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# 1997 University of South Africa Revised edition 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 All rights

reserved Printed and published by the University of South Africa Muckleneuk, Pretoria FAC1502/1/2012 98794728 3B2




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118 169 171 193 220 230 259 263 265 277 285 287 314 342



Aims of this module

After having studied this module, you should be able to
. .

. . . .

apply the basic principles of accounting gather, process and record relevant information and prepare basic statement of comprehensive income (income statement), statements of changes in equity and statement of financial position (balance sheet) record assets properly and be accountable for assets record liabilities properly and be accountable for liabilities keep proper records to ascertain the financial performance and financial position of sole proprietors and non-profit entities prepare proper books from incomplete records




We would like to welcome you as a student to Module I (FAC1502) of the Accounting I course. This is the first module of a series of modules presented by the Department of Financial Accounting at UNISA. The title of this module is Accounting concepts, principles and procedures. The courses in the Department of Financial Accounting are presented to degree level (i.e. with Accounting III as a major subject). This, together with another major and other subjects, will enable you to obtain either the BCom or BCompt degree. You may, having completed the BCom or BCompt degree, study further in accounting by studying the BCom/BCompt (honours) degree and thereafter the MCom/MCompt and DCom/DCompt degrees. This will take quite a number of years and hard work, but it is possible! The ultimate goal of many students in accounting is to become accountants and to follow the BCompt route. Your first milestone will, however, be to master (i.e. to pass) Accounting FAC1502. The studies in this module is the foundation of all your studies in accounting. You must, therefore, ensure that you understand and know everything contained in this module as everything is important. It is not only required of you to know it for the examination, but you WILL need it in future modules or in your everyday walk of life (if you do not study accounting further). You may ask: Why is it necessary to study accounting? The most important reason will be: To account for income and expenditure, and for assets and liabilities. You may say: I do not earn an income or incur expenses, or I do not owe money or own assets. Our question will be in turn: What about your pocket money, remuneration for work or part time work, your study bursary or study loan (which is not an income, but a liability) or what about your clothes, books and stationery you had to buy for your studies? You have to account for the value of all of it. This does not only apply to your personal case, but especially to the business you own or the organisation where you work. Many persons and/or organisations fall into financial difficulties or even go bankrupt and people land in jail as a result of their lack of knowledge of accounting. We would like to help you to prevent this. Now that you know WHY you must study Accounting, what are the aims of the Accounting FAC1502 module? Refer again to the Aims of this module, specified above.



Study activities
In this study guide a variety of exercises are given. You should do these exercises by yourself also and compare your attempt with the solutions given in the study guide. It also contains selfevaluation questions, to encourage your active participation in the learning process. These are a combination of reading, studying, doing and thinking activities that are presented in a flexible manner. This will enable you to absorb the knowledge content of the topic, to practice your understanding and to direct your thoughts. This is important because as you encounter these study activities and actually perform them, you will become directly involved in controlling the extent and the quality of your learning experience. In short, how much and how well you learn, will depend on the extent of your progress through the study activities, and the quality of your effort. In cases where exercises are given, the questions should be answered without reference to the study material. You should then mark your answer against the answer given in the study guide. Where your answer differs from that given in the study guide, ask yourself why?, how?, when?, where? what did I do wrong? If more than 25% is incorrect, try again to answer the question without referring to the study guide or your previous attempt. Accounting is very much a practical subject; the more you practice, the better.

Meaning of words
Outcomes are communicated and assessment criteria are phrased in terms of what you should be able to do. This involves the use of action words, describing what you must do in the learning activity. The following list of words includes examples of the action words that you will encounter in this module. (You need not study this.)

Meaning of action words

WORD 1 2 3 Read MEANING So as to obtain a broad and basic background, knowledge or information; do not study. Read thoroughly Necessary theory that needs to be clearly understood. You may be assessed on this theory through short questions. Study Learn with the view of gaining the highest level of understanding and mastery which is necessary for examinations, further study and/or career. You will not be required to give a definition of a concept in the examinations. You will, however be required to apply the theory in the correct accounting format and to follow the correct steps/ procedures. For example, the layout and terminology to be used in the preparation of financial statements are prescribed. You may not use any other formats. Prepare You must make ready or complete what is required on the basis of previous study.




Learning outcome
The learner should be able to describe, calculate and record the financial performance and financial position of a sole proprietor, by using the basic accounting equation and the double-entry system to record the various types of transactions.



Study unit



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Your prescribed textbook for this module is About Financial Accounting Volume 1 by Berry, P.R.; Botha, S.M.; de Klerk, E.S.; Doussy, F., et al. Durban: Butterworths. 2008, third edition.



The nature and function of accounting
Learning outcome
Students are able to know and understand the nature and function of accounting.

Key concepts 1.1 1.2 Introduction What is Accounting? 1.2.1 Definition 1.2.2 The nature of accounting 1.3 1.4 1.5 Universal accounting denominator Forms of ownership Users of financial information 1.5.1 Investors 1.5.2 Creditors 1.5.3 Employees 1.5.4 Government 1.5.5 Management 1.6 The fields of accounting 1.6.1 Financial accounting 1.6.2 Management accounting 1.7 Exercise and solution Self-assessment


4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8


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Financial information Decision making The nature of accounting Unit of measurement Forms of ownership Generally accepted accounting practice The fields of accounting


1.1 Introduction
In this module, we introduce you to the concepts, principles and procedures of accounting. The first two study units are included mainly to give you some background knowledge. At first, the information may appear to be very confusing, but if you follow the study guide step by step, working through all the examples in the prescribed textbook and exercises in this study guide, the methods and procedures will become clear. To master this subject, you must get as much practice as you can so start early in the semester. Over the centuries accounting developed together with and as part of the economic system and it performs an extremely useful and important function in society. Through the ages records were always kept by hand, but today computers are being used increasingly. Whichever method is used, the basic principles remain unchanged, since all activities in a business are still expressed in terms of money and are recorded. However, it is important to know the procedures used in a manual system in order to understand how a computerised accounting system works. Read paragraph 1.1 of the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE Accounting CAN NOT be studied by merely reading/memorising. You need to practice, practice and practice also!!

1.2 What is accounting?

1.2.1 Definition
Study paragraph 1.2 of the prescribed book. Accounting is therefore a process consisting of three activities, namely: . . Identifying those events that are evidence of economic activity (transactions) relevant to the particular business or entity. Recording the monetary value of the economic events (transactions) so as to provide a


permanent history of the financial activities of the business. Recording consists of keeping a chronological diary of measured events in an orderly and systematic manner. Recording implies that economic events are also classified and summarised. The third activity encompasses the communication of the recorded information to interested users. The information is communicated through the preparation of and distribution of accounting reports, the most common of which are known as financial statements. Read paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4 of the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE Accounting records transactions to provide useful information for decision making.

1.2.2 The nature of accounting

Accounting is a specialised means of communication which is used to convey a specialised message about the finances of an entity. It is essential that the recipient of this specialised message (the user of financial information) should understand it, otherwise the information which is conveyed has no value. Accounting uses words and figures to convey financial information to the users of such information. As you progress with your study of Accounting you will become familiar with the meaning of these words and figures, which are also known as the concepts, principles and procedures of accounting. This knowledge will eventually enable you to understand the message which is contained in financial statements. Each and every person who is involved in an entity uses financial information to a greater or lesser degree. Each of us also needs to know something about accounting to manage our personal financial affairs. Financial resources are limited, or ``scarce'', and if we are going to spend them we must plan properly. A knowledge of accounting is therefore also useful in this area. Accounting is therefore a ``language'' which is used to convey financial information to interested parties. Read thoroughly paragraphs 1.8 and 1.9 of the prescribed book.

1.3 Universal accounting denominator

The common unit of measurement in accounting is money and in the RSA the currency is known as the Rand. All the transactions of an entity are converted into monetary values before being processed. Using money as the common denominator however, gives rise to two important limitations: . . Not all events can be expressed in monetary terms. The value of money is unstable and is influenced by many economic factors, such as inflation.


1.4 Forms of ownership

The form of a business ownership refers to the way in which a business is owned and managed; how the original funds for starting the business were raised; and how the profits, losses and risks in the business are divided. In the RSA there are four main forms of ownership, namely: . . . . sole traders partnerships close corporations companies

Apart from these main forms of entities, non-profit entities can also be distinguished. Study paragraph 1.6 and read thoroughly paragraph 1.7 in the prescribed book.

1.5 Users of financial information

Financial information is required by many users, who analyse the information for various decision-making purposes. The following are the most common users:

1.5.1 Investors 1.5.2 Creditors 1.5.3 Employees 1.5.4 Government 1.5.5 Management
Study paragraphs 1.10 to 1.13 of the prescribed book.

1.6 The fields of accounting

Users of financial information can be divided into two categories, namely: . . internal users eg management, employees external users eg investors, creditors, government

Two fields of accounting have developed as a result of this distinction as to the users of the information. Financial accounting is concerned with the provision of financial information to mainly external parties, while management accounting is concerned with the provision of financial information to people within the entity.

1.6.1 Financial accounting

This field of accounting is concerned with the recording of transactions and the preparation of the financial statements regarding the entity as a whole. Financial accounting is governed by Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP), which consists of external standards which must be adhered to. These standards assure the comparability of financial statements between entities.


1.6.2 Management accounting

Management accounting provides financial information for specific purposes. Managers use this information in their decision making, which leads to the attainment of the objectives of the entity. Without this financial information, it would be difficult for management to manage effectively. In this course, we will be concentrating on financial accounting. Study paragraphs 1.5 and 1.14 and read paragraph 1.15 of the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE Financial statements must reveal a fair presentation of the financial position, financial performance and cash flow of an entity.

1.7 Exercise and solution

We end this study unit with a few revision questions. It is in your own interest to try to answer these by referring to the study unit or prescribed book.

Exer ci se
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Discuss the nature of accounting. What is the common unit of measurement in accounting? Name the four main forms of ownership. Discuss the different users of financial information. Differentiate between financial accounting and management accounting.

(1) Refer to paragraph 1.2.2. (2) The common unit of measurement in accounting is money. (3) Sole trader Partnership Close Corporation Company (4) Refer to paragraph 1.5. (5) Refer to paragraph 1.6.


SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . . .

describe the importance of financial information as a basis for decision making? discuss the different users of financial information and their needs? state the different forms of ownership? discuss the nature of accounting? explain the difference between financial and management accounting?



The nature of accounting theory
Learning outcome
Students are able to explain what is meant by the nature of accounting theory, principles, accounting policy, practice and procedures.

Key concepts 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Accounting principles Accounting policy Disclosure of accounting policy Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) Accounting standards and statements 2.5.1 Introduction 2.5.2 Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements The objective of financial statements Underlying assumptions Qualitative characteristics of financial statements The elements of financial statements Recognition and measurement of the elements of financial statements 2.6 Exercise and solution Self-assessment


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Accounting principles Generally accepted accounting practice Accounting statements Accounting policy Going concern Qualitative characteristics Elements of financial statements


2.1 Accounting principles

In this study unit we turn our attention to the theory of accounting. You may well ask ``Why? Accounting is supposed to be a practical subject!'' This is true, but no subject which is logically structured can exist without a theoretical foundation. The techniques used in the practice of accounting are based on conceptual and theoretical ideas. These ideas are generally known as accounting principles. Study paragraph 2.1 of the prescribed book.

2.2 Accounting policy

Situations often occur in our everyday life which are repetitive (ie they are always the same) but they would each have a different outcome if we acted differently each time. If we do not have a guideline for how we should act in such cases, our actions would probably be inconsistent. Our friends would think we were unreliable. If we lay down a guideline so that we always act the same in a particular situation, we can say that we are determining a policy for our actions, which will result in our actions being consistent. We encounter precisely the same situation in accounting. Transactions of a repetitive nature frequently occur, and the requirement of consistency means that an entity has to establish an accounting policy which determines how such transactions will be treated. Accounting policy is thus a set of decisions about how the entity will treat the same type of transactions in order to achieve a consistent result.

2.3 Disclosure of accounting policy

Since an accounting policy represents an entity's decisions about situations which it could deal with in various ways, it has to disclose its accounting policy in its financial statements. For example, an entity has to indicate what basis it has used to deal with the depreciation of property, plant and equipment.

2.4 Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP)

This is the next important concept which you will encounter in your accounting studies. For the sake of conciseness we will refer to this as GAAP. If everyone were to develop his or her own language and grammatical rules, communication would break down. For this reason we have generally applicable language and grammar rules. Accounting, as a specialised medium of communication, has precisely the same problem. If each entity were to prepare financial reports according to its own accounting rules and its interpretation of accounting theory and principles, chaos would result in the world of economics and business. A foundation has therefore been developed over the years for the measurement and disclosure of the results of financial events (transactions). This foundation is a general framework and encompasses, in broad terms, accounting concepts, principles, methods and procedures, which are collectively known as GAAP.



Read paragraph 1.5 of the prescribed book again. In this study guide, we will sometimes disclose more information in the financial statements than is required by GAAP. This is done for better explanation and understanding.

2.5 Accounting standards and statements

2.5.1 Introduction
In the RSA, the Accounting Practices Board plays an important role in the development of GAAP by creating accounting standards. The objective of creating accounting standards for particular issues (eg for the treatment of taxation in financial statements) is to limit the variety of available accounting practices, but without striving for strict uniformity or creating a set of rigid rules for all circumstances. The ultimate aim of accounting standards is to encourage widespread use of particular standards in financial reporting and to eliminate undesirable alternatives.

2.5.2 Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements

The framework is not a standard but a framework, ``... which sets out the objectives and concepts which underlie the preparation and presentation of financial statements ...'' The objective of financial statements Study paragraph 1.11 of the prescribed book again. Underlying assumptions According to the Framework there are two underlying assumptions with regard to financial statements. These are: (1) The accrual basis, and (2) The going concern Study paragraph 2.2 of the prescribed book. Qualitative characteristics of financial statements The four main qualitative characteristics are: (1) (2) (3) (4) Understandability Relevance Reliability Comparability

Study paragraph 2.3 of the prescribed book.


FAC1502/1 The elements of financial statements GOLDEN RULE The following are elements of financial statements: . Elements by which the financial position (assets = equity plus liabilities) is measured: (1) (2) (3) . Assets Liabilities Equity

Elements that measure profitability (Profit or loss = increase or decrease in equity): (4) Income (5) Expenses

Study paragraph 2.4 of the prescribed book. Recognition and measurement of the elements of financial statements Study paragraphs 2.5 to 2.8 of the prescribed book.

2.6 Exercise and solution

Exer ci se
(1) Explain the following accounting principles: (a) accrual (b) consistency (c) prudence (d) materiality (e) matching (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Define the concept of accounting policy. What is meant by disclosure of accounting policy? Describe the concept of generally accepted accounting practice. Discuss the underlying assumptions of financial statements. Name the four main qualitative characteristics of financial statements. Name the elements of financial statements.



(1) Refer to the following paragraphs of the prescribed book: (a) 2.2.1 (b) 2.3.4 (c) 2.3.3 (d) 2.3.2 (e) 2.5.4 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Refer to paragraph Refer to paragraph Refer to paragraph Refer to paragraph Understandability Relevance Reliability Comparability (7) Assets Liabilities Equity Income Expenses 2.2 2.3 1.5 2.2 in the study guide in the study guide of the prescribed book of the prescribed book

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit can you explain what is meant by:

the following accounting principles?

. . . . . .

accrual consistency prudence materiality matching realisation

. . . .

accounting policy? disclosure of accounting policy? generally accepted accounting practice? accounting standards and statements?




The financial position
Learning outcome
Students should be able to describe what the primary purpose of accounting is and what is understood by the double entry system. They should also be able to calculate the financial position of an entity and the elements of the basic accounting equation.

Key concepts 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Introduction Accounting entity Financial position Net asset value Application of the basic accounting equation (BAE) The double-entry principle Revision exercises and solutions 3.7.1 Revision exercise 1 3.7.2 Revision exercise 2 Self-assessment


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Accounting entity Accounting equation Financial position Assets Liabilities Equity Double-entry Net worth



3.1 Introduction
The primary purpose of accounting is to give information on the financial position and the financial result of an entity. This study unit deals with the key elements of the financial position. Read paragraph 3.1 of the prescribed book.

3.2 Accounting entity

Every entity for which separate financial records are kept is an accounting entity. It is extremely important to see the business as a separate entity from its owners because transactions entered into by the entity have to be dealt with from the point of view of the entity whose books are being done. Study paragraph 1.7 (again) as well as paragraph 3.2 of the prescribed book.

3.3 Financial position

The financial position of the entity is described in terms of assets and interests at a given time. They are reflected in a statement of financial position, which is essentially an accounting report on the financial position of an entity. The statement of financial positon communicates relevant financial information to the owners, creditors and other interested parties. Study paragraph 3.7 of the prescribed book.

3.4 Net asset value

The difference between the value of assets owned by an entity and the liabilities it has incurred represents net asset value. If we express this as an equation, then ASSETS 7 LIABILITIES = NET ASSET VALUE The net asset value represents the portion by which the assets exceed the liabilities. Net asset value is therefore also called EQUITY. Study paragraph 3.3 of the prescribed book.

3.5 Application of the basic accounting equation (BAE)

Exer ci se 1
The assets of Maxi Services amount to R30 000 and its liabilities (creditors) to R5 000. Calculate the equity. We use the BAE. The amounts which are given are substituted for the appropriate symbol and the unknown symbol is calculated.




= = = =

E+L AL R30 000 7 R5 000 R25 000

Exer ci se

T Tom is the owner of Zebra Services which offers a carpet cleaning service. On 30 November 20.1 Zebra Services owns equipment amounting to R100 000. Clients owe R40 000 for services rendered and Zebra Services owes R20 000 to a supplier for parts purchased. Zebra Services also has R10 000 in cash in the bank. Show the BAE for Zebra Services and determine the equity. Step 1: Identify the assets Equipment Debtors Cash = R100 000 = R40 000 = R10 000

Step 2: Identify the liabilities Creditors = R20 000

Substitute these amounts into the equation: A E = = = = E+L AL R(100 000 + 40 000 + 10 000) 7 R20 000 R130 000

Zebra Service's financial position can also be presented in the form of statement of financial position (previously known as balance sheet) as follows:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (BALANCE SHEET) AS AT 30 NOVEMBER 20.1 ASSETS Equipment Debtors Cash in bank R 100 000 40 000 10 000 150 000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Creditors R 130 000 20 000

150 000



This statement of financial position (balance sheet) is in a basic form. Later we will deal with statements of financial positions (balance sheets) in more detail.

Study paragraph 3.6 and 3.7 of the prescribed book.

3.6 The double-entry principle

The double-entry principle is based on the fact that every transaction affects two or more items in the BAE. In principle it means that each transaction must be recorded in such a way that the equation remains in balance. The dual effect which each transaction has on the elements of the BAE is the fundamental principle on which all entries in an accounting system are based. Study paragraphs 3.5, 3.7 and 3.8 of the prescribed book.

3.7 Revision exercises and solutions

3.7.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) Define the concept of an accounting entity. (2) Describe the financial position of an entity in terms of the BAE. (3) Explain the nature of (a) assets (b) equity (c) liabilities (4) Name two sources of financing. (5) What is meant by the double-entry principle?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) An accounting entity is any entity for which separate financial records are kept. (2) ASSETS = EQUITY + LIABILITIES (3) (a) Assets are the possessions of the entity. (b) Equity is the interest which the owner has in the business and which the entity therefore owes to him. (c) Liabilities are creditors' interests or interests of parties other than the owner(s). Liabilities are therefore the debts of the entity. (4) The owner Creditors (5) In principle it means that every transaction has a dual effect on the elements of the BAE and that after every transaction the BAE must remain in balance.



3.7.2 Revision exercise 2

Calculate the missing figures using the BAE. R (1) Bank Vehicles Equipment Capital (2) Capital Loan Bank Machinery (3) Bank Debtors Buildings Furniture Creditors Capital (4) Capital Loan Creditors Assets = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 4 000 5 000 7 000 ? 150 000 50 000 ? 190 000 5 000 15 000 100 000 40 000 50 000 ? 60 000 10 000 6 000 ?

Solution: Revision exercise 2

(1) A E = E+L = AL = R(4 000 + 5 000 + 7 000) 7 R0 = R16 000


A = E+L R190 000 + Bank Bank

= = =

R(150 000 + 50 000) R(150 000 + 50 000) 7 R190 000 R10 000



= E+L = AL = R(5 000 + 15 000 + 100 000 + 40 000) 7 R50 000 = R160 000 7 R50 000 = R110 000 = E+L = R60 000 + R(10 000 + 6 000) = R76 000




SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . . .

describe the primary purpose of accounting? describe an entity? describe the financial position of the entity? describe the double-entry system? calculate the elements of the basic accounting equation?




The financial performance (result)
Learning outcome
Students should be able to apply the concepts of income and expenditure to determine the gross and net profits (or losses) and the effect thereof on equity.

Key concepts 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Introduction The financial performance (result) Income Expenditure Influence of profit or loss on equity Statement of comprehensive income (income statement) (financial performance) Statement of changes in equity Accounting policies and explanatory notes Revision exercises and solutions 4.9.1 Revision exercise 1 4.9.2 Revision exercise 2 Self-assessment


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Financial result Profit/loss Income Expenditure



4.1 Introduction
In paragraph 3.3 we discussed the first component of the primary goal of accounting, which is to determine the financial position of an entity as it is reflected in the statement of financial position. In this study unit we discuss the second component of this primary goal, namely the financial performance of the entity, and indicate how it is reflected in the form of a statement of comprehensive income. Study paragraph 4.1 in the prescribed book.

4.2 The financial performance (result)

The financial result of an entity is measured in terms of the profit or loss which the entity has made over a specific period, which is referred to as the financial period and which is normally a year. An entity makes a profit when the income it has earned is more than the expenditure it has incurred in generating or producing that income. The difference between the income and expenditure is known as the profit or loss. Profit is the owner's reward for the capital he or she has invested and the entrepreneurial spirit he or she has shown. It therefore increases the equity.

4.3 Income
The objective of every entity is to earn as large an income as possible. Study paragraphs 2.4.2 and 4.2.1 of the prescribed book.

4.4 Expenditure
Expenditure is incurred to earn income. Study paragraphs 2.4.2 and 4.2.2 of the prescribed book.

4.5 Influence of profit or loss on equity

Income (profit) increases and expenditure (losses) decreases the owner's interest. Study paragraph 4.3 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se
The financial position (BAE) of T Payn, an attorney, on 28 February 20.0 is as follows: A R50 000 = = E + L R30 000 + R20 000

For the year ended 28 February 20.1 he had the following income and expenditure:



R Fees earned Salaries expense Administrative costs Insurance expense Calculate T Payn's equity on 28 February 20.1. We use the equation which we discussed in paragraph 4.2: Profit = Income 7 Expenditure = R180 000 7 R(100 000 + 20 000 + 10 000) = R180 000 7 R130 000 = R50 000 E = R30 000 + R50 000 = R80 000 180 100 20 10 000 000 000 000

. Capital plus profit together form the equity of the owner. See the above exercise R(30 000 + 50 000) = R80 000. . Profit is income minus expenditure.

4.6 Statement of comprehensive income (income statement) (financial peformance)

The financial performance is measured in the statement of comprehensive income of an entity (previously known as the income statement). Study paragraph 4.4 of the prescribed book.

4.7 Statement of changes in equity

Study paragraph 4.5 of the prescribed book.

4.8 Accounting policies and explanatory notes

Study paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7 of the prescribed book.

4.9 Revision exercises and solutions

4.9.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) How is the financial performance (result) calculated in accounting terms? Which financial report reflects the financial performance? (2) Give three examples of income.



(3) Give three examples of expenditure. (4) How is profit/loss determined for a financial period? (5) Does a loss increase or decrease the equity of the owner?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) Income minus expenditure. The statement of comprehensive income reflects the financial performance. (2) Refer to paragraph 4.3. (3) Refer to paragraph 4.4. (4) Expenditure is subtracted from income. Refer to paragraph 4.2. (5) A loss decreases equity.

4.9.2 Revision exercise 2

On 28 February 20.2 Alpha Services showed the following income and expenditure for the financial year. R Income earned Salaries Wages Telephone expense Stationery Interest received Insurance Calculate the net profit/loss of Alpha Services on 28 February 20.2. 850 520 50 4 2 1 12 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

Solution: Revision exercise 2

Income = Income earned + Interest received = R(850 000 + 1 000) = R851 000 = Salaries + Wages + Telephone + Stationery + Insurance = R(520 000 + 50 000 + 4 000 + 2 000 + 12 000) = R588 000 = Income 7 Expenditure = R851 000 7 R588 000 = R263 000



SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . .

describe the concept income? describe the concept expenditure? calculate the profit (or loss)? calculate the effect of profit/loss on equity?




The double-entry system and the accounting process
Learning outcome
Students should be able to analyse and record transactions in the books of an entity and prepare financial statements.

Key concepts 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Introduction The double-entry system The effect of transactions on the basic accounting equation (BAE) Transactions which affect only assets, equity and liabilities 5.4.1 Capital contributions 5.4.2 Acquisition of loans 5.4.3 Purchase of assets for cash 5.4.4 Buying assets on credit (debt) 5.4.5 Payments to creditors 5.4.6 Withdrawals by owner 5.5 Transactions which give rise to income and expenditure 5.5.1 Income (cash) 5.5.2 Expenditure (cash) 5.5.3 Income (credit) 5.5.4 Expenditure (credit) 5.5.5 Payments received from debtors 5.6 5.7 5.8 Summary of transactions Basic form of a statement of financial position Revision exercises and solutions 5.8.1 Revision exercise 1 5.8.2 Revision exercise 2


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The general ledger account 5.9.1 Assets 5.9.2 Equity and liabilities 5.10 Balancing an account 5.11 Schematic representation 5.12 Recording of transactions in ledger accounts 5.13 The general ledger 5.14 The trial balance 5.15 Preparing financial statements 5.15.1 The statement of comprehensive income 5.15.2 The statement of changes in equity 5.15.3 The statement of financial position 5.15.4 Notes 5.16 Summary 5.17 Revision exercises and solutions 5.17.1 Revision exercise 1 5.17.2 Revision exercise 2 5.17.3 Revision exercise 3 5.17.4 Revision exercise 4 5.17.5 Revision exercise 5 Self-assessment

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. . . .

Debit and credit Transactions Effect on financial position T-account

. . . .

Ledger Contra account Folio number Trial balance

5.1 Introduction
We mentioned the double-entry system in paragraph 3.6 in the study guide read that paragraph again. To make a double-entry correctly, you need a good working knowledge of the appropriate names for different things in accounting and particularly the concepts of ``debit'' and ``credit''. It is very important that you master this study unit since it explains the foundation on which the accounting system is built. Read paragraph 5.1 of the prescribed book.

5.2 The double-entry system

At this stage we are simply using the accounting equation as a teaching aid to explain the analysis of transactions. The BAE does not form part of a formal accounting system. To make a double-entry you must: Think about what the effect of the transaction is going to be on the BAE, in other words, how it is going to affect the financial position of the entity. . Identify the components (accounts) which are involved, that is the components which will have the desired effect on the equation.



. . . .

Determine which account(s) has/have to be debited and which account(s) has/have to be credited. Be sure that the amount(s) debited are equal to the amount(s) credited. Be able to indicate the date of the transaction. Indicate the name of the contra ledger account in the account in which you are doing the entry. The contra account is the other account which is involved in the transaction: the one account refers to the other. Indicate the folio number of the subsidiary journal.

5.3 The effect of transactions on the basic accounting equation (BAE)

A transaction is an agreed upon transfer of value from one party to another which affects (changes) the amount, nature or composition of an entity's assets, liabilities or equity. In other words it affects the BAE. Entering into a transaction gives rise to the first step in the accounting cycle, namely the completion of a source document. Transactions may
. .

affect assets and/or equity and/or liabilities generate income or give rise to expenditure Study paragraph 5.2 (up to the beginning of 5.2.4) of the prescribed book.

5.4 Transactions which affect only assets, equity and liabilities

Below we give practical examples of transactions which affect only assets or interests. (A ``+'' indicates an increase and a ``7'' indicates a decrease.) Study paragraphs 5.2.1 to 5.2.4 of the prescribed book.

5.4.1 Capital contributions

Transaction 1 Feb 20.1 T Tom decided to start a carpet-cleaning business called Fix-'n-Mat. He withdrew R130 000 from his personal savings account and deposited it in Fix-'n-Mat's bank account.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' increases by R130 000 and there is now money in Fix-'n-Mat's bank account. (2) The owner, T Tom, provides Fix-'n-Mat with funds and increases his interest in Fix-'n-Mat. The equity ``Capital'' increases by R130 000.

ASSETS Bank R Previous balances This transaction New balances 0 + 130 000 130 000

EQUITY Capital R 0 + 130 000


R 0 0 + 0

130 000



. In an entity which has not yet entered into any transaction, the elements of the equation will always be 0. . The terms ``bank'' and ``capital'' in the analysis are actually names of accounts. . The investment of capital is usually the first transaction. . Capital may be contributed in the form of cash or any other asset (eg furniture). ``Furniture'' instead of ``Bank'' will then increase. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.4.2 Acquisition of loans

Transaction 2 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat obtained a loan of R25 000 with a payback period of more than a year from ABC Bank. The amount was paid into its bank account.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' increases by R25 000. (2) ABC Bank now has a claim against or an interest in Fix-'n-Mat and a liability, namely a ``Loan: ABC Bank'', comes into being.


EQUITY Capital

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 0 + 25 000

R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 130 000 + 25 000 155 000 =

R 130 000 0 130 000 +

25 000

. The results of the first transaction form the balances which are brought down in this transaction. . Liabilities arise when another party or institution supplies funds (make loans) to the entity. . Amounts (in this case R25 000) are added to both the left-hand side and the righthand side of the BAE. . The BAE balances after the transaction.



5.4.3 Purchase of assets for cash

Transaction 6 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat bought equipment from XY Furnishers for R100 000 and paid by cheque.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' decreases by R100 000 since money has been withdrawn. (2) The asset ``Equipment'' increases. ASSETS Equipment R Bank R 155 000 7100 000 55 000 = = EQUITY Capital R 130 000 0 130 000 + + LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 25 000

Balances brought down Transaction New balances

0 +100 000 100 000

. Assets now consist of bank and equipment. . The left-hand side of the equation increases and decreases. One asset is exchanged for another asset. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.4.4 Buying assets on credit (debt)

Transaction 10 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat bought furniture for R2 000 on credit from Joc Limited.


(1) The asset ``Furniture'' increases by R2 000. (2) A liability, ``Creditor'', comes into being.

ASSETS Furniture Equipment Bank

= EQUITY + Capital

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R Creditors

R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 0 +2 000 2 000

R 100 000 0 100 000

R 55 000 0 55 000 =

R 130 000 0 130 000 +

25 000 0 0 +2 000 25 000 2 000



. . . . Assets may also be bought on credit and a creditor comes into being. The transaction is recorded when it is entered into and not when the payment is made. The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE increase. The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.4.5 Payments to creditors

Transaction 11 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat paid Joc Limited's account of R2 000.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' decreases by R2 000. (2) The liability, ``Creditors'', decreases by R2 000.

ASSETS Furniture Equipment Bank

= EQUITY + Capital

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R Creditors

R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 2 000 0 2 000

R 100 000 0 100 000

R 55 000 72 000 53 000 =

R 130 000 0 130 000 +

25 000 2 000 0 72 000 25 000 0

. The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE decrease. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.4.6 Withdrawals by owner

Transaction 12 Feb 20.1 The owner withdrew R1 000 for his own use.


(1) Fix-'n-Mat's ``Bank'' decreases by R1 000. (2) T Tom's ``Capital'' (equity) in Fix-'n-Mat decreases by R1 000.



ASSETS Furniture Equipment Bank

= EQUITY + Capital

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 25 000 Creditors

Balances brought down Transaction New balances

R 2 000 0 2 000

R 100 000 0 100 000

R 53 000 71 000 52 000 =

R 130 000 71 000 129 000 +

R 0 0 0

. Withdrawals are the opposite of capital contributions and reduce capital. Remember, withdrawals are not expenditure. . Where the entity pays a personal expense of the owner's, it is also treated as a withdrawal. . The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE are reduced. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.5 Transactions which give rise to income and expenditure

5.5.1 Income (cash)
Transaction 13 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat provided services for a client S Silver and received a cheque for R1 000.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' increases by R1 000. (2) The fee which Fix-'n-Mat earns is an income. Equity therefore increases by R1 000.

ASSETS Furniture Equipment Bank

EQUITY Capital Income/ Expenditure R 0 +1 000 1 000

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 Creditors R 0 0 0

R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 2 000 0 2 000

R 100 000 0 100 000

R 52 000 +1 000 53 000 =

R 129 000 0 129 000

25 000



. Income earned increases the equity. It is the objective of the entity to earn income for the entrepreneur. . The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE increase. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.5.2 Expenditure (cash)

Transaction 16 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat paid wages by cheque, R800.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' decreases by R800. (2) Wages are an expenditure item and the equity decreases by R800.

ASSETS Furniture Equipment Bank

EQUITY Capital Income/ Expenditure R 1 000 7800 200

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 Creditors

R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 2 000 0 2 000

R 100 000 0 100 000

R 53 000 7800 52 200 =

R 129 000 0 129 000

R 0 0 0

25 000

. In essence expenditure incurred decreases income and therefore also decreases the equity. . The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE decrease. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.5.3 Income (credit)

Transaction 18 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat provided services worth R6 000 to C Canon on credit.


(1) C Canon becomes a debtor of Fix-'n-Mat. The asset ``Debtors'' comes into being and increases by R6 000. (2) ``Fees earned'' are an income item and equity increases by R6 000.



ASSETS Debtors R 0 + 6 000 6 000 Furniture Equipment Bank R 2 000 0 2 000 R 100 000 0 100 000 R 52 200 0 52 200

EQUITY Capital R 129 000 0 Income/ Expenditure R 200 +6 000 6 200

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 Creditors R 0 0 0

Balances brought down Transaction New balances

129 000

25 000

. Organisations or clients who owe money to an entity are known as debtors and arise from the entity rendering services or goods on credit. . The left-hand side and the right-hand side of the BAE increase. . The realisation principle applies here, and the income is shown as having been earned on 18 February when the service was provided and not when the cash is received.

5.5.4 Expenditure (credit)

Transaction 21 Feb 20.1 Fix-'n-Mat placed an advertisement in a local newspaper for R200. Payment was due only in 30 days.


(1) The liability ``Creditors'' increases by R200. (2) ``Advertisements'' are an expenditure item and the equity decreases by R200.

ASSETS Debtors R 6 000 0 6 000 Furniture Equipment Bank R 2 000 0 2 000 R 100 000 0 100 000 R 52 200 0 52 200

EQUITY Capital R 129 000 0 Income/ Expenditure R 6 200 7200 6 000

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 Creditors R 0 + 200 200

Balances brought down Transaction New balances

129 000

25 000

. . . . Expenditure may also be incurred on credit (for goods/services received). The organisations to which money is owed are known as creditors. The right-hand side of the BAE increases and decreases. The expenditure is shown on 21 February 20.1 and not only when it is paid. The accrual principle applies here. . The BAE balances after the transaction.



5.5.5 Payments received from debtors

Transaction 28 Feb 20.1 C Canon settled his account in part, R2 000.


(1) The asset ``Bank'' increases by R2 000. (2) The asset ``Debtors'' decreases by R2 000.

ASSETS Debtors R Balances brought down Transaction New balances 6 000 72 000 4 000 Furniture Equipment Bank R 2 000 0 2 000 R R

EQUITY Capital R 129 000 0 Income/ Expenditure R 6 000 0 6 000

LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R 25 000 0 Creditors R 200 0 200

100 000 52 200 0 + 2 000 100 000 54 200 =

129 000

25 000

. This transaction affects assets only. . The left-hand side of the BAE increases and decreases. . The BAE balances after the transaction.

5.6 Summary of transactions

Fix-'n-Mat's transactions for February 20.1 can now be summarised as follows:
ASSETS = EQUITY Date 20.1 Feb 1 2 6 10 11 12 13 16 18 21 28 Debtors R Furniture R Equipment R Bank R +130 000 +25 000 7100 000 72 000 71 000 +1 000 7800 +2 000 +2 000 +100 000 160 200 +54 200 = = = +129 000 Capital R +130 000 Income/ Expenditure R INTERESTS + LIABILITIES Loan: ABC Bank R +25 000 +2 000 72 000 +1 000 7800 +6 000 7200 +6 000 + + +25 000 25 200 Creditors R

+2 000

+100 000

71 000

+6 000 72 000 +4 000

+200 +200

{ {
135 000 160 200



. Note that these totals correspond to the closing balances in paragraph 5.5.5 above.

5.7 Basic form of a statement of financial position (previously known as the balance sheet)
Now we are going to prepare a statement of financial position using the totals of the BAE (see paragraph 5.6). The basic form of the statement of financial position is based on the BAE. You have already come across a very simple statement of financial position in paragraph 3.5. A statement of financial position is a report and in essence is a formal presentation of the elements of the BAE.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment Furniture Current assets Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note R 102 000 100 000 2 000 58 4 54 160 200 000 200 200

135 000 135 000 25 000 25 000 200 200 160 200

. The statement of financial position balances and shows the same totals as the BAE. . Note the heading the statement of financial position is prepared to reflect the financial position on a specific date. . The withdrawals are subtracted from the capital. As mentioned, withdrawals are not an expenditure item. . The equity in the BAE is also R135 000.

5.8 Revision exercises and solutions

5.8.1 Revision exercise 1
D Paulus started a television antenna installation business on 1 June 20.1. The following transactions took place during the first month:



Transactions: June 1 2 3 4 6 17 28 29 30 Cash in the bank deposited as opening capital, R25 000. D Paulus made his private equipment available to the business, R9 000. Additional equipment purchased and paid for by cheque, R12 000. Installation fees for work done on account for Kannadrift Municipality, R4 200. Vehicle purchased on credit from Virginia Cars Limited, R22 400. Kannadrift Municipality paid R2 200 on their account. Wages paid, R4 000. Cheque drawn for private use, R1 300. Paid R9 000 to Virginia Cars Limited on their account.

Required: Using the basic accounting equation, analyse the abovementioned transactions as follows: NB: (1) Show the effect of each transaction on the basic accounting equation with a plus sign (+) for an increase and a minus sign (7) for a decrease. (2) Balance the equation. Example: On 1 July 20.1 D Paulus received R2 000 in cash for an installation done for Cook Financing Corporation. Date A 20.1 July 1 + R 2 000 Basic accounting equation = + E R 2 000 + L R 0

Solution: Revision exercise 1 D PAULUS

Date A 20.1 June 1 2 3 4 6 17 28 29 30 Total + + + 7 + + + 7 7 7 7 R 25 000 9 000 12 000 12 000 4 200 22 400 2 200 2 200 4 000 1 300 9 000 46 300 Basic accounting equation = E R +25 000 + 9 000 + L R

+ 4 200 +22 400

7 4 000 7 1 300 79 000 32 900 46 300 13 400


5.8.2 Revision exercise 2

The following transactions during January 20.1 relate to F Fox, an attorney. Date 20.1 Jan 3 4 5 6 9 10 13 18 29 F Fox deposited as opening capital Paid rent for January 20.1 Bought law library on credit from Book Limited Bought a computer for cash from Leo Limited Provided services for cash Debited D Dunn with fees for services rendered Leo Limited repaired equipment on credit F Fox drew a cheque for private use F Fox received commission on a property transaction Paid the following by cheque (i) Salaries (ii) Leo Limited (on account) 30 Received payment from D Dunn on his account Transactions Amount R 20 000 2 300 24 000 1 700 7 200 8 318 100 1 234 1 350 8 350 100 1 500

Required: (1) Analyse the above transactions in tabular form as follows: ASSETS Date Library and Debtors Bank Equipment = EQUITY Income/ Capital Expenditure + LIABILITIES Creditors


(2) Prepare the statement of financial position of F Fox at 31 January 20.1.



Solution: Revision exercise 2 F FOX

(1) ACCOUNTING EQUATION ASSETS Date Library and Debtors Equipment R R Bank

EQUITY Income/ Capital Expenditure R +20 000 R 72 300


20.1 Jan 3

R +20 000 72 300 71 700 +7 200

71 +1 78 7 30 71 500 +1 Total +25 700 +6 818 +16

4 +24 000 5 + 1 700 6 9 10 13 18 29

+ 24 000 +7 200 +8 318 7 100 +1 350 78 350

+8 318

234 71 234 350 350 100 500 366 = +18 766

+ 100

7 100 + +24 000

+6 118

R48 884

(2) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 JANUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Equipment Library Current assets Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note R 25 700 1 700 24 000 23 6 16 48 184 818 366 884

R48 884 24 884 24 884 24 000 24 000 48 884



5.9 The general ledger account

Up to now we have dealt only with asset, liability and equity items appearing in a statement of financial position or BAE. We recorded transactions in columns in the summary of the BAE to show their effect on a specific asset, equity or liability item. We had columns for debtors, furniture, equipment, capital and so on. But it is impractical to prepare a new equation after every new transaction just think what would happen in a business with thousands of transactions! To avoid this we are now going to open an account in the general ledger for every column of the BAE. We speak of the general ledger because there are also subsidiary ledgers, which we will explain later. An account is opened in the general ledger for every asset, liability and equity item. Every account appears on its own on a page in the ledger and each account is given a number, which is known as a folio number. An account is an accounting record in which all transactions relating to a specific item are recorded. Study paragraph 5.3 (until the beginning of 5.3.1) in the prescribed book.

5.9.1 Assets
Study paragraph 5.3.1 in the prescribed book.

5.9.2 Equity and liabilities

Study paragraphs 5.3.2 to 5.3.5 in the prescribed book.

5.10 Balancing an account

With what you have learnt about an account, we now know that an account may have entries on the debit or the credit side or on both sides. Study paragraph 5.4 in the prescribed book.

NB: The closing balance of the previous period becomes the opening balance of the next period.
. .

c/d = carried down, which indicates the amount to be carried down to the following month b/d = brought down, which indicates that the amount has been brought down from the previous month



5.11 Schematic representation

Profit or Loss account: Profit to Capital account

statement of financial position and Notes

Statement of comprehensive income &


. The top level of the schematic representation shows the basic accounting equation (BAE). . The second level of the schematic representation shows how each of the components of the BAE becomes part of the account system. The left-hand side of the account is known as the debit side (Dr) and the right-hand side as the credit side (Cr). . The total of the amounts on the debit side of an asset account is usually larger than that on the credit side. The account will therefore usually have a debit balance (brought down). The total of the amounts on the credit side of a liability account is usually larger than that on the debit side. The account will therefore usually have a credit balance (brought down). . The capital account reflects the equity of the owner at the date of the statement of financial position. The balance on this account is the result of income, expenditure, drawings and capital investment. These components are all dealt with separately in the accounting system. Additional capital contributions and income increase equity. Drawings and expenditure decrease equity. But note: drawings is not an expenditure and therefore does not reduce the profit. . The left hand side (Equity section) forms the basis for the preparation of the Statement of Comprehensive Income and the Statement of Changes in Equity. . The Capital (Equity section) and the right hand side (ASSETS and LIABILITIES) form the basis for the preparation of the Statement of Financial Position. . . .

5.12 Recording of transactions in ledger accounts

When we enter a transaction in a ledger account, we have to ask ourselves: Which accounts are affected? In answer to this question, we are now going to record the transactions in paragraphs 5.4 and 5.5 in the ledger accounts (T-accounts). Transaction (5.4.1) Bank 130 000

Capital 130 000



Bank 25 000

Loan 25 000




Equipment 100 000


Bank 100 000


(5.4.4) Furniture 2 000


Creditors (Joc Ltd) 2 000



Bank 2 000

Creditors (Joc Ltd) 2 000


(5.4.6) Bank 1 000


Drawings 1 000

All drawings by the owner are recorded in a separate account, namely ``Drawings'', and not directly in the capital account. Drawings is a disbursement of the profit to the owner and is not an expense resulting from business operations.


Bank 1 000

Income (fees) 1 000



Bank 800

Wages 800




Debtors (C Canon) 6 000


Income (fees) 6 000


(5.5.4) Creditors 200


Advertisements 200

(5.5.5) Bank 2 000


Debtors (C Canon) 2 000


5.13 The general ledger

In the previous example two accounts were opened each time for each transaction. In practice all transactions which affect, say, bank are summarised in one account for bank. Given the information we have above, the accounts will take the following form. Each one is closed off and the balance determined.

GOLDEN RULE Assets (eg Bank) increase on the Debit (Dr) side and decrease on the Credit (Cr) side of the account.

Dr Date 20.1 Feb 1 2 13 28 Capital Loan:ABC Bank Fees earned Debtors Details Fol Amount R 130 25 1 2 000 000 000 000

Bank Date 20.1 Feb 6 11 12 16 28 Equipment Creditors Drawings Wages Balance Details Fol Amount R



100 000 2 000 1 000 800 54 200 158 000

20.1 Mar 1

158 000 Balance b/d 54 200



Dr 20.1 Feb 6 Bank R



100 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 10 Creditors R



2 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 18 Fees R

Debtors 20.1 Feb 28 Bank Balance c/d R


6 000

2 000 4 000 6 000

20.1 Mar 1

6 000 Balance b/d 4 000

GOLDEN RULE Equity (eg Capital) and Liabilities (eg Creditors) increase on the credit (Cr) side and decrease on the debit (Dr) side of the account.

GOLDEN RULE Income (eg sales) increases equity and are credited (Cr) to the particular income account.

GOLDEN RULE Expenses (eg wages) decreases equity and are debited (Dr) to the particular expense account.




Capital 20.1 Feb 1 Bank R


130 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 12 Bank

Drawings R 1 000



Loan: ABC Bank 20.1 Feb 2 Bank R


25 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 11 28

Creditors R 2 000 200 2 200 20.1 Mar 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Feb 10 21

Cr R 2 000 200 2 200 200

Bank Balance


Furniture Advertisements

Dr 20.1 Feb 16 Bank R 800



Dr 20.1 Feb 21 Creditors

Advertisements R 200



Income (fees) 20.1 Feb 13 18 Bank Debtors R


1 000 6 000 7 000



. Note that the details of an item in a ledger account is simply the name of the other ledger account involved in the transaction. This other ledger account is known as the contra ledger account.

5.14 The trial balance

Study paragraph 5.5 of the prescribed book.

A trial balance is a list of the balances brought down (b/d) of the accounts in the general ledger on a specific date. GOLDEN RULE The balance ``brought down'' (b/d) must be used to prepare the trial balance. The following trial balance has been prepared from the ledger accounts in paragraph 5.13.

TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Dr Bank Equipment Furniture Debtors control Capital Drawings Loan Creditors control Wages Advertisements Fees R 54 100 2 4 200 000 000 000 Cr R

1 000

130 000 25 000 200

800 200 7 000 162 200 162 200

GOLDEN RULE Asset and expense accounts have debit (Dr) balances brought down (b/d) and are entered on the debit side of the trial balance.

GOLDEN RULE Equity (capital), liability and income accounts have credit (Cr) balances brought down (b/d) and are entered on the credit side of the trial balance.



. The trial balance balances. . Note that an account with a debit balance (brought down) is shown on the debit side of the trial balance and an account with a credit balance (brought down) on the credit side. . If we compare the totals of the trial balance with the totals of the columns of the BAE (see paragraph 5.6), we note the following: Capital in the BAE is R129 000. In the trial balance capital, R130 000 (Cr), and drawings, R1 000 (Dr), are shown separately. This also gives a net total of R129 000. . Income less expenditure = R6 000. If the expenses in the trial balance, namely wages and advertisements with debit balances of R800 and R200 respectively, are subtracted from the income, namely fees with a credit of R7 000, the net amount is R(7 000 7 1 000) = R6 000 credit, which corresponds to the income in the BAE.

5.15 Preparing financial statements

In this module we deal with the statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity as well as some of the notes. The statement of cash flows will be dealt with in ACN102N. As mentioned previously, the trial balance serves as a basis for preparing a statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, and statement of financial position. The trial balance represents the information in the ledger. The statement of comprehensive income shows the entity's financial result and the statement of financial position shows its financial position. Study paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 of the prescribed book.

5.15.1 The statement of comprehensive income

We now use the information from the trial balance in paragraph 5.14 above to prepare a statement of comprehensive income for Fix-'n-Mat.

STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE MONTH ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Note Revenue Distribution, administrative and other expenses Wages Advertisements Profit for the period Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period R 7 000 (1 000) 800 200 6 000 6 000



. Note the title. A statement of comprehensive income is prepared for a period ended, not on a certain date. . The profit for the period as determined in the statement of comprehensive income corresponds to the income/expenditure column in the BAE. . The income and expenditure accounts are called nominal accounts.

GOLDEN RULE Revenue (comprising income accounts) less expenses result in a profit or loss.

5.15.2 The statement of changes in equity

This statement shows all the changes in equity which have occurred during the financial period. The purpose of the statement of changes in equity is to reconcile the equity at the beginning of the financial period with the equity at the end of the financial period. The balance of the equity at the end of the financial period is then shown in the statement of financial position. Equity will be discussed in more detail later in this study guide.

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE MONTH ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Capital Balance at 1 February 20.1 Total comprehensive income for the period Drawings Balance at 28 February 20.1 R 130 000 6 000 (1 000) 135 000

GOLDEN RULE The profit increases equity and a loss decreases equity.

. Note that the statement of changes in equity is prepared for a period ended and not on a specific date. . The equity at the end of the month corresponds to the net total in the BAE in paragraph 5.6.



GOLDEN RULE The balance at the end of the period on the statement of changes in equity must be the same as the ``capital'' reflected in the statement of financial position.

5.15.3 The statement of financial position

Before we prepare a statement of financial position, please refer to paragraph 3.5 and also to the statement of financial position for Fix-'n-Mat which we compiled in paragraph 5.7. We will now show the statement of financial position of Fix-'n-Mat in narrative form and in compliance with GAAP.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents (bank) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note 3 R 102 000 102 000 58 200 4 000 54 200 160 200

135 000 135 000 25 200 25 000 25 000 200 200 160 200

. See paragraph 5.15.4, Notes, for the calculation of property, plant and equipment. . The total assets of R160 200 corresponds to the total as shown in the BAE in paragraph 5.6. . The total equity and liabilities of R160 200 corresponds to the total as shown in the BAE in paragraph 5.6. . Words and figures between brackets is for explaining purposes only and do not form part of any financial statement.



GOLDEN RULES . Assets are, at this stage, grouped into non-current and current assets. . Non-current assets do not change often and are used in ordinary business, production or to render services. . Current assets change after every operating transaction, thus very often. . Equity (the interest of the owner(s) in the entity) comprise, at this stage, capital only. . Liabilities comprise, at this stage, non-current and current liabilities . Non-current liabilities are to be paid after 12 months and do not change often. Current liabilities are short term, change often and must be repaid within 12 months.

5.15.4 Notes
Additional information on items appearing in the financial statements is given in the notes to the financial statements. These explanatory notes are shown after the statement of cash flows. We do not deal with the statement of cash flows in this module and will therefore show the notes after the statement of comprehensive income. Note number 1 is used to reveal the accounting policies of the business. Now let us prepare the notes of Fix-'n-Mat.


NOTES FOR THE MONTH ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 1. Accounting policy: The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. 2. Revenue represents fees earned for services rendered to clients. 3. Property, plant and equipment Equipment R Carrying amount: Beginning of period Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions Depreciation Carrying amount: End of period Cost Accumulated depreciation 100 000 100 000 100 000 Furniture R 2 000 2 000 2 000 Total R 102 000 102 000 102 000

No depreciation was written off during this financial period.

5.16 Summary
We began by explaining the financial position (statement of financial position) and financial performance (statement of comprehensive income) and then went back to how we enter into a transaction to set the accounting process in motion.



5.17 Revision exercises and solutions

5.17.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) Name the three groups of accounts in the general ledger. (2) What is the difference between the total debits and the total credits of an account called? (3) How do we test the arithmetical accuracy of transactions in the general ledger?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) . Assets . Liabilities . Equity, which includes: . . . . capital drawings income expenditure

(2) Balance (3) By preparing a trial balance

5.17.2 Revision exercise 2

List each of the following ledger accounts under one of the categories in the table below. ``Furniture'' is inserted as an example. ASSETS EQUITY LIABILITIES Noncurrent liabilities

Non-current assets Furniture

Current assets




Current liabilities

Ledger accounts to be classified: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) Land and buildings Bond Petty cash Postage Interest income Vehicles Salaries Debtors Creditors Bank overdraft Fees earned Electricity deposit Drawings Subscriptions (e.g. Membership fees)



Solution: Revision exercise 2

ASSETS Noncurrent assets (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) Electricity deposit Drawings Subscriptions Fees earned Debtors Creditors Bank overdraft Vehicles Salaries Interest income Petty cash Postage Land and buildings Bond Current assets Capital Income Expenditure EQUITY LIABILITIES Noncurrent Current liabilities liabilities

5.17.3 Revision exercise 3

The following transactions during February 20.1 relate to G Goodman, a dentist: Date 20.1 Feb 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 27 28 G Goodman deposited as opening capital G Goodman transferred personal equipment to his firm Paid rent for February by cheque Bought furniture on credit from Badman Rendered services on credit to R Rudman G Goodman drew a cheque for private use Issued a cheque to Badman in part payment of their account Rendered services for cash to C Coleman Received payment from R Rudman on his account Paid the following by cheque: (i) Salaries (ii) Wages (iii) Telephone Transactions Amount R 50 6 8 12 30 1 5 7 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 300

10 000 2 000 500



Required: Record the above transactions using a table as illustrated in the following example: Feb 28 G Goodman paid the water and electricity account by cheque R600.

Date 20.1 Feb 28

General ledger Account debited Water and electricity Account credited R Bank Dr

A Cr R 600

= Dr R 600

E Cr R

L Dr R Cr R

Solution: Revision exercise 3 G GOODMAN

Date Feb 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 20 27 28 General ledger Account credited Capital Dr R 50 000 6 000 8 000 8 000 12 000 30 000 1 000 5 000 7 000 1 300 1 300 10 000 2 000 500 10 000 2 000 500 1 000 5 000 7 000 30 000 12 000 Cr R Dr R Cr R 50 000 6 000 Dr R Cr R debited Bank A = E + L

20.1 Account

Equipment Capital Rent Bank expenses Furniture B Badman R Rudman Fees earned Drawings Bank B Badman Bank Bank Bank Salaries Fees earned R Rudman Bank

Wages Bank Telephone Bank expense



5.17.4 Revision exercise 4

The following transactions during October 20.1 relate to Witblits Electricians: Date 20.1 Oct 1 3 9 12 13 17 24 27 30 W Blits, the owner, deposited as opening capital Obtained loan from SA Bank Bought equipment on credit from Sparks Dealers Issued a cheque for an advertisement in a local newspaper Paid the telephone account by cheque Received a cheque from H House for services rendered Drew a cheque for private use As an additional capital contribution W Blits transfered his motor vehicle to the business Paid salaries by cheque Issued a cheque to SA Bank as a repayment on the loan Transactions Amount R 10 000 6 000 1 000 200 75 500 2 000 9 000 2 000 1 500

Required: Prepare the following in the books of Witblits Electricians: (1) The appropriate ledger accounts which reflect the above transactions, properly balanced/closed on 31 October 20.1. NB: Indicate the correct contra ledger account. (2) The trial balance on 31 October 20.1.

Solution: Revision exercise 4 WITBLITS ELECTRICIANS

(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr Capital: W Blits 20.1 Oct 1 24 Bank Motor vehicles R 10 000 9 000 19 000 Cr Cr

Dr 20.1 Oct 17 Dr 20.1 Oct 3 Sparks Dealers Bank

Drawings: W Blits R 2 000 Equipment (at cost) R 1 000




Dr 20.1 Oct 24 Capital: W Blits

Vehicles (at cost) R 9 000 Bank R Capital Long-term loan Fees earned 10 000 6 000 500 20.1 Oct 9 12 17 27 30 31 16 500 Advertisement Telephone expense Drawings: W Blits Salaries Long-term loan Balance c/d R


Dr 20.1 Oct 1

Cr 200 75 2 2 1 10 000 000 500 725


16 500

20.1 Nov 1 Dr 20.1 Oct 30 31



10 725 Cr R Bank 6 000 6 000 20.1 Nov 1 Balance b/d 4 500 Cr R Equipment 1 000 Cr

Long-term borrowing (SA Bank) R Bank Balance c/d 1 500 4 500 6 000 20.1 Oct 1


Sparks Dealers 20.1 Oct 3

Dr 20.1 Oct 9 Dr Bank

Advertisement R 200 Fees earned 20.1 Oct 13 Bank R 500


Dr 20.1 Oct 27 Dr 20.1 Oct 12 Bank Bank

Salaries R 2 000 Telephone expense R 75





(2) TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 OCTOBER 20.1 Dr R Capital W Blits Drawings W Blits Equipment (at cost) Vehicles (at cost) Bank Long-term loan (SA Bank) Sparks Dealers Fees earned Advertisement Salaries Telephone expense 2 1 9 10 000 000 000 725 4 500 1 000 500 200 2 000 75 25 000 25 000 Cr R 19 000

5.17.5 Revision exercise 5

The following transactions during March 20.1 relate to P Victor, an attorney: Date 20.1 Mar 3 4 5 15 18 21 23 25 30 31 P Victor opened his firm of attorneys and deposited as opening capital Paid rent for March Bought a photocopier from Foto-Kop on credit Paid Foto-Kop by cheque Rendered services on credit to U Wright Received a cheque from U Wright Bought stationery from AA Dealers on credit Deposited cash received for services rendered to U Wrong Paid on account to AA Dealers Paid salaries by cheque P Victor drew a cheque for private use Transactions Amount R 12 1 8 2 3 1 3 1 1 000 000 000 000 000 800 000 200 500 400 1 000

Required: (1) Record the above transactions using a table as illustrated in the following example: 20.1 March 3 Paid telephone account by cheque R1 000. ASSETS Date 20.1 March 3 Totals Bank R 71 000 71 000 Debtors R Equipment R = EQUITY Capital R + Income/ Expenditure R 71 000 71 000 LIABILITIES Creditors R



(2) Prepare the statement of changes in equity of P Victor for the month ended 31 March 20.1. (3) Prepare P Victor's statement of financial position as at 31 March 20.1 in narrative form. (4) Show the accounting policy and the property, plant and equipment notes.

Solution: Revision exercise 5 P VICTOR

(1) TRANSACTION ANALYSIS ASSETS = EQUITY Income/ Expenditure R 7 1 000 + 8 000 7 2 000 + 3 000 7 3 000 + 1 200 7 400 + 3 000 7 1 500 + LIABILITIES Equipment R Creditors R

Date 20.1 Mar 3 4 5 15 18 21 23 25 30 31

Bank R + 12 000 7 1 000 7 2 000

Debtors R

Capital R + 12 000

+ 8 000

+ 3 000 + 1 800 7 1 800 + 1 200 7 1 500 7 400 7 1 000 + 9 100 + 1 200 + 8 000 =

1 000

+ 11 000

200 +

+ 7 500

R18 300

(2) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE MONTH ENDED 31 MARCH 20.1 Capital R 12 000) (200) (1 000) 10 800)

Capital contribution from owner Loss for the period Drawings Balance at 31 March 20.1



R18 300

(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MARCH 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents (bank) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note 2 R 8 000 8 000 10 300 1 200 9 100 18 300 10 800 10 800 7 500 7 500 18 300

(4) NOTES FOR THE MONTH ENDED 31 MARCH 20.1 1. Accounting policy: The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. 2. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of period Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions Depreciation Carrying amount: End of period Cost Accumulated depreciation No depreciation was written off during the month. Equipment R 8 000 8 000 8 000 Total R 8 000 8 000 8 000

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you prepare the following:
. . . . . .

ledger accounts? a trial balance? a basic statement of comprehensive income? a statement of changes in equity? a basic statement of financial position? certain notes to the financial statements?







Learning outcome
The learner should be able to collect, process, adjust (where necessary) and record financial information in order to complete the statement of comprehensive income (thereby calculating the gross and net profits) and statement of changes in equity for the financial period and the statement of financial position at the end of the financial period, of a sole proprietor.




Study unit


6 7 8


61 100





Processing accounting data
Learning outcome
Students should be able to prepare all the journals, posting to ledger accounts and to prepare a trial balance.

Key concepts 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Introduction The accounting cycle Books of first entry: journals Types of journals Cash journals 6.5.1 Cash receipts journal 6.5.2 Cash payments journal 6.6 Credit journals and the general journal 6.6.1 Introduction 6.6.2 Inventory systems 6.6.3 Purchases journal and purchases returns journal 6.6.4 Sales journal and sales returns journal 6.6.5 General journal 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 The trial balance Revision exercise and solution Settlement discount Value added tax (VAT) 6.10.1 Background 6.10.2 Tax period 6.10.3 Accounting bases 6.11 Revision exercise and solution Self-assessment


62 62 62 63 63 63 63 64 69 69 70 70 72 74 75 75 83 84 84 84 85 90 99



. . . . . . . . . .

Source documents Accounting cycle Cash receipts journal Cash payments journal Purchases journal Purchases returns journal Sales journal Sales returns journal General journal Output VAT

. . . . . . . . . .

General ledger Debtors ledger Creditors ledger Comprehensive taxation Vendor Taxable supplies Exempted supplies Settlement discount Value added tax (VAT) Input VAT

6.1 Introduction
In the previous study units you learnt how to analyse transactions and to determine their effect on the basic accounting equation. We then recorded all the transactions in the accounts in the general ledger and we explained the principle of the double-entry system and emphasised how important it is. This created a framework in which to study the processing of accounting data in greater detail and this is what we are going to look at next. Study paragraph 6.1 of the prescribed book.

6.2 The accounting cycle

Accounting data are processed within a definite framework which is known as the accounting cycle. The following diagram shows the accounting cycle: Transactions taking place

Completion of source documents


Recording of transactions in journals


Posting to ledgers

Reporting in financial statements


Analysis and interpretation of financial statements


Decision making by the management



6.3 Books of first entry: journals

Because of the large number of transactions that take place in an entity, it is not practical to record each transaction directly in the ledger. This makes the ledger very bulky and unmanageable and in a manual system it means that only one person can write up the books. This led to the use of subsidiary journals or books of first entry in which transactions of the same type are grouped together and analysed before being recorded in summarised form in the ledger. A journal is thus a link between source documents and the ledger. No transaction may be recorded in the ledger before it has been recorded in a journal. Study paragraph 6.2 of the prescribed book.

6.4 Types of journals

There are various types of journals or books of first entry but for the time being we will be concentrating on the following: the cash receipts journal and the cash payments journal in which all cash transactions are recorded . the purchases journal and the purchases returns journal in which all credit purchases and returns of credit purchases are recorded . the sales journal and the sales returns journal in which all credit sales and returns of credit sales are recorded . the general journal in which transactions are recorded which are not recorded in one of the other journals, for example the correction of errors and the writing off of credit losses (bad debts)

6.5 Cash journals

6.5.1 Cash receipts journal
All moneys received which is deposited in the entity's bank account is recorded in the cash receipts journal. At the end of the month only one amount, which represents the entire month's cash receipts, is debited to the bank account. The other column totals represent the contra accounts and are credited to such accounts. The amounts in the sundry accounts column are credited individually to the relevant accounts. Study paragraph 6.3.1 of the prescribed book. Let us now go back to the information we had for Fix-'n-Mat in study unit 5. Fix-'n-Mat's cash receipts journal and ledger accounts would look as follows:

CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.1 Document Day number Rec 1 2 3 4 Details Analysis of receipts 130 000 25 000 1 000 2 000 Bank 130 000 25 000 1 000 2 000 158 000 1 000 1 000 Current income CRJ1 Sundry accounts Amount Fol 130 000 25 000 2 000 157 000 Details Capital Loan: ABC Bank C Canon

1 T Tom 2 ABC Bank 13 S Silver 28 C Canon



Dr 20.1 Feb 28

Bank R Receipts 158 000



Capital 20.1 Feb 1 Bank

Cr R 130 000


Fees earned 20.1 Feb 18 .... 28 Bank

Cr R .... 1 000


Loan: ABC Bank 20.1 Feb 2 Bank

Cr R 25 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 18 ....

C Canon .... 20.1 Feb 28 Bank

Cr R 2 000

. Source documents for entries in the cash receipts journal are the cash register roll, duplicate receipts, duplicate cash invoices and duplicate deposit slips. . The cash receipts for the month are recorded and analysed in date order. . Each amount received during the day is not banked immediately. Receipts are first recorded in the analysis of receipts column and the amount which is banked for that day is recorded in the bank column. . Check the addition in the columns by cross-casting. In other words, when the totals of the analysis columns are added, they must equal the total in the bank column. . Entries in the sundry accounts column are posted individually to the general ledger. . Only the totals of the other columns are posted. . The cash receipts journal is a book of first entry. The double-entry principle has to be applied in the general ledger. . The amounts are not recorded individually again in the bank account in the general ledger. Note that the credit entries in the accounts add up to R158 000, which corresponds to the debit entry in the bank account. . The number and headings of columns in the journal will depend on the frequency of occurrence of transactions and can differ from one entity to the other.

6.5.2 Cash payments journal

All cash payments, that is payments by cheque, are recorded in the cash payments journal. At the end of the month only one amount, which represents the entire month's cash payments, is credited to the bank account. The other column totals represent the contra accounts and are debited to such accounts. The amounts in the sundry accounts column are debited individually to the relevant accounts. Study paragraph 6.3.2 of the prescribed book.



Fix-'n-Mat's cash payments journal and ledger accounts would look as follows:

CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.1 Cheque number 1 2 3 4 6 11 12 16 XY Furnishers Joc Limited Cash Cash R 100 000 2 000 1 000 800 103 800 Day Details Bank Wages Sundry accounts Amount Fol R 100 000 2 000 1 000 103 000 Details Equipment Joc Limited Drawings CPJ1

800 800

Dr 20.1 Feb 28

Bank 20.1 Feb 28 Payments

Cr R 103 800

Dr 20.1 Feb 6 Bank

Equipment R 100 000


Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Bank

Wages R 800


Dr 20.1 Feb 11 Bank

Joc Limited R 2 000 20.1 Feb 10 ...

Cr ...

Dr 20.1 Feb 12 Bank

Drawings R 1 000


The complete bank account will now take the following form: Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Receipts R CRJ1 158 000 158 000 20.1 Mar 1 Balance b/d 54 200 Bank 20.1 Feb 28 Payments Balance CPJ1 c/d Cr R 103 800 54 200 158 000

Note that this balance is the same as the bank balance we calculated using the BAE in paragraph 5.6 and the bank account in paragraph 5.13 of study unit 5.

. Source documents for entries in the cash payments journal are cheque counterfoils and debit notes, or the bank statement issued by the bank. . Entries are recorded and analysed in the cash payments journal in the same order as the cheque numbers. . The amount which is written on the cheque is the amount which is recorded in the bank column. . Check whether the adding of the columns is correct by cross-casting. In other words, when the totals of the analysis columns are added, they must equal the total of the bank column.



. Entries in the sundry accounts column are posted individually to the general ledger. . Only the totals of the other columns are posted. . The amounts are not recorded individually again in the bank account in the general ledger. . The cash payments journal is a book of first entry. The double-entry principle has to be applied in the general ledger. . More analysis columns can be included as is required by the organisation.

Exer ci se 6.1
Ms Beauty Baloyi opens a hairdressing salon, Beauty's Hair, on 1 June 20.3 and enters into the following transactions during June: 20.3 Jun 1 Deposited R10 000 in the business's bank account Paid the month's rent by cheque to Huurtru, R1 000. Paid the water and electricity deposit, R500. 2 Bought R2 500 worth of equipment and R845 worth of consumable inventory from Head Suppliers and paid by cheque, R3 345. 5 Fees received for services rendered, R350. 7 Drew a cheque and paid the assistant's wages, R200. 10 Cash banked for services rendered, R556. 14 Drew a cheque for R500 to pay the week's wages, R200, the remainder being for Ms Baloyi's own use. 15 Cash register roll total for services rendered, R642. 17 Bought stationery from Office Suppliers, R80 and paid by cheque. 19 Fees received for services rendered, R438. 21 Paid the week's wages, R200. 22 Bought shampoo and other requirements from Head Suppliers and paid by cheque, R550. 24 Cash register roll total for services rendered, R387. 25 Issued a cheque to Telkom to pay the telephone account, R260, which included installation costs of R180. 28 Cashed a cheque for R1 500. R1 300 was for the owner's own use and R200 was for wages. 30 Cash banked for services rendered, R875.

Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun

Required: (1) Prepare the cash receipts journal for Beauty's Hair for June 20.3. (2) Prepare the cash payments journal for Beauty's Hair for June 20.3. (3) Show the postings from these journals to the general ledger accounts. (4) Prepare the trial balance as at 30 June 20.3.



Solution Exercise



CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL JUNE 20.3 Document Day number Rec 1 CRR 1 CRR 2 CRR 3 CRR 4 CRR 5 CRR 6 Details Analysis Bank of receipts 10 000 350 556 642 438 387 875 10 000 350 556 642 438 387 875 13 248 B3 (CRR = Cash register roll) 350 556 642 438 387 875 3 248 N1 10 000 Current income CRJ1 Sundry accounts Amount Fol Details 10 000 B4 Capital

1 B Baloyi 5 Service fee 10 Service fee 15 Service fee 19 Service fee 24 Service fee 30 Service fee


Cheque number 1 2 Day 1 Details Huurtru City Treasurer 2 7 14 17 21 22 25 28 Head Suppliers Cash Cash Office Suppliers Cash Head Suppliers Telkom Cash Bank 1 000 Consumable inventory Wages Sundry accounts Amount 1 000 Fol N2 Details Rent expense Water and electricity deposit Equipment Drawings Stationery





3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3 345 200 500 80 200 550 260 1 500 8 135 B3

845 200 200

2 500 300 80 200

B1 B5 N3

550 260 200 1 395 N5 800 N6 1 300 5 940 N4 B5 Telephone expense Drawings




GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.3 Jun 2 Dr 20.3 Jun 1 Dr 20.3 Jun 30 Receipts CRJ1 Bank CPJ1 Bank CPJ1 Equipment R 2 500 B2 Cr B1 Cr

Water and electricity deposit R 500 Bank R 13 248 13 248 20.3 Jun 30 Payments Balance

B3 CPJ1 c/d

Cr R 8 135 5 113 13 248

20.3 Jul 1 Dr



5 113 Capital 20.3 Jun 1 Bank B4 CRJ1 B5 Cr R 10 000 Cr

Dr 20.3 Jun 14 Bank 28 Bank CPJ1 CPJ1

Drawings R 300 1 300 1 600


Current income 20.3 Jun 30 Bank

N1 CRJ1 N2

Cr R 3 248 Cr

Dr 20.3 Jun 1 Dr 20.3 Jun 17 Bank Dr 20.3 Jun 25 Bank CPJ1 CPJ1 Bank CPJ1

Rent expense R 1 000 Stationery R 80 Telephone expense R 260







Dr 20.3 Jun 30 Bank Dr 20.3 Jun 30 Bank

Consumable inventory CPJ1 R 1 395 Wages CPJ1 R 800






TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 30 JUNE 20.3 Fol Equipment Water and electricity deposit Bank Capital Drawings Current income Rent expense Stationery Telephone expense Consumable inventory Wages B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 Debit R 2 500 500 5 113 10 000 1 600 3 248 1 000 80 260 1 395 800 13 248 13 248 Credit R

. The B numbers indicate the statement of financial position accounts and the N numbers, the nominal accounts. Nominal accounts are income and expenditure accounts while statement of financial position accounts are capital, asset and liability accounts. . In the folio column in the ledger, the cash receipts or cash payments journal is given as a reference, but in the details column the names of the contra ledger accounts are entered. . The summarising effect of the subsidiary journals can be clearly seen in the ledger. Note the entries in the bank account and the current income account.

6.6 Credit journals and the general journal

6.6.1 Introduction
In many business entities goods are bought and sold on credit. In the process, accounts have to be opened for debtors and creditors. If all these accounts are included in the general ledger, the same sort of problem arises that we have already mentioned the ledger becomes too bulky and unmanageable and in a manual system only one person can write up the books. For this reason a debtors ledger and a creditors ledger are opened in which the individual debtors' and creditors' accounts are kept. A single account is then held in the general ledger for



debtors, namely a debtors control account, and one for creditors, namely a creditors control account. This means that the entire accounting system is adapted to make provision for the control accounts. In the cash receipts journal and the cash payments journal provision is made for additional columns for debtors control and creditors control. You can read more about the debtors control and the creditors control accounts in study units to follow, Study paragraph 6.3.3 of the prescribed book.

6.6.2 Inventory systems

We distinguish between the periodic inventory system and the perpetual inventory system, which will be dealt with in detail in study unit 8. At this stage all you need to know is that inventory in trade (merchandise) which is purchased has to be debited to a purchases account if a periodic system is being used. Provision must therefore be made for a purchases column in the subsidiary journal. If a perpetual inventory system is used, inventory in trade (merchandise) is debited to the inventory account and an inventory column is required instead of a purchases column in the subsidiary journals.

6.6.3 Purchases journal and purchases returns journal

Merchandise purchased on credit is recorded in the purchases journal. At the end of the month only the total credit purchases for the month is debited to the purchases account and credited to the creditors control account. If some of the goods are returned, they are recorded in the purchases returns journal. NB: For the purpose of this module, only merchandise purchased on credit is recorded in the purchases journal. All other credit purchases are recorded in the general journal.

Trade discount is often allowed by a wholesaler to a retailer. The discount percentage that is agreed upon, is calculated and deducted on the cash or credit invoice. The net amount on the invoice is recorded as the amount of purchases in the books of the purchaser. Thus, the trade discount amount is never recorded in the books of the purchaser. To encourage a debtor to pay his/her account within a certain period, a cash discount option is given to the debtor. If the account is settled within the stipulated period, the discount will be recorded in the settlement discount granted account in the sellers' books and the settlement discount received account in the buyers' books. The full amount of the invoice must be paid if the account is not settled within the stipulated period. Study paragraphs 10.3 and 14.6 of the prescribed book. A purchases journal and purchases returns journal have the following formats:



PURCHASES JOURNAL MAY 20.3 Invoice No 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 Day 3 7 11 14 21 25 30 Details Grand Wholesalers XY Company AA Limited XY Company XY Company Grand Wholesalers AA Limited Fol CL2 CL3 CL1 CL3 CL3 CL2 CL1 Purchases R 1 258 983 2 324 437 1 212 538 215 6 967 PJ5 Creditors R 1 258 983 2 324 437 1 212 538 215 6 967

PURCHASES RETURNS JOURNAL MAY 20.3 Credit note No C115 C116 Day Details Fol Purchases returns R 158 114 272 PRJ5 Creditors R 158 114 272

10 27

Grand Wholesalers XY Company


Dr Purchases Cr R 20.3 R May 31 Creditors 6 967

Date 20.3 May Cr 11 30 Inv Inv AA Limited 1536 1540 PJ5 PJ5 2 324 215 Details Fol Debit R Credit R Balance R


Creditors control R 272

CL1 2 324 2 539

20.3 May 31 Purchases returns Dr

20.3 R May 31 Purchases 6 967

Purchases returns 20.3 May 31 Creditors

Cr R 272 3 10 25 Inv

Grand Wholesalers 1534 PJ5


CL2 1 258 1 258 1 100 1 638 CL3 983 437 1 212 983 1 420 2 632 2 518

Credit note C 115

158 538




XY Company 7 14 21 27 Inv Inv Inv Credit C 116 1535 1537 1538 note PJ5 PJ5 PJ5




. The source documents for entries in the purchases journal are original invoices. Because these invoices come from different businesses, they are renumbered consecutively. . The source documents for entries in the purchases returns journal are the original credit notes received from the creditors and they must be renumbered consecutively. . Entries are recorded and analysed in date order in the purchases journal and purchases returns journal. . The creditor's name and the amount for which purchases or returns were made must be clearly shown. . Only the totals of the columns are posted to the general ledger. . The amounts in the purchases and the creditors columns are the same in the purchases journal because we are still ignoring VAT. The same applies for purchases returns. . The creditors' accounts are individually credited in the creditors ledger with purchases and debited with returns. A three-column ledger is preferable to the traditional Taccount format because the balance can be calculated after each transaction. . The total of all the balances of the individual creditor's accounts must correspond with the balance of the creditors control account. . The purchases journal and purchases returns journal are books of first entry. The double-entry procedure has to be applied in the general ledger.

6.6.4 Sales journal and sales returns journal

Merchandise sold on credit is recorded in the sales journal. At the end of the month only the total credit sales for the month are credited to the sales account and debited to the debtors control account. If the debtors return some of the goods, they are recorded in the sales returns journal. NB: For the purposes of this module, only merchandise sold on credit is recorded in the sales journal. All other credit sales are recorded in the general journal.

Study paragraphs and of the prescribed book. A sales journal and sales returns journal have the following formats:

SALES JOURNAL MAY 20.3 Invoice No 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 SJ3

Day 2 5 12 14 17 21 29 30 M Moloi A Abdul G Green E Els G Green M Moloi E Els A Abdul


Fol DL4 DL1 DL3 DL2 DL3 DL4 DL2 DL1

Sales R 268 315 424 176 587 643 269 103 2 785

Debtors R 268 315 424 176 587 643 269 103 2 785







Sales returns R 175 114 192 11281

Debtors R 175 114 192 11281

D223 D224 D225

8 19 21

M Moloi G Green E Els


Dr Sales 20.3 May 31 Debtors 2 785 Cr

Date 20.3 May Details Fol Debit R Credit Balance R R

Dr 20.3 May 31 Sales

Debtors control 2 785 20.3 May 31 Sales returns

Cr 5 30 281 Inv Inv 2019 2025

A Abdul 315 103

DL1 315 418

Dr 20.3 May 31 Debtors

Sales returns 281

Cr 14 21 Inv 2021 Credit Note no D225 Inv 2024

E Els 176

DL2 176

92 269 G Green


84 353 DL3 424 1 011

12 17 19

Inv 2020 Inv 2022 Credit Note no D224

424 587 114 M Moloi

897 DL4 268

2 8


Inv 2018 Credit Note no D223 Inv 2023


75 643

193 836

. The source documents for entries in the sales journal are the duplicates of sales invoices. . The source documents for entries in the sales returns journal are the duplicates of credit notes issued to the debtors.



. The debtor's name and the amount of the transaction should be clearly indicated. . Entries are recorded and analysed in date order in the sales journal and sales returns journal. . Only the totals of the columns are posted to the general ledger. . The amounts in the sales and the debtors columns are the same in the sales journal and sales returns journal, because we are still ignoring VAT. The effect of VAT will be explained later. . The debtors' accounts are debited individually in the debtors ledger with sales, and credited with sales returns. . The total of all the balances of the individual debtor's accounts must correspond with the balance of the debtors control account. . The sales journal and sales returns journal are books of first entry; it is, in other words, a summary of sales and returns. The double-entry principle has to be applied in the general ledger.

6.6.5 General journal

All transactions which cannot be entered in one of the journals which we have discussed are entered in the general journal. Examples are credit losses (bad debts) which are written off, interest on debtors' accounts, errors which are corrected and year-end adjustments (which will be discussed in a later study unit). Study paragraph of the prescribed book. NB: Purchases and sales of goods other than merchandise are recorded in the general journal for the purposes of this module.

A general journal takes the following form:

GENERAL JOURNAL MAY 20.3 Date 5 Particulars Vehicles ORA Motors Delivery vehicle bought on credit per invoice F147 Packaging material Stationery Packaging material per invoice Z214 incorrectly debited to stationery account Credit losses (Bad debts) F Field F Field's balance written off as irrecoverable Fol Debit R 43 000 J3 Credit R 43 000


430 430


84 84

. The account which is entered first is the account which has to be debited in the general ledger. . The narration is very important since it gives the reason for the entry and must also refer to source documents.



. The general journal is a book of first entry. The double-entry principle has to be applied in the general ledger. . Theoretically all transactions can be recorded in the general journal.

6.7 The trial balance

For each transaction, the debit entry must equal the credit entry. The total of all the debit balances should, therefore, correspond to the total of all the credit balances. A list of balances is prepared periodically to determine whether any errors have been made. This list of balances is called a trial balance. Study paragraph 5.5 of the prescribed book again.

6.8 Revision exercise and solution

On 1 March 20.5 A Apple opened a supermarket under the tradename AA Supermarket. He decided to use the periodic inventory system and entered into the following transactions during March 20.5: 20.5 March

A Apple deposited R50 000 in the entity's current bank account as a capital contribution. Paid rent by cheque to JHB Letting Agents, R2 000. Bought shop equipment from EQUIP on credit, R10 000 and paid R1 000 as a deposit. Issued a cheque to City Treasurer to pay the water and electricity deposit, R1 000.

Purchased merchandise on credit from TR Wholesalers, R23 541. Purchased packaging material from S Suppliers and paid by cheque, R468.

3 4 5

Drew a cash cheque for float, R500. Cash sales on opening day, R18 674. Purchased merchandise on credit from the following wholesalers: BB Dealers DBN Distributors R7 832 R6 965

Sublet a storeroom to G Gold and received his cheque for R250. Cash sales per cash register roll, R12 455.

10 12

Drew a cheque to pay wages, R1 200. Issued invoices to the following people for goods sold: B Blue S Silver R478 R693.

13 14

Purchased merchandise from Z Zulu and paid by cheque, R5 378. Purchased a computer from HI Q, R5 260. Issued a cheque for R1 478, which included a deposit of R1 000 and R478 for paper and computer supplies.



20.5 March 15

Sold on credit to the following people: G Green R324 R Red R299. Cash sales, R8 790. Drew a cash cheque for the following: Wages R1 500 Owner's own use R1 000. Received a cheque from B Blue, R200. Purchased merchandise from TR Wholesalers and paid by cheque, R2 675. Merchandise sold for cash, R12 570.

16 17

19 20


Goods sold on credit: B Blue R362 R Red R178. S Silver paid R100 on his account. Cash sales, R10 238.


24 25 27

Paid R550 to The Newsmaker for placing advertisements. Drew cash to pay wages, R1 500. Purchased stationery on credit from HI Q, R267. Issued a receipt to R Red for R299 in part payment of his account. Issued cheques to the following people in part settlement of their accounts: TR Wholesalers BB Dealers DBN Distributors HI Q R20 000 R 6 000 R 5 000 R 1 000

29 30

Credit sales to S Silver, R262. He paid R200 on his account. Cash sales, R16 742. Issued cheques for the following: L Lemon, the manager's salary, EQUIP on account, JHB Letting Agents for rent for April, R2 500 R1 000 R2 000

31 Issued a cheque to Telkom to pay the telephone account, R595 Cash sales, R15 284 31 Issued receipts to the following debtors for money received on their accounts: G Green R324 B Blue R640 31 Cashed a cheque for R3 000, to pay wages of R1 500, and the balance was for the owner's own use. Required: Prepare the following: (1) The subsidiary journals of AA Supermarket for March 20.5 (2) The general, debtors' and creditors' ledgers of AA Supermarket for March 20.5 (3) The trial balance of AA Supermarket as at 31 March 20.5 Ignore VAT.



Solution: Revision exercise AA SUPERMARKET (1) SUBSIDIARY JOURNALS

Document Day number Details Fol Analysis of receipts R 50 000 18 674 250 12 455 8 790 200 12 570 100 10 238 299 200 16 742 15 284 324 640 Bank Sales Debtors control R Sundry accounts Amount Rec 1 CRR 1 Rec 2 CRR 2 CRR 3 Rec 3 CRR 4 Rec 4 CRR 5 Rec 5 Rec 6 CRR 6 CRR 7 Rec 7 Rec 8 1 4 6 16 19 20 23 25 29 31 A Apple Sales G Gold Sales Sales B Blue Sales S Silver Sales R Red S Silver Sales Sales G Green B Blue R 50 000 18 674 12 705 8 790 200 12 570 10 338 299 16 942 16 248 146 766 B5 94 753 N1 R 18 674 12 455 8 790 12 570 10 238 16 742 15 284 R 50 000 250 200 100 299 200 324 640 1 763 B3 50 250 Fol B7 N2 Details Capital Rent income




Cheque number Day Details Fol Bank Creditors control R 1 000 Purchases Wages Amount R R R 2 000 1 000 468 500 478 1 000 550 Sundry accounts Fol N8 B2 N5 B4 N4 B8 N6


Details Rent expense Water and electricity deposit Packaging material Float Stationery Drawings Advertisements

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021

JHB Letting Agents EQUIP City Treasurer S Suppliers Cash Cash Z Zulu HI Q Cash TR Wholesalers The Newsmaker Cash TR Wholesalers BB Dealers DBN Distributors HI Q L Lemon EQUIP JHB Letting Agents Telkom Cash


R 2 000 1 000 1 000 468 500 1 200 5 378 1 478 2 500 2 675 550 1 500 20 000 6 000 5 000 1 000 2 500 1 000 2 000 595 3 000 61 344 B5

2 3 10 13 14 17 20 24 27


1 000

5 378 2 675

1 200 1 500 1 500

30 31


20 000 6 000 5 000 1 000 1 000

2 500 2 000 595 1 500 12 591

N7 N8 N9 B8

Salaries Rent expense Telephone expense Drawings

1 500 35 000 B6 8 053 N3 5 700 N10




PURCHASES JOURNAL MARCH 20.5 Day 2 5 Details TR Wholesalers BB Dealers DBN Distributors Fol CL1 CL2 CL3 Purchases 23 541 7 832 6 965 38 338 N3

PJ1 Creditors 23 541 7 832 6 965 38 338 B6 SJ1 Fol DL1 DL2 DL3 DL4 DL1 DL4 DL2 Sales 478 693 324 299 362 178 262 2 596 N1 Debtors 478 693 324 299 362 178 262 2 596 B3 J1 Fol B1 B6 Debit R 10 000 Credit R 10 000

Invoice no A0001 A0002 A0003


SALES JOURNAL MARCH 20.5 Day 12 15 21 29 Details B Blue S Silver G Green R Red B Blue R Red S Silver

Invoice No F001 F002 F003 F004 F005 F006 F007


GENERAL JOURNAL MARCH 20.5 Details Equipment EQUIP/Creditors control Shop equipment bought on credit per invoice Z001 Equipment HI Q/Creditors control Computer bought on credit per invoice Z002 Stationery HI Q/Creditors control Stationery bought on credit per invoice Z003

Date 1


B1 B6 N4 B6

5 260 5 260 267 267



(a) Dr 20.5 Mar 1 14 Creditors control Creditors control J1 J1 GENERAL LEDGER Equipment (at cost) R 10 000 5 260 15 260 B1 Cr



Dr 20.5 Mar 1 Dr 20.5 Mar 31 Sales Bank

Water and electricity deposit R CPJ1 1 000 Debtors control SJ1 R 2 596 2 596 20.5 Mar 31 Bank Balance



B3 CRJ1 c/d

Cr R 1 763 833 2 596

20.5 Apr 1 Dr 20.5 Mar 3 Dr 20.5 Mar 31



833 Float B4 Cr



R 500 Bank B5 Payments Balance CPJ1 c/d Cr R 61 344 85 422 146 766


R CRJ1 146 766 146 766

20.5 Mar 31

20.5 Apr 1 Dr 20.5 Mar 31



85 422 Creditors control B6 Equipment Equipment Stationery Purchases J1 J1 J1 PJ1 Cr R 10 000 5 260 267 38 338 53 865 20.5 Apr 1 Balance b/d B7 Bank CRJ1 B8 18 865 Cr R 50 000 Cr

Bank Balance

CPJ1 c/d

R 35 000 18 865

20.5 Mar 1 14 25 31

53 865


Capital 20.5 Mar 1

Dr 20.5 Mar 17 31 Bank Bank CPJ1 CPJ1

Drawings R 1 000 1 500 2 500




Sales 20.5 Mar 31 Debtors Bank


Cr R 2 596 94 753 97 349


Rent income 20.5 Mar 6 Bank


Cr R 250

Dr 20.5 Mar 31 Creditors Bank PJ1 CPJ1

Purchases R 38 338 8 053 46 391



Dr 20.5 Mar 14 25 Bank CPJ1 Creditors control J1

Stationery R 478 267 745



Dr 20.5 Mar 2 Bank CPJ1

Packaging material R 468



Dr 20.5 Mar 24 Bank CPJ1

Advertisements R 550



Dr 20.5 Mar 30 Bank CPJ1

Salaries R 2 500



Dr 20.5 Mar 1 30 Bank Bank CPJ1 CPJ1

Rent expense R 2 000 2 000 4 000





Dr 20.5 Mar 31 Dr 20.5 Mar 31 Bank CPJ1 Bank CPJ1

Telephone expense R 595 Wages R 5 700






DEBTORS LEDGER B Blue DL1 Fol SJ1 CRJ1 SJ1 CRJ1 Debit R 478 362 640 Credit R 200 Balance R 478 278 640 DL2 Fol SJ1 CRJ1 SJ1 CRJ1 Debit R 693 262 200 Credit R 100 Balance R 693 593 855 655 DL3 Fol SJ1 CRJ1 Debit R 324 Credit R 324 Balance R 324 DL4 Fol SJ1 SJ1 CRJ1 Debit R 299 178 Credit R Balance R 299 477 178

Date 20.5 Mar 12 Mar 19 Mar 21 Mar 31

Details Invoice F001 Receipt No 3 Invoice F005 Receipt No 8

S Silver Date Details

20.5 Mar 12 Invoice F002 Mar 23 Receipt No 4 Mar 29 Invoice F007 Receipt No 6 G Green Date Details

20.5 Mar 15 Invoice F003 Mar 31 Receipt No 7 R Red Date Details

20.5 Mar 15 Invoice F004 Mar 21 Invoice F006 Mar 25 Receipt No 5


Debtors list S Silver R Red

R 655 178 833 Corresponds to the balance of account B3.



GOLDEN RULE The total of all the balances of the individual debtor acconts in die subsidiary debtors ledger MUST equal the balance of the debtors control account in the general ledger.

(c) Date

CREDITORS LEDGER TR Wholesalers Details Invoice A0001 Cheque 013 Fol PJ1 CPJ1 Debit R 20 000 Credit R 23 541 CL 1 Balance R 23 541 3 541 CL 2 Fol PJ1 CPJ1 Debit R Invoice A0002 Cheque 014 6 000 Credit R 7 832 Balance R 7 832 1 832 CL 3 Fol PJ1 CPJ1 Debit R Invoice A0003 Cheque 015 5 000 Credit R 6 965 Balance R 6 965 1 965 CL 4 Fol J1 CPJ1 CPJ1 Debit R Invoice Z001 Cheque 002 Cheque 018 1 000 1 000 Credit R 10 000 Balance R 10 000 9 000 8 000 CL 5 Fol J1 CPJ1 J1 CPJ1 R 3 541 1 832 1 965 8 000 3 527 18 865 Debit R Invoice Z002 Cheque 008 Invoice Z003 Cheque 016 1 000 267 1 000 Credit R 5 260 Balance 5 4 4 3 R 260 260 527 527

20.5 Mar 2 27

BB Dealers Date 20.5 Mar 5 27 Details

DBN Distributors Date 20.5 Mar 5 27 Details

EQUIP Date 20.5 Mar 1 30 Details

HI Q Date 20.5 Mar 14 25 27 Details

Creditors list TR Wholesalers BB Dealers DBN Distributors EQUIP HI Q

Corresponds to the balance of account B6



GOLDEN RULE The total of the individual creditor accounts in the subsidiary creditors ledger MUST equal the balance of the creditors control account in the general ledger.


Fol Equipment (at cost) Water and electricity deposit Debtors control Float Bank Creditors control Capital Drawings Sales Rent income Purchases Stationery Packaging material Advertisements Salaries Rent expense Telephone expense Wages B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N 8 N 9 N10 46 391 745 468 550 2 500 4 000 595 5 700 166 464 166 464 2 500 97 349 250 Debit R 15 260 1 000 833 500 85 422 18 865 50 000 Credit R

6.9 Settlement discount

6.9.1 Settlement discount granted
Discount is often offered to debtors in order to encourage quick settlement of their debts within the stated credit term. The credit term will be shown on the credit invoice. Study paragraph 10.3 of the prescribed book.

6.9.2 Settlement discount received

Discount is often received from creditors in order to encourage quick settlement of our outstanding account. Study paragraph 14.6 of the prescribed book.



6.10 Value added tax (VAT)

6.10.1 Background
Study paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5 of the prescribed book.

VAT is levied at every point in the chain of production and distribution. Value added tax is based on a tax credit system which allows every producer or distributor along the chain to recover the value added tax which was previously paid by the business. The tax borne by each producer or distributor, through whose hands the goods or services have passed, before reaching the end user, is in effect the tax on the value added by the business. The tax that must eventually (every two months) be paid to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is the tax on the supply of goods (sales) and/or services rendered by the entity (OUTPUT VAT) less the tax paid by the entity on the goods (purchases) and/or services supplied to the entity (INPUT VAT).

GOLDEN RULES . OUTPUT VAT is the tax levied (charged) by the entity on sales of goods or services rendered by the business. . INPUT VAT is the tax paid (or payable) on goods delivered and/or services rendered to the entity, including imports. Deductions for input tax will only be allowed if a proper tax invoice is received and kept. . OUTPUT VAT minus INPUT VAT = amount payable/refundable, i.e. the amount payable to the South African Revenue Services (SARS) or the amount that can be claimed from SARS.

Value added tax (VAT) can only be charged by persons who, in terms of the Act, are registered as VAT vendors. Registration is compulsory if a person carries on an entity and the total value of his supplies for a 12 month period exceeds or is likely to exceed a stipulated (in the Act) amount. An entity may also register voluntarily if its sales or service rendered are less than the stipulated amount. The stipulated amount excludes tax, exempted supplies and abnormal receipts. If an entity is not registered, no output tax may be charged and no deduction for input tax can be claimed. The onus is on the entity to register where necessary and this must be done within 21 days of becoming liable to register.

6.10.2 Tax period

A tax period is allocated to each entity. The return submitted by the entity must cover the period allocated. Some entities registered for VAT (vendors) must submit their returns every two months for those two months. Some entities must complete and submit their returns for unequal months, i.e. January, March, May, etc., others for equal months, i.e. February, April, etc.



6.10.3 Accounting bases

There are only two bases allowed for the calculation of the VAT liability, namely:
. .

the invoice basis the payments basis

Under the invoice basis tax is accounted for on

. .

the issue of an invoice or the receipt of payment, whichever comes first

Under the payments basis tax is accounted for when payments are made (purchases) and payments are received (sales). Certain requirements have to be met before a vendor may use the payments basis.

Exer ci se 6.2
To grasp the principles of VAT, work through the following exercise thoroughly. VAT at 14% is applicable. The following information relates to Rundu Dealers, who is registered as a VAT vendor and who use the periodic inventory system: (The VAT period of the business ends on unequal months.) (a) TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.4 Debit R Capital Land and buildings Equipment Inventory 1 November 20.3 Bank W Wolf L Lion T Tiger VAT Input VAT Output Sales Purchases Distribution, administration and other expenses 144 29 19 4 1 200 700 200 467 583 770 Credit R 177 150

2 715

2 310 2 925 86 400

45 650 20 500 268 785 268 785



(b) TRANSACTIONS FOR MARCH 20.4 March 1 5 7 Cash sales, R15 504. Paid the account of T Tiger by cheque after deducting R114 discount. Received a cheque from W Wolf for R1 469 in full settlement of his account. Received a cheque from L Lion for R713 and allowed R57 discount. 12 Received an account from Stationers Ltd for the printing of documents, R684. 13 Credit sales: L Lion R2 280 W Wolf R1 140 14 Sold an old computer to O Old for R285 and received his cheque for the amount due. Cash sales, R6 840. 21 Issued a credit note to L Lion for an overcharge on the invoice of the 13th, R57. 23 Paid C Cheetah by cheque for carriage on goods purchased, R1 140. 28 Received a credit invoice from T Tiger for goods purchased, R14 535. 29 Issued cheques for salaries and wages, R5 746 and for purchases from B Bam R7 980. 30 Issued a debit note to T Tiger for goods returned to him, R798. Required: (1) Record the above transactions in the following subsidiary journals, properly totalled, of Rundu Dealers for March 20.4: (a) Cash receipts journal (analysis columns for bank, sales, VAT Output, debtors, VAT Input (Dr), settlement discount granted and sundries) (b) Cash payments journal (analysis columns for bank, purchases, creditors, settlement discount received, VAT Input, VAT Output (Cr) and sundries) (c) Sales journal (analysis columns for VAT Output, sales and debtors) (d) Purchases journal (analysis columns for VAT Input, purchases and creditors) (e) Sales returns journal (analysis columns for VAT Output, sales returns and debtors) (f) Purchases returns journal (analysis columns for VAT Input, purchases returns and creditors) (g) General journal (2) Post the entries recorded above to the VAT Input and VAT Output accounts. Close off these accounts to the VAT Control account. Balance the VAT Control account at 31 March 20.4, the end of the business' VAT period.



Solution Exercise RUNDU DEALERS (1)



Details Fol Bank Sales Debtors VAT Input VAT Output Dr Settlement discount granted Dr R (100) (50) 35 840 2 353 (21) L15 2 779 L16 (150) 250 250 Equipment Sundry accounts Amount R Fol Details


1 7 14

Sales W Wolf L Lion O Old Sales

R 15 504 1 469 713 285 6 840 24 811

R 13 600

R 1 583 770

R (14*) # (7) #

R 1 904

6 000 19 600

* Discount includes 14% VAT therefore

R114 1

14 114

= R14

# Vat input is debited. See # under comments on p. 90



Details Fol Bank Purchases Creditors VAT Input VAT Output Cr Settlement discount received R (100) R 1 000 5 746 7 000 7 000 2 310 980 1 120 L15 (14) L15 (100) 6 746 Sundry accounts





5 23 29

T Tiger C Cheetah Cash B Bam

R 2 196 1 140 5 746 7 980 17 062

R 2 310

R 140

R (14*)

Carriage on purchases Salaries and wages

* Discount includes 14% VAT therefore

R114 1

14 114

= R14



(c) Date 13

SALES JOURNAL MARCH 20.4 Details L Lion W Wolf Fol VAT Output R 280 140 420 L16 Sales R 2 000 1 000 3 000

SJ2 Debtors R 2 280 1 140 3 420

(d) Date 28

PURCHASES JOURNAL MARCH 20.4 Details T Tiger Fol VAT Input R 1 785 1 785 L15 Purchases R 12 750 12 750

PJ2 Creditors R 14 535 14 535

(e) Date 21

SALES RETURNS JOURNAL MARCH 20.4 Details L Lion Fol VAT Output R 7 7 L16 Sales returns R 50 50

SRJ2 Debtors R 57 57


PURCHASES RETURNS JOURNAL MARCH 20.4 Details T Tiger Fol VAT Input R 98 98 L15 Purchases returns R 700 700

PRJ2 Creditors R 798 798

Date 30




GENERAL JOURNAL MARCH 20.4 Detail Printing VAT Input Stationers Ltd/Creditors control Account received for printing VAT Control VAT Input Transfer of VAT Input to the VAT control account VAT Output VAT Control Transfer of VAT Output to the VAT control account Fol Debit R 600 84 R

J2 Credit

Date 12




L17 L15

5 627

5 627

L16 L17

6 131 6 131

NB: The last two journal entries can only be done after the VAT Input account and the VAT Output account in the general ledger have been completed. It is in fact the ``balances'' of these two accounts that are transferred to the VAT Control account.

RUNDU DEALERS (2) General ledger

Dr 20.4 Mar 1 31 Balance b/d Bank CPJ2 Debtors control CRJ2 Creditors control PJ2 Creditors control J2 VAT Input R 2 715 1 120 21 1 785 84 5 725 20.4 Mar 31 L15 Creditors control PRJ2 VAT Control J2 Cr R 98 5 627

5 725 L16 Balance b/d Bank CRJ2 Debtors control SJ2 Creditors control CPJ2 Cr R 2 925 2 779 420 14 6 138 Cr R 6 131 6 131 20.4 Apr 1 Balance b/d 504*

Dr 20.4 Mar 31 Debtors control VAT Control SRJ2 J2

VAT Output 7 6 131 R 20.4 Mar 1 31

6 138 Dr 20.4 Mar 31 VAT Input Balance J2 c/d VAT Control R 5 627 504 6 131 20.4 Mar 31

L17 VAT Output J2

* A cheque must be issued to the South African Revenue Service for this amount before 25 April 20.4



. Calculation of VAT on all amounts which include 14% VAT is: % 100 14 114 or R 1,00 0,14 1,14

Amount without VAT VAT ; Amount VAT inclusive

= = =

To calculate an amount if VAT was included 14 114 x Amount given Example: Amount received on 1 March 20.4 = R15 504 (including VAT). (See cash receipts journal.) 14 VAT = 114 6 R15 504 = R1 904 100 SALES = 114 6 R15 504 = R13 600 or SALES = R15 504 7 R1,14 = R13 600. . VAT on cash sales is credited to the VAT Output account because Rundu Dealers received VAT for payment to the South African Revenue Service. . VAT on credit sales is credited to the VAT Output account. . VAT on cash purchases is debited to the VAT Input account. . VAT on credit purchases is debited to the VAT Input account. . VAT on sales returns is debited to the VAT Output account. (To cancel the VAT Output portion of the sales returned.) . VAT on purchases returns is credited to the VAT Input account. (To cancel the VAT Input portion of the purchases returned.) . # VAT on settlement discount granted to debtors is debited to the VAT Input account (to reduce the amount owed to the South African Revenue Service). . VAT on settlement discount received from creditors is credited to the VAT Output account (to increase the amount owed to the South African Revenue Service). . The balances of the VAT Input and VAT Output accounts are transferred to the VAT control account to determine what amount must be paid to or to be claimed from the South African Revenue Service. . When the difference between the debit and credit sides of the VAT control is a: . credit, the difference is payable to the South African Revenue Service (current liability) . debit, the difference is refundable by the South African Revenue Service (current asset) NB: VAT is charged on services, for example telephone account, water and electricity account and repairs.

6.11 Revisision exercise and solution

The following information relates to Sunshine Glass Traders, who is registered as a VAT vendor. The periodic inventory system and control accounts are in use: (The VAT period of the business ends on equal months.)




(a) TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 JANUARY 20.4 Fol Land and buildings (at cost) Furniture (at cost) Inventory: Trading Debtors control Bank Creditors control Capital Drawings VAT Input VAT Output Sales Purchases Rent income Packaging material Telephone expense Water and electricity Settlement discount granted Settlement discount received Wages Stationery B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 Debit R 60 000 5 320 6 536 2 431 2 554 Credit R

6 075 75 000 3 884 4 337 4 527 13 569 9 855 800 964 483 1 247 170 210 2 150 250 100 181 100 181

(b) Transactions, 14% VAT inclusive, for February 20.4: Feb 1 3 The owner, S Shine, increased his capital contribution Paid the City Council for water and electricity Purchased merchandise from Glasco Ltd and paid by cheque Purchased merchandise on credit from Ferguson Limited Sold trading inventory on credit to J Jason Purchased a desk on credit from City Furnitures Purchased receipt books and pens from Pen and Pencil and paid by cheque Drew a cheque for the week's wages Paid Glasco Ltd on account Received discount Cash sales of merchandise Issued a credit note to J Jason for an overcharge on the 3rd Drew a cheque for the week's wages Cash sales Received a cheque from J Jason Settlement discount granted to him

R 15 000 3 078 8 778 9 120 13 680 3 534 228 954 3 992 228 3 876 114 940 2 394 5 988 342

4 6

8 10 12 15



Feb 18

Sold goods on credit to F Brown Cash purchases of trading inventory Purchased glassware on credit from Glasco Ltd Returned damaged goods to Glasco Ltd Drew a cheque for wages Received damaged goods returned by F Brown and issued a credit note Cash sales Received a payment from F Brown Discount allowed to him Drew a cheque for wages Issued a cheque to Telkom to pay the telephone account Received an account from Printo Limited for the printing of documents Purchased inventory on credit from Glasco Ltd Paid Ferguson Limited by cheque and received R285 discount Paid the owner's house instalment by cheque to HP Bank Received a cheque from Z Zittace for rent

4 560 2 736 5 700 570 989 228 6 156 2 552 228 945 570 798 3 420 5 490 2 500 912

20 21





Required: (1) Record the above transactions in the following subsidiary journals of Sunshine Glass Traders for February 20.4: (a) Cash receipts journal (analysis columns for bank, sales, VAT Output, debtors, settlement discount granted, VAT Input (Dr) and sundries) (b) Cash payments journal (analysis columns for bank, purchases, creditors, settlement discount received, wages, VAT Input, VAT Output (Cr) and sundries) (c) Sales journal (analysis columns for debtors, VAT Output and sales) (d) Purchases journal (analysis columns for creditors, VAT Input and purchases) (e) Sales returns journal (analysis columns for debtors, VAT Output and sales returns) (f) Purchases returns journal (analysis columns for creditors, VAT Input and purchases returns) (g) General journal (2) Post the entries recorded in the subsidiary journals to the relevant accounts in the general ledger of Sunshine Glass Traders. (All the accounts must be properly balanced/totalled at 28 February 20.4.) Close the VAT Input and VAT Output accounts and transfer the balances to the VAT Control account.

NB: (a) Remember to enter the balances at 31 January 20.4 in the applicable ledger accounts. (b) The first word(s) of each entry must indicate the contra ledger account. (3) Prepare the trial balance of Sunshine Glass Traders as at 28 February 20.4.




Date Details Fol Bank Sales Debtors Settlement discount granted Dr R VAT Input Dr R R 476 294 756 112 1 638 B10 800 15 800 N3 Rent income VAT Output Sundry accounts Amount R 15 000 Fol B7 Details Capital


1 10 15 25 28

S Shine Cash Cash J Jason Cash F Brown Z Zittace

R 15 000 3 876 2 394 5 988 6 156 2 552 912 36 878 B5

R 3 400 2 100 5 400

6 330 2 780

(300) (200)

(42) (28)

10 900 N1

9 110 B4

(500) N7

(70) B9



Details Fol Bank Purchases Creditors Wages Settlement discount received R Vat Input Vat Output Cr R 378 1 078 28 (200) 336 (28) R Sundry accounts Amount 2 700 200 Fol N6 N10


Details Water and electricity Stationery

1 3 6 8 12 18 21 26 27 28

City Council Glasco Ltd Pen and Pencil Cash Glasco Ltd Cash Cash Cash Cash Telkom Ferguson Ltd HP Bank

R 3 078 8 778 228 954 3 992 940 2 736 989 945 570 5 490 2 500 31 200 B5

R 7 700

4 220 2 400

954 940 989 945

70 (250) (35) 1 890 B9 (63) B8

500 2 500 5 900

N5 B8

5 775 10 100 N2 9 995 B6 3 828 N9

Telephone expense Drawings

(450) N8


SALES JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.4 Details J Jason F Brown Fol Debtors R 13 680 4 560 18 240 B4 VAT Output R 1 680 560 2 240 B10

SJ2 Sales R 12 000 4 000 16 000 N1

Date 3 18




PURCHASES JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.4 Details Ferguson Limited Glasco Ltd Glasco Ltd Fol Creditors R 9 120 5 700 3 420 18 240 B6 VAT Input R 1 120 700 420 2 240 B9

PJ2 Purchases R 8 000 5 000 3 000 16 000 N2 SRJ2 Sales returns R 100 200 300 N11 PRJ2 VAT Input R 70 70 B9 Purchases returns R 500 500 N12 J2 Fol B2 B9 B6 N13 B9 B6 B10 B11 Debit R 3 100 434 Credit R

Date 3 18 27


SALES RETURNS JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.4 Details J Jason F Brown Fol Debtors VAT Output R 114 228 342 B4 R 14 28 42 B9

Date 12 21


PURCHASES RETURNS JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.4 Details Glasco Ltd Fol Creditors R 570 570 B6

Date 20


GENERAL JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.4 Details Furniture VAT Input City Furnitures/Creditors control Desk purchased on credit Printing VAT Input Printo Limited/Creditors control Printing of documents on credit VAT Output VAT Control Transfer of VAT Output to the VAT Control account VAT Control VAT Input Transfer of VAT Input to the VAT Control account

Date 4

3 534 700 98 798 8 426 8 426



B11 B9

8 999 8 999




Dr 20.4 Feb 1 Dr 20.4 Feb 1 4 Balance City Furnitures b/d J2 Balance Land and buildings (at cost) b/d R 60 000 Furniture (at cost) R 5 320 3 100 8 420 Dr 20.4 Feb 1 Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Sales b/d SJ2 Balance b/d Inventory: Trading R 6 536 Debtors control R 2 431 18 240 20 671 20.4 Mar 1 Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 20.4 Mar 1 Dr 20.4 Feb 28 Bank and discount CPJ2 Purchases returns PRJ2 Balance c/d Balance Total receipts b/d CRJ2 Balance b/d 11 219 Bank R 2 554 36 878 39 432 Balance b/d 8 232 Creditors control R 9 995 570 18 082 28 647 20.4 Feb 1 4 26 28 20.4 Mar 1 Balance Furniture Printing Purchases Balance B6 b/d J2 J2 PJ2 b/d B7 Balance Bank b/d CRJ2 Cr R 6 075 3 534 798 18 240 28 647 18 082 Cr R 75 000 15 000 90 000 20.4 Feb 28 Total payments Balance B5 CPJ2 c/d Cr R 31 200 8 232 39 432 20.4 Feb 28 B4 Bank and discount CRJ2 Sales returns SRJ2 Balance c/d Cr R 9 110 342 11 219 20 671 B3 Cr B2 Cr B1 Cr

Dr R

Capital 20.4 Feb 1



Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Bank b/d CPJ2

Drawings R 3 884 2 500 6 384



Dr 20.4 Feb 1 4 26 28 Balance b/d Creditors control J2 Creditors control J2 Bank CPJ2 Debtors control CRJ2 Creditors control PJ2

Vat Input R 4 337 434 98 1 890 70 2 240 9 069 20.4 Feb 28 Creditors control VAT Control

B9 PRJ2 J2

Cr R 70 8 999

9 069 B10 Balance Debtors control Bank Creditors control b/d SJ2 CRJ2 CPJ2 Cr R 4 527 2 240 1 638 63 8 468 B11 VAT output Balance J2 c/d Cr R 8 426 573 8 999

Dr 20.4 Feb 28 Debtors control VAT Control SRJ2 J2

VAT Output R 42 8 426 20.4 Feb 1 28

8 468 Dr 20.4 Feb 28 VAT Input J2 VAT Control R 8 999 8 999 20.4 Mar 1 Dr Balance b/d 573 Sales 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Bank Debtors control N1 b/d CRJ2 SJ2 20.4 Feb 28

Cr R 13 569 10 900 16 000 40 469

Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance b/d Bank CPJ2 Creditors control PJ2

Purchases R 9 855 10 100 16 000 35 955






Rent income 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Bank

N3 b/d CRJ2

Cr R 800 800 1 600

Dr 20.4 Feb 1 Dr 20.4 Feb 1 26 Balance Bank b/d CPJ2 Balance b/d

Packaging material R 964 Telephone expense R 483 500 983





Dr 20.4 Feb 1 Balance Bank b/d CPJ2

Water and electricity R 1 247 2 700 3 947



Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Debtors control

Settlement discount granted b/d CRJ2 R 170 500 670




Settlement discount received 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Creditors control

N8 b/d CPJ2

Cr R 210 450 660

Dr 20.4 Feb 1 28 Balance Bank b/d CPJ2

Wages R 2 150 3 828 5 978





Dr 20.4 Feb 1 6 Balance Bank b/d CPJ2

Stationery R 250 200 450



Dr 20.4 Feb 28 Dr Debtors control SRJ2

Sales returns R 300 Purchases returns 20.4 Feb 28 Creditors control



N12 PRJ2 N13

Cr R 500 Cr

Dr 20.4 Feb 26 Printo Limited J2

Printing R 700



Fol Debit R 60 000 8 420 6 536 11 219 8 232 Credit R

Land and buildings at cost Furniture at cost Inventory: Trading Debtors control Bank Creditors control Capital Drawings VAT Control Sales Purchases Rent income Packaging material Telephone expense Water and electricity Settlement discount granted Settlement discount received Wages Stationery Sales returns Purchases returns Printing

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B11 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13

18 082 90 000 6 384 573 40 469 35 955 1 600 964 983 3 947 670 660 5 978 450 300 500 700 151 311 151 311



. After the journal entries have been posted to the VAT Input account and the VAT Output account in the general ledger, the ``balances'' on these accounts must be transferred to the VAT Control account. This means that the general journal entries on 28 February 20.4 can only be done after the ``balances'' on these accounts have been calculated. . The VAT Control account has a debit balance, which is refundable by the South African Revenue Service. . VAT is not included in the amount credited to sales as this is not an income for the business but must be paid over to the South African Revenue Service. . The debtors owe the VAT-inclusive amount to the business. . The same reasoning applies to creditors and purchases.

SELF-ASSESSMENT Having studied this study unit, can you:


prepare the following books, taking value added tax into account?
. . . . . . .

cash receipts journal cash payments journal purchases journal purchases returns journal sales journal sales returns journal general journal

post to the following ledgers? general ledger debtors ledger . creditors ledger
. .

prepare a trial balance?




Learning outcome
Students should be able to do year-end adjustments to balances in the books of an entity.

Key concepts 7.1 7.2 Introduction Short-term adjustments 7.2.1 Prepaid expenses 7.2.2 Accrued expenses 7.2.3 Consumable inventory adjustments 7.2.4 Income received in advance 7.2.5 Accrued income 7.2.6 Credit losses (bad debts) 7.2.7 Allowance for settlement discount 7.3 7.4 Long-term adjustments Preparation of the trial balance 7.4.1 Pre-adjustment trial balance 7.4.2 Post-adjustment trial balance 7.4.3 Post-closing trial balance 7.5 Revision exercise and solution


101 101 101 102 103 105 106 107 109 110 110 112 112 112 112 112 117




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Adjustment Closing Prepaid expenses Accrued expenses Consumable inventory adjustments Income received in advance Credit losses (Bad debts) Settlement discount Depreciation Accumulated depreciation Asset contra account Carrying amount Pre-adjustment trial balance Post-adjustment trial balance Post-closing trial balance

7.1 Introduction
An entity usually does business on a permanent basis without any interruptions. We also know that its owners and managers need regular information on its financial results and financial position. The life of an entity is therefore divided into equal periods (financial periods), usually of 12 months, and the profit or loss is determined for that period. Thus far it was assumed that all transactions recorded were in respect of the specific financial period. The closing off of accounts and the determination of the profit, were recorded under this assumption. This does not always happen and the accounts (and eventually statements) have sometimes to be adjusted to ``correct'' the balances in accounts before the final accounts and financial statements can be prepared. For more accurate financial statements at the end of a financial period, additional entries, which do not originate from source documents, may therefore be necessary. These adjustment entries are necessary in order to comply with the accrual basis of accounting as well as the realisation and matching principles. Study paragraphs 7.1 to 7.4 of the prescribed book. The three steps relating to adjustments mentioned in paragraph 7.3 (and further on) can be extended to five steps: Step 1: Identify the accounts that must be adjusted. Step 2: Determine how the accounts would be affected and what the balances of these accounts should be. Step 3: Calculate the amount(s) involved in the adjustment. Step 4: Record the necessary adjustments in the general journal and past the entries to the ledger(s) Step 5: Ensure that the new balances of the accounts are now correct.

7.2 Short-term adjustments

Short-term adjustments have to do with the apportionment of income and expenditure to



consecutive periods within a year. This is income which is received in one period but which is earned in an earlier or a later period. The same applies to expenses which are incurred in another period.

7.2.1 Prepaid expenses

Study paragraph in the prescribed book. A prepaid expense is an expense which has been paid during the current financial period, where all or part of the expense relates to a future financial period. For example, insurance expenses are usually payable in advance. When the financial year of a business entity ends, it is therefore possible that a portion of the insurance expense relates to the next financial period. An adjustment is therefore necessary to match only that portion of the expense which relates to the current financial period against the income for that period. On 2 January 20.1 Xa-Xa Dealers paid a new annual insurance premium of R2 400. Its financial year ends on 28 February 20.1. Using this information we can work out that the actual amount it spent on insurance up to and including 28 February was only R400, which is R2 400 7 12 = R200 per month for two months, namely January and February. The R2 000 which was paid in advance represents an asset at that point. The apportionment of the amount between asset and expenditure elements will be as follows: R400 is an expenditure item in respect of insurance for the current financial year. This amount must appear in the profit and loss account and the statement of comprehensive income. The R2 000 is a prepaid expense and therefore represents an amount that will be used in future. It must appear on the statement of financial position of 28 February 20.1 and is therefore a short-term (current) asset.

GOLDEN RULE One entry or ``leg'' of the adjustment journal always affects a nominal account and thereby the trading account or profit or loss account. The other entry or ``leg'' of the journal always affects a statement of financial position account.

Accounting entries
The debit balance in the expense account for insurance has to be reduced by R2 000. To reduce an expense account, a credit entry has to be made. The balance of the insurance account will then reflect the actual expense, namely R400, and this amount can be written off against the profit or loss account. The prepaid amount of R2 000 is a temporary asset on the date of the statement of financial position and it is debited in the prepaid expense account and shown on the statement of financial position under current assets.

ADJUSTMENT ENTRY: 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Prepaid expenses Insurance Adjustment of insurance account GL55 GL40 2 000 2 000 J1



CLOSING TRANSFER: 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Profit or loss Insurance Transfer of insurance to profit or loss account GL60 GL40 400

J2 400

Dr 20.1 Jan 2 Bank CPJ Insurance R 2 400 20.1 Feb 28 Prepaid expenses Profit or loss J1 J2 40 Cr R 2 000 400 2 400 55 Cr

2 400 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Insurance J2 Insurance J1 Prepaid expenses R 2 000 Profit or loss (extract) R 400 60



Current assets Prepayments R xxxx 2 000

7.2.2 Accrued expenses

An accrued expense is an expense which relates to the current financial period, but which is still unpaid at the end of that period. On 28 February 20.1, the end of its financial year, Xa-Xa Dealers' water and electricity account shows expenses of R2 880. On closer examination Xa-Xa's accountant establishes that the February water and electricity account of R360 has not been taken into account. With this information the actual expenditure on water and electricity for the year can be determined, namely R2 880 + R360 = R3 240. The apportionment of the item between actual expenditure and amount owing (liability) will be as follows: R3 240 was the actual expenditure (to be reflected in the profit or loss account and statement of comprehensive income) and R360 is still owed (to be reflected in the statement of financial position) and must be paid at a future date.



Accounting entries
The debit balance on the water and electricity expense account has to be increased by R360. To increase an expense account, a debit entry has to be made. The balance on the water and electricity account will now reflect the actual expenditure, namely R3 240. This amount can be written off against the profit and loss account. The outstanding amount of R360 is a liability on the date of the statement of financial position and it is credited in the accrued expense account and is shown on the statement of financial position under current liabilities.

ADJUSTMENT ENTRY 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Water and electricity Accrued expenses Adjustment of water and electricity account CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Profit or loss Water and electricity Closing of water and electricity account to profit or loss account GL60 GL41 3 240 GL41 GL56 360



J6 3 240

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance Accrued expenses b/d J5 Water and electricity R 2 880 360 3 240 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss 41 J6 Cr R 3 240 3 240


Accrued expenses 20.1 Feb 28 Water and electricity

56 R J5 60


360 Cr

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Water and electricity

Profit or loss (extract) R J6 3 240

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 (extract) R Current liabilities Trade and other payables Accrued expenses xxxx xxxx 360



7.2.3 Consumable inventory adjustments

Study paragraph 7.3.2 of the prescribed book. On 28 February 20.1, the end of its financial year, Xa-Xa Dealers' stationery account shows that stationery to the value of R500 was purchased during the year. At a physical count it is determined that R150's worth of stationery is still on hand. With this information the actual expenditure on stationery can be calculated, namely R500 7 R150 = R350. The apportionment of the item between actual expenditure (profit and loss account and statement of comprehensive income) and the asset element (statement of financial position) will be as follows: R350 represents expenditure on stationery while R150 represents the value of the stationery that will be used in the future.

Accounting entries
The debit balance in the stationery expense account has to be reduced by R150. To reduce an expense account a credit entry has to be made. The balance on the stationery account will now show the actual expenditure, namely R350. This amount can now be written off against the profit or loss account. The stationery on hand, worth R150, is an asset on the date of the statement of financial position and is debited in the stationery on hand account and is shown in the statement of financial position under current assets.

ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Inventory: Stationery Stationery Adjustment of stationery account GL57 GL42 150 150 J3

CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Profit or loss Stationery Closing of stationery account GL60 GL42 350

J4 350

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d Stationery R 500 20.1 Feb 28 Inventory: Stationery Profit or loss 500 42 Cr R J3 J4 150 350 500

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Stationery J3

Inventory: Stationery R 150





Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Stationery J4

Profit or loss (extract) R 350



STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 (extract) R Current assets Inventories Stationery xxxx xxxx 150

7.2.4 Income received in advance

Study paragraph in the prescribed book. Income received in advance is income which has been received during the current financial period but relates to a future financial period. Only the portion relating to the current financial period must be recorded as income, and an adjustment is necessary for the portion received in advance. On 28 February 20.1, the end of its financial year, Xa-Xa Dealers' rent income account shows that R10 400 was received. Xa-Xa Dealers rent out a part of their building for R800 a month. On closer investigation it is established that the rent for March 20.1 has already been received. With this information the actual income received in rent for the year can be determined, that is R10 400 7 R800 = R9 600 (=R800 6 12). The apportionment of the item between actual income and the liability (amount owing) component will be as follows: R9 600 is the actual income and R800 is due to the lessee because it was paid in advance. Differently stated, the income has not yet been earned.

Accounting entries
The credit balance in the rent income account has to be reduced by R800. To reduce an income account a debit entry has to be made. The balance on the rent income account will now show the actual income, namely R9 600. This amount can now be written off against the profit or loss account. The amount received in advance is a liability on the date of the statement of financial position and is credited in the income received in advance account and shown in the statement of financial position under current liabilities.

ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Rent income Income received in advance Adjustment of rent income account GL44 GL59 800 800 J9



CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Rent income Profit or loss Closing of rent income to profit or loss account GL44 GL60 9 600

J10 9 600

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Income received in advance J9 Profit or loss J10 Rent income R 800 9 600 10 400 10 400 20.1 Feb 28 Balance 44 b/d Cr R 10 400


Income received in advance 20.1 Feb 28 Rent income

59 J9

Cr R 800


Profit or loss (extract) 20.1 Feb 28 Rent income

60 J10

Cr R 9 600

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 (extract) Current liabilities Trade and other payables Income received in advance R xxxx xxx 800

7.2.5 Accrued income

Study paragraph in the prescribed book. Accrued income is income which relates to the current financial period but which has not yet been received. On 28 February 20.1, the end of its financial year, Xa-Xa Dealers' commission income account shows an income of R2 200. On closer examination it is established that an amount of R200 earned in commission has not yet been received. With this information the actual income in commission can be determined. It is R2 200 + R200 = R2 400. The apportionment of the item between actual earnings in commission and the associated asset (the commission which has not yet been received) will be as follows: R2 400 which has actually been earned and R200 which is still to be received.



Accounting entries
The credit balance in the commission income account has to be increased by R200. To increase an income account another credit entry has to be made. The balance on the commission income account will now reflect the actual income, namely R2 400. This amount can now be written off against the profit or loss account. The outstanding amount of R200 is an asset on the day of the statement of financial position and is shown under current assets in the statement of financial position.

ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Accrued income Commission income Adjustment of commission income account CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Commission income Profit or loss Closing of commission income to profit or loss account GL45 GL60 2 400 2 400 GL61 GL45 200 J11 200


Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss J12 Commission income R 2 400 2 400 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Commission income Accrued income R J11 200 Profit or loss (extract) 20.1 Feb 28 Commission income 60 R J12 2 400 Cr 61 20.1 Feb 28 Balance Accrued income 45 b/d J11 Cr R 2 200 200 2 400 Cr


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 (extract) Current assets Trade receivables Accrued income R xxx xxx 200



7.2.6 Credit losses (Bad debts)

Study paragraph 7.3.3 in the prescribed book. On 25 January 20.1 Xa-Xa Dealers receive a notification that a debtor, A Boeka, is insolvent. On closer investigation it is established that the debtor still owes R230. With this information an adjustment must be made in A Boeka's account. The outstanding amount of R230 must be removed from his account and shown as an expense or loss. The assets will therefore decrease and an expense or loss component, namely credit losses, will come into being.

Accounting entries
The debit balance of R230 on A Boeka's account has to be written off, since he is insolvent and cannot pay. To reduce an asset account, a credit entry has to be made. A Boeka's account in the debtors ledger will be credited and will now show no balance. The debtors' control account in the general ledger must also be credited and the credit losses account debited. The debt which cannot be paid is an expense/loss and is written off against the profit and loss account at the end of the financial year.

GENERAL JOURNAL 25 JANUARY 20.1 Credit losses (Bad debts) A Boeka/Debtors control Write off debtor's account as irrecoverable CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Profit or loss Credit losses Closing of credit losses to profit or loss account GL60 GL62 230 230 GL62 DL2/GL6 230 230 J13


Dr 20.1 Jan 25 Debtors control (A Boeka) Credit losses (Bad debts) R J13 230 Profit or loss (extract) Credit losses J14 R 230 60 Cr 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss 62 J14 Cr R 230

Dr 20.1 Feb 28

Dr 20.0 Mar 1 Balance b/d

Debtors control xxxx 20.1 Jan 25 Credit losses J13

Cr R 230



Dr 20.1 Jan 25 Balance b/d A Boeka R 230 20.1 Jan 25 Credit losses J13 2 Cr R 230

In study unit 10 the writing off of credit losses is explained in detail. The above solution is done according to method 2 as explained in paragraph 10.4.5.

7.2.7 Allowance for settlement discount

Study paragraph 10.3 of the prescribed book.

7.3 Long-term adjustments (depreciation)

Study paragraph 7.3.1 in the prescribed book. Business entities buy tangible assets (property, plant and equipment) which are not for resale, but are used in the operation of the business. As these assets are used, they decrease in value. This decline in value is charged against the profits of the business and is spread (apportioned) over the expected useful life of the asset. The apportionment of the cost of the asset usually takes the form of depreciation entries. Xa-Xa Dealers bought machinery to the value of R80 000 during the year. On 28 February 20.1, the end of its financial year, an amount of R12 000 has to be written off as depreciation. With this information an adjustment can be made in the books. An expense, namely depreciation of R12 000, is created. Instead of crediting the machinery account, a special account known as accumulated depreciation: machinery account is credited. The account is known as an asset contra account.

Accounting entries
Depreciation is an expense to the entity and the depreciation account will therefore be debited with R12 000. The expense will then be written off against the profit and loss account. The apportionment of the depreciation is credited in the asset contra account, namely accumulated depreciation: machinery. The accumulated depreciation is subtracted from the cost price of the machinery to determine the carrying amount of the machinery. The carrying amount is shown under non-current assets in the statement of financial position and is part of property, plant and equipment.

ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Depreciation Accumulated depreciation: machinery Adjustment to make provision for depreciation GL46 GL63 12 000 12 000 J15



CLOSING TRANSFER 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Profit or loss Depreciation Closing of depreciation to the profit or loss account GL60 GL46 12 000

J16 12 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Accumulated depreciation: machinery Depreciation R 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss 46 J16 Cr R 12 000


12 000 63 J15 60 Cr R 12 000 Cr


Accumulated depreciation: machinery 20.1 Feb 28 Depreciation

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Depreciation J16

Profit or loss (extract) R 12 000

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 (extract) ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Note 3 R 68 000

NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 3 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions Disposals Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation

Machinery 000 000) 000 000 000)

Total 80 000 (12 000) 68 000 80 000 (12 000)

80 (12 68 80 (12



7.4 Preparation of the trial balance

It is important to be able to identify at what stage in the accounting process a trial balance is prepared. A trial balance is prepared as many times as it is required, but at least every month. At the end of the financial year, as many as three trial balances are prepared.

7.4.1 Pre-adjustment trial balance

This is the trial balance which is compiled to test the correctness of the entries after the posting from the subsidiary journals to the general ledger (the same as the usual monthly trial balance). Its purpose is to test whether the requirements of the double-entry principle have been met because if the trial balance does not balance at this stage, the statement of financial position will not balance either.

7.4.2 Post-adjustment trial balance

Study paragraph 7.4 in the prescribed book. This is the trial balance which is compiled after all the journalised adjustments have been posted to the general ledger.

7.4.3 Post-closing trial balance

This is the trial balance which is compiled after the closing journal entries have been posted to the ledger. In this trial balance all the nominal accounts are closed and the profit or loss as well as drawings are transferred to the capital account. All that remains in the trial balance at this stage are the assets, liabilities and equity accounts. These are the accounts which appear as items in the statement of financial position. Study paragraph 7.5 in the prescribed book.

7.5 Revision exercise and solution

The following information relates to A Abbo: Balances at 30 June 20.2 (extract) Debit R Rent income Stationery Water and electricity Commission income Credit losses Accumulated depreciation: machinery Debtors control Machinery at cost 350 1 800 5 600 280 11 150 200 000 30 000 Credit R 6 600

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (a) Only 11 months' rent was received. (b) Stationery on hand on 30 June 20.2 amounted to R50. (c) R600 commission was received in advance. (d) An additional amount of R150 must be written off as irrecoverable. (e) Provision must be made for depreciation of R30 000 on machinery. (f) June 20.2's water and electricity account of R160 has not yet been paid.



Required: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Open the above accounts in the general ledger. Record the adjustments and post to the general ledger accounts. Record the closing journals and show the partial profit or loss account in the ledger. Show the necessary items in the partial statement of financial position. Show the property, plant and equipment note.

Solution: Revision exercise

NB: Only one set of accounts is used. The journal entries after the accounts must also be posted to the same set of accounts.

A ABBO (1)
Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Profit or loss J2

Rent income R 7 200 20.2 June 30 Balance Accrued income 1 b/d J1 Cr R 6 600 600 7 200 2 R Inventory: Stationery Profit or loss J1 J2 50 300 350 3 Profit or loss J2 Cr R 1 960 Cr

7 200 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance b/d Stationery R 350 20.2 Jun 30

350 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance Accrued expenditure b/d J1 Water and electricity R 1 800 160 1 960 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Income received in advance Profit or loss Commission income R J1 J2 600 5 000 5 600 20.2 Jun 30 Balance 4 b/d 20.2 Jun 30

1 960 Cr R 5 600

5 600



Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance Debtors control

Credit losses (Bad debts) b/d J1 R 280 150 430 20.2 Jun 30 Profit or loss

5 J2

Cr R 430 430


Accumulated depreciation: machinery 20.2 Jun 30 Balance Depreciation

6 b/d J1

Cr R 30 000 30 000 60 000

Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance b/d

Debtors control R 11 150 20.2 Jun 30 Credit losses (Bad debts) Balance

7 R J1 c/d


150 11 000 11 150

11 150 20.2 Jul 1 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Dr Stationery J1 Rent income J1 Balance b/d Balance b/d 11 000 Machinery (at cost) R 200 000 Accrued income R 600 Inventory: Stationery R 50 Accrued expenditure 20.2 Jun 30 Water and electricity 11 10 9 8




Cr R

J1 12

160 Cr R


Income received in advance 20.2 Jun 30 Commission income





Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Accumulated depreciation

Depreciation R J1 30 000 Profit or loss (extract) J2 J2 J2 J2 R 300 1 960 430 30 000 20.2 Jun 30 Rent income Commission income 20.2 June 30 Profit or loss

13 R J2 14 J2 J2


30 000 Cr R 7 200 5 000

Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Stationery Water and electricity Credit losses Depreciation


ADJUSTMENT ENTRIES: 30 JUNE 20.2 R Accrued income Rent income To adjust the above Inventory: Stationery Stationery To adjust the above Commission income Income received in advance To adjust the above Credit losses Debtors control To adjust the above Depreciation Accumulated depreciation: machinery To make provision for depreciation Water and electricity Accrued expenditure To adjust the above GL9 GL1 GL10 GL2 GL4 GL12 GL5 GL7 GL13 GL6 GL3 GL11 600 R 600 J1

50 50 600




30 000

30 000

160 160



(3) CLOSING TRANSFERS GL1 GL4 GL14 R 7 200 5 000 R J2

Rent income Commission income Profit or loss Closing off of accounts against the profit or loss account Profit or loss Stationery Water and electricity Credit losses Depreciation Closing off of accounts against the profit or loss account

12 200

GL14 GL2 GL3 GL5 GL13

32 690 300 1 960 430 30 000

(4) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) Note R 140 000 1 140 000 X XXX 50 11 600 XXX 760

ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables R(11 000 + 600) EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(160 + 600)

(5) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 Property, plant and equipment Machinery R Carrying amount: Beginning of the period Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of the period Cost Accumulated depreciation 170 000 200 000 (30 000) (30 000) 140 000 200 000 (60 000) Total R 170 000 200 000 (30 000) (30 000) 140 000 200 000 (60 000)



SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit can you:
. .

list the accounts and items which have to be adjusted? record the adjustments in respect of the following?

short-term adjustments such as prepaid expenses accrued expenses consumable inventory adjustments income received in advance accrued income Credit losses (Bad debts)

long-term adjustments such as depreciation

. . . .

calculate the amounts in question? record the necessary entries in the books? prepare a pre-adjustment, a post-adjustment and a post-closing trial balance? show the effect of adjustments in the statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position?




The closing-off procedure, determining profit of an entity and preparing financial statements

Learning outcome
Students should be able to complete the closing-off procedure, determine the profit or loss of an entity and prepare more advanced financial statements.

Study unit Page

Key concepts 8.1 8.2 8.3 Introduction Financial performance of a service entity Components of the financial performance of an entity 8.3.1 Gross profit 8.3.2 Profit for the year/period 8.3.3 Cost price of sales 8.4 Inventory systems 8.4.1 The perpetual (continuous) inventory system 8.4.2 The periodic inventory system 8.4.3 Additional purchase costs 8.4.4 Drawings and donations of inventory 8.5 Closing-off of nominal accounts 8.5.1 Trading account 8.5.2 Profit or loss account

119 120 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 125 129 130 130 132 137




Preparation of financial statements


8.6.1 The statement of comprehensive income (financial performance) 140 8.6.2 The statement of changes in equity 8.6.3 The statement of financial position 8.6.4 Notes 8.7 8.8 8.9 Gross profit percentage Integrated example Revision exercises and solutions 8.9.1 Revision exercise 1 8.9.2 Revision exercise 2 8.9.3 Revision exercise 3 8.9.4 Revision exercise 4 8.9.5 Revision exercise 5 8.9.6 Revision exercise 6 8.9.7 Revision exercise 7 8.9.8 Revision exercise 8 Self-assessment 141 142 143 143 144 155 155 156 158 158 159 161 164 165 168

. . . . . . . . . . .

Financial period Nominal accounts Cost of sales Gross profit Profit for the year/period Inventory (merchandise, trading goods) Perpetual inventory system Periodic inventory system Closing entries Trading account, profit or loss account Statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, statement of financial position and notes.



8.1 Introduction
This study unit will give you the background knowledge which you require to prepare the financial statements of a service entity and a trading concern. With the accounting entries we have dealt with so far, you already know how to determine: the owner's capital . the entity's assets (including trading inventory and cash) . the entity's liabilities . income and expenditure accounts (nominal accounts), which include the following in the case of a trading concern: . merchandise sales . merchandise purchases . all other expenditure . other income

Since the preparing of financial statements goes hand in hand with the closing off procedure every financial year, we will explain the closing entries which have to be made annually. All the nominal accounts (income and expenditure) are closed off and they provide the details for compiling the statement of comprehensive income. The accounts which remain in the trial balance after closing, namely the assets, liabilities and capital accounts, form the basis of the information which is included in the statement of financial position. Study paragraph 8.1 of the prescribed book.

8.2 Financial performance of a service entity

Study paragraph 8.2 of the prescribed book.

8.3 Components of the financial performance of an entity

As you already know, the most important question is, ``How has the business fared financially?'' Has it made a profit or a loss? The calculations are made for a specific financial period, usually a year. We now turn our attention to the following aspects:

8.3.1 Gross profit

This is the difference between sales and the ``cost price of sales''. The relevant accounts are closed off to the trading account.

8.3.2 Profit for the year/period

This is the amount which remains from the gross profit after all expenditure necessary to manage the business has been subtracted and other income has been added. These income and expenditure accounts are closed off and transferred to the profit or loss account.



8.3.3 Cost price of sales

Before determining the cost price of sales, we need to look at inventory. The merchandise inventory which an entity buys during a financial period is not necessarily all sold during that period. The inventory still in the entity at the beginning of the accounting period is known as the opening inventory and that at the end of the period as the closing inventory. Study paragraph 8.3.1 of the prescribed book.

8.4 Inventory systems (trading inventory)

Depending on the nature of the entity, the type of merchandise sold and the level of computerisation in the entity, an entity can either use a perpetual (continuous) inventory system or a periodic inventory system. Thusfar we have worked with the periodic inventory system. With a perpetual inventory system the entity will keep a continuous track of inventory levels for the different inventory items it sells. This method is ideally suited to an entity that sells items that can be easily identified, measured and a value attached to them. The use of scanners and bar codes enables many entities to apply this method of inventory recording. Study paragraph 8.3.2 of the prescribed book.

8.4.1 The perpetual (continuous) inventory system

Under the perpetual inventory system, the purchase of inventory is recorded directly into the inventory account at cost price. At the time of sale, the cost price of the goods sold is transferred from the inventory account to the cost of sales account. The accounting entries under such a system can be summarised as follows (VAT is ignored in these examples): Purchase of inventory for cash: Dr Cr Inventory Bank (because the asset inventory increases.) (because the asset bank decreases when money is paid out.)

The transaction is recorded in the cash payments journal at cost price. Purchase of inventory on credit: Dr Cr Cr Inventory Creditor and Creditors control (see above.) (because a liability is created or increased.)

The transaction is recorded in the purchases journal at cost price. Sale of merchandise for cash: Dr Cr Dr Cr Bank Sales Cost of sales Inventory (an asset increases with money received) (selling price) (an income which increases equity) (selling price) (an expense that decreases equity) (cost price) (an asset decreases) (cost price)

The transaction is recorded in the cash receipts journal.



It is important to note that the difference between the cost of sales and the selling price is the gross profit which is the amount by which the equity increases. Merchandise sold on credit: Dr Dr Cr Dr Cr Debtor and Debtors control Sales Cost of sales Inventory (an asset is created or increased) (selling price)

(see above) (selling price) (see above) (cost price) (see above) (cost price)

The transaction is recorded in the sales journal. When merchandise is returned by a debtor: Dr Cr Sales returns Debtor and Cr Cr Dr Debtors control Cost of sales Inventory (this has the opposite effect on equity to the effect when merchandise was sold) (cost price) (the asset increases by the amount of the merchandise returned) (cost price) (this has the opposite effect of sales on equity it decreases equity) (selling price) (the asset decreases because the debtor owes the business less) (selling price)

The transaction is recorded in the sales returns journal. Merchandise returned, previously sold for cash: If the business has a policy of not repaying cash, a credit note will be issued to the client that can be exchanged for other merchandise. If the business is willing to refund the cash: Dr Cr Sales returns Bank (see above) (selling price) (the asset bank will decrease to cancel the previous increase) (selling price)

The transaction is recorded in the cash payments journal. To reinstate the merchandise as part of inventory: Dr Cr Inventory Cost of sales (the asset inventory increases) (cost price) (see above) (cost price)

The transaction is recorded in the general journal When merchandise is returned to a creditor: Dr Dr Cr Creditor and Creditors control Inventory (an asset is decreased there is less inventory because of the goods returned) (cost price) (because the liability decreases) (cost price)

The transaction is recorded in the purchases returns journal.



From the above discussion it is clear that the cost price of merchandise sold is recorded at the same time as the sale of the merchandise. This procedure enables the entity to determine the gross profit on each sale and to keep a continuous record of the Rand value of the inventory that has not yet been sold. However, it remains necessary to do a physical inventory count at least once a year, usually at the end of the financial year. Theoretically the result of the inventory count should yield the same result as the balance on the inventory account. This seldom happens. Some of the main reasons why there is a difference are the theft of inventory, breakages, leakages, and evaporation. This loss of inventory will, of course, not be recorded in the inventory account and will only be detected when a physical count of inventory is done.

GOLDEN RULES . Perpetual inventory system: Cost of sales is determined with every sales transaction: Debit: Cost of sales, Credit: Inventory with the cost value of the sales. . Perpetual inventory system: No purchases or purchases returns accounts are kept (see paragraph 8.4.2) . Perpetual inventory system: A physical inventory count will only disclose shortages (or surpluses) in inventory.

Exer ci se 8.1
The following exercise illustrates the perpetual inventory system: Inventory on 1 January 20.1 Transactions for year up to 31 December 20.1 Credit purchases Cash purchases Credit sales (mark-up on cost price is 25%) Cash sales (mark-up on cost price is 25%) R 10 000 50 40 75 25 000 000 000 000

Solution Exercise


Accounting entries which have to be made

(1) In the perpetual inventory system inventory is an asset. Inventory on hand and inventory which is purchased are therefore debited in the asset account, inventory, at cost price and the contra account such as creditors or bank is credited. (2) When goods (merchandise) are sold, the sales account (income) is credited with the selling price and the contra account such as debtors or bank is debited. (3) Goods (merchandise) are taken out of the inventory (asset) account at cost price (inventory account is credited) and debited to the cost of sales (expense) account.



GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jan 1 Dec 31 Balance Creditors control Bank b/d Inventory R 10 000 50 000 40 000 100 000 20.2 Jan 1 Dr 20.1 Dec 31 R Trading account 100 000 100 000 Cost of sales Inventory Inventory R 60 000 20 000 80 000 20.1 Dec 31 Trading account Balance b/d 20 000 Sales 20.1 Dec 31 Debtors control Bank Cr R 75 000 25 000 100 000 Cr R 80 000 80 000 Cr Sales R 100 000 20.1 Dec 31 Cost of sales Cost of sales Balance Cr R 60 000 20 000 20 000 100 000


Dr 20.1 Dec 31

Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Cost of sales Profit or loss (Gross profit*)

Trading account R 80 000 20.1 Dec 31

20 000 100 000 100 000

* The gross profit is the difference between sales and cost of sales. The gross profit is transferred to the profit or loss account. Where cost of sales is more than sales, the result is a gross loss.

. When determining the cost of sales, it is important to establish whether the mark-up was made on the cost price or the selling price since the price that applies is taken to be 100 (100%). Suppose the mark-up of 25% is on the cost price as in the above exercise. Thus: Cost price Mark-up Selling price % = 100 = 25 = 125



The cost price in Rand will obviously be less than the selling price. Therefore: Multiply by the smaller figure (100) and divide by the larger figure (125). To calculate the cost of sales of R75 000 Cost price = R60 000 If the mark-up of 25% is on the selling price: % Selling price Mark-up Cost price = 100 = = 25 75
100 125

75 000 1

The cost price will again be less than the selling price. Thus:
75 100

75 000 1

Cost price = R56 250 . . The gross profit, which is also called the trading profit, is determined in the trading account. The details which are required to calculate the gross profit or loss are transferred to the trading account by means of the general journal: . The sales account is debited and the trading account is credited (sales are closed). . The cost of sales account is credited (the account is closed) and the trading account is debited. The balance on the trading account represents the gross profit or loss. . The closing balance of the inventory account (asset) represents the closing inventory.

8.4.2 The periodic inventory system

Under the periodic inventory system, the purchase of inventory is not recorded in the inventory account. A separate account, known as the purchases account, is used to record these purchases. It follows that if inventory is returned, for one reason or another, to the seller, the return of inventory cannot be recorded in the inventory account but must be recorded in a separate account known as the purchases returns account. As a result of the above procedure it should be clear that under a periodic inventory system, the cost of sales is not determined at the time of the recording of the sale. The cost of sales can thus only be determined at the end of the financial period after a physical inventory count has been done. The cost price of inventory sold during an accounting period will thus be determined as follows: Cost price of inventory at the beginning of the financial year (closing inventory of previous year) Add: Less: Cost price of inventory purchased during the financial year. (This is the total amount spent on purchases) Cost price of inventory at the end of the financial year, determined by a physical inventory count. (This is the unsold inventory)



The accounting entries associated with a periodic inventory system can be summarised as follows (VAT is ignored in the examples): Purchase of inventory for cash: Dr Cr Purchases Bank (under the periodic inventory system, purchases are regarded as an expense that reduces equity) (the asset bank decreases when money is paid out)

The transaction is recorded in the cash payments journal at cost price. Purchase of inventory on credit: Dr Cr Cr Purchases Creditor and Creditors control (see above) (creditors is a liability account which is created or increased)

The transaction is recorded in the purchases journal at cost price. Sale of merchandise for cash: Dr Cr Bank Sales (the asset increases with the money received) (an income account which increases equity)

The transaction is recorded in the cash receipts journal at selling price. Sale of merchandise on credit: Dr Dr Cr Debtor and Debtors control Sales (see above) (an asset which is created or increased)

The transaction is recorded in the sales journal at selling price. When merchandise is returned by a debtor: Dr Cr Cr Sales returns Debtor and Debtors control (equity decreases) (the asset decreases)

The transaction is recorded in the sales returns journal at selling price. Merchandise returned, previously sold for cash: The policy of the business would determine whether a credit note will be issued (refer to the perpetual inventory system) or whether the cash will be refunded to the client. The entry for a cash refund will be as follows: Dr Cr Sales returns Bank (the equity decreases) (the asset bank will decrease to cancel the previous increase)

The transaction is recorded in the cash payments journal.



When inventory is returned to a creditor: Dr Dr Cr Creditors and Creditors control (the liability decreases)

Purchase returns (the actual purchase is reduced)

The transaction is recorded in the purchases returns journal at cost price. Physical inventory count at the end of the financial year: Dr Cr Inventory Trading account (an asset account which is created with the inventory on hand at the end of the financial year) (a nominal account which is used to determine the gross profit and which increases equity if a gross profit is made)

The transaction is recorded in the general journal. From the above summary it is clear that, under a periodic inventory system, there is no cost of sales account but a purchases account and that the column headings of subsidiary journals will have to be adapted to accommodate this inventory system. Some of the accounts kept in the general ledger will also have to be changed when the periodic inventory system is in use. It is very important, in assignments and in the examination, to make sure that you know which inventory system a business uses as this will determine how the subsidiary journals and the general ledger will be laid out. GOLDEN RULES . Periodic inventory system: Purchases and purchases returns accounts are kept. These accounts are closed off (made NIL), at the end of the financial period, to the Trading account. . Periodic inventory system: NO cost of sales account is kept. Cost of sales is determined via entries in the Trading account. . Periodic inventory system: A physical inventory count is essential.

Exer ci se 8.2
We use the information from the previous exercise except that in this system (periodic system) the closing inventory on 31 December 20.1 is determined first; it is R20 000.

Solution Exercise


Accounting entries which have to be made

(1) The opening balance on the inventory account (asset) is held in the books throughout the financial period, which is usually a year, without any other entries. (2) Inventory purchased is recorded (debited) at cost price in the purchases account (expenditure) and the contra account, for instance creditors or bank, is credited. The purchases account is closed off at the end of the financial year, to the trading account by means of a general journal entry (debit trading account and credit purcases account).



(3) When goods are sold, the sales account (income) is credited with the selling price and the contra account, say bank or debtors, is debited. (4) A physical inventory count is undertaken to determine the closing inventory (usually at cost price R20 000 in the exercise). To record this figure, the inventory account is debited and the trading account is credited. At this point, you should have a look at the trading account in the ledger. In this system a cost of sales account is not kept. (5) As the opening inventory is either sold or included in the closing inventory, it must be ``transferred''. The inventory account is therefore credited and the trading account debited. This means that the opening inventory is added to purchases. Closing inventory is deducted (the trading account is credited) and the cost of sales is thus calculated.

. Determining cost of sales and gross profit Opening inventory at cost price Plus: Purchases at cost price Inventory available for sale at cost price Less: Closing inventory at cost price Cost of sales Gross profit Sales * Balancing figure R 10 000 90 000 100 000 20 000 80 000 20 000* 100 000

. When determining the gross profit, the required details are transferred to the trading account: . The inventory account is credited and the trading account is debited with the opening inventory (transfer of opening inventory). . The purchases account is credited and the trading account is debited (purchases account is closed). . The sales account is debited and the trading account is credited (sales account is closed). The closing inventory is given (see accounting entry 4 above) and has already been entered in the inventory account and the trading account.

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jan 1 20.1 Dec 31 Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Creditors control Bank Balance Trading account b/d Inventory R 10 000 20 000 Purchases R 50 000 40 000 90 000 20.1 Dec 31 Trading account Cr R 90 000 90 000 20.1 Dec 31 Trading account Cr R 10 000



Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Trading account

Sales R 100 000 100 000 20.1 Dec 31 Debtors control Bank

Cr R 75 000 25 000 100 000 Cr Sales Inventory (closing) R 100 000 20 000

Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Inventory (opening) Purchases Profit or loss (gross profit)*

Trading account R 10 000 90 000 20 000 120 000 20.1 Dec 31

120 000

* Balancing figure

. The gross profit calculated is the same for both systems (see * above and in the previous example). . The main differences between the two systems are: (1) In the perpetual inventory system, purchases are recorded at cost price in the inventory account (asset) and a cost of sales account is kept during the financial period. (2) In the periodic inventory system, purchases are recorded in the purchases account (expenditure) and the cost of sales is calculated, by implication, in the trading account.

8.4.3 Additional purchase costs

Study paragraph of the prescribed book. Carriage on purchases and railage are examples of expenses that an entity may have to pay in order to transport the inventory which has been purchased to the premises of the entity. Custom and excise duties may also have to be incurred when inventory is imported. When the perpetual (continuous) inventory system is used, carriage on purchases, and the like, is debited directly to the inventory account, since the cost of sales must be brought into account with each sales transaction and carriage constitutes an integral part of the cost per unit. When the periodic inventory system is used, all purchases of inventory during a financial year are debited to the purchases account. Consequently this account will show the total of all purchases at the end of the financial year. Carriage on purchases (paid for in cash, as well as on credit) by an entity which uses this inventory system, will be debited to the carriage on purchases account. This account will show the total amount spent for transporting inventory to the premises of the entity. When the cost of sales is calculated at the end of the financial year, carriage on purchases must also be taken into account. Custom and excise duties will be treated in a similar manner. The following illustration will demonstrate how accounts under the different inventory systems will be affected when additional purchase costs are incurred:



Transaction Payment of delivery costs on inventory purchased

Perpetual inventory system Dr Inventory Cr Bank or Cr Creditor (and creditors control) if on credit

Periodic inventory system Dr Carriage on purchases Cr Bank or Cr Creditor (and creditors control) if on credit

Use the following information from the books of Gogo Dealers to calculate the cost of sales: R 95 000 260 000 3 600

Inventory (1 January 20.1) Purchases Carriage on purchases

A physical inventory count on 31 December 20.1 indicated that inventory on hand amounted to R80 000. Solution: R 95 000 260 000 3 600 358 600 Less: Inventory (31 December 20.1) Cost of sales 80 000 278 600

Inventory (1 January 20.1) Add: Purchases Carriage on purchases

8.4.4 Drawings and donations of inventory

Drawings and donations of inventory are recorded by means of the general journal at cost price. Please study the following table carefully: Transaction Perpetual inventory system Dr Drawings Cr Inventory Dr Donations Cr Inventory Periodic inventory system

Inventory taken by owner for personal use Donation of inventory

Dr Drawings Cr Purchases Dr Donations Cr Purchases

Drawings and donations are not exempted from VAT. The VAT is, however, calculated on the cost price and must be credited to the VAT Output account.

8.5 Closing-off of nominal accounts

Study paragraph 8.3 of the prescribed book again.



We have worked through the accounting cycle up to the trial balance. This means that we have tested the arithmetic of our accounts while bearing in mind the shortcomings of a trial balance. As mentioned previously, the main purpose of an entity is to make a profit. To determine the financial result of an entity, the nominal accounts are closed by means of closing journals and transferred to the trading account (a nominal account) in the case of trading entities and/or to the profit or loss account. The gross profit, as determined, is debited to the trading account and credited to the profit or loss account (a nominal account). All the other nominal accounts with credit balances such as rent income and discount received, are debited (closed off) and the profit or loss account is credited. Similarly, all expense accounts with debit balances such as telephone expenses, rent expenses and salaries, are credited (closed off) and the profit or loss account is debited. The difference between the debit and credit sides of the profit or loss account results in the profit or loss which is, in turn, transferred to the capital account. The profit or loss account is therefore, also closed off. Remember that the trading account and the profit or loss account form part of the accounting system. By using the information in the following trial balance, the closing off of the nominal accounts at the end of the accounting period, will be explained.

PRE-CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 January 20.1 Fol Capital Drawings Bank Inventory 1 February 20.0 Vehicles (at cost) Equipment (at cost) Debtors control Creditors control Sales Sales returns Purchases Purchases returns Rent income Stationery Wages Water and electricity Credit losses (Bad debts) Settlement discount granted Settlement discount received B 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 N 5 N 6 N 7 N 8 N 9 N10 N11 Dr R 3 4 5 91 19 10 000 250 000 000 500 100 14 700 77 500 1 500 52 500 2 500 600 150 10 550 950 300 150 250 198 950 198 950 Cr R 103 400

Because of the presence of a purchases account, we know that the periodic inventory system is in use. On 31 January 20.1 a physical inventory count was done and the value of the inventory was found to be R8 000 according to the inventory list. Remember that this amount still has to be recorded in the books.



GOLDEN RULES All nominal accounts (i.e. income or revenue and expense acounts) MUST be closed off (made NIL) at the end of the financial period to either the Trading account or the Profit or Loss account. Only entities that trade i.e. buy and sell merchandise, will have a Trading account.

8.5.1 Trading account

As mentioned previously, the gross profit is calculated in the trading account. The details required to do this calculation are: opening inventory at cost price purchases at cost price . closing inventory at cost price . sales at selling price . cost price of goods sold
. .

In accounting terms the calculation would take the following form: Opening inventory + purchases (all at cost price) 7 closing inventory (at cost price) = cost price of goods sold. Gross profit = sales 7 cost price of goods sold. Using the details from a previous exercise, we have the following: R10 000 + R90 000 7 R20 000 = R80 000 (cost price of sales) Gross profit = R100 000 7 R80 000 = R20 000 The cost price of goods sold is influenced by all the expenses incurred up to the point where the goods are offered for sale. It includes costs such as carriage on purchases, customs duty, dock dues and freight. Such costs increase the cost prices of goods sold and therefore reduce the gross profit.

Closing inventory
In practice it seldom happens that an entity sells all the available inventory, that is opening inventory and purchases, and that there is no closing inventory. If this does happen, the closing inventory is simply left out of the calculation. The closing inventory is actually counted, a list is made and it is valued at cost price or market price, whichever is the lower. It is then recorded in the books by means of a general journal entry. Since the closing inventory is an asset, the inventory account is debited. The necessary details such as opening inventory, purchases and sales, are transferred from the nominal ledger accounts to the trading account by means of closing transfers in the general journal. The gross profit is obtained when the ``balance'' on the trading account is determined. The journal entries for the closing transfers are given after the following ledger accounts.

GENERAL LEDGER Dr Capital 20.1 Jan 31 Balance B1 b/d Cr R 103 400







20.1 Jan 31 Balance



R 3 000

20.1 Jan 31



R 3 000

20.1 Jan 31 Balance

Dr 20.0 Feb 1 20.1 Jan 31 Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Dr Balance Balance Balance Balance Trading account


R 4 250
Inventory B4 Trading account J1 Cr R 5 000

b/d J1

R 5 000 8 000

20.1 Jan 31

Vehicles (at cost) b/d R 91 000 Equipment (at cost) b/d R 19 500 Debtors control b/d R 10 100 Creditors control 20.1 Jan 31 Balance







B8 b/d N1 Balance b/d

Cr R 14 700 Cr R 77 500

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Settlement discount granted Trading account J J

Sales R 150 77 350 77 500 20.1 Jan 31

77 500 N2 Trading account J1 Cr R 1 500

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance b/d

Sales returns R 1 500 20.1 Jan 31



Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance b/d

Purchases R 52 500 20.1 Jan 31 Settlement discount received Trading account

N3 J J

Cr R 250 52 250 52 500

52 500 Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Trading account J1 Purchases returns R 2 500 20.1 Jan 31 Balance N4 b/d

Cr R 2 500

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance b/d Profit or loss J2

Rent income R 600 20.1 Jan 31 Balance

N5 b/d N6 Profit or loss J2

Cr R 600 Cr R 150

Stationery R 150 20.1 Jan 31

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance b/d

Wages R 10 550 20.1 Jan 31 Profit or loss

N7 J2

Cr R 10 550

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance b/d

Water and electricity R 950 20.1 Jan 31 Profit or loss

N8 J2

Cr R 950

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance

Credit losses (Bad debts) b/d R 300 20.1 Jan 31 Profit or loss

N9 J2

Cr R 300

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Balance

Settlement discount granted b/d R 150 150 20.1 Jan 31 Sales

N10 J2

Cr R 150 150



Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Purchases

Settlement discount received J R 250 250 20.1 Jan 31 Balance

N11 b/d

Cr R 250 250

Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Inventory (opening) Purchases Sales returns Profit or loss (Gross profit) J J J J

Trading account R 5 000 52 250 1 500 29 100 87 850 20.1 Jan 31 Sales Purchases returns Inventory (closing)

N12 J J J

Cr R 77 350 2 500 8 000 87 850


(1) Settlement discount granted transferred to sales: To transfer settlement discount granted to the sales account the sales account is debited and the settlement discount granted account is credited (thus the account is closed) 20.1 Jan 31 R 150 R 150

Sales Settlement discount granted Closing transfer of settlement discount granted

(2) Settlement discount received transferred to purchases: To transfer settlement discount received to the purchases account the settlement discount received account is debited (thus the account is closed) and the purchases account is credited. 20.1 Jan 31 Settlement discount received Purchases Closing transfer of settlement discount received R 250 R 250


(1) To transfer the opening inventory to the trading account, the inventory account is credited (account is closed) and the trading account is debited by means of a closing transfer in the general journal 20.1 Jan 31 R 5 000 R 5 000

Trading account Inventory Closing transfer of opening inventory

N12 B4



(2) To transfer purchases to the trading account, the purchases account is credited (account is closed) and the trading account is debited. 20.1 Jan 31 R 52 500 R 52 500

Trading account Inventory Closing transfer of purchases account

N12 N3

(3) To transfer sales returns to the trading account, sales returns is credited (account is closed) and the trading account is debited. J1 20.1 R R Jan 31 Trading account N12 1 500 Sales returns N2 1 500 Closing transfer of sales returns

(4) To transfer sales to the trading account, sales are debited (account is closed) and the trading account is credited. 20.1 Jan 31 R 77 350 R 77 350

Sales Trading account Closing transfer of sales account

N1 N12

(5) To transfer purchases returns to the trading account, purchases returns are debited (account is closed) and the trading account is credited. J1 20.1 Jan 31 Purchase returns Trading account Closing transfer of purchases returns N4 N12 R 2 500 R 2 500

(6) To record the closing inventory, which is an asset, in the books, the inventory account is debited and the trading account is credited. J1 20.1 Jan 31 Inventory Trading account To record the closing inventory in the books B4 N12 R 8 000 R 8 000

(7) The trading account is now balanced. The result (balance) is the gross profit, namely R29 100, which is transferred by means of a closing transfer to the profit or loss account, where the profit is determined. 20.1 Jan 31 Trading account Profit or loss Closing transfer of gross profit to profit or loss account N12 N13 R 29 100 R 29 100



(8) Instead of all the separate closing transfers, a combined entry can be made with the same effect. General journal 20.1 Jan 31 Sales Purchases returns Inventory (closing) Inventory (opening) Purchases Sales returns Trading account Closing off and transfer of above accounts to trading account N 1 N 4 B 4 B 4 N 3 N 2 N12 R 77 350 2 500 8 000 R J1

5 000 52 250 1 500 29 100*

* Balancing figure between debits and credits The amount of R29 100 is NOT credited in itself to the trading account. Each entry is shown separately in the trading account (being contra entries). This will in effect credit the trading account with the R29 100.

GOLDEN RULE The trading account, being also a nominal account, is closed off to the profit or loss account. (See the schematic representation.)

8.5.2 Profit or loss account

As mentioned previously, the profit is calculated in the profit or loss account. The details required to do this calculation are:
. . .

the gross profit all business expenditure all business income Profit or loss Stationery Wages Water and electricity Credit losses Capital (profit) J J J J J R 150 10 550 950 300 17 750 29 700 29 700 20.1 Jan 31 N13 Trading account (Gross profit) Rent income J J Cr R 29 100 600

Dr 20.1 Jan 31

Closing journal entries (1) The gross profit has already been transferred. (2) To transfer the expenditure accounts to the profit and loss account, the expenditure accounts such as stationery, wages, and water and electricity are credited (accounts are closed) and the profit and loss account is debited with each account individually. This is done so that the expenditure on each item can readily be identified.



CLOSING TRANSFERS OF EXPENDITURE 20.1 Jan 31 Profit or loss Stationery Closing transfer Profit or loss Wages Closing transfer Profit or loss Water and electricity Closing transfer Profit or loss Credit losses (Bad debts) Closing transfer N13 N6 R 150 R



N13 N7

10 550 10 550

N13 N8

950 950

N13 N9

300 300

(3) To transfer the income accounts to the profit or loss account, the income accounts such as rent income and commission received are debited (accounts are closed) and the profit or loss account is credited. CLOSING TRANSFERS OF INCOME 20.1 Jan 31 Rent income Profit or loss Closing transfer N5 N13 R 600 R 600 J2

(4) Instead of all the individual closing transfers, a combined entry can be made, for instance: GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 Jan 31 Rent income Profit or loss Stationery Wages Water and electricity Credit losses (Bad debts) Closing off the above accounts against the profit and loss account N5 N13 N6 N7 N8 N9 R 600 11 350* R J2

150 10 550 950 300

* Balancing figure between debits and credits. Remember that the amounts in the nominal accounts are shown separately in the profit or loss account, which means that the amount of R11 350 is not posted in itself to the account.



(5) The profit or loss is the result (``balance'') of the profit or loss account. (6) To transfer the profit due to the owner to the capital account, the profit or loss account is debited (account is closed) and the capital account is credited (equity increases). GOLDEN RULE The profit or loss account, also being a nominal account, is closed off to the capital account. The profit or loss must be disclosed in the statement of changes in equity. (See the schematic representation.) CLOSING TRANSFER OF PROFIT FOR THE YEAR/PERIOD 20.1 Jan 31 Profit or loss Capital To transfer profit to capital N13 B1 R 17 750 J3 R 17 750

(7) If the entity suffers a loss, the profit or loss account is credited and the capital account is debited (equity decreases). (8) At the same time the owner owes the amount in the drawings account to the entity. To bring this debt into account, the drawings account is closed against the capital account by crediting drawings and debiting the capital account (equity decreases). GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 Jan 31 Capital Drawings To close drawings B1 B2 R 3 000 J3 R 3 000

(9) The complete capital account will then look like this: Dr 20.1 Jan 31 Drawings Balance Capital R J3 3 000 c/d 118 150 121 150 20.1 Feb 1 (10) Post-closing trial balance At this stage a post-closing trial balance can be prepared. This trial balance contains the balances of all those accounts the balances of which are to be carried forward to the following financial period. These balances are used to prepare the statement of financial position. In the above example this trial balance is as follows (note that there are NO nominal account balances, or a balance for the Drawings account, any more, as they have been closed off): Balance b/d 20.1 Jan 31 B1 Cr R 103 400 17 750 121 150 118 150

Balance Profit or loss

b/d J3



POST-CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 JANUARY 20.1 Fol Capital Bank Inventory Vehicles (at cost) Equipment (at cost) Debtors control Creditors control B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 Dr R 4 8 91 19 10 250 000 000 500 100 Cr R 118 150

132 850

14 700 132 850

GOLDEN RULE The post closing trial balance contains only balances of statement of financial position accounts no nominal accounts.

8.6 Preparation of financial statements

The financial statements of an entity do not form part of the ledger accounts of the entity, but are prepared from the information in the accounts and the balances of such accounts. The statements are prepared separately from the accounting records. Study paragraph 8.3.4 of the prescribed book.

8.6.1 The statement of comprehensive income (financial performance)

The information in the trading and profit or loss accounts is communicated to interested parties by means of the statement of comprehensive income.



STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JANUARY 20.1 Notes 2 R 75 850 (46 750) 5 000 49 750 54 750 (8 000) 29 100 600 600 29 700 Distribution, administrative and other expenses Stationery Wages Water and electricity Credit losses (Bad debts) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year (11 950) 150 10 550 950 300 17 750 17 750

Revenue Cost of sales Opening inventory Net purchases Closing inventory Gross profit Other income: Rent income

GOLDEN RULE The statement of comprehensive income is prepared from information in the trading account and profit or loss account. (See schematic representation.)

8.6.2 The statement of changes in equity

The statement of changes in equity was discussed in paragraph 5.15.2. Please study this paragraph again. This statement is prepared from the information in the capital account.

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 JANUARY 20.1 Capital R 103 400 17 750 (3 000) 118 150

Balance at 1 February 20.0 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 31 January 20.1



GOLDEN RULE The statement of changes in equity is prepared from the information in the capital account. (See schematic representation.)

8.6.3 The statement of financial position

The statement of financial position is compiled from those accounts which are not closed in the process of determining the profit/loss of the entity. These accounts are either assets, liabilities or equity accounts (the balances of these accounts appearing in the post-closing trial balance). All the nominal accounts (expenditure and income) are closed. In the statement of financial position a summary is made of all the entity's assets and liabilities based on the accounting equation, A = E + L. A statement of financial position shows the entity's financial position on a specific date, whereas the profit or loss account or statement of comprehensive income shows the financial result over a financial period. The change in equity from one financial period to the following financial period is reflected in the statement of changes in equity.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 JANUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note 3 R 110 500 110 500 22 350 8 000 10 100 4 250 132 850

118 150 118 150 14 700 14 700 132 850

. When the totals of the different assets are calculated and added together, the result is equal to: the equity, plus . the totals of the different liabilities which are calculated and added together (In the example there is only one short-term liability, namely creditors.)

. Remember that the balances in the statement of financial position are the opening balances of the ledger accounts for the next financial period.



. There are usually more items under trade receivables and trade and other payables than merely debtors and creditors. These items will be listed under trade receivables and trade and other payables and will be added up to give the total for trade receivables and trade and other payables.

GOLDEN RULE The statement of financial position is prepared from the balances in the post-closing trial balance after the note on property, plant and equipment has been prepared.

8.6.4 Notes
1 Accounting policy: The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. 2 3 Income represents net sales to third parties. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Equipment R 19 500 19 500 () () 19 500 19 500 () Vehicles R 91 000 91 000 () () 91 000 91 000 () Total R 110 500 110 500 () () 110 500 110 500 ()

No depreciation was written off during the financial year. GOLDEN RULE The note on ``property, plant and equipment'' reflects all changes in all non-current assets and the associated accumulated depreciation accounts.

GOLDEN RULE The total of the ``carrying amount: end of year'' must be the same as the amount disclosed as ``property, plant and equipment'' under ``non-current assets'' in the statement of financial position.

8.7 Gross profit percentage

An entity calculates its gross profit separately because it gives an indication of its performance in its major activity, namely selling goods at a profit, apart from all the other activities in which it engages to support this primary activity.



Study paragraphs 8.3.3 and 8.4 of the prescribed book.

The gross profit is normally expressed as a percentage of either the selling price or the cost price of goods sold. Gross profit 100 6 Selling price 1 = = Gross profit 100 6 Cost of sales 1 = = 29 000 6 76 000 38,2% 29 000 47 000 61,7% 6 100 1 100 1

Entities usually have a price policy which sets a certain gross profit percentage as an objective. The selling price is determined by adding this profit percentage to the cost price of merchandise. At the end of the period management can compare the actual result (gross profit percentage) with the theoretical percentage (ie the profit-taking policy), or the result can be compared with the results of other years, or with those of other entities in the industry.

8.8 Integrated example

The following information pertains to Hot-Rod Dealers:



(1) PRE-ADJUSTMENT TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Fol Capital Drawings Land and buildings (at cost) Vehicles (at cost) Furniture (at cost) Inventory: Trading 1 Jan 20.4 Debtors control Bank Accumulated depreciation: vehicles Accumulated depreciation: furniture Creditors control Sales Sales returns Carriage on sales Commission income Rent income Purchases Purchases returns Carriage on purchases Credit losses (Bad debts) Insurance Packaging material Salaries Water and electricity GL 1 GL 2 GL 3 GL 4 GL 5 GL 6 GL 7 GL 8 GL 9 GL10 GL11 GL12 GL13 GL14 GL15 GL16 GL17 GL18 GL19 GL20 GL21 GL22 GL23 GL24 Debit R 4 180 120 15 4 40 5 400 000 000 000 000 140 900 26 3 50 253 615 670 480 2 860 170 550 550 400 230 2 750 800 38 500 3 300 587 255 (2) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (a) Inventory on 31 December 20.4 Trading inventory Packaging material R 6 500 175 587 255 000 000 750 615 Credit R 250 000

(b) Debtor S Sorry is insolvent; his debt of R140 has to be written off as irrecoverable. (c) An employee is on leave and his January 20.5 salary of R1 500 has been paid to him in advance. (d) Delivery fees of R100 on purchases have not been paid yet. (e) An insurance premium of R250 per month has been paid until the end of March 20.5. (f) Rent income has been paid until the end of January 20.5. (g) R880 commission was earned on 28 December 20.4; the amount is still outstanding. (h) Provision must be made for depreciation as follows: Vehicles R15 750 Furniture R 1 275 Required: (1) (2) Open the accounts of Hot-Rod Dealers in the general ledger with the given balances. Record the adjustments in the general journal and post to the ledger accounts.



(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Record the closing journal entries. Post to the ledger and show the trading account and profit or loss account for the year ended 31 December 20.4. Prepare a post-closing trial balance as at 31 December 20.4. Prepare the statement of comprehensive income of Hot-Rod Dealers for the year ended 31 December 20.4. Prepare the statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 20.4. Prepare the statement of financial position of Hot-Rod Dealers as at 31 December 20.4. Prepare the following notes: (a) Accounting policy (b) Property, plant and equipment.

Solution: Integrated example

Please note: Only one set of general ledger accounts is used. The journal entries after the accounts, must be posted to the same set of accounts.

(1) GENERAL LEDGER (POSTINGS INCLUDED) Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Drawings Balance J2 c/d Capital R 4 400 273 610 278 010 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Profit or loss b/d J2 1 Cr R 250 000 28 010 278 010 Balance b/d 2 Capital J2 3 273 610 Cr R 4 400 Cr

20.5 Jan 1

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Balance b/d

Drawings R 4 400 20.4 Dec 31

Land and buildings (at cost) b/d R 180 000

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Vehicles (at cost) R 120 000 Furniture (at cost) R 15 000







Dr 20.4 Jan 1 Dec 31 Balance Trading account b/d J2

Inventory: Trading R 4 000 6 500 10 500 Balance b/d 6 500 Debtors control Balance b/d R 40 140 20.4 Dec 31 Credit losses (Bad debts) Balance 20.4 Dec 31 Trading account Balance

6 R J2 c/d


4 000 6 500 10 500

20.5 Jan 1 Dr 20.4 Dec 31

7 R J1 c/d


140 40 000 40 140

20.5 Jan 1 Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Dr 20.4

40 140 Balance b/d 40 000 Bank Balance b/d R 5 900 9 b/d J1 8


Accumulated depreciation: vehicles R 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Depreciation

Cr R 26 000 15 750 41 750

Dr 20.4

Accumulated depreciation: furniture R 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Depreciation

10 b/d J1

Cr R 3 000 1 275 4 275


Creditors control 20.4 Dec 31 Balance

11 b/d 12 Balance b/d 13 Trading account J2

Cr R 50 750 Cr R 253 615 Cr R 615

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d Trading account J2

Sales R 253 615 20.4 Dec 31

Sales returns R 615 20.4 Dec 31



Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Carriage on sales R 670 20.4 Dec 31 Profit or loss J2


Cr R 670

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Profit or loss J2

Commission income R 1 360 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Accrued income

15 b/d J1

Cr R 480 880 1 360

1 360

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Income received in advance Profit or loss

Rent income R J1 J2 220 2 640 2 860 20.4 Dec 31 Balance

16 b/d

Cr R 2 860

2 860

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Purchases R 170 550 20.4 Dec 31 Trading account J2


Cr R 170 550

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Trading account J2

Purchases returns R 550 20.4 Dec 31 Balance

18 b/d

Cr R 550

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Accrued expenses b/d J1

Carriage on purchases R 400 100 500 20.4 Dec 31 Trading account J2


Cr R 500 500

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance Debtors

Credit losses (Bad debts) b/d J1 R 230 140 370 20.4 Dec 31 Profit or loss

20 J2

Cr R 370 370



Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Insurance R 2 750 20.4 Dec 31 Prepaid expenses Profit or loss

21 R J1 J2


750 2 000 2 750

2 750

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Packaging material R 800 20.4 Dec 31 Inventory: Packaging material Profit or loss


Cr R

J1 J2

175 625 800


Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Salaries R 38 500 20.4 Dec 31 Prepaid expenses Profit or loss

23 R J1 J2


1 500 37 000 38 500

38 500

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Balance b/d

Water and electricity R 3 300 20.4 Dec 31 Profit or loss J2


Cr R 3 300

Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Salaries Insurance J1 J1

Prepaid expenses R 1 500 750 2 250



Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Commission income

Accrued income R J1 880






Income received in advance 20.4 Dec 31 Rent income J1


Cr R 220


Accrued expenses 20.4 Dec 31 Carriage on purchases


Cr R



Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Packaging material

Inventory: Packaging material R J1 175



Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Accumulated depreciation: vehicles Accumulated depreciation: furniture

Depreciation R 20.4 Dec 31 Profit or loss J2


Cr R 17 025


15 750


1 275 17 025 17 025

GENERAL JOURNAL (2) ADJUSTMENT ENTRIES 31 DECEMBER 20.4 R Inventory: Packaging material Packaging material Packaging material on hand at 31 December 20.4 Credit losses (Bad debts) Debtors control Write S Sorry's debt off as irrecoverable Prepaid expenses Salaries Salaries prepaid Carriage on purchases Accrued expense Carriage on purchases still payable GL29 GL22 GL20 GL 7 GL25 GL23 GL19 GL28 175 175 140 140 1 500 1 500 100 100 R J1



R Prepaid expenses Insurance Insurance prepaid for 3 months Rent income Income received in advance Rent received in advance for January 20.5 Accrued income Commission income Commission earned not yet received Depreciation Accumulated depreciation: vehicles Accumulated depreciation: furniture Provision for depreciation GL25 GL21 GL16 GL27 GL26 GL15 GL30 GL 9 GL10 750

R 750

220 220 880 880 17 025 15 750 1 275

GENERAL JOURNAL (3) CLOSING ENTRIES 31 DECEMBER 20.4 R Inventory: Trading (closing) Sales Purchases returns Trading account Closing off and transfer of accounts to trading account Trading account Inventory: Trading (opening) Purchases Sales returns Carriage on purchases Closing off and transfer of accounts to trading account Trading account Profit or loss Transfer of gross profit Commission income Rent income Profit or loss Closing off of accounts against profit or loss account GL 6 GL12 GL18 GL31 6 500 253 615 550 260 665 R J2

GL31 GL 6 GL17 GL13 GL19

175 665 4 000 170 550 615 500

GL31 GL32

85 000 85 000

GL15 GL16 GL32

1 360 2 640 4 000



R Profit or loss Salaries Water and electricity Carriage on sales Insurance Packaging material Credit losses Depreciation Closing off of accounts against profit or loss account Profit or loss Capital Transfer of profit to capital Capital Drawings Close off drawings against capital GL32 GL23 GL24 GL14 GL21 GL22 GL20 GL30 60 990

R 37 000 3 300 670 2 000 625 370 17 025

GL32 GL 1

28 010 28 010

GL 1 GL 2

4 400 4 400

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Inventory: Trading (opening) Purchases Sales returns Carriage on purchases Profit or loss (gross profit) Trading account R J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 4 000 170 550 615 500 85 000 260 665 Dr 20.4 Dec 31 Salaries Water and electricity Carriage on sales Insurance Packaging material Credit losses (Bad debts) Depreciation Capital (profit) J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 Profit or loss R 37 000 3 300 670 2 000 625 370 17 025 28 010 89 000 89 000 20.4 Dec 31 Trading account (gross profit) Commission income Rent income 32 R J2 J2 J2 85 000 1 360 2 640 260 665 Cr 20.4 Dec 31 Sales Purchases returns Inventory: Trading (closing) 31 J2 Cr R 253 615 550


6 500



(4) POST-CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Fol Capital Land and buildings (at cost) Vehicles (at cost) Furniture (at cost) Inventory: Trading Packaging material Debtors control Bank Accumulated depreciation: vehicles Accumulated depreciation: furniture Creditors control Prepaid expenses Accrued income Income received in advance Accrued expenses GL 1 GL 3 GL 4 GL 5 GL 6 GL29 GL 7 GL 8 GL 9 GL10 GL11 GL25 GL26 GL27 GL28 Debit R 180 120 15 6 000 000 000 500 175 40 000 5 900 41 750 4 275 50 750 2 250 880 220 100 370 705 370 705 Credit R 273 610

(5) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 R 253 000 (168 000) 4 000 170 000 500 174 500 (6 500) 85 000 4 000 2 640 1 360 89 000 (60 990) 37 000 3 300 670 2 000 625 370 17 025 28 010 28 010

Revenue Cost of sales Inventory (1 January 20.4) Net purchases Carriage on purchases Inventory (31 December 20.4) Gross profit Other income Rent income Commission income Distribution, administrative and other expenses Salaries Water and electricity Carriage on sales Insurance Packaging material Credit losses (Bad debts) Depreciation (R15 750 + R1 275) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year



. Revenue are sales less sales returns R (253 615 7 615) = R253 000. . Net purchases are purchases less purchases returns R (170 550 7 550) = R170 000.

(6) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Capital R 250 000) 28 010) (4 400) *273 610)

Balance at 1 January 20.4 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 31 December 20.4 * Capital account

(7) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories R(6 500 + 175) Trade receivables R(40 000 + 880 + 2 250)* Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(50 750 + 100 + 220) Total equity and liabilities


R 268 975

268 975 55 705 6 675 43 130 5 900 324 680 273 610 273 610 51 070 51 070 324 680

* Debtors R40 000 + Accrued income R880 + Prepaid expenses R2 250 = R43 130. # Creditors R50 750 + Accrued expenses R100 + Income received in advance R220 = R51 070.



(8) 1 NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Accounting policy: 1.1 The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice appropriate to the business of the entiity. Property, plant and equipment are shown at cost less accumulated depreciation. Land and buildings are classified as investment properties and are not depreciated. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Land and buildings R 180 000 180 000 () () 180 000 180 000 () Vehicles R 94 000 120 000 (26 000) (15 750) *78 250 120 000 (41 750) Furniture R 12 000 15 000 (3 000) (1 275) *10 725 15 000 (4 275) Total R 286 000 315 000 (29 000) (17 025) 268 975 315 000 (46 025)

1.2 2

* Combination of ASSET account and Accumulated Depreciation on ASSET account

8.9 Revision exercises and solutions

8.9.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) Name the two descriptions of profit and the names of the accounts in which each is determined. (2) What details are necessary to determine the cost of sales? (3) What two inventory systems are used mainly in practice? (4) Name the main differences between the two inventory systems. (5) Calculate the cost price of goods which were sold for R150 000 if the profit markup was 20% on the cost price. (6) Calculate the cost price of goods which were sold for R150 000 if the profit markup was 20% on the selling price. (7) What statement reflects the position of an entity's assets and liabilities?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) Gross profit/Trading account Profit/Profit or loss account (2) Opening inventory Purchases All other purchase related costs Closing inventory (3) Perpetual inventory system Periodic inventory system (4) Perpetual inventory system: (a) Purchases of trading inventory are entered in the inventory account. (b) Purchase related costs are recorded in the inventory account. (c) The cost of sales account is updated during the financial period.



Periodic inventory system: (a) Purchases of trading inventory are recorded in the purchases account. (b) Purchase related costs are recorded in accounts for each specific type of cost (c) The cost price of sales may be determined in the trading account. (5) Cost price Profit mark-up Selling price % 100 20 120 100 6 150 000 120 = R125 000

If the selling price is R120, the cost price is R100 If the selling price is R150 000 the cost price is (6) Selling price Profit mark-up Cost price % 100 20 80

If the selling price is R100, the cost price is R80 If the selling price is R150 000, the cost price

80 6 150 000 100 = R120 000

(7) Statement of financial position

8.9.2 Revision exercise 2

Record each of the transactions listed below under the appropriate column heading in a business that uses: (1) a perpetual inventory system (2) a periodic inventory system NB: Ignore VAT
Account in general ledger to be No Subsidiary journal debited credited Assets = Equity + Liabilities

Transactions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Purchased inventory on credit, R4 000. Paid carriage on purchases by cheque, R400. Purchased inventory and paid by cheque, R8 000. Sold half of the inventory on hand for cash, R10 000. Inventory with a cost price of R1 000 was sold on credit for R2 100. Inventory purchased on credit was returned to the seller, R200.



Solution: Revision exercise 2

Account in general ledger to be No 1 Subsidiary journal Purchases journal debited Inventory credited Assets = Equity + Liabilities

+ 4 000

Creditors control Bank Bank

4 000 400 8 000 400 8 000 6 200 10 000 1 000

2 3 4

Cash payments journal Cash payments journal Cash receipts journal

Inventory Inventory Cost of sales Bank

Inventory Sales

10 000

6 200

Sales journal

Cost of sales Debtors control

Inventory Sales Inventory 2 100

1 000

2 100 200 200

Purchases returns journal

Creditors control


Account in general ledger to be No 1 2 Subsidiary journal Purchases journal Cash payments journal Cash payments journal Cash receipts journal Sales journal debited credited Assets = Equity + Liabilities

4 000

Purchases Creditors control Carriage onpurchases Purchases Bank Debtors control Creditors control

4 000

Bank Bank Sales 10 000

400 8 000

400 8 000

3 4 5

10 000


2 100

2 100 200 200

Purchases returns journal

Purhcases returns



8.9.3 Revision exercise 3

Calculate the gross profit of Zetta Traders for the year ended 30 June 20.2. Zetta Traders use the periodic inventory system. Opening inventory on 1 July 20.1 Total purchases Total sales Closing inventory (valued on 30 June 20.2) R 6 000 100 000 140 000 10 000

Solution: Revision exercise 3

Opening inventory Plus: Purchases Goods available for sale Less: Closing inventory Cost of goods sold Gross profit = Sales cost of sales = R(140 000 96 000) = R44 000 R 6 000 100 000 106 000 10 000 96 000

8.9.4 Revision exercise 4

Now use the data in exercise 3 above to record it in the following ledger accounts on 30 June 20.2 in the general ledger of Zetta Traders: 1. 2. 3. 4. Inventory account Purchases account Sales account Trading account

Solution: Revision exercise 4 ZETTA TRADERS

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jul 1 20.2 Jul 1 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Trading account b/d Balance Trading account b/d Inventory R 6 000 10 000 Purchases R 100 000 20.2 Jun 30 Trading account 3 Balance b/d 2 Cr R 100 000 Cr R 140 000 20.2 Jun 30 Trading account 1 Cr R 6 000

Sales R 140 000 20.2 Jun 30



Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Inventory (opening) Purchases Profit or loss (Gross profit)

Trading account R 6 000 100 000 44 000 150 000 20.2 Jun 30 Sales Inventory (closing)

Cr R 140 000 10 000

150 000

8.9.5 Revision exercise 5

The following balances appeared in the ledger of P Ellis on 31 August 20.1 R Inventory 1 August 20.1 Purchases Sales Carriage on purchases Customs duties 2 000 3 000 7 300 250 800

After a stocktaking (counting of inventory) on 31 August 20.1 the inventory on hand was valued at R1 500. Required: (1) (2) (3) Open the above accounts in the ledger with the given balances or totals. Record the closing transfers in the general journal and post to the ledger. Show the gross profit in the trading account.

Solution: Revision exercise 5 P ELLIS

(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Aug 1 20.1 Sept 1 Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Trading account J1 Balance b/d Balance Trading account b/d J1 Inventory: Trading R 2 000 1 500 Purchases R 3 000 20.1 Aug 31 Trading account J1 3 Balance b/d 2 Cr R 3 000 Cr R 7 300 20.1 Aug 31 Trading account J1 1 Cr R 2 000

Sales R 7 300 20.1 Aug 31



Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Balance b/d

Carriage on purchases R 250 20.1 Aug 31 Trading account J1

Cr R 250

Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Balance b/d

Customs duties R 800 20.1 Aug 31 Trading account J1

Cr R 800

(2) CLOSING JOURNAL TRANSFER 20.1 Aug 31 Sales Inventory (closing) Inventory (opening) Purchases Carriage on purchases Customs duties Trading account Closing transfer to trading account * Balancing figure GL3 GL1 GL1 GL2 GL4 GL5 GL6 R 7 300 1 500 R


2 000 3 000 250 800 2 750*

(3) Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Inventory (opening) Purchases Carriage on purchases Custom duties Profit or loss (gross profit) Trading account R 2 000 3 000 250 800 2 750 8 800 20.1 Aug 31 Sales Inventory (closing) 6 Cr R 7 300 1 500

8 800

. Instead of separate journal entries for closing transfers a combined journal entry is made, but remember that each item is recorded separately in the trading account. . All expenditure which influences the cost price of products, such as carriage on purchases and customs duties in the present example, is added to the purchases (ie the purchase price).



8.9.6 Revision exercise 6

The following balances appear, among others, in the ledger of G Grabe, a general dealer, on 28 February 20.1, the end of his financial year. R 159 600 5 000 1 450 12 850 28 460 260 150 850

Capital (1/3/20.0) Drawings (total for the year) Commission income Rent expenses Salaries and wages Credit losses Stationery Municipal rates and taxes

Required: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Open the above accounts in the ledger, with the totals or balances as given. Suppose the gross profit for the year is R46 990. Prepare journal entries for the closing transfers. Complete the profit or loss account in the ledger, and also the posting of the closing transfers to the ledger accounts, which must be properly closed. What was the equity at the beginning of the financial year? What is the equity at the end of the financial year? What is the difference in the equity at the beginning and the end of the financial year?

Solution: Revision exercise 6 G. GRABE

(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Drawings Balance J2 c/d R 5 000 160 470 165 470 Capital 20.0 Mar 1 20.1 Feb 28 20.1 Mar 1 Profit or loss J2 5 870 165 470 Balance b/d 160 470 Balance b/d 1 R 159 600 Cr

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Drawings R 5 000 20.1 Feb 28 Capital J2

Cr R 5 000



Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

Commission income R J1 1 450 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Cr R 1 450

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Rent expenses R 12 850 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

4 R J1


12 850

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Salaries and wages R 28 460 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

5 R J1


28 460

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Credit losses (Bad debts) R 260 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

Cr R



Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Stationery R 150 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

Cr R



Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance b/d

Municipal rates and taxes R 850 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

Cr R








20.1 Feb 28 Trading account Profit or loss Transfer of gross profit from trading account Commission income Profit or loss Rent expenses Salaries and wages Credit losses Stationery Municipal rates and taxes Closing transfer to profit or loss account * Balancing figure

46 990


1 450 41 120* 12 850 28 460 260 150 850

(3) Dr

GENERAL LEDGER Profit or loss Rent expenses Salaries & wages Credit losses Stationery Municipal rates and taxes Capital (Profit) J1 J1 J1 J1 J1 J2 R 12 850 28 460 260 150 850 5 870 48 440 48 440 20.1 Feb 28 Trading account (Gross profit) Commission Income 10 R Cr

20.1 Feb 28

J1 J1

46 990 1 450

CLOSING TRANSFERS 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss Capital Transfer of profit to capital Capital Drawings To close drawings account GL10 GL1 GL1 GL2 R 5 870 R


5 870 5 000 5 000

(4) R159 600 (5) R160 470 (=R159 600 + R5 870 7 R5 000) (6) R870 (=R5 870 7 R5 000) as well as (R160 470 7 R159 600)



8.9.7 Revision exercise 7

On 28 February 20.2 the profit or loss account of H Hilton shows a profit of R23 192. The accounts below with balances appear in the ledger on this day: R Capital Sundry creditors Sundry debtors Inventory Bank (Dr) Petty cash Drawings Loan from XY Bank Furniture at cost Land and buildings at cost 88 5 3 12 5 4 1 10 81 000 080 748 060 316 200 430 550 400 668

Required: (1) (2) Prepare the statement of changes in equity of H Hilton for the period ended 28 February 20.2. Give a summary of the financial position of H Hilton's entity entity on 28 February 20.2 as indicated in the statement of financial position. No notes are required.


Solution: Revision exercise 7 H HILTON

(1) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 R Capital 88 000 23 192 (4 430) 106 762

Balance at 1 March 20.1 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 28 February 20.2



(2) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 92 92 21 12 3 5 113 R 068 068 324 060 748 516 392 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equiment R(81 668 + 10 400) Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents R(5 316 + 200)* Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities * Bank R5 316 + Petty cash R200.

106 762 106 762 1 1 5 5 113 550 550 080 080 392

8.9.8 Revision exercise 8

Use the information in Ntini's Store's trial balance to prepare the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) Statement of comprehensive income Statement of changes in equity Statement of financial position Notes to the financial statements Debit Land and buildings at cost Vehicles at cost Equipment at cost Drawings Debtors Creditors Inventory 1/1/20.4 Cash on hand Cash sales Rent income Settlement discount received Settlement discount granted Purchases Carriage on sales Advertisements Capital Credit sales Bank Salaries Carriage on purchases Sales returns Purchases returns Import duty Closing inventory on 31 December 20.4 amounts to R15 484. R 40 000 30 800 20 000 3 600 78 000 22 080 1 440 Credit R


77 000 46 840 280 440

1 152 58 368 1 932 1 176 6 840 15 020 4 356 600 2 800 288 164

95 284 67 200

1 120 288 164



Solution: Revision exercise 8 NTINI'S STORE

(1) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Notes Revenue R(46 840 + 67 200 600 1 152) Cost of sales Inventory (1 January 20.4) Net purchases (R58 368 7 R1120 R440) Carriage on purchases Import duties Inventory (31 December 20.4) Gross profit Other income: Rent income Distribution, administrative and other expenses Carriage on sales Advertisements Salaries Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year 2 R 112 288 (70 560) 22 56 4 2 080 808 356 800

86 044 (15 484) 41 728 280 42 008 (18 128) 1 932 1 176 15 020 23 880 23 880

(2) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Capital R 95 284 23 880 (3 600) 115 564

Balance at 1 January 20.4 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 31 December 20.4



(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents R(6 840 + 1 440) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities 3 Note R 90 800 90 800 101 764 15 484 78 000 8 280 192 564 115 115 77 77 192 564 564 000 000 564

(4) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3 DECEMBER 20.4: 1 Accounting policy: The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. Income represents net sales to customers. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Land and buildings R 40 000 40 000 () () 40 000 40 000 () Equipment R 20 000 20 000 () () 20 000 20 000 () Vehicles R 30 800 30 800 () () 30 800 30 800 () Total R 90 800 90 800 () () 90 800 90 800 ()

2 3

No depreciation was written off during the financial year.



SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . . . . . . . .

calculate the gross profit? calculate the net profit? record transactions according to the perpetual inventory system? record transactions according to the periodic inventory system? post closing journal entries to the trading account and profit or loss account? prepare the statement of comprehensive income? prepare the statement of changes in equity? prepare the statement of financial position? prepare the notes to the financial statements? calculate appropriate percentages for evaluation purposes?





Learning outcome
The learner should be able to exercise control, record transactions, and to record the necessary calculations for valuation (where applicable) and adjustments related to current and non-current assets.




Study unit



171 193 220 230 259




Cash and cash equivalents
Learning outcome
Students should be able to know how to treat all transactions related to cash and cash equivalents apart from cash receipts and payments.

Key concepts 9.1 9.2 9.3 The nature of cash and cash equivalents Internal control over cash Reconciliation of the bank statement balance with the bank account balance 9.3.1 Introduction 9.3.2 Why a bank reconciliation is necessary 9.3.3 Procedure to follow in the reconciliation process 9.4 9.5 The petty cash journal Revision exercises and solutions 9.5.1 Revision exercise 1 9.5.2 Revision exercise 2 9.5.3 Revision exercise 3 9.5.4 Revision exercise 4 9.5.5 Revision exercise 5 Self-assessment


172 172 172 173 173 173 174 180 182 182 185 187 189 191 192



. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Outstanding cheques Deposits Bank charges Interest on overdraft Direct deposits Dishonoured cheque Stale cheque Stopped/cancelled cheque Bank reconciliation statement Balance per bank account Balance per bank statement Petty cash float Imprest system Petty cash journal

9.1 The nature of cash and cash equivalents

Cash, in the accountancy environment, includes not only coins and notes but also postal orders, cheques and credit card transactions. As money is the primary legal tender, every transaction eventually leads to either an outflow or an inflow of money for an entity. Cash equivalents include savings accounts or any investment that can be converted into cash in a period shorter than 12 months. This qualifies cash and cash equivalents as current assets. Study paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2 of the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE Cash must be handled carefully since a lack of cash may lead to the ``downfall'' of an entity, accompanied by loss of job opportunities and all sorts of other troubles.

9.2 Internal control over cash

Study paragraph 9.3 of the prescribed book. As money is necessary for survival, the internal controls applicable to cash are very important for a business. The following are measures that can be used by a business for control purposes:

. . . . .

Employees' duties should be divided in such a way that an error by one employee will be detected by another employee in the normal performance of his duties. It should take at least two employees to embezzle cash. Cash receipts should be recorded in such a way that the actual cash received can be checked against an independent daily record. Cash received should be banked daily. All payments except petty cash payments (see paragraph 9.4) should be made by cheque. The bank statement should be compared with the cash receipts and cash payments journals. The bank statement balance should be reconciled with the bank account balance.



9.3 Reconciliation of the bank statement balance with the bank account balance
9.3.1 Introduction
Study paragraph 9.4 of the prescribed book. For purposes of safekeeping and cash control, all monies received are deposited at a bank. Although a bank is a financial institution it is managed like a business. Every entity that entrusts its money to a bank is a creditor of the bank. People or entities can also borrow money from a bank and will then be debtors of the bank. The bank will issue, as often as requested or at least once a month, a statement to the entity showing their record of transactions with the entity. The following will be reflected on the bank statement:
. . . . . . . .

the opening balance (beginning of the month) deposits credited during the month cheques paid (debited) during the month bank charges for the month interest charged (debit) on overdraft or paid on a favourable (credit) bank balance debit and stop orders for the month dishonoured cheques for the month (cheques deposited, but not paid by the drawers' bank) correction of errors made by the bank in the previous month

9.3.2 Why a bank reconciliation is necessary

If the bank and the entity keep record of the same transactions the balance of the bank statement and the bank account in the books of the business must be the same. Study paragraph 9.5.1 of the prescribed book. In order to ascertain that the bank account in the books of the entity corresponds to the bank statement, a bank reconciliation statement is prepared. This means the balance of the bank account in the books of the entity is reconciled with the balance on its bank statement. The reconciliation process has two steps: first the entity's records are updated to account for actual transactions reflected by the bank statement, and secondly record those transactions to which the bank must still attend to in the bank reconciliation statement. The bank reconciliation could be seen as an extension of the bank statement. An outstanding item that will be credited on the bank statement, must be credited on the bank reconciliation statement and vice versa. REMEMBER A favourable bank account balance is on the debit side of the bank account as well as on the bank reconciliation statement. . An unfavourable or overdrawn bank account balance is on the credit side of the bank account as well as on the bank reconciliation statement. . A favourable bank statement balance is on the credit side of the bank statement as well as on the bank reconciliation statement.



An unfavourable or overdrawn bank statement balance (indicated by DT, DR or OD) is on the debit side of the bank statement as well as on the bank reconciliation statement.

9.3.3 Procedure to follow in the reconciliation process

Where a bank reconciliation statement was completed for the previous month the bank statement must first be compared with that bank reconciliation statement to ascertain whether the outstanding items and corrections have been done by the bank. Remember to compare the items on the debit side of the bank reconciliation statement with entries on the debit side of the bank statement and credit entries on the reconciliation with credit entries on the statement. . Compare the amounts in the cash receipts journal for the current month with the entries on the credit side of the bank statement. . Compare the amounts in the cash payments journal for the current month with entries on the debit side of the bank statement.

The differences between the bank statement, the previous month's reconciliation statement and the cash journals will then be corrected as explained in the prescribed book. Study paragraph 9.5 in the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE Transactions or corrections which the entity must react on, must be recorded in the two cash journals of the entity, e.g. bank charges, interest, debit/stop orders, errors in the books of the entity, stale cheques, etc.

GOLDEN RULE Transactions or corrections which the bank must (or will) react on, must be recorded in the bank reconciliation, e.g. deposits not yet credited, unpaid cheques and errors made by the bank to be corrected.

Exer ci se 9.1
The bank reconciliation statement for June 20.0 and the CRJ, CPJ, bank account and bank statement of Benson Traders for July 20.0 reflect the following: NB: The ticks (V) indicate that those entries which appear in the books of the entity (i.e. the bank reconciliation at 30 June 20.0 and the two cash journals for July 20.0) also appear on the bank statement for July 20.0). They do not require any further attention. You should also check these by yourself.



BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 30 JUNE 20.0 Debit R Favourable balance per bank statement Deposit not yet credited (deposited 1/7/20.0) Cheques not yet presented for payment No 11 dated 23/6/20.0 (Donation) No 13 dated 30/6/20.0 (ABC Stores) Favourable balance per bank account Credit R 11 350 V 2 000

*200 V 350 12 800 13 350 13 350

Cheque no 11 was not presented for payment during July and must, again, be shown as outstanding on the July 20.0 bank reconciliation statement.

CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL JULY 20.0 (bank column only) Doc no Date 15 25 30 Cash sales Cash sales Cash sales Rent income Interest income Details crj 7 Bank 6 700 V 3 300 V 1 800 850 80 12 730 B 15 Amounts in italics are amounts entered as a result of the amounts reflected on the bank statement, but not yet in the CRJ. This updates the CRJ.

CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL JULY 20.0 (bank column only) Doc no 14 15 16 17 18 19 Date 5 7 9 14 15 30 Details Municipality John's Wholesalers ABC Stores S Swan (R/D cheque)* Cash (wages) Telkom Cash (wages) P Saxo (R/D cheque)* Insurance Bank charges cpj 7 Bank 900 V 2 500 V 1 200 V 200 V 450 V 180 450 V 300 500 43 6 723 B 15 Amounts in italics are amounts entered as a result of the amounts reflected on the bank statement, but not yet in the CPJ. This updates the CPJ.



* The accounts of S Swan and P Saxo in the debtors ledger, must be debited with the amounts of R200 and R300 respectively. If any discount was involved on receipt of the cheques the discount must be cancelled via the general journal. The accounts of S Swan and P Saxo would be debited and the discount allowed would be credited. REAL BANK LIMITED Real Bank Limited Registered Bank Reg no 93/2571 VAT-Reg No: 2600101432 Tel: (012) 5555555 Fax: (012) 5555556 BENSON TRADERS PO Box 12345 PRETORIA 0001 Account no 01/200/998/9 Statement no 3 July 20.0 Fee R Balance Deposit Cheque Unpaid cheque: S Swan Cheque Deposit Cheque Cheque Cheque Deposit Unpaid cheque: P Saxo Interest Deposit: R Charles Cheque XYZ Insurance Co Deposit book Service fees: July 19 1,20 0.50 1,60 30:07 30:07 30:07 30:07 30:07 450 V 500 20 23 300 80 850 17 450 17 530 18 380 17 930 17 430 17 410 17 387 14 17 16 15 1,00 3,50 7,00 1,50 1,20 1,20 3,10 07:07 09:07 15:07 15:07 15:07 20:07 25:07 900 V 450 V 1 200 V 3 300 V 200 V 2 500 V 6 700 V 12 800 10 300 17 000 16 100 15 650 14 450 17 750 13 1,20 b/f 01:07 01:07 02.07 350 V 2 000 V Date Debit R Credit R Balance R 11 350 13 350 13 000


Cheque no

The unticked debit entries were entered in the cash payments journal before the journal was closed off for July 20.0. The unticked credit entries were entered in the cash receipts journal before the journal was closed off for July 20.0.



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) S Swan and P Saxo are debtors of the business. (b) The deposit on 30/07/20.0 is in respect of rent received.

Solution Exercise


GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Jul 1 31 Balance Receipts b/d CRJ 7 Bank R 12 800 12 730 25 530 Aug 1 Balance b/d 18 807 20.0 Jul 31 Payments Balance B15 CPJ 7 c/d Cr R 6 723 18 807 25 530

BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 JULY 20.0 Debit R Favourable balance per bank statement Deposit not yet credited (deposited 1/8/20.0) Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 11 dated 23/6/20.0 (Donation) No 18 dated 30/7/20.0 (Telkom) Favourable balance per bank account Credit R 17 387 1 800

200 180 18 807 19 187

19 187

Exer ci se 9.2
The following information relates to Cool Cat Carter Traders: (a) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 MAY 20.9 Dr Debit balance as per bank statement Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 404 dated 20/12/20.8 (L Lombard) No 447 dated 25/5/20.9 (M Mitsi) Deposit not yet credited Incorrect entry by the bank Credit balance as per bank account R 460 50 25 115 V 20 V 400 535 (b) Dr Bank R 20.9 Jun 1 Balance b/d 535 Cr R 400 Cr R




CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL (bank column only) FOR JUNE 20.9 Details Sales Sales L Long J Dlamini Sales Sales Fol

CRJ 6 Amount R 300 V 150 V 150 V 200 V 240 V 70 1 110

Date 2 5 10 19 25 28


CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL (bank column only) FOR JUNE 20.9 Date Details Fol

CPJ 6 Amount R 40 V 160 V 300 170 200 V 870

Cheque Number

450 451 452 453 454

3 8 17 18 27

B Nkura R Swart GEM Builders K Kum & Co S Soul


BANK STATEMENT FOR JUNE 20.9 Date 1 4 6 10 12 15 20 Details Balance Deposit Deposit Deposit Cheque 451 Deposit K Nkome Cheque 453 Cheque ``R/D'' (L Long) Deposit Cheque 454 Stop order insurance Deposit T Nkwe Deposit Error corrected Bank interest Service fees Cheque 450 Deposit Cheques etc R Deposits R 300 V 150 V 150 V 160 V 116 150 200 V 50 90 Balance R 460 160 10 140 20 70 46 196 44 156 206 166 51 31 51 61 101 99 Dr Dr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Dr Cr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Cr

26 28

240 V

40 115 V 20 V



20 10 40 V

200 V





According to the entries on cheque number 453, R170 was paid to K Kum & Co. Required: (1) (2) (3) Complete only the Bank column of the cash receipts and cash payments journals of Cool Cat Carter Traders for June 20.9. Show the bank account in the general ledger of Cool Cat Carter Traders properly balanced at 30 June 20.9. Prepare the bank reconciliation statement of Cool Cat Carter Traders as at 30 June 20.9. Commence with the balance as per bank statement.

Solution Exercise



(1) CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL (bank column only) JUNE 20.9 Date 2 5 10 19 25 28 30 Details Sales Sales L Long J Dlamini Sales Sales L Lombard/Creditors control K Nkome T Nkwe Fol CRJ 6 Bank R 300 150 150 200 240 70 50 90 40 1 290 CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL (bank column only) JUNE 20.9 Cheque No 450 451 452 453 454 Date Details Fol CPJ 6 Bank R 3 8 17 18 27 30 B Nkuna R Swart GEM Builders K Kum & Co S Soul L Long/Debtors control Insurance Interest expense Bank charges 40 V 160 V 300 170 200 V 150 50 20 10 1 100 V V V V V



(2) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.9 Jun 30 Receipts Balance CRJ6 c/d Bank R 1 290 210 1 500 20.9 Jul 1 (3) Balance b/d 20.9 Jun 1 30 Balance Payments b/d CPJ6 Cr R 400 1 100 1 500 210


Credit balance as per bank statement Deposit not yet credited by the bank Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 447 dated 25/5/20.9 (M Mitsi) No 452 dated 17/6/20.9 (GEM Builders) Bank error cheque No 453 (R170R116) Credit balance as per bank account

25 300 54 210 379 379

. L Lombard's cheque (R50) has been outstanding for more than 6 months. . Cheque no 453 issued to K Kum and Co for R170 was entered correctly in the cash payments journal. The bank made the mistake of debiting the bank statement with only R116. A mistake made by the bank must be shown in the bank reconciliation statement. During July 20.9 the bank will correct the error in the bank statement. The (R170 7R116 = R54) correction will then be ticked off against the R54 in the bank reconciliation statement for June 20.9.

9.4 The petty cash journal

For purposes of control, all payments in a business are made by cheque. There are, however, smaller amounts to be paid daily, for example for postage, carriage, wages for day workers, etc., for which payment by cheque is too expensive. Entities usually cash a cheque to provide for a petty cash float to pay for these types of expenses. Items purchased out of the petty cash float are recorded in the petty cash journal, which is part of the cash records but is separate from the cash payments journal. Recording is done from suitable petty cash vouchers authorised by responsible officials of the entity. The so-called imprest system is preferable for controlling petty cash. The petty cashier is provided with a float of say R100. During the month payments are made and when necessary a cheque is issued to restore the float to R100.



Study paragraph 9.6 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 9.3
Books of Dickson Traders June 20.9. Cash cheque 727 for R300 for petty cash on 1 June. PETTY CASH PAYMENTS JUNE 20.9 Date 4 8 12 17 19 21 23 26 27 Details Stationery Stamps Cleaner's wages Pro-advertising poster Cleaner's wages Stamps Paper Cleaner's wages Taxi fare for messenger Cash voucher 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 Amount R 25,20 18,10 60,00 26,50 60,00 8,50 21,95 60,00 10,00

Cash cheque number 795 is issued on 30 June 20.9 to restore the petty cash float to R300. Required: (1) (2) Prepare a petty cash journal for June 20.9 with the following payment analysis columns: total, wages, postage, stationery and sundries. Post to the petty cash control account in the general ledger and balance this account.



Solution Exercise DICKSON TRADERS




Receipts Date Details Petty cash voucher 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 c/d Fol Total Payments Wages Postage Stationery R 25,20 Sundries Amount R Fol




Total 20.9 4 8 12 17 19 21 23 26 27 30 590,25 Stationery Stamps Wages Pro-ad Wages Stamps Paper Wages Messenger Balance


20.9 R Jun 1 CPJ8 300,00 30 CPJ8 290,25

R 25,20 18,10 60,00 26,50 60,00 8,50 21,95 60,00 10,00 290,25 300,00 590,25

R 60,00 60,00 60,00 180,00 180,00

R 18,10

26,50 8,50 21,95 10,00 26,60 26,60 47,15 47,15 36,50 300,00 336,50


Travelling expense

20.9 Jul 1

Balance b/d


(2) Dr

GENERAL LEDGER Petty cash control CPJ8 CPJ8 R 300,00 290,25 590,25 Balance b/d 300,00 20.9 Jun 30 Petty cash payments Balance R PCJ1 c/d 290,25 300,00 590,25 Cr

20.9 Jun 1 Bank 30 Bank

20.9 Jul 1

9.5 Revision exercises and solutions

9.5.1 Revision exercise 1
The following information for January 20.9 relates to Monday Trading: (a) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.8 Dr Debit balance as per bank statement Deposit not yet credited Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 846 dated 18/12/20.8 (B Small) No 849 dated 21/12/20.8 (L Langa) Credit balance as per bank account R 2 300 Cr R 2 100

400 300 900 3 000 3 000




CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL JANUARY 20.9 (extract) Date Details Analysis of receipts R 1 250 300 1 500 500

CRJ 8 Bank R 1 550 2 000 400 2 400 3 000 1 600 10 950

1 5 18 19 25 30

Sales S Singh Sales Rent income B Small (cheque 846 cancelled cheque 856 re-issued) Sales M Nkosi Sales R Amer Sales

2 000 400 3 000 400 1 200


CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL JANUARY 20.9 (extract) Date Details Amount

CPJ 8 Bank

Cheque number

851 852 853

3 6

Purchases S Sono Municipality Water and electricity Assessment rates Purchases Salaries B Small H Ebrahim Purchases Furniture Petty cash R Seema

R 1 500 100 150

100 50 1 300 2 000 400 50 4 000 2 000 100 600 12 200

854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861

10 15 18 20 25 30




BANK STATEMENT JANUARY 20.9 Date 1 2 851 6 7 11 15 20 21 26 853 854 855 858 857 859 28 30 Bank charges Stop order Interest 856 860 1 500 2 000 150 1 300 2 000 2 400 4 000 3 000 50 5 000 2 000 15 400 100 35 500 Details Balance 2 100 1 550 Cheque number Cheque etc R Deposits R Balance R 2 300 Dr 200 Dr 1 350 Cr 150 Dr 1 850 Cr 1 700 Cr 400 Cr 1 600 Dr 800 Cr 3 200 Dr 200 Dr 250 Dr 4 750 Cr 2 750 Cr 2 735 Cr 2 335 Cr 2 235 Cr 2 200 Cr 1 700 Cr

(e) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The stop order of R500 represents the annual inventory insurance premium with the Pay Insurance Co. . The deposit of R5 000 (26 January 20.9) was made by the tenant of an office, in respect of the rent for January and February 20.9.

Required: (1) (2) (3) Prepare the cash receipts and cash payments journals of Monday Trading for January 20.9. Show the bank account in the general ledger of Monday Trading, properly balanced at 31 January 20.9. Prepare the bank reconciliation statement of Monday Trading as at 31 January 20.9. Begin with the balance as per bank statement.

Solution: Revision exercise 1 MONDAY TRADING

(1) CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL JANUARY 20.9 (extract) Details Subtotal Rent income Bank 10 950 5 000 15 950 31 Date



CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL JANUARY 20.9 (extract) Date 31 Subtotal Interest expense Bank charges Insurance Details Bank 12 200 15 35 500 12 750 (2) Dr 20.9 Jan 31 Receipts CRJ R 15 950 GENERAL LEDGER Bank 20.9 Jan 1 31 Balance Payments Balance b/d CPJ c/d Cr R 900 12 750 2 300 15 950

15 950 20.9 Feb 1 Balance b/d 2 300



Credit balance as per bank statement Deposit not yet credited Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 849 dated 27/12/20.8 (L Langa) No 852 dated 3/1/20.9 (S Sono) No 861 dated 30/1/20.9 (R Seema) Debit balance as per bank account

300 100 600 2 300 3 300 3 300

9.5.2 Revision exercise 2

The following information relates to Ontario Traders: (a) Pencil totals of the bank column of the cash journals at 31 December 20.8: . Cash receipts journal . Cash payments journal (b) Item that appeared on the bank reconciliation statement at 30 November 20.8 but not on the bank statement: . Cheque No 632, issued to L Marino on 15 June 20.8 (c) Items that appeared in the cash receipts and cash payments journals, but not on the bank statement: . A deposit entered in the cash receipts journal on 31 December 20.8, banked on 3 January 20.9 792 231 R 25 718 27 115



. Cheque No 985, issued on 29 December 20.8 to the municipality to pay the water and electricity account (d) Items that appeared on the bank statement but not in the cash journals: . . . . . Bank charges Interest on bank overdraft A stop order for an annual donation to a primary school A ``R/D'' cheque originally received from debtor, S Scholly A deposit, paid directly into the bank account of Ontario Traders, by a tenant F Flee

2 211

62 70 220 308 1 100

(e) Balance of the bank account in the general ledger at 30 November 20.8 (debit) (f) Balance as per bank statement at 31 December 20.8 (favourable) Required: (1) Complete the cash receipts and cash payments journal of Ontario Traders for December 20.8.

297 990

(2) Show the bank account in the general ledger of Ontario Traders properly balanced at 31 December 20.8. (3) Prepare the bank reconciliation statement of Ontario Traders as at 31 December 20.8. Begin with the balance as per bank statement.

Solution: Revision exercise 2 ONTARIO TRADERS

(1) CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL DECEMBER 20.8 (extract) Details Subtotal Rent income L Marino/Creditors control Bank 25 718 1 100 231 27 049 Date 31

CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL JANUARY 20.8 (extract) Date 31 Subtotal Bank charges Interest on bank overdraft Donations R Scholly/Debtors control Details Bank 27 115 62 70 220 308 27 775



(2) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.8 Dec 1 31 Balance Receipts Balance b/d CRJ c/d R 297 27 049 429 27 775 20.9 Jan 1 Balance b/d Bank 20.8 Dec 31 Payments CPJ Cr R 27 775

27 775 429

(3) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.8 Debit R Credit balance per bank statement Deposit not yet credited by the bank Cheque not yet presented for payment: No 985 dated 29/12/20.8 (water and electricity) Credit balance per bank account Credit R 990 792

2 211 429 2 211 2 211

9.5.3 Revision exercise 3

The following information for September 20.7 relates to Mic Shops: (a) Pencil totals of the bank columns in the cash journals at 30 September 20.7: . Cash receipts journal . Cash payments journal (b) Credit balance per bank account in the general ledger at 31 August 20.7 (c) Unfavourable balance per bank statement at 30 September 20.7 (d) Items appearing in the cash journals but not on the bank statement: . A deposit on 30 September 20.7 . Cheque No 2894 issued on 30 September 20.7 to pay the telephone account (e) Items appearing on the bank statement but not in the cash journals: . Bank charges . Interest on bank overdraft . A direct deposit made by P Parsons, a debtor . A cheque issued by D Dickensen returned by the bank marked ``R/D'' (insufficient funds) . A deposit meant for another client of the bank

R 8 658 7 932

800 104 808 450

35 85 300 90 175

(f) Cheque No 2867 for R118 issued to Pros Limited, a creditor, during the month was recorded as R181 in the cash payments journal. This mistake was discovered when the CPJ was compared with the bank statement.



Required: (1) Complete the cash receipts and cash payments journals of Mic Shops for September 20.7. (2) Show the bank account in the general ledger of Mic Shops, properly balanced at 30 September 20.7. (3) Prepare the bank reconciliation statement of Mic Shops as at 30 September 20.7. Begin with the balance as per bank statement.

Solution: Revision exercise 3 MIC SHOPS

(1) CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 20.7 (extract) Date 30 Details Subtotal P Parsons/Debtors control Pros Limited/Creditors control (correction of cheque 2867) Bank 8 658 300 63 9 021 CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 20.7 (extract) Date 30 Subtotal Bank charges Interest on bank overdraft D Dickensen/Debtors control Details Bank 7 932 35 85 90 8 142 (2) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.7 Sep 30 Receipts CRJ R 9 021 Bank 20.7 Sep 1 30 Balance Payments Balance b/d CPJ c/d Cr R 800 8 142 79 9 021

9 021 20.7 Oct 1 Balance b/d 79

(3) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 20.7 Debit Debit balance per bank statement Deposit not yet credited by the bank Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 2894 dated 30/9/20.7 (telephone) Debit erroneous deposit Debit balance per bank account R 104 Credit R 808 450 175 79 808 808



9.5.4 Revision exercise 4 BOOKS OF BUWANG TRADERS

(a) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 30 APRIL 20.8 Dr R Credit balance per bank statement Credit outstanding deposit Debit cheques not yet presented: No 420 dated 20/11/20.7 (Donations) No 691 dated 17/1/20.8 (LL Traders) No 715 dated 28/2/20.8 (R Rex) Credit error on bank statement Credit balance per bank account 3 055,20 2 000,00 416,40 638,80 120,00 1 724,60 3 055,20 Cr R 840,60 370,00

(b) The bank statement for May 20.8 reflected the following items which did not appear in the cash journals: . . . . . . . . Correction of error R120 Deposit credited R370 Cheque No 691 for R416,40 Dishonoured cheque from D Baloyi R150 Cheque No 004 for R90 issued by another client of the bank Chequebook R28,50, service fee R36,40, interest on overdraft R19,80 Stop order for insurance premium R290 Direct deposit of R200 by J Matla for rent

(c) The cash journals reflected the following differences from the bank statement: . Deposits not yet entered by the bank R1 450,00 . Cheques not yet presented: No 802 dated 3/5/20.8 (DR Limited) R1 964,62 No 803 dated 4/5/20.8 (AA Suppliers) R2 134,20 (d) Cheque No 420 was issued on 20 November 20.7 in favour of Botmelo Day Care as a donation. The day care centre has since closed down. (e) Balances and pencil totals at the end of May 20.8: . Cash receipts journal R11 258,29 . Cash payments journal R13 428,72 . Bank statement R977,89 (favourable)

Required: (1) Complete the cash receipts and cash payments journals of Buwang Traders for May 20.8. (2) Show the bank account properly balanced. (3) Prepare the bank reconciliation statement as at 31 May 20.8.



Solution: Revision exercise 4 BUWANG TRADERS

(1) CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL MAY 20.8 (extract) Date 31 Details Subtotal Rent income Donations (Cheque 420 cancelled) Bank 11 258,29 200,00 2 000,00 13 458,29

CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL MAY 20.8 (extract) Date 31 Subtotal D Baloye/Debtors control Bank charges Interest on overdraft Insurance Details Bank 13 428,72 150,00 64,90 19,80 290,00 13 953,42

(2) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.8 May 31 Receipts Balance R CRJ 13 458,29 c/d 2 219,73 15 678,02 20.8 Jun 1 Balance b/d Bank 20.8 May 1 31 Balance Payments Cr R b/d 1 724,60 CPJ 13 953,42 15 678,02 2 219,73

(3) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 31 MAY 20.8 Debit R Credit balance per bank statement Deposit not yet credited by the bank Cheques not yet presented for payment: No 715 dated 28/2/20.8 (R Rex) No 802 dated 3/5/20.8 (DR Limited) No 803 dated 4/5/20.8 (AA Suppliers) Credit incorrect cheque on bank statement Credit balance per bank account 4 737,62 638,80 1 964,62 2 134,20 90,00 2 219,73 4 737,62 Credit R 977,89 1 450,00



. The opening balance of the bank account of R1 724,60 is taken from the given (April's) bank reconciliation statement. . Cheque 715 had still not been presented at the end of May and was recorded on the bank reconciliation statement at 31 May 20.8. . Cheque 420 had not been presented after six months. It was debited to the bank account as it is a stale cheque. . Interest on the overdraft was entered separately and was not included in the bank charges.

9.5.5 Revision exercise 5

Books of Pitsi Dealers for August 20.4. Petty cash balance 1 August 20.4 R200 Petty cash payments August 20.4: Date 4 7 11 14 18 19 25 27 Details Cleaner's wages Stamps Cleaner's wages Stationery Cleaner's wages Tea, coffee & milk Cleaner's wages Owner took R30 for taxi fare Cash voucher 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 Amount R 60 15 60 35 60 40 60 30

On 15 August 20.4 and on 31 August 20.4 cash cheques were issued to restore the float to R200. Required: (1) (2) Prepare a petty cash journal for August 20.4 with the following payment columns: total, wages, postage, stationery and sundries. Post to the petty cash control account in the general ledger and balance this account.



Solution: Revision exercise 5 PITSI DEALERS

Receipts Date Date 20.4 Fol Total R 20.4 Aug 4 7 11 14 18 19 25 27 30 560,00 20.4 Sep 1 b/d 200,00 Cleaner's wages Stamps Cleaner's wages Stationery Cleaner's wages Tea, coffee & milk Cleaner's wages Taxi fare owner Balance 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 c/d Details Petty cash voucher Fol Total Payments Wages Postage Stationery Sundries Amount R Fol Details


R 60,00 15,00 60,00 35,00 60,00 40,00 60,00 30,00 360,00 200,00 560,00

R 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 240,00 240,00

R 15,00

Aug 1 b/d 200,00 15 CPJ6 170,00 15 CPJ6 190,00

35,00 40,00 30,00 15,00 15,00 35,00 35,00 70,00 200,00 270,00 Refreshments Drawings

(2) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.4 Aug 1 15 31 20.4 Sep 1 Balance Bank Bank b/d CPJ6 CPJ6 Petty cash control R 200 170 190 560 Balance b/d 200 20.4 Aug 31 Petty cash payments Balance Cr R PCJ6 c/d 360 200 560

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . .

describe the nature and importance of cash? describe how control over cash is exercised? reconcile the bank statement balance with the bank account balance? prepare a petty cash journal?




Trade receivables
Learning outcome
Students should be able to know how all aspects of debtors are to be treated in the books of an entity.

Key concepts 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Introduction Settlement discount granted Interest charged Credit losses (bad debts) 10.4.1 Writing off of credit losses (bad debts) 10.4.2 Allowance for credit losses 199 10.4.3 Increasing the allowance for credit losses (bad debts) 10.4.4 Decreasing the allowance for credit losses 10.4.5 Writing off credit losses (bad debts) when an allowance for credit losses exists 10.4.6 Recovery of credit losses (bad debts) written off 10.4.7 VAT, credit losses (bad debts) and credit losses recovered


194 194 194 196 196 196 197

201 202 205 205



10.5 10.6 10.7

Presentation on the statement of financial position Debtors control account Revision exercises and solutions 10.7.1 Revision exercise 1 10.7.2 Revision exercise 2 10.7.3 Revision exercise 3 10.7.4 Revision exercise 4

206 206 213 213 213 214 216 219


. . . . . . . .

Credit transaction Trade debtors Credit term Settlement discount granted Credit losses (Bad debts) Current assets Allowance for credit losses Debtors control

10.1 Introduction
A sale made without the buyer paying at the time of the sale is known as a credit transaction. The person or business owing money to an entity which originates from a credit sale is known as a trade debtor. A debtor accepts responsibility for paying the debt within a specific period. The period is known as a credit term and is predetermined in accordance with the credit policy of the entity making the sale. Because some debtors do not pay their accounts, many firms create an allowance for credit losses. In this study unit we will concentrate on how debtors are encouraged to pay their accounts on time. We will also look at the writing off of bad debts/credit losses, the creation and adjustment of the allowance for credit losses. Study paragraphs 10.1 and 10.2 of the prescribed book.

10.2 Settlement discount granted

Discount is often offered to debtors in order to encourage a quick settlement of their debts within the stated credit term. The credit term will be shown on the credit invoice, for example, 30 days from the date of sale. Study paragraph 10.3 of the prescribed book.



Exer ci se 10.1
A client purchased R2 850 worth of goods on credit on 1 March 20.0. The client has one month (the credit term) in which to settle the debt. If the client pays before 31 March 20.0, a discount of 2% will be granted. If the client settles the account before 31 March 20.0 it means that the amount payable is R2 793, calculated as follows:
2 R2 850 7 R(2 850 6 100 )

= R(2 850 7 57) = R2 793 If VAT at 14% is included in the R2 850, the VAT collected on behalf of the SA Revenue Service (SARS) (recorded at the date of sale) will amount to R350 and will be recorded in the VAT Output account. The selling price recorded in the sales account in the general ledger is R2 500. The fact that discount has been granted does not affect the original selling price recorded in the general ledger. The discount will, however, have an influence on VAT. Although the debtor purchased the goods for R2 850 the actual income for the business is R2 500. If 2% discount is allowed on the R2 500 the income for the business is R2 450. VAT (calculated at 14%) on R2 450 is R343. The original VAT of R350 is therefore overstated and must be reduced by R7, in other words 2% 6 R350. Such adjustments are made in the VAT Input account and NOT in the VAT Output account. The reason for this is that the net sales (sales less sales returns) multiplied by the VAT percentage, should result in the amount of VAT Output. The discount of R57 thus includes VAT of R7, which may be calculated as follows: 57 14 1 X 114 = R7

Solution Exercise


The accounting entries for the exercise are as follows: Dr 20.0 Mar 1 Sales Debtors control R 2 850 20.0 Mar 31 Bank Settlement discount granted VAT Input Cr R 2 793 50 7 2 850 Cr Debtors control R 2 500 Cr R

2 850 Dr Sales R 20.0 Mar 1

Dr 20.0 Mar 31 Debtors control

VAT Input R 7 20.0




VAT Output R 20.0 Mar 1 Debtors control

Cr R 350 Cr R

Dr 20.0 Mar 31 Dr 20.0 Mar 31 Debtors control Debtors control

Settlement discount granted R 50 Bank R 2 793

Cr R

Settlement discount granted will be written off at the end of the financial period and subtracted from sales in the statement of comprehensive income. The influence of discount on VAT was also discussed in paragraph 6.9.

10.3 Interest charged

Many entities charge interest on the outstanding debt if an account is not paid within the credit term. Suppose the entity which sold the goods in the above example has a policy of charging 18% interest per annum on accounts that are not paid within the stated credit terms. If the client does not pay the account of R550 before 31 March 20.0, but only pays it at the end of April, he will be charged 18% per annum interest (for 1 month) on R550 and will have to pay R558,25, calculated as follows: R550 + R(550 6 = R(550 + 8,25) = R558,25 The interest increases the outstanding balance on the individual debtor's account as well as the balance in the debtors control account. This transaction is recorded by means of a general journal entry. Study paragraph 10.12.3 of the prescribed book.
18 100

1 12

10.4 Credit losses (bad debts)

When a credit transaction occurs there is always a possibility that the debt might not be paid. These debts which are never paid are known as credit losses or irrecoverable debts. Because there is always the possibility that some debts will not be paid, most entities have a policy of creating an allowance for credit losses.

10.4.1 Writing off of credit losses (bad debts)

When management decides that a specific debt will not be recovered, the amount must be written off as a credit loss. When credit losses are written off the debtor's personal account and



the debtors control account are affected. The amount of the credit loss will be debited to the credit losses account (a nominal account) and credited to the debtor's personal account and the debtors control account (a statement of financial position account). Study paragraphs 10.4 to 10.6 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 10.2
On 15 May 20.0 AM Traders was informed that A Langa, a debtor who owed the entity R660, was declared insolvent. The amount must be written off as irrecoverable. The balance on the debtors control account at 30 April was R18 000.

Solution Example


The accounting entries are as follows:

GENERAL JOURNAL Fol 20.0 May 15 Credit losses A Langa/Debtors control Write A Langa's account off as irrecoverable GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 May 1 Dr 20.0 May 15 Debtors control DEBTORS LEDGER A Langa Debit 20.0 May 1 R Account rendered Credit losses Credit R 660 Balance R 660 Balance b/d Debtors control R 18 000 20.0 May 15 Credit losses Cr R 660 Cr R Debit R 660 Credit R 660

Credit losses R 660

10.4.2 Allowance for credit losses

It is customary for entities selling goods on credit to create an allowance for credit losses. This allowance is based on the estimated credit losses (bad debts). The policy of prudence (or conservatism) is applied when there is uncertainty about whether income or a current asset will



be realised (ie whether the entity will receive its money). The prospect of not realising all debts is typical of this type of uncertainty. When an allowance for credit losses is created, there are certain accounting procedures that have to be followed. These procedures will be explained with the aid of the following example:

Exer ci se 10.3
On 30 June 20.0, the end of the financial year of Trio Traders, outstanding trade debtors amounted to R20 000. The financial manager determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R800 at 30 June 20.0.

Solution Exercise


The following accounting entries are necessary to create a new allowance for credit losses:

GENERAL JOURNAL Debit 20.0 Jun 30 Credit losses Allowance for credit losses Allowance for credit losses created at year end R 800 Credit R 800

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Jun 30 Balance b/d Debtors control R 20 000 Cr


Allowance for credit losses 20.0 Jun 30 Credit losses

Cr R 800



Dr 20.0 Jun 30 Allowance for credit losses

Credit losses R 800


CLOSING JOURNAL ENTRY Debit 20.0 Jun 30 Profit or loss Credit losses Closing credit losses off to the profit or loss account R 800 Credit R 800

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Jun 30 Allowance for credit losses Credit losses R 800 Profit or loss (extract) Credit losses R 800 Cr 20.0 Jun 30 Profit or loss Cr R 800

Dr 20.0 Jun 30

. When an allowance is created the only accounts which are affected are the credit losses account (a nominal account) and the allowance for credit losses (a contra asset account). In the general ledger the balance on the debtors control account remains R20 000. The debtors' control account will only be credited when actual credit losses are verified. . The allowance for credit losses (R800) is deducted from debtors (R20 000). The R19 200 is shown in the statement of financial position as current assets under trade receivables. . The R800 credit losses is closed off to the profit and loss account. By writing off the R800 in the profit and loss account and deducting it from debtors in the statement of financial position at 30 June 20.0, the entity has applied the matching and prudence principles.

10.4.3 Increasing the allowance for credit losses (bad debts) Exer ci se 10.4
On 30 June 20.1 the outstanding trade debtors of Trio Traders (follows on Exercise 10.3) amounted to R30 000. (Credit losses already written off during the year amounted to R730.)



The financial manager determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R1 200 at 30 June 20.1.

Solution Exercise


The following accounting entries are necessary to adjust the allowance for credit losses:

GENERAL JOURNAL Debit 20.1 Jun 30 Credit losses Allowance for credit losses Allowance for credit losses adjusted: New allowance Existing allowance Amount needed for adjustement GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 30 Balance b/d Debtors control R 30 000 Cr R 400 R 1 200 800 400 Credit R 400


Allowance for credit losses 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 Balance Credit losses b/d

Cr R 800 400 1 200

Dr 20.1 Jun 30 Balance Allowance for credit losses b/d

Credit losses R 730 400 1 130 20.1 Jun 30 Profit or loss

Cr R 1 130

1 130



. The credit losses written off during the year were debited to the credit losses account (the current balance of R730) and were credited to the debtors control account before the balance of R30 000 was calculated on the control account. . The debtors control account is not affected by a change in the allowance for credit losses. . The allowance for 20.0 (R800) is deducted from the allowance calculated for 20.1 (R1 200). Only the difference is debited to credit losses and credited to the allowance for credit losses. . Remember that the debtors control account is an asset account and allowance for credit losses is a contra asset account. The allowance for credit losses (R1 200) must be deducted from the debtors control account (R30 000) to determine the amount at which debtors must be taken into account under trade receivables in the statement of financial position. . The credit losses for the year (R730) and the difference in the allowance (R400) are written off as an expense in the profit and loss account (R1 130).

10.4.4 Decreasing the allowance for credit losses Exer ci se 10.5

On 30 June 20.2 the outstanding trade debtors of Trio Traders (follows on Exercise 10.4) amounted to R25 000. (Credit losses already written off during the year amounted to R960.) The financial manager determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R1 000 at 30 June 20.2.

Solution Exercise


The following accounting entries are necessary to adjust the allowance for credit losses:

GENERAL JOURNAL Debit 20.2 Jun 30 Allowance for credit losses Credit losses Allowance for credit losses adjusted: Existing allowance New allowance (R25 000 6 4%) Amount needed for adjustment R 200 R 1 200 1 000 200 Credit R 200



GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Credit losses Balance c/d Balance b/d Debtors control R 25 000 Cr b/d R 1 200 Cr

Allowance for credit losses R 200 1 000 1 200 20.2 Jul 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Jul 1 Balance

1 200 1 000 Cr R Allowance for credit losses Profit or loss 200 760 960

Dr 20.2 Jun 30 Balance b/d

Credit losses R 960 20.2 Jun 30


. The debtors control account is not affected by changes in the allowance for credit losses. . The credit balance that has increased from the original R800 to R1 200 must now be reduced to R1 000. This has to be done by making a debit entry in the account. However, the balance carried forward on the allowance for credit losses account will always be a credit balance. . The fact that in the years 20.0 and 20.1 the entries in the credit losses account have been debited does not mean that all the entries posted to the account will be debits. It is self-evident that if the allowance is decreased, the difference between the existing and the new allowance has to be added back. The only way this can be done is to debit the allowance for credit losses account and credit the credit losses account.

10.4.5 Writing off credit losses (bad debts) when an allowance for credit losses exists
If credit losses are written off where an allowance for credit losses exists, one of two methods can be followed: METHOD 1: As credit losses occur, the credit losses can be written off against the allowance account: debit the allowance account and credit the debtor's personal account and the debtors control account.



Exer ci se 10.6
On 30 November 20.0 Trio Traders (follows on Exercise 10.3) was informed that B Down, a debtor who owed R730, was declared insolvent. During the financial year that ended on 30 June 20.1 credit sales amounted to R40 000 and R29 270 was received from debtors in payment of their accounts. The financial manager determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R1 200 at 30 June 20.1.

Solution Exercise


The accounting entries are as follows:

GENERAL JOURNAL Debit 20.1 Nov 30 Allowance for credit losses B Down/Debtors control Write B Down's account off as irrecoverable GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 Balance Sales b/d Debtors control R 20 000 40 000 20.0 Nov 30 20.1 Jun 30 R Allowance for credit losses Bank Balance 730 29 270 30 000 60 000 Cr R 730 Credit R 730


60 000 20.1 Jul 1 Balance b/d 30 000

Dr 20.0 Nov 30 20.1 Jun 30 Debtors control Balance

Allowance for credit losses R 730 c/d 1 200 1 930 20.1 Jul 1 Balance b/d 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 Balance Credit losses* b/d

Cr R 800 1 130 1 930 1 200

*Balancing figure



Dr 20.1 Jun 30 Allowance for credit losses

Credit losses R 1 130 20.1 Jun 30 Profit or loss

Cr R 1 130

DEBTORS LEDGER B Down Debit 20.0 Jul 1 Nov 30 R Account rendered Allowance for credit losses Credit R 730 Balance R 730

Method 2: The allowance for credit losses account remains unchanged during the year. Credit losses that occur during the year are written off against the credit losses account.

Exer ci se 10.7
On 30 November 20.0 Trio Traders (follows on Exercise 10.3) was informed that B Down, a debtor who owed R730, was declared insolvent. During the financial year that ended on 30 June 20.1 credit sales amounted to R40 000 and R29 270 was received from debtors in payment of their accounts. The financial manager determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R1 200 at 30 June 20.1.

Solution Exercise


The accounting entries are as follows:

GENERAL JOURNAL Debit 20.0 Nov 30 Credit losses B Down/Debtors control Write B Down's account off as irrecoverable GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 20.1 Jul 1 Balance b/d Balance Sales b/d Debtors control R 20 000 40 000 60 000 30 000 20.0 Nov 30 20.1 Jun 30 Credit losses Bank Balance Cr R 730 29 270 30 000 60 000 R 730 Credit R 730





Allowance for credit losses 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 Balance Credit losses b/d

Cr R 800 400 1 200

Dr 20.0 Nov 30 20.1 Jun 30 Debtors control Allowance for credit losses

Credit losses R 730 400 1 130 20.1 Jun 30 Profit or loss

Cr R 1 130

1 130

DEBTORS LEDGER B Down Debit 20.0 Jul 1 Account rendered Nov 30 Credit losses R Credit R 730 Balance R 730

. The amount written off as credit losses in the profit or loss account remains unchanged. (Refer to previous exercise.)

10.4.6 Recovery of credit losses (bad debts) written off

When money is recovered that was previously written off as irrecoverable (a credit loss), it must be recorded and disclosed separately. An account, credit losses recovered, will be opened for this purpose. The money recovered will be debited against the bank account and the credit losses recovered account will be credited. Credit losses recovered are seen as an income and are added to other operating income in the statement of comprehensive income. This is to cancel the expense written off previously. Study paragraph 10.7 of the prescribed book.

10.4.7 VAT, credit losses and credit losses recovered

The amount owed by a debtor always includes VAT. The VAT collected on credit sales is paid over every second month to the SA Revenue Service. If a debt is not paid and has to be written off, the seller is entitled to claim the VAT portion that was included in the credit losses back from the SA Revenue Service. Similarly, when a debt/credit loss which was previously written off is recovered, the seller is responsible for paying over to the SA Revenue Service the VAT component of that sale. Study paragraphs 10.8 to 10.11 of the prescribed book.



10.5 Presentation on the statement of financial position

Debtors are current assets. Current assets are assets which the entity can reasonably expect to realise within the normal business cycle of one year. According to GAAP, current assets must be disclosed as follows on the statement of financial position:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT ......................... ASSETS Non-current assets Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES xxx xx xx x xxx R xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Study paragraph 10.12.5 of the prescribed book.

10.6 Debtors control account

Many entities sell their goods on credit. If only one or two credit transactions were involved an account for the debtor can be opened in the general ledger and the specific debtor will be debited and the sales account credited with the amount of the transaction. But, as we explained in study unit 6, if an entity mainly, or to a great extent, sells on credit, a sales journal can be used for all the credit sales transactions. A separate ledger is then kept in which an account for every debtor is listed. Posting from the journals to the debtors ledger takes place on a daily basis. To obtain a complete record of all the transactions, a control account is kept in the general ledger. The debtors control account contains a summary of all the entries made in the individual debtors' accounts. Posting to the debtors' control account takes place once a month when the totals of all the subsidiary journals are finalised. Study paragraphs 10.13 to 10.15 of the prescribed book.



The procedure can be summarised as follows: Individual entries in the sales journal Posted to Personal accounts of debtors (debit side) in the debtors ledger on the day the transaction took place. Debtors control account (debit side) on the last day of the month. Personal accounts of debtors (credit side) in the debtors ledger on the day the transaction took place. Debtors control account (credit side) on the last day of the month. Personal accounts of debtors (credit side) in the debtors ledger on the day the transaction took place. Debtors control account (credit side) on the last day of the month.

Total of the debtors control column in the sales journal Individual entries in the sales returns journal Total of the debtors control column in the sales returns journal Individual entries in the cash receipts journal Total of the debtors control column in the cash receipts journal

Posted to Posted to

Posted to Posted to

Posted to

Exer ci se 10.8
The opening balances on the individual debtors are: debtor A: R450,00, debtor B: R680,00 and debtor C: R220,00.

SALES JOURNAL MAY 20.2 Date 2 A B C Debtor Fol DL1 DL2 DL3 Sales R 200,00 400,00 100,00 700,00 VAT Output R 20,00 40,00 10,00 70,00 Debtors R 220,00 440,00 110,00 770,00 GL 5 SJ1

SALES RETURNS JOURNAL MAY 20.2 Date 8 B C Debtor Fol DL2 DL3 Sales returns R 40,00 20,00 60,00 VAT Output R 4,00 2,00 6,00

SRJ1 Debtors R 44,00 22,00 66,00 GL 5



CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL MAY 20.2 Date Details Fol Bank R 600,00 400,00 500,00 1 500,00 Debtors R 670,00 400,00 522,00 1 592,00 GL5 * Approximation Discount allowed R 64,00 20,00 84,00

CRJ1 VAT Input R *6,00 2,00 8,00




GENERAL JOURNAL MAY 20.2 Date Details Fol Total Debit 15 C Furniture VAT Output Sold furniture on credit to C 18 Furniture VAT Input C Received furniture back from C DL3 230,00 23,00 DL3 R 803,00 Credit R 730,00 73,00 Debtors control Debit R 803,00 Credit R

J1 Creditors control Debit R Credit R



1 056,00 1 056,00

803,00 GL3

253,00 GL5

Required: (1) (2) Prepare the debtors control account in the general ledger. Prepare the ledger accounts of the three debtors in the debtors ledger.

* List of opening balances of debtors R A B C 450,00 680,00 220,00 1 350,00



Solution Exercise


GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.2 May 1 31 Balance* Sales Sundry journal debits Debtors control R b/d 1 350,00 SJ1 770,00 J1 803,00 20.2 May 31 Sales returns Bank and discount Sundry journal credits Balance GL5 SRJ1 Cr R 66,00

CRJ1 1 592,00 J1 c/d 253,00 1 012,00 2 923,00

20.2 Jun 1

2 923,00 Balance** b/d 1 012,00

GOLDEN RULE The debtors control account is a summary of ALL transactions related to all the individual debtor accounts in the debtors ledger.

GOLDEN RULE What was done (Dr or Cr) to the individual debtor accounts, must be done IN TOTAL to the debtors control account.

DEBTORS LEDGER (General ledger format) Dr 20.2 May 1 2 Balance* Sales b/d SJ1 R 450,00 220,00 670,00 A 20.2 May 15 Bank and discount DL1 R CRJ1 670,00 670,00 Cr

Dr 20.2 May 1 2 Balance* Sales b/d SJ1 R 680,00 440,00 1 120,00 Balance** b/d 676,00

B 20.2 May 8 15 31 Sales returns Bank Balance

DL2 SRJ1 CRJ1 c/d

Cr R 44,00 400,00 676,00 1 120,00

20.2 Jun 1



Dr 20.2 May 1 2 15 Balance* Sales Furniture b/d SJ1 J1

C R 220,00 110,00 803,00 20.2 May 8 15 18 31 Sales returns Bank and discount Furniture Balance

DL3 SRJ1 CRJ1 J1 c/d

Cr R 22,00 522,00 253,00 336,00 1 133,00

1 133,00 20.2 Jun 1 Balance** b/d 336,00

** List of closing balances of debtors R A B C 676,00 336,00 1 012,00

GOLDEN RULE The total of all the balances of the individual debtor accounts in the debtors ledger must equal the balance of the debtors control account in the general ledger.

. The totals from the journals are posted to the control account. . The opening and closing balances on the control account are the same as the totals of the lists of balances of the individual debtors. . When debtors settle their accounts and they receive discount, VAT is also affected. The actual amount received from the debtor is shown in the bank column, the discount in the settlement discount allowed column and the VAT that must be cancelled in the VAT Input column. These three amounts must add up to the amount shown in the debtors column. The total of the debtors column that is posted to the debtors control account at the end of the month already includes discount and is posted as bank and discount. The totals of the settlement discount granted column and the VAT Input column are consequently not credited separately to the debtors control account.



Exer ci se 10.9
The following information in respect of June 20.1 was obtained from the financial records of N Nelson: R 19 190

Balance on the debtors control account 31 May 20.1 Totals for the month: Cash receipts journal: Debtors column Settlement discount granted column Sales journal (Debtors column) Sales returns journal (Debtors column) General journal: Credit losses written off Certain accounts with debit balances transferred from the creditors ledger to the debtors ledger Interest charged on overdue accounts List of individual debtors per debtors ledger

16 1 19 4

860 470 500 615 751

46 160 16 230

In the process of reconciling the balance on the debtors control account with the list of balances per debtors ledger, the following errors were discovered: (1) Sales invoice No 1001 for R2 270 which had been entered correctly in the sales journal, was entered in A Abel's account as R2 770. (2) Credit note No 52 for R30 was entered correctly in the sales returns journal but erroneously posted as a debit to the account of B Brown. (3) A cheque for R75 received from P Pet in full settlement of his account was incorrectly analysed as sales in the cash receipts journal. (4) The sales journal was overcast by R1 000. (``Overcast'' means that the amounts have been added up incorrectly and that the total amount is R1 000 more than it should be.)

Required: (1) (2) Prepare the debtors control account at 30 June 20.1 properly balanced. Each entry must indicate the correct contra ledger account. Reconcile the balance on the debtors control account as determined in 1 above with the total of the debtors list.



Solution Exercise N NELSON


(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 1 30 Balance Sales R(19 500 7 1 000) (1) Creditors control (2) Interest received b/d Debtors control R 19 190 20.1 Jun 30 Bank (3) Sales returns Credit losses Sales Balance CRJ SRJ GJ GJ c/d Cr R 16 860 4 615 751 75 15 595 37 896


18 500 46 160 37 896

20.1 Jul 1



15 595

(2) RECONCILIATION Total of the list of debtors' balances Less: Error on A Abel's account R(2 770 7 2 270) Incorrect posting of credit note, B Brown (R30 6 2) Correction of error P Pet Balance as per Debtors control account R R 16 230

(5) (4) and (5)

(500) (60) (75)

(635) 15 595

(1) (2) When an error is made in totalling a journal the mistake only affects the control account; it cannot affect the debtors list. It is possible for a creditor of a business to be a debtor of that business as well. It can also happen that a debtor may have a credit balance on his account. If either of these situations occurs it is advisable to transfer the debit or credit amount to the debtors or creditors control accounts respectively. The amount in the debtors column is R16 860. This amount is the total amount received from debtors including any settlement discount granted. When an entry was made on the wrong side of an account, the effect of the correction is double the amount of the error. First, the wrong entry must be cancelled and then the amount must be correctly entered. In cases of both A Abel and B Brown, the entries in the control account are correct. The errors have to be corrected in the accounts of the debtors and then on the list.

(3) (4)


When answering a question on the reconciliation of a debtors control account with the list of debtors, it is very important that you read the question very carefully. As you are reading, decide what type of error is involved. Also ensure that when you do the control account, you use the correct contra ledger account.



10.7 Revision exercises and solutions

10.7.1 Revision exercise 1
Client A buys R750 of goods from B Enterprises. Client A has 60 days in which to settle the account. If the account is settled within 30 days a discount of 5% is granted. If the account is paid after 30 days but on or before 60 days, no discount is granted. If the account is not paid within 60 days, interest of 20% per annum is charged. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) (b) (c) (d) The amount payable at the end of 30 days is R712,50. The amount of interest due after 60 days is R24,66. The credit term is 30 days. The credit term is 60 days.

Solution: Revision exercise 1

Statement (c) is incorrect. The credit term is 60 days. If the client pays the debt within 30 days it means that he can take advantage of the discount granted by the entity.

10.7.2 Revision exercise 2

The following information relates to Source Boutique: (1) Balances at 28 February 20.3: Debtors Credit losses recovered (2) Additional information: (a) An amount of R800, previously written off as a credit loss, was recovered on 1 July 20.2 and credited to the debtor's account. (b) Debtors accounts to the amount of R1 500, outstanding since 1 March 20.2, must be written off. (c) It was determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R1 652 at 28 February 20.3. Which of the following amounts will be shown as credit losses in the statement of comprehensive income of Source Boutique for the year ending 28 February 20.3? (a) (b) (c) (d) R3 152 {R1 652+R1 500} R3 088 {R1 588+R1 500} R1 500 R2 352 {R(1 500 7 800) + R1 652} R 42 000 2 600

Solution: Revision exercise 2

The correct statement is (a), R3 152. Calculation: Credit losses Allowance for credit losses R 1 500 1 652 3 152

* To post a credit loss recovered to the debtors control account is incorrect. The journal entry to correct the entry is as follows:



JOURNAL ENTRY 20.3 Feb 28 Debtors control Credit losses recovered Reversal of entry made 1/7/20.2 R 800 R 800


The debtors control account balance will be increased by this entry and decreased by the credit loss written off. JOURNAL ENTRY 20.3 Feb 28 Credit losses Debtors control Credit losses written off Debtors control Balance Credit losses recovered b/d J1 R 42 000 800 42 800 20.3 Mar 1 Dr 20.3 Feb 28 Debtors control Allowance for credit losses* (creation of new allowance) J2 J3 Balance b/d 41 300 Credit losses R 1 500 1 652 20.3 Feb 28 R Profit or loss* J4 3 152 Cr 42 800 20.3 Feb 28 Credit losses Balance J2 c/d R 1 500 R 1 500 J2

Dr 20.3 Feb 28

Cr R 1 500 41 300

3 152

3 152

* The journal entries (J3 and J4) indicated in the credit losses account are obvious and are therefore not shown.

10.7.3 Revision exercise 3

The following information relates to Dumpies Traders at 28 February 20.1: (1) Balances: Debtors control account 28/2/20.0 Allowance for credit losses 28/2/20.0 Credit losses recovered Credit sales Settlement discount granted (2) Additional information: During the year R270 000 was collected (received) from debtors in respect of credit sales. Debtor J Solomon was declared insolvent and his account of R500 has to be written off. It was determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R4 265 at 28 February 20.1. 55 3 2 305 4 R 000 240 500 000 200



Solution: Revision exercise 3

Calculation: Dr 20.0 Mar 1 20.1 Feb 28 Balance Sales b/d Debtors control R 55 000 305 000 20.1 Feb 28 Bank (2) Settlement discount granted (2) Allowance for credit losses Balance (1) c/d Cr R 270 000 4 200 500 85 300 360 000 (1)

360 000 20.1 Mar 1 Balance b/d 85 300

(1) The balance on the debtors control account is always carried forward to the next financial period. (2) The amount of cash received from debtors does not include settlement discount granted to debtors. The total amount in the debtors column of the cash receipts journal will be R274 200, which then includes the Settlement discount granted. The journal entries and general ledger accounts in respect of the allowance are as follows: (Method 1 was followed refer to paragraph 10.4.5.) GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 Feb 28 Allowance for credit losses J Solomon/Debtors control Writing off of amount owed by J Solomon Credit losses Allowance for credit losses Adjustment of allowance Allowance * Add: Credit loss written off Less: Existing allowance Amount needed R 500 R 500 1 525 R 265 500 765 240 525

1 525

4 4 3 1



GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Debtors control Balance Allowance for credit losses R 500 4 265 4 765 20.1 Mar 1 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Allowance for credit losses Credit losses R 1 525 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss R 1 525 Balance b/d 20.0 Mar 1 20.1 Feb 28 Balance Credit losses b/d Cr R 3 240 1 525 4 765 4 265 Cr


. Irrespective of which method is followed (refer to paragraph 10.5) the balance on the allowance for credit losses account will be R4 265, and R1 525 will be debited to the profit or loss account as credit losses.

10.7.4 Revision exercise 4

(1) The following information was obtained from the financial records of Fine Traders on 28 February 20.8: R Balance of allowance for credit losses account 28/2/20.7 Balance of debtors control account 28/2/20.7 List of individual debtors as per debtors ledger Totals for the month: Cash receipts journal: Debtors column Settlement discount granted column Sales column Creditors column Cash payments journal: Creditors column Debtors column (cheques dishonoured) Purchases column Sales journal Purchases journal Sales returns journal (all on credit sales) Purchases returns journal 510 10 200 11 520

69 140 3 000 101 100 1 400 80 3 60 69 53 1 2 000 200 000 020 800 000 150



(2) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (a) The debtors column in the cash receipts journal was overcast by R1 000. (b) The creditors column in the purchases journal was overcast by R2 000. (c) A sales invoice for the amount of R600 was entered twice in the sales journal and posted twice to the personal account of B Broad. (d) Credit note No 31, for R500, was credited to the account of T Thin, but no other entry was made in the books. (e) An invoice for the amount of R50 was correctly entered in the purchases journal, but posted as R150 to the account of N Narrow. (f) An invoice for the amount of R400 was correctly entered in the sales journal, but posted as R40 to the account of D Dandy. (g) A cheque for R900 received from debtor G Great was returned by the bank marked ``R/D''. The necessary entry was made in the cash payments journal, but no posting was made to the account of G Great. (h) The balance of P Pauper's account for R1 420 has still to be written off as irrecoverable. (i) It was determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R538 at 28 February 20.8.

Required: (1) Prepare a properly balanced debtors control account for the month ending 28 February 20.8. (2) Reconcile the total of the list of debtors with the balance on the debtors control account as calculated in (1). (3) Prepare the journal entry for the adjustment of the new allowance for credit losses at 28 February 20.8 and show all the transactions relating to credit losses and allowance for credit losses in the general ledger.

Solution: Revision exercise 4

(1) Dr 20.7 Mar 1 20.8 Feb 28 Balance Sales R(69 020 7 600) Bank (R/D cheques) b/d Debtors control R 10 200 68 420 20.8 Feb 28 Bank and discount R(69 140 7 1 000) Sales returns R(1 000 + 500) Allowance for credit losses Balance c/d Cr R 68 140

1 500

3 200

1 420 10 760 81 820

81 820 20.8 Mar 1 Balance b/d 10 760



(2) Reconciliation of debtors list R Total of debtors list Add: R/D cheque adjustment (G Great) Sales invoice adjustment R(400 7 40) (D Dandy) Less: Duplicate sales invoice (B Broad) Credit loss Balance as per debtors control 900 360 (600) (1 420) 1 260 12 780 (2 020) 10 760 R 11 520

(3) Journalising the allowance for credit losses and the general ledger GENERAL JOURNAL 20.8 Feb 28 Credit losses Allowance for credit losses Adjustment of allowance R R New allowance R10 760 6 5% 538 Add: Credit loss written off (P Pauper) 1 420 Less: Opening balance of allowance: 510 910 Amount needed 1 448 R 1 448 R 1 448 J2

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.8 Feb 28 Debtors Balance Allowance for credit losses J1* c/d R 1 420 538 1 958 20.8 Mar 1 Balance b/d 20.7 Mar 1 20.8 Feb 28 Balance Credit losses** b/d J2 Cr R 510 1 448 1 958 538

Dr 20.8 Feb 28 Allowance for credit losses

Credit losses R 1 448 20.8 Feb 28 R Profit or loss J3*


1 448

* Journal entries J1 and J3 are obvious and are not shown. ** Balancing figure



. Always read the question carefully. Much of the information given in this question has nothing to do with the debtors control account. Make sure that you know what items have to be entered in a debtors control account. . The actual amount written off (R1 420) is more than the opening balance of the allowance. An additional amount (more than the new allowance) must therefore be credited to the allowance (and debited to the credit losses account). . If the other method of writing off credit losses were followed (paragraph 10.4) the net result would be the same. The balance of the allowance for credit losses would be R538 and the amount written off as credit losses in the profit or loss account would be R1 448.

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . . .

calculate the amount of discount on early payment of debts, calculate its effect on VAT, and will you be able to record it? calculate the amount of allowance for credit losses and how to record it in the books? record the entries involving credit losses (Bad debts) written off? show how debtors are disclosed in the statement of financial position? prepare a debtors control account?




Learning outcome
Students should be able to know and understand the importance of inventory and how entries related to inventory is recorded in the books of an entity.

Key concepts 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Introduction The importance of correct inventory valuation Valuation of inventory at historical cost Methods of estimating the value of inventory Consistency in the application of procedures Disclosure of inventory in the financial statements Revision exercises and solutions 11.7.1 Revision exercise 1 11.7.2 Revision exercise 2 11.7.3 Revision exercise 3 11.7.4 Revision exercise 4 Self-assessment


220 221 221 223 225 225 225 226 226 226 228 228 229

. . . . .

Valuation of inventory Historical cost Consistency Gross profit percentage Disclosure in the financial statements



11.1 Introduction
Inventory is one of the more important assets for many entities. Inventory can be classified as all or any one of the following: goods which are kept to be sold in the normal course of business (merchandise) goods which are in the process of being manufactured for sale goods which are used during the manufacture of inventory for sale (eg manufacturing material) . goods which are consumed in the normal business activities (eg stationery)
. . .

It is important to keep strict control over inventory and this is often done by means of an inventory count, which usually takes place at the end of the financial year. Even if an inventory count occurs on a continuous basis throughout the year it is still customary to count the inventory annually. If you have forgotten what the difference is between a perpetual and a periodic inventory system, refer to study unit 8, section 8.4. Study paragraphs 11.1 and 11.2 of the prescribed book.

11.2 The importance of correct inventory valuation

It is very important that inventory is valued correctly. A mistake in the inventory figure will affect the calculation of cost of sales, the gross profit and subsequently profit in the statement of comprehensive income. On the statement of financial position the total of the current assets as well as the equity will be incorrect. This mistake will also affect the figures for the following year, because the closing inventory for one year is the opening inventory for the next year. Study paragraph 11.5 of the prescribed book. The following exercise illustrates what can happen when incorrect figures are used.

Exer ci se

The following information pertaining to three financial years ended 31 December was obtained from the records of Woud Traders: From the statement of financial position: 20.2 Total equity Capital R 332 230 20.1 R 224 230 20.0 R 120 000



From the statement of comprehensive income: 20.2 R Revenue Cost of sales Opening inventory Purchases Closing inventory Gross profit Distribution, administrative and other expenses Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) Merchandise amounting to R4 104, received on 31 December 20.1, is included in inventory but the invoice was only received and recorded in the purchases journal on 10 January 20.2. (b) An invoice for merchandise with a cost price of R1 740 and a selling price of R2 106, dispatched Free On Board on 31 December 20.1, was completed and recorded in the sales journal on 3 January 20.2. These goods were included in the inventory at 31 December 20.1. (c) The business uses the periodic inventory system. Required: Prepare the adjusted statement of comprehensive income and calculate the equity of the owner that must be shown in the statement of financial position for 20.1 and 20.2. Calculations must be clearly shown. 420 000 (252 000) 151 824 256 176 408 000 (156 000) 168 000 (60 000) 108 000 108 000 20.1 R 396 000 (237 770) 144 000 245 594 389 594 (151 824) 158 230 (54 000) 104 230 104 230

Solution Exercise


Calculation of correct amounts: (a) Inventory 31/12/20.1 Less: Merchandise already dispatched Correct inventory 31/12/20.1 Purchases for 20.1 Add: Correction of goods already received Correct amount of purchases for 20.1 Purchases for 20.2 Less: Correction of goods already received Sales for 20.1 Add: Selling price of goods dispatched Correct amount of sales for 20.1 R 151 824 1 740 150 084 245 594 4 104 249 698 256 176 4 104 252 072 396 000 2 106 398 106







Sales for 20.2 Less: Selling price of goods dispatched Correct amount of sales for 20.2

R 420 000 2 106 417 894

ADJUSTED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 20.2 R Revenue Cost of sales Opening inventory Purchases Closing inventory Gross profit Distribution, administrative and other expenses Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year ADJUSTED EQUITY OF THE OWNER R Equity (capital) 20.1 (given) Less: Incorrect profit given for 20.1 Equity 20.0 Add: Revised profit for 20.1 Equity 20.1 Add: Revised profit for 20.2 Equity 20.2 224 230 104 230 120 000 100 492 220 492 111 738 332 230 417 (246 150 252 894 156) 084 072 20.1 R 398 (243 144 249 106 614) 000 698

402 156 (156 000) 171 738 (60 000) 111 738 111 738

393 698 (150 084) 154 492 (54 000) 100 492 100 492

11.3 Valuation of inventory at historical cost

Study paragraph 11.3 of the prescribed book. In this course inventory is valued at historical cost. Inventory can also be measured according to other methods, for example first-in-first-out method and weighted average method. It is not necessary for you to know how these methods are applied. When determining the historical cost of inventory, more costs are involved than simply the cost of purchasing the goods that are to be sold. Other costs that must be included are:
. . . .

costs of transporting the goods from the point of purchase to the premises of the business import duty if goods are purchased from outside South Africa railage on goods purchased or carriage inwards insurance on goods purchased

The above-mentioned costs form part of the cost price of inventory and will be used in determining the gross profit of an entity. There are disadvantages to using historical cost as a basis for valuation. For instance, if the



value of the inventory falls below historical cost then the value stated is not realistic. Inventory must then be valued at net realisable value (NRV) as an alternative to historical cost. Net realisable value is the price at which inventory can be sold. If it is necessary to incur any costs to sell the products at the realisable value, these costs must be deducted from the selling price to determine the net realisable value.

11.4 Methods of estimating the value of inventory

Study paragraph 11.6 and 11.7 of the prescribed book. There is more than one method of estimating inventory. The only method that we will be discussing is the gross profit method. It is sometimes necessary to use this method, for example, if inventory has been damaged or destroyed. Gross profit is the difference between sales and cost of sales. If the amount of sales and the cost of sales are known, then

Sales 7 Cost of sales = Gross profit _____________________________________________________________________ R300 000 7 R200 000 = R100 000

If only the cost of sales and gross profit are known, then

Cost of sales + Gross profit = Sales _____________________________________________________________________ R200 000 + R100 000 = R300 000

The actual gross profit is sometimes given as a percentage of either the cost of sales or sales. If the gross profit is expressed as a percentage of the cost of sales, then we use the following formula:

Gross profit 6 100 = Gross profit percentage on cost of sales 1 Cost of sales

If the gross profit is expressed as a percentage of sales then the following formula is used:

Gross profit 6 100 = Gross profit percentage on sales 1 Sales



Applying the above figures to these formula, we get the following gross profit percentages:

Gross profit 6 100 = 1 Cost of sales Gross profit Sales 6 100 1 =

R100 000 R200 000

100 1

= 50%

R100 000 R300 000

100 1

= 33

1 3

11.5 Consistency in the application of procedures

It is very important that any valuation of inventory should be applied consistently throughout the year. Any change in the basis of inventory valuation from one year to the next or during the same year has to be disclosed. Disclosure takes place by means of a note to the financial statements, explaining the nature and effect of the change.

11.6 Disclosure of inventory in the financial statements

Inventory is a current asset. In this course inventory consists mainly of finished products. In addition, there may be other inventory items such as packaging material, stationery and cleaning materials. All the different inventories are subclassified under inventories in the statement of financial position. The accounting policy applied for the valuation of inventory must be disclosed in a note to the statement of financial position.

Presentation on the statement of financial position: Current assets Inventories R(60 000 + 6 000) R 66 000

(For a more detailed exposition refer to paragraph 10.6.) The cost of merchandise is part of the cost of sales, that is, it is used in calculating the gross profit. Stationery is used in the sales function and any expenses for stationery used are written off under selling, administrative and general expenses in the statement of comprehensive income when calculating profit. Study paragraph 11.4 of the prescribed book.



11.7 Revision exercises and solutions

11.7.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) Which combination of the following statements is correct? (a) Office furniture bought by Furnishop Traders for the new secretary is classified under property, plant and equipment in the statement of financial position. (b) The cost of stationery used is included in the calculation of gross profit. (c) When using the periodic inventory system the cost of sales is calculated after a physical inventory count has been done. (d) Closing inventory includes all goods on the premises. This includes goods that have already been paid for by a purchaser. 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (c) (d) (b) (c) (c) (d)

(2) What is the difference between cost of goods purchased and cost of sales?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) Option 3, (a) and (c) is correct.

. Statement (a) The goods were not bought for resale. . Statement (b) Stationery has nothing to do with the cost of purchasing goods for resale. Stationery used is a selling expense shown under distribution, administrative and other expenses in the statement of comprehensive income. . Statement (c) When the periodic inventory system is used the only way of knowing how much inventory is on hand is to do an inventory count. . Statement (d) If the ownership of goods has passed to the purchaser, that is the purchaser has paid or undertaken to pay for the goods, then these goods are not included in the closing inventory figure.

(2) Cost of goods purchased does not include opening and closing inventory, whereas cost of sales does.

11.7.2 Revision exercise 2

The following information relates to Bombay Traders: R Balances at 28 February 20.4: Inventory: Trading 28 February 20.3 Purchases Purchases returns Import duty Sales Sales returns Carriage on sales Packaging material used 20 106 6 10 175 5 4 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 800 200



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inventory: Trading 28 February 20.4 Inventory: Packaging material 28 February 20.4 25 000 600

Which of the following represents the correct amount of cost of goods purchased and cost of sales respectively? Cost of goods purchased 1. 2. 3. 4. R116 R110 R116 R110 000 000 000 000 Cost of sales R111 R110 R110 R105 000 400 400 000

Solution: Revision exercise 2

Option 4 is correct. Cost of goods purchased, R110 000; cost of sales, R105 000. Calculation: R Purchases Purchases returns Import duty Cost of goods purchased 106 (6 100 10 110 000 000) 000 000 000

R Cost of sales: Sales Sales returns Revenue Cost of sales Opening inventory 28 Feb. 20.3 Purchases Closing inventory 28 Feb. 20.4 Gross profit 175 (5 170 (105 20 110 130 (25 000 000) 000 000) 000 000 000 000)

65 000

. Closing inventory is only goods for sale (merchandise) and does not include packaging material. Packaging material is a consumable inventory. Packaging material used is an expense and packaging material on hand is shown under inventory as a current asset in the statement of financial position. . Revenue is equal to gross sales minus sales returns. All other expenses related to sales are deducted from gross profit.



11.7.3 Revision exercise 3

From the following information, calculate the gross profit percentage on cost of sales and sales. 20.3 R 600 000 (402 000) 198 000 20.2 R 375 000 (255 000) 120 000 20.1 R 300 000 (210 000) 90 000

Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit

Solution: Revision exercise 3

20.3 20.2 Gross profit 100 R198 000 100 R120 000 100 R402 000 6 1 R255 000 6 1 Cost of sales 6 1 = 49,3%
Gross profit 100 Sales 6 1 R198 000 R600 000

20.1 R90 000 100 R210 000 6 1 = 42,9%

R90 000 R300 000

= 47,1%
R120 000 R375 000

6100 1

6100 1

6100 1

= 33%

= 32%

= 30%

11.7.4 Revision exercise 4

The following is an extract from the statement of comprehensive income of M Dry, a general dealer, for the year ended 30 June 20.6:

STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.6 (extract) Revenue Cost of sales Inventory 1/7/20.5 Purchases Inventory 30/6/20.6 Gross profit ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) On 30 June 20.7 a fire occurred in the warehouse before the annual inventory count could be completed, and an estimated 25% of the total inventory was destroyed. M Dry informs you that the same mark-up was applied in the last financial year as was used in 20.5/6. (b) Purchases and sales for the 20.6/7 financial year amounted to R96 000 and R120 000 respectively. Required: (1) Prepare the section of the statement of comprehensive income reflecting the estimated gross profit for the year ended 30 June 20.7. (2) Calculate the value of the inventory destroyed by the fire. R 114 000 (76 000) 30 000 90 000 120 000 (44 000) 38 000



Solution: Revision exercise 4 M DRY

(1) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.7 (estimated) Revenue Cost of sales Inventory 30 June 20.6 Purchases Inventory 30 June 20.7 Gross profit R 120 000 (80 000) 44 000 96 000 140 000 (60 000) 40 000

. Calculation of the gross profit percentage on sales 20.5/6: R38 000 100 = 114 000 6 1 = 33 1 3 % To calculate the cost of sales: Gross profit percentage on sales = Gross profit
Gross profit Sales

100 1

= Sales 6 gross profit percentage = R120 000 6 = R40 000 331/3 100

Therefore: Cost of sales

= Sales 7 Gross profit = R120 000 7 R40 000 = R80 000

Closing inventory for 20.6 is the opening inventory of 20.7. Calculation of closing inventory can also be done as follows: Closing inventory = Opening inventory + Purchases 7 Cost of sales = R44 000 + R96 000 7 R80 000 = R60 000

(2) VALUE OF INVENTORY DESTROYED: R60 000 6 25% SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you
. . .

= R15 000

explain why it is important to value and record inventory accurately? explain why an inventory valuation method has to be applied consistently and accurately? discuss what inventory consists of and how inventory is presented in the statement of financial position?




Property, plant and equipment
Learning outcome
Students should be able to record transactions related to property, plant and equipment.

Key concepts 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 Introduction Determination of the cost price of property, plant and equipment Safeguarding and control of property, plant and equipment Recording the purchase of property, plant and equipment The concept of depreciation Recording depreciation Methods of calculating depreciation Acquisition of property, plant and equipment during the financial year 231 231 232 232 232 233 233 233 243 243 250 250 252 254 257 258

12.9 Disposal of property, plant and equipment 12.10 Revision exercises and solutions 12.10.1 Revision exercise 1 12.10.2 Revision exercise 2 12.10.3 Revision exercise 3 12.10.4 Revision exercise 4 Self-assessment



. .

Historical cost price Tangible non-current assets . . . . land and buildings machinery vehicles furniture and equipment

Depreciation Accumulated depreciation . Sale (alienation) of property, plant and equipment . Disposal of property, plant and equipment
. .

12.1 Introduction
For an item to be classified as an asset, it is not necessary for the entity to be the legal owner of the item. Assets obtained on credit and lease agreements can be treated as assets by the entity provided the corresponding liability is recorded. For accounting purposes the economic reality and not the legal ownership of the item must be taken into account when determining whether an item can be classified as an asset, in other words substance over form. Refer to paragraph .35 of the Framework. Non-current assets are, as you already know, acquired with the intention of carrying out, supporting or facilitating operations. Non-current assets have an operating lifespan of more than one year and can be used over and over again. They are used but not consumed (ie noncurrent assets are not used up in the short term). Non-current assets may be tangible, intangible or financial assets. Tangible non-current assets are assets such as buildings, machinery, vehicles and furniture. They are assets which you can see and touch. They are shown in the statement of financial position under the heading ``Property, plant and equipment''. Because property, plant and equipment become obsolete after several years, they must be written off over their expected economic life. This is usually done by means of a provision referred to as depreciation. The annual amount written off is treated as an expense in the profit and loss account. This is to give effect to the matching principle explained earlier in this study guide. When an asset can no longer operate economically, it is replaced. The proceeds on the realisation (sale) of the asset are normally used to partly finance the new asset. All the aspects in the accounting system relating to the above will be explained further on in this study unit. Study paragraphs 12.1 to 12.3 of the prescribed book.



12.2 Determination of the cost price of property, plant and equipment

The cost price of property, plant and equipment consists of: the purchase price, including all expenses incurred in getting the asset to the premises all the installation costs including, for example, the wages of the business's own technical personnel . any other expenses incurred in getting the asset operational
. .

The cost price will remain constant throughout the life of the asset and is referred to as the historical cost price. Financing costs on loans raised to acquire the asset are not included in the cost price of the asset. The same applies to maintenance costs. Study paragraph 12.4 of the prescribed book.

12.3 Safeguarding and control of property, plant and equipment

An assets register is used in which the following important information regarding the asset is recorded:
. . . . . . . .

location serial number cost price date of acquisition expected lifespan carrying amount current year's depreciation accumulated depreciation Study paragraph 12.10 of the prescribed book.

12.4 Recording the purchase of property, plant and equipment

The purchase of property, plant and equipment is recorded in the applicable asset accounts. For example, machinery is recorded in the machinery (at cost) account and vehicles in the vehicles (at cost) account. Since the asset accounts in question do not contain any details, it is necessary to keep the assets register (see paragraph 12.3 and example 12.12 in the prescribed book) up to date. The totals of the cost prices in the assets register with regard to a specific asset account must be equal to the balance of that asset account in the general ledger. At the end of each period the asset account is balanced and reconciled with the amount in the assets register. Study paragraphs 12.5 and 12.6 of the prescribed book.



12.5 The concept of depreciation

Assets are acquired to generate income. Because income is generated, the cost of owning the asset can be written off (matched) against income earned over the useful life of the asset. (Refer to paragraph 2.5.4 of the prescribed book on the matching principle.) Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. Once the depreciable amount has been established the method of allocating the depreciable amount must be decided on (refer to paragraph 12.7 on the methods of calculating depreciation). The method decided on for allocating depreciation must represent a fair allocation of the cost of owning the asset each year. Study paragraphs 12.7.1 12.7.3 of the prescribed book.

12.6 Recording depreciation

During the expected useful life of an asset, a reasonable amount must be written off from the cost price of the asset in each financial period and debited to a depreciation account. Under the double-entry system, another account has to be credited with the same amount. In practice it is not the asset account but a contra asset account, the accumulated depreciation account, which is credited with the annual depreciation. The difference between the debit balance on the asset account and the credit balance on the accumulated depreciation account is known as the net carrying amount of the asset. Study paragraph 12.7.4 of the prescribed book.

12.7 Methods of calculating depreciation

There are various methods of determining the amount of annual depreciation to be written off. We will discuss only the straight line method, the diminishing balance method and the production unit method. Study paragraph 12.7.5 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 12.1
Suppose Bilgredon bought a machine on 1 June 20.0 for R500 000 with a discount of R60 000, transport costs of R15 000 and installation costs of R5 000. The depreciable cost price of the machine is R(500 000760 000+15 000+ 5 000) = R460 000. The estimated lifespan is 5 years. (Bilgredon's financial year ends on 31 May.) We now examine the three methods of using this information. Required: Use the given information and prepare (1) depreciation schedules,



(2) (3)

general journal entries, and ledger accounts to record the depreciation according to (a) the straight line method, (b) the diminishing balance method, and (c) the production unit method (using the given additional information).

Solution Exercise


(a) Straight line method

The cost price is written of over the expected useful life (in years) of the asset. (a) (1) ASSET AND DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE: STRAIGHT LINE METHOD Calculation of depreciation
Cost price Lifespan in years


Cost price (a)

Annual Accumulated depreciation depreciation (b)

Carrying amount (a) (b)

or 20%6cost price May 31 20.1 (End of financial year 1) 20.2 (End of financial year 2) 20.3 (End of financial year 3) 20.4 (End of financial year 4) 20.5 (End of financial year 5) R 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000
460 000 5 460 000 5 460 000 5 460 000 5 460 000 5

R 92 000 92 000 92 000 92 000 92 000 R460 000

R 92 000 184 000 276 000 368 000 460 000

R 368 000 276 000 184 000 92 000 NIL

Total depreciation

This method is also known as the fixed installment method. (a) (2) JOURNAL ENTRIES FOR THE FIVE YEARS GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 May 31 R 92 000 R 92 000

Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation on the straight line method (year 1) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry

92 000 92 000

The journal entries for the years 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, and 20.5 would be the same as above.



(a) (3) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 1 Dr 20.1 May 31 Balance Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 Accumulated depreciation: machinery c/d R 92 000 20.1 May 31 20.1 June 1 20.2 May 31 Balance c/d 184 000 184 000 20.2 June 1 20.3 May 31 Balance c/d 276 000 276 000 20.3 June 1 20.4 May 31 Balance c/d 368 000 368 000 20.4 June 1 20.5 May 31 Balance c/d 460 000 460 000 20.5 June 1 Dr 20.1 May 31 Accumulated depreciation Depreciation: machinery R 92 000 20.1 May 31 Profit or loss Balance b/d 20.5 May 31 Balance Depreciation 20.5 b/d 20.4 May 31 Balance Depreciation 20.4 b/d 20.3 May 31 Balance Depreciation 20.3 b/d 20.2 May 31 Depreciation 20.1 Balance Depreciation 20.2 b/d Cr R 92 000 92 000 92 000 184 000 184 000 92 000 276 000 276 000 92 000 368 000 368 000 92 000 460 000 460 000 Cr R 92 000 Cr

The entries would be the same as the above for the years 20.2, 20.3, 20.4 and 20.5.

Dr 20.1 May 31 Depreciation: machinery

Profit or loss (extract) R 92 000


The entries would be the same as the above for the years 20.2, 20.3, 20.4 and 20.5.



. The depreciable amount is the cost of the asset less its residual value. The residual value is the expected value (eg scrap value, trade-in value) of the asset at the end of its useful life. In this example there was no residual value given.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MAY (extract) Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 20.5 R NIL 20.4 R 92 000 20.3 R 184 000 20.2 R 276 000 20.1 R 368 000

. Only the carrying amount is shown on the face of the statement of financial position. . A detailed reconciliation of movements in the carrying amount from the beginning to the end of the financial period is shown in a note.

The following is an example of the note for the year ended 31 May 20.2:

NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 20.2 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions Disposals Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Machinery R 368 000 460 000 (92 000) () (92 000) 276 000 460 000 (184 000) Total R 368 000 460 000 (92 000) () (92 000) 276 000 460 000 (184 000)

. Additions and disposals are shown in the exercise for illustrative purposes only. They need not be shown unless there were additions or disposals during the applicable financial period.



(b) Diminishing balance method

In this case a fixed percentage of the carrying amount is written off annually. Assume that a percentage of 20% is given. (b) (1) ASSET AND DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE: DIMINISHING BALANCE METHOD Date Cost price (a) Calculation of Annual Accumulated depreciation depreciation depreciation
20 100

Carrying amount (a) (b)

x carrying amount


May 31 20.1 (End of financial year 1) 20.2 (End of financial year 2) 20.3 (End of financial year 3) 20.4 (End of financial year 4) 20.5 (End of financial year 5)

R 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000
20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100

R 92 000 165 600 224 480 271 584 309 267

R 368 000 294 400 235 520 188 416 150 733

x 4601000 x 3681000 x 2941400 x 2351520 x 1881416

92 000 73 600 58 880 47 104 37 683 R309 267

Total depreciation

The carrying amount at the end of the fifth year (R150 733) is deemed to be the disposal (scrap) value of the asset. According to this method the carrying amount will, mathematically, never become nil. This method does not use the depreciable amount (cost less residual value) as the basis for calculation, but is based on the cost price less accumulated depreciation, or the carrying amount.



(b) (2) JOURNAL ENTRIES FOR THE FIVE YEARS GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 May 31 Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation at 20% pa on the diminishing balance method (year 1) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry 20.2 May 31 Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation at 20% pa on the diminishing balance method (year 2) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry 20.3 May 31 Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation at 20% pa on the diminishing balance method (year 3) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry 20.4 May 31 Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation at 20% pa on the diminishing balance method (year 4) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry 20.5 May 31 Depreciation: machinery Accumulated depreciation: machinery Provision for depreciation at 20% pa on the diminishing balance method (year 5) Profit or loss Depreciation: machinery Closing entry 37 683 37 683 47 104 47 104 58 880 58 880 73 600 73 600 R 92 000 R 92 000

92 000

92 000

73 600 73 600

58 880

58 880

47 104

47 104

37 683

37 683



(b) (3) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 1 Dr 20.1 May 31 Balance 20.2 May 31 Balance Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 Accumulated depreciation: machinery c/d c/d R 92 000 165 600 20.1 May 31 20.1 Jun 1 20.2 May 31 20.2 Jun 1 20.3 May 31 20.3 Jun 1 20.4 May 31 20.4 Jun 1 20.5 May 31 20.5 Jun 1 Dr 20.1 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.2 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.3 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.4 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.5 May 31 Accumulated depreciation Depreciation: machinery R 92 000 20.2 May 31 73 600 20.3 May 31 58 880 20.4 May 31 47 104 20.5 May 31 37 683 20.1 May 31 R Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss 92 000 Depreciation 20.1 Balance Depreciation 20.2 b/d Cr R 92 000 92 000 73 600 165 600 Balance Depreciation 20.3 b/d 165 600 58 880 224 480 Balance Depreciation 20.4 b/d 224 480 47 104 271 584 Balance Depreciation 20.5 b/d 271 584 37 683 309 267 Balance b/d 309 267 Cr Cr

165 600 20.3 May 31 Balance c/d 224 480

224 480 20.4 May 31 Balance c/d 271 584

271 584 20.5 May 31 Balance c/d 309 267

309 267

73 600

58 880

47 104

37 683



Dr 20.1 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.2 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.3 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.4 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.5 May 31 Depreciation: machinery

Profit or loss (extract) R 92 000


73 600

58 880

47 104

37 683

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MAY (extract) Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 20.5 R 150 733 20.4 R 188 416 20.3 R 235 520 20.2 R 294 400 20.1 R 368 000

NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 20.2 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Machinery R 368 000 460 000 (92 000) (73 600) 294 400 460 000 (165 600) Total R 368 000 460 000 (92 000) (73 600) 294 400 460 000 (165 600)

(c) Production unit method

In this case the units produced by the machine are written off annually as a percentage of the units the machine is expected to produce over its total life span. Production for year 1 = 500 units, year 2 = 550 units, year 3 = 300 units, year 4 = 200 units and year 5 = 450 units. The total number of units expected to be produced by the machine = 2 000 units.



(c) (1) ASSET AND DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE: PRODUCTION VOLUME METHOD Date May 31 20.1 (End of financial year 1) 20.2 (End of financial year 2) 20.3 (End of financial year 3) 20.4 (End of financial year 4) 20.5 (End of financial year 5) Cost price (a) R 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000 460 000 Calculation of Anual Accumulated depreciation* depreciation depreciation (b)
500 2 000 6 460 000 550 2 000 6 460 000 300 2 000 6 460 000 200 2 000 6 460 000 450 2 000 6 460 000

Carrying amount (a) 7 (b) R 345 000 218 500 149 500 103 500 NIL

R 115 000 126 500 69 000 46 000 103 500 R460 000

R 115 000 241 500 310 500 356 500 460 000

Total depreciation * Formula for calculating depreciation = Units produced during the year expected number of units to be produced over life span x Cost price

(c) (2) THE JOURNAL ENTRIES ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE IN (b) (2). (c) (3) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 1 Dr 20.1 May 31 Balance 20.2 May 31 Balance Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 Accumulated depreciation: machinery c/d c/d R 115 000 241 500 20.1 May 31 20.1 Jun 1 20.2 May 31 20.2 Jun 1 20.3 May 31 20.3 Jun 1 20.4 May 31 Depreciation 20.1 Balance Depreciation 20.2 b/d Cr R 115 000 115 000 126 500 241 500 Balance Depreciation 20.3 b/d 241 500 69 000 310 500 Balance Depreciation 20.4 b/d 310 500 46 000 356 500 Cr

241 500 20.3 May 31 Balance c/d 310 500

310 500 20.4 May 31 Balance c/d 356 500

356 500



Dr 20.5 May 31 Balance

Accumulated depreciation: machinery (continued) c/d R 460 000 20.4 Jun 1 20.5 May 31 20.5 Jun 1 Balance Depreciation 20.5 b/d

Cr R 356 500 103 500 460 000

460 000 Balance b/d

460 000 Cr R

Dr 20.1 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.2 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.3 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.4 May 31 Accumulated depreciation 20.5 May 31 Accumulated depreciation Dr 20.1 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.2 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.3 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.4 May 31 Depreciation: machinery 20.5 May 31 Depreciation: machinery

Depreciation: machinery R 115 000 20.2 May 31 126 500 20.3 May 31 69 000 20.4 May 31 46 000 20.5 May 31 103 500 Profit or loss (extract) R 115 000 20.1 May 31 Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss

115 000

126 500

69 000

46 000

103 500 Cr

126 500

69 000

46 000

103 500

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 MAY (extract) Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 20.5 R NIL 20.4 R 103 500 20.3 R 149 500 20.2 R 218 500 20.1 R 345 000



NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 20.2 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Machinery R 345 000 460 000 (115 000) (126 500) 218 500 460 000 (241 500) Total R 345 000 460 000 (115 000) (126 500) 218 500 460 000 (241 500)

Study paragraphs 12.7.4 12.7.6 and 12.9 of the prescribed book.

12.8 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment during the financial year
Suppose a machine is purchased six months before the end of the year. The provision for depreciation for the first year must be determined for the portion of the year, which in this case 6 or 50% of the year. is 12 If the cost price of the machine is R460 000 and the depreciation rate is 20% per year, the depreciation to be provided for the first year will be:
20 6 R460 000 6 100 6 12

= R46 000. Study paragraphs 12.7.7 12.7.8 of the prescribed book.

12.9 Disposal of property, plant and equipment

Study paragraph 12.8 of the prescribed book. When an asset is no longer useful to an entity, and is disposed of, it must be removed from the books and the assets register. There are different ways to dispose of an asset:
. . .

scrapping the asset selling it outright trading it in as partial payment on the purchase of a new asset



If the asset is traded-in for another asset, or sold, the profit or loss made on the disposal of the asset must be treated as income or expenditure in the statement of comprehensive income for the current financial period.

Exer ci se 12.2
Scrapping an asset that has been written off entirely. (This means there are no proceeds.) Suppose that Bilgredon used the straight-line method of depreciation and decided to scrap the machine at the end of its useful life. Required: Show the journal entry and ledger accounts to record the transaction.

Solution Exercise


GENERAL JOURNAL 20.5 May 31 Accumulated depreciation: machinery Machinery (at cost) Scrapped machine written off R 460 000 R 460 000

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 1 Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 20.5 May 31 R Accumulated depreciation 460 000 Cr R 92 000 92 000 92 000 92 000 92 000 460 000 Cr


Accumulated depreciation: machinery R 460 000 20.1 May 31 20.2 May 31 20.3 May 31 20.4 May 31 20.5 May 31 460 000 Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation

20.5 May 31 Machinery (at cost)



Exer ci se 12.3
Scrapping an asset (at the end of the financial year) which has not been written off (depreciated) entirely. Suppose that Bilgredon bought a machine costing R460 000 on 30 November 20.0. They decided to scrap the machine at the year ended 31 May 20.5 when the accumulated depreciation amounted to R402 500. (Note that in this exercise the purchase date has changed and the production volume method of depreciation is used.) Required: (a) (b) Show the journal entries and ledger accounts to record the transactions. Show the note regarding property, plant and equipment.

Solution Exercise


(a) GENERAL JOURNAL 20.5 May 31 *Realisation of machinery Machinery (at cost) Transfer machinery at cost to realisation account Accumulated depreciation: machinery Realisation of machinery Transfer depreciation to realisation account Loss on disposal of machinery Realisation of machinery Loss on scrapping of machine *NOTE: The account ``Realisation of machinery'' is used to capture the entries regarding the disposal of the machinery. 57 500 57 500 402 500 402 500 R 460 000 R 460 000

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Nov 30 Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery R 460 000 Cr



Dr 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery

Accumulated depreciation: machinery R 402 500 20.2 May 31 20.3 May 31 20.4 May 31 20.5 May 31 402 500 20.1 May 31 R Depreciation (part of year) Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation


57 500 126 500 69 000 46 000 103 500 402 500 Cr R

Dr 20.5 May 31 Machinery at cost

Realisation of machinery R 460 000 20.5 May 31 Accumulated depreciation Loss on disposal of machinery

402 500 57 500 460 000 Cr

460 000 Dr 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery Loss on disposal of machinery R 57 500

(b) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 20.5 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation* Depreciation Disposals Cost Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation * R57 500 + R126 500 + R69 000 + R46 000 Machinery R 161 000 460 000 (299 000) (103 500) (57 500) (460 000) 402 500 Total R 161 000 460 000 (299 000) (103 500) (57 500) (460 000) 402 500



Study paragraph 12.11 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 12.4
Suppose that Bilgredon had sold the machine in exercise 12.3 for R60 000 cash instead of scrapping it. Required: Prepare the journal entries and ledger accounts to record this transaction.

Solution Exercise


GENERAL JOURNAL 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery Machinery (at cost) Transfer machine at cost to realisation account Accumulated depreciation: machinery Realisation of machinery Transfer depreciation to realisation account Bank* Realisation of machinery Cash received for machinery Realisation of machinery Profit on sale of machinery Sold machinery at a profit *This entry will normally be recorded in the cash receipts journal. R 460 000 R 460 000

402 500

402 500

60 000

60 000

2 500 2 500

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.0 Nov 30 Bank Machinery (at cost) R 460 000 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery R 460 000 Cr



Dr 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery

Accumulated depreciation: machinery R 402 500 20.1 May 31 20.2 May 31 20.3 May 31 20.4 May 31 20.5 May 31 Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation

Cr R 57 500 126 500 69 000 46 000 103 500 402 500 Cr R

402 500 Dr 20.5 May 31 Machinery at cost Profit on sale of machinery Realisation of machinery R 460 000 2 500 462 500 Dr Profit on sale of machinery 20.5 May 31 20.5 May 31 Accumulated depreciation Bank

402 500 60 000 462 500 Cr R

Realisation of machinery

2 500 Cr

Dr 20.5 May 31 Realisation of machinery R


60 000

Pro rata depreciation:

When an asset is sold before the end of its expected life span and during the financial year, the pro rata depreciation for the period from the beginning of the financial year up to the date of sale must be taken into account as part of the accumulated depreciation. For example, if you sell an asset on 30 September and the financial year end is 31 December, the asset has been in use for 9 months or 3 4 of the year. If the percentage for a full year is 20%, the pro rata
9 depreciation in this case would be 12 6 20% for the last year.

The following six (6) steps should be followed when dealing with the disposal of an asset: 1. Record the depreciation of the current period up until the date of disposal (general journal): Debit: Credit: Depreciation Accumulated depreciation

Now calculate the total accumulated depreciation of the disposed asset.



2. Transfer the total accumulated depreciation of the disposed asset to the realisation account (general journal): Debit: Credit: Accumulated depreciation Realisation account

3. Transfer the cost price of the disposed asset to the realisation account (general journal): Debit: Credit: Realisation account The particular asset account (Vehicles, Equipment, etc.)

4. Record the amount earned on the realisation (note that the realisation account is credited in all three cases): 4.1 Sold for cash (CRJ): Debit: Credit: Debit: Credit: Debit: Credit: Bank Realisation account Debtor (and Debtors control account) Realisation account The asset account (as part of the cost price of the new asset) Realisation account

4.2 Sold on credit (general journal):

4.3 Asset traded in (general journal):

5. Determine the profit or loss on the disposed asset: 5.1 If the total of the debit side of the realisation account is bigger than that of the credit side, the asset was disposed of at a loss. 5.2 If the total of the credit side of the realisation account is bigger than that of the debit side, the asset was disposed of at a profit. 6. Transfer the profit or loss to the profit or loss account on disposal of that type of asset (general journal): 6.1 Profit: Debit: Credit: 6.2 Loss: Debit: Credit: Loss on disposal of ... account Realisation account Realisation account Profit on disposal of ... account

GOLDEN RULE Profits and losses on disposal of assets must be disclosed separately in the statement of comprehensive income.



12.10 Revision exercises and solutions

12.10.1 Revision exercise 1
The following information relates to Bacinis: Balances as at 31 August 20.3: Plant and machinery (at cost) Accumulated depreciation: plant and machinery ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) According to the assets register, plant and machinery consist of two Zobo machines of equal value. Both the machines were purchased and installed on the same date. (b) Depreciation is written off at 20% per annum by the diminishing balance method. (c) On 31 January 20.4, management decided to increase production capacity and purchased a Jojo machine on credit from Maxi Limited for R90 000. One of the Zobo machines was traded in, reducing the amount owing to Maxi Ltd to R70 500. (d) On 1 February 20.4, installation charges on the new machine amounting to R6 000 were paid in cash. R 85 000 46 600 R

Required: (1) (2) Prepare journal entries to record the above transactions, excluding cash, for the year ended 31 August 20.4. Show the following general ledger accounts for the year ended 31 August 20.4, properly balanced: (a) Accumulated depreciation (b) Machinery realisation (3) Prepare the note regarding property, plant and equipment for the year ended 31 August 20.4

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) GENERAL JOURNAL 20.4 Jan 31 Plant and machinery (at cost) Maxi Ltd Jojo machine purchased on credit Depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation written off on machine traded in Machinery realisation Plant and machinery (at cost) Transfer cost price of machine traded in (1) R 90 000 R 90 000 1 600 1 600

42 500 42 500



Accumulated depreciation Machinery realisation Transferring depreciation of machine traded in


24 900 24 900

Maxi Ltd (2) Machinery realisation Recording trade-in value of Zobo machine Machinery realisation Profit on sale of machinery Transferring profit on machine traded in Aug 31 Depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation on plant and machinery (3)

19 500 19 500 1 900 1 900

15 040 15 040

(2) GENERAL LEDGER (a) Dr 20.4 Jan 31 Machinery realisation Accumulated depreciation R 24 900 20.3 Aug 31 20.4 Jan 31 Aug 31 Balance Depreciation Depreciation b/d Cr R 46 600 1 600 15 040 63 240 20.4 Sep 1 (b) Dr 20.4 Jan 31 Plant and machinery Profit on sale of machinery Machinery realisation R 42 500 1 900 44 400 CALCULATIONS: 1 Depreciation on machine traded in To 31 August 20.3 (R46 600 6 1 2 ) 31 August 20.3 31 January 20.4
20 5 1006 126 R(42 500 7 23 300)

20.4 Aug 31



38 340 63 240 Balance b/d

38 340

Cr R Accumulated depreciation Maxi Ltd 24 900 19 500 44 400

20.4 Jan 31

R 23 300 1 600 24 900



2 Trade-in value R90 0007R70 500 3 Depreciation on machinery still in use Zobo machine 20 R(42 500723 300)6 100 Jojo machine 20 7 R(90 000 + 6 000)6 100 6 12 3 840 11 200 15 040 19 500

NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 20.4 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions (R90 000 + R6 000) Depreciation (R1 600 + R15 040) Disposals Cost Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost (R85 000 + R96 000 R42 500) Accumulated depreciation (R46 600 + R16 640 R24 900) Machinery R 38 400 85 000 (46 600) 96 000 (16 640) (17 600) (42 500) (24 900) 100 160 138 500 (38 340) Total R 38 400 85 000 (46 600) 96 000 (16 640) (17 600) (42 500) (24 900) 100 160 138 500 (38 340)

12.10.2 Revision exercise 2

On 1 January 20.1 B Book started an entity, BB Printers, and bought a printing machine, Zebra, for R40 000 cash. On 1 October 20.2 he bought an additional printing machine, Jaguar, on credit from AB Machinery for R60 000 and paid a deposit of R10 000. The Zebra machine became obsolete and BB Printers decided to purchase a Cheetah machine from ZYP Company for R100 000. The Zebra machine was accepted as a trade-in, valued at R15 000. The Cheetah machine was installed on 1 July 20.3 and BB Printers paid R5 000 installation costs. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) Depreciation on the Zebra and Jaguar machines is provided for at 20% per annum by the straight line method. (b) The estimated life span of the Cheetah machine is 8 years and the estimated trade-in value at the end of the term is R9 000.



Required: Prepare the following ledger accounts, properly balanced and closed off, for the year ended 31 December 20.3: (1) (2) (3) (4) Machinery at cost Depreciation Accumulated depreciation Machinery realisation

Solution: Revision exercise 2

GENERAL LEDGER (1) Dr 20.3 Jan 1 Jul 1 Jul 1 20.4 Jan 1 Balance ZYP Company Bank b/d Machinery (at cost) R 100 000 100 000 5 000 205 000 Balance b/d 165 000 20.3 Jul 1 Dec 31 R Machinery realisation Balance 40 000 165 000 205 000 Cr


(2) Dr 20.3 Jul 1 Dec 31 Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation R 4 000 18 000 22 000 22 000 20.3 Dec 31 Profit or loss Cr R 22 000

(3) Dr 20.3 Jul 1 Dec 31 Machinery realisation Balance Accumulated depreciation R 20 000 21 000 41 000 20.4 Jan 1 Balance b/d 20.3 Jan 1 Jul 1 Dec 31 Balance Depreciation Depreciation b/d Cr R 19 000 4 000 18 000 41 000 21 000




(4) Dr 20.3 Jul 1 Machinery (at cost) Machinery realisation R 40 000 20.3 Jul 1 Accumulated depreciation ZYP Company Loss on disposal of machinery R 20 000 15 000 5 000 40 000 Cr

40 000 CALCULATIONS 1 Balances on 31 December 20.2: Machinery: Zebra Jaguar

R 40 000 60 000 100 000

Accumulated depreciation: Zebra: 20% 6 Jaguar: 20% 6

R40 000 6 R60 000 6

3 12

16 000 3 000 19 000

Depreciation: Zebra 1 January 20.3 1 July 20.3 20%6R40 0006

6 12

4 000 20 000 12 000

6 12

Zebra 1 January 20.1 1 July 20.3 R(16 000 + 4 000) Jaguar 31 December 20.3: 20%6R60 00061 Cheetah 31 December 20.3: R(105 000 9 000)786 6 000 18 000

12.10.3 Revision exercise 3

B Box, the owner of Box Traders, bought a new machine for R60 000 on 1 July 20.0. He decided to write off depreciation at 25% per annum, using the straight-line (fixed instalment) method. On 1 October 20.2 he purchased a second machine for R80 000 cash and decided on the same depreciation policy as before. On 30 June 20.3 the machine bought during 20.0 was sold for R18 000 cash. Required: Prepare the following ledger accounts reflecting all applicable entries, in the books of Box Traders, properly balanced/closed off at 31 March of each financial year (show all calculations):



(1) (2) (3) (4)

Machinery at cost Depreciation Accumulated depreciation Machinery realisation

Solution: Revision exercise 3

GENERAL LEDGER (1) Dr 20.0 Jul 1 20.2 Oct 1 20.3 Apr 1 Bank Bank Machinery (at cost) R 60 000 80 000 140 000 Balance b/d 140 000 20.3 Jun 30 20.4 Mar 31 140 000 20.4 Apr 1 (2) Dr 20.1 Mar 31 20.2 Mar 31 20.3 Mar 31 Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciaton Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation R (1) 11 250 20.2 Mar 31 (2) 15 000 20.3 Mar 31 (3) 25 000 20.4 Mar 31 (4) 3 750 20.1 Mar 31 R Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss Profit or loss (loss) 11 250 Cr Balance b/d 80 000 Machinery realisation Balance c/d 140 000 20.3 Mar 31 Balance c/d Cr R 140 000

60 000 80 000 140 000

15 000

25 000

Jun 30 20.4 Mar 31

23 750


20 000 23 750 23 750



(3) Dr 20.2 Mar 31 Balance Accumulated depreciation c/d R 26 250 20.1 Mar 31 20.2 Mar 31 20.2 Apr 1 20.3 Mar 31 20.3 Apr 1 Jun 30 20.4 Mar 31 Depreciation Depreciation (1) (2) Cr R 11 250 15 000 26 250 Balance Depreciation b/d (3) 26 250 25 000 51 250 Balance Depreciation Depreciation b/d (4) (5) 51 250 3 750 20 000 75 000 20.4 Apr 1 (4) Dr 20.3 Jun 30 Machinery at cost Profit on sale of machinery Machinery realisation R 60 000 3 000* 63 000 * Balancing figure CALCULATIONS Depreciation: (1) 1 July 20.0 to 31 March 20.1: R60 0006 (2) 1 April 20.1 to 31 March 20.2: R60 0006 (3) First machine 1 April 20.2 to 31 March 20.3: R60 0006
25 100 25 100

26 250 20.3 Mar 31 Balance c/d 51 250

51 250 20.3 Jun 30 20.4 Mar 31 Machinery realisation Balance

(6) c/d

45 000 30 000 75 000



30 000

Cr R Accumulated depreciation Bank 45 000 18 000 63 000

20.3 Jun 30

R 6
9 12

R 11 250 15 000

25 100

15 000
25 100

Second machine 1 October 20.2 to 31 March 20.3: R80 0006 (4) First machine (sold) 1 April 20.3 to 30 June 20.3: R60 0006
25 100

6 12

10 000

25 000 3 750 20 000 45 000

3 12

(5) Second machine (for year) 1 April 20.3 to 31 March 20.4: R80 0006 (6) Accumulated depreciation First machine R(11 250 + 15 000 + 15 000 + 3 750)

25 100



12.10.4 Revision exercise 4

The following information regarding machines X and Y relates to Jingo: Machine X Date of purchase Purchase price (cash) Installation cost Estimated useful life Scrap value 1 March 20.0 R40 000 R4 000 4 years R4 000 Machine Y 1 September 20.1 R88 000 R4 000 5 years R12 000

The entity uses the straight-line (fixed instalment) method to provide for depreciation. On 31 August 20.1 machine X was sold for R26 000 cash. Required: Prepare the following ledger accounts of Jingo for the year ended 28 February 20.2, properly balanced/closed off: (1) (2) (3) (4) Machinery at cost (machines X and Y) Machinery realisation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation

Solution: Revision exercise 4

GENERAL LEDGER (1) Dr 20.1 Mar 1 Sep 1 Balance Bank b/d Machinery (at cost) R 44 000 92 000 20.1 Aug 31 20.2 Feb 28 136 000 20.2 Mar 1 (2) Dr 20.1 Aug 31 Machinery Machinery realisation R 44 000 20.1 Aug 31 Accumulated depreciation Bank Loss on sale of machinery R 15 000 26 000 3 000 44 000 Cr Balance b/d 92 000 R Machinery realisation Balance c/d 44 000 92 000 136 000 Cr

44 000



(3) Dr 20.1 Aug 31 20.2 Feb 28 Machinery realisation Balance Accumulated depreciation R (1) c/d 15 000 8 000 23 000 20.2 Mar 1 (4) Dr 20.1 Aug 31 20.2 Feb 28 Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciation Depreciation R 5 000 20.2 Feb 28 Profit or loss Cr R 13 000 Balance b/d 20.1 Mar 1 Aug 31 20.2 Feb 28 Balance Depreciation Depreciation b/d Cr R 10 000 5 000 8 000 23 000 8 000


8 000 13 000 13 000

CALCULATIONS: Depreciation to be written off 1 Machine X

44 000 4 000 4

10 000 pa 10 000 5 000 15 000 16 000 pa 8 000

1 March 20.0 28 Feb 20.1 000 6 1 March 20.1 31 Aug 20.1 (10 1 6 12 ) 2 Machine Y
92 00012 000 5

000 6 6 12 ) 1 Sep 20.128 Feb 20.2 (16 1

SELF-ASSESSMENT Having studied this study unit, can you:

. . . . .

define a non-current asset? explain how the cost price of a non-current asset is determined? record the entries for the purchase of property, plant and equipment? record the entries for the disposal of property, plant and equipment? calculate the depreciation according to the three methods explained and record the related entries?




Other non-current assets
Learning outcome
Students should be able to record transactions related to other non-current assets such as investments.

Key concepts 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 Introduction Intangible assets Financial instruments Types of other financial assets and method of recording them 13.4.1 Cash investments 13.4.2 Investments in shares 259 260 260 260 260 260 261

. . . . . . . .

Intangible assets Amortisation Other financial assets Cash investments Loans granted Investments in shares Ordinary shares Investment income



13.1 Introduction
Non-current assets are divided into tangible assets, intangible assets and other financial assets. Tangible assets (property, plant and equipment) were discussed in study unit 12. In this study unit other non-current assets (intangible assets and other financial assets) will be discussed. Study paragraph 13.1 of the prescribed book.

13.2 Intangible assets

IAS 38 (AC 129 .2) defines intangible assets as ``... identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others or for administrative purposes, which are controlled by an entity as a result of past events, and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.'' Study paragraph 13.2 of the prescribed book.

13.3 Financial instruments

Study paragraph 13.3 of the prescribed book.

13.4 Types of other financial assets and method of recording them

When a financial asset is acquired, the relevant financial asset account is debited and the bank account credited.

13.4.1 Cash investments

Every entity tries to invest its available cash in the most profitable way, that is the entity tries to:
. .

obtain the highest yield, or earn the best return on its investment

Although cash investments may not always be the most profitable type of investment, entities often have cash temporarily available which they want to invest for a relatively short period. The cash may be required on a specific future date. These investments may be in the form of savings accounts, call deposits or fixed deposits. This kind of investment usually yields interest at a fixed rate or a rate that does not change often. Study paragraph 13.4.1 of the prescribed book.



13.4.2 Investments in shares

A popular form of investment is the purchase of shares in a company. The investment return on shares is called ``dividends''. Dividends earned on investments in shares differ from interest in that interest is usually earned at a fixed rate while dividends are received only if the company which issued the shares declares a dividend. The rate at which dividends are to be paid out is decided on annually. The accounting procedure is basically the same as for interest. As regards the extent of dividends declared, you should note that dividends are shown either as a percentage of the nominal value of the shares or as cents per share. Study paragraphs 13.4.2 and 13.5 of the prescribed book.







Learning outcome
The learner should be able to explain, valuate and record the transactions pertaining to current and non-current liabilities and to explain how they are controlled.




Study unit


14 15


265 277




Current liabilities
Learning outcome
Students should be able to know the treatment of current liabilities in the books of an entity

Key concepts 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 Introduction Trade creditors Sundry current liabilities Disclosure in the statement of financial position Creditors control account Revision exercises and solutions 14.6.1 Revision exercise 1 14.6.2 Revision exercise 2 14.6.3 Revision exercise 3 Self-assessment 266 266 266 267 268 268 273 273 273 274 276



. . . . . . . . .

Trade creditors Sundry current liabilities Value added tax payable Instalments payable on interest bearing borrowings Accrued expenses Provisions Dividends payable Profit share payable Settlement discount received

14.1 Introduction
A liability is a claim which a party other than the owner/s has on the assets of the entity. It usually originates from a transaction in the past but it can also be the result of legal action. It is expected that the payment of a liability will lead to an outflow of resources. Liabilities can be classified as current liabilities, indicating that payment will or should take place within the next period of 12 months, or non-current liabilities for which payment should take place after the next period of 12 months. The following items are usually classified as current liabilities:
. . . . . .

trade creditors accrued expenses income received in advance instalments payable on long-term borrowings value added tax payable to the SA Revenue Services bank overdraft

Study paragraphs 14.1 to 14.3 of the prescribed book.

14.2 Trade creditors

This type of creditor results from the purchase of goods and services on credit. When creditors are paid within a specific period according to an agreement, the entity may get a discount on the outstanding account. Settlement discount received is deducted in determining the cost of purchases. Suppose, for example, LM Traders purchased merchandise costing R500 on 2 January 20.1 from creditor BAD Suppliers. On 30 January 20.1, LM Traders issued a cheque for R495 in full settlement of BAD Suppliers' account. The entries would be as follows:



Dr 20.1 Jan 30 Bank Settlement discount received

Creditor: BAD Suppliers R 495 5 500 20.1 Jan 2 Purchases R

Cr 500

500 Cr R Creditor: BAD Suppliers 5

Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Purchases

Settlement discount received R 5 20.1 Jan 30

. Settlement discount received is deducted from purchases in determining the cost of purchases. . In this specific example we showed two entries on the debit side of the creditors account. The total of the two amounts is normally recorded in the creditors column of the cash payments journal. Only one posting, representing both accounts is then necessary. . Creditor BAD Suppliers will be one of many creditors. A creditors control account in the general ledger will then be in use and will represent all individual creditors appearing in the creditors ledger. A debit to a creditor's individual account will be included in the debits to the control account and vice versa. . In study unit 6 we explained the influence of Settlement discount received on VAT. In this study unit we will be ignoring VAT.

Study paragraphs 14.5 to 14.6 of the prescribed book.

14.3 Sundry current liabilities

There are several types of current liabilities. At the end of the financial year an entity must provide for accrued expenses or losses and VAT payable to the SA Revenue Service. Income received in advance is also classified as a current liability. To refresh your memory with regard to accrued expenses and income received in advance, revise study unit 7, which deals with adjustments. Study paragraph 14.8 of the prescribed book.

GOLDEN RULE That portion of a long-term loan or obligation to be repaid within the next 12 months, must be disclosed as a current liability in the statement of financial position.



14.4 Disclosure in the statement of financial position

According to generally accepted accounting practice in South Africa, the current liabilities are disclosed as follows in the statement of financial position:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT ........... ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables Other financial liabilities Current portion of long-term borrowings Current VAT payable XXX XX X XX X XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX R

Exer ci se 14.2
The following balances were taken from the post-adjustment trial balance of Picnic Traders as at 31 December 20.1: R Trade creditors Accrued interest on loan Bank overdraft VAT control Income received in advance 221 1 34 4 13 000 500 600 500 000

The layout in the statement of financial position with regard to the above will be as follows:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.1 (extract) ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(221 000 + 1 500 + 13 000) Other financial liabilities Current VAT payable Study paragraph 14.4 of the prescribed book. 274 235 34 4 600 500 600 500 R

14.5 Creditors control account

The creditors control account in the general ledger represents all the individual creditors in the creditors (subsidiary) ledger.



The creditors control account reflects a summary of the individual creditors' transactions and the balance of the creditors control account must be equal to the total of the individual creditors' account balances. Posting to the personal accounts of the creditors takes place on a daily basis. Once a month, when the totals of all the creditors control columns in all the subsidiary journals have been determined, the amounts are posted to the creditors control account. The procedure can be summarised as follows: Individual entries in the purchases journal Total of the creditors control column in the purchases journal Individual entries in the purchases returns journal Total of the creditors control column in the purchases returns journal Individual entries in the cash payments journal Total of the creditors control column in the cash payments journal Posted to Personal accounts of creditors (credit side) in the creditors ledger on the day the transaction took place Creditors control account (credit side) on the last day of the month Personal accounts of creditors (debit side) in the creditors ledger on the day the transaction took place Creditors control account (debit side) on the last day of the month Personal accounts of creditors (debit side) in the creditors ledger on the day the transaction took place Creditors control account (debit side) on the last day of the month

Posted to Posted to

Posted to Posted to

Posted to

Provision can be made in the general journal for analysis columns for the debtors and creditors control accounts. The entries made in the general journal that affect creditors must also be posted on a daily basis to the personal accounts of the creditors and the totals of the columns at the end of the month to the control accounts. At the end of the month all the accounts in the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers must be balanced and a list with all the outstanding creditors' balances compiled. The balance on the creditors control account must be equal to the total of the creditors list. If not, an error was made either when posting to an individual creditor's account in the creditors ledger or when posting the totals of the journals to the creditors control account. The accountant must then determine the reason/s for the difference/s and make the necessary corrections. The following errors will result in a difference between the balance of the creditors control account and the list of individual creditors balances in the creditors ledger:

. . . .

Error/s in posting to either the control account and/or to the creditors ledger, eg a posting to the debit side of an account instead of to the credit side, or transposition of figures (R123 instead of R231) Incorrect balancing of accounts Incorrect totalling of one or more columns in the journals Incorrect listing of a balance Omission of a posting, where an entry in a journal (or the total column) was not posted to the ledger account/s



A reconciliation of the creditors control account balance with the total of individual creditors balances is explained in the following exercise:

Exer ci se 14.3
The following information relates to Tip-Top Traders: (1) List of creditors' balances as at 30 September 20.2 as per creditors ledger: L Brand S Ismail C Roux J Zulu R 6 10 19 4 40 424 285 426 048 183

(2) Balance of the creditors control account in the general ledger as at 31 August 20.2: (3) Totals of subsidiary journals as at 30 September 20.2: Purchases journal Sales journal Purchases returns journal Sales returns journal Cash receipts journal: Bank column Sales column Debtors column Settlement discount granted column Cash payments journal: Bank column Purchases column Creditors column Settlement discount received column ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

R 47 072 R 96 138 2 6 210 98 118 5 187 87 105 4 282 195 899 403 818 000 624 806 520 000 358 838

(a) A credit note of R353 received from S Ismail in respect of goods returned was correctly entered in the purchases returns journal, but posted to the wrong side of S Ismail's account. (b) An invoice of R286 in respect of goods purchased from L Brand was erroneously omitted from the purchases journal. (c) According to the monthly statement received from J Zulu, interest of R45 has been charged on the overdue account. No entry has as yet been made. (d) According to the creditors ledger the correct balance on C Roux's account at 30 September 20.2 was R14 926. (e) Wages paid, R880, was analysed to the creditors column in the cash payments journal. No correction has as yet been made. (f) The purchases journal was overcast by R1 000. (``Overcast'' means that the total amount is more than it should be. ``Undercast'' means that the total is less than it should be.)



Required: (1) (2) (3) Prepare the creditors control account in the general ledger for September 20.2. Prepare the corrected accounts of the creditors in the creditors ledger. Prepare a list of the adjusted creditors' balances as at 30 September 20.2.

Solution Exercise


(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.2 Sep 30 Creditors control R Purchases returns PRJ 2 899 Bank CPJ 105 358 Balance c/d 35 308 20.2 Sep 1 Balance 30 Purchases R(96 282 1 000 + 286) Interest expense Wages 20.2 Oct 1 b/d PJ J J Cr R 47 072 95 568 45 880 143 565 Balance b/d 35 308

143 565

GOLDEN RULE . The creditors control account is a summary of ALL transactions related to all the individual creditor accounts in the creditors ledger.

GOLDEN RULE . What was done (Dr or Cr) to the individual creditor accounts, must be done IN TOTAL to the creditors control account. (2) CREDITORS LEDGER L Brand 20.2 Sep 30 Dr R Account rendered Purchases b/d PJ Cr R 286 Balance R 6 424 Cr 6 710 Cr

S Ismail 20.2 Sep 30 Dr R Account rendered Purchases returns (26R353) b/d J 706 Cr R Balance R 10 285 Cr 9 579 Cr



C Roux Dr 20.2 Sep 30 J Zulu Dr 20.2 Sep 30 Account rendered Interest expense b/d J R Cr R 45 Balance R 4 048 Cr 4 093 Cr R Account rendered b/d Cr R Balance R 14 926 Cr

(3) LIST OF ADJUSTED BALANCES PER CREDITORS LEDGER AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 20.2: L Brand S Ismail C Roux J Zulu R 6 710 9 579 14 926 4 093 35 308

Balance as per creditors control account.

GOLDEN RULE The total of all the balances of the individual creditor accounts in the creditors ledger, must equal the balance of the creditors control account in the general ledger.

. If information was omitted or was transferred incorrectly from the source document to the purchases journal both the creditors control account and the individual creditor's account will be affected by the mistake. . If the information was entered correctly in the journal but a posting error was made to the creditors ledger, the individual creditor's account must be corrected and the creditors list must be adjusted to correct the error. . If an adding mistake was made in one or more columns in the journals, the correction must only be made in the creditors control account. . In this exercise the mistakes or omissions on the creditors' personal accounts were corrected on their accounts and a new list (adjusted list) that equalled the balance of the creditors control account was compiled at 30 September 20.2.

Study paragraphs 14.9 to 14.11 of the prescribed book.



14.6 Revision exercises and solutions

14.6.1 Revision exercise 1
MY Company commenced trading on 1 December 20.1 and they are registered for VAT purposes. Sales in December (all on credit) amounted to R570 000 (inclusive of VAT calculated at 14%). Required: Show the related accounts and entries in the general ledger, in order to indicate the amount of VAT payable to SARS.

Solution: Revision exercise 1 MY COMPANY

GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Trading account Sales R 500 000 20.1 Dec 31 Debtors control Cr R 500 000

Dr 20.1 Dec 31 Sales and VAT

Debtors control R 570 000



VAT output 20.1 Dec 31 Debtors control

Cr R 70 000

14.6.2 Revision exercise 2

MY Company, whose financial year ends on 31 December 20.0, has a loan of R600 000 secured by a first mortgage over land and buildings redeemable in three equal annual instalments of R200 000. The first instalment is payable on 30 June 20.1. Required: Show how the amount will be reflected on the statement of financial position as at 31 December 20.0.



Solution: Revision exercise 2 MY COMPANY

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.0 (extract) ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Long-term loan secured by a first mortgage over land and buildings Current liabilities Current portion of long-term borrowings 600 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 200 000 200 000 R

We will explain more about non-current liabilities in study unit 15.

14.6.3 Revision exercise 3

The following information in respect of June 20.1 was obtained from the records of N Nelson: R 16 571

Balance of creditors control account 31 May 20.1 Totals for the month Cash payments journal: Creditors column Settlement discount received column Purchases journal Purchases returns journal General journal: Certain accounts with debit balances transferred to debtors ledger from creditors ledger List of individual creditors per creditors ledger: Credit balances Debit balances

14 1 17 3

326 673 350 750

46 16 812 110

In the process of reconciling the balances on the creditors control account with the list of individual balances per creditors ledger, the following errors were discovered: (a) An invoice for R1 787, which had been entered correctly in the purchases journal was entered against the account of Tims Ltd as R1 878. (b) Credit note No 63 for R60 was entered correctly in the purchases returns journal, but erroneously posted as a credit to the account of Ewing Ltd. (c) A cheque for R90 paid to M Sorry was entered on the debit side of S Sorry's account.



(d) The total of the list of creditors balances was overcast by R500. (e) The total of the purchases journal was undercast by R100. Required: (1) (2) Prepare the creditors control account as at 30 June 20.1, properly balanced. The first word(s) of each entry must indicate the contra ledger account. Reconcile the total of the list of creditors balances with the balance of the creditors control account as determined in (1) above.

Solution: Revision exercise 3 N NELSON

(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Jun 30 Bank CPJ Purchases returns PRJ Balance c/d Creditors control R 14 326 3 750 15 991 34 067 20.1 Jul 1 (2) RECONCILIATION Total of the list of creditors balances (credit balances less debit balances) (R16 8127 R110) Less: Tims Ltd R(1 878 1 787) Ewing Ltd R(60 6 2) Overcasting Balance of creditors control account R R 16 702 91 120 500 Balance b/d 20.1 Jun 1 Balance Purchases R(17 350+100) Debtors control b/d PJ J Cr R 16 571 17 450 46 34 067 15 991

711 15 991



SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you:
. . . . . .

explain what a trade creditor is? explain what settlement discount received is? calculate the discount involved and record the appropriate entries? explain the different types of sundry current liabilities? show how current liabilities are disclosed in the statement of financial performance? reconcile the balance of the creditors control account in the general ledger with the total of the list of individual creditors balances in the creditors ledger?




Non-current liabilities
Learning outcome
Students should be able to describe the non-current liabilities, record the necessary entries in the books and disclose it in the statement of financial position.

Key concepts 15.1 15.2 Introduction Recording of a non-current liability in the books and its disclosure in the financial statements 15.2.1 Long-term loans and mortgage bonds 15.2.2 Debentures 15.3 Revision exercises and solutions 15.3.1 Revision exercise 1 15.3.2 Revision exercise 2 Self-assessment 277 277 278 278 279 281 281 281 283

. . . . . . . .

Non-current liabilities Long term Mortgage bond Debenture Registrar of Deeds Insured by Disclosure Long-term borrowings

15.1 Introduction
A non-current liability is a liability which is payable at the end of the financial period, after a period of more than one year. The entity usually provides security for this type of loan.



Study paragraphs 15.1 and 15.2 of the prescribed book.

15.2 Recording of a non-current liability in the books and its disclosure in the financial statements
Long-term borrowings must be disclosed under non-current liabilities on the statement of financial position. In this course we will concentrate on long-term borrowings, namely long-term loans, mortgage loans and debentures.

15.2.1 Long-term loans and mortgage bonds (Long-term borrowings)

Study paragraph 15.3 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 15.1
Eco buys a property on 1 January 20.1 for R114 000 by means of a first mortgage in favour of ABC Bank. The interest rate payable is 17% per annum and payment will take place in four equal installments every fifth year. The first payment will be on 1 January 20.6. The entity's financial year end is 31 December. Required: Show the entries in the ledger accounts and the liability portion of the statement of financial position of Eco.

Solution Exercise ECO


LEDGER ACCOUNTS Dr 20.1 Jan 1 Mortgage: ABC Bank R J 114 000 Land Cr


Mortgage: ABC Bank 20.1 Jan 1 Land

Cr R 114 000



STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.1 (EXTRACT) ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Long-term loan from ABC Bank 114 000 114 000 114 000 R

. When an instalment on a loan is payable during the next financial year, the instalment must be disclosed as a current liability in the statement of financial position of the current year. . In the statement of financial position as at 31 December 20.5 the amount indicated as a long-term loan will be R85 500 and under current liabilities an amount of R28 500 will be shown as the current portion of long-term borrowings. . In the statement of comprehensive income an expense of R19 380 (17% x R114 000) in respect of interest expense will be shown annually for the first five years.

15.2.2 Debentures
Study paragraphs 15.4 and 15.5 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 15.2
A Company wishes to borrow R2 000 000 by means of debentures of R1 000 each at 15% interest. The public are invited in an advertisement to buy the debentures. The debentures will be redeemed on 31 December 20.9. Applications for 2 500 debentures are received and 2 000 debentures are allocated on 1 January 20.1. Required: Show the entries in the ledger accounts and statement of financial position of A Company



Solution Exercise A COMPANY


LEDGER ACCOUNTS Dr 20.1 Jan 1 R Applications for debentures 2 500 000 Bank 20.1 Jan 1 R Applications for debentures 500 000 Cr

Dr 20.1 Jan 1 15% Debentures Bank

Applications for debentures R 2 000 000 500 000 2 500 000 20.1 Jan 1 Bank

Cr R 2 500 000 2 500 000


15% Debentures 20.1 Jan 1 Applications for debentures R


2 000 000

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.1 (extract) ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings 2 000, 15% R1 000 debentures redeemable on 31 December 20.9 2 000 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 R

. The amount received as a result of excess applications is repaid to the unsuccessful applicants. . Debentures may also be secured by a mortgage. . The annual interest expense on the debentures will be shown in the statement of comprehensive income. . On the statement of financial position as at 31 December 20.8 the debentures will be shown as a current liability since they will be redeemed within the next 12 months.



15.3 Revision exercises and solutions

15.3.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) What criterion is used to determine whether a liability is a non-current or a current liability? (2) How do debentures differ from an ordinary long-term loan? (3) What do the words ``secured by a first bond over land and buildings'' mean?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) The criterion for determining whether an item is non-current or current is 12 months. A liability which is payable within 12 months is a current liability, and one which is payable after 12 months is a non-current liability. (2) The only difference between debentures and a long-term loan is that with debentures there are a number of creditors, whereas with a long-term loan there is usually only one creditor which is usually a financial institution. (3) ``Secured by a first bond over land and buildings'' means that the person or institution providing the loan has a first claim on the land and buildings in question. If the borrower is not able to repay the loan, the claimant can seize the land and buildings, sell them and retain as much of the amount as the mortgagor owes the claimant. The remaining portion of the amount goes to the second mortgagee, who in turn claims as much as is owed to him. Any remaining portion goes to the owner. Such a mortgage bond is registered against the property by the Registrar of Deeds. The Registrar of Deeds is a government office which controls such matters. If the borrowers were to try to sell the land and buildings, the property cannot be transferred to the buyer's name before all mortgagees had been paid the amounts owed to them.

15.3.2 Revision exercise 2

On 30 June 20.1 B Bomb Enterprises bought a stand, erf number 213, situated on the corner of Short and Long Streets in Pandorp for R100 000. B Bomb paid a deposit of R20 000 and took out a mortgage bond for the balance with Goodfin. The applicable interest rate is 17% per annum payable annually on 30 June. The loan is to be redeemed by means of annual instalments of R10 000. The first capital redemption will take place on 30 June 20.2. The financial year-end of B Bomb Enterprises is 30 September. Required: Show the following for the year ended 30 September 20.1: (1) The appropriate ledger accounts with the relevant information only (2) The relevant information in the statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 30 September 20.1 (3) The relevant items as they would appear in the statement of financial position as at 30 September 20.1



Solution: Revision exercise 2 B BOMB ENTERPRISES

(1) LEDGER ACCOUNTS Dr 20.1 Jun 30 Bank 17% Mortgage: Goodfin Land R 20 000 80 000 100 000 Cr


17% Mortgage bond: Goodfin 20.1 Jun 30 Land

Cr R 80 000


Bank 20.1 Jun 30 Land

Cr R 20 000

Dr 20.1 Sep 30 Accrued expenses

Interest expense R 3 400 20.1 Sep 30 Profit or loss

Cr R 3 400


Accrued expenses 20.1 Sep 30 Interest expense

Cr R 3 400

(2) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 20.1 (extract) R Profit from operations Finance costs: Interest expense xx xxx (x xxx) 3 400



(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 20.1 (extract) ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings 17% Long-term loan secured by a first mortgage over land. Repayable in annual instalments of R10 000. The first instalment is payable on 30 June 20.2 Current liabilities Trade and other payables Current portion of long-term borrowings 83 400 70 000 70 000 R 100 000 100 000

70 000 13 400 3 400 10 000

. On 30 September 20.1 interest had not yet been paid on the loan because it is payable annually on 30 June. The first amount of interest will therefore be paid only on 30 June 20.2. The interest is calculated as follows: For the year the amount is 17 R80 000 6 100 = R13 600 Because only three months' interest has accrued, the amount that has to be provided for is: 3 R13 600 6 12 = R3 400 . The interest is shown as an expense in the statement of comprehensive income because the loan has already been utilised for three months of the financial year, irrespective of whether the interest has been paid. . The statement of financial position has to show all the details of the loan only that part that will be outstanding for more than 12 months on 30 September 20.1 will be shown as a non-current liability. The instalment which is payable within 12 months is shown as a current liability. . The land is a non-current asset on which no depreciation is written off. . The interest which has not yet been paid is also a current liability. See also paragraph 7.2.2.

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you describe the following, record the necessary entries and calculations in the books and show how they will appear in the statement of financial position:
. . . .

long-term loan? mortgage? debenture? interest on loans?







Learning outcome
The learner should be able to prepare the financial statements (i.e. the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and the statement of financial position) and the notes to the financial statements of a sole proprietor, a nonprofit organisation and to prepare proper books from incomplete records.



Study unit


16 17 18


287 314 342




Financial statements of a sole proprietorship
Learning outcome
Students should be able to record all transactions related to a sole proprietor and prepare the financial statements of a sole proprietor.

Key concepts 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Introduction Establishment of a sole proprietorship Further capital contributions and profit Drawings The presentation of equity in the statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position Revision exercises and solutions 16.6.1 Revision exercise 1 16.6.2 Revision exercise 2 16.6.3 Revision exercise 3 Self-assessment 287 288 288 289 290 291 294 294 295 298 313

. . . . . .

Sole proprietor/sole trader Equity Capital Profit/loss for the period/year Drawings Additional investment



16.1 Introduction
A sole proprietorship (also known as a sole trader) is the simplest form of business ownership and is often managed by the owner himself. There is no legislation prescribing how a sole proprietorship should be established. Cash and/or any other type of asset, for example a motor vehicle, is necessary to start the business entity. The equity simply consists of the capital invested in the business entity plus the profit made (or less a loss suffered) and less any money and/or goods withdrawn by the owner for personal use. Study paragraphs 16.1 to 16.3 of the prescribed book.

16.2 Establishment of a sole proprietorship

A sole proprietor usually contributes capital in the form of cash, and/or non-current assets in the form of property, plant and equipment towards the starting of the business. The following example illustrates the accounting entries that are made when a sole proprietorship is established.

Exer ci se 16.1
On 1 March 20.1 J Brewis invests R25 000 to start JB Television Services, a service entity. His investment consists of R3 000 cash, equipment valued at R8 000 and a motor vehicle valued at R14 000. Required: Show the journal entry that will be made to record the relevant information of JB Television Services on the date of the investment.

Solution Exercise


GENERAL JOURNAL 20.1 Mar 1 Bank Equipment Motor vehicles Capital Deposit of cash in the bank account of the entity and recording of other assets brought into the entity at valuation R 3 000 8 000 14 000 25 000 R



. On 1 March 20.1 ``Capital'' indicates the interest of J Brewis (the owner) in his business. Different meanings are attached to the word ``capital'' in the financial and accounting worlds. You will have to learn to differentiate between the various meanings by noting the context in which the word is used. . The cash portion of the capital is usually recorded in the cash receipts journal.

On 1 March 20.1 the statement of financial position of the entity is as follows:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 1 MARCH 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total equity and liabilities Note 2 R 22 000 22 000 3 000 3 000 25 000 25 000 25 000 25 000

NOTES FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 1 MARCH 20.1 1 Accounting policy: 1.1 1.2 2 The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. Property, plant and equipment are shown at valuation. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Vehicles 14 000 14 000 () Equipment 8 000 8 000 () Total 22 000 22 000 ()

We must again emphasise that an entity in which the owner has an interest (as J Brewis has in JB Television Services) is an accounting entity which is separate from the owner. If a statement of financial position were compiled for J Brewis personally, it would contain an item ``Investment in JB Television Services.''

16.3 Further capital contributions and profit

After the entity has been in operation for some time, the owner may decide to extend his business (eg by buying and selling television sets in addition to maintaining them). Brewis



could then find his present capital insufficient. Suppose he decides to invest a further R15 000 cash in the entity on 1 August 20.1. The capital account in the books of the entity (and also the capital section of the statement of financial position, if we were to prepare one at this stage) would reflect the increase.

GENERAL LEDGER Dr Capital: J Brewis 20.1 Mar 1 Bank Equipment Motor vehicle Bank* 3 8 14 15 Cr R 000 000 000 000

Aug 1

40 000 The total value of the owner's initial investment is R25 000 (R[3 000 + 8 000 + 14 000]) * The owner's additional investment You will remember that the profit for a financial period is transferred to the capital account at the end of the period. Suppose that the profit of the entity in the first financial year amounts to R9 000. The profit is added to the capital: GENERAL JOURNAL R 9 000 R 9 000

Profit or loss Capital: J Brewis Transfer of profit for the year Brewis's capital will now amount to R49 000: R Initial investment 25 000 + Additional investment 15 000 + Profit for the year 9 000 49 000

16.4 Drawings
Unless Brewis has an adequate income from another source, he will probably have to use the profit from his business for personal use. Generally, the ``drawings'' will take the form of cash withdrawals, but he could also withdraw other assets. Consider, for example, a retailer who takes groceries (ie from the trading inventory of the business) for his own use. This would also be classified as ``drawings''. Assume the owner, J Brewis, withdrew R8 000 in cash during the year. The entries would be as follows:



GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.2 Feb 28 Drawings Balance Capital: J Brewis R 8 000 41 000 49 000 20.2 Mar 1 Dr 20.2 Feb 28 Bank Drawings R 8 000 8 000 20.2 Feb 28 Capital: J Brewis Balance b/d 20.2 Feb 1 28 Balance Profit or loss (profit) b/d Cr R 40 000 9 000 49 000 41 000 Cr R 8 000 8 000


. The original investment of the owner and any further contributions specified as capital contributions are referred to as capital. When profit is added and drawings subtracted from the capital investment this is known as equity. The equity shows the interest of the owner in the entity. In other words the balance of R41 000 represents equity and not capital. Equity is the claim that the owner has against the assets of the entity. In a sole proprietorship the capital account is used to show the changes in equity. The changes in equity are disclosed in a statement called the ``Statement of changes in equity''.

16.5 The presentation of equity in the statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position
Study paragraphs 16.4 to 16.6 of the prescribed book. It is required that full details of equity must be shown in a statement of changes in equity. Any changes in the course of the financial year, must be shown in the statement as follows:

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 Capital R 25 000 15 000 9 000 (8 000) 41 000

Balance at 1 March 20.1 Additional investment Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 28 February 20.2



Only the balance at the end of the year will be shown in the statement of financial position as follows:

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 (extract) Note EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital R 41 000 41 000

The following exercise illustrates a simple statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position of a sole proprietorship. Take careful note of how the owner's equity is treated.

Exer ci se 16.2
The following information relates to Jeff's Maintenance Services: POST-ADJUSTMENT TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.1. Dr R Bank Debtors Inventory: cleaning materials Equipment at cost Vehicles at cost Accumulated depreciation on equipment Accumulated depreciation on vehicles Insurance Creditors Fees earned Capital: J Jefferson 1 January 20.1 Drawings Wages Administrative expenses Advertisements Fuel and maintenance Depreciation (equipment R1 300, vehicles R3 400) Rent expense 580 5 515 640 13 000 17 000 2 600 6 800 720 165 65 895 20 200 Cr R

12 000 18 650 12 410 335 1 110 4 700 9 000 95 660

95 660

Required: (1) (2) (3) (4) Prepare the statement of comprehensive income of Jeff's Maintenance Services for the year ended 31 December 20.1. Prepare the statement of changes in equity of Jeff's Maintenance Services for the year ended 31 December 20.1. Prepare the statement of financial position of Jeff's Maintenance Services as at 31 December 20.1. Show the notes for the year ended 31 December 20.1.



Solution Exercise



(1) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.1 Note 2 R 65 895 (46 925) 720 18 650 12 410 335 1 110 9 000 4 700 18 970 18 970

Revenue Distribution, administrative and other expenses Insurance Wages Administrative expenses Advertisements Fuel and maintenance Rent expense Depreciation R(1 300 + 3400) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year


(2) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.1 Capital R 20 200 18 970 (12 000) 27 170

Balance at 1 January 20.1 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 31 December 20.1


(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities Note 3 R 20 600 20 600 6 735 640 5 515 580 27 335 27 170 27 170 165 165 27 335




(4) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.1 1 Accounting policy: The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. 2 3 Revenue represents fees earned from clients for services rendered. Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation for the period Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Vehicles R 13 600 17 000 (3 400) (3 400) 10 200 17 000 (6 800) Equipment R 11 700 13 000 (1 300) (1 300) 10 400 13 000 (2 600) Total R 25 300 30 000 (4 700) (4 700) 20 600 30 000 (9 400)

16.6 Revision exercises and solutions

16.6.1 Revision exercise 1
(1) What is the meaning of the accounting term ``capital''? (2) How is the profit of a sole proprietorship treated in the accounting records of the entity at the end of a financial year? (3) What is meant by the term ``drawings''? (4) How are drawings treated in the accounting records of a sole proprietorship at the end of a financial year? (5) What does equity of a sole trader consist of?

Solution: Revision exercise 1

(1) The ``capital'' of the owner in a sole proprietorship indicates the owner's initial investment plus any additional capital investments. (2) The profit of a sole proprietor for a financial period is transferred to the capital account of the owner and becomes part of equity at the end of each financial period. (3) Drawings are cash amounts or merchandise withdrawn from the business entity by the owner for personal use. Drawings result in a decrease in the equity of the sole proprietorship because assets of the entity are taken by the owner. (4) Drawings by the owner are debited to a drawings account during the financial year. At the end of the financial year the drawings account is closed off to the capital account. (5) The equity consists of the initial capital invested in the business entity plus all additional investments, plus the profit for the year (or less the loss) and less the drawings.



16.6.2 Revision exercise 2

The following information relates to Peter Pumpkin, a service entity: (1) TRIAL BALANCE OF PETER PUMPKIN AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Dr R Land and buildings (at cost) Furniture and fittings (at cost) Accumulated depreciation 28 February 20.0: Furniture and fittings 15% Mortgage secured by land and buildings Capital: P Pumpkin 28 February 20.0 8 100 3 000 800 7 300 640 1 150 21 100 12 000 1 860 59 000 16 500 150 194 300 194 300 Debtors control Creditors control Bank overdraft Drawings Petty cash Stationery Salaries Electricity Telephone expense Fees earned Rent income Bank charges 5 000 30 000 80 000 100 000 42 000 Cr R



(a) Stationery on hand at 28 February 20.1, R150. (b) It was determined that the allowance for credit losses account should amount to R405 at 28 February 20.1. (c) Rent income amounts to R1 500 per month and the rental has been charged for the full financial year. (d) Provide for interest still outstanding on mortgage bond. (e) Provide for depreciation on furniture and fittings at 15% per annum on cost price.

Required: (1) (2) (3) (4) Prepare the statement of comprehensive income of Peter Pumpkin for the year ended 28 February 20.1. Prepare the statement of changes in equity of Peter Pumpkin for the year ended 28 February 20.1. Prepare the statement of financial position of Peter Pumpkin as at 28 February 20.1. Show the notes for the year ended 28 February 20.1.



Solution: Revision exercise 2 PETER PUMPKIN

(1) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Note Revenue Rent income (R1 500 6 12) Distribution, administrative and other expenses Stationery R(1150 7 150) Salaries Electricity Telephone expense Bank charges Credit losses Depreciation: Furniture and fittings R(42 000 x 15%) Finance costs: Interest on mortgage loan R(30 000 x 15%) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year 2 R 59 000 18 000 77 (42 1 21 12 1 000 815) 000 100 000 860 150 405 6 300

34 185 (4 500) 29 685 29 685

(2) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Capital R 80 000 29 685 (7 300) 102 385

Balance at 1 March 20.0 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 28 February 20.1



(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables R(8 100-405+1500) Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings: 15% mortgage secured by land and buildings Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(3 000 + 4 500) Other current liabilities Total equity and liabilities Note 3 R 130 700 130 700 9 985 150 9 195 640 140 685 102 385 102 385 38 30 30 30 300 000 000 000

8 300 7 500 800 140 685

(4) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 1 Accounting policy: 1.1 1.2 The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. Property, plant and equipment

Land and buildings are classified as investment properties and are not depreciated. Depreciation has been provided for at 15% per annum on the cost price of furniture and fittings. 2 3 Revenue represents fees earned from clients for services rendered. Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings R Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation for the period Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation 100 000 100 000 () () 100 000 100 000 () Furniture and fittings R 37 000 42 000 (5 000) (6 300) 30 700 42 000 (11 300) Total R 137 000 142 000 (5 000) (6 300) 130 700 142 000 (11 300)



16.6.3 Revision exercise 3

This exercise has been compiled to give you some practice in the whole process of recording and reporting from the point of entries in subsidiary journals up to the preparation of the financial statements. Mr K Kuman, who is registered as a VAT vendor, has a general dealer's business. On 31 January 20.1, the following balances appeared in the ledger of the entity, Kumanbuy General Dealer: (The VAT period of the entity ends on unequal months.) (1) LIST OF BALANCES Furniture and equipment (at cost) Vehicles (at cost) Inventory 1 March 20.0 Cash in bank Accumulated depreciation 28 February 20.0: Furniture and equipment Vehicles Debtors: A Abrahams B Barnard C Chetty D Dlamini K Khoza L Lawson M Mnisi N Nagel 368 924 463 1 177 3 651 2 137 1 110 261 143 2 227 166 4 2 6 22 25 2 169 700 000 000 150 974 214 138 000 300 102 630 R 40 50 56 34 R 000 000 080 091

4 000 5 000 2 932


VAT control (credit balance) Sales Purchases Repairs Petrol Stationery Water and electricity Rent expense Wages and salaries Telephone expense Capital: K Kuman 28 February 20.0 Mr Kuman's policy is to bank all cash receipts daily.



(2) 20.1 Feb

TRANSACTIONS, 10% VAT INCLUSIVE, DURING FEBRUARY 20.1: R 2 200 452 1 055 990 507 346 2 137 132 261 7 040 6 600 165 5 500 880 2 200 110 1 100 550 330 165 10 000 3 146 3 000 2 020 2 700 671 2 200 2 300 2 750 1 100

1 2 3 4 6 9


Cash sales Received from C Chetty in full settlement of his account Paid L Lawson and received R55 discount Sold goods on credit to E Erasmus Received from D Dlamini on his account Received from A Abrahams in full settlement of his account Paid K Khoza Paid N Nagel in full settlement Paid M Mnisi Purchased goods on credit from: K Khoza L Lawson

12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 25

Returned goods to K Khoza Cash sales Sold goods on credit to D Dlamini Sold goods on credit to C Chetty C Chetty returned goods Cash sales Paid BB Garage for repairs to vehicles Paid Pump Services for petrol Purchased stationery from CSA for cash K Kuman withdrew cash from the business Cash purchases from P Prins Paid: K Khoza on account L Lawson on account South African Revenue Service for VAT outstanding on 31 January 20.1


Paid the following: City Council for water and electricity Rentguy for rent Wages and salaries


Cash sales Purchased a new counter from Counterman for cash

(3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) B Barnard was declared insolvent and could pay nothing in settlement of his account. (b) Provision is made annually for depreciation on 28 February at 10% pa on the cost of vehicles as well as furniture and equipment. No vehicles or furniture and equipment were purchased or sold during the eleven months ended 31 January 20.1. (c) Inventory on hand at 28 February 20.1 amounted to R60 000. (d) The telephone account of R264 for February 20.1 was only received on 1 March 20.1. (e) The bank statement received during March 20.1 indicated a favourable balance of R16 965 on 28 February 20.1. A comparison with the cash journals reflected the following: (i) Cheques for water and electricity, R671 and rent, R2 200 issued on 27 February 20.1 had not yet been presented at the bank for payment.



(ii) A withdrawal of R3 000 from the personal bank account of Mr Kuman was erroneously debited to the entity's account. (iii) Bank charges to the amount of R45 have not yet been recorded in the cash payments journal. The above represented the only differences between the ledger balances and the bank statement on 28 February 20.1.

Required: NB: It is in your own interests to do this exercise without referring to the suggested solution. Then you can compare your answer with the solution. Although they are not given, you should use your own invoice numbers, receipt numbers, cheque numbers, et cetera to ensure that the solution is as complete and realistic as possible. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Record the transactions for February 20.1 in the relevant subsidiary journals and close off the journals on 28 February 20.1. Prepare journal entries for the adjustments. Open the general ledger accounts at 31 January 20.1 and post the subsidiary journals to the ledger. Reconcile the balance of the bank account with that shown on the bank statement. Open the individual debtors and creditors accounts in the relevant ledgers, balance them and reconcile the list of balances with the balances of the control accounts in the general ledger. Prepare a post-adjustment trial balance. Prepare the closing journal entries and post to the ledger. Prepare the annual financial statements for the year ended 28 February 20.1.

(6) (7) (8)

Solution: Revision exercise 3 KUMANBUY GENERAL DEALER

VAT Output Doc Date Details Fol Bank R CI 5160 R1 R2 R3 CI 6173 CI 7478 CI 7987 1 2 6 13 17 28 Cash sales C Chetty D Dlamini A Abrahams Cash sales Cash sales Cash sales DL3 DL4 DL1 2 200 452 507 346 5 500 1 100 2 750 12 855 L4 Sales R 2 000 R 200 VAT Input Dr R (1) (2) Debtors R 463 507 368 Settlement discount granted Dr R (10) (20) Sundry accounts Amount R Fol Details


5 000 1 000 2 500 10 500 L14

500 100 250 1 050 L13

(3) L12

1 338 L7

(30) L25




Vat Input Doc C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 C136 C137 28 27 25 19 20 18 Date 3 9 Details L Lawson K Khoza N Nagel M Mnisi BB Garage Pump Services CSA K Kuman P Prins K Khoza L Lawson South African revenue service City council Rentguy Cash Counterman Bank L4 CL3 CL2 Fol CL2 CL3 CL4 CL1 Bank R 1 055 2 137 132 261 550 330 165 10 000 3 146 3 000 2 020 2 700 671 2 200 2 300 1 100 45 31 812 2 860 L16 712 L12 (6) L12 8 671 L8 (60) L26 100 61 200 2 860 286 3 000 2 020 2 700 L9 15 50 (1) Purchases R R Vat Output Cr R (5) Creditors R 1 110 2 137 143 261 500 L18 Repairs 330 L19 Petrol 150 L20 Stationery 10 000 L11 Drawings (10) Settlement discount received R (50) Sundry accounts Amount R Fol



VAT Control

610 L21 Water & electricity 2 000 L22 Rent expense 2 300 L23 Wages & salaries 1 000 L 1 Furniture & equipment 45 L30 Bank charges 19 635

PURCHASES JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY 20.1 Date 11 Details K Khoza L Lawson Invoice 501 502 Fol CL3 CL2 Purchases R 6 400 6 000 12 400 L16 SALES JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY 20.1 Date 4 13 15 Details E Erasmus D Dlamini C Chetty Invoice 901 902 903 Fol DL5 DL4 DL3 Sales R 900 800 2 000 3 700 L14 PURCHASES RETURNS JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY 20.1 Date 12 Details K Khoza Debit note 301 Fol CL3 Returns R 150 150 L17 VAT Input R 15 15 L12 VAT Output R 90 80 200 370 L13 VAT Input R 640 600 1 240 L12

PJ12 Creditors R 7 040 6 600 13 640 L8 SJ12 Debtors R 990 880 2 200 4 070 L7 PRJ12 Creditors R 165 165 L8



SALES RETURNS JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY 20.1 Date 16 Details C Chetty Credit note 201 Fol DL3 Returns R 100 100 L15 VAT Output R 10 10 L13

SRJ12 Debtors R 110 110 L7

(2) GENERAL JOURNAL FEBRUARY 20.1 Date 28 Details Credit losses VAT Input B Barnard/Debtors control B Barnard's account written off Depreciation Accumulated depreciation: Vehicles Furniture and equipment Depreciation provided at 10% pa on cost Telephone VAT Input Accrued expenses Telephone account for February outstanding *VAT Control VAT Input Transfer of VAT Input *VAT Output VAT Control Transfer of VAT Output Fol L27 L12 DL2 L7 L28 L6 L5 Debit R 840 84

J12 Credit R

924 9 000 5 000 4 000

L24 L12 L29 L9 L12 L13 L9

240 24 264 2 048 2 048 1 416 1 416

* If the VAT period does not coincide with the end of the financial year the VAT Input and VAT Output must be closed off to the VAT Control account to determine the amount of VAT owed by or to the SARS that must be disclosed in the statement of financial position.

(3) GENERAL LEDGER Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 28 20.1 Mar 1 Bank Furniture and equipment (at cost) b/d CPJ12 R 40 000 1 000 41 000 Balance b/d 41 000 41 000 20.1 Feb 28 Balance c/d L1 Cr R 41 000



Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance b/d

Vehicles (at cost) R 50 000



Dr 20.0 Mar 1 20.1 Feb 28 Balance Trading account b/d

Inventory R 56 080 20.1 Feb 28 Trading account Balance

L3 R J13 c/d



60 000 116 080

56 080 60 000 116 080

20.1 Mar 1



60 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 28 Receipts 20.1 Mar 1 b/d CRJ12

Bank R 34 091 12 855 46 946 Balance b/d 15 134 20.1 Feb 28 Payments Balance

L4 CPJ12 c/d

Cr R 31 812 15 134 46 946

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance

Accumulated depreciation: Furniture and equipment c/d R 8 000 20.0 Feb 28 20.1 Feb 28 20.1 Mar 1 Balance Depreciation b/d J12


Cr R 4 000 4 000 8 000

8 000


b/d L6 b/d J12

8 000 Cr R 5 000 5 000 10 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Balance

Accumulated depreciation: Vehicles c/d R 10 000 20.0 Feb 28 20.1 Feb 28 20.1 Mar 1 Balance Depreciation

10 000 Balance b/d

10 000



Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 28 Sales b/d SJ12

Debtors control R 2 932 4 070 20.1 Feb 28 Bank and discount Returns Credit losses Balance 7 002

L7 R CRJ12 SRJ12 J12 c/d


1 338 110 924 4 630 7 002

20.1 Mar 1 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Bank and discount Returns Balance CPJ12 PRJ12 c/d 8 671 165 8 455 17 291 20.1 Mar 1 Dr 20.1 Feb 25 28 Bank VAT Input CPJ12 J12 VAT Control R 2 700 2 048 4 748 20.1 Mar 1 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Drawings Profit or loss Balance J13 c/d 14 953 144 677 169 630 20.1 Mar 1 Dr 20.1 Feb 20 Bank CPJ12 Drawings R 10 000 20.1 Feb 28 Capital J13 Balance b/d L11 R 10 000 146 677 Cr 169 630 J13 R 10 000 Balance b/d 632 Capital 20.0 Mar 1 Balance b/d L10 R 169 630 Cr 20.1 Feb 1 28 Balance VAT Output Balance b/d J12 c/d Balance b/d L9 R 2 700 1 416 632 4 748 8 455 Cr 17 291 Balance b/d 4 630 Creditors control R 20.1 Feb 1 28 Balance Purchases b/d PJ12 L8 R 3 651 13 640 Cr



Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Debtors Bank Creditors Debtors Accrued expenses CRJ12 CPJ12 PJ12 J12 J12

VAT Input R 3 712 1 240 84 24 2 063 20.1 Feb 28 Creditors VAT Control

L12 PRJ12 J12

Cr R 15 2 048

2 063 L13 Bank Debtors Creditors CRJ12 SJ12 CPJ12 Cr R 1 050 370 6 1 426 L14 Balance Bank Debtors b/d CRJ12 SJ12 Cr R 227 000 10 500 3 700 241 200 L15 Trading account J13 L16 Settlement discount received Trading account J13 J13 R 60 181 200 181 260 L17 Creditors PRJ12 L18 Profit or loss R J13 4 650 4 650 L19 Profit or loss R J13 3 304 3 304 Cr R 150 Cr Cr R 100 Cr Cr

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Debtors VAT Control

VAT Output R SRJ12 10 J12 1 416 1 426 20.1 Feb 28

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 R Settlement discount granted Trading account J13 J13

Sales 20.1 Feb 1 28

30 241 170 241 200

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 28 Bank Creditors Debtors SRJ12

Sales returns R 100 20.1 Feb 28

Purchases R b/d 166 000 CPJ12 2 860 PJ12 12 400 181 260 20.1 Feb 28 28

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 18 Bank b/d CPJ12 Trading account J13

Purchases returns R 150 20.1 Feb 28

Repairs R 4 150 500 4 650 20.1 Feb 28

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 18 Bank b/d CPJ12

Petrol R 2 974 330 3 304 20.1 Feb 28



Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 19 Bank b/d CPJ12

Stationery R 214 150 364 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L20 R J13 364 364 L21 R Profit or loss J13


Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 27 Bank b/d CPJ12

Water and electricity R 6 138 610 6 748 20.1 Feb 28


6 748 6 748

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 27 Bank b/d CPJ12

Rent expense R 22 000 2 000 24 000 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L22 R J13


24 000 24 000

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 27 Bank b/d CPJ12

Wages and salaries R 25 300 2 300 27 600 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L23 R J13


27 600 27 600

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 28 Accrued expenses b/d J12

Telephone expense R 2 102 240 2 342 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L24 R J13


2 342 2 342

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Purchases Debtors control

Settlement discount granted CPJ12 R 30 20.1 Feb 28 Sales

L25 J13 L26

Cr R 30 Cr R 60

Settlement discount received J13 R 60 20.1 Feb 28

Creditors control CPJ12

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Debtors J12

Credit losses R 840 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L27 J13 R 840




Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Accumulated depreciation: Furniture Vehicles

Depreciation R 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L28 R J13


9 000

J12 J12

4 000 5 000 9 000 Accrued expenses 20.1 Feb 28 Telephone VAT Input L29 J12 J12

9 000 Cr R 240 24 264


Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Inventory Purchases Sales returns Profit or loss (gross profit) J13 J13 J13 J13 Bank CPJ12

Bank charges R 45 20.1 Feb 28 Profit or loss

L30 J13 L31 Inventory J13 Sales J13 Purchases returns J13 R 45


Trading account R 56 080 181 200 100 63 940 301 320 20.1 Feb 28

Cr R 60 000 241 170 150

301 320 L32 R Trading account Capital (loss) J13 J13 63 940 14 953 Cr

Dr 20.1 Feb 28 Repairs Petrol Stationery Water and electricity Rent expense Wages and salaries Telephone expense Credit losses Depreciation Bank charges J13 J13 J13 J13 J13 J13 J13 J13 J13 J13

Profit or loss R 4 650 3 304 364 6 748 24 000 27 600 2 342 840 9 000 45 78 893 20.1 Feb 28

78 893



(4) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Debit R Credit balance as per bank statement Outstanding cheques: No 134 135 Correction of error Debit balance as per bank account 671 2 200 3 000 17 094 19 965 19 965 Credit R 16 965

(5) DEBTORS LEDGER, CREDITORS LEDGER AND APPLICABLE RECONCILIATIONS DEBTORS LEDGER Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance b/d A Abrahams R 368 20.1 Feb 6 Bank and discount DL1 R CRJ12 368 Cr

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance b/d

B Barnard R 924 924 20.1 Feb 28 Credit losses VAT Output

DL2 J12 J12

Cr R 840 84 924

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 15 Sales b/d SJ12

C Chetty R 463 2 200 20.1 Feb 2 16 28 2 663 Bank and discount Returns Balance

DL3 R CRJ12 SRJ12 c/d


463 110 2 090 2 663

20.1 Mar 1



2 090

Dr 20.1 Feb 1 Balance 13 Sales 20.1 Mar 1 b/d SJ12

D Dlamini R 1 177 880 2 057 Balance b/d 1 550 20.1 Feb 6 Feb 28 Bank Balance

DL4 CRJ12 c/d

Cr R 507 1 550 2 057



Dr 20.1 Feb 4 Sales SJ1

E Erasmus R 990



CREDITORS LEDGER Dr 20.1 Feb 9 Bank CPJ12 M Mnisi R 261 20.1 Feb 1 Balance CL1 b/d Cr R 261

Dr 20.1 Feb 3 25 28 Bank and discount Bank Balance

L Lawson R CPJ12 CPJ12 c/d 1 110 2 020 4 580 7 710 20.1 Mar 1 Balance 20.1 Feb 1 11 11 Balance Purchases Purchases

CL2 b/d PJ12 PJ12

Cr R 1 110 6 600 6 600 7 710


4 580

Dr 20.1 Feb 9 12 25 28 Bank Returns Bank Balance CPJ12 PRJ12 CPJ12 c/d

K Khoza R 2 137 165 3 000 3 875 9 177 20.1 Mar 1 Balance 20.1 Feb 1 11 Balance Purchases

CL3 b/d PJ12

Cr R 2 137 7 040

9 177 b/d 3 875

Dr 20.1 Feb 9 Bank and discount

N Nagel R CPJ12 143 20.1 Feb 1 Balance


Cr R



RECONCILIATIONS Debtors C Chetty D Dlamini E Erasmus Balance of control account R 2 090 1 550 990 4 630 Creditors L Lawson K Khoza Balance of control account R 4 580 3 875 8 455




(6) POST-ADJUSTMENT TRIAL BALANCE AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Debit R 41 000 50 000 56 080 15 134 Credit R

Furniture and equipment (at cost) Vehicles (at cost) Inventory Bank Accumulated depreciation: Furniture and equipment Vehicles Capital Drawings Debtors control Creditors control VAT Control Sales Sales returns Purchases Purchases returns Repairs Petrol Stationery Water and electricity Rent expense Wages and salaries Telephone expense Settlement discount granted Settlement discount received Credit losses Depreciation Accrued expenses Bank charges

10 000 4 630 632 100 181 260 4 650 3 304 364 6 748 24 000 27 600 2 342 30 840 9 000 45 437 759

8 000 10 000 169 630 8 455 241 200 150

60 264

437 759 J13


CLOSING JOURNAL ENTRIES Fol L26 L16 L14 L25 L31 L3 L16 L15 L3 L14 L17 L31 L31 L32 Debit R 60 30 237 380

Date Details 20.1 Feb 28 Settlement discount received Purchases Closing transfer Sales Settlement discount granted Closing transfer Trading account Inventory Purchases Sales returns Closing transfer Inventory Sales Purchases returns Trading account Closing transfer Trading account Profit or loss Transfer of gross profit

Credit R 60 30 56 080 181 200 100

60 000 241 170 150

301 320

63 940

63 940



Date 20.1 Feb 28

Details Profit or loss Repairs Petrol Stationery Water and electricity Rent expense Wages and salaries Telephone expense Credit losses Depreciation Bank charges Transfer of income and expenses Capital Profit or loss Transfer of loss for the period Capital Drawings Transfer of drawings

Fol L32 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L27 L28 L30 L10 L32 L10 L11

Debit R 78 893

Credit R 4 650 3 304 364 6 748 24 000 27 600 2 342 840 9 000 45

14 993

14 953

10 000

10 000


(8) STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Note 2 R 241 070 (177 130) 56 080 181 050 237 130 (60 000) 63 940 (78 893) 4 650 3 304 364 6 748 24 000 27 600 2 342 840 9 000 45 (14 953) (14 953)

Revenue Cost of sales Inventory: 1 March 20.0 Purchases Inventory: 28 February 20.1 Gross profit Distribution, administrative and other expenses Repairs Petrol Stationery Water and electricity Rent expense Wages and salaries Telephone expense Credit losses Depreciation Bank charges Loss for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive loss for the year




STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 Capital R 169 630 (14 953) (10 000) 144 677

Balance at 1 March 20.0 Total comprehensive loss for the year Drawings Balance at 28 February 20.1


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventories Trade receivables R(4 630) Current VAT receivable Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(8 455+264) Total equity and liabilities Note 3 R 73 000 73 000 80 396 60 000 4 630 632 15 134 153 396 144 677 144 677 8 719 8 719 153 396


NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.1 1 Accounting policy: 1.1 1.2 The annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and comply with generally accepted accounting practice. Property, plant and equipment:

Depreciation is provided for at 10% on the cost price of vehicles and furniture and equipment. 2 Revenue is recognised as net sales to customers.



Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Additions Depreciation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation

Vehicles R 45 000 50 000 (5 000) (5 000) 40 000 50 000 (10 000)

Furniture and equipment R 36 000 40 000 (4 000) 1 000 (4 000) 33 000 41 000 (8 000)

Total R 81 000 90 000 (9 000) 1 000 (9 000) 73 000 91 000 (18 000)

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you
. . . .

describe equity in a sole proprietorship? record the transactions relating to the establishment of a sole proprietorship? calculate the amount of equity? show how the equity is disclosed in the statement of changes in equity and in the statement of financial position?




Nonprofit entities
Learning outcome
Students should be able to record all transactions related to organisations and societies not for gain.

Key concepts 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Receipts and payments statement 17.3 Income and expenditure statement 17.4 Trading statement 17.5 Accumulated fund 17.6 Special funds 17.7 Exercises 17.8 Entrance fees 17.9 Comprehensive example 17.10 Revision exercises and solutions 17.10.1 Revision exercise 1 17.10.2 Revision exercise 2 Self-assessment 315 315 315 316 317 317 317 318 323 324 330 330 336 341



. . . . . . . . . .

Receipts and payments statement Income and expenditure statement Trading statement Statement of financial position Special funds Nonexpendable special funds Expendable special funds Accumulated fund Entrance fees Membership fees

17.1 Introduction
A nonprofit organisation can be defined as an economic entity which has the legitimate goal of furthering certain interests of the community. Its objective is not to distribute profits to the members but to use the profits in order to achieve the stated goal. Such an entity is oriented to render a service to its members, and not to pursue financial gain. These entities/societies can range from informal social clubs, (for example an activity club for the elderly) to formal societies (for example schools and churches). Revenue may be acquired from a variety of sources, such as membership fees, donations, fund raising projects, bequests and even government subsidies. Membership, and not ownership, is acquired through the payment of membership fees. Members of a nonprofit organisation can therefore not claim the same rights in the entity as, for example, shareholders in a company excluding section 21companies. Study paragraphs 17.1 to 17.3.4 of the prescribed book.

17.2 Receipts and payments statement

Study paragraph 17.4.1 of the prescribed book. A receipts and payments statement is an analysed and classified summary of the cash transactions. It is the most elementary version of a statement for a club or association. Smaller entities which have no other assets than cash will often only prepare a receipts and payments statement as the annual financial statement. The statement can be prepared in a T-format where the actual cash received is entered on the debit side, and the actual cash paid out on the credit side. All the cash received and paid, whether it was operational revenue/expenses or revenue/expenses of a capital nature, is recorded in this statement. Prepayments, income received in advance and accrued amounts received or paid will also be entered because the accrual principle is not applied when this statement is prepared. Since this statement is merely a summary of cash transactions, the opening balance of the statement represents the opening balance of cash on hand (in the bank), and the closing balance of the statement represents cash on hand (in the bank) at the end of the period. It is obvious that no financial performance (surplus or shortage) or financial position (as reflected in the statement of financial position) can be determined from this statement.




RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 Receipts Balance 30/6/20.1 Entrance fees Membership fees: 20.1 20.2 20.3 Interest income Net proceeds from dance Donation b/d R 4 700 500 12 000 750 10 000 1 250 2 332 620 3 520 23 672 Balance b/d 3 410 Payments Refreshments purchased Wages Tennis balls purchased Tennis courts painted Tennis courts built Stationery and sundry expenditure Investment made at ABC Bank Balance c/d R 1 342 4 220 360 750 7 000 1 590 5 000 3 410 23 672

This statement can also be prepared in a vertical (narrative) format. The financial information needs of a larger club or society will require more than the mere presentation of a receipts and payments statement. An income and expenditure statement (statement of comprehensive income) as well as a statement of financial position, similar to those of an ordinary trading entity, are usually also required.

17.3 Income and expenditure statement

Study paragraphs 17.4.2 and 17.4.3 of the prescribed book. For all practical purposes the income and expenditure statement is prepared according to the guidelines provided in GAAP. It is very important to remember that outstanding and prepaid income and/or expenditure at the beginning and at the end of the period should be taken into account when preparing the income and expenditure statement. These prepaid or arrear items at the end of the period should also be shown on the statement of financial position in the usual way. An income and expenditure statement is intended to determine the surplus or deficit for an accounting period. This statement is very similar to a statement of comprehensive income prepared by a trading concern. The layout may differ from that of an statement of comprehensive income because all the relevant sources of income, including investment income, can be shown under the heading ``Income'' and all the expenses, including finance costs, can be shown under the heading



``Expenses''. The income and expenditure statement is also prepared according to the accrual principle. The difference between the revenue (credits) and expenses (debits) represents the surplus/deficit for the accounting period. The following is a comparison between an income and expenditure statement and a receipts and payments statement: Income and expenditure statement 1. Shows the total income and expenditure for the period, even if not yet received or paid (applying the accrual principle). 2. Indicates the result of the financial period's transactions by showing a surplus or a deficit. 3. Receipts and payments of a capital nature are not brought into account.

Receipts and payments statement

1. Shows only actual cash receipts and payments. 2. Shows the amount of cash on hand at the beginning and at the end of a financial period, but does not indicate a surplus or deficit. 3. Receipts and payments of a capital nature are included.

17.4 Trading statement

The majority of the bigger clubs do trade in order to generate revenue which they use to achieve their stated goals, for example, the provision of bar and refreshment facilities to their members. If the scale on which trading takes place justifies it, a separate trading statement can be prepared for each operational activity. Therefore it is possible to prepare more than one trading statement for a specific entity/society. The layout of such a trading statement is similar to the trading section of an statement of comprehensive income of an ordinary trading concern. It closes off with the determination of the gross profit. Since trading takes place, the term ``gross profit'' instead of ``surplus'' is used. The gross profit is carried forward to the income and expenditure statement. The sales, administrative and general expenses in respect of each operational activity are deducted from the applicable gross profits in the income and expenditure statement. (Refer to the income and expenditure statement of Green Golf Club, paragraph 17.10, revision exercise 1, which is given further on in this study unit.)

17.5 Accumulated fund

Any initial donations made to begin the organisation, entrance fees, the surplus/deficit for each period and special funds donated for general expenses will form part of the accumulated fund. When money is donated for a special purpose, separate investment accounts must be opened for special funds. This makes it possible to issue meaningful reports on the acquisiton and utilisation of funds.

17.6 Special funds

Study paragraph 17.3.5 of the prescribed book. A nonprofit entity often sets money aside for a specific purpose so that not all the cash is spent



on expenses of a general nature. Special funds are established for these purposes and they are usually accounted for separately from the accumulated funds. Donations can then be made to these funds or a special fund can be established for a conditional donation or legacy. A separate investment account is usually opened for each special fund in which the capital is deposited. Such donations and income earned from the investments thereof do not form part of the general operating income of the organisation and should, as a general rule, not be included in the income and expenditure statement. Likewise, the applicable expenses should also be reflected through the fund account and not through the income and expenditure account. Special funds can be divided into two main sections: Firstly, special funds can be established to save or set aside money for a specific purpose; eg, to purchase specific equipment. When sufficient funds have been accumulated or received, the equipment can be purchased with the capital amount as well as the income earned from the capital, if any. . Secondly, special funds can be established where only the income earned from the investment of the capital amount may be applied. It is also possible that such income may only be spent on stipulated items.

This implies that the capital amount of such funds must be invested in a sound security. This capital amount must remain untouched and will appear under the heading ``Special funds: Nonexpendable funds'' in the balance sheet. The investments relating to these funds must be shown as separate items on the asset section of the statement of financial position. Cross-references must be given on the statement of financial position. The funds account must be credited with the investment income. Should the income from the investment be greater than the expenses involved, the balance will be shown in the statement of financial position under the heading: ``Special funds: Expendable funds''. Obviously, a fund may not incur more expenses than the balance of the expendable portion thereof. Should the income from a fund be insufficient to pay for all the relevant expenses/ costs, the organisation will have to find alternative means to finance the outstanding amounts. The application of the revenue from or/and capital of a special fund may result in an increase in the assets of the non-profit entity. Although the purchase of such assets is financed by means of a fund, the increase in the value of the assets concerned must be shown as such on the asset side of the statement of financial position. Acknowledgement of the fact that an increase in an asset resulted from a fund can be shown in a note. The following exercises illustrate fund accounts and their disclosure in the statement of financial position.

17.7 Exercises
Exer ci se 17.1
Special fund Income from a fund which must be used for a specific expense On 1 July 20.0 Stear Tennis Club received a donation to the amount of R8 000 from S Star on the express condition that the income received from the donation may only be used for the



painting of the tennis courts. On the same date the amount was invested as a fixed deposit at ABC Bank at an interest rate of 10% per annum. The interest is received annually on 30 June. No tennis courts were painted during the year ended 30 June 20.1. It was decided, as a general policy, to invest all surplus interest amounts at ABC Bank as fixed deposits for a year. During the year ended 30 June 20.2, the tennis courts were painted at a cost of R750. The surplus interest was invested according to general policy at an interest rate of 10% per annum. Required: Show how these transactions will be recorded in the Star fund account of the club.

Solution Exercise

Star fund
Expendable (income) Nonexpendable (capital) R 8 000 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 800 8 000 8 000 8 000 20.2 Jul 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Jul 1 20.2 Jun 30 Balance b/d Bank: Capital donation Bank: Interest on investment Expendable (income)

Nonexpendable (capital) R 8 000

20.1 Jun 30 Balance c/d

R 800

R 800 800 800 880 1 680 930

8 000 8 000 8 000 8 000

20.2 Jun 30

Tennis courts painted Balance


750 930 1 680

Bank: Interest oninvestment(a)

CALCULATION (a) (10% 6 R8 000) + (10% 6 R800) = R880

. Because the interest earned and the expenses in respect of the tennis courts that were painted are accounted for in the fund account, these items will not be disclosed in the income and expenditure statement. The tennis courts were painted during the year. The recording of these expenses would have been as follows: Debit the painting of tennis courts account and credit the bank account. On 30 June 20.2, the date on which the interest was received, the fund account was debited with this expense and the painting of tennis courts account was credited. (This entry will balance the painting of tennis courts account.) . The statement of financial position of the Stear Tennis Club will show the items in respect of the fund as follows:




STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) ASSETS Non-current assets Financial assets: Star fund Fixed deposit at 10% per annum at ABC Bank FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Special funds Nonexpendable funds (capital) Star fund Expendable funds Star fund 8 000 930 8 930 Note R 8 930

Exer ci se 17.2
SPECIAL FUND Income from a fund which must be used to purchase property, plant and equipment. On 1 July 20.0 the Stear Tennis Club received a donation to the amount of R100 000 from S Superstar on the express condition that the revenue from the fund may only be used for the building of tennis courts. On the same date the amount was invested as a fixed deposit at ABC Bank at an interest rate of 10% per annum. The interest is received annually on 30 June. No tennis courts were built during the year ended 30 June 20.1. It was decided, as a general policy, to invest all surplus interest amounts at ABC Bank as fixed deposits for a year. During the year ended 30 June 20.2, the tennis courts were built at a cost of R70 000. Required: Show how these transactions are recorded in the Superstar Fund account of the club.



Solution Exercise

Superstar fund
Expendable (income) Nonexpendable (capital) R 100 000 20.0 Jul 1 20.1 Jun 30 10 000 100 000 100 000 100 000 20.2 Jul 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Jul 1 20.2 Jun 30 Balance b/d Expendable (income)

Nonexpendable (capital) R 100 000

20.1 Jun 30



R 10 000

Bank: Capital donation Bank: Interest on investment

R 10 000 10 000 10 000 11 000 21 000

100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000

20.2 Jun 30

Accumulated fund Balance


21 000 21 000

Bank: Interest oninvestment(a)

CALCULATION (a) (10% 6 R100 000) + (10% 6 R10 000) = R11 000

. Because a non-current asset was obtained from the income of the fund, the amount contributed by the fund must be credited to the accumulated fund account. Bear in mind that the asset account was debited during the year at the date of the purchase. . The statement of financial position of Stear Tennis Club will show the items in respect of the fund as follows:


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Financial assets: Superstar fund Fixed deposit at 10% per annum at ABC Bank FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Accumulated fund Balance: 1 July 20.2 Add: Tennis court built Special funds Nonexpendable funds (capital) Superstar fund XX XXX XX XXX XXXXX 21 000 Note 1 R 170 000 70 000 100 000

100 000




NOTES FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 20 JUNE 20.2 (extract) Note 1 (extract) Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings R Additions (tennis courts): From own funds From income: Superstar fund Remark The accumulated fund account will be credited with the amount which the fund contributed to the building of the tennis courts. In other words, the amount of R21 000 will be added to the balance of the accumulated fund account. 70 000 49 000 21 000

Exer ci se 17.3
PART OF ACCUMULATED FUND Income from a fund which must be used to pay general (operational) expenses On 1 July 20.1 Mr T Trueman donated R3 520 to the club on the express condition that the capital should be invested. The income from the investment can be used to pay general (operational) expenses. On the same date the amount was invested as a fixed deposit at ABC Bank at 10% interest per annum. The income was spent accordingly.

Solution Exercise


Because the income from the fund has to be used to pay general expenses, an income account can be opened in the general ledger of the entity. The balance of this account will be disclosed as follows in the income and expenditure statement:


INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) R Revenue Membership fees Interest income (donation from T Trueman) Net proceeds from dance The accounting for the capital amount and the related investment is as follows: Debit bank and credit the accumulated fund account with the capital amount of R3 520. Credit bank and debit the general investments account of the club which is financed from the accumulated fund. The investment will still be disclosed separately, but will form part of these general investments. 10 972 10 000 10 352 10 620



The Trueman fund and the related investment will be disclosed as follows in the statement of financial position:


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Financial assets: General fund Fixed deposit at 10% per annum at ABC Bank Trueman fund FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Accumulated fund (includes donation by T Trueman) 10 520 Note 1 R 10 520 7 000

3 520

. Assume that there were no conditions and that the donation of R3 520 could be spent on general expenses. The amount would be debited to the bank account and credited to the donation received account on the date on which the donation was received. The donation received will be disclosed in the general income and expenditure statement as follows:


INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 (extract) R Revenue Membership fees Donation received (T Trueman) Net proceeds from dance 14 140 10 000 3 520 620

17.8 Entrance fees

Refer to paragraph 17.3.1 of the prescribed book. Entrance fees are payable by prospective members when they apply for membership of a club. The entrance fees are entered on the debit side of the bank account, and are credited to the entrance fees account. These fees, being nonrecurrent, must be credited directly to the accumulated fund account (capitalised) and are not shown in the income and expenditure statement as revenue.



Study paragraphs 17.5 and 17.6 of the prescribed book.

17.9 Comprehensive example

The following information relates to Pretoria Modellers' Club, an association of people who build model boats as a hobby: ITEMS ON THE PRE-ADJUSTMENT TRIAL BALANCE AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 Land and buildings (at cost) Furniture and equipment: At cost Accumulated depreciation (28 February 20.1) Membership fees (received) Membership fees in arrears (28 February 20.1) Membership fees received in advance (28 February 20.1) Telephone expense Wages Water and electricity Maintenance of buildings Jekyll fund (28 February 20.1) Current account Zeeland Bank (favourable balance) Admission fees received (to hobbies fair) Hobbies fair expenses 10% Long-term loan (SAL Bank) 28 February 20.1 (Loan secured by first mortgage over land and buildings) Accumulated fund (28 February 20.1) Investment (SAL Bank) Interest income SAL Bank at 8% pa Interest expense Refreshments: Inventory (28 February 20.1) Purchases Sales ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) The income from the Jekyll fund may only be used for the maintenance of the buildings of the club. (b) Membership fees: In arrear at 28 February 20.2 Received in advance at 28 February 20.2 R 800 R1 300 R 50 000 10 000 2 710 15 000 900 1 100 450 5 000 4 600 1 500 20 000 1 400 6 300 8 200 30 000 25 20 1 3 940 000 600 000

200 3 600 6 200

(c) Depreciation on furniture and equipment is calculated at 10% per annum on the diminished balance. The depreciation for the year ended 28 February 20.2 must still be brought into account. (d) Six new members joined the club during the year. The entrance fee of R200 per person is included in the figure for membership fees received, but should be included in the accumulated fund. (e) Inventory of refreshments at 28 February 20.2 amounted to R300. (f) The interest income (SAL Bank) was received in respect of the Jekyll fund. (g) The current account Zeeland Bank, had an unfavourable balance of R1 350 at 28 February 20.1.



Required: Prepare: 1. 2. The Jekyll fund account in the general ledger of the club for the year ended 28 February 20.2 The following statements of the club for the year ended 28 February 20.2: (a) (b) (c) 3. 4. Refreshments: trading statement Receipts and payments statement Income and expenditure statement

The statement of financial position of the club as at 28 February 20.2. The property, plant and equipment note.

Solution: Comprehensive example PRETORIA MODELLER'S CLUB

Dr 1 GENERAL LEDGER Jekyll fund
Nonexpendable (capital) R 20 000 20.1 Mar 1 20.2 Feb 28 Balance b/d Expendable (income)

Nonexpendable (capital) R 20 000

Expendable (income)

20.2 Feb 28 Maintenance: buildings Balance c/d

R 1 500 100

R 1 600 1 600

Bank: Interest on investment

1 600

20 000 20.2 Mar 1 Balance b/d

20 000 20 000



2(a) REFRESHMENTS: TRADING STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 R Revenue Cost of sales Inventory (28 February 20.1) Purchases Inventory (28 February 20.2) Gross profit 6 200 (3 500) 200 3 600 3 800 (300) 2 700




2(b) RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 Bank balance at 28 February 20.1 Receipts Membership fees Hobbies fair admissions Interest income Refreshments sold Payments Telephone expense Wages Water and electricity Maintenance of buildings Hobbies fair expenses Refreshments purchased Interest expense Bank balance at 28 February 20.2 (favourable) R (1 350) 29 100 15 6 1 6 000 300 600 200

(26 350) 5 4 1 8 3 3 450 000 600 500 200 600 000

1 400


2(c) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 R Income Membership fees R(15 000 7 900 + 1 100 + 800 7 1 300 71 200) (a) Admission fees (hobbies fair) Gross profit on sale of refreshments Expenditure Hobbies fair expenses Depreciation on furniture and equipment Interest (SAL Bank bond) Telephone expense Wages Water and electricity Surplus for the year 22 500 13 500 6 300 2 700 (21 979) 8 200 729 3 000 450 5 000 4 600 521




(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Financial assets SAL Bank at 8% pa Jekyll fund Current assets Inventory (refreshments) Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Accumulated fund (b) Special funds Nonexpendable funds Jekyll maintenance fund Expendable funds Jekyll maintenance fund Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing SAL Bank (secured by first mortgage over land and buildings) Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total funds and liabilities 47 761 27 661 20 100 20 000 20 000 100 100 31 300 30 000 30 000 1 300 1 300 79 061 3 Note R 76 561 56 561 20 000 20 000 2 500 300 800 1 400 79 061




(4) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 28 FEBRUARY 20.2 Note 3 (extract) Property, plant and equipment Land and buildings Furniture and equipment R 7 290 10 000 (2 710) (729) 6 561 10 000 (3 439) Total

R Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost price Accumulated depreciation Depreciation for the year Carrying amount: End of year Cost price Accumulated depreciation 50 000 50 000 50 000 50 000

R 57 290 60 000 (2 710) (729) 56 561 60 000 (3 439)

CALCULATIONS (a) Dt 20.1 Mar 1 20.2 Feb 28 Membership fees R 900 1 200 *13 500 1 300 16 900 20.2 Mar 1 Balance b/d 800 20.2 Mar 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Mar 1 20.2 Feb 28 Cr R 1 100 15 000 800



Balance Bank Balance

b/d CRJ c/d

Entrance fees J Income and expenditure J Balance c/d

16 900 1 300

* Balancing figure Both balances must be disclosed in the statement of financial position: The debit balance of R800 as a current asset and the R1 300 as a current liability. The above membership fees account can be replaced by the following three accounts.



Dt 20.1
Mar 1

Membership fees Accrued income J R 900 20.1

Mar 1

Cr R Income received in advance J CRJ J 1 100 15 000 800

20.2 Feb 28

Entrance fees Income received in advance Income and expenditure


1 200 1 300 13 500* 16 900

20.2 Feb 28 Bank Accrued income

16 900

* Balancing figure Dt 20.1

Mar 1

Accued income (Membership fees in arrears) Balance Membership fees b/d J R 900 800 1 700 20.1
Mar 1

Cr J c/d R 900 800 1 700

Membership fees Balance

Feb 28

Feb 28

20.2 Mar 1




The closing balance of this account is shown as a current asset in the statement of financial position. Dr 20.1 Mar 1 20.2
Feb 28

Income received in advance (Membership fees received in advance) Membership fees Balance J c/d R 1 100 1 300 2 400 20.2 Mar 1 Balance b/d 20.1 Mar 1 20.2
Feb 28

Cr R 1 100 1 300 2 400 1 300

Balance Membership fees

c/d J

The closing balance of this account is shown as a current liability in the statement of financial position. (b) Accumulated fund = R(25 940 + 521 + 1 200) = R27 661

. The above example is an illustration of the treatment of funds. Note the following: . The income from the Jekyll fund is used to finance an expense item. . The nonexpendable capital amounts of funds are treated separately from the unspent portions of the interest which are still available for future applications (expendable funds).



. Should the income from a fund be insufficient to cover an expense, the shortage can be debited to the income and expenditure account of the club. . In the above example the income and expenditure in respect of the hobbies fair is merely shown as a calculation in the income and expenditure statement. Had there been a number of different items pertaining to the fair, it would have been necessary to prepare a separate trading statement in respect of the hobbies fair. . Entrance fees are capitalised, that is, credited directly to the accumulated fund account. . In the question the opening balance of the accumulated fund is given. If it is not given, it can be calculated as the difference between the total debit balances and the total credit balances supplied in any list of balances from which the final statements are to be compiled.

17.10 Revision exercises and solutions

17.10.1 Revision exercise 1
The following information relates to the Green Golf Club: BALANCES AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Green fees and caddy fees received Bank (debit balance) Crockery and linen at cost 31 December 20.3 Sundry debtors Sundry creditors Telephone expense Dining room: Purchases Wages Sales Inventory 31 December 20.3 Buildings (at cost) Land and improvements (at cost) Implements and tools: At cost Accumulated depreciation 31 December 20.3 Maintenance expenses Entrance fees received Bar: Purchases Wages Sales Inventory 31 December 20.3 Membership fees Furniture: At cost Accumulated depreciation 31 December 20.3 Accumulated fund 31 December 20.3 Interest expense (Paid on mortgage loan to 30 June 20.4) Salaries and wages Stationery consumed 15% Mortgage Insurance prepaid 31 December 20.3 R 16 000 5 500 7 000 2 100 16 000 6 600 14 10 30 1 160 520 21 11 10 10 50 12 100 3 84 25 6 150 37 35 2 500 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 900 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 500 000 000 000 400



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) Bar inventory at 31 December 20.4 amounted to R2 500. (b) At 31 December 20.4, dining room inventory was not counted, but it can be assumed that the usual gross profit margin of 50% on turnover was realised. (c) At 31 December 20.4, crockery and linen were valued at R5 000. (d) Implements and tools must be depreciated at 20% per annum, using the diminishing balance method. (e) Furniture must be depreciated by R1 000. (f) Insurance premiums paid during the year, amounting to R1 600, were debited to the telephone expense account. Half of this amount is to be regarded as insurance prepaid. (g) The balance of the membership fees account was compiled from the following; an amount of R1 800 in respect of prepaid membership fees at 31 December 20.3 and cash received during the year, R82 200. The balance has still to be adjusted for the membership fees in arrears to the amount of R1 000 and prepaid membership fees to the amount of R2 100 at 31 December 20.4. (h) A new member's register which is in use was designed and printed at a quoted price of R100. This transaction has still to be recorded in the books. (i) The club secretary went on leave before Christmas and was paid his January 20.5 salary of R1 200 in advance. This amount forms part of the balance of the salaries and wages account (R35 000). (j) On 29 December 20.4 a club member deposited an amount of R500 in the club's bank account as a donation. This donation was only discovered when the bank balance was compared with the balance of the bank statement and must still be taken into account. (k) The mortgage loan is secured by a first mortgage over fixed property. Required: Prepare the following statements of Green Golf Club: 1. The income and expenditure statement for the year ended 31 December 20.4 (NB: Show the calculations of the gross profit for the bar and dining room separately.) The statement of financial position as at 31 December 20.4. The property, plant and equipment note.

2. 3.



Solution: Revision exercise 1 GREEN GOLF CLUB

(1) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 R Income Membership fees R(1 800 + 82 200 7 2 100 + 1 000) (a) Green fees and caddy fees Income from bar sales Gross profit (b) Wages Income from dining room Gross profit (c) Wages Donation received Expenses Salaries and wages R(35 000 1 200) Interest on mortgage loan (15% 6 R500 000) Maintenance Telephone expense R(6 600 1 600) Stationery R(2 000 + 100) Insurance R(1 600 + 400 800) Depreciation Implements and tools (20% 6 R10 000) Furniture Crockery and linen R(7 000 5 000) Surplus for the year 141 900 ) 82 900 ) 16 000 ) 37 500 ) 49 500 (12 000) 5 000 ) 15 000 (10 000) 500 ) (133 000) 33 75 10 5 2 1 5 800 000 900 000 100 200 000 ) ) ) ) ) ) )

2 000) 1 000) 2 000) 8 900




(2) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.4 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventory (refreshments) Prepayments R(800 + 1 200) Trade receivables R(2 100 + 1 000) Cash and cash equivalents Total assets FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Accumulated fund (d) Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing 15% mortgage (Secured by first mortgage over fixed property) Current liabilities Trade and other payables R[16 100 + 37 500 (e) + 2 100] Total funds and liabilities 169 400 169 400 555 700 500 000 500 000 55 700 55 700 725 100 3 711 000 14 100 3 2 3 6 000 000 100 000 Note R

725 100




(3) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.4 Note 3 (extract)
Property, plant and equipment Land, building and improvements R 680 000 680 000 () () () 680 000 680 000 () Crockery and linen R 7 000 7 000 () () (2 000) 5 000 7 000 (2 000) Implements and tools R 10 000 21 000 (11 000) (2 000) () 8 000 21 000 (13 000)

Furniture R 19 000 25 000 (6 000) (1 000) () 18 000 25 000 (7 000)

Total R 716 000 733 000 (17 000) (3 000) (2 000) 711 000 733 000 (22 000)

Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost Accumulated depreciation Depreciation for the period Revaluation Carrying amount: End of year Cost Accumulated depreciation

CALCULATIONS (a) Dr Income and expenditure Income received in advance Membership fees R 82 900 2 100 85 000 Income received in advance Bank Accrued income Cr R 1 800 82 200 1 000 85 000


Bar gross profit Sales Less: Cost of sales Opening inventory Purchases Less: Closing inventory Gross profit

3 50 53 2

000 000 000 500

R 100 000 50 500

49 500 30 000 15 000


Dining room gross profit Sales Less: Cost of sales (R30 000 6 50%) Opening inventory Purchases Less: Closing inventory (Balancing figure) Gross profit

1 000 14 500 15 500 500

15 000




Accumulated fund Balance (28 February 20.1) Add: Surplus for the year Entrance fees

R 150 000 8 900 10 500 169 400 R 75 000 37 500 37 500


Interest payable 15% of R500 000 Less: Paid Due

. Entrance fees are not shown in the income and expenditure statement because . . They represent nonrecurrent income. They are of a capital nature.

. The current expenses of a club, society or organisation not for gain should be estimated in advance for the next financial year. The annual membership fees are then determined by dividing the total budgeted expenses by the number of members. . Smaller donations received can be regarded as normal revenue, but should a donation be of a nonrecurrent nature and the amount is material (eg where a benefactor makes a special donation, or where a testamentary legacy is bequeathed), then it clearly becomes a receipt of a capital nature. Certain bodies, such as welfare organisations, often receive large amounts from the proceeds of a street collection, or from state grants-in-aid. These receipts are naturally not of a capital nature (unless specifically labelled and awarded as such) and should therefore be disclosed in the income and expenditure statement. . Crockery, glassware, linen, et cetera are not current assets, but form part of the equipment that must be provided before income can be earned. . Wages do not form part of gross profit and must be shown in the income and expenditure statement. . Note that in practice calculations are not shown on final statements [eg insurance (R40 + 1/2 of R160)]. For examination purposes, you may show calculations in this manner, on condition that they are clearly indicated as calculations.



17.10.2 Revision exercise 2

The following information relates to the Spring Tennis Club: (1) Statement of financial position items as at 31 December 20.1 R Equipment (at cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Fixed deposit at Trade Bank (at 12% per annum) Inventory: Tennis balls Accrued membership fees Accrued interest on fixed deposit Prepaid rental Savings account (favourable) Bank (favourable) Accumulated fund Special fund for championships Prepaid membership fees Accrued wages (2) Cash transactions for the year ended 31 December 20.2 Receipts: Visitors fees Membership fees: 20.1 20.2 20.3 Entrance fees Interest received: Fixed deposit Savings account Championship entry fees Donations Payments: Rates and taxes Refreshments Stationery Tennis balls Affiliation fees Championship expenses Honorarium Wages Maintenance Rental: Tennis courts Equipment (purchased on 30 September 20.2) Transfer to savings account 3 1 1 5 6 2 3 2 4 2 1 504 800 512 280 120 400 880 360 232 800 400 080 R 4 860 120 19 920 48 864 3 584 156 3 240 4 680 21 600 8 880 R 12 720 25 600 984 192 1 024 480 2 880 8 400 26 440 25 600 168 72



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) Entrance fees must be capitalised. (b) Inventory on hand at 31 December 20.2: Tennis balls R420 Refreshments R72 (c) Rental of tennis courts amounted to R480 per month. (d) Unpaid membership fees for 20.1 are irrecoverable. (e) The club has 84 members and membership fees amount to R20 per month. (f) Stationery amounting to R120 was purchased on credit and used during the year. (g) Wages of R360 are still outstanding. (h) Used equipment with a cost price of R1 200 and accumulated depreciation of R960 at 31 December 20.1 must be written off as from 1 January 20.2. (i) Provision must be made for depreciation on equipment at 20% per annum on the diminished balance. (j) The interest on the fixed deposit at Tradebank may only be used for championship expenses. The capital amount of the special fund is not expendable. Required: Prepare the following account and statements of Spring Tennis Club: 1. 2. 3. 4. The membership fees account for the year The income and expenditure statement for the year ended 31 December 20.2 The statement of financial position as at 31 December 20.2. The property, plant and equipment note to the financial statements.

Solution: Revision exercise 2 SPRING TENNIS CLUB

(1) GENERAL LEDGER Dt 20.2 Jan 1 Dec 31 Membership fees R 192 20.2 Jan 1 Dec 31 Cr R 168 120 19 920 48 72 72 20 400 20.3 Jan 1 Balance b/d 48

Balance b/d Income and expenditure: R(20 6 84 6 12) Balance (prepaid) c/d

20 160 48

Balance Bank 20.1 Bank 20.2 Bank 20.3 Credit losses Balance (in arrears)



20 400 20.3 Jan 1 Balance b/d 72




(2) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.2 R 29 856) 4 860) 20 160) 156) 4 680) (30 364) 3 504) 72) 1 728) 1 632) 5 844) 120) 2 880) 3 648) 2 232) 5 760) 2 616) 240) 88) (508)

Income Visitors' fees Membership fees Interest (savings account) Donations Expenses Rates and taxes Credit losses R(192 120) Refreshments R(1 800 72) Stationery R(1 512 + 120) Tennis balls R(984 + 5 280 420) Affiliation fees Honorarium Wages R(3 360 72 + 360) Maintenance Rent R(480 6 12) Depreciation (a) Loss on the scrapping of equipment (a) Championship: shortage (b) Deficit for the year




(3) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 20.2 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Financial assets Fixed deposit at Trade Bank (at 12% pa) Current assets Inventories R(420 + 72) Trade receivables R[72 + 512 (c)] Cash and cash equivalents R[3 960 + 10 504 (d and e)] Total assets FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Funds Accumulated fund (f) Special funds Non-expendable funds Championships Current liabilities Trade and other payables R[48 + 120 + 360 + 480 (g)] Total funds and liabilities 52 396 26 796 25 600 25 600 1 008 1 008 53 404 3 Note R 37 864 12 264 25 600 25 600 15 540 492 584 14 464 53 404


(4) NOTES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 20.2 Note 3 Property, plant and equipment Carrying amount: Beginning of year Cost price Accumulated depreciation Additions (from own funds) Disposals at carrying amount Cost price Accumulated depreciation Depreciation for the year Carrying amount: End of year Cost price Accumulated depreciation Equipment R 12 720 21 600 (8 880) 2 400 (240) (1 200) 960 (2 616) 12 264 22 800 (10 536) Total R 12 720 21 600 (8 880) 2 400 (240) (1 200) 960 (2 616) 12 264 22 800 (10 536)



CALCULATIONS (a) Loss on sale of equipment and depreciation Accumulated Cost price depreciation R R 21 600 8 880 (1 200) (960) 7 920 20 400 2 400 22 800

Balance Written off Purchased 30 Septermber 20.2 Loss on scrapping of equipment R(1 200 960) = R240 Depreciation for the year R(20 400 7 920) 6 20% R2 400 6 20% 6 12 (b) Championship shortage Expenses Income: Entry fees Interest (R25 600 6 12%) Shortage (c) Interest accrued Interest receivable for the year (R25 600 6 12%) Interest received Less: Accrued interest (31 Dec 20.1) Accrued interest (31 Dec 20.2) (d) Savings account Balance Add: Deposit (e) Bank Balance Add: Receipts Less: Payments Balance (f) Accumulated fund Balance (31 Dec 20.1) Add: Entrance fees Less: Shortage for the year Balance (31 Dec 20.2) (g) Accrued rental expense Payable per annum = R480 6 12 Less: Amount paid Balance (31 Dec 20.2) Less: Prepaid 31 December 20.1

R 2 496 120 2 616 R 3 240 3 072 6 400 6 312 88

3 072 3 584 1 024 2 560 512 R 2 880 1 080 3 960 8 37 45 35 10 400 472 872 368 504

26 440 864 508 26 796 5 760 4 800 960 480 480



SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you
. . . . . .

prepare fund accounts? prepare receipts and payments statements? prepare trading statements? prepare income and expenditure statements? prepare the statement of financial position reflecting the financial position of the organisation, including information regarding special funds? record all calculations required, including those in respect of membership fees?




Incomplete records
Learning outcome
Students should be able to convert to a double-entry system from incomplete records.

Key concepts 18.1 18.2 Introduction Disadvantages of using incomplete records 18.2.1 Incompleteness 18.2.2 No record of non-current assets and non-current liabilities 18.2.3 No details of profits and/or losses 18.2.4 The final results are unreliable 18.3 18.4 Calculation of profit/loss from incomplete records Conversion from a single entry into a double entry system 18.4.1 Where subsidiary journals are kept 18.4.2 Where minimal records are kept 18.5 Revision exercises and solutions 18.5.1 Revision exercise 1 18.5.2 Revision exercise 2 Self-assessment 343 343 343 343 343 343 343 344 346 346 347 352 352 355 359



Incomplete records Statement of assets and liabilities . Conversion to double entry system
. .

18.1 Introduction
Sometimes small businesses, non-profit organisations etc, do not adhere to the double entry system of accounting. It is likely that the owners or management of these small organisations know very little about basic bookkeeping principles. Because of this, not all transactions are recorded and minimal accounting records are kept, for example, that of only debtors and creditors ie personal accounts. This is described as the single entry system of accounting which, for obvious reasons, leads to incomplete records. Read paragraph 18.1 of the prescribed book.

18.2 Disadvantages of using imcomplete records

There are many disadvantages attached to the use of the single entry system. These may be summarised as follows:

18.2.1 Incompleteness
In the discussion on the double entry system the twofold aspect of each transaction was explained, namely that for each debit entry there must be a corresponding credit entry. This principle cannot apply where only personal accounts are kept and therefore the records kept under a single entry system will be incomplete. Apart from personal records, there are numerous transactions of an impersonal nature and no record of these transactions exist under the single entry system.

18.2.2 No record of non-current assets and non-current liabilities

Non-current assets and non-current liabilities are impersonal accounts and where only personal accounts are kept, there will be no reliable record of these assets and liabilities.

18.2.3 No details of profits and/or losses

Because nominal or profit or loss accounts are not kept it is impossible to determine the origin or existence of a profit or a loss from the accounting records. This lack of reliable information could adversely affect management, as it is difficult to frame a future policy if there are no records on which to base it. It is therefore impossible to compare the results of one year with those of a previous year, or to obtain any statistical information.

18.2.4 The final results are unreliable

Because only a single entry of personal transactions is recorded, a trial balance cannot be compiled. Furthermore, the balances on the debtors' and creditors' accounts may be incorrect because there are no control accounts with which to reconcile them. Assets and/or liabilities are also not recorded, and it is obvious, therefore, that any financial statements prepared from this information will be unreliable.



18.3 Calculation of profit/loss from incomplete records

For taxation and other purposes, the profits/losses of a business need to be calculated. When using the single entry system, the profit/loss for a certain period can only be determined by means of a comparison of the capital at the beginning of the period with the capital at the end of the period. An increase in capital may be regarded as a profit and a decrease as a loss. Provision should, however, be made for any additions to capital or withdrawals by the owner. Study paragraph 18.2 of the prescribed book.

Exer ci se 18.1
D Donovan keeps his books on the single entry basis. On 30 April 20.1, his assets and liabilities are as follows: R Furniture and fittings Inventory Sundry debtors Bank (favourable) Petty cash Sundry creditors Loan: DJ Bank Firstly, a statement of assets and liabilities must be prepared at 30 April 20.1. 16 8 10 2 500 700 900 200 300 9 400 5 500

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 30 APRIL 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Current assets Inventory Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents R(2 200 + 300) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing DJ Bank Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities
* Balancing figure

R 16 500 16 22 8 10 2 38 23 *23 14 5 500 100 700 900 500 600 700 700 900 500

5 500 9 400 9 400 38 600



On 30 April 20.2 the position appeared to be as follows: Furniture and fittings Inventory Sundry debtors Bank Petty cash Sundry creditors Loan: DJ Bank R 16 500 9 600 11 200 3 000 400 8 600 5 000

It was also ascertained that D Donovan withdrew R2 500 from the entity during the year. Furniture and fittings must be depreciated by 10% per annum. Required: Calculate the profit or loss for the year and prepare a statement of assets and liabilities as at 30 April 20.2

Solution Exercise


The final capital on 30 April 20.2 must be determined first: Assets Furniture and fittings Inventory Sundry debtors Bank Petty cash R 16 500 9 600 11 200 3 000 400 40 700 Liabilities Loan: DJ Bank Sundry creditors Capital (13 600) 5 000 8 600 27 100

In order to determine the estimated profit for the year, the difference between the two capital amounts must be determined, and adjustments made for the drawings and depreciation: Capital at the end of the financial period (30 April 20.2) Capital at the beginning of the period (30 April 20.1) Depreciation Drawings Estimated profit for the year 27 (23 3 (1 2 4 R 100 700) 400 650) 500 250



A statement of assets and liabilities as at 30 April 20.2 can now be prepared:

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 30 APRIL 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment R(16 5001 650) Current assets Inventory Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents R(3 000 + 400) Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowing DJ Bank Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities
R * Balance: 1 April 20.1 23 700

R 14 850 14 24 9 11 3 850 200 600 200 400

39 050

25 *25 13 5

450 450 600 000

5 000 8 600 8 600 39 050

* Estimated profit * Less drawings

4 250 (2 500) 25 450

Take note of the systematic arrangement and grouping of the items which are essential to generally accepted accounting practice. Study paragraphs 18.3 to 18.6 of the prescribed book.

18.4 Conversion from a single entry into a double entry system

18.4.1 Where subsidiary journals are kept
Step 1 Prepare a statement of assets and liabilities at the beginning of the period (or use the closing statement of the previous period). The ``balances'' as shown in this statement are then journalised (general journal) and posted to the various general ledger accounts. This procedure opens the accounts in the general ledger in accordance with the double entry system. Step 2 The next step is to prepare the various subsidiary journals as discussed in study unit 6. The cash receipts, cash payments, purchases, purchases returns, sales, sales returns and any other subsidiary journals, must be prepared.



The necessary entries for rent, salaries, wages, sundry expenses, purchase or sale of assets, cash purchases and sales, etc. should be made in the cash journals. It is also essential to regularly do a bank reconciliation as well as at the end of the period. The individual debtors' and creditors' accounts should be checked carefully. Any mistakes should be corrected in the general journal. Step 3 The entries in the subsidiary journals can now be posted to the various ledger accounts. Step 4 Once satisfied that all the journals have been completed and that all postings have been made to the ledger accounts, the accounts must be balanced, and a trial balance prepared. Step 5 Compile the financial statements as previously discussed in this study guide.

18.4.2 Where minimal records are kept

Because of the practical difficulties of constructing a proper set of books on the double-entry system from incomplete entries, it is sometimes better to start by preparing the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of financial position. In the following year proper systematic books and accounts can be kept. The procedure is as follows: Step 1 Make a list of all assets and liabilities as at the beginning of the financial period. Step 2 Calculate the capital as at the beginning of the period. Step 3 Prepare a summary of the bank account for the year by using cheque counterfoils, deposit slips and bank statements as reference. Step 4 Ascertain the balances of the assets and liabilities at the end of the period. Step 5 The next step is to calculate the figures for purchases and sales. If no distinction can be made between cash and credit sales and purchases, the amounts can easily be calculated with the aid of the debtors and creditors control accounts. All money received with regard to sales of inventory must then be credited to the debtors control account. (This procedure is unnecessary where cash sales and receipts from debtors can be determined accurately.) Similarly, all payments for purchases of inventory are debited to the creditors control account. Items such as settlement discounts received and granted, purchases or sales returns, interest received and paid, R/D cheques, credit losses, transfers from debtors to creditors and vice versa must be correctly debited/credited in the appropriate control accounts.



After provision has also been made in the control accounts for both opening and closing balances in respect of debtors, and of creditors, these accounts can be balanced. The balancing figure on the debit side of the debtors control account then represents sales, and the balancing figure on the credit side of the creditors control account will represent purchases. Step 6 Where accruals and prepayments exist for income and expenditure items, the amounts which must be disclosed in the statement of comprehensive income need to be calculated. Step 7 All the required information is now available and the financial statements can be prepared.

Exer ci se 18.2
C Caity runs a small business. She has never kept proper accounting records and asks you to be her accountant. After thorough investigation you ascertain the following particulars with regard to her business: Balances as at 1 May 20.0: Vehicle Furniture and fittings Inventory: Trading Debtors Creditors Accrued wages 15 12 9 7 5 R 300 600 680 930 645 450

The analysis of the receipts and payments in her bank account for the year ended 30 April 20.1 was as follows (all receipts were banked and all payments were made by cheque): Dr Bank R 7 260 124 538 21 762 R 66 3 11 14 3 2 3 7 Cr

Balance Received from debtors Cash sales


Payments to creditors Water and electricity Wages Rent expense Telephone expense Advertising Insurance Sundry expenses Bank charges Drawings Balance


500 300 925 400 420 100 250 650 190 35 500 5 325

153 560 Balance b/d 5 325

153 560

You establish that the following must also be taken into account:



(a) Depreciation is to be written off on the carrying amounts at 20% per annum on vehicles and at 10% per annum on furniture and fittings. (b) Balances as at 30 April 20.1: R Accrued wages 225 Prepaid insurance 250 Inventory: Merchandise 12 190 Debtors 11 230 Creditors 7 145 Required: Prepare the annual financial statements for C Caity for the year ended 30 April 20.1. NB: Notes are not required.

Solution Exercise


The opening capital on 1 May 20.0 must be determined first: Assets Vehicles Furniture and fittings Inventory Debtors Bank Liabilities Creditors Accrued wages Capital 15 12 9 7 7 R 300 600 680 930 260

52 770 (6 095) 5 645 450 46 675

Determine the sales and purchases for the year to 30 April 20.1: Dr Debtors control R 7 930 149 600 Cr R 124 538 21 762 11 230 157 530

Balance: Debtors Sales*


Bank: Debtors Cash sales Balance: Debtors


157 530 Balance: Debtors b/d 11 230




Creditors control R 66 500 7 145 73 645 Balance: Creditors b/d

Cr R 5 645 68 000 73 645 7 145

Bank: Creditors Balance: Creditors


Balance: Creditors Purchases*


* Balancing figures

Calculate the amounts to be taken into account in the statement of comprehensive income for any prepayments or accruals. Dr Insurance R 3 250 Cr R 250 3 000 3 250


Prepaid insurance Profit or loss

3 250


Wages R 11 925 225 12 150

Cr R 450 11 700 12 150

Bank Accrued wages

Accrued wages Profit or loss

The financial statements can now be prepared.



STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 20.1 R 149 600 (65 490) 9 680 68 000 77 680 (12 190) 84 110 (50 080) 3 300 11 700 14 400 3 420 2 100 3 000 7 650 190 4 320 34 030 34 030

Revenue Cost of sales Inventory: 1 May 20.0 Purchases Inventory: 30 April 20.1 Gross profit Distribution, administrative and other expenses: Water and electricity Wages Rent expense Telephone expense Advertising Insurance Other expenses Bank charges Depreciation R(3 060 + 1 260)* Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year

* Vehicles (R15 300 6 20%) = R3 060 + Furniture and fittings (R12 600 6 10%) = R1 260.

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 20.1 Capital R Balance at 1 May 20.0 Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 30 April 20.1 46 675 34 030 (35 500) 45 205



STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 APRIL 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment* Current assets Inventory Trade receivables R(11 230 + 250) Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(7 145 + 225) Total equity and liabilities
* R(15 300 7 3 060) + R(12 600 7 1 260) = R23 580


R 23 580 23 580 28 995 12 190 11 480 5 325 52 575

45 205 45 205 7 370 7 370 52 575

18.5 Revision exercises and solutions

18.5.1 Revision exercise 1
K Kacey, the owner of Kacey Traders has not kept proper accounting records. She is, however, able to supply the following information: Balances as at 31 July: 20.1 Vehicles (at cost) Furniture and fittings (at cost) Inventory: Trading Debtors Bank (favourable) Long-term borrowing Creditors Accrued expenses Prepaid expenses R 24 500 18 800 20 750 8 700 1 300 15 000 9 500 2 400 350 20.2 R 24 500 18 800 28 400 11 600 2 700 10 000 11 800 1 200 350

You also establish the following with regard to the year ended 31 July 20.2: (a) K Kacey drew R18 500 during the year for own use. (b) Depreciation of 15% per annum on the cost price of vehicles and 10% per annum on the cost price of furniture and fittings must still be provided for. (c) An amount of R500 must be written off as irrecoverable.



Required: (1) (2) Calculate the estimated profit/loss of Kacey Traders for the year ended 31 July 20.2. Prepare the statement of financial position of Kacey Traders as at 31 July 20.2.

Solution: Revision exercise 1 (1) CALCULATION OF PROFIT/LOSS: KACEY TRADERS

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 JULY 20.1 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment R(24 500+18 800) Current assets Inventory Trade receivables R(8 700 + 350) Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(9 500 + 2 400) Total equity and liabilities
* Balancing figure

R 43 300 43 300 31 100 20 750 9 050 1 300 74 400 47 *47 26 15 500 500 900 000

15 000 11 900 11 900 74 400

Determination of final capital: Assets Vehicles Furniture and fittings Inventory Debtors Bank Prepaid expenses Liabilities Long-term borrowing Creditors Accrued expenses Capital

R 24 500 18 800 28 400 11 600 2 700 350 86 350 (23 000) 10 000 11 800 1 200 63 350



Estimated profit R 63 350 (47 500) 15 850 18 500 (500) (5 555) (a) (b) 3 675 1 880 28 295

Capital at the end of the financial period Capital at the beginning of the period Drawings Adjustments: Credit losses Depreciation Vehicles Furniture and fittings Estimated profit for the year (a) R(24 500 6 15%) = R3 675 (b) R(18 800 6 10%) = R1 880


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 JULY 20.2 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment R(24 500 + 18 800 5 555) Current assets Inventory Trade receivables R(11 600 500 + 350) Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Total liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings: long-term loan Current liabilities Trade and other payables R(11 800 + 1 200) Total equity and liabilities R
* Balance 1/8/20.1

R 37 745 37 42 28 11 2 80 57 *57 23 10 745 550 400 450 700 295 295 295 000 000

10 000 13 000 13 000 80 295

* Estimated profit * Less: Drawings

47 28 (18 57

500 295 500) 295



18.5.2 Revision exercise 2

M Mandosa keeps his books on a single entry basis, but decides to change to the double entry system and asks for your assistance. You ascertain the following: On 1 July 20.1 M Mandosa had the following assets: Land and buildings Vehicle Furniture and equipment Inventory Debtors His liabilities consisted of the following: Loan: NKA Bank Creditors Bank (overdraft) An analysis of his cash journals revealed the following: Receipts Received from debtors and cash sales Refunds from creditors in respect of overpayments on accounts Mandosa paid into the business Rent income Payments Payments to creditors and suppliers of merchandise Loan: NKA Bank paid in full Debtor's cheques dishonoured (R/D) Drawings Wages paid Telephone expense You also ascertain the following: (a) On 30 June 20.2 M Mandosa had no cash on hand, except that in the bank. (b) R200 interest was collected on overdue debtors' accounts. (c) Settlement discount granted amounted to R720 and settlement discount received, R940, respectively. (d) Depreciation must be provided for at 15% per annum on the cost price of vehicles and at 5% per annum on the cost price of furniture and equipment. (e) Debtors' accounts, amounting to R500 were written off during the year as irrecoverable. (f) On 30 June 20.2, Mandosa valued his merchandise inventory at R15 000. Debtors owed him R6 800 and he owed creditors R8 400. Required: Prepare a statement of comprehensive income and a statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 20.2, and a statement of financial position at that date. (Show your calculations of purchases and sales.) (NB: Notes are not required.) 139 600 540 7 600 2 400 8 400 7 200 5 300 36 12 2 13 2 R 000 000 600 000 200

77 400 8 900 840 34 500 10 000 4 360



Solution: Revision exercise 2

CALCULATIONS (a) Capital at the beginning of the year: R Assets Land and buildings Vehicles Furniture and equipment Inventory Debtors 65 800 36 12 2 13 2 000 000 600 000 200

(20 900) Liabilities Loan: NKA Bank Creditors Bank overdraft Capital 8 400 7 200 5 300 44 900

(b) Bank balance at the end of the year: Opening balance Receipts Received from debtors and cash sales Refunds from creditors Mandosa paid into the business Rent income Payments Payments to creditors and suppliers Loan: NKA Bank paid in full Debtor's cheques dishonoured Drawings Wages paid Telephone expense Closing balance

R (5 300) 150 140 139 600 540 7 600 2 400 (136 000) 77 400 8 900 840 34 500 10 000 4 360 8 840



(c) Dr

Debtors control R 2 200 840 200 144 380

Cr R 139 600 720 500 6 800

Balance Bank: R/D cheques Interest income Sales*


Bank Settlement discount granted Credit losses Balance


147 620 Balance (d) Dr Creditors control R 77 400 940 8 400 86 740 Balance
* Balancing figure

147 620


6 800

Cr R 7 200 540 79 000

Bank Settlement discount received Balance

Balance Bank Purchases*



86 740 b/d 8 400



STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 R 143 660 (76 060) 13 000 78 060 91 060 (15 000) 67 600 2 600 2 400 200 70 200 (16 790) 10 000 4 360 500 1 930 53 410 (500) 52 910 52 910

Revenue Cost of sales Inventory: 1 July 20.1 Purchases Inventory: 30 June 20.2 Gross profit Other income Rent income Interest received on debtors accounts Distribution, administrative and other expenses: Wages Sundry trade expenses Credit losses Depreciation R(1 800 + 130)* Finance charges: Interest on loan (R8 900 7 R8 400) Profit for the year Other comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year

* Vehicles (R12 000 x 15%) = R 1800 + furniture and equipment (R2 600 x 5%) = R130

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 20.2 Capital Balance at 1 July 20.1 Contribution during the period Total comprehensive income for the year Drawings Balance at 30 June 20.2 44 7 52 (34 R 900 600 910 500)

70 910



STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 20.2 ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment* Current assets Inventory Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Total equity Capital Current liabilities Trade and other payables Total equity and liabilities
* R36 000 + R(12 000 7 1 800) + R(2 600 7 130) = R48 670

R 48 670 48 670 30 640 15 000 6 800 8 840 79 310

70 910 70 910 8 400 8 400 79 310

SELF-ASSESSMENT Now that you have studied this study unit, can you
. . . . . .

discuss the disadvantages of using incomplete records? define what is meant by incomplete records? prepare a statement of financial position? calculate a profit/loss from incomplete records? convert a single entry system into a double entry system? prepare financial statements from incomplete records?



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