Digital Dice Is Final DFFFFFFFFFF
Digital Dice Is Final DFFFFFFFFFF
Digital Dice Is Final DFFFFFFFFFF
Karan Shah (Roll No. 52) Kin!al Shah (Roll No. 5") Dheera! Shett# (Roll No. 5$) %&'C De(artment )um*ai +ni,er-it# S.../.'. Bori,li (W) )um*ai /ndia.
Abstract--This document is a report for realizing the project of Electronic Dice. The document contains the principle idea of the project. It also comprises of the circuit diagram, component list, circuit operation, PCB making procedure and related diagrams and the result.
An Electronic Dice is designed a dice that can be operated electronically and digitally just like the unction o a nor!al dice.
counter to its initial state. The 0I10 outputs o IC. are the ones po&ering the "EDs &hich turns ON &hen the cathode and R' are "O2) since they are connected in co!!on point. The connection o R' and IC%D is al&ays 0I10 that causes all "ED to be O$$. The input o #% to IC%- &ill take a "O2 le*el in a short ti!e inter*al) &hich trans!its and orces the gate to be "O2. The current that passes to the "ED is li!ited by R'. The circuit can be supplied by a battery source since it does not consu!e !uch energy. 34%% 5 The 34%% pro*ides the positi*e ,uadruple .(input NAND unction. The outputs are ully bu ered or highest noise i!!unity and pattern insensiti*ity o output i!pedance.a ,uad .(input NAND gate integrated circuit) generally characteri6ed by s!all luctuation in *oltage supply) *ery high i!pedance) outputs that can sink and source) one output can dri*e up to /4 inputs) high speed gate propagation ti!e) high re,uency) and lo& po&er consu!ption.
B. Detailed Working: The circuit rese!bles the !ain unctions o a nor!al dice &hich !akes it signi icant in generating nu!bers by chance ro! % to '. The indication is sho&n on the "EDs D% to D' &hich also correspond to the dice nu!bers %(') once the push button s&itch #% is pushed and le t running. The !o*e!ent o the light on "ED !atches the dice !o*e!ent. Once the "ED turns ON) it &ill re!ain ON or ten seconds and &ill e*entually ade a ter&ards) then &ait or the ne+t !o*e!ent. In order to replicate the real dice) the light needs to stop in one o the si+ "EDs that &ill turn ON) since each "ED is a representation o one side o a dice. A ter releasing the press on #%) the "EDs turn ON in se,uence &here one &ill re!ain ON. #egregating the circuit into t&o parts can be possible &here one is responsible or the indication &hile the other pro*ides the control and the ti!ing. The last part o the circuit is per or!ing an astable operation ro! IC%a(c) and !onostable operation ro! IC%-(D. The control IC(. &ith ten outputs is the control and the ti!ing. The last part o circuit is per or!ing an astable operation ro! IC%a(c and !onostable operation ro! IC%-(D. The counter IC. &ith ten outputs is being dri*en by line o pulses in se,uence ro! unstable circuit. The electronic dice circuit re,uires ' &hich can be done by connecting the pin / output to the input o reset pin %/. The high *alue o pin / restores the
34%7 5 This is a /(stage di*ide(by(%4 8ohnson counter &ith ten decoded outputs and a carry out bit.These counters are cleared to their 6ero count by logic 9%: on their reset line.These counters are ad*anced on the positi*e edge o the clock signal &hen the clock enable signal is in logic 94: state.It is a decade counter &here the count ad*ances as the clock input beco!es high that !ay be co!bined &ith diodes or so!e unctions such as lash se,uences.
The circuit on gi*ing the supply and then pressing the s&itch ) glo&s an "ED &hich can be any o the si+ "ED=s. There is a rando! nu!ber generated accordingly as &e can assign each "ED a particular nu!ber bet&een one t&o si+. The count generated ro! the IC is rando! and depending on the rando! count in generates the corresponding "ED glo&s. Thus &e obtain a digital dice &hich can gi*e any *alues bet&een one to si+ &ith all ha*ing e,ual probabilities. C. Com(onent 0i-t 1ith Co-t Re er Table % or the co!ponent list.
Table %. Co!ponent "ist CO><ONENT ?UANTIT@ IC 34%7 IC 34%% #&itch "ED -atteryADFB Capacitors aB bB cB 7 Resistors aB bB cB dB I TOT ! %44GH %4GH /'GH 374H ; % % % % EachE .C( .C( .C( .C( .4C( %%4C( %44u %44n %4n . % . EachE .C( .C( Each E.C( % % % ' %
The Electronic dice can ideally take part in role playing ga!es and any kind o board ga!es like Dungeons and Dragons) @aht6ee) >onopoly) A+is J Allies) Craps) and -oggle &here rando! choices in !usic and art creation can be !ade. It can also be used to pick any nu!ber or be used in a heads or tails !anner. Using this circuit &ill pre*ent cheating and no rolling o the table.
Thus) &e ha*e designed and i!ple!ented the digital dice success ully.
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