October 2013 Grassroots FINAL - Web

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An Upstate Invitation Aims to Bridge Gap

By: Steve Ammerman

Making a connection often means building a bridge. That is what Assemblyman Philip Palmesano, who represents a portion of the southern tier in the New York Legislature, was able to accomplish with four of his downstate colleagues. In Albany, conversations turned into friendships that eventually led to an invitation to spend three days in Palmesanos district visiting with farmers, businesses and civic leaders. The point was to help the democratic lawmakers better understand the issues farms and rural communities are facing every day in this state. The Assemblymen who came up in late August are Francisco Moya and Ed Braunstein who represent portions of Queens, Marcus Crespo of the Bronx and Robert Rodriguez of New York City . They also brought their families along as well who visited some tourist locations like the Corning Glass Museum and Watkins Glen. They enjoyed it very much, had a ton of questions and I think it was a good, positive experience all the way around, said Assemblyman Palmesano. None of them had been this far west before or necessarily on a dairy farm before. They cant say that now. The three day visit started off at a 420

David Stamp, Lakewood Vineyards owner, explains the wine making process to AssemblymembersMoya,Palmesano,Crespo,Rodriguez,andBraunsteinaspartof their three day tour of farms and businesses in Palmesanos district. cow dairy farm where they spent two hours discussing feed costs, property taxes and equipment operations. They also spent time at a number of vineyards, a new distillery, and sat down with Palmesanos Agriculture Advisory Committee made up of local farmers and people who work in agriculture, including New York Farm Bureau field staff member Lindsay Wickham. Farm labor was another big issue brought up during the meetings. It was one of the greatest experiences in visiting any part of New York. I have been all over the state, said Assemblyman Moya. Just the sheer hospitality and reception we received from the people was incredible. It was very heart warming and eye opening. The whole point was to help educate lawmakers who may have a good grasp of issues important to New York City, but who may

not understand the implications of their votes when it comes to agricultural priorities. For Moya, he now has a better appreciation for what it takes to run a dairy farm and the hurdles they have, including the money required to adhere to the environmental plan for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It goes to show you these small and medium size dairy farms are struggling. We need to ensure that we as a body in the legislature are adhering to some of the needs, said Moya. Sometimes we do these broad based plans without looking at the impact they may have on smaller farms. For us in New York City, it was good for us to see it. It helps dispel the rumor that downstate doesnt care about upstate. Maybe some dont, but these guys care. They learned a lot, and it was a great experience for all of us, said Palmesano. Moya said as an immigrant himself, it was also great to hear how the immigrant workers are treated like family on these farms and how there was the support for reforms to allow them to stay in this country and work. He also said there were those moments like when he realized the great wines produced in this state should be served and promoted at his functions. Dave Stamp who owns Lakewood Vineyards in Watkins Glen Continued on page 17

Opening the Barn Doors Opens Up Minds on the Farm

By: Tara Wiley

Kim Swyers and her husband Jake of Adirondack Farms in Peru, NY found themselves trying to think of ways to talk to their community about farming and what farmers do on a daily basis. They wanted to get their name into the public and help teach people about agriculture and farm life. The Swyers, along with their business partner Jon Rulfs, decided to open the gates of the farm and invite everyone in. And a successful Day on the Farm it was. Over 500 people came out on a Saturday in September to spend the day learning the ins and outs of the farm, where the Swyers and Rulfs milk around 2,000 cows daily . There were wagon tours of the farm that carried visitors through the barns and explained the milking process, as well as displays showing what food cows eat and how their diet plays an important part. Neighbors sat

down and talked over plates of local barbecue while kids enjoyed the bounce house. Michelle St. Onge of Peru attended with her family . She had often heard the Swyers speak about their farm and decided to see first-hand what they were talking about. She was shocked to see how much land the animals need and how much food they ate. It surprised me how large the farm actually was and how much activity goes on there, said St. Onge. It is within a mile or 2 from my house and I had never really thought about it before. Farm tours are becoming a popular way for farms to reach out to the general public, as well as encourage consumers to learn more about where their food comes from, especially the younger generation. I think kids today need regular reminders about where their food comes from and how hard it really is to get it there, said St. Onge. As we were driving through a

barn I looked at my boys who were plugging their noses. I explained to them that if there werent for workers who were willing to breathe that in all day, every day, they would not have milk for their cereal. I hope that our day there will help them appreciate farms a little bit more! Clinton County Farm Bureau was on hand to help with the event and assisted in every aspect. Swyers was very thankful for that.

She attended a few Farm Bureau meetings and worked with them to put on the event. It was really fairly easy since we had so much help. It was great to teach the kids about the farm and it was just a really fun time, she said. Sometimes, farmers shy away from inviting outsiders onto the farm for fear of negative questions or criticisms. Swyers says at first there were a lot of things she was nervous about. Difficult questions

Tips for Hosting a Farm Tour

Know your message and your audience. Be careful to not talk over your visitors heads by using a lot of technical terms. Instead, focus on your personal story. No one knows better than you about what you do on the farm and why you follow certain practices. Keep the messages positive. Also, make sure you spruce up the place and check for any potential safety hazards. Map out a particular route, and prepare to stop at each location to explain different parts of your farm. Be ready for tough questions, and dont be defensive. Consumers simply want information. Think of it as an opportunity to educate someone new. Continued on page 17

New Discount for Members

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Commodity Report: New Broccoli Varieties

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October 2013

NYFB Testifies at Senate Finance Committee Hearing

By Julie Suarez

Theres nothing more certain in life than death and taxes as the old saying goes, and taxes were top of mind at a recent Legislative Hearing in Albany . Senator John DeFrancisco, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee posed several interesting tax policy questions to individuals invited to testify before the Committee what would happen if the tax code was structurally reformed, to eliminate several loopholes but make the tax burden overall less in New York State? Would there be special interest groups negatively impacted, like agriculture and

farming and manufacturers, or basic property owners, and would the state be better served with providing services based on a flat tax charged on items sold in the state. Legislators present at the hearing also included Senator Carl Marcellino from Long Island, Senator Dave Valesky from Syracuse, and Senator Liz Krueger from Manhattan. Invited speakers included those on all sides of the political spectrum, from the Business Council of New York State to the primarily labor union funded Fiscal Policy Institute. A national speaker from the Tax Foundation also spent time testifying about differing tax environments in

New York Farm Bureaus Public Policy Director, Julie Suarez, testified in front of the Senate Finance Committee on September 4th in Albany. Speaking on behalf of farmers, she explained how reforms to the states tax code are critical to the survival and longevity of family farms in this state.

other states, and New Yorks continual bottom placement in the Tax Foundations surveys about business friendly climate, or low tax environments. I believe New Yorkers would be best served by broad-based tax reductions that could help all businesses grow and create jobs in New York State, Senator DeFrancisco said. These hearings give us an opportunity to hear the best ideas for reforming the states tax policy and achieving real results. From the testimony of various individuals and business owners across the state, we will then develop tax reform proposals to be presented to the Governor, as he puts together his Executive Budget, concluded Senator DeFrancisco. While the focus of the hearing was not actually meant to be on the assessment of real property taxes in New York, Senator DeFrancisco opened the hearing talking about New Yorks high property tax burdens and the ramifications both positive and negative of the 2% tax cap passed a few years ago. NYFB Policy Director Julie Suarez, presenting testimony on behalf of family farmers in New York, thanked the Senate and Assembly for working together on critical agricultural assessment valuation legislation this year, which, if the Governor signs, will cap increases in agricultural valuation at 2% per year. Citing Farm Credit statistics that demonstrate New York farmers higher tax load, on a per acre basis, than our competitors in almost all other agricultural states, Suarez

made the argument that reforms of the tax code are critical, but property taxes represent the most significant tax that New York farmers pay . New Yorks antiquated estate tax exemption threshold was also prominently featured in NYFBs testimony . Suarez talked about the increasing age of New Yorks principle operators, and the need to help transition family farms into family or at times, non-family ownership for the next generation. While planning ahead of time is always the best practice, the estate tax burden is highly significant and in some cases, the tax liability may necessitate the sale of portions of the land simply to pay the state estate taxes. Since planning is of the essence in cases like this, it makes sense also to lower the current fee for incorporating a family business into an LLC, or limited liability corporation. Many farmers have multiple business entities, and with fees varying depending upon the gross income of the corporation from $1500 to $3000, annually, this can place a heavy barrier given New Yorks already high tax and fee structure. You can read Julie Suarez testimony for New York Farm Bureau online at www.nyfb.org, or view it on the New York State Senate website at www.nysenate. gov. Should you have any thoughts on the hearing and tax code recommendations, please contact the Public Policy Department at New York Farm Bureau.

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October 2013


Page 3

Government Policy Needs to Keep Up with Todays Agriculture

By Cathy Calzada Mural

At first glance, the Synergy anaerobic digester looks out of place in the farm landscape with large metal cylinders and concrete block structures but this high tech system, which rivals the engineering of a plane, could not be better suited for the dairy farm. It is designed to partner with the dairy operation perfectly, taking manure and food scraps to generate methane that is converted to electricity . The digestion process also produces a high quality fertilizer and bedding for cows at a significant savings to the farm. But this is not why local farms in Western New York have invested in such a large and expensive project. Its all about being a good neighbor, says John Noble, dairy farmer and President of Synergy which is owned by several area farms. The fertilizer produced by digestion that is applied to nearby fields is low odor with a gentle, earthy smell that is not offensive to surrounding residents. With energy, fertilizer and bedding costs on the

rise, all three products from the anaerobic digester bring financial and environmental value as they are used in service of local farms that finance the Synergy digester project not to mention fostering neighborly good-will which can be priceless. As farms look to adapt to this new technology, so must state policy . The tax treatment of the Synergy codigester came into question as local officials wavered over whether the digester was an agricultural or energy production facility despite its integration with the farm. To clarify that anaerobic digesters are an agricultural entity, Senator Pat Gallivan and Assemblyman Bill Magee sponsored legislation that has been signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo in August. Senator Gallivan felt it was important to bring clarity to tax law that anaerobic digesters are agricultural entities since he represents Wyoming County, home to six of the 12 anaerobic digesters located in Western New York. This law simply ensures that anaerobic digesters will be recognized for what they are 21st Century

Senator Patrick Gallivan learns first-hand about bio-digesters from Ken Van Slyke of Van Slykes Dairy Farm in Portageville, Wyoming County. agricultural equipment, said the Senator. Assembly Agriculture Chair Magee agreed, With this new law, we are helping family farms bring innovative technology into their operation, giving them a competitive edge and improving their environmental sustainability Its a win-win. This new law exemplifies how state policy should adapt and recognize todays means and methods of farming which can be very different from 20, 10 or even 5 years ago. State policy governing agriculture must recognize and move with the natural evolution of agriculture as it embraces innovative and environmentally sensitive methods of farming. NYFB has found it necessary to request legislation to redirect tax policy interpretation of current law or internal agency guidance that made an incorrect assumption or exclusion of valid farm practices from agricultural tax treatments. For example, commercial equine operations and maple production had to be defined as legitimate farm practices via specific legislation at the urging of NYFB in order to be recognized by the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance as an eligible farm practice. NYFB believes that when there is a question of eligibility for an agricultural tax treatment, the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets should have authority in such cases and not the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance which has rejected and continues to reject several legitimate farm practices, such as silvopasturing, based on its very narrow interpretation of the law. Working together with our members, NYFB hopes to see more pragmatic, public policy changes that are meaningful to the farm community . If members have any ideas on how state and federal programs can better serve our farmers and New York agriculture, please submit them through your County Farm Bureau policy development process that is ongoing right now or contact your local field staff representative at www.nyfb.org.

Synergy Digester in the Town of Covington, Wyoming County makes electric power, fertilizer and cow bedding for the farm.

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October 2013

The Presidents Message

Sowing the Truth in Modern Media

October 2013
Grassroots is published monthly by New York Farm Bureau Member Services, Inc. (159 Wolf Road, P.O. Box 5330, Albany, NY 122050330) as a member service. Subscriptions are available through New York Farm Bureau membership. Non-member subscription rate is $12. Periodicals postage permit at Albany, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send change of address notices on Form 3579 to Grassroots, 159 Wolf Road, P.O. Box 5330, Albany, N.Y. 12205-0330. EDITORS Julie Suarez jsuarez@nyfb.org Steve Ammerman sammerman@nyfb.org ASSISTANT EDITOR Tara Wiley twiley@nyfb.org ADVERTISING MANAGER Doug Rea doug@nynewspapers.com NEW YORK FARM BUREAU MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 5330 Albany, NY 12205 PHONE/WEB SITE Phone: 1-800-342-4143 Web site: www.nyfb.org facebook.com/NYFarmBureau MANAGEMENT Jeery Kirby Executive Director Kevin Cook Member Services Elizabeth Dribusch Legal Aairs Scott Keyes Insurance Relations Fred Perrin Member Relations Paul McDowell Financial & Info Systems Sandra Prokop NYFB Foundation Julie Suarez Public Policy NYFB BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Dean Norton Elba, (716) 474-3901 Vice President, Eric Ooms Old Chatham, (518) 392-9594 District 1, Hal Kreher Clarence Center, (716) 741-8781 District 2, Paul Bencal Ransomville, (716) 216-4039 District 3, John Sorbello Shortsville, (315) 730-2670 District 4, Ashur Terwilliger Lowman, (607) 733-3957 District 5, Darrell Gri Hamilton, (315) 691-9635 District 6, Benjamin Simons Remsen, (315) 831-5087 District 7, David Fisher Madrid, (315) 261-8231 District 8, Dean Casey Schaghticoke, (802) 345-4861 District 9, Richard Ball Schoharie, (518) 295-7139 District 10, Mark Adams Poughkeepsie, (845) 471-8655 District 11, Kenneth Schmitt Melville, (631) 249-2616 Ann Peck, Chair of Promotion and Education Committee Newark, (315) 331-7791 Jacob Schieferstine, Chair, Young Farmers Committee Vernon, (315) 829-5582 REGIONAL OFFICES Western NY Resource Center 877-383-7663 or 585-343-3489 Central NY Oce 866-995-7300 or 315-252-1367 Eastern NY Oce 866-995-7300 or 518-854-7368 Long Island Oce 631-727-3777 On Page One: A farm stand display their fresh produce for sale. Send a photo of yours to info@nyfb.org and you might see it in a future issue!

hinking back to my childhood, I remember when I told a little white lie to my Grandmother Madill. Her response to me, Remember the Commandment, thou shalt not lie. Certainly, I pass along the same values to my children as well, but it seems these days, not everyone values the truth. Its no secret that farming continues to be under attack from a number of fronts. One of those includes companies who are looking to make a profit by denigrating the very people who are the backbone of their business, farmers. Recently you may have seen the new ad campaigns from prominent restaurant chains like Panera and Chipotle. Panera is promoting anti-biotic free chicken. They have every right to respond to consumer demand or serve what they want Dean Norton to their customers. What I take NYFB President umbrage too is their marketing effort. The E-Z chicken campaign, which featured a cartoon chicken made to look like a medicine capsule, essentially labeled farmers who give antibiotics to their livestock as lazy . Chipotle took it even further by spending millions on an animated music video and smart phone game. It depicted a sad scarecrow who no longer works on a farm. Instead, he makes his way to a large industrial factory where chickens balloon up after being shot with syringes and depressed looking cows are confined to a metal box with only a hole for their heads. This depiction is infuriating to any farmer who takes great care of their animals, keeping them healthy and productive. But it isnt just large companies who are in the food business that promote fallacies about food. Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, who represents the Rochester area, attached the Chipotle video to her press release condemning the use of antibiotics on farms saying they are used on healthy animals to overcompensate

for unsanitary and crowded living conditions. Again, this is a blatant falsehood and shameful for a public official to spread untruths about farming in her state. I was also brought up to value the freedom of speech that we hold so dear in this great country . That means I may not always like what I hear or see. I accept that. I do not accept people perpetuating falsehoods to make a buck or gain a vote because with that right comes responsibility . I would suggest to those who spread these falsehoods to be careful, you may reap what you sow. We live in a different world today, a world where communications can reach millions with a click of a mouse or an anonymous post online. New York Farm Bureau reacted to these falsehoods by helping dispel the myths and spreading the truth. Panera and Chipotle were hounded on social media by not only farmers, but everyday people who recognized that giant food chains cannot get away with painting a picture that doesnt represent reality . It makes no sense to me to continue to bite the hand that feeds you, or I should I say, feeds your customers. It is imperative that everyone get the facts right about farming. Panera ultimately saw the error of their ways and pulled the EZ Chicken twitter feed. Farming is a wonderful, diverse community where each farmer chooses what is best for their farm, their families and their values. That is how it should be. It should also be about building up agriculture and not dividing it. All farms are in the business to feed people healthy food. While New York Farm Bureau is doing its part, I ask you to do the same. Dont be afraid to speak out in person or in social media when you see any farm practice being attacked for what we know to be reasonable and right. It is important for consumers to understand where there food comes from, and not to be misled by flashy cartoons or political jabs. I always say want to know about farming, ask a farmer. Melanie and I look forward to seeing many of your faces at County Annual Meetings this month, and we hope you get a chance to get out and enjoy the bountiful harvest that is commencing in New Yorks orchards, vineyards and farm fields.

View From Washington

Heres to a Happy, Plentiful Harvest

utumn is upon us once again. This is my favorite time of year, when the air turns crisp and the hills are in full color. Its a time to take the grandkids to the pumpkin patch and sip hot cider on a chilly evening. Most importantly, its harvest time. Harvest captures what I, and probably most farmers, feel this time of year: a sigh of relief; a twinge of excitement; a feeling of blessedness when a good crop is brought in. Harvest time is steeped in a tradition that has encompassed farm families and rural communities across the world for generations. In fact, until the 16th century, the term harvest was used to refer to the season we now know as autumn. Today, Bob Stallman most folks outside of agriculAFBF President ture simply think of it as a very special, nostalgic time of year, celebrated with corn mazes, hayrides and apple bobbing. For farmers, harvest secures our reward for an entire years worth of hard work, commitment and patience. It represents an end-goal of growing food that nourishes our families, neighbors and communities

across the globe. While there are exceptions, many areas of our nation were blessed this year with a record crop. The Agriculture Department is projecting record corn yields in 11 states, from Michigan to Georgia. While many farmers will bring in a good crop this harvest, there are others who didnt have such a bountiful year because of drought and other weather conditions. For example, spring rains in Iowa prevented farmers from planting until later in the season. The states corn crop is now only projected to reach 162 bushels per acre, whereas it should be at least 180 bushels per acre. Unfortunately, thats the business of farming. Some years youre up, and others youre down. Its my hope that those farmers suffering this year will be back in the saddle come next harvest. Someone once said that farmers deserve our deep respect for the land and its harvest are the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserve our landscape and inspire us with a powerful work ethic. My wish for all farmers this year is a plentiful harvest, after which you can sit back and take pleasure in the toils of your labor with family and friends. Enjoy an outing with the kids to the pumpkin patch or corn maze, and then partake in that much-deserved hot cider. It has been a blessed year.

October 2013


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Guest Opinions

County Highway Officials Support NY Farm Bureau On Local Roads, Bridges

The NY State County Highway Superintendents Association (NYSCHSA) joins with the New York Farm Bureau in calling attention to the need for state investment in transportation infrastructure. NYSCHSAs Local Roads Matter! campaign stresses the importance of maintaining the local system of roads, bridges and culverts in a condition of good repair to a variety of user groups and the states economy . We recognize agricultureand its related activitiesas one of the more significant of these local roads user groups in New York. Through the efforts of our state legislators and with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo, the state budget adopted in April increases funding to local roads and bridges by $75 million statewide for each of the next two years. While the added funding is welcomed, it will take more to begin to reverse the deteriorating conditions of our aging roads and bridges. Funding for maintenance remains woefully inadequate. Over 38 percent of our 8,600 local bridges are deficient and our 97,000 miles of local highway is in worse condition than the States 15,500 miles of highway . Because much of this infrastructure is located in rural areas of the state, its condition is of and consumers underscores the vital importance to farmers. NYFB members should also importance of these investments in order to alleviate be aware that farm access elements of barriers as when the new federal municipalities transportation are forced to lower funding bill, weight limits on known as MAPbridges due to 21, focuses insufficient funds national funding to effectively priorities on a d d r e s s larger, more s t r u c t u r a l urban projects. problems. With This diverts no significant money away from increases in non-national funding available system assets, the for bridge work, bulk of which are it is estimated locally owned. that an additional We need to 1,300 local bridges ensure that William Wright will become regular increases NYSCHSA President deficient over the in funding next ten years, for local road exasperating projects and the re-establishment of a state aid to disruptions to farmers. NYSCHSA recognizes the local bridge and culvert program be of getting farm part of each new state fiscal plan. importance This will enable local highway products to market efficiently and officials to better serve our farm at low cost. When local roads and communities by providing an culverts are damaged and bridges improved, more functional system are weight limited or closed, the increased transportation costs can on which to do business efficiently . NYFBs support for resources impact farm revenues and market to repair critical road and bridge costs to consumers. Further, road infrastructure and maintain and bridge conditions can make quality access to farm fields it difficult or inconvenient for consumers to access New York farm products directly, causing them to seek other food options that may not be locally produced. Our county highway superintendents look forward to continuing to partner with NYFB to create a healthy and robust farm to market transportation system as part of a successful state agriculture industry that strives to grow a quality local farm product for the benefit of all New Yorkers. NYSCHSA welcomes the support of the Farm Bureau in working with state transportation leaders to develop a long term approach to funding and improving the condition, functionality and reliability of our state and local transportation systems.

William C. Wright is Commissioner of Public Works for Ontario County and President of the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association. NYSCHSA is a nonprofit organization whose members have gathered since 1909 to share their knowledge and experience to promote the construction and maintenance of a safe and modern system of county roads and other allied transportation infrastructure maintained by county government.

Television Cooking Shows Celebrate Food, Offer Farmers Opportunities to Connect

Cooking shows have tantalized American palates since the advent of television and they continue to affect how consumers perceive food and agriculture. Noted chef and cookbook author James Beard was the first host of a national cooking show in the U.S. Borden and Elsie the Cow presented Beard on NBCs I Love to Eat, in 1946, but its viewers werent drinking milk. Few postwar households had TVs; the show mostly played to taverns full of men waiting to watch televised boxing matches. Today, as the Food Network celebrates its 20th anniversary, its shows are watched by more than a million viewers nightly . Daytime shows often feature cooking techniques, but evening shows combine consumer fascination with sports, and their desire to connect with food. Evening contest showsChopped, Top Chef, Iron Chef, Food Network Star, Master Chef, Hells Kitchenfrequently place high in prime-time TV ratings. A popular contest show, Throwdown with Bobby Flay, helped pave the way to TV stardom for author, blogger, photographer and food writer Ree Drummond, who lives on a working ranch in Oklahoma. In a contest judged by country singer Trisha Yearwood also host of Trishas Southern KitchenDrummond beat Flay in a Thanksgiving cook-off. Her Pioneer Woman show and blog may be all that millions of consumers ever see of animal agriculture and rural life. Her blog draws millions of page views annually, has won numerous awards and in 2009 was named by Time Magazine as one of the worlds 25 best blogs. Barbeque is surging in popularity, in part fueled by coverage of contests and TV features about great barbeque restaurants. Barbeque contests are celebrations of meat chicken, pork ribs, pork shoulder or butt, and beef brisket. Since its humble establishment in the mid1980s, the Kansas City Barbeque Society has grown to be one of the largest contest organizations in the U.S. It sponsors about 450 events, with nearly 18,000 members and 13,000 certified judges. Many KCBS contests are closely tied to agriculture, with events at fairs, rodeos, beef and pork organization events, and the American Royal Horse and Livestock Show. TV contest formatssuch as the Chopped mystery ingredient bag, Iron Chef secret ingredient and Cupcake Wars themehave helped bring new contestants and breathe new life into fairs and 4-H contests all over the country . Local contests have proven highly attractive to sponsors, particularly ag commodity groups. Contest shows do little to teach cooking skills to viewers, but banter among the judges has helped educate consumers about ingredients, commodities and how dishes should look and taste. However, some of their biases also influence consumer perceptions about agriculture and production practices. As experts such as Supermarket Guru Phil Lempert earlier predicted, celebrity farmers are starting to take their place alongside celebrity chefs. This shift provides farm and ranch families and commodity groups with more opportunities than ever to present perspectives and information to consumers through TV cooking shows, social media sites, events and contests, all building on the success of food TV trends. By Robert Giblin. He is an occasional contributor to the AFBF Focus on Agriculture series. Giblin writes, speaks and consults about farm and food issues, policies and trends.

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October 2013

Commodity Report: Vegetables

Cornell Scientists Work to Develop Eastern Broccoli Industry

By Tara Wiley

There is nothing quite as good as a super fresh, crisp head of broccoli. But often times, the broccoli found in grocery stores is limp, rubbery and slightly yellowed. In all likelihood, that broccoli has been traveling for days before arriving at the market. 90% of broccoli sold on the East Coast is shipped in from California or Mexico. But scientists at Cornell are looking to change the east coast broccoli market. The Eastern Broccoli Project, the brainchild of a group of scientists at Cornell University, was formed to expand the ever growing broccoli market to the East. Very little broccoli is actually grown on the East Coast. The Cornell research team, led by Thomas Bjrkman, associate professor of horticulture in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, has created a new version of the plant that can flourish even in our humid weather. Members of the team include people from USDA, seven universities and a variety of companies. The Project is funded by a $3.2 million U.S. Department of Agriculture grant and supplemented by $1.7 million in matching funds from participating companies. Most standard varieties developed for western climates have trouble lasting through hot and humid eastern summers, Bjrkman says. But new genetics have allowed us to develop varieties that dont make misshapen heads when the weather turns consistently warm. Our assembled team of

Thomas Bjrkman, Cornell University Associate Professor of Horticulture, is featured above in a cabbage row. He is leading the research on new broccoli varieties as well that can grow better in the eastern U.S. (photo courtesy of Cornell University)

breeders, production specialists and market developers have the breeding stocks and expertise to develop an eastern broccoli industry . For the past 2 years, over 5 field stations in the East have worked on developing the new breed, including Cornells Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, as well as those in Maine, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Mid-September, Bjrkman and fellow team member Miguel I. Gmez, Ruth and William Morgan Assistant Professor of Applied Economics and Management, debuted the new varieties at a tasting event entitled The Quest for Perfect Broccoli. After a brief presentation by the professors,

attendees were given the opportunity to evaluate the differences among some newly developed broccoli types, as well as the differences between conventionally shipped and perfectly handled, super fresh broccoli. Guests then tasted, scored, and discussed the differences. Gomez has been working to determine the most costeffective amount grown and seasonal routes given production zones, consumption centers and production costs. He has found that while there is an added expense of growing broccoli in the East, it would be about equal to the amount of money that would be saved by not having to ship the vegetable in. More problem solving is

needed to identify optimal locations for growing and postharvest facilities and ways of keeping large amounts of broccoli cold, says Gomez. But initial findings show that if we can answer those questions, we can have a strong industry here. Its broccoli today, but we hope the project can be a model for other crops.

Next Month: Poultry

NYFVI Supports Field Testing of New Onion Varieties for NY State

Though they receive less attention than other NY-grown fruits and vegetables, onions are one of the states most important crops, with annual sales of more than $50 million. The main onion varieties planted in NY have traditionally been of the pungent yellow globe type, due in large part to their better storability . Mild onions, however, are increasingly popular among chefs and consumers, and command higher prices. The problem for NY growers has been that the dominant mild onion varieties, such as WallaWalla and Vidalia, are not well-adapted to NY growing conditions and end up soft, with poor storability . Help is on the way . For the past decade, an integrated effort by growers, researchers, extension staff, and chefs, led by Cornell Professor Martha Mutschler, has worked to identify, develop, and test 3 new mild onion hybrids. From 2012-2013 the New York Farm Viability Institute provided funding for field and storage tests that confirmed the superiority of these new hybrids, both in flavor and storability . The key is that the new varieties remain mildly flavored but with a higher

sugar content, which allows for longer storage and better culinary qualities. Work with seed companies, growers, and

Photo Credit: Cornell University

chefs continues, but look for these new varieties to open up some great new markets for NY growers within the next few years.

October 2013


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Education News

Rich Jerome (putting contest facilitator) and Terry Ryan our Putting Contest Winner at the NYFB Foundation Golf Classic at the En Joi Golf Club in Endicott.

NY Farm Bureau Foundation Golf Classic: An Amazing Event

By Sandie Prokop

NYFB President Dean Norton (C) stops by the NYFB booth at the NYS Fair to view the new ag videos that were shown. Also pictured are Oswego County Farm Bureau President, Nancy Weber (L) and Managing Director of The Foundation, Sandra Prokop (R).

NYFB Video Debuts at State Fair

How do we tell and show the general public about agriculture? How do we point out that New York State has a bountiful and economically energetic agricultural industry? Two 12-minute videos just premiered at the New York State Fair. The old saying one picture is worth a thousand words came to life with this project with inclusion of more than twelve video clips and 400 photos. The project referenced in this request started as an idea when we were showcasing agriculture last year at the NYS Fair. Our booth is located adjacent to the infamous potato booth in the Horticulture Building. The line starts when the building opens and does not let up until closing. As we took shifts at our booth we took notice that the folks in line had nothing to occupy their time as they waited. Our location provides a captive audience ready and willing to watch, learn and be entertained. We utilized a 55 screen with a looped version of the two videos, which allowed anyone immediate gratification regardless of when they start to watch the showcase. The evaluations and comments were extremely positive, and we will be using this video education tool in our traveling Ag Master Kiosk units, to be used at many venues and also available for use at the National Promotion and Education Conference to be hosted by New York Farm Bureau in September. This video resource will also be adapted for classroom, website and internet use. The text is brief, interesting, and entertaining, bringing an ag literacy lesson to an extremely wide and varied audience. As members of the New York community we all have something to gain through an applied agricultural education program. The general public grows further away from agriculture, generation by generation, yet continues to need, demand, and purchase a wide variety of agricultural products. This situation creates an elevated need for increased understanding of the agricultural industry . The Foundation would like to thank the videos major sponsors which include Farm Credit Northeast Ag Enhancement; the Northeast Ag Education Foundation, The New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association and DuPont Pioneer, as well as Jack McNerney, the gentleman who spent endless hours taking pictures as well as putting them all together to showcase the only industry essential for life.

The rains came down at the EnJoie Golf Club in Endicott, NY, as the players registered for the 12th annual NYFB Foundation Golf Classic. Fortunately, the sun returned in plenty of time to enjoy the putting contest, preliminary rounds and lunch, plus wonderful treats provided by Country Wagon Produce in Glen Aubrey . The golfing experience was delightful. The course was in tremendous condition, the food plentiful, varied and delicious, the NY beverages of all types thirstquenching, and the camaraderie and the courtesy of all who tended to the golfers needs during the full day was appreciated, as all joined in a day of ag education support. The Classic is the Foundations biggest fundraiser, supporting efforts to educate one and all about agriculture. This years tournament brought in over $40,000 through sponsorships and in-kind donations, which will be allocated to a variety of Foundation programs and projects. The tournament united golfers from all across the state. Those

receiving prizes included the Top Three Best Team Score (1st to the Porter Team, 2nd to the Amberg Nursery Team, 3rd to the Cargill Team); Closest to the Pin (John Wagner); Closest to the Line (Paul Riven); and our Putting Contest Winner, Terry Ryan. The Most Honest Team was won by Broome County Farm Bureau 1, who each received a bottle of wine for their efforts , and the Top Farm Bureau Team was the Long Island Farm Bureau Team who won a foursome of golfing including greens fees and carts which was donated Courtesy of the En-Joie. Skins went to the Porter Team and LIFB, and they generously donated their prize back to the Foundation. Thank you so much to all of our sponsors who helped to make this Golf Classic a success! Without their support, we would not be able to educate the public about the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. said Paul Bencal, Foundation chair, who commended the Classic Committee for a job well done. Please visit www. nyfbfoundation.org for a complete listing of the contest winners and highlights of the day plus supporters, sponsors and donors.

Below: Paul Bencal, Chairman of the NYFB Foundation, sent the players off with some encouraging words.

Think Local This Autumn

By Kristina Sidor
State Promotion and Education LI Rep.

Ag Trivia:
1 pound fresh squash = A. 3 medium fruits B. 3 c. sliced squash C. 1 c. cooked / mashed squash

October is here and everyone is now thinking about Halloween and the Harvest. The kids are getting in their last hurrahs by staying up late, going to the beach, and camping out with friends before they get ready to go back to school. The fall season showcases all of the farmers hard work and we are looking ahead to the culmination of this season with all things harvest. The harvest bears many fruits and vegetables, but it also brings a heck of a lot of traffic to our roadways. Personally, standing outside the farm stand and seeing the traffic backed up for miles makes me happy . Why? Because these day trippers are coming out to farm country to enjoy activities like

pumpkin picking, corn mazes, and hay rides. They go home with fond memories of their farm adventures and delicious produce that they bought and, quite possibly, picked themselves. That line of traffic is what helps keep the family farms going here on Long Island and sometimes its hard to remember that when you yourself are stuck in a seemingly endless line of cars. Pumpkin picking and hay rides are just some of the ways you can support your local farmers. When you are packing up your kids lunches or thinking about what to have for dinner, Think LOCAL. These are words to live by and quite possibly the easiest and healthiest way to keep the family farms going strong. Vote for the family farm near you with your dollar and buy local produce today!

heavy frost. Answer : All of the above. Winter Squash Information:

the vine (2 to 3 inches) attached to the fruit to help prevent storage rot. Harvest squash before a thumbnail. The portion that contacts the soil is cream to orange when mature. Leave a portion of Harvest when mature. The rind should be firm and glossy and not easily punctured by a

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October 2013

From The Field

Fun on the Farm in Region 3
Where has the summer gone? It seems like it goes by so fast and when you look back we were busy all the time. I guess thats why it seems like it goes by so fast. Crops here Skip Jensen in the Finger sjensen@nyfb.org Lakes Region look pretty good now in the late summer. Produce stands are full of local fruits and vegetables. Livestock and dairy producers have put up some nice forages and corn silage is just starting to be harvested. Sometimes its been a little hard to do good dry hay. There have been some isolated pockets of bad storms recently where some of the apple crop in Wayne County was damaged by hail. As of this writing growers are still trying to assess the damage.

Fun on the Farm 2013 in Ontario County

RegIon 3

Despite the messy weather, around 3,500 people turned out to enjoy Fun on the Farm 2013 September 21st, co-sponsored by Ontario County Farm Bureau. It was held on El-Vi Farms in Newark, NY. The hay ride featured above was just one of many family activities on hand. Visitors also had the opportunity to talk to farmers about their equipment and what they grow. Plus, they sampled some great locally grown food and products.
game on it. It has created a lot of interest. Carol is a strong advocate for Promotion and Ag Education. Along with Ann Meade in the north end of the county and Dan Babbitt in the central part, they do a great job of working the ag education programs in the county. Clinton County Farm Bureau hosted a booth at the county fair. The county Farm Bureau teamed up with Nationwides Lashomb Insurance agency in M a l o n e . The booth f e a t u r e d p ro m o t i o n a l i t e m s from both organizations as well as the Ag. Master Kiosk for kids to enjoy. Bill Hamilton Clinton also bhamilton@nyfb.org hosted its second day on the farm event. This year the event was held at Adirondack Farms. The day on the farm featured a tour of the dairy facility, an array of vendors, a bouncy house for kids to enjoy, as well as food and ice cream for everyone. A big thank you to the host farm and everyone involved for all of their effort in putting together a very successful event. county fair this year. Along with a display and promotional items the booth featured the Ag. Master Kiosk for everyone to enjoy.

RegIon 7



As you may know, Cayuga County stretches from Lake Ontario in the north to the north border of Cortland and Tompkins Counties in the south. It makes for some real challenges when trying to work with volunteers in the County Farm Bureau. The County Board and nominating committee are working very hard this year to try to get representation from both ends of the county on the Board of Directors and the committees. We all know that it is much easier to work with your neighbors than working in strange neighborhoods. We hope that this will make for a more successful County Farm Bureau. Congratulations to Andrew Fish and his wife Kimberly Fortin for being one of the finalists for the Excellence in Agriculture Award.


Farm City Day was held August 10 in Tompkins County this year. The event was a little different this year because several farms hosted. Visitors could travel to one or more of the farms and at each were greeted by the farm owners. From there they toured and were told about each enterprise. We had several different commodities represented and the whole day was a real success. This is an event where we work very closely with the County Cooperative Extension.


Rensselaer has been very active this year. The county Farm Bureau worked hard on promotion during the fair week. A big thank you to the county President Tim Marbot for staffing the booth. The county has also worked very hard to organize their annual Taste of Rensselaer Event. The event this year will be hosted by Goolds Orchard. The county is looking forward to speak with members and non-members alike to promote the importance of local agriculture. The county is also looking forward to discussing policy at their annual meeting which will be held on October 18th at the Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake.


Ontario County Farm Bureau along with a whole host of volunteers have been busy working on plans for their Fun on the Farm event. This years event took place on Saturday, September 21 at El-Vi Farm in Newark. On Friday, before the public event on Saturday, every third and fourth grade student from the county was invited for the tour. It is a real educational trip for the students. Then they were encouraged to bring their parents on Saturday. Unfortunately, rain kept away some, but we still had more than 3,500 visitors with about 250 to 300 volunteers helping out with all of the days events.

Wayne County held a family picnic in August for all the members. It was a family fun day and although we had a modest turnout it was deemed a success. Everyone had a good time. During August Wayne County Farm Bureau along with the help of Assemblyman Bob Oaks and the New York State Department of Transportation held their annual truck inspection for the fruit growers. The State DOT provides two inspectors to go over trucks and help farmers get them in shape for the harvest season. It is really appreciated by the growers and a big thank you goes out to Assemblyman Bob Oaks, the State DOT and this year to KM Davies for letting us use part of their parking lot for doing the inspections. Congratulations to Zack Debadts for being a finalist in the Achievement Award Contest.



Franklin County had another successful fair season teaming up with the Lashomb Insurance agency. The county was able to recruit new members and also promote the county Farm Bureau by handing out bumper stickers, pens, and barn signs. With fair season now behind them Franklin will begin preparing for this years upcoming County Annual Meeting, which will be held on October 5th. The county has been working hard on policy development and will be looking forward to discussing this years issues in October.



Carol Doolittle from Frontenac Point Winery near Ithaca has had one of the Foundation Kiosks at the tasting room at her winery all summer long when it wasnt need at another event. Carol has noted that visitors have been interested in playing the Jeopardy

Yates County held their annual picnic August 13 at Red Jacket Park in Penn Yan. We had a good turnout of about 25 members and good food and fellowship was enjoyed by all.


Region 7 Counties Have Successful Fair Season

For the second straight year

As with many counties Essex is looking forward to their County Annual Meeting. This years meeting will be held on October 16th at the Cornell Cooperative Extension building in Westport. The county will be debating several key issues at their September policy development meeting and will look for input from its members. Essex County Farm Bureau also had a display at their

Washington County Farm Bureau hosted a very successful legislative tour this August. The tour was held at Tiashoke farm and hosted by the Ziehm Family. Senator Kathy Marchione and Assemblymen Steven McLaughlin were in attendance. Both the Senator and Assemblyman were able to tour the facility, get a close look at the milking parlor, and were able to hold a question and answer session for members in attendance. The event was very informative for everyone involved and a great success. The county Farm Bureau also featured a booth at the Washington County Fair. Nationwide agent Kevin Kosach and county board member Pat Imbimbo helped staff the booth during the week and were able to speak with members and non-members alike. Washington County will now look forward to Policy Development as they prepare for their County Annual Meeting. Their meeting will be held on October 11th at the B&B on the green in Hudson Falls.


Saratoga had another very successful Sundae on the Farm event this year. The event was hosted by McMahons Thoroughbred Farm. Despite the

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From The Field

Continued from Page 8 rainy weather, the event drew a record crowd. With well over 3,000 people in attendance, it was a great opportunity to learn about the horse industry in Saratoga County. Saratoga Farm Bureau also featured a booth at their county fair. In addition to the booth, the fair also featured the Nationwide Nascar courtesy of Dave Dewez and the Canoe Associates Insurance Agency in Clifton Park. A big thank you to Dave for arranging to have the car at the event. With the summer drawing to a close, Saratoga will now begin focusing on Policy Development in preparation for their County Annual Meeting. This years meeting will be held on October 26th at the Town of Ballston Town Hall. This will be a great opportunity for members to learn about the policy development process.


Bambi Baehrel

get them better acquainted with the diversity of agriculture in the county. In August the county put together an exhibit for the Altamont Fair that featured The

Policy Development Planning Begins

This summer, Nationwide agents toured two farms in Albany County, Indian Ladder Farms with Peter TenEyck and Gade Farms/ Farm Market with Jim Gade. Both farmers had offered to participate in a tour for Nationwide agents to

misconceptions of Agriculture, as a way to educate the nonfarming public to what are normal agricultural practices. On August 21, the county farm bureau hosted the 2nd Annual Clam Bake at Gade Farms. Over 60 members were able to attend for food, fun and fellowship and discuss ideas and concerns in the county. The county then went into the policy development process to prepare for the county annual meeting October 23.

ideas. It was also a time when the county put together ideas to get new members. Several members from the county farm bureau were able to attend the district 9 policy development meeting held at Brooks BBQ in Oneonta. The county has a nominating committee in place and is actively seeking new board members, and potential committee members. They have utilized issues and events in the media to attract more attention to the county farm bureau and the role it plays in the community.


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Delaware kicked off a series of policy development meetings on August 7, designed to move around the county to give members more of an opportunity to participate in the process and share their

The county farm bureau kicked off the summer season with the best attendance ever at the Greene County Youth Fair July 25-28. Beautiful weather and hard work brought the record crowds to the forever free fair! Several members were able to attend District 9 Policy Development meeting at Brooks BBQ in Oneonta. This was followed up by a Pot Luck Policy Development meeting to prepare for the County Annual Meeting at the Quarry steak House on October 7. Membership and State annual meeting are the next two projects for the county farm bureau.

I hereby make application for a one year membership in the _______________ County Farm Bureau and New York Farm Bureau (which is a member of American Farm Bureau Federation), the purpose of which is to promote, protect, and represent the economic, social, and educational interests of New Yorks farmers, as well as encourage the protection of agricultural areas and rural interests within the state. I am interested in promoting these objectives through membership. I understand acceptance or denial and classification of my membership are determined by the county Farm Bureau.
Name/Names Street or PO Box Town Phone E-mail State Zip Date of Birth

Farm Products Produced or Type of Business Off-Farm Occupation Annual renewal dues may vary by county but are $75 per year for new memberships with this application ($90 for Long Island and NYC). Contributions, gifts, or membership dues to N.Y. Farm Bureau, a county Farm Bureau, or the N.Y. Farm Bureau Legal Defense Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax-deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership dues are not refundable. Method of Payment: Check Credit Card # Mastercard, Visa, Dicsover Exp. Date

Hudson Valley Holds Wine & Food Festival

At left: After being presented with the Winners Plaque for Best Overall Hudson Valley Wine by Lieutenant Governor Duffy, NYFB members John Dyson, owner of Millbrook Winery, wine maker John Graziano, and general manager David Bova relax at the Taste NY event organized by Governor Cuomo to showcase Hudson Valley wine and food.

Signature Name of person - if any - that enrolled you

Payable to: NYFB, PO BOX 5330, Albany NY 12205

Candidate Statements Sought for NYFB Elections

Elections will be held at the New York Farm Bureau State Annual Meeting. Positions up for election include state Board of Directors from Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. The position of State Young Farmer Committee chairperson and State Promotion and Education Committee chairperson will be elected at a separate business session during State Annual Meeting. Any member who chooses to run for these positions may submit a letter of candidacy that will be printed in the November issue of Grassroots. The letter will be printed without editing and will be limited to 300 words or less. All letters must be received in the NYFB Albany office by Friday, Oct. 11. Letters should be sent via e-mail to info@nyfb.org or mailed to New York Farm Bureau, P.O. Box 5330, Albany, NY 12205. A headshot may also be submitted, but will only be accepted if a high resolution digital photograph is e-mailed as a JPEG file.

Below: Governor Cuomos Deputy Secretary for Agriculture, and former NYFB staffer, Patrick Hooker and Assemblymember Pete Lopez, discuss economic development policy for the Hudson Valley. Below: Local Senate and Assembly Agriculture Committee members relaxed at the Taste NY festival with Julie Suarez, NYFB Public Policy Director(L). Also pictured below are Senator Terry Gipson, Assemblyman Frank Skartados, and Assemblywoman Didi Barrett.

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October 2013

News Briefs
NYFB To File Food Safety Comments
New York Farm Bureau will be filing comments on the Food and Drug Administrations proposed food safety regulations that would regulate produce growers. The public comment period has been extended to Nov. 15 Among the issues that NYFB will include in its official comments are concerns about the sales exemption level being for all food rather than just the food covered under the regulation, and standards regarding the frequency of surface water testing and the length of time before harvest that manure may be applied to fields. Comments will also voice concerns that the regulations regarding wildlife are unrealistic for growing crops in the Northeast, where farmers work hard to exclude wildlife already . Complete comments submitted by NYFB will be available at www.nyfb.org by Nov. 15. In the meantime, members are encouraged to submit their own comments on the proposed rule to highlight any concerns or suggestions you have to improve the regulation. Real life examples on your farm will be helpful to FDA, an agency that is working on learning about farms but has not traditionally regulated them. You can find a sample letter and instructions for submitting comments by visiting the E-Lobby Center on our website, or you can go directly to regulations.gov and search for the FDA-2011-N-0921 to comment. If you have any questions or would like to share your concerns on this produce safety regulation, contact Kelly Young in the NYFB office at 1-800342-4143 or kyoung@nyfb.org. by the registration. In order to continue receiving Enhanced STAR, seniors must continue to apply annually or participate in the Income Verification Program. The Department of Taxation and Finance will mail letters to all 2.6 million Basic STAR recipients by early October. The letter includes registration instructions for the Departments online application. It also provides homeowners with a telephone number for registration or questions 518-457-2036. STAR Registration applies to Basic STAR exemptions for 2014 and beyond; it doesnt impact 2013 exemptions. Homeowners will not have to re-register every year based on the information provided in the registration process, the Tax Department will monitor homeowners eligibility in future years. budget reductions required by sequestration. The agency uses information gathered in the quarterly surveys along with various sources of administrative data to establish the monthly milk production estimates. With the quarterly surveys, the dairy cow and milk per cow statistics will once again be available. These are critical data points for interested parties to forecast future milk supply . The program will resume with a late September mailing of the survey form to producers and the release of resulting data on October 21. The letter stresses that the inability of New York farmers to access a stable and legal workforce has cost New York jobs, and impacts the safe and reliable supply of food and fiber produced in this state. New York Farm Bureau is seeing this statement ring true on farms every day as major business decisions are put on hold out of worries they wont have the workers needed for the basic farm duties like harvesting the crops or milking the cows. Some of our farmers have even scaled back food production because of a lack of labor. While our Representatives were back in their home districts during the August recess, New York Farm Bureau along with a number of other important stakeholder organizations had productive meetings with members of both parties who are eager to find a sensible solution that will not only help our farm economy prosper, but our countrys economy as well. New York Farm Bureau worked closely on this effort in conjunction with many others in support of immigration reform. They include the Northeast Dairy Producers Association (NEDPA), Farm Credit East, New York State Vegetable Growers Association, Northeast Ag and Feed Alliance, Agrimark, Dairylea Cooperative,

NY Reps Send Immigration Letter to House Leadership

New York Farm Bureau very much appreciates the letter that four members of New Yorks Republican Congressional delegation sent to their leadership in the House of Representatives, including to Speaker John Boehner. The letter signed by Congressmen Chris Gibson, Tom Reed, Richard Hanna and Chris Collins outlines the critical need for agriculture labor reform and underscores the harsh economic reality on farming in this state if nothing is done.

NASS to Resume Milk Production Surveys in October

USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service will resume milk production quarterly producer surveys in the new federal fiscal year, which begins October 1, 2013. NASS suspended the surveys in April of this year to meet the

Gillibrand Hosts New York Farm Day in DC

New York Homeowners Must Register for STAR Exemption by End of Year
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance recently announced that the agency has commenced mailing STAR (School Tax Assessment Relief) program registration letters to approximately 2.6 million homeowners across New York. The STAR registration effort initiative is designed to save New York taxpayers millions by eliminating inappropriate STAR property tax exemptions. Homeowners have until December 31, 2013 to register by telephone or online. The STAR exemption is available for owner-occupied, primary residences where the combined income of resident owners and their spouses is $500,000 or less. Married couples with multiple residences are only eligible to receive one STAR exemption. Senior Citizens Receiving Enhanced STAR Not Impacted The registration applies only to Basic STAR recipients. Senior citizens receiving the Enhanced STAR exemption are not affected

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, featured above top left with NY Farm Bureau Vice President Eric Ooms (L) and Todd Erling from Hudson Valley Agricultural Development Corp. (R), hosted the 12th annual New York Farm Day at the Russell Senate Office Building in the nations Capital. The Senator said the event brought together producers of New Yorks award-winning wines, farm-fresh products and seafood, as well as leading restaurateurs from across New York state to showcase some of New Yorks very best in Washington, D.C. The New York Wine and Grape Foundation and its President, Jim Trezise (featured lower right with Sen. Gillibrand), do an excellent job putting the event together, and New York Farm Bureau was proud to co-sponsor the wonderful evening that showcases the many wonderful food and farm based products to a whole new audience in DC. Sen. Charles Schumer (pictured upper right) also stopped by to sample some of the great food on hand and meet with farmers. In addition, Rep. Chris Collins attended as well along with NYFB Public Policy Director Julie Suarez and Jim Allen, President of the New York Apple Association. ( pictured together lower left) With so many important decisions being made in at the federal level that impact our farms, it is very worthwhile for our members to be able to talk to the lawmakers and put a farmers face together with our issues. At the same time, New York Farm Day is a fun event that allows me and my fellow farmers to proudly show off what we do so well in the state, said Ooms.

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New York Farm Bureau Announces Circle of Friends Recipients

New York Farm Bureau has come out with its annual Circle of Friends, naming 101 State Legislators to the distinguished list. The award is an indication of the individual lawmakers support of New York agriculture and the Farm Bureau. The Circle of Friends honor is based upon each legislators voting record on issues of agricultural importance as well as other evidence of legislative support, including sponsorship of bills that New York Farm Bureau has either supported or opposed during the most recent legislative session. The selected lawmakers from both the Assembly and Senate were chosen for their commitment to the hard working farm families in New York. Each friend has demonstrated that they understand the importance of agriculture to the people of their legislative district, and how farming significantly impacts the economy of this great state, said Dean Norton, President of New York Farm Bureau. The Circle of Friends is not an endorsement, and this distinction only recognizes the 2013 legislative session. Circle of Friends recipients for 2013 are:

New York Senate:

Eric Adams Joseph Addabbo, Jr. Greg Ball John Bonacic Philip Boyle David Carlucci John DeFrancisco Martin Dilan Hugh Farley Simcha Felder John Flanagan Charles Fuschillo, Jr. Patrick Gallivan Terry Gipson Martin Golden Joseph Griffo Mark Grisanti Kemp Hannon Ruth Hassell-Thompson Jeff Klein Kenneth LaValle Andrew Lanza William Larkin, Jr. George Latimer Thomas Libous Elizabeth Little Carl Marcellino Kathy Marchione Jack Martins George Maziarz Velmanette Montgomery Michael Nozzolio

Ted OBrien Thomas OMara Kevin Parker Michael Ranzenhofer Patty Ritchie Gustavo Rivera Joseph Robach Diane Savino James Seward Dean Skelos Cecilia Tkaczyk David Valesky Cathy Young Lee Zeldin

New York Assembly:

Will Barclay Didi Barrett Ken Blankenbush Joseph Borelli Anthony Brindisi Mark Butler John Ceretto Jane Corwin Cliff Crouch Brian Curran David DiPietro Janet Duprey Gary Finch Michael Fitzpatrick Christopher Friend Dennis Gabryszak Andrew Garbarino Joe Giglio Andrew Goodell Al Graf

Steve Hawley Edward Hennessey Mark Johns Tony Jordan Michael Kearns Brian Kolb Kieran Michael Lalor Peter Lopez Chad Lupinacci Bill Magee William Magnarelli Nicole Malliotakis David McDonough Tom McKevitt Steve McLaughlin Michael Montesano Bill Nojay Robert Oaks Phil Palmesano Edward Ra Annie Rabbitt Andrew Raia Bill Reilich Addie Russell Joseph Saladino Angelo Santabarbara Robin Schimminger Frank Skartados James Skoufis Daniel Stec Albert Stirpe, Jr. James Tedisco Claudia Tenney Matthew Titone Raymond Walter

Casella Organics Finding New Uses on the Farm

By: Steve Ammerman

Farmers are in the business of making sure the land they use is well taken care of, for without the land, they have no farm. A new New York Farm Bureau member is helping to care for the land and improve soil health with their line of products, transforming residuals into environmentally friendly products that have a multitude of agricultural uses. The company is called Casella Organics. Founded in Maine and operating in New England for more than 30 years, the company is broadening its reach throughout the Northeast. Its earthlife products can be found on farms in the way of fertilizer, liming agents, compost, even animal bedding. A large number of the recycled products contain organic nitrogen which breaks down slower over time in the soil than synthetic nitrogen, according to the company, which can reduce the likelihood of runoff or evaporation. Our mission is to take materials people wouldnt readily see or pursue value in, and turn them into resources that really do add value. This enables us to provide economical options to end users and is environmentally preferable, said Jen McDonnell, Casella Organics Director of Sales and Marketing. For example, Casella has found a way to reuse the byproducts of recycling paper at a mill, and distribute the residual, often known as short paper fiber- composed of cellulosic organic matter, lime and clay- as FiberLime that can be spread through a standard manure spreader. According to Casella, the lime, in the form of calcium carbonate, is similar to ground limestone rock that is commonly used to raise soil pH and add calcium for better plant growth. The cellulose fiber provides organic

matter to improve soil structure. The product was used on a farm in Middleburgh that was heavily damaged in Tropical Storm Irene when a tributary of the Schoharie Creek flooded in 2011, covering the farm land with more than a foot of sand. That following fall you could see in the field where he spread the FiberLime and where he didnt. There were setback areas where you could tell the crop treated with FiberLime was dramatically better. In part, just because the organic matter was holding the moisture in such a well-drained soil, said Jeff Brinck, Casella Organics New York Division Manager. Casella says there are many kinds of farms of all sizes that can use their products including grain growers, turf grass farmers, and even some products are approved for certified organic farms. The farmers in most need of our products are those who do not have access to manure or have more land than they have manure to put on it, said Brinck. Casella doesnt just provide products. It also provides residuals management services as well, such as the collection and removal of manure. It can handle large quantities of waste and determine the best use or placement, such as delivering it to an anaerobic digester to turn into energy . That is why a number of their customers are industrial in nature, like yogurt plants. Casella Organics has worked with one plant in New York State already, and it sees a large opportunity with the growth of the dairy industry . As part of their mission, the company has set goals to increase the amount of material it recycles annually, keeping it out of landfills by converting organic & mineral byproducts into reusable resources. When it comes to processing and Continued on page 17

Grasslands, featured above, is Casella Organics biosolids processing facility located in Chateaugay, NY in the North Country. This facility,which has been operating while under construction this year, produces a Class A fertilizer product for use on farm fields, reclamation sites, and in topsoil blends as a source of nutrients and lime value. An open house is planned for next spring.

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October 2013

Applying the Science of Ergonomics to Farm Work

By Mike Spaulding Sponsor Relations for Nationwide Insurance Anyone whos worked in agriculture can testify to the hard, often backbreaking work required to do the job. Lugging buckets of grain and water to feed the livestock, hoisting bales of straw, and lifting heavy equipment are just a few of the tasks performed by American farmers every day . Strains, sprains and back pain are so common among farmers that these injuries are sometimes considered just another part of the job. Yet farmers and farm workers report some of the highest risks of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the nation. Only recently has the science of ergonomics been applied to farm work to help reduce the number of injuries that cost commercial agriculture millions of dollars every year in health care expenses, lost wages and lowered productivity, says Industrial Hygienist, Glenn Soyer, manager, Risk Management Services with Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company, Des Moines, IA. Ergonomics is the study of the physical capabilities and limitations of a worker in relation to that persons work tasks, tools and environment. Ergonomics seeks to reduce stress on the body, and increase safety, comfort and productivity . It may sound complicated, but most ergonomic recommendations are fairly easy to integrate into many farming routines. The key is awareness and practice. S i m p l e changes that make work safer Consider incorporating these ergonomic modifications into your everyday work activities to reduce potential injuries to you and your workers. Lifting Lift only the loads you know you can handle. Get help or use a mechanical lift for larger loads. Keep the load close to your body, lifting with your legs. Be careful when reaching for items, and move them closer to you before lifting. Avoid twisting or bending at the waist while lifting. Carrying If you carry an item with one arm, such as a bucket, keep your knees soft to reduce the strain on your lower back. Counterbalance by raising your other arm away from your body . Be sure to switch sides frequently . Carrying with both arms is safer for your back and prevents overuse of the favored arm. Make sure the weight is balanced. For example, carry two buckets half full rather than one heavy bucket to minimize strain. Shoveling Be sure that your shovel is the right size for the job. If youre shoveling snow, grain or manure, use a smaller shovel or take smaller scoops. Keep your feet at shoulder width with your knees slightly bent to give yourself good support. Lift with your legs, not with your back. Avoid twisting while shoveling, and keep the load close to your body . Stooping Awkward positions such as stooping, bending from the waist or crouching can take a toll on your back. Use a half-kneeling position for better balance and posture instead of a full squat if you need to change a tire or do other work near the floor. If you need to bend from the waist, make sure you dont reach out too far and wrench your back. Always take frequent breaks from awkward positions to release the tension in your muscles.

NYFB Members Testify at Hearing in Syracuse

Syracuse Fiber Recycling, LLC
Bedding for Dairy Cows
~ Presently Servicing Over 100 Dairy Farms Throughout New York State Including Super Milk Producers ~ Year Round Supply, Lime in Every Load, pH Always 11.5+ ~ Loads Delivered in 72-80 Yard Quantities; Smaller Amounts Can be Picked Up at Our Syracuse Site ~ Producing Quality Bedding for Over 15 Years

Roger W. Elston Joseph E. Elston

P.O. Box 8, Syracuse, NY 13209 (315) 487-4346

Started by Farmers, for Farmers

Serving the Agricultural Community for 45 Years
Nancy Hourigan, Owner of Hourigans Dairy Farm and Onondaga County Farm Bureau representative, testified in Syracuse on September 4th before the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Investigations and Government Operations Committee. Senators pictured above at the hearing include Sen. Carl Marcellino, Chair of Investigations and Government Operations who co-chaired the hearing with Sen. John DeFrancisco who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Also pictured, Sen. David Valesky and Sen. Thomas OMara. Hourigan spoke about the need to increase the estate tax exemption for family farms in order to enable the next generation to farm the land, and she asked the Senators to make it easier for our farmers to form LLCs based on net farm income, as opposed to the current protocol of using gross farm income. We can have the best soil, abundant water resources, a diversity of production and access to robust markets but without the farms themselves, we will not have local food production or an agricultural industry in New York State, said Hourigan.

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October 2013


Page 13

New York Lawmakers Tour Washington County Farm

The Ziehm brothers, Eric, Brian, and Stuart, welcomed Senator Kathy Marchione and Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin to their dairy farm in Washington County. They were joined on the tour by other Washington County Farm Bureau members including President Tom Borden. Eric (featured left) and Stuart Ziehm (featured right) led the tours of the CAFO dairy farm explaining the challenges and opportunities that come with modern animal agriculture. Other issues discussed included concerns over proposed legislation in Albany regarding farm labor and mandated GMO labeling. All three brothers are carrying on the dairy farm tradition passed down from their parents and each hoping to do the same for their children. It was important for Senator Marchione (black coat) and Assemblyman McLaughlin (white shirt) to get a good look at ways they can support agriculture in Albany to help grow New York farms of all sizes.

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Page 14


October 2013

NYFBs Legal Defense Fund: Protecting a Farmers Rights

What is NYFBs Legal Defense Fund?
The NYFB Legal Defense Fund (LDF) supports and protects farmers rights in the legal arena in matters involving significant NYFB policy that stand to have far-reaching impact on the farmers in New York State. Money contained in the fund comes from the generous contributions of County Farm Bureaus, individual farmers, and other agricultural supporters. Through the years the NYFB Legal Defense Fund has relied on contributors like you to support our legal advocacy efforts. The effectiveness of the Legal Defense Fund is dependent upon our donors to stay strong and able to meet the demands of the future. NYFBs monetary support, in the privacy, Second Amendment, and CAFO cases described on this page, has depleted the fund. To keep the fund strong and to be prepared for the next legal threat to New York agriculture (it is just a matter of time), please consider donating to the Legal Dense Fund. In addition to the cases described here, in recent years, NYFB has used the Legal Defense Fund to protect the NYS Agricultural District Law, defend a farms right to construct and provide farmworker housing, support challenges to EPAs attempts to overreach under the Clean Water Act, and to protect private property rights. If you would like the satisfaction of knowing you are a supporter of agricultural legal advocacy, please donate to the New York Farm Bureau Legal Defense Fund by sending a contribution to: NYFB Legal Affairs, PO Box 5330, Albany, NY 12205 Please note Legal Defense Fund in the memo portion of your check. Thank you for your generous support. Contributions or gifts to the NYFB Legal Defense Fund are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Federal Freedom of Information Act

Protecting farmers and ranchers right to privacy is a top priority, said the American Farm Bureau Federation, which took legal action in July to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from publicly releasing personal information about thousands of farmers and ranchers and their families. EPA was expected to respond to several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, prompting AFBF to file a lawsuit and seek a temporary restraining order before the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. AFBF hopes to stop disclosures of farmers names, home addresses, GPS coordinates and personal contact information until a court can clarify EPAs obligation to keep personal information about citizens private. The National Pork Producers have joined AFBF in this endeavor. In response to AFBFs lawsuit, EPA has decided to delay its response to the FOIA requests until the lawsuit has been resolved. Earlier this year, the farming community was shocked that EPA released personal information about thousands of livestock and poultry farmers and ranchers in 29 states, including New York, in response to FOIA requests from three environmental organizations. The massive data release contained tens of thousands of lines in spreadsheets often including home phone numbers, home emails, employee contact information, home addresses and in some cases personal notes about the families. EPA had required state regulatory agencies to provide the agency with this information, which it then publicly released in its entirety . EPA has taken the position with AFBF and others that it has no legal obligation under FOIA to keep most of the information private. Now, in response to new FOIA requests, EPA intends to release additional personal information from farmers in Minnesota, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Washington. A farmers privacy is key to farm security and farm family safety . AFBF hopes to curtail what is essentially a dump of information, in spreadsheet form, regarding thousands of farms around the country . To support this effort, NYFB has donated $5,000 from the Legal Defense Fund to AFBFs legal advocacy effort to support the protection of farmer privacy in this unprecedented case. The case is still in its preliminary stages and NYFB will continue to monitor and support where possible, AFBFs efforts to support the privacy of our farmers.

New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. et al. v. Cuomo, et al. ( NYSRPA v. Cuomo) challenges the constitutionality of multiple provisions of the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (the SAFE Act) which was approved on January 15, 2013. NYFB received a request from Madison County Farm Bureau to review the SAFE Act and its impact on NYFB policy and the Second Amendment of the Constitution. NYFB has reviewed this case and its impact on NYFB policy, which states: We oppose any restriction of our right to own and carry firearms, as this right is guaranteed by the second amendment of the United States Constitution. In the process of evaluating the case, NYFB assessed the court proceeding and filed legal documents, including the amicus brief of the NYS Sheriff s Association which did an excellent job of explaining the impact of the SAFE Act on ordinary citizens and on law enforcement. Under the law, neither group has a clear picture of even what is allowed or prohibited under the law, a violation of each New Yorkers due process rights. Further, the law implements the sweeping changes to the types of firearms permitted in NYS. The NYFB Board of Directors has approved a donation of $3,000 from NYFBs own legal defense fund to the NYSRPAs legal defense fund to assist in that groups challenge to the constitutionally of the SAFE Act. With its financial support, NYFB intends to assist the NYSRPA in presenting a strong, well-reasoned, and thorough legal case to the federal court hearing this important case. The defense of the constitutional rights of New York citizens is vital to maintaining a free society .

New Small CAFO Threshold

At its most recent meeting, the NYFB Board of Directors Meeting approved seeking friend of the court status in the case of Riverkeeper, et al. v. Martens and NYSDEC. In this case several environmental groups, including Riverkeeper, the Sierra Club, and the Waterkeeper Alliance, have challenged the NYS Department of Environmental Conservations newly- approved regulations raising the threshold number of cows that trigger the need for a NYSDEC SPEDES permit and simplify some related regulations. This move, supported by NYFB, will continue to protect water quality while giving farms somewhat greater flexibility to expand. NYSDECs measure is the recognition of all the good work that NYs livestock farmers have done as dedicated stewards of the environment. NYFB seeks to support NYSDEC by arguing, among other points, that the new regulations 1) conform to the Clean Water Act (CWA) and 2) seek to harmonize and streamline what sometimes is a confusing and unnecessarily complex regulatory scheme. NYFB also intends to vigorously contradict the Plaintiffs characterization of livestock farms as polluters, which, under the new regulations, will be unregulated. Nothing can be further from the truth.

October 2013


Page 15

How New York Farm Bureau Works For You

By Jim Peck Ontario County Farm Bureau Vice President actually till the soil or tend to the livestock have become a small minority . On the other hand, the proportion of our communities that depend on agriculture is very significant. When we add all the folks who seek to maintain the rural lifestyle, it becomes a large part of our population. In the end, all these people have many things in common and Farm Bureau is the only organization that exists at the local, state and national level that has, at its core, those values in their organizational philosophy and operational activities. So why be a Farm Bureau member? First, it is important to be involved. Your membership as a farmer member or as an associate member says that you are involved. When dealing with influencing government policy, membership numbers count. Your membership says that you care and want to be counted as supporting and influencing the importance of agriculture and rural interests. More importantly it counts you in those who care about what happens in your neighborhood and all of rural America. Very few things happen in government at all levels that in some way the Farm Bureau family has not had some influence in its development, debate and outcome. It may be a fellow Farm Bureau member that serves on a local town board, planning commission, or a member that is part of county, state or national government, or it may be the lobbying efforts at all levels of government. Its outcome may not always be what an individual desires, but being a part of the sphere of influence and active in its direction is the really important part. Anyone can be a member. As a regular, farmer, members can take part in the grassroots policy development process and leadership of the organization. Leadership development is a process started by showing up at meeting, discussion groups around the kitchen table or the coffee shop. Any place two Farm Bureau members get together counts. Farm Bureau has a long tradition of fostering and developing leadership at the grass roots level and encouraging involvement at the county, state, and national levels. There are opportunities at all levels, and for those with all kinds of backgrounds, to have meaningful experiences and opportunities to be involved and grow as members of Farm Bureau. Members, as regular or associate can support the advocacy of important rural issues. We all know and understand the value of our agricultural heritage and the need to support and defend those values in our personal and business lives. Through the Farm Bureau organization, from the local to national levels, there is a structure to determine, define and advocate a full range of issues that impact our daily lives. Determining policy and intervening when our individual or collective interest is compromised is a basic value and operational structure of Farm Bureau at the local, state and national level. Being a member makes you a part of this very important advocacy network.

Farm Bureau has over a 100 year legacy of being a part of agriculture, farming, country living and the rural landscape. Started in rural upstate New York in response to issues important to farmers and their families at that time, it has continued grow to be a voice and guiding influence in the contemporary issues of farming and rural living at local, state and national levels. Farm Bureau has been the training ground for leadership and inspiration for many country folks to become involved in all levels of policy development and government. Today, the demographics of our communities have changed to where those who

For a full listing of membership benefits, go to www.nyfb.org

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Page 16


October 2013

OSHA Starting Focused Inspection Effort on New York Dairy Farms

By Cathy Calzada Mural

Sen. Gillibrand Promotes Rural Broadband

The New York office for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has informed New York Farm Bureau that they will be conducting a focused inspection effort, called a Local Emphasis Program (LEP), on dairy farms in the near future. With the expansion of New Yorks dairy industry, especially the robust growth in Greek yogurt production, OSHA is taking up this enforcement initiative in anticipation of the corresponding growth in workers on the farm. Dairy farms will be selected randomly by OSHA for inspection under this LEP. New Yorks Dairy LEP is still under development but will closely resemble the Dairy LEP currently in place in Wisconsin. The WI LEP focuses on worker safety training and prevention of hazardous activities that OSHA has identified as common violations on dairy farms: Inhalation hazards around manure storage facilities or collection structures, Safe worker positioning for animal handling,

Electrocution and electric shock hazards, Tractor and skidsteer loader accidents, Accidents related to equipment power takeoffs or while servicing equipment, Safe storage, handling and use of cleaners and chemicals, Safe and secure entry and activities associated with confined spaces and horizontal bunker silos. Interested producers can view the full WI LEP at http://fyi.uwex.edu/ agsafety/. While no timeframe has been confirmed for the start of this focused enforcement initiative for dairy farms, all farmermembers are encouraged to begin reviewing their worker safety systems and protocols now to ensure they have adequate time to correct any inconsistencies found for OSHA compliance. NYFB will notify members immediately when NYs LEP document is available and when the anticipated start date for inspections has been established. NYFB, NEDPA, PRODAIRY and Farm Credit East are working collaboratively to prepare the producer community

for OSHA inspection and compliance. Farmers are encouraged to view two educational webinars on OSHA compliance which are available at w w w. f a r m c r e d i t e a s t . com/webinars which was sponsored by this collaboration of groups. Other resources and educational opportunities will be forthcoming in the coming months. Please sign up for NYFB email alerts (at 518-436-8495) or visit www. nyfb.org to keep updated on educational seminars, voluntary compliance and self-audit programs and other resources to help farmers of all commodities eet OSHA regulations.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand welcomed Pat McCormick, Wyoming County Farm Bureau Vice President, at her late August press conference at Friendly Acres Farm in Attica. She discussed the importance of legislation that would help provide high speed internet service to dozens of rural New York communities.

Deadline Approaching for OSHAs Hazard Communication Standard

provides a common and coherent approach to classifying chemicals and communicating hazard information on labels and safety data sheets. The first deadline in the implementation phase is December 1, 2013, the date by which employers must train workers on the new label elements and new safety data sheet formats required under HCS. OSHA hopes to have HCS fully phased in by June 1, 2016. For more information, visit OSHAs Hazard Communications webpage which is located at the following web address: h t t p s : / / w w w. o s h a . g ov / dsg/hazcom/.

By Cathy Calzada Mural


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently revised its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to align with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The updated HCS



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October 2013


Page 17

An Invitation Aims to Bridge the Gap in Albany

Continued from Page 1
welcomed the Assemblymen out to his place. He said it was a great experience and he was able to talk about the burdensome regulations that put him at a competitive disadvantage with grape growers in other states. Stamp appreciated them giving up their time to learn about agriculture, and he believes it will make a difference when farm related bills come before the lawmakers in the Assembly . I see this as something that state lawmakers ought to encourage. Our state would be better if we did more of this, said Dave Stamp. It is awfully easy to ignore everyones district but yours, but we are all in this together and when you get an opportunity to see another area, you can learn a lot. Assemblyman Palmesano agrees. Thats why he plans to reciprocate and take some upstate lawmakers down to New York City in the fall or winter to become better versed on urban issues like school overcrowding. In the end, he believes not only will he benefit from the visits, but his constituents and the state will as well, even if the Assemblymen dont always support each others bills in Albany . Its more of getting an understanding and respect for what we are facing and the more we can do that all the way across the board is a positive thing, said Palmesano. Is it going to change things overnight? No, but it was a step in the right direction. We need to do more and more

Above:AssemblymembersMoya, Rodriguez,Crespo,PalmesasnoandBraunsteinmeetwithTedMarks(fourthfrom left) who is the owner of Atwater Estate Vineyards along Seneca Lake in Burdett, NY. The visit was part of the three day tour of farms , businesses and tourist sites in Palmesanos district. of that. More of these exchanges are a good thing even if it is small groups at a time. Moya said he and Palmesano have become such good friends that they are like brothers. He says the relationship building brings a new cordiality that is needed in the legislature. We may disagree on philosophies of political stances, but I think the overwhelming majority of the time we all know that what we are doing is in the best interest of our communities. And this has helped bridge that divide that has gone on for so long in Albany, said Moya.

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Rep. Reed meets with NYFB Delegation in Washington, DC

Continued from Page 11

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Rep. Tom Reed (far right) met with several farmers from western New York and the southern tier on a balcony overlooking the National Mall. Pictured above with Rep. Reed: NYFB Public Policy Dir. Julie Suarez, and members Barlow Rhodes, Lin Davidson, Kevin Frisbie, and District 4 State Director Ashur Terwilliger.

Continued from Page 1

Opening the Barn Doors Opens Up Minds on the Farm

and what people would think of the farm. When you open your doors to the public, you just dont know who is going to show up. But she explains that her worries were unfounded. Everyone that attended was excited to be there and learn the day-to-day workings of a dairy farm. There were some questions about tail docking and hoof trimming, but they were all very respectful questions and just people wanting to know more. Mostly everyone was amazed about how big we are and how much we actually do, she said. When asked after the event if it was something she would do again, Swyers answered with an enthusiastic, In a heartbeat! I think it is really important to educate the public about what we do. There are so many misconceptions out there. A lot of people have questions and are given the wrong information, she said. If they come to our farm and ask us, then we know they are getting the right answers and hopefully

they can then tell others. The farm is our livelihood. We love what we do and want to be able to share that with our community . For more information on how

you could set up your own Day on the Farm please contact your local county Farm Bureau or New York Animal Agriculture Coalition at http://www.nyanimalag.org/.

Above Photo: Dozens of people are given a ride through Adirondack Farms. (photo courtesy of Jessica Ziehm)

Page 18


October 2013

Compliance Corner: Minimum Wage Requirements

By Lisa A. Ovitt, Paralegal

On March 29, 2013, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that will raise the minimum hourly wage in New York in three increments as follows: December 31, 2013: Increase to $8.00 per hour from $7.25 per hour; December 31, 2014: Increase to $8.75 per hour from $8.00 per hour; December 31, 2015: Increase to $9.00 per hour from $8.75 per hour. Currently, 19 states plus Washington, DC, have wages above the federal minimum rate of $7.25 per hour. Only Washington State has a minimum wage higher than $9.00 per hour. Following the increase, New York will join Washington, Washington, DC and seven other states to have a minimum wage at or above $8.00 an hour. To see a color-coded map of the states and their minimum wages, go to http://www.dol.gov/ whd/minwage/america.htm.

As an agricultural employer, you already know that a myriad of state and federal labor laws govern your business. What you may not know is that it is not uncommon for the New York State Department of Labor to come knocking on your door looking for, among other things, certain information to be posted in a central location and easily accessible to your employees. Minimum wage for farm workers is among them. A complete Fact Sheet on labor posting requirements for New York state agriculture employers can be found in the members-only section of our website, www.nyfb.org. These posters are downloadable free of charge. Among them are: Minimum Summary of Wage Order for Farm Workers ( h t t p : / / w w w. l a b o r. n y. g o v / formsdocs/wp/LS110_2009.pdf) In addition, all farms employing workers covered by the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act (MSPA) must also display: Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act poster (http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/ compliance/posters/mspaensp.pdf)

and Seasonal Migrant Agricultural Worker Protection Act Worker Information Agreement form (http://www.dol.gov/whd/forms/ wh516.pdf) And, the current minimum wage poster is located at http:// www.labor.ny.gov/for msdocs/ wp/LS207_2009.pdf. This will be revised by the end of the year, and you must post the new version. NYFBs publication Farmers Guide to Labor & Employment Laws, 2nd Ed. is an excellent resource for this and many other topics facing ag employers. To order a copy, call the Legal Affairs Department at 1-800-342-4143. The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be considered, a substitute for legal advice rendered by a competent attorney. If you have any questions about the application of the issues raised in this article to your particular situation, seek the advice of a competent attorney.

Official Notice of New York Farm Bureau, Inc. Annual Meeting

The New York Farm Bureau, Inc. (NYFB) Annual Meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Liverpool, Syracuse, New York during three days on December 3 - 5, 2013. The voting delegate business session convenes on Tuesday afternoon, December 3, 2013 and runs through Thursday, December 5, 2013. All Farm Bureau members are invited and encouraged to attend the NYFB Annual Meeting.

DEC Seeks Hunter Support to Keep Chronic Wasting Disease Out of New York
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) reminds hunters that Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) continues to pose a potential threat to New York's wild white-tailed deer herd, and hunters should take precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. Late last year, CWD was found on a deer farm in Pennsylvania and in early 2013, CWD was confirmed in Pennsylvania's wild white-tailed deer herd. "Preventing the introduction of Chronic Wasting Disease into New York is vital to protecting our deer herds and is a high priority for DEC," said DEC Commissioner Joe Martens. "DEC's deer management and outreach efforts work to ensure the health of New York's deer herd and to protect the recreational and viewing opportunities deer provide. The most effective way to protect New York's deer herd is to keep CWD infectious material out of the state and hunters can play an important role in this effort." CWD is a highly contagious and deadly brain and nervous system disease that affects deer, elk, moose and other members of the deer family . CWD is always fatal and there are no vaccines or treatment available. The agent that causes the disease is called a prion and it is virtually indestructible. Prions are found in the lymph nodes, brain and spinal tissues of infected animals, which can shed (spread) prions in their urine, saliva, and feces. Also, certain parts of dead animals remain infectious on the landscape and in the soil for many years. There is no evidence that CWD can infect humans, but DEC urges caution when handling or processing CWD susceptible animals. Individuals who hunt deer, elk or moose outside of New York should be familiar with New York's CWD regulation (6 NYCRR Part 189) regarding the importation of cervid carcasses and meat back into New York before returning home. It is illegal to bring in whole carcasses from any CWD susceptible animal taken at a shooting preserve or to bring in whole carcasses from any state or province that has had CWD confirmed in wild or captive cervid herds. It is also illegal to ship the unprocessed trophy head from those preserves or CWD positive states or provinces. It is legal to import finished mounted heads, however. A person may only bring back the meat, hide and antlers, and certain parts must be removed before entering New York. A full list of prohibited parts can be found on DEC's website Before leaving to hunt out-of-state: Know the CWD status of the state or province you plan to hunt in since it can change at any time. For example, four additional states became CWD positive in 2012 (Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, and Pennsylvania). If caught in possession of an illegal carcass with the prohibited parts in New York, the carcass will be confiscated and destroyed (including antlers, hide and meat). Know if the state or province you hunt in requires CWD samples to be submitted after harvest and before you return home. Plan accordingly for how to handle an animal if your hunt is successful. Locate meat processors in the state or province where you are hunting ahead of time so you can get your carcass processed quickly and legally before returning to New York. If you decide to process your own animals, de-boning or quartering deer, elk or moose is easy if you plan ahead and have proper equipment. You can find "how to" videos on the internet before you go hunting. If you intend to have a trophy mounted, you will need to know how to prepare the hide, cape and antlers to eliminate potentially infectious CWD material. Proper handling of wild meat and the trophy will eliminate all the prohibited parts required by New York's CWD regulation. DEC recommends that hunters dispose of any cervid carcass waste, even from New York deer, into a proper waste stream either by putting butcher scrap in with household trash or otherwise ensuring it ends up in a licensed landfill. Landowners may dispose of their own deer on their property, but it is illegal in all cases for deer cutters (meat processors/butchers) and taxidermists to dispose of waste generated from their business in any way other than a landfill or rendering facility . DEC also recommends that people not use real deer urine-based lures because CWD can be transmitted through infected deer urine. Deer urine, used in commercial lures or scents, originates from captive deer on deer farms. In many cases, the urine from multiple deer farms is combined for commercial use. If there are CWD prions in the urine-based product it can contaminate the soil and potentially spread CWD to deer in that hunting area. If healthy animals ingest enough infectious CWD material, it could result in the establishment or spread of the disease. There are proven synthetic deer lure alternatives available on the market. Every year hunters in New York are found in possession of deer or other cervid carcasses taken outof-state. Many of these were imported illegally . Bringing in animals from CWD positive states or provinces and discarding the scrap on the landscape increases the risk that CWD will become re-established in New York. This disease threatens the deer herd for every hunter and could jeopardize the quality of the hunting experience forever. In some states where the disease is well established, deer herds are experiencing infection rates as high as 50 percent in older age bucks and nearly 30 percent in the overall herd. New York is fortunate that CWD was not verified in any additional deer since the initial discovery in Oneida County in 2005. DEC remains vigilant about keeping CWD out of the state and continues to monitor the latest science about the disease to help keep New York's herds healthy . For more information about CWD and the latest news on the disease, visit the DEC's website at http:// www.dec.ny .gov/ You may also find useful information on the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance's web site. That is located at http://www.cwd-info.org/

October 2013


Page 19

NYCAMH Celebrates 25 Years of Service

In 1988 the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) was granted official designation by then Governor Mario Cuomo, in recognition of the high rates of occupational injury and illness in farming. The legislature mandated NYCAMH to provide research into causes and prevention of agricultural injury and occupational illness, education, and c l i n i c a l s e r v i c e s within the New York farm c o m m u n i t y. In 1991 the N at i o n a l Institute of Occupational Safety and H e a l t h ( N I O S H ) designated N Y C A M H as the Northeast Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (NEC) an agricultural safety and health research, education and prevention resource for 13 northeastern states. NYCAMHs beginning can be traced back to the mid 1970s. Two Bassett Hospital pulmonologists, Drs. John May and David Pratt, were treating farmers who presented with certain respiratory problems. Onsite assessments of air quality at the farms lead the physicians to determine the illness was caused by dust inhalation at the worksite. Identification of the hazard was followed by an improved treatment plan and preventive education. Collaboration with farm families and communities has resulted in ergonomic interventions to improve the health of apple harvesters, an Occupational H e a l t h Reference Manual to assist clinicians treating migrant farmworkers, and free hearing and skin cancer screenings at farm events. Surveillance of farm injury began in 1994 and utilized nurses and Cornell agricultural engineers to collect data on reported farm fatalities, identify hazards and provide support to the farm families. Currently our farm injury surveillance research continues in several northeastern states with the goal of identifying injury statistics to assist in prioritization and evaluation of preventive efforts. NYCAMH utilized focus groups of farmers to understand resistance to retrofitting tractors with rollover protective structures (ROPS). The successful intervention combined a social marketing strategy with a rebate, resulting in over a thousand retrofitted tractors. The staff provides bilingual safety trainings and surveys to farmers and their workers, as well as first aid, CPR, and fire extinguisher safety . Since 1995, as a member of the New York State Occupational Health Clinic Network under the New York State Department of Health, NYCAMH

has provided diagnoses, treatment and preventive health services at the Farmers Occupational Health Clinic located at Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown, NY. At this same time HealthWorks was established to provide occupational health services to the rural business community

such as annual physicals for volunteer fire and emergency personnel. NYCAMH is proud of its work and remains committed to improving the health and safety of workers in agriculture, forestry, and fishing. (Article/Picture of NYCAMH) courtesy

NYCAMH Announces New Mobile Occupational Health Clinic

By Erika Scott
NYCAMH Senior Research Coordinator

We are pleased to announce the newest addition to NYCAMHs agricultural health and safety services. Thanks to generous support from the New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Occupational Health, a mobile occupational health clinic will be available to make on-farm visits beginning this fall. Staffed by trained health and safety professionals, the mobile clinic will travel throughout

New York, bringing basic health screenings and occupational goods and services to farmers where they live and work. The unit was recently unveiled at Empire Farm Days in Seneca Falls, New York. The health screenings offered by the mobile occupational health clinic will include: Cholesterol checks Glucose-Diabetes tests Hearing testing Vision testing Blood pressure screening Immunizations (for

cost) Skin cancer screening *subject to provider availability With convenient access to health screenings, through NYCAMHs mobile unit, taking care of your health and the health of your employees is easy and affordable. Screening services are free for farms with less than eleven employees. For farms with eleven or more employees, there are minimal fees for certain services. Immunizations such as influenza and tetanus are available, and

costs associated with these are reimbursable by most insurance companies. Referrals can also be made to local health care providers if needed. In addition to health screening services, specialists can assist you with appropriate personal protective equipment selection including safety glasses, disposable and half face respirators, hearing protection, gloves and chemical protection, all of which will be available for immediate, on-site purchase. Easy to install retrofit power take-off

The NYCAMH Mobile Clinic offers a number of a services and is available to make on farm visits throughout New York State. The unit was recently unveiled at Empire Farm Days in Seneca Falls.

(PTO) shields will also be stocked on board. Referrals to the ROPS retrofit hotline can be made. Clients will be able to schedule onfarm safety surveys and safety trainings in English and Spanish. Lastly, staff can facilitate a connection to our Farm Partners Program, which provides free and confidential counseling and case management assistance to farmers and their families. NYCAMH can also educate your employees about personal hygiene, safe food handling and field sanitation, as well as other topics relevant to your operation, including tractor and machinery safety, chemical and pesticide safety, ladder safety, and safe lifting and carrying. On-farm safety programs are funded by a grant from the New York State Department of Labor Hazard Abatement Board. These surveys and trainings are offered at no cost and are available in English and Spanish. If you would like more information about the mobile clinic or wish to schedule a farm safety survey or on-farm safety training session, please contact us at 800-343-7527, or email Erika Scott at Erika.scott@bassett.org. NYCAMH, a program of Bassett Healthcare Network, is enhancing agricultural and rural health by preventing and treating occupational injury .

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October 2013

The Face of New York Agriculture

Stanley & Donna Staron Staron Farm

Schuylerville, NY

Tell us a little bit about your farming operation.

Staron Farm is a family owned business. We began farming in 1978, growing potatoes and vegetables wholesale and raising beef cows and hogs. We started a self-serve roadside stand on a picnic table. In 1988,we built a permanent roadside stand on the corner of Merwin Road and Route 203 in Valatie, NY. As business grew so did the farmstand. The potato business started by digging and packing potatoes by hand. Now, Staron Farm is the largest potato grower in Columbia County, growing 30 acres of potatoes and using all automated machinery . Currently, Staron Farm grows a wide variety of vegetables and sell local fruit at the farm stand.

your operation does to make you unique?

We also sell homegrown, stand, we sell our produce all natural angus beef that to restaurants, schools, we raise. Fairs and racetracks. We also donate to local food pantries and non for profit What are some things organizations.

Our farming operation is unique because we strive to give our customers fresh produce at a low cost and we work hard to do that. We enjoy working the land, being outside and seeing customers enjoying the produce we grow.

What does winning that award mean to Why are you a member you? of New York Farm Winning the award was a Bureau?
tremendous honor! We feel very much appreciated by the community for our hard work.

the satisfaction will come nyfb.org. from knowing you grew something with your own two hands. Also, farming doesnt have set hours, its a way of life. So enjoy the land that you work.

Please tell us about the Victoria A. Simons Locavore Award that you won this year at the Columbia County Fair

If you had to give advice to someone that wanted to start farming, what would it be?
The advice I would give a person starting to farm
would be dont farm for the money . Make sure you love what youre doing and

We have been a member of Farm Bureau for many years. We joined to get farming insurance but we have come to realize how much Farm Bureau benefits the farming community . We are proud to be supporting a group that supports farmers. If you would like to be considered to be featured as a Face of NY Ag, please email Tara Wiley at twiley@

The Victoria A. Simons Locavore Award is about providing local food to the community . Besides the farm

Promoting Agriculture Building Leaders

Support the Farm NY Pac Make Checks Payable to: Farm NY PAC 159 Wolf Road PO Box 5330 Albany, NY 12205

Assemblyman David Buchwald, from Westchester County, visits with horse trainer Cheryl Fischer at her farm in Bedford Hills. The Assemblyman toured the farm to gain a better understanding of horse farms and agriculture in his district and across New York State. Issues discussed were high taxes, building codes and equine dentistry. Jeff Williams, Manager of Governmental Relations for New York Farm Bureau, looks on.

October 2013


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2013 County Annual Meeting Dates

The following is a list of scheduled County Annual Meetings as of September 25th. Please visit NYFB.ORG for more information. Albany 10/23 Maple Inn Berne Allegany 10/9 Beef Haus Wellsville 6:30 p.m. - Dinner Broome 10/11 Broome CCE 7:30 p.m. Cattaraugus 10/23 Ellicottville Lutheran Church 7:00 p.m. Dinner Cayuga 10/9 Springside Inn Auburn 6:30 p.m. Chautauqua 10/24 Falcons Nest Falconer 6:30 p.m. Chemung 10/21 Horseheads American Legion 6:30 p.m. Chenango 10/29 Silo restaurant Greene 6:30 p.m. Clinton 10/10 Gumas Restaurant Chazy Columbia 10/25 Churchtown Firehouse 6 p.m. Cortland 10/8 Mcgraw Community Bldg. Delaware 10/11 The Roost at Brooks BBQ DPW 10/24 Copperfields Millbrook Erie 10/22 Cornell Cooperative Extension East Aurora 7:00 p.m. Essex 10/16 CCE Westport Franklin 10/5 Brushton Methodist Church 7:00 p.m. Fulton 10/25 Perthshire Amsterdam Genesee 10/1 Terry Hills Greene 10/7 Quarry Steak House Climax Herkimer 10/17 Francescas Ilion Jefferson 10/15 Adams VFW 6:30 p.m. Social Lewis 10/16 Livingston 10/9 Lima Country Club Long Island 10/28 Stonewalls Restaurant Riverhead Madison 10/24 Rusty Nail Canastota 6:30 p.mMonroe 10/24 Glendoveers 6:30 p.m. Montgomery 10/10 Florida Town Hall Niagara 10/17 Niagara CCE 5:30pm Oneida 10/21 Onondaga 10/30 Orchard Valley Country Club 6:30 p.m. Ontario 10/25 Club 86 Geneva 6:00 p.m. Social Orange 10/31 Goshen Track 6:30 p.m. Orleans 10/2 Black North Oswego 11/8 Palermo Methodist church Rockland Held in March Rensselaer 10/18 Lakeview Inn on Crystal Lake Averill Park St. Lawrence 10/29 Canton Methodist Church 7:00 p.m. Saratoga 10/26 Ballston Town Hall Schenectady 10/16 Schoharie 10/18 The Olde Tator Barn Schuyler 10/16 JR Dill winery Hector 6:00 p.m. Business Meeting Only Seneca 10/17 Fayette Fire Hall 6:30 p.m. Steuben 10/23 Bath Country Club 6:30 p.m. Dinner Sullivan 10/9 Rockland House in Roscoe 7:30 p.m. Tioga 10/10 Tompkins 10/18 Dryden VFW, Route 13 Dryden 7:00 p.m. Ulster 10/15 Barnabys in New Paltz 7:00 p.m. Washington 10/11 B&B on the Green Hudson Falls Wayne 10/26 Fairville Fire Hall Speaker: Assemblyman Bob Oaks Wyoming 10/15 Yates 10/15 Penn Yan Elks Club 7:00 p.m.

First TasteNY Location Up and Running

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that the New Baltimore Service Area on the New York State Thruway is now the first location in the state to offer Taste NY products year round. Additional locations will soon open at other Thruway service areas in Western and Central New York. With thousands of motorists traveling along I-87 every day, the New Baltimore Service Area was an easy pick for the first location to offer Taste NY products year-round, Governor Cuomo said. The Taste NY initiative is designed to highlight the tremendous products that are grown and produced right here in New York State, and doing so along major sources of travel is sure to grow the list of loyal consumers and support the states agriculture, culinary, and tourism industries. In his 2013 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo announced the launch of New Yorks largest tourism campaign in decades. Taste NY is a key component of the nearly $60 million plan to grow New York industries, create jobs and attract even more visitors to the Empire State while promoting New York grown or produced products. The Thruways selection of Taste NY products is available for purchase inside the plazas Travel Mart convenience store. The Thruway is proud to be among the first locations to offer Taste NY products, said Thruway Authority Executive Director Thomas J. Madison. Since we are one of New Yorks vital transportation arteries, these products will be directly marketed to hundreds of thousands of people using the Thruway . We look forward to expanding this program to more of our service areas in the future. The New Baltimore Service Area is operated by HMS Host Corporation and was chosen because of its high volume and accessibility from both north and southbound lanes. HMS Host remodeled the plazas Travel Mart to create a store within a store to highlight the New York products. The goods that are currently available for purchase at the New Baltimore Service Area include products from: Ronnybrook Farms (Columbia County) Yanceys Fancy New York Artisan Cheese (Genesee County) McCadam Cheese (Franklin County) Nelson Farms (Madison County) Red Jacket Orchards (Ontario County) Merle Maple Farm (Wyoming County) Mad Foodz (Allegany County) Joes Jerky (Oneida County) Rob Salamida Company (Broome County) New York State Maple Producers (statewide) New York Apple Association (statewide)

The New Baltimore Service Areas Travel Mart is open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. The travel plaza is located at milepost 127 N/S on I-87 and is accessible to both northbound and southbound motorists.

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Classified Ads FREE to NYFB members, and darn cheap for everybody else!
IDAHOS FINEST ALFALFA. Larsen Farms 607-865-8844. rbishop@ larsenfarms.com QUALITY HAY for sale. AlfalfaGrass mix. 45 pound bales. $2.75 per bale. 315-866-3348 HAY FOR SALE. 4x5- 1000lb. Round silage bales, mixed grass, no chemicals, can load 18wheelers. 1st cut and 2nd cut available. Cash upon loading. Schaghticoke, NY 518-796-2344 A.G. EMERICH & SONS. Hay, straw and bagged shavings. Serving NY and NE since 1935. Van trailer loads dropped or picked up by the bale. 518-399-1893 or 518-399-7444 HAY FOR SALE. 1st cutting $5.00 high quality mixed grass delivery and stacking anywhere in the Capital Region. Call Klaus Busch 518-928-1593 HAY FOR SALE. Mixed hay, 1st cut. 4x4 rounds. 450-500lbs. Under cover, never wet, no chemicals. $35 each cash. 518851-9802 or 518-755-4553 HAY FOR SALE. Quality hay and Alfalfa. Sm & Lg squares. Westchester, Dutchess and Putnam area. 845-406-5655 HAY AND STRAW. Small squares. Prices vary. 518-461-3779 HAY FOR SALE. Large round bales. Also have Percheron draft horses and slate roofing for sale. 607-796-9026 HAY FOR SALE. Saratoga Cty. Fine quality grass mix- no chem.. dry. Small square bales. Pick up. 1st, 2nd & 3rd cutting available. Call 518-793-4507 HAY FOR SALE. Water resistant, double NET wrapped 4x4 round bales..does NOT require inside storageperfect for horses. Also, small squares. All hay is a timothy mix. Call Dave at 518-966-8130 or text 518-649-7058anytime. HAY FOR SALE. 4x4 round bales of mixed grass. Gary at 716-735-7912 Gasport, NY. HAY FOR SALE. 4x4 round bales baleage or net wrap. Windsor or Binghamton area. Loading available. 607-723-8707 HAY FOR SALE. Mixed hay, no rain, round bales, stored inside. Also have baleage. 315-730-0654 Reach Farm Bureau members throughout the state! Sell equipment, real estate or a service, you name it! One free ad up to 30 words per month for every member, as long as we receive your ad by the 15th of the previous month. Want an additional up-to-30-word ad? No problem. Members pay just $15. Non-members pay $30. We gladly accept ads by e-mail at: classifieds@nyfb.org. or mail to: Grassroots Classifieds, PO Box 5330, Albany, NY 12205 or fax to: 518-431-5656 For more information call: 518-436-8495 All credit cards accepted. unpaid, at its sole discretion. Hog Red Devil $50. 18 gallon metal gas tank 36x18x17.5 $25. Wayne County. 315-483-4443 BE PREPARED for that first snow storm with a new WOLRDLAWN walk behind Show Thrower! 24 - $889 and 26 $1229. VanDusens 607-529-3294 PARTING OUT NH489 Haybine. Do your own dismantling. Charging 25% of new parts cost. Holland Patent, NY 315-865-5826. Best time to call 6:30-7:00AM OLDER INTACT 20 bushel bins, good for squash or pumpkins $15; Nice 1977 International 1700 16 heavy duty stake rack dump, stored inside, newer engine, brakes. $5000. 315-593-3316

Grassroots Farmers Market


October 2013

HAY FOR SALE. 1st cutting $2.50/ bale; 2nd cutting $3.00/bale; mulch $1.50/bale. 607-760-8865 or 607-772-0858 HAY FOR SALE. 3x3x8 mixed grass hay. Conventional and Organic dry or balage. Test available. Can deliver. 315-783-2509

VICON Spreader PS603 $800, Utility trailer 5x8 $400, Honda WP20X water pump $485. 716-523-8972. 1959 Massey Ferguson 50 series. Completely restored to showroom condition. $6500. Ralph at 518-755-4134 1946 MINIAPOLIS MOLINES tractor. RTU narrow front, runs good. $1800. 716-992-4560 1954 JD 40 Tractor. Narrow front end, excellent condition, new tires. $3000. 716-542-4743 MASSEY FERGUSON 880 4 bottom plow, hydraulic reset $900. NH 116 Haybine serial # 516160 $950 obo. . Also have 4x4 round bales timothy/grass. $50. 585637-9632 please leave message. 2012 CASE Maximum 140- 755 front end loader $113,000 59 hours. Edge hi-flo snow blower 36 high by 86 wide, used 3 times. $7900.00. call 518-872-1386 1060 NEWFIELD. 65hp diesel. Excellent Condition. New rubber. $4500. 315831-5132 or 315-368-8286 1220 FORD tractor with bucket and mower. Turf tires, 3pt hitch, 540 pto, runs great. $9500. 845-656-9023 MCCORMICK INT Farmall Type

MCCORMIC Deering tractor on M, NH mower attached. Excellent rubber with starter. Farmel F-12 N.F. Tractors in good condition. condition. $4000. 518-284-2433 315-346-6152. JD 5085 M Series. 200 hours, like $2000 both. new. Power reverse, self-leveling bucket, 32 speed trans. Call for KNIGHT 3375 Reel Augee mixer wagon 325 cu.ft.cap. j-star scales price. 845-857-0242 $6000. 8 Delaval Milkmaster HEFTY G cultivating tractor, 4 portable ATO units w/Germania 716-735-9457 cylinder gas, rollbar, hydraulic claws $4000. front and rear, high clearance. Valve. New. Use Parting out Farmall C wheels, FASSE create 2nd hydraulic radiator, hydraulics, culitvators, to 716-560-8779 $300. wide front end. Furguson 3 pt hitch, circuit. 3 low cultivator, PTO 4000 watt generator and shaft. Circa 1890 OEM MASSEY, GLEANER, New Idea, haywagon, 12, good condition. White, Agco, & Challenger parts. 0% 631-805-5559, no texting please. financing on Hesston and Massey Ferguson round balers, mowers & NH 12 HAYBINE $700 or reasonable; most hay tools. . www.mabiebros. Moll Fail Mower, good condition; 2 com or 315-687-7891 shallow well pumps and 1 deep well CALL US for KRONE hay tools pump. Complete and they work, and parts. Tedders and Rakes stock. www.mabiebros. very reasonable offer. 585-352-4511 in com or 315-687-7891 CATERPILLAR 931B Trac Loader. 845-292-7618 WANTED: used or new 6 foot bucket with Alo European quick hitch for 4x4 CASE 580k tractor/loader/ my loader tractor. 607-345-0575 backhoe. Extrenda-Hoe, full heated cab 2 in 1 bucket. Well WANTED: Used manure spreader maintained. $12,900. 315-964-1161 and 1 or 2 row corn chopper. Must be in good condition. 585-259-7289 32 FORD NH skeleton hay-bale elevator. Model 132 Complete with VEHICLES hp motor. Very good condition. $1000; 2 Master Craft Courser MSR 1 TON LIVESTOCK Truck. Older 235/75R15 snow tires on Chevy GMC. Good condition, good Rubber 90%, 4 speed. rims. Like new $200. 315-363-7454 box. Call for details. 607-546-4055 PLATFORM SHALE $40 obo; 6 drive belt 50 long; 1 HC plow TWO TRUCKS. 98 GMC 6500, bottom with new cover board $50; 14 box, refrigerated unit, 105,118 Radiator off of 9500 Combine miles $5000. 2003 GMB Topkick $350 obo; 2 new re-cap truck 6500 7.2liter catapillar Diesel tires 295-75R-22,5 on rims $150 148914 miles, refrigerated unit, each; 2 -33x12.5-15 LT on rims; 14 box. $10,999. 607-594-3688 3 hay wagons. 315-673-3485 DRAW-TITEMdl.60335thwheelhitch FARM HELPERS. 60 snow with bed rails. 16k max. trailer weight plow for Yamaha Rhino $400. & 4k man. Tongue weight. $550 neg. Trailer cart that is 60lx37w Load 516-449-1282 ( c ) or 607-369-4206.

October 2013

Grassroots Farmers Market

8977. STALLS AVAILABLE FOR LEASE. State of the art 72x180 indoor arena, bull pen, round pen, 1/8 mile track, outdoor arena, turnout, miles of trail riding. Karen 607222-4447 Binghamton area. AERING GREEN EQUESTRIAN CENTER. Schodack, NY. Specializing in Dressage and Eventing. Offering lessons, training and summer camps. 100x200 outdoor and a large indoor. 20 stall barn, miles of trails and ample turnout. www.aeringgreen.com or call Laura Fay 518-429-6825 C.B. WALKER STABLES. Brewster NY. Horses boarded, leased, bought and sold. Lessons in all disciplines. Training in dressage, jumping and eventing. 845-2781731 or info@cbwalkerstables.com. DUTCH MANOR STABLE Since 1967. Where quality board, training & instruction are a Capital District tradition. Large heated indoor and outdoor riding arenas. USHJA certified instruction. 518456-5010 www.dmstable.com DIAMOND DERBY Ranch. Horse boarding, daily turnout, trails and lessons. Western, English. 845-638-0271 AFTER HOURS FARM, Clifton Park NY. Specializing in TLC horse boarding, superior English riding lessons and training. Indoor and outdoor rings. Horse shows, clinics and summer camp. (518)384-6441. ADIRONDACK FOOTHILLS EQUINE in Comstock, NY offers horse boarding, lessons, indoor arena and much more. Brand new 120x280 outdoor provides the perfect venue for ranch sorting, team penning, barrel racing and gymkhanas. Visit www. adkfoothillsequine.com for a listing of events. Call 518-642-3755 or e-mail adkfoothillsequine@ r o a d r u n n e r . c o m . RENEGADE FARM in Schenectady NY. Reasonable rates with experienced quality service since 1996. Boarding, training, English & western lessons by Lynn Bakos. ARIA certified instructor. Monthly Adult Horsemanship course, summer camp. Indoor & outdoor rings, trails, over 40 acres of pastures. 518-864-5518 or lgbrenegade@yahoo.com. HORSE BOARDING Private family horse farm, Abundant secure pastures. Unending quiet woodland trails. Very large indoor arena. Large box stalls. Individual care. Resident veterinarian. Otego, NY 607-988-7779 QUALITY STABLES. Quality care for boarding and training horses. Large lesson program for all ages. Visitors welcome. Oneonta, NY 607-432www.qualitystables.com. SOUTHERN DUTCHESS EQUESTRIAN CENTER: Offering something for everyone and every discipline. Boarding, training & lessons all at reasonable rates. Visit us at southerndutchess. com or call 845-226-1256 SUGAR HILL FARM of Victor, NY offers riding lessons for all levels. A safe environment builds confidence and teaches compassion while working with horses. 585-924-8240 or w w w. Su g a r h i l l a r a b i a n s . c o m . PLEASANT HILL STABLES. Trail riding, Western/English tack & Apparel shop, Boarding, Lessons, Indoor arena. Horse & Carriage for Weddings, Team & Wagon for Parties, Birthday parties, Gift Certificates. www.pleasanthillstable. com or 607-648-4979 BOARDING, TRAINING (foals to seniors), Lessons, and Sales. Natural Horsemanship. W W W. h o o f s t e p s t r a i n i n gL L C . com (845) 820-0339 Hoof Steps Training LLC, Doing things right one step at a time. HORSE BOARDING & Riding Lessons. Brunswick NY. Oversized indoor arena, heated stables with all amenities. Board $525. Lessons for beginnersintermediate on seasoned horses $35. PlacidHillsStables. com 518-279-9717 HORSE BOARDING at Stillwater Island Farm. 20 min from Saratoga or Clifton Park. Spectacular views from the 50 acre private island. We have room for 2 boarders. Indoor arena, large box stalls, turnout in grass pastures with run-in sheds. Individual care. Maintained trails. Resident Veterinarian. Foundation Training available with natural horsemanship methods (PHN). $650 518-281-6383 REG. TENNESSEE WALKING Horses. Bred for trail riding. All have been used in my trail riding business and all do the original running walk. Why bounce when you can float in the Cadillac glide ride? $2800 to $4800. Will finance at 0% interest with a deposit. Happy Trails Walking Horses, LLC. 607-330-1198 MORGAN MARE 6 yrs old, Liver chestnut by Bell Flaire. Rides English/western, long lines,clips, cross-ties, jumps 3, light mouth, 15.1 hands. Barefoot. Death in family forces sale. $7500. Warwick, NY 973-615-4795 MINI JENNY. Registered. 11 yrs old, 32.75 tall, super sweet, follows you everywhere, halter broke. Gets along with anything you put her out with. She has had foals and is a great mom. $400. 716-692-8828


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1993 FLAIR 25FT MOTORHOME 93k miles. 10.4 mpg (9.65 towing station wagon). Chevy 454, P30 chassis, Onan generator, LP HW & furnace, 3-way refrigerator, roof air, one owner now 85. Must sell. $7500 obo. NY. 518-692-2035 WEST HERR Chevrolet of Hamburg WNYs largest selection of pickup trucks new and used. Additional $500 rebate on new Chevrolets for NYFB members. Chris Haug 716228-9099 chaug@westherr.com. SPECIAL OFFER TO NYFB Members GM Preferred Pricing and additional $500 rebate on new Chevrolets from Ken Barrett Chevrolet in Batavia. Great selection of New and Used. 585344-1000 or www.kenbarrett.com.

WHITE MALE DONKEY. Born 7-2011. Raised with goats. $300. 315-658-0202 LUKENS HORSE Transportation. Providing the best care for your horse for over 25 years. Weekly trips from the Northeast to Kentucky. Give us a call! 1-800-6211225 or www.horsetransport.com. CARRIAGE DRIVING and Beginner Riding lessons, Pony Parties. Shadow Brook Farm, Middletown, NY Call Betty 845-692-5046. 1990 Circle J 2-Horse trailer, straight load w/ramp, storm doors, 2 escape doors, tack compartment. 4 new tires. Very good condition. 607-225-4909 TWO HORSE Kingston trailer with ramp. Very good condition, white. $3500. Clifton Park. 518-371-5739 2003 SUNDOWNER 707 horse trailer. 2-horse, 7 high with ramp, padded walls with divider, 2 saddle racks with storage, 2 escape doors. $4500. 716261-6995. East Aurora area. CROSBY Prix des Nations English Close Contact saddle, 17 inch seat, Havana brown, has holes for name plate and used stirrup leather/ irons. $300. 518-791-2533 WESTERN SADDLE 15 seat, all leather, good fleece. $85. 315-245-0687 CON-TACK CONSIGNS and sells horse tack, riding apparel, equine antiques and collectibles. 845-7574442 or visit www.con-tack.com. FIT-RIGHT SADDLERY features Albion and Frank Baines saddles starting at under $2200. We do on-farm flocking and fit evaluation on new and used saddles. www.mysaddlefitter. com. Ann 518-231-0695 STOP ARENA DUST Now you can have a dust free indoor! MAG Flakes eliminates watering, saves money. Proven and safe. www.StopArenaDust.com Emerson Supply 716-434-5371 SHOW HORSE Appraiser. Maple Row Farm. 716-4350114 (cell) or 716-741-6900 EQUINE CONNECTIONS MASSAGE THERAPY. Enhance Performance. Safeguard against injury. Give your horses the best possible care. CJ Mathewson. Certified Equissage Therapist. Info@ www.equitouch. webs.com 518-848-4599 COGGINS TESTING AGID and ELISA. Chemistry, Hematology, Urinalysis, Fecal and Serology too. Have your veterinarian contact us at Mohawk Valley Vet Labs (MVVL) located in Westmoreland, NY 1-877-853-4930

EQUINE DENTAL SERVICES accepting new clients in all of New York State 315-829-3135. WESTERN CHAPTER NYS Horse Council. Serving the equine community in WNY. www. wcnyshc.org. 716-941-9120. WILDWOOD FARM standing imported Lusitano Stallion Voluntario Interagro. Quality Iberian warmblood young stock available. 607-693-5091. FOUNDATION QUARTER HORSES. Temperament and Conformation. At stud How Blue Are You. Sale horses, suitable for ranch disciplines, hunter, trail and more. Raycliff Farm. 315-823-4321 visit www.rhultenquarterhorses.com. LANDS END WHIPPORWILL. Reg. Section B Liver chestnut Welsh pony stallion! By #1 ranked Hunter Pony Stallion Carolines Red Fox! $500 private treaty. Foxtale Farm. foxtalefrm@ aol.com or 607-215-5594 JP RHOADES FARM. Reg. Morgan horses. All ages. Trained and young stock. Bred for soundness, athleticism, sensibility. Pine City, NY 607732-8485 Prhoades@stny.rr.com. MORGAN HORSES- We offer the finest in trained mares, geldings and outstanding young stock. Terrific quality, sane, and sound. Hartland Morgans, www.hartlandmorgans. com Windsor, NY, 607-655-2604. HORSES TRAINED Youngsters started/problem horses. Registered Morgans for sale sweet tempered and beautiful. www.blackwillowmorgans.com. FINGER LAKES THOROUGHBRED Adoption Program has new horses available for show and pleasure. These horses are looking for a great home. For information and pictures visit www. fingerlakestap.org. 585-905-7457

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Grassroots Farmers Market

GOATS, DONKEYS, TURKEYS, spring chick, fresh eggs, live and dressed. NPIP certified 518-733-9332. BANTAM Chickens. Old English Game. Red Pyle color, 4mo. And ready to go. Roosters and Hens. $10 each. Corfu, NY 585-599-3764 DAY OLD CHICKS broilers, layers and turkeys from our local hatchery. Can be picked up or shipped. Call or write for prices and availability. 518-5685322 giespasture@frontiernet. net, www.NEPPAHatchery.net. ALPACAS! High quality registered alpacassales and breeds. Farm visits always welcome. See the alpacas and the farm store with alpaca mill spun yarn and roving, homespun yarn from our alpacas fiber and many other alpaca items. Call today as the summer calendar is filling up 607-397-8051. Worcester, NY. w w w. p r e s t o n a l p a c a s l l c .c o m . CONSIDERING ALPACAS... At Spirit Wind Farm and Fiber Studio we take pride in offering quality alpacas with competitive prices and guarantees. Providing education in alpaca husbandry and fiber w/ ongoing support before, during and after the sale. Contact us w/ questions or to schedule a visit to our farm and studio. 315-926-5427 email: kyoung8@rochester.rr.com ALPACA DISPERSAL need to liquidate before winter. Show animals and pet quality animals. $100 or make offer. Will also consider trades. Hideaway Acres. 716-496-7225 leave message. ALPACA HERD REDUCTION : URGENT. Senior partner with health condition. Downsizing is imperative. Huacaya alpacas with genetics that produce quality fleece for the rapidly growing fiber market. Check alpacanation. com/heavenlysunsetfarm. asp. Also a number of superior bloodline males and females not yet listed. Negotiable terms. ALL REASONABLE OFFERS CONSIDERED. 607458-5499 or 607-765-0306. hsf@zoominternet,net, AUTUMN HILL Alpacas has breeding and pet quality alpacas for sale at low prices. We offer excellent support after the sale. If you are interested in producing fiber or just want some companion animals, we have the alpacas for you. 716-353-2963 or www.autumnhillalpacas.com. ALPACAS. Pets and breeding females. Also raw alpaca fiber sold by the pound. 518-497-6009 CALIFORNIA RED SHEEP. Registered breeding stock, many bloodlines. Excellent meat sheet and desirable fleece for handspinners. www.applerose. com. Starter flocks available. Apple Rose Farm, Peru, NY 518-643-2790 LAMBS Old English Babydolls. Reg.Flock. 2011 rams and ewes. 845-469-4462 BABYDOLL LAMBS. Registered with Nabssar. Born Feb/March 2013, 4 ewes, one ram, 2 yearlings, ready to breed. Farm visits welcome. www.cabincreekacres. com or 518-587-6008 ICELANDIC SHEEP: Meat, breeding stock, fleece, roving, yarn, felt, pelts. High quality products. Shepherds Falls Farm. 315-683-9408 or visit our website at www.shepherdsfallsfarm.com WHITE DORPER SHEEP. Shedding, no shearing needed pastureraised, hoof rot free. WANTED: meat goats for grazing. Hoof rot free a must. Ulf Kintzel, White Clover Sheep Farm. . www. whitecloversheepfarm.com or Email ulf@whitecloversheepfarm. com. Phone 585-554-3313


October 2013

A HORSE DRAWN AFFAIR/ BROE FARM home of Rosevale Leggo. 16.2 black morgan stallion standing at stud. Boarding ,lessons, training, dressage, driving ,hunters, Sales 518-329-5249

Wagner Company purchase standing timber, hardwood logs and timberland throughout New York and the Northern Tier of PA. 607-687-5362 or www.wagnerlumber.com. CUSTOM SAWING of logs, rough-cut hard and soft wood lumber available. Mill Blades Hammered. Call Ken. 585547-9269 or 585-591-0180 FIREWOOD. Cut, split and delivered for $175/cord (within 30 miles). Serving Upstate NY. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Call RM Bacon 518-686-5996 or rmbaconllc@yahoo.com. LOCUST POSTS. Round, Split, Sawed. Poles up to 30 feet, authentic split rail. 4x4, 6x6, 2x6, 1x6 etc. Locust if the natural chemical free alternative to pressure treated. 518-883-8284

100% PUREBRED WAGYU BREEDING BULL available for sale or lease. Semen available, will deliver. Forever Hopeful Farm. 518-369-6874 REGISTERED POLLED Hereford Heifer and Bull calves; high weaning weights, good bloodlines. Berne, NY 518-872-0256 REG. RED ANGUS and Hereford yearling bulls, AI sires, proven genetics, ready to breed. 315406-2042 or 315-730-8610 LAKE EFFECT HOOF TRIMMING. Serving all New York State. 12 yrs experience, modern, safe equipment, insured. Contact our team John & Nicholas Anderson 315-408-6030 or mscoolcows@ aol.com. DAIRY GOATS ADGA registered Oberhasli National Top Ten DHIR milkers, yearlings, bucks, goat milk soap. Delicious milk, high butterfat. Darien 585-5479906. www.harperhillfarm.com. REGISTERED NIGERIAN Dwarf dairy goats small and easy to handle. breeding stock, ideal for personal milk supply, 4-H projects, Can pull carts of be a pack animal. Does and bucks available. Shots-wormedDownsizing herd. Binghamton area, call evenings 607-693-2682 ANGORA GOATS. Reg. breeding stock from super fine Texas bloodlines. Breeding age bucks, does and starter flocks available, also raw or washed mohair fleece. Some pet quality stock also available. 518-537-4487 CASHMERE GOATS. Kinds and adult does and bucks from prize-winning lines. Breeding stock, bucks for rent, pets. Culls available for meat. Hermit Pond Farm, Brookfield. hermitpond@ gmail.com or 315-899-7792 BOAR GOATS for sale. Registered and not. 607-346-6902 for info. BABY Lambs and goats and baled hay available all year long. Mike 845-434-7764 AKBASH Livestock Guardian dogs. Taking reservations for puppies in late spring. Experienced dogs also available, guarding sheep, alpacas and goats. We sleep at night, because they dont! Springside Farm. 315-683-5860 SHETLAND SHEEP BREEDING stock for sale. For information or photos, 716-244-0290 or lao3@cornell.edu

COME VISIT OUR FARMS! New York Deer & Elk Farmers Association invites you to come visit a deer or elk farm near you! There are over 540 farms in New York State! Contact NYDEFA at 716685-4019 or NYDEFA@NYDEFA. org to locate a farm near you! EASTON VIEW OUTFITTERS are specialists in putting together just the kind of outdoor adventure you have in mind! From once-in-alifetime trophy hunt to wilderness photography to using our lodge for your gathering or as your source of quality cervid stock for a new or existing farm, we promise you an unforgettable outdoor wilderness experience. Call 518692-9999 for more information. www.EastonViewOutfitters.com. LLAMA TREKS. Take a guided nature hike with our pack llamas, through forested ravines with a stream and waterfalls, while they carry drinks and snacks. Spring, summer and fall. www.woodmanseellamas. com 315-696-8997 SEASONAL AGRI-TOURISM business opens in Lodi, NY, Seneca County! Amazeing Acres features a 7000 sg.ft Hedge Maze, a classical stone Labyrinth, Medicine Wheel Garden, pond w/paddle boats and walking paths to the Finger Lakes National Forest. Rough camping and Hostel. Open May1 Oct 31. Fun outdoor field trip for families and classrooms. Available for Birthday parties, celebrations and Fundraiser Events too. www. amazeingacres.org or 607-5925493 to book a reservation. FRONTENAC POINT VINEYARDS Estate Winery tasting room is open May-November. Discount for NYFB members on wine purchases. On Rte 89, 10 miles north of Ithaca. www. frontenacpoint.com 607-387-9619

SUSAN KEISTER Consulting Forester. Specialties: grade harvests (maple, oak, cherry), low grade harvests (beech, aspen, pine, etc.), valuations/appraisals (ROW, utility easements, estates, trespass), Management Plans and real property tax savings. Approved NRCS Technical Service Provider. 585-728-3044 or visit www.susanjkeisterllc.com. NEW LEAF ENVIRONMENTAL LLC. North Eastern Wildlife and Forestry Consultants. Contact Lance Ebel and Andrew Fuerst at 607-229-0272 or visit w w w. n e wl e a fe nv i ro n m e n t a l . com for more information. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. Firewood processors and other products to choose from. View videos at www.windancerfarm. com. 607-656-4551 FREE WOODWORKING KNIVES SELF-SET: Joiner and planer knives, buy any start-up kit and receive a FREE set of HSS replacement blades. Retail orders only. www.dispozablade.com or call Dispoz-A-Blade 800-557-8092 SAW MILL on Long Island. Custom Cut lumber Boards, Planks, Beams. 631-727-5920 Ed Thompson. SAWMILL American #2 50 blade. $1000. Also 52 left handed blade $600. 716-307-3175 APPLE WOOD & FIREWOOD available in Columbia & northern Dutchess counties and all adjacent areas. Delivery available, call for free quote. 845-876-5999 TIMBER & LOG BUYERS. The

October 2013

Grassroots Farmers Market

Call PESTICIDES. We info@thompsonag. 716-934-3808. Laydens. 888-589-7033 SAWDUST and bark Mulch. Also wood cuts offs-ends from sawmill. Ideal for outdoor furnaces. Will deliver to Sussex, NJ, OrangeChenango-Sullivan-Delaware, Putnam, Wayne Counties. All calls returned. 845-986-2946 BULK PINE Shavings loaded on your pick-up or dump truck. Mike 607-859-2394 or www.sawdustguy.com. GREEN SCAPES, Inc. Bulk Mulch, Compost, Decorative stone, Boulders, Pavers, Tire Ballast, bulk treated Salt, De-Icing liquids, Wallstone and more. Visit our Website www.greenscapesonline. com 315-469-0007 KILN DRIED SAWDUST and wood shavings, green sawdust available. Quality, clean horse and dairy bedding. 20 to 120 yard loads available. Prompt Service. 315-729-1499 KILN DRIED Pine shavings. 3.25cu.ft. paper bags. 2 kinds to choose from. $4.60 and $4.70 per bag. 529 Klock Road, Fort Plain. 518-568-3203 BAREFOOT WOOD PELLETS. $275/ton. Worcester Valley Lumber Rte 7 West, Worcester, NY 12197. 607-397-8002 STANDING CORN. Easy access, can be silage or grain. Madison County, Hamilton area. 315-824-4413 LAMB for your freezer (legs, chops, burger, 3 flavors sausage, etc.) Registered Cotswold breeding stock, natural colored sheep too. Exceptional handspinning fleeces, prepared fiber and sheepskins, all from our flock. www.nistockfarms.com or 607522-4374. Located in Prattsburgh. GROUND ALPACA MEAT. Lean & healthy alternative to beef. Shipping within NYS available. On sale now at www.DutchHollowAcres.com. GARLIC!! Time to order your planting or table stock for the 2013 year from Frasers Garlic Farm near Churchville, NY. We offer a few varieties of certified organic and sustainably grown garlics. All garlic sold this year as seed and intended for planting is laboratory tested for garlic bloat nematode and other diseases. We offer free support to gardeners and commercial growers alike. www.frasergarlic. com or Ed at 585-350-8295 WHOLESALE pumpkins call Ray 716-946-4487 or email Lgourd@aol.com. BLACK OIL Sunflower seeds. 30 pounds for $15. Wedgerock Farm. 315-822-5342 GMS Pro Game Management software. Instructions included.


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DISCOUNT ship daily. com

FISH HATCHERY at Falconwood Farms. Live fish for ponds, restaurants and farm markets. Grown in ponds and tanks supplied by water from wells and springs of Sherman, CT and Wingdale, NY. 845-8326086 www.fishfarmz.com BASS,BLUEGILL, CATFISH, Perch, Minnows, Crayfish, snails, Koi and other ornamentals. Grass carp for vegetation control. Small pond Ecosystem Specialists. Northeast Aquatics, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. 845-876-3983 SEW WHAT? Fabric Shoppe. Fabrics, classes and machine quilting. Addison, NY 607-359-4308 EMU OIL. Helps arthritis, psoriasis, skin rashes, poison ivy, etc. Works for any dry skin, excellent for wrinkles. At the Windmill on Saturdays in Penn Yan. Mail order available. Young Hill Ostrich & Emu Farm. 8489 Lattimier Hill Road. Arkport, NY 14807 emufarm@linkyny.com. AVON-SKIN So Soft bug guard. Deet Free. Plant based citronella. Safe for whole family. SPF 15,30 and 8hr protections. Safe for infants 6mo and up. Has Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Selling to families and businesses in bulk. Dana at 631-987-7797 or Dana4Avon@ aol.com. http://danacolonna. avonrepresentative.com. SALE ON MATTRESS Vinyl protectors. Water proof-bug proof, dust allergen proof. Hospital grade. Twin size $16.50. Business Discount Bedding. 315-576-2390 CATTLE FREE STALL SAND. Inorganic bedding sand, delivered by the yard. Provided by Ashcroft Construction Company. Greenwich, NY. 518-692-2014 BEDDING SAND AND STONE DUST Western NY, Gernatt Family of Companies delivers top quality bedding sand for free stall barns year round. Bulk stone dust ideal for Re-mineralization. Call Neil at 716-532-3371 HALF PRICE FERTILIZER, PELLETIZED. Analysis of 6.3.0, Deliveries to Orange, Ulster and Dutchess Counties. Great for corn, mixed grass hay and sod. Spreader available. Call 908-859-2619 for pricing. SAWDUST. Delivery for price. $15 per yard. available, call 570-537-2937

GENERIC PESTICIDES Springwater Ag Products. 8663 Strutt St. Wayland ,NY Open 7 days a week! Farmer friendly prices. Call for early savings and prices. Serving the Finger Lakes area since 2003. We sell brand names as well. 585-728-2386 WOODWORKERS: Planer/jointer knives anyone can change! Free shipping for NYFB members. www. dispozablade.com 800-557-8092. VERMONT CASTINGS Encore Noncatalyst wood stove, 8 flue collar, 2009 model year. Good stove for large home. Includes thermostatic blower system, firebox screen and 8doublewall piping sections. $2100 obo. 607-369-4206 or 516-449-1282 LISTER with with Never $300. LASER Shearing Machine extra combard culler, plastic carrying case. used. Paid $320, asking Firm. 716-992-3806

Never opened. GMS is a complete, easy to use, game management software program for anyone raising and managing wildlife. Pro has a deer breeder module!! Sells for $699 Asking $500. Pati 716685-4019 or NorthernWhitetail@ r o c h e s t e r . r r . c o m . ARMSTRONGS ELK FARM has ARMSTRONGS VELVET ANTLER CAPSULES for sale. Velvet antler provides nutritional support for joint structure and function. This natural dietary supplement is 100% natural 100% Whole Velvet Antler from Armstrongs Elk Farm in Cornwallville, NY. Call 518-622-8452 or e-mail elkfarmerd@aol.com.

FARM LAND FOR LEASE: Approx 45 acres of pasture and crop land located in Hamburg NY. Best top soil in the country. Perfect for Corn, Soybean, etc. could qualify for organic. Contact Shawn @ 818-384-9638. COUNTRY HAVEN on 32 acres, beautiful modern 3 bdrm home, pool, garage, private setting 518-922-6301 GRASS LAKE property, Rossie, NY 1700 shoreline with dock, 4000 shoreline grass creek. 137 acres, fully renovated house, 3br, 2 bth, large barn and woodlot, good hunting and fishing. $359,000. 315-324-5253 186 ACRE FARM in Otsego County. Edmenston, NY. Close to Cooperstown. 4 bedroom home, barn, machine shed, good pasture, fenced. Hay fields, woods. Great for horses and livestock. Excellent hunting! 607-965-2174 10 BEAUTIFUL acres overlooking Seneca Lake, Yates County. Very nice 3 bedroom colonial home with stone fireplace, nice set of barns. 40x80 Morton building with shop. 315-536-2717. Please leave message. 44 ACRE farm with beautiful, custom-built four bedroom home with custom-built barn with total of 6 stalls, tack room, and carriage room. Hebron, NY. Visit www.starlitridge.com for additional information. 508 ACRES FARMLAND. 300 tillable acres, 200 acres woodland. High tensile fencing. Borders NYS Forest. No gas lease. MR convey. Madison County. $998,900. Pete Martino, NY Land Quest. 877236-1117 www.nylandquest.com 138 ACRES of pasture, hay fields, and forest for sale in Candor, N.Y. Twenty miles from the Cornell campus. Unsurpassed gently sloping southern-exposure vista. Details at http://candorlandforsale. blogspot.com or call 518-461-3244.

SULLIVAN COUNTY FARM has compost for sale. Buyer responsible for trucking. Dry manure available. 845-295-0063. PURCHASE AMSOIL Synthetic lubricants. Reduce engine wear, lower your operating cost and help Farm Bureau. Visit www.lubedealer.com/ve Use dealer number ZO 1664563 LUBRICANTS & FUEL SOLUTIONS. Cen-Pe-Co, TRC, Amisol, Blaster, Alemite, Milwaukee, Lincoln, Baldwin Filters, Columbia Paints & Roof Coatings, Sampling, Fuel Cans, Tanks & Pumps. Etc. Delivered. Erich 607-591-1156 or www.nylfs.com. HONEYBEES. Packages in nucs. Italian and Russian. Wooden Wear clothing and other beekeeping equipment. Order early for guaranteed delivery. 845-4272809. Elwill40@yahoo.com. HONEYBEE COLONIES wintered over and washed empty 55 gallon open head barrels. Available after May 1st. 585-964-3121 WASHED BEDDING SAND, STONE, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE CRUSHER-RUN prompt service fully insured since 1949. Van trucking 315-263-2647 EQUIPMENT- Gates, pens, feed panels, corrals, feed throughs, all sizes. Finger Lakes. 585-3941515 or 585-315-0498 ask for Ron. EQUIPMENT - CATTLE: chutes, headgates, sweeps, panels. EQUINE: stalls, saddle racks, round pen. Also have kennels.

BULK PINE SHAVINGS Available for Pick-up Truck to Tractor Trailer Loads Priced by Cubic Yard Mike Smith Logging 877-658-3250 or mikesmithlogging@msn.com

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Grassroots Farmers Market

AUBINS BUTCHERING & PROCESSING. Slaughtering beef, pork, veal, lamb, goats. Smoking hams, bacons, beef jerky, slim jims. 40 years experience. Gary and Bert Aubin 315-688-2964 POULTRY PROCESSING AVAILABLE. Cascun Farm in Greene, NY just opened our brand new NYS inspected facility. We do Chicken, Turkey, Pheasants and Rabbits. We can do all of the above whole or parted. 607-875-4149 DIRECT MARKETING LIVESTOCK SERVICE. B.K.Transfer. 5324 County Rd 14 in Odessa, NY is accepting all types of livestock. Mondays 9-4 and Thursday 9-3. 607-703-0052 and 607-227-5282 HUNTING LEASE NETWORK (HLN) provides professional managed hunting leases with liability insurance. Visit w w w. n a t i o n a l h u n t i n g l e a s e s . com or call 315-789-3181. CERTIFIED Animal Aromatherapist. Available for the common and uncommon: environmental issues, trauma, immune system, show placing and rescue animals. Appointments for the 4 & 2 legged. Itoocare@ aol.com or 607-862-9536 CUSTOM CARDING & SPINNING. Processing all fiber types. Batting, roving or yarn from your own fleece no minimums. Visit OnLine www.battenkillfibers.com or come for a tour. 518-692-2700 AUNT LULUs Embroidery specializes in livestock embroidery on garments and accessories. Denim shirts, award chairs, hats, logo business apparel, awards for shows and much more. Check out www.StitchesByAuntLulu. com for breed specific embroidery. Laura 585-765-2280 CUSTOM PRINTING: Forms, tags, business cards, letterhead and envelopes, label and more. For a no obligation quote, contact Photographic Services at 315-5898665 or photographicservices@ r o c h e s t e r . r r . c o m . POND SERVICE and supplies, fish stocking and algae control. Contact us for help enjoying your pond more. 585-394-5890. www.nationalpondservice.com FENCING. Serving Western New York for over 14 years. We install livestock, horse, deer and many other types of fence. All designed to fir your specific needs. Call R&R Fencing. 585-599-3489 FENCING: we install agricultural and residential fencing to meet your needs. Post pounding, woven wire, board, split rail, chain link, vinyl. 25 years experience. Serving Western and Central NY. Stable fences & Vineyards, LLC. 585349-4119 www.StableFences.com. FENCING serving Broome, Chenango, Tioga and Tompkins Counties. We install high tensile cattle and horse fencing. Also do pond construction, pasture clearing, foundation work and post installation. Participate in USDA soil conservation work. S&L Excavating. 607-692-2519 TREE SERVICE. Serving all of WNY. Specializing in dangerous tree removal. Fully insured. 716-257-5591 DEER NUISANCE control free services. Suffolk Archers Deer Management Program specializing in helping farms reduce crop loses to zero. Guaranteed deer harvest. Permits, licensed and insured. Andy 631-521-1471 CHEMICAL CONSULTANT, GDA Consulting Chemistry at Work Guy DAngelo, Chemist. Call: 631-878-2912. HORT IC U LT U R E / N U R S E RY/ CONSULTING. Diversify your ag business, expand or create. FREE initial consultation. Contract Growing available. Billsplants@ optonline.net or 631-924-1513 DESIGN-BUILD-CONCEPTS for ALL your Equine/Ag building plans as well as Residential and Commercial. Give us your information at our website www. design-build-concepts.com for a free quote. 607-292-3690 SPANISH/ENGLISH; translating, interpreting, classes; 14 years experience; www.camysorbello. com Camy Sorbello 315-597-9791. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORAGE, refrigeration, and ventilation. Arctic Refrigeration Co., Batavia, N.Y. Tel. 585-343-2678. TAX SERVICES year round. Individuals, Farms, Businesses, Payroll. Elma Phillips, EA, MBA. Pattersonville, NY. 518-8875740 or taxlady@ptcconnect. net. www.elmastax.com. FULL SERVICE YEAR around tax accounting & payroll service in Marion, NY. New clients receive 20% off the tax return fee. New payroll clients receive 20% off their current monthly payroll fee. Call Boerman Tax Accounting & Payroll. 315-926-0203 FULL SERVICE YEAR ROUND Tax accounting/payroll/bookkeeping services. New customer discount of $50 on your 2011 returns. $20 per client referral. We are located in Middle Grove, NY, minutes away from Saratoga Springs. Nancy DeLorenzo 518-581-0163, www. DELORENZOASSOCIATES.COM. FARM FUEL: Farmers are eligible for a refund of NYS taxes paid on


October 2013

BUY LAND. 40 years experience in Farm and Land sales in Orange County. D.L. Hawkins & Assoc. 845-629-6896 DUTCHESS COUNTY. 4 lots quality farmland available ranging from 11-19 acres. Ideal for hobby farming enthusiast. Private but only 2 miles to Taconic. Ferris Real Estate. 845-454-7800 PUTNAM NY. 475 acres +/-. 4 bedroom home, barns, brook runs through property. Recreational/ livestock farm. Woods, crops and pastures. $625,000. 518-585-790

qualified fuel. Contact Melissa at The Peachin Group, LLC to file for a refund. Melissa@peachingroup. com Or 607-432-5314 CONSULTING REAL ESTATE APPRAISER: Specializing in conservation easements for PDR and or IRS donations; MAI, Associate member, ASFMRA, 30 yrs experience: R. Peters Hubbell, Jr. R.P. Hubbell and Company, Inc. 845-454-6525 or 518-846-3322 H2A, H2B Consulting service. Assist or complete paperwork at all levels. Micosta/H2Express 518-451-0109 h2express@yahoo. com. www.h2expressinc.com/ approx.. $900 plus ads and USCIS. H2-A and H2-B work visas. Call U.S. Americans for free consultation at 516-997-1065 AGRICULTURAL Engineering Services (AES) offers technical expertise to producers and rural landowners. This includes designs for buildings, earthen and concrete structures, CAFO issues and wetland concerns. Dana Chapman, P.E. 315-729-4914 AZTECH Technologies Inc. Partnering with you to find cost effective environmental and regulatory solutions. Providing Spill prevention Control Countermeasure/Storm Water Management/ Storage Tank Monitoring, Maintenance and Closure/ Water Withdrawal Permits/ GHG. 518-8855383 or info@aztech.com. BARBEQUE CATERING. Let us cater your next event. LaJeunesse Cuisine. 518-673-2453. Email lajeunessecuisinellc@yahoo.com. SEAWAY RENTAL CORP: A Honda dealer for sales & service of generators and pumps. We stock Honda parts and rent equipment for general maintenance. 315-788-4700 or www.seawayrentalcorp.com. GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT: Call AGRI-FAB & REPAIR for your grain handling needs from facility design, fabrication and installation, general facility maintenance, dryer service, rigging, millwrighting, crane and electrical services. 585-584-9210 AG & SMALL ENGINE PARTS: If you need any parts for tractors, bedding choppers, lawn mowers & more, visit us on the web at www.wnyparts.com or www. nyparts.com. 315-347-1755 AG & Heavy Equipment parts and repair. Full service repair facility, in house machining & fabrication. Aftermarket parts for most makes & models. Call now to schedule winter repairs. www. pdmechanical.com. 315-288-5307

SHOW HORSE FARM needs experienced help. Heated indoor facility. Housing plus salary. Call 518-756-9755. WOULD YOU like to have your own dairy but need help starting it? I may be able to help. 607-776-1711 FULL-TIME Farmhand. Seeking live-in farm family with experience in gardening, animal care and maintenance to work on 170 acre property. 3 br house in Cornwall school district. Send resume to PO Box 91, Salisbury Mills, NY 12577 svheerden1012@gmail.com. AGRICULTURAL MACHINE BUILDER. Requires knowledge of mechanical and hydraulic systems, ability to accurately fabricate parts, ability to make professional quality welds. Wayne County. Send resumes to works@lagasseworks.com. GLOVER PERENNIALS seeking Nursery Manager. Hands on position overseeing potting, shipping, nursery maintenance, irrigation and pest management. Send resumes to PO Box 759 Cutchoque, NY 11935. joanne@gloverperennials.com.

HORSE BLANKETS: Cleaned, waterproofed and repaired. Over 30 yrsexperience.845-677-6906Serving Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia Counties and Long Island. GET YOUR LABOR HOUSING READY. Twin Innerspring OR Jelly Foam mattress AND box $139.95 (Must See). Twin/Full steel bed frame $29.95. Bed Vinyl covers only $15.95, stops everything, bed bugs too (in or out). Tuff Rollways with Futon $169.95/5yrWarranty/Fast. Business Discount Bedding. 315-576-2390 AUCTIONS. Reynolds Auction Co. can help with all asset liquidation including farm, horticulture, commercial, restaurant, vehicles, estates, antiques and real estate. www.reynoldsauction.com for upcoming auctions. 315-597-8815

October 2013


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REPAIR-vs-REPLACE. Electronic Dairy Board Service. Specializing in repair of WestfaliaSurge, BouMatic, Germania, DeLaval and Muellar Milk tank control Repair. 406-590-7764 NORTH STAR AUTO ELECTRIC: complete custom rebuilding or exchange of starters, alternators & generators. 6 thru 48 volt. Specializing in farm & industrial applications. Also Pertronix electronic conversion kits and distributor rebuilding. We can ship UPS. 5% discount to Farm Bureau members. Macedon, NY. 800-659-8163. After the sale its the service that counts!. TRUCK BODIES, CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR NEEDS. Dump bodies, rollbacks, stake racks, flat beds, round bail wagons, dump trailers, equipment trailers. Western Fabrication (315)827-4008 ENGINE & Cylinder head rebuilding. Complete engine balancing, line honing, decking, resurfacing, boring, sleeve repair, big bore, pin boring, performance valve jobs, cast iron welding, guides and seat boring & installation etc. Call Steve Dannibles Engine & Machine in St. Johnsville. 518-568-7794 CAD Welding and Steel Fabrication. Welding repairs on buckets, farm equipment and blades. Build

up work and hard facing of buckets, heavy equipment and implements. Westmoreland, NY. John at 315-794-7421 LIME-LAKE PERFORMANCE. Servicing SledsJet SkisATVs. Ask for Mike. 716353-8262 or 716-560-6018 TIRES!TIRES!TIRES!. We buy & sell new and used tires of all kinds. Full service at your place or ours. We pump Rim Guard and calcium. Tire Merchants International. 315-592-2812 AQUASCAPE RAIN Xchange rainwater harvesting systems/ Water gardens. Installations, consultations, products. Chips Landscaping. 518-339-4869/ Fax 518-893-2064 website w w w. c h i p s l a n d s c a p i n g . n e t . FUEL SERVICE: Call for Special Fuel Pricing. Mohawk Home Comfort Services a full service Heating & Cooling installation company delivering Oi l , Ke ro s e ne , Die s e l , Ga s ol i ne and Propane products. Ed @ 1-800-432-8669 SOLAR PANELS WIND TURBINES: Call Pyrus Energy for the best options to reduce your electric bills. We provide honest production estimates and economic analysis

for your specific location. Call Pyrus Energy 315-834-6406 WIND TURBINE ELECTRIC GENERATORS. We offer all NYSERDA approved manufacturers from 3.5kW to 775kW. Free site evaluation and help with permitting, grantwriting, design, construction and installation,operation and maintenance. Chase Wind 1-877884-1753 or info@chasewind.com. OIL & GAS ATTORNEY: Richard Gerard, Practice limited to Oil and Gas. Exclusively representing Landowners in NY and PA. Visit www.ny.gaslaw. com Call 607-732-3793 GAS LEASE ATTORNEY: Chenango County area, attorney Ed Downey, review and consulting on gas leases and right of ways, 607-316-5601 or edowneylaw@nycap.rr.com

Kempshallmountainclub.com or Dennis at 518-624-2399 TIOGA GAS LEASE. The Tioga County Landowners Group is now accepting members. Membership information and educational resources on gas leasing can be found at: www.TiogaGasLease.org. WANTED: Will pay for 1959 groudbreaking picture @ O-ATKA Milk Plant, Batavia, NY. Picture includes WNY Milk Cooperative industry leaders with shovels in hand. Call 315-569-5029

DISCLAIMER: New York Farm Bureau reserves the right to refuse to accept any classified ad, paid or unpaid, at its sole discretion.

BOOK OF NEW YORKS Agricultural history is rich and fascinating! Four Hundred Years of Agricultural Change in the Empire State by Robert Bitz. Purchase on-line from both Amazon or Barnes & Noble. SPORTSMENS CLUB. Year round family fun. Fish, hunt, canoe, ATV, snowmobile. 5000 acres. -

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Page 28


October 2013


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Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review, and approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states. Nationwide may make a nancial contribution to this organization in return for the opportunity to market products and services to its members or customers. Nationwide, Nationwide Insurance and the Nationwide framemark are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. FARM BUREAU, FB and the FB National Logo, NEW YORK FARM BUREAU, State Farm Bureau Logo (black and white and color) are registered service marks of the American Farm Bureau Federation used under license by Nationwide. 2012 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved. FBO-0159AO (1212)

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