Del 02 al 04 de Septiembre
Comparison of the Different Available Models for Pressure Rise due to Internal Arcing and Evaluation of Fast Depressurization Systems for Tank Rupture and Fire Mitigation
G. Prigaud, G. de Bressy, S. Muller, R. Brady, P. Magnier
I. INTRODUCTION POWER transformers are one of the most dangerous electrical equipments because of the large quantity of oil they contain which is in direct contact with high voltage elements. Under such circumstances, low impedance faults that result in arcing can appear in transformer tanks once the oil loses its dielectric properties. Oil is then vaporized and the generated gas is pressurized because the liquid inertia prevents its expansion. The pressure difference between the gas bubbles and the surrounding liquid oil generates pressure waves, which propagate and interact with the tank. The average pressure rises and leads to the tank explosion and possible fire resulting in very expensive damages for electricity facilities. Despite all these risks, and contrarily to pressure vessels, no specific standards have been set to design and protect transformer tanks subjected to large dynamic overpressures. Realizing that a transformer explosion leads to huge financial losses, many studies have been performed to analyze the explosion process in order to establish strategies to prevent it [6] [7]. More recently a complete experimental study was performed by the CEPEL and the SERGI Holding Company. It consisted in arcing tests in industrial size oil-immersed transformers. Detailed results can be found in [11] and as it is the base of the model, the most important points are recalled in this paper. Since live tests performed on real scale transformers are expensive and dangerous, an alternative is to study transformer explosions using computational simulations. The first model [10] considered the pressure uniform in the tank (0D model) and the tank oil incompressible. The authors compute the amplitude of the pressure peak induced by an arc in a gas blanket located in the top of the tank considering a semi empirical energy conservation equation. The study detailed in [9] is based on similar hypotheses and considers that the tank expansion has to absorb the volume of the gas generated by the arc. Both works concluded that the best way to avoid an explosion is to give place to oil in order to absorb the oil expansion due to the electrical arc. A more elaborated method, detailed in [4] considers a 2D geometry and a potential flow model, using a source singularity to represent the arc. This incompressible and non-viscous model allows computing the deformation of the transformer tank considered as a thin-walled infinite cylinder shell. This model, completed with some empirical laws is also used in [3] to compute the overpressures generated by different arc characteristics for different tank geometry parameters. Computation capabilities and CFD modeling progress over the last years now allow simulating industrial type problems with efficient unsteady 3D CFD models in reasonable time. This paper thus presents: the development of a numerical tool able to describe all the complex physical phenomena occurring during an explosion; the description of arcing tests in industrial size transformers and the analysis of their results, with which the modeling is validated by comparisons with experimental data [11] in terms of pressure evolutions; the simulation results that evaluate a fast-direct-tank-depressurization-based method to prevent transformer explosions, which operation has been experimentally studied. -1-
Figure 1 : Life Tests Transformer Principle Drawings An explosion prevention system, which details can be found in Figure 1 and appendix, was also installed on each transformer to study the ability to mitigate tank rupture by a tank depressurization method based on the fast and direct passive mechanical response of a depressurization set to the pressure wave. 2) Experiments To study in detail the pressure wave propagation influence, the electrical arcs were ignited at three different locations, as shown in Figure 1: on the top cover close to the Decompression Set location (position A), on the top cover opposite the Depressurization Set location (position B), and in the lower part of the tank opposite the Depressurization Set location (position C). The position D shown in Figure 1 is the location where the depressurization set was installed. Most of the tests were carried out with electrical arcs with currents ranging from 5 to 15 kA, and fed during 83 milliseconds. This duration corresponds to the average response time of an old circuit breaker and was chosen to maximize the generated gas volume.
Figure 2 : Generated gas volume v. arc energy (P=1 bar, T=300 K) During the CEPEL test campaign, the electrical arc produced from 1 to 2.3 m3 (35 to 88 ft3) of gas. This volume is plotted as a function of the arc energy in Figure 2. For the tested energy range, the gas volume generated during an electrical arc is a logarithmic function of the arc energy, which seems in accordance with the vaporization process and especially with the saturation of the vaporization for high energy arcs: the arc remains in the generated gas volume using its energy to crack the oil vapour rather than continuing directly vaporizing the oil, which results in a smoother vaporization process. 2) Pressure Wave Propagation In Figure 3, experimental pressure profiles are displayed. Each curve shows what happens near each sensor located in positions A, B and C (see Figure 1). The arc is generated in C and the shock wave propagation can be step by step followed because of the pressure peaks displacement from C to A. The other pressure peaks (smaller than the main peak) are due to wave reflections off the walls. The pressure does not rise spatially uniformly in the tank. The experiments show the pressure waves propagate in the oil at a finite speed.
Pressure Signal : Close to the arc (C) At the tank cover (B) Close to the TP (A)
Maximum static withstand limit +1.2 bar (+ 17.4 Psi) relative pressure
Figure 4 : Maximum relative Pressure close to the Arc v. Arc energy (reference pressure: atmospheric)
3) Pressure Peaks Only one main pressure peak has been noticed for each test. The pressure profiles show variations after that main peak but their magnitude remains low compared to the first pressure peak level. They are due to waves reflections. The pressure peaks amplitude is determined by the created arc. This peak ranges from +1.5 to +13 bar (+21.75 to +188.55 psi) for arc energies from 0.01 MJ to more than 2.4 MJ as shown in Figure 4. The maximum pressure seems to strongly increase with the arc energy while the energy remains in the low range, this dependence weakening as the energy increases. The pressure rise is indeed the result of the strong oil vaporization that takes place in the arc very first moments, the energy transferred after while having less impact on the pressure build-up.
Experiment (Test 31) Pressure close to the arc Simulation Pressure close to the arc Figure 5: Geometry influence on pressure profiles 2) Geometry, Initial and Boundary Conditions The simulated geometry is that of the test 31 (see section C.1). The boundaries are walls except for the depressurization set. In the initial state of the simulations the gas bubble has already been created by the arc and is already under pressure (P=4.3bar, 62.4psi; =4.3 kg/m3, 0.27 lb/ft3). Bubbles initial overpressure is determined according to the arc energy. 3) Experiment/Simulation Comparison Experimental and numerical results regarding the pressure time evolution are in good accordance (Figure 5): Qualitatively, (1) the pressure wave propagation is well described and especially the delay in the pressure rise, and (2) the three same phases can be observed in both cases: (a) a very sharp pressure rise following the arc ignition, (b) a pressure drop, and (c) a phase where the pressure alternatively rises and decreases because of the complex wave dynamics due to the wave reflections off the transformer walls. It can be checked that in both cases the pressure returns to the initial reference pressure. Quantitatively, (1) the numerical and experimental pressure maxima are very close (5.45 bar absolute pressure, 79 psi, for test 31; 5.5 bar, 80 psi, for computation) (2) and numerical and experimental depressurization times (time for which all pressure profiles below +0.7bar) are agreement (73. 4 ms for test 31, and 59 ms for computation).
IV. NUMERICAL SIMULATION RESULTS: EXPLOSION PREVENTION ON A LARGE TRANSFORMER (400MVA) The simulations give results in accordance with the experimental data, for a relatively low cost and without any safety issue. They are thus used to compute the effects on a fast drain on the pressure distribution inside the tank.
Depressurisation set Depressurisation set activation
Electrical arc
V(m/s) P(bar)
Figure 7: Chronology of the Prevention Technology Operation up to 50 ms A 400 MVA transformer (7.8 m long and 4 m high) is considered with an electrical arc (11 MJ-arc ie generating about 3.3m3 of gas) occurring near a bushing, generating a 11 bar (160 psi) gas bubble. The picture sequence (Figures 7 and 8) allows following the pressure propagation inside the tank and the drain operation as soon as the first pressure peak has activated the depressurization set (4 ms after the arc occurrence, Figure 7). The drained oil velocity is represented by vectors which color accounts for the velocity magnitude, V(m/s).
Figure 8: Inner Tank Pressure Evolutions a) with and b) without protection Protection Efficiency Illustration Following the idea of Kawamura [9], the drain gives place to the pressurized fluids so that after 120 ms, the pressure is back to safe levels (see Figure 8.a)). Otherwise, when the tank is not equipped with any protection system, and if it is subjected to a similar low impedance fault, the tank is still exposed to very dangerous pressure levels (up to 15 bars, 217 psi) after 120 ms (Figure 8.b)): without the tank protection, the static pressure stabilizes around 7.5 bars and the transformer explodes (about t=90ms). A technology based on a fast tank drain has thus a very positive effect on the tank protection. V. CONCLUSION A complete modeling for unsteady compressible two-phase flows has been adapted and presented in this paper to study the phenomena leading to the transformer tank rupture and to evaluate explosion prevention methods. This models main advantage consists in describing accurately the pressure wave propagation and its progressive interaction with the structure, physically highlighted by internal arcing experiments in oil-filled power transformers. These tests also showed experimentally the efficiency of an explosion prevention method. This one is based on the fast tank depressurization induced by the quick oil drainage out of the transformer. The oil drainage is triggered by the direct and passive mechanical response of a depressurization set to the pressure wave. The tests results were used to validate the computer simulation tool by comparison with experiments. Computer simulations were performed to check the prevention ability to efficiently depressurize larger transformer tanks (400MVA) when subjected to internal arcing of high energy level. VI. APPENDIX: TANK RUPTURE MITIGATION METHOD The explosion prevention technology studied in this paper is a passive mechanical technology that absorbs the high overpressures generated by the electrical arc, thus preventing the tank rupture and the subsequent fire. This fast-direct-tankdepressurization-based method activates as soon as the high pressure peak of the pressure wave reaches it. As shown in Figure 9, the main transformer tank, the On Load Tap Changers (OLTC) and the Oil Cable Boxes (OCB) can be protected.
(1) (2) (3)
(5) (4)
Figure 9: Transformer equipped with fast direct tank depressurization based method (TP) Indeed, the electrical fault generates a dynamic pressure peak, which travels at the speed of the sound inside the transformer oil, 1,200 Meter per second (4,000 feet per second). This first shock wave makes the rupture disc (located in 1) burst. Oil and gas are then quickly expelled out of the transformer tank through the decompression chamber (located in 2) to an oil gas separation tank (item 3) and the explosive gases are then channeled away to a remote and safe area. Then, nitrogen is
Sbastien Muller is a Transformer Protector Corporation (TPC) researcher. He holds a Diploma of Mechanical Engineering, and a MSc in Fluid Mechanics (ENSMA, Poitiers, France, 2002). He is Doctor in Fluid Mechanics (Universit dOrlans, France, 2007). He is an NFPA member, currently working on the development of a simulation tool that models the vaporization process due to the arc interaction with the liquid oil.
Gal de Bressy is a Transformer Protector Corporation (TPC) researcher. He holds a Diploma of Mechanical Engineering and a MSc in Mechanics (IFMA, Clermont Ferrand, France, 2005). He is currently working on the development of a 3D CFD tool in the field of transformer explosion and manages the Intellectual Property issues.
Ryan Brady (M07) is a Transformer Protector Corporation (TPC) researcher. He holds a BS in physics (SFASU, Nacogdoches, TX, 2002) and a MSc in physics (UNT, Denton, TX, 2005). He is currently working on the parallelization of 3D CFD tools in the field of transformer explosion
Philippe Magnier is the Transformer Protector Corporation (TPC) chairman. He is Doctor in Nuclear Physics (Universit Paris Orsay, 1974) and holds a M.B.A. (CPA, Paris, 1988).