Resolution - Preliminary Investigation (Flores, Gutierrez)

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A complaint was filed against Tenorio Palparan and Marina Angeles for the crime of frustrated homicide against Gina Del Rio. Witness affidavits and a medical report provided evidence of the incident.

Tenorio Palparan was charged with frustrated homicide for stabbing Gina Del Rio with intent to kill but not causing her death due to timely medical assistance.

Witness affidavits from Manuel and Carla Del Rio, Sgt. Pedro Santiago, and a medical report from Dr. Bienvenido Torres provided evidence of the stabbing incident and the condition of Gina Del Rio. Sgt. Santiago also witnessed Palparan and Angeles at the scene covered in blood.


SP01 ENRICO VALENCIA, Complainant, -versusTENORIO PALPARAN, Respondent 0-------------------------------------------0

I S NO! """""""""""""""" #OR! #R$STRATE% &O'ICI%E (Art )*+ in relation to Art , o- t.e Revised Penal Code/

RESO"UTION T.e respondent 'ARINA AN1ELES and TENORIO PALPARAN 2ere 3.ar4ed ot.e 3rime o- #R$STRATE% &O'ICI%E in a 3omplaint -iled 56 SP0) ENRICO VALENCIA In support o- .is 3omplaint, t.e .erein 3omplainant atta3.ed t.e -ollo2in4 do3uments7 1 8oint A--idavit o- 'anuel %el Rio and Carla %el Rio7 ) A--idavit o- S4t Pedro Santia4o 9 A--idavit o- %r :ienvenido Torres St!te#ent of F!cts :ased on t.e investi4ation 3ondu3ted 56 t.e Poli3e Investi4ator, SP0) ENRICO VALENCIA, t.e -a3ts o- t.e 3ase are stated .ereunder! on t.e )*t. o- %e3em5er, )01), in t.e Cit6 o;ue<on, National Capital Re4ion, P.ilippines and t.e =urisdi3tion o- &onora5le Court, a33used TERNORIO PALPARAN, 2it. intent to >ill, did t.en and t.ere 2il-ull6, unla2-ull6 and -eloniousl6 atta3>, slas. and sta5 1INA %EL RIO ? %ELA CR$@ 2it. a 5laded 2eapon, t.ere56 in-li3tin4 -atal 2ounds on t.e ri4.t side o- .er 3.est, per-ormin4 all t.e a3ts o- e0e3ution 2.i3. 2ould .ave produ3ed t.e 3rime o- &omi3ide as a 3onseAuen3e, 5ut 2.i3., nevert.eless, did not produ3e t.e same 56 reason o- 3auses independent o- .er 2ill, is, 56 t.e timel6 and a5le medi3al assistan3e

rendered to 1INA %EL RIO ? %ELA CR$@ , to .er dama4e and pre=udi3e t.e 3rime 2as attended 56 an a44ravatin4 3ir3umstan3e oo5vious un4rate-ulness, a33used TENORIO PALPARAN, as -amil6 driver, -atall6 sta55ed .er emplo6ers, 'anuel and Carla del RioBs, dau4.ter CONTRAR? TO LAC In t.e =oint a--idavit o- 2itnesses 'anuel and Carla %el Rio, t.e6 stated on %e3em5er )*, )01), 1ina as>ed -or t.eir permission to attend a part6 o- a -riend to 2.i3. t.e6 a4reed 'anuel %el Rio spe3i-i3all6 instru3ted .is dau4.ter 1ina, i- s.e 4oes .ome past D!00 p m , s.e s.ould pass t.rou4. t.e 5a3> door o- t.eir .ouse At around E!00 in t.e evenin4, 'anuel %el Rio arrived .ome a-ter a meetin4 and t.erea-ter instru3ted .is su5ordinate S4t Pedro Santia4o to o5tain 3ertain -iles -or .im in Camp Crame At a5out D!FF p m , 'anuel %el Rio re3eived a te0t messa4e -rom 1ina sa6in4 t.e latter is alread6 t.e premises o- t.eir .ouse At +!01 p m , 'anuel %el Rio .eard S4t Santia4oBs voi3e and immediatel6 ran to t.e 4uest room 2.ere .is 2i-e, Carla %el Rio, 2as .avin4 a massa4e T.e t2o immediatel6 2ent do2n and rus.ed to s3ene 2.ere t.e6 sa2 1ina l6in4 do2n and 3overed 2it. 5lood 'anuel immediatel6 3alled t.e poli3e 56 to report t.e in3ident &e and .is 2i-e t.en 3arried 1ina to t.eir 3ar and rus.ed .er strai4.t to t.e .ospital 2.i3. 2as onl6 -ive (F/ minutes a2a6 -rom t.eir .ouse C.en t.e6 arrived at t.e .ospital, several do3tors rus.ed to t.eir aid T.e .ead do3tor in-ormed 'anuel %el Rio and Carla %el Rio t.eir dau4.ter 1ina 2as in 3riti3al 3ondition, .o2ever, .er situation 2ould .ave 5een more severe i- s.e did not re3eive timel6 medi3al intervention In t.e a--idavit o- S4t Pedro Santia4o, .e stated at D!*F p m o%e3em5er )*, )01), .e 2as restin4 on t.e )nd -loor o- .is superior, 'anuel %el RioBs .ouse &e 2as instru3ted 56 'anuel %el Rio to pro3eed to Camp Crame to o5tain some do3uments -rom t.e latterBs o--i3e C.ile 4oin4 do2n t.e stairs, .e sa2 t.e li4.t in t.e .ouseBs 4ara4e 2as open and .eard t.ere 2ere people tal>in4 in t.e 4ara4e &e re3o4ni<ed Tenorio Palparan a > a 'an4 TinoBs voi3e (t.e -amil6Bs driver/ G:a>it mo na4a2an4 sa>sa>in si 1inaHI C.en .e opened t.e door, .e sa2 1inaBs 5od6 spra2led on t.e -loor &e also sa2 Palparan and respondent 'arina An4eles(t.e -amil6Bs maid/ 3overed 2it. 5lood and 2ere t.ree (9/ meters a2a6 -rom 1ina 2.o 2as still trem5lin4 and 5loodied &e pointed .is 4un at t.e t2o &e later on 6elled to 3all t.e attention o- 'anuel %el Rio and Carla %el Rio C.en t.e t2o le-t to 4o to t.e .ospital, S4t Santia4o tied Palparan and respondent 'arina An4eles, in-ormed t.em o- .is intention to arrest t.em 5ased on .e sa2 and .eard, and re3ited to t.em t.eir 'iranda ri4.ts T.e t2o remained silent In .is 3ounter-a--idavit, t.e a33used Tenorio Palparan 2as a5out to par> .is emplo6erBs 3ar to t.e 4ara4e at D!*F p m 2.en .e 2as approa3.ed 56 'ario Santos, t.e nei4.5orBs driver C.ile t.e6 2ere .avin4 a small 3onversation, 'ario sa2 'arina An4eles 2al>in4 -ast to2ards t.e 5a3> o- t.e .ouse, .oldin4 a sa-et6

deposit 5o0 and a >it3.en >ni-e 'ario Santos told t.e a33used to -ollo2 'arina -or a33ordin4 to .ouse .elper, 'arina 2as a3tin4 di--erentl6 in t.e past -e2 da6s T.e a33used -ollo2ed 'arina and 2as surprised to see .er sta55ed t.e vi3tim, 1ina &e tried to stop 1ina 56 4ra55in4 .er arm, 5ut 'arina sta55ed 1ina a se3ond time &e 2as also a5le to 4et t.e sa-et6 5o0 -rom 'arina 5ut .e lost 4rip and dropped it S4t Santia4o 2al>ed into t.e s3ene, and upon seein4 1ina on t.e -loor, .e s.outed -or .elp S4t Santia4o dre2 .is servi3e -irearm, aimed it at t.em, 4ra55ed a rope and tied t.eir .ands T.e poli3e arrived s.ortl6 'ario Santos, t.e nei4.5orBs driver also 4ave an a--idavit 3orro5oratin4 parts o- t.e 3ounter-a--idavit o- Tenorio Palparan In t.e a--idavit o- %r :ienvenido Torres, 'edi3o-Le4al %o3tor at t.e P.ilippine National Poli3e Crime La5orator6 in Camp Crame, .e stated an evaluation o- vi3timBs 5od6 a-ter t.e in3ident 6ielded t.e -ollo2in4 results! 1/ T.e vi3tim .ad t2o ()/ penetratin4 sta5 2ounds on t.e ri4.t side o- .er 3.est7 measurin4 0 D 0 1 ) 3m on t.e antero-medial portion on t.e *t. inter3ostal spa3e, 9 * 3m -rom t.e sternal 5order and measurin4 0 F 0 0 + 3m on t.e lun4 ape0, immediatel6 3audal to t.e anterior t.ird 3lavi3le, 3ausin4 a .airline -ra3ture o- t.e upper 5oarder o- t.e -irst ri57 )/ T.e sta5 2ounds resulted inpleural e--usion and &emot.ora0 o- t.e ri4.t lun4 as per 3.est J-ra6 -indin4s7 9/ T.e patient is under 3riti3al 3ondition, 2it. me3.ani3al ventilation status post insertion o- 3.est tu5e 'arina An4eles 2aived .er ri4.ts under Art 1)F o- t.e Revised Penal Code and a-ter under4oin4 an inAuest, a resolution 2as prepared and an in-ormation 2as -iled earlier As to Tenorio Palparan, a preliminar6 investi4ation 2as 3ondu3ted An!l ses$Fin%in&s !n% Reco##en%!tions Arti3le )*+ and Arti3le , o- t.e Revised Penal Code spe3i-i3all6 state as -ollo2s! Art. 249. Homicide. Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Article 246, shall kill another witho t the attendance of any of the circ mstances en merated in the ne!t preceding article, shall "e deemed g ilty of homicide and "e p nished "y recl sion temporal.# (Itali3s supplied / Art. 6 $ %ons mmated, &r strated ' Attempted &elonies

%ons mmated felonies as well as those fr strated and attempted are p nisha"le.



A felony is cons mmated when all the elements necessary for its e!ec tion and accomplishment are present( and it is fr strated when the offender performs all the acts of e!ec tion which wo ld prod ce the felony as a conse) ence " t which, nevertheless, do not prod ce it "y reason of ca ses independent of the will of the perpetrator*s !!!.#(Itali3s supplied / In Adam vs Court o- Appeals and People o- t.e P.ilippines 1, t.e a33used 2as .eld to 5e 4uilt6 o- -rustrated .omi3ide T.e Court .eld su3. 3rime 2as deemed to reAuire t.e intent o- t.e perpetrator to >ill .is vi3tim In People vs #orti3.), it 2as .eld t.e intent to >ill 5ein4 an essential element o- t.e o--ense o- -rustrated or attempted .omi3ide, said element must 5e proved 56 3lear and 3onvin3in4 eviden3e Indeed, t.e nature o- t.e 2eapon used -or t.e atta3> and t.e dire3tion at 2.i3. it 2as aimed unmista>a5l6 s.o2ed petitionerKs intent to >ill 9 As reiterated in t.e 3ase o- Cervantes vs People o- t.e P.ilippines *, determines t.e presen3e o- intent to >ill is t.e nature and t.e e0tent o- t.e 2ound in-li3ted -or it must 5e supported 56 independent proo- s.o2in4 t.e 2ound in-li3ted 2as su--i3ient to 3ause t.e vi3timBs deat. 2it.out timel6 medi3al intervention T.e dan4er to li-e o- an6 2ound is dependent upon a num5er o-a3tors! t.e e0tent o- t.e in=ur67 t.e -orm o- t.e 2ound7 t.e re4ion o- t.e 5od6 a--e3ted7 t.e 5lood vessels7 nerves, or or4ans involved7 t.e entran3e o- diseaseprodu3in4 5a3teria or or4anisms into t.e 2ound7 t.e a4e and 3onstitution ot.e person in=ured7 and t.e opportunities -or administerin4 proper sur4i3al treatment In People vs RaAuinioF, Appellant used a 2eapon, a 5olo T.e t.rust L Msudden and une0pe3tedM L 2as dire3ted at a vital spot o- t.e 5od6, t.e a5domen Cere it not -or t.e -a3t A4ustin RaAuinio .eld t.e de-endant -ast and 4ra55ed t.e 5olo -rom .is .and, .e 2ould .ave -inis.ed o-- .is vi3tim T.e 2ounds su--ered 56 t.e latter 2ould .ave 5een -atal, 2ere it not -or t.e timel6 and adeAuate medi3al assistan3e rendered .im Intention to >ill, a mental pro3ess, ma6 5e in-erred -rom t.e nature o- t.e 2eapon used, t.e pla3e o- t.e 2ound, t.e seriousness t.ereo-, and t.e persisten3e to >ill t.e vi3tim As in 3ase, t.e -indin4s o- t.e medi3o-le4al 3learl6 state t.e pro5a5le -atalit6 o- su3. .ad it not 5een attended medi3all6 T.e -a3ts o- t.e 3ase 5e-ore us sAuarel6 -all under t.e 3rime o- #rustrated &omi3ide T.e -atal 2ounds -ound in 1inaBs 5od6 2ere dire3tl6 3aused 56 t.e >it3.en >ni-e (2it. a s3rat3. and splattered
1 2

G.R. No. 139830, November 21, 2002 G.R. No. 80399-404. November 13, 1997 3 People vs. Recto, G.R. No. 129069, October 17, 2001, p. 25 4 G.R. No. 175023, J l! 5, 2010 5 G.R. No. "-16488, # $ st 12, 1966

2it. 5lood/ 2.i3. 2as plun4ed t2i3e into t.e ri4.t side o- .er 3.est S4t Santia4o reasona5l6 5elieved t.e a3t o- sta55in4 1ina 2as 3ommitted 56 Tenorio Palparan and respondent 'arina An4eles due to presen3e o- t.e -ollo2in4 3ir3umstan3es! (1/ &e .eard 'an4 TinoBs voi3e 2.en .e 2as t.ree meters a2a6 -rom t.e rear door7 ()/ &e .eard 'an4 Tino utter t.e Auestion G:a>it mo na4a2an4 sa>sa>in si 1inaH7I (9/ &e sa2 5lood all over t.e -loor, 1ina l6in4 do2n and trem5lin47 (*/ &e sa2 t.e t2o a33used 3overed in 5lood 5ut nonet.eless un.armed T.e medi3o le4al do3tor tas>ed to evaluate t.e 3ondition o- t.e vi3tim, 1ina del Rio, attested due to t.e nature o- t.e 2ounds, s.e 2as pla3ed in a 3riti3al 3ondition T.e sta5 2ounds penetrated t.e vi3timKs lun4s7 3ausin4 5lood and air to enter t.e same T.e intensit6 o- t.e 2ounds 2ould .ave resulted in t.e vi3timKs deat. .ad it not 5een -or timel6 medi3al intervention T.e sel--servin4 a--idavit o- t.e a33used den6in4 .is parti3ipation in t.e 3rime 3annot 5e 4iven more 2ei4.t In People v Valentino ,, a murder 3ase, t.e 3ourt ruled denials, i- unsu5stantiated 56 3lear and 3onvin3in4 eviden3e, are ne4ative and sel--servin4 2.i3. deserve no 2ei4.t in la2 and 3annot 5e 4iven 4reater evidentiar6 2ei4.t over t.e testimonies o- 3redi5le 2itness on a--irmative matters 'oreover, in People v :en=amin PetelunaE, t.e 3ourt a4ain enun3iated t.atIt is a time-.onored prin3iple t.e positive identi-i3ation o- t.e appellant 56 a 2itness destro6s t.e de-ense o- ali5i and denial In People v Re6 'onti3alvo 6 'a4noD, t.e 3ourt e0pressed denial is an in.erentl6 2ea> de-ense and .as al2a6s 5een vie2ed upon 2it. dis-avor 56 t.e 3ourts due to t.e ease 2it. 2.i3. it 3an 5e 3on3o3ted %enial as a de-ense 3rum5les in t.e li4.t o- positive identi-i3ation o- t.e a33used, as in 3ase Veril6, mere denial, unsu5stantiated 56 3lear and 3onvin3in4 eviden3e, is ne4ative sel--servin4 eviden3e 2.i3. 3annot 5e 4iven 4reater evidentiar6 2ei4.t t.e testimon6 ot.e 3omplainin4 2itness 2.o testi-ied on a--irmative matters Li>e denial, ali5i is not loo>ed upon 2it. -avor 56 t.e trial 3ourt It also 3annot prevail over 2itnessesB positive identi-i3ation o- appellant as t.e perpetrator o- t.e 3rime In .is a--idavit, 'ario Santos did not ma>e an6 statement assertin4 Tenorio Palparan did not 3ommit t.e 3rime T.e statement .e made over 'arinaBs di--erent 5e.aviour 3annot 5e appre3iated -or it 2as not .is personal o5servation, .en3e, a mere .eresa6

6 7 8

GR No. 91492, J%& %r! 19, 1995 GR &o. 187048, J%& %r! 23, 2013 GR No. 193507, J%& %r! 20, 2013

O5vious un4rate-ulness o- t.e a33used Tenorio Palparan 2as esta5lis.ed in t.e 3omplaint -or 5ein4 a .ouse .elp o- t.e -amil6 8urispruden3e .as esta5lis.ed t.e * reAuisites -or su3. 3ir3umstan3e to 5e .eld present in 3ertain situations, (1/ t.e o--ended part6 .ad trusted t.e o--ender7 ()/ t.e o--ender a5used su3. trust 56 3ommittin4 a 3rime a4ainst t.e o--ended part67 (9/ t.e a3t 5e 3ommitted 2it. o5vious un4rate-ulness and (*/ t.e un4rate-ulness 5e o5vious, 3lear and mani-est in4ratitude on t.e part o- t.e a33used It 3ould 5e 3ontemplated in 3ase 2.en 1ina arrived, enterin4 t.e 5a3> door, s.e 2as una2are su3. events 2ould o33ur As a .ouse .elp, t.e a33used 4ained t.e trust o- t.e -amil6, so t.e su33eedin4 a3t o- sta55in4 t.e vi3tim 2as alle4edl6 done 3onstitutes o5vious un4rate-ulness, personall6 to 1ina, 'anuel and Carla %el Rio Respondent 'ARINA AN1ELES a > a G'anan4 'arin4I alon4 2it. Tenorio Palparan a > a G'an4 TinoI, 2ere 5ot. -ound at t.e 4ara4e 56 S4t Santia4o Parti3ularl6, t.e6 2ere -ound to .ave 5lood all over t.eir and 2ere t.ree (9/ meters a2a6 -rom t.e 5od6 o- t.e vi3tim 2.o 2as still trem5lin4 and almost li-eless 'arina An4eles and Tenorio Palparan, 2ere soon tied 56 S4t Santia4o, and 2ere in-ormed o- t.eir 'iranda ri4.ts prior to t.eir detention and 3.ose to remain silent In li4.t o-, t.e Investi4atin4 O--i3er is 3onvin3ed t.e 2arrantless arrest 2as made proper pursuant to t.e e03eption laid do2n in Rule 119, Se3tion F (5/ o- t.e Revised Rules o- Court 2.i3. states! SEC F Arrest 2it.out 2arrant7 2.en la2-ul LA pea3e o--i3er or a private person ma6, 2it.out a 2arrant, arrest a person! 0 00 (5/ C.en an o--ense .as =ust 5een 3ommitted and .e .as pro5a5le 3ause to 5elieve 5ased on personal >no2led4e o-a3ts or 3ir3umstan3es t.e person to 5e arrested .as 3ommitted it7 and 0 00 T.e -ollo2in4 -a3ts and 3ir3umstan3es 5ased on t.e personal >no2led4e ot.e arrestin4 o--i3er s.o2 t.ere 2as pro5a5le 3ause to 5elieve respondent 'arina An4eles and Tenorio Palparan .ad =ust 3ommitted a 3rime, vi< ! 1 T.e presen3e o- respondent 'arina An4eles and TenorioPalparan at t.e s3ene o- t.e 3rime7

) T.e -a3t t.e6 5ot. .ad 5lood all over t.eir 3lot.es7 9 1ina l6in4 on t.e -loor, still trem5lin4 -rom t.e 2ounds on .er 3.est7 and * PalparanBs statement 2.i3. S4t Santia4o over.eard prior to enterin4 t.e rear door 'HEREFORE( IN )IE' OF THE FORE*OIN* , it is most respe3t-ull6 re3ommended an in-ormation -or t.e 3rime o- #rustrated &omi3ide 5e -iled a4ainst t.e respondent 'ARINA AN1ELES A 5ail 5ond o- P)*,000 00 is re3ommended ;ue<on Cit6, 'anila PATRICIA ANN CRU+ Assistant Cit6 Prose3utor APPRO)ED ,YRI..I DANIE"E "OUIS DE "A PA+ Cit6 Prose3utor

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