The Informatica Master Data Management
The Informatica Master Data Management
The Informatica Master Data Management
as master datato the applications that employees rely on every day !eading firms in financial services" life sciences" manufacturing" healthcare" government" energy and other industries rely on this software to cut costs and drive revenue by improving operations and making more informed decisions across the enterprise It empowers companies like yours to ac#uire and retain more customers" deliver better products and services" and accelerate time-to-value from ac#uisitions
%ey &eatures
&le$ible business model driven MDM 'ccurate" scalable matching and prebuilt MDM rules (ni#ue trust framework )omple$ hierarchy and comprehensive workflow management 'bility to enrich )*M customer profile with social media data
%ey &eatures
,eamless data integration and rapid supplier adoption )entrali-ed product information management with data governance ,treamlined multichannel commerce
Identity *esolution
Informatica Identity *esolution is robust" highly scalable software that enables companies and government organi-ations to efficiently search and match identity data It offers the speed and scale to perform real-time" high-volume searches against large databases and delivers accurate results by using a fle$ible and hybrid approach to matching that supports multiple countries and languages !earn More
%ey &eatures
,mart inde$ing and key-building capabilities .igh-performance" real-time identity data search capabilities .igh-precision" multilanguage identity data match capabilities /ase of deployment and use
%ey &eatures
+oint-of-entry data cleansing and de-duplication 2ative application built on &orce com platform 3 data never leaves ,alesforce )ustomi-able probabilistic fu--y matching 'dvanced hierarchy management in ,alesforce