Physical Appearance
Physical Appearance
Physical Appearance
Teacher name: Monica Bors Level: Intermediate Lesson Length: 50 minutes Class: 11E Lesson Type: oca!ulary"#eading
In&ormation a!out the class There are %0 teenage learners in the class( They have t)o &i&ty minutes lessons every )ee' as part o& their school curriculum( I have !een teaching them &or nearly a year( They use *Path)ay to English: English +e)s , ie)s- as their English course !oo'( Main .im By the end o& the lesson the learners )ill have practised voca!ulary related to physical appearance( /u!sidiary .im By the end o& the lesson the learners )ill have practised descri!ing people( Personal .im To reduce teacher language in )hole class activities and provide more learners interaction( Materials 0including source1 Course !oo' 0Path)ay to English: English +e)s , pictures 0 /3E maga4ine5 67 Edition1 ie)s12 !lac'!oard2 chal'2
.ssumptions Learners )ill 'no) some o& the voca!ulary and they )ill !e interested in enriching their voca!ulary( .nticipated di&&iculties )ith tas's /olutions Learners )ill not use the ne) voca!ulary in I )ill monitor the groups to ma'e sure their description( they use the ne) voca!ulary in their description(
/tage Lea in Pra#!i#e Lan&"a&e /o#"s /ee $a#k Pra#!i#e Gro"p work
/tage aim To in!ro "#e !he !opi# To prepare learners (or workin& in pairs To in!ro "#e .o#a$"lary new
To #he#k learners ha.e !he #orre#! answers To han o"! !he pi#!"res !o $e es#ri$e "sin& !he new .o#a$"lary To p"! !he new .o#a$"lary in!o pra#!i#e To #he#k !he #omple!ion o( !he !ask
Procedure Ask learners !o remem$er wha! !hey i !he las! !ime % es#ri$in& a #ollea&"e'. Tell learners we will (o#"s on es#ri$in& appearan#es. Ask learners !o open !heir $ooks a! pa&e +,* an e-plain e-er#ise I.+. In pairs ask learners !o sol.e !he e-er#ise. Learners rea !he es#rip!ions #on!ainin& !he new .o#a$"lary an ma!#h !hem !o !heir #orrespon in& pi#!"re. Che#k !he answers wi!h !he learners in open #lass an wri!e own !he answers on !he $la#k$oar . In &ro"ps ask learners !o es#ri$e a pi#!"re (rom a ma&a1ine "sin& !he new .o#a$"lary.
Learners es#ri$e !he pi#!"re in &ro"ps "sin& !he S)S new .o#a$"lary. The lea er o( !he &ro"p es#ri$es !he pi#!"re in S)S (ron! o( !he #lass
/ee $a#k /ee $a#k /or learners !o share Ask learners !o !alk a$o"! !he appearan#e T)S some o( !heir ne#essary (or a mo el. e-perien#es * mins