Perceptual Drawing Syllabus

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Perceptual Drawing

Summer 2013

ART2305C Section 4B55 Monday/Wednesday Periods 2-3 (9:30-12:15) Tuesday/Thursday Periods 2-4 (9:30-1:45) FAD 101 3 Credits


E-mail: Office: FAD 101 Office Hours: Wednesday 12:15-1:15 PM or by appointment

Perceptual Drawing introduces the fine arts major to the visual language of drawing through observation and rendering a realistic image. The course develops insights in the mechanisms of visual perception, how the individual components of the drawing relate to the whole, and compositional organization. Each student develops observational skills rooted in traditional drawing media. In addition, students strive to develop critical thinking and research skills.

Ellsworth Kelly

Drawing is hard work. It takes time, practice, thought, and more time and practice. Drawing is a process, a journey, and at times an expedition. This course is designed to foster an awareness of drawing as a basic organizer of thoughts, feelings, and image making. The fundamentals of drawing will be explored through a variety of materials, processes, and traditions with the primary emphasis on working from observation. This class will develop the student's understanding of both the physical as well as conceptual construction of a drawing. In addition to topical lectures, class time will be spent working on assigned problems, exploring new techniques, working collaboratively, and critically evaluating thinking that will identify why choices are being made and what premises underlie those choices. The student is asked for courage and persistence throughout this course in addition to a full commitment to grow, technically and intellectually.

This course is structured by lectures, demonstrations, process critiques, formal critiques, discussions, field trips, and individual guidance. A large amount of class time will be utilized for studio work. Come to class prepared. Studio availability is limited, so it is in your best interest to be productive during appointed class hours. Out of class work will be required for research, exercises, readings, and projects.

!Perceptual Drawing !

Summer 2013 !

!"To demonstrate the ability to accurately render what the student sees through a"series of techniques (listed below) of increasing complexity." !"To demonstrate discipline, visual sensitivity, patience, eye-hand coordination,"work ethic, and a solid vocabulary to build future course work." !"To develop critical thinking and research skills." !"To develop the ability to think and talk about your work and ideas.

Drawing Materials and Mechanics Intuitive Gesture Perceptual Grid Intuitive Perspective Positive Negative Shapes Proportion Cross Contour Value and Light Chiaroscuro Perspective Research Image Development



- After three absences your entire final grade will drop one letter grade per additional absence. - If you miss more than 6 class meetings, you will fail the course. - Late arrivals will be marked tardy, leaving early will also be noted. Any three late arrivals or early self-dismissals will count as one absence. - If you are more than 20 minutes late, you will be counted as absent. - It is your responsibility to see that the record is corrected from an absence to a tardy if you are late. - If you miss a class please ask another classmate for information on the material we covered that day. - It is vital that you are present on critique days. Missing a critique day is like missing an exam. You should only be absent if you have an emergency or are too sick to come to class. If you are going to be absent please contact me via e-mail prior to the class.

The final grade is a cumulative grade based on how well you accomplished course objectives and requirements. 74% PROJECTS Includes in-class exercises, homework and extended in-class drawings 16% SKETCHBOOK Thinking and drawing go hand in hand for artists. Maintaining an active sketchbook or drawing book is a crucial component of good studio work, but it takes practice. You will be required to keep a sketchbook that you work in on a regular basis. Sketchbooks will also include doing research over the course of the semester. Requirements and expectations for the sketchbook will be covered in class. There will be multiple sketchbook checks throughout the semester, which are listed on the course calendar. 10% PARTICIPATION Participation, support, and respect in all phases of this course is imperative. The class dynamic depends on your energy, initiative, attitude, productivity, and willingness to get involved in group discussion and critiques. Start early and work through each class to its end. Complete your work including all facets of the assignment. Use what you know while also challenging yourself. Attend and participate in a responsive manner in every class and during critiques. You are expected to clean-up as well as practice safe and thoughtful use of materials, tools and facilities. You may inquire about your participation grade at any point during the semester. All assignments may be re-worked and resubmitted for grading provided they were originally turned in on time. Re-worked assignments must be resubmitted within two weeks of the original grade. Assignments may only be re-worked one time. Re-working an assignment does not guarantee a higher grade.

A 94-100/ A- 90-93/ B+ 87-89/ B 83-86/ B- 80-82/ C+ 77-79/ C 73-76/ C- 70-72/D+ 67-69/ D 63-66/ D- 60-62/ E 0-59 3! !

!Perceptual Drawing !

Summer 2013 !

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A - Superlative work: careful attention to craft and presentation. Originality of idea and execution work together. Goes beyond merely solving the problem one who performs at this level is visibly outstanding, work is outstanding in every respect. A-/B+ - Very fine work: almost superlative. A few minor changes could have been considered and executed to bring the piece together. Again, goes beyond merely solving the problem. B - Above average: solution to the problem and idea well planned. Execution is well done. This is an honorable grade. B-/C+ - A bit above average: slipping in levels of originality, craft, and presentation. The piece does not work well as a unified whole or statement, yet effort was made. C - You have solved the problem, the requirements of the problem are met in a relatively routine way. C-/D+ - You have solved the problem but there is much room for improving your skills and further developing your concepts. You have neglected the basic craftsmanship skills and breadth and the depth of idea development. D - Inadequate work: the requirements of the problem are not addressed. The piece represents careless and/ or incomplete effort. Work is substandard. E - Unacceptable work and effort (Note: A grade of C- or below will not count toward major requirements) UF Grading policy: Overall effort and general attitude towards your work, and improvement during the semester will factor into your grade. Assignments will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. Successful resolution of the assigned problem. 2. Initiative scope of undertaking. Did you challenge yourself? 3. Craftsmanship neatness, attention to detail, etc. 4. Overall artistic design 5. Inventiveness - Develop your ability to solve problems and devise new approaches for achieving not only the course objectives, but also personal goals you set for yourself. New and unusual approaches often lead to discovery in your work, so demonstrate your willingness to move beyond basic requirements and boundaries. TAKE RISKS!


- Assignments are due as indicated, a missed class does not constitute an extension of an assignment. - A late assignment will drop 1 letter grade per class period late. - An assignment more than 3 class periods late will receive an E.


!Perceptual Drawing !

Summer 2013 !


This course will follow the Universitys honesty policy found online at:


Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from engaging in any form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave class. Student Conduct:


Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students office. The Dean of Students will provide documentation to the student who will then provide this to the instructor when requesting accommodation. The ADA office ( is located in Room 232 Stadium (phone 3927056 TDD 8461046).

Please read and respect studio use guidelines posted in classrooms. Do not pour solvents down sinks. Fixative must be sprayed in the FAC 2nd Floor spray booth NO exceptions. Each student is responsible for assisting in studio clean-up. Your instructor will assign you a duty. The classroom should be organized at the end of each class 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the next class with the help of all students enrolled in the course. Keep all newsprint pads closed while in storage with bull clips. Keep all portfolios closed with bull clips at all times while in storage.

The SA+AH is not responsible for items in lockers. Please watch for posted signs on lockers regarding their use. Each student must share a locker with two students. You are responsible for keeping the locker form attached AT ALL TIMES to your lockers. Lockers will be cleaned out at the end of each semester. When storing materials you must write your name on everything with a black marker, the course you are in, and the instructors name. The SA+AH is not responsible for items left in classrooms.

The studio is for your use outside of class time. You will be given the combination to the studio and are expected to follow studio guidelines at all times. Do not work alone in the rooms. The closest telephone is on the second floor/SE corner. There is a first aid kit in each room as well as a sharps container for your use.

Students in the SA+AH must turn off cell phones during class. Using headphones to listen to music is allowed only on work days or when working outside of class time. THE COUNSELING CENTER Wellness Center 352-392-1575 3190 Radio Rd. PO Box 112662 Gainesville, FL 326112662 The Counseling Center provides counseling and consultation services to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students and their spouses/partners. The Center offers brief counseling and therapy to help students confront personal, academic, and career concerns. The primary goal of counseling is to help students develop the personal awareness and skills necessary to overcome problems and to grow and develop in ways that will allow them to take advantage of the educational opportunities at the university. This is a very helpful resource, and I recommend anyone having difficulties with classes that do not directly stem from the course material to check out the services at the Counseling Center.

5! !

!Perceptual Drawing !

Summer 2013 !


This course will adhere to the School of Art and Art Historys Health and Safety Policy which will be reviewed in class. All students are required to sign and submit to the office (FAC 103) the SA+AH Health and Safety Student Signature page. The handbook can be found online at:
APPENDIX C: Health and Safety Area Specific Information: Drawing 4. Area Rules All users of the studio classrooms are expected to follow studio guidelines at all times. If you have any questions, ask your instructor. - Follow all SA+AH Health and Safety handbook guidelines. - Follow the SA+AH Satellite Waste Management Chart in the classroom and other health & safety guidelines posted for your media. - Do not prop classroom doors. Doors are to remain closed to ensure the building HVAC and ventilation systems work properly. - Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available in each SA+AH work area. - Practice best practices for material handling. If you have questions about a material, ask your instructor for guidance. - If you bring an item into the classroom, be sure you have the MSDS form filed for the material used. - Familiarize yourself with the closest eyewash unit. - Do not spray any aerosols in any SA+AH classroom/studio/doorway or exterior wall/floor. A spray booth is located in FAC room 211A. - Wear nitrile gloves when handling hazardous materials. These are provided in your classroom studios. - Remove all trash that does not fit in trashcans to the dumpster on the south side of FAC. Any trash that does not fit in the trash can must be immediately taken to the dumpster. All oversized trash (has any length that exceeds 4 feet in any direction) must be taken to the dumpster on the south side of FAC and placed beside the dumpster in the area designated for oversized trash. Broken glass must be packed inside paper and labeled on the outside as broken glass and walked to the dumpster. Glass with hazardous materials must be wrapped, labeled with a filled out yellow hazardous waste labels and placed in the blue bin at the SWMA. The trash guidelines are to ensure the safety of anyone encountering the trash. Liquids, medical waste, yard waste, appliances and pallets are prohibited from disposal in the dumpster. - No eating, consumption of alcohol or smoking is permitted in the studios. !"!#$%&'! - Clean up after yourself- wipe down surfaces (easels, drawing boards, stools with a wet towel). - Do not block doorways or block access to lights. - Do not remove furniture from rooms or borrow furniture from rooms without permission from the area coordinators. - Do not create daisy chains with multiple electric cords. - No hazardous materials down sinks. - Store all flammables in the flammable cabinet. Keep flammable cabinet closed at all times. - Clean up after yourself. - First aid kits are found in each studio. Notify your instructor if supplies are low. - Report any safety issues IMMEDIATELY to your instructor. - All courses must engage in an end of the semester clean up. - In case of emergency, call campus police at 3921111, you are in UF Fine Arts

Building D (Building # 269), and then give the operator your location (room #). SA+AH CONTAINER POLICY There are 2 types of labels used in the SA+AH yellow and white. Both labels are found at the red MSDS box and are supplied by the SA+AH. Each is used for a different purpose. White: All new and or used product in containers (hazardous or what might be perceived as hazardous i.e. watered down gesso, graphite solutions, satellite containers of solvents, powders, spray paints, fixatives, oils, solvents, etc...) must be labeled within the SA+AH to identify their contents. Labels can be found at the MSDS box in each studio and work area. All containers must be marked with your name, contents and date opened. All secondary/satellite containers for hazardous materials must be marked with content, your name and the date opened. All unmarked containers will be disposed of with no notice. Yellow: WHEN HAZARDOUS ITEMS ARE DESIGNATED AS WASTE. All containers must have a yellow label identifying the contents that are designated as trash for weekly EHS pick up. - Flammable solid containers (red flip top) must have a yellow hazardous waste label on the outside (top). - 5-gallon jugs must have a yellow hazardous waste label on the outside. - Fibrous containers must have a yellow hazardous waste label on the outside (top). - Each item in the blue bin must have a yellow hazardous waste label. Note: Hazardous Waste labels should include all constituents in the waste mixture as well as an approximate percentage of the total for that item and must add up to 100%. Label should also include the Bldg and room number of the shop generating the waste along with the Waste Manager for your area; this is located on the SWMA sign posted at the sink or at the Waste Management Area.


! Perceptual Drawing

Summer 2013

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NOTE: items may change from one instructor to another.

You will be given plenty of notice. ""

You will explore a variety of materials and you may be required to purchase alternate or additional supplies for certain projects.

Course Packet Includes: -6 large bull clips (to close your portfolio and for drawing board) -Box of 12 Alphacolor Char-Kole Squares -Vine Charcoal - 1 pack of hard, 2 packs of soft, and 1 pack of medium (additional vine charcoal should be purchased as needed) -Box of 12 white chalk -Charcoal pencil -China marker -Set of 12 drawing pencils -Kneaded rubber eraser

-Art gum eraser -Artist Tape -India Ink -Bamboo Brush -Tortillions -Pencil Sharpener -18 x 24 pad of Strathmore drawing paper buff color, 400 series, 80lb weight. -24 x 36 newsprint pad * -2 sheets of Stonehenge drawing paper

*Everything in the course packet with the exception of the last two items are all packaged in a black cloth portfolio. Please make sure that you get these additional materials when picking up your course packet at CFOP.

Other Materials Not Included in Course Packet: -White cardboard portfolio (mark with black marker: name, instructor, course, semester) Keep this portfolio closed with 2 bull clips at all times. -Metal ruler 2 foot minimum -Box or container for all materials (optional) -Combination lock for shared locker (optional) Supplies may be purchased at: -Central Florida Office Supply (where course packets are available) 352-378-1200, 10 NW 6th St., Gainesville -Michael's Arts and Crafts -Or ordered online through Utrecht Art Supply or Dick Blick Art Materials TEXT Drawing from Observation: An Introduction to Perceptual Drawing, Brian Curtis, 2nd Ed

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