchoti yay li Tali' sister in law' sister of wife FQ6 alif+airbay ibtay+abar tadaal+abaralif !sa%in" da Ibtada Ibtada' start' starting point' bignining' 1st

pR= pay+air choti yay !sa%an" ;= pi chay E+air bari yay !sa%an" E chay pichay Michay' bac%' bac% side' bac%ward 9a alifmada !> "a'Gaaf+airbari yay !sa%an" gay)ge >agayaaga >agay)aage' fornt' post'fornt side' at the fornt' on the fornt

ari +air #aeinhi' -ashabba baihi

This symble %eeps stationary to the alphabet sounds 7 bay" alif par +abarbay !+abar over alif bay no symbolic sound over or under

alif +abar bayab abmeans now' at this time (6 alif+abarbay ab !here bay is none moving sound" shad over #ay in this word' for this reason bay will provide double sound. /ne combine with first alif while the secound will attach with the last sound alif #ay +abar alif ba #ay alif ba >bba abba' father

523 3 +abar ray ,+abar over 3 ray !no symbolic sound over or under ray".dar
Aeem +abar hay ,!ma]sora" !+abar over :eem hay !no symbolic sound over or under hay ma]sora" :a dar:a dar:a' division' clacification

seen +abar alif ,!+abar over seenalif !no symbolic sound over or under alif".sa

3 +abar alif ,!+abar over 3 !no symbolic sound over or under alif".da
sada sada' simple

Group 23 Paish 2<= paypaishwao puyay+abaralif !sa%an" ra pura Mura' full' complete' remain no space !not less but as per demond)re]uired)re]uirement)need)prescribed)mentioned)decided" ( alifpaish outhay+abaralif !sa%an" ( tha outha /utha ta%e up' got up


meempaish mohay+abarbay habay+abartaybat mohabbat-ohab?bat' love' to li%e


bay paish boray +abar alif ra bora #o?ra' bad

Ulta paish amaha]ahoo Group Azafat

@s aawa+ %ay liay doo laf+oon %ay ma:moay %ay pehlay laf+ %ay nichay +air daal daitay hain :is %ay hawala say ay %i aawa+ baramad hoti hai.

8q5 ZVS

a%hte:igar' part of liver but this compound is used for son. a%h tay :igar

12 34

Aab-e-rawaan folowing water Aa ba$ rawaan

5657 2
ou <0 7a

`ardeshadeed' sever pain `ar day shadeed es aawa+ %ay liay doo laf+oon %ay darmiyan main wao aata hai. aabohawa water and air

In writing I3 donba but in spea%ing Y3 `omba

In writing S(I3 donbala but in spea%ing S(Y3 `ombala

Three sounds words These words start with two alphabet sounds and one symbolic sound. 7> lif +abar bay $ ab now P Tay +abar bay$ tab then 0 ao +abar alif$ wa open ( &%hay +abar alif $ %ha eat 3 daal +air yay $ day give <S laam +abar wao$ lo get) ta%e <P tay paish wao $ tu you o5 :eem +air noon $ :in :aint Df hay +abar laam$ hal solution 8I noon +bar ray $ war male Four sounds words These words are founded by three alphabet sounds and one symbolic sound. k( Teen +abar alif salaam !laam sa%an' not moving"$ saal k(5 :eem +abar alif :alaam ! laam sa%an' not moving"$ :aal N2 ray +abar alif ratay !! tay sa%an' not moving" net year Teen sabar bay$ sab all {2 yay +abar gaaf$ rag vaine s> lif +air %aaf $ e% one 89 Ghaaf +abar ray $ ghar home)house < seen +abar wao$ soo sleep c5 :eem +abar gaaf$ :ag world 8 seen +abar ray$ sar head (I noon +abar alif$ na no)not l %hay +abar toein)toay$ %hat letter' heand writing & %aaf +abar bay ap cup & aaf +abar bay$ %ab when Toein +air bay$ tib medical 03 `aal +abar wao $ doo give) two ( seen +abar alif $ sa :ust li%e)as (5 :eem +abar alif $ :a go)place z3 daal +air noon $ din day)dawn k3 `aal +air laam$ dil heart 2 daal +abar ray $ dar fear j2 ray paish %hay ro%h side)face 72 ray +abar bay rab provider

raat N(6


bay +abar alif batay !tay sa%an' not moving" baat Nt +aal +abar alif +atay !tay sa%an' not moving" +aat 2(Y meem +abar alif ma!ray sa%an' not moving" -aar)sanp 8Y meem +abar ray +awad)dawad !+awad)dawad sa%an' not moving" mar+ 8 ]aaf +abar ray ]ar+awad)dawad ! +awad)dawad sa%an' not moving" ]ar+ (<5 :hay +abar wao tay !tay sa%an' not moving" :hout (6 bay +abar alif baseen !seen sa%an' not moving" baas 2<E chay +abar wao choray !ray sa%an' not moving" choor theif smell lie loan disease beat) sna%e caste saying

8[ fay +abar ray far]aaf !]aaf sa%an' not moving" far] 86 bay +abar ray barseen!seen sa%an' not moving" bars P( seen +abar alif sa thay !thay s%an' not moving" sath 8[ fay +abar ray far+awad)dawad !+awad)dawad sa%an' not moving" far+ ( seen +abar alif saseen !seen mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" sa?as 8UX say +abar sameem +abarray !seen mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" samar 8U& %aaf +abar %ameem +abar ray !ray mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" %amar 12 ray +abar alif ra+ay !+ay mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" raa+ 1(6 secret bac% fruit wife?s mother)mother inlaw duty with' alongwith' along year difference

bay +abar alif ba+ay !+ay mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" baa+ 2(& %aaf +abar alif %aray !ray mo]oof' sa%an' not moving" %aar 85 :eem +abar ray seen !seen mo]oof' sa%an not moving" :ars B([ fay +abar alif fasheen !sheen mo]oof' sa%an not moving" faash Si sounds words (6(6 bay +abar alif babay +abar alif ba$baba >n old man' father?s elder brother' grand father' mother*s father (r(P tay +abar alif tayay +abar alif ya $taya father?s elder brother (&(& %aaf +abar alif %a %aaf +abar alif %a$ %a%a babay !m) some times for fm" ( seen +abar alif salaam +abar alif la$ sala wife?s brother ;S( severe bell wor% eagle

seen +abar alif salaam +air yay li$ sali wife?s sister)sister inlaw ;S(P thay +abar alif tha laam +air yay li$ thali plate ;S(l %hay +abar alif %ha laam +air yay li$ %hali empty ;[(& %aaf +abar alif %afay +air yay fi$ %afi enough' sufficent' to much ;S daal +abar alif da laam +air yay li$ dali !tree" branch ()<E chay +abar wao chotay +abar alif$ ta$ chota little (& %aaf +abar alif %alaam +abar alif la$ %ala blac% LRI noon +air yay ni laam +abar alif la$ nila blue ;)<6 bay +abar wao botay +air yay ti$ boti

a piece of meat ;)02 ray +abar wao rotay +air yay ti$ roti bread ;Y alif +abar meem ammeem +air yay mi$ ammi mother ;=(& %aaf +abar alif %apay +air yay pi $%api note boo% ;5(6 bay +abar alif ba:eem +air yay :i$ ba:i elder sister (9(3 dhay +abar alif dhagaaf +abar alif ga$ dhaga thread ()<Y meem +abar wao motay +abar alif ta$ mota fat !man' boy" ()<5 :hay paish wao :hotay +abar alif ta$ :hota lier 8-& alif +abar %aaf a% say +abar ray sar$ a%sar often

8Q6 bay +abar hay beh tay +abar ray tar$ behtar in good condition)right)better)well)o% 8QU& %aaf +abar meem %am tay +abar ray tar$ %amtar inferior' lowest 8( sheen +abar alif sha tay +abar ray tar$ shatar clever K2(5 :eem +abar alif :aray +air choti yay ri$ :ari continue K2( Teen +abar alif saray +air choti yay$ ri sari whole)complete (p seen +abar chay sachchay +abar alif cha sach?cha whose on right.truthfull (r,9 gaaf paish aray guryay +abar alif ya gorya doll Se!en sounds word (R& daal +abar alaf da' %aaf +air %i' yay +abar alif ya da%iya postman

21(6 bay +abar alif ba' +ay +abar alif +a' ray !mo]oof)sa%an) wot moving" ba+ar mar%et)place of different shops) where things can be sold or buy "ight sounds word FI8= pay +abar pa' ray +air noon rin' daal +abar hay ma]sura da parinda bird FI1( seen +abar alif sa' +ay +air noon +in' daal +abar hay ma]sura da sa+inda who %nows the art of music' who has s%ill in musical instruments' musician #ine sounds word 1023 daal +abar ray dar' wao +abar alif wa' +ay +abar hay ma]sura darwa+a door

8qr2(& %aaf +abar alif %a' ray +air yay ri' gaaf +abar ray gar %arigar s%ill holder)s%illedman who has some s%ill in any field)wor%):ob 8qr1(6 bay +abar alif +ay +air yay gaaf +abar ray ba+igar :uggler ba +i gar

$rdu %amair 0RY mein !I"

-<; O| 0RY -ein >li hoon. I am >li. -< 2(UR6 0RY -ein bimaar hoon. I am sic%. Y -u:hy !I" RI FGm= N3(| K2(UP Y -u:hay tumhari adaat pasand nahain hain. I dili%e your habits. 8RY maira !my" ; O| 4(I 8RY -aira naam >li hai. -y name is >li. K8RY -airi !my" -airi maan -y mother 8RY

-airay !I" -airay paas doo ghar hain. I have two houses. Y mu:h !me" Y mu:hay !me" r8& L Y
-u:hy itla %arain. et me %now. Inform me

Ha P P 8RP 0

aap) <P tu) bP) tum !you" tu:h !you" tu:hay !yours" taira !yours" woh !he)she"

( r 8RY 0
oh maira bhai hai. ie is my brother.


os say)ossay !his"

r3 )(Gr3 (Q6 r3 )(Gr3 (Q6 <&

os %o bata daina) dain.) ossay bata daina)dain. Inform him. )et him %now.) tell him.

ium !we"

R( 6 q b
ium sagay bhai hain.

e are real brothers.

R; I(Qm&(= b
ium Ma%istani hai. e are Ma%istani hain.


iamara)hamari !our"

892(U r
ah hamara ghar hai. This is our house.) it is our home.


tumhara !yours"

Tumhara %iya naam hai. hat is your name.) whats your name.


hamari !ours" os !he' his' him"

7(Q& ;&
iis boo%

(Jr3<& I
ie saw him.

SA&A'()A (*uestion)

%ahaan where

%iya what

%ayoon why

%ab when

e8 & )mR&
%aisay)%is tara how

%oun who

( z<&
oun?sa)se which

I(5 & 8 &

%is taraf):anib which side)way

%ahaan say here to

8 1(&
%ahaan par here at

P( &&
%is %ay sath ith whom

(& e8 &&
%is tara %a hat %ind of

itna iow many

%ab hen !time in general"

Z0 &
%is wa]t hat time !specific hour"

z3 &
%is din hat day !of the wee%"

4(I < &I3

`Iw//w > w>>!`ays"

iaftah !`irt" Taturday Tuseday Friday

>itwar !Tunday" Tunday

Meer !-oonday" -onday Thursday

-angal !Fire"

#udh ednesday !ater"

Aumiraat !Free"

Aumah !Gold"

4(I < &GY

->iIw//w > w>>!wame of months"

K2<G5 Dr8= <5 86<Q&

Auanuary >pril Auly /ctober

K208[ Y Zm9 8Y<I

February -ay >ugust wovember

d2(Y z<5 8UQ 8U3

-arch Aune Teptember `ecember

b<Y +,SA+ Seasons)

2(6 #ahar (Y8 Tarma Q2 -"S.TA) (-elations) Tpring inter (Y89 Garma N(86 #arsaat Tummer yainy -l hi+aan >utumn

FI0(l %hawand (6 6 bari #ehan sister -(Y) ;Y ammi)maan

husband elder mother

K<R6 bivi ()<E (6 chota bhai brother <6)H(6 father

wife younger baapabbu

8m susar father in law !bride*s father" ;S( sali sister in law !bride*s sister" (r(P taya father?s elder brother ;I(UY mamani mother?s brother wife (=<= phupha father?s sister husband S(l %hala mother?s sister 8R=<= phuphair father?s sister?s son)daughter 0RQU TI->T>Iw !`irections" 8Y mashri] 7<G5 :anoob Z= )pR= pusht)pichay cI2 -A#/ east south bac%

( sa?as mother in law !bride*s mother" 33 dada father?s father grand father (P tae father?s elder brother wife (pE chacha father?s younger brother ;=<= phuphi father?s sister 8R(Y masair mother?s sister son)daughter 8RpE chachair father?syounger brother son)daughter

(6 6 bara bhai elder brother o6 ;<E choti #ehan ounger sister <6) K<R6 ;& R6 baitay %i bivi)baho daughter in law ( sala brother in law !bride*s brother" (I(I nana mother father grand father -<Y(Y mamoon mother?s brother ;pE chachi father?s younger brother wife <S(l %halu mother?s sister husband 8RS(Y malair mother?s brother son)daughter

78Y maghrib (FR sidha ahead

west straight

k(U shamal I(5 ;& {)a aagay)%i :anib

north towards

(Colors) j8 Tura%h red LRI wila blue Tab+ green 2<6 #hura brown (RP<Y);Y3(6 #adami)motiya oof white ;6(G| anabi maroon K2(GO9 golnari scarlet K8G sonehri golden ( )& S libas dress and clothes ;*R= Garment oin cloth >astein 0R685 br2 Trouser ardi paiti UmP FG6<O9 Tleeve Tto%ing yaisham RS<P Uniform belt Tasmay Golu band 1<Y S(03 Til% Toliya (g2 s(<= aces -uffler -o+ay `oshala Y(5=( Towel ya+ae Moshaa% ;)<qGS oRQa Toc%s Thawl Ma:ama K320 uilt (& (R ala)saiya blac% Y8 Tarmae gray cI2 8QqG)(*S(Y -alta)sangtara rang /range color ;I (Ua >asmani s%y color K2FGU Tomondri sea green KY8 ]irma+i crimson ;vG6 banafshi violet DRI nial indigo FRv Tofaid white LR= Mila)+ard yellow ;I<2 >rghawani purple (R303 `oudhya mil%y ;I(Ua >asmani a+ure ;6L9 golabi pin% (R& a%hiya chocolate

4(I &2<I(5 0A#&A-,,# KA) #AA+ (Animals1 name) 2<I(5 ;O6 (Q&

:anwar animal sRGY mainda% frog K8J6 ba%ri)ba%riaan cheep 6 bata%h duc% +<9 ghora horse (QRE chita tiger B<98l %hargosh rabbit 1(6 ba+ eagle .I0 onth camel

billi cat &< %av?wa crow (8Y murgha chic%en 2FG6 bandar mon%ey (<E choha mouse' rat I( sanp sna%e ;ORJ E chap%ili li+ard z8 harn deer pY8qY alligator -ager?mash

ota dog (9 ga?ay cow 2< suar pig FI8= prinda bird 8R shair lion K8O9 golehri s]uirrel ;P( hathi elephant ,R6 ba%ra goat

4(I < &hf &bm5 AIT>- > iIT//w > w>>!Marts of body" 8U& bac%)waist -(= foot P( hand S<& hips (FG& shoulder z(61 tongue 086 eyeball z389 ]amar pa*oon hath %ohlay %andha +oban abru garden 01(6 arm cI() leg 8 head GY mouth FO5 s%in ZI3 tooth z(& ear k(6 ba+oo taang sar monh :ild dant a?an baal ;OqI finger k(6 hair k3 heart s(I nose FxY stomach 0RJIa eyes .I< lips ;I(R= ongli baal dil naa% mehdha aan%hain hont paishani

nec% 2(ml2 chee% (<qI thumb K bone GV an%le z(Qm= breast = < eyelids 389 %idney ;OmG collar bone <S(P palate K,=<& s%ull R= paishay professions 2(&3 ada%aar actor K+L& %halari player)athlete ;5<[ fou:i solidier (r38l %haradiya turner -(Y(mI(l %han?sama coo%)butler K2(J6 bha%ari beggar ;E<Y mochi

ru%hsaar anggotha hadi ta%hna pistan papotay gurday hansli talu %hopri

hair 8E cehra face (|; I028I androni a+a internal organs K+<//) thori chin D6 baghal armpit ;SG= pindli calf <mY masuray gums R = phaipray lungs ol(I na%houn nail ;OQ= ;& JIa aan%h %i potli pupil z2 raan thigh

forehead ;G& elbow 7(h| muscle (G*9 %nee GR chest ;OQ palm

%ohni asaab ghotna sina hathaili

8q5 igar liver K &; r2 rir %i hadi bac%bone (I naaf navel I naba+ pulse {2 rag vein

FI(UI namaenda agent (I(I naanbae ba%er B08[ (& %agha+ farosh stationer k3 dalaal bro%er 8R6 baira bearer B08[ Q& %otab farosh boo% seller 23RJ thai%ay?dar

;Q<5 :oshtashi astrologer 893< sodagar trarder 708&(l ;qG6 bhangi) %ha%?roob sweeper (h ]asae butcher 2(&<( saho?%ar ban%er 2FRI(P thanidar inchrage police sttion 89<[2 rafu?gar

cobbler)boot ma%er 16 ba+a+ draper z(m& %isan farmer z123 dar+an seamstress RS(P atalee] tutor ( saes groom hGY monsaf :udge 2(UxY mamar mason 85<9 )<9 gowala)go:ar mil%man 89 ;xO ]lae?gar porter 2<hY )1( cI2
rang?sa+ )mosawar painter

contractor B08[03 dawa farosh druggist 2(G sonaar goldsmith 3(Q ustaad teacher (<5 :olaha weaver 0 K8R= phairi wala haw%er DR&0 wa%eel lawyer)pleader K8QmY mistari mechanic B8P R5 :aieb?tarash pic%poc%et 2(U& %amhaar potter K23(=
padri priest

darner r8qI2 rang?rai+ dyer eLY malah sailor K123 dar+i tailermaster ;S(Y mali gardner K2FY madari :uggler 203Y ma+door labourer 3 dae midwife 1(6< hawa?ba+ pilot (R& da%iya postman o&2<9
gor%an sexton

monshi accountat

0 I8& 4LRI
nilaam %arnay wala auctioneer

0 I8& k(P &; =7(mf

hisab %i patal %arnay wala auditor

:ild?saa+ boo%?binder

23 z(&3
do%an?dar shop %eeer

la%ar?hara wood?cutter

halwae confectioner

B08[ K
sab+i?farosh green grocer

ghasyayara grass cutter


+"2(CA' SA) +,TA'A* "STA'A.AAT3A+-AA% +edical terms and name of some diseases

sar dard headach

dard ush !dawa" pain %iller

03 KG
thaindi dawa cool medicine !iamaray haan yah term

z<l B389 FGO6 2(V6

bu%har fever medicine sic%ness gout plague indegestion bad cold)cold cancer piles swelling pneumonia

boland gardashe%hoon

iu%ama %ay haan mustamal hai. %hasusan hamlah ortoon %i dwa %ay liay boltay hain." high blood pressure

k(Q m
haspatal hospital pregnancy asthma measles leprosy cramp bruise cholera smallpox vomit consstipation

+a%hmi in:ury patient malairia paralysis aundice caugh boil pimple dysentery wound sunstro%e































SA4%()AAT (5egetables)

>alu potato #rin:al -int Tomato Mulse Mump%in yadish

>dra% Ginger ady Gourd ^auliflower #ean ^arrot Meas

;6<9 FG6
#and gobhi ^abbage Tpinach /nion #eet root ^ucumber Garlic Fenugree%


#hindi finger






;6<9 k<=
Mhool gobhi











K.,-AK (2iet)

I(l ;E20(6
#awarchi?%hana %itchen brea%fast cheese bread green tea ater

hana)%hora% food meal eggs noodles

Gosht beef light meal salad rice :uice salt



; JO
ial%i ghi+a







Tab+ cha?ay

(E (R
Tiya cha?ay !omomi" blec% tea



Tharaab wine


d8Y ;S(&
ali mirch blac% pipper

Toda !pepsi' shi+an wagherah" -ashroob)sharbat

s2<l ;& ZUR 28\Y

-o]arrah ]imat %a %hana fixed price meal

(I( &FrFGm=
pasandidah %hana favorite food

-urgha ^hic%en -il%

-ashli Fish

^ha?ay Tea


6hal Fruit

>am mango raspberry coconut orange aloe citron guava cherry peach melon

>alucha plum lo]uat lemen banana #adaam dates :aman mulberry pineapple watermelon

>%hroot walnut berry apple grapes hobani fig lechi pear sweetpotato

K86 2









>alu ba%hara









I3 (


;P( (I








d8Y j8
Tur%h mirch chilli cumin ginger nutmeg pepper tamarind aniseaniseed

ong clove currant mustard onion pistachio turmeric cardamon

`hanyan coriander garlic mint olive saffron vingar poppyseed





-<8 2





d8Y ;S(&
aili mirch









OU5 ;vS03
2oo lafzi 7umla Two words sentence

(&,S r
ea% lar%a one boy my daughter tall man the whole world house wife

;O6 ;S(&
%a%i billi blac% cat blue s%y true promise white paper red dress

maira baita my son green topi white house sweat water bet friend

;*R6 K8RY
mairi baiti

nila aasman

sab+ topi

;Y3a (US
lanba aadmi

sacha wada

( 2<9
gora house

sara +amana

(& FRv
Tofaid %agha+

;I(= (RY
-itha pani

N2<| <Or89
gharailu orat

(S j8
Tura%h libas

Z03 or8Q6
#ehtarein dost

;OU5 ;vS oRP

Teen lafzi 7umla Three words sentence

;Jr2(P ;& N2
raat %i tari%i dar%ness of night

K8J6 ;&
os %i ba%ri his sheep

z3 (& K3(
shadi %a din marriage day) the day of marriage

Q& ;& Kr8qI

angrai+i %i %itab >n english boo%

L9 (& 303
doudh %a glass !a" glass of mil%

8(& bG
shabnum %a ]atra a dew drop

;I(=20 303
doudh aur pani mil% and water

N<Y20; 9FI1
+indgi aur mout life and death

03 3 ;I(=
pani day doo serve water)fetch) water)give water

p6(& ;Y3a
aadmi %a bacha

K8&<) ;&8p&
achray %i to%ri

(<I (& 3
`as %a note

man?s %id


a note of ten rupes

;Y &; bO
aslam %i ammi aslam?s mother

c5 <(<
Tota howa :ug bro%en :ug

;I (& OS
>llah %a nabi profet of >llah

<I(Y ;& (f2

irha %i billi)mano irha?s cat

z(&3 ;& K
Tab+i %i do%an vegetablt?s shop

K<R6 ;& k(
I]bal %i bivi wife of I]bal

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