Risk Assesment
Risk Assesment
Risk Assesment
Date 13/11/13 Location: Media Studies Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in college General Risk assessment DEGREE OF RISK "orst Pro'a'i( Risk Ratin+ o#t$o%e it) A,E & * CONTROL MEASURES E-istin+ $ontro( %eas#res taken a+ainst t.e risk Student ame: !oorie "egum !ira Ra#a Suha$l Mahmood ACTION PLAN ".at /#rt.er $ontro( %eas#res are re0#ired 1.en and ') 1.o%
Persons at risk !
1% &ilming the 'o(pops outside of the canteen) someone could trip o'er the headphones and microphone *ires+ ,% &ilming background footage in touch*ood) if *e look a*a$ for a second then our e-uipment could be stolen+ 3% .e could ha'e dropped the e-uipment at an$time+
"efore *e started filming) if there *ere a lot of people gathering *e told them to go past -uickl$ and then *e started filming and *e asked people to *ait and *hen *e had finished *e let them past+ .e made sure that at least one person from the three in our group *as *ith the e-uipment at all times) if one *as setting up the camera then the other person *as looking after the headphones and microphones+ .e made sure that *e *ere being reall$ careful *hene'er *e handled the e-uipment+ .e made sure that *e checked if the e-uipment *orked inside college and not outside+ .e also made sure that *e set up the e-uipment before *e left and if *e didn3t then *e made sure that *e *ere in a stead$ place+ .e made sure that there *eren3t 'er$ man$ students around *hen *e got the footage of the reception) and if there *ere then *e mo'ed the camera back so that it *asn3t in hindsight+ 1'en though it *as raining *e still had to go and get background footage) and *hen *e *ere getting it) one person *as recording and another person *as holding the tripod so that it didn3t topple o'er and fall+
on reportable
on reportable
/% .e got footage of the reception) and lots of students kept on *alking past and the camera could ha'e been knocked of its stand+ 0% .e got background footage of the college and it had been raining a lot so it could ha'e fallen o'er and/or gotten reall$ dirt$+
on reportable
on reportable
4, This is *ithout control measures & 5 fatal Ma# 5 ma#or in#ur$ or permanent disabilit$ Min 5 minor in#ur$ R 5 non9reportable
43 This is *ith control measures in place &r 5 fre-uent/likel$/could occur repeatedl$/e(pected 2r 5 probable/not surprised/might occur often 2s 5 possible/could occur sometime R 5 remote/unlikel$ but concei'able : 5 unlikel$/improbable such that likelihood is almost ;ero