Speaking B1
Speaking B1
Speaking B1
FREE TIME - SPEAKING You and your classmates are going on a school trip to a ski resort in Italy. While you are there, you can either take lessons in snowboarding, ice skating or skiing. Discuss the three options with your partner. Decide what you would both like to do and talk about the details. Tips-you can refer to: Lessons you would like to take? Your experience with winter sports? Clothes to bring? Equipment to buy or rent? Evening activities? Other ideas?
BAREM: 1. TASK ACHIEVEMENT ..20 points relevance of ideas to topic ... 10 p - 10 7 points: total partial relevance to topic - 6 4 points: some little relevance to topic - 3 0 points: very little no relevance to topic coverage of task points .... 10 p - 10 7 points: coverage of all task points partial coverage of the task points - 6 4 points: coverage of some task points coverage of a few task points - 3 0 points: coverage of few task points coverage of no task points 2. LANGUAGE ACCURAC..... 10 points correct grammar structures .. 5p - 5 points: no / very few grammar errors - 3 points: many grammar errors - 0 points: grammar errors hinder communication range of grammar structures 5 p
- 5 points: wide range of grammar structures - 3 points: limited range of grammar structures - 0 points: very limited range of grammar structures 3. ORGANISATION .. 5 points - 5 points: very clear organisation, many linking devices - 3 points: unclear organisation, few linking devices - 0 points: total lack of organisation, total lack of linking devices 4. REGISTER AND VOCABULARY ..5 points - 5 points: appropriate register, very varied and appropriate vocabulary - 3 points: mostly appropriate register, somewhat varied and appropriate vocabulary - 0 points: mostly inappropriate register, basic or inappropriate vocabulary 5. DELIVERY: pronunciation, fluency, stress and intonation ..... 5 points - 5 points: fluent presentation, good pronunciation, stress and intonation - 3 points: somewhat fluent presentation, some pronunciation and intonation errors - 0 points: no fluency, pronunciation and intonation errors hinder communication 10 points granted + 90 points = 100 points