Vedic Astrology Free Astrology Lessons
Vedic Astrology Free Astrology Lessons
Vedic Astrology Free Astrology Lessons
An Introduction Vedic Astrology, the Science of Time, the Eye of Wisdom and the foremost among the branches of knowledge has come to us from 18 seers While Varaha !ihira is hailed as the "ather of Indian Astrology, #arashara is hailed as the "ather of Indian #redicti$e Astrology IndianAstro%#hysics is di$ided into & ma'or (ortions % Siddhanta )Astronomy*, Samhita )Astro%#hiloso(hy* + ,ora )Astrology* The English word - hour- is deri$ed from the Sanskrit word ,ora The #recession of the E.uino/es While the Western astronomers com(ute e$erything from 0 degree Aries which is the beginning of the Tro(ical 1odiac, the Indian astronomers com(ute e$erything from 0 degrees Aswathi ) 2eta Arietis * , which is the beginning of the Sidereal 1odiac Sidereal is deri$ed from the 3atin word -Sidereus- meaning the constellation of fi/ed stars The Vernal E.uinoctial #oint was found to (recede one degree in 45 years and hence &60745 8 59:50 years was fi/ed as the #recession of the E.uino/es or the #recessional ;ycle "lamsteed antici(ated 3ong before "lamsteed fi/ed the beginning of 1odiac at 0 degree Aries, the Indian astronomer 2rahmagu(ta fi/ed it at 0 degree Aswini ) 2eta Arietis * Another great astronomer% mathematician Aryabhata wrote treatises on S(herical Astronomy and S(herical Trignometry in his magnum o(us Aryabhateeyam It is said that Arabs ac.uired a knowledge of maths and astronomy only after 2rahmagu(ta<s 2rahmas(hutasiddhanta was translated into Arabic ) As Sind ,ind *= Albert Einstein rightly remarked - We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile disco$ery could ha$e been made - = The >ifference between the Tro(ical ) Western * + The Sidereal ) Indian * 1odiacs is round about 5& degrees this year Sidereal Astrology is based on the immo$able 1odiac% the Sidereal 1odiac % and Western Tro(ical Astrology is based on the Tro(ical 1odiac which is mo$able The #hiloso(hic As(ect As the destructi$e (ower is imbedded in the atom, so are the acts of (reser$ation, creation and destruction in$ested in the womb of Almighty Time Time Eternal alone is the ;reator, #reser$er and >estroyer #ast,#resent + "uture are imbedded in the womb of Time Eternal and a knower of Time can get an insight into #ast, #resent + "uture The #resent is a (roduct of the #ast "uture is contained in the #resent inasmuch as it is determined by the #resent The 3ord e.uates ,imself with the cosmic (henomenon of Time - I am Time Eternal - declares ,e in the the ?eetha ) -@alosmi - * A((enheimer, the "ather of the Atom 2omb .uoted this $erse from the ?eetha when saw the first atomic e/(losion To him, the destructi$e (ower of the atom was a mere manifestation of the destructi$e (ower of Time Eternal= Bses of Astrology The #ractical As(ect The great "rench mathematician 3a(lace ad$ocated #robability as a wea(on to co(e u( with Ceality Astrology is the a((lication of the 3aw of #robability in toto, based on astronomical facts Aur life is hindered by many an obstacle + we are busy battling the barriers to Success These
barriers are always there, some known, some unknown 2ut $ia the Wisdom of the ,ea$ens )Astrology * these barriers can be known, why it is there and what are the hea$enly causes which generated it E$erything ha((ens by ;ause ;lassical #hiloso(hy (ostulates that natural causes ha$e corres(onding celestial causes and this is known as the 3aw of ;orres(ondences This message is contained in the a(horism - As abo$e, so 2elow - Ance the causes are known to us from a bona fide astrologer, o$ercoming the barriers becomes easy The scientist mani(ulates the effectD the di$iner or the (oet mani(ulates the ;ause Astrology and Eoga are sciences which deal with the ;ause The >i$ine is the Transcendant ;auseless ;ause Astrology has been described as a 3am( in >arkness Without it, life becomes a lightless nightmare and we roam about gro(ing in the dark -"orewarned is "orearmed - It is the negati$e as(ects of the (lanets which create all the barriers in our life Ance they are known, by means of the ?reat Art we can transcend its negati$ity 3ife becomes more smooth sailing and success becomes ours Vedic Astrology % 3esson 5 Ce$ealed to the Indian Seers in yogic flashes of heightened ;onsciousness, Astrology was de$elo(ed strictly on scientific laws 2acked u( by Astronomy and !aths, Astrology continues to rule as the Fueen + !other of all Sciences Astro ;ycles Theory 3ong Astro ;ycles ha$e fascinated mankind This is the Vedic (ers(ecti$e of Astro ;ycles The Vernal E.uinoctial #oint was found to (recede one degree in e$ery 45 years ,ence as one 1odiacal Sign is &0 degrees in length, 5160 years is the duration of an Age ;ycle We are at the moment undergoing the #iscean Age which will gi$e way to the A.uarian in 5GGG A> It is called the #iscean Age because the Vernal E.uinoctial #oint is (assing through #isces and is at the moment 06 degrees G0 minutes 5G seconds in #isces Age ;ycle ) 457&0* 8 #recessional ;ycle )457&60* 8 E.uinoctial ;ycle )500075160* 8 ;osmological ;ycle ) 5 million 7 5160 * 8 5160 years 59:50 years ) as the 1odiac is &60 degrees * G&,50000 years G &5 billion years
Ane ;osmological ;ycle ) 2rahma @al(a* was considered to be one 2rahma >ay and another G &5 billion years was considered to be one 2rahma Hight Ane ;osmological ;ycle was one thousand E.uinoctial ;ycles ) ;hatur Eugas* or 5 million Age ;ycles= The Vedic ;alendar % 2ased on E.uinoctial ;ycles An E.uinoctial ;ycle com(rises of G Ages Satya Euga 8 800 Age ;ycles Threta Euga 8 600 Age ;ycles >wa(ara Euga 8 G00 Age ;ycles @ali Euga 8 500 Age ;ycles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !aha Euga 8 5000 Age ;ycles ) E.uinoctial ;ycle *
As (er Vedic Astronomy, the >ark Age ) @ali Euga * commenced from &105 2; , 16th "ebruary !idnight The ;once(t of Ayanamsa The >ate of ;oincidence of the Tro(ical and the Sidereal 1odiacs was found to be 589 A> and the Ayanamsa ) (recessional distance * was called 3ahiri<s Ayanamsa >ifferent scholars ga$e different dates but the Indian ?o$t in order to standardise the Ayanamsa $alue took the initial (oint of the 1odiac as the (oint in the Ecli(tic o((osite the star ;hitra )Al(ha Virginis * which was the $ernal e.uinoctial (oint on the Vernal E.uino/ day of 589 A> The rate of (recession of the Vernal E.uino/ was taken as 90 & seconds (er sidereal year In Vedic Astrology, Ayanamsa $alue is deducted from the Tro(ical longitudes of (lanets to get the Sidereal longitudes ,ence the longitudes of (lanets in Western Astrology ) Tro(ical * and Indian Astrology differ by 5& 9 degrees this year Hatal charts cast in these 5 systems will be entirely different= The Tro(icalists ) Western Astrologers* maintain that the Vernal #oint is in the 6th degree of #isces now The Siderealists ) Vedic Astrologers * maintain that the Sidereal Starting #oint remains to be 0 degrees 2eta Arietis ) Aswini * and that the Sidereal 1odiac doesn<t change
!ore .uality information about Vedic Astrology + an Astrological Analysis can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI$edichorosco(e htm
Scientific Affshoots of Astrology #ythagorus disco$ered that the Hine numbers corres(ond to the Hine re$ol$ing hea$ens and became the founder of Astro%Humerology The most aus(icious number Three was re(resented by the monarch of the sky, Ju(iter !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlInumer htm Also "ree Astro%Humerology Ebook from Kodiac50L$snl com Another intuiti$ely scientific offshoot of Astrology was Vedic #lanetary ?emology The nine gems corres(ond to the nine (lanets and ?ems were found to heal humans This ga$e birth to the science of ?em Thera(y
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology as related to Eoga As (er Indian #hiloso(hy, Astrology was considered to be the foremost amonst the si/ au/iliary sciences as Eoga was considered to be the foremost amongst the si/ main sciences E$en Eogis used to consult astrologers about gaining Self%Actualisation Ju(iter, Saturn and the South Hode were considered to be the s(iritual (lanets which bring in Immortality or Self%Actualisation The 3aw of ;orres(ondences There is corres(ondence between the Se$en (lanets and the Se$en ;hakras or >ynamos of ;osmic Energy in !an The Sun at the ;entre of the Solar System is re(resented by the Anahata ;hakra and Saturn by the !ooladhara ;hakra -As Abo$e, so 2elow -% the se$en energy centers are arranged e/actly as in the Solar 3ogos We are, indeed, made in the image of ?odhead, in ,is
Image, in the image of the Almighty Solar 3ogos= Vedic Astrology 3esson & The real (ath of the earth around the Sun is called the Ecli(tic : degrees to either side of the Ecli(tic is a belt of the ,ea$ens known as the 1odiac ) >ante called it the Abli.ue 3ine that beareth all (lanets* "irst &0 degrees of the 1odiac constitute the sign of Aries The ne/t &0 degrees Taurus and so on The 1odiac counted from the first degree of Aries to the &60th degree of #isces is called the Tro(ical 1odiac The Limbs of the Tropical Zodiac Sign >egrees Aries Taurus ?emini ;ancer 3eo Virgo 3ibra Scor(io Sagittarius ;a(ricorn A.uarius #isces 00 % &0 &0 % 60 60 % :0 :0 % 150 150 %190 190 %180 180 %510 510 %5G0 5G0 %540 540% &00 &00 %&&0 &&0 %&60
These 15 signs are the limbs of the ;osmic !an or Time Eternal ) @ala(urusha% The Almighty Self as Time * Aries is ,is head, Taurus ,is face, ?emini ,is neck, ;ancer ,is heart, 3eo the (lace beneath, Virgo ,is belly, 3ibra ,is generati$e organs, Scor(io the (lace beneath, Sagittarius ,is u((er thigh, ;a(ricorn his lower thigh, A.uarius ,is leg and #isces ,is feet = The 1odiac is tenanted by 54 constellations each of them s(read o$er an arc of 1& degrees 50 minutes The 1odiac counted from the first degree of 2eta Arietis ) Aswini* to the &60th degree of 1eta #iscium ) Ce$athi* is known as the Sidereal 1odiac Western Astrology is based on the Tro(ical 1odiac and the Vedic on the Sidereal
The 3imbs of the Sidereal 1odiac Hame of ;onstellation 1 5 & G 9 6 4 8 : 10 11 15 1& 1G 19 16 14 18 1: 50 51 55 5& 5G 59 56 54 2eta Arietis ) Aswini * G1 Arietis ) 2harani * Eta Tauri ) @arthika * Al(ha Tauri ) Cohini * 3amda Arionis ) !rigasira * Al(ha Arionis ) Aridra * 2eta ?eminorum ) #unar$asu * >elta ;ancri ) #ushya * Al(ha ;ancri ) Aslesha * Al(ha 3eonis ) !agha * >elta 3eonis ) #ubba * 2eta 3eonis ) Bttara * >elta ;or$i ) ,asta * Al(ha Virginis ) ;hitra * Al(ha 2ootis ) ;hothi * 2eta 3ibrae ) Vishakam* >elta Scor(i ) Anuradha* Al(ha Scor(i ) Jyeshta * 3amda Scor(i ) !oola * >elta Sagittari ) #oor$ashad * >elta Sagittari ) Bthrashad * Al(ha A.uilae ) Sra$ana * Al(ha >el(hini ) >hanishta * 3amda A.uari ) Satabhisha* Al(ha #egasi ) #oor$abhadra* Al(ha Andromeda ) Bttrarabhadra* 1eta #iscium ) Ce$athi * >eg !in 00 00 1& 50 56 G0 G0 00 9& 50 66 G0 80 00 :& 50 106 G0 150 00 1&& 50 1G6 G0 160 00 14& 50 186 G0 500 00 51& 50 556 G0 5G0 00 59& 50 566 G0 580 00 5:& 50 &06 G0 &50 00 &&& 50 &G6 G0 >eg !in 1& 50 56 G0 G0 00 9& 50 66 G0 80 00 :& 50 106 G0 150 00 1&& 50 1G6 G0 160 00 14& 50 186 G0 500 00 51& 50 556 G0 5G0 00 59& 50 566 G0 580 00 5:& 50 &06 G0 &50 00 &&& 50 &G6 G0 &60 00
The #ortfolios of #lanets In the celestial ?o$ernment of the Almighty, the Sun is the @ing and !oon is the Fueen= !ars, the >efense !inister, !ercury, the #rince, Venus + Ju(iter the !inisters and Saturn is the messenger= The Sun re(resents the The !oon !ars !ercury Ju(iter Venus Saturn English 3iterature + Astrology ,omer referred to the mighty Arion ;icero assigned di$inity to the stars The great (hiloso(her Arigen belie$ed that the stars and the constellations were signs through which the Amni(otent >i$ine e/erted ,is male$olent or bene$olent Will >ante was an astrologer like Hewton, 2acon, Hostradamus, ;om(anus, #aracelsus and others To >ante, Astrology was the noblest of all sciences >ante drew a (arallel between the se$en liberalarts and the se$en (lanets in his ;on$i$io ,e ga$e grammar to the !oon + >ialectic to !ercury Shakes(eare referred to the -o(erations Soul of the ;osmic !an !ind #hysical Strength S(eech ,a((iness 3earning + Wisdom The 3ibido Sorrow
of the orbs by whom we doth e/ist and cease to be - ;hristo(her !arlowe referred to the (lace where - !ars did mate the ;arthiginians-= ;ount 3ouis ,amon ) ;heiro * declared that the message boldly blaKoned across the hea$ens ) the (ositions of the (lanets * re(resented the Bni$ersal Will + that the (recession of the E.uino/es ) 59,:50 years % &60 degrees * was so beautifully calculated by the ?reat ?eometrician of the Bni$erse + that all biological (rocesses obey the di$ine order of the celestial bodies and this is e/(ressed in the (rayer we were taught long ago - Thy Will be done, as in ,ea$en, so on earth- =
!ore .uality information about Vedic Astrology + an Astrological Analysis can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI$edichorosco(e htm
When #ythagorus disco$erd the ;orres(ondence between the Hine re$ol$ing hea$ens and the nine numbers, Astro%Humerology was born !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro%Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm Also "ree Astro%Humerology Ebook from Kodiac50L$snl com mailtoDKodiac50L$snl com When the Indian Seers disco$ered the ;orres(ondence between the Hine gems and the Hine (lanets, AstroM?emology was born
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology as related to Eoga ;orres(ondences % In >ante<s ;osmology The Se$en cardinal $irtues were re(resented by the se$en (lanets in >ante<s >i$ina ;ommedia Ju(iter Saturn !ars Sun Venus !ercury !oon Justitia Tem(erantia "ortitudo #rudentia ?nosis So(hia Justice Tem(erance "ortitude #rudence @nowledge Wisdom Bnderstanding
!ore information about Transcendental #hiloso(hy + Eoga can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlIyoga htm
+an L 5 (in # 666666666666666666666666666666666666666 'os # 'os & 6 (in & +an A !here L is the Ascendant* # is the 7ight Ascension o. #ast $oint * & the (un8s ma9imum declination and A 6 the latitude o. the place. :nce the Ascending degree is ;no&n * 130 degrees is subtracted to get the 4escendant. +he %' is calculated by using the .ollo&ing .ormula
+an K 5 +an 7 < 'os & !here is the longitude o. the %'* 7 the 7ight Ascension o. the %eridien 'usp and & the (un8s ma9imum declination. 130 degrees deducted .rom the %' is the longitude o. the 0'. +hese 4 are the ,our 1ouses o. the /odiac. Ascendant is the 0st 1ouse* 0' the ,ourth* 4escendant the (e enth and %'* the tenth. !e ha e said that each sign o. the /odiac is =0 degrees each. 0. the Ascending 4egree is $isces* then the Ascendant is $isces* the 0' is Gemini* the 4escendant is Virgo and the %'* (agittarius.
7ulership o. (igns Aries ruled by +aurus Gemini 'ancer Leo Virgo Libra (corpio (agittarius 'apricorn A)uarius $isces %ars Venus %ercury %oon (un %ercury Venus %ars >upiter (aturn (aturn >upiter
#)ual 1ouse 4i ision or ?ha a +heory @o& &e ha e got the longitudes o. the Ascendant ( Adaya Lagna ) * the 4escendant ( Astha Lagna)* the %' ( %adhya Lagna ) " the 0' ( $atala Lagna ). +he distance .rom the Ascendant and the 0' is di ided by = and &e ha e the .irst +hree 1ouses. +he distance .rom the 0' and the 4escendant is di ided by = and &e ha e the 4th*Bth and Cth houses. +he distance .rom the 4escendant and %' is di ided by = and &e ha e the D*3th and Eth houses +he distance .rom the %' and Ascendant is di ided by = and &e ha e the 10*11 and 12th houses. +he 1ouses o. the /odiac and &hat they represent ,irst 1ouse (econd +hird 1ouse ,ourth 1ouse , 1ouse (i9th 1ouse (e enth 1ouse #ighth 1ouse @inth 1ouse +enth 1ouse #le enth 1ouse +& 1ouse (igni.ies $ersonality and ,ame (igni.ies 1ouse !ealth (igni.ies Founger coborns* alour (igni.ies 1ouses* con eyances (igni.ies $rogeny* di ine merit (igni.ies #nemies* debts (igni.ies Li.e $artner (igni.ies 4eath (igni.ies ,ortune* .ather* Guru (igni.ies $ro.ession (igni.ies Gains* ,ul.illment o. all desires (igni.ies Liberation* incarceration.
%ore )uality in.ormation about Vedic Astrology " an Astrological Analysis can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html< edichoroscope.htm
+he ,irst 1ouse or Ascendant ( Lagna ) ,ame and personality are indicated by the ,irst 1ouse. +he greatest &ealth that is 1ealth is also indicated by the Ascendant. Analysing the strength o. the ,irst house consists in assessing the strength o. the Ascendant lord * the strength o. the planets occupying the ,irst 1ouse and the planets &hich aspect the Ascendant. 0. the ,irst 1ouse is highly .orti.ied* then the )ualities denoted by the ,irst 1ouse ( li;e ,ame* 1ealth and $ersonality ) &ill be highly .orti.ied. 0. &ea;* then the )ualities &ill be &ea;. i2 the nati e &ill be less .amous and mediocre. +he (econd 1ouse !ealth is ruled by the 2nd house. +he other signi.ications are .amily " speech. 0. the 2nd house is po&er.ul * then the probability o. the nati e ac)uring &ealth &ill be high. Accumulated property is ruled by the 2nd house. +he +hird 1ouse Founger coborns are ruled by the =rd house. Valour and irility are also ruled by the =rd house. 0. the =rd house or its lord is po&er.ul* younger coborns achie e success. +he nati e becomes ;no&n .or his or her courage and alour. +he ,ourth 1ouse %other* .riends* uncle* houses and con eyances are ruled by the ,ourth. 0. the .ourth house is po&er.ul* then the nati e gets good con eyances " house. 0. &ea;* then the nati e struggles to get these ac)uisitions. +he , 1ouse 0ntelligence is ruled by the , house. 0. the Bth lord is po&er.ul* the nati e becomes highly intelligent. 4i ine merit is also indicated by the , 1ouse* the being a moral triangle. +he (i9th 1ouse #nemies and debts are ruled by the si9th house. 0. the si9th house is po&er.ul* enemies get destroyed. +he nati e becomes debt6.ree. :n the other hand* i. the si9th be &ea;* persecution .rom enemies and torture by debts. +he (e enth 1ouse Li.e6partner is indicated by the se enth house. +he nati e gets a rich partner i. the se enth house is po&er.ul. 4iplomacy is also indicated by the se enth house. +he #ighth 1ouse 4eath is indicated by the eighth louse. Lots o. longe ity i. the eighth house is po&er.ul. 0. the eighth house be po&er.ul* less obstacles " hindrances on the path o. li.e. +he @inth 1ouse ,ortune* Guru* 4i ine %erit 6 all these are the characteristics o. the @inth 1ouse. 0. the ninth house is po&er.ul* spiritual progress and the smiling o. ,ortune. +he @inth 1ouse can not only ,ortune* but also a cordially disposed spouse and good children too. +he +enth 1ouse +his is considered to be a ery important 1ouse as it indicates one8s pro.ession. 0. the tenth lord is po&er.ul* the nati e becomes reputed . $ro.essional enhancement and reputation. +he #le enth 1ouse +his is the house o. Gains and ,ul.illment o. all desires. All planets are &elcome in the #le enth.
#9cellent position .or (aturn and >upiter to be in. 0. the ele enth lord is po&er.ul* e en anarchic )ualities may mani.est.
+he +& 1ouse +his is the house o. Liberation. #9cellent position .or (outh @ode (Ketu) to be in( as he is signiicator o. Liberation ).:n the negati e side* incarceration and loss indicated by this house. 0. the t& house is po&er.ul* the nati e attains to Liberation* pro ided >upiter* (aturn and Ketu are &ell posited. !hile analysing the strength o. 1ouses* the strength o. its Lord* the strength o. the planet posited in the 1ouse* the aspects o. other planets on it 6 all these .actors should be considered. +he La& o. 'orrespondences o. 'lassical $hilosophy applies to astrological science. +he 'orrespondence bet&een the @ine digits and the nine re ol ing hea ens is the science o. Astro@umerology. %ore )uality in.ormation about Astro6@umerology and a .ree Astro6 @umerological 7eport can be had .rom +he 'orrespondence bet&een the @ine gems and the @ine planets is the science o. Astro6Gemology. %ore in.ormation about $lanetary Gemology " a ,7## Gem $rescription 7eport can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html<planetarygemology.htm Astrology as related to Foga. Foga or Anion &ith 'osmic 'reati e 0ntelligence is strongly related to Astrology. (el. Actualisation is the aim o. Foga. :ne o. the sciences &hich aid (el. Actualisation is Astrology as it deals &ith the natural " celestial causes and can guide man to the Altimate Goal &hich is (el.6 7ealisation. >ean 4i9on a erred that the t&el e disciples o. >esus represented the 12 (igns o. the /odiac.+he t&el e +ribes o. 0srael &ere emblematic o. these 12 constellations. +he =C genii o. the #gyptian 'alender symbolise the =C decanates o. the /odiac. +he 24 hours are actually the 24 1oras o. the /odiac.
Vedic Astrology Lesson 5 The foremost amongst the the Indian Sages. It has most perfect amongst all its importance in igher six auxiliary sciences is Sidereal Astrology according to been rightly called as the Vision of the Vedas. She is the the auxiliary sciences, says one poetic verse,highlighting Superconscient Learning.
In Sans!rit "Vid " means to !no#. Veda means $no#ledge. It is e%uivalent to the &pisteme of the 'ree!s and the Scientia of the Latinists ( Scire ) to !no#, Scientia ( Science * ) $no#ledge*. The +eep &xaltation ,oints of ,lanets In the 5th degree of -ancer, .upiter is in a state of deep exaltation. /oon Saturn Venus /ercury Sun /ars 0rd degree of 12th degree of 13th degree of 45th degree of 42th degree of 16th degree of Taurus Libra ,isces Virgo Aries -apricorn
The +eep +ebilitation ,oints of ,lanets 462 degrees from the deep exaltation point is the deep debilitation point and is therefore ( for planets * .upiter /oon Saturn Venus /ercury Sun /ars 5th degree of 0rd degree of 12th degree of 13th degree of 45th degree of 42th degree of 16th degree of -apricorn Scorpio Aries Virgo ,isces Libra -ancer
The +ispositor Theory A planet transmits its po#er to the signs o#ned by it. 7or instance, .upiter o#ns Sagittarius and ,isces. If .upiter is exalted, then Sagittatariius and ,isces becomes po#erful. 8ot only the signs o#ned by the planet, but the ,lanets posited in these signs also become po#erful. +ispositor is the planet #ho is the lord of the sign. 7or instance, if /ars is in -ancer, -ancer is o#ned by the /oon and hence /oon becomes the dispositor of /ars. &xaltation +ispositor The planet #ho gets exalted in a sign is called the &xaltation dispositor. 7or instance, .upiter get exalted in -ancer. -ancer is .upiter and its dispositor, /oon9 -ancellation of +ebilitation ( 8eechabhanga * :e !no# that planets gets exalted in certain signs and debilitated in certain signs.The debilitation sign is 462 degrees from the exaltation sign. +ebilitation is cancelled due to 1 factors 4. :hen the dispositor is in a %uadrant ( 4,;,3 < 42 houses * either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant 1. :hen the exaltation dispositor is in a %uadrant either from the Ascendant or the Lunar Ascendant This -ancellation of +ebilitation is considered to be a po#erful =egal >oga or -on?unction ( =a?a >oga *. ,lanets in @uadrants 4,;,3.42 houses are called %uadrants. 4,5,A houses are called Trines. Benefic planets li!e .upiter, Venus < /ercury are considered to bepo#erful #hen they are posited in %uadrants. It is said that that these0 natural benefics in %uadrants can destroy crores of afflictions9 ence the exaltation dispositor of
If natural malefics o#n %uadrants, they become benefics. /ars< Saturn aregood as o#ners of %uadrants. Cn the other hand, if natural benefics li!e Venus and .upiter o#n %uadrants, they are vitiated by @uadrangular o#nership. They become functional malefics. The trinal lords ( lords of 4,5 < A * are considered po#erful. -olours of ,lanets
'olden H!e (eddish )air *eep red 'reenish #lac+ Polished Light #lac+ #lac+ , (esembles (ed at!rn ,(esembles "ars -
.st Ho!se /nd Ho!se 0rd Ho!se 1th Ho!se 2th Ho!se 3th Ho!se 4th Ho!se 5th Ho!se 6th Ho!se 17th Ho!se 11th Ho!se 1/th Ho!se
!n $!piter "ars "oon $!piter at!rn Ven!s at!rn $!piter !n $!piter at!rn
%ore )uality in.ormation about Vedic Astrology " an Astrological Analysis can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html< edichoroscope.htm Signs as Significators of the &lemental 7ive9
Aries Leo
-lassical ,hilosophy has The La# of -orrespondences as its base. " As Above, so Belo#", the &arth is an exact replica of eaven9
Based on the ,ythagorean La# of Vibration, the nine digits correspond to the nine revolving heavens and this science came to be !no#n as the science of Astro) 8umerology.
!ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm
'emologists have found that the vibrations of gems correspond to the vibrations of the planets and this came to be !no#n as Astro)'emology. /ore information about ,lanetary 'emology < a 7=&& 'em ,rescription =eport can be had from httpDEE###.astrologiavedica.comEhtmlEplanetarygemology.htm Astrology as related to >oga. The aim of 8ature is to effect Super)8ature. The aim of >oga is Self,is Self) Actualisation. As the Science of Time dealing #ith the mathematicalLa# of ,robability, Astrology can help the aspirants attain to Self)=ealisation by pointing out the obstacles on the ,ath ( :as not .esus tempted by Satan, Buddha by /araF * and the means of overcoming those obstacles.
Vedic Astrology Lesson 5 In higher states of -onsciousness, many philosophic verities #ere cognised by the Sages #hich gave birth to the sciences called Astrology, 8umerology,>oga < Vedanta. All sciences study Being. ,hysics is the science of Being as /atter, as &nergy. -hemistry is the science of Being as @ualities. /athematics is the Science of Being as 8umbers. Biology, the science of Being as Life. But the philosophia prima ( Vedanta * is the Science of Being as Being, in its pure state. :hile the Science of Being ( Vedanta * < the Art of Living ( >oga * dominated the six main sciences, the six auxiliary sciences #ere dominated by the Science of Being as Time ( Astrology *. The La# of -orresondences ) :estern and &astern Vie#s In the Cccident, the divine ermes Trismegistus spelt out the La# of -orrespondences saying " That #hich is on high is that #hich is on belo#, that #hich is on belo# is that #hich is on high, in order that the miracle of Gnity may be perpetual ". In the Crient, Aurobindo averred " The mystery of the lotus cannot be deciphered by analysing the mud belo#, but by analysing the heavenly archetype of the lotus that blooms forever in the heavens above". The role of .upiter in oroscopy
The biggest planet in the solar system, .upiter is considered to be one of the most important planets. 4022 earths can be fit into .upiter. e is the indicator of +ivine 'race and if he be benign, the entire horoscope is considered benign. Cn the other hand , if he be #ea!, the horoscope loses its intrinsic strength. .upiterian &ffects in the 41 .upiter in the Ascendant .ove in the Ascendant ma!es one scholary, beatuiful, ?ovial. .ovian influence on the 7irst ouse endo#s one #ith ma?estic appearance, magnetic personality, learning and #isdom. igh longevity is conferred by .ovian presence in the 7irst. Scholarship #ill grace in no uncertain measure. :ill be respected by the multitude. :ill be handsome and #ill have a high discriminative intellect. ouses
In the second .ove besto#s poetic faculites, handsomeness, #ealth and fame. :ill have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech. :ill spea! beautifully. :ill have scholarship and learning. The #isdom planet in the house of speech ma!es one scholarly. .upiter in the Third ouse
.ove in the 0rd ma!es one miserly and not an altruist. :ill have to face many a defeat. :ill have bad relations #ith brothers and sisters. :ill be the sub?ect of ridicule. :ill have stomach problems. .upiter in the 7ourth ouse
.ovian tenancy of the fourth ma!es one hedonistic #ith a lot of friendsand relatives. :ill be fortunate #ith respect to house. >our fame #ill cross the seas and spread all over the land. :ill be of adamantine nature. :ill en?oy all the comforts of life. .upiter in the 7ifth ouse
igh intelligence is conferred by the position of .upiter in the fifth. :ealth #ill grace you in no uncertain measure. /ay be #orried due to children. :ill be versatile. .upiter in one of the moral triangles can ma!e one highly moral and spiritual. .upiter in the Sixth ouse
.ove in the sixth is the destroyer of enemies. :ill be laHy and physically #ea!. /ay resort to occult rites. .upiter in the Seventh ouse
:ill be e%uivalent to a !ing as the royal planet of :isdom becomes posited in a %uadrant. :ill destroy a la!h of afflictions. :ill have high communication ability. Scholarly, a lover of poetry, handsome, #ill be more liberal than the father, famous #ith good life)partner and children) these are the effects of a benign .ove in the seventh. .upiter in the &ighth ouse
This adverse postion of .upiter ma!es one dependent on others, #ill do sinful acts, #ill have high longevity, #ill be #ell li!ed by all, #ill do ?obs on behalf of others, #ill be highly determined < #ill be interested in base #omen. .upiter in the 8inth ouse
.ovian tenancy of the 8inth ma!es one highly spiritual. :ill have devotion to preceptors, #ill be scholarly and #ell informed, #ill be of ministerial cadre, #ill be famous < #ill be highly moral and ethical. .upiter in the Tenth ouse
This benign position of .upiter ma!es one #ell off in life. :ill be e%uivalent to a lord, #ill be famous #ith comforts, vehicles and children, #ill be virtuous, scholarly and fortunate. .upiter in the &leventh ouse
.upiter #ell posited in the eleventh ma!es one highly determined, scholarly #ith good longevity, #ith multiple streams of income, famous and #ith a lot of conveyances. .upiter in the T#elfth ouse
In the adverse 41th, .upiter ma!es one devoid of happiness, sons < fortune &arlier #ealth gets destroyed. :ill be lac!ing in funds most of the time. :ill be laHy and #ill lac! proper education. :ill be ridiculed by many. :ill have dubious character. %ore )uality in.ormation about Vedic Astrology " an Astrological Analysis can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html< edichoroscope.htm The La# of &pistemic -orrelation This La# states that all sciences are interrelated. :e #ill examine #hat all other sciences are related to this Science of +estiny. AstroI8umerology To ,ythagorus, the mystery of the Gniverse #as symbolised by 8umbers. &very number has a particular vibration and certain numbers #ere found to be beneficial to human beings. This synthesis of 8umerology and Astrology metamorphosed into the science of Astro)8umerology. Astro)'emology According to o#ard Bec!man of the ,lanetary 'emologists Association (###.p)g)*, gems increase the transmission of -osmic -olours radiated by the planets #hich is absorbed by our etheric or astral body. Thus the -olour unger of the etheric body is satiated resulting in the elimination of disease. This is the rationale of 'em Therapy. +r $apur in his boo! " 'ems and Astrology " has recorded ho# he has successfully healed a Libra Ascendant patient by ma!ing him #ear a 'olden TopaH9 !ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm Astrology < Ayurvedic Therapy olistic /edicine ( Ayurveda * is related to the science of the revolving heavens. Ayurvedic physicians of yore used the horoscope to diagnose disease. According to them the seven planets represented the seven gross elements ( dhatus*. A #ea!ly placed Saturn #as responsible for arthritis and .upiter for diabetes. Since the 41 signs from the Ascendant represented the 41 limbs of the human body by correspondence, they could discern #hich part of the body #as afflicted by disease. =ahu in the sixth #as found to cause gas trouble and ulceration since the sixth house represented the belly. Astrology as related to >oga. >oga is not a #ay of doing, it is a #ay of Being. The aim of >oga is Gnion #ith -osmic Intelligence. The Self or the +ivine Spar! #ithin us is experienced as Bliss. The aspirant by overcoming his negative aspect and uniting #ith his igher Self can become one #ith the "Bliss for #hich the #orldJs derelict sorro#s yearn"9 As the Science of Time, Astrology can point out the barriers on the path of the aspirant, the impediments #hich bloc! his progress and instruct him ho# to remove those barriers 9
Vedic Astrology Lesson 3 Scientia intuitiva est scientia prima ) The first science #as intuitively inspired. "The aim of scientia intuitiva", said SpinoHa," is to find behind things and events La#s and their eternal relations". :hat the Seers cognised in higher states of -onsciousness ) in -osmic -onsciousness and above ) came to be !no#n as the 41 Intuitive Sciences and these collectively came to be !no#n as the eternal Vedas. ence these sciences are said to be divine in origin. +escendit e -aelo ) They come from eaven 9 They #ere never #ritten, they #ere heard 9 :hat the Seers still hear is only an infinitesimal portion of the Infinite Vedas ( Ananta Vai Veda *9 They have been defined as the Breath of the &ternal9 Gniversal Time Cne degree of longitude is ; minutes and Time is calculated based on longitude.. The calculations of Sunrise and Ascendant are based on latitude and these mathematical values vary from latitude to latitude. The Vedic concept of Time is based on the celestial phenomenon of the rotation of the earth round its o#n axis and its movement around the Sun. Cne constitutes the -elestial Sphere and the other the &cliptic Sphere. The role of Saturn in the science of oroscopy
The second biggest planet in the solar system, Saturn is also one of the the most important planets. 322 earths can be fit into Saturn. e is the indicator of Sorro# and if he be benign, the horoscopian #ill be a :ise Cne freed from sorro#. If he be #ea!, the horoscopian #ill be melancholic and depressed and unable to come out of the #eb of the sorro# of the temporal. Saturnine &ffects in the 41 Saturn in the Ascendant Saturn in the Ascendant is not good from the perspective of health. There may be physical aliments during childhood. LaHiness ta!es control of the native. Saturn in the Second ouse ouses
In the second Saturn ma!es one not above #ant and prone to lying. :ill live in foreign lands. :ill be a lover of ?ustice. Saturn in the Third ouse Saturn in the 0rd ma!es one very intelligent < liberal minded. :ill have strength of character and #ill be adventurous. :ill have subordinates and all the comforts of life. Saturn in the 7ourth ouse
Saturnine tenancy of the fourth indicates affliction to the heart. :ill lac! happiness and mental peace. :ill be croo!ed and #ill be a violator of social norms. :ill live in foreign lands. Saturn in the 7ifth ouse
:ill lac! happiness and pleasure from children if Saturn is in the fifth. :ill lac! intelligence and #ill be fic!le minded. :ill have high longevity. Saturn in the Sixth ouse
Saturn in the sixth is the destroyer of enemies. :ill love all the pleasures of the mundane. :ill be a voracious eater. :ealth #ill grace you in no uncertain measure. Saturn in the Seventh ouse
:ill be e%uivalent to a !ing as the royal planet of Liberation becomes posited in a %uadrant. Saturn has full directional strength in the seventh. But some negative traits develop li!e lac! of mental peace and happiness. LaHiness also manifests. Saturn in the &ighth ouse
This adverse postion of Saturn ma!es one prone to illnesses, #ill be croo!ed, sorro#ful and #ill be abandoned by relatives. Saturn in the 8inth ouse
Saturnine tenancy of the 8inth ma!es one egotistic, #ithout much #ealth and devoid of happiness from father. :ill indulge in sinful acts. :ill be s!illed in #arfare. :ill ta!e delight in tormenting others. Saturn in the Tenth ouse
This benign position of Saturn ma!es one have scholarship, intelligence, virility and #ill be the leader of assemblies. :ill be #ell off in life. :ill change professions often. Saturn in the &leventh ouse
This is the best postion for Saturn to be in. Saturn #ell posited in the eleventh ma!es one highly determined, healthy, #ealthy and #ise. :ill have royal favour. :ill be a good sculptor. :ill have a lot of subordinates. Saturn in the T#elfth ouse
In the adverse 41th, Saturn ma!es one devoid of happiness < #ealth. :ill be tormented by many an illness. :ill be sub?ected to the machinations of enemies. :ill have to face defeat #herever he goes. :ill be merciless and live a#ay from oneJs place of domicile. %ore )uality in.ormation about Vedic Astrology " an Astrological Analysis can be had .rom httpDEE###.astrologiavedica.comEhtmlEvedichoroscope.htm /undane or International Astrology The Gnited States is ruled by 'emini,an intellectual < enterprising sign. Aries rules &ngland. This is confirmed by Sha!espeare #ho defined London as the seat of /ars9 This royal throne of !ings, this sceptred isle, This earth of ma?esty, this seat of /ars, This demi)&den, this semi),aradise, &ngland, bound in #ith a triumphant sea, :hose roc!y shores beat bac! the envious siege Cf #atery 8eptune 9
A%uarius rules =ussia. It is ruled by Saturn, #ho ,in the #ords of -heiro, symbolises an un!no#n and un!no#able po#er, Soviet =ussia 9 .upiter rules the /ongloid race ( Asians *. AmericaJs symbol is the &agle, indicating that the G S #ill have dominion over air 9 AstrologyJs Interrelatedness #ith other disciplines The La# of -osmic Interrelatedness This La# points out that not only all parts of the -osmos are interrelated but all sciences ( as parts of the :hole * are interrelated. Astro)8umerology ,ythagorus sa# that the $ey to the /ystery of the Gniverse #as held by numbers. 7urthur researches in Astro)8umerology has sho#n that -ombined 7adic, 8ame and Birth 8umbers have effects along #ith the individual 7adic, 8ame < Birth 8umbers.
!ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm
Astro)'emology In his famous boo! " Ancient Astral 'emstones < Talismans", =ichard S Bro#n of ###.agt) records that not only the 8ine ,rimary 'ems but other secondary gems are also used in ,lanetary 'em Therapy. ,lanet Sun /oon .upiter =ahu /ercury Venus $etu Saturn ,rimary 'em =uby ,earl >ello# Sapphire essonite &merald +iamond -atJs &ye Blue Sapphire Secondary 'ems =ed Spinel < red 'arnet /oonstone >ello# TopaH, -itrine Crange Kircon 'reen Tourmaline,?ade :hite Sapphire Beryl, 7ibrolit Blue Spinel, amethyst -ornelian, bloodstone
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology <
The seven planets correspond to seven gross elements(dhatus* thus .upiter Saturn /ars Sun /oon /ercury Venus 7at Veins Bone /arro# Bones Blood S!in Seminal &nergy
/edical astrologers of yore could discern the cause of disease by analysing the horoscope. A #ea! planet during its period of directional influence can besto# disease. If the fourth house is afflicted, it clearly means affliction to the heart ( as the heart is the ;th house by correspondence*. If the sixth house is afflicted, digestive tract disorders are indicated. Astrology, Astronomy < /ythology ) Allegories < Symbolism Bacon in his boo! " +e Sapientia Vaterum " ( Cf the :isdom of the Ancients * opined that scientific truths are contained in /ythology. 7or instance, there is a story in 'ree! /ythology that Athena #as ta!ing bath in a pond #here Keus (.upiter* #as ta!ing bath. Keus got angry and thre# her out of the pond. This is an allegorical depiction of an earlier theory in Astronomy that Venus #as a satellite of .upiter and #as expelled from the orbit of .upiter9 /ythology is, in other #ords, nothing but the representation of Astronomical truths. As per the Vedic -ode, the function of &pic and /ythology is to adumbrate philosophic verities9 The Grsa /a?or -ycle The first astronomical calender #as erected by the Vedic &mperor Vaivas#atha /anu ( circa 6535 A + *. It #as based on the Grsa /a?or -ycle. The constellation of Grsa /a?or ( Sapta =ishies or the Seven Seers*, stays in a constellation for 422 years and to ma!e a retrograde circuit of the Kodiac ( as the Kodiac is tenanted by 13 constellations*, it ta!es 1322 years. All Vedic /ythology is based on these astronomical calculations. ,rof. +rayson says in his "Asiatic =esearches " that " the Vedists thought proper to connect their /ythology #ith an astronomical period of a strange nature. It is that of the Seven =ishies ( Seers *, moving along the Kodiac in retrograde motion < ta!ing 1322 years to complete one circuit". Grsa /a?or, the 'reat Bear,#as in =egulus ( /agha * at the start of the /ahabharatha :ar 9 Astrology as related to >oga. >oga has been defined as the Art of -onscious Self finding. "The aim of the Integral >oga ", said Aurobindo," is to !no# < deal #ith the secret forces #hich determine our destiny ". "Life, not a remotely silent or a highly ecstatic uplifted beyond, Life alone is the field of our >oga", spa!e the /aster. The barriers on the path of a spiritual aspirant are the " hostile forces" in /an ) namely, lust,anger,pride,avarice, attachment, sloth < covetousness, #hich lie in the subconscient ( subconscious mind*.
/an houses dangerous forces in his house The Titan, the 7ury and the +?inn Lay in the subconscientJs cavern pit And the Beast moved in his antre den 9 The Science of the heavens, as the friend, philosopher < guide of all humanity can advise the aspirant to overcome the " enemies " #ithin him ) #hich are formidable forces ) and reach the 'oal of Life, Self Actualisation. Cffshoot of >oga in the :est ) 7ree /asonry In the Cccidental #orld, 7ree /asonry existed as a noble science and as a royal Art. ,ythagorus #as one of the founding fathers < 7ree /asonry #as enhanced by scholars #ho #ere familiar #ith Criental :isdom. It originated from the Vedists of the &ast and its development #as greatly influenced by ,ythagorus. Similar to the Criental belief of benign forces helping an aspirant, there existed a belief ( in 7ree /asonry * of a 'rand Lodge in theheavens #atching over the /asonic Israel on earth and superintending its development. Cur aim is the union of &ast and :est, of inner freedom < outer mastery. IsnJt the Gniverse one perfect :hole and arenJt #e parts of that :hole F All Seers have seen the essence of that perfect :hole as nothing but Love 9 All :isdom is contained in Love 9
Vedic Astrology Lesson 6 That #hich is luminous is .yothih and .yotish is the science of the luminaries. It is defined as a lamp in dar!ness. The astrologer #as called by the Vedists as a +aiva?na, a diviner or a prophet. So heavenly a title did those excellent people besto# upon that heart ravishing !no#ledge. In Sidereal Astrology a planet means any celestial body #ithattraction.( 7rom the 'ree! " planeta " meaning #anderer < the Sans!rit'raha meaning any celestial body #hich attracts The 1 luminaries ) the Sun < the /oon ) < the t#o mathematical points ) the points of intersection of the orbits of the &arth < the /oon )( The 8orth and South 8odes * are included along #ith the five ma?or planets.* ere #e #ill deal #ith the effects of Venus, the planet of Love in the 41 houses #hich are the 41 dimensions of Life, life being multi)dimensional. The role of Venus in oroscopy
Although defined by astronomers as a ell in the eavens due to its high temperature, Venus is considered to be a benign planet in Astrology. ,oetics, Aesthetics and =hetoric are ruled by this affable planet of Love. She #as exalted in the horoscope of Albert &instein and and it is this planet #hich is the significator of mundane love and all the pleasures of #orldly life. Venusian &ffects in the 41 Venus in the Ascendant Venus in the Ascendant ma!es one handsome,blessed #ith good eyes, happy, #ith good longevity, attractive to the opposite sex and #ith good children. Venus in the Second ouse ouses
In the second Venus ma!es one a poet , #ith good education and #ealth, #ith !no#ledge of music < #ith gift of the gab.In the horoscopes of Tennyson, Byron, Cmar $hayam, Tagore < Aurobindo Venus in the second #as responsible for their fame as poets. Venus in the Third ouse
Venus in the 0rd ma!es one devoid of happiness from spouse and sub?ect to the influence of the opposite sex. :ill have difficulty in controlling anger. :ill be miserly Venus in the 7ourth ouse
Venus tenancy of the fourth ma!es one #ealthy, #ith a lovely #ell sculptured house and conveyances. :ill be famous and #ill have a lot of admirers. Venus in the 7ifth ouse
:ill be a lord, very intelligent #ith a lot of #ealth and relatives. :ill be clever and #ill be e%ual to a minister. :ill be revered by many. Intelligence of a higher order #ill be exhibited. Venus in the Sixth ouse
Venus in the sixth ma!es you suffer disgrace at the hands of #omen < you become the destroyer of your enemies. :ill be sub?ect to diseases. :ill be afflicted by defeats and scandals. Venus in the Seventh ouse
:ill be a lover of the opposite sex. :ill have beauty, brains and fortune. If male, there #ill be problems in marital life . Venus in the &ighth ouse
This benign position of Venus ma!es one #ealthy #ith good longevity. :ill be regal in bearing and respected by many. Benefics in the house of longevity increases longevity. Venus in the 8inth ouse
Venusian of the 8inth ma!es one interested in the psychic arts, #ealthy, fortune via father and #ith good partner and children. :ill have favour from the 'overnment. Venus in the Tenth ouse
This benign position of Venus ma!es one very intelligent, famous and #ill be a doer of altruistic deeds. :ill excel in textile technology. :ill have #ealth from textile trade. This dominance of Venus on the /eridien is good for business dealing #ith clothes. Venus in the &leventh ouse
:ill love the opposite sex , #ill have subordinates and #ill have #ealth of no mean order. This is a po#erful regal yoga, as Venus in the house of gains can confer gains of a high standard. Venus in the T#elfth ouse
:ill be #ealthy and #ill be a traveller. :ill en?oy all the pleasures of life. :ill be bereft of relatives. This po#erful position of Venus favours #ealth < en?oyments of a high order.
/ore %uality information about Vedic Astrology < an Astrological Analysis can be had from httpDEE###.eastrovedica.comEhtmlEhoro.htm -orrespondence bet#een Astrology, 'emology < 8umerology The celebrated 'emologist =ichard S Bro#n ( boo! "Ancient Astral 'emstones < Talismans" primary colours of the spectrum < infra)red 8ine revolving heavens and the 8ine ,rimary httpDEE###.p)g)a.orgE* #rites in his that the nine colours ) the seven and ultra)violet ) correspond to the 'ems. composed of seven colors t#o colors are the form of a the t#o
" The gemological texts of India explain that #hite light is actually seven primary colours and t#o secondary colours blended together. The are red, orange, yello#, green, blue,indigo and violetD and the other utra)violet and infra)red. The seven primary colors become visible in rainbo# #hereven light is defracted through a prism or rain drops but secondary colors al#ays remain invisible.
These nine colors are understood to be the cosmic matrix and the very essence of the nine planetsL it is through these colors that the planets radiate their energy and influence. :hen the visible colored light #aves are measured, infra)red exhibits the longest #ave length and ultra violet the shortest. It is important to note that the #ave length of colored light emanating from the nine planets is believed to match those radiating from each planetJs corresponding gemstone(s*. 7or example, the #avelength of light emanating from the Sun is identical to that exhibited by a ruby ) both are red. Among all the elements in nature, gemstones constitute the most condensed form of concentrated color. 'ems provide an inexhaustible source of cosmic color rays. " ( =ichard S Bro#n " Ancient Astral 'emstones and Talismans" ) httpDEE###.agt) gems.comE *. A regulatory and research group, The ,lanetary 'emologists Association ( httpDEE###.p)g)a.orgE * has been formed #ith 425 astrological scholars and 1 certified 'emologists ( to ensure that innocent public is not duped *. Vedic scholar ,andit Vidyadhar Shu!la is the onorary ,resident and certified 'emologist =ichard S Bro#n is the Acting Secretary. /any fine articles grace its 1224 .ournal #hich can be read at httpDEE###.p)g)a.orgE,'A)?ournal)1224.html !ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm Astrology, ,ra!riti Therapy ( 8aturopathy * < olistic /edicine
8aturopathy exists as one of the branches of olistic /edicine ( Ayurveda *. olistic /edicine has 1 aspects ) The Therapeutic ( Athura Vritta * < the ,rophylactic ( S#astha Vritta *. 8aturopathy is the ,rophylactic or the ,reventive System. It is based on the principle " 8atura Sanat " ( 8ature is the ealer and +octor*. As the human body is composed of the five elements ( &arth, air, #ater, fire and ether * so the 7ive +octors are the &lemental 7ive9 7asting is the best medicine ( even diseases li!e ulcer can be cured by fasting * and this is !no#n as &ther Therapy ( A!ashopasana*. Sun bathing is 7ire Therapy ( Te?opasana*. Gsing :ater as a therapeutic element is :ater Therapy ( .alopasana*.Letting the body get fresh unpolluted air is Air Therapy ( Vayu Gpasana* and eating pure fruits and vegetables is &arth Therapy ( ,rithvi Gpasana * 8aturopathy means returning to 8ature and living in rhythm #ith 8ature, #ho is infinite in her #isdom9 &ven Allopathic scholars have admitted " /edicus curata, natura Sanat"( The physician only treats but it is 8ature that heals *9 The main cause of all disease is overeating and man is advised to eat only once in a day and fast once in a #ee! 9
The five ma?or planets correspond to the &lemental 7ive thus .upiter /ars Saturn /ercury Venus &ther 7ire Air &arth :ater
8o #onder in the ,ythagorean system, the number five #as given such tremendous importance9 /edical astrologers prescribe &ther Therapy if .upiter is #ea! and 7ire Therapy if /ars is #ea! etc. By means of the 'reat Art, health can be restored in the patient 9 A good site #here you can get %uality information about httpDEE###.holistic)alt.comE Astrology < >oga. Crdinary man lives in three states of -onsciousness ) #a!ing, dreaming and dreamless sleep. There is a higher state of -onsciousness ) Transcendental -onsciousness ) #hich can be accessed via /editation. In his ,hd Thesis +r =obert $eith :allace has proved the existence of the 7ourth State of -onsciousness ( +r $eith :allace ,hd Thesis " The ,hysiological effects of Transcendental /editation ) a ,roposed 7ourth /a?or State of -onsciousness", the Gniversity of -alifornia and Los Angeles, 4A35 *. The 7ourth State ( Tureeya in Sans!rit * is accessible to those #ho follo# the path of >oga. But to gain T - and get established in that state of -onsciousness is not very easy. The negative elements in man ) our inner enemies ) are the impediments. The :isdom of the eavens, by analysing the negative traits in a horoscope can point out the method by #hich the 8egative Aspect of man can be tamed so that he becomes eligible for higher states of -onsciousness. The -ulmination of >oga ) Gniversal Love &ven though Gnion via :isdom ( .nana >oga * is great, Gnion via Love ( Bha!thi >oga * is the =edeeming 'race 9 The salvation of the #orld is in Love < through Love. The heart has its o#n reasons #hich the head need not !no# 9 Love is the Saviour9 Gniversal Love is the =edeemer 9 Love +ivine alone can confer Bliss 9 Tempting 'odJs light do#n to the ignorant race is Love to heal the sorro# in menJs hearts is Bliss to heal the unhappiness of this #orld9 Vedic Astrology Lesson E olistic /edicine is
+his science o. the 1ea ens &as called by the Germans as 'osmo6?iology. +o them* 'osmo6?iology &as the calculus o. cosmic interrelatedness. 0tsimply means the celestial in.luences on terrestrial a..airs as per the principle H As Abo e* so belo& H. +he role o. %ercury in 1oroscopy Academic ;no&ledge and degrees are the prerogati e o. %ercury. ?oo;s* publishing*;no&ledge*mathematics*sculpture " arts all come under his domain. 0. he be e9alted in one8s horoscope* the nati e &ill become a great scholar. ( #9ample horoscope is that o. Augustus 'aesar &ho had e9alted %ercury in Virgo ).
%ercurial #..ects in the 12 1ouses %ercury in the Ascendant %ercury in the Ascendant ma;es one a scholar.!ill be intelligent and cle er. !ill be a master o. arts. !ill ha e good oratorial pro&ess and can capti ate people &ith speech. +his position o. %ercury con.ers high longe ity. %ercury in the (econd 1ouse 0n the second %ercury ma;es one &ealthy and humble. !ill be ersatile and &ill posess the di ine gi.t o. articulate speech. !ill ha e poetic .aculties and &ill ha e &ealth ac)uired through legal means. %ercury in the +hird 1ouse %ercury in the =rd ma;es one ha e medium longe ity " irility. !ill ha e to undergo many a su..ering. !ill be a tra eller and &ill be ready to do any ile act. !ill be a sorcerer and &ill en-oy sensual li.e to the brim. %ercury in the ,ourth 1ouse %ercury tenancy o. the .ourth ma;es one a scholar in %athematics and Astrology. 7elati es may be hostile. !ill spea; gently and &ill be &ealthy. !ill be he o&ner o. landed properties " con eyances. ,ame &ill grace you in no uncertain measure. %ercury in the , 1ouse !ill be .amous and &ill be a master o. the occult. !ill ha e a lot o. sons* education* &ealth* com.orts* intelligence " contentment. !ill be .amous because o. your altruistic deeds. %ercury in the (i9th 1ouse %ercury in the si9th ma;es you the an)uisher o. enemies in the battle.ield. !ill be interested in &ar and )uarrels. !ill be anger6 prone. !ill tal; sternly and &ill be la2y. %ercury in the (e enth 1ouse !ill be a lo er o. education* &ill be learned and handsome. !ill ha e a spouse &ho is )uarrelsome. !ill ha e e9pertise in the esoteric arts. !ill be respected .or certain philosophic )ualities. %ercury in the #ighth 1ouse +his benign position o. %ercury ma;es one .amous. 1as a -ob &ith puniti e po&ers.!ill ha e a regal status. !ill be a commander and &ill be the leader o. one8s community. !ill be ersatile &ith &ealth and com.orts. !ill be regal in bearing and respected by many. ?ene.ics in the house o. longe ity increase longe ity. %ercury in the @inth 1ouse %ercury in @inth ma;es one interested in the esoteric arts. !ealth* ersatility* righteousness*ethics*s;ill 6 all &ill be yours !ill be liberal and endo&ed &ith the gi.t o. the gab. !ill ha e .ortune ia .ather and &ith good partner and children. %ercury in the +enth 1ouse +his benign position o. %ercury ma;es one scholarly* .amous* and &ill ha e tremendous &ill po&er. !ill ha e &ealth " all sorts o. com.orts. +he dominance o. %ercury on the %eridien ma;es one a thorough pro.essioanl endo&ed &ith pro.essional e9pertise and reputation. %ercury in the #le enth 1ouse !ill be ery intelligent. !ill be scholarly as %ercury represents academic learning. !ill ha e high longe ity. !ill ha e all sorts o. en-oyments o. the senses. !ill ha e a lot o. subordinates and lots
%ercury in the +& 1ouse !ill be la2y and as a result there may be a lac; o. &ealth.!ill meet &ith many a .ailure. !ill spea; good &ords but &ill be de oid o. luc; in general. # en though this position o. %ercury is slightly ad erse* it is good .rom the perspecti e o. #ducation. Fou &ill be blessed &ith all the bene.its that accrue .rom #ducation* learning " !isdom. 'orrespondence bet&een Astrology* Gemology " @umerology ,urthur data re eals the correspondence bet&een the ,i e Great #lements* planets* gemstones* 'osmic 'olors " ob-ects o. sense. #lement #ther Air ,ire !ater #arth $lanet >upiter (aturn %ars Venus %ercury Gem Fello& (apphire ?lue (apphire 'oral 4iamond #merald 'osmic 'olour Light ?lue Violet Fello& 0ndigo Green (ense = 3 E C B @umber
%ore in.ormation about $lanetary Gemology " a ,7## Gem $rescription 7eport can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html<planetarygemology.htm Another school o. @umerology e9isted &hich &as based on the Vital @umber. +his Vital @umber &as represented by a ;ey $lanet and this planet &as the planet o. 4estiny. Astrology* $ra;riti +herapy ( @aturopathy ) " 1olistic %edicine 0n the 1olistic %odel* the cause o. any disease is understood in terms o. the &hole person and not in terms o. a particular organ or tissue. As (ir !illiam :sler put it* it is more import to ;no& the patient &ho has the disease than the disease o. the patient. +he one person &ho ;no&s about the patient more than anybody else is the patient himsel.. $eter and #li2abeth Allbright in ?ody %ind " (pirit state that H responsibility .or healthcare rests in the patient8s hands because that is &here the ;no&ledge " control o. the ariables lie ( diet*stress*e9ercise*genetics*emotion*medication) H. H ,ood is medicineI %edicine is .ood H said 1ippocrates and Apanishads declare that H ,ood is ?rahman. ,ood &as erily born be.ore all creaturesG there.ore it is called the medicine .or allH. ?y stating that .ood is the panacea .or all ills and illnesses the Apanishads ha e .ormulated one o. the .oundational principles o. holistic health. At least hal. the diseases " ailments o. man can be traced directly or indirectly to the problems o. .ood. 4iet control is the basic principle o. @aturopathy. @ature is the 4octor and natural .oods can cure ailments. @ature " @aturopathy are ruled by >upiter* the planet o. !isdom. 0n 0ndia >yotish* Ayur eda* $ra;riti +herapy are all interrelated disciplines and part o. esoterica. Astrology can bring tran)uillity to the patient by sho&ing him ho& the cohesi e .orces o. 4estiny operate. +he patient can achie e &hat Keats called the @egati e 'apability 6 a stoic indi..erence to pleasure and pain. +o bear all na;ed truths* +hat en isage 'ircumstance* all calm +hat is the top o. so ereignty. ?y accepting the di ine decrees o. ,ate the patient can .eel the inner calmness and achie e an altered state ( ##G brain &a es at 3.B cycles per second 6 alpha state ). 0n this altered state natural healing chemicals called endorphins are secreted into the blood system and healing ta;es
place naturally. A good site &here you can get )uality in.ormation about 1olistic %edicine is httpG<<&&&<
Astrology * Foga " $ranic 1ealing Foga &as de.ined by Aurobindo as a methodic process to&ards sel.6per.ection through a de elopment o. the latent potential at the .i e le els o. ?eing 6 physical* ital* mental* intellectual " spiritual. Astrology by studying the hea enly archetype can sho& ho& this latent potential o. the human being can be un.olded. >upiter " %ercury rules o er intellectual de elopment* %oon mental* %ars physical* Venus ital " (aturn spiritual. +he basic principle o. $ranic 1ealing is healing through the Ani ersal Li.e6,orce #nergy ;no&n as the 'osmic $rana. Kno&ledge o. the psychosomatic machine*regulation o. .ood* sleep " e9ercise ma;ing the physical sheath healthy " remo ing all mental bloc;s and opening all channels to the 'osmic $rana are some o. the ma-or se en steps in $ranic +herapy. +he (e en (tages o. $ranic 1ealing 1. Kno&ledge o. the $sychosomatic %achine 2. 7egulation o. (leep* .ood " #9ercise =. 7ela9ation 4. Attunement to ?iorythms ( 'ircadian 7hythms* (olar " Lunar 7hythms ) B. 7emo ing mental bloc;s ( 4i..icult due to 7epression ) C. : ercoming $ra-naparadha ( ,ault o. A&areness due to misuse o. our cogniti e " conati e .unctions) D. :pening the system to the 'osmic $rana ( :pening all channels to the 4i ine (ha;ti ) Astrology can gi e ;no&ledge o. the psychophysical mechanism as the 12 limbs o. the human body corresponds to the 12 (igns o. the /odiac 1ere is the correspondence bet&een the 12 limbs o. the human body and the 12 signs o. the /odiac
1st Ho!se /nd Ho!se 0rd Ho!se 1th Ho!se 2th Ho!se 3th Ho!se 4th Ho!se 5th Ho!se 6th Ho!se 17th Ho!se 11th Ho!se 1/th Ho!se
Head )ace <ec+ Heart Place beneath the heart tomach 'enitals Upper thigh Lo&er thigh %nee 8alf )eet
?y ;no&ing the horoscope* the aetiology o. the disease can be ;no&n and the disease can be treated ( by 1olistic %edicine ) so that the body is disease .ree and .it to become an instrument o. Absolute +ruth.
Vedic Astrology Lesson 17 =>riente L!? >ccidente Le? = , >!t of the :ast Light@ o!t of the 9est La&s - - th!s proclaimed the Latin scholarsA The >rient became synonymo!s &ith Light and 9isdomA The >ccident &ith la&s & con;!est of the o!ter &orldA The 9est still dominates the fields of cience@ Technology & :conomicsA The :ast &as far more bothered abo!tcon;!ering the inner &orldB for the greatest con;!est is the con;!est of the "ind C = The noblest con;!est is the con;!est of oneself = said #!ddhaA This inner con;!est means to s!blimate o!r ego@ con;!er o!r negative aspect and then redeem the &orld C This is far more diffic!lt than con;!ering the o!ter &orld C The role of "ars in Horoscopy "ars is the *efense "inister in the 'overnment of the AlmightyA >n the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of administrative abilityA .f the fire of "ars is not present in the natal chart@ the native &ill be a dreamer@ lac+ing in the practical brilliance needed for s!ccessA The term martial is derived from "arsA Police@defence@ martial arts - all these come !nder his domainA )iery temparament and s+ill in &ar are the prerogatives of "arsA .f he be e?alted in oneDs horoscope@ the native &ill become a cr!el r!ler , as in :mperor <eroDs horoscope-A "artian :ffects in the 1/ Ho!ses "ars in the Ascendant "ars in the Ascendant ma+es anger-prone and fieryA "ay have s!ffered some &o!nds in the bodyA 9ont have m!ch longevityA 9ill be s!ffering from one ailment or the otherA 9ill be fic+le-mindedA 9ill be advent!ro!s and cr!elA "ars in the econd Ho!se
9ill have less &ealthA Less ed!cation alsoA 9ill be serving people &ho are evilA 9ill be arg!mentativeA This position of "ars is not good from the perspective of &ealth and learningA All maleficplanets in the second are adverse for &ealthA "ars in the Third Ho!se 9ill be very adamantineA 9ill be very advent!ro!s and &ill be the enEoyer of &ealth @ fame & all sorts of comfortsA 9ill be versatileA 9ill have good longevityA9ill have a tendency to go against :thics & "oralityA "ars in the )o!rth Ho!se 9ill be devoid of relatives@ ho!ses@ landed properties@ maternal happiness & conveyancesA 9ill be s!bEect to the infl!ence of &omenA 9ill be mentally tort!red all the timeA
"ars in the )ifth Ho!se 9ill be devoid of sons@ comforts & &ealthA9ill face a lot of calamities and &ill be slightly famo!sA 9ill be fic+le-mindedA 9ill go against :thics & "oralityA 9ill be advent!ro!s & anger-proneA "ars in the i?th Ho!se
9ill have a so!nd physi;!e and good healthA 9ill be the van;!isher of enemies in the battle fieldA 9ont have m!ch fear in the mindA 9ill have tremendo!s l!st@ fame & regal stat!sA
"ars in the
eventh Ho!se
9ill be ind!lging in !nethical actsA 9ill be devoid of marital happinessA 9ill be ;!arrelsomeA 9ill be afflicted by many a diseaseA Life partner &ill also be afflictedA 9ill be cr!el-heartedA "ars in the :ighth Ho!se 9ill be afflicted in the body & mindA 9ill be devoid of &ealthA 9ill have less longevityA 9ill have less *harma & :thics in the mindA "ars in the <inth Ho!se 9ill go against father& &ill be violentA 9ill harass peopleA 9ill be a lover of the >cc!lt A 9ill have occ!lt po&erA "ars in the Tenth Ho!se 9ill have regal stat!sA 9ill be very advent!ro!s and enth!siasticA 9ill be revered by the goodA 9ill have good sons@ fame & &ealthA "ars in the :leventh Ho!se 9ill have sons@ &ealth@ comforts@ prosperity@ virility & determinationA 9ill have a lot of s!bordinatesA 9ill be tr!ly versatileA 9ill have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of artic!late speechA "ars in the T&elfth Ho!se 9ill have affliction to the eyesA 9ill be laFyA 9ill s!ffer economic lossA "ay have to !ndergo incarcerationA9ill be sorro&f!l & health &ill be adversely affectedA 9ill be miserlyA "ore ;!ality information abo!t Vedic Astrology & an Astrological Analysis can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGvedichoroscopeAhtm Astrology and the cience of <!mbers ,<!merology-
All the mysteries of the Universe@ said Pythagor!s@ can be represented by n!mbersA 9hen &e say philosophically that o!r bodies belong to the
Universal ea of "atter and that it is >ne@ (eality can be represented by >neA >r &hen &e say the oceans of "atter@ "ind and 8onscio!sness are three@ &e represent (eality by threeA >r &hen &e say (eality is sevenfold@ manifesting as the septenary principles , V.#'H>(@ the seven octaves of m!sic@ the seven states of 8onscio!sness@ the seven tiss!e elements etc -@ &e represent (eality by evenA <!merology @ is in other &ords@ the symbolism of (eality by n!mbersA "ore ;!ality information abo!t Astro-<!merology and a free Astro<!merological (eport can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGn!merologyAhtm 8orrespondence bet&een Astrology & 'em Therapy Ho&ard #ec+man , httpBGG&&&Ap-g-aAorgG- &rites that =<at!ral@ !ntreated gemstones &hich are repositories of cosmic colors can restore Pranic :nergy to the cells of the body so that their nat!ral vibratory rate may be regained and normal health may be regained &hen the body is in a diseased conditionA #l!e apphire can tran;!iliFe or have a sedative effectI emerald can be !sed as an analgesicI yello& sapphire has antiseptic propertiesI and diamond may be !sed as a stim!lant - these are E!st a fe& e?amples of ho& gems can effetc the healing process in the body = , Ho&ard #ec+man - Vibrational Healing &ith 'ems "ore information abo!t Planetary 'emology & a )(:: 'em Prescription (eport can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGplanetarygemologyAhtm Astrology @ Holistic "edicine & Ay!rveda ocial life in the 9est increasingly stressf!l &ith the advent of rapid ind!strialiFation@ !rbaniFation & the brea+do&n of family life after the econd 9orld 9arA The social dist!rbance ca!sed by the Vietnam &ar@ the propagation of materialistic ideals & the erosion of faith in "orality & :thics bro!ght a sense of f!tility & meaninglessness in the 9estern psycheA The disill!sionment &ith the promises of cience & technology@ the limitations of the 9estern system of chemotherapy & the adverse side-effects of antibiotics@ sedatives and certain other dr!gs made the 9est t!rn to >riental philosophies@ divine practices & systems of therapyA Holistic Health refers to a modern movement &hich regards health as a dynamic state of the total h!man beingA Altho!gh the symptoms of a disease may be fo!nd in certain tiss!es or organs@ health is not a mere removal of s!ch symptoms by the treatment of the affected tiss!es or organs@ b!t a state of m!ltidimensional e?perience@ according to this perspectiveA The mind@ body & environment are in a state of dynamic interaction & the maintenance of this interaction in a ma?imal state of efficiency is &hat health meansA .n other &ords =To be healthy is to have the ability@ despite an occasional bo!t of illness@ to live &ith f!ll !se of o!r fac!lties and be vigoro!s@ alert and happy to be alive@ even in old ageA= This concept of operational health has been termed as &ellnessA .t is a sense of all-ro!nd &ell-beingA
ir 9illiam >slerDs advice that 9hole is more important than the Part , that the patient &ho has the disease is more important than the disease of the patient - is reminiscent of Plato - = <o treatment of the parts sho!ld be attempted &itho!t treatment of the entirety=A , PlatoID The tateD @057 Ante *omino - The horoscope represents the 9hole and the 1/ ho!ses are the 1/ limbs of the bodyA A good site &here yo! can get ;!ality information abo!t Holistic "edicine is httpBGG&&&Aholistic-altAcomG Ay!rveda@ Tai 8hi@Hoga Therapy@ Pranic Healing@ (efle?ology@ (ei+i@ Ac!p!nct!re are all incl!ded amongst the 47 systems of Alternative "edicine &hich are prevalent todayA The Ay!rvedic "odel .n the Ay!rvedic "odel@ the planets are classified th!s $!piter %apha !n Pitta "oon Vata & %apha "ars Pitta "erc!ry Pitta@ Vata & %apha Ven!s Vata & %apha at!rn Vata #ased on the great an+hya school of .ndian philosophy@ Ay!rveda conceives life as the interplay of three life principles called h!mo!rs , &hich correspond to the three '!nas of an+hya - att&a@ (aEas and Thamas -A These are Vata , &ind-@ Pitta, bile- & %apha ,phlegm-A :;!ilibri!m of the three h!mo!rs is considered as health and any dist!rbance in that e;!ilibri!m is regarded as diseaseA >ne of the three h!mo!rs &ill be predominant in the bodyA Hence h!man bodies have been classified !nder three typesB Vata type@ Pitta type & %apha typeAThe body constit!tion is ta+en into acco!nt &hile prescribing diet and medicineA "ore info abo!t Ay!rveda can be had from httpBGG&&&Acha+rapaniay!rvedaAcomG Astrology @ Hoga & Pranic Healing Hoga is the science of holistic healthA According to Hoga therapy@ disease &as defined as an imbalance in any of the three lo&er sheaths of e?istence - physical@ vital & mentalA The other sheaths are the higher sheaths - intellect!al & bliss sheathsA To attain higher states of 8onscio!sness@ &e sho!ld +eep o!r lo&er & higher sheaths in proper balance and !se o!r higher sheathsA (emoving mental bloc+s is a maEor step in Pranic TherapyA (emoving "ental #loc+s *!e to the presence of obstr!ctions &ithin@ the 8osmic :nergy called
Prana does not flo& freely &ithin the individ!al & the Universal lifeA This is the main reason holistic health practices often fail or s!cceed only partiallyA These obstr!ctions are ca!sed by ams+aras@ resid!al traces of o!r past actions and e?periencesA ams+aras are of t&o +inds@ those &hich only prod!ce memories ,smriti- of past e?periences and those &hich prod!ce imp!lses or drives to repeat these e?periences called vasanas 8omple? patterns of love@ hate@ fear and other emotions are generated by these psychic memoriesAA These comple?es do obstr!ct the free flo& of Life energy in !sA These comple?es@ formed in childhood & adolescence are repressed into the !nconscio!s regions of the mind & these repressed sams+aras lodged in the hidden recesses of the !nconscio!s go on creating psychological & psychosomatic problemsA 9itho!t a '!r!@ it is diffic!lt to confront & ferret o!t these repressed comple?itiesA .t is not easy to enco!nter the past e?periences and deactivate themAThe tr!e mystic &ho depends only on *ivine Po&er may find that these inner bloc+s are removed by *ivine 'raceA Astro-Therapy helps in removing mental bloc+sA #y ta+ing reco!rse to remedial meas!res@ faith and 'race *ivine allo&s the horoscopian to overcome the mental bloc+s & negative planetary infl!encesA "ore information abo!t Transcendental Philosophy & Hoga can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyogamainAhtm Astrology & >cc!lt Vibratory 8hemistry , Tantra >cc!lt Vibratory 8hemistry e?isted in .ndia by the name of TantraA Tantras developed a different b!t parallel model of h!man personality 9hereas Vedanta & Hoga spea+ of )ive heaths or %oshas@ the Tantras spea+ of si? cha+rasA .n the Tantric "odel@ life is regarded as the !nfolding of the elf at si? different levels of conscio!sness +no&n as 8ha+rasA .n ordinary people the !nfolding ta+es place only at the first three cha+ras &hich represent procreation@ metabolism & speechI the higher three cha+ras remain latent A The a&a+ening of the higher cha+ras res!lts in the !nfolding and f!lfillment of spirit!al lifeA The Heart 8ha+ra , Anahata -@ the Throat 8ha+ra , Vish!ddhi - & the :ye #ro& 8ha+ra ,AEna- are the higher cha+ras@ &hich &hen a&a+ened@ can lead man to 8osmic 8onscio!snessA ir $ohn 9oodroffe &as a researcher in Tantra and he had &ritten many scholarly boo+s on the s!bEectA His magn!m op!s is the = erpent Po&er=@ &hich is a scientific treatise abo!t the %!ndalini@ the feminine serpentine energy present in h!mansA Hantras are diagramatic patterns abo!t "anifestationA The 8entral *ot or the #ind! represents the Abso!lte elf and the geometrical fig!res are .ts different levels of manifestationA The main remedies !sed in Astro-Therapy are TantricA Hence Tantra contin!es to be a close affiliate of AstrologyA
"ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Vedic Astrology 3esson 11 @i(ling<s - The East and West shall ne$er meet - was countered by Cussell - The su(remacy of the East was not only military Science, #hiloso(hy and the arts all shone in the Eastern world when the West was sunk in barbarism- The Accident<s e/cellence is in marketingN marketing is its second language= And because of its e/(ertise, the West dominates the fields of 2usiness + Industry The Arient is skilled in #hiloso(hy + the (sychic sciences Its second language is s(irituality= Aur aim is the union of East + West, both e/(erts in their methodologiesN the $ertical and the horiKontal means of ac.uiring knowledge= The role of Sun in ,orosco(y As the @ing of the Solar 3ogos, Sun is an im(ortant luminary ca(able of conferring great (olitical (ower A horosco(e is considered (owerful only if the luminaries, Sol and 3una, are (owerful The Sun is considered as a natural malefic in Vedic Astrology Solar Effects in the 15 ,ouses Sun in the Ascendant Sun in the Ascendant makes anger%(rone and laKy Will be $alorous and will ha$e less hair Will be cruel and will ha$e a high o(inion about himself Wont ha$e (atience and mercy If Aries is rising, Sun in the Ascendant, will make the nati$e highly educated, wealthy, $ersatile and famous If ;ancer is rising, will suffer from eye troubles If 3ibra, will suffer from sorrow, (o$erty + loss of (rogeny Sun in the Second ,ouse Will ha$e less wealth 3ess education also 2ut will be liberal minded Will lo$e his enemies "ace may be afflicted Will be ta/ed by the ?o$ernment All malefic (lanets in the second are ad$erse for wealth Sun in the Third ,ouse Will ha$e high standard of comeliness Will ha$e a sacrificial nature Will be the $an.uisher of enemies in the battlefield Will be $alorous and strong This (osition of Sol is ad$erse for good relation with younger co%borns Sun in the "ourth ,ouse ,eart may be afflicted Will be de$oid of ha((iness, landed (ro(erties, relati$es and con$eyances Will be interested in the o((osited se/ Will ha$e many houses Will harm (aternal wealth Will ne$er ha$e mental (eace + contentment Sun in the "ifth ,ouse Will be highly intelligent, and will be lo$ed by the ?o$ernment Will be de$oid of sons, comforts + wealth Will lo$e forests + try to li$e in such surroundings This (osition is ad$erse for
relationshi( with sons Sun in the Si/th ,ouse Will ha$e (ros(erity and along with (ros(erity, enemies Will be $irtuous, Will be famous, Will ha$e good digesti$e (ower Will be $ictorious but will ha$e to face enemy trouble Will be a commander and will be skilled in combat Will be a lord with a lot of subordinates >igesti$e tract disorders indicated Sun in the Se$enth ,ouse Will be tormented by the ?o$ernment Will ha$e to face defeat Will be de$oid of marital ha((iness Will ha$e to face humiliation !ay be insulted by women 2ody may be tormented by illhealth Will be tra$elling a lot Sun in the Eighth ,ouse Will be de$oid of relati$es and wealth Will be melancholic + sorrowful Will be .uarrelsome and will be fastidious Will ha$e to face defeat in many situations Sun in the Hinth ,ouse Will ha$e wealth, relati$es and sons Will ha$e re$erence for the (rece(tors and de$otion to s(iritual (eo(le !ay harm the father Will be de$oid of >harma Will be a misogynist Sun in the Tenth ,ouse Will be highly educated + will ha$e (aternal wealth Will be highly intelligent with a lot of con$eyances Will be hedonistic and strong This dominance of Sun on the !eridien is ca(able of conferring regal status, knowledge and $alour Sun in the Ele$enth ,ouse Will be wealthy with high education Will ha$e good longe$ity and a lot of good subordinates Will ha$e high (rofessional skill Will be strong and will be (ros(erous Sun in the Twelfth ,ouse Will ha$e eye troubles and will be de$oid of sons + wealth Will be inimical to the father Will be weak and may fall from (rofession This ad$erse (osition of the Sun is not good from the (ers(ecti$e of (rofession as a fall is indicated !ore .uality information about Vedic Astrology + an Astrological Analysis can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI$edichorosco(e htm Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm ;orres(ondence between Astrology + ?em Thera(y !edical Astrology deals with diseases and the cause of the diseases which are stellar (atterns #art of medical astrology is ?emstone Thera(y
Cesearch has disco$ered that diseases can be healed by gems Each gem has a (erennial source of one s(ecific ray which is not e/hausted e$en after its constant use for se$eral years ,ere we gi$e below some diseases, its stellar (atterns and the gemstones used in curing them *isease 'emstone Acne Accidents + !ars Allergy Ague Amenorrhoea Adenoids Amnesia Anemia Acidosis tellar Patterns White ;oral + 3a(is 3aKuli Ced ;oral I White #earl Ced ;oral + Ced ;oral Ced ;oral on co((er ring Ced ;oral Ced ;oral Ced ;oral Emerald + Eellow Sa((hire
Venus or @etu afflicted Cahu !ars !ars and absence of red rays Saturn afflicted !arsafflicted Sun afflcted by !ercury in Aries Sun afflicted by Saturn Afflicted Ju(iter by malefics
Astrology , ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda ,olistic health does not re'ect the Western system of medicine in toto In the case of infectious diseases, nutritional + hormonal deficiencies and bodily defects which need surgical inter$ention, it follows the Western system #sychosomatic diseases such as hy(ertension, (e(tic ulcer, allergic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome etc can be treated by ,olistic !edicine, it a$errs ,olistic health (ro$ides a way of life which (re$ents the reccurrence of some of these ailments It is more (ro(hylactic, (re$enti$e, curati$e + restorati$e A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine is htt(DIIwww holistic% alt comI Ayur$eda a$errs that the to/ins secreted by the body gets accumulated as -Ama- and this Ama is the greatest enemy of the body Ane of the ways of combating Ama is 3ankhanam or "asting, which is the best medicine >uring fasting, Ama is dissol$ed and the digesti$e system gets the much needed rest !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda comI Astrology + Vedic "oods ) Eogic >iet * Vedic "oods means high octane fuels like clean water fruits, $egetables, sea $egetables, herbs and their teas, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes and (lain white yogurt without fruit or sweeteners "oods not okayed by Ayur$eda include low octane fuels % all sugars, e/cess oils,alcohols, stimulants such as narcotics, tea and coffee, white breads, candies,carbonated soft drinks and sweetened fruit 'uices !odern scientific research has found out the (resence of -#hytochemicals- ) -(hyto- is a ?reek
term meaning -(lant deri$ed-* that are disease (re$enting ) cancer (re$enting * substances in all fruits and $egetables Eat a $ariety of coloured fruits + $egetables to get a full range of (hytochemicals Ane should fa$our the consum(tion of less animal (rotein foods or diary "ood for Self ?hee ) Indian ;larified 2utter * Water energiKed with !antra "ood "or for !ind "ruits ) sweet * ?reen Vegetables ;oconut Eogurt Sugar Walnuts Cice ) basmati* "ood "or 2ody "ruits ) citric * Vegetables which grow under the earth !ilk #roteins Wheat, ;orn, 2arley etc 3entils S(ices "oods to be generally a$oided Eggs ) ;an cause ulcers, ,eart + kidney (roblems * ;offee ) ;an cause 2#, Arthritis, Her$ousness * Ced !eat ) ;an cause ;holesterol related diseases * Ald ;hocolate ) ;an cause 3eukemia * #ound ;akes ) Stagnation of digesti$e system* Cefrigerated "ood Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Accult Vibratory ;hemistry known as Tantra is a sister science of Eoga While Vedanta focusses on Sat, the E/istence as(ect of 2eing, Tantra focusses on ;hit, the @nowledge as(ect of 2eing The whole Bni$erse is the (lay and dis(lay of this mighty ;onsciousness "orce known as ;hit Shakti in the Tantras While Eoga talks about fi$e sheaths or koshas,according to Tantra, life is an unfoldment of the Self through si/ energy centres called chakras These si/ energy centres e/ist in our subtle (hysical body The Ser(entine #ower known as the @undalini )which lie coiled as a ser(ent in humans*, can be awakened by !editation When awakened, She rises from the Coot ;hakra to the ;rown ;hakra to liberate !an A Infinite #ower = Thou art the !ind%(rinci(le in the Eye brow ;hakra In the Throat ;hakra , Thou s(ort as the Ether%(rinci(le In the ,eart ;hakra, Thou s(ortest as Air% (rinci(le In the Solar #le/us ;hakra, Thou art "ire%(rinci(le In the Ha$el ;hakra , Thou e/ist as Water%(rinci(le
In the Coot ;hakra, Thou art the Earth M#rinci(le, A !ighty !other = And in the ;rown ;hakra, Thou s(ortest blissfully with thy belo$ed ;onsort = When She ) @undalini *, the miscrocosmic (ower of the macrocosmic Shakti, rises from from the Coot ;hakra + reaches the other ;hakras, siddhis or (aranormal (owers maniest ;lair$oyance, clairaudience, distant healing, the ability to see Auras + ultimately Trikala%'nana ) the (ower to know #ast, #resent + future * all manifest in the as(irant The as(irant should not be into/icated by these siddhis If he tries to e/hibit the siddhis or (aranormal (owers, he may not reach the ?oal of 3ife Instead he should ignore these (owers of the mind + continue his Ta(as )meditation* till he is liberated Vedic Astrology 3esson 15 !athematics ga$e birth to the 3aw of #robability When this 3aw based on astronomical facts + figures is a((lied , it becomes the Wisdom of the ,ea$ens, Astrology Cightly it has been defined as a 3am( in darkness >es(ite the allegations le$elled against it, Astrology continues its role as one of the noblest (rofessions + one of the greatest sciences which human intellect has built u( The role of !oon in ,orosco(y As the Fueen of the Solar 3ogos, !oon is an im(ortant luminary ca(able of conferring great mental (ower The (osition of !oon is $ery im(ortant from the (ers(ecti$e of (ros(erity A strong !oon, (owerful in digit strength,can gi$e immense courage to the nati$e and courage is essential for (ros(erity #ros(erity de(ends on the (osition of !oon + Ju(iter, the indicator of wealth The !oon is considered as a natural benefic in Vedic Astrology 3unar Effects in the 15 ,ouses !oon in the Ascendant If weak !oon ) weak in digit strength * tenants the "irst ,ouse, the nati$e will be de$oid of mental strength and longe$ity If "ull !oon is (osited in the Ascendant, the nati$e will ha$e good longe$ity and will be a scholar If the Ascendant is Taurus or ;ancer,the nati$e will be wealthy + famous !oon in the Second ,ouse Will ha$e wealth + all sorts of en'oyments Will ha$e the gift of the gab or the di$ine gift of articulate s(eech Will be handsome and will ha$e the ability to understand other<s (ers(ecti$es Will be educated with scientfic knowledge !oon in the Third ,ouse Will ha$e wealth,education, $irility + (ride Will ha$e good strength Will ha$e gains $ia brothers Will be miserly !oon in the "ourth ,ouse Will ha$e wealth and con$eyances Will be liberal and altruistic Will be fond of the other se/ Will not be too attached to anything Will be a donator !oon in the "ifth ,ouse
Will be highly intelligent and kind Will be interested in (olitics Will be affable and di(lomatic !oon in the Si/th ,ouse Will be cruel and intelligent Will ha$e disorders of the digesti$e tract Will face many a defeat Will be intelligent and cle$er Will be slightly laKy This (osition is slightly detrimental to (ros(erity !oon in the Se$enth ,ouse Will (osses wealth + fortune Will ha$e a high standard of comeliness Will ha$e accumulated (ro(erty Will be kind Will en'oy the (leasures of the mundane !oon in the Eighth ,ouse Will be .uarrelsome and de$oid of bene$olent attitude Will be afflicted by many a disease Will be handsome Will ha$e less longe$ity Will ha$e marks caused by wounds on hisI her body !oon in the Hinth ,ouse Will be highly religious,liberal + will ha$e de$otion to elders and (rece(tors Will (ossess de$otion of a high order !oon in the Tenth ,ouse Will be well off Will ha$e gains from education Will be liberal and altruistic Will be famous and will get fame from many altruistic deeds !oon in the Ele$enth ,ouse Will ha$e wealth and a lot of subordinates Will ha$e education of a high order Will be $ersatile Intelligence of a high degree will grace the nati$e Will be altruistic and liberal !oon in the Twelfth ,ouse Will be laKy and de$oid of wealth Will be an outcast Will ha$e to face a lot of defeats Will li$e in foreign lands !other<s health may be affected
Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * ;an numbers re(resent CealityO Ees, said #ythagorus In fact, the mysteries of the Bni$erse and all sciences are contained in numbers= >o we not say that e$erything is one + do we not use ad infinitum in our talk O They are numbers = Celationshi( between Astrology + ?em Thera(y !edical Astrology finds out the causati$e factors of diseases and can heal diseases (ronounced incurable by con$entional medicine ?em Thera(y is an integral (art of !edical Astrology
,eart >iseases
,eart attack is defined as a case of coronary thrombosis This ha((ens when the heart is unable to to (um( blood efficiently to all (arts of the body There are 50 kinds of heart diseases that affect the heart muscles, the $al$es of the heart or its inner or outer lining There are a number of functional disorders of the heart ,igh 2 # ) hy(ertension* and hardening of the arteries )arteriosclerosis* are se$ere ty(es Cheumatic fe$er is also a ty(e of heart disease Stellar (atterns The Gth and 9th signs of the 1odiac rule o$er our heart The Gth house from the Ascendant rules the heart The causati$e (lanets for heart disease are !oon, Ju(iter, !ercury, Sun, Saturn and Cahu Since (lanets in the 11th house of the 1odiac, A.uarius, as(ect 3eo, A.uarius is also considered to be a <heart disease< sign Afflictions to the Gth house, 3eo or A.uarius will result in heart disease Another causati$e factor is the Sun in ;ancer, A.uarius or #isces Any three (lanets in 3eo or A.uarius hea$ily afflicted, the !oon in ?emini or 3eo, the Ascendant in a watery sign + lord of the Ascendant occu(ying a dusthana,) the 6,8 +15 houses*, the signs 3eo I A.uarius and the Gth house from the Ascendant afflicted by !ars, Cahu or Saturn, Saturn afflicting A.uarius are other astro%(athogenic factors In ?em Thera(y, Emerald, !oonstone and Eellow Sa((hire are used for this (articular disease Ced ;oral is also used as an additional gem in acute cases
Astrology , ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda Awakening to a Hew ,olistic ,ealth Awareness Anly after undergoing an inner con$ersion do (eo(le start on a holistic health (rogramme This con$ersion may come naturally in the fulness of time or by coming into contact with a holistic health ade(t or Eoga teacher 2ut more commonly, the inner transformation takes (lace only when (eo(le ha$e reached the limits of suffering or when the shadow of some terminal illness looms large on the horiKon "ear, they say, is the beginning of wisdom #ain is the first born of the Inconscience And thy body<s dumb original base = Whate$er way the change occurs, it takes the form of two inner (rocessesN a new attitude towards one<s body and a feeling of res(onsibility for one<s own health !an<s greatest enemy % Thanatos ) >eath%instinct * The notion that what a (erson lo$es most is his own body has been ro$ed erroneous by "reud "reud, who declared that (leasure seeking ) hedonism * was the basic instinct in man, modified his $iew later ,e came to the conclusion that along with 3ife%instinct ) known as Eros * man had a((arently a (owerful >eath%instinct ) known as Thanatos * which manifested itself as Self%hate + aggressi$e beha$iour ,e showed that not all accidents were really accidents The accident% (roneness of the $ictims (roduced by the unconscious death wish they had cherished was the cause behind some accidents Cesearch has indicated enough e$idence for $icious + insidious forms of self%hate in man We can understand how self%hate o(erates on the le$el of the Bnconscious if we obser$e the way many (eo(le abuse their own stomachs, lungs + other $ital organs, and the way some (eo(le bring ruin u(on themsel$es by yielding to drug addiction + alcoholism This self%hate acts as an inhibiting factor for most indi$iduals Success can be achie$ed, said >r !a/well !altK, if this inhibiti$e factor is remo$ed from the mind !ost (eo(le are unaware of it + drift through life unaware of the self% harm they do Some of them wake u( from this unconscious drifting and begin to ha$e a new attitude % an attitude of lo$e, friendliness and (eace towards themsel$es + their brethren It actually indicates the dawn of true lo$e for one<s higher Self known as the Atman
Thanatos was known in Vedanta as Thamas ) the destructi$e element in man * Thamas is destructi$e and self%destructi$e 2y yogic sadhana alone can this Thamas or Thanatos be destroyed Eet till e$il is slain in its own home And light in$ades the world<s inconscient base And (erished is the Ad$ersary force ,e ) the Sa$iour * must still labour on, his work halfdone= ) Aurobindo * A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine is www holistic%alt com Ayur$eda a$errs that Ca'as ) humanity * and Thamas )bestiality * are the (athogenic factors Satwa )di$inity* is non%(athogenic So if we take only foods which are Satwic ) like fruits and $egetables % total G00 gms (er day* no disease can assail us !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda com Astrology + Eoga Thera(y The E$olution of !edicine + the Three Eras of !edicine Allo(athic !edicine or - #hysical !edicine- belongs to the first era It is ;artesian and creates a dichotomy between mind + body Treating a disease is like fi/ing a (art of the machine The second era of medicine refers to <!ind%2ody medicine - It became (o(ular in the 1:60s with the ad$ent of !editation, imagery, hy(nosis + bio%feedback !ind and body are interconnected by messenger molecules and these molecules are in$oked to accom(lish the healing (rocess The third era of !edicine refers to - Trans(ersonal !edicine - It became (o(ular in 1::0s with the ad$ent of grou( su((ort and s(irituality to heal Eoga thera(y su((lements the second and the third eras of medicine Eoga thera(y com(lements medical technology with a holistic system of health care that addresses the triune (roblems % (hysical, mental + s(iritual The author of Eoga Sutras, #atan'al, defined it as the Science of the !ind !ind is the root cause of bondage and in order to redeem us from the thraldom of the mind, we ha$e to annilhilate the mind E/tir(ation of thought wa$es is Eoga And it is through teaching us to control our mind, our desires, and our reactions to stress, that yoga can fundamentally hel( us It is based on the tri(od of 3ife % 2ody, !ind + Self + the three le$els of 2eing% >oing, Thinking + (ure 2eing Astrology determines the time which is aus(icious for taking medicines and along with Eoga Thera(y can nurse one to back health Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Tantra is based on the ;oiled Ser(entine Energy known as the @undalini Ance the ?olden Ser(ent rises, your thinking will change Eour (erce(tions will change Then you need not rely on books Then your mind will become your book This wonderful (henomenon called the mind is a re(ository of endless knowledge Ance the @undalini $ia the Sushumna rises, we reach a transcendental (lane The main aim of the Eogi is to o(en the Sushumna An the (ath of the Sushmna are the ;hakras, dynamoes of cosmic energy in man
She s(orts as Bni$ersal #ower in the !acrocosmN and in the microcosm as the coiled Ser(ent #ower= Infinite #ower of the Absolute art Thou= The ;ause of the Bni$erse as !aya The entire ;reation is Thy #lay Thy blessing is 2liss Absolute =
The essence of all sciences art Thou All women Thy manifestations = The $isible Bni$erse Thou art And the dormant Ser(entine #ower = Astro%Thera(y used in Vedic Astrology is Tantric The images of the (lanetary energies are (ro(itiated on the days assigned to them
Vedic Astrology 3esson 1& The !oon<s orbit and the earth<s orbit intersect and these two intersecting (oints are known as Horth Hode ) Cahu * and the South Hode ) @etu * These orbits differ by 8 degrees They are mathematical (oints which influence human beha$iour ,ence great im(ortance has been assigned to these Hodes in Vedic Astrology The role of the Horth Hode ) Cahu * in ,orosco(y Horth Hode<s Effects in the 15 ,ouses Cahu in the Ascendant Cahu in the Ascendant makes one disease%(rone and laKy Will lack mercy,wealth,ha((iness,righteousness + ha((iness from children Wont ha$e much longe$ity Will be sub'ect to the tem(tations of the flesh 2ut if Cahu is in the signs of ;ancer, Taurus or Aries, these effects will be in$alid as he is (owerful in these signs Cahu in the Second ,ouse Will ha$e less wealth !ay be sunk in debts Will be di(lomatic but then di(lomacy is a dignified form of concealed hy(ocrisy Will be anger%(rone !ay ha$e diseases on the face All malefic (lanets in the second are ad$erse for wealth Cahu in the Third ,ouse Will ha$e a high o(inion of oneself Will ha$e the (ower of attraction Will be liberal and s(endthrift This (ostion of the Horth Hode confers good longe$ity as the B(achayas ) &,6, 10 + 11 houses are good for malefics * This also is a @ubera Eoga % a (osition for wealth
Cahu in the "ourth ,ouse !edical Astrology (ostulates that heart may be afflicted if any malefic is (osited in the fourth ) As the "ourth ,ouse rules the heart * Will be de$oid of ha((iness, landed (ro(erties, relati$es and con$eyances All relati$es will become your enemies This (osition of the Horth Hode is detrimental to getting legacy from mother Cahu in the "ifth ,ouse Will ha$e less (rogeny, only one son Will be anger%(rone Will be abandoned by relati$es Will lack guts needed for success Will be selfish and self%oriented Cahu in the Si/th ,ouse !edical Astrology (ostulates that if a malefic is (osited in the si/th, stomach disorders will haunt the nati$e Will ha$e (ros(erity and along with (ros(erity, enemies Will be $irtuous, Will be famous, Will ha$e good digesti$e (ower Will be $ictorious but will ha$e to face enemy trouble Will be a commander and will be skilled in combat Will be a lord with a lot of subordinates >igesti$e tract disorders indicated ,igh longe$ity indicated Cahu in the Se$enth ,ouse Will be a s(endthrift ignoring economic (rudence Will lack general ha((iness and intelligence Will gi$e (riority to liberty Will be disease%(rone Will be de$oid of marital ha((iness Will ha$e to face humiliation !ay be insulted by women 2ody may be tormented by illhealth Will be tra$elling a lot Cahu in the Eighth ,ouse Will be sub'ect to (ersecution and calumny Will ha$e less longe$ity Will lack ha((iness from (rogeny This (osition of the Horth Hode indicates @armic backlog Will be de$oid of relati$es and wealth Will be melancholic + sorrowful Will be .uarrelsome and will be fastidious Will ha$e to face defeat in many situations Cahu in the Hinth ,ouse This is a Ca'a Eoga ) regal (ower * causing Cahu Ha(olean had this yoga ) 3ibra rising, Cahu in ?emini * Will ha$e wealth, relati$es and sons Will ha$e re$erence for the (rece(tors and de$otion to s(iritual (eo(le !ay harm the father Will be de$oid of >harma Will be a misogynist Cahu in the Tenth ,ouse Will be famous and endowed with (rofessional skill Will be fond of war and the battlefield Will not hesitate to do e$il acts Will be ad$enturous and will ha$e a lot of consorts This dominance of Cahu on the !eridien is ca(able of conferring regal status, knowledge and $alour Cahu in the Ele$enth ,ouse Will be wealthy with high education Will ha$e good longe$ity and a lot of good subordinates Will ha$e high (rofessional skill Will be strong and will be (ros(erous Will ha$e high longe$ity and humble Will en'oy all comforts
Cahu in the Twelfth ,ouse Will be a$erse to committing sins (ublicly Will be sub'ect to health haKards Will ha$e eye troubles and will be de$oid of sons + wealth Will be weak and may fall from (rofession This ad$erse (osition of Cahu is not good from the (ers(ecti$e of (rofession as a fall is imminent Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * The highest le$el of any science is !athematics and !athematics is the science of Humbers In other words, the Absolute and Celati$e Cealities can be re(resented by Humbers Ho wonder #ythagorus glim(sed the mystery of the Bni$erse in numbers !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm ?em Thera(y The ,uman Electro%magnetic "ield ) also known as the Auric "ield * has been (ro$ed by @irlian #hotogra(hy The (art of the body afflicted by disease will be darkened and a gem thera(ist gi$es the much needed cosmic color ) gemstone * to redeem the area afflicted by disease
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology , ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda ,olistic medicine (ostulates that the res(onsibility for healthcare rests in the (atient<s hands because that is where the knowledge and control of the $ariables lie ) diet,stress,e/ercise,genetics,emotion + medication* The "i$e 3e$els of 2eing % The Eogic !odel These are the fi$e concentric sheaths en$elo(ing the Self, the >i$ine S(ark in man = 1 #hysical Sheath ) Annamaya @osha * 5 Vital Sheath ) #ranamaya @osha * & !ental Sheath ) !anomaya @osha * G Intellectual Sheath ) Vi'nanamaya @osha * 9 2liss Sheath ) Anandamaya @osha * >isease is the imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of e/istence % (hysical, $ital + mental The microcosm + the macrocosm are are in unbroken communion with each other + are structured on the same (attern At the le$el of the (hysical sheath, food, water + o/ygen enter the microcosm and ;o5, waste (roducts etc return to the macrocosm This is true of other sheaths also The indi$idual cannot e/ist inde(endent of the cosmos The interde(endence of the !icrocosm + the !acrocosm is known in ;lassical #hiloso(hy as the 2io%;osmic tieu( If the e/change between the (hysical sheath and the (hysical world around it is defecti$e, the body will become ill, and death will result if it is sto((ed altogether A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine s www holistic%alt com
Vedic ,olistic !edicine is Ayur$eda and its (ro(hylactic as(ect is Haturo(athy All non%$eg food is acidic and the alkaline food which is needed for the body is that which cometh from Hature So if we li$e in rhythm with Hatural 3aw, no disease can $isit us !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda com Astrology + Eoga Thera(y The a((roach of Eoga Thera(y is based on the holistic conce(t of human beingN the fi$e - sheaths - of e/istence of which the (hysical sheath ) Annamaya @osha * is only the first The second is the Vital Sheath ) #ranamaya @osha *, that is made u( of the Vital Energy called #rana which flows through in$isible channels called Hadis The third is the !ental Sheath ) !anomaya @osha * The fourth is the Intellectual Sheath ) Vi'nanamaya @osha * and the final sheath is the 2liss Sheath ) Ananda !aya @osha * The 2liss Sheath is found to consist of the (ositi$e energy associated with the >i$ine Self It is from this sheath that the inner (eace characteristic of true 2liss emanates !ore information about Transcendental #hiloso(hy + Eoga can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlIyoga htm Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * A different but (arallel model of human (ersonality was de$elo(ed by the Tantras Whereas the B(anishads s(eak of "i$e Sheaths or @oshas, the Tantras s(eak of si/ chakras These ;hakras are ) in ascending order* 1 Coot ;hakra ) !uladhara * 5 Anal ;hakra ) !ani(ura * & Solar #le/us ;hakra ) Swadhistana * G ,eart ;hakra ) Anahata * 9 Throat ;hakra ) Vishuddhi * 6 Eyebrow ;hakra ) A'na * 3ife is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at si/ different le$els of consciousness known as ;hakras in the magnificent Tantric !odel In mundane (eo(le the unfolding takes (lace only at the first three chakras which re(resent (rocreation, metabolism + s(eechN the higher three chakras remain latent The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of 3ife >i$ine When the @undalini, the Ser(entine #ower inherent in humans, rises from the Coot ;hakra ) !uladhara * to the ;rown ;hakra ) Sahasrara *, man achie$es ;osmic ;onsciousness The S(irit shall take u( the human (lay The earthly life become the 3ife >i$ine= "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm 2ooks as the source of knowledge - 2ooks are the legacies that a great genius lea$es to mankind, to (osterity - said >ante Without books we cannot ac.uire knowledge With the ad$ent of the Hew Age in the @ali Euga, a s(iritual re$olution has been ushered + many Cedeemers will be there to sa$e mankind =
- I saw them cross the twilight of the Age, The massi$e barrier breakers of this world The sun%eyed children of a mar$ellous dawn The architects of immortality ;arrying the magic Word, the mystic "ire, ;arrying the >ionysian cu( of Joy - % Aurobindo Vedic Astrology 3esson 1G
The >escending Hode of the !oon ) South Hode *was known as @etu in Vedic Astrology Ancient seers had gi$en him the (ortfolio of SelfMActualisation ) !oksha * ,is (osition in the 15th ) the house of final emanci(ation or !oksha * is e/tolled highly by the sa$ants Along with the s(iritual (lanets, Ju(iter and Saturn, @etu should be in a good (osition in the horosco(e for one to attain to the >i$ine ;rown The role of the South Hode ) @etu * in ,orosco(y South Hode<s Effects in the 15 ,ouses @etu in the Ascendant @etu in the Ascendant makes one intelligent and endowed with fortune Will be .uarrelsome, will ha$e less wealth, will be melancholic and will ha$e the ability to make others .uarrel 2ut if @etu is in the signs of ;a(ricorn or A.uarius these effects will be in$alid as he is (owerful in these signs @etu in the Second ,ouse Will be lo.uacious , will be de$od of eduation and will ha$e a crooked look Will be learned and will cra$e for others< wealth @etu in the Third ,ouse Will be noble and charitable Will be $alorous and ad$enturous Will lo$e e$il (eo(le Will destroy enemies and will en'oy wealth, (ros(erity and all sorts of en'oyments Will be a genius of a high order Will be $ersatile and will destroy o((osition @etu in the "ourth ,ouse !edical Astrology (ostulates that heart may be afflicted if any malefic is (osited in the fourth ) As the "ourth ,ouse rules the heart * Will be de$oid of ha((iness, landed (ro(erties, relati$es and con$eyances All relati$es will become your enemies This (osition of the South Hode is detrimental to getting legacy from mother @etu in the "ifth ,ouse Will be cruel, will (ossess an adamantine will + will not get much ha((iness from (rogeny WIll
ha$e disorders of the digesti$e tract Will be afflicted by many a disease Will lo$e sin and will be de$oid of ha((iness @etu in the Si/th ,ouse !edical Astrology (ostulates that if a malefic is (osited in the si/th, stomach disorders will haunt the nati$e Will be the leader of your community, Will ha$e high education and will be endowed with many a $irtue Will lo$e relati$es Will be (roud and $ainglorious Will ha$e allround knowledge and liberality @etu in the Se$enth ,ouse Will be de$oid of ha((iness from s(ouse and will lo$e women of dubious character Will be de$oid of (ros(erity Will be melancholic and will be a !achia$elli Will lo$e tra$el and will land in roublesome situations @etu in the Eighth ,ouse Will be intelligent and will ha$e high concentration Will be afflicted by wea(ons Will not ha$e much longe$ity Will lo$e other<s wealth and women Will be miserly Will be famous and will ha$e adershi( .ualities This (osition of the South Hode in the eighth indicates @armic backlog @etu in the Hinth ,ouse Will be sinful, (oor and will be de$oid of (aternal ha((iness Will be lustful and will not ha$e much (enchant for Celigion and !orality Will be a @a(ha%ty(e, in ayur$edic terminology Will be (roud and chi$alrous Will criticise the noble and will lower himself by committing heinous acts @etu in the Tenth ,ouse Will lo$e (eo(le and will earn the name of (hilanthro(ist Will be .uite rich and will ha$e (hiloso(hic ability Will be good in scul(turing Will be efficient, famous and endowed with (rofessional skill This dominance of the South Hode on the !eridien is good for (rofessional enhancement @etu in the Ele$enth ,ouse Will be wealthy with high education Will ha$e fame and altruistic merit Will en'oy the (leasures of the mundane a lot Will be $ersatile endowed with many good .ualities Will be liberal and generous Will be $ery (o(ulare because of (hilanthro(ic deeds @etu in the Twelfth ,ouse Will be fickle and e$er changing Eyes may be afflicted Will be fond of tra$el Will try to conceal sins Will be sorrowful and melancholic Will ha$e dubious character 2ut this (osition of the South Hode is conduci$e to immense occult (ower as @etu re(resents the Accult
!ore .uality information about Vedic Astrology + an Astrological Analysis can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI$edichorosco(e htm
Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * Is the Absolute the Humberless InfiniteO Ar has the Absolute any%thing to do with numbersO Well, #ythagorus inclined to the latter $iew Ceality, he said , is symbolised by numbers ?em Thera(y !odern scientific research has (ro$ed that e$en secondary gems increase (lanetary rays + these can be used for healing (ur(oses ,oward 2eckman ) htt(DIIwww (%g%a orgI* writes - Ane e/am(le is we ha$e identified ob$ious beneficial effects of using white sa((hire for increasing (lanetary rays of Venus from our own research o$er many years The secretary of the # ? A, !r Cichard Shaw 2rown, )htt(DIIwww agt% gems comI*through his & decades in this field of (lanetary gemology has also (ro$en the efficacy of certain colours of the tourmaline family for increasing benefic (lanetary rays of !ercury and the Sun !ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology , ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda Symbolism behind Vedic tem(les !an has three bodies % (hysical, astral + causal The outer wall of theVedic tem(le re(resents the (hysical body of man The inner wall re(resents the astral body and the innermost wall re(resents the ;ausal body >ee( within these three bodies is the Self, the Atman who is re(resented by the >eity = The word tem(le is deri$ed from the 3atin word tem(ulum, a (lace where 3aw and Justice can be administered The (rinci(le behind the tem(le, is @now Thyself = Am I a god, thenO Ees In these (ure features I behold ;reati$e Hature to soul unfold ) ?oethe * In other words man suffers from three ty(es of illnesses % (hysical, mental + s(iritual ,olistic !edicine takes the Tri(od of 3ife % 2ody, mind and Self into consideration A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine is htt(DIIwww holistic%alt comI Vedic ,olistic !edicine ) Ayur$eda* maintains that not only the (hysical factor but the other factors % mental + s(iritual (lay a (i$otal role in the health of the (atient !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda comI Astrology + Eoga Thera(y The root ;ause of all >isease % 2hoga or Sensory en'oyments 2hoga ) en'oyments of the senses * is Coga ) >isease* It can only be cured by Eoga ) >i$ine Alchemy * All food that is tasty is detrimental to the body, declares #rakriti Thera(y The food which cometh from Hature, fruits and $egetables, are alkaline by nature !a/imum health is in an alkaline body We can only be healthy if we kee( a 80P% 50P ratio ) 80P alkalinity + 50P acidity* This means we ha$e to eat more natural foods + less (rocessed foods ) which are more or less acidic * Truly s(eaking, (rocessed foods,e$en though they taste well, are robbers as they rob us of our natural, $ibrant health
%ore in.ormation about +ranscendental $hilosophy " Foga can be had .rom httpG<<&&&.astrologia<html<yogamain.htm Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * The Ser(entine #ower in indi$idual bodies, the @undalini, is the coiled Energy in humans, which rises during !editation + #rayer When She ) @undalini *, the miscrocosmic (ower of the macrocosmic Shakti, rises from from the Coot ;hakra + reaches the other ;hakras, siddhis or (aranormal (owers maniest ;lair$oyance, clairaudience, distant healing, the ability to see Auras + ultimately Trikala%'nana ) the (ower to know #ast, #resent + future * all manifest in the as(irant The as(irant should not be into/icated by these siddhis If he tries to e/hibit the siddhis or (aranormal (owers, he may not reach the ?oal of 3ife Instead he should ignore these (owers of the mind + continue his Ta(as till he is liberated "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm 2ooks as the source of knowledge The ?reek 2iblion or the Sankrit Veda means @nowledge which is re(resented by books 2ooks, therefore, re(resent the Tree of @nowledge ) the 2odhi Tree *, whose branches all sciences are=
Vedic Astrology 3esson 19 The twel$e dimensions of life are re(resented by the twel$e houses of the 1odiac The rising Sign at the Eastern ,oriKon is known as the Ascendant and is the "irst ,ouse "irst ,ouse re(resents (ersonality and fame The nati$e<s com(le/ion is indicated by the color of the Ascendant lord ) brownish if the Ascendant lord is Ju(iter * and the color of the (lanets as(ecting the Ascendant If the Ascendant lord is e/alted or as(ected by a benefic in Amsa in own house or friend<s house, (osited in .uadrants or trines, the nati$e will be blessed with wealth, ha((iness and the eightfold Siddhis or (aranormal (owers If on the other hand, the Ascendant lord is weak, debilitated, with malefic (lanets, in inimical Amsa and as(ected by malefics, the nati$e will be unhealthy, (oor and will be indulging in self% destruction If the Horth Hode is (osited in the Ascendant with malefics, he will be insulted by (eo(le ,e will be tormented by enemies and crooks The Effects of the Ascendant 3ord in the 15 ,ouses The Ascendant lord in the Ascendant If the ascendant lord is in the ascendant itself, the nati$e will be famous automatically Endowed with material ha((iness heIshe will be known for hisIher inde(endent s(irit to li$e by own efforts The nati$e will be fickleminded The nati$e will maintain multi(le interests in unrelated sub'ects + (eo(le The nati$e will always be alert (hysically + mentally ;hances are that heIshe will $isit foreign or far away lands ,eIshe will be endowed with fame + wealth They command res(ect in their circle They will ha$e a magnetic (ersonality + ma'estic a((earance They will be endowed with (ersonal magnetism + charisma
The Ascendant lord in the Second ,ouse Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 5nd house the nati$e will be graced by scholarshi( They will be blessed by many outstanding .ualities They will be s(iritual and religious by nature They will ha$e a charming, magnetic (ersonality They will be blessed by the gift of the gab or the di$ine gift of articulate s(eech They will im(ress others by eyes which are (enetrating and by articulate abilities They will ha$e domestic ha((iness They will be sweet% tongued and graceful in s(eech It is said that ?oddess of S(eech will reside in them indicating (oetic + communication abilities The Ascendant lord in the Third ,ouse Since the lord of the ascendant is in the &rd house, the nati$e<s courage will be indomitable ,isIher actions may be considered unorthodo/ and uncon$entional by society They know that character is the greatest wealth and they should not let anything mar their re(utation ,eIshe ha$e the (otential to become a great musician Similarly if they de$elo( their mathematical abilities they can become great mathe% maticians They should be careful about their health They are able to maintain (arallel interest or relationshi(s with different indi$iduals The Ascendant lord in the "ourth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the Gth house the nati$e will be born in an aristocratic family The nati$e will generally be good looking and ambitious ,eIshe will be a workaholic and (ros(erity is sustained by hard work The nati$e is well beha$ed in society ,eIshe will ha$e good (hysi.ue + and im(ressi$e (ersonality They will ha$e ha((iness from mother They will be blessed by a house and con$eyances They will ha$e a lot of friends They become famous amidst their circle They become a leader amidst friends + relati$es Bncles may be fa$ourable to them They will ha$e a good house with all comforts The Ascendant lord in the "ifth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 9th, fame will come to the nati$e by its own They become aggressi$e and belligerent They may gain the good will of the (olitical (arties in (ower It is .uite likely that they will benefit from commercial + di(lomatic ser$ices They will shine in ?o$t Ser$ice They will get the su((ort of officials and seniors They will be lucky in s(eculation and they know the adage - Eou can<t accumulate if you don<t s(eculate- If they use their intellect they can be lucky in in$estments The s(eculati$e stock market has its charms for them The Ascendant lord in the Si/th ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 6th they will be courageous and distinguished They will be financially A@ They em(loy means that are not abo$e board There may be debts which they are ca(able of (aying in time They may 'oin the armed forces and reach a high official (osition They will be hel(ed by brothers and sisters They may be em(loyed in the health sector They are ad$ised to care of their health Enemies they will ha$e in (lenty and they ha$e to be careful about their machinations Their success may generate 'eal% ousy amongst their enemies They will be successful generally The Ascendant lord in the Se$enth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 4th they ha$e to be careful about the health of their (artner It is .uite likely that they may de$elo( $airagya and turn to asceticism during the latter (art of their life They may wander without gaining momentum They e/(erience $icissitudes and moods always alternate between de'ection + elat% ion They may end u( in a foreign country They may e/amine (eo(le + ideas in order to get at Truth They will become famous + trustworthy ,eIshe will ha$e a (owerful (ersonality with (enetrating eyes The Ascendant lord in the Eighth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 8th the nati$e will be a scholar with e/cellent academic records They will ha$e to be careful about their health They should a$oid gambling + s(eculation They ha$e lo$e + interest for occultism They may gi$e chances to others to .ues% tion their character Bnfortunate e$ents may in$ade their life They may try to esca(e tension by taking to drugs, alcohol + day dreams instead of meditation + (rayer These tension relie$ing tendencies should be controlled !any deaths in the family may be witnessed
Ascendant lord in the Hinth ,ouse Since the nati$e<s ascendant lord is in the :th they will be fortunate as regards luck both material + s(iritual Aratorial skills + commu% nication ability will be well de$elo(ed ,eIshe will be known as a sil$er tongued orator They are dignified and ma'estic and will be well a((reciated by the o((osite se/ They are likely to inherit a (aternal legacy They will ha$e domestic ha((iness They will be dee(ly s(iritual and religious They will be de$oted to the (rece% (tors and ?od #hiloso(hy + Celigion will sway them + they may take to asceticism during the latter (art of their life The Ascendant lord in the Tenth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 10th the nati$e will ha$e (rofessional enhancement + re(utation They will en'oy (arental ha((iness It is likely that they may feel stifled by (arental authority Ascendant lord in the 10th is e/cellent for fame in the (rofessional s(here When they show their sense of disci(line and workaholism it will be a((reciated by the seniors and thereby they will earn fame name and (atronage They will grow u( in the right direction only ,eIshe will be a self made man with self made wealth They may ha$e income from many sources The Ascendant lord in the Ele$enth ,ouse Since the ascendant lord is in the 11th the nati$e will be inclined to beauty and harmony in music, art and romance They associate freely with all, (articularly with the o((osite se/ They are ad$ised to guard against marital infidelity They will be sub'ect to delays or difficulties in marriage They will not e/(erience financial difficulties They will succeed in business and their fiscal success will be due to their elder brother Elder sisters will also be fa$% ourable to them As far as gains are concerned they will make (rof% its commensurate with their abilities The Ascendant lord in the Twelfth ,ouse The nati$e has to be careful with money as heIshe are likely to be a s(endthrift They ha$e a duality or (olarity in their character which they must bring into harmony 2eware of gambling They belie$e in the (rinci(le that Cight means for the right ends They will fare well in education They deri$e more (leasure ser$ing than being ser$ed and from gi$ing than recei$ing They are likely to become altruists consecrating their life for the welfare of their fellowmen They ha$e self control + mastery of the senses
!ore .uality information about Vedic Astrology + an Astrological Analysis can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI$edichorosco(e htm
Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * ;an Humbers re(resent Ceality O Ees, said #ythagorus Each number has a $ibration which corres(onds to the nine re$ol$ing hea$ens Astrology + ?emology "lawless gems are aus(icious and flawed gems are a source of misfortune Cichard Shaw 2rown, Jr ) www agt%gems com* writes that the Vedic te/ts which state that (ure flawless gems ha$e aus(icious (owers ) ?aruda #urana, Agni #urana* are correct - After 59 years of researching and e/(erimenting with gemstones, it is our carefully considered o(inion that the Vedic te/ts are correct "lawed gems are sim(ly a source of misfortune, not to mention their being ugly = Think about it = ,ow many (eo(le are (re(ared to tolerate defects in their clothing, or any other (ersonal items they (ossessO E$en a single scratch on a nice automobile is an eyesore, so why do (eo(le tolerate flawed gemsO ,oward 2eckman ) www (%g%a org * writes that different ;hakras absorb different cosmic colors and nourish (articular glands in the body >iseases can be cured by using a((ro(riate gems
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology, ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda Cegulation of "ood, Slee( and E/ercise - "ood is medicineN !edicine is food - said ,i((ocrates -"ood is 2rahman "ood was $erily born before all creaturesD therefore it is called the medicine for all- declares the B(anishads 2y stating that food is the root cause of all ills + illnesses Vedanta ha$e formulated one of the foundational (rinci(les of holistic health At least half the ailments of man can be traced directly or indirectly to the (roblems of food Cegulation of food is not easy, because it is an addiction like alcohol #roblems like obesity, higher cholesterol le$el + irritable bowel syndrome cro( u( if food is not controlled 2y controlling food, the whole body comes under control -When taste is con.uered e$erything is con.uered - a$errs Vedanta What really matters is not how much we eat but how much of what we eat is transformed into bioenergy + the building materials of life Sir William Asler (ointed out many years ago - Anly a small (ercentage of what we eat nourishes usN the balance goes to waste and loss of energy- In holistic health, food should be re$ered + a (ro(er attitude towards food should be de$elo(ed - 2e thankful for all food, for food is 2rahman - said Vi$ekananda Si/ hours ha$e been (rescribed for all e$en though re.uirement of slee( $aries from (erson to (erson Cesearch studies ha$e indicated that e$en moderate le$els of e/ercise bolster the immune system Ho amount of slee( is sufficient for unwinding the mind for it is always in a tense state under the stressful conditions of modern life Antidotes to stress include yogic techni.ues like !editation, (rayer, culti$ation of the Witness attitude + (ractice of absolute self%surrender to the >i$ine, which enable us to a$oid a lot of unnecessary stress >oing nothing or sim(ly lying down is not rela/ation The muscles when stretched bring in rela/ation as it frees them from the tense condition Some of the yogic Asanas are highly effecti$e because they can rela/ the muscles There will be focal (oint in the body which reflects the mental tension which one finds oneself in That focal (oint of mental tension should be identified and you can choose that ty(e of yogic e/ercise which will rela/ the muscles + tendons of the s(ecific focal (oint of tension in you A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine is www holistic%alt com Cegulation of 2reath -2reathlessness is deathlessness - a$errs Eoga Cegulation of breath gi$es tremendous rela/ation #ranayama, without the hel( of a bona fide !aster, can lead to serious com(lications What is needed is the (ractice of breathing dee(ly ) as dee(ly as (ossible * through both the nostrils + then slowly breathing out ) without breath retention * This kind of regulated dee( breathing can be done at any time, e$en in your office #sychosomatic (ain can be alle$iated by these sim(le yogic techni.ues more effecti$ely than allo(athic (ills or tablets ,ere we em(loy the internal (harmacy of Skill (ower in lieu of the e/ternal (harmacy of #ill #ower= Vedic ,olistic !edicine ) Ayur$eda* gi$es (riority to the Whole and not to the (arts, contrary to chemothera(y which treats the (arts only !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda com Astrology + Eoga All knowledge is threefold )- Thraigunya Vishaya Veda -* In "reudian #sycho%analysis we ha$e three im(ulses, Id, Ego and Su(ergo The Vedantic Satwa, Ca'as and Thamas corres(ond to these im(ulses The mind is always gri((ed by these three im(ulses Sometimes we are Ca'asic ) worldly * and go after wealth When intense anger and other negati$e emotions gri( us, we are Thamasic When di$ine .ualities like 3o$e and #eace influence us, we are Satwic ) di$ine * The Ego with its ten heads ) symbolised as the ten%headed Ca$ana * is the ma'or block in attaining
SelfMActualisation The ten heads of the Ego are 3ust,Anger,#ride, A$arice, Sloth, ;o$etousness, Attachment, !ind, Intellect, ;onceit + Egoistic !entality Anly when the ten heads of the Ego are remo$ed can we ho(e to get Self%Cealisation ) Symbolically only when the Ca$ana in us is destroyed * When we do our yoga, we will be assailed by three ty(e of Ego Ca'asic ) wordly *, Thamasic ) bestial * and Satwic ) noble * In order to o$ercome the three ty(es of Ego, we are gi$en certain commandments - !a the Sanghostha karmani - % )3et there be not in you any attachment to inaction * This commandment is gi$en so that we can o$ercome the Thamasic ) bestial * ego - !a @arma #hala ,eturbhoo - % )->ont e/(ect any reward-* This commandment is gi$en to (rotect us from the Ca'asic ) wordly * ego, which always e/(ects rewards for work done -Bbhe Sukruta >ushkrute - ) -2e beyond good and e$il - * This commandment is gi$en to us to o$ercome the Satwic Ego, for one should not hang on to #unya ) di$ine merit * In other words, during the (rocess of Eoga, we will be assailed by all sorts of negati$e thoughts Aur aim is to identify with the Source of all thought, the Self We will find, as we (rogress on the (ath of yoga, that these negati$e thoughts lea$e us slowly and steadily ;on.uering our negati$e as(ect is not easy The negati$e elements in man are the true $illains Alone, (owerful + cruel are the dark and dreadful forces that (rofit from the reign of Hight and Ignorance and they dont want any change in the body We ha$e to annihilate them one by one In tragic life, ?od wot Ho $illains need be, (assions s(in the (lot We are betrayed by what is false within = The entire Vedic wisdom is contained in one word - Transcend - Transcend both (ain + sorrow, transcend the triune attributes of Hature Transcend negati$ity =
Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Tantra focusses on the ;hit%Shakti, the ;onsciousness%"orce latent in the Bni$erse The entire Bni$erse is the (lay and dis(lay of this ;osmic "orce and this "orce is latent in human beings as the @undalini She rises from the Coot ;hakra to the ;rown ;hakra during !editation Tantra is a similar disci(line like Eoga and is $ery im(ortant from the >i$ine (ers(ecti$e !ore .uality information about Tantra + Eantras can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlIyantra htm 2ooks as the source of knowledge >ante<s >i$ina ;ommedia or ?oethe<s "aust were ne$er the (roduct of the Cational !ind They were the (roducts of the Intuiti$e !ind 2ooks can instruct, they can teach + they can ele$ate man from the mundane to the sublime = Vedic Astrology 3esson 16 Cegarding the Second ,ouse
The second house is the significator of wealth and s(eech >omestic ha((iness is also its signification If the second house is a benefic sign and if the second house is tenanted by benefics and if the second lord is in a .uadrant or a trine, he will become immensely rich with oratorial (rowess If the Ascendant lord is weak and if the second lord is weak with malefics (osited in 6,8,15 houses, he will be (oor and hel(less If the second lord is e/alted in a .uadrant or trine, and if that sign is(ositor is (owerfully (osited in benefic houses, he will ha$e remendous wealth and will (rotect a lot of (eo(le If the second lord is as(ected by benefics and is (osited in a .uadrant or trine, he will be handsome If not, he will be ugly and wicked If the second lord is as(ected by malefics and is with malefics, he will stammer and stutter If the second lord is with malefics, is (osited in the tenth with an afflicted Sun, and if !ars and the Sun are (osited in the second house, his s(eech will be afflicted and he will be re'ected by others The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 15 ,ouses The Effects of the Second 3ord in the Ist ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the ascendant the nati$e will be wealthy 2ut there may be strained relationshi(s with other members of hisIher family ,eIshe wants to be away from home and heIshe will long for (leasures outside hisIher home and family The nati$e ha$e to be careful not to get in$ol$ed in fraudulent transactions They will be sub'ected to $icissitudes as financial u(s and downs mark their career They do not care much for manners + their manners may be frowned down by society >omestic ha((iness becomes a (roblem The nati$e will be sweet tongued but sometimes sheIhe will be (rone to anger and angry words The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 5nd ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 5nd house, the nati$e will be financially sound To be great is to be misunderstood + the nati$e<s e/(ressions of self%confidence and (ride are likely to be misunderstood "lattery will gi$e ego satisfaction They do not like those who .uestion their knowledge as they feel that they know all the answers They are most likely to ha$e a small family They will be sweet toun% ged and will be known for their gift of the gab The nati$e<s wealth will be abo$e medium and abo$e want The Effects of the Second 3ord in the &rd ,ouse If the 5nd lord is in the &rd the nati$e will be blessed with the .ual% ilites of $alour, wisdom and economic (rudence They belie$e that lo$e is (hysical and do not belie$e in #latonic 3o$e To the nati$e lo$e and e/istence are synonyms The nati$e may fall under the tem(tation of atheism and the nati$e may become attached to lu/urious life Ane sister will hel( They are interested in music and fine arts and this will hel( them (rofessionally The nati$e needs intellectual com(any in both lo$e and business They are not bothered by religious rituals The nati$e may be looked down u(on by (eo(le as a miser The Effects of the Second 3ord in the Gth ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the Gth, the nati$e will be blessed by house and con$eyances The nati$e will be blessed by a (ious and religious mother They ha$e to de$elo( a (rotecti$e shell to shield themsel$es from those who assassinate their character They will be frugal in money matters The nati$e will earn well from land + automobiles as Gth house re(resents $ehicles and land The nati$e<s oratorial (rowess will im(ress the nati$e<s friends + relati$es The nati$e may be hel(ed by maternal relati$es The nati$e may be hel(ed by the nati$e<s mother and her brothers + sisters
The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 9th ,ouse As the second lord is in the 9th, the nati$e will be lucky with in$estm% ents which will (a$e the way for (ros(erity e$en for the ne/t ge% neration The nati$e may become a $ictim of abandonment + lack of sym(% athy This may shock them to the e/treme This has a bad effect on them in the sense they become unkind to (eo(le ?ains une/(ected in the form of lotteries likely They find the domestic atmos(here restricti$e sometimes and sometimes en'oyable This is good for s(eculation They can try their luck in lotteries + the stock market The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 6th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 6th, the nati$e gains from and through enemies (ower, (ri$ilege and wealth The nati$e will cut anyone to siKe who go against the nati$e<s wishes + as(irations They always achie$e what they really want e$en though (eo(le say they em(loy means that are not abo$e board The nati$e<s wealth and (ower may be attributed to black marketing, black mailing and deceit 2e careful about health The nati$e may be assailed by health haKards in the latter (art of life The nati$es are likely to be sub'ect to (ersecution from enemies The nati$e will emerge $ictorious in the end The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 4th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 4th the medical (rofession may attract them with its treasures They always condescend and always hel( others who are lacking in luck They may waste much money for the gratification of the senses They ha$e to instill disci(line at home Atherwise they will be criticised hea$ily The nati$e may ha$e many sources of income, one of them foreign The nati$e<s (artner may be religious and (ious The nati$e<s (artner will ha$e a good aristocratic background The nati$e<s wealth will be sub'ect to fluctuations as alternate u(s and downs mar the nati$e<s career The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 8th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 8th it will be difficult for them to retain assets !isunderstandings with members of family likely The nati$e<s hy(ersensiti$ity is so high that e$en a hint of emotional abandonment can bring about unreasonable (anic, if not terror They are likely to lose wealth Elder brother may misunderstand The nati$e will ha$e to (ut in e/tra effort to retain inherited wealth Celati$es turn enemies The nati$e<s words may be misunderstood and there may be enmity >omestic ha((iness becomes a (roblem 2eware of anger and angry words The Effects of the Second 3ord in the :th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the :th, the nati$e will attain to wealth + the nati$e will ha$e (rofessional e/(ertise during the latter (art of the nati$e<s career >uring the early (eriod of the nati$e<s life there will be considerable suffering, both (hysical + mental The nati$e may secretly resent the loss of childhood innocence + (leasures The nati$e ha$e to establish unri$alled command on others to retain the image of su(eriority + self res(ect The nati$e will $isit (ilgrim s(ots and follow Celigion + #hiloso(hy as :th house re(resents Wisdom The nati$e may get legacies + benefits will come from many a source The Effects of the Second 3ord in the I0th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 10th house the nati$e will ha$e (rofessional e/(ertise in whate$er (rofession he has chosen The nati$e will ha$e to e/ercise the ma/imum tem(erance + kee( away from tem(tations The nati$e<s conce(t of lo$e is that it is (hysical and cor(oreal They do not belie$e in #latonic 3o$e The nati$e may not get much ha((iness from (rogeny The nati$e will
be engaged in many a $ocation The nati$e will do business or take to agriculture The nati$e will also indulge in (hiloso(hical dissertations or lectures As a result the nati$e may get fame, name + largesse The Effects of the Second 3ord in the 11th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 11th, manifold will be the sources of income The nati$e will attain fame by $irtue of hisIher diligence The nati$e<s health will (rogressi$ely im(ro$e >uring childhood the nati$e may ha$e health (roblems The nati$e can earn money by banking and finance The nati$e<s self de$elo(ment stuns (eo(le and growth generates en$y, as both 5nd and 11th re(resents wealth The nati$e will be sufficiently welloff and abo$e want As the 11th re(resents the fulfillment of all desires the second lord (osited therein indicates that all the nati$e<s desires will be fulfilled The Effects of the Second 3ord in the I5th ,ouse As the 5nd lord is in the 15th, the nati$e will be de$oid of immense wealth It is .uite likely that the nati$e may be interested in other<s material (ossessions The nati$e may not get much ha((iness from the elder brother The nati$e may yearn for such lo$e The nati$e may be cheated by (eo(le There may be $iolation of confidentiality as the trust the nati$e (lace in (eo(le may be $iolated The nati$e should curb the tendency to criticiKe others They may ha$e a $ocation connected by rituals and religion They are .uite likely to be in$ol$ed with the go$ernment Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * Humerology, dealing with Humbers and with the Humberless Infinite as the base, can be a (rognosticating tool in the (sychic sciences Ane<s lucky numbers can be known and this can be used in one<s (rofession !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm Astrology + ?emology Cichard Shaw 2rown, Jr ) www agt%gems com* gi$es a list of the Ha$a Catnas along with secondary gems and their ruling (lanets 1 CB2E, red s(inel red garnet,,and red tourmaline QrubelliteR are ruled by the 5 HATBCA3 #EAC3,moonstone,white coral and naturalQdeathR i$ory are ruled by Sun !oon
& EE33AW SA##,ICE,yellow to(K,yellow berylQhelioderR and citrine are ruled by Ju(iter G ,ESSAHITE orange Kircon,s(essertite and other orange garnets are ruled by 9 E!ECA3> ,tsa$orite ,green tourmaline,dio(side,(eridot and 'ade are ruled by Cahu !ercury
6 >IA!AH>,whiteQcolorlessR sa((hire, white to(aK, Kircon and .uartK are ruled by Venus 4 ;,CESA2ECE3 ;AT<S EEE,beryl, a(atite and tourmaline cat<s eyes are ruled by @etu 8 23BE SA##,ICE,tanKaniteQblue KoisiteR,blue s(inel, iolite amethyst are ruled by Saturn
: CE> ;ACA3 carnelian and bloodstone are ruled by !ars !ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlIgem htm Astrology, ,olistic !edicine + Ayur$eda Why holistic health (ractices fail or succeed (artially !ain reason for the failure of holisitc health (ractices is that #rana or 3ife Energy does not flow freely within the indi$idual or between the indi$idual + the uni$ersal life, owing to the (resence of obstructions within These obstructions are caused by Samskaras, (sychic memories or residual traces of our (ast actions and e/(eriences Samskaras are of two kinds, those which only (roduce memories ) smriti * of (ast e/(eriences and those which (roduce im(ulses or dri$es to re(eat these e/(eriences ) $asanas* These two are interlinked to form com(le/ (atterns of lo$e, hate, fear etc It is these com(le/es that obstruct the free flow of 3ife%Energy in us Cemo$ing !ental 2locks !any of these com(le/es are formed in childhood and adolescence Then un(leasant or traumatic e/(eriences take (lace, the tendency of a child or teenager is to re(ress them Ce(ression is a form of (ushing the (sychic memories into the unconscious regions of the mind The growing youth may not be able to recollect those (sychic memories again, but the re(ressed samskaras lodged in the hidden recesses of the unconscious go on creating (sychological and (sychosomatic (roblems for him All (sychosomatic disorders cannot be cured by holistic health tech% i.ues unless these re(ressed com(le/ities are ferreted out and onfronted The (ast samskaras should be deacti$ated "or this the seeker has to di$e dee( into his unconscious + encounter the (ast e/(eriences and deacti$ate them !ost (eo(le find it difficult to do it without the acti$e hel( of a com(etent guide Those who de(end on the Acean of ;onsciousness ) the Absolute or ?od * may , howe$er, find that these inner blocks are remo$ed by >i$ine ?race This is the rationale behind faith healing + miraculous cures E/tension of ;onsciousness 3ife,a gift from the >i$ine, is a great healing (ower Hothing e$er begins to beN Substance merely undergoes a (arallel transformation into conditions which (re%e/isted in other conditions 3ife, similarly, does not begin to be As Energy, as (er the 3aw of ;onser$ation of Energy or !atter cannot be created or destroyed, so too is 3ife Eternal At the (hysical le$el, the eternal healing (ower of life manifests itself as a* Self%renewal b* The immune system "or many years it has been known that the body can filter and re%use its fluids + re(air damages to tissues, es(ecially skin and bone, by growing new cells !odern Science has shown that self% renewal is constantly taking (lace in e$ery (art of the body Almost all the cells in the body are constantly being re(laced by new ones Somebody said - I am not the same (erson I was one year ago-= The entire body gets renewed in this way e$ery year + this shows that it is ne$er too late to regain your health 2y changing one<s basic attitudes and way of li$ing, the damage to the body caused by years of misuse + neglect can be o$ercome Ane the great mar$els of the uni$erse is the human immune system Those who are aware of the biochemical (rocesses going on in the body will agree with Walt Whitman - To me e$ery hour of the day + night is an uns(eakably (erfect miracle- >r Walter ;annon said - The Wisdom of the body is the most (recise of all selecti$e refinements- =
The ;om(onents ) "our Bnits * of our Immune System The fourfold immune system consists of the following unitsN 1 The granulocyte%macro(hage unit 5 The lym(hocyte unit & The antibody unit G The com(lement unit The first two are $arieties of white blood cor(uscles, wherein the last two are chemicals, (roteins All the four units of our immune system launch a concerted attack on the in$aders as soon as a few bacteria break into any tissue in the body ) The antibody unit has been defined as an army of one million* Western medical science is wondering who masterminds this attack or who (lans these strategies ;ommon sense, logic, intuition + e/(erience suggest that somewhere behind all this there must be a master control Why do sometimes cells become malignant and attack neighbouring cells O Why it goes awry, sometimes,when our defence units attack innocent cells mistaking them for enemy microbes O Western medical science is researching hard to find answers to these difficult .uestions A good site where you can get .uality information about ,olistic !edicine is www holistic%alt com Ayur$eda, as the Science of ,olistic ,ealth is curati$e and restorati$e and its medicines do not ha$e side effects !ore info about Ayur$eda can be had from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda comI Astrology + Eoga Eoga is deri$ed from the word -Eu'- which means to unite Bnion with ;osmic ;reati$e Intelligence is the aim of Eoga The "ourfold Eoga has been (rescribed for ;osmic Bnion in Ariental #hiloso(hies They are 1 Bnion $ia Action ) @arma Eoga * 5 Bnion $ia #sychic ;ontrol ) Ca'a Eoga * & Bnion $ia Bni$ersal 3o$e ) 2hakthi Eoga * G Bnion $ia Wisdom ) Jnana Eoga * Bnion $ia Action is for the (erson of acti$e tem(arament Bnion $ia #sychic ;ontro is for the (erson of ad$enturous tem(arament Bnion $ia Bni$ersal 3o$e is for the (erson of emotional tem(arament Bnion $ia Wisdom is for the (erson of intellectual tem(arament These four (aths are not different from one another They are all (art of the "ourfold Eoga ;ertain .ualities are to be inculcated in the seeker if he is to achie$e the Bltimate ?oal #ra'na has been defined as the discriminati$e intellect When the intellect discriminates between the Ceal +
the Bnreal The intellect which discriminates between 2eing and Hon%2eing This .uality should be incor(orated by the Intellectual !an if he is to (rogress in the (ath of Jnana Eoga 3o$e is defined as the greatest of all the (ositi$e .ualities of man This .uality is to be incor(orated by the Emotional !an if he is to (rogress in the field of 2hakthi Eoga ;ontrol of !ind or #sychic ;ontrol through Ca'a Eoga should be incor(orated by the Ad$enturous !an if he is to (rogress in the field of Ca'a Eoga Selfless Ser$ice should be incor(orated by the Acti$e !an if he is to (rogress in the field of @arma Eoga In other words, since the "ourfold Eoga has been (rescribed for mankind , all these four great .ualities % Selfless ser$ice, lo$e, (sychic control + the discriminati$e intellect should be incor(orated by the s(iritual as(irant to de$elo( in the field of Eoga Eoga was defined by Aurobindo as a methodic (rocess towards self%(erfection through a de$elo(ment of the latent (otential at the fi$e le$els of 2eing % (hysical, $ital, mental, intellectual + s(iritual Hormal man li$es only in the first three sheaths % (hysical, $ital + mental Anly when we use our hidden s(iritual (otential % the intell% ectual + the bliss sheaths % can be unfold our full mental (otential !ore information about Transcendental #hiloso(hy + Eoga can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlIyoga htm Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Vedanta focusses on the Sat ) E/istence * as(ect of Absolute 2eing Tantra, on the other hand, focusses on the ;hit ) @nowledge * as(ect of 2eing The E/istence as(ect is absolutely absolute while the @nowledge as(ect takes care of the Absolute and the Celati$e "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm 2ooks as the re(ository of all knowledge The out(ourings of the Intuiti$e !ind came to be known as great 3iterature, the rise and flow of Eternal Wisdom While the Cational !ind of man focussed on Science, the Intuiti$e !ind of mind focussed on the su(ra%mundane, the sublime, the di$ine #oetry was defined as the fulness of generation of 2eauty All knowledge of both the Cational and the Intuiti$e !inds were recorded as books, which remain as the source of all information Vedic Astrology 3esson 14 Cegarding the Third ,ouse The third house is the eighth from the eighth Since the Eighth house re(resents death, the eighth from the eighth ) the Third ,ouse * is considered dangerous An the (ositi$e side, younger coborns + ,el( are indicated by the Third ,ouse If the third house is $itiated by malefics, hel( from others will be found wanting ,ere we enumerate the effects of the Third 3ord in the 15 ,ouses The Effect of the Third 3ord in the Ist ,ouse
Since the &rd lord is in the Ascendant, the nati$e is likely to be a selfsufficient and self made (erson The nati$e<s intelligence + know ledge will be im(ressi$e des(ite hisIher .ualifications ,eIshe will ha$e to learn to control anger which can be hisIher greatest enemy Though their a((earance is on the lean side they will e/hibit $itality and energy in all critical situations They tend to be attracted to fine arts + will be drawn to acting, music + dancing The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 5nd ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 5nd, the nati$e may be laKy or lethargic as heIshe do not take hisIher undertakings seriously They may also be attracted to their neighbours assets which may be considered to be mischie$ious by many Bnnatural means of (ersonal gratification may be resorted to by them Their image may be s(oiled by their headstrong beha$iour and their e/tra$agance They may not kee( (unctuality and they may not also kee( u( the decencies of debate They may not ha$e good relations with the younger co%borns They may ha$e hostile neighbours The Effect of the Third 3ord in the &rd ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the &rd, the nati$e will ha$e the com(any of brothers + sisters ,eIshe cannot don the dece(ti$e role A(timism is dee(rooted in their heart and they $iew e$erything (hiloso(hically %$iK% they are confident that e$erything ha((ens for the good They are not the ty(e who cry o$er s(lit milk They do not bother about the (ast which is gone fore$er and belie$e that today is our eternity They may not en'oy good relationshi( with younger coborns They may get the hel( of their neighbours during the hour of crisis The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 9th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 9th, the nati$e will be $irtuous and chi$alrous ,erIhis married life turns into a (aradise as both of them are ready to forget + forgi$e e$en the most $icious encounters They yearn to be hel(ed and a((reciated Their brothers will definitely hel( them in their hour of need They are best suited to agriculture as they know when to sow and when to rea( They may not ha$e much ha((iness from their children Their neighbours also may turn hostile towards them The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 6th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 6th, it will be difficult for the nati$e to maintain good relationshi(s with brothers, sisters and uncle Their honesty and sincerity in financial dealings ha$e got drawbacks They are e/tro$erts by nature Their ego which has been badly bruised during childhood makes them intro$erts Ane of their brothers may o(t for the Army Another one may 'oin the medical (rofession Their mind will be troubled by enemies The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 4th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 4th, it is better for the nati$e to be an em(loyee than a businessman Their income will be regular + steady + not sub'ect to $icissitudes which are characteristic of business cycles They will e/cel as subordinates than as commanding officers They will always be in the good book of the boss They are in the habit of o$erestimating their ability to (erform or re(ay They forget a duty or debt when it falls due At the same time they are careful not to incur the wrath of the 3aw The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 8th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 8th, they will be dri$en by the desire to take (ossession of things and take charge of situations without any authority whatsoe$er They are basically altruistic + may
e$en be ready to die for their lo$e Their actions are based on honesty and sincerity and with good entions They are hy(ersensiti$e + dee(ly hurt by innuendos on their honesty They resent being treated like a criminal des(ite ha$ing a heart of gold They may miss the com(any of their younger brother or sister The Effect of the Third 3ord in the :th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the :th the nati$e may not get much from the (arental side Their s(ouse may bring e$erything for them They may be much bothered by father<s re(utation and attitude which may cause des(ondency and alarm They are emotional and they are always swayed by emotion This may be reflected in their relationshi(s with brother, s(ouse and office Their brother will ha$e the (ri$ilege of inheriting ancestral (ro(erties which (a$es the way for their benefit Their relationshi( with father will be tainted by misunderstanding The Effect of the Third 3ord in the I0th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 10th, the nati$e will be selfsufficient and selfmade Their wealth may generate all sorts of comforts for them, e$en the forbidden Bltimately remorse would su(er$ene and they become melancholic thinking of the tem(tations in which they were tra((ed They ha$e (leasing (ersonalities and sincere a((roach which in turn creates a sym(athy wa$e amidst the (ublic Their(rofession may be connected by tra$elling and they become the gainers Almost all the brothers become successful and they will hel( them in many ways !ost of them will attain to (rofessional re(utation The Effect of the Third 3ord in the 11th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 11th, the nati$e will ha$e business knack They are ade(ts at selfishness and this trait manifests e$en when they are dealing with brothers and sisters They may be misunderstood by members of the family and this rouses their anger They become as $indicti$e as an Arab 2ut they cool off as they cannot carry $indicti$eness for long in their heart They de(end on their brothers and are ready to sacrifice for them They may be hel(ed by their younger co% borns They will ha$e gains of a high order and their desires will be fulfilled in time The Effect of the Third 3ord in the I5th ,ouse Since the &rd lord is in the 15th, the nati$e<s wealth may come $ia member of the o((osite se/, most (robably hisIher (artner Their relationshi( with father is likely to be tainted by (ersonality clashes They are .uite domineering in the sense they want their wishes to be granted and their orders should be obeyed by all They are rebels and terrible antogonists This tem(erament should not im(el them to e$il and sinful deeds They may be worried on account of their younger brother or sister Astrology and the Science of Humbers ) Humerology * Humerology can be a .uite useful in the realisation of ;osmic Truth as numbers ha$e got $ibrations and the essence of Ceality is ultimately numbers= !ore info about Astro%Humerology and a free AstroHumerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlInumer htm Astrology + ?emology About Astro%?emology , !anley ,all writes in the -Secret Teachings of all Ages - that - The rays of the celestial bodies, striking the crystalliKing influences of the lower world, become the $arious elements #artaking of the astral $irtues of their source, these elements neutralliKe certain
unbalanced forms of celestial acti$ity + when (ro(erly combined, contribute much to the well% being of man- This is the rationale of #lanetary ?emology
!ore information about #lanetary ?emology + a "CEE ?em #rescri(tion Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI(lanetarygemology htm
Astrology + Eoga Bnion $ia Action ) @arma Eoga * While acknowledging the fact the the Ane Bni$ersal Substance which com(ose the differentiated (arts of the Bni$erse is all this , one should indulge in selfless ser$ice and lo$e for ,im !an has two duties % >uty unto ;aesar means we ha$e to do our wordly duties + >uty unto Self or ?od means we ha$e to do selfless ser$ice to our brethren so that we fulfill the di$ine humanity in oursel$es There is a (oetic $erse which says that trees e/ist for altruism, that ri$ers e/ist for altruism, that cows e/ist for altruism and hence this body is for Altruism or selfless ser$ice The basis of all ser$ice is 3o$e When we lo$e, we ser$e Ser$ice is di$ine and ser$ice is one of the means to e/haust one<s own @arma @arma is defined as action and all actions ha$e reactions The ?rand 3aw of ;ausation, the 3aw of ;ause and Effect, the 3aw of Cetribution is called (hiloso(hically as the 3aw of @arma So we as com(osite creatures ha$e done both good and e$il and good + e$il karmas haunt us 2ut in order to attain to Self%Actualisation, we should e/haust our karma As far as karma is concerned there will be backlog and it will be difficult to e/haust karma all of a sudden 2ut absolute surrender to the >i$ine is the only remedy and while we tread the #ath ;elestial, all karmas get burnt u( In Silence, we ha$e to climb from our own earths to our own hea$ens, rendering to the ;aesar of the outer world the things which are lawfully his, and at the same time fulfilling the 3aw of Wisdom which will set us u( and distinguish us from the ranks of other men it is true that many ad$ersities and o((osition we may ha$e to confront 2ut these are merely (arts of the (rocess and tests of fidelity Some (eo(le on this #ath Eternal com(lain that they and their friends also are $isited by misfortune 2ut we ha$e to understand that they are wages and Initiation is a (rocess of intensi$e culture and accelerated e$olution It is our @arma e/hausting itself We ha$e to understand that the >i$ine Will is leading us, through e$ery circumstance, towards the "inal Cealisation This faith will gi$e us e.uanimity Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Vedanta deals with Absolute 2eing or Sat Tantra, on the other hand, deals with Tat, which is both Absolute 2eing and Celati$e 2eing, or 2eing absolutely Celati$e and relati$ely Absolute ;reation is the (lay + dis(lay of ;osmic Intelligence and this Intelligence is defined as Tat in Tantra !ore .uality information about Tantra + Eantras can be had from htt(DIIwww Kodiaccom(uters comI,tmlIyantras htm Astrology + Fuantum !edicine Fuantum or ,olistic !edicine em(hasises that the Whole is greater than the sum of its (arts and that the (atient who has the disease is more im(ortant than the disease of the (atient= It is linked to Astrology in the sense that both deal with the Bni$ersal and are branches of Bni$ersal #hiloso(hy Fuality content about Western ,olistic !edicine can be obtained from www holistic%
alt com and about Vedic ,olistic !edicine from www chakra(aniayur$eda com 2ooks as ;arriers of Wisdom 2ooks are left by geniuses for the benefit of (osterity
,ea$en<s treasures they bring, their sufferings count the (ain, Ar they (ay the gifts of knowledge with their li$es=
Vedic Astrology 3esson 18 All Astrology e$ol$ed from Electional Astrology + originated from the Vedas,Scri(tures which were ne$er written + which were di$inely cognised in higher states of ;onsciousness Cegarding the "ourth ,ouse The fourth house re(resents ha((iness, mother, friends, uncle, house + con$eyances All these significations get a boost if the Gth lord or Gth house becomes strong if the fourth house is $itiated by malefics, ha((iness will make a hasty retreat Celati$es turn hostile and there will be difficulty in ac.uiring houses or con$eyances The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Ascendant As the Gth lord is in the ascendant the nati$e will ha$e all sorts of domestic comforts, houses + con$eyances They are outs(oken + inde(endent, cle$er and intelligent Their mother is gentle and tender They ha$e an academic mind and their .ualities will be a((reciated in the field of education They will ha$e the hel( of many friends and uncles They will ha$e a well decorated house The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Second ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 5nd the nati$e will inherit much from their mother or maternal relati$es Their mother in turn must ha$e recei$ed much from her own sisters + brothers They are not the ty(e who are likely to be dominated !any consider them as a sim(letons This is not a correct analysis They are cunning and .uite cle$er when occasion demands They will ha$e house + con$eyances The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Third ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the &rd the nati$e can e/(ect medium health 2ecause of their educational background they may get the much needed hel( from office le$els Subordinates lo$e working for them as they lead by e/am(le They will retain self earned wealth Bncles may turn hostile They may ha$e trouble regarding house + con$eyances E$en their health may be sub'ect to $icissitudes The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the "ourth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in Gth the nati$e will ha$e a good house and con$eances They may be connected with (owerful, (olitical (eo(le They ha$e the knowledge to mani(ulate ideas, men and things with dignity and honour They maintain a s(otless character They will understand in the fulness of time that 3o$e is a thing to be gi$en + not a game to be won or an election to be fought They tend to #hilioso(hy + Celigion and lo$e their family members
The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the "ifth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 9th the nati$e will ha$e $ehicles + con$eyances They are ade(ts at maintaining ha((y relations with (eo(le They will en'oy wealth that is self made Their (artner will a((ear to be more bossy than them when (ro$oked and e$en more belligerent They will ha$e a comfortable life with riches Their children will (ros(er well + they may get ha((iness from them They may gain due to s(eculation + whirlwind (rofits can be e/(ected if they s(eculate The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Si/th ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 6th house the nati$e will ha$e (roblems from house + con$eyances They may recei$e affection from somebody other than their mother during childhood They are basically careless and indifferent Thier mother<s health may be im(erilled As they are shorttem(ered it will be better for them if they control their anger Some of their friends may turn hostile Bncles and aunts also turn hostile They may not get much ha((iness from mother + con$eyances The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Se$enth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 4th the nati$e will shine well in the field of education They are ready to sacrifice + relin.uish their rights on (ro(erty at the slightest re.uest from their mother In reality she does not want them do that #essimistic they become as a result of ad$ersity They ac.uire $ast areas of land and they get houses Their (ublic relations are good They mi/ well with (eo(le They will ha$e good friends The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Eighth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in 8th the nati$e will ha$e (roblems in education They are likely to face difficulties in childhood They en$y their brothers who get greater attention from their mother They may not fulfill her wishes and this makes her de'ected They may be se(arated from father .uite early in life They may ha$e to encounter difficulties arising out of litigation Some of their friends may turn hostile Some uncles and aunts also They may ha$e (roblems regarding house + con$eyances The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Hinth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the :th the nati$e will be blessed by a lo$ing and com(assionate mother They fear the Bnknown They may inherit (aternal legacy They demonstrate wisdom and a dee( sense of humour behind a rugged e/terior They ha$e a hidden desire to be (rotected by their mother This is a fortunate combination with regard to father and (ro(erties They will ha$e a good house + con$eyances They will be blessed by many good friends who come to their hel( in their hour of crisis The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Tenth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 10th the nati$e will ha$e (rofessional enhancement and re(utation They will ha$e (rofessional e/(ertise They will ha$e (olitical success They will ha$e the knowledge to handle any situation They will be good at handling chemicals Will $an.uish their enemies They are .uite domineering and ha$e a knack of making their (resence felt Will be blessed by house + con$eyances They will ha$e good friends who hel( them in their hour of crisis The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Ele$enth ,ouse
As the Gth lord is in the 11th the nati$e will be wealthy + financial condition will only im(ro$e for the better Will ha$e a lot of friends They will be hel(ed by these friends They will ha$e lots of gains as 11th house rules gains and the fulfillment of all desires A good house guaranteed Will ha$e lot of mental tensions also as 11th is 8th to the fourth 3ack of mental (eace and bliss can result They will be blessed by con$eyances A well decorated house with all the (ara(hernalia will be theirs The Effect of the "ourth 3ord in the Twelfth ,ouse As the Gth lord is in the 15th the nati$e will ha$e to face many ills + unha((y situations in life The lord of G , in the house of loss shows loss of Sukha Cegarding house they may ha$e to face many (roblems They may ha$e to encounter litigation and (roblems regarding house They may not be ha((y with regard to mother Bncles and aunts turn hostile Some friends also go against them They will be beset by many (roblems and difficulties E/(enditure rises and they may ha$e to s(end much money on house and con$eyances They may ha$e to face losses in s(eculation Astrology + Astro%Humerology #ythagorus a$erred that numbers ha$e $ibrations and that it can be used for augmenting fortune= Will "ate change if Hame is changed O ;ertainly, says this Science of Humbers Those who lag behind in the economic s(here can use this science to become (ros(erous = The Humerology ebook is freely downloadable from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comI ,ome #age !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro%Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm Astrology + Astro%?emology The (hiloso(her ;ornelius Agri((a has described in Three 2ooks of Accult #hiloso(hy the basic (re(aration of astrological rings as followsD -When any star )(lanet* ascends fortunately we must take a stone and herb that is under that star, and in it fasten the stone, (utting the herb or root under it, not omitting the inscri(tions of images, names + characters, as also the (ro(er suffumigations-
Astrology + the "ourfold Eoga ) The Science of ;osmic Bnion * The "ourfold Eoga has been (rescribed for ;osmic Bnion in Ariental #hiloso(hies They are 1 5 & G Bnion $ia Action ) @arma Eoga * Bnion $ia #sychic ;ontrol ) Ca'a Eoga * Bnion $ia Bni$ersal 3o$e ) 2hakthi Eoga * Bnion $ia Wisdom ) Jnana Eoga *
Bnion $ia Action is for the (erson of acti$e tem(arament Bnion $ia #sychic ;ontro is for the (erson of ad$enturous tem(arament Bnion $ia Bni$ersal 3o$e is for the (erson of emotional tem(arament Bnion $ia Wisdom is for the (erson of intellectual tem(arament These four (aths are not different from one another They are all (art of the "ourfold Eoga
;ertain .ualities are to be inculcated in the seeker if he is to achie$e the Bltimate ?oal #ra'na has been defined as the discriminati$e intellect, the intellect which discriminates between the Ceal + the Bnreal, the intellect which discriminates between 2eing and Hon%2eing This .uality should beincor(orated by the Intellectual !an if he is to (rogress in the (ath of Jnana Eoga 3o$e is defined as the greatest of all the (ositi$e .ualities of man This .uality is to be incor(orated by the Emotional !an if he is to (rogress in the field of 2hakthi Eoga ;ontrol of !ind or #sychic ;ontrol through Ca'a Eoga should be incor(orated by the Ad$enturous !an if he is to (rogress in the field of Ca'a Eoga Selfless Ser$ice should be incor(orated by the Acti$e !an if he is to (rogress in the field of @arma Eoga In other words, since the "ourfold Eoga has been (rescribed for mankind, all these four great .ualities % Selfless ser$ice, lo$e, (sychic control + the discriminati$e intellect should be incor(orated by the s(iritual as(irant to de$elo( in the field of Eoga
Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * Tantra aims at centrallisation of the Self and the Self is worshi((ed through geometrical (atterns called Eantras "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Astrology + Fuantum ) ,olistic * !edicine 2eginning with a #latonic .uotation ) - The treatment of the (arts should not be attem(ted without treatment of the entirety-*, Calf >amwerth writes that ,olistic !edicine em(hasises #re$ention - To (re$ent disease is an im(ortant matter in ,olistic !edicine It ad$ocates healthy food + good diet, (hysical e/ercises and, in general, a natural + ecological life%style ;oncerning (re$ention of disease, we can learn a lot from Asian cultures ,atha Eoga, for e/am(le, is a brilliant system of maintaining the body + detecting any dysfunctions $ery early Fuality info about Western ,olistic !edicine can be obtained from htt(DIIwww holistic%alt comI and about Vedic ,olistic !edicine from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda comI 2ooks as Ce(resentati$es of Eternal Wisdom Sir #hili( Sydney writes in - An A(ologia for #oetry - that the great seers and mystics of yore hid ?reat Secrets in symbolic stories ) -which of (ur(ose were written darkly, lest by (rofane wits it might be abused-* Aurobindo in the Secret of the Veda writes that - this Wisdom is unfit and dangerous to the ordinary human mind and liable to (er$ersion and loss of $irtue, if re$ealed to $ulgar and un(urified s(irits- ,ence the Seers hid the !ysteries in symbolic stories like the Iliad and the Adyssey, the Camayana + the !ahabharata, books which deal with the Inner War in !an = The ,idden "oe ) Ego* lodged in the human breast
!an must o$ercome or miss his higher fate This is the inner war without esca(e
Vedic Astrology 3esson 1: The rising of the Hew Age marked the renaissance of Astrology + Alternati$e Sciences !ore and more (eo(le are now di$erting from Astronomy to Astrology, from ;hemistry to Alchemy, from Allo(athy to Alternati$e !edicine = The $ery fact that there are 600,000 Hew Age sites on the Web (ro$es the $eracity of our statement = Cegarding the "ifth ,ouse The "ifth ,ouse re(resents (rogeny and di$ine merit I F is ruled by the fifth house The (lacement of the "ifth lord in a benefic Sign makes thenati$e intelligent and meritorious The re$erse may ha((en if the fifth lord is weak or is (laced in malefic Signs The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Ascendant Since the 9th lord is in the ascendant the nati$e will be lucky regarding in$estments and children ,eIshe will get ha((iness from children They will establish their scholastic abilities in whate$er (rofession they choose They will command a number of ser$ants + will ha$e (uniti$e (owers They will be successes in s(eculati$e $entures The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Second ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the 5nd, gains from s(eculation indicated The nati$e may attain to fame + status at the international le$el based on hisIher background ,eIshe will hit headlines of the media one day They tend to become o$erconfident + (roud because of the achie$ements of their children Will ha$e a beautiful (artner and well beha$ed kids 3eadershi( .ualities and initiati$e are strong in them They tend to lead by e/am(le Their sons may shine in their fields + they get the benefit thereby The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Third ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the &rd, the nati$e will ha$e tremendous communication ability The nati$e<s a((roach to finance may be misunderstood as heIshe follows the (rinci(le -Economy is (rudence- They also know that they ha$e been misunderstood 2ut their children later find that they are not such misers as was thought earlier They dont want to take chances with the security of their children Their arguments for economic (rudence may be right but they ha$e to incor(orate altruism for di$ine reasons The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the "ourth ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the Gth, nati$e will be a money earner right from boyhood ,eIshe will be li$ing in a lu/urious building with beautiful surroundings for their children to en'oy !other will ha$e good longe$ity They are domineering, aggressi$e + e/tra$agant They will acce(t any suggestion which is Truth (ersonified e$en if it comes from the mouths of babes and sucklings They may ha$e more daughters than sons >ogmas irritate them They become rich due to in$estments + s(eculation They follow the adage -Eou cannot accumulate if you don<t s(eculateThe Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the "ifth ,ouse As the 9th lord is in the 9th, nati$e will ha$e ha((iness from children ,eIshe li$es dangerously and likes thrills and e/citement They are sincere and free from hy(ocrisy They are so much mature + full of wisdom that their children can lean on them during times of ad$ersity They will ha$e children who achie$e greatness in their (rofessional s(heres They gain from children e$en
economically ?reat sons take care of their e$ery need The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Si/th ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in 6th, (roblems relating to one of the sons likely #roblems may be (lenty since they are not asserti$e enough ;hildren get the wrong im(ression that they do not lo$e them @indness and tenderness can (re$ent future tears ;hildren (ose (roblems 3osses can accrue if they indulge in s(eculation They may ha$e to face (roblems regarding in$estments since the 9th rules in$estments The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Se$enth ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the 4th nati$e will be known for hisIher (ublic relations They are basically altruists Ane son will go abroad + attain fame and wealth They are affectionate + their children are (ro$ided with (ractically e$erything e$en though it is beyond their means They are careful not to be misunderstood by others, (articularly by members of family They will ha$e a s(ouse who is cordially dis(osed Since 9th lord is the owner of a trine in a .uadrant, this is a (owerful (osition for both gains from s(ouse and children The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Eighth ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the 8th, the ha((iness from (rogeny will be below e/(ected standards They may be beset with cough and lung disorders They will realise that their dictatorial tendencies ha$e an ad$erse effect on the children #arental (ro(erty may not be retained S(eculations can be disastrous They should be careful about 'um(ing into in$estments ;hildren (ose (roblems Stay away from gambling race courses + stock markets Eschew e$il + sinful acts The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Hinth ,ouse Since 9th lord is in the :th nati$e will be recognised as a new star who Koomed on the family firmament and heIshe will be treated like a (rince ,eIshe will ha$e innate abilities to be an author They en'oy being with children and it will ins(ire them to reach diKKy heights Ane of their children will reach a high state as an author or orator They will be blessed with fortunate children The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Tenth ,ouse The 9th lord in the10th itself is a Ca'a Eoga and the nati$e will be a (owerful indi$idual in many res(ects ,eIshe will ha$e fortunate children Ane of their sons will be renowned and will be the cynosure of all eyes They are feared + res(ected by members of their family Ane of their sons may 'oin the in$estigati$e de(artment #rofessional re(utation and enhancement will be theirs The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Ele$enth ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the 11th, the nati$e will be a renowned author ,eIshe will be learned and will be the darling of the crowd They will de$elo( their literary talent to such an e/tent that they become known and famous in academic circles They are ca(able of building a secure and lu/urious future for their children Their children will benefit by their camaraderie and intellectual in$ol$ement with them They will feel (roud of their children later on 3ater on their children bring them all that they want as they become successful The Effect of the "ifth 3ord in the Twelfth ,ouse Since the 9th lord is in the 15th, it is .uite likely that the nati$e may deri$e unha((iness from
children ,eIshe should be (re(ared to face (roblems associated with them They are at times stubborn + (urblind + im(etous ;hildren normally demand an abnormal amount of freedom which they are not ready to gi$e Their determination which becomes obstinate at times creates (anic at home The wise ones ha$e warned that a blend of these traits can create ha$oc and hence should be meticulously balanced E$entually they will lead a life of detachment and attain to Self Actualisation Astrology + Astro%Humerology The Science of Humbers, Humerology, was used from time immemorial for fortune in lottery, 'ack(ot and the stock market Each letter of the al(habet has a corres(onding number and numbers, if used (ro(erly, can act as bringers of fortune E$ery man has a fa$ourable number called the "adic Humber which corres(onds to a (lanet = Astrology + Astro%?emology Eminent ?emologist Cichard Shaw 2rown states in his book - Astral ?emstones and Talismansthat the true science of #lanetary ?emology is still (ractised by Asian and some Western astrologers The ancient system of #anchaMAmrita ) the "i$e Immortal Hectars * is based on the sim(le combination of the (lanetary gemstone, metal, herb, symbol and number which corresonds to the (lanet that is to be enhanced The in$ocation of the (lanetary energy by means of a sound in$ocation and (rayer is the Si/th Amrita whereby the mind uses s(ecial sound $ibrations Synastry or ;om(atibility between ;ou(les Some Stars are found to be com(atible and some are not !ars in the Se$enth and Eighth for females was considered to be !artian Affliction ) @u'a >osha * and if the male horosco(e do not ha$e a !artian Affliction in the Se$enth, synastry or com(atibilty was found to be Kero = In some ci$iliKations, horosco(e matching was a (rere.uisite for marriage and bridegroomsIbrides were selected according to astrological matching (rinci(les 3arge matrimonial databases are found to be $ery useful for (eo(le looking out for (artners= Eou can check your "ree ;om(atibilty at htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlImatri htm )This link can also be used for ac.uiring life%(artners=* Astrology + the "ourfold Eoga ) The Science of ;osmic Bnion * Eoga Thera(y lays (rime em(hasis on the Tri(od of 3ife % 2ody, !ind and 2eing Transcendental #hiloso(hy (ostulates that the Bltimate Ceality is hidden behind this world of A((earance It is hidden, hidden and hidden ,ow do we unite with it O The (ath is the "ourfold Eoga, the scientia ultima, or the Bltimate Science = 2y going dee( within ) -Within, within and within- said the mystic Ward *, one becomes aware of the Silence which is our 2ase= I am the Silence which is more than Sound = If therewithin thou lose thee, thou art found = The Hameless, Shoreless Acean which is I, Thou canst not breathe, but in its bosom drowned =
Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * The Bltimate Ceality re(resented by geometrical (atterns O That iswhat Tantra is all about The ;entral >ot or the 2indu re(resent the Cegal Self and the circles, the triangles, the rectangles and the lotuses the different Energy ;entres in the body Eantras are mystical diagrams re(resenting the !aster #lan of !anifestation = "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Astrology + Fuantum ) ,olistic * !edicine In her essay - The ,ealing ;enter-, Eleanor "oster writes that the ,ealing ;enter is within us -I am a (sychothera(ist and I sit with my clients and hear their (ain clearly and freshly as I can, sometimes it enters my body Then I must breathe dee(ly and find my own stillness I want to hel( them, but I know that I am not the healer I do not belie$e that in the end their healing will come from anyone outside themsel$es I can only turn them towards their own ,ealing ;enter Fuality info about Western ,olistic !edicine can be obtained from www holistic%alt com and about Vedic ,olistic !edicine from www chakra(aniayur$eda com 2ooks % The rise and flow of of Eternal Wisdom 2ooks are the legacies which writers lea$e to mankind 2ooks re(resent the collecti$e wisdom of mankind Age is not a factor in writing books >id not ;haucer and ?oethe write when they were (ast their (rime O ;haucer at Woodstock with the nightingales At si/ty wrote the ;anterbury Tales = ?oethe at Weimar, toiling to the last, ;om(leted "aust when eighty years were (ast =
Vedic Astrology Lesson /7 The current fascination with the #sychic and the Accult owes a lot to Einstein whose Theory of Celati$ity changed man<s conce(t of the Bni$erse The entire Bni$erse is a four dimensional S(ace%Time continuum, with the three dimensions of S(ace and the fourth dimension of Time Time, not S(aceN !ind, not !atter became the formula of the (hiloso(hical Cegarding the Si/th ,ouse The Si/th ,ouse re(resents enemies and wounds This is an im(ortant house as enemies can destroy our mental (eace E$en though (hiloso(hically the Ad$ersary is an acti$e collaborator and is the builder of the strength in man, (ractically he can make us cry with his machinations = ,ence a (owerful Si/th lord is called forN if the si/th house is weak or as(ected by malefics, we are bound to suffer The best Eoga for the destruction of enemies is Ju(iter in the Ascendant + the Horth Hode in the si/th This is also known as Ashta 3akshmi Eoga
This Eoga will wi(e out enemies = The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Ascendant If the 6th lord is in the ascendant, the nati$e will be rash + ad$enturous and become inimical to own (eo(le ,eIshe may 'oin >efence or may be a 'ail su(erintendent They may be worried by some kind of sickness This worry may be imaginary They may be (lagued by enemies Their $irtues may make them honourable before the (ublic They may be out of control if they are not well guided during childhood Bnless negati$e elements in them are not controlled, they may 'oin a criminal grou( The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Second ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the 5nd, the nati$e will be enter(rising and will li$e in a (lace where heIshe are more surrounded by enemies than friends They are workaholics They ha$e tremendous communication abilities which they will use to their ad$antage They know how to talk their way to the to( They are always shaky about scarce economic resources + financial conditions They need not worry about health The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Third ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the &rd, the nati$e may ha$e to face tremendous enmity + non%coo(eration from neighbours It makes them angry and lose confidence It will be full scale war if they clash with someone they lo$e It is .uite likely that there will be enmity with younger co%borns Heighbours become hostile + they may ha$e to face their wrath They are always u(set by the machinations of their enemies The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the "ourth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the Gth, the nati$e may not ha$e much ha((iness from hisIher mother ,eIshe will be an accom(lished raconteur They will be intelligent enough to make stories They ha$e an inherent subconscious fear of losing mother<s lo$e which in turn creates a massi$e emotional com(le/ in them Education gets disru(ted #eo(le think they are strong minded which is not true Troubles through ser$ants indicated The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the "ifth ,ouse As the 6th lord is in the 9th, the nati$e will be sub'ect to dire $icissitudes They are .uite ca(able of taking care of their self interest The atmos(here at home may not be smooth enough Their maternal uncle may hel( them >ue to stress intense they may shatter all ties with relati$es and fall into a a sad neurosis which is unnatural to their normal style of functioning They are humourous + strong willed The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Si/th ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in 6th, (ro and contra grou(s will function where$er the nati$e works They go + attain strength to fight their enemies Their inner conscience conflicts against their outer actions They will be blessed by con$eyances and they will ha$e good longe$ity Enemies (ose (roblems but ultimately they trium(h >ebts will not trouble them as the 6th lord is (owerful They will reco$er from illnesses due to the si/th lord<s strength The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Se$enth ,ouse
Since the 6th lord is in 4th, the nati$e will be sur(rised by the difference between actuality + the marital life which heIshe dreamt It is likely that they will marry from within their family Their maternal uncle may li$e abroad They abhor day dreaming ;lashes with life (artner likely The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Eighth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the 8th, enmity increases from the nati$e<s associates They demand res(ect which they may not get from the (eo(le they deal with The ad$erse (osition of the 6th lord can gi$e diseases and debts which can be (re$ented if cared for in time They may be sub'ect to the machinations of enemies Enemies may go in for a cam(aign of character assassination to destroy their image The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Hinth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in :th, the nati$e<s (rofessional fortunes will be sub'ect to se$ere $icissitudes !isunderstandings arise between them and their father That they are totally different from their enemies will be showed by "ate through numerous incidents Bltimately they trium(h o$er their enemies with the touch of (oetic 'ustice Their father will be .uite renowned Their enemies will be fooled + their friends will benefit from their association with them The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Tenth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in 10th, they are bound to be successful in foreign countriesIfar away lands They will be endowed with the gift of articulate s(eech Their ancestral (ro(erties which they inherited will be sub'ect to litigation and dis(utes They are ade(ts at management + it will sur(rise many how they achie$e their results and control their ad$ersaries They always e/ercise their will (ower + establish su(eriority The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Ele$enth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the 11th, they will gain a lot from enemies and ac.uire wealth thereby Their s(ouse is in the habit of s(ending more than they earn Since their degree of ada(tability is enormous, they will ada(t to the fiscal e/tra$agance of their (artner Enemies who worked against them now realise that they are more (owerful than what they thought + that they are formidable ad$ersaries The Effect of the Si/th 3ord in the Twelfth ,ouse Since the 6th lord is in the 15th, the nati$e becomes a sadist taking (leasure in torturing other beings Their destructi$e (ower hel(s to annihilate their enemies They are not in any way hesitant to s(end largesse and effort on things which the ethical refrain from #ersonal satisfaction is their motto + they bother not about Ethics + !orality They acce(t any hedonism that a((eals to them + which arouses their emotions They will be sub'ect to considerable (ersecution from their enemies Astrology + Astro%Humerology It is difficult to belie$e that numbers can re(resent Ceality Infinity re(resents the Bltimate Truth and Infinity is a numberless Humber = Humerology, therefore, is another fascinating science, which is worth studying !ore info about Humerology + a Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlInumer htm
In Humerology there are many system Another school of Humerology e/isted based on the Vital Humber This number is re(resented by a @ey (lanet and this (lanet becomes the im(ortant one as far as this branch of Humerology is concerned !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm Astrology + Astro%?emology Eminent ?emologist Cichard Shaw 2rown states in his book - Astral ?emstones and Talismansthat there are fi$e basic methods for choosing gemstones in classical Astro%?emology 1* The 1odiacal !oon Sign 5* The 2Irth ;onstellational lord &* The Cising Sign or the Ascendant G* #reference of the Hati$e 9* #rescri(tion of a Sidereal Astrologer The fifth or the last method, he says, is the most (otent way to choose gemstones for their (owers Synastry or ;om(atibility between ;ou(les Whether two horosco(es are com(atible or not is checked by Sidereal Astrology The ;om(atiblity software checks thecom(atibility of cou(les and, in some ci$iliKations, com(atibility is a (rere.uiste for marriage = 3arge matrimonial databases, in such ci$iliKations, become useful to (eo(le looking out for astrologically com(atible (artners = Eou can check your "ree ;om(atibilty at htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlImatri htm )This link can also be used for ac.uiring life%(artners=* Astrology + the "ourfold Eoga ) The Science of ;osmic Bnion * The achie$ement of the Hegati$e ;a(ability ) the achie$ement of E.uanimity * is the aim of Eoga - E.uanimity is Eoga- ) Samathwam Eoga Bchyathe* E.uanimity of mind amidst ha((iness and sorrow, defeat and success, (raise and calumny = The real Eogi is he who is e.uanimous in both (ros(erity + ad$ersity= ,e who to none and nowhere o$erbound 2y ties of flesh, takes e$il things and good Heither des(onding nor e/ulting such 2ears Wisdom<s (lainest mark = Astrology + Accult Vibratory ;hemistry ) Tantra * The "i$e ?reat Elements ) Earth, Air, Water, "ire + Ether * + !ind reside in the Si/ ;hakras Earth%#rinci(le resides in the Coot ;hakra Water%#rinci(le resides in the Ha$el ;hakra
"ire%#rinci(le resides in the Solar #le/us ;hakra Air%#rinci(le resides in the ,eart ;hakra Ether%#rinci(le resides in the Throat ;hakra !ind%#rinci(le resides in the Eye 2row ;hakra "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Astrology + Fuantum ) ,olistic * !edicine In his essay - Self ,ealing -, >r Haras 2hat writes that - the skill of self%healing gi$es us three distinct benefitsD stress control, shifting the momentum from degenerati$e afflictions + aging to regeneration, and achie$ing our ma/imal self with creati$ity We can go to the best doctor in town and get the best (ills, but the final healing has to ha((en by the forces of nature acting on our mind%body Fuality info about Western ,olistic !edicine can be obtained from htt(DIIwww holistic%alt comI and about Vedic ,olistic !edicine from htt(DIIwww chakra(aniayur$eda comI Also from htt(DIIwww eastro$edica comIhtmlI(ranic htm 2ooks % The Way to #aradise It is said that the scholar is in a world of his own, u(lifted by the writings of the Ascended Anes + ele$ated by the art of the #oet = The scholar and the world , the endless strife The discord in the harmonies of life = The lo$e of learning, the se.uestered nooks, And the sweet serenity of books, The market (lace, eager lo$e for gain Whose aim is Vanity, whose end is (ain = "ore ;!ality information abo!t spirit!al #oo+s & 8*s can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlI2ooks htm
Vedic Astrology Lesson /1 After :insteinsDs Theory of (elativity@ manDs obsession &ith Partial Philosophy t!rned to Holistic PhilosophyA The 9hole@after all@ is more important & greater than the s!m of its partsC ArenDt &e p!ny parts of the 'reat 9hole J (egarding the eventh Ho!se
.n "!ndane Astrology@ the eventh Ho!se may represent diplomacy & 9ar b!t in <atal Astrology@ it represents the Life-Partner & love-lifeA "alefics afflicting the eventh Ho!se indicate many affairs and divorceA #enefics posited therein means a smooth love lifeA The :ffects of the :ffect of eventh Lord in the 1/ Ho!ses
As the 4th lord is in the ascendant@ the native &ill marry an ac;!aintance A They are of &avering minds and do not stand firm on their &ords & actionsA They are ;!ite fle?ible and not at all domineeringA They are adepts at finding o!t escape ro!tes from critical sit!ationsA They &ill get a cordially disposed spo!se as the seventh lord is &ell placedA Their p!blic relations &ill be goodA :ffect of eventh Lord in the econd Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the /nd@ the native &ill find inordinate &ealth & prosperity after marriageA As a res!lt they &ill be beseiged by problems ca!sed by those &ho become enemies d!e to Eealo!syA They may be s!bEect to ordeals by fire & &ill have to face 'ovt en;!iries and litigationA They &ill hate their fate & the people &ho ca!sed themA Ultimately they emerge gracef!l & s!ccessf!lA :ffect of eventh Lord in the Third Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 0rd@ the native may have to bear losses on acco!nt of the !pbringing of childrenATheir da!ghter &ill bring them better l!c+A Their mental image of their partner is that of a loving and endearing personaliltyA They are adepts at mental gymnastics as they &eigh everything & sort o!t things !sing a cool and analytical intellectA :ffect of eventh Lord in the )o!rth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in 1th@ the native &ill have a l!c+y partner &ho gives a satisfactory married life &ith children & comfortsAThey are not the type to enforce their ideas on their partnerA They are noble that &ay and they are good friends al&ays & remain that &ay foreverA.f difference of opinion s!rfaces they clear it o!t &ith rapproachment and maintain harmonyA *omestic life is b!ilt !pon the roc+ in their caseA :ffect of eventh Lord in the )ifth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in 2th@ a rich partner is indicatedA They &ill achieve respectability and a maEestic position in lifeA They are born salesmen & shine in mar+eting A They perform &ell in Eobs &here the gift of the gab and travelling are re;!ired A Their proper mindset and social s+ills pave the &ay for their progress and achievement in lifeA
:ffect of
i?th Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 3th@ marital happiness is !nder threatA Their partnerDs constit!tion may not be at par &ith theirsA .f they dont test the patience of partner &ith too m!ch demands G ;!estions everything &ill go smoothly bet&een themA They &ill have to incorporate patience & perseverance &hich !ltimately yields good ret!rnA Their spo!se becomes too sic+ly & Eealo!s &hen they demand too m!chA :ffect of eventh Lord in the eventh Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 4th@ the native &ill be endo&ed &ith personal magnetismA They &ill have indomitable co!rage@ s+ill & high . KA "embers of the opposite se? &ill be attracted to them in no mean meas!re for temporary G lasting relationshipsA They both preserve their yo!th & cheer & behave more or less li+e children for their m!t!al am!sementA Their spo!se in fact is far more realistic and practical as every sit!ation is analysed calmly & coolyA :ffect of eventh Lord in the :ighth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in 5th@ marriage &ill be &ith someone +no&n to them earlierA Their l!c+ is after marriageA They &ill be infl!enced by their spo!se &ho &ill be far more m!ndane than themAThey &ill find it diffic!lt to fool their spo!se for long as the partner happens to be too cleverA Their ne?t !neasy behavio!r &ill let them do&nA #e&are of clashes &ith partner &hich may lead to chaosA :ffect of eventh Lord in the <inth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 6th@ the native &ill do &ell &ith their spo!se They &ill be !northodo? by nat!re and &ith diverse interestsA They &ill be +no&n for their versatility & &ill be able to concentrate on many fieldsA They feel that time &asted is life &astedA They are more interested in the mysteries of life even tho!gh they do not &ant to disc!ss it &ith anybodyA They &ill have a fort!nate partnerA :ffect of eventh Lord in the Tenth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 17th@ they &ill get a devoted and chaste partner &ho &ill be a friend philosopher and g!ide to them contrib!ting immensely to their progress & advancementA They &ill be pio!s & enEoy all the comforts of lifeA Their spo!se is act!ally shre&d & can read bet&een the linesA They &ill be s!ccesses abroadA :ffect of eventh Lord in the :leventh Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the 11th@ the native &ill gain immensely thro!gh marriageA Their spo!se may be rich and religio!sA They have to adE!st &ith their sonsA Their spo!se may gain a lot of property or may be !sef!lly employedA They gain &ealth via their spo!seA ince 11th r!les
the f!lfillment of all desires@ they &ill achieve f!lfillment of all desires via their spo!seA :ffect of eventh Lord in the T&elfth Ho!se
As the 4th lord is in the1/th@ the nativeDs partner may spend more than &hat heGshe b!dgets personally & they have to !se all their tactics to manage their spo!seA They believe in the principle =:conomy is Pr!dence=A Their income may be related to te?tilesAThey are normally gentle and sensitiveA Their partnerDs e?travagance is co!nteracted by their economic pr!denceA They may lose largesse d!e to their partnerDs impr!denceA , The earlier Vedic Astrology Lessons can be read at httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGvamainAhtm Astrology & Astro-<!merology Pythagor!s ded!ced that the mystery of the Universe &as intercomprehensible in the <otion of the <!mberA All things originated from .nfinity and is basically >ne@ says classical PhilosophyA Hence the cience of <!mbers@ <!merology@ attained importance amongst the psychic sciencesA !ore .uality information about Astro%Humerology and a free Astro% Humerological Ce(ort can be had from htt(DIIwww astrologia$edica comIhtmlInumerology htm 9hile the classical school of <!merology favo!red the #irth <!mber@another system based on the Vital <!mber e?isted in ancient timesA "ore info abo!t this special system of <!meology can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGpersoAhtm Astrology & Astro-'emology Ho&ard #ec+man , &&&Ap-g-aAorg- &rites that = .n Ay!rveda@ gems are !sed according to the principles of the doshas@ to co!nteract those &hich are o!t of balanceA 'ems transmit cosmic rays of color and store them in ine?ha!stible ;!antitiesA (!by emits a red ray that is hot and therefore pittaA = "ore information abo!t Planetary 'emology & a 'em Prescription (eport can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGgemAhtm ynastry or 8ompatibility bet&een 8o!plesA The art of scr!tinising horoscopes for compatibility is +no&n as ynastry and there are soft&ares to chec+ the sameA Vedic ynastry is deep and many factors govern compatiblityA .n some civiliFations@ compatibility chec+ing becomes a m!stA Hence a ne& database becomes very important - a database &hich contains bio and horoscope details - the matrimonial database C
Ho! can chec+ yo!r )ree 8ompatibilty at httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGmatriAhtm ,This lin+ can also be !sed for ac;!iring life-partnersCAstrology & the )o!rfold Hoga , The cience of 8osmic Union -
The :go is the imperfect term in "an and elf is the perfect termA The :go is the lo&er imperfect term of o!r beingI the elf is the higher perfect termA All Hogic systems intend to eliminate and erase the :goA To erase the :go@ the easiest path is #ha+ti Hoga@ a yoga of elf-s!rrenderA Amongst the )o!rfold Hoga@ #ha+ti Hoga has more po&er than others to eliminate the :go as its basic post!late is = . am nothingI Tho! art everything= C
Astrology & >cc!lt Vibratory 8hemistry , Tantra The La& of the "o!nt The Tantric lives on the "o!nt & f!lfills the La& of the "o!ntA Therefore comes to him 9isdom@ 'race and sovereign po&er@ transcending anything that his !nitiated fello&men can yet conceiveA His standards are highI aesethetic@ moral & ethicalA He is there to see that the &orld does not fall into greater corr!ption than its present stateA .nitiates are the salt of the earth@ the light of the &orld beca!se &itho!t their leavening presence in it@ the &orld &o!ld sin+ into greater corr!ption than it at present s!ffersA .t is his 9isdom & +no&ledge &hich balances the evil & sin of this &orldA His light and life is given to balance here The dar+ acco!nt of mortal .gnorance C "ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Astrology & K!ant!m , Holistic - "edicine .n his essay = elf Healing =@ *r <aras #hat &rites that = everything in life has opposites - Hin-HangA There are t&o types of yin-yang imbalances tress aro!sal & the Ultradian Healing (esponseA
tress aro!sal increases the adrenaline and cortisol levels &hich s!ppress the imm!ne systemA tress is misplaced effort and ta+es a&ay the energy needed for healingA The other imbalance is the Ultradian Healing (esponseA :very 67-1/7 min!tes@ o!r body-mind goes thro!gh a period of daydream or slo&ing called the =Ultradian Healing (esponse=A .f &e artificially +eep per+ed !p &ith coffee@ ciagarettes or &or+aholism@ &e are neglecting o!r healing cycleA "editation@ daydreaming@ healthy snac+s or single ;!iet time allo&s !s to ta+e advantage of this healing cycleAPhysical e?ercise is the yang side of restA K!ality info abo!t 9estern Holistic "edicine can be obtained from httpBGG&&&Aholistic-altAcomGand abo!t Vedic Holistic "edicine from httpBGG&&&Acha+rapaniay!rvedaAcomG #oo+s - The 9ay to .mmortal )ame 9isdom is the teacher of teachers & the only besto&er of immortal fameA Veiled &ealth is 9isdom@ the only tr!e &ealth The sole conferror of )ame absol!te@ the '!r! of '!r!s C The only relative one can rely@ the greatest 8elestial *eity@
avage &
age C
"ore ;!ality information abo!t spirit!al #oo+s & 8*s can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlG#oo+sAhtm , This article can be reprinted in other eFines for )(:: -A Vedic Astrology Lesson // 9hen . &ent to 'oogle and searched <e& Age@ 2 million sites opened !pA 9hen . typed Pagan and searched@ o!t came one million pagan sitesC Ho! can imagine the tremendo!s spirit!al renaissance & demand for philosophies that are *r!id@ 8eltic@ <orse & VedicA The <e& Age &as !shered by )ree "asonry & other 9estern mystic schools of tho!ghtA .t is closely related to the Vedic C The :ffect of the 5th lord in many ho!ses The 5th ho!se is very important in VAA .t represents *eath and the ca!ses of *eathA .f the 5th lord is &ea+@ longevity of the native is threatenedA .f on the other hand@ the 5th lord is po&erf!l@ then high longevity is decreed@ provided there is no malefic aspect on the 5th ho!se Previo!s Vedic Astrology Lessons can be read at httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGvamainAhtm "!ndane Astrology can be read at httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGm!ndaneAhtm :ffects of the 5th lord in the )irst Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the ascendant@ the native &ill scoff at religio!s rit!als & practicesA They may be afflicted by physical ailments right from childhoodA "ay have to s!ffer bodily complaints from diseases or disfig!rationA They may have a physical constit!tion &hich appears &ea+A They become the victim of governmental displeas!reA Also the displeas!re of their s!periorsA They are adamant and very determined in their goal and they &or+ incessantly for itA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the econd Ho!se
As the 5th lord is in the /nd@ the native is not rob!st physicallyA They have to cons!lt an :<T doctorA They may have to p!t !p &ith food of inferior ;!alityA .t is better that they preserve and protect their &ealth as regaining it becomes diffic!ltA <ormally they &ill not loo+ else&here for f!lfillment as they get good ego satisfaction from their partnerA They &ill have to incorporate patience and perseverance &hen their partner becomes emotional over some imagined affairsA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the Third Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 0rd@ ear problems are to be e?pectedA
8ons!lting an :<T doctor is good in order to avoid problems pertaining to earA .t is diffic!t for them to entertain personal friendshipA They do not li+e social occasions & &ill &ithdra& themselves &ithinA >nly if they have identical interests do they mingle &ith nyoneATension b!ilds !p as they do not disc!ss their feelings@ fears & mental agony &ith anyoneA .t is ;!ite possible that they may s!ffer from hall!cinationA .t is possible that a monetary &indfall a&aits them from literary &or+A The :ffect of the 5th lord in the )o!rth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 1th@ the native miss maternal pro?imityA They may be a&ay from homeA They are f!ll of love and selfcontrol They have a habit of giving these emotions only to those &ho are close to themA They are in t&o minds abo!t a person &hether he is a god or a demonA As a res!lt their mental peace is far from satisfactoryA )iscal problems are accompanied by domestic bic+eringsA They may be &orried on acco!nt of parentDs healthA Problems related to ho!se &ill be a!tomatically solved by themA (everses in profession and the displeas!re of seniors may have to be faced &ith tr!e fortit!deA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the )ifth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 2th@ the native &ill be s!bEect to dire vicissit!desA Their good actions and altr!istic behavio!r may go !nnoticed and this gives them the creepsA Their mental processes are dynamic and s!ddenA They are e?tremists by nat!re and are intense abo!t everything - intensely r!thless@ intensely loyal@ intensely compassionate and intensely coolA They do not do anything half heartedlyA 8hild mortality and sic+ness of children create &orries in their psycheA They have to achieve mental e;!animity in order to avoid nervo!s debilityA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the i?th Ho!se
As the 5th lord is in 3th@ the native &ill e?perience Vipareetha (aEa Hoga res!ltsA Affl!ence and the f!lfillment of all desires are some of the res!ltant res!ltsA As the 3th r!les diseases they may be attac+ed by illhealth at timesA There is phobia in them abo!t f!t!re health haFardsA .t is ;!ite possible that they may lose money d!e to theft and litigationA "aternal !ncleDs health ca!ses concernA They overcome all s!ch tro!bles d!e to sheer &ill po&erA They !limately &in over enemiesA They can be e?tremely domineering and pro!dA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the eventh Ho!se
As the 5th lord is in the 4th@ the native sho!ld incorporate co!rage to face disharmonies in married lifeA They and their spo!se are different in motivation & personality and they have to !nderstand that different minds have different perspectivesA They may not +no& m!ch abo!t their spo!se and their mental ma+e!p also is not +no&n to their partnerA #oth of them may not ta+e the tro!ble of finding o!t eitherA They do not at all li+e to lose and do not believe in strategic retreatA Their longevity may be c!rtailed and they may
s!ffer in healthA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the :ighth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 5th@ tremendo!s longevity &ill be conferredA They may have to face scandals & even criticismA They &ill have the active s!pport of their partnerA .n early life their father &ill have to pass thro!gh a crisisAThe Eealo!s &ill invent stories & create problems for themA #!t they &ill overcome all these &ith the active s!pport of their partnerA They &ill have self controlA 9hen their enemies try their patience they &ill need plenty of itA >ther&ise they may ind!lge in !nethical and sinf!l actsA People &ill &onder ho& they got o!t of the net of their enemiesA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the <inth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 6th the native is averse to s!rrendering their personality to one (eligion or one individ!alA They may not as a res!lt get complete loyalty from othersA They have to !nderstand that their spo!se &ants to +no& &hat they are doing most of the timeA They appear to be al&ays yo!thf!l and charmingA Too m!ch independence early in life can create its o&n conf!sionA This is a lesson &hich m!st be learnt and this applies to yo!r children alsoA (elations &ith father may be strainedA Unl!c+ and l!c+ fl!ct!ateA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the Tenth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 17th@ the native tend to be &ith their parentsA They may have to face stiff competition from a c!nning s!b ordinateA They are capable of coping &ith any problem sit!ationA #!t once they are &arned it creates do!bt in their mind and this do!bt destroys the ability to solve the problemA *espite the obstacles they face they &ill achieve progress in their careerA .n order to handle the c!nning s!bordinate they may go and adopt !nfair and deceiptf!l practicesA This may pave the &ay for the &rath of the 'ovt or the La&A Avoid !nfair meansA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the :leventh Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 11th@ the native &ill achieve more egosatisfaction d!ring ad!lthood despite having miseries d!ring early childhoodA They &ill be hailed as accomplished raconte!rsA .t is diffic!lt for anyone not to fall in love &ith themAThey also have to !se e?ceptional talents to maintain thatA Undo!btedly they have immense self controlA They &ill need it and &ill have to !se it &hen their spo!se tries their patience &ith lac+ of adaptability and !nderstandingATheir partner becomes a challenge to yo!r managerial s+illsA (elations &ith elder brother may be strainedA The :ffect of the 5th lord in the T&elfth Ho!se As the 5th lord is in the 1/th@ the native &ill be seiFed &ith an abnormal desire to spend on !n&anted things & dissipate hisGher
energiesA Tremendo!s appeal &ill be generated by them &hich fe& members of the opposite se? can resistA They have to !nderstand that they are the ca!se if they are ca!ght &ith bad health and deteriorating ban+ balanceA They are capable of achieving good matrimonial rapport if they and their spo!se ta+e the tro!ble They may have to face many tro!bles & t!rmoils as life becomes plag!ed by miseriesA
Vedic Astrology Lesson 2=
+he ad ent o. the @e& Age in the 4ar; Age ( Kali Fuga ) ushered in immense spirituality. !ith >upiter8s entry into 'ancer* the &orld is undergoing a spiritual trans.ormation. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the 12 1ouses +he Eth 1ouse is the most important house as it deals &ith .ortune.0t is said that a !ise :ne prayed that she should ha e .ortunate children* and not scholars or heroes. ,ortune is an in isible goddess &hich no &ealth can court. 1o& can &e de.ine .ortune J 0t is said that a man needs health* &ealth " &isdom. All these three in e)uilibrium is ,ortune K +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the Ascendant As the Eth lord is in the Ascendant the nati e &ill be a sel. made per6 son. 1e<she &ill de.initely get public honour and ac;no&ledgment be6 cuse o. his<her charming personality and pleasing manners. Acceptance " encouragement &ill be gi en &ithout any hesitation by seniors . 4ue to the dint o. their hard ∨ they &ill reach the top. +hey are endo&ed &ith personal magnetism " the good &ill gained by them .rom the public &ill be en-oyed by posterity . +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the (econd 1ouse As the Eth lord is the 2nd* the nati e &ill be the son o. a rich and in.l6 uential man. +hey &ill inherit paternal property. +heir ;no&ledge on sub-ects selected by them is accepted generally. 0. they get proper opportunities and encouragement they &ill become scholars in their specialised .ields. +hey need ariety and lac; o. ariety .rustrates them. +hey cannot concentrate on one sub-ect .or long. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the +hird 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the =rd* means o. the nati e8s .ather &ill be moderate. +hey may ha e to come up ia &riting. ,raternal happiness &ill be theirs. +hey &ill ha e pleasing personalities and charming manners. As the Eth lord is in the Dth .rom the Eth* their .ather &ill be a respectable man in society. +hey become suspicious beca6 use o. their o er6analytical nature. +hey are lo ers o. mysteries and try to sol e them. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the ,ourth 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the 4th* the nati e &ill ha e beauti.ul houses " con eyances. +hey are deeply attached to mother &ho is also a .or6 tunate indi idual. +hey may inherit .ather8s immo able properties. +heir .ather may be )uite hard hearted " their childhood memories &ill re ol e around that image. 4isharmony may e9ist bet&i9t pare6 nts. +hey generate strong se9 appeal and put the principle H!or; is !orship H in action.
+he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the , 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the Bth* 4estiny &ill gi e the nati e a .amous " prosperous .ather. As the Eth lord is in the Eth .rom the Eth* .ather becomes .ortunate and success.ul. +hey &ill be reno&ned .or their learning and &ill be o. charitable disposition. +heir chara6 cter &ill be spotless. +hey &ill ha e immense courage &hich &ill ser e them in the hour o. crisis. +hey &ill be prosperous and their domestic li.e &ill be satis.actory. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the (i9th 1ouse As the Eth lord is in Cth* the nati e8s .ather may ha e to .ace health problems. Anless proper care is e9ercised it may de elop into a chronic disease. +heir re enge is al&ays cruel and s&i.t i. they .eel that they ha e been cheated. !ealth &ill be gained as a result o. success.ul termination o. .ather8s legal problems. %oney as compensation comes to them automatically. +heir .ather may ha e to .ace litigation and other problems. (ince the Eth lord is in the 10th .rom the Eth* .ather becomes success.ul pro.essionally. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the (e enth 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the Dth* luc; is generally a.ter marriage. ,ather goes abroad and prospers. +hey also &ill .ind their .ortune in .oreign lands. +hey &ill be blessed &ith a noble and luc;y spouse +hey dont thin; o. marriage as a game but rather as a sacramental .unction. An understanding partner &ont &orry about their .ide6 lity. +hey lo e domestic li.e and &ant to be &ith members o. their .amily. 11th .rom the Eth means .ul.illment o. .ortune " all desires. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the #ighth 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the 3th* the nati e may ha e to .ace separation .rom their .ather. $roblems mani.est .or their elder brothers and sisters on account o. them . +heir .ortunes &ill be sub-ect to dire icissitudes. +heir .iscal .ortune do not remain constant. +hey are undoubtedly ery good salesmen. +hey deride 7eligion and its institutions. As the 3th is 12th .rom the Eth* they may ha e to re erses in luc; and constant bic;erings in married li.e are to be e9pected. 'hildren may also pose problems. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the @inth 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the Eth the nati e &ill ha e a long6li ed " prosperous .ather. +hey are respected in society and ;no&n to be ery luc;y en-oying paternal legacy. +hey &ill be e9tolled as e9emplars and their )ualities &ill be a source o. inspiration to others. # en their relati es gain immensely .rom their luc;. +heir .ather plays a pi otal role in their de elopment and progress. +hey &ill be intensely religious and charitable. +hey earn largesse .rom their .oreign isits. +hey &ill ha e a cordially disposed spouse and good children. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the +enth 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the 10th* the nati e &ill become .amous " po&er.ul +his is said to be a po&er.ul 7a-aFoga* a combination .or political po&er. +hey &ill be blessed &ith a royal status in Go t or in de.ence. !ith their charming personality they &ill endear themsel es to all. !isdom and &it &ill be re.lected in marital li.e. (ometimes they are shy and timid " sometimes they are lo)uacious and e9hibit e9tro ert )ualities. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the #le enth 1ouse
As the Eth lord is in the 11th and as this is a 4hana Foga* the nati e &ill be abo e &ant. +hey &ill be blessed &ith in.luential .riends. ,ather is also reno&ned and &ell o... +heir capability is enormous in the sense they &ill lea e their .ootprints in the sands o. time by &ay o. great achie ements.!ealth beyond the dreams o. a arice they &ill ha e. +hey are masterminds &hen it comes to e9ecution o. any plan &ith malice a.orethought. +he #..ects o. the Eth Lord in the +& 1ouse As the Eth lord is in the 12th* luc; does not come to the nati e . +hey may ha e to ∨ ery hard in li.e. # en then success do not come to them. +heir .ather may lea e them penniless. Eth lord in the 12th does not indicate a rich bac;ground. +hey may be .aced &ith .inancial di..iculties due to .esti als and celebrations. +hey ha e to e9ercise caution and .ollo& the principles o. economic prudence. Vedic Astrology Lesson 24
+he #..ects o. the 10th lord in many 1ouses +he 10th 1ouse or %' is considered the most important house a.ter the Ascendant.+he calculation o. the longitudes o. the houses start &ith the calculation o. the longitudes o. the Ascendant and the %'. +his is the .ormula used .or calculating the longitude o. the %' +an K 5 +an 7 <'os & &here K is the longitude o. the %'* 7 is the mean longitude o. the (un and &* the (un8s ma9imum declination. +he +enth 1ouse deals &ith $ro.ession* the important dimension in one8s li.e. :ne becomes a success in the pro.essional sphere* depending on the strength o. the 10th lord and the 10th house. 0. the 10th lord is debilitated or &ea;* the pro.essional li.e o. the nati e &ill 0. he be po&er.ul* pro.essional success is indicated. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the Ascendant (ince the 10th lord is in the ,irst* the nati e &ill be a ∨aholic and &ill come up the hard &ay to the top. +hey &ill be sel. emplo6 yed and &ill ha e independent pro.essions. 0. their talents are de eloped properly* they &ill be hailed as pioneers. 1ealth prob6 lems mani.est only during childhood. +heir principle is H(lo& and steady &ins the raceH and the progress they achie e &ill be steady and slo&. +hey &ill ha e relations &ith po&er.ul people* people &ho are related to politics. +his combination is conduci e to success in politics. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the (econd 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 2nd* the nati e is luc;y as .ar as pro.ession is concerned. (ince the 2nd is Bth .rom the 10th* they &ill be success.ul in their pro.essional spheres. +hey may de elop their .amily business and i. they losses* they may &ind it up. +his is a combination that besto&s .ame according to astrological sa ants. A big patrimony may be inherited. $ro.essional reputation and enhancement results as a result o. hard ∨ put in.!hile they o ercome the impediments to success &ith determination* they go up in the ladder o. .ame.
+he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the +hird 1ouse (ince 10th lord is in the =rd* part o. the nati e8s career &ill be spent in tra elling. +hey may shine as spea;ers or &riters. ?rothers &ill be instrumental in their progress in the pro.essional sphere. 7i alry &ith brothers and possible re ersals as a result li;ely. (ince they are &edded to truth* they command respect &ithin their circle. +hey &ill be &ell li;ed and there &ont be any lac; o. cooperation and good&ill at the place o. ∨. +hey may be beset by problems in pro.ession as the =rd is the Cth .rom the 10th. +hey &ill o ercome these problems in time. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the ,ourth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 4th* the nati e &ill be a ersatile per6 son &ith ;no&ledge in arious sub-ects. +hey &ill be reno&ned .or their learning and generosity. +hey may shine in real estate deals and agricultural pursuits. +hey &ill &ield political po&er and &ill be ;no&n as good mediators. +hey &ill ha e po&er.ul .riends &ho &ill help them in their hour o. crisis. +hey &ill ha e a &ell decora6 ted house " con eyances. ?ecause o. their &ealth and leadership )ualities* they &ill ha e .ollo&ers and -uniors &ho admire them. +his is a po&er.ul position .or public li.e. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the , 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the Bth* the nati e &ill e9cel in real estate deals and in speculation.+hey are inclined to 7eligion and $hiloso6 phy and lead a simple li.e &ith prayer and meditation. +hey are interested in learning .rom early childhood and adhere to +ruth. +hey &ill be blessed &ith all the com.orts o. li.e. +hey &ill ha e po&er.ul .riends. As the Bth is 3th .rom the 10th* they &ill ha e re erses in pro.ession and may be sub-ected to icissitudes. +hey &ill ha e po&er.ul enemies also &ho &ill try to bloc; their pro6 gress and de elopment. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the (i9th 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the Cth* the nati e &ill shine in occupations &hich are connected &ith the -udiciary* hospital or prison. +hey &ill hold responsible posts. +hey &ill be ;no&n as impartial men and &ill be held in high esteem. +here may be trans.ers and changes in their en ironment. +hey &ill sub-ect to trouble through enemies. As the Cth is Eth to the 10th* they &ill ha e pro.essional luc; and people &ill recognise them as pro.essionals. +hey &ill &ield political po&er and ha e &ealth beyond the dreams o. a arice Luc;y brea;s come to them automatically. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the (e enth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the Dth* this is a po&er.ul position .or pro.essional li.e. +heir 0L &ill be abo e the a erage " they &ill be reno&ned .or their communication s;ills. +hey &ill be ble6 ssed &ith a partner &ho becomes a cause .or their career de e6 lopment. +hey may tra el abroad .or business. +heir managerial abi6 lities are &ell ;no&n as they .ill their targets in time. +hey beli6 e e in people and in delegation. 1ence all entures initiated by them pro e to be success.ul. As the Dth is 10th .rom the 10th* their pro.essional .ame &ill surpass all boundaries. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the #ighth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 3th* changes or brea;s in career are to be e9pected. Any&ay they &ill ha e a regal status in their pro.ession. +hey may become mystics " choose the path celestial.
+hey &ill be blessed &ith good longe ity. +hey are noble6minded " high principled and uphold lo.ty principles. +hey &ill be &ell appreciated by their -uniors " associates. As the 3th is 11th .rom the 10th* they &ill ha e high gains ia pro.ession. +heir brothers also ascend the ladder o. success. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the @inth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the Eth* the nati e &ill become a sage " a mystic. +hey &ill become e9emplars and guides to those &ho &al; the path celestial. ,ortune &ill .a our them generally and they &ill be &ell o... A hereditary pro.ession &ill be ta;en up by them 6 i2 that o. a teacher* preacher or healer. +heir .ather &ill play a dominant role in their de elopment and they &ill pro e duti.ul to him. +hey are basically altruists and charitable. +hey &ill shine as psychological counsellors. +hey &ill ha e a regal status and bearing and &ill be respected .or their talents. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the +enth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 10th* the nati e &ill shine in their pro.e6 ssion as this position is conduci e to pro.essional brilliance. +hey may turn to asceticism during a particular stage in li.e. +hey respect their seniors and get respected thereby. $eople &ill .ind them trust&orthy and they al&ays pro e to be good assistants &ho can be depended on. +hey can &ield immense political po&er " al&ays ha e contact &ith those in the Go ernment. A po&er.ully posited 10th lord con.ers pro.essional enhancement " reputation. $eople &ill loo; up to them .or guidance. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the #le enth 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 11th* the nati e &ill earn merit " reputa6 tion along &ith money. +hey display a happy e9terior al&ays and sho& bonhomie and geniality. +his earns them good reputation and good&ill among the public. +hey &ill be in a position to gi e emp6 loyment opportunities to many a people. And this ma;es them the most sought a.ter indi iduals &ith many .riends. As the 11th is 2nd .rom the 10th* pro.ession &ill .etch them immense largesse. ,ame and reputation &ill be theirs. $ro.essional enhancement indicated. +he #..ects o. the 10th lord in the +& 1ouse (ince the 10th lord is in the 12th* the nati e is li;ely to reside ab6 road and &ill be beset &ith many problems and obstacles. +hey &ill be a.ter (el. Actualisation. +hey should be cautious in matters o. ta9 or &hen dealing &ith go ernment organisations. ?e&are o. in ol ement &ith politicians &hich &ill result only in ma-or loss .or them . +hey may ha e a ocation lin;ed to rituals and religion. 0ncome may be .rom ecclesiastical sources. +hey may ha e many enmity " problems in pro.ession.+hey are ad ised to turn to remedial measures .or problem solution.
The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in *ifferent Ho!ses The Ele$enth ,ouse is the ,ouse for the fulfilment of all desires 3abha or ?ains is its main signification The (rofit one makes in 3ife is de(endent on the strength of the Ele$enth ,ouse Anly if the ele$enth lord is (owerful, can one achie$e success in any $enture If the
ele$enth lord is too (owerful, anarchic .ualities may manifest = The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the )irst Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the "irst, the nati$e can ha$e immense wealth if heI she uses hisIher talents (ro(erly They may not ha$e the (ri$ilege of ha$ing an elder brother They are best suited to a (rofession where rhetorical ability can be used effecti$ely Immense gains can be theirs if elo.uence is used As the ascendant is the &rd from the 11th, they will ha$e the hel( of younger coborns in the battle of life They will be known for their $alour + chi$alry They will ha$e a good economic background "ulfillment of all desires will be achie$ed by this combination The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the econd Ho!se
As the 11th lord is in the 5nd, the nati$e will ha$e the hel( + guidance of hisIher elder brothers ,armonious relationshi( will be established with friends and elder coborns 2usinesses (artnering friends always bring good (rofits They are altruists and charitable basically They are also religious and s(iritual "riends + elder coborns hel( them throughout life This is a (owerful >hana Eoga, a combination for immense wealth The 5nd is the Gth from the 11th ,ence they will be blessed by con$eyances + a good house The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the Third Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the &rd, the nati$e<s main source of income will be music + (oetry 2rothers hel( them throughout life and they will ha$e lot of friends They ha$e undoubted skills and they are likely to en'oy fraternal bliss As the &rd is the 9th from the 11th, they will ha$e immense gains of a high order If they s(eculate (ro(erly they can earn immense wealth That is high returns are a ssociated with higher risk The 9th house rules in$estments and s(eculation ,ence this ad$ice Elder brothers and sisters gi$e not only ad$ice but also financial hel( The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the )o!rth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the Gth, the nati$e accumulates $ia estates, (roduce of the earth and rentals !other will be highly cultured and (ossessing an e/em(lary character They will be renowned for their academic abilities They will be blessed by a lo$ing and charming (artner As the Gth is the 6th from the 11th, many a (roblem will ha$e to be faced regarding business Ci$alry + enmity in the (rofessional s(here can be e/(ected >uring the (eriods of business cycles, (ossiblity of loss ha$e to be countenanced Ceal estate deals + other $entures are sub'ect to $icissitudes The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the )ifth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the 9th + as(ects the 11th, the nati$e will ha$e immense gains and general (ros(erity ;hildren come u( well If they indulge in s(eculation they will get windfall (rofits as the 9th rules s(eculation They are a follower of the (rinci(le -Ho (ros(erity without disci(line- ,ence they will obser$e many oaths + $ows which enhances their de$elo(ment Their sons + daughters will be dutiful +meritorious They will climb the ladder of success and fame as 3abha lord is in the 9th Elder coborns will be cordially dis(osed The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the i?th Ho!se
As the 11th lord is in the 6th, money will be gained through litigation + running nursing homes ,a((iness will be achie$ed away from the land of birth They e/cel in ser$ice rather than ind(endent business Bndue worry need not be caused by fiscal re$erses which occur during business cycles ?ood for them if they work under a good su(er$isor As the 6th is 8th from the
11th, some (roblems should be e/(ected in the area of (rofession Ci$alry and enmity from ri$als and their machinations ha$e to be faced They are ad$ised to resort to astro%thera(eutic measures The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the eventh Ho!se
As the 11th lord is in the 4th, the nati$e<s s(ouse<s (eo(le will hel( himIher considerably 3uck fa$ours them in the (rofessional s(here They may go abroad and be on a world tour They are ad$ised to follow the (rinci(le -Economy is #rudence- as they lack economic (rudence Their 'udgement r egarding e/(enditure ha$e to be im(ro$ed #eo(le are confused about their economic management As they are liberal minded + coo(erati$e their s(ouse bosses o$er them thinking they are soft hearted They ha$e to crack down on (eo(le e/(loiting their iberality The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the :ighth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the 8th, the nati$e may be blessed with better longe$ity than hisIher s(ouse Their career will be sub'ect to dire $icissitudes + they need not be unduly bothered about these $icissitudes They should be careful about cheats + swindlers who a((roach them in confidence As the 8th is the 10th from the 10th, they will be renowned for their (rofessional work They will be sought after (ersons ha$ing e/(ertise They may ha$e to face ri$alry + enmity in their s(here of work 3osses of a high magnitude may ha$e to be countenanced Elder coborns may not be that cordially dis(osed The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the <inth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the :th, 3ady 3uck will fa$our the nati$e + most (robably will inherit a large (aternal fortune (a$ing the way for hisIher s uccess !any houses + con$eyances come under hisIher control They will be (hiloso(hically oriented and will disseminate (hiloso(hic instructions and literature They are basically altruists and will set u( charitable institutions The (olitical (owers that be will honour them mainly because of their talents and their adherence to Truth This is a (owerful >hana Eoga + can bestow immense wealth The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the Tenth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the 10th, the nati$e will e/cel in business + earn fame and re(utation Elder coborns will hel( them in their hour of need As the 10th is 15th from the 11th, they will ha$e to face losses and undue e/(enditure connected with business Ci$alry + enmity increases They will ha$e to fight immense ad$ersity in the realm of (rofession They ha$e to follow the (rinci(le -Economy is #rudence - They will ha$e immense educational gains and they get (riKes or awards They will ha$e good friends who will always hel( them The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the :leventh Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the 11th, the nati$e will li$e a comfortable life with hisIher (artner, children + riches They will ha$e (owerful elder brothers and friends who hel( them throughout life They will learn from e$ery incident day by day a knowledge that can be used for their ad$ancement "rom the (ers(ecti$e of 3abha this is a fortunate combination 3abha lord in labhasthana is a (owerful >hana Eoga Immense gains will accrue to them They will be abo$e want Elder brothers and sisters attain high status They gain as a result of their bene$olence The :ffects of the :leventh Lord in the T&elfth Ho!se As the 11th lord is in the 1/th@ the native is li+ely to lose &ealth beca!se of hisG her elder cobornsA They may have desire to spend on things &hich
are not essential in lifeA "oney may be spen t on gratification of the sensesA They &ill associate &ith !n+no&n gro!ps and foreignersA They may have to spend m!ch for their elder brother on acco!nt of his healthA As the 1/th is /nd to the 11th@ they &ill ho&ever have moneyA , This article can be reprinted in other eFines for )(:: -A Vedic Astrology Lesson /3
The :ffects of the 1/th lord in different ho!ses The T&elfth Ho!se refers to Loss@ incarceration@ e?pendit!re & )inal :mancipationA Hidden enemies are also indicated by the 1/thA .f malefics tenant the 1/th ho!se@ !nnecessary e?pendit!re@ ill health and sorro& are indicatedA .f the 1/th ho!se is tenanted by benefics@ e?pendit!re &ill be !nder control and there &ont be any incarcerationA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the )irst Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the ascendant the native &ill be of a handsome meinAHeGshe may be feeble minded and may have a &ea+ constit!tion They may not follo& the principles of economic pr!denceA #reathing problems may be e?periencedA They fre;!ently complain of minor problems of health as this leads to irritationA They &ill s!ffer from imaginary ills and !nnecessary fear of deathA Health problems manifest as 1/th lord is not desirable in 1stA They are advised to follo& thrift and economyA To be free from imaginary problems they are advised to meditate and prayA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the econd Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the /nd@ the native &ill be s!bEect to dire financial problemsA .rreg!lar food habits ta+e their tollA Lac+ of harmony at home &ill be e?perienced & their eyesight &ill generally be poorA They &ill !ltimately find mental peace in matters spirit!alA They are tactf!l persons and their presentation of !npleasant topics &ill be greatly appreciatedA As the /nd is 0rd from the 1/th@ their e?pendit!re &ill rise considerablyA They &ill helped by their yo!nger cobornsA They &ill aim for goals spirit!al and they &ill have to ta+e to the doloro!s divine &ayA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the Third Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 0rd@ the native &ill be shy and diffident They may lose one of the brothersA They dont care for their personal sartorial get!p and may appear shabby in front of peopleA "!ch of their money &ill be spent on yo!nger cobornsAThey are basically introverts and do not care to create friends and infl!ence peopleA ince the 0rd is the 1th from the 1/th@ they &ill have the comfort and bliss of spirit!al freedomA They &ill have spirit!al g!idanceA Their yo!nger coborns may t!rn hostile against themA
The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the )o!rth Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 1th@ the native &ill be mentally restless and !nnecessary &orries are created by their mindsA (elatives t!rn hostile and they may have to live in a far a&ay placeA The landlord may torment them most of the timeA The maintenance e?pendit!re rises regarding vehicles & e;!ipmentA Loss may have to be co!ntenanced regarding vehiclesA Loss of comforts indicatedA As the 1th is 2th to the 1/th@ spirit!al progress can be e?pected The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the )ifth Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 2th@ delays or diffic!lties d!e to progeny or !nhappiness from children can be e?pectedA The native becomes spirit!al minded & spends money on pilgrimages or religio!s donations to find peace of mindA They may s!ffer from mental brea+do&nsA .n the name of (eligion someone may e?tract money from them in their moments of &ea+nessA As the 2th is 3th to the 1/th@ they &ill have to str!ggle hard for spirit!al progressA "any obstacles and hindrances appear on the path to salvationA They are advised to t!rn to #ha+thi Hoga & $nana Hoga for final emancipationA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the i?th Ho!se The 1/th lord in the 3th is a Vipareetha (aEa Hoga &hich gives &ealth@ fame and all sorts of comfortsA As the 3th happens to be the 4th from the 1/th and is an angle from it@ the native &ill be l!c+y &ith respect to 1/th ho!se significations &hich are e?pendit!re@ incarceration and )inal :mancipationA (egarding final emancipation@ if they &or+ hard in the spirit!al sphere s!ccess can be theirs ATheir enemies &ill be van;!ishedA ome !n&ise spending indicatedA They are advised to control their angerA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the eventh Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 4th@ a socially inferior person &hen compared to the native may become their partnerA.t &ill be highly diffic!lt to contin!e the relationship !nless maEor efforts are madeA Later on they may embrace asceticism as separation can happen at any timeA Their mind &ill be afflicted and even their learningA This is d!e to the fact that 4th is 5th from the 1/th and damage is ca!sed not only to the 4th ho!se significations b!t also to the 1/th ho!se significations A :?pendit!re rises spirally and they feel that they are bo!nd to terra firmaA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the :ighth Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 5th@ the native &ill be be above &ant & famo!s in their circleA They &ill spend a lot for a life f!ll of l!?!ry and they &ill have many s!bordinatesA Legacy from a prominent person cannot be r!led o!tA They are interested in psychic sciencesA They &ill be versatile &ith good ;!alities of head and heartA They &ill be reno&ned for their righteo!sness and &ill be recognised as persons &ith the gift of the gabA ince the 5th is 6th to the 1/th@ they &ill be l!c+y &ith regard to the 1/th ho!se significationsA (ed!ced e?pendit!re and spirit!al progressA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the <inth Ho!se
ince the 1/th lord is in the 6th the native &ill find it diffic!lt to maintain good relationship even &ith hisGher o&n peopleA .t is ;!ite li+ely that they &ill live abroad and prosper thereA They may not spend m!ch on spirit!al matters even tho!gh they are noble hearted@ honest & genero!s to the coreA )amily life t!rns o!t to be !npleasant as they thin+ only abo!t profit and lossA As the 6th is 17th to the 1/th@ they &ill be l!c+y regarding 1/th ho!se indicationsA :?pendit!re gets red!ced & spirit!al progress &ill be thereA L!c+ graces them regarding things spirit!alA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the Tenth Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 17th@ e?pendit!re becomes !nbearable as the nativeDs social contacts are &ith people on a higher socio-economic pedestalA They cannot depend on paternal blissA Their sons may t!rn hostile against themA As the 17th is 11th to the 1/th@ they &ill gain &ith respect to the 1/th ho!se significationsA pirit!al progress indicatedA There &ont be any incarcerationA They &ill have the contacts of the high & the mighty and the po&ers that r!le help them &hen they are in deep tro!bleA They are advised to t!rn to #ha+thi Hoga & $nana Hoga for deliveranceA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the :leventh Ho!se The 1/th lord in the 11th is detrimental to the nativeDs b!siness@ profits & e?pendit!reA #eca!se the 11th is 1/th to the 1/th@ many enemies are c!ltivated and only a fe& friendsA They &ill have e?travagant habits &hich have been pic+ed !p in a place far a&ay from homeA Losses at a critical time are inevitableA (egarding progeny there may be diffic!lties and delaysA Une?pected losses may res!lt as the Labha lord ta+es an adverse stanceA :?pendit!re spirals as a res!lt and spirit!al progress is hard to come byA They may be s!bEect to persec!tion by enemiesA The :ffects of the 1/th lord in the T&elfth Ho!se ince the 1/th lord is in the 1/th the native &ill have to cater to the heavy e?pendit!re for &hich heGshe is the ca!seA They &ill spend lavishly for the pleas!res of the flesh as the 1/th r!les ayana !+ha or the pleas!res of the co!chA pirit!al progress can be e?pected after they become blaseA 'ood eye sight &ill be theirs A They become irritated and spitef!l at timesA They are advised to t!rn to prayer & meditation in order to overcome the l!sts of the bodyA #ha+ti & $nana Hogas can give them final emancipationA >nly by hard sacrifice is high heaven earnedA
The 3imbs of the Sidereal 1odiac Hame of ;onstellation >eg !in >eg !in
2eta Arietis ) Aswini * G1 Arietis ) 2harani * Eta Tauri ) @arthika * Al(ha Tauri ) Cohini * 3amda Arionis ) !rigasira * Al(ha Arionis ) Aridra * 2eta ?eminorum ) #unar$asu * >elta ;ancri ) #ushya * Al(ha ;ancri ) Aslesha * Al(ha 3eonis ) !agha * >elta 3eonis ) #ubba * 2eta 3eonis ) Bttara * >elta ;or$i ) ,asta * Al(ha Virginis ) ;hitra * Al(ha 2ootis ) ;hothi * 2eta 3ibrae ) Vishakam* >elta Scor(i ) Anuradha* Al(ha Scor(i ) Jyeshta * 3amda Scor(i ) !oola * >elta Sagittari ) #oor$ashad * >elta Sagittari ) Bthrashad * Al(ha A.uilae ) Sra$ana * Al(ha >el(hini ) >hanishta * 3amda A.uari ) Satabhisha* Al(ha #egasi ) #oor$abhadra* Al(ha Andromeda ) Bttrarabhadra* 1eta #iscium ) Ce$athi *
00 00 1& 50 56 G0 G0 00 9& 50 66 G0 80 00 :& 50 106 G0 150 00 1&& 50 1G6 G0 160 00 14& 50 186 G0 500 00 51& 50 556 G0 5G0 00 59& 50 566 G0 580 00 5:& 50 &06 G0 &50 00 &&& 50 &G6 G0
1& 50 56 G0 G0 00 9& 50 66 G0 80 00 :& 50 106 G0 150 00 1&& 50 1G6 G0 160 00 14& 50 186 G0 500 00 51& 50 556 G0 5G0 00 59& 50 566 G0 580 00 5:& 50 &06 G0 &50 00 &&& 50 &G6 G0 &60 00
The Effects of being born in the 54 ;onstellations 2irth ;onstellation is the constellation where the !oon is (osited in your sidereal horosco(e The 2irth ;onstellation is all im(ortant as it rules your destiny The @ # System of Sidereal Astrology lays (rime em(hasis on the 2irth ;onstellation ,ere we gi$e the effects of being born under different constellations ) Those who do not know their 2irth Star can email to mailtoDinfoLeastro$edica comOsub'ect82irthStar * 2eta Arietis D Ashwini % Aswathy
Ashwini borns are self made men e$en though they get hel( generally from others They may be o((osed by their relati$es >e$otion to the Almighty, good awareness , wisdom , high IF, high !F are e/(ected Their life will be (lagued by (roblems and sometimes they who ha$e been an ade(t in budget (lanning find it difficult to economise They always think about the (ros and cons before taking a decision E$en their wife will not be able to change them if once they decide ?reat sense of res(onsibility they e/ude They find it (articular to kee( e$erything neat and clean #ros(erous life with wife barring minor rifts They are strong with (leasing manners They deri$e ha((iness from children Their administrati$e ability surfaces but their tolerance le$el is low They ha$e dee( sym(athy for (eo(le They are tormented by unnecessary worries from boyhood 2eware of these diseases % In'ury in the head % concussion in the brain% thrombosis% nose%bleed% fainting% e(ile(sy % diKKiness% neuralgia %insomnia% meningitis% intestinal and stomach troubles Hature % A$aricious% e/tra$agant% dis(ute with brothers % fond of ornaments % two wi$es % ser$ice in factory or go$ernment de(artments
?emstone % Wearing ;at<s Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate G1 Arietis D 2harani 2harani borns are high (rinci(led e$en from boyhood @nowledge comes to them automatically They are good at analysis and their understanding is dee( They know a lot of sub'ects + their intellect can (ierce all They are (acifists and do not want to create (roblems for others 2ut still they will be wounded in lo$e and many disa((ointing e/(eriences manifest They belie$e that duty is di$ine and will do well in the (rofessional s(here ,indrances and obstacles always come in their way and they find it difficult to act against their conscience They may not be (o(ular as they do not go out of the way to (lease (eo(le They find it difficult to ad'ust to the tastes and re.uirements of others They do not get dis(irited and de'ected in the face of ad$ersity This becomes a ma'or factor for their success Cesilience after all is the ma'or attribute This attitude causes worries as well They become short tem(ered as a result of (oor tolerance At the same time they are forgi$ing 2eware of these diseases % 2rain troubles% headache % meningitis insomnia high fe$ers Hature % As(iring % amourous % fond of s(orts % amusements % show dis(lay % 'udge % lawyer ?emstone % Wearing >iamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Eta Tauri D @rittika % @arthika They will e/cel abroad and they undergo different ty(es of e/(erience They are ca(able of all sorts of tricky action They ha$e a high sense of res(onsibility They will be re(uted for their skill in com(etitions and debates They will not go against morality and Ethics but at the same time will en'oy and lo$e (leasure They will worry one (roblem after another They will en'oy (ros(erous life with their better half They will lack (eace of mind They are lucky to ha$e a broadminded wife They will come u( steady in life and it is u(to them to work hard and make life ha((ier They will ha$e to face due share or (roblems on account of children 3ife will be better during the second half They are forewarned against dental (roblems They can be (roud of their achie$ements and can ignore their shortcomings 2eware of these diseases % "e$ers % meningitis% brain troubles % throat troubles %nose%bleed % .uinsey % gout% (im(les Hature % ?ood health % energetic % argumentati$e % (o(ular + (ros(erous attraction to others< wi$es ?emstone % Wearing Cuby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha Tauri D Cohini % Cohini They trust (eo(le too much and this tendency is not good in a fraudulent world They are ca(able of o$ercoming any (roblem but they are ne$er systematic They ha$e to be careful about trusting men in business deals They cool off fast enough e$en though they are systematic They are (leased easily They do not any financial (lanning They may ha$e to face scandals They will earn the lo$e and affection of their relati$es 2etter (eriod turns out to be the middle and second half They do not get the same (leasure from children They will s(end for decorati$e items for their better half They are weak%minded in certain areas and the le$els of tolerance and (atience are low They are ca(able of finding faults with others but they are harmless Brinary (roblems I (roblems connected with lungs (ossible They ha$e to incor(orate (atience + (erse$erance 2eware of these diseases % Sore Throat % cough + cold eye%troubles ailments of legs and feet % a(o(le/y % menstrual trouble Hature% ?ood nature % (leasant manners % fond of music art + literature% en'oys the com(any of o((osite se/ % sweet tongued % flamboyant % many sons ?emstone % Wearing !oonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate
3amda Arionis D !akiryam % !rigasira ,umility is the best credential for success in life and they carry out this (rinci(le to the $ery end The second half of their life s(an will be $ery comfortable They will ha$e (rofessional re(utation and enhancement #i$otal role will be (layed by mother in their life and (rogress They do not blindly belie$e anybody e$en though they res(ect and listen to other<s o(inions A (rinci(led life a((eals to you They will ha$e somebody to direct and control in the early (eriod so that the (ath chosen becomes the correct one They ha$e to understand that the real cause of (rogress is their life (artner !ental strength is wanting and becomes u(set by triflings They belie$e that cleanliness is ne/t to godliness Stomach (roblems must be ke(t under control Their ego becomes a (roblem creator They should curb the tendency to gossi( 2eware of these diseases % Throat troubles% adenoids % fe$ers % nose%bleed % goitre % (oly(us % arms fracture % disorders of secret (arts gout Hature % Bnha((y con'ugal life % .uick witted % fluent % magnetic %industrious and wealthy danger of accidents ?emstone % Wearing ;oral can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha Arionis D Thiru$athira % Aridra A research mind and the ability to concentrate on more than one thing at a time are some of the .ualities be.uethed by this nodal constellation They shine in (ublic acti$ities They are coo(erati$e and im(artial Their sincerity and honesty will (ay good di$idends in the long run "or their tra$el and staying in faraway (laces are fa$ourable They always (erform far below their (otential The enemy and the hindrance for that is that they are unable to (lease others at any cost or bow in front of others They feel that the satisfaction deri$ed from their better half is below e/(ected standards Cifts with wife in family life e$en though life becomes (eaceful and (leasant #leasure from children also becomes scarce !edical attention is needed for blood and re(roducti$e system They (rogress well in wisdom and the gain of knowledge They ha$e innate ability to s(eculate and achie$e success in s(eculation 2eware of these diseases % Throat troubles% mum(s% gout% ear troubles% red eyes % urinary troubles Hature % Acti$e % fond of com(any of other<s wi$es % danger of accidents ?emstone % Wearing ,essonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 2eta ?eminorum D % #unar$asu % #unartham They always rebel against anything unfair and untrue as they are a born gentlemen They belie$e in fair (lay Skill and luck combine to make them (erfect artists They tend to follow the (hiloso(hic (ath and gi$e (riority to res(ect and acce(tance >es(ite fiscal (rogress discord is ram(ant in the family atmos(here They are easily (leased and irritated They ha$e to be careful about their words and s(eech ,ealth is good but there is an element of fear lurking around They may be (lagued by (roblems from children They en'oy all the modern facilities of life As they are born in a Ju(iterian constellation there is >i$ine ?race and innate (hiloso(hical .ualities Ju(iter gi$es wisdom and comfort and abo$e all mental (eace and a sense of fulfillment 3ord Cama was born in their star and all the .ualities he had % $iK the will to sacrifice (atience (urity and (erse$erance % they will ha$e 2eware of these diseases % #leurisy % bronchitis % dro(sy % stomach troubles % dys(e(sia % lung troubles % headache % (ains in the body eye troubles Hature % Shar( intellect% good memory % honest % sincere % reliable fond of business afraid of girls ?emstone % Wearing Eellow Sa((hire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta ;ancri D #ushya #ooyam
They are skilled and efficient Sometimes they work without any sense of (ur(ose and some (ro'ects do not meet with success They always are away from their (lace of domicile They deri$e (leasure from tra$elling They may not get much (arental (ro(erty They become self made men and achie$e necessary (ros(erity Hormally they do not get domestic ha((iness They are forewarned about choosing friends They will be misunderstood and they will misunderstand their wife as well They are entertaining con$ersationalists and they can become the life of the (arty They weak limb is the lungs They ha$e to e/ercise ceaseless $igilance not to 'um( into new $entures on their whims and fancies They ha$e a (enchant for getting into troubled situations They ha$e high standards in cleanliness and dress As they are born in a saturnine constellation they become melancholic as they reach reality le$els 2eware of these diseases % ;onsum(tion% gastric ulcer% res(iratory troubles% gallstones% obstruction in the bowels% 'aundice% ecKema (yorhea Hature % #rudent% economical% sober% careful% attenti$e% troubles through children ?emstone % Wearing 2lue Sa((hire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha ;ancri D Ayilyam % Aslesha They are always looked at by sus(icion e$en though they do not cheat others They may get (oor camaraderie from wife as well as (leasure from her All that they create by hard work is not en'oyed by them !ay be their children become the beneficiaries The e$ents that en$isaged un(leasant circumstance can be forgotten as they are ade(ts in di$erting the mind to (leasurable areas They belie$e that economy is (rudence and (eo(le may call them a miser At the same time they show la$ishness in many other areas They tend to lose balance of mind when angry and tend to forget the en$ironment as well An certain occasions they are cool and com(osed #roblems are created by lack of di(lomacy They ha$e indomitable will%(ower and strength of mind Their enemies get annihilated but they can create much damage 2eware of these diseases % Stomach diseases % diseases of legs + knees %hysteria% dro(sy %'aundice % neurosis Hature % ,arsh s(eech % witty % $ersatile % can imitate others % finding fault with others % 'ealous % cle$er ?emstone % Wearing Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha 3eonis D !akam They are .uite knowledgeable and cool and altruistic and good They are ready to sacrifice for others and this earns them many friends as well as enemies Their foresight is e/cellent and conscientious they are ,igh%(rinci(led and noble hearted They are selfsufficient and their way of doing things their own way arouses en$y They are much bothered about their race and (eo(le They are fated to face (roblems regarding children Their strange (ersonality lea$es its mark on all They are born in a nodal constellation and this makes them wise and !oksha oriented They may get sudden flashes of intuition about the actuality of things They will be (lagued by relati$es and friends who rob them much of their time 2eware of these diseases % ,eart troubles % backache% gra$el in kidneys fainting % s(inal meningitis Hature % >efensi$e % forceful % (roud % unha((y con'ugal life ?emstone % Wearing ;at<s Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta 3eonis D #ooram Their straightforwardness creates enemies They may not get the full le$el of (rogress or the full fruition of their deeds but they will not be considered as a failure Their aesthetic sense arouses the en$y of many They (refer a (eaceful life without much show and (ower They are noble in
all dealings and they will earn the name of a decent gentleman in society They are destined to succeed in all that they do Since they are not di(lomatic and do not go out of the way to (lease (eo(le they may be confronted by many (roblems and obstacles They ha$e a big circle of friends as they are sincere and honest Some (eo(le consider them egotistic + o$erconfident They may ha$e gas trouble + stomach related (roblems A ha((y successful life is indicated !arital life is good e$en though there may be rifts within the lute Their lo$e of material comforts + friends sur(asses e$erything 2eware of these diseases % ,eart troubles % diseases of legs and ankles % 2# % gout % lumbago% sciatica o(eration Hature % ?enerous % honest % cautious% fond of sweets %o$er se/y fond of com(any of other<s wi$es% fond of eating ?emstone % Wearing >iamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 2eta 3eonis D Bthram They are self made men blessed by many $ersatile .ualities They are considered lucky They cannot curb e/(enditure and this takes a hea$y toll of their (urse They are hedonists and (leasure seeking is their (astime >ecency and sincerity form (art of their (ersona They are good at heart and this earns many friends + enemies Their le$els of (atience and tolerance are $ery low When they get angry they lose control and forget the en$ironment After the s(asm is o$er they become re(entant They are (re(ared to hel( without caring a hoot about self Their hardwork makes them workaholics and all difficulties which they encounter are o$ercome by (atience They do not at all like criticism e$en though it is constructi$e They meet all their targets in life They are born in a solar constellation and become endowed with all the solar .ualities like magnanimity, nobility + s(irituality 2eware of these diseases % Intestinal and bowel disorders % sore throat % gout Hature % "irst child daughter % tactful % mother longli$ed % se(aration from children in old age % more than one wife%loss of money through women ?emstone % Wearing Cuby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta ;or$i D Atham They encounter occasional failures and they become melancholic as a result #owerful hindrances a((ear in their (ath to success and they come back again into their shell Their lack of di(lomacy earns many enemies This is a serious obstacle to their success They are burdened by many res(onsibilities and (roblems + their financial (rogress is affected >es(ite many rifts within the lute marital life reaches ha((iness le$el They lo$e regality and refuse to do any menial work They are burdened with many res(onsibilities and (roblems and this affects their financial (rogress 3ife is (leasant to them They are forewarned about falling into relations which may create scandals and thereby earn the dis(leasure of their (artner They become lucky after marriage #roblems regarding their better half are likely Sudden ad$erse effects a((ear on the (ath to (rogress regressing their forward mo$ement 2eware of these diseases % Stomach troubles % Vit 2 deficiency eye% troubles % gout % worms % diarrhoea % dysentry % neuralgia % 'aundice %skin troubles Hature % !agician % astrologer % industrious % (rudent % thie$ish ?emstone % Wearing !oonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha Virginis D ;hithra Their courage earns good laurels + They can face any sort of crisis Their abnormal skill makes them uncontrollable They are .uite stern + with tremendous will%(ower but may a((ear as affable + accomodati$e In fact they do not care for e$en the ad$ice of their better half This
generates enmity and o((osition They are ready to do anything for those whom they lo$e They tend to be too inde(endent and this can become a negati$e trait under certain circumstances They ha$e to incor(orate the s(irit of interde(endence They are born in a martian constellation and all the martial .ualities like courage liberal outlook and charitable nature are inherent in them Their fortitude in the face of ad$ersity is amaKing They are ready to do any hard work and tend to become workaholics They are ad$enturous and dashing They will do well in s(eculation and trade 2eware of these diseases % 2owel disorders % worms % fe$ers % wounds from animals % skin troubles Hature % "ond of drinking % bold + courageous % troubles through first son % .uarrelsome ?emstone % Wearing Ced ;oral can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha 2ootis D ;hothi % Swathi They are born in a nodal constellation ruled by the Horth Hode, Cahu They are skilled and s(ecially talented They cannot tolerate any kind of criticism e$en though it is constructi$e They will be unkind towards their critics They create more enemies with their bold and uncom(romising a((roach They will find it difficult to work under anybody as ego (roblems surface They do not go out of the way to (lease (eo(le They do not gi$e res(ect easily Scandals and blames rise as their adamant and recalcitrant beha$ior is known to society They ha$e more enemies than friends They are fond of those who lo$e you Their strong will%(ower and sangfroid are hel(ful in many areas They ha$e to guard yourself against stomach (roblems They ha$e to make s(ecial efforts to make your domestic life ha((y and healthy Their life will be sub'ect to dire $icissitudes and they ha$e to turn to (rayer and meditation for getting mental (eace 2eware of these diseases %Brinary troubles % ecKema %skin troubles % le(rosy % toothache Hature % 3oose tem(er % fond of lu/uries % e/tra$agant % troubles through children % cle$er in s(eech ?emstone % Wearing ,essonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 2eta 3ibrae D Visakham They are unorthodo/ and gi$e less im(ortance to the thoughts of ancient times They ha$e inde(endent $iews on life in general They mo$e away from other members of the family They are efficient at work They (ractise the (rinci(le -Economy is (rudence- They do not belie$e anything blindly Their understanding and com(assion and their lo$e for all human beings are worthy of attention An the other hand they are hedonists interested in the mundane (leasures of life They want to en'oy at any cost and they are ready to s(end anything for it They ha$e a (ros(erous life with wife and children They are born in a Ju(iterian constellation and naturally they are endowed with all the .ualities of Ju(iter #atience (urity and (erse$erance are their hallmarks They are wise and kind Their lo$e uni$ersal for all creatures will earn them laurels Their altruism and o(timistic a((roach is e/cellent 2eware of these diseases %Skin eru(tion %diabetes % kidney trouble % headache % fe$ers Hature % Bngrateful % talented % broad%minded % short%tem(ered % troubles in getting higher education % loss of first wife ?emstone % Wearing Eellow Sa((hire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta Scor(i D AniKham They are born in a saturnine constellation and hence they face (roblems more than anybody else They do not get the reward they deser$e Saturn is the melancholy (lanet and he can gi$e a melancholic tem(erament Bnwise thinking and sim(licity often (ut them in trouble They are forewarned against argumentati$e dis(utes, com(etitions which are unhealthy + drinks They
are hedonists and sometimes go out of the way in their (leasure%seeking This may ha$e effects which are damaging While lu/ury do not a((eal to them nor fanciful dresses They do lo$e the mundane (leasures of life They are .uite attracti$e to women and a((eal to them with strong feelings They do en'oy family life thoroughly with wife and children ?reat (atience + (erse$erance are im(arted by Saturn and their tolerance + (atience le$el rise 2eware of these diseases % ;onsti(ation % (iles % nasal catarrh % sore throat % hi(bone fracture % stomach troubles Hature % "ond of tra$el % gra$e % cruel % $indicti$e % dishonest % troubles through children ?emstone % Wearing 2lue Sa((hire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha Scor(i D Thrikketta They are born in a mercurial constellation and hence they are endowed with a mercurial tem(erament They wa/ and wane and their life is marked by dire $icissitudes They take decisions without thinking and this lack of forethought (uts them in trouble They are .uite knowledgeable and they are likely to stay abroad Their outlook is uni.ue and their tolerance le$el is low when they deal with un(leasant and difficult situations They will get a lot of relief if they s(eak out their (roblems with someone whom they trust Inde(endent outlook + strong will (ower are hel(ful to their (rogress They do not go out of the way in (leasing (eo(le and lack of di(lomacy is also a deterrent to success ,a((y married life with wife They ha$e to control their urge to be inebriated Scandals + blames ha$e to be countenanced by them e$en though they are innocent They will ha$e a good house but misunderstanding with wife and children are .uite (ossible They feel hel(less before "ate Solution % ?od 2eware of these diseases % 2leeding (iles % fistula % bowel disorders % (ain in arms and shoulders Hature % Ingenius % bold % witty % (oisonous tongue % will not ha$e many friends % energetic ?emstone % Wearing Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 3amda Scor(i D !oolam They are born in a nodal constellation and hence may not the get the success they deser$e (articularly in the realm of Economics Their asterism turns them to s(irituality through suffering They are associated with nobility and royalty in one way or another They are sincere and humorous They are born o(timists and do not e/ercise economy which is (rudence They get contacts of (owerful (eo(le Their humility will earn laurels They ha$e to control the urge and the im(ulse to be inebriated Their general knowledge will be e/cellent ,a((y married life with wife They are forewarned about health haKards #roblems due to (artner or children They may not be di(lomatic which causes (roblems They may ha$e to face many a sorrow and they are bound to be melancholic They ha$e to turn to (rayer + meditation to gain inner strength and (eace Eoga can change them totally 2eware of these diseases %Cheumatism % Sciatica % lumbago % hi( diseases % (ulmonary troubles Hature % Hoble % honest % ?od fearing ?emstone % Wearing ;at<s Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta Sagittari D #ooradam They are born with the di$ine gift of articulate s(eech They are .uite imaginati$e and they criticise others without bothering about their o(inions They may not ha$e (arental luck Their in$ol$ement may be misunderstood by their wife They trust (eo(le and this may land them in trouble They do not change the words they s(oke or break the (romises they made and hey will be known as men of high integrity The early (art of life is a sacrifice for the family A marriage based on sentiment or a delayed one is indicated Their married life may not be ha((y
They are born in a Venusian constellation and hence all the Venusian .ualities they are endowed with They lo$e romance and the material (leasures Venus is the (lanet of 3o$e and this asterism makes them romantic and (artake all the (leasures of the mundane 2eware of these diseases % Sciatica % diabetes % gout % lung disorders % lumbago % hi( knee disorders Hature % A$er%liberal % broad%minded % o(timistic ?emstone % Wearing >iamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate >elta Sagittari D Bthradam They are sub'ect to dire $icissitudes as they are born in a solar constellation The solar $irtues of nobility and s(irituality are latent in them They are always shrewd and calculating in their words and actions Sudden re$ersals are to be e/(ected and they ha$e the innate ability to o$ercome all obstacles They always take decisions with the (eo(le who are elder to them and whom they res(ect They do not like to e/hibit and demonstrate They are always orderly and systematic They cannot talk un(leasantly to others ,a((iness is ad$ersely affected by the ill% health of wife and (rogeny They do not s(eak much and always are of e.uanimity of mind They are always dignified and regal in beha$ior If they choose (olitics as their field they are bound to do well as Sun rules (olitics They ha$e in de(th learning and inclination towards occult sciences Their life becomes chaotic + they ha$e to turn to (rayer and medi% tation to o$ercome the hindrances in life 2eware of these diseases % Sciatica % eye troubles % disorders of limbs % consum(tion % gout % toothache Hature % Celigious%minded % cheerful + bene$olent % few sons % many daughters % fond of tra$el ?emstone % Wearing Cuby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha A.uilae D Thiru$onam They are born in a lunar constellation They are sub'ect to wa/ing and waning like the !oon + they are sub'ect to dire $icissitudes They are noble in outlook and aristocratic in beha$ior The reward they get in return may not be (leasant Their lo$e for others may not be reci(rocated They are not (re(ared to li$e a mediocre life They want gaiety and all material comforts They are high%(rinci(led and noble minded They ha$e a rugged e/terior but heart of gold Anly those who are close to them understand how different they are in actuality They are blunt and are not di(lomatic If they feel something is truth they tell it bluntly without taking into cogniKance other<s feelings They sacrifice for the growth of the family They are of a melancholic tem(erament and worry about one (roblem or the other There may be disa((ointments in life but ultimately the life with their better half will be ha((y They are altruists basically and de$ote their life to the betterment of the human race 2eware of these diseases % Skin troubles % gout % stomach troubles %heart troubles % consum(tion Hature % ?od fearing % fond of astrology % sweet natured ?emstone % Wearing !oonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha >el(hini D A$ittam They are born in a !artian constellation + all the martial .ualities they will ha$e ;ourage fortitude + (resence of mind are some of the en$iable !artian .ualities They are liberal in outlook and charitable >es(ite their educational background they e/hibit s(ecial intellectual abilities Their efficiency, ability and skill will earn laurels and hel( They achie$e good (osition in life They will be worried about one thing or the other always Self res(ect and Ego they (riKe abo$e anything else >o not belie$e others too much They will be attracted to science + literature They are wise and self%confident They ha$e to tell their (artner to (ro(erly care for their health They ha$e to incor(orate the .ualities of (atience + (erse$erance in their life They
are (rone to 'um(ing to conclusions based on incom(lete facts They ha$e to rely on a senior man for counsel and wise words can really hel( them in crisis 2eware of these diseases % >iseases of leg bones % cough and cold% heart troubles % fainting % res(iratory diseases % indigestion Hature % "ond of eating % .uarrelsome % shorttem(ered % sincere % im(otent % unha((y con'ugal life % se(aration from wife % se/ually weak ?emstone % Wearing Ced ;oral Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 3amda A.uari D ;hathayam They are born in a nodal constellation which gi$es unstable life They are short tem(ered by nature Their asterism is ruled by Cahu, an incendiary (lanet They will be good at gambling + s(eculation They are good at di(lomacy and rhetoric Their life becomes chaotic as many un(leasant e/(eriences they undergo marks its im(ression on them They are sub'ect to mental fluctuations They are good con$ersationalists >ifficulties due to wife and se(aration is indicated Brinary (roblems indicated Their tolerance and (atience le$els are low They are (articular about order + systematic they are about traditional (ractices They will be misunderstood by many and their life becomes unstable They cra$e for mental (eace and the best remedy is to turn to yoga + meditation 2hakti Eoga can gi$e them much needed solace from the bruises suffered in life 2eware of these diseases % ,eart trouble % gout % arthritis % 2# %fracture of hi( bones % (al(itation % eye troubles Hature % 3aKy % fond of leisure % angry % cruel % sickly wife % troubles in old age ?emstone % Wearing ,essonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha #egasi D #oororuttathi They are born in a Ju(iterian constellation and all the .ualities of Ju(iter they are endowed with right from childhood The tri(le #s of #urity #atience + #erse$erance and the great .uality of resilience Ju(iter stands for Justice and they will do your $ery best to u(hold the ideals of Justice Ju(iter stands for honesty + sincerity and for the alle$iation of human suffering They will ha$e >i$ine ?race when they are confronted by a bad situation They will cra$e for s(iritual solace and will get it in need They are highly skilled which is conduci$e to (rofessional enhancement Their re(utation will tra$el wide and they (rogress in the field of s(irituality They do not withdraw from any (roblem when they are in$ol$ed in it Their lo$e and consideration always wins laurels 2eware of these diseases % >iseases of (ri$ate (arts % eye%troubles %small%(o/ % heart troubles % low 2# % dro(sy Hature % Short%tem(ered % fond of friends % honest % sincere ?emstone % Wearing Eellow Sa((hire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate Al(ha Andromeda D Bthrattathi As gentlemen they stand on strong (rinci(les They gain acce(tance and res(ect from (eo(le more than from wealth Im(ractical but straightforward clear thinking They cannot be blind to religion or any other belief Short%tem(ered (ersons by nature, they are (ractical and calm If there is someone to encourage they can achie$e still higher le$els of (erformance Though they are ready to do any ser$ice for others what they get in return is lack of consideration "amily (roblems, sto((ages, obstacles and delays may ha$e to be faced occasionally "alse (restige stands against their interest and (rogress The second half of their life s(an is com(arati$ely en'oyable Very de$oted to their wife
2eware of these diseases %Toothache % fe$ers % small%(o/ % dro(sy % stomach disorders % rheumatism % consum(tion Hature % Sickly (artner % troubles through children % altruistic ?emstone % Wearing 2lue Sa((hire fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate 1eta #iscium D Ce$athi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% They are a sincere, straightforward and o(en%minded Though short%tem(ered they do not conceal anything or (retend to be somebody else outside They are confident of what they think and do and hence stick to the same irres(ecti$e of what others say Their decisions are normally slow or delayed They may not care for others beyond a limit They are $ery inde(endent too >isagreements with wife or long se(arations in married life is likely 2etter they take care of their heart and stomach 2eware of these diseases % Stomach disorders % feet%disorders % gout % cram(s % deafness % ear% diseases % dysentery tooth%troubles Hature % 3icentious % cle$er % religious ?emstone % Wearing Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate
+he Ascendant is de.ined as the intersecting point bet&een the #cliptic ( Kranti Vritta ) " the 'elestial 1ori2on ( Kshiti-a ). 0n (ans;rit it is ;no&n as Adaya Lagna. +he #cliptic is the path o. the earth round the (un. +he origin o. the 'elestial 1ori2on is the @orthern 1ori2on. +he :riginal $oint o. the #cliptic is 0 degrees Aries according to !estern Astrology and is 0 degrees ?eta Arietis ( Ash&ini ) according to Vedic Astrology.
+he Ascendant is the most important point in one8s horoscope. 0t represents the !heel o. 4estiny. +he Ascending 4egree is ;no&n as the Lagna ?indu and all calculations are based on it. 130 degrees .rom it is ;no&n as the 4escendant ( Astha Lagna ).
?y Ascendant is meant the #astern 'elestial 1ori2on. +he 4escendant is the !estern 'elestial 1ori2on.
0n @atal Astrology* only the Ascendant and the Lunar Ascendant .igure largely. 0n 1orary Astrology* along &ith the Ascendant and the Lunar Ascendant* three more Ascendants come into the picture. +hey are ?ase Ascendant ( Aroodha )* Veedhi and 'hatra.
0n 1orary Astrology* all computations are based on the ?ase Ascendant ( Aroodha )* similar to the calculations based on the Ascendant in @atal. +he curse o. re erential* learned people is denoted by Aroodha* the anger o. the populace is represented by the Ascendant* trouble .rom enemies is indicated by the Lunar Ascendant " the anger o. deities is indicated by 'hatra. +hese .our Ascendants .orm the pillar o. 1orary Astrology.
+an L 5 ( cos & (in 7 M (in & +an A ) < 'os 7 &here L 5 Ascendant* & 5 ma9imum declination o. the (un* 7 5 7ight Ascension o. the %eridian 'usp " A 5 latitude o. the place
Aries rising besto&s the nati e &ith certain martian )ualities. 'ourage6 sensiti e to other8s .eelings 6 shorttempered " proud 6 interested in legal " logical aspects 6 lo er o. scienti.ic thin;ing 6 en-oy tra el " ad enture 6hates relati es 6 body o. medium si2e 6 long .ace " nec; eyesight sharp scar on the head or temples round eyes legs* &ea;* ambitious* enterprising " good planning ability. (ince %ars is the Ascendant lord they may be under the in.luence o. their partner " they ha e a &ea;ness .or the opposite se9. %ars also endo&s them &ith good administrati e ability. +his ability is e9cellent in business " politics. 1a e good obser ational ability. +hey disli;e being guided by others as they maintain an aggressi e independent attitude. +hey are do&n to earth* practical. +hey are natural .ighters &ho .ight .or -ustice. %ars endo&s them &ith rare .ortitude " &ill to sur i e in a competiti e &orld.
+aurus rising besto&s the )ualities o. ambition* tolerance " patience. +hey are obstinate and proud. A..ectionate 6 lo ing* &ill ing to and interested in competiti e games. +hey &ill ha e beauti.ul .aces and they are li;ely to be short. +hey are sometimes unreasonable. +hey are high6principled " they practice &hat they preach. +hey are mentally strong " their physical stamina is e9cellent. +hey lo e pleasure and li;e music. (corpio is the (ign o. the %ystic* the 0n estigator. +hey are endo&ed &ith personal magnetism. +hey are imperial in outloo; " they .eel that they are born to e9ercise authority. +hey &ill ha e more daughters than sons and they may not be ery happy as regards happiness .rom children. As they are li;ely to contract ner ous complaints .rom .i.tieth year* it &ill be better .or them to consult a medical specialist. +hey ha e to learn to incorporate tolerance .or the ad ersary. Ascendant 6 Gemini ( %idhuna )
Gemini ascending besto&s intellectuality " intelligence. +heir minds may be &a ering " they &ill ha e literary talent. +hey are )uic; &itted* restless " inconstant. +hey may .rom ner ous brea;do&ns " they are li;ely to be tall and straight. +hey may become e9perts in the mechanical sciences as %ercury represents computing. +hey &ill ha e a depression near the chin " their eyes &ill be attracti e. +hey ha e con ersational " literary abilities. +hey should be care.ul &hile mo ing &ith the opposite se9. +hey are interested in original* artistic ∨s o. any ;ind. +hey are ersatile by nature " they ha e intellectual ability. +hey are enterprising by nature " they ha e analytical minds.
Ascendant 6 'ancer ( Kata;a ) 'ancer rising gi es intuition* sympathy and appreciation o. the subtle things o. li.e. 'ancer represents the heart o. the 'osmic %an. 'ancerians are tied and tuned to the 'osmic &orld. %ost o.
the saints " mystics are born in this sign. 0ts dispositor is the %oon " the e9altation dispositor is the &isdom planet* >upiter. +hey lo e the mundane pleasures o. li.e* particularly home " children. +hey may be disappointed in lo e as their lo e is not reciprocated. +hey are inconstant " .ic;leminded as they are ruled by the %oon. +heir &ealth &ill be sub-ect to &a9ing and &aning li;e the %oon. +hey lo e the di ine sciences* particulary the science " the &isdom o. the hea ens. ( Astronomy " Astrology ) +hey are ner ous and restless. At the same time a high degree o. adaptability ha e been besto&ed by this sign. +hey can adapt to any situation. +hey are interested in !isdom and the di ine. +he occult sciences attract them and they become di iners or mystics.
Leo rising gi es lo e o. @ature " an o eracti e " leonine temparament. +hey are li;ely to be ambitious and cheer.ul. +hey ha e a li;ing .or Literature " Art. +heir ambitions may not be .ul.illed. +hey are proud and strong " the )ualities o. beauty* nobility " spirituality &ill be theirs. +hey ha e tremendous &ill po&er and determination and the ability to .ace upto hea y odds. $hysically po&er.ul &ith broad shoulders* they are endo&ed &ith personal magnetism. +hey ha e to incorporate patience " perse erance as they are short tempered by nature. +hey are also ad ised to incorporate tolerance .or the ad ersary. +hey become the leaders o. their .amily and care much .or their mother8s interest. +hey are o. the .orgi ing type " they do not nurse any ill.eeling to&ards anyone. +here is a possibility that they may be misunderstood by superiors and they are li;ely to ha e ner ous complaints. +hey are orthodo9 and highprincipled.
Virgo rising gi es scholarly )ualities and they are lo ers o. learning. +hey lo e music and the arts. +heir 0L le el is abo e the ordinary. +hey are diplomatic " shre&d and possess business insight. +hey are emotional and get carried a&ay by sentiments. +hey are interested in modern e)uipments. +hey lo e %athematics " the !isdom o. the 1ea ens. +hey are pleasant tal;ers " they lo e good principles " philosophy. +hey are healthy " &ealthy and lo e good relations. +hey are generally under the control o. their partner. +hey are thri.ty and enterprising. +hey ha e a natural a..inity to electronics " computers.+hey are ruled by the intellectual planet* %ercury &ho is the representer o. %aths* computing* music* art " sculpture.+hey &ill shine as lecturers < teachers as the planet o. Academic #ducation rules them. +hey &ill be humourous " &itty. +hey &ill shine as &riters " publishers.
Libra rising creates an all rounder* a person &ho is a generalist and &ell accepted in society. +hey ha e domineering personalities " they are .orce.ul and gi en to their &ays. +hey are li;ely to be indicti e " re enge.ul. +hey are &ell in.ormed and interested in logical " legal aspects. +hey are li;ely to be o. a &a ering mind +hey belie e that God is lo e and their lo e &ill embrace all creatures. +heir eyes ha e a peculiarity o. their o&n. +hey are lo ers o. $oetry " the .ine arts as they are ruled by the poet Venus. +hey are li;ely to be disappointed in lo e as their lo e may not be reciprocated. +hey ha e a special talent in business dealings. +hey may ha e ery .e& sons. +hey al&ays ha e an underlying .ear in the bottom o. their minds. +hey are ;een obser ers o. human nature and psychologists. +hey &ill be generally ;no&n by more than one name. +hey are interested in entertainments &hich in ol e the
(corpio rising gi es them the )ualities o. perse erance and .ortitude. +hey appear sarcastic " impulsi e. +hey do not heed other8s ad ice. +heir actions and thoughts are ine9plicable. +hey become luc;y in the second hal. o. their li.e. +hey are )uic; &itted and humourous. +hey are good at correspondence. +hey are ruled by %ars and hence &ill ha e martian temperaments. +hey are shorttempered and rash at times. +hey are ad ised to incorporate patience and tolerance .or the ad ersary. +hey are inconstant and .ic;le minded. +hey lo e lu9ury " e9citement. +hey are entertaining con ersationalists depending on their o&n intelligence. +hey can de elop into good musicians i. they ta;e to that art. +hey are lo ers o. the .ine arts. +hey are good at administration " administration shines only &hen the .ire o. %ars is present. +he %artian )uality o. .ortitude they ha e in plenty. 'areers indicated 6 %ilitary " $olice.
(agittarius rising gi es a &arrior li;e approach to the problems o. li.e. +hey are inclined to $hilosophy and 7eligion. +hey ha e pro.essional brilliance and reputation. +hey are &ealthy and prosperous. +hey are )uite capable o. earning the good &ill o. all. +hey possess good .oresight " they are intuiti e and religious. +hey ha e domineering personalities. +hey are o er6an9ious* bra e " restless. +hey are orthodo9 and business li;e. +hey are ruled by the &isdom planet >upiter " they are blessed by all the >o ian )ualities. !isdom* patience* ;no&ledge o. sciences " arts are represented by >o e. +hey are capable o. in.luencing people as they are born &ith personal magnetism. 4espite all their good )ualities they are li;ely to be misunderstood by others. +hey are .ree .rom hypocrisy " they .ollo& the principle H 1onesty is the best $olicyH. +heir .ran;ness " good nature also can be a dra&bac; in a business &orld. Ascendant 6 'apricorn ( %a;ara )
'apricorn rising gi es strong &ill po&er and determination. +hey are philosophers in their o&n right. +hey are li;ely to be indicti e " secreti e. +hey ha e strong determination and purposi eness in li.e. +hey are ery cunning " highly determined. +hey do not mind the general .eeling o. the audience &hen they tal; about +ruth " 7eality. +hey do not mind employing means that are not abo e board to reach their target. H#nd -usti.ies the meansH seems to be their principle. +hey can tal; so.tly and ;indly and many a man &ill .all into their trap.
+hey are born in a (aturnine sign &hich gi es them the )ualities o. temperance " .ortitude. Great patience " perse erance are imparted by (aturn. 'apricornians ma;e good sculptors. +hey are li;e6 ly to be melancholic in temparament. +hey ma;e good actors.
A)uarius rising gi es (aturnine )ualities 6 philosophical outloo;* patience " perse erance. +hey &ill shine as teachers* spea;ers " &riters. +hey may be tall &ith good appearance. +hey are altruists by nature " they consecrate some o. their energies .or the ser ice o. their .ello& men. +hey are highly sympathetic and generous. +hey generate more .riendliness and compassion. +hey are dangerous &hen
pro o;ed but then they cool o.. easily. +hey may be tall " handsome. +heir 0L le el " %L le el are praise&orthy. +hey can shine as authors i. they so desire. +hey are shy &hen it comes to e9hibiting their talents be.ore people interested in their art. +hey tend to belie e that Astrology is a science. +hey are basically humanists " they are li;ely to be misunderstood. +heir lo e may not be reciprocated " they are li;ely to be disappointed in lo e. +hey belie e in the essential goodness o. humanity.
$isces rising gi es the )ualities o. intuition* bene olence* sympathy " .ondness .or the .iner side o. li.e. +hey ha e ma-estic personalities " impressi e bearing. +hey are li;ely to be handsome " &ell in.ormed. +hey also become a target o. en y o. others. +heir &ealth is related to &ater as they are born in a &atery sign. +hey are altruists in ol ed in noble ser ices " the alle iation o. human su..ering. +hey are God .earing and ery religious. +hey are generally ambitious but gi ing $hilosophy its due place. +hey are -ust and they are al&ays to go against the +ruth. ?ecause o. this moral in-unction they appear to lac; sel. con.idence. +hey are born in a >upiterian sign e)uipped &ith the di ine )ualities o. patience " perse erance. +heir sign dispositor* >upiter endo&s them &ith the &armth o. human a..ection " their personal magnetism &ill be &ell ;no&n and recognised.
+he =C 4ecanantes
+he =0 degrees (ign di ided by = is a decanate. +he decanates are ery important in V A.
A decanate ( 4re;;ana in (ans;rit ) is 1<= rd o. a house. +he .irst 4re;;ana is* there.ore* 0 to 10 degrees* the second decanate is 10 to 20 degrees " the third decanate is 20 to =0 degrees. (ince each (ign has = decanates* there are =C decanates in all. 'hec; out &hich 4re;;ana your Ascendant .alls in. Loo; at the Ascending 4egree and chec; &here it .alls. Also you can read the 4re;;ana o. your 4asa lord. (ee &here the 4asa ruler is posited. 'hec; the decanate. +hese symbolic representations are closely related to your ,ate.
+he .irst decanate o. any sign is ruled by the o&ning planet* second decanate by the Bth lord and the third decanate by the Eth lord. ,or e9ample* the .irst decanate o. Aries is ruled by %ars* the second decanate is o&ned by (un and the third decanate is o&ned by >upiter.
+he .irst 4re;;ana o. Aries represents a dar; comple9ioned man &ith a &hite cloth round his &aist* liberal minded* ready to don the garb o. the 7edeemer* oriented to protect* &ith a&esome red eyes " &ith a li.ted a9e. +his is a human decanate and an armed decanate.
(ince the .irst decanate o. Aries is rising* the nati e8s .ortunes are sub-ect to icissitudes. +hey &ill gain .rom marriage* property and rural industries. +hey are meticulous and cautious in approach. +hey should contain anger and #go as these negati e elements can destroy them. +hey are able e9ploit circumstances to their " gain thereby. +he important years in their li.e are 13*23*=C*42*4C " B0.
+he second 4re;;ana o. Aries is described as representing a &oman &ith a pot belly. attired in a red cloth* horse .aced* a lo er o. .ood " ornaments* single .ooted " thirsty. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. Aries is rising they maintain that #nd >usti.ies the %eans and go all out .or !ealth. +hey sho& o.. and people get the impression that they are richer than &hat they really are. +hey should control the base passions li;e Anger " en y. +he important years in their li.e are 20* 24* 2E* =C* 4D*BC " C1.
+he third 4re;;ana o. Aries represents a yello& comple9ioned man* .estooned in cruelty* &ith artistic s;ill* a ∨aholic* unscrupulous* &ith an irate temparament* &ith li.ted6up stic;* clad in purple clothes. +his is an armed decanate and human.
(ince the third decanate o. Aries is rising they ha e entreprenaurial ability. +hey generate enemies &ho are po&er.ul. +hey become luc;y in .inancial dealings as they combine both ris; and caution. +hey should control their negati e aspect as it can destroy them. +he most important years in their li.e are 21* 2B* =1* =4 *=C* 42* 4B* B1 " B2.
+he .irst decanate o. +aurus represents a &oman &ith torn ringlets* pot bellied* &ith .iery clothes* hungry " thirsty* &ith a penchant .or gold and .ood. +his is a .emale decanate and .iery.
As the .irst decanate o. +aurus is rising they ha e hea y e9penditure commensurate &ith income. +hey spend all that they ha e as they belie e that money is .or com.orts. +hey ha e to ta;e care not to get into debts. +hey should also control their anger. +heir dependents hardly get anything. +he most important years in their li.e are 21* 2=* =1*42* B1* CB " C3.
+he second 4re;;ana o. +aurus represents a man possessing a discriminati e intellect* &ith good ;no&ledge o. lands* grains* houses* co&s* arts* ploughing and carts* hungry* sheep .aced* dirty clothes and shoulders li;e the hump o. an o9. +his is a human decanate . Also an agriculturist8s.
(ince the second decanate o. +aurus is rising they are li;ely to practice thri.t and be care.ul &ith their money. +hey .ollo& the principle H #conomy is $rudence H . +he &orld may condemn them as misers. +hey miss good opportunities as they are meticulous in in esting money. +he important years in their li.e are 1D* 21* 24* ==* B0 " BB.
+he =rd 4re;;ana o. +aurus represents by an elephant bodied man* &ith e9pertise in capturing deer " sheep* yello& compe9ioned* &ith mental tension supreme* &hite teeth* &ith speedy legs li;e that o. (arabha. +his is a human decanate.
(ince the third decanate o. +aurus is rising they may not gain happiness .rom &ealth. +hey may e9perience di..iculties as age ad ances and the need .or money becomes more. +hey are ad ised to practice thri.t and be cautious as they ha e a tendency to gi e a&ay money. +he important years in their li.e are 13* 22* 2C* =1* =B* 42* B1 " BD.
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. Gemini represents a .emale .ond o. needle∨* &ith a beauty e)ualling that o. 7ambha or 1elen* &ithout any issues * &ith a penchant .or ornamentation* &ith li.ted hands " in menses. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the .irst decanate o. Gemini is rising they &ill be sub-ect to dire icissitudes. +heir .ortune &ill be in.luenced by &omen. At the age o. =0 and a.ter they &ill control big sums o. money. +hey should be care.ul not to .all a prey to litigation. +he important years in their li.e are 1C* 2=* =0* 4B " BC.
+he (econd 4re;;ana o. Gemini represents a man* li ing in garden* &ell armoured * &ith a bo&* &arli;e* armed &ith &eapons* .ace li;e that o. a ?ird and .ond o. play* children* ornamentation and &ealth. +his is a human decanate and and a ?ird decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. Gemini is rising they &ill shine in business and not in ser ice. (ince they spend a lot they may not sa e enough .or old age. 0n spite o. good 0L they may ha e to countenance losses. +hey should not allo& themsel es to be e9ploited. +he important years in their li.e are 1E* 2=* 2B* 2E* =2* =C* 4= 4C " 4E.
+he =rd 4re;;ana o. Gemini represents a man adorned* &ith ;no&ledge and e9pertise in $oesis* Aesthetics " 7hetoic* dancing* .estooned in gems and -e&ellery* superbly decorated in gems* armed to the teeth* armoured &ith )ui er and bo&* " a master poet.
(ince the third decanate o. Gemini is rising they use their good intellect and ma;e money. +hey are not li;ely to succeed in speculation. +hey may ha e to .ace litigation during their 4Bth or 4Cth year. +he important years in their li.e are 24*2E* ==* =B* 41* 4D* BE C0 " C2.
+he .irst 4re;;ana o. 'ancer represents a man* pig .aced* apparelled in .ruits* roots " lea es* elephant bodied residing on sandal trees in the .orest* &ith speedy legs and horse nec;ed. Kno& that this is a )uadruped 4re;;ana.
(ince the .irst decanate o. 'ancer is rising they are thri.ty and care.ul &ith money. +hey .ollo& the principle #conomy is $rudence 0n .act society may dub them as misers. +heir &ealth &ill be sub-ect to dire icissitudes. +he important years are 1D* 24* 2E* =1* =E* 4E and B2. %ost probably they &ill gain by pri ate enterprise.
+he second 4re;;ana o. 'ancer represents a youth.ul .emale cro&ned &ith lotus .lo&ers " serpents* in her .irst irginal blossom* inhabiting .orests * crying holding a branch o. a tree in a .orest. Kno& that this is a serpentine decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. 'ancer is rising Lady luc; does not smile on them in .inancial matters. +he ery .act that they are ;ind " generous is a handicap to sa e money. +hey should a oid ris; in in estments .+hey may lose money due to litigation. +he most important years in their li.e are 13* 2D* =4* 44* B= " C0.
+he third 4re;;ana o. 'ancer represents a man co ered &ith serpents* adorned &ith many golden ornaments* &ith a .ace .lattened* crossing the ocean in a boat in order to ma;e his &i.e rich and adorned &ith gold and -e&ellery. +his is a serpentine decanate* human " &atery.
(ince the third decanate o. 'ancer is rising they are careless in money matters generally. 0n ad anced years loss o. economic position and money are li;ely. +heir .ortunes are sub-ect to dire icissitudes. +hey al&ays .ind it di..icult to manage their .inanc0al matters. +he most important years in li.e are 1E* 2C* ==* =C " 4B
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. Leo represents a creature &ho is a cross bet&een ulture and a -ac;al* a dog and a man dressed in dirty clothes* a creature &ho is a&ay .rom its parents* and crying. +his is a human decanate* )uadruped* ?ird decanate " generally sorro&.ul.
(ince the .irst decanate o. Leo is rising by their merits and e..orts they ma;e money. +hey spend as much as they earn. +hey do &ell trading in clothes " .ood. +hey may ha e bouts o. bad luc; in their pro.essional sphere. +he important years in li.e are 21* 2C* =1* ==* =3* 4=* B0 " B4.
+he second 4re;;ana o. Leo represents a man resembling a horse8s body* long and po&er.ul. cro&ned &ith &hite garlands * appareled in clothes to ma;e it &arm* &ith Krishna %riga* &ith a .lat nose* &ith a leonine .ierceness* &ith a bo& in the hand . +his is an armed human decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. Leo is rising their main interests are &riting* literature* poetry* art* music and -ournalism. +hese areas can also become their pro.ession. +hey unnecessarily earn the .ro&n o. their superiors and they thereby. %oderate .inances. +he most important years are 2C*=1* =C* 4B* B=* B4 " BC.
+he =rd 4re;;ana o. Leo represents a man &ith a .ace that o. a bear and mon;ey* &ith a mon;eyish character* long beard* curbed ringlets and holding .ruits* .lesh " stic;. +his is a )uadruped " an armed decanate.
(ince the third decanate o. Leo is rising they &ill do &ell in the pro.essional sphere. Ane9pected &ays bring in money. +hey do &ell in intellectual .ields as &ell as in e9port business. +hey are good at contract ∨. +he most important years in their li.e are 20* 2B* =0* ==* =3* 4= " 43.
+he .irst decanate o. Virgo ruled by %ercury +he ,irst 4re;;ana o. Virgo represents a irgin holding a pot .ull o. .lo&ers* appareled in dirty raiments* .ond o. money and clothes and going to the house o. the Guru or 0nitiator. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the .irst decanate o. Virgo is rising they are ∨aholics " earn their &ealth due to hard ∨. +hey ha e to curb their e9cessi e penchant .or %oney and the pleasures o. the mundane. +hey ha e to a oid ris;s " a oid speculati e business. Loss is li;ely during the latter part o. their li.e. +hey may be sub-ect to deception and .raud. +he important years in their li.e are 13* 2* =0* =C* 42* 4E " BB.
+he (econd 4re;;ana o. Virgo represents a man &ith a bo& " a pen in the hand* dar; comple9ioned* cro&ned by a cloth* al&ays counting debit and credit* &ith dense hair all o er the body. +his is an armed decanate " a male one.
(ince the second decanate o. Virgo is rising their .inancial condition &ill be :K. 0. they minimi2e unnecessary ris;s they are li;ely to amass considerable &ealth. +hey practice thri.t and are care.ul in .iscal matters. >upiter8s transit o. 'ancer* A)uarius " (corpio &ill be important .iscally. +he most important years in their li.e are 13* 24* =0* =C* 42* 4E " BB.
+he third 4re;;ana o. Virgo represents a irgin* yello& comple9ioned* appareled ma-estically in a &hite cloth*&ith good height* holding a pot and a spoon* going to a di ine place o. &orship in a puri.ied state. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the third decanate o. Virgo is rising they &ill be success.ul in the .irst hal. o. li.e in .iscal matters. %any problems may ha e to be .aced as &astage o. money creates them. 4isappointments stare them in the .ace. ?etter esche& speculation. +he important years o. their li.e are 20* 2C* =2* =B* 40* 44 " B0.
According to Fa anas* the ,irst 4re;;ana o. Libra* represents a man holding (cales or balances* thin;ing o. his capital and goods* seated in a shop in the middle o. the road* &ith e9pertise in &eighing* and thin;ing to sell his goods " ser ices. +his is an urban and a male decanate.
(ince the .irst decanate o. Libra is rising money .rom business entures " legal occupations &ill come to them. #9tra agance comes to the .ore " they may indulge in lu9ury. +hey ha e to understand that speculati e entures are generally harm.ul. +he most important years in their li.e are 1D* 24* =1* ==* 40* 4= " BD.
+he middle 4re;;ana o. Libra represents a ulture .aced man hungry and thirsty* holding a pot &hich is ready to .all and thin;ing o. his &i.e and children. +his is a ?ird decanate and human.
(ince the second decanate o. Libra is rising they ha e to prepare to .ace dire icissitudes. %any .eel that they ha e resorted to un.air methods to grab money. +hey can i. you try ma;e money out o. literature . ?e&are o. unnecessary e9penses. +hey are not interested in the orthodo9 &ays o. ma;ing money. +he important years in their li.e are 1B* 22* 24* 2E* =1* =C* 42* 44 " B1.
+he third 4re;;ana o. Libra represents a man* dec;ed &ith gems* &earing golden )ui er and armour and .rightening the animals in the &ilderness* resembling a mon;ey and holding in the hand .ruits and .lesh.
(ince the third decanate o. Libra is rising they ha e .iscal success. +hey ha e an aptitude .or hotel management. +hey lo e music and the .ine arts. +hey may ha e to struggle hard in early li.e. +heir li.e &ill be mar;ed by sudden elations. +he most important years in their li.e are 1C*13* 2=* 2B* 2D* =2* =E* 4C " B=.
As &e ha e said earlier* the =C decanates are ery important in both @atal and 1orary Astrology. +he student o. Astrology must be .amiliar &ith all the =C decanates. 0n V A* there are =C erses dealing &ith the =C decanates* in Varaha8s 1ora (astra. (erpentine decanates* ?ird decanates* Armed decanates are all considered negati e in VA.
When the longitude of the Ascendant or the Moon falls in negative decanates, negativity is indicated. In Horary, the longitude of the Base Ascendant ( Aroodha ) should not fall in the negative regions. Also the important longitudes like risphuta ( longitudes of Ascendant, Moon ! "ulika ) and the longitude of "una #inda ( longitudes of Ascendant ! the House lord multiplied $y the num$ers of %igns and #lanets ).
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. (corpio represents a beauti.ul &oman* absolutely ra ishing* &ith ornaments* de oid o. clothes* dislocated .rom her place o. domicile* arri ing .rom the middle o. the ocean to the shore* &ith serpents all o er her .eet. +his is a .emale and a serpentine decanate.
As the .irst decanate o. (corpio is rising the nati e may ha e to struggle hard in the early part o. li.e. +hey ∨ hard and become ∨aholics. +hey may amass &ealth beyond the dreams o. a arice&hen time comes. +hey ha e many sources o. income. +hey ha e the courage to .ace po&er.ul enemies. +he important years in their li.e are 14* 22* 2=* 2E* =0* 40* 41 " 4B.
+he middle 4re;;ana o. (corpio represents a &oman* big bellied* &ith a penchant .or house and husband8s happiness* &ith serpents all o er her body* &ith a body &hich resembles a pot and a tortoise. +his is a serpentine and .emale decanate.
As the second decanate o. (corpio is rising* the nati e becomes a dreamer &hose dreams are not .ul.illed. 0n .iscal matters they are not cle er. +hey spend money &hen they ha e " ad-ust &hen they do not ha e. +he important years in their li.e are 2B* =2 41*4E* BD and C=. +hey ha e to incorporate shre&dness and practical insight.
+he last 4re;;ana o. (corpio represents a being &ith a human .ace and a lion8s body .rom nec; do&n&ards* &ith a .lattened nose* .ace as big as a tortoise* .rightening .o9es* deers* pigs in the .orest* protecting the sandal&ood tree in.ested .orest. +his is a )uadruped " a male decanate
(ince the third decanate .or (corpio is rising the nati e may get some legacies. +hey study things in ad ance and are al&ays cautious. +hey are )uite meticulous &hen it comes to .iscal matters. +hey
do not trust people. +his becomes a negati e )uality in li.e. +he important years in their li.e are 22* 2B* ==* =C* 41* 44* 4E " B2.
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. (agittarius represents a man &ith the body o. a horse and &ith a .ace human* protecting a hemitage inhabited by 7ishies and protecting their articles .or Fa-nas. +his is a human " a )uadruped decanate.
As the .irst decanate o. (agittarius is rising* they -ump into ne& entures &ithout proper study " thought. +hey ha e many sources o. income. +hey may be in ol ed &ith .raudulent associations and lose money. +hey are ad ised not to associate &ith such groups. +he important years in their li.e are 1E* 20* 23* 2E* =D* =3* 4C " BB.
+he middle 4re;;ana o. (agittarius represents a magni.icent &oman* ra ishing* golden hued* seated in the ?hadrasana pose* pic;ing up gemstones .rom the ocean. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. (agittarius is rising they may ha e to change pro.essions. (ociety may consider them as rolling stones +hey &ill be sub-ect to dire icissitudes. +hey should a oid speculati e tendencies. (hipping* metallurgy and transport &ill suit them &ell. +he most important years in their li.e are 20*2E*=3* 40* 4D*4E " BC.
+he third 4re;;ana o. (agittarius represents a man appareled in sil;en cloth and s;ins o. deers and tigers* golden comple9ioned* &ith hair all o er the .ace* sitting in a highly ele ated posture* holding a stic; in one hand. +his is a human decanate and an armed one.
As the third decanate o. (agittarius is rising* they are li;ely to in early li.e and impro e their .inances in the latter part o. li.e. +hey &ill employ means that are not abo e board and ma;e largesse. +hey .iscally by marriage. +he important years in their li.e are 1D* 2C* 2E* =B* =3* 42 " 4B.
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. 'apricorn represents a golden hued man &ith a hairy .ace* &ith a .iendish " cruel .ace* &ith ⁣ed teeth li;e those o. a crocodile* &ith a pig li;e body " ;eeping nets* bandages and yo;es. +his is an )uadruped* human and armed decanate.
(ince the .irst decanate o. 'apricorn is rising their speculation bears .ruit. 4ue to their intelligence and merits they &ill attain to &ealth. +hey are ad ised to e9ercise caution and be care.ul about people and chec; all be.ore dealing &ith them. +he important years in their are 20* 21* =0* =1* 40* 4B " B0.
+he second 4re;;ana o. 'apricorn represents a &oman* &ith a penchant .or clothes and searching .or them* a lo er o. arts and highly s;illed in them* beauti.ul eyes li;e lotus petals* dar; comple9ioned and &earing ear ornaments made up o. iron. +his is a .emale decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. 'apricorn is rising* they are s&ayed by !ealth. +heir pattern o. e9penditure &ill surprise many a people +hey spend money not on things &hich are necessary but on purposes not &orth&hile. +hey &ill become o ergenerous in the latter hal. o. li.e. +he important years in their li.e are 22* 24* =2* =B* 42* 4B " B0
+he last 4re;;ana o. 'apricorn represents a man* &ith a .ace o. a horse* holding bo&s and arro&s* co ered &ith strong clothes* and bearing a pot on its shoulder .ull o. gems. +his is a human " a )uadruped decanate.
(ince the third decanate o. 'apricorn is rising they may lose money due to undesirable .riends. +he .ields o. %usic* dancing literary ∨ and other arts are ery much suited to them. +hey should e9ercise ceaseless igilance in money matters. +he important years in their li.e are 2C*2E* =C* 41* 4C* 4E " BB.
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. A)uarius represents a man &ith a .ace li;e that o. a ulture* .ond o. oils* &ines* &ater and .ood being brought to him and searching .or them* appareled in sil; cloth and deer s;in. +his is a ?ird decanate and human.
(ince the .irst decanate o. A)uarius is rising* they &ill ha e many sources o. income. +hey may not .eel the need .or money. +hey &ill shine in politics " -ournalism. :bstacles due to hidden enemies " relati es are to be e9pected. +he most important years in their li.e are 1C* 24* 2B* 2E* =B* 4C " BD.
+he second 4re;;ana o. A)uarius represents a shabbily attired &oman in a .orest* amidst blooming trees* bearing pots on her head and dragging iron pieces in a burnt cart . +his is a .emale decanate and a .iery decanate.
(ince the second decanate o. A)uarius is rising* they &ill ma;e e9cess money. 1otel management and mining &ill enthrall them. +hey &ill indulge in lu9ury and e9tra agance. !astage o. money is to be e9pected. +hey &ill be partially success.ul in speculation. +he important years in their li.e are 2C* 2D* =D* =3* B1* B3* BE " CD.
+he +hird 4re;;ana o. A)uarius indicates a dar; comple9ioned man* &ith hairy ears " cro&ned. +his man is putting medicinal lea es* gums* .ruits in an iron pot and changing these constantly. +his is a human decanate. (ince the third decanate o. A)uarius is rising their .inancial condition &ill be in an unsettled state. ?usiness &ill not be good. +hey &ill shine &ell in artistic -obs. Ad ersity is to be e9pected in the .irst hal. o. li.e. ,acing re ersals and struggling hard becomes the order o. the day. 0mportant years in their li.e are 1D* 22* 2C* ==* 40* 44* 4E* B=* BB " C0. +he .irst decanate o. $isces ruled by >upiter
+he ,irst 4re;;ana o. $isces represents a man .estooned in ornaments* carrying essels .or * holding in hand -e&els* conch shells and changing them constantly because o. their &eight* and crossing the mighty ocean in a boat .or gems .or his better hal.. +his is a human decanate and a &atery one.
(ince the .irst decanate o. $isces is rising* they get a lot o. opportunities .or amassing &ealth. +hey become generous " spend all in the .irst hal. o. li.e. 0n the second hal. they become miserly surprising e erybody. Litigation may torment them. +he important years in their li.e are 22* 24* 2E* =4* =3* 41* 4E " BC.
+he (econd 4re;;ana o. $isces indicates a golden hued &oman* surrounded by attendants galore " sailing in a boat dec;ed &ith large .lags* in search o. the other side o. the ocean . +his is a &atery and a .emale decanate.
As the second decanate o. $isces is rising they &ill be hale " healthy. +hey may ha e t&o sources o. income. +hey &ill be sel. made. # en though they ma;e money they &ill not be satis.ied &ith it. +hey need more. Ancertainty pre ails during the latter hal.. +he important years in their li.e are 20* 2E* =2* 4=* 4D* BB " C1.
+he =rd 4re;;ana o. $isces represents a man crying* co ered &ith serpents and na;ed* in a .orest* and &ith a mind disturbed by thie es and the en eloping .ire. +his is a human* .iery* serpentine and dolorous decanate.
(ince the third decanate o. $isces is rising in .iscal matters they &ill be cle er " intelligent. +hey do not trust people and this become a big handicap. Lady Luc; smiles on them in business. ?e care.ul &hile signing documents. (uccess in in estment " shares. +he most important years in their li.e are 2B* 2D* 23* =2* =D* 41* 4D* B= and C0. Vedic Astrology Lesson =1 Lunations or +hidhis +idhi means a lunation. !hen the %oon is 0 to 12 degrees a&ay .rom the (un* it is the .irst Lunation or $rathama. +he second lunation is 4&itheeya* &hen the %oon is 12 to 24 degrees a&ay .rom the (un. +here are 1B +hithis in all. +he .i.teenth is $ournami or ,ull %oon* &hen the %oon is 130 degrees a&ay .rom the (un. !hen the %oon is 0 degrees a&ay .rom the (un* it is Ama asi or @e& %oon. +he +hidhis 4* 3* E " 14 are considered inauspicious " is a oided .or any auspicious e ent. +he +hidhis are ery use.ul in #lectional Astrology. !e are gi ing belo& the e..ects o. being born in di..erent thithis. +he ,irst Lunation G $radhama $7A41A%A +10410 ma;es the nati e interested in electronics " handicra.ts &here physical " mental s;ills are re)uired. +hey are high principled " noble minded. +heir uni ersal lo e mani.ests as sympathy .or all and compassion .or the su..ering. +hey are more interested in the mysterious elements. +he (econd Lunation G 4!0+1##FA As they are born in 4!0+1##FA +10410 they are considered &ealthy by many. +hey are generally respected in society. +hey are attracted to&ards mo ing ob-ects* animals and birds. +hey are in lo e &ith the mundane alues o. li.e. +he +hird Lunation G +170+1##FA +170+1##FA +10410 endo&s them &ith good nature " good priciples +hey may be considered proud by many. +hey maintain high standards 6 aesthetic* educational and moral. +hey alue good relati es and dress. +hey appreciate the .ine arts and the sciences. +he ,ourth Lunation G '1A+1A7+1F '1A+1A7+1F +10410 besto&s the ama2ing po&er o. contradiction as they oppose or contradict e erything. +heir argumentati e ability can be used .or their ad ancement and progress. +heir enemies
.ear them as they cause .ear and consternation among them. +he , Lunation G $A@'1A%0 $A@'1A%0 +10410 besto&s &ealth " ;no&ledge. +hey are altruists basically and many people gain as they come in contact &ith them. (ociety recognises them as acceptable personalities. +hey &ill be ;no&n .or their humanitarian ie&s. +he (i9th Lunation G (1A(1+0 (1A(1+0 +10410 endo&s them &ith sel.control &hich gi es them control " mastery o. the sense organs. 1ealthy " &ealthy people are to tal; to them openly. +heir personality is so domineering that they al&ays treat them &ith respect. +hey &ill become re ered .igures. +he (e enth Lunation G (A$+1A%0 (A$+1A%0 +10410 endo&s them &ith the po&er o. speech or the gi.t o. the gab " sometimes their tal; becomes harsh e en though they may not mean to hurt. +hey ha e to incorporate diplomacy and tact " pleasant tal; in order not to ha e many enemies. +he #ighth Lunation G A(1+A%0 A(1+A%0 +10410 besto&s lo e .or .reedom " independence. !hen these )ualities are a..ected they turn to aggression " rebellion. +hey are calm cool " collected normally. +hey ha e a lo ely body and they en-oy se9. +he @inth Lunation G @AVA%0 @AVA%0 +10410 besto&s tremendous determination " &illpo&er " they &ill get all that they &ant. +hey are good at manipulation o. money " materials. 'on)uering and co ering i. not stealing are easily done by them. (ome people may consider them croo;ed. +he +enth Lunation G 4A(A%0 4A(A%0 +10410 besto&s broadmindedness " nobility. +heir calmness is ery digni.ied " they are not e9hibitionists as .ar as their &ealth is concerned. +hey lo e the ma-or pleasures o. li.e and ha e a special a..inity to the opposite se9 and home entertainments. +he #le enth Lunation G #KA4A(0 #KA4A(0 +10410 besto&s some e9cellent )ualities o. head " heart +hey ac)uire special pro.essional ;no&ledge in their areas o. specialisation. +hey do not lac; &ealth at all. @or is there a shortage o. patience and perse erance. +he +& Lunation G 4!A4A(0 4!A4A(0 +10410 besto&s the )ualities o. de otion to duty and al&ays attach great importance to a central po&er and in.luence. +hey are respected not .or the &ealth earned but .or their altruistic )ualities. +hey become spiritual )uite early in li.e. +he +hirteenth Lunation G +17AF:4A(0 +17AF:4A(0 +10410 besto&s the )ualities o. head " heart but there may be shortage o. money &hich ma;es them e9ercise the principle H#conomy is prudenceH. $eople may misundestand this .or miserliness. ?ut they are ery truth.ul and ha e integrity. +he ,ourteenth Lunation G '1A+1A74A(0 '1A+1A74A(0 +10410 besto&s them &ith the )ualities o. thri.t. +hey may be considered as croo;ed by many. +hey are )uite cra.ty &hen it comes to ta;ing other8s possessions " &ealth. $eople may say that they ha e e il intentions. +hey en-oy se9 and entertainment. +he ,i.teenth Lunation G $:A7@A%0
$:A7@A%0 thidhi endo&s them &ith interest in science " technology. +hey are ;een in electronics and its related .ields. +heir ∨aholism " their genuine )ualities o. head and heart de.initely &ill earn them .ame. $eople also &ill appreciate their humility. A%AVA(0 6 %oon con-unct (un A%AVA(0 thidhi besto&s them &ith many )ualities o. altruism. +hey may appear sic;ly e en though they are not really so. +hey may e9prience shortage o. money &hich &ill not be ;no&n to anybody . +hey are ready .or any and they are ready to help humanity.
+he combined longitudes o. the (un and the %oon is called a @ithya Foga. +here are 2D @ithya Fogas based on the 2D constellations &hich tenant the #cliptic. +he calculation o. @ithya Foga is simple. Add the longitude o. the %oon to the longitude o. the (un* di ide it by 1= degrees 20 minutes and you get the @ithya Foga. @ithya Foga 5 Longitude o. (un M Longitude o. %oon < 1= degrees 20 minutes
+hose born under V0(1KA%?A @0+1FAF:GA ha e predicti e or prognosticating ability.+hey are spiritual minded and not materialstic. +hey are interested in the di ine and the occult side o. li.e. +hey lo e all that mo es. 0t is )uite possible that they ha e a small bend o. the body &hen they &al;.
+hey are ∨aholics as they are born in $7##+10 @0+1FAF:GA. +heir public relations are e9cellent because o. their sincerity and altruistic nature. +hey ha e a sacri.icing mentality and they come up in li.e al&ays. +heir lo e .or all that li es is their best .orte.
+hose born under AFA(1%A+1 @0+1FAF:GA ha e leadership )ualities &hich pa es the &ay .or success. +he @ithya Foga in &hich they are born is sel.6e9planatory as it con.ers longe ity. +heir decisions are al&ays accepted in society &ithout ob-ections. +heir li.e is made happy by these .actors.
(pecial signs in their hands " .eet are indicated by (:A?1AGFA @0+1FA F:GA. +he distribution* preparation and the )uality o. .ood stu..s interest them and they may ta;e this up as their pro.ession . +heir income may come .rom associated sources .0t is possible that they may stay a&ay in .ar a&ay places.
Visual art and display interest them as they are born in (:?1A@A @0+1FAF:GA . +heir ∨ is al&ays characterised by an artistic element and they are al&ays luc;y in their pro.ession. +heir public relations are good. +hey ha e taste .or good .ood and they possess happiness " possessions.
+hose born under A+10GA@41A @0+1FAF:GA appreciate the .ine arts* mo ies " music. +hey en-oy .ighting and )uarrelling e en as they are detached. +hey are di..icult to be in.luenced and they are strong6minded " courageous. +hey ha e high integrity.
As they are born in (AKA7%A @0+1FAF:GA they are noble in their outloo; and digni.ied in their manners. 4uti.ul they are and they can easily impress their colleagues &ith e9cellent per.ormance. +heir &ords and actions are good and they are charitable by nature.
As they are born in 470+10 @0+1FAF:GA they &ill en-oy scienti.ic ;no&ledge and they are interested in in entions. +hey are astounded and impressed by space tra el. +hey ha e e9pertise and ability .or e..ecti e communications. +hey are strong minded " unassailable.
As they are born in (::LA @0+1FAF:GA they ha e gymnastic bodies.+hey are sharp on the thin;ing le el " the acti e le el. +hey are proud o. their abilities " possessions both material and intellectual. +hey are shorttempered " )uarrelsome.
As they are born in GA@41A @0+1FAF:GA they are li;ely to be tall.+hey may ha e to deal &ith bad elements in society &hich may cause unpopularity " discontent in the beginning. ?ut their &ill po&er determination " ∨aholism &ill sa e them .inally.
+heir analytical ability " intellectuality are all part and parcel o. V704410 @0+1FAF:GA. +hey lo e their .amily and children so much " this is their &ealth. +he opportunities they get and their childhood en ironment al&ays determine their progress.
As they are born in 417AVA @0+1FAF:GA they are physically robust ha ing &ellbuilt bodies. +hey &ill be ;no&n as men o. patience due to the peace o. mind they en-oy. +heir health &ill be allright.+hey earn respect .or their reliability.
+hose born under VFAG1A+1A @0+1FAF:GA are prone to anger. As they are short tempered their associates may not al&ays .reely communicate &ith them . +heir eyes &ill be peculiar and they are acceptable to others. +hey may seem eccentric to many.
As they are born in 1A7(1A@A @0+1FAF:GA they become leaders &heree er they are placed due to inherent leadership )ualities. +hese )ualities &ill mani.est depending on the challenges " opportunities they get. +hey stand by +ruth and .ight .or it.
As they are born in VA>7A @0+1FAF:GA they ha e analytical minds. +hey &ill be considered as trouble ma;ers right .rom childhood.+hey are good at .ault.inding &hich is good in inspection or superintending -obs. +hey should see the positi e side o. people.
As they are born in (04410 @0+1FAF:GA they are blessed by intelligence and prosperity. +hey ha e strong minds in strong bodies.+hey en-oy the -oys o. this &orld as i. they are hea enly gi.ts. +hey &ill ha e the prosperity o. children.
As they are born in VFA+10$A+1A @0+1FAF:GA they &ill ha e to .ace abundant problems and .ailures* e en .rom the start. ?ut their determination " sang.roid in the .ace o. ad ersity &ill surely bring home the bacon. +hey may become hard " cruel because o. the hard bludgeonings recei ed in early li.e.
As they are born in VA70FA@ @0+1FAF:GA they tend to .ollo& $hilosophy " 7eligion. # en their enemies are .labbergasted by their courage* sel.con.idence " pride. +heir partners &ill be proud o. them in a secret &ay &hich may not be e9pressed in public. +hey en-oy &ealth.
$A70K1A @0+1FAF:GA ma;es them .ighters. # en though this is the secret o. their success this tendency should be controlled lest it brings trouble to others. +hey ha e an innate interest in arms " ammunition related toys. +hey are small in si2e.
As they are born in (0VA @0+1FAF:GA they are cool* calm " collected. +hey earn the respect o. good people " they do not get e9cited easily. +heir &ealth is ne er e9hibited by them but seen by others. +hey are a&are o. something more po&er.ul " superior to them.
(ince they are born in (0441A @0+1FAF:GA they ha e a sincerity o. purpose and a pure heart. +hey &ill ac)uire .ame .or their good deeds. Ac)uisition o. ;no&ledge 6 scienti.ic* philosophic and literary &ill be theirs . ,ame &ill accrue to them automatically.
As they are born in (A41FA @0+1FAF:GA they ha e good ;no&ledge and and de otion to duty. +his may not be appreciated by many people. +his begets enmity. +hey lo e music " .ine arts.+hey normally get &hat they &ant in li.e.
As they are born in (A?1A @0+1FAF:GA they ha e pleasing personalities and they are respected in society. (ociety &ill say that they are luc;y and pure at heart. +hey become eligible due to their merit .or employment in go ernmental " institutional o..ices.
As they are born in (A?17A @0+1FAF:GA they ha e ;no&ledge and good &ealth ( &ealth ac)uired thorugh legal means). +hey command respect in the circle they belong to &hich gi es them strength o. mind.+hey incur the enmity o. those &ho are -ealous o. them .
As they are born in ?7A1%A @0+1FAF:GA they are naturally interested in $hilosophy and the La& 4i ine. +hey are ready .or hard by &hich alone high hea en is earned.As a result they &ill be lo ed and respected. +his @ithyayoga denotes !isdom " the li.e di ine.
+hey are li;ely to be altruists as they are born in %A1#@47A @0+1FA F:GA. +hey &ill ha e pro.essional brilliance* ;no&ledge and e9pertise. +hey are normally gentle but short tempered &hen pro o;ed. +heir body may be a..licted and they are ad ised to chec; up regularly.
VF4170+10 @0+1FA F:GA is conduci e to en-oyment o. &ater games " physical pleasures. +hey ha e the grace o. ?eauty and lo e modern outloo; and .ashion. +hey &ill ha e &ealth ac)uired through legal means. +hey ha e a totally di..erent ision .rom the normal.
Fogas are important combinations in Vedic Astrology. Fogas are .ormed by planets being angular and &ell posited. +here are B main Great Fogas called %ahapurusha Fogas* e..ectuated by %ercury* %ars* >upiter* Venus and (aturn.
+here are B main Fogas and there are other minor Fogas. 0n V A * there are C la;h Fogas.
Angular and po&er.ul >upiter ( either e9alted or in o&n house ) causes 1amsa Foga.
Angular and po&er.ul (aturn ( either e9alted or in o&n house ) causes (asa Foga.
Angular and po&er.ul %ars ( either e9alted or in o&n house ) causes 7ucha;a Foga.
Angular and po&er.ul Venus ( either e9alted or in o&n house ) causes %ala ya Foga.
Angular and po&er.ul %ercury ( either e9alted or in o&n house ) causes ?hadra Foga.
0. the planet &hich causes the Foga is debiliated in @a amsa* then that Foga gets &ea;ened. 0. the planet &hich causes the Foga is combust* or helpless in a cuspal degree* that Foga is nulli.ied. Great care must be e9ercised &hile interpreting Fogas.
!hen a debilitated planet attains cancellation o. debilitation* he becomes posit e and gi es rise to @eechabhanga 7a-a Foga. +he clauses .or @ 7 F are +he dispositor o. the debilitated planet must be angular* either to the Ascendant or to the Lunar Ascendant or the e9altation dispositor should be angular* either to the Asc or the Lunar Asc. ( +ad 7asi natha +ad api Achanatha< (a Lagna 'handresh api Kendra arthi ) +he nati e born in @ 7 F becomes attains regal status and &ill be righteous ( 7a-a ?ha eth 4harmi;a 'ha;ra arthi ).
7a-a Fogas are regal Fogas .ormed &hen some po&er.ul planets become angular. 1C types o. 7a-a Fogas are .ormed &hen >upiter* (aturn become e9alted* %oon is in o&n house and all are angular.
According to the classical te9ts the person becomes a ;ing e9tolled by the good ( Artha 4harma (u;habha; )* &ill eat pure .ood " &ill be o. righteous disposition. >upiter is the planet o. 7eligion " the person not only becomes religious but re i es true 7eligion. ( Guru 4&i-a ?ha;thiadhi +ad Foga $halam ). !ealth* righteousness* com.orts* de otion to preceptors* beauti.ul oice* .ame and liberality 6 these are some o. the characteristics o. 1amsa Foga. 1igh longe ity is also con.erred by this yoga. ( 1amsa-a (ura (uraschiran-ee i ).
+he nati e &ill be &ell li;ed by all* e)ui alent to a ;ing or a minister and is tough6 hearted. +his yoga is e9cellent .or careers in police and military. +hey &ill en-oy all the plea6 sures o. li.e. :n the negati e side this yoga indicates a oluptuary inclined to play the role o. paramour to&ards the ob-ects o. his guilty lo e. +hey may be considered ⁣ed by many . +hey &ill be .amous " &ill be the leaders o. their .amily. ,ame* &ealth and glamour automatically .lo& to them. +here &ill be lo e .or mother and motherland ( ?ha;hto >ananyam ). +hey &ill be able to ;no& the guilts o. other people.
+he person born under this yoga li es upto D0 years and en-oys all the com.orts o. li.e. ,ame and reputation are natural to a %ala yan.!ill be ery attracti e to the opposite se9. As Venus represents the libido o. the 'osmic %an* all sorts o. grati.ica6 tion &ill be en-oyed by them. +heir attracti eness* ability and personal magnetism &ill be the en y o. many. Venus is the planet o. Lo e and they &ill be ery success.ul in this .ield.
+he person born under this yoga becomes a scholar and &ith good longe ity. %ercury represents academic education and educational attainments o. no mean order &ill be be)uethed by this yoga. Learning* ;no&ledge e9cellence in all arts and sciences &ill be besto&ed. ,ame and reputation automatically de elop. $eople &ill come in search o. them .rom .oreign lands. +heir personal magnetism and charisma &ill be a source o. attraction .or people. (cienti.ic s;ill* oratorial pro&ess* artistic s;ill mar; this great Foga. ( Vagmee $adu ).
$eople born under this yoga become .amous " become good generals and military o..icers. %ilitary and police e..iciency de elops. !ealth* .ame and reputation are the hallmar;s o. this yoga. ,ame de elops to all parts o. the globe . !or;s .or the o. others. $eople come .rom .ar a&ay lands in search o. them due to their &isdom and
pragmatism. Kno&ledge " &isdom come to them automatically. #nemies get de.eated as a result.
@0$A@A F:GA
@ipuna Foga is .ormed &hen %ercury and (un are together. 1igh s;ill* intelligence and .ame are some o. the charact6 eristics o. this yoga &hich is also called ?udhaNAdithya Foga.
Angular >upiter* angular to the %oon con.ers Ga-a Kesari Foga. H (ahasra %asecha >ee itham H meaning that they &ill li e upto 1000 lunar months. %inimum longe ity D0 < 30 years. !ill ha e tremendous oratorial capacity &hich can mo e audiences as a monarch s&ays his dominions. +hey &ill be the leader o. their place* reputed and .amous. Aninterrupted in.lu9 o. income.
A410 F:GA
Adhi Foga results &hen the lunar Cth* Dth and 3th positions are occupied by ma-or planets. +he result o. this yoga is &ealth and .ame. +hey &ill be the leaders &here er they are placed. +hey &ill be abo e &ant.
V#(0 F:GA
!hen the solar 2nd is tenanted by ma-or planets* Vesi Foga results. ,ame health and &ealth &ill be con.erred by this yoga. ,inancial stability can be e9pected. +hey &ill be ;no&n as orators.
Vasi yoga results &hen the solar 12th is tenanted by ma-or planets. ,inancial stability* health and .ame are indicated. +hey &ill be ;no&n as pious people amidst their circle.
A?1AFA'1A70 F:GA
!hen the solar 12th " 2nd houses are tenanted by ma-or planets* Abhayachari results. +hey &ill be ;no&ledgeable* strong &ith handsome .eatures* &ill ha e good relati es* o. regal status* ery enthusiastic* &ith oratorial pro&ess " .amous.
*irectional .nfl!ences <othing happens by itselfA :verything happens by 8a!seA The Universal La& of 8a!se & :ffect@ the La& of (etrib!tion@ the La& of <emesis@ the La& of Action & (eaction is the grand La& of 8a!sation@ +no&n to the philosophers as the Universal La& of %armaA 9ho can transcend the Universal La& J The system in VA &hich corresponds to this Universal La& is called the *asa ystem@ &hich is made !p of planetary periods and s!bperiods and &hich e?tends to 1/7 yearsA *asa is translated as the period of directional infl!ence of the r!ling planetA .nevitable effects are to be E!dged from *asa , *asa prabhedena Vichinthayeth *ridam-A Astrology is based on this Universal La& of 8a!se and :ffect A .n his ignorance@ "an transgresses the eternal La&s of <at!re & &onders &hen her ine?orable penalties are e?actedA There is a mathematical la& behind this physical Universe@ &hich is conditioned in pace@ Time & 8a!salityA All events are connected by Time@ all places are connected by pace & all effects are connected by 8a!se in the pace-Time-8a!sality e;!ationA Planets have got d!alistic role and al&ays the negative aspect of the r!ling planet m!st be ta+en into consideration & divine remedial meas!res m!st be resorted to overcome the min!s points of the *asa r!lerA Philosophically *asa represents the Prarabda %arma ,the inevitable p!nishment imparted by <at!re for a deed done &ith malice aforetho!ght - of the native and the inel!ctable effects heGshe has to !ndergo d!ring the planetDs reignA There are many *asa systems@ the prominent among them being Vimshottari *asa ystemA Vimshottari means 1/7 and this is a 1/7 year cycleA :very planet is given a period in se;!ential order of stars in the idereal ZodiacA )or instance@ o!th <ode , %et! - is assigned a period of 4 years & the o!th <ode r!les the first constellation #eta Arietis ,As&ini -A The r!ler of the ne?t constellation of 11 Arietis , #harani -@ Ven!s@ gets /7 yearsA !n gets 3 years@ "oon 17@ "ars 4@ <orth <ode , (ah! - 15@ $!piter 13@ at!rn 16 & "erc!ry 14A This 1/7 year system is the most &idely !sedA There are other systems li+e the
%ala 8ha+ra *asa ystem@ based on the &hich are also !sedA
igns of the
idereal Zodiac@
There is a r!le that if the "oonDs <avamsa dispositor is strong@ the %ala 8ha+ra *asa sho!ld be !sedA , %ala 8ha+ra *asagneyam 8handramsheshe #alanvithe -A .f not@ the 1/7 year cycle or Vimshotthari can be be !sedA There are many astrologers &ho base their predictions on other systems of predictionsA There are act!ally 0 maEor systems of prediction in V AA 1- The Vimshottari or Ud! *asa /- The Transit of 'ochara 0- The Ashta+avarga ystem of 1/7 yearsA
The Transit infl!ences are al&ays s!bordinate to the *irectional infl!encesA This is e?emplified by the statement = *asa Prabhedena Vichinthayeth *ridam = , *asa deals &ith inel!ctable effects -A Transit infl!ences are ca!sed by non-Prarabdha %arma , *ridadridam cha Ashta+avarga 'ocharai -A The acc!m!lated %arma of the individ!al is called anchitha %armaA The %arma &hich is abo!t to come is called Agami and the %arma for &hich inevitable p!nishment is necessary is called Prarabda %armaA .t is this Prarabda %arma@ &hich needs inel!ctable p!nishment@ &hich is represented by *asa or the Planetary Period of *irectional .nfl!enceA .n order to +no& &hether a *asa is beneficial or not@ one sho!ld st!dy the strength of the *asa r!lerA .f the *asa r!ler is a f!nctional benefic , o&ner of a trine or angle - in the chart & if he be &ell posited@ one can s!rmise that the directional infl!ences &ill be beneficA .f on the other hand@ the *asa r!ler is a f!nctional malefic and badly positioned in the natal chart@ the directional infl!ences can be very adverse indeedA Aspects from other planets sho!ld also be consideredA Planets in c!spal degree are devoid of strengthA o are comb!st planets and planets &ea+ in the <avamsa chartA .t is al&ays better to +no& the strength of the planet via had #ala , the si?fold so!rce of planetary strength - and apply the principle = #alavan .shtam %!r!the@ #alaheeeno Viparya =A , a po&erf!l planet &ill do only good and &ea+ planet &ill do harm -A The balance *asa at the time of birth is ascertained by observing the longit!de of the "oon and the distance traversed by the "oon in that partic!lar constellationA .f the "oon has traversed@ say 42L@ the balance /2L &ill be the dasa balance at birthA A constellation is 577 min!tes or 10 degrees /7 min!tes of arcA )or e?ample@ if the tar is P!shya r!led by at!rn and if the "oon has traversed 377 min!tes of arc in the 577 min!tes of P!shya@ the balance *asa can be calc!lated by the form!la #alance *asa at birth M 16 years of at!rn *asa N ,577-377-G577
Vimshottari *asa in <atal Astrology Planet !n "oon "ars <orth <ode , (ah! $!piter at!rn "erc!ry o!th <ode , %et! Ven!s 3 17 4 15 13 16 14 4 /7 Hears
Trisph!ta *asa in Horary Astrology As important as Vimshottari is to <atal Astrology@ so is Trisph!ta *asa to Horary AstrologyA The Ascendant r!les Life@ the "oon the #ody & '!li+a @ the satellite of at!rn@ *eathA The s!m of these 0 longit!des is called the Tri!ne Longit!de or Trisph!taA ince Horary Astrology deals only the the c!rrent effects for one year@ the span of Trisph!ta *asa is one HearA .n Horary Astrology@ the n!mbers assigned to the planets in terms of years is m!ltiplied by 0 to get days r!led by the planetA o !n gets 15 days@ Ven!s 37 days@ "oon 07 days@ "ars /1 days@ (ah! 21 days@ $!piter 15 days @ at!rn 24 days@ "erc!ry 21 days@ %et! /1 days etcA Here@ instead of the longit!de of the "oon@ the longit!de of Trisph!ta , Tri!ne Longit!de - sho!ld be ta+en into considerationA #alance *asa at #irth M 24 days of Planet !n "oon "ars <orth <ode , (ah! $!piter at!rn "erc!ry o!th <ode , %et! Ven!s 15 07 /1 21 15 24 21 /1 37 *ays at!rn *asa N ,577-377-G577
.n a pragmatic or a b!siness &orld@ people are more bothered abo!t material benefits than elfOAct!alistionA <o one can be blamed for this beca!se b!siness or ma+ing money is a ocial ec!rity <eed , as per Abraham "aslo&Ds <eed Hierarchy cale -A Higher than the social sec!rity need is the elf Act!alisation needA #!t most of the people are on the ocial ec!rity need level and !se all their energies to s!rvive econmically in a competitive &orldA Zodiac Advanced Astrology@ being pragmatic@ have come o!t &ith the concept of the 9ealth Ascendant or *hana LagnaA &ifferent 'ay (um$ers have $een assigned to the %even 'evolving Heavens. !n M 07 "ars M 3 $!piter M 17 "oon M 13 "erc!ry M 5 Ven!s M 1/ & hey are
at!rn M 1
9ealth Ascendant or *hana Lagna can be calc!lated by the form!la *hana <!mber M "od!l!s of ,,(ay <o of the 6th lord from "oon P (ay <o of the 6th lord from Ascendant -G1/* L , *hana Lagna - 9ealth Ascendant - M "oon ign P *hana <!mber
The Ho!ses of 9ealth are /@6@A17 & 11A The econd Ho!se r!les 9ealth@ the 11th 'ains@ the <inth )ort!ne and the 2th , called La+shmi thana - is important as it is the <inth from the <inthA .f the lords of these ho!ses combine by association , they sho!ld be &ithin 1/ degress -@ aspect or m!t!al interchange@ it can ma+e the native a millionaireA .f the * L is devoid of malefics@ it &ill ma+e the native a millionaireA , hobhana %hage La+shadhipam %!rvathe -A .f a malefic tenant * L@ it &ill ma+e the native a la+hierA .f the malefic be e?alted@ a millionaire is bornA , %halagage Th!ngepi %odees&aram -A Vipareetha (aEa Hogas can also create millionairesA .n the horoscope of ( *almia of *almia 8ements@ the 5th lord $!piter in the 1/th@ &ell posited in Aries and Ven!s in the 11th@ e?alted generated a formidable yoga for &ealthA .n the horoscope of * Ambani@ $!piter &as in the 17th@ at!rn in the /nd@ the Ho!se of 9ealth and Ven!s in the 1/th , another *hana Hoga -A Henry )ord had $!piter@ Ven!s and at!rn in the 11th@ the Ho!se of 'ainsA He benefited immensely from the *asas of $!piter Ven!s and at!rnA 9ealth Percentage .n order to calc!late the 9ealth Percentage@ ascertain the had #alas of the fo!r lords , lords of /@ 6@ 2 & 11 - and divide it by 1A Then m!ltiply the res!lt &ith 177 and divide it by 377A 9ealth Percentage M , had #alas of the )o!r Lords G 1 - N177G377
.f the 9ealth Percentage is &ell above 27L@ the native has potentialA .f above 42L @ &ell the chances are e?cellentA Another 9ealth Hoga is <eechabhanga (aEa HogaA >ne of the best e?amples of < ( H is the horoscope of Hyder Ali@ the father of Tipp! !ltanA Libra rising@ &ith "oon debilitated in corpio b!t &ith po&erf!l "ars , &ho cancels the debilitation -A )rom obsc!rity Hyder Ali rose to the level of an emperorA He became one of the greatest con;!erors of all time@ in fact greater than <apolean C Here is an e?ample of * L based horoscope Asc - 8ancerI %et! in the 0rdI "ars in the 1thI"erc!ry@$!piter@ !n in the 3thIVen!s in the 4thI"oon in the 5thI(ah! in the 17th and at!rn in the 1/thA * L is 'eminiA Here the 6th lord is $!piter 6th lord from L!na is "erc!ry
There is no malefic planet in * LA <or any malefic aspectA <o benefic planet either in * LA #!t a benefic is aspecting * LA The native became a m!ltimillionaireA>ne sho!ld be very
caref!l &hile assessing &ealthA
.f the /nd Ho!se be e?alted@ the native rises highA The same is tr!eif the 11th Ho!se is e?altedA An e?alted <inth Ho!se & an e?alted 2thHo!se also can confer fort!neA >ne sho!ld also be caref!l &hile predicting these lords of / @2@6 & 11 sho!ld not combine &ith 3@5@1/ lords and sho!ld not be aspected by them eitherA "ore ;!ality information abo!t Vedic Astrology & an Astrological Analysis can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGvedichoroscopeAhtm Astrology & >cc!lt Vibratory 8hemistry , Tantra Here &e give the correspondence bet&een gemstones@ elements@ planets@ colors & 8ha+rasA 8olor (ed >range Light #l!e Ultra-Violet 'reen .ndigo .nfra-red Violet Hello& Planet !n "oon $!piter (ah! "erc!ry Ven!s %et! at!rn "ars 'emstone (!by Pearl Hello& apphire Hessonite :merald *iamond 8atDs :ye #l!e 8oral apphire :lement )ire 9ater :ther Air :arth 9ater )ire Air )ire 8ha+ra "anip!ra &adhistana Vish!ddhi Anahata ahasrara AEna "!ladhara Anahata "!ladhara
"ore ;!ality information abo!t Tantra & Hantras can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGyantraAhtm Astrology & the )o!rfold Hoga , The cience of 8osmic Union -
Hoga means e;!animity of mindA The &orld and all its problems can be overcome if &e are e;!animo!s@ loving & &iseA The &orld is overcome @ aye even here #y s!ch as fi? their faith on Unity The sinless #rahma d&ells in Unity And they in #rahma C , ir :d&in Arnold - The ong 8elestial -
"ore information abo!t Transcendental Philosophy & Hoga can be had from httpBGG&&&AeastrovedicaAcomGhtmlGyogaAhtm Astrology and the cience of <!mbers , <!merology -
<!merology can chec+ yo!r name and s!ggest name changes@ if yo!r <ame <!mber & #irth <!mber are not compatibleA
"ore info abo!t Astro-<!merology and a free Astro<!merological (eport can be had from httpBGG&&&AastrologiavedicaAcomGhtmlGn!merologyAhtm ri Hantra Hantras are masterplans of "anifestation &herein *eity is &orshipped thro!gh geometrical patternsA >f all Hantras@ ree Hantra is %ingA Amongst all occ!lt +no&ledge@ ree Vidya or the +no&ledge of ree Hantra is foremost , Adhyatma Vidya Vidyanam ree Vidya -A
Vedic Astrology 3esson &6 ;ancellational "actors of !a'or Eogas % Ca'a Eoga 2hanga Astrology is a dee( and com(licated science There may be good yogas in the horosco(e but because of some negati$e cancellational factors, these yogas may not fructify There are many a com(laint that the - Eogas in my horosco(e are not e/(eriential- This is because of some 2hanga ) cancellational factors * hidden in the natal chart Cegal Eogas are called Ca'a Eogas They are formed by the con'uction of trinal and angular lords There are lakhs of Ca'a Eogas which are described in astro% logical te/ts 3et us analyse the negati$e factors which can cancel Ca'a Eogas 1* >ebilitated #lanets 5* >efeated #lanets ) defeated in (lanetary war * &* #lanets in inimical houses G* #lanets in 2ha$a Sandhis 9* Cetrograde #lanets 6* ;ombust #lanets 4* #lanets associated with the Horth Hode 8* Vibala #lanets ) (lanets de$oid of strength * :* 3ords of 6, 8 + : houses 10* 3ords of Angular ,ouses All these cause Ca'a Eoga 2hanga 1* >ebilitated #lanets #lanets in their debilitation signs are considered to be weak ,owe$er, the scholar should check for Heechabhanga Eogas, which offset debilitation "or instance, if the dis(ositor or the e/altation dis(ositor is angular, either from the !oon or the Ascendant, cancellation of >ebilitation or Heecha 2hanga occurs Heecha 2hanga is considered to be a Ca'a Eoga ) Ca'a 2ha$eth >harmika ;hakra$arthi * 5* >efeated #lanets #lanets defeated in the #lanetary war #lanetary war occurs when two (lanets are in con'unction within one degree The $ictor is the (lanet whose longitude is less The defeated one is the (lanet whose longitude is more &* #lanets in Inimical ,ouses The (lanets in inimical houses are considered weak >uring the directional influence of these (lanets, the nati$e suffers, unless there are cancellational factors like the
dis(ositor (osited strong G* #lanets in 2ha$a Sandhis or Casi Sandhis #lanets at the ;us( between 5 houses is considered weak So also (lanets at the ;us( between two 1odiacal Signs 9* Cetrograde #lanets If malefics retrograde, they will cause unnecessary wanderings and 'ourneys ) #a(a Vyasanatha #umsam @ur$anthi ;ha Vridhadanam * Saturn + !ars retrograde cause unnecessary suffering and sorrow 6* ;ombust #lanets #lanets when they become (ro/imate to the Sun, become combust ;ombust (lanets are weak "or e/am(le, !ercury within 8 degrees of the Sun is $ery combust 4* #lanets associated with the Horth Hode #lanets in con'uction with the Horth Hode, Cahu, is considered weak ;on'uction means the (lanet should be within 15 degrees of the other (lanet 8* Vibala #lanets ) (lanets de$oid of strength * In the Si/fold Source of #lanetary Strength, if a (lanet gets Shastiamsas less than the sti(ulated minimum, he is Vibala or de$oid of strength !inimum (oints for #lanets Sun !oon !ars !erc Ju( Ven Sat &:0 &60 &00 G50 &:0 &&0 &00
A (lanet who gets lesser number of Shastiamsas than the sti(ulated minimum is considered to be Weak without any cancellation :* 3ords of 6, 8 + 15 houses The lords of 6, 8 + 15 are malefics by ownershi( The 6th lord brings diseases + (roblems from enemies, the 8th lord brings health haKards and the 15th lord brings uncontrollable e/(enditure 10* 3ords of Angular ,ouses Hatural benefics like Venus and Ju(iter, when afflicted by Angular ownershi(, become malefics
The astrologer while assessing Ca'a Eogas should assess all these factors while (rognosticating results The cancellational factors which we ha$e highlighted can mar Eogas The statment - The (otential of my horosco(e has not been actualised - has many hidden causes and they may be one of the ten cited abo$e When (ositi$e and negati$e influences commingle, (rognostication becomes difficult !a/imum care must be e/ercised while dealing with Ca'a Eogas
Vedic Lesson =D
A Foga means a combination or con-unction o. planets. !hile $ositi e Fogas impart strength to the horoscope* @egati e Fogas mar and destroy all the posti e results be)uethed by the positi e combinations. $rognostication is di..icult normally* as all horoscopes are a mi9ture o. positi e and negati e indications and in.luences and it is di..icult to arri e at a resultant conclusion.
As Vedic Astrology is a re ealed (cience* re ealed to the (eers in Fogic .lashes o. heightened 'onsciousness* the remedies prescribed are e..ecti e and can &ard o.. negati e in.luences and ma;e man actualise his potential* both material and spiritual* &hich are the ob erse and the re erse o. the same coin o. Li.e K
Ama asi Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen the %oon is pro9imate to the (un. All planets &hen they near the (un* lose their irility and become combust. +he con-unction o. Luna and (ol is ;no&n as Ama asi or @e& %oon. ( 0ts opposite phenomenon is the Luni6(olar opposition* $ournami or ,ull %oon ). +he nati e born under Ama asi Foga becomes &ea; mentally* as mental strength can only be besto&ed by a po&er.ul ( po&er.ul in digit strength ) %oon K 0. %oon comes &ithin D2 degrees o. the (un* she is said to be de oid o. digit strength. All the signi.ications associated &ith the %oon as %oon comes &ithin D2 degrees o. the (un. +he %oon signi.ies %other " %ind ( %ano %atharo (heetharashmi ). 0. the %oon is a..licted* there is danger to the nati e8s mother as &ell. ( :. course* the 4 1 also should be ta;en into consideration ). An a..licted %oon can also mean that the nati e &ill not rise high in the political sphere* as %oon is the Lueen in the 'elestial Go ernment ( 7a-anou 7a i (heethagu ) K Ama asi means that the %oon is a..licted by the (un* &ho is considered as a natural male.ic in VA. %ind &ill go through depressi e ?lac; 1oles .or the nati e. 7emedial Astrology has it that such nati es should .ast on %ondays ( %onday being 4ies Luna or 4ay o. %oon ) " consecrate to the 4i ine %other on %ondays ( +he 4i ine %other being the 4eity o. the %oon )* &ear %oonstone or 'oral* &ear the (oma +alisman " per.orm (oma 1oma ( (oma being the name o. Luna )* &ith the (oma %antra K
@is a Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen the 2 L ( 2nd lord ) is in the ad erse C*3*12 houses. ( a means !ealth and @is a means one de oid o. &ealth* as 2 1 is the 1ouse o. !ealth K. +his is a problematic Foga* as !ealth is something highly .ancied by this &orld K ( +his &orld is a Vanity ,air ). 7emedies are propitiating the 2 L ((econd Lord) &ith his %antra* Fantra " 1oma* .asting on his 4ay ( (unday 6 (unI%onday 6 %oonI G +uesday 6 %arsI !ednesday 6 %ercuryI +hursday 6 >o eI ,riday 6 Venus " (aturday 6 (aturn ).
@irbhaya Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen the E L is in the ad erse C*3*12 houses. +his is another problematic Foga as E 1 rules ,ortune. Luc; or ,ortune is said to be the greatest )uality ( ?hagyan itha (ar a Gunair Apetha ) and lac; o. it can lead to a chaotic li.e. 7emedies .or this are propitiation o. the E L
on his 4ay &ith his %antra* Fantra " 1oma* .asting on his 4ay and consecrating to the Lord on his 4ay. ?hagya (oo;tha %antra can be used to counteract this male.ic Foga.
4aridra Foga 6 !hen the 11 L is in the ad erse C* 3* 12 houses* this Foga mani.ests. +he 11 1 is said to be the 1ouse o. Gains and 1ouse .or the .ul.illment o. all desires. ( Abheeshta Labham Khalu (ar amethath ). 7emedies .or this are propitiation o. the 11 L on his 4ay &ith his %antra* Fantra " 1oma* .asting on his 4ay and consecrating to the 4i ine on his 4ay. La;shmi %antra can be used to counteract this Foga.
4ur Foga 6 !hen the 10 L is in the ad erse C* 3* 12 houses* this Foga mani.ests. +he 10 1 is the most important 1ouse as it rules $ro.ession. +his destructi e Foga can be a .ormidable bloc; as the nati e ∨s hard and .inds no result K 7emedies .or this are propitiation o. the 10 L on his 4ay &ith his %antra* Fantra " 1oma* .asting on his 4ay and consecrating to the 4i ine on his 4ay.
(a;ata Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen >upiter and %oon are in C<3 or 2<12 .rom each other. (a;ata means a &heel in (ans;rit and the nati e8s .ortunes &ill .luctuate li;e a &heel. 1e &ill be led through dire icissitudes. >upiter angular to the %oon is Kesari Foga* a yoga &hich is diametrically opposite to this Foga. (a;ata Foga can create .inancial stringency. 7emedies .or this are propitiation o. >upiter on his 4ay &ith his %antra* Fantra " 1oma " .asting on his 4ay. (ree (oo;tha %antra can be used to counteract this Foga. 'ancellational .actor is an angular >upiter* angular to the Asc and i. so* the nati e becomes a regal person K
Kalasarpa Foga 6 !hen all planets are hemmed in bet&een the @orth @ode " (outh @ode* this Foga mani.ests. +ill =4* the nati e struggles hard in li.e and in Li.e there &ill be occasional dips. # en though some scholars opine that K F is alid only in %undane Astrology* this Foga is .ound to be destructi e in @atal Astrology as &ell. 7emedies include per.orming a Kalasarpa 1oma and &earing the Kalasarpa +alisman and chanting the mantras o. both 7ahu " Ketu
Asura Foga 6 !hen bene.ics occupy the 3 1* this Foga mani.ests. Asu means the sensory organs and one born in A F &ill ha e su..icient sensory en-oyments. ,ate has gi en the nati e all the resources to en-oy li.e .ully. ,or a hedonist* this Foga is 1ea en but .or a spiritual aspirant* this Foga is a big bloc; as it can hinder his spiritual progress* his goal being (el. Actualisation K :nly .rom a spiritual perspecti e ha e &e included this Foga as a @egati e Foga.
Kemadruma Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen the (igns on either sides o. Luna are unoccupied. +he person born under this Foga is dirty* sorro&.ul* lo&6minded and de oid o. &ealth ( Kemadrume %alina 4u;hitha @eecha @is a ). +ripura %antra can be used to counteract this Foga. (oma 1oma " Fantra can be use.ul in nulli.ying this Foga.
$apa Karthari Foga 6 +his Foga mani.ests &hen a house or a planet is hemmed in bet&een 2 male.ics. 0. the Ascendant ( $ersonality* ,ame ) is hemmed in bet&een male.ics * in a $ K F* there may be e en suicidal tendencies. (ame is the case i. the %oon is in $ K F. 0. (un is in $ K F* .ather8s health physical " mental becomes a problem. 0. %oon is so positioned* mother8s. 0. a 1ouse or ?ha a is in $KF* then the signi.ications o. that 1ouse or ?ha a 0. the 2 1 is in $ K F* then the nati e &ill ha e dire icissitudes. 0. the Asc is in $KF* then the nati e8s health becomes a problem. 7emedial Astrology has it that the a..licted planet or house lord should be propitiated &ith the respecti e ( the planet8s or the 1ouse lord8s ) %antra* Fantra " 1oma.
%ale.ics in 1ouses %ale.ics itiate the 1ouse they tenant. @atural bene.ics are >upiter* Venus* %oon " %ercury. %oon &aning is male.ic and so is a male.ic associated %ercury. >upiter " Venus become male.ics &hen a..licted by angular o&nership ( Kendradhipatya 4osha ).
0. the Ascendant is itiated by a male.ic* the nati e su..ers .rom the hallucination o. ( Lagne $apagathe $ara-aya ?haya (iroru-a ). +here may be a..liction to the head. 0. 2 1* &ealth &ill be a..licted. 0. = 1* younger coborns become inimical. 0. 4 1* mother and con eyances. 0. B 1* children. 0. C 1* enemies attac; the nati e. 0. D 1* li.e partner creates problems. 0. 3 1* hindrances and obstacles on the &ay. 0. E 1* Luc; &ill be .ound &anting. 0. 10 1* problems in the pro.essional sphere. 0. 11 1* gains &ill be di..icult to come by. 0. 12 1* hidden enemies attac; the nati e. +here may be e en incarceration. 7emedial Astrology has it that the a..licted house lord should be propitiated &ith the respecti e %antra* Fantra " 1oma.
!hile e aluating the Fogas* one should chec; &hether cancellational .actors are there or not. 'ancellation o. Kemadruma Foga goes under the name Kemadruma ?hanga Foga and a person born under this Foga becomes a royal personage * li;e one born in @eecha ?hanga 7a-a Foga ( Kemadrume ?ha athi %angala (uprasiddhi ). A po&er.ul >upiterian aspect can also destroy negati ity. >upiter in the Ascendant or an angular >upiter can also remo e a lot o. negati ity. Great care must be ta;en be.ore predicting the e..ects o. negati e yogas* as cancellation o. a @egati e Foga becomes a $ositi e Foga K
1) $ositional (trength 6 (thana ?ala 2) 4irectional (trength 6 4i;bala =) +emporal (trength 6 Kalabala 4) %otional (trength 6 'heshtabala B) @atural (trength 6 @aisargi;abala C) Aspectual (trength 6 4ri; ?ala +he calculation o. each o. these in ol es a .airly good ;no&ledge o. astro6mathematical principles. Application o. the (i9.old (trength or (had ?ala +he aphorism H A strong planet &ill do goodI a &ea; planet only harm H rules Astrology. 0t is common sense that &ea; planet &ea;ens the houses he o&ns " the signi.ications &hich he signi.ies. A planet8s strength and &ea;ness is measured numerically by the (hadbala %ethod. 0n short* (had ?ala method is the base o. Vedic Astrology* as astrologers chec; the strength and &ea;ness o. a planet ia the (i9.old %ethod. 1) $ositional (trength ( (thana ?ala ) A planet may be placed in inimical* neutral or .riendly houses. 0t may be e9alted or debilitated. 0. he be in an inimical house* he is considered &ea; and he is po&er.ul i. in a .riendly house. +his potency is ;no&n as $ositional (trength or (thana ?ala. $ositional (trength consists o. B ma-or .actors 1) #9altation (trength ( :ocha ?ala ) 2) (trength in the (e en.old 4i ision ( (apta arga-a ?ala ) =) (trength ac)uired in :dd " # en (igns ( :-ayugmarasyamsa ?ala ) 4) Angular (trength ( Kendra ?ala ) B) 4ecanate (trength ( 4re;;ana ?ala ) +he strengths o. planets are measured in 7upas. A 7upa consists o. C0 (hashtiamsas. 1) #9altation (trength 6 :cchabala :cchabala is the #9altation strength. ,or instance*the largest planet >upiter is deeply e9alted at B degrees 'ancer. At B degrees 'ancer* >upiter attains a .ull strength o. C0 (hashtiamsas or a 7upa. All planets ha e certain #9altation points ( :ochabhagas ) " 4ebilitation $oints ( @eechabhagas ). !hen a planet occupies its :ochabhaga* it gets :ne rupa or C0 (hashtiamsas o. :ochabala. :n the contrary* &hen it occupies its 4ebilitation $oint( @eechabhaga )* there is /ero :ochabala. +here is a gradual increase o. #9altation (trength .rom the 4ebilitation $oint ( @eechabhaga) to the #9altation $oint ( Acchabhaga ) * until at last the ?ala reaches its ma9imum at the :ochabhaga. 'on ersely* there is a gradual decrease o. :ochabala .rom the #9altation $oint to the 4ebilitation $oint till the minimum is reached at the 4ebilitation $oint ( @eechabhaga ) . 4educt the 4ebilitation $oint .rom a planet8s longitude and you get the :occhabala. 0. it is in e9cess o. 130 degrees* deduct it .rom =C0 degrees " di ide the di..erence by =. +his &ill gi e the :occhabala o. the planet. This is the formula for Occhabala :ochabala 5 ($lanet8s Longitude 6 0ts 4ebilitation $oint) O C0<130 = ( Planet's Longitude - Its Debilitation Point ) / 3 7elations bet&een $lanets $lanets are related to the 1ouses &hich they o&n and &hich they tenant. +hey are also related to the 1C types o. di isions* (had Varga ( ;no&n as 4i isional 'harts ). Amongst the planetary members* certain planets are .riends* enemies or neutrals. +here are t&o types o. relationships bet&een them. +hey are natural relationships " temporary relationships. @atural 7elationships $lanet ,riends @eutrals #nemies (un %oon* %ars* >upiter %ercury Venus* (aturn %oon (un* %ercury %ars* >upiter @one Venus* (aturn %ars (un* %oon* >upiter Venus* (aturn %ercury %ercury (un* Venus %ars* >upiter*(aturn %oon >upiter (un* %oon* %ars (aturn %ercury* Venus
Venus %ercury* (aturn %ars* >upiter (un* %oon (aturn %ecury* Venus >upiter (un* %oon* %ars +emporary 7elationships +he planet in the 2nd* =rd* 4th* 10th* 11th and 12th houses .rom any other planet becomes his temporary .riend. +hose in the rest o. the houses are temporary enemies. 'ombined or %i9ed 7elations !hen a temporary .riend becomes a natural .riend* they both become intimate .riends. A neutral is the combination o. a natural .riend " a temporary enemy and ice ersa.nA bitter enemy is he &ho is a temporary enemy plus a natural enemy. !hen &e .use these principles* &e get the .ollo&ing e)uations. 1) +emporary ,riend M @atural ,riend 5 0ntimate .riend 2) +emporary ,riend M @atural #nemy 5 @eutral =) +emporary ,riend M @atural @eutral 5 ,riend 4) +emporary #nemy M @atural #nemy 5 ?itter #nemy B) +emporary #nemy M @atural ,riend 5 @eutral 1) +emporary #nemy M @atural @eutral 5 #nemy +hus* .rom the abo e e)uations* &e can e aluate a planet8s relations. 2) (apta arga-a ?ala +his is the calculation o. a planet8s stregth in the (e en.old 4i ision ( (apta Varga ). A planet may occupy an inimical Varga ( di ision ) or a .riendly arga ( %itra Varga ) or a neutral arga ( (ama arga ). $lanet in %oolatri;ona ( #)ual to #9altation ) 5 4B (hashtiamsas (&a arga ( :&n Varga ) 5 =0 (hashtiamsas Adhi %itra Varga ( ?osom ,riend8s ) 5 22.B H %itra arga ( ,riends ) 5 1B H (ama arga ( @eutral ) 5 D.B H (hatru arga ( 0nimical ) 5 =.DB H Adhi (atru arga ( ?itter inimical ) 5 1.3DB H +a;e a planet " e9amine its relationship &ith the Lords o. the (e en.old 4i ision ( (apta argas ) 0. in 7asi * i. it occupies a (&a arga ( o&n Varga )* assign a alue o. =0 (hashtiamsasI simi6 larly .or all other Vargas* assign alues based on the relationship &hich the planet bears to the di isional lords and you &ill get the (apta arga-a ?ala or the planet8s strength in the (e en.old 4i ision.
Astrology, cognised by the Seers in altered states of ;onsciousness, became a boon to humanity with the result its belie$ers number more than 1 billion 3ike a 3am( >i$ine which shineth in the darkness illuminating all effects + all causes, Astrology remains as one of the noblest (rofessions + one of the greatest sciences which the human intellect has built u( = Celated to Astronomy + !athematics, !athematical Astrology is as im(ortant as #redicti$e Astrology, as without its mathematical base, (rognostication is not 'ust (ossible Strength based on E$en + Add Signs ) A'ayugmarasyamsa 2ala * Strength ac.uired by the tenancy of E$en + Add 1odiacal Signs in both Casi ) >1 * + Amsa ) >: * is called as A'ayugmarasyamsa 2ala ;ertain (lanets ac.uire strength in Add Signs while others gets strengthened in E$en Signs ;ertain mathematical $alues are assigned to (lanets who become (owerful in Add or E$en Signs
The $alues gi$en are in 1I60 Bnits called Shashtiamsas 3una ) !oon * + >ione ) Venus * in e$en Signs in both >1 ) Casi * or >: ) Amsa * attain a strength of 19 Shashtiamsas An the contrary, in odd Signs Sol ) Sun* , the "iery #lanet ) !ars* , Jo$e ) Ju(iter * , Woten ) !ercury* + ;hronos ) Saturn * get a strength of a similar $alue ) in both Casi + Amsa * The !oon in an E$en Casi + an E$en Ha$amsa ac.uires a strength of 19 S 19 8 &0 Shashtiamsas ,ence we call this as A'ayugmarasyamsa 2ala Fuadrants or Angles ) @endras * 1,G,4 + 10 ,ouses are called angles as they form a Cectangle Angular lords means the lords of these houses Angular Ju(iter means Jo$e in these houses A(inions differ as to what Angles are Some scholars take this as 1,G,4 + 10 Casis while others take them to be the 1,G,4 + 10 ,ouses or 2ha$as ) Some follow the Casi Theory + others the 2ha$a Theory * #arasara follows the Casi Theory while 2alabhadra, the author of ,orarathna ) The Jewel of Time * fa$ours the 2ha$a Theory We here intend to follow the #arasarian $iew @endras #ana(aras A(oklimas 1,G,4 + 10 Signs 5nd, 9th, 8th + 11th Signs &, 6,: + 15th Signs
#ana(aras These are the signs ne/t to Angles They are the 5nd, 9th, 8th + 11th A(oklimas These are the ne/t signs to #ana(aras They are the &, 6,: and 15th Angular Strength ) @endra 2ala * Angular Strength is the strength ac.uired by (lanets in an angle which is 60 ShashtiamsasN whereas they get &0 in a #ana(ara + 19 in an A(oklima This must be considered only in the >1 or the Casi ;hart >ecanate Strength #lanets are di$ided into !asculine, "eminine + ,erma(hrodite ones !asculine #lanets ,erma(hrodite #lanets "emale #lanets Sun, Ju(iter + !ars Saturn + !ercury !oon + Venus
A male (lanet in the first >rekkana 8 19 Shashtiamsas A ,erma(hrodite (lanet in the middle >rekkana 8 19 Shashtiamsas + a "eminine (lanet in the last >rekkana 8 19 Shashtiamsas Total #ositional Strength ) Sthana 2ala * The sum of all the fi$e subdi$isions worked abo$e added together will gi$e the Total #ositional Strength of (lanets
#ositional Strength 8 E/altation Strength S Se$enfold >i$ision Strength S Add + E$en Strength S Angular Strength S >ecanate Strength In Sanskrit Sthana 2ala 8 Aocha 2ala S Sa(ta$arga'a 2ala S A'ayugmarasyamsa 2ala S @endra 2ala S >rekkana 2ala >irectional Strength ) >ig 2ala * #lanets in certain directions become (owerful and this is called >ig 2ala or >irectional strength >ik or >irection Ascendant >escendant 1enith Hadir "irst ,ouse Se$enth ,ouse Tenth ,ouse "ourth ,ouse East West South Horth
#lanets + >irection ) >ik * Humerical $alues are assigned to (lanets in certain directions "or instance Ju(iter + !ercury become (owerful when they are in the Ascendant ) East * Sun + !ars are (owerful on the B((er !eridien or 1enith ) Tenth * Saturn is (owerful in the West ) Se$enth * + !oon + Venus become (otent on the Hadir ) "ourth * They will ha$e com(lete >irectional strength or >igbala ) 60 Shashtiamsas * in these directions >irectional Arc % ) >igbala Arc * An the contrary, there are certain (owerless (oints which when tenanted by (lanets are 1ero >irectional strength or >igbala Sun gets full >irectional Strength of 60 Shashtiamsas when in the South or Tenth 2ut his >igbala is 1ero when he is 180 degrees away from that (oint, $iK Horth In other words the Arc of the Ecli(tic between the longitude of a (lanet and its (owerless (oint, is known as the >igbala Arc So there are (owerful + (owerless (oints for a (lanet on the 1odiac + when a (lanet a((roaches its (owerful (oint, it gains >igbala + when it reaches the (owerless (oint it gradually loses >igbala According to #arasara, the father of Vedic #redicti$e Astrology, the longitude of the Gth house is to be deducted from the longitudes of the Sun + !ars The longitude of the 4th ,ouse is to be subtracted from Ju(iter<s + !ercury<s longitudes The 10th ,ouse longitude is to be subtracted from the longitudes of Venus + !oon + Ascendant<s from Saturn<s If the difference e/ceeds 180 degrees, subtract it from &60 degrees The result is >irectional Arc ) >igbala Arc * >irectional Arc ) >igbala Arc * 8 #lanet<s longitude % its #owerless ;ardinal #oint If difference is more than 180 degrees subtract it from &60 degrees So we find that !athematical Astrology is not as easy as #redicti$e Astrology, as many su((ose =
He e?po!nded the principles of 8elestial "echanics long before the great Laplace propo!nded them in his Mechani+ue ,elesteA He post!lated that
planetary longit!des can be fo!nd by the Threefold Trignometric "ethod of Manda -riya , (ed!ction to Tr!e Anomaly -@ #arinathi -riya , (ed!ction to :cliptic - & %heeghra
-riya , (ed!ction to Perihelion- C He &as the most brilliant amongst the <ine 'ems , <ine .ntellect!als-@ &ho adorned the co!rt of %ing Vi+ramadityaA He had ac;!ired immense spirit!al po&ers d!e to Transcendental "editationA He post!lated the Helio-centric Theory of 'ravitation@ that all planets revolve aro!nd the !n d!e to 8elestial 'ravityA , %oorya *agathah ,hakshu . "uruth/akarshan -A He post!lated that the planets traverse in elliptical orbits aro!nd the !n@ that planets move faster at %heeghrocha , Perihelion - the point in orbit nearest to the !n - & slo&er at Mandhocha - , Aphelion - the point in orbit farthest from the !n-@ that in order to get the tr!e longit!des of planets@ one has to give *ya %amskaras , trignometric corrections to red!ce them from 8irc!lar to :lliptical@ from "ean to Tr!e -@ long before the great $ohannes %epler discovered them in the 9estern 9orld C The <inefold Temporal trength , -ala Bala -ala means Time and -ala Bala means Temporal trength or strength of timeA This strength is calc!lated by considering the year@ month@ &ee+day@ time etc of birthA The vario!s strengths of planetary vibrations d!e to seasonal infl!ences are ta+en into consideration and it consists of <ine Types of trengths 1- *i!rnal & <oct!rnal trength , &ivaratri Bala /- )ortnight trength , #aksha Bala 0- 37 degrees trength , hri$haga Bala 1- Hear trength , A$da Bala 2- "onth trength , Masa Bala 3- *ay trength , 0ara Bala 4- Ho!r trength , Hora Bala 5- olstice trength , Ayana Bala 6- Planetary 9ar trength , 1uddha Bala *i!rnal & <oct!rnal trength , &ivaratri Bala -
This is the strengths of planets d!e to di!rnal or noct!rnal infl!encesA %no&n as *ivaratri #ala@ it consist of *i!rnal trength , &iva Bala - & <oct!rnal trength , 'atri Bala -A The noct!rnal planets - "oon@ at!rn & "ars are po&erf!l d!ring midnight and po&erless d!ring middayA , (ishi %asi -u2a %aura %arva n*ne - and 37 %hastiamsas are assigned to them at midnight as their *ivaratri strength A >n the contrary@ the di!rnal planets - !n@ $!piter & Ven!s - are po&erf!l d!ring midday & po&erless at night and 37 hashtiamsas are assigned to them at midday as their * ( strengthA Po&erf!l al&ays is "erc!ry@ be it day or night & he al&ays gets 37 %hastiamsas. "idday & "idnight 9hile "idday is defined as the L"< , Local "ean <oon -@ the eers have recommended that if the birth time is mar+ed in L"T , Local "ean Time -@ it m!st be converted into LAT , Local Apparent Time- by applying the :;!ation of TimeA The "idnight is &hen the !n is in the Lo&er "eridian of the place & this is rec+oned as 1/ > 8loc+ "idnightA :;!ation for &ivaratri Bala A day is 037 degrees and the .nterval bet&een "idday & "idday & vice versa is 157 degreesA L"T sho!ld be converted to LAT , Local Apparent Time - by applying the :;!ation of TimeA Then convert #irthtime rec+oned from "idnight into degrees at 12 degrees per ho!r , Ardha 'asi Bhaveth Hora - and apply the follo&ing r!le , .f birthtime in degrees e?ceeds 157@ s!btract it from 037 &iva Bala for !n@ $!piter and Ven!s M #irth Time in *egrees G 0 'atri Bala of at!rn@ "oon & "ars M 157 - #irth Time in *egrees G 0 in %hastiamsas
)ifteen days ma+e a )ortnight , #aksha - and a Pa+sha M 12 L!nar *aysA 9hen the "oon &a?es it is %hukla #aksha , bright half of the l!nar month - and he &anes@ it is -rishna #aksha , dar+ half of the l!nar month -A *!ring the *ar+ Half@ the malefics are po&erf!l and d!ring the #right Half@ the benefics C The :;!ation of Time The :;!ation of Time M Apparent Time - "ean TimeA T&o maEor factors@ the >bli;!ity of the :cliptic , /0A12 degrees - and the :arthDs >rbital :ccentricity , A7134 - are responsible for the :;!ation of Time@ &hich is best ill!strated by an Analemma or the )ig!re 5 in the
heavens C The :arth moves fastest at Perihelion , $an 0 - & slo&est at Aphelion , $!l 0 -A The amplit!de of the :;!ation of Time is 6A54 min!tesA The form!la for comp!ting the :;!ation of Time is 3 4 5.67 %in ( 8 B ) . 7.9: ,os (B ) . ;.9 %in ( B) ( 3 is in minutes ) /here B 4 :<= degrees ( ( . 6; )> :<? <at!ral "alefics , #apas - & <at!ral #enefics , %hu$has #apas are nat!ral malefics & they are !n@ "ars@ at!rn & afflicted "erc!ryA %hu$has are nat!ral benefics & they are $!piter@ Ven!s and &ell associated "erc!ryA The &a?ing "oon is a benefic & the &aning "oon is a malefic@ viF@ he is a benefic from the 5th day of the bright half of the l!nar month to the 5th day of the dar+ half of the l!nar month & a malefic in the rest of the daysA The malefics , #apas - get more of #aksha Bala d!ring the dar+ half of the monthA &ark ! Bright @ortnights ( -rishna ! %hukla #akshas ) To find o!t &hether birth occ!rred d!ring the *ar+ Half or the #right Half@ s!btract Long !n frm Long"oonA .f the difference is R 157@ it is the the #right Half , %hukla #aksha - and if S 157 degrees@ it is the *ar+ Half , -rishna #aksha -A :;!ations for #aksha Bala #aksha Bala of #enefics M Long"oon - Long !n G0 #aksha Bala of "alefics M 37 - Pa+sha #ala of #enefics , in %hastiamsas ) The #aksha Bala of the "oon is al&ays to be do!bledA
trength ,
hri$haga Bala )
*ivide *ay , Ahas - & (atri by 0 , 157G0 M 37 degrees -A 37 degrees is a hri$haga. "erc!ry@ !n and at!rn r!le the hri$hagas of the *ay
)ind o!t the hri$haga &hen birth has occ!rredA Assign 37 %hastiamsas to the r!ling planet of that hri$hagaA Assign 37 %hastiamsas to $!piter@ &ho al&ays gets 37 %hastiamsas C o only / planets gets hri$haga Bala of 37 %hastiamsas C
o yo! &ill find that "athematical Astrology is not easy@ nor is it diffic!lt C
Tem(oral Strength ) @ala 2ala * Vedic Astrology was e$ol$ed by the Seers as an aid to Self Actualisation E$olutionary Astrology can di$ine the Soul State of the nati$e, based on the E$olution of ;onsciousness, which is the basic Theory of E$olutionary #hiloso(hy So based on the Soul State, the astro scholar can ad$ise the client what techni.ues are to be ado(ted for both material + s(iritual (rogress
E$olutionary #hiloso(hy 2ehind the e$olution of the s(ecies, there is an e$olution of ;onsciousness The indi$idual e$ol$es from 2ecoming to 2eing E$olutionary Astrology The Soul State can be discerned from the horosco(e by an astro scholar and he can ad$ise the nati$e to gain both material + s(iritual (rogress Ahargana % the no of days ela(sed from ;reation The number of terrestrial days (assed from any E(och is called Ahargana + the days reckoned from the >ay of ;reation is called Srishtyadi Ahargana This method of calculation is gi$en in the master astronomical treatise, the Surya Siddhanta, "irst ;ha(ter In order to determine the Abdesa ) lord of Eear*, !asesa ) 3ord of !onth * + Varesa ) lord of the day of week *, this Ahargana has to be calculated The Abdesa The lord who (resides o$er the year is called Abdesa ,e is the (lanet that rules o$er the weekday on which the year begins When the duration of the year which is &60 years is di$ided by 4, we get a remainder of & + a .uotient of 91 and the .uotients shows the number of weeks
To find out the Abdesa 1* "ind out no of days (assed I &60 !ulti(ly by & Add 1 and di$ide by 4 Cemainder to be counted from Sunday This gi$es the weekday and its lord is the Abdesa The !asesa The !asesa is the (lanet that rules the weekday of the commencement of the month of birth The duration of the astro month is di$ided by 4, the remainder got is 5 and .uotient G To find out the !asesa 1* "ind out the no of days (assed from the beginning of creation 5* >i$ide it by &0 &* !ulti(ly .uotient 7 5 Add 1 >i$ide Total by 6 Ce'ect .uotient Cemainer counted from Sunday Its lord is !asea Varesa This is the (lanet who is the lord of the day of the week To find out the Varesa 1* "ind out the no of days (assed from the beginning of creation 5* >i$ide it by 4 &* Cemainder to be counted from Sunday Its lord is the Varesa >ate of E(och The date of the E(och selected is 05 09 1854 , Wednesday The Ahargana on the date of that E(och is 41G, G0G, 0:6, 6G1 days This when di$ided by 4 lea$es a reminder of G suggesting that the E(och falls on Wednesday Therefore our E(och begins on WE> 05091854 To find out the Ahargana, in Visual "o/ #ro write this formula Ahargana 8 ctod)-mdate-* % ctod)-05I09I1854-* Abda 2ala % Eear Strength The lord of the Eear 2irth is gi$en a $alue of 19 Shashtiamsas as his Abda 2ala or Eear Strength !asa 2ala % !onth Strength &0 Shashtiamsas are gi$en to the lord of the !onth
Vara 2ala % Weekday Strength G9 Shashtiamsas are gi$en to the lord of the >ay of 2irth ,ora 2ala % ,our Strength Since a day is 5G ,ours, a day is di$ided by 5G and each ,ora or ,our is ruled by a (lanet The #lanetary ,our 3ord is gi$en a $alue of 60 Shashtiamsas as his ,ora 2ala ,ours or ,oras Ane ,our is 19 degrees and there are 5G ,ours or ,oras in a day ) Ardha Casi 2ha$eth ,ora ;hathur$imshathi Smrithah * The Se.uential Arder of Weekdays The Arder of Weekdays are (resided by Sun ) Sunday*, !oon ) !onday *, !ars ) Tuesday *, !ercury ) Wednesday *, Ju(iter ) Thursday *, Venus ) "riday * + Saturn ) Saturday * This se.uential order, Sun, !oon, !ars, !ercury, Ju(iter, Venus + Saturn, is the order of Weekdays Actually this is obtained from #lanetary ,ours or @ala ,ora = #lanetary ,ours #lanetary ,ours are a >ay di$ided by Twel$e The lord of the weekday is the #lanetary ,our lord "rom Sunset onwards, the fifth from that lord The Si/th lord in week order is the ne/t (lanetary hour lord = ) >ina >wadasamso !atha @alahora #athi Tasya #oor$asya Varadhi natha Thatha Shashta Shashta @ramena Tharesham Hishayam Thu Vareshwarath #anchamadya * A >ay di$ided by 15 gi$es #lanetary ,ours ) @ala ,ora * The "irst ,our is (resided by the lord of that >ay ) $iK An "riday, "reya, Venus * "rom E$e, the fifth from that lord of the day An a Sunday, the "irst ,our is (resided by the Sun He/t (lanetary hour is (resided by the fifth lord from Sunday ) "riday, Venus * and so on Sun, Venus, !ercury, !oon, Saturn, Ju(iter, !ars in se.uential order , are the @ala ,ora lords ,ence we get the formula for @ala ,ora
) Arka Shukra 2udhaschandra !anda Jee$a >harasutha @ramena @alahoresa * So on a day the "irst ,our is ruled by the lord of the day In other words, in a day there are 5G hours and 51 hours will (ass ruled by these lords The 55nd hour, the 5&rd and the 5Gth will be ruled by the "irst, Second and Third rulers and on the ne/t day the "irst ,our will be ruled by the Gth lord ,ence from @ala ,ora se.uential order only do we get the se.uential order % Sunday, !onday, Tuesday etc The lord of the #lanetary ,our, @ala ,ora, gets 60 Shashtiamsas Solstice Strength Each (lanet will be located either Horth or South of the ;elestial E.uator As a result he gets Solstice Strength or Ayana 2ala >eclination A (lanet mo$es southwards or northwards from the ;elestial E.uator The angular distance from the ;elestial E.uator is called >eclination If a (lanet is located on the Horthern ;elestial ,emis(here, it is (lus and minus if $ice $ersa >uring the Vernal E.uino/ ) The "irst #oint of Aries *, the declination of the Sun is 1ero and his gross CA ) Cight Ascension * is also 1ero >uring the Summer Solstice ) The "irst #oint of ;ancer *, his declination is S5& degrees 54 minutes + gross C A :0 >uring the Autumnal E.uino/ ) The "irst #oint of 3ibra *, his declination is 1ero + his gross CA 180 degrees >uring the Winter Solstice ) The "irst #oint of ;a(ricorn *, his declination is %5& degrees + 54 minutes and his gross CA is 540 = In other words, the Sun<s declination will (rogressi$ely increase from Aries to ;ancer, decrease from ;ancer to 3ibra, increase from 3ibra to ;a(ricorn + then decrease from ;a(ricorn to Aries =